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Make Work Seasonal Again Laetitia@Work #79
18 hours ago
Product Identity
Surf the browser A guest's identity
15 hours ago
Nelson's Weblog
Angkor Wat resources I took an amazing trip to SE Asia last month, including Angkor Wat. I had a hard time finding good...
23 hours ago
23 hours ago
I took an amazing trip to SE Asia last month, including Angkor Wat. I had a hard time finding good reading or other resources to learn from before I went, in part because Amazon is awash in AI garbage. Here’s some books and podcasts I found useful about the Khmer empire in...
The case against conversational interfaces 01 Intro Conversational interfaces are a bit of a meme. Every couple of years a shiny new AI...
9 hours ago
9 hours ago
01 Intro Conversational interfaces are a bit of a meme. Every couple of years a shiny new AI development emerges and people in tech go “This is it! The next computing paradigm is here! We’ll only use natural language going forward!”. But then nothing actually changes and we...
Is this strategy any good? We’ve read a lot of strategy at this point in the book. We can judge a strategy’s format, and its...
12 hours ago
12 hours ago
We’ve read a lot of strategy at this point in the book. We can judge a strategy’s format, and its construction: both are useful things. However, format is a predictor of quality, not quality itself. The remaining question is, how should we assess whether a strategy is any...
Mind Mine
embracing my Wild Woman i’m a cheetah, not a house cat
2 hours ago
latest projects -...
Ghetto soldering tweezers [Misc] And other 3D printed accessories
8 hours ago
Limits of smart Take me. Now take someone with the combined talents of Von Neumann, Archimedes, Ramanujan, and...
Take me. Now take someone with the combined talents of Von Neumann, Archimedes, Ramanujan, and Mozart. Now take someone smarter again by the same margin and repeat that a few times. Say this Being is created and has an IQ of 300. Let’s also say it can think at 10,000× normal...
Strange Loop Canon
If AGI is the future, vibe coding is what we should all be doing ...plus the changing definitions of work
2 days ago
Computer Things
Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering Specialness Logic for Programmers v0.8 now out! The new release has minor changes: new formatting for notes and...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Logic for Programmers v0.8 now out! The new release has minor changes: new formatting for notes and a better introduction to predicates. I would have rolled it all into v0.9 next month but I like the monthly cadence. Get it here! Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering...
Eukaryote Writes...
Eukaryote Skips Town – why I’m leaving DC I’m hesitant to write this piece because it’s directly about my EA ambitions, and I’ve talked to a...
2 days ago
2 days ago
I’m hesitant to write this piece because it’s directly about my EA ambitions, and I’ve talked to a lot of EAs trying to get into biosecurity who want advice, and I have no idea what they should take away from my story or if any of this should be taken as any kind of advice.
11 Historical Places to Visit in Oxfordshire Home to some of England’s most known poets, scientists, and religious figures, the county of...
2 days ago
2 days ago
Home to some of England’s most known poets, scientists, and religious figures, the county of Oxfordshire can trace its roots back 5,000 years to Neolithic times. Discover C. S. Lewis’s house, Oxford’s Castle and Prison, abbey ruins, an ancient Iron Age Hillfort, and a wealth of...
General Robots
Correct vs Good Part 2: Can we have it both ways?
2 days ago
Fatih Arslan
I was wrong about AI Coding I'm mostly anti-AI person since the AI hype started years ago. However with time I realized that I...
2 days ago
2 days ago
I'm mostly anti-AI person since the AI hype started years ago. However with time I realized that I misjudged AI Coding — Here’s Why.
Map of the Week
Karen Wynn Fonstad's Middle Earth Maps I was not aware of Karen Wynn Fonstad until a recent article from the New York Times “Overlooked”...
2 days ago
2 days ago
I was not aware of Karen Wynn Fonstad until a recent article from the New York Times “Overlooked” series. Overlooked are obituaries about people whose deaths (in this case in 2005) were unreported in the Times. Fonstad created the Atlas of Middle Earth to accompany the works of...
Stat Significant
Which Countries Have the Most Unique Taste in Music? A Statistical Analysis Which nations have the most distinct music tastes?
2 days ago
Trying to Understand...
Playing with Politics Everything is permitted but nothing is possible.
2 days ago
History Today Feed
Have We Forgotten How to Listen to Lectures? Have We Forgotten How to Listen to Lectures? JamesHoare Wed, 03/26/2025 - 09:04
2 days ago
Why I hate JavaScript numbers and what everyone has (not) done with them JavaScript went against the grain in only using floating point numbers initially, and now we pay the...
2 days ago
Handprinted - Blog
Meet The Maker: Tina Hagger I'm Tina Hagger, otherwise known as haggytea, a Printmaker based in Faversham, Kent, England. I have...
2 days ago
2 days ago
I'm Tina Hagger, otherwise known as haggytea, a Printmaker based in Faversham, Kent, England. I have been making linocut prints for about ten years now, and have begun making Tetra Pak prints in the past two years. I make my own work to sell and I also deliver workshops.  I'm...
Lighthouse Blog
What is RSS?
2 days ago
Marcus on AI
Musk, Grok, and “rigorous adherence to truth“ Elon Musk, yesterday: “Rigorous adherence to truth is the only way to build safe Al.”
3 days ago
David Heinemeier...
To hell with forever Immortality always sounded like a curse to me. But especially now, having passed the halfway point...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Immortality always sounded like a curse to me. But especially now, having passed the halfway point of the average wealthy male life expectancy. Another scoop of life as big as the one I've already been served seems more than enough, thank you very much. Does that strike you as...
Jason Fried
Go do business Business isn’t something you learn in books. Or posts. Or threads. You can’t read your way to the...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Business isn’t something you learn in books. Or posts. Or threads. You can’t read your way to the right hire. You can't consume enough content to produce a product. You have to do. You learn business by doing business. Hiring by hiring. Products by building them. We...
Whose code am I running in GitHub Actions? A week ago, somebody added malicious code to the tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action. If you used...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A week ago, somebody added malicious code to the tj-actions/changed-files GitHub Action. If you used the compromised action, it would leak secrets to your build log. Those build logs are public for public repositories, so anybody could see your secrets. Scary! Mutable vs...
Epic Web Dev
.toBeVisible() or .toBeInTheDocument()? (article) A deep dive into Testing Library's .toBeVisible() and .toBeInTheDocument() matchers, exploring their...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A deep dive into Testing Library's .toBeVisible() and .toBeInTheDocument() matchers, exploring their differences, use cases, and best practices
Copper Kitchen Cabinets Add To The Refined Rustic Feeling Inside This Renovated Historic Loft MU Architecture has shared photos of a renovated historic loft in Montreal's Old Port that...
3 days ago
Alex MacCaw
We Won’t Save the Planet by Shrinking At first, it sounds obvious: if we want to save the planet, we should do less. Fewer people, less...
3 days ago
3 days ago
At first, it sounds obvious: if we want to save the planet, we should do less. Fewer people, less consumption, smaller footprints. I believed this too—so much so that I once thought having kids was irresponsible. But the more I looked into it, the less sense it made.
10 Interesting Facts on Relationships & Sex Q1 2025
3 days ago
Passing Time
A Certain Slant of Light Enhancing the sublimity of snow through art
3 days ago
Hidden History
Sailing Ship “Star of India” The Star of India is an iron-hulled merchant sailing ship built in England in 1863. On display at...
3 days ago
3 days ago
The Star of India is an iron-hulled merchant sailing ship built in England in 1863. On display at the Maritime Museum of San Diego, she is billed as “the world’s oldest active sailing ship”. In 1863, the Gibson, McDonald & Arnold shipbuilding company, on the Isle of Man, began...
Common Edge
Lessons From Katrina for Citizen Planners in L.A., Asheville, and Florida Planning’s “me-centered” ethos needs to become a “we-centered” approach.
3 days ago
The History of the...
Our Online Homes Need Infastructure A home online is about as essential as it gets. But we need to make that easier. Where are we...
3 days ago
3 days ago
A home online is about as essential as it gets. But we need to make that easier. Where are we heading to build this new web together? The post Our Online Homes Need Infastructure appeared first on The History of the Web.
Infinite Scroll
Weekly Scroll: Idiot Plots Plus! Gavin's podcast, morning routines, and a good chickpea post
3 days ago
The Berkeley...
Scaling Up Reinforcement Learning for Traffic Smoothing: A 100-AV Highway Deployment Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning We deployed 100 reinforcement...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Training Diffusion Models with Reinforcement Learning We deployed 100 reinforcement learning (RL)-controlled cars into rush-hour highway traffic to smooth congestion and reduce fuel consumption for everyone. Our goal is to tackle "stop-and-go" waves, those...
Jonas Hietala
Let's build a VORON 0 About 1.5 years ago I ventured into 3D printing by building a VORON Trident. It was a very fun...
3 days ago
3 days ago
About 1.5 years ago I ventured into 3D printing by building a VORON Trident. It was a very fun project and I’ve even used the printer quite a bit. Naturally, I had to build another one and this time I opted for the cute VORON 0. Why another printer? I really like my VORON Trident...
Notes on software...
Phil Eaton on Technical Blogging This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
3 days ago
Ryan Mulligan
Blog Questions Challenge Hey there. It has been a minute since my last post. I was semi-recently tagged by Zach Leatherman to...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Hey there. It has been a minute since my last post. I was semi-recently tagged by Zach Leatherman to (optionally) participate in this year's Blog Questions Challenge. I had planned on doing it then. But life really hit hard as we entered this year and it has not let up. Energy...
Arduino Blog
This Arduino Nano Every-controlled machine automatically mixes acrylic paint of any color When you want to paint the walls in your bedroom that very specific shade of Misty Irish Green, all...
4 days ago
4 days ago
When you want to paint the walls in your bedroom that very specific shade of Misty Irish Green, all you have to do is head to your local hardware store and have them scan the corresponding card. The paint-mixing machine will then add the pigment to a white base and, a few minutes...
Nat Eliason's...
How to Outline and Plan a Novel What I've learned from the first few
4 days ago
Another observability 3.0 appears on the horizon Groan. Well, it’s not like I wasn’t warned. When I first started teasing out the differences between...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Groan. Well, it’s not like I wasn’t warned. When I first started teasing out the differences between the pillars model and the single unified storage model and applying “2.0” to the latter, Christine was like “so what is going to stop the next vendor from slapping 3.0, 4.0, 5.0...
Computer Ads from...
Applix Alis Finally, some answers in Wonderland
4 days ago
Revisiting The Myth of Continents As it has been 28 years since the publication of The Myth of Continents, a book that I jointly wrote...
4 days ago
4 days ago
As it has been 28 years since the publication of The Myth of Continents, a book that I jointly wrote with my wife, Karen Wigen, it is time for a reconsideration of the work. The main thesis of the book is that although most continents are rooted in physical geography, the larger...
A Modern Cabin Perched On The Edge Of Rocky Cliffs PIN Architects has shared photos of a small modern cabin they completed in Turkey, that’s located on...
4 days ago
4 days ago
PIN Architects has shared photos of a small modern cabin they completed in Turkey, that’s located on the slopes of a deep valley surrounded by rocky cliffs and olive trees. The cabin, entirely made of steel, has facades that are fully glass, with solid wall applications in a few...
Ed Zitron's Where's...
The Phony Comforts of AI Optimism A few months ago, Casey Newton of Platformer ran a piece called "The phony comforts of AI...
4 days ago
4 days ago
A few months ago, Casey Newton of Platformer ran a piece called "The phony comforts of AI skepticism," framing those who would criticize generative AI as "having fun," damning them as "hyper-fixated on the things [AI] can't do." I am not going
Cheese and Biscuits
The Cadogan Arms, Chelsea There's no sign of a cost of living crisis on the King's Road, but then the people of Chelsea aren't...
4 days ago
4 days ago
There's no sign of a cost of living crisis on the King's Road, but then the people of Chelsea aren't known for their frugality. The Cadogan Arms is a grand old Victorian boozer - which means it has nice high ceilings, stained glass and a big carved wooden bar - but then this is...
Blog System/5
The next generation of Bazel builds Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bazel’s public announcement so this is the perfect moment to...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bazel’s public announcement so this is the perfect moment to reflect on what the next generation of build systems in the Bazel ecosystem may look like.
The Works in...
Links in Progress: Good drug news More important things happening in biotechnology and medicine
4 days ago
Scarlet Ink
RTO is a lie, 3rd party misinformation, the source of my anecdotes, and how (not) to make decisions.... Sometimes writing about one topic just isn't good enough.
4 days ago
Josh Thompson
Cones, Coning, and Fixing Junctions, And How And Why “Traffic Cones and Junction Fixes: A DIY Guide” ? this is very drafty This post is probably best...
4 days ago
4 days ago
“Traffic Cones and Junction Fixes: A DIY Guide” ? this is very drafty This post is probably best viewed on desktop, with some links opening new tabs, viewed, closed, and then this post returned to. There’s a lot of videos farther down, some of them are tiktoks (sorry) and some of...
Escaping Flatland
Why we ended up homeschooling “Little Sister”, Agnes Martin, 1962
4 days ago
Atoms vs Bits
Voltaire on Vaccines In Voltaire's Letters on England, he writes up an interesting story on the pre-history of...
4 days ago
4 days ago
In Voltaire's Letters on England, he writes up an interesting story on the pre-history of vaccination. (Bear in mind this is written in 1733, and I haven't checked the accuracy of his claims). It begins: It is whispered in Christian Europe that the English are mad
Blog - Bitfield...
Things fall apart The night is dark and full of errors—and durable Rust software is not only ready for them, but...
4 days ago
4 days ago
The night is dark and full of errors—and durable Rust software is not only ready for them, but handles them sensibly. Let’s see how, by returning to our line-counter project.
UX Collective
Cracking the code of vibe coding Weekly curated resources for designers — thinkers and makers.
4 days ago
Odds and Ends of...
Empty climate gestures, Peter Hitchens' timezone crusade, and the big questions about New Towns Let Barry have his solar panels!
4 days ago
Reduced Hours and Remote Work Options for Employees with Young Children in Japan Japan already stipulates that employers must offer the option of reduced working hours to employees...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Japan already stipulates that employers must offer the option of reduced working hours to employees with children under three. However, the Child Care and Family Care Leave Act was amended in May 2024, with some of the new provisions coming into effect April 1 or October 1,...
ntietz.com blog -...
Big endian and little endian Every time I run into endianness, I have to look it up. Which way do the bytes go, and what does...
4 days ago
4 days ago
Every time I run into endianness, I have to look it up. Which way do the bytes go, and what does that mean? Something about it breaks my brain, and makes me feel like I can't tell which way is up and down, left and right. This is the blog post I've needed every time I run into...
Maggie Appleton
Statistically, When Will My Baby Be Born? A tiny tool to calculate when your baby might arrive
4 days ago
Abort Retry Fail
Chipzilla eats an Apple The rise of Intel Core
5 days ago
Win Vector LLC
Is There a Difference Between Calculation and Computation? Recently I’ve been producing (for my own amusement) example Curta calculations. One motivation was...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Recently I’ve been producing (for my own amusement) example Curta calculations. One motivation was arguing if a proposed solution method for Dudeney’s digits problem was something that could in fact have been easily executed in 1924. This got me thinking, is there an actual...
African History...
The Knights of ancient Nubia: horsemen and charioteers from the kingdom of Kush (ca. 1600BC-400CE) Among the groups of foreigners present in the Assyrian capital of Nimrud in 732 BC, was a community...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Among the groups of foreigners present in the Assyrian capital of Nimrud in 732 BC, was a community of horse experts from the kingdom of Kush led by an official who supplied horses to the armies of Tiglath-Pileser III.
the singularity is...
The Tragic Case of Intel AI Intel is sitting on a huge amount of card inventory they can’t move, largely because of bad...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Intel is sitting on a huge amount of card inventory they can’t move, largely because of bad software. Most of this is a summary of the public #intel-hardware channel in the tinygrad discord. Intel currently is sitting on: 15,000 Gaudi 2 cards (with baseboards) 5,100 Intel Data...
Ken Shirriff's blog
A USB interface to the "Mother of All Demos" keyset In the early 1960s, Douglas Engelbart started investigating how computers could augment human...
5 days ago
5 days ago
In the early 1960s, Douglas Engelbart started investigating how computers could augment human intelligence: "If, in your office, you as an intellectual worker were supplied with a computer display backed up by a computer that was alive for you all day and was instantly...
The Intimate Mirror
Valueception Recovering Our Capacity to Perceive Intrinsic Value
5 days ago
Jorge Arango
Humanities Crash Course Week 12: Suetonius It’s hard to believe, but we’re almost at the first quarter mark for the humanities crash course. Up...
5 days ago
5 days ago
It’s hard to believe, but we’re almost at the first quarter mark for the humanities crash course. Up this week: Suetonius’s The Twelve Caesars. I doubled down on the Republic’s fall by watching a classic movie set in this time. Readings The Twelve Caesars is a collection of...
journal – Winnie Lim
the art at our home It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so...
5 days ago
5 days ago
It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so used to experiencing them. My partner started on an art journey shortly...
A Smart Bear
All pretty models are wrong, but some ugly models are useful Identifying useful frameworks for companies, strategy, markets, and organizations, instead of those...
5 days ago
5 days ago
Identifying useful frameworks for companies, strategy, markets, and organizations, instead of those that just look pretty in PowerPoint.
Daniel Marino
Self-avoiding Walk I’m a bit late to this, but back in summer 2024 I participated in the OST Composing Jam. The goal of...
5 days ago
5 days ago
I’m a bit late to this, but back in summer 2024 I participated in the OST Composing Jam. The goal of this jam is to compose an original soundtrack (minimum of 3 minutes) of any style for an imaginary game. While I’ve composed a lot of video game music, I’ve never created an...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Few Thoughts on Customizable Form Controls Web developers have been waiting years for traction in styling HTML form controls. Is it possible...
6 days ago
6 days ago
Web developers have been waiting years for traction in styling HTML form controls. Is it possible the day has come? Here’s Jen Simmons on Mastodon: My team is working on a solution — you’ll apply appearance: base and switch to a new interoperable, consistent controls with easy to...
Last Place Comics
Claw Machine The post Claw Machine appeared first on Last Place Comics.
6 days ago
The "corporate feudalism" thing won't work Warrenite progressives are not going to catch populist fire by bashing corporations.
6 days ago
Overcoming Bias
What Do I Want? It is relatively easy to identify a list of things that we want, in the sense of preferring a life...
6 days ago
6 days ago
It is relatively easy to identify a list of things that we want, in the sense of preferring a life with more of them to less of them.
More Glorious Colour Photographs of London in 1972 It’s been a while since we shared pictures of someone’s trip to London in 1972. Here are more from...
6 days ago
6 days ago
It’s been a while since we shared pictures of someone’s trip to London in 1972. Here are more from the series. All we know about these great photos is that they were more than likely taken by an American tourist. They are from the collection of Glen F, who notes: I’ve found that...
Construction Physics
Reading List 03/22/25 Google’s answer to Starlink, US food imports, an enormous BYD factory, DeepSeek adoption, and more
6 days ago
One Useful Thing
The Cybernetic Teammate Having an AI on your team can increase performance, provide expertise, and improve your experience
6 days ago
The Ruffian
Did John Lennon Think He Was Jesus? John's Messiah Complex
6 days ago
Inverted Passion
Don’t compete The Internet is full of people winning all the time. Someone is traveling to exotic locations,...
6 days ago
6 days ago
The Internet is full of people winning all the time. Someone is traveling to exotic locations, someone else is raising funds, and another person is winning awards. Essentially, everyone around you is succeeding while you do spend your days as the nature intended – sleeping,...
The Elysian
Suggestion Box This is where to leave ideas for my We Should Own The Economy project.
6 days ago
Dreams of Space -...
The Spaceman at Home and at School (1958) The Spaceman at Home and at School was a pamphlet for elementary school teacher. It gave them ideas...
a week ago
a week ago
The Spaceman at Home and at School was a pamphlet for elementary school teacher. It gave them ideas about how to teach about space flight in the classroom with vivid examples. It was not about the history of spaceflight but rather how to build on the "Space Race" excitement...
Castles in the Sky
To Discard, To Preserve, To Bury, To Build | Friday Footnotes #2 Friday Footnotes is a weekly newsletter where reflection meets real life.
a week ago
Matt Mullenweg
Automattic Operating System I was interviewed by Inc magazine for almost two hours where we covered a lot of great topics for...
a week ago
a week ago
I was interviewed by Inc magazine for almost two hours where we covered a lot of great topics for entrepreneurs but almost none of it made it into the weird hit piece they published, however since both the journalist and I had recording of the interview I’ve decided to adapt some...
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Apologize Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Also they each get their own name. Today's News:
a week ago
SatPost by Trung...
H-Mart Stays Winning How the cult grocer went from a single Korean corner store in Queens, NY to America's largest Asian...
a week ago
a week ago
How the cult grocer went from a single Korean corner store in Queens, NY to America's largest Asian supermarket with $1B+ in sales.
Krebs on Security
Arrests in Tap-to-Pay Scheme Powered by Phishing Authorities in at least two U.S. states last week independently announced arrests of Chinese...
a week ago
a week ago
Authorities in at least two U.S. states last week independently announced arrests of Chinese nationals accused of perpetrating a novel form of tap-to-pay fraud using mobile devices. Details released by authorities so far indicate the mobile wallets being used by the scammers were...
The Honest Broker
What's Happening to Students? Here's the latest news from the zombie wars
a week ago
A Collection of...
Collections: The Siege of Eregion, Part IV: What Siege Equipment? This is the fourth part of our [five? -ish? I, II, III] part series on the Siege of Eregion in...
a week ago
a week ago
This is the fourth part of our [five? -ish? I, II, III] part series on the Siege of Eregion in Amazon’s Rings of Power. Last week, we took the opportunity presented by Adar’s absurd plan to dam a river using catapults to collapse a mountain to discuss the capabilities and...
Archinect - Features
“We’ve Matched 120 Community Members So Far” — AIA’s ‘Ask an Architect’ Initiative Reveals... Earlier this month, we covered the launch of the AIA Pasadena & Foothill Chapter’s 'Ask an...
a week ago
a week ago
Earlier this month, we covered the launch of the AIA Pasadena & Foothill Chapter’s 'Ask an Architect' program aimed at helping homeowners impacted by the devastating Los Angeles Fires. The free program under the AIA in California umbrella, which will begin with Eaton Fire victims...
The Marginalian
The Half Room of Living and Loving When I can’t sleep, I read children’s books. One night, I discovered In the Half Room (public...
a week ago
a week ago
When I can’t sleep, I read children’s books. One night, I discovered In the Half Room (public library) by Carson Ellis in my tsundoku — an impressionistic invitation into a world where only half of everything exists. Leafing through this quietly delightful treasure, I had a flash...
Society's Backend
ML for SWEs 3: AI Can't Be copyrighted, Don't Fall for Misinformation, and Stay Safe Online Machine learning for software engineers 3-21-25
a week ago
AFAR Media - Travel...
6 Top Hiking, Biking, and Climbing Spots in Tucson
a week ago
Herbert Lui
Books and lifestyle The Starfield Library in Seoul is a beautiful, vast, library. It reminds me of the short visit I had...
a week ago
a week ago
The Starfield Library in Seoul is a beautiful, vast, library. It reminds me of the short visit I had to Singapore’s library@orchard. It fits in with a pattern I notice in Asia, which is the rise of these incredibly glamorous spaces for books. They’re usually bookstores (I...
Out-of-Pocket Blog
The New Out-Of-Pocket 10 year plan | Out-Of-Pocket It’s time for a new north start for this company
a week ago
Artificial Ignorance
AI Roundup 110: Siri stumbles March 21, 2025.
a week ago
POD People 2025 In one way or another, we're all POD People now, for precarity, ordeals and debasement are the New...
a week ago
a week ago
In one way or another, we're all POD People now, for precarity, ordeals and debasement are the New Normal. In the cultural zeitgeist, the term Pod People refers to the novel and film franchise Invasion of the Body Snatchers, in which nomadic aliens reach Earth and spawn...
Classical Wisdom
Athens' Most Important Woman Secret Mover of History
a week ago
The Diff
Why do Stocks Only go up at Night? Plus! AI Adoption and Incumbents; DOGE; The News Business; Financing the Trade; What do Oil...
a week ago
a week ago
Plus! AI Adoption and Incumbents; DOGE; The News Business; Financing the Trade; What do Oil Companies Want?
escape the algorithm
Have you tried unplugging and plugging yourself back in again? A conversation with David Zvi Kalman
a week ago
Math Is Still...
How Metabolism Can Shape Cells’ Destinies A growing body of work suggests that cell metabolism — the chemical reactions that provide energy...
a week ago
a week ago
A growing body of work suggests that cell metabolism — the chemical reactions that provide energy and building materials — plays a vital, overlooked role in the first steps of life. The post How Metabolism Can Shape Cells’ Destinies first appeared on Quanta Magazine
Retail Design Blog
WGV Customer Service Center Based on a comprehensive usage analysis and the principles of WGV, DIA Dittel Architekten are...
a week ago
a week ago
Based on a comprehensive usage analysis and the principles of WGV, DIA Dittel Architekten are realizing the insurer’s future-oriented customer...
Don't Worry About...
They Took MY Job? No, they didn’t.
a week ago
+ I’m a season 1 sorta guy Yes, this is about Severance, but it's really about more than Severance.
a week ago
IEEE Spectrum
AlexNet Source Code Is Now Open Source In partnership with Google, the Computer History Museum has released the source code to AlexNet, the...
a week ago
a week ago
In partnership with Google, the Computer History Museum has released the source code to AlexNet, the neural network that in 2012 kickstarted today’s prevailing approach to AI. The source code is available as open source on CHM’s GitHub page. What Is AlexNet? AlexNet is an...
NeuroLogica Blog
The Neuroscience of Constructed Languages Language is an interesting neurological function to study. No animal other than humans has such a...
a week ago
a week ago
Language is an interesting neurological function to study. No animal other than humans has such a highly developed dedicated language processing area, or languages as complex and nuanced as humans. Although, whale language is more complex than we previously thought, but still not...
Calculated Risk
Intercontinental Exchange: Mortgage Delinquency Rate Increased in February From ICE: ICE First Look at Mortgage Performance: Mortgage Delinquencies Continue to Slowly Rise...
a week ago
a week ago
From ICE: ICE First Look at Mortgage Performance: Mortgage Delinquencies Continue to Slowly Rise with FHA Performance in the Spotlight • The national delinquency rate edged up 5 basis points (bps) to 3.53% in February; that’s up 19 bps from a year ago but still 32 bps below where...
Confessions of a...
Hardware-Aware Coding: CPU Architecture Concepts Every Developer Should Know Write faster code by understanding how it flows through your CPU
a week ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
3-6 Months of Beginner Hell Is What It Takes to Become Successful (And Join the Top 1%) 99% of people can't stand it – that's your big opportunity
a week ago
Rest of World -...
Mexico’s first homegrown EV faces a bumpy road  Project Olinia aims to roll out its first model in 2026 as a cheaper alternative to popular Chinese...
a week ago
a week ago
Project Olinia aims to roll out its first model in 2026 as a cheaper alternative to popular Chinese EVs, but faces several challenges.
Survival : A Story about Anarchists Enduring Mass Raids A work of speculative fiction. In November 1919, United States President Woodrow Wilson launched...
a week ago
a week ago
A work of speculative fiction. In November 1919, United States President Woodrow Wilson launched mass raids against the entire anarchist movement in the United States. Police simultaneously arrested thousands of anarchists in many different parts of the country, shutting down...
Maps Mania
How to Learn the Countries of the World
a week ago
Wrong Side of...
It's been a long, cold, lonely winter Wrong Side of History newsletter #60
a week ago
Seth's Blog
Throat clearing Simply say it. The first minute of a speech, the first paragraph of a novel or the tuning of the...
a week ago
a week ago
Simply say it. The first minute of a speech, the first paragraph of a novel or the tuning of the orchestra before they begin… The performance improves if we skip that part. Sometimes, our throat actually needs clearing. But most of the time, we’re hooked on a ritual that doesn’t...
Open Culture
The Most Iconic Electronic Music Sample of Every Year (1990–2024) Hear a second or two of Vernon Burch’s “Get Up,” and you’re back in 1990; of “Balance and Rehearsal”...
a week ago
a week ago
Hear a second or two of Vernon Burch’s “Get Up,” and you’re back in 1990; of “Balance and Rehearsal” from the JBL sound-test album Session, and you’re back in 1999; of Eddie Johns’ “More Spell on You,” and you’re back in 2001. What, you don’t know any of those songs? Perhaps...
diamond geezer
Old Coulsdon (this is the follow-up post to tomorrow's ride on my birthday bus route) Old Coulsdon, it's like...
a week ago
a week ago
(this is the follow-up post to tomorrow's ride on my birthday bus route) Old Coulsdon, it's like entering another world. A quiet well-to-do suburb on a hill, all broad avenues, backlanes and green tendrils reaching out into rolling chalkland on the edge of the North Downs. It's...
Paul Cudenec
Dreaming of an ancient peace Floresia: Out of the Shadows, a newly-published novel by Nowick Gray, whose work we featured in The...
a week ago
a week ago
Floresia: Out of the Shadows, a newly-published novel by Nowick Gray, whose work we featured in The Acorn in 2023, has set me dreaming.
Anecdotal Evidence
'Your Literary Judgments Are Not Interesting' All of us when young – readers, I mean – fancy ourselves rebels and independent thinkers but most of...
a week ago
a week ago
All of us when young – readers, I mean – fancy ourselves rebels and independent thinkers but most of us are afflicted to varying degrees with the superego of the age. That is, we are influenced, whether we know it or not, by the critical climate, by the judgments and fashions of...
Tom Blomfield
Vibecoding a production app TL;DR I built and launched a recipe app with about 20 hours of work - recipeninja.ai Background: I’m...
a week ago
a week ago
TL;DR I built and launched a recipe app with about 20 hours of work - recipeninja.ai Background: I’m a startup founder turned investor. I taught myself (bad) PHP in 2000, and picked up Ruby on Rails in 2011. I’d guess 2015 was the last time I wrote a line of Ruby professionally....
Astral Codex Ten
More Drowning Children ...
a week ago
The American Scholar
“The Nakedness of Woman” The post “The Nakedness of Woman” appeared first on The American Scholar.
a week ago
Cosmic Distance Calibration
a week ago
Both Are True
Shame, perfectionism, doubt and the many other gifts of adhd Talkin mental health and weird brains with Extra Focus' Jesse J. Anderson
a week ago
Du désir profond de se faire arnaquer Du désir profond de se faire arnaquer Pour suivre les modes et faire comme tout le monde Stefano...
a week ago
a week ago
Du désir profond de se faire arnaquer Pour suivre les modes et faire comme tout le monde Stefano Marinelli, un administrateur système chevronné, installe principalement des serveurs sous FreeBSD, OpenBSD ou NetBSD pour ses clients. Le plus difficile ? Arriver à convaincre un...
Coding Horror
The Road Not Taken is Guaranteed Minimum Income The dream is incomplete until we share it with our fellow Americans.
a week ago
Val Sopi
Messy is Perfect I always think that I’ll be happy when everything is running smoothly. When X visitors are flowing...
a week ago
a week ago
I always think that I’ll be happy when everything is running smoothly. When X visitors are flowing in, conversions are steady, the app works flawlessly, and revenue is predictable. But that’s not life. And nor is business. Life is messy. And there’s no such thing as perfect. At...
nanoscale views
March Meeting 2025, Day 4 and wrap-up I saw a couple of interesting talks this morning before heading out: Alessandro Chiesa of Parma...
a week ago
a week ago
I saw a couple of interesting talks this morning before heading out: Alessandro Chiesa of Parma spoke about using spin-containing molecules potentially as qubits, and about chiral-induced spin selectivity (CISS) in electron transfer.  Regarding the former, here is a review. ...
Cremieux Recueil
Sometimes Papers Contain Obvious Lies What you read in an abstract, a title, or even in the body of a paper might be the opposite of what...
a week ago
a week ago
What you read in an abstract, a title, or even in the body of a paper might be the opposite of what papers actually show, and sometimes result are just made up
Global Inequality...
Capitalism of finitude: pessimism and bellicosity Review of Arnaud Orain’s "Le Monde Confisqué"
a week ago
Citation Needed
Issue 79 – Mundus sine Caesaribus The crypto industry frees itself from the last remnants of SEC oversight, and Solana tries to appeal...
a week ago
a week ago
The crypto industry frees itself from the last remnants of SEC oversight, and Solana tries to appeal to its target demographic by bashing trans people
GitButler's new patch based Code Review (Beta) Introducing Butler Review, a new commit-based, chat centered code review tool, now in beta.
a week ago
Quantum Frontiers
The first and second centuries of quantum mechanics At this week’s American Physical Society Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, California, John Preskill...
a week ago
a week ago
At this week’s American Physical Society Global Physics Summit in Anaheim, California, John Preskill spoke at an event celebrating 100 years of groundbreaking advances in quantum mechanics. Here are his remarks. Welcome, everyone, to this celebration of 100 years of … Continue...
nanoscale views
March Meeting 2025, Day 3 Another busy day at the APS Global Physics Summit.  Here are a few highlights: Shahal Ilani of the...
a week ago
a week ago
Another busy day at the APS Global Physics Summit.  Here are a few highlights: Shahal Ilani of the Weizmann gave an absolutely fantastic talk about his group's latest results from their quantum twisting microscope.  In a scanning tunneling microscope, because tunneling happens...
watchTowr Labs
By Executive Order, We Are Banning Blacklists - Domain-Level RCE in Veeam Backup & Replication... It’s us again! Once again, we hear the collective groans - but we're back and with yet another...
a week ago
a week ago
It’s us again! Once again, we hear the collective groans - but we're back and with yet another merciless pwnage of an inspired and clearly comprehensive RCE solution - no, wait, it's another vuln in yet another backup and replication solution.. While we would
The Convivial...
The Waters of Lethe Flow From Our Digital Streams The Convivial Society: Vol. 6, No. 2
a week ago
seangoedecke.com RSS...
Engineers should state the obvious One surprising thing I’ve learned from writing this blog is that I should worry a lot less about...
a week ago
a week ago
One surprising thing I’ve learned from writing this blog is that I should worry a lot less about saying things that seem obvious. A lot of…
seangoedecke.com RSS...
The future of AI is Ruby on Rails Large language models are very good at generating and editing code. Right now, it’s probably the...
a week ago
a week ago
Large language models are very good at generating and editing code. Right now, it’s probably the “killer app” of AI: the companies actually…
Canadian banks as U.S. hostages? BMO Financial Center at Market Square in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Donald Trump has said he wants to...
a week ago
a week ago
BMO Financial Center at Market Square in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Donald Trump has said he wants to use "economic force" against Canada. In my previous post, I worried that one way this force could be wielded was through Canada's dangerous dependence on U.S.-controlled...
Spoon & Tamago
A Chandelier of 28,000 Eggs and Other Scrumptious Delights Reframe our Consumption of Food The Osaka Expo 2025 kicks off on April 13th. And while we’re excited about some pretty niche things...
a week ago
a week ago
The Osaka Expo 2025 kicks off on April 13th. And while we’re excited about some pretty niche things like Hello Kitty algae and attendant uniforms, one of Japan’s signature pavilions, Earth Mart, is shaping up to be delightfully delicious. Located within the expo’s Green World...
Adventures In...
Inner Glow Effect for Polygons in ArcGIS Online Sure, there’s a glorious drop shadow effect in the ever-more-capable ArcGIS Online Map Viewer to...
a week ago
a week ago
Sure, there’s a glorious drop shadow effect in the ever-more-capable ArcGIS Online Map Viewer to give features a sweet glow, BUT there’s no inner glow effect. How do we cast that beautiful glow inward? I’ll admit that I’ve been stumped by this one for longer than I care to admit,...
lcamtuf’s thing
AI in infosec: the future is now, old man I do my best to keep punditry off this blog, but I don't always succeed.
a week ago