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Nelson's Weblog
Angkor Wat resources I took an amazing trip to SE Asia last month, including Angkor Wat. I had a hard time finding good...
23 hours ago
23 hours ago
I took an amazing trip to SE Asia last month, including Angkor Wat. I had a hard time finding good reading or other resources to learn from before I went, in part because Amazon is awash in AI garbage. Here’s some books and podcasts I found useful about the Khmer empire in...
Steps to build an engineering strategy. Often you’ll see a disorganized collection of ideas labeled as a “strategy.” Even when they’re dense...
13 hours ago
13 hours ago
Often you’ll see a disorganized collection of ideas labeled as a “strategy.” Even when they’re dense with ideas, these can be hard to parse, and are a major reason why most engineers will claim their company doesn’t have a clear strategy even though my experience is that all...
Computer Things
Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering Specialness Logic for Programmers v0.8 now out! The new release has minor changes: new formatting for notes and...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Logic for Programmers v0.8 now out! The new release has minor changes: new formatting for notes and a better introduction to predicates. I would have rolled it all into v0.9 next month but I like the monthly cadence. Get it here! Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering...
David Heinemeier...
It's five grand a day to miss our S3 exit We're spending just shy of $1.5 million/year on AWS S3 at the moment to host files for Basecamp,...
2 days ago
2 days ago
We're spending just shy of $1.5 million/year on AWS S3 at the moment to host files for Basecamp, HEY, and everything else. The only way we were able to get the pricing that low was by signing a four-year contract. That contract expires this summer, June 30, so that's our...
General Robots
Correct vs Good Part 2: Can we have it both ways?
2 days ago
Why I hate JavaScript numbers and what everyone has (not) done with them JavaScript went against the grain in only using floating point numbers initially, and now we pay the...
2 days ago
How to grow your startup through community Over my career, I’ve spent at least one thousand working hours on supporting local developer...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Over my career, I’ve spent at least one thousand working hours on supporting local developer communities. My current business, TokyoDev, has spent over 8 million Japanese yen (about 53,000 USD) on community sponsorships. What have I received in return? That depends on your...
David Heinemeier...
To hell with forever Immortality always sounded like a curse to me. But especially now, having passed the halfway point...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Immortality always sounded like a curse to me. But especially now, having passed the halfway point of the average wealthy male life expectancy. Another scoop of life as big as the one I've already been served seems more than enough, thank you very much. Does that strike you as...
Whose code am I running in GitHub Actions? A week ago, somebody added malicious code to the tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action. If you used...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A week ago, somebody added malicious code to the tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action. If you used the compromised action, it would leak secrets to your build log. Those build logs are public for public repositories, so anybody could see your secrets. Scary! Mutable vs...
Epic Web Dev
.toBeVisible() or .toBeInTheDocument()? (article) A deep dive into Testing Library's .toBeVisible() and .toBeInTheDocument() matchers, exploring their...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A deep dive into Testing Library's .toBeVisible() and .toBeInTheDocument() matchers, exploring their differences, use cases, and best practices
Alex MacCaw
We Won’t Save the Planet by Shrinking At first, it sounds obvious: if we want to save the planet, we should do less. Fewer people, less...
3 days ago
3 days ago
At first, it sounds obvious: if we want to save the planet, we should do less. Fewer people, less consumption, smaller footprints. I believed this too—so much so that I once thought having kids was irresponsible. But the more I looked into it, the less sense it made.
The History of the...
Our Online Homes Need Infastructure A home online is about as essential as it gets. But we need to make that easier. Where are we...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A home online is about as essential as it gets. But we need to make that easier. Where are we heading to build this new web together? The post Our Online Homes Need Infastructure appeared first on The History of the Web.
Another observability 3.0 appears on the horizon Groan. Well, it’s not like I wasn’t warned. When I first started teasing out the differences between...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Groan. Well, it’s not like I wasn’t warned. When I first started teasing out the differences between the pillars model and the single unified storage model and applying “2.0” to the latter, Christine was like “so what is going to stop the next vendor from slapping 3.0, 4.0, 5.0...
Blog System/5
The next generation of Bazel builds Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bazel’s public announcement so this is the perfect moment to...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bazel’s public announcement so this is the perfect moment to reflect on what the next generation of build systems in the Bazel ecosystem may look like.
Blog - Bitfield...
Things fall apart The night is dark and full of errors—and durable Rust software is not only ready for them, but...
4 days ago
4 days ago
The night is dark and full of errors—and durable Rust software is not only ready for them, but handles them sensibly. Let’s see how, by returning to our line-counter project.
Reduced Hours and Remote Work Options for Employees with Young Children in Japan Japan already stipulates that employers must offer the option of reduced working hours to employees...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Japan already stipulates that employers must offer the option of reduced working hours to employees with children under three. However, the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act was amended in May 2024, with some of the new provisions coming into effect April 1 or October 1,...
ntietz.com blog -...
Big endian and little endian Every time I run into endianness, I have to look it up. Which way do the bytes go, and what does...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Every time I run into endianness, I have to look it up. Which way do the bytes go, and what does that mean? Something about it breaks my brain, and makes me feel like I can't tell which way is up and down, left and right. This is the blog post I've needed every time I run into...
Maggie Appleton
Statistically, When Will My Baby Be Born? A tiny tool to calculate when your baby might arrive
4 days ago
the singularity is...
The Tragic Case of Intel AI Intel is sitting on a huge amount of card inventory they can’t move, largely because of bad...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Intel is sitting on a huge amount of card inventory they can’t move, largely because of bad software. Most of this is a summary of the public #intel-hardware channel in the tinygrad discord. Intel currently is sitting on: 15,000 Gaudi 2 cards (with baseboards) 5,100 Intel Data...
A Smart Bear
All pretty models are wrong, but some ugly models are useful Identifying useful frameworks for companies, strategy, markets, and organizations, instead of those...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Identifying useful frameworks for companies, strategy, markets, and organizations, instead of those that just look pretty in PowerPoint.
Daniel Marino
Self-avoiding Walk I’m a bit late to this, but back in summer 2024 I participated in the OST Composing Jam. The goal of...
5 days ago
5 days ago
I’m a bit late to this, but back in summer 2024 I participated in the OST Composing Jam. The goal of this jam is to compose an original soundtrack (minimum of 3 minutes) of any style for an imaginary game. While I’ve composed a lot of video game music, I’ve never created an...
Confessions of a...
Hardware-Aware Coding: CPU Architecture Concepts Every Developer Should Know Write faster code by understanding how it flows through your CPU
a week ago
Coding Horror
The Road Not Taken is Guaranteed Minimum Income The dream is incomplete until we share it with our fellow Americans.
a week ago
Operational mechanisms for strategy. Even the best policies fail if they aren’t adopted by the teams they’re intended to serve. Can we...
a week ago
a week ago
Even the best policies fail if they aren’t adopted by the teams they’re intended to serve. Can we persistently change our company’s behaviors with a one-time announcement? No, probably not. I refer to the art of making policies work as “operations” or “strategy operations.” The...
David Heinemeier...
Age is a problem at Apple The average age of Apple's board members is 68! Nearly half are over 70, and the youngest is 63....
a week ago
a week ago
The average age of Apple's board members is 68! Nearly half are over 70, and the youngest is 63. It’s not much better with the executive team, where the average age hovers around 60. I’m all for the wisdom of our elders, but it’s ridiculous that the world’s premier tech company...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Upgrading to Raspberry Pi OS 2024-11-19 <![CDATA[I upgraded my Raspberry Pi 400 to 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS 2024-11-19 based on Debian...
a week ago
a week ago
<![CDATA[I upgraded my Raspberry Pi 400 to 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS 2024-11-19 based on Debian Bookworm 12.9: The desktop of 64-bit Raspberry Pi OS 2024-11-19 on a Raspberry Pi 400. Since I had no files to preserve the process was surprisingly easy as I went with a full...
elementary Blog
elementary OS 8.0.1 Available Now It’s been a little over 100 days since elementary OS 8 was released, and we’re proud to announce...
a week ago
a week ago
It’s been a little over 100 days since elementary OS 8 was released, and we’re proud to announce another round of updates, including a fresh new download. We’ve been hard at work this winter addressing issues that you reported and we’ve added a couple new creature comforts along...
AI's effects on programming jobs
a week ago
ntietz.com blog -...
Who are your teammates? If you manage a team, who are your teammates? If you're a staff software engineer embedded in a...
a week ago
a week ago
If you manage a team, who are your teammates? If you're a staff software engineer embedded in a product team, who are your teammates? The answer to the question comes down to who your main responsibility lies with. That's not the folks you're managing and leading. Your...
Eric Bailey
Tag, you’re it I’ve been seeing, and enjoying reading these posts as they pop up in my RSS reader. Dave Rupert...
a week ago
a week ago
I’ve been seeing, and enjoying reading these posts as they pop up in my RSS reader. Dave Rupert tagged me into the chain, so here we go! Why did you start blogging in the first place? With the gift of hindsight, I guess I came up being blog-adjacent. Like Dave, I also had a...
Steve Klabnik
Does unsafe undermine Rust's guarantees?
a week ago
David Heinemeier...
The most interesting people We didn’t used to need an explanation for having kids. That was just life. That’s just what you did....
a week ago
a week ago
We didn’t used to need an explanation for having kids. That was just life. That’s just what you did. But now we do, because now we don’t. So allow me: Having kids means making the most interesting people in the world. Not because toddlers or even teenagers are intellectual...
A Smart Bear
Reframing "Freemium" by charging the marketing department Freemium means high costs, low conversion, and customer feedback dominated by the non-ideal...
a week ago
a week ago
Freemium means high costs, low conversion, and customer feedback dominated by the non-ideal customer. Treat it as a marketing expense to ensure ROI.
the singularity is...
Resentment If you give some monkeys a slice of cucumber each, they are all pretty happy. Then you give one...
a week ago
a week ago
If you give some monkeys a slice of cucumber each, they are all pretty happy. Then you give one monkey a grape, and nobody is happy with their cucumber any more. They might even throw the slices back at the experimenter. He got a god damned grape this is bullshit I don’t want a...
Career advice in 2025. Yesterday, the tj-actions repository, a popular tool used with Github Actions was compromised (for...
a week ago
a week ago
Yesterday, the tj-actions repository, a popular tool used with Github Actions was compromised (for more background read one of these two articles). Watching the infrastructure and security engineering teams at Carta respond, it highlighted to me just how much LLMs can’t...
Blog System/5
Bazel at Snowflake two years in Two and a half years ago, I joined Snowflake to help their mission of migrating to Bazel. Here are...
a week ago
a week ago
Two and a half years ago, I joined Snowflake to help their mission of migrating to Bazel. Here are the articles we have published so far.
Dan Slimmon
did u ever read so hard u accidentally wrote? Owning a production Postgres database is never boring. The other day, I’m looking for trouble (as I...
a week ago
a week ago
Owning a production Postgres database is never boring. The other day, I’m looking for trouble (as I am wont to do), and I notice this weird curve in the production database metrics: So we’ve got these spikes in WALWrite: the number of processes waiting to write to the write-ahead...
Ink & Switch
Open-sourcing Keyhive, filtering Ambsheets, and Sketchpad explorations Some updates from our ongoing work on local-first auth, a new post from our Ambsheets project about...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Some updates from our ongoing work on local-first auth, a new post from our Ambsheets project about filtering scenarios in a spreadsheet, and some explorations of the historic Sketchpad project for constraint-based drawing.
Fast and random sampling in SQLite I was building a small feature for the Flickr Commons Explorer today: show a random selection of...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I was building a small feature for the Flickr Commons Explorer today: show a random selection of photos from the entire collection. I wanted a fast and varied set of photos. This meant getting a random sample of rows from a SQLite table (because the Explorer stores all its data...
Maggie Appleton
ChatGPT Would be a Decent Policy Advisor Revealed: How the UK tech secretary uses ChatGPT for policy advice by Chris Stokel-Walker for the...
2 weeks ago
Setting policy for strategy. This book’s introduction started by defining strategy as “making decisions.” Then we dug into...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
This book’s introduction started by defining strategy as “making decisions.” Then we dug into exploration, diagnosis, and refinement: three chapters where you could argue that we didn’t decide anything at all. Clarifying the problem to be solved is the prerequisite of effective...
Steve Klabnik
Choosing Languages
2 weeks ago
Ink & Switch
05 · Syncing Keyhive How we sync Keyhive and Automerge
2 weeks ago
Confessions of a...
Python Performance: Why 'if not list' is 2x Faster Than Using len() Discover why 'if not mylist' is twice as fast as 'len(mylist) == 0' by examining CPython's VM...
2 weeks ago
David Heinemeier...
We wash our trash to repent for killing God Denmark is technically and officially still a Christian nation. Lutheranism is written into the...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Denmark is technically and officially still a Christian nation. Lutheranism is written into the constitution. The government has a ministry for the church. Most Danes pay 1% of their earnings directly to fund the State religion. But God is as dead here as anywhere in the Western...
Epic Web Dev
Upgrading React Router (tip) Upgrade React Router from v5 to v7. Learn about nested routing, Outlet components, built-in error...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Upgrade React Router from v5 to v7. Learn about nested routing, Outlet components, built-in error boundaries, and other key improvements across versions
Computer Things
New Blog Post: "A Perplexing Javascript Parsing Puzzle" I know I said we'd be back to normal newsletters this week and in fact had 80% of one already...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I know I said we'd be back to normal newsletters this week and in fact had 80% of one already written. Then I unearthed something that was better left buried. Blog post here, Patreon notes here (Mostly an explanation of how I found this horror in the first place). Next week I'll...
Blog - Bitfield...
Catching grace Meditation is easy when you know what to do: absolutely nothing! It's hard at first, like trying...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Meditation is easy when you know what to do: absolutely nothing! It's hard at first, like trying to look at the back of your own head, but there's a knack to it.
Marc Astbury
Notes on Improving Churn Ask any B2C SaaS founder what metric they’d like to improve and most will say reducing churn....
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Ask any B2C SaaS founder what metric they’d like to improve and most will say reducing churn. However, proactively reducing churn is a difficult task. I’ll outline the approach we’ve taken at Jenni AI to go from ~17% to 9% churn over the past year. We are still a work in progress...
David Heinemeier...
Our switch to Kamal is complete In a fit of frustration, I wrote the first version of Kamal in six weeks at the start of 2023. Our...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
In a fit of frustration, I wrote the first version of Kamal in six weeks at the start of 2023. Our plan to get out of the cloud was getting bogged down in enterprisey pricing and Kubernetes complexity. And I refused to accept that running our own hardware had to be that expensive...
Epic Web Dev
The Power of Principles in Web Development Decision-Making (article) Discover how The Epic Programming Principles can transform your web development decision-making,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Discover how The Epic Programming Principles can transform your web development decision-making, boost your career, and help you build better software.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supa Pecha Kucha slug: supapechakucha
2 weeks ago
David Heinemeier...
Closing the borders alone won't fix the problems Denmark has been reaping lots of delayed accolades from its relatively strict immigration policy...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Denmark has been reaping lots of delayed accolades from its relatively strict immigration policy lately. The Swedes and the Germans in particular are now eager to take inspiration from The Danish Model, given their predicaments. The very same countries that until recently...
We all lose when art is anonymised One rabbit hole I can never resist going down is finding the original creator of a piece of...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
One rabbit hole I can never resist going down is finding the original creator of a piece of art. This sounds simple, but it’s often quite difficult. The Internet is a maze of social media accounts that only exist to repost other people’s art, usually with minimal or non-existent...
David Heinemeier...
Apple does AI as Microsoft did mobile When the iPhone first appeared in 2007, Microsoft was sitting pretty with their mobile strategy....
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
When the iPhone first appeared in 2007, Microsoft was sitting pretty with their mobile strategy. They'd been early to the market with Windows CE, they were fast-following the iPod with their Zune. They also had the dominant operating system, the dominant office package, and...
An unexpected lesson in CSS stacking contexts I’ve made another small tweak to the site – I’ve added “new” banners to articles I’ve written...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I’ve made another small tweak to the site – I’ve added “new” banners to articles I’ve written recently, and any post marked as “new” will be pinned to the homepage. Previously, the homepage was just a random selection of six articles I’d written at any time. ...
Grant Slatton
Rohit Chess fun little board game
2 weeks ago
Top Coworking Spaces in Karuizawa Since November 2023, I’ve been living in Karuizawa, a small resort town that’s 70 minutes away from...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Since November 2023, I’ve been living in Karuizawa, a small resort town that’s 70 minutes away from Tokyo by Shinkansen. The elevation is approximately 1000 meters above sea level, making the summers relatively mild. Unlike other colder places in Japan, it doesn’t get much snow,...
ntietz.com blog -...
Stewardship over ownership Code ownership is a popular concept, but it emphasizes the wrong thing. It can bring out the worst...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Code ownership is a popular concept, but it emphasizes the wrong thing. It can bring out the worst in a person or a team: defensiveness, control-seeking, power struggles. Instead, we should be focusing on stewardship. How code ownership manifests Code ownership as a concept means...
Ink & Switch
04 · Opening the Pre-Alpha Open-souring the code
2 weeks ago
Engineer’s Codex
Metric-Driven Development and The Claude Effect Sometimes, feels have to be trusted over figures
2 weeks ago
A Smart Bear
The wrongness of relativism Comparing yourself to other startups? Focus on yourself instead.
2 weeks ago
AI: Where in the Loop Should Humans Go? This is a re-publishing of a blog post I originally wrote for work, but wanted on my own blog as...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
This is a re-publishing of a blog post I originally wrote for work, but wanted on my own blog as well. AI is everywhere, and its impressive claims are leading to rapid adoption. At this stage, I’d qualify it as charismatic technology—something that under-delivers on what it...
the singularity is...
AMD YOLO AMD is sending us the two MI300X boxes we asked for. They are in the mail. It took a bit, but AMD...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
AMD is sending us the two MI300X boxes we asked for. They are in the mail. It took a bit, but AMD passed my cultural test. I now believe they aren’t going to shoot themselves in the foot on software, and if that’s true, there’s absolutely no reason they should be worth 1/16th...
whippet lab notebook: untagged mallocs, bis Earlier this weekGuileWhippet But now I do! Today’s note is about how we can support...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Earlier this weekGuileWhippet But now I do! Today’s note is about how we can support untagged allocations of a few different kinds in Whippet’s .mostly-marking collector Why bother supporting untagged allocations at all? Well, if I had my way, I wouldn’t; I would just slog...
Creating static map images with OpenStreetMap, Web Mercator, and Pillow I’ve been working on a project where I need to plot points on a map. I don’t need an interactive or...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
I’ve been working on a project where I need to plot points on a map. I don’t need an interactive or dynamic visualisation – just a static map with coloured dots for each coordinate. I’ve created maps on the web using Leaflet.js, which load map data from OpenStreetMap (OSM) and...
Introducing the blogroll This website has a new section: blogroll.opml! A blogroll is a list of blogs - a lightweight way of...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
This website has a new section: blogroll.opml! A blogroll is a list of blogs - a lightweight way of people recommending other people’s writing on the indieweb. What it includes The blogs that I included are just sampled from my many RSS subscriptions that I keep in my Feedbin...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What I learned attending my first ever hackathon We sponsored the recent hackathon hosted by ElevenLabs – and I got to be in the room in San...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
We sponsored the recent hackathon hosted by ElevenLabs – and I got to be in the room in San Francisco as it unfolded, and behind-the-scenes during…
Julia Evans
Standards for ANSI escape codes Hello! Today I want to talk about ANSI escape codes. For a long time I was vaguely aware of ANSI...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Hello! Today I want to talk about ANSI escape codes. For a long time I was vaguely aware of ANSI escape codes (“that’s how you make text red in the terminal and stuff”) but I had no real understanding of where they were supposed to be defined or whether or not there were...
David Heinemeier...
Beans and vibes in even measure Bean counters have a bad rep for a reason. And it’s not because paying attention to the numbers is...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Bean counters have a bad rep for a reason. And it’s not because paying attention to the numbers is inherently unreasonable. It’s because weighing everything exclusively by its quantifiable properties is an impoverished way to view business (and the world!). Nobody presents this...
Who gets to do strategy? If you talk to enough aspiring leaders, you’ll become familiar with the prevalent idea that they...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
If you talk to enough aspiring leaders, you’ll become familiar with the prevalent idea that they need to be promoted before they can work on strategy. It’s a truism, but I’ve also found this idea perfectly wrong: you can work on strategy from anywhere in an organization, it just...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Bitsnap, a screenshot capture tool for Medley Interlisp <![CDATA[I wrote Bitsnap, a tool in Interlisp for capturing screenshots on the Medley environment....
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
<![CDATA[I wrote Bitsnap, a tool in Interlisp for capturing screenshots on the Medley environment. It can capture and optionally save to a file the full screen, a window with or without title bar and borders, or an arbitrary area. This project helped me learn the internals of...
Coding Horror
Let's Talk About The American Dream A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask
Eric Bailey
Harm reduction principles for digital accessibility practitioners I debuted these principles in my axe-con 2025 talk, It is designed to break your heart: Cultivating...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I debuted these principles in my axe-con 2025 talk, It is designed to break your heart: Cultivating a harm reduction mindset as an accessibility practitioner. They are adapted from The National Harm Reduction Coalition’s original eight principles. My adapted principles reflect...
Tony Finch's blog
constantly divisionless random numbers Last year I wrote about inlining just the fast path of Lemire’s algorithm for nearly-divisionless...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Last year I wrote about inlining just the fast path of Lemire’s algorithm for nearly-divisionless unbiased bounded random numbers. The idea was to reduce code bloat by eliminating lots of copies of the random number generator in the rarely-executed slow paths. However a simple...
David Heinemeier...
Air purifiers are a simple answer to allergies I developed seasonal allergies relatively late in life. From my late twenties onward, I spent many...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I developed seasonal allergies relatively late in life. From my late twenties onward, I spent many miserable days in the throes of sneezing, headache, and runny eyes. I tried everything the doctors recommended for relief. About a million different types of medicine, several bouts...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Boox Go 10.3, two months in [The] Linux kernel uses GPLv2, and if you distribute GPLv2 code, you have to provide a copy of the...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
[The] Linux kernel uses GPLv2, and if you distribute GPLv2 code, you have to provide a copy of the source (and modifications) once someone asks for it. And now I’m asking nicely for you to do so 🙂 – Joga, bbs.onyx-international.com Boox in split screen, typewriter mode In...
Steve Klabnik
A Happy Day for Rust
3 weeks ago
Maggie Appleton
March 2025
3 weeks ago
The History of the...
Expanding Access: The History of Ecommerce Part 1 The earliest work with selling things online was all about reaching a shopping public ready to log...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The earliest work with selling things online was all about reaching a shopping public ready to log on and start. But along the way, they found a whole new audience for shopping, which changed the way we think about commerce on the web.. The post Expanding Access: The History of...
whippet lab notebook: on untagged mallocs Salutations, populations. Today’s note is more of a work-in-progress than usual; I have been...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Salutations, populations. Today’s note is more of a work-in-progress than usual; I have been finally starting to look at getting into , and there are some open questions.WhippetGuile I started by taking a look at how Guile uses the ‘s API, to make sure I had all my bases...
Chris Nicholas
How to write exceptional documentation Writing high-quality developer documentation is a challenging task. This is my personal approach to...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Writing high-quality developer documentation is a challenging task. This is my personal approach to crafting holistic, comprehensive documentation.
Quentin Santos
IndexedDB is Weird Why? Well: The IndexedDB API is callback-based. With JavaScript being single-threaded, a blocking...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Why? Well: The IndexedDB API is callback-based. With JavaScript being single-threaded, a blocking API would mean fully blocking the page, render and basic user interaction included, while the request is being processed. Although this is apparently good-enough for JSON.parse(),...
David Heinemeier...
Human service is luxury Maybe one day AI will answer every customer question flawlessly, but we're nowhere near that reality...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Maybe one day AI will answer every customer question flawlessly, but we're nowhere near that reality right now. I can't tell you how often I've been stuck in some god-forsaken AI loop or phone tree WHEN ALL I WANT IS A HUMAN. So I end up either just yelling "operator",...
ntietz.com blog -...
Some things that make Rust lifetimes hard to learn After I wrote YARR (Yet Another Rust Resource, with requisite pirate mentions), one of my friends...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
After I wrote YARR (Yet Another Rust Resource, with requisite pirate mentions), one of my friends tried it out. He gave me some really useful insights as he went through it, letting me see what was hard about learning Rust from a newcomer's perspective. Unsurprisingly, lifetimes...
the singularity is...
The Demoralization is just Beginning This is a map of primary trading partners, US vs China, and how it has evolved over the last 20...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
This is a map of primary trading partners, US vs China, and how it has evolved over the last 20 years. Think about it, and realize this probably reflects your experience. I know there was a similar panic about Japan in the 80s, but Japan by population has always been 3x smaller...
A Smart Bear
"I scratched my own itch" isn't good enough This isn't the humble-brag you think it is; The most common origin story is also common to startups...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
This isn't the humble-brag you think it is; The most common origin story is also common to startups that fail. But it's a start.
Ruud van Asseldonk
A float walks into a gradual type system
3 weeks ago
Blog System/5
Hardware autoconf: ACPI & Device Tree An overview of how a Unix-like BSD kernel performs hardware discovery on x86 and ARM to bind device...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
An overview of how a Unix-like BSD kernel performs hardware discovery on x86 and ARM to bind device drivers to hardware devices
Recently I have a non-recently post ready to write, any day now… Reading This was a strong month for reading:...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I have a non-recently post ready to write, any day now… Reading This was a strong month for reading: I finished The Hidden Wealth of Nations, Useful Not True, and Cyberlibertarianism. I had a book club that read Cyberlibertarianism so we discussed it last week. I have a lot of...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, February 2025 Here’s the Ware for February 2025: Thanks again to spida for contributing yet another guest ware!...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Here’s the Ware for February 2025: Thanks again to spida for contributing yet another guest ware! Hopefully this one is a smidge easier to guess compared to last month’s.
How to integrate Stripe's acquisition of Index? (2018) While discussions around acquisitions often focus on technical diligence and deciding whether to...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
While discussions around acquisitions often focus on technical diligence and deciding whether to make the acquisition, the integration that follows afterwards can be even more complex. There are few irreversible trapdoor decisions in engineering, but decisions made early in an...
Blog - Bitfield...
Writing terrible code The secret of being a great coder is to write terrible code. Wait, wait. Hear me out: I’m going...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
The secret of being a great coder is to write terrible code. Wait, wait. Hear me out: I’m going somewhere with this.
David Heinemeier...
AMD in everything Back in the mid 90s, I had a friend who was really into raytracing, but needed to nurture his hobby...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Back in the mid 90s, I had a friend who was really into raytracing, but needed to nurture his hobby on a budget. So instead of getting a top-of-the-line Intel Pentium machine, he bought two AMD K5 boxes, and got a faster rendering flow for less money. All I cared about in the 90s...
Ink & Switch
03 · What's In a Name? Why we've renamed the project
4 weeks ago
David Heinemeier...
The New York Times gives liberals The Danish Permission to pivot on mass immigration One of the key roles The New York Times plays in American society is as guardians of the liberal...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
One of the key roles The New York Times plays in American society is as guardians of the liberal Overton window. Its editorial line sets the terms for what's permissible to discuss in polite circles on the center left. Whether it's covid mask efficiency, trans kids, or, now, mass...
Josh Comeau's blog
A Million Little Secrets I spent the past few weeks packing as many easter eggs as I could into my latest project, and in...
a month ago
a month ago
I spent the past few weeks packing as many easter eggs as I could into my latest project, and in this blog post, I want to dig into some of the more interesting details! If you’re interested in animations/interactions, you’ll want to check this one out; I share a bunch of my...
ntietz.com blog -...
Your product shouldn't require showing my legal name Last week, I finally got verified on LinkedIn. Now there's a little badge next to my name that says...
a month ago
a month ago
Last week, I finally got verified on LinkedIn. Now there's a little badge next to my name that says "yes, she's a human who is legally named Nicole." Their marketing for verification says that I should now expect 60% more profile views and 50% more comments and reactions. For a...
the singularity is...
Money is the Map A lot of smooth brains on Hacker News about the last post. I’m sorry if you spent your whole life...
a month ago
a month ago
A lot of smooth brains on Hacker News about the last post. I’m sorry if you spent your whole life worshipping money, but hey, the Bible warned you about false idols, don’t shoot the messenger. “It’s easier to imagine the end of the world than the end of capitalism” – Mark...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Enjoying the stability of Linux <![CDATA[I initially used Linux from the mid 1990s to 2015, first as dual boot with Windows 95 and...
a month ago
a month ago
<![CDATA[I initially used Linux from the mid 1990s to 2015, first as dual boot with Windows 95 and then as my only desktop operating system. Back then my PC had an Nvidia graphics card and system updates frequently broke X11 on Linux, leaving me at the text console with no idea...
A Smart Bear
Why it's nice to compete against a large, profitable company Competing against big firms? Their revenue streams are their Achilles heel. Learn how smaller...
a month ago
Basta’s Notes
My friend, JT I’ve had a cat for almost a third of my life.
a month ago
Confessions of a...
[Course Launch] Hands-on Introduction to X86 Assembly A Live, Interactive Course for Systems Engineers
a month ago
Diagnosis in engineering strategy. Once you’ve written your strategy’s exploration, the next step is working on its...
a month ago
a month ago
Once you’ve written your strategy’s exploration, the next step is working on its diagnosis. Diagnosis is understanding the constraints and challenges your strategy needs to address. In particular, it’s about doing that understanding while slowing yourself down from deciding how...
It’s cool to care I’m sitting in a small coffee shop in Brooklyn. I have a warm drink, and it’s just started to snow...
a month ago
a month ago
I’m sitting in a small coffee shop in Brooklyn. I have a warm drink, and it’s just started to snow outside. I’m visiting New York to see Operation Mincemeat on Broadway – I was at the dress rehearsal yesterday, and I’ll be at the opening preview tonight. I’ve seen this show more...
David Heinemeier...
Stick with the customer One of the biggest mistakes that new startup founders make is trying to get away from the...
a month ago
a month ago
One of the biggest mistakes that new startup founders make is trying to get away from the customer-facing roles too early. Whether it's customer support or it's sales, it's an incredible advantage to have the founders doing that work directly, and for much longer than they find...
Cosmetic updates to this site As well as changing the way I organise my writing, last year I made some cosmetic improvements to...
a month ago
a month ago
As well as changing the way I organise my writing, last year I made some cosmetic improvements to this site. I design everything on this site myself, and I write the CSS by hand – I don’t use any third-party styles or frameworks. I don’t have any design training, and I don’t do...
Maggie Appleton
Humanity's Last Exam Humanity's Last Exam by Center for AI Safety (CAIS) and Scale AI
a month ago
David Heinemeier...
When to give up Most of our cultural virtues, celebrated heroes, and catchy slogans align with the idea of "never...
a month ago
a month ago
Most of our cultural virtues, celebrated heroes, and catchy slogans align with the idea of "never give up". That's a good default! Most people are inclined to give up too easily, as soon as the going gets hard. But it's also worth remembering that sometimes you really should...
Grant Slatton
AI software I'm surprised doesn't exist yet Please make it
a month ago
Computer Things
Five Kinds of Nondeterminism No newsletter next week, I'm teaching a TLA+ workshop. Speaking of which: I spend a lot of time...
a month ago
a month ago
No newsletter next week, I'm teaching a TLA+ workshop. Speaking of which: I spend a lot of time thinking about formal methods (and TLA+ specifically) because it's where the source of almost all my revenue. But I don't share most of the details because 90% of my readers don't use...
David Heinemeier...
Europe must become dangerous again Trump is doing Europe a favor by revealing the true cost of its impotency. Because, in many ways, he...
a month ago
a month ago
Trump is doing Europe a favor by revealing the true cost of its impotency. Because, in many ways, he has the manners and the honesty of a child. A kid will just blurt out in the supermarket "why is that lady so fat, mommy?". That's not a polite thing to ask within earshot of said...
How I create static websites for tiny archives Last year I wrote about using static websites for tiny archives. The idea is that I create tiny...
a month ago
a month ago
Last year I wrote about using static websites for tiny archives. The idea is that I create tiny websites to store and describe my digital collections. There are several reasons I like this approach: HTML is flexible and lets me display data in a variety of ways; it’s likely to...
the singularity is...
Nobody Profits Intellectual property is a really dumb idea. “But piracy is theft. Clean and simple. It’s smash and...
a month ago
a month ago
Intellectual property is a really dumb idea. “But piracy is theft. Clean and simple. It’s smash and grab. It ain’t no different than smashing a window at Tiffany’s and grabbing merchandise.” - Joe Biden, 46th president of the USA Except it isn’t and Joe Biden is a senile moron....
Confessions of a...
My Top 15 OS Books: From Theory and Implementation to Systems Programming A personal guide to the most useful books for understanding operating systems
a month ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
Making uLisp more usable on the Cardputer <![CDATA[It's a joy to use the Cardputer uLisp Machine, a nice little microcontroller system that...
a month ago
a month ago
<![CDATA[It's a joy to use the Cardputer uLisp Machine, a nice little microcontroller system that runs uLisp. But after a short experience I had to put aside my Cardputer due to a showstopper issue that made it impractical to program the device. Since then a good workaround...
David Heinemeier...
Europe's impotent rage Europe has become a third-rate power economically, politically, and militarily, and the price for...
a month ago
a month ago
Europe has become a third-rate power economically, politically, and militarily, and the price for this slowly building predicament is now due all at once. First, America is seeking to negotiate peace in Ukraine directly with Russia, without even inviting Europe to the table....
The Challenges Faced by Multinational Teams and Japanese Companies It’s a fact that Japan needs more international developers. That doesn’t mean integrating those...
a month ago
a month ago
It’s a fact that Japan needs more international developers. That doesn’t mean integrating those developers into Japanese companies, as well as Japanese society, is a simple process. But what are the most common challenges encountered by these companies with multinational...
ntietz.com blog -...
Can I ethically use LLMs? The title is not a rhetorical question, and I'm not going to bury an answer. I don't have an...
a month ago
a month ago
The title is not a rhetorical question, and I'm not going to bury an answer. I don't have an answer. This post is my exploration of the question, and why I think it is a question1. Important things up front: what's my relationship with LLMs today? I don't use any LLMs regularly....
MMapped blog
ONNX introduction
a month ago
On Test Automation
My terms and conditions for using AI Last weekend, I wrote a more or less casual post on LinkedIn containing the ‘rules’ (it’s more of a...
a month ago
a month ago
Last weekend, I wrote a more or less casual post on LinkedIn containing the ‘rules’ (it’s more of a list of terms and conditions, really) I set for myself when it comes to using AI. That post received some interesting comments that made me think and refine my thoughts on when...
A Smart Bear
How to select your first marketing channel When you're brand new, how do you select your first marketing channel?
a month ago
David Heinemeier...
Europeans don't have or understand free speech The new American vice president JD Vance just gave a remarkable talk at the Munich Security...
a month ago
a month ago
The new American vice president JD Vance just gave a remarkable talk at the Munich Security Conference on free speech and mass immigration. It did not go over well with many European politicians, some of which immediately proved Vance's point, and labeled the speech "not...
The Codist
Using Xcode's AI Is Like Pair Programming With A Monkey I've never used any other AI "assistant," although I've talked with those who have, most of whom are...
a month ago
a month ago
I've never used any other AI "assistant," although I've talked with those who have, most of whom are not very positive. My experience using Xcode's AI is that it occasionally offers a line of code that works, but you mostly get junk
tracepoints: gnarly but worth it Hey all, quick post today to mention that I added tracing support to the . If the support library...
a month ago
a month ago
Hey all, quick post today to mention that I added tracing support to the . If the support library for is available when Whippet is compiled, Whippet embedders can visualize the GC process. Like this!Whippet GC libraryLTTng Click above for a full-scale screenshot of the trace...
Eric Bailey
Evaluating overlay-adjacent accessibility products I get asked about my opinion on overlay-adjacent accessibility products with enough frequency that I...
a month ago
a month ago
I get asked about my opinion on overlay-adjacent accessibility products with enough frequency that I thought it could be helpful to write about it. There’s a category of third party products out there that are almost, but not quite an accessibility overlay. By this I mean that...
Blog System/5
ioctls from Rust Diving into what the ioctl system call is and how to invoke it from Rust
a month ago
Tony Finch's blog
random numbers from pcg32 at 200 Gbit/s One of the neat things about the PCG random number generator by Melissa O’Neill is its use of...
a month ago
a month ago
One of the neat things about the PCG random number generator by Melissa O’Neill is its use of instruction-level parallelism: the PCG state update can run in parallel with its output permutation. However, PCG only has a limited amount of ILP, about 3 instructions. Its overall...
Julia Evans
How to add a directory to your PATH I was talking to a friend about how to add a directory to your PATH today. It’s something that feels...
a month ago
a month ago
I was talking to a friend about how to add a directory to your PATH today. It’s something that feels “obvious” to me since I’ve been using the terminal for a long time, but when I searched for instructions for how to do it, I actually couldn’t find something that explained all of...
Exploring for strategy. A surprising number of strategies are doomed from inception because their authors get attached to...
a month ago
a month ago
A surprising number of strategies are doomed from inception because their authors get attached to one particular approach without considering alternatives that would work better for their current circumstances. This happens when engineers want to pick tools solely because they...
Kagi Blog
Introducing Privacy Pass authentication for Kagi Search Today we are announcing a new privacy feature coming to Kagi Search.
a month ago
Computer Things
Are Efficiency and Horizontal Scalability at odds? Sorry for missing the newsletter last week! I started writing on Monday as normal, and by Wednesday...
a month ago
a month ago
Sorry for missing the newsletter last week! I started writing on Monday as normal, and by Wednesday the piece (about the hierarchy of controls ) was 2000 words and not close to done. So now it'll be a blog post sometime later this month. I also just released a new version of...
Why Do Japanese Companies Hire International Developers? TokyoDev has already reported that Japan really needs international developers. But the more...
a month ago
a month ago
TokyoDev has already reported that Japan really needs international developers. But the more Japanese companies we’ve interviewed, the more we’ve realized that a talent shortage is not the only reason for Japanese companies to hire from overseas. There are a host of other...
General Robots
Correct vs Good What's the difference?
a month ago
Dan Slimmon
Is ops a bullshit job? I recently had the pleasure of reading anthropologist David Graeber’s 2018 book, Bullshit Jobs: A...
a month ago
a month ago
I recently had the pleasure of reading anthropologist David Graeber’s 2018 book, Bullshit Jobs: A Theory. Graeber defines a bullshit job as, a form of paid employment that is so completely pointless, unnecessary, or pernicious that even the employee cannot justify its existence...
Liz Denys
The night sky and finding hope in the dark I found inspiration for this pitcher's glaze design in the night sky. Whenever I feel lost, I know...
a month ago
a month ago
I found inspiration for this pitcher's glaze design in the night sky. Whenever I feel lost, I know I can always look up and be under the same night sky, no matter where I am. Whenever I feel alone, I know I can always look up and feel connected to humanity, everyone else looking...
The History of the...
What happens to what we’ve already created? When we think about AI, we can't only think of what it has generated. We need to think about what it...
a month ago
a month ago
When we think about AI, we can't only think of what it has generated. We need to think about what it does to what the world has already created. The post What happens to what we’ve already created? appeared first on The History of the Web.
whippet at fosdem Hey all, the video of my is up:FOSDEM talk on Whippet Slides , if that’s your thing.here I ended...
a month ago
a month ago
Hey all, the video of my is up:FOSDEM talk on Whippet Slides , if that’s your thing.here I ended the talk with some puzzling results around generational collection, which prompted . I don’t have a firm answer yet. Or rather, perhaps for the splay benchmark, it is to be expected...
Corporate “DEI” is an imperfect vehicle for deeply meaningful ideals I have not thought or said much about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) over the years. Not...
a month ago
a month ago
I have not thought or said much about DEI (Diversity, Equity and Inclusion) over the years. Not because I don’t care about the espoused ideals — I suppose I do, rather a lot — but because corporate DEI efforts have always struck me as ineffective and bland; bolted on at best, if...
Confessions of a...
Recording: How Modern CPUs Execute Your Code: A Deep Dive into Performance Watch now | We concluded the latest live session yesterday.
a month ago
Dan Quach Blog
Europe These are a mix of stories from Norway, Croatia, and Slovenia from some past trips. Make Serbia...
a month ago
a month ago
These are a mix of stories from Norway, Croatia, and Slovenia from some past trips. Make Serbia Great Again Our first stop is the city of Dubrovnik in Croatia, which has become well known being the primary filming location for Game of Thrones seasons 2 – 8.  I watched the series,...
On Test Automation
Improving the tests for RestAssured.Net with mutation testing and Stryker.NET When I build and release new features or bug fixes for RestAssured.Net, I rely heavily on the...
a month ago
a month ago
When I build and release new features or bug fixes for RestAssured.Net, I rely heavily on the acceptance tests that I wrote over time. Next to serving as living documentation for the library, I run these tests both locally and on every push to GitHub to see if I didn’t...
ntietz.com blog -...
What's in a ring buffer? And using them in Rust Working on my cursed MIDI project, I needed a way to store the most recent messages without risking...
a month ago
a month ago
Working on my cursed MIDI project, I needed a way to store the most recent messages without risking an unbounded amount of memory usage. I turned to the trusty ring buffer for this! I started by writing a very simple one myself in Rust, then I looked and what do you know, of...
baffled by generational garbage collection Usually in this space I like to share interesting things that I find out; you might call it a...
a month ago
a month ago
Usually in this space I like to share interesting things that I find out; you might call it a research-epistle-publish loop. Today, though, I come not with answers, but with questions, or rather one question, but with fractal surface area: what is the value proposition...
A Smart Bear
Our unhealthy fixation with emulating #1 Being "undefeated" or "#1" might be more luck than you know.
a month ago
Good embedded toots In my previous post, there was a first for this site: I embedded a post from Mastodon. Like many...
a month ago
a month ago
In my previous post, there was a first for this site: I embedded a post from Mastodon. Like many social media services, Mastodon has built-in support for embedding posts. If you’re looking at a public post, you can get a snippet of HTML and JavaScript to show that post in another...
David Heinemeier...
Serving the country In 1940, President Roosevelt tapped William S. Knudsen to run the government's production of...
a month ago
a month ago
In 1940, President Roosevelt tapped William S. Knudsen to run the government's production of military equipment. Knudsen had spent a pivotal decade at Ford during the mass-production revolution, and was president of General Motors, when he was drafted as a civilian into service...
Unexpected errors in the BagIt area Last week, James Truitt asked a question on Mastodon: James Truitt (he/him) ...
a month ago
a month ago
Last week, James Truitt asked a question on Mastodon: James Truitt (he/him) @linguistory@code4lib.social Mastodon #digipres folks happen to have a handy repo of small invalid bags for testing purposes? I'm trying to...
Marc Astbury
The Exodus Curve The concept of Product-Market Fit (PMF) collapse has gained renewed attention with the rise of large...
a month ago
a month ago
The concept of Product-Market Fit (PMF) collapse has gained renewed attention with the rise of large language models (LLMs), as highlighted in a recent Reforge article. The article argues we’re witnessing unprecedented market disruption, in this post, I propose we’re experiencing...
David Heinemeier...
Servers can last a long time We bought sixty-one servers for the launch of Basecamp 3 back in 2015. Dell R430s and R630s, packing...
a month ago
a month ago
We bought sixty-one servers for the launch of Basecamp 3 back in 2015. Dell R430s and R630s, packing thousands of cores and terabytes of RAM. Enough to fill all the app, job, cache, and database duties we needed. The entire outlay for this fleet was about half a million dollars,...
How should we control access to user data? At some point in a startup’s lifecycle, they decide that they need to be ready to go public in 18...
a month ago
a month ago
At some point in a startup’s lifecycle, they decide that they need to be ready to go public in 18 months, and a flurry of IPO-readiness activity kicks off. This strategy focuses on a company working on IPO readiness, which has identified a gap in their internal controls for...
Grant Slatton
Technocapital An essay on post-AI economics
a month ago
Alex MacCaw
AGI, agents, and timelines AGI is coming—whether we’re ready or not. I’ve been convinced of this trajectory since GPT-3’s...
a month ago
a month ago
AGI is coming—whether we’re ready or not. I’ve been convinced of this trajectory since GPT-3’s release, but recent developments have significantly accelerated my timelines. The first major shift was OpenAI’s breakthrough in test-time compute and its newly demonstrated scaling...
Dan Quach Blog
State of Data Engineering 2025 Q1 AI Updates There is a lot of chatter about 2025 being the year of agentic frameworks.  To me, this...
a month ago
a month ago
AI Updates There is a lot of chatter about 2025 being the year of agentic frameworks.  To me, this means a system in which a subset can allow AI models to take independent actions based on their environment, typically interacting with external APIs or interfaces.  The terminology...
On Test Automation
On working and contributing to conferences abroad This blog post is another one in the ‘writing things down to structure my thinking on where I want...
a month ago
a month ago
This blog post is another one in the ‘writing things down to structure my thinking on where I want my career to go’ series. I will get back to writing technical and automation blog posts soon, but I need to finish my contract testing course first. One of the things I like to do...
Elad Blog
Leaving Delaware This post covers why companies are considering reincorporating from Delaware to Nevada & Texas
a month ago
Julia Evans
Some terminal frustrations A few weeks ago I ran a terminal survey (you can read the results here) and at the end I...
a month ago
a month ago
A few weeks ago I ran a terminal survey (you can read the results here) and at the end I asked: What’s the most frustrating thing about using the terminal for you? 1600 people answered, and I decided to spend a few days categorizing all the responses. Along the way I learned that...
Ink & Switch
Thinking with ink, spreadsheets for exploring scenarios, and a local-first key agreement protocol A project from our programmable ink track, a spreadsheet for exploring scenarios, and a new...
a month ago
David Gerrells
content slop AI slop is everywhere. But what even is slop and is AI really to blame?
a month ago
The Codist
Giving Junior Engineers Control Of A Six Trillion Dollar System Is Nuts For some purpose, the DOGE people are burrowing their way into all US Federal Systems. Their...
a month ago
a month ago
For some purpose, the DOGE people are burrowing their way into all US Federal Systems. Their complete control over the Treasury Department is entirely insane. Unless you intend to destroy everything, making arbitrary changes to complex computer systems will result in destruction,...
Liz Denys
Rising sea levels, eroding beaches, melting ice caps When I was glazing this v60-style cone, I was thinking of rising sea levels, eroding beaches, and...
a month ago
a month ago
When I was glazing this v60-style cone, I was thinking of rising sea levels, eroding beaches, and melting ice caps. Trying to tackle large challenges like climate change is overwhelming in the best of times, and these are not the best of times. There are many things we can...
Our own agents with their own tools. Entering 2025, I decided to spend some time exploring the topic of agents. I started reading...
a month ago
a month ago
Entering 2025, I decided to spend some time exploring the topic of agents. I started reading Anthropic’s Building effective agents, followed by Chip Huyen’s AI Engineering. I kicked off a major workstream at work on using agents, and I also decided to do a personal experiment of...
Making inventory spreadsheets for my LEGO sets One of my recent home organisation projects has been sorting out my LEGO collection. I have a bunch...
a month ago
a month ago
One of my recent home organisation projects has been sorting out my LEGO collection. I have a bunch of sets which are mixed together in one messy box, and I’m trying to separate bricks back into distinct sets. My collection is nowhere near large enough to be worth sorting by...
Eric Bailey
Stanislav Petrov A lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defense Forces prevented the end of human civilization on...
a month ago
a month ago
A lieutenant colonel in the Soviet Air Defense Forces prevented the end of human civilization on September 26th, 1983. His name was Stanislav Petrov. Protocol dictated that the Soviet Union would retaliate against any nuclear strikes sent by the United States. This was a policy...
Ink & Switch
01 · A spreadsheet for exploring scenarios In our *Ambsheets* project, we are exploring a small extension to the familiar spreadsheet: **what...
a month ago
a month ago
In our *Ambsheets* project, we are exploring a small extension to the familiar spreadsheet: **what if a single spreadsheet cell could hold multiple values at once**?
Recently I am not going to repeat the news. But man, things are really, really bad and getting worse in...
a month ago
a month ago
I am not going to repeat the news. But man, things are really, really bad and getting worse in America. It’s all so unendingly stupid and evil. The tech industry is being horrible, too. Wishing strength to the people who are much more exposed to the chaos than I am. Reading A...
ntietz.com blog -...
Summarizing our recommendations for software documentation Last year, my coworker Suzanne and I got a case study accepted into an ethnography conference! She's...
a month ago
a month ago
Last year, my coworker Suzanne and I got a case study accepted into an ethnography conference! She's an anthropologist by training, and I'm a software engineer. How'd we wind up there? The short version is I asked her what I thought was an interesting question, and she thought it...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Switching Blot sync from Google Drive to Git <![CDATA[In 2023 I migrated my personal website from Squarespace to Blot. Blot is a static site...
a month ago
a month ago
<![CDATA[In 2023 I migrated my personal website from Squarespace to Blot. Blot is a static site generator that publishes as a website a folder stored on Google Drive, Dropbox, or a Git repository. Back then I set up Blot to publish a Google Drive folder but I recently switched...
A Smart Bear
The Startup Drake Equation Why do smart, driven founders fail, despite having great ideas and execution? This model offers an...
a month ago
a month ago
Why do smart, driven founders fail, despite having great ideas and execution? This model offers an answer, and a path to increase the chance of success.
orlp.net - Blog...
Why Bad AI Is Here to Stay It seems that in 2025 a lot of people fall into one of two camps when it comes to AI: skeptic or...
a month ago
a month ago
It seems that in 2025 a lot of people fall into one of two camps when it comes to AI: skeptic or fanatic. The skeptic thinks AI sucks, that it’s overhyped, it only ever parrots nonsense and it will all blow over soon. The fanatic thinks general human-level intelligence is just...
Adding auto-generated cover images to EPUBs downloaded from AO3 I was chatting with a friend recently, and she mentioned an annoyance when reading fanfiction on her...
a month ago
a month ago
I was chatting with a friend recently, and she mentioned an annoyance when reading fanfiction on her iPad. She downloads fic from AO3 as EPUB files, and reads it in the Kindle app – but the files don’t have a cover image, and so the preview thumbnails aren’t very readable: ...
Grant Slatton
Writing a good design document A guide
a month ago
Nelson's Weblog
Non-alcoholic apéritifs I’ve been doing Dry January this year. One thing I missed was something for apéro hour, a beverage...
a month ago
a month ago
I’ve been doing Dry January this year. One thing I missed was something for apéro hour, a beverage to mark the start of the evening. Something complex and maybe bitter, not like a drink you’d have with lunch. I found some good options. Ghia sodas are my favorite. Ghia is an NA...
David Heinemeier...
It burns The first time we had to evacuate Malibu this season was during the Franklin fire in early December....
a month ago
a month ago
The first time we had to evacuate Malibu this season was during the Franklin fire in early December. We went to bed with our bags packed, thinking they'd probably get it under control. But by 2am, the roaring blades of fire choppers shaking the house got us up. As we sped down...
Blog - Bitfield...
Slow, flaky, and failing Thou shalt not suffer a flaky test to live, because it’s annoying, counterproductive, and...
a month ago
a month ago
Thou shalt not suffer a flaky test to live, because it’s annoying, counterproductive, and dangerous: one day it might fail for real, and you won’t notice. Here’s what to do.
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, January 2025 The ware for January 2025 is shown below. Thanks to brimdavis for contributing this ware! …back in...
a month ago
a month ago
The ware for January 2025 is shown below. Thanks to brimdavis for contributing this ware! …back in the day when you would get wares that had “blue wires” in them… One thing I wonder about this ware is…where are the ROMs? Perhaps I’ll find out soon! Happy year of the snake!
Is engineering strategy useful? While I frequently hear engineers bemoan a missing strategy, they rarely complete the thought by...
a month ago
a month ago
While I frequently hear engineers bemoan a missing strategy, they rarely complete the thought by articulating why the missing strategy matters. Instead, it serves as more of a truism: the economy used to be better, children used to respect their parents, and engineering...
Computer Things
What hard thing does your tech make easy? I occasionally receive emails asking me to look at the writer's new language/library/tool. Sometimes...
a month ago
a month ago
I occasionally receive emails asking me to look at the writer's new language/library/tool. Sometimes it's in an area I know well, like formal methods. Other times, I'm a complete stranger to the field. Regardless, I'm generally happy to check it out. When starting out, this is...
Dan Slimmon
Incident SEV scales are a waste of time Ask an engineering leader about their incident response protocol and they’ll tell you about their...
a month ago
a month ago
Ask an engineering leader about their incident response protocol and they’ll tell you about their severity scale. “The first thing we do is we assign a severity to the incident,” they’ll say, “so the right people will get notified.” And this is sensible. In order to figure out...
Epic Web Dev
Why I Won’t Use JSDOM (article) Explore how JSDOM's browser simulation works, and learn front-end testing approaches using Vitest...
a month ago
a month ago
Explore how JSDOM's browser simulation works, and learn front-end testing approaches using Vitest Browser Mode for direct browser testing and native APIs
The History of the...
Would the internet exist today if the printing press didn’t come before it? The breakthroughs of the web are often compared to the printing press. But could the former exist...
a month ago
a month ago
The breakthroughs of the web are often compared to the printing press. But could the former exist without the latter? The post Would the internet exist today if the printing press didn’t come before it? appeared first on The History of the Web.
Confessions of a...
A Software Engineer's Guide to Reading Research Papers My personal framework for reading research papers
a month ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Container Queries Unleashed Container queries expand the universe of designs that can be implemented, giving us whole new...
a month ago
a month ago
Container queries expand the universe of designs that can be implemented, giving us whole new superpowers. Now that container queries are broadly available, I think it’s time we start exploring this potential! In this post, I’ll share the “killer pattern” I can’t stop using in my...
Charles Chen
The Inverted Reactivity Model of React A quick take on the 'inverted' reactivity model of React compared to vanilla JS, Vue, and other...
a month ago
ntietz.com blog -...
Bright lights in dark times It's kind of dark times right now. And I'm definitely only talking about the days being short. It's...
2 months ago
2 months ago
It's kind of dark times right now. And I'm definitely only talking about the days being short. It's pretty dark out right now, since it's the winter in the northern hemisphere. Every year, I start to realize somewhere around January that I'm tired, really tired, and don't want to...
Josh Collinsworth
Goodbye, Griff. You were a good boy. A tribute to the member of our family we lost this weekend.
2 months ago
Maggie Appleton
DeepSeek If you're not distressingly embedded in the torrent of AI news on Twixxer like I reluctantly am, you...
2 months ago
2 months ago
If you're not distressingly embedded in the torrent of AI news on Twixxer like I reluctantly am, you might not know what DeepSeek is yet. Bless you.
A Smart Bear
On the (un?)importance of design You redesign your entire website, customers and employees say it's better, but none of the metrics...
2 months ago
2 months ago
You redesign your entire website, customers and employees say it's better, but none of the metrics change… Does design even matter?
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to download YouTube Videos quickly I used to use yt5s all the time to rip and remix videos:
2 months ago
Confessions of a...
Launching Live Courses on Systems Programming Modern software development has created a paradox: we build increasingly complex systems, yet fewer...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Modern software development has created a paradox: we build increasingly complex systems, yet fewer engineers understand how these systems work under the hood.
The Codist
What I Miss And Don't From Working As A Programmer I retired almost four years ago after nearly 40 years as a programmer. While I still write code...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I retired almost four years ago after nearly 40 years as a programmer. While I still write code daily, I do so to support my generative art rather than get paid for it. Most of my career was spent building new applications, and no matter what my title was, I
Daniel Marino
What I’m Using in 2025 I’ve always been fascinated to see what other apps or workflows others are using in their day-to-day...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’ve always been fascinated to see what other apps or workflows others are using in their day-to-day lives. Every now and then I learn about a new app or some cool trick I didn’t previously know. I doubt anyone seriously cares about what I’m using, but figured I’d list them out...
Josh Collinsworth
Rare words in common phrases, and how to avoid getting them wrong A running list of uncommon, strange, and/or archaic words embedded in common idioms, to help you...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A running list of uncommon, strange, and/or archaic words embedded in common idioms, to help you type them correctly next time you use them.
"We're a product engineering company!" -- Engineering strategy at Calm. In my career, the majority of the strategy work I’ve done has been in non-executive roles, things...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In my career, the majority of the strategy work I’ve done has been in non-executive roles, things like Uber’s service migration. Joining Calm was my first executive role, where I was able to not just propose, but also mandate, strategy. Like almost all startups, the engineering...
Guile-websocket 0.2.0 released I'm happy to announce that guile-websocket 0.2.0 has been released! Guile-websocket is an...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I'm happy to announce that guile-websocket 0.2.0 has been released! Guile-websocket is an implementation of the WebSocket protocol, both the client and server sides, for Guile Scheme. This release introduces breaking changes that overhaul the client and server implementations in...
Computer Things
The Juggler's Curse I'm making a more focused effort to juggle this year. Mostly boxes, but also classic balls too.1...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I'm making a more focused effort to juggle this year. Mostly boxes, but also classic balls too.1 I've gotten to the point where I can almost consistently do a five-ball cascade, which I thought was the cutoff to being a "good juggler". "Thought" because I now know a "good...
the singularity is...
Death of the Visceral Pulled up at a stop light Imagine flying an x-wing down a corridor, having to turn the plane...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Pulled up at a stop light Imagine flying an x-wing down a corridor, having to turn the plane sideways to fit, a missile on your tail and closing, hitting the turbo, feeling the g force, coming up on the end of the corridor, pulling back hard on the stick the second the corridor...
here we go again Good evening, fey readers. Tonight, a note on human rights and human wrongs. I am in my...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Good evening, fey readers. Tonight, a note on human rights and human wrongs. I am in my mid-fourties, and so I have seen some garbage governments in my time; one of the worst was Trump’s election in 2016. My heart ached in so many ways, but most of all for immigrants in the US....
David Heinemeier...
Waiting on red Americans often laugh when they see how often Danes will patiently, obediently wait on the little...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Americans often laugh when they see how often Danes will patiently, obediently wait on the little red man to turn green before crossing an empty intersection, in the rain, even at night. Nobody is coming! Why don't you just cross?! It seems silly, but the underlying philosophy is...
Looking at images in a spreadsheet I’ve had a couple of projects recently where I needed to work with a list that involved images. For...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’ve had a couple of projects recently where I needed to work with a list that involved images. For example, choosing a series of photos to print, or making an inventory of Lego parts. I could write a simple text list, but it’s really helpful to be able to see the images as part...
Ink & Switch
02 · Group Key Agreement with BeeKEM How Beehive groups can agree on keys over time
2 months ago
What I've learned about writing AI apps so far
2 months ago
David Heinemeier...
MEGA Trump is back at the helm of the United States, and the majority of Americans are optimistic about...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Trump is back at the helm of the United States, and the majority of Americans are optimistic about the prospect. Especially the young. In a poll by CBS News, it's the 18-29 demographic that's most excited, with a whopping two-thirds answering in the affirmative to being...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Home Assistant Voice Preview is an unusable mess. I just got a Home Assistant Voice recently. I was so excited to try it out as a programmable Alexa.
2 months ago
MMapped blog
2024 retrospective
2 months ago
ntietz.com blog -...
My writing process, and how I keep it sustainable Recently, a reader wrote to me and asked about my writing process and burnout. They had an image in...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Recently, a reader wrote to me and asked about my writing process and burnout. They had an image in their head that I could sit down at a computer and type up a full post on a given topic, but were unsure if that's the right approach when they start blogging. And they were...
Basta’s Notes
I'm going to run for president And I want you to be angry, too
2 months ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
I accepted the Blog Question Challenge <![CDATA[MattoF has tagged me for the Blog Question Challenge which asks bloggers questions about...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[MattoF has tagged me for the Blog Question Challenge which asks bloggers questions about their background and motivations, tools, and workflows. It is a variation by Kev Quirk of a challenge originally created by Ava at Bear Blog. I have accepted this fun challenge and...
On Test Automation
My career and a thought experiment As is the case every year, 2025 is starting off relatively slowly. There’s not a lot of training...
2 months ago
2 months ago
As is the case every year, 2025 is starting off relatively slowly. There’s not a lot of training courses to run yet, and since a few of the projects I worked on wrapped up in December, I find myself with a little bit of extra time and headspace on my hands. I actually enjoy these...
A Smart Bear
"Stealth mode" and other f'ing brilliant strategies Oh you secretive devil! The last thing you need is anyone finding out about your startup. Like...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Oh you secretive devil! The last thing you need is anyone finding out about your startup. Like competitors. Or customers.
Wasm GC isn’t ready for realtime graphics Wasm GC is a wonderful thing that is now available in all major web browsers since slowpoke...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Wasm GC is a wonderful thing that is now available in all major web browsers since slowpoke Safari/WebKit finally shipped it in December. It provides a hierarchy of heap allocated reference types and a set of instructions to operate on them. Wasm GC enables managed...
Blog System/5
Hands-on graphics without X11 A crash course on direct framebuffer and keyboard access via NetBSD’s wscons
2 months ago
Confessions of a...
Linux Context Switches: The Truth About TLB Flushes Watch now (22 mins) | Is the TLB really flushed during context switches?
2 months ago
randline: get a random selection of lines in a file using reservoir sampling I’ve posted another command-line tool on GitHub: randline, which gives you a random selection of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’ve posted another command-line tool on GitHub: randline, which gives you a random selection of lines in a file: $ randline < /usr/share/dict/words ultraluxurious $ randline 3 < /usr/share/dict/words unexceptionably baselessness salinity There are lots of tools that solve...
Bridging theory and practice in engineering strategy. Some people I’ve worked with have lost hope that engineering strategy actually exists within any...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Some people I’ve worked with have lost hope that engineering strategy actually exists within any engineering organizations. I imagine that they, reading through the steps to build engineering strategy, or the strategy for navigating private equity ownership, are not impressed....
Computer Things
What are the Rosettas of formal specification? First of all, I just released version 0.6 of Logic for Programmers! You can get it here. Release...
2 months ago
2 months ago
First of all, I just released version 0.6 of Logic for Programmers! You can get it here. Release notes in the footnote.1 I've been thinking about my next project after the book's done. One idea is to do a survey of new formal specification languages. There's been a lot of new...
James Vaughan's blog
A surprising scam email that evaded Gmail's spam filter
2 months ago
Confessions of a...
Live Session: How Modern CPUs Execute Your Code: A Deep Dive into Performance I hope you enjoyed the recent article on how Unix spell was designed to lookup a 250kB dictionary on...
2 months ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Using Locally-Installed CLI Tools In Node Projects You have a dependency that provides a CLI tool, how do you use it? Even though you did npm i from...
2 months ago
2 months ago
You have a dependency that provides a CLI tool, how do you use it? Even though you did npm i from your project root, if you run <tool> <command> it won’t work because that tool is not in your global path. You could install <tool> globally, but then if you have <tool> in multiple...
Blog - Bitfield...
How to know when it's time to go Leaving a job is never easy, and it’s a consequential decision. But when it’s time, it’s time....
2 months ago
2 months ago
Leaving a job is never easy, and it’s a consequential decision. But when it’s time, it’s time. Here’s how to escape the comfort trap, and take the next step in your career.
an annoying failure mode of copying nurseries I just found a funny failure mode in the garbage collector and thought readers might be...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I just found a funny failure mode in the garbage collector and thought readers might be amused.Whippet Say you have a semi-space nursery and a semi-space old generation. Both are block-structured. You are allocating live data, say, a long linked list. Allocation fills the...
Basta’s Notes
The ghosts that lives in my garage Some thoughts about machine learning
2 months ago
ntietz.com blog -...
Beginning of a MIDI GUI in Rust A project I'm working on (which is definitely not my SIGBOVIK submission for this year, and...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A project I'm working on (which is definitely not my SIGBOVIK submission for this year, and definitely not about computer ergonomics) requires me to use MIDI. And to do custom handling of it. So I need something that receives those MIDI events and handles them. But... I'm going...
Maggie Appleton
Common Misconceptions in AI Common Misconceptions About the Complexity in Robotics vs AI by Dan Ogawa
2 months ago
Confessions of a...
How Unix Spell Ran in 64kB RAM How do you fit a dictionary in 64kb RAM? Unix engineers solved it with clever data structures and...
2 months ago
2 months ago
How do you fit a dictionary in 64kb RAM? Unix engineers solved it with clever data structures and compression tricks. Here's the fascinating story behind it.
A Smart Bear
The Important Thing -- powerful enough to override all your deficiencies This is the reason that startups succeed despite their many weaknesses. And it's a reason to build a...
2 months ago
Ruud van Asseldonk
LLM text makes human interactions less fun
2 months ago
Maggie Appleton
Undetected AI Exam Answers A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A real-world test of artificial intelligence infiltration of a university examinations system: A “Turing Test” case study by Peter Scarfe, Kelly Watcham, Alasdair Clarke, Etienne Roesch
Julia Evans
What's involved in getting a "modern" terminal setup? Hello! Recently I ran a terminal survey and I asked people what frustrated them. One person...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hello! Recently I ran a terminal survey and I asked people what frustrated them. One person commented: There are so many pieces to having a modern terminal experience. I wish it all came out of the box. My immediate reaction was “oh, getting a modern terminal experience isn’t...
Advent of Code 2024: Days 11–15
2 months ago
2025 Predictions I was just enjoying Simon Willison’s predictions and, heck, why not. 1: The web becomes adversarial...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I was just enjoying Simon Willison’s predictions and, heck, why not. 1: The web becomes adversarial to AI The history of search engines is sort of an arms race between websites and search engines. Back in the early 2000s, juicing your ranking on search engines was pretty easy -...
Blog System/5
Self-documenting Makefiles Make, as arcane as a build tool can be, may still be a good first fit for certain scenarios. Let's...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Make, as arcane as a build tool can be, may still be a good first fit for certain scenarios. Let's see how to make a build more palatable in this day and age if you choose this tool.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Don’t Miss the Product for the Artifacts Ever hear that idiom, “Don’t miss the forest for the trees”? The idea being, you miss the bigger...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Ever hear that idiom, “Don’t miss the forest for the trees”? The idea being, you miss the bigger picture because you’re focused on the minutia? Feels like the tech equivalent is: Don’t miss the product for the artifacts. Here’s Ryan Rendle in a recent piece on design...
Uber's service migration strategy circa 2014. In early 2014, I joined as an engineering manager for Uber’s Infrastructure team. We were...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In early 2014, I joined as an engineering manager for Uber’s Infrastructure team. We were responsible for a wide number of things, including provisioning new services. While the overall team I led grew significantly over time, the subset working on service provisioning never grew...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Interpinkie, a Finger client in Interlisp <![CDATA[I wrote Interpinkie, a basic Finger client in Interlisp that runs on the Medley...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[I wrote Interpinkie, a basic Finger client in Interlisp that runs on the Medley environment. This is the main window of the program: Main window of the Interpinkie Interlisp Finger client. It was a fun challenge considering I couldn't use Medley's TCP/IP stack. I...
ephemerons vs generations in whippet Happy new year, hackfolk! Today, a note about . I thought I was done with them, but it seems they...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Happy new year, hackfolk! Today, a note about . I thought I was done with them, but it seems they are not done with me. The question at hand is, how do we efficiently and correctly implement ephemerons in a generational collector? ‘s answer turns out to be simple but...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Designing a Logo I recently kicked off a 99designs contest for a new logo:...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I recently kicked off a 99designs contest for a new logo: https://99designs.com/logo-design/contests/logo-brand-ai-engineering-podcast-help-define-industry-1307842/
The Changelog
Censorship Is Complicated: What Internet History Says about Meta/Facebook In light of this week’s announcement by Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Threads, etc), I have been...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In light of this week’s announcement by Meta (Facebook, Instagram, Threads, etc), I have been pondering this question: Why am I, a person that has long been a staunch advocate of free speech and encryption, leery of sites that talk about being free speech-oriented? And, more to...
James Vaughan's blog
My YouTube Watch Later Mystery Graveyard
2 months ago
Epic Web Dev
Testing Accessibility with Screen Readers (article) Dive into the world of screen reader testing and discover why relying on a single tool isn't enough....
2 months ago
2 months ago
Dive into the world of screen reader testing and discover why relying on a single tool isn't enough. Create genuinely accessible web apps that work for everyone
How I test Rust command-line apps with `assert_cmd` Rust has become my go-to language for my personal toolbox – small, standalone utilities like...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Rust has become my go-to language for my personal toolbox – small, standalone utilities like create_thumbnail, emptydir, and dominant_colours. There’s no place for Rust in my day job, so having some self-contained hobby projects means I can still have fun playing with it. I’ve...
Computer Things
"Logic for Programmers" Project Update Happy new year everyone! I released the first Logic for Programmers alpha six months ago. There's...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Happy new year everyone! I released the first Logic for Programmers alpha six months ago. There's since been four new versions since then, with the November release putting us in beta. Between work and holidays I didn't make much progress in December, but there will be a 0.6...
David Heinemeier...
The social media censorship era is over (for now) Mark Zuckerberg just announced a stunning pivot for Meta's approach to social media censorship....
2 months ago
2 months ago
Mark Zuckerberg just announced a stunning pivot for Meta's approach to social media censorship. Here's what he's going to do: Replace third-party fact checkers with community notes ala X. Allow free discussion on immigration, gender, and other topics that were heavily censored...
The History of the...
Progressive enhancement brings everyone in Early computers faced unexpected failures, and that gave us graceful degradation. But on the web, we...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Early computers faced unexpected failures, and that gave us graceful degradation. But on the web, we needed something different. We needed progressive enhancement. The post Progressive enhancement brings everyone in appeared first on The History of the Web.
Maggie Appleton
How to Import Academic Papers from Zotero into Tana How to use Zotero's translator and Tana Paste formatting to easily import papers into Tana
2 months ago
Coding Horror
Stay Gold, America We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm concerned we may lose sight of the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We are at an unprecedented point in American history, and I'm concerned we may lose sight of the American Dream.
Epic Web Dev
Versioning and Releasing NPM packages with Nx (tutorial)
2 months ago
David Heinemeier...
Delusional dreams of excess freedom Jim Carey once said that he hoped everyone could "...get rich and famous and do everything they...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Jim Carey once said that he hoped everyone could "...get rich and famous and do everything they dreamed of so they can see that it is not the answer". And while I sorta agree, I think the opposite position also has its appeal: That believing in a material fix to the problem of...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Actually Structured Journaling (Jan 2025) I was very excited when I saw Cal Newport's episode on Structured Journaling come up, but I was...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I was very excited when I saw Cal Newport's episode on Structured Journaling come up, but I was disappointed by the recommendations:
Miguel Carranza
My role as a founder CTO: Year Seven 2024 has come and gone, and it’s time for my annual post. What a year for startups—like squeezing...
2 months ago
2 months ago
2024 has come and gone, and it’s time for my annual post. What a year for startups—like squeezing five regular years into one. Do you remember the Apple Vision Pro, the DMA regulation, founder mode, or the o1 launch? All of that happened in just the last twelve months. It’s also...
ntietz.com blog -...
Great things about Rust that aren't just performance Nearly every line of code I write for fun is in Rust. It's not because I need great performance,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Nearly every line of code I write for fun is in Rust. It's not because I need great performance, though that's a nice benefit. I write a lot of Rust because it's a joy to write code in. There is so much else to love about Rust beyond going fast without segfaults. Here are a few...
David Crawshaw
How I program with LLMs How I program with LLMs 2025-01-06 This document is a summary of my personal experiences using...
2 months ago
2 months ago
How I program with LLMs 2025-01-06 This document is a summary of my personal experiences using generative models while programming over the past year. It has not been a passive process. I have intentionally sought ways to use LLMs while programming to learn about them. The result...
Guile-Bstructs 0.1.0 released I'm pleased to announce that the very first release of guile-bstructs, version 0.1.0, has been...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I'm pleased to announce that the very first release of guile-bstructs, version 0.1.0, has been released! This is a library I've been working on for quite some time and after more than one rewrite and many smaller refactors I think it's finally ready to release publicly. Let's...
A Smart Bear
Explore vs Execute The two main business modalities are more different than you expect. When you hit PMF, it's a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The two main business modalities are more different than you expect. When you hit PMF, it's a culture-shift to switch from one to the other.
Marc Astbury
Annual Review 2024 Last year I was grateful to write my review whilst sitting outside a cafe in Dali, embracing the...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Last year I was grateful to write my review whilst sitting outside a cafe in Dali, embracing the cool 15 degree climate. This year, I’m in freezing cold Sapporo drinking a carton of the delicious local milk. For simplicity, I’m largely sticking to the format from my 2023 annual...
How I use the notes field in my password manager I use 1Password to store the passwords for my online accounts, and I’ve been reviewing it as a new...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I use 1Password to store the passwords for my online accounts, and I’ve been reviewing it as a new year cleanup task. I’ve been deleting unused accounts, changing old passwords which were weak, and making sure I’ve enabled multi-factor authentication for key accounts. Each...
Grant Slatton
Design Patterns An honest primer
2 months ago
Maggie Appleton
Growing a Human: The First 30 Weeks Reflections on the strange experience of growing a human from scratch, without any conscious...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Reflections on the strange experience of growing a human from scratch, without any conscious understanding of how you are doing it
Darek Kay
Grab browser links and titles in one click When I copy a browser tab URL, I often want to also keep the title. Sometimes I want to use the link...
2 months ago
2 months ago
When I copy a browser tab URL, I often want to also keep the title. Sometimes I want to use the link as rich text (e.g., when pasting the link into OneNote or Jira). Sometimes I prefer a Markdown link. There are browser extensions to achieve this task, but I don't want to...
Blog - Bitfield...
The magic function How do you design user-friendly APIs in Rust? The answer is simple: you use them! Let’s build a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
How do you design user-friendly APIs in Rust? The answer is simple: you use them! Let’s build a simple Rust CLI tool using what I call the “magic function” approach.
Refining strategy with Wardley Mapping. The first time I heard about Wardley Mapping was from Charity Majors discussing it on Twitter. Of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The first time I heard about Wardley Mapping was from Charity Majors discussing it on Twitter. Of the three core strategy refinement techniques, this is the technique that I’ve personally used the least. Despite that, I decided to include it in this book because it highlights how...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Date me if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
2 months ago
MMapped blog
Advent of Code 2024
2 months ago
37signals Dev
Monitoring 10 Petabytes of data in Pure Storage As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of AWS Simple Storage Service (S3). After exploring different alternatives, we decided to go with Pure Storage FlashBlade solution. We store different kinds of information on S3,...
Ralph Ammer
Xunzi vs. Mengzi – Are People (No) Good? About 2300 years ago, the great Chinese thinker Xunzi 荀⼦ wrote: “Human nature is bad“. But he wasn’t...
2 months ago
2 months ago
About 2300 years ago, the great Chinese thinker Xunzi 荀⼦ wrote: “Human nature is bad“. But he wasn’t just having a bad day. The question—Are humans fundamentally good or bad?—is a major fork in the road. How you answer this question profoundly impacts your morals and how you live...
Quentin Santos
Rust Gotcha: last() on DoubleEndedIterator tl;dr: don’t call last() on a DoubleEndedIterator How do you efficiently get the last part of a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
tl;dr: don’t call last() on a DoubleEndedIterator How do you efficiently get the last part of a space-separated string in Rust? It will be obvious to some, but the obvious answer of s.split(' ').last() is wrong. The mistake is easy to make; I encountered it in a recent MR I...
Grant Slatton
How to write complex software A general method
2 months ago
Snapshot tests for your own ppx
2 months ago
Happy New Year: Diffusion Model image generator in about 700 lines of pure SQL Regular readers of my blog will be aware that SQL is an excellent tool for graphics. You can use it...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Regular readers of my blog will be aware that SQL is an excellent tool for graphics. You can use it to draw snowflakes, fractals, ray-traced 3D pictures, and many other things. SQL art is beautiful, albeit slow to generate. These days they say AI is taking over, and human-made...
Ognjen Regoje •...
A review of the blog in 2024 I didn’t write much this year. The projects that I worked on (at work) used up most of my creative...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I didn’t write much this year. The projects that I worked on (at work) used up most of my creative mental capacity leaving little for writing. The backlog is brimming, however. Targets for 2024 ❌ Publish at least 40 posts 11 ❌ Reach at least 200k readers Don’t have an...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, December 2024 The ware for December 2024 is shown below. This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The ware for December 2024 is shown below. This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it because I had trouble searching for a recent example at an image quality sufficient to make out most of the part numbers. Maybe this can help someone else in a similar fix! Warm...
My 2025 JavaScript Wishlist JavaScript has a lot of room for improvement. These five things are especially important.
2 months ago
Tony Finch's blog
obfuscated C revisited The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly revamped web site, and the Judges have...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly revamped web site, and the Judges have announced the 28th contest, to coincide with its 40th anniversary. (Or 41st?) The Judges have also updated the archive of past winners so that as many of them as possible work on modern...
My favourite books from 2024 I read 58 books this year – slightly down on last year, but I’m still happy with that number. I...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I read 58 books this year – slightly down on last year, but I’m still happy with that number. I spent a lot of time this on my own writing and crafting, and I had less time for books. I returned to a couple of favourite authors and their latest releases – including Toshikazu...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Podcast Notes: Vlad Prelovac on “The Talk Show” Vlad Prelovac is the CEO of Kagi: a search engine you have to pay for. He’s on episode 416 of John...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Vlad Prelovac is the CEO of Kagi: a search engine you have to pay for. He’s on episode 416 of John Gruber’s The Talk Show to discuss why he thinks we should be paying for search. Hearing his point of view is compelling. I quite enjoyed the entire podcast. So much, in fact, that I...
Collection of insane and fun facts about SQLite Some of the interesting and insane facts I learned about SQLite
2 months ago
ntietz.com blog -...
Reflecting on 2024, preparing for 2025 If you do things a few times, they're a tradition. This is the third time I'm writing one of these,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
If you do things a few times, they're a tradition. This is the third time I'm writing one of these, so I guess it's an annual tradition now! This is where I reflect on the year that's been, and talk some about my hopes and goals for the next year. Reflecting on 2024 This year has...
Confessions of a...
Linux Context Switching Internals: Part 1 - Process State and Memory How does the Linux kernel represent processes and their state: A breakdown of task_struct and...
2 months ago
A Smart Bear
A butterfly flaps its wings and you make a sale It is true that small changes can have enormous effects? Or is this just what optimization...
2 months ago
2 months ago
It is true that small changes can have enormous effects? Or is this just what optimization consultants want us to believe?
Cram tests: a hidden gem of dune
2 months ago
datalists are more powerful than you think by Alexis Degryse I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
by Alexis Degryse I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a list of <option> elements, offering suggested choices for its associated input field. It’s not an alternative for the <select> element. A field associated to a <datalist> can...
How to effectively refine engineering strategy. In Jim Collins’ Great by Choice, he develops the concept of Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs. His...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In Jim Collins’ Great by Choice, he develops the concept of Fire Bullets, Then Cannonballs. His premise is that you should cheaply test new ideas before fully committing to them. Your organization can only afford firing a small number of cannonballs, but it can bankroll far more...
Blog System/5
Revisiting the NetBSD build system I recently picked up an embedded project in which I needed to build a highly customized full system...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I recently picked up an embedded project in which I needed to build a highly customized full system image with minimal boot times and NetBSD was the best choice for it. Let's look at why its build system helps.
Boost website speed with prefetching and the Speculation Rules API by Schepp Everybody loves fast websites, and everyone despises slow ones even more. Site speed...
3 months ago
3 months ago
by Schepp Everybody loves fast websites, and everyone despises slow ones even more. Site speed significantly contributes to the overall user experience (UX), determining whether it feels positive or negative. To ensure the fastest possible page load times, it’s crucial to design...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A brief experience with the Cardputer uLisp Machine <![CDATA[For Chrismtas 2024 I bought myself a lovely little Cardputer uLisp Machine, an M5Stack...
3 months ago
3 months ago
<![CDATA[For Chrismtas 2024 I bought myself a lovely little Cardputer uLisp Machine, an M5Stack Cardputer that can run uLisp. The M5Stack Cardputer is a card-sized, microcontroller-based portable system for home automation, hobby, and industrial applications. Although not...