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Hixie's Natural Log ->

in programming

Ian Hickson's Web log. Commentary on events of interest, cats, and...

The Elysian ->

in literature

Writing about the future of nation-states, capitalism, and humanity....

Nothing Human ->

in startups

yet another attempt to weave together the threads of the human...

Fatih Arslan ->

in design

Engineer with a passion for Design, Dieter Rams, Watches, Coffee and...

Bartosz Ciechanowski ->

in science

Recent content on Bartosz Ciechanowski

elementary Blog ->

in programming

We design and develop the fast, open, and privacy-respecting...

The Honest Broker ->

in life

A trustworthy guide to music, books, arts, media & culture by Ted...

Odds and Ends of History ->

in technology

Why that thing you retweeted is probably wrong.

Sean Carroll ->

in science

in truth, only atoms and the void

Mahmoud Felfel's Blog RSS Feed ->

in programming

Personal blog by Mahmoud Felfel. Raw thoughts about programming,...

The Tao Of Wealth ->

in life

Practical ways to create abundance

Wuthering Expectations ->

in literature

  A Distinguished Crankologist

On Life and Lisp ->

in technology

Software freedom, graphics, and gay

Florian Bellmann | Be curious, explore and meditate. ->

in programming

I'm an engineering manager, twin dad and yogi. On my blog you can find...

Scarlet Ink ->

in life

Tech industry career and leadership advice from an ex-Amazon GM and...

Paul Graham: Essays ->

in startups

Scraped feed provided by aaronsw.com

GitButler ->

in technology

All about the GitButler product, Git itself, version control, startups...

Society's Backend ->

in AI

Everything you need to know about AI engineering from a machine...

Max Prilutskiy ->

in indiehacker

Startup milestones, updates, and findings, whenever I have a...

Code Of Honor ->

in programming

Game design, programming and more

Spoon & Tamago ->

in travel

japanese art, design and culture

Blog - Mac Pierce ->

in creative

<p>Work In Progress, mostly.</p>

Josh Comeau's blog ->

in programming

Friendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, animation, and...

Noahpinion ->

in startups

Economics and other interesting stuff

Citation Needed ->

in finance

A critical look at the cryptocurrency industry and the broader...

The Beauty of Transport ->

in architecture

Transport design, transport architecture, and transport's influence on...

ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's blog ->

in programming

Hi I'm Herman Martinus. I'm a maker of things, rider of bikes, and...

High Signal ->

in indiehacker

Join 1700 founders reading the best newsletter for bootstrappers

Matt Blewitt ->

in technology

Recent posts by Matt Blewitt

Ed Zitron's Where's Your Ed At ->

in startups

The Words of Ed Zitron, a PR person and writer.

Azad's Blog ->

in technology

Thoughts about AR/VR, photogrammetry, and technology

Unpacked ->

in startups

Deep dives on current tech topics to your inbox - typically spans...

Seldo.com ->

in programming

Personal website of Laurie Voss

Confessions of a Code Addict ->

in programming

Demystifying complex programming concepts through deep technical...

Stat Significant ->

in creative

Data-centric essays about movies, music, TV, and more.

Max Countryman ->

in programming

This is a collection of my thoughts on leadership, technology, indie...

Chris Nicholas ->

in programming

Personal web development blog

99% Invisible ->

in architecture

A Tiny Radio Show About Design with Roman Mars

Throwable ->

in startups

Understanding the tech landscape through an engineer's lens. Helping...

Mind Mine ->

in life

where ambition meets consciousness

Musings on Maps ->

in cartography

a deep dive into maps, from before print to data visualization

Elad Blog ->

in programming

I am a serial entrepreneur obsessed with technology and startups.

Bits about Money ->

in finance

About the modern financial infrastructure that the world sits atop of.

The Gradient ->

in AI

A digital publication about artificial intelligence and the future.

ribbonfarm ->

in literature

constructions in magical thinking

Unfiltered by Tim Denning ->

in life

I will help you live with less stress and more freedom by improving...

Raw Thought (from Aaron Swartz) ->

in startups

"capture what you experience and sort it out; only in this way can you...

The Oatmeal - Comics by Matthew Inman ->

in comics

I make comics about science, cats, social media, and sometimes goats.

symmetry magazine ->

in science

dimensions of particle physics

Koos Looijesteijn - Everything ->

in design

The website of Koos Looijesteijn, user interface designer in Berlin

Push to Prod ->

in technology

Gritty details about distributed systems, AI/ML infrastructure, and...

Castles in the Sky ->

in life

Loosely bookish essays and fiction to inspire curiosity and...

PHD Comics ->

in comics

Providing global up-to-the-minute procrastination!

Scott DeLong ->

in indiehacker

Straightforward Advice To Make Money Online by Scott DeLong

Ian Betteridge ->

in creative

Ian Betteridge writes about technology, media and whatever else he...

The Ruffian ->

in life

Ian Leslie picks out the most important, interesting and beautiful...

Home on Erik Bernhardsson ->

in technology

Recent content in Home on Erik Bernhardsson

Hundred Rabbits ->

in history

Rek and Devine project updates

The Great Discontent (TGD) ->

in creative

Own your discontent. Interviews with artists, makers & risk-takers via...

Probably Overthinking It ->

in science

Data science, Bayesian Statistics, and other ideas

Breck's Blog ->

in science

Some writing about probability, programming, economics and life.

macwright.com ->

in programming

JavaScript, math, maps, etc

Uncharted Territories ->

in science

Understand the world of today to prepare for the world of tomorrow:...

The Pragmatic Engineer ->

in programming

Observations across the software engineering industry.

Confessions of a Marine Ecologist ->

in science

Bringing marine science and seagrass ecology to the masses!

Marcus on AI ->

in AI

"Marcus has become one of our few indispensable public intellectuals....

Paul Cudenec ->

in life

An exploration of deep dissent

Beautiful Public Data ->

in science

A curated selection of visually interesting datasets collected by...

sancho.dev ->

in programming

sancho.dev | davesnx's personal blog

Weighty Thoughts ->

in AI

VC on AI, deep tech, startups. Former Bridgewater, Google[x], startup...

Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal ->

in comics

Latest Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal comics and news

Infinite Scroll ->

in creative

The Politics of Posting and the Social Internet

Contemporist Newsletter ->

in architecture

Contemporist is an online community that celebrates contemporary...

Paolo Amoroso's Journal ->

in programming

Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso

On the Arts ->

in creative

The guide to art and aesthetics. Join us as we explore fine art,...

Data Boutique ->

in startups

Web-Scraped data marketplace

Idle Words ->

in literature

Brevity is for the weak

David Gerrells ->

in programming

just another all around try hard

Toni Lijic's Blog ->

in technology

This is my personal feed!

The Universe of Discourse ->

in comics

The Universe of Discourse (Mark Dominus Blog)

Light from Space ->

in science

Astrophotography by Thomas Fuchs

Fonts In Use – Blog Only ->

in design

Fonts In Use – Type at work in the real world. Blog Posts. The Blog is...

OH8HUB’s Substack ->

in technology

A blog by Ossi, OH8HUB writing mostly about WWFF and/or POTA...

Posts on Nikita Lapkov ->

in programming

Recent content in Posts on Nikita Lapkov

Eukaryote Writes Blog ->

in science

Risk, research, and life as a membrane-bound organism

heavymeta.org ->

in technology

GPS jamming, the occult, geospatial, AI, Imagineering, and more.

Maggie Appleton ->

in programming

Essays on programming, design, and anthropology

Flashbak ->

in history

Everything Old Is New Again

This Space ->

in literature

<ul><li>Britain's first book blogger</li><li>"<i>Perhaps the best...

Platformer ->

in startups

News at the intersection of Silicon Valley and democracy. On Monday,...

brr ->

in science

Observations on Antarctic infrastructure. Anecdotes from daily life...

Tinloof - Blog ->

in programming

We write about React, TypeScript, CSS, Sanity CMS, Vercel, SEO, and a...

Nat Eliason's Newsletter ->

in life

Exploring how to live and how to write. Essays, author updates, and...

Classical Wisdom ->

in history

Ancient Wisdom for Modern Minds. Each week we discuss philosophy,...

UX Collective ->

in design

We believe designers are thinkers as much as they are makers. So we...

blag ->

in programming

Recent content on blag

Letters of Note ->

in life

Correspondence Deserving of a Wider Audience

👋 Hello, I'm Ruslan. ->

in indiehacker

I’ve been building websites since I was 10 years old and I’ve...


in architecture

Contemporist features great ideas from the world of design,...

Ian's Blog ->

in technology

The RSS feed for Ian's blog

weird medieval guys ->

in history

the only substack that is about weird medieval guys :)

Marine Madness ->

in science

Shining a light on the weird & wonderful creatures of our oceans and...

Vadim Kravcenko ->

in programming

Helping startups get to the next level

Passing Time ->

in life

Time is your most valuable asset. Thank you for spending some of it...

Tony Dinh's Newsletter ->

in indiehacker

Monthly updates about my indie hacking journey, what I have built and...

One from Nippon ->

in travel

Explore the Japan you've never heard of.

fast.ai ->

in AI

Making neural nets uncool again

Working Theorys ->

in startups

Thinking about modern ambition, attention, & creation—often through...

./techtipsy ->

in technology

Recent content on ./techtipsy, a blog written by Herman Õunapuu.

Hidden History ->

in history

Forgotten mysteries, oddities and unknown stories from history, nature...

Opsbros ->

in technology

Cloud, Tech, Electronics, Aviation, Retro

Both Are True ->

in life

Funny, deep, relatable stories from a dad to two, husband to one,...

AVC ->

in startups

Musings of a VC in NYC

Patterns in Humanity ->

in history

Analyses and thoughts about the human condition.

Mark Manson ->

in life

Life Advice that Doesn't Suck

The DESK Magazine ->

in design

A design publication written by designers, for designers — by Tobias...

Copper • A blog about conductive layers ->

in programming

A place for long journeys into reverse engineering random things,...

axio.ms ->

in technology

axio.ms is Matt Evans's blog and project-writeup site. All content is...

Nela Dunato Art & Design ->

in design

Logo & Brand Identity Design Fairy Godmother

Herbert Lui ->

in travel

Blog on creativity, marketing, and the human condition.

Out-of-Pocket Blog ->

in science

See all of the past issues of the newsletter here, ranging from the...

The Map is Mostly Water ->

in life

anecdotes, fables, tales, advice, photography, questions, sentiment,...

Confused bit ->

in programming

Recent content on Confused bit

Left To Write ->

in life

From Poker Player To Flâneur: In the pursuit of wisdom & excellence

Ben Borgers ->

in literature

Ben Borgers’ personal website.

TheCollector ->

in history

A Top Authority On Art, Artists, Ancient History & Collecting For Art...

James Cheshire ->

in cartography

Geography & Cartography

Dr Alun Withey ->

in history

Welcome to my blog! I am an academic historian of medicine and the...

McMansion Hell ->

in architecture

If you love to hate the ugly houses that became ubiquitous before (and...

Miguel Carranza ->

in programming

Reflections on computers & humans

Blog System/5 ->

in programming

A newsletter on operating systems, build systems, programming...

charity.wtf ->

in programming

charity wtf's about technology, databases, startups, engineering...

Casey Handmer's blog ->

in science

Space, Travel, Technology, 3D Printing, Energy, Writing

Seán Barry ->

in programming

I'm the co-founder & CTO of Fluxi AI. I write software engineering...

Lennart Koopmann ->

in programming

I started Graylog and built a successful company with more than 125...

bt RSS Feed ->

in programming

The official RSS Feed for https://btxx.org

Steve Blank ->

in startups

Innovation and Entrepreneurship

The Changelog ->

in programming

Comments on family, technology, and society


in programming

How to create fast database queries

Epic Web Dev ->

in programming

Learn full-stack web development with Kent C. Dodds and the Epic Web...

Construction Physics ->

in technology

Essays about buildings, infrastructure, and industrial technology.

Laetitia@Work ->

in life

The future of work, with a feminist perspective

Tikalon Blog by Dev Gualtieri ->

in science

Summary and analysis of current topics in the physical sciences,...

SatPost by Trung Phan ->

in startups

A Saturday email on the latest in tech, business and memes.

NeuroLogica Blog ->

in science

Your Daily Fix of Neuroscience, Skepticism, and Critical Thinking

Devmoh ->

in startups

Software explained simply.

Engineer’s Codex ->

in programming

Real-world software engineering explained simply.

AI Snake Oil ->

in AI

Debunking AI hype. The book gives you foundational knowledge and the...

Escaping Flatland ->

in literature

When my daughters aren’t hiding my notebooks, I write essays about...

The Works in Progress Newsletter ->

in science

Get the latest updates on our magazine, featuring new and underrated...

The Convivial Society ->

in life

Thinking about technology, society, and the good life.

Alex MacCaw ->

in programming

Musings about life, the universe, and everything.

Marco.org ->

in programming

I’m Marco Arment, creator of Overcast, technology podcaster and...

Carl Barenbrug RSS Feed ->

in life

Thoughts on design, minimalism, climbing and a few other topics. Only...

Quantum Frontiers ->

in science

A blog by the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter @ Caltech

Artificial Ignorance ->

in AI

At the intersection of engineering and intelligence. Essays, analysis,...

Inverted Passion ->

in science

Be passionate about the territory, not the map

Damn Interesting ->

in science

A collection of legitimately fascinating information culled from the...

PromptArmor Blog ->

in AI

Researching and sharing LLM security vulnerabilities.

computers are bad ->

in technology

A newsletter on technology and its problems and also whatever else

Commoncog ->

in finance

Commoncog publishes ideas and business cases to help you get good at...

Ink & Switch ->

in programming

Recent content on Ink & Switch

Steven Scrawls ->

in literature

Essays, stories, thoughts.

Oykun ->

in design

Oykun designs AI solutions for Founders, helps Designers to grow...

xkcd.com ->

in comics

xkcd.com: A webcomic of romance and math humor.

Engineers Need Art ->

in technology

Projects both technical and creative (I hope) that others may find...

sbensu ->

in literature

On APIs, business, and random things I find interesting

Civic Hax ->

in programming

A blog probably about FOIA and civic hacking.

General Robots ->

in programming

A series about making a general purpose robot company

mtlynch.io ->

in indiehacker

Recent content on mtlynch.io

escape the algorithm ->

in creative

A newsletter about taking control of our attention and finding a more...

Astral Codex Ten ->

in literature

P(A|B) = [P(A)*P(B|A)]/P(B), all the rest is commentary.

Adventures In Mapping ->

in cartography

Maps and stuff. Fun things.

Mazdak ->

in finance

I write about business, finance and tech stuff. Follow me for the...

Seth's Blog ->

in creative

Seth Godin's Blog on marketing, tribes and respect

Charles Chen ->

in programming

Personal blog of Charles Chen (CharlieDigital, @chrslchn)

The Perry Bible Fellowship ->

in literature

Offbeat comic strip by Nicholas Gurewitch. Includes archives,...

Alice GG ->

in programming

Alice Girard Guittard, Software Engineer and Co-Founder at <a...

Koos Looijesteijn - Blog ->

in design

The website of Koos Looijesteijn, user interface designer in Berlin

Interaction Magic - George Cave ->

in science

Inventing & building future product interfaces.

Farnam Street ->

in finance

Mastering the best of what other people have already figured out

African History Extra ->

in history

All about African history; narrating the continent's neglected past

Anarchy Unfolds ->

in creative

Overturn the upside-down. A toolbox for those who dream of a world...

The Codist ->

in programming

Four Decades Of Learning, Experiences, And Adventures


in architecture

An online magazine of Art, Architecture, Media, Culture, Sounds,...

Entrepreneur's Edge ->

in startups

Articles and essays from one entrepreneur to another.

Cremieux Recueil ->

in science

I discuss papers that ought to be discussed.

I Have No Idea What I'm Doing ->

in indiehacker

Experiences from building a startup for the first time.

watchTowr Labs ->

in technology

The epicentre of offensive security expertise and research at...

XO Capital - Field Notes ->

in startups

Field notes from the world of small saas acquisitions

The Solarchitecture Newsletter ->

in architecture

Learn about building healthy, durable solar buildings! I write about...

detreville ->

in technology

the life and times of John DeTreville, a retired Computer Scientist...

Words and Buttons Online ->

in programming

A growing collection of interactive tutorials, guides and quizzes...

The Marginalian ->

in literature

Marginalia on our search for meaning.

Strange Loop Canon ->

in AI

“Any fool can know. The point is to understand.” ― Albert Einstein

How to Be a Stoic ->

in life

an evolving guide to practical Stoicism for the 21st century

Ferd.ca ->

in programming

My own blog about programming and whatnot.

Blog posts of Andreas Klinger ->

in startups

In the blog posts I share my experience from the past 10+ years.

Prolost ->

in creative

<p>Filmmaking with your nerd out.</p>

Res Obscura ->

in history

Notes on the history of technology, medicine, science, art, drugs, and...

Dominik Sobe's Thoughts ツ ->

in indiehacker

Sharing my thoughts along the way of my journey to a bootstrapped...

Seeking Wisdom ->

in finance

Mastering the best of what other people have already figured out.

Product Identity ->

in design

Exploring noteworthy identities through design

Marian's Blog ->

in creative

Personal blog about game development, programming and making

Christian Selig ->

in technology

Recent content on Christian Selig

Business Brainstorms ->

in startups

Find out why over thousands of entrepreneurs love Business Brainstorms...

Thu’s Blog ->

in life

Musings and ideas, out loud.

Tech and Tea ->

in life

Navigating the messiness of life with a career in startups. Musings on...

Willem's Blog ->

in technology

Thoughts about hacking, developing, technology and other things in...

Don Melton ->

in programming

Just another Web geek playing with the Web

Tom Howard ->

in life

Thoughts about a more integrated approach to startups and innovation,...

The Architectural Uprising ->

in architecture

A people’s movement against the continued uglification of our cities

Raptitude.com ->

in life

Getting better at being human

Open Culture ->

in history

The best free cultural & educational media on the web

davidyat.es ->

in programming

Recent content on davidyat.es

Abort Retry Fail ->

in technology

In Abort Retry Fail, I am attempting to chronicle the history of the...

Roberto's blog ->

in startups

Recent content on Roberto's blog

A Smart Bear ->

in programming

Articles from A Smart Bear

Lars Lofgren ->

in technology

Building Online Businesses

Dan Cowell ->

in programming

Lessons from life and work.

Avestura's Blog ->

in technology

Personal Website of Aryan Ebrahimpour

FIRE v London ->

in finance

Financial independence, but in pricey London

Max Rozen ->

in indiehacker

Learn React with Max Rozen

Grow With Less ->

in indiehacker

Recent content on Grow With Less

Scott Jenson ->

in design

Exploring the world beyond mobile

Overcoming Bias ->

in history

This is a blog on why we believe and do what we do, why we pretend...

One Useful Thing ->

in AI

Trying to understand the implications of AI for work, education, and...

Kagi Blog ->

in programming

Kagi is creating a novel search engine and a web browser. Read tales...

Computer Things ->

in programming

Hi, I'm Hillel. This is the newsletter version of [my...

Posts on Made of Bugs ->

in technology

Recent content in Posts on Made of Bugs

Blog - Bitfield Consulting ->

in programming

<p>Tutorials, exercises, and articles on programming.</p>

Drew Ex Machina ->

in science

Scientific research, news and ponderings from the mind of Andrew...

The American Scholar ->

in literature

A lively forum about literature, the arts and sciences, history,...

Retail Design Blog ->

in design

Professional retail and interior design, material and lighting blog.

Joel Gascoigne ->

in programming

Startups, life, learning and happiness

Basta’s Notes ->

in programming

My regularly scheduled notes

Tom Blomfield ->

in startups

Partner at Y Combinator. ...

Coding Horror ->

in programming

programming and human factors

Cartogrammar ->

in architecture

Adventures in cartography

balajis.com ->

in finance

A free newsletter by Balaji.

Cognitive Computations ->

in programming

Applied AI Researcher I make AI models like Dolphin and...

Neil Madden ->

in technology

Thoughts on application security, applied crypto, philosophy and logic

Irrational Exuberance ->

in programming

Recent content on Irrational Exuberance

Marc Astbury ->

in programming

Notes of product, startups, and life

The Modern House ->

in architecture

The Modern House has been successfully selling Britain's finest modern...

Gwern.net Newsletter ->

in technology

Latest gwern.net updates, interesting links, and reviews

Build In Public Newsletter ->

in indiehacker

A newsletter to go from zero to pro in building in public. You'll get...

The Turn Signal RSS Feed ->

in design

The Turn Signal is my personal blog about automotive UX design and...

Computer Ads from the Past ->

in technology

Computer ads from the old days, delivered to your inbox weekly (I...

cabel.com ->

in creative

A blog by Cabel Sasser

Trying to Understand the World ->

in history

A newsletter devoted not to polemic, but to trying to make sense of...

Identity Designed ->

in design

visual branding from around the world

Stephen Wolfram Writings ->

in science

Just another wordpress.wolfram.com site

The Wandering Cartographer ->

in architecture

Thoughts about mapping, history, language, travel, mathematics...

Quentin Santos ->

in programming

Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast.

Fathy Boundjadj ->

in programming

Fathy Boundjadj's personnal blog

The Diff ->

in finance

Inflections in Finance and Tech

Internal Tech Emails ->

in startups

Internal tech industry emails that surface in public records.🔍

Joel Gascoigne ->

in programming

Startups, life, learning and happiness

Dan Slimmon ->

in programming

Scientific incident response

CommitStrip ->

in comics

The blog relating the daily life of web agency developers

Founder's blog ->

in programming

Blog by Alex Yumashev, founder and CEO of Jitbit Software, the company...

lcamtuf’s thing ->

in technology

geek life, electronic circuits, and chainsaw safety tips

Wanderingspace ->

in science

Imaging the bodies of our Solar Sysytem