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The Honest Broker
Investment Funds Are Now Selling the Rock Songs They Bought They will even take less than "fair market value"
a year ago
bunnie's blog
Infra-Red, In Situ (IRIS) Inspection of Silicon Cryptography tells us how to make a chain of trust rooted in special-purpose chips known as secure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Cryptography tells us how to make a chain of trust rooted in special-purpose chips known as secure elements. But how do we come to trust our secure elements? I have been searching for solutions to this thorny supply chain problem. Ideally, one can directly inspect the...
Math Is Still...
JWST Spots Giant Black Holes All Over the Early Universe Giant black holes were supposed to be bit players in the early cosmic story. But recent James Webb...
a year ago
a year ago
Giant black holes were supposed to be bit players in the early cosmic story. But recent James Webb Space Telescope observations are finding an unexpected abundance of the beasts. The post JWST Spots Giant Black Holes All Over the Early Universe first appeared on...
Classical Wisdom
Weekend Roundup Love, love, love
a year ago
Diaries of Note
The Last of England Ford Madox Brown was a British artist born in Calais in 1821, widely recognised though never...
a year ago
a year ago
Ford Madox Brown was a British artist born in Calais in 1821, widely recognised though never officially part of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. It was in 1852 that he started work on two of his most famous paintings: Work, which took thirteen years to complete, and The Last of...
Dan Slimmon
Clinical troubleshooting: diagnose any production issue, fast. Over the years, I've developed a reliable method for harnessing the diagnostic power of groups. My...
a year ago
a year ago
Over the years, I've developed a reliable method for harnessing the diagnostic power of groups. My approach is derived from a different field in which groups of experts with various levels of context need to reason together about problems in a complex, dynamic system:...
NeuroLogica Blog
Artificial Robotic Muscles By now we have all seen the impressive robot videos, such as the ones from Boston Dynamics, in which...
6 months ago
6 months ago
By now we have all seen the impressive robot videos, such as the ones from Boston Dynamics, in which robots show incredible flexibility and agility. These are amazing, but I understand they are a bit like trick-shot videos – we are being shown the ones that worked, which may not...
Herbert Lui
Three conditions to just do stuff (and minimize overthinking) If you have fun writing something, the reader will have fun reading it. You’ve given your work the...
a week ago
a week ago
If you have fun writing something, the reader will have fun reading it. You’ve given your work the right energy.  Building on this observation, Cassidy Williams notes that sometimes she wants her work to be strategic, or clear and thorough. She writes, “I think a lot of that...
Computer Ads from...
Suture Software's Bludgeons 'n' Braggarts We very simply give you what you've been asking for -- we give you BLOOD
a year ago
Naz Hamid — Journal...
🔗 Media Recap 2024 I’m including the most memorable, impactful, or beloved works of—creative genius, or something, that...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’m including the most memorable, impactful, or beloved works of—creative genius, or something, that I’ve encountered this year. I’m not a critic; I am mostly just talking about things I liked. These are tremendous to me. I hope they can be tremendous to you, too. — Anh The list...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Do you want to sell sugar water or do you want to change the world? “Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?” –...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Do you want to sell sugar water for the rest of your life or come with me and change the world?” – Steve Jobs I sometimes wish that instead…
Willem's Blog
Google Analytics vs AWStats Comparing Google Analytics with AWStats to find out where they differ and which is better.
over a year ago
The Marginalian
What It’s Like to Be a Falcon: The Peregrine as a Portal to a Way of Seeing and a State of Being "You cannot know what freedom means till you have seen a peregrine loosed into the warm spring sky...
10 months ago
10 months ago
"You cannot know what freedom means till you have seen a peregrine loosed into the warm spring sky to roam at will through all the far provinces of light."
Retail Design Blog
Federal Realty offices by AP+I Design Federal Realty partnered with AP+I Design to transform their new eight-story building near San...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Federal Realty partnered with AP+I Design to transform their new eight-story building near San Jose’s Santana Row into a premier...
abdz.do - Have you...
Exploring the Boundaries of 3D with Peter Tarka Exploring the Boundaries of 3D with Peter Tarka AoiroStudio0126—23 ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Exploring the Boundaries of 3D with Peter Tarka AoiroStudio0126—23 Let me start by saying, there is only one 'Peter Tarka' and he has been inspiring us for years now. Peter Tarka is an Art Director and 3D artist based in London, UK, his series...
Blog - Practical...
What Really Happened with the Substation Attack in North Carolina? [Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] At around 7PM on the balmy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
[Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] At around 7PM on the balmy evening of Saturday, December 3, 2022, nearly every electric customer in Moore County, North Carolina was simultaneously plunged into darkness. Amid the confusion, the power utility...
Moe’s Photos of Jacob Riis House On New York City’s Lower East Side 1977-1983 In 1977, Moe a resident of the Jacob Riis Houses decided to capture his neighborhood from East 10th...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In 1977, Moe a resident of the Jacob Riis Houses decided to capture his neighborhood from East 10th Street to East 12th Street on Avenue D, Lower East Side, New York City, writes Efrain ‘Kid Love’ Rodriguez. The Summer was hot, the Son of Sam was terrorizing the streets of New...
The Codist
A Programming Career By The Numbers As I continue to recover from some health issues that kept me from writing, I thought it might be...
a year ago
a year ago
As I continue to recover from some health issues that kept me from writing, I thought it might be interesting to describe my long career with numbers. If you wind up working for four decades, your experience may vary. Years Active: 1981-2021, totaling 39.5 years. Irrespective of...
Arduino Blog
Welcoming ControlSI to the Arduino Pro System Integrators Partnership Program! We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP):...
a month ago
a month ago
We’re thrilled to announce the latest member of our System Integrators Partnership Program (SIPP): ControlSI, based in Peru, is well known for their expertise in Industry 4.0 solutions – including industrial automation, operational intelligence, data analytics, computer vision,...
Tony Finch's blog
What does it mean to be an RCU implementation? The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about different flavours of RCU,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about different flavours of RCU, prompted by a question about couple of Rust RCU crates. (There are a few comments about it on LWN.) McKenney goes on to propose an RCU classification system based on the API an...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Hungry Scalpels A wise designer's sharpest tool is an ability to reduce. Reduction requires a ruthless desire to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A wise designer's sharpest tool is an ability to reduce. Reduction requires a ruthless desire to slice through the clutter searching for a truth worth saving. Find truth and our job feels like a noble occupation.
Classical Wisdom
Greece's Forgotten Legacy Ancient Mixed Martial Arts?
a year ago
Buy A Toy For One Of The 5,000 Poorest London Kids In London This Christmas Winter Toy Appeal back for 10th year.
a year ago
Piotr Migdał's Blog
Dreams, Drugs & ConvNets It seems that some artifacts of artificial neural networks are eerily similar to our altered states...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It seems that some artifacts of artificial neural networks are eerily similar to our altered states of mind, be it dreams or psychedelics.
In Pictures: The East End Pubs Of London Bars stools, sticky carpets, cash only - bliss.
a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Bubble Trouble As I previously warned, artificial intelligence companies are running out of data. A Wall Street...
11 months ago
11 months ago
As I previously warned, artificial intelligence companies are running out of data. A Wall Street Journal piece from this week has sounded the alarm that some believe AI models will run out of "high-quality text-based data" within the next two years in what an AI researcher called...
Tony Dinh's...
July 2022: Aftermath of a viral tweet I gained 1,500 new users, but how many will convert? And other updates in July 2022...
over a year ago
Modeling impact of LLMs on Developer Experience. In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how LLMs might impact a...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how LLMs might impact a company’s developer experience. To support that exploration, I’ve developed a system model of the developing software at the company. In this chapter, we’ll work through: Summary results...
Sarah Parmenter
Jo Malone Candle
over a year ago
Alex MacCaw
Nothing matters I'd just like to take a second to point out how absurd all this is. We're monkeys on a rock flying...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'd just like to take a second to point out how absurd all this is. We're monkeys on a rock flying through space who've decided to climb down from the trees, put on costumes, and makeup names for each other. We didn't
Seth's Blog
Time well spent Doing what? When we choose which job to apply for, what career to commit to, which business to...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Doing what? When we choose which job to apply for, what career to commit to, which business to start, it might be worth a moment (or a few moments) to get at the heart of what a day well spent produces. What’s it for? Here are a few to get you started: It’s hard to […]
Stripe is Silently Recording Your Movements On its Customers' Websites Among startups and tech companies, Stripe seems to be the near-universal favorite for payment...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Among startups and tech companies, Stripe seems to be the near-universal favorite for payment processing. When I needed paid subscription functionality for my new web app, Stripe felt like the natural choice. After integration, however, I discovered that Stripe’s official...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Exploring Generative Art I am diving into a new project that is focused on generative art. Before I go into the details, you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am diving into a new project that is focused on generative art. Before I go into the details, you might be wondering what the hell that is. Generative art is art made using a predetermined system usually applied in digital form. It's a process of algorithmically generating...
Herbert Lui
Reconsider your definitions One of my clients was a co-founder of a company that had raised $60 million in funding before they...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
One of my clients was a co-founder of a company that had raised $60 million in funding before they signed on my editorial studio to work with them. We met to discuss the project, and it went well—they liked the strategy and were ready to kick off.  Towards the end of the meeting,...
ntietz.com blog
Using search as a primary datastore since the docs said not to Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip. Then I just have to do...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip. Then I just have to do it. So when I saw that the Typesense docs say not to use it as a primary datastore? Well well well, that's what we'll have to do. I spent a little bit of time figuring out what a...
bt RSS Feed
The Death of Personality The Death of Personality 2017-11-01 On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Death of Personality 2017-11-01 On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything from icon and app design to UI and experience interactions) began it’s fast decline into the abyss with the release of Apple’s iOS 7 update. It was called revolutionary. It was...
Rest of World -...
Exclusive: Microsoft Bing’s censorship in China is even “more extreme” than Chinese companies’ New Citizen Lab study comes as U.S. lawmakers scrutinize Microsoft’s willingness to comply with...
8 months ago
Rest of World -...
WhatsApp vigilantes in India are converting Christians by force How far-right Hindu nationalists use WhatsApp to target Christian families when they’re most...
4 months ago
4 months ago
How far-right Hindu nationalists use WhatsApp to target Christian families when they’re most vulnerable — by preventing them from burying their dead.
Bits about Money
KYC and AML: beyond the acronyms Know Your Customer policies at financial institutions have more nuance than you'd expect.
over a year ago
Piotr Migdał's Blog
Quantum logic gates for a single qubit, interactively
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Want to join the Rust docs team?
over a year ago
Architects, Anti-Patterns, and Organizational Fuckery I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it, tongue-in-cheek-ily, whether or not architect is a “bullshit role”. It got a LOT of reactions (2.5 weeks later, the thread is still going!!), which I would sort into roughly three camps: “OMG this...
Willem's Blog
Cash is king, or is it? Is the time right to ditch the wallet?
over a year ago
Ben Borgers
Optimizing Kiwi for scale
over a year ago
Greater Still by...
Towards Crypto Literacy Consumer scale isn’t reached by abstracting the crypto away — not yet, at least.
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Air purifiers are a simple answer to allergies I developed seasonal allergies relatively late in life. From my late twenties onward, I spent many...
6 days ago
6 days ago
I developed seasonal allergies relatively late in life. From my late twenties onward, I spent many miserable days in the throes of sneezing, headache, and runny eyes. I tried everything the doctors recommended for relief. About a million different types of medicine, several bouts...
Identity Designed
OOP Designed by Futura, Mexico City.
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
How Musicians Invented Stand-Up Comedy Even today rhythm makes a joke funnier
a year ago
The Marginalian
The Transcendent Brain: The Poetic Physicist Alan Lightman on Spirituality for the Science-Spirited A largehearted invitation to "stand on the precipice between the known and the unknown, without...
a year ago
a year ago
A largehearted invitation to "stand on the precipice between the known and the unknown, without fear, without anxiety, but instead with awe and wonder at this strange and beautiful cosmos we find ourselves in."
The American Scholar
Agent 37 The post Agent 37 appeared first on The American Scholar.
9 months ago
This Horizontal Home Has Its Structure On Display Brengues Le Pavec architectes has shared photos of a home they completed in Herault, France, that...
a month ago
Retail Design Blog
Double Cups by Khatabgasim Double Cups is a charming establishment that seamlessly marries the age-old traditions of Arabian...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Double Cups is a charming establishment that seamlessly marries the age-old traditions of Arabian coffee with the contemporary trends in...
The Berkeley...
Keeping Learning-Based Control Safe by Regulating Distributional Shift To regulate the distribution shift experience by learning-based controllers, we seek a mechanism for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To regulate the distribution shift experience by learning-based controllers, we seek a mechanism for constraining the agent to regions of high data density throughout its trajectory (left). Here, we present an approach which achieves this goal by combining features of density...
Paul Graham: Essays
Startup = Growth
over a year ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Fabric for AirTag Having an AirTag fall out of our camera bag pocket that was then stolen, we wanted something...
a year ago
a year ago
Having an AirTag fall out of our camera bag pocket that was then stolen, we wanted something better. So we designed TagVault Fabric Mount for AirTag. It is ultra-flexible to move and flow with your fabric. Discreet, so it doesn't stand out to a would-be thief. And it's...
Common Edge
Why Would You Want to Teach Architecture? Opening minds and defining a way of working is the ultimate payoff.
a year ago
Factorial Numbers
a year ago
Both Are True
The masks we wear (rom com, act three) A denoument? In this economy? You betcha. Let's boogie.
12 months ago
Resisting Local Authoritarianism and Multipolar Imperialisms in Georgia : A Deeper Look into the... On the one-hundred-year anniversary of the uprising in Georgia against Soviet annexation, the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
On the one-hundred-year anniversary of the uprising in Georgia against Soviet annexation, the struggle for independence from Russian rule remains the chief force driving the popular mobilization that has been growing over the past several months. Yet today’s movement points to a...
The Roots of...
What I’ve been reading, September 2023 A quasi-monthly feature. Recent blog posts and news stories are generally omitted; you can find them...
a year ago
a year ago
A quasi-monthly feature. Recent blog posts and news stories are generally omitted; you can find them in my links digests. I’ve been busy helping to choose the first cohort of our blogging fellowship, so my reading has been relatively light. All emphasis in bold in the quotes...
The Best Books of 2024 For the last year and a half I read short books, mostly, which was psychologically satisfying and...
a year ago
a year ago
For the last year and a half I read short books, mostly, which was psychologically satisfying and anyway necessary to fit the available energy and concentration.  Now, though, back on my feet, I hope, I am ready to read long books again. Long, and I mean it, like Rebecca West’s...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Know Your Tools > Author's note: This is part 2 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
> Author's note: This is part 2 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your Tech Career](https://gist.github.com/sw-yx/9720bd4a30606ca3ffb8d407113c0fe5). Part 1 is [Learn in Public](https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public/).
Naz Hamid — Journal...
🔗 Be A Property Owner And Not A Renter On The Internet We are tenants with landlords who want to make sure that we can’t leave the building or go hang out...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We are tenants with landlords who want to make sure that we can’t leave the building or go hang out with friends elsewhere, all while showing us how happy we should be with the limitations imposed on us. — Den Delimarsky A long, weighty one, but very worth the read. Visit...
Tony Dinh's...
It's the exciting time of the year! This is not the monthly update, just a quick announcement 😄
over a year ago
Jonas Hietala
Habits to start I haven’t been feeling quite as forward or as energetic lately. There are no set plans, habits or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I haven’t been feeling quite as forward or as energetic lately. There are no set plans, habits or goals for this spring and I don’t have a clear vision of what to do currently but it also feels… fine? Maybe I will cruise in a lower gear for a while and rev up when my mood...
Christian Selig
Juno 1.1 If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was...
a year ago
a year ago
If you’re new, Juno is a visionOS app for YouTube! Juno’s initial launch blew my socks off. It was such a cool feeling to release an app on day one of the Apple Vision Pro’s launch, and having people be so excited about it and have such great feedback made it that much better....
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Take it Off Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Insert the p-value joke over your choice. Today's...
a year ago
a year ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Insert the p-value joke over your choice. Today's News: Hey geeks! A few of you have requested signed copies of the new book, Bea Wolf, and they are available here.
The Authorship Debate: Who Is the Real Shakespeare? William Shakespeare is widely attributed as the author of 39 plays and 154 sonnets. They are lauded...
a week ago
a week ago
William Shakespeare is widely attributed as the author of 39 plays and 154 sonnets. They are lauded as works of poetic and theatrical genius. Their all-encompassing nature demonstrates a thorough knowledge of classical texts, world travel and other languages. It is partly this...
15 Things You Never Knew About Wembley Park Steeped in history.
a year ago
Seth's Blog
Captives of memetic desire How much of what we want, really want, is due to the ideas that culture has given us, and how much...
a year ago
a year ago
How much of what we want, really want, is due to the ideas that culture has given us, and how much is truly what we need? If memetic desire isn’t making us happy, perhaps we can find some new ideas.
Retail Design Blog
QuadReal Offices by Figure3 The QuadReal building at 200 King Street in Toronto showcases a redesigned Green Room lounge by...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The QuadReal building at 200 King Street in Toronto showcases a redesigned Green Room lounge by Figure3, blending 1920s opulence...
Lars Lofgren
The Sleazy World of Reddit Marketing, Everything is Fake I’m going to show you how to cash grab as a Reddit moderator. 5 minutes of work, then thousands of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I’m going to show you how to cash grab as a Reddit moderator. 5 minutes of work, then thousands of dollars per month for doing nothing. Maybe tens of thousands. With a 100% real example. I’ve edited nothing. When you’re a Reddit mod, you have a TON of power in that subreddit. You...
Identity Designed
Alon Shabo Designed by Ark, Tel Aviv.
a year ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Genius Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Of course then it becomes insulting when the other...
a year ago
a year ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Of course then it becomes insulting when the other person doesn't want nightvision. Today's News:
Marketing yourself as a developer As a developer, I've learned that no matter how good a product I build is, for the product to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a developer, I've learned that no matter how good a product I build is, for the product to succeed, it also takes good marketing. The same is true for you as a developer in the job market: while solid technical skills are necessary to land great jobs, your ability to sell...
The next few vids you'll watch on YouTube I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really...
a month ago
a month ago
I know it's a bit of cliché, but count me in the group of white men who 2021's Inside really connected with me in a huge way. Anyway, now All Eyes on Me is going to be stuck in my head for the next month.
The 16-inch MacBook Pro After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it. 🎧  Hear more on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it. 🎧  Hear more on today’s Accidental Tech Podcast! Two years ago, I wrote a wishlist to fix the MacBook Pro, and the 16-inch doesn’t actually deliver most of it. But time and technological progress...
Open Culture
An Oscar-Winning Animation of Ernest Hemingway’s “The Old Man and the Sea” Painted on 29,000 Frames... Ernest Hemingway’s romantic adventure of man and marlin, The Old Man and the Sea, has perhaps spent...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Ernest Hemingway’s romantic adventure of man and marlin, The Old Man and the Sea, has perhaps spent more time on high school freshman English reading lists than any other work of fiction, which might lead one to think of the novel as young adult fiction. But beyond the book’s...
Goodhart's Law
a year ago
The Wandering...
Constructing Bourgoin’s Figure 171 – Part 1 Just veering off into geometry here…. In November I was watching Eric Broug, an Islamic geometric...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just veering off into geometry here…. In November I was watching Eric Broug, an Islamic geometric design guru, give a talk online at an Islamic art conference, and I noticed that behind him they were projecting an interesting pattern on the scrim. I froze the video and grabbed a...
A Smart Bear
Profitable on day one! You're not profitable if you couldn't afford someone else to do your job. $1000/mo isn't profitable....
6 months ago
6 months ago
You're not profitable if you couldn't afford someone else to do your job. $1000/mo isn't profitable. Fix your definition of "profitable," and build a truly profitable business.
Jonas Hietala
I'll give up Neovim when you pry it from my cold, dead hands I recently came upon a horror story where a developer was forced to switch editor from Neovim to...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
I recently came upon a horror story where a developer was forced to switch editor from Neovim to Cursor and I felt I had to write a little to cleanse myself of the disgust I felt. Two different ways of approaching an editor I think that there’s two opposing ways of thinking about...
Seth's Blog
Design has a language And it changes over time. You and I know what to do when we see a revolving door, or to speak...
a year ago
a year ago
And it changes over time. You and I know what to do when we see a revolving door, or to speak quietly in a library. We have expectations of how the world works and what designers are saying with their work. Here’s a photo of a device with two controls. We’ve been taught our whole...
The Stroop Effect: Can Your Brain Glitch? The Stroop effect is one of the most fascinating discoveries of experimental psychology that...
a week ago
a week ago
The Stroop effect is one of the most fascinating discoveries of experimental psychology that uncovers how our brain processes information. Named after psychologist John Ridley Stroop, it reveals how cognitive interferences can make seemingly simple cognitive tasks surprisingly...
Seth's Blog
Did we give up before AI arrived? Plenty of creative pundits are decrying the speed and cost of creating pretty good work with an AI....
9 months ago
9 months ago
Plenty of creative pundits are decrying the speed and cost of creating pretty good work with an AI. It can often draw, write and compose as well as a mediocre freelancer, sometimes better. But why were there mediocre freelancers? The system that pushed us to turn our writing into...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Revolutionizing Audio with Descript and Temporal A case study I published for my work at Temporal
over a year ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Loosen Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: I would find it really satisfying if you could turn...
a year ago
a year ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: I would find it really satisfying if you could turn a knob in the universe and diffraction fringes would go away. Today's News: Whew! Finally back on my update schedule. ICYMI a couple nice reviews have come in for the new book,...
History Today Feed
Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and the Making of Stars Cecilia Payne-Gaposchkin and the Making of Stars JamesHoare Tue, 05/07/2024 - 12:09
10 months ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Lion Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Rar. Today's News:
a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Microsoft's gaming strategy we are exactly like Polaroid. We are core gaming which isn't growing its TAM (analogous to film...
a year ago
a year ago
we are exactly like Polaroid. We are core gaming which isn't growing its TAM (analogous to film photographers) while mobile gaming MAU is growing WW at a significant rate (like digital photography was growing).
A Building to Tell the Time: The Toghrol Tower in Rey, Iran (1063) The Toghrol Tower is a 20 meters high tower located in the city of Rey in Iran made of bricks and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Toghrol Tower is a 20 meters high tower located in the city of Rey in Iran made of bricks and Sarooj, a water-resistant mortar. It was erected in 1063, and according to some sources, it was conceived as the tomb of Tuğrul Beg, the founder of the Seljuk dynasty. Other scholars...
James Vaughan's blog
Counting Usernames from Malicious Login Attempts
over a year ago
Spoon & Tamago
Japanese Designer New Year’s Cards of 2025 Happy New Year of the snake! In Japanese art and mythology, the snake is a complex figure that...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Happy New Year of the snake! In Japanese art and mythology, the snake is a complex figure that represents both auspiciousness and malevolence. Snakes are revered as sacred beings, embodying themes of renewal, fertility, and the duality of nature as both protector and destroyer....
Pensacola History From Fort Pickens we came around the entirety of Pensacola Bay to a small park on the western edge,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
From Fort Pickens we came around the entirety of Pensacola Bay to a small park on the western edge, Big Lagoon. From our campsite there it was a short car ride to Perdido Key, which is another part of Gulf Islands National Seashore. Although it takes the better part of two hours...
A Farewell To Wilko "I thought this was the new Woolworths to be honest."
a year ago
In defense of screen time Pundits say my husband and I are parenting wrong.
4 months ago
High Signal
Building the Bluesky Directory - an interview with Mubs Lots of people moved to Bluesky in November 2024 and a prolific maker, Mubs, has made directory of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Lots of people moved to Bluesky in November 2024 and a prolific maker, Mubs, has made directory of Bluesky tools and starter packs.
Last Place Comics
Low Battery The post Low Battery appeared first on Last Place Comics.
5 months ago
Classical Wisdom
How Should We Treat Our Enemies? And how does it reflect on us?
a year ago
Calculated Risk
FOMC Statement: 25bp Rate Cut Fed Chair Powell press conference video here or on YouTube here, starting at 2:30 PM ET. FOMC...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Fed Chair Powell press conference video here or on YouTube here, starting at 2:30 PM ET. FOMC Statement: lower the target range for the federal funds rate by 1/4 percentage point to 4-1/4 to 4-1/2 percent. In considering the extent and timing of additional adjustments to the...
Never Met a Science
in the belly of the MrBeast what does MrBeast mean?
a month ago
Chautauqua: an idea embedded in a place I want to tell you about the place I spent summers growing up. It's called Chautauqua Institution,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I want to tell you about the place I spent summers growing up. It's called Chautauqua Institution, and it's one of the most special places in the world — and not just because I spent my childhood there. Chautauqua is special because it is an idea embedded in a place. The place...
Essays - Benedict...
When big tech buys small tech ‘Big tech’ buys hundreds of startups, but what are they, what does that mean for competition, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
‘Big tech’ buys hundreds of startups, but what are they, what does that mean for competition, and how does this fit into the broader market? How many more Instagrams are there, and how many DAOs?
Vitalik Buterin's...
From prediction markets to info finance
4 months ago
The Israel–Hamas Ceasefire Won’t Last Israel & Palestine, One Year Later
a month ago
Seth's Blog
Who do you want to become? Emotional enrollment is at the heart of performance, learning and connection. A coach can quickly...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Emotional enrollment is at the heart of performance, learning and connection. A coach can quickly tell when someone is committed to changing their approach in order to change the outcome–it’s easy to tell this person apart from someone who simply wants what they’re already doing...
Copper • A blog...
Making my own sharpening blocks When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use...
5 months ago
5 months ago
When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use some kind of smooth broken stone that she passed over the length of the knife blade before sacrificing a chicken. I also remember seeing my father use a very coarse stone wheel...
David Heinemeier...
Dare to connect a server to the internet The merchants of complexity thrive when they can scare you into believing that even the simplest...
a year ago
a year ago
The merchants of complexity thrive when they can scare you into believing that even the simplest things are too dangerous to even attempt by yourself these days. That without their rarified expertise, you’ll be left vulnerable. So best just to leave ever-more of your burdens to...
Radio Install in a Porsche Boxster The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so...
a year ago
a year ago
The 987.2 Porsche Boxster is one of the best values in the used sports car market today. There is so much to love about the vehicle, but the OEM headunit is not one of them. It's very dated, clunky, and doesn't support CarPlay (!), so one of the first things I did after picking...
Engineers Need Art
Soft Dorothy Software — Shareware Projects Wherein I attempt to recover and restore old shareware code and program again like it's 1989.
6 months ago
Overcoming Bias
Our Big Oops Humanity has a huge problem, of which few are aware.
2 weeks ago
Who Were the Aboriginal Leaders of the Frontier Wars? 4 Key Figures Most of what we know about the people involved in the Australian Frontier Wars, and the massacres...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Most of what we know about the people involved in the Australian Frontier Wars, and the massacres that unfolded, comes from the journals of those who were involved in them; that is, European settlers, pastoralists, and government officials. They also come (especially with regard...
Out-of-Pocket Blog
How much is “too much” when it comes to overpromising as a startup? | Out-Of-Pocket navigating the gray area
a year ago
My First Impressions of Nix Nix is a tool for configuring software environments according to source files. I’ve been hearing...
a year ago
a year ago
Nix is a tool for configuring software environments according to source files. I’ve been hearing more and more about Nix on Hacker News and Twitter. The idea of it appeals to me, so I’ve been tinkering with it over the past few weeks. My history with infrastructure as code Ten...
Meta is building a decentralized, text-based social network Is this the Twitter replacement we've been waiting for?
over a year ago
Choosing the Optimal Legal Structure for Your Small Business 🇨🇦 Launching a small business is a thrilling entrepreneurial adventure, but selecting the appropriate...
a year ago
a year ago
Launching a small business is a thrilling entrepreneurial adventure, but selecting the appropriate legal framework can feel like traversing a complex maze. This guide sheds light on the merits and drawbacks of the three primary options: sole proprietorship, partnership, and...
Math Is Still...
‘Quantum Memory’ Proves Exponentially Powerful Researchers are exploring new ways that quantum computers will be able to reveal the secrets of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Researchers are exploring new ways that quantum computers will be able to reveal the secrets of complex quantum systems. The post ‘Quantum Memory’ Proves Exponentially Powerful first appeared on Quanta Magazine
Scarlet Ink
Six Reader Questions About Meetings, Feedback, Communication, and Ideas I regularly receive questions over email and in comments on my newsletter. I decided to answer a few...
6 months ago
The S&P 500 is largely a historical artifact I see the S&P 500 referenced pretty frequently as an vanilla index for people investing. This isn’t...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I see the S&P 500 referenced pretty frequently as an vanilla index for people investing. This isn’t totally wrong, which is why this post is short. But, if you have the goal of just “investing in the market,” there’s a better option for doing that: a total market index. For...
Rest of World -...
How Chinese e-commerce fuels counterfeit fashion in Nigeria “Fake originals” make their way from sites like AliExpress and DHgate to a market in Lagos.
a year ago
Christopher Butler
A Pep Talk for those Who Work Bullshit Jobs How do you know if what you do is actually meaningful? do I work a bullshit job? Perhaps you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How do you know if what you do is actually meaningful? do I work a bullshit job? Perhaps you have already answered this question for yourself and are satisfied with the answer. You may want to read on still. My purpose is not to convince you that your job is or isn’t...
Win Vector LLC
ODSC West 2024 I had a great time at ODSC West 2024. And it was really wonderful to get to talk with Sheamus...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I had a great time at ODSC West 2024. And it was really wonderful to get to talk with Sheamus McGovern again! Thank you ODSC for putting together a great conference and being wonderful hosts at ODSCWest. I had a great time, and was very energized by all of the […]
See London's Biggest Pie Chart LSE's giant, mathematical mural.
a year ago
Josh Thompson
How to complete a project Most of us have goals. And we usually don’t reach any of them. The Minimum Viable Product “concept”...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of us have goals. And we usually don’t reach any of them. The Minimum Viable Product “concept” has helped me with some goals, and it could be helpful to you. It’s a simple concept: When starting something new, figure out what the minimum investment would get you the...
Jonas Hietala
Printing Hextraction for my kids A session of Hextraction, a 3D printed board game. I did it. I made something actually useful with...
a year ago
a year ago
A session of Hextraction, a 3D printed board game. I did it. I made something actually useful with my 3D printer instead of just tinkering with it. I printed Hextraction, a very cool 3D printed board game for my kids—and they love it. Hextraction is a gamified marble run, where...
Recurse Center Day 15: B Tree Algorithms I translated B Tree Algorithms from CLRS to Python
over a year ago
London To Brighton Veteran Car Run 2023: When Is It? What's The Route? Which Vehicles Will I See? What a sight!
a year ago
Abishek Muthian
Resurrecting Nexus 6P from bootloop of death Nexus Before the Pixel there was Nexus, smartphones and tablets to showcase the latest in android...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Nexus Before the Pixel there was Nexus, smartphones and tablets to showcase the latest in android with the brand of the manufacturer. They packed in latest android version with top end specifications and pathetic camera (processed image/video) quality; no wonder they didn't take...
Paul Graham: Essays
The Patent Pledge
over a year ago
NeuroLogica Blog
Using Genetic Engineering To Fight Malaria Despite robust efforts to fight it, malaria remains one of the most significant infectious diseases...
a year ago
a year ago
Despite robust efforts to fight it, malaria remains one of the most significant infectious diseases affecting humans. According to UNICEF – ” In 2021, there were 247 million malaria cases globally that led to 619,000 deaths in total. Of these deaths, 77 per cent were children...
Old Vintage...
The Hall SC-VGA-2 video processor, the Atari ST and NeXTSTEP: more tales of the unscreenshotable A periodic fascination on this blog is figuring out better ways to get better screenshots of our...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A periodic fascination on this blog is figuring out better ways to get better screenshots of our classic systems, which often hail from the Wild Wild West/East in terms of video standards (read all entries in this series). Naturally the best way is a bitwise direct grab of the...
Riddle Me This: Question Marks In Vintage Photographs The Riddler: “Riddle me this! There are three men an a boat with a pack of cigarettes and no...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The Riddler: “Riddle me this! There are three men an a boat with a pack of cigarettes and no matches. How did they manage to smoke?” Robin: “They threw one cigarette overboard and the boat became a cigarette lighter.” – The Question asked in Batman, 1966     The question mark...
Open Culture
The Greatest Shot in Television: Science Historian James Burke Had One Chance to Nail This Scene …... The 80-second clip above captures a rocket launch, something of which we’ve all seen footage at one...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The 80-second clip above captures a rocket launch, something of which we’ve all seen footage at one time or another. What makes its viewers call it “the greatest shot in television” still today, 45 years after it first aired, may take more than one viewing to notice. In it,...
Calculated Risk
Realtor.com Reports Active Inventory Up 27.6% YoY What this means: On a weekly basis, Realtor.com reports the year-over-year change in active...
a week ago
a week ago
What this means: On a weekly basis, Realtor.com reports the year-over-year change in active inventory and new listings. On a monthly basis, they report total inventory. For February, Realtor.com reported inventory was up 27.5% YoY, but still down 22.9% compared to the 2017 to...
ntietz.com blog
"Help, iterators made my Rust program slower!" Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust program which was using threads and for loops. When they updated the code to use iterators, it got dramatically slower. Why did this happen? For a Rust veteran, the problem might not be...
Daniel Bourke
Mistaking the menu for the food Let’s do an experiment. A chef who can’t read comes into your kitchen to cook you a meal. You’re...
a year ago
a year ago
Let’s do an experiment. A chef who can’t read comes into your kitchen to cook you a meal. You’re sitting in another room and can’t see what they’re making but you can smell it. On the bench top there are
The Honest Broker
How I Disintermediated My Writing Career It's a clumsy word, but a lovely thing to do
a year ago
Steve Klabnik
How Dogecoin changed my perspective on cryptocurrency
over a year ago
The Ruffian
Why Does Being Left-Wing Make You Unhappy? The Ideological Well-Being Gap
11 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
My 2022 New Mac Setup I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
over a year ago
Artificial Ignorance
AI Roundup 043: Happy birthday, ChatGPT December 1, 2023.
a year ago
Seth's Blog
Projects and the long haul Rome was built in a day. It wasn’t finished in a day. In fact, it’s still not finished. But the day...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Rome was built in a day. It wasn’t finished in a day. In fact, it’s still not finished. But the day someone said, “this is Rome,” and announced the project, it was there. Sometimes we get hung up on the beginning, unwilling to start Rome unless we’re sure we can finish it without...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Hard Problem of Rendering Tweets I've been unhappy with my [tweet rendering strategy](https://github.com/sw-yx/swyxkit/issues/61) for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been unhappy with my [tweet rendering strategy](https://github.com/sw-yx/swyxkit/issues/61) for a while - Twitter encourages you to use their heavy JS script to render tweets, which undoubtedly heaps all sorts of tracking on the reader, docks your lighthouse performance...
Pubs With Real Fires In London: Cosy Up With A Pint By These Roaring Fireplaces Updated for winter 2023!
a year ago
Retail Design Blog
DJI flagship store by Various Associates Chinese interior studio Various Associates has completed an irregular pyramid-shaped flagship store...
a month ago
a month ago
Chinese interior studio Various Associates has completed an irregular pyramid-shaped flagship store for drone brand DJI in Shenzhen, China. Located...
Seth's Blog
Customer satisfaction and tipping In North America, tipping is an unfair system built into the status quo by law. Restaurants aren’t...
a year ago
a year ago
In North America, tipping is an unfair system built into the status quo by law. Restaurants aren’t allowed to easily spread tips around, and as a result, they tend to to exacerbate many of the inequities in our culture at the same time that they make it hard to count on a fair...
#27 <a6> Context: Visually a list of links. Bad code <h6>Popular Cities</h6> <div> <h6...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Context: Visually a list of links. Bad code <h6>Popular Cities</h6> <div> <h6 class="footerLinks">Amsterdam</h6> <h6 class="footerLinks">Rotterdam</h6> <h6 class="footerLinks">Utrecht</h6> <h6 class="footerLinks">Den Haag</h6> <h6...
Math Is Still...
Can Math and Physics Save an Arrhythmic Heart? Abnormal waves of electrical activity can cause a heart’s muscle cells to beat out of sync. In this...
a year ago
a year ago
Abnormal waves of electrical activity can cause a heart’s muscle cells to beat out of sync. In this episode, Flavio Fenton, an expert in cardiac dynamics, talks with Steve Strogatz about ways to treat heart arrhythmias without resorting to painful defibrillators. The...
Willem's Blog
The day I sold my car This week I sold my car, I now no longer own one. I look back at my years of owning a sports car, if...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I sold my car, I now no longer own one. I look back at my years of owning a sports car, if you're looking for a reason to buy one you should check this out.
Jonas Hietala
Fixing Problems Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I have fixed two large annoyances I’ve had! I fixed the blue people on youtube bug I found a nice thread with a great answer. I solved it by forcefully patching libflashplayer.so perl -pi.bak -e 's/libvdpau/lixvdpau/g' libflashplayer.so Worked perfectly! I fixed the...
Diaries of Note
Adolf Hitler is said to be dead On 1st September 1939, Friedrich Kellner, a German justice inspector and committed Social Democrat,...
a year ago
a year ago
On 1st September 1939, Friedrich Kellner, a German justice inspector and committed Social Democrat, embarked upon a courageous mission that would continue until 1945. In defiance of the Nazi regime, he secretly documented the brutal realities of life under Hitler’s rule,...
Val Sopi
What it's like to make and launch a product, for me. <p>I've been making Saas products since 2013. My very first product was a project management tool...
over a year ago
over a year ago
<p>I've been making Saas products since 2013. My very first product was a project management tool that included invoicing, time-tracking, and a plethora of other functions.</p> <p>The idea was to be better than others at cheaper prices. Whatever "better" and "cheaper"...
Jonas Hietala
Writing Home Assistant automations using Genservers in Elixir I’ve been a fan of Home Assistant a while now; it’s a great platform for home automation with its...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I’ve been a fan of Home Assistant a while now; it’s a great platform for home automation with its beginner friendly and feature rich UI, support for a ton of different devices and integrations, and there’s a bunch of ways to create automations. But there’s no engine for writing...
Articles - Alex...
What’s the big idea? To make a big impact, we need a big idea. In brand communications, coveting the ‘big idea’ is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
To make a big impact, we need a big idea. In brand communications, coveting the ‘big idea’ is commonplace. We look for them. Long for them. Laud them and lionise them. And yet, despite its ubiquitous use, the ‘big idea’ remains incredibly ill-defined. This article is an...
A Modern Addition Is Perched Above This Home In Texas Architect Nicole Blair has shared photos of a modern addition that was built above an existing...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Architect Nicole Blair has shared photos of a modern addition that was built above an existing bungalow in Austin, Texas. Owners Dylan and Annie, a landscape designer and a hairstylist, wanted to keep their backyard intact, and not move during construction nor disrupt the mature...
Blog - Practical...
What Happens When a Reservoir Goes Dry? [Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] In June of 2022, the level in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
[Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] In June of 2022, the level in Lake Mead, the largest water reservoir in the United States formed by the Hoover Dam, reached yet another all-time low of 175 feet or 53 meters below full, a level that hasn’t been...
IEEE Spectrum
Robot Photographer Takes the Perfect Picture Finding it hard to get the perfect angle for your shot? PhotoBot can take the picture for you. Tell...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Finding it hard to get the perfect angle for your shot? PhotoBot can take the picture for you. Tell it what you want the photo to look like, and your robot photographer will present you with references to mimic. Pick your favorite, and PhotoBot—a robot arm with a camera—will...
Rest of World -...
TikTok follow-up Lemon8 is flopping in the U.S. Users complain the ByteDance app feels inorganic and curated, prioritizing the needs of influencers...
a year ago
One from Nippon
The World's First App Store Editor’s Note: This article ends on a cliffhanger. The next part goes out in a week. I will start...
a year ago
a year ago
Editor’s Note: This article ends on a cliffhanger. The next part goes out in a week. I will start with an honest admission. I didn’t set out to write about the world’s first app store. I set out to write about Brother printers. But
Stephen Wolfram...
Computing the Eclipse: Astronomy in the Wolfram Language Basic Eclipse Computation It’s taken millennia to get to the point where it’s possible to accurately...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Basic Eclipse Computation It’s taken millennia to get to the point where it’s possible to accurately compute eclipses. But now—as a tiny part of making “everything in the world” computable—computation about eclipses is just a built-in feature of the Wolfram Language. The core...
Musings on Markets
Data Update 5 for 2024: Profitability - The End Game for Business? In my last three posts, I looked at the macro (equity risk premiums, default spreads, risk free...
a year ago
a year ago
In my last three posts, I looked at the macro (equity risk premiums, default spreads, risk free rates) and micro (company risk measures) that feed into the expected returns we demand on investments, and argued that these expected returns become hurdle rates for businesses, in the...
Out-of-Pocket Blog
More 2022 predictions | Out-Of-Pocket A curation of your 2022 predictions
a year ago
Ink & Switch
Pushpin: Towards Production-Quality Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Taking peer-to-peer beyond research prototypes, and working towards commercial-grade P2P...
over a year ago
Easter 2024 Transport In London: Which Train And Tubes Are Running, And Which Stations Are Closed? Got an egg hunt to go to? Read this first
12 months ago
Liz Denys
Some not-so-secrets of my kitchen I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some of the secrets of my kitchen. Actually, they're not so secret to anyone who's had a peek around my kitchen. Oven thermometer(s) For about five dollars, you can ensure your cookies...
The Mirrortable Mirrortables are to cap tables what stablecoins are to fiat currencies. They streamline and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mirrortables are to cap tables what stablecoins are to fiat currencies. They streamline and internationalize the logistical mess of angel investing.
A Weekly Dose of...
2023 in Architecture Books, So Far Life, they say, throws you curve balls, and that's just what happened last month, when a family...
a year ago
a year ago
Life, they say, throws you curve balls, and that's just what happened last month, when a family emergency had me put this blog on hiatus. This post, appearing on a Friday instead of its regular Monday, does not mean regular weekly posts will resume, as I'll be dealing with said...
Cheese and Biscuits
OMA, Borough Market Dave Carter, a big friendly giant of a man with a completely impenetrable Barbadian accent, began...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Dave Carter, a big friendly giant of a man with a completely impenetrable Barbadian accent, began his London restaurant journey at Smokestak, the hugely influential East London BBQ joint. Smokestak, together with a tiny handful of other brave pioneers around the same time...
Math Is Still...
What Your Brain Is Doing When You’re Not Doing Anything When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. Its discovery 20 years...
a year ago
a year ago
When your mind is wandering, your brain’s “default mode” network is active. Its discovery 20 years ago inspired a raft of research into networks of brain regions and how they interact with each other. The post What Your Brain Is Doing When You’re Not Doing Anything...
TinyPilot: Month 7 Highlights TinyPilot achieved astonishing growth in revenue, jumping from $15k in December to $42k...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Highlights TinyPilot achieved astonishing growth in revenue, jumping from $15k in December to $42k in January. Most of TinyPilot’s sales came from a single positive YouTube review. TinyPilot is experiencing growing pains as I scramble to meet demand. Goal Grades At the start of...
Construction Physics
What Learning by Doing Looks Like The evolution of polycrystalline diamond drill bits
2 months ago
Math Is Still...
What Is Analog Computing? You don’t need 0s and 1s to perform computations, and in some cases it’s better to avoid them. ...
7 months ago
7 months ago
You don’t need 0s and 1s to perform computations, and in some cases it’s better to avoid them. The post What Is Analog Computing? first appeared on Quanta Magazine
#21 Legendary legend! Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text. Bad code <button...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text. Bad code <button class="panel-heading" tabindex="0" href="#collapse0" aria-expanded="true"> <legend> Industries Served </legend> </button> Issues and how to fix them legend is not allowed as a child of any other...
Greater Still by...
Why is the Internet So Lonely? Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a piece called My Modern Friends and Me, as an ode to the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a piece called My Modern Friends and Me, as an ode to the digital-turned-physical friends I had made throughout 2020.
What Is the First Epistle of Peter About? There is no doubt that the audience the First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) had in mind was suffering...
2 days ago
2 days ago
There is no doubt that the audience the First Epistle of Peter (1 Peter) had in mind was suffering persecution. Whether it was from Nero before the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE or during the reign of Domitian a decade or so afterward, the readers can find wisdom and...
Anthropic's AI Breakthrough & Boeing's Q3 Disaster Boeing's Q3 earnings report reveals a massive loss, while Anthropic's Claude AI showcases...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Boeing's Q3 earnings report reveals a massive loss, while Anthropic's Claude AI showcases mind-blowing new capabilities.
Classical Wisdom
5 Surprisingly Ancient Inventions from Greece and Rome Ode to the Giants
10 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
80/20 Strength Training or, weightlifting for lazy people
over a year ago
Seth's Blog
The reality of meliorism Nearly 150 years ago, George Eliot gave us a name for our project. She pointed out that we could...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Nearly 150 years ago, George Eliot gave us a name for our project. She pointed out that we could ameliorate the problems of the human condition, day by day, year by year, toward better. Max Roser highlighted three sentences that seem like they can’t all be true: “The world is...
Working Theorys
Trophy Jobs | Theory No. 12 We’ve all heard of the trophy wife or husband — a partner that’s valued heavily as a status symbol,...
a year ago
a year ago
We’ve all heard of the trophy wife or husband — a partner that’s valued heavily as a status symbol, for superficial qualities over substance. Similarly, I’ve started to think about the idea of the trophy job — a job that people covet for its status more than its substance.
Castles in the Sky
You are Giants to Me Castles in the Sky #37
a year ago
Seth's Blog
The fame/trust inversion A generation ago, the Generals ruled. General Motors, General Foods, General Mills, General...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A generation ago, the Generals ruled. General Motors, General Foods, General Mills, General Dynamics… they were big, and they had a lot to lose. As a result, people trusted them to show up and keep their promises–it just wasn’t worth letting a few people down at the risk of their...
How This Ends (Part Three) The venture capital sector has been in a sustained downturn for almost eighteen months. How does...
a year ago
a year ago
The venture capital sector has been in a sustained downturn for almost eighteen months. How does this downturn end? Well, it may have already ended, but let’s see about that. We will know for sure in a few quarters. The NASDAQ peaked at roughly 16,000 in November 2021. By June...
Docker and CumulusMX I wanted to find out if I could successfully redeploy my Weather Station monitoring software into a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to find out if I could successfully redeploy my Weather Station monitoring software into a Docker container. Let's battle the elements together...
Society's Backend
AI Video Editing, MLX vs PyTorch, AI in Space, and More [Comprehensive ML Resource List for 6/28/24] Here is a comprehensive list of all machine learning resources and updates from the past week. Thank...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Here is a comprehensive list of all machine learning resources and updates from the past week. Thank you for supporting Society's Backend! Don't forget to also follow me on X. Claude 3.5 Sonnet Can Long-Context Language Models Subsume Retrieval, RAG, SQL, and More?
Getting an Autism Diagnosis On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism Spectrum Disorder. The letter was the end result of a long process. I’m going to talk about that process from start to finish, in as much detail as I can. This post would not have...
El Greco Altarpieces Reunited For First Time in 200 Years Nine monumental paintings by El Greco once decorated monastery walls in Toledo, Spain, where the...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Nine monumental paintings by El Greco once decorated monastery walls in Toledo, Spain, where the Greek-born artist spent most of his career. Most of these canvases eventually ended up elsewhere—but now, thanks to Madrid’s Prado Museum, they are hanging together again for the...
Atoms vs Bits
Best Investments For Everyone The best investments for *you*
a month ago
My GDC ’24 Talk: The Playdate Story In January, I was invited to GDC, the Game Developers Conference, to give a talk about Playdate....
9 months ago
9 months ago
In January, I was invited to GDC, the Game Developers Conference, to give a talk about Playdate. That talk — “The Playdate Story: What Was it Like to Make Handheld Video Game System Hardware?” — has been made available free for all to view. Now, it’s been 10 years since my last...
Seth's Blog
Bongo 4 – Thinking about power users (skive!) Power users are tempting. They know what they want, they’re happy to share their preferences and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Power users are tempting. They know what they want, they’re happy to share their preferences and they show up. But power users can also be a trap, because their specific needs might not match the market you seek to serve. When you pick your customers, you pick your future. Brooke...
Grant Slatton
Writing a good design document A guide
a month ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How People Get Rich Now
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
return "reflections on a batch"; There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch. I'm not sure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch. I'm not sure of the origin of the terminology, but it seems like it's a pun on the return statement in programming languages. It's a great tradition, and it gives me a good motivator to reflect...
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Repugnant Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: There's a newish Parfit biography out Edmonds that...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: There's a newish Parfit biography out Edmonds that is excellent. Today's News:
The Diff
The One-Big-Side-Bet Model of Wealth Creation Plus! Diff Jobs; Building Japan's Financial Ecosystem; The New Balance of Trade; Where Return on...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Plus! Diff Jobs; Building Japan's Financial Ecosystem; The New Balance of Trade; Where Return on Investment Goes; Broken ETFs; Swipe Fees and Accounting
Mojo may be the biggest programming language advance in decades Mojo is a new programming language, based on Python, which fixes Python’s performance and deployment...
a year ago
The Changelog
Excellent Experience with Debian Bullseye I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I was already running a backports kernel, but somehow the entire system is snappier. Maybe newer X or something? I’m really pleased with it. Hardware integration is even nicer now,...
the singularity is...
Online Dating Is anyone having a good experience with this? What would it take to fix this? I investigate. First...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Is anyone having a good experience with this? What would it take to fix this? I investigate. First off, you need a business model that isn’t mobile gaming. A monthly fee. Even better, you have a great thing to “sin tax.” Single men. Charge men money per month. Only men. Every...
Electronics etc…
$17 GM1312 Thermometer Review, Test, and Teardown Introduction What is a thermocouple The GM1213 Thermometer A few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction What is a thermocouple The GM1213 Thermometer A few tests Internals Conclusion References Introduction I’ve been doing a bunch of measurements on oven-controlled oscillators lately, including their temperature. There are multiple ways to measure...
FIRE v London
Nov ’24: 3x London life I’ve been keeping busy as winter in London sets in. The Christmas lights are all out and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
London life I’ve been keeping busy as winter in London sets in. The Christmas lights are all out and looking resplendent, and both the West End and the City are feeling pretty buzzy. For all the general ‘UK stuck in the weeds’ economic commentary, we feel a long way from any talk...
Running a Fine Dining Restaurant in a Recession How Eleven Madison Park survived the 2008 Global Recession ... and what this tells us about...
7 months ago
7 months ago
How Eleven Madison Park survived the 2008 Global Recession ... and what this tells us about operating through the capital cycle.
Trying to Understand...
The Machine Stops. And fiddling won't fix it.
6 months ago
Handprinted - Blog
Batik on Paper Batik is a fun, dynamic way of creating bold and beautiful designs on cloth but did you know batik...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Batik is a fun, dynamic way of creating bold and beautiful designs on cloth but did you know batik can be made on paper too? We used some Tej Prakrtika paper (as well as testing some others) to create a colourful, abstract batik.  You'll find lots more batik projects here. Begin...
Import from a URL in Nix I’m still a Nix beginner, and one thing I couldn’t figure out until recently was how to keep parts...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m still a Nix beginner, and one thing I couldn’t figure out until recently was how to keep parts of my configuration.nix file under source control. My goal I’d like for my Nix configuration files to be modular and reusable, so depending on the system or flake, I can pull in...
Liz Denys
New Loose Leaf Security episode: Covering your webcams! Plus, our new newsletter and articles! A new episode of Loose Leaf Security is out to remind you to cover your webcams when you aren't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new episode of Loose Leaf Security is out to remind you to cover your webcams when you aren't using them, and it features my favorite episode art yet: Covering your webcams Liz and Geoffrey take a look at how attackers compromise webcams and discuss why it's worth physically...
Herbert Lui
Meeting people with cold emails An extraordinary professional moment happened to me in a very ordinary finance class. Instead of...
a month ago
a month ago
An extraordinary professional moment happened to me in a very ordinary finance class. Instead of paying attention to what the teacher was saying, I read an article in HBR and emailed the author asking for advice about how I could find my passion.  They graciously responded with...
NeuroLogica Blog
Hunter-Gatherers and Childcare What is “natural” for humans? It’s often hard to say, and in my opinion this is a highly overused...
a year ago
a year ago
What is “natural” for humans? It’s often hard to say, and in my opinion this is a highly overused concept. Primarily this is because humans are adaptable – we adapt to our environment, our situation, and our culture. So it is “natural” for us not to have a natural state. But this...
ntietz.com blog
RC Week 3: Returning to Math The third week of my batch at Recurse Center is finished. It is still flying by too quickly. Nine...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The third week of my batch at Recurse Center is finished. It is still flying by too quickly. Nine weeks left! This week was a whirlwind and really busy. I think I pushed myself too hard. I had just recovered from my cold and was a little drained, and then got my COVID booster and...
The Honest Broker
The Death of the Magazine Or what happens when journalism forgets about quality writing
7 months ago
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week 🛰️ Starlink Plus
5 months ago
Florian Bellmann |...
On picking side-projects Food for thought on how to pick the right side projects and how to manage them effectively.
a year ago
Infinite Scroll
Trapped in the Platforms Platform lock in and the Open Web
5 days ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Destiny Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Did this happen to anyone else or just me? Today's...
a year ago
a year ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Did this happen to anyone else or just me? Today's News: Look Mary Roach liked it and what else do you need to know?
Classical Wisdom
Cicero and Leadership Philosophy in Action?
2 months ago
History Today Feed
‘Revolusi’ by David Van Reybrouck review ‘Revolusi’ by David Van Reybrouck review JamesHoare Mon, 03/04/2024 - 11:48
a year ago
Eric Bailey
Yes, accessibility is also a backend concern There is a prevailing notion in web development that the frontend—the discipline of creating what...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a prevailing notion in web development that the frontend—the discipline of creating what someone can see and do on a website or web app—is the only place you need to consider accessibility. This simply isn’t true. Accessibility is a holistic practice that touches every...
Daniel Miessler
Podcast Audio Quality: AI-based Post-processing vs. Hardware I’ve been podcasting since 2015 and got really into audio when the plague started. Like…too much....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been podcasting since 2015 and got really into audio when the plague started. Like…too much. Anyway. I’ve been obsessed with podcast audio quality for years, and have been through so…many…iterations of my setup. I started with a Yeti (still a great mic). Did the...
Liz Denys
He's not my friend. Appearances can be deceiving. When a man comes over to talk to me, I can't always speak my mind....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Appearances can be deceiving. When a man comes over to talk to me, I can't always speak my mind. What I want to say is often not what someone else wants to hear, and I learned early in life that men who don't hear what they want to hear often get angry. Maybe that anger will...
Blog - Practical...
Every Type of Railcar Explained in 15 Minutes [Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] A train is a simple thing at...
a year ago
a year ago
[Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] A train is a simple thing at first glance: a locomotive (or several) pull a string of cars along a railroad. But not all those railcars are equal, and there are some fascinating details if you take minute to...
IEEE Spectrum
What Is an Electronic Sackbut? If you, like me, think of musical synthesizers as an artifact of 1970s rock and disco, then you,...
a year ago
a year ago
If you, like me, think of musical synthesizers as an artifact of 1970s rock and disco, then you, like me, will be surprised to learn that the first electronic synthesizer predates those genres by several decades In 1945, Hugh Le Caine, a physicist at Canada’s National Research...
Eric Bailey
Give me a definition for the word dashboard I finished up a research project a couple of weeks ago, and I'd like to share a detail that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I finished up a research project a couple of weeks ago, and I'd like to share a detail that completely threw me for a loop. We were conducting user research with a demographic with a high degree of variability in both skill level and technological literacy. The common thread was...
Ralph Ammer
The Creative Switch This secret to creativity will help you come up with many ideas. The post The Creative Switch...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This secret to creativity will help you come up with many ideas. The post The Creative Switch appeared first on Ralph Ammer.
Himanshu Mishra |...
Erotomania : An Unfortunate Tale “Hey Wake up! Wake up, for you are left with just 30 more minutes. You better sleep after this is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Hey Wake up! Wake up, for you are left with just 30 more minutes. You better sleep after this is over; rather that would be your only…
Quantum Frontiers
The Book of Mark Mark Srednicki doesn’t look like a high priest. He’s a professor of physics at the University of...
a year ago
a year ago
Mark Srednicki doesn’t look like a high priest. He’s a professor of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB); and you’ll sooner find him in khakis than in sacred vestments. Humor suits his round face better than channeling … Continue reading →
Arduino Blog
The future of making, Made in India: Introducing the Arduino UNO Ek R4 We are proud to announce the Made-in-India UNO Ek R4! Available exclusively in India in both WiFi...
a month ago
a month ago
We are proud to announce the Made-in-India UNO Ek R4! Available exclusively in India in both WiFi and Minima variants, it is born to meet the needs of the country’s growing maker and innovation ecosystem, by combining all the powerful features of the UNO R4 with the benefits of...
The American Scholar
In the Lions’ Studio A new dual biography turns the lens on the towering architects of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The post In...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
A new dual biography turns the lens on the towering architects of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer The post In the Lions’ Studio appeared first on The American Scholar.
Daily Stoic
How To Find And Keep Joy Today it’s all about passion. Find your passion. Live passionately. Inspire the world with your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today it’s all about passion. Find your passion. Live passionately. Inspire the world with your passion. Passion, we tell ourselves, is the source of joy. The Stoics disagreed. In fact, they believed that passion(s) were what contributed to our misery. To the experts and gurus...
Twelve Mile Circle –...
Southern Heat, Part 6 (Houston) The heat really cranked up as we entered Texas, never dropping below a daily high of 100° Fahrenheit...
a year ago
a year ago
The heat really cranked up as we entered Texas, never dropping below a daily high of 100° Fahrenheit (38° Celsius). Here my hybrid working vacation transitioned completely to pure work for a day. That’s where I needed to attend meetings at NASA’s Johnson Space Center in Houston...
The Future of Open Source A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating...
7 months ago
7 months ago
A GitHub founder's musings on the past, present and future of large groups of people collaborating on software in awesome ways.
Working Theorys
The Idea That Won't Go Away | Theory No. 24 In a battle of new and old ideas, which one wins?
a year ago
Understanding IOPS, latency and storage performance Update 2020: I've written another blogpost about this topic, including some benchmark examples. When...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update 2020: I've written another blogpost about this topic, including some benchmark examples. When most people think about storage performance, they think about throughput. But throughput is similar to the top speed of a car. In reality, you will almost never reach the top...
Archinect - Features
Architectural Licensure Is Becoming More Diverse, but Barriers to Equality Remain According to recent data, the demographics of candidates on the path to architectural licensure are...
6 months ago
6 months ago
According to recent data, the demographics of candidates on the path to architectural licensure are beginning to counter the longstanding underrepresentation of women and people of color in the profession. However, deeper studies of the licensure experience reveal ongoing...
TinyPilot: Month 10 Highlights TinyPilot has its first official office space. I tried a marketing experiment that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Highlights TinyPilot has its first official office space. I tried a marketing experiment that flopped. Designing IT infrastructure for a new office is fun. Goal Grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s how I did against those...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unit and Integration Testing for Plugin Authors Some thoughts on how to set up testing with plugins
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Custom Elements, At Minimum, Only Need End With a Hyphen Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid custom element tag. The spec says you can have custom elements with emojis in them. For example: <emotion-😍></emotion-😍> But for some reason the Codepen where I tested this wasn’t...
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Logic programming in C++ When you write in C++ you actually write in two languages at once. First is C++, and the second one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you write in C++ you actually write in two languages at once. First is C++, and the second one is the invisible Prolog. If written properly, the second program is helpful. However, if being neglected, it turns your code into an untangleable mess of incomprehencibles...
ntietz.com blog
Work on tasks, not stories One tenet of big-a Agile1 is that developers should all work on individual user stories as the...
a year ago
a year ago
One tenet of big-a Agile1 is that developers should all work on individual user stories as the smallest unit of work2. That a ticket should almost always be a story, because that means it's something that delivers concrete value to the users. There are some cases in which this...
Transit Tech Lab The Partnership for NYC, alongside its partners at the MTA, the Port Authority of New York and New...
a year ago
a year ago
The Partnership for NYC, alongside its partners at the MTA, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, NJ TRANSIT, and NYC Department of Transportation, launched a call for applications for the 6th annual Transit Tech Lab this week. To kick off this year’s program, the...
Essays - Benedict...
The FTC versus tech M&A The US is fundamentally rethinking its approach to regulating competition, and M&A, and tech, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The US is fundamentally rethinking its approach to regulating competition, and M&A, and tech, and big tech buying startups. The FTC’s attempt to block Meta from buying Within is a test case for all of this. So, how many interesting problems can we count?
Ryan Hoover's...
A new space for Makers
over a year ago
The Marginalian
The Poetry of Reality: Robert Louis Stevenson on What Makes Life Worth Living "The true realism, always and everywhere, is that of the poets: to find out where joy resides, and...
a year ago
Common Edge
Building Emissions Are Falling, Now the Real Work Begins There has been a significant drop this year. The path toward net-zero intensifies.
a year ago
One Last Look at the Hotel where ‘Trainspotting’, ‘The Big Man’, ‘Taggart’ and Other Shows Were... You may have never heard of the George Hotel, which once sat at the top of Buchanan Street in...
11 months ago
11 months ago
You may have never heard of the George Hotel, which once sat at the top of Buchanan Street in Glasgow like a ‘great carbuncle’, but you have probably seen parts of its interiors from films like Trainspotting (the circular room used as a backdrop for the drug scene with Keith...
Rest of World -...
Casualties of the Chip War The biggest threat to Nvidia isn’t coming from China
a year ago
Chickadee 0.6.0 released I'm happy to announce that Chickadee 0.6.0 has been released! Chickadee is a game development...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm happy to announce that Chickadee 0.6.0 has been released! Chickadee is a game development toolkit for Guile. Chickadee aims to provide all the features that parenthetically inclined game developers need to make 2D and 3D games in Scheme. As Chickadee is still alpha software,...
Best Of Londonist: 6-12 November 2023 The very best chunks of Londonist from the past week.
a year ago
Gwern.net Newsletter
November newsletter November 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on DL and genomics scaling, dark mode rewrite, 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
November 2020 gwern.net newsletter with links on DL and genomics scaling, dark mode rewrite, 1 essay, and 1 opera review ('The Ring' cycle).
Blog - Practical...
The Hidden Engineering Behind Texas's Top Tourist Attraction [Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] I am on location in downtown...
2 months ago
2 months ago
[Note that this article is a transcript of the video embedded above.] I am on location in downtown San Antonio, Texas, where crews have just finished setting up this massive 650-ton crane. The counterweights are on. The outriggers are down. And the jib, an extension for the...
Trying to Understand...
Another Of My Essays in French Le choc des symboles; ils sont vraiment sérieux.
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we rebranded PostHog in four weeks - a postmortem We recently completed an entire rebrand of our website. From start to finish, it took less than a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We recently completed an entire rebrand of our website. From start to finish, it took less than a month. This sounds like an incredible feat of…
Elad Blog
Back to the office Prior to COVID, there were only 3 companies in tech that reached any real scale as remote first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Prior to COVID, there were only 3 companies in tech that reached any real scale as remote first companies - Automattic, Gitlab, and Zapier [1]. During COVID companies were forced to work remote. Many companies are now going back into the office and companies are navigating this...
Seth's Blog
The nature of traps Our culture is filled with man-made traps, situations worth avoiding. They have three elements:...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Our culture is filled with man-made traps, situations worth avoiding. They have three elements: Because of the third element, the organizer or beneficiaries of a trap can spend time and money to make it ever more seductive and to conceal the nature of what you’re actually signing...
What I've Been Doing Since Quitting My Job I worked as a software engineer for Google from 2014 to 2018. On February 1st, I quit my job and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I worked as a software engineer for Google from 2014 to 2018. On February 1st, I quit my job and formed my own single-person software company. That was four months ago, so I thought I’d share an update on how things are going. What’s it like not having a job? That’s the most...
Jonas Hietala
Moving private repositories to Bitbucket Long overdue, I recently moved my private repositories from Github to Bitbucket. Github is great of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Long overdue, I recently moved my private repositories from Github to Bitbucket. Github is great of courseand they even gave me a free students account and I still host all my public repositories there. Still, Bitbucket has unlimited free private repositories for up to 5 users...
Remains of the Day
TikTok and the Sorting Hat I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people with other dominant worldviews, though I am not a strict adherent. It’s more that in many situations when people ascribe causal power to something other than culture, I’m...
Astral Codex Ten
Everyone's A Based Post-Christian Vitalist Until The Grooming Gangs Show Up ...
a month ago
Vadim Kravcenko
Process Debt I’m sure you’ve worked at companies where you felt that they were moving slowly and it was not even...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m sure you’ve worked at companies where you felt that they were moving slowly and it was not even worth […] The post Process Debt appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Paul Graham: Essays
Change Your Name
over a year ago
Tikalon Blog by Dev...
Brain Size Deep thought is what distinguishes humans from other animals. The brain is the medium for thought;...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Deep thought is what distinguishes humans from other animals. The brain is the medium for thought; so, there's the idea that brain size is important, with larger brains allowing more profound thought. Larger brains in hominids appears to have an evolutionary advantage, but the...
History Today Feed
Was Portugal’s Carnation Revolution Inevitable? Was Portugal’s Carnation Revolution Inevitable? JamesHoare Thu, 04/25/2024 - 08:56
10 months ago
Blog - Bitfield...
Rust and Go vs everything else Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and why the two languages...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and why the two languages make perfect partners.
The Marginalian
The Art of Lying Fallow: Psychoanalyst Masud Khan on the Existential Salve for the Age of Cultish... On inviting the state of being that "allows for that larval inner experience which distinguishes...
a year ago
The elemental foe Lifting humanity out of poverty is Job #1.
8 months ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - App Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: There needs to be a meta-app that just takes all...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: There needs to be a meta-app that just takes all the apps and converts them back into Internet. Today's News:
Alex Meub
The Yoto Mini is Perfect The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and put just the right set of features into a brilliantly designed package. I have no affiliation with Yoto, I’m just a happy customer with kids who love it. If you aren’t aware, Yoto...
Seth's Blog
Our new school When I include links to various books and items on this blog, your purchases generate a small...
2 months ago
2 months ago
When I include links to various books and items on this blog, your purchases generate a small royalty that I earmark for worthy causes. This year, we were able to help BuildOn and the community in Khakh build a new school. It’s the first real school building the village has ever...
Sean Carroll
Thanksgiving This year we give thanks for something we’ve all heard of, but maybe don’t appreciate as much as we...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This year we give thanks for something we’ve all heard of, but maybe don’t appreciate as much as we should: electromagnetism. (We’ve previously given thanks for the Standard Model Lagrangian, Hubble’s Law, the Spin-Statistics Theorem, conservation of momentum, effective field...
The Marginalian
Terror, Tenderness, and the Paradoxes of Human Nature: How a Marmoset Saved Leonard and Virginia... The most discomposing thing about people capable of monstrous acts is that they too enjoy art, they...
a year ago
a year ago
The most discomposing thing about people capable of monstrous acts is that they too enjoy art, they too read to their children, they too can be moved to tears by music. The dissident poet Joseph Brodsky captured this as he contemplated the greatest antidote to evil, observing...
OK, I can partly explain the LLM chess weirdness now We recently talked about a mystery: All large language models (LLMs) are terrible at chess. All,...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We recently talked about a mystery: All large language models (LLMs) are terrible at chess. All, that is, except for gpt-3.5-turbo-instruct, which for some reason can play at an advanced amateur level. This is despite the fact that this model is more than a year old and much...
The Elysian Arcs: Giant Rainbows And Bubbles Appear Beneath Cheesegrater Free installation bring colour to City.
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Applied Cartography × People & Blogs There are few pleasures greater than getting to be profiled for an interview series that you've been...
4 months ago
4 months ago
There are few pleasures greater than getting to be profiled for an interview series that you've been reading for months, and last week I got to do exactly that. To browse Manu's site — not just this interview series — feels a bit like walking on a quiet beach in autumn: there's a...
Book Podcasts
a year ago
a year ago
The Rational Walk
American Prometheus The tragic story of J. Robert Oppenheimer encompasses far more than science and politics. It is a...
a year ago
a year ago
The tragic story of J. Robert Oppenheimer encompasses far more than science and politics. It is a cautionary tale of human nature that holds timeless lessons.
Applied Cartography
Fathom I'd been meaning to jot down some thoughts on Fathom for a while, and did not have a particularly...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I'd been meaning to jot down some thoughts on Fathom for a while, and did not have a particularly good reason to do so until the news broke that Paul Jarvis was selling his share of the company to Jack Ellis, the technical co-founder. [1] Anyway, the two thoughts: I think Fathom...
FIRE v London
My exits – a post mortem Readers will know that I dabble with active investing – I pick stocks. Lord, make me passive, but...
a month ago
a month ago
Readers will know that I dabble with active investing – I pick stocks. Lord, make me passive, but not yet Rather like The Investor at Monevator, I firmly believe in the merits of low cost index tracking as an investment strategy, but I also enjoy the thrills / intellectual...
Christopher Butler
Year in Review – 2024 The highs and lows of the year in exhaustive detail. This is going to be a long post. I’ve...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The highs and lows of the year in exhaustive detail. This is going to be a long post. I’ve broken it up into a few sections, so if one is of greater interest, just hop to it. Overview At Work Magnolia Art Reading Music DIY Projects Overview What a year!...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Binius: highly efficient proofs over binary fields
10 months ago
Out-of-Pocket Blog
2024 Healthcare Predictions, Out-Of-Pocket Style | Out-Of-Pocket I'm not a fortune teller, I'm a fortune, teller
a year ago
Out-of-Pocket Blog
Musings on CVS, two-way negotiation, and venture studios | Out-Of-Pocket + we're hosting another dinner! and courses ending!
10 months ago
Letters of Note
I’m amputating you It was when she joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1927 that Frida Kahlo first met Diego Rivera,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It was when she joined the Mexican Communist Party in 1927 that Frida Kahlo first met Diego Rivera, a fellow artist 21 years Kahlo’s senior who soon became her mentor and husband. Kahlo’s life up until then had been a struggle due to polio as a child and a serious traffic...
What home NAS builders should understand about silent data corruption Introduction When it comes to dealing with storage in a DIY NAS context, two important topics come...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction When it comes to dealing with storage in a DIY NAS context, two important topics come up: Unrecoverable read errors (UREs) or what old people like me call 'bad sectors' Silent data corruption (data corruption unnoticed by the storage layers) I get a strong impression...
The Marginalian
Hermann Hesse on What Books Give Us and the Heart of Wisdom Books show us what it is like to be another and at the same time return us to ourselves. We read to...
a year ago
a year ago
Books show us what it is like to be another and at the same time return us to ourselves. We read to learn how to live — how to love and how to suffer, how to grieve and how to be glad. We read to clarify ourselves and to anneal our values. We read for the assurance that others...
Dr Alun Withey
Beard Fashions and Class Over the past few centuries, fashions in facial hair have changed substantially. In the mid...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few centuries, fashions in facial hair have changed substantially. In the mid seventeenth century many men wore the ‘Van Dyke’ style of a small, pointy beard and moustaches. By the end of the 1600s, beards were in decline, leaving many men with just moustaches. The...
PHD Comics
01/31/21 PHD comic: 'W O R D L E' Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Piled Higher & Deeper by Jorge Cham www.phdcomics.com title: "W O R D L E" - originally published 1/31/2021 For the latest news in PHD Comics, CLICK HERE!
Ben Borgers
New in Superadmin: styling, images, rich text
over a year ago
seangoedecke.com RSS...
Building LLM-driven agents If you want a large language model like GPT-3 to perform a task for you, the simplest way is to just...
a year ago
a year ago
If you want a large language model like GPT-3 to perform a task for you, the simplest way is to just ask it. Writing out a single prompt…
Andrew Fraknoi –...
Perseid Meteor Shower Aug 12-13, 2023 We make suggestions for how best to see the 2023 Perseid meteor shower. The post Perseid Meteor...
a year ago
a year ago
We make suggestions for how best to see the 2023 Perseid meteor shower. The post Perseid Meteor Shower Aug 12-13, 2023 appeared first on Andrew Fraknoi - Astronomy Lectures - Astronomy Education Resources.
Calculated Risk
January 25th COVID Update: COVID in Wastewater Decreasing Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com and are for top tier scenarios. SPECIAL NOTE:...
a month ago
a month ago
Note: Mortgage rates are from MortgageNewsDaily.com and are for top tier scenarios. SPECIAL NOTE: The CDC has stopped releasing health data (hopefully temporarily). For deaths, I'm currently using 4 weeks ago for "now", since the most recent three weeks will be revised...
Both Are True
omg we missed AI Appreciation Day????? + a new holiday that you won't want to miss (sincere)
7 months ago
Handprinted - Blog
Meet the Maker: Lucy Gell Hi, I'm Lucy. I studied graphic design and illustration at Staffordshire University and later began...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hi, I'm Lucy. I studied graphic design and illustration at Staffordshire University and later began a career in animation. During this fun and exciting time I was responsible for fabricating the Martians in the Tim Burton film ‘Mars Attacks’. I made many foam latex and silicone...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The importance of investor signaling in venture pricing Suppose there is a pre-profitable company that is raising venture financing. Simple, classical...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Suppose there is a pre-profitable company that is raising venture financing. Simple, classical economic models would predict that although…
Open Culture
Download 1,000+ Digitized Tapes of Sounds from Classic Hollywood Films & TV, Courtesy of the... Watch enough classic movies — especially classic movies from slightly downmarket studios — and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Watch enough classic movies — especially classic movies from slightly downmarket studios — and you’ll swear you’ve been hearing the very same sound effects over and over again. That’s because you have been hearing the very same sound effects over and over again: once recorded or...
Hixie's Natural Log
Reflecting on 18 years at Google I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last...
a year ago
a year ago
I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google. I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior...
71 TiB DIY NAS based on ZFS on Linux This is my new 71 TiB DIY NAS. This server is the successor to my six year old, twenty drive 18 TB...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is my new 71 TiB DIY NAS. This server is the successor to my six year old, twenty drive 18 TB NAS (17 TiB). With a storage capacity four times higher than the original and an incredible read (2.5 GB/s)/write (1.9 GB/s) performance, it's a worthy successor. Purpose The...
Archinect - Features
Creativity Won’t Protect Architects from Automation — But Labor Unions Might The proliferation of generative AI tools such as Midjourney and ChatGPT has undermined long-held...
a year ago
a year ago
The proliferation of generative AI tools such as Midjourney and ChatGPT has undermined long-held assumptions that artificial intelligence would not threaten creative disciplines. In an effort to balance the opportunities and limits of artificial intelligence in the architecture...
The Changelog
Live Migrating from Raspberry Pi OS bullseye to Debian bookworm I’ve been getting annoyed with Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) for years now. It’s a fork of Debian, but...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been getting annoyed with Raspberry Pi OS (Raspbian) for years now. It’s a fork of Debian, but manages to omit some of the most useful things. So I’ve decided to migrate all of my Pis to run pure Debian. These are my reasons: Raspberry Pi OS has, for years now, specified...
Josh Thompson
Accomplishments and Achievements We’re encouraged to accomplish and achieve, yes? From birth, we pass milestones. Generally these...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re encouraged to accomplish and achieve, yes? From birth, we pass milestones. Generally these milestones grow in complexity as we add to our abilities - it’s been a while since I’ve been rewarded for not wetting myself - but they are usually on par with our abilities. For...
Nat Eliason's...
How to Be (Reasonably) Hard on Yourself The mantra
7 months ago
Willem's Blog
CAPTCHA Alternative If you're looking for a user-friendly alternative for CAPTCHA's you should check this post out where...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you're looking for a user-friendly alternative for CAPTCHA's you should check this post out where I outline how I protect web forms against malicious actors and spammers.