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Blog - Bitfield...
Writing terrible code The secret of being a great coder is to write terrible code. Wait, wait. Hear me out: I’m going...
a week ago
a week ago
The secret of being a great coder is to write terrible code. Wait, wait. Hear me out: I’m going somewhere with this.
escape the algorithm
The Real Divorcees of Facebook Marketplace For sale: wife shoes, hardly worn
a year ago
The Marginalian
The Sunflower and the Soul: Wendell Berry on the Collaborative Nature of the Universe and the Cure... "We are not the authors of ourselves. That we are not is a religious perception, but it is also a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
"We are not the authors of ourselves. That we are not is a religious perception, but it is also a biological and a social one. Each of us has had many authors, and each of us is engaged, for better or worse, in that same authorship. We could say that the human race is a great...
Home on Erik...
Luigi Presentation @ NYC Data Science, Dec 16, 2014 More Luigi presentations!
over a year ago
Ben Borgers
I Used All of My Meal Swipes!
over a year ago
The Perry Bible...
Ditty The post Ditty appeared first on The Perry Bible Fellowship.
2 weeks ago
Seth's Blog
How to buy a lottery ticket There are lots of cultural lotteries around us. The next pop song, the book that everyone is talking...
3 months ago
3 months ago
There are lots of cultural lotteries around us. The next pop song, the book that everyone is talking about, the blog post or video that goes viral… it even applies to who gets into a famous college or is selected by the AI screening for a good job. The usual advice is: Fit in....
Global Inequality...
Universities as factories I have seen, and read about, of many instances when the police would clear universities of students...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I have seen, and read about, of many instances when the police would clear universities of students who were demonstrating. The police would come in on the orders of the authorities unhappy with student-created oases of freedom. It would come, armed, beat up students, and end the...
Better to micromanage than be disengaged. For a long time, I found the micromanager CEO archetype very frustrating to work with. They would...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For a long time, I found the micromanager CEO archetype very frustrating to work with. They would often pop out of nowhere, jab holes in the work I had done without understanding the tradeoffs, and then disappear when I wanted to explain my decisions. In those moments, I wished...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing NightPad Wireless Charger NightPad has no LEDs, so it won't light up your room. This was a frustration we had with other...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NightPad has no LEDs, so it won't light up your room. This was a frustration we had with other wireless chargers - which I covered with electrical tape. So in designing this one, the first thing we did was remove the light. NightPad charges iPhone 50% faster than standard Qi...
Stoic Simple
Stoicism and the Path to Finding Inner Peace in Your Life In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of events,...
a year ago
a year ago
In today's tumultuous world, it's easy to feel overwhelmed by the constant barrage of events, emotions, and distractions around us. Many of us seek a sense of inner peace, a place of refuge from the chaos of the outside world. While there are many paths to inner peace, one...
bunnie's blog
IRIS (Infra-Red, in situ) Project Updates A goal of mine is to give everyday people tangible reasons to trust their hardware. Betrusted is a...
a year ago
a year ago
A goal of mine is to give everyday people tangible reasons to trust their hardware. Betrusted is a multi-year project of mine to deliver a full-stack verifiable “from logic gates to Rust crates” supply chain for security-critical applications such as password managers. At this...
Steve Klabnik
Announcing Rust Contributors
over a year ago
Fatih Arslan
How I Designed a Dieter Rams inspired iPhone Dock Dieter Rams and his friends (Dietrich Lubs and Ludwig Littman) designed many great looking alarm...
5 months ago
History Today Feed
The True Knights Templar The True Knights Templar j.hoare Wed, 01/10/2024 - 09:54
a year ago
Sam Altman
Project Covalence Almost every company and non-profit working on COVID-19 that I offered to help asked for support...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Almost every company and non-profit working on COVID-19 that I offered to help asked for support with clinical trials—for companies focusing on developing novel drugs, vaccines, and diagnostics, rapidly spinning up trials is one of their biggest bottlenecks.  Science remains the...
Both Are True
Aren't all parents competitive??? A convo with Rae Katz on handling that oh-so-icky feeling of wanting your kid to be THE BEST
a year ago
Open Culture
The Story Behind the Making of the Iconic Surrealist Photograph, Dalí Atomicus (1948) With his cane, his famous waxed mustache, and his habit of taking unusual animals for walks,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
With his cane, his famous waxed mustache, and his habit of taking unusual animals for walks, Salvador Dalí would appear to have cultivated his own photographability. But taking a picture of the man who stood as a living definition of popular surrealism wasn’t a task to be...
Christmas Gift Guide: London Themed Presents To Buy For London Lovers! Books, booze and unique stocking fillers.
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
You Should Have A Virtual Mailbox If you fit one of these criteria:
a year ago
99% Invisible
Model Village [EPISODE] For decades, society has dealt with people with dementia and other forms of cognitive decline by...
a year ago
a year ago
For decades, society has dealt with people with dementia and other forms of cognitive decline by storing them away in unstimulating, medicalized environments. But around the world, a new architectural movement is starting to challenge that old paradigm. Designing environments...
Seth's Blog
Invention or discovery? We can agree that Isaac Newton didn’t invent gravity. It was here all along, but he gets some credit...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We can agree that Isaac Newton didn’t invent gravity. It was here all along, but he gets some credit for naming it and describing it. And Columbus definitely didn’t discover North America. There had been people living here for tens of thousands of years before he arrived. After...
Darek Kay
Git explained: Commit ranges Git's log and diff commands are useful for inspecting your repository changes. Both commands accept...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Git's log and diff commands are useful for inspecting your repository changes. Both commands accept ranges of commits in different formats, which can be confusing. In this post, I will shed some light on the differences between a b, a..b and a...b commit ranges. Check out the...
Steve Klabnik
Your startup is not a platform
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
To connect disparate tech scenes, Brazil, Mozambique, and Angola show language is a great unifier As Africa and Latin America form closer links between their tech scenes, similar challenges,...
a year ago
The End of the Road For a long time I had the idea that one day I would write a book about this trip and call it The End...
4 months ago
4 months ago
For a long time I had the idea that one day I would write a book about this trip and call it The End of the Road. It was an incomplete idea, but it seems to me we are, culturally, at the end of a metaphor when it comes to The Road. I had the idea that you could trace a thread...
Notes on software...
btest: a language agnostic test runner btest is a minimal, language-agnostic test runner originally written for testing compilers. Brian,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
btest is a minimal, language-agnostic test runner originally written for testing compilers. Brian, an ex- co-worker from Linode, wrote the first implementation in Crystal (a compiled language clone of Ruby) for testing bshift, a compiler project. The tool accomplished exactly...
Seth's Blog
Valuable contributions We actually don’t really know. Netflix just released their first-ever detailed analysis of how many...
a year ago
a year ago
We actually don’t really know. Netflix just released their first-ever detailed analysis of how many hours of engagement the top 15,000+ most watched shows on the network received over a six month period. Here’s the file. Who won? That question is actually the lesson here. The...
Paul Graham: Essays
Being Popular
over a year ago
Recently Reading It is very easy to get ChatGPT to emit a series of words such as “I am happy to see you.”...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Reading It is very easy to get ChatGPT to emit a series of words such as “I am happy to see you.” There are many things we don’t understand about how large language models work, but one thing we can be sure of is that ChatGPT is not happy to see you. Ted Chiang’s article about AI...
Classical Wisdom
What is TIME? And Dates? The Creation of the Calendar for the New Year
a year ago
Passing Time
Backyard Skiing You don’t have to go far from home for adventure
11 months ago
Susan Wojcicki makes her exit She had a legendary run. Will YouTube's end with it?
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
more of the same Pretty late into my run yesterday I went into a meditative-like zone where my breathing was slow and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pretty late into my run yesterday I went into a meditative-like zone where my breathing was slow and even, my legs were going at a consistent rhythm, and I found myself thinking:...
Seth's Blog
Fooled Now it’s a business model. People are regularly fooled by crypto scams, NFT hype, opioid felons,...
a year ago
a year ago
Now it’s a business model. People are regularly fooled by crypto scams, NFT hype, opioid felons, algorithmic spam at scale, health claims, illogical political arguments, fundraising pitches, overnight shortcuts on the road to riches or happiness and MLM hustle. Your account has...
Sia-Minio Integration Postmortem One of the best things I learned from working at Google is the practice of blame-free postmortems....
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the best things I learned from working at Google is the practice of blame-free postmortems. When something goes wrong, you wait until the dust settles, then write a report analyzing what happened. The report explains how the problem occurred and defines concrete steps the...
Paul Graham: Essays
The Fatal Pinch
over a year ago
Making software...
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you're an RSS subscriber, I've probably blown...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you're an RSS subscriber, I've probably blown up your feed reader (again). This seems to be an on-going theme with this blog. I can't help it. This website now uses my new Pandoc-based static blog generator: pblog. I won't go...
Piotr Migdał's Blog
Dating for nerds (part 2): gender differences This part of dating for nerds series is focused on the differences between genders that may affect...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This part of dating for nerds series is focused on the differences between genders that may affect dating: social expectations, safety, choosiness, taking initiative.
Maggie Appleton
Illustrating Gatsby's Key Concepts Illustrated notes on the key concepts of how Gatsby.js works
over a year ago
99% Invisible
The Power Broker #06: Mike Schur [EPISODE] This is the sixth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This is the sixth official episode of our ongoing series breaking down the 1974 Pulitzer Prize winning book, The Power Broker by our hero Robert Caro. This week, Roman and Elliott sit down with Mike Schur, who created the critically acclaimed NBC comedy The Good Place, and...
Seth's Blog
How many sparks? That’s the tempting question. How much hustle, hoopla and initiative do we need to get this idea...
3 months ago
3 months ago
That’s the tempting question. How much hustle, hoopla and initiative do we need to get this idea ignited in the marketplace… But the much better question is: How much kindling do we have? Kindling doesn’t happen all at once. It’s the result of investments over time. We can earn...
Thou hast devourd thy sonnes - some notes on Seneca's horror plays My Seneca reading in March: Medea, tr. Frederick Ahl The Trojan Women, tr. E. F. Watling Thyestes,...
a year ago
a year ago
My Seneca reading in March: Medea, tr. Frederick Ahl The Trojan Women, tr. E. F. Watling Thyestes, tr. Jasper Heywood Hercules Furens, tr. Heywood The Madness of Hercules, tr. Dana Gioia The plays themselves are all from the mid-1st century, perhaps written when Seneca was in...
Photos of New York City Stores in 1997 New Yorker Meredith Jacobson Marciano has amassed archive of 35mm film shots, Polaroids and early...
12 months ago
12 months ago
New Yorker Meredith Jacobson Marciano has amassed archive of 35mm film shots, Polaroids and early digital photographs in NYC from the mid to late 1970s through the early aughts, “when the city still seemed kind of old”. Much like with Peter Marshall’s pictures of London, Meredith...
The Diff
How Many Layers in the AI Stack? Plus! Scale; Outsourcing Capital; Closed-Loop Generative AI; The Perks of Market Power; Labor...
3 weeks ago
Sam Altman
Keep the Internet Open The FCC has announced plans to roll back policies on net neutrality, and its new head has indicated...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The FCC has announced plans to roll back policies on net neutrality, and its new head has indicated he has no plan to stop soon. The internet is a public good, and I believe access should be a basic right.  We've seen such great innovation in software because the internet has...
Out-of-Pocket Blog
Some cool AI healthcare projects | Out-Of-Pocket What was built at the OOP hackathon?
7 months ago
Fatih Arslan
Braun Börse 2024 The Braun+Design Börse is an annual event and fair focusing on Braun products. Braun might not be...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The Braun+Design Börse is an annual event and fair focusing on Braun products. Braun might not be the design icon it was 40 years ago, but starting in 1955, it profoundly impacted the design world, starting with its cooperation with the Ulm School of Design. With Dieter
Jonas Hietala
Coconut Cauliflower Curry Mash It’s time for lesson 3. I made the mistake of not planning for something to augment the mash with,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s time for lesson 3. I made the mistake of not planning for something to augment the mash with, but a simple salad had to do: It was okay. Girlfriend gave it 5/10 and I gave it a 6/10, a higher rating would be possible if there was something else to eat it with.
Construction Physics
Which Construction Tasks Have Gotten Cheaper? We spend a lot of time around here looking at construction costs, and whenever we do the same story...
a year ago
a year ago
We spend a lot of time around here looking at construction costs, and whenever we do the same story emerges: construction never gets cheaper. Construction costs tend to rise at or above the level of overall inflation. A square foot of building costs as much or more to build today...
A Beautiful Site
Hide the mouse cursor with CSS I know you can change the mouse cursor using CSS, but I never realized that you can actually hide it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I know you can change the mouse cursor using CSS, but I never realized that you can actually hide it altogether. .no-cursor { cursor: none; } Of course, that doesn't mean you should, it just means you can. Practical uses for this are definitely limited, but things like...
The Honest Broker
How to Read Greek Tragedy in a Netflix World If you dare
6 months ago
Headless React Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things - Memoization, Data Flow and reconciliation Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU Live It is actually pretty easy to build a mediocre headless React today, i.e. an...
Classical Wisdom
Philosophy and Children Event: THIS Saturday
11 months ago
Diaries of Note
A cord breaking American playwright Tennessee Williams shared a deep bond with his beloved sister, Rose, whose life...
a year ago
a year ago
American playwright Tennessee Williams shared a deep bond with his beloved sister, Rose, whose life began in 1919, two years before his. In 1937, her increasingly erratic behaviour was seemingly explained by a diagnosis of dementia praecox—now known as schizophrenia—and six years...
RGB Input Range Sliders R0 G20 B0 A fun little challenge to myself this week was putting together these HTML input range...
7 months ago
7 months ago
R0 G20 B0 A fun little challenge to myself this week was putting together these HTML input range type sliders to control the color of an LED.Each color channel change triggers an update to read the value, convert it to a hex code (eg. #FF0000), update the output element value,...
99% Invisible
The Price is Wrong [EPISODE] Insurance companies are not climate activists, but they know more about climate risk than just about...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Insurance companies are not climate activists, but they know more about climate risk than just about anyone. And as storms get more extreme and unpredictable a lot of insurers are running the numbers on Florida and realizing that the math just isn’t working anymore. For decades,...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Easier Web Hosting on Github
over a year ago
Computer Things
Are Efficiency and Horizontal Scalability at odds? Sorry for missing the newsletter last week! I started writing on Monday as normal, and by Wednesday...
4 weeks ago
4 weeks ago
Sorry for missing the newsletter last week! I started writing on Monday as normal, and by Wednesday the piece (about the hierarchy of controls ) was 2000 words and not close to done. So now it'll be a blog post sometime later this month. I also just released a new version of...
Ben Borgers
I Miss Google Classroom
over a year ago
NVIDIA finally gets some competition Tom Warren for The Verge: AMD Radeon RX 9070 / 9070 XT Review and Benchmarks The RX 9070 is around...
a week ago
a week ago
Tom Warren for The Verge: AMD Radeon RX 9070 / 9070 XT Review and Benchmarks The RX 9070 is around 17 percent faster than Nvidia’s RTX 5070 in 4K without upscaling enabled, cruising past Nvidia’s card for the same price. The RX 9070 XT is as fast
Julia Evans
What helps people get comfortable on the command line? Sometimes I talk to friends who need to use the command line, but are intimidated by it. I never...
a year ago
a year ago
Sometimes I talk to friends who need to use the command line, but are intimidated by it. I never really feel like I have good advice (I’ve been using the command line for too long), and so I asked some people on Mastodon: if you just stopped being scared of the command line in...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Talking to memory: Inside the Intel 8088 processor's bus interface state machine In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In 1979, Intel introduced the 8088 microprocessor, a variant of the 16-bit 8086 processor. IBM's decision to use the 8088 processor in the IBM PC (1981) was a critical point in computer history, leading to the success of the x86 architecture. The designers of the IBM PC selected...
Quantum Frontiers
Let gravity do its work One day, early this spring, I found myself in a hotel elevator with three other people. The cohort...
10 months ago
10 months ago
One day, early this spring, I found myself in a hotel elevator with three other people. The cohort consisted of two theoretical physicists, one computer scientist, and what appeared to be a normal person. I pressed the elevator’s 4 button, … Continue reading →
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
As Good as HTML Jan Miksovsky has a talk titled “Delivering Universal UI Patterns as Web Components” that speaks on...
a year ago
a year ago
Jan Miksovsky has a talk titled “Delivering Universal UI Patterns as Web Components” that speaks on the incredible opportunity that is web components: That HTML tag that you create [for a web component] that’s just HTML. You can use that anywhere you use HTML. That means the...
Seth's Blog
When the committee decides They’re almost always conservative. Whether it’s a governmental body, the strategy group at a big...
a year ago
a year ago
They’re almost always conservative. Whether it’s a governmental body, the strategy group at a big company or the membership panel at the local country club, we can learn a lot by seeing what they approve and when they stall. Of course, each of us know a lot about our offering,...
Bits about Money
Requiem for a bank loan A brief retrospective on an attractive product First Republic used to offer, and a wider discourse...
a year ago
a year ago
A brief retrospective on an attractive product First Republic used to offer, and a wider discourse on the banking crisis.
The Intimate Mirror
When Love Breaks Open How utter psychological collapse taught me what transformation really means (Breaking Open: Part 1)
2 months ago
Artificial Ignorance
I fell for a deepfake Elon Musk’s cryptocurrency scam bait A lesson in deepfakes, Ponzi schemes, and YouTube algorithm manipulation.
9 months ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Sad Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Actually with this new plugin the robot doesn't...
a year ago
a year ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Actually with this new plugin the robot doesn't need the sympathy but can just directly experience a mixture of awe and joy. Today's News:
History Today Feed
‘All His Spies’ and ‘Spycraft’ review ‘All His Spies’ and ‘Spycraft’ review JamesHoare Mon, 07/29/2024 - 09:25
7 months ago
Sam Altman
Time to Take a Stand It is time for tech companies to start speaking up about some of the actions taken by President...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is time for tech companies to start speaking up about some of the actions taken by President Trump’s administration. There are many actions from his first week that are objectionable.  In repeatedly invoking unsubstantiated conspiracy theories (like the 3 million...
At Home With Candy, Andy and the Bearandas, A Terrifying Children’s Comic From 1966 In 1966, Candy and Andy lived with their parents, Mr and Mrs Bearandas above a toy shop in a typical...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In 1966, Candy and Andy lived with their parents, Mr and Mrs Bearandas above a toy shop in a typical English village called Riverale, going about the place in their rainbow-striped Mini. For a year, their everyday lives were documented in 154 comic books ( ‘the comic full of fun...
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#40) Europe's Greens; jobs and the Great Replacement; tariffs and development; rent control; service...
9 months ago
Aaron's Essays
Generative AI Might Just Save Venture Capital Originally published in The Information on November 2. For the past nine months, nearly every...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Originally published in The Information on November 2. For the past nine months, nearly every investor with a Twitter account, blog or board seat has been beating a unified and constant refrain: The go-go days are done. Founders were being pushed to build 36 months of runway,...
The Rational Walk
Berkshire Hathaway’s Q3 2023 Results — Manufacturing, Service, and Retailing A review of Berkshire's large collection of non-insurance operating businesses, with a focus on...
a year ago
a year ago
A review of Berkshire's large collection of non-insurance operating businesses, with a focus on results in Q3 2023 as well as a longer term view.
Stacked Branches with GitButler GitButler can now manage dependent branches that are stacked, including managing stacked GitHub PRs.
3 months ago
Have We Already Found Life On Mars? Definitions are a funny thing..
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
How RRR’s success brought a wave of Telugu-language movies to Netflix Netflix in the U.S. now has more content in Telugu than in German, Russian, or any dialect of...
10 months ago
Josh Thompson
On Cleaner Controllers A few days ago, I worked on a project that was mostly about serving up basic store data (modeled...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few days ago, I worked on a project that was mostly about serving up basic store data (modeled after Etsy) to an API. We had a few dozen end-points, and all responses were in JSON. Most of the action happened inside of our controllers, and as you might imagine, our routes.rb...
The personal website...
The management strategy that saved Apollo 11 13 minutes from landing the Eagle on the surface of the moon, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
13 minutes from landing the Eagle on the surface of the moon, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong had a problem. Their guidance computer was showing a cryptic alarm, flashing the number 1202. With the mission (and their lives) in danger, the astronauts had to make a decision: continue...
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: The Chronicles of Bim: The 100 Fake Afros My first shooter! It’s working (although a friend got a null pointer error) so I’m a little...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My first shooter! It’s working (although a friend got a null pointer error) so I’m a little happy. The Time I spent about 24 hours on this game. A whopping 30% was break time, mostly me eating, reading manga or playing games… This is proof of me being really lazy this month I...
History Today Feed
‘American Journey’ by Wes Davis review ‘American Journey’ by Wes Davis review j.hoare Wed, 01/17/2024 - 09:43
a year ago
Citation Needed
Issue 65 – World Liberty Fiasco Even the most pro-Trump crypto faithful think Trump’s new crypto scheme is a terrible idea.
6 months ago
Luxury of simplicity by An evergreen blog topic is “writing my own blogging engine because the ones out there are too...
a year ago
a year ago
An evergreen blog topic is “writing my own blogging engine because the ones out there are too complicated.” With the risk of stating the obvious: Writing a blog engine, with one customer, yourself, is the most luxuriously simple web application possible. Complexity lies...
The rise and fall of D&D in Japan In 1985, Dungeons & Dragons (hereafter referred to as D&D) exploded onto the scene in Japan,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
In 1985, Dungeons & Dragons (hereafter referred to as D&D) exploded onto the scene in Japan, achieving massive popularity. The Japanese version of the Basic Rule Set (known as the “red box”) sold an impressive 100,000 copies in its first year. The following year, the gaming...
Jonas Hietala
Changes A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot has been going on lately and it feels like I’m being swamped. I can’t complain too much but there are things I’d like to change after the exam period this week. Program more! nothing since christmas or someting. I need to finish: Ada project for school. Can’t believe I...
bt RSS Feed
News Websites Are Dumpster Fires News Websites Are Dumpster Fires 2019-05-29 Online news outlets are a dying breed and many users...
over a year ago
over a year ago
News Websites Are Dumpster Fires 2019-05-29 Online news outlets are a dying breed and many users have decided to consume information elsewhere. Why? Because the news industry has become a cesspool of anti-consumer and blackhat practices that has eroded trust for the sake of...
How to Coil a Cable
a year ago
Classical Wisdom
Weekend Roundup The Life of Plato
11 months ago
Rest of World -...
China’s EV giant BYD is picking up speed in Jordan How Jordan became a battleground for Chinese EVs.
a year ago
Improving web application security by implementing database security Security is about defense-in-depth. It bogles my mind why it is so difficult to implement...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Security is about defense-in-depth. It bogles my mind why it is so difficult to implement defense-in-depth security in web applications. 99.9% of applications use a single database account, with root-like privileges. Easiest for the developer of course, and the database is just a...
Old Structures...
Building, Blocks I looked up a bit more than usual today on a street that I’m on three or four times per week, and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I looked up a bit more than usual today on a street that I’m on three or four times per week, and got this nice rear view of 75 Broad Street. The upper setbacks and tower are aligned with the overall cityscape; the lower base is aligned with ther curve of South William Street....
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.18.0 Our primary goals for this release were to iron out bugs and improve the user experience of our Beta...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Our primary goals for this release were to iron out bugs and improve the user experience of our Beta features. As a result, we fixed a whole lot of…
See Alan Turing... The Musical! Riverside Studios celebrates the great genius.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
These women fell in love with an AI-voiced chatbot. Then it died An AI-voiced virtual lover called users every morning. Its shutdown left them heartbroken.
a year ago
At least five interesting things to start your week (#51) Falling obesity; the red-state boom; U.S. housing supply; men avoiding college; China's economic...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Falling obesity; the red-state boom; U.S. housing supply; men avoiding college; China's economic goals; implicit taxes on the poor; Garcia interviews Krugman and Cowen interviews Scanlon
Applied Cartography
Using Cursor to port Django tests to pytest When it comes to AI tooling, I am equal parts optimist and cynic. I have no moral qualm with using...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When it comes to AI tooling, I am equal parts optimist and cynic. I have no moral qualm with using these tools (Supermaven is a pretty heavy part of my day-to-day work), but have found most tools quite bad by the metric of "do they make me more productive on Buttondown's code...
Paul Cudenec
Basketball, neo-imperialism and Zionism Sport today is just another sector of big business – just another way of making money.
2 months ago
10 Steps to Transform Your Life As someone who has built and scaled multiple businesses over decades, I've learned that success...
4 months ago
4 months ago
As someone who has built and scaled multiple businesses over decades, I've learned that success isn't about sporadic breakthroughs—it's about consistent, intentional changes in how we think and act.
Christopher Butler
Unscalable, Hand-Crafted Lists of Links Or, Technology vs. Taste The first search engine wasn’t one at all. It was a webpage with a...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Or, Technology vs. Taste The first search engine wasn’t one at all. It was a webpage with a list of links on it. There were many of these, some freely accessible, and others within the first walled-gardens of America Online, Prodigy, and so on. But the most famous one is...
Josh Collinsworth
Pantone, Color, and What I Wish I Had Known Sooner as a Designer One of the most difficult things for me to learn in my transition from the classroom to a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the most difficult things for me to learn in my transition from the classroom to a professional branding agency was how to properly handle color output. So I decided to write this post in the hope of saving you some from some of the pitfalls that I failed to avoid.
The personal website...
Ballet dancers and shot putters Starting a career in design is like crash-landing on Mars. You may have studied it through a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Starting a career in design is like crash-landing on Mars. You may have studied it through a telescope, but nothing can prepare you for actually being there. One of the biggest surprises many new designers experience is that design isn’t always about coming up with the most...
bt RSS Feed
Installing Ruby with RVM on Alpine Linux Installing Ruby with RVM on Alpine Linux 2023-03-16 For some on-going projects I need to switch to...
a year ago
a year ago
Installing Ruby with RVM on Alpine Linux 2023-03-16 For some on-going projects I need to switch to different versions of ruby. Although there exist many step-by-step instructions on installing and configuring rvm for most Linux distros, there aren’t many focused on Alpine “daily...
Why Good Developers Write Bad Unit Tests Congratulations! You’ve finally written so many lines of code that you can afford a beach house. You...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Congratulations! You’ve finally written so many lines of code that you can afford a beach house. You hire Peter Keating, an architect world-famous for his skyscrapers, who assures you that he has brilliant plans for your beachfront property. Months later, you arrive at the grand...
Retail Design Blog
YOPE office by Loskiewicz.Studio We were commissioned to design the interiors for YOPE. Yope is a highly innovative Polish cosmetic...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We were commissioned to design the interiors for YOPE. Yope is a highly innovative Polish cosmetic brand with the core...
Seth's Blog
Tom Peters Tom announced his retirement today, at 80 years old, after 45 years of Excellence and perhaps...
a year ago
a year ago
Tom announced his retirement today, at 80 years old, after 45 years of Excellence and perhaps 10,000,000 miles flown. I remember a photo of him sleeping on a bench in an airport in Siberia. I remember him holding my young son just before we went on stage in Florida together...
abdz.do - Have you...
Beloved food magazine Bon Appétit, gets a fresh rebrand Beloved food magazine Bon Appétit, gets a fresh rebrand abduzeedo0205—23 ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Beloved food magazine Bon Appétit, gets a fresh rebrand abduzeedo0205—23 Bon Appétit, the well-known food and dining magazine, has recently undergone a revamp, and it was just in time for its holiday issue. This new and improved print magazine,...
Common Edge
Letter From Los Angeles: Aftermath Musings Fear and loathing in the burned-out communities of Pacific Palisades, Malibu, and Altadena.
4 weeks ago
The Rational Walk
The Theban Plays The tragic life of Oedipus is the subject of The Theban Plays by Sophocles. The horrors of its plot...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The tragic life of Oedipus is the subject of The Theban Plays by Sophocles. The horrors of its plot has captivated audiences for nearly 2,500 years.
TinyPilot: Month 15 Highlights TinyPilot had its highest-revenue month ever. One of TinyPilot’s competitors raised $800k...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Highlights TinyPilot had its highest-revenue month ever. One of TinyPilot’s competitors raised $800k almost overnight. I’m working with a design firm to improve TinyPilot’s brand and website. Goal Grades At the start of each month, I declare what I’d like to accomplish. Here’s...
Benchmarking. Many of the most important questions for running an organization don’t have clear answers. In most...
a year ago
a year ago
Many of the most important questions for running an organization don’t have clear answers. In most engineering organizations, both the teams working on infrastructure and the teams working on product feel they are undersized. It’s also true that most individuals feel they are...
The American Scholar
Autumn 2024 The post Autumn 2024 appeared first on The American Scholar.
6 months ago
The Universe of...
A complex bug with a ⸢simple⸣ fix Last month I did a fairly complex piece of systems programming that worked surprisingly well. But...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Last month I did a fairly complex piece of systems programming that worked surprisingly well. But it had one big bug that took me a day to track down. One reason I find the bug interesting is that it exemplifies the sort of challenges that come up in systems programming. The...
Sleep I got an Oura ring a couple of years ago and have been working on improving my sleep and sleep...
a year ago
a year ago
I got an Oura ring a couple of years ago and have been working on improving my sleep and sleep habits ever since. For much of my adult life, I have been a poor sleeper. I have always been able to fall asleep quickly, but I have been plagued by two sleep issues. The first […]
Simply Explained
How I Built an NFC Movie Library for my Kids When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to...
a year ago
a year ago
When I was a kid, my sister and I had a tower of VHS tapes we watched endlessly. Fast-forward to today, and my children's movie collection is vastly different. It's completely digital and dispersed across services. I wanted to recreate the tangible magic of my childhood for them.
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse-engineering a three-axis attitude indicator from the F-4 fighter plane We recently received an attitude indicator for the F-4 fighter plane, an instrument that uses a...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We recently received an attitude indicator for the F-4 fighter plane, an instrument that uses a rotating ball to show the aircraft's orientation and direction. In a normal aircraft, the artificial horizon shows the orientation in two axes (pitch and roll), but the F-4...
The Rational Walk
In the Zone Biohacking can be taken too far, but the intelligent use of modern technology has the potential to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Biohacking can be taken too far, but the intelligent use of modern technology has the potential to provide valuable insights about our health.
Tech and Tea
Reader Mailbag: Architect having a hard time letting go A reader writes in with a challenging situation on a new team and an architect who is having trouble...
4 months ago
4 months ago
A reader writes in with a challenging situation on a new team and an architect who is having trouble getting out of the weeds.
David Heinemeier...
One happy Rails World Celebrating twenty years of Ruby on Rails with more than 700 happy developers packed into the...
a year ago
a year ago
Celebrating twenty years of Ruby on Rails with more than 700 happy developers packed into the coolest conference venue possible in Amsterdam was epic. Safe to say, Rails World was a roaring success. Which is deeply satisfying to conclude, because it really wasn't a given outcome...
NeuroLogica Blog
Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers as Fuel The press release for a recent study declares: “New catalyst could provide liquid hydrogen fuel of...
a year ago
a year ago
The press release for a recent study declares: “New catalyst could provide liquid hydrogen fuel of the future.” But don’t get excited – the optimism is more than a bit gratuitous. I have written about hydrogen fuel before, and the reasons I am not optimistic about hydrogen as a...
History Today Feed
Euripides’ Lost Plays Euripides’ Lost Plays JamesHoare Mon, 10/14/2024 - 10:38
4 months ago
NeuroLogica Blog
Accusation of Mental Illness as a Political Strategy I am not the first to say this but it bears repeating – it is wrong to use the accusation of a...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I am not the first to say this but it bears repeating – it is wrong to use the accusation of a mental illness as a political strategy. It is unfair, stigmatizing, and dismissive. Thomas Szasz (let me say straight up – I am not a Szaszian) was a psychiatrist who made it his...
Development Finance Done Right A veteran diplomat explains how to navigate the U.S. development ecosystem, master the interagency...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A veteran diplomat explains how to navigate the U.S. development ecosystem, master the interagency process, and bring electricity to 200 million people.
Tech + Economics +...
Copyright is both vital and obsolete. The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights...
a year ago
a year ago
The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights to our creations are not worth much money to anyone but ourselves. But, if you are the guy who wrote “Born to Run,” it is prudent to assign your rights to an entity...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The inevitable showdown between Twitter and Twitter apps People usually think of business competition as occurring between substitutes – products that serve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People usually think of business competition as occurring between substitutes – products that serve similar functions for the user.   Famous…
Open Culture
Thomas Edison’s Recordings of Leo Tolstoy: Hear the Voice of the Great Russian Novelist Born 196 years ago, Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy’s life (1828–1910) spanned a period of immense...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Born 196 years ago, Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy’s life (1828–1910) spanned a period of immense social, political, and technological change, paralleled in his own life by his radical shift from hedonistic nobleman to theologian, anarchist, and vegetarian pacifist. Though he did...
Diaries of Note
The bird has learned the bark of the dog Reverend John Wesley was an influential Anglican cleric and theologian of the 18th century who,...
a year ago
a year ago
Reverend John Wesley was an influential Anglican cleric and theologian of the 18th century who, along with his brother Charles, founded the Methodist movement. Much of his life was spent on horseback as he travelled the country, covering thousands of miles each year on his quest...
Seth's Blog
The grid of inquiry Expertise and firmly held beliefs don’t always go together. Here’s a simple XY grid to help us...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Expertise and firmly held beliefs don’t always go together. Here’s a simple XY grid to help us choose where to sit at whatever table we’re invited to: Plenty of well-trained professionals have earned the right to have strongly held beliefs. These convictions save them time and...
Passing Time
A Morning and Night in the Desert These moments in time seem to have a higher density than usual.
a year ago
Construction Physics
How much safer has construction gotten? When talking about (the lack of) construction productivity growth, or the fact that we used to build...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When talking about (the lack of) construction productivity growth, or the fact that we used to build things much faster than we do today, commentators frequently mention the safety of the construction workers. On this view, construction speed/efficiency and worker risk are a...
Classical Wisdom
How Can We Handle Anxiety? Practicing the Stoic Skill: Premeditatio Malorum
a year ago
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware February 2023 The Ware for February 2023 is just a tiny portion of a Pioneer DDJ-400. Still enough for wrm to...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for February 2023 is just a tiny portion of a Pioneer DDJ-400. Still enough for wrm to guess it exactly! Congrats, email me for your prize. It is the case that Pioneer gear has a very distinctive design style to it. I wonder if their PCB design software isn’t some...
NeuroLogica Blog
Marmosets Call Each Other By Name Humans identify and call each other by specific names. So far this advanced cognitive behavior has...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Humans identify and call each other by specific names. So far this advanced cognitive behavior has only been identified in a few other species, dolphins, elephants, and some parrots. Interestingly, it has never been documented in our closest relatives, non-human primates – that...
Wrong Side of...
Rats! The Year of the Plague #2
a month ago
Seth's Blog
The landlord and the creative coach The conflict is real. “Jean-Michel [Basquiat] called,” Mr. Warhol wrote in his diary on Sept. 5,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The conflict is real. “Jean-Michel [Basquiat] called,” Mr. Warhol wrote in his diary on Sept. 5, 1983. “He’s afraid he’s just going to be a flash in the pan. And I told him not to worry, that he wouldn’t be. But then I got scared because he’s rented our building on Great Jones...
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#36) The silent majority and the Palestine protests; immigration is fine; batteries make solar work;...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The silent majority and the Palestine protests; immigration is fine; batteries make solar work; building warships in Japan; the decels of the Right
Anti-anti-neoliberalism is also not enough We're never going back to the 1990s, and the Biden years have important things to teach us.
4 weeks ago
Doodling with the Mac’s command icon The command key (⌘) has been a ubiquitious part of the Mac for over forty years. It was chosen by...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The command key (⌘) has been a ubiquitious part of the Mac for over forty years. It was chosen by legendary icon designer Susan Kare, who picked it from a symbol dictionary – this shape was already being used in Sweden to highlight an interesting feature on a map. It’s an...
Ben Borgers
over a year ago
Eukaryote Writes...
COVID-19 FAQ A lot of people have been asking me questions about the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak, in my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lot of people have been asking me questions about the COVID-19 (novel coronavirus) outbreak, in my informal capacity as “local biodefense person”.
Abishek Muthian
OpenWrt login alert I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to receive alert when logged into my OpenWrt router via SSH and this what I did. Replace Dropbear with OpenSSH-server OpenWrt uses lightweight Dropbear as SSH server by default but it needs to be compiled with PAM support to add alerts. Instead I'm replacing Dropbear...
Ben Borgers
Mornings Set the Tone
over a year ago
Twelve Mile Circle –...
Asia-Pacific, Part 4 (Japan: Exploring Tokyo) Sure, the tourists sites were great, but Twelve Mile Circle readers know I like to follow tangents...
a year ago
a year ago
Sure, the tourists sites were great, but Twelve Mile Circle readers know I like to follow tangents even when I do that. I’m always on the hunt for the unusual, or at least the unusual to me. I’m sure everything seemed perfectly normal to anyone from Japan. So I made sure I...
The Absolute Worst Things You Can Say To A Londoner "I bought my flat in the early 2000s for 150k."
a year ago
Posts on Made of...
Using X forwarding with screen by proxying $DISPLAY If you’re reading this blog, I probably don’t have to explain why I love GNU screen. I can keep a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’re reading this blog, I probably don’t have to explain why I love GNU screen. I can keep a long-running session going on a server somewhere, and log in and resume my session without losing any state. I also love X-forwarding. I love being able to log into a remote server...
Willem's Blog
Offline Music People sometimes act suprised when I tell them about my music hobby, manually converting CD's to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People sometimes act suprised when I tell them about my music hobby, manually converting CD's to lossless audio files; there is some reason to this madness however!
Eric Bailey
accessiBe and the false David vs. Goliath narrative immediately stop creating harm for the people trying to use your website or web app. Remove...
over a year ago
over a year ago
immediately stop creating harm for the people trying to use your website or web app. Remove accessiBe’s one line of embed code, ride out your contract’s remaining time, and don’t renew—treat the cost as lesson learned. If you are unfamiliar with the concept of accessibility...
Common Edge
Style Is Not Beauty, Just As Religion Is Not Faith Why the executive Order on federal buildings is doomed to failure.
a week ago
escape the algorithm
Not your usual subscription confirmation Or why you shouldn't ignore the back catalog
a year ago
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Sit Down Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: I do check to see what became of the PLiF guys...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: I do check to see what became of the PLiF guys every six months or so. Today's News:
Himanshu Mishra |...
Collection of Linux fortunes ❤ fortune | cowsay This is about how I maintain the space...
over a year ago
over a year ago
fortune | cowsay This is about how I maintain the space https://github.com/OrkoHunter/mfdf/blob/master/fortunesfortune is a Unix program…
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Two Imaginary Cages One mouse, one bird, and two cages. A grim parable for modern workers.
over a year ago
Global Inequality...
The end and the beginning of history Three ways of thinking about Lea Ypi’s Free
8 months ago
99% Invisible
Devolutionary Design [EPISODE] It’s hard to overstate just how important record album art was to music in the days before people...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s hard to overstate just how important record album art was to music in the days before people downloaded everything. Visuals were a key part of one’s experience with a record or tape or CD. The design of the album cover created a first impression of what was to come. Album...
Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of Life in SQL Christmas divination: implementing Conway's Life in SQL The post Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Christmas divination: implementing Conway's Life in SQL The post Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of Life in SQL appeared first on EXPLAIN EXTENDED.
5 toxic forces that prevent you from quitting when you should Laetitia@Work #56
over a year ago
The Balaji Newsletter A single place for all updates at balajis.com
a year ago
The Honest Broker
How Do You Celebrate Truman Capote's 100th Birthday? Today is his centenary, but is Capote a hero or just an embarrassment?
5 months ago
One Useful Thing
Using AI to make teaching easier & more impactful Here are five strategies and prompts that work for GPT-3.5 & GPT-4
a year ago
A Tim Burton Exhibition Is Coming To The Design Museum In 2024 Illustrator, painter, photographer, author - what doesn't he do?
a year ago
Why We Shut Down In international development, it’s not enough to try to do good. We need the tools to tell if a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In international development, it’s not enough to try to do good. We need the tools to tell if a project is really working — and the incentive to end it if it’s not.
Seth's Blog
Organizing for urgent There are many ways to prioritize our time and focus, but the easiest and most vivid way is to do...
a month ago
a month ago
There are many ways to prioritize our time and focus, but the easiest and most vivid way is to do the urgent things first. If we wait until a house plant is sick before we take care of it, though, it’s too late. Deadlines, loud requests and last-minute interventions are crude...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Nabbing macOS Icon Artwork I keep a personal collection of beautiful macOS app icons, which might make you ask: “How does he...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I keep a personal collection of beautiful macOS app icons, which might make you ask: “How does he get those icons?” Apps in the App Store For apps in the Mac App Store, I have my ways. I don’t necessarily want to write about them because I’m semi-afraid Apple would frown on my...
Eric Bailey
Centerless My sense of identity and community have been challenged in multiple, overwhelming ways recently. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My sense of identity and community have been challenged in multiple, overwhelming ways recently. I don’t know what to do about it. Some personal events recently transpired, ones that made me extremely aware of my mortality. They’ve also caused me to reevaluate my self-perception...
Max Rozen
Blogging lessons from working for a large blogging company For a short period, I was employed by a company that drove most of its revenue from blogging. Here's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For a short period, I was employed by a company that drove most of its revenue from blogging. Here's what I learned while I was there.
Diaries of Note
Demented with grief Franz Baermann Steiner was a Czech-born anthropologist and poet whose life was tragically cut short...
a year ago
a year ago
Franz Baermann Steiner was a Czech-born anthropologist and poet whose life was tragically cut short in 1952 by a heart attack—the final blow in a series of health struggles since his parents were claimed by the Holocaust. His enduring trauma from this profound loss had been a...
"Wretched, Frightful, Monstrous" - How London's Iconic Landmarks Were First Reviewed Inc. some serious shade thrown on Tower Bridge.
11 months ago
Show “nobody wanted” was the second-most-watched show on Disney+ Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly...
a month ago
a month ago
Katie Campione writing for Deadline with a very long headline: Broadcast Was “Surprisingly Resilient” in 2024 Amid Production Declines, but Streaming Still Leads the Pack; ‘Fool Me Once’ Led TV Last Year, Luminate Says big IP franchises were still the best performing series on...
Trying to Understand...
What Can You Do When You Don't Have A Culture? Not that much, actually.
6 months ago
Split-Brain: Two Selves in One? We tend to perceive ourselves as something unified and immutable—whether we call it our soul,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
We tend to perceive ourselves as something unified and immutable—whether we call it our soul, essence, or self. Yet, whenever we try to explain it, the questions start. Is it just perception itself? Could it be composed of several elements or even just be an illusion? There has...
Nadia Asparouhova
Not voting as a form of protest Sometime at the end of last year, I wondered about what it would look like to have a mass-organized...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometime at the end of last year, I wondered about what it would look like to have a mass-organized abstention campaign. My interest in this topic was mostly casual, but in a moment of enthusiasm, I shared these thoughts on a mailing list with a bunch of creative...
Ferdowsi's Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings - No one has any knowledge of those first days... My little Persian literature syllabus in March was built on Aboloqasem Ferdowsi’s gigantic epic...
11 months ago
11 months ago
My little Persian literature syllabus in March was built on Aboloqasem Ferdowsi’s gigantic epic Shahnameh: The Persian Book of Kings (1010), a slender 850 pages in Dick Davis’s 2006 prose (mostly) translation.  He added another 100 pages to the 2016 edition, whether filling out...
Christian Selig
Recreating Apple's beautiful visionOS search bar Many of Apple’s own visionOS apps, like Music, Safari, and Apple TV, have a handy search bar front...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Many of Apple’s own visionOS apps, like Music, Safari, and Apple TV, have a handy search bar front and center on the window so you can easily search through your content. Oddly, as of visionOS 1.1, replicating this visually as a developer using SwiftUI or UIKit is not...
#10 <section> is no replacement for <div> Bad code <section id="page-top"> <section data-section-id="page-top" style="display:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <section id="page-top"> <section data-section-id="page-top" style="display: none;"></section> </section> <main> <section id="main-content"> <header id="main-header"> <h1>...</h1> <section class="container-fluid"> <section class="row"> ...
Steve Klabnik
Redcarpet is awesome
over a year ago
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#35) Chinese defense spending, activists vs. normies, corporate diversity, phones in schools,
10 months ago
Seth's Blog
Working with problems Situations have no solution, they’re not problems, they’re simply the way it is. Problems are...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Situations have no solution, they’re not problems, they’re simply the way it is. Problems are distinguished by the fact that they have solutions. But that doesn’t mean that the solution is obvious, easy or convenient. If the problem is important enough, we should pick the best...
Thu Le
50 things I learned in 2024 In 2024, I set a goal to document one interesting thing I learn each week, drawing insights from...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In 2024, I set a goal to document one interesting thing I learn each week, drawing insights from books, conversations, and everyday life.
FIRE v London
Nov ’24: 3x London life I’ve been keeping busy as winter in London sets in. The Christmas lights are all out and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
London life I’ve been keeping busy as winter in London sets in. The Christmas lights are all out and looking resplendent, and both the West End and the City are feeling pretty buzzy. For all the general ‘UK stuck in the weeds’ economic commentary, we feel a long way from any talk...
Open Culture
Jerry Seinfeld Delivers Commencement Address at Duke University: You Will Need Humor to Get Through... This weekend, Jerry Seinfeld gave the commencement speech at Duke University and offered the...
10 months ago
10 months ago
This weekend, Jerry Seinfeld gave the commencement speech at Duke University and offered the graduates his three keys to life: 1. bust your ass, 2. pay attention, and 3. fall in love. Then, 10 minutes later, he added essentially a fourth key to life: “Do not lose your sense of...
The Prism
25 Useful Ideas for 2025 Mental models to kickstart the new year
2 months ago
bt RSS Feed
Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 2021-08-13 I have successfully jammed an mSATA SSD into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stuffing an SSD Inside the Raspberry Pi 400 2021-08-13 I have successfully jammed an mSATA SSD into the main shell of my Raspberry Pi 400. It wasn’t as straightforward as I thought it would be - in fact, most real hardware tinkerers will probably vomit in their mouths once they...
History Today Feed
‘Sparta and the Commemoration of War’ and ‘The Killing Ground’ review ‘Sparta and the Commemoration of War’ and ‘The Killing Ground’ review JamesHoare Mon, 03/11/2024 -...
a year ago
Math Is Still...
Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Shape of the Universe Is the universe flat and infinite, or something more complex? We can’t say for sure, but a new...
a month ago
a month ago
Is the universe flat and infinite, or something more complex? We can’t say for sure, but a new search strategy is mapping out the subtle signals that could reveal if the universe had a shape. The post Cosmologists Try a New Way to Measure the Shape of the Universe...
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Toxic Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Remember when conspiracy theories were mostly just...
8 months ago
The Earth Is Better with More People A world with 2 billion people would be decaying, poor, brutal, violent, hopeless. With 100B, it...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A world with 2 billion people would be decaying, poor, brutal, violent, hopeless. With 100B, it would be rich, beautiful, vibrant, peaceful, hopeful.
The personal website...
Taking credit for success Failure sucks. From its economic realities to its ego-deflating self-esteem sap, failure slows you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Failure sucks. From its economic realities to its ego-deflating self-esteem sap, failure slows you down and holds you back. And while it would be nice to live in a world where failure rarely happens, our reality is the opposite; success is the exception. Success is hard to come...
Chris Grossack's...
Finiteness in Sheaf Topoi The notion of “finiteness” is constructively subtle in ways that can be tricky for people new to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The notion of “finiteness” is constructively subtle in ways that can be tricky for people new to the subject to understand. For a while now I’ve wanted to figure out what’s going on with the different versions of “finite” in a way that felt concrete and obvious (I mentioned...
High Signal
Making over $10k a month from a timer app Lukas is making over $10,000 a month just from a timer app. It's totally bootstrapped and there are...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Lukas is making over $10,000 a month just from a timer app. It's totally bootstrapped and there are no investors.
Style over Substance
Guy’s Cool Tools This is a placeholder post! I’m a huge fan of Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools site and have loved their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a placeholder post! I’m a huge fan of Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools site and have loved their recommendations for years. So much, so that I even started a Pinterest board filled with my own recommendations. But after a few years of running into the limitations of the form, I...
The Ruffian
The Historian and the Culture Warrior Plus: Thoughts on Responses To the Kaba Verdict
4 months ago
Charles Chen
React is the New IBM You’ll never get fired for picking it, but it’s going to be expensive, bloated, difficult to get...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’ll never get fired for picking it, but it’s going to be expensive, bloated, difficult to get right, and joyless every step of the way.
Drew Ex Machina
Recollections of NASA’s Apollo 11 Mission Like a lot of kids who grew up during the ‘60s and ‘70s, I had a fascination with spaceflight. This...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Like a lot of kids who grew up during the ‘60s and ‘70s, I had a fascination with spaceflight. This interest started honestly enough back around […]
McMurdo's Automated Teller Machines Cash, in Antarctica!
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
How can men be so cruel, as many of them are In 1872, just two years after the death of her mother, five-year-old Martha Van Orsdol embarked on a...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1872, just two years after the death of her mother, five-year-old Martha Van Orsdol embarked on a journey with her family to the Kansas frontier. When she was fourteen, Martha began to keep a diary, and over the span of four decades diligently filled 4,000 pages with her...
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Nothing Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: And that man's name was Job. Today's News:
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Latin Americans are the world’s most in-demand remote workers They still struggle to get paid in a volatile region, though, with many asking for payment in...
a year ago
Sloth was not the right answer Once, when I was 12, my parents asked me what my favorite animal was. And I thought: OK, self, what...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Once, when I was 12, my parents asked me what my favorite animal was. And I thought: OK, self, what you’ve got here is a totally safe question. There are no “right” or “wrong” animals and no need to worry about any consequences. Let your heart soar! At school recently, I had seen...
Electronics etc…
HP 8656A Signal Generator Schematics Agilent has made the 8656A Signal Generator Operating & Service Manual available as a PDF, but the...
a year ago
a year ago
Agilent has made the 8656A Signal Generator Operating & Service Manual available as a PDF, but the schematics of chapter 8 are all spread over 3 or 4 pages, which makes them hard to follow. I spent a good evening extracting the schematics pages, cutting-and-pasting them together...
Naz Hamid — Journal...
✏️ The Dark is Dubious We find ourselves sitting by a heated pool in autumn temperatures at 7,200 feet. Santa Fe has been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We find ourselves sitting by a heated pool in autumn temperatures at 7,200 feet. Santa Fe has been home for two nights, where we luxuriated in a king-size bed with our own pillows (we don’t leave home without them). How We Got Here Since the last missive, we parted ways with...
Josh Thompson
Turing Prep appendix: Troubleshooting Errors Pretty much any time I hear the same question twice, I will try to add a section here for it, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pretty much any time I hear the same question twice, I will try to add a section here for it, and make it as findable by future students as possible. Do you have a question not answered here? PLEASE send me a DM in Slack or @ me (I’m josh_t in the Turing slack). I’ll take a...
Epic Web Dev
Creating Glassmorphism Effects with Tailwind CSS (tip) Learn how to create glassmorphism effects using the backdrop blur in Tailwind CSS and achieve...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn how to create glassmorphism effects using the backdrop blur in Tailwind CSS and achieve realistic translucent credit card designs.
computers are bad
2023-11-19 Centrex I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened...
a year ago
a year ago
I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened to "PBX" in today's world where the "automatic" is implied. (Relatively) modern small and medium business PABXs of the type I like to collect are largely solid-state devices that...
The Incredible And True Story Of How Elvis Presley Became Orion, The Masked Singer Destined to be a leading light to the world, James Hodges Ellis (born James Hughes Bell, February...
a year ago
a year ago
Destined to be a leading light to the world, James Hodges Ellis (born James Hughes Bell, February 26, 1945 – December 12, 1998) was known to his fans as Orion. To others he was Elvis Presley. Ellis appeared with many artists, including Loretta Lynn, Jerry Lee Lewis, Tammy...
The Marginalian
Octavio Paz on Freedom "Without freedom, what we call a person does not exist."
a year ago
Making software...
CSS Slope Graphs CSS Slope Graphs 2021-06-07 I am a huge sucker for simplistic and beautifully designed visual data...
over a year ago
over a year ago
CSS Slope Graphs 2021-06-07 I am a huge sucker for simplistic and beautifully designed visual data on the web. Most data tends to be graphed via line or bar systems - which is fine - but I think slope graphs are highly underrated. Let's change that, shall we? The Demo I'm basing...
Math Is Still...
The Cellular Secret to Resisting the Pressure of the Deep Sea Cell membranes from comb jellies reveal a new kind of adaptation to the deep sea: curvy lipids that...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Cell membranes from comb jellies reveal a new kind of adaptation to the deep sea: curvy lipids that conform to an ideal shape under pressure. The post The Cellular Secret to Resisting the Pressure of the Deep Sea first appeared on Quanta Magazine
Old Structures...
Fun With Telephoto Lenses A lot of times, when I’m discussing an old photo, I’ll talk about where the photographer was...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A lot of times, when I’m discussing an old photo, I’ll talk about where the photographer was standing when he or she took the shot. It matters to understand exactly what you’re seeing, and figuring it out is usually not that difficult if you know some of the quirks of Manhattan...
The Forney Flyer
Living up North, Way back When Here's a shot of the little village where we lived for several years. It was nestled on the banks of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's a shot of the little village where we lived for several years. It was nestled on the banks of the Koyukuk River, just above the Arctic Circle, not too far South of Gates of the Arctic National Park. There were no roads to the village. You could only get there by airplane...
Blog - Bitfield...
Generic types in Go Golang generics open up a lot of exciting new possibilities for us as programmers. In this...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Golang generics open up a lot of exciting new possibilities for us as programmers. In this tutorial, we’ll look at ways we can use type parameters to define customised generic types.
The American Scholar
My Cousin Manya One survivor’s story The post My Cousin Manya appeared first on The American Scholar.
4 months ago
Math Is Still...
Do We Need a New Theory of Gravity? Since Newton had his initial revelation about gravity, our understanding of this fundamental concept...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Since Newton had his initial revelation about gravity, our understanding of this fundamental concept has evolved in unexpected ways. In this week’s episode, theoretical physicist Claudia de Rham and co-host Janna Levin discuss the ways our current understanding of gravity needs...
How to run Debian Linux on an Intel based Mac Mini The Mac Mini is just a gorgeous device. It is beautiful, small, silent, powerfull yet energy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Mac Mini is just a gorgeous device. It is beautiful, small, silent, powerfull yet energy efficient. When idle, it uses around 20 watts. I'm using one of the first Intel-based Minis with an Intel Core Duo chip, running at 1.6 Ghz. I want to use this mini as an expensive router...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware September 2024 Last month’s Ware was a Cue COVID test reader. It uses LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification)...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Last month’s Ware was a Cue COVID test reader. It uses LAMP (loop-mediated isothermal amplification) to perform a fast and sensitive detection of nucleic acid sequences. Thanks again to Curtis Galloway for contributing this ware for me to take apart and photograph! Nobody had...
Ben Borgers
Gimme Back My Headphones
over a year ago
Notes on software...
Implementing zip archiving in Golang: unzipping All code for this post is available on Github. Let's take a look at how zip files work. Take a small...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All code for this post is available on Github. Let's take a look at how zip files work. Take a small file for example: $ cat hello.text Hello! Let's zip it up. $ zip test.zip hello.text adding: hello.text (stored 0%) $ ls -lah test.zip -rw-r--r-- 1 phil phil 177 Nov 23 23:04...
Stablecoins are non-fungible, bank deposits are fungible On Twitter/X, I recently suggested that the network effects of the stablecoin market are massive....
a month ago
a month ago
On Twitter/X, I recently suggested that the network effects of the stablecoin market are massive. Tether, which has four times more wallets than all other stablecoins, is locked-in as the stablecoin lingua franca, just like English has been locked-in as the global language of...
Classical Wisdom
Weekly Wisdom Quiz Beginnings, Endings, and Education
4 days ago
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2023 / Lisboa, PT]
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
NFTs and A Thousand True Fans In his classic 2008 essay “1000 True Fans,” Kevin Kelly predicted that the internet would transform...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In his classic 2008 essay “1000 True Fans,” Kevin Kelly predicted that the internet would transform the economics of creative activities: To…
This Modern Home Was Designed Around A Split-Trunk Oak Tree A Parallel Architecture has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Austin, Texas, that’s...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A Parallel Architecture has shared photos of a modern home they completed in Austin, Texas, that’s designed around a split-trunk live oak, which has stood guard over the center of the tight lot for decades. The home’s exterior features concrete, wood, and large windows, with some...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware June 2023 The Ware for June 2023 is a Sony TR-733 “7-transistor radio” from the mid 1960’s. I’ll give the...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for June 2023 is a Sony TR-733 “7-transistor radio” from the mid 1960’s. I’ll give the prize to Pedro Rodrigues, because even though the model number isn’t correct, as far as I can tell the portion of the electronics shown is identical between the TR-729 and the TR-733....
Old Structures...
Half Of A Grand Commercial Palace 380 Broadway has architecture above its station. It was built in 1860 with retail space at the base...
9 months ago
9 months ago
380 Broadway has architecture above its station. It was built in 1860 with retail space at the base and loft space above, but it’s got that grand marble-veneer facade on the upper floors and some very nice cast iron by Daniel Badger at the first floor. It’s fortunes have followed...
Steve Klabnik
A case study in being excellent: Divvy
over a year ago
Math Is Still...
These Moons Are Dark and Frozen. So How Can They Have Oceans? The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn appear to have subsurface oceans — tantalizing targets in the...
a year ago
a year ago
The moons orbiting Jupiter and Saturn appear to have subsurface oceans — tantalizing targets in the search for life beyond Earth. But it’s not clear why these seas exist at all. The post These Moons Are Dark and Frozen. So How Can They Have Oceans? first appeared on...
Starting Docker just before I need it Although I use Docker a lot, I don’t leave it running all the time – it can be quite a resource hog,...
a year ago
a year ago
Although I use Docker a lot, I don’t leave it running all the time – it can be quite a resource hog, and even if it’s doing nothing it can make my laptop feel sluggish. I’ll often stop if it my computer feels slow, which is great right until the next time I need to use it: $...
Global Inequality...
To all the newspapers I loved The decline and fall of the print media.
a year ago
seangoedecke.com RSS...
Are DeepSeek's new models really that fast and cheap? Everyone’s saying that DeepSeek’s latest models represent a significant improvement over the work...
a month ago
a month ago
Everyone’s saying that DeepSeek’s latest models represent a significant improvement over the work from American AI labs. If they’re not…
a year ago
Server-side rendering React in OCaml
a year ago
Rest of World -...
What the AI boom is getting wrong (and right), according to Hugging Face’s policy chief Irene Solaiman on tackling racial bias, language equity, consent, and why there are so many AI...
9 months ago
The Ruffian
Opposites Attract On the Gender Divide In Politics and Why It Might Just Save Us All
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Fingerprints on the Feculence If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for quality, anyone more in touch with good taste than you? It is time to fess up to poor UX.
A Beautiful Site
Prefers Reduced Motion By now, most devs are familiar with the prefers-reduced-motion media query that tells whether or not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
By now, most devs are familiar with the prefers-reduced-motion media query that tells whether or not a user prefers, well, reduced motion. You can use this to tone down (or turn off) transitions and animations in your stylesheet to accommodate users with vestibular motion...
The American Scholar
The Wonder of It All In search of awe The post The Wonder of It All appeared first on The American Scholar.
3 months ago
Twelve Mile Circle –...
England, Day 3 (Dorchester) We began to explore a little further afield, still within Dorset, as we began to settle in to our...
8 months ago
8 months ago
We began to explore a little further afield, still within Dorset, as we began to settle in to our home for the week. That took us a little further west and a few miles inland from the English Channel. It included a lot of open countryside and then a sizeable settlement....
Seth's Blog
Small doses If you go to a health food store and buy some pills with selenium, colloidal silver or other...
a year ago
a year ago
If you go to a health food store and buy some pills with selenium, colloidal silver or other mysterious substances in them, it’s possible that they’ll make you feel a bit better. On the other hand, if you take a large dose, you’ll get sick or possibly die. In very small doses,...
Saturday Morning...
Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - Instance Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Later he deletes this simulation of his girlfriend...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Click here to go see the bonus panel! Hovertext: Later he deletes this simulation of his girlfriend simulating her breaking up with him. Today's News:
The Honest Broker
I Say Forbidden Things About Sports What's happening in athletics is tragic—but don't expect to hear about on ESPN
3 months ago
Dan Slimmon
Explaining the fire When the firefighters arrive at the blazing building, they don't need to explain the fire. They need...
11 months ago
11 months ago
When the firefighters arrive at the blazing building, they don't need to explain the fire. They need to put it out. It doesn't matter whether a toaster malfunctioned, or a cat knocked over a candle, or a smoker fell asleep watching The Voice. But when PagerDuty blows up and we...
Ryan Mulligan
Site Rebuild, Here We Go! There are still a few bits to work out, but why wait any longer? The latest version of my site is...
a year ago
a year ago
There are still a few bits to work out, but why wait any longer? The latest version of my site is here and it has been rebuilt from the ground up. I'm feeling pretty good about it and invite you all to celebrate the magic with me! ✨ Inspiration While playing Super Mario Wonder, I...
Steve Klabnik
Resque 1.25.0 has been released
over a year ago
A Theory of Web Relativity The rel attribute has the potential to take the Internet to the next level… and yet, we usually...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The rel attribute has the potential to take the Internet to the next level… and yet, we usually forget about it. Imagine a city where people guided themselves by the landmarks and the stores, where there were no directional signs, and where streets and neighborhoods had no names....
diamond geezer
My Saturday freneticism graph I made this graph to show how busy I was yesterday. 12-1am: In bed preparing to sleep [1] 1-4am:...
a month ago
a month ago
I made this graph to show how busy I was yesterday. 12-1am: In bed preparing to sleep [1] 1-4am: zzzzz [0] 4-5am: No, no need to wake up yet [1] 5-7am: zzzzz [0] 7-8am: Ah there's the alarm, wash, dress, breakfast, pack rucksack [3] 8-9am: Ooh Thames Water are coning off Bus...
Build In Public...
Build In Public - Community Edition (Nov 2021) Hey everyone 👋 Here’s a powerful quote to kick us off into the Thanksgiving week: “Gratitude...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hey everyone 👋 Here’s a powerful quote to kick us off into the Thanksgiving week: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” - Melody Beattie I’m grateful for many things this year including my son’s birth
Lighthouse Blog
Updates April 12
11 months ago
Josh Thompson
On Minimalism I reluctantly call myself a minimalist. I’d prefer to call myself an “enoughalist”. This reluctance...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I reluctantly call myself a minimalist. I’d prefer to call myself an “enoughalist”. This reluctance is because I think the label brings in a bunch of connotations that I don’t like. Our apartment never looked like this. Source: home-designing.com What is Minimalism? a removal or...
Atoms vs Bits
80/20 Meditation Part of our 80/20 series sit on a cushion for 20 mins per day focus on your sensory experiences...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Part of our 80/20 series sit on a cushion for 20 mins per day focus on your sensory experiences (touch, sight, smell, sound). Try to perceive them as accurately as possible [1] [2] [3] footnotes: is that really all? on one level, yes -- both in the sense that
Passing Time
What's the Least Impactful Way to Spend $300 Million? Buying status is as close to bad as a good act can be.
a year ago
A Collection of...
Collections: Phalanx’s Twilight, Legion’s Triumph, Part IIa: How a Legion Fights This is the first part of the second part of our four? four part look at the great third and second...
a year ago
a year ago
This is the first part of the second part of our four? four part look at the great third and second century BC contest between the Hellenistic armies of the heirs of Alexander and the Roman legions. Last time, we looked at the Hellenistic army as a complete system, incorporating...
Paul Cudenec
For one people's resistance! by Paul Cudenec
2 months ago
The Ruffian
Why Things Might Actually Be About To Get Better Reasons For National Optimism
9 months ago
Notes on software...
Writing a simple JSON library from scratch: a tour through modern C++ Modern C++ has a lot of cool features. Move semantics means passing around structs in functions is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Modern C++ has a lot of cool features. Move semantics means passing around structs in functions is cheap. std::shared_ptr means I don't have to manage any memory; no more new/delete! (But try as I might to understand std::unique_ptr, I'm just not there yet.) The syntax has also...
Calculated Risk
Question #10 for 2025: Will inventory increase further in 2025? Today, in the CalculatedRisk Real Estate Newsletter: Question #10 for 2025: Will inventory increase...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Today, in the CalculatedRisk Real Estate Newsletter: Question #10 for 2025: Will inventory increase further in 2025? Earlier I posted some questions on my blog for next year: Ten Economic Questions for 2025. Some of these questions concern real estate (inventory, house prices,...
Build In Public...
What if you could edit like Spielberg? 🎥 Meet Eddie AI—your new editing partner ready to bring cinematic flair to every cut!
5 months ago
ntietz.com blog
Introducing Hurl, a terrible (but cute) idea for a language Sometimes we have ideas that are bad but demand to enter reality. A few months ago, while chatting...
a year ago
a year ago
Sometimes we have ideas that are bad but demand to enter reality. A few months ago, while chatting with a friend, we toyed around with the idea of a language where the only control flow you get is error handling. This idea embedded itself in my brain and wouldn't let me go, so I...
Citation Needed
Issue 71 – (Crypto) banks are not your friends Celsius’ Alex Mashinsky pleads guilty to fraud, some Tornado Cash sanctions are overturned, and tech...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Celsius’ Alex Mashinsky pleads guilty to fraud, some Tornado Cash sanctions are overturned, and tech billionaires complain about “debanking”.
Retail Design Blog
Gorilla Bites by Mostafa Abdelmawla “Gorilla Bites” is a personal passion project—an imaginative chocolate brand with a bold,...
a month ago
a month ago
“Gorilla Bites” is a personal passion project—an imaginative chocolate brand with a bold, adventurous twist! The Legend of Gorilla Bites:...
The Convivial...
If Your World Is Not Enchanted, You're Not Paying Attention The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 11
6 months ago
Utah's war on social networks is a symptom of a larger problem Congress failed to act — and now a patchwork of bad state laws is eroding our privacy
over a year ago
Inverted Passion
Games are problems people pay to solve Good definitions are powerful. Lately, while reading The Art of Game Design, it became clear to me...
a year ago
a year ago
Good definitions are powerful. Lately, while reading The Art of Game Design, it became clear to me that the author’s definition of games makes a lot of sense. He defines games as problems that people pay to solve with either their time or money. Unlike movies or books, games are...
Apple’s new iPads are here, let’s break them down Another day, another opportunity to rate my 2025 Apple predictions! iPad Here’s what I predicted...
a week ago
a week ago
Another day, another opportunity to rate my 2025 Apple predictions! iPad Here’s what I predicted would happen with the base iPad this year: I fully expect to see the 11th gen iPad in 2025, and I think it will come with a jump to the A17 Pro or
Projects TinyPilot (2020 - present) TinyPilot is a small, inexpensive device that gives you remote access to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
TinyPilot (2020 - present) TinyPilot is a small, inexpensive device that gives you remote access to servers before they even boot. Refactoring English (2021) Refactoring English: Effective Writing for Software Developers is my upcoming book that teaches developers practical tips...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to use SvelteKit with Netlify Forms a simple tutorial
over a year ago
Val Sopi
Going steady <p>blogstatic has been going well. Better than any other app I've ever ran. Not sure what it is....
over a year ago
over a year ago
<p>blogstatic has been going well. Better than any other app I've ever ran. Not sure what it is. Could be that my experience over the years has caused for me to cover all the usual pitfalls, so everything looks good to the new client: from the marketing website all the way to the...
Valentine's Day 2024 In London: Events For Dates, Mates And Flying Solo Romance-themed things to do on and around 14 February.
a year ago
Kagi Blog
Kagi Translate - We speak your language Your browser does not support the video tag.
4 months ago
Ralph Ammer
A quick beginner’s guide to animation To “animate” means to breathe life into things. In these 5 exercises we make stones come alive....
8 months ago
8 months ago
To “animate” means to breathe life into things. In these 5 exercises we make stones come alive. Preparation To get started I suggest this simple setup for you to try at home:  Ready? Let’s go! Thinking in time Stop-motion is simple: Take a picture, move the object, take the next...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Svelte reactivity — an inside and out guide I've been working with svelte exclusively for a year now, but I still manage to shoot myself in the...
a year ago
a year ago
I've been working with svelte exclusively for a year now, but I still manage to shoot myself in the foot every now and then when using reactive state. Some of the confusion is due to my prior experience with React, but some points are confusing on their own. Today, I dive into...
Classical Wisdom
Weekend Roundup Secret of the Stoics
6 months ago
Marcus on AI
Hot take on an AI catfight Yesterday OpenAI announced a huge infrastructure project, partly framed as pushing the U.S.
a month ago
Attitudes one can take towards people who have behaved badly Have you ever noticed that reality has some properties that are quite annoying? For example, have...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Have you ever noticed that reality has some properties that are quite annoying? For example, have you noticed that some people do bad things? And yet those same people sometimes have interesting ideas? Occasionally, I’ll bring up an idea in conversation and someone will gently...
Old Structures...
It Looked Familiar: Pre-1968 Batman climbs a skyscraper: Apparently, the Singer Building. Here’s a view of its top circa 1920:...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Batman climbs a skyscraper: Apparently, the Singer Building. Here’s a view of its top circa 1920: And in 1967, with some scaffolding in place to begin its demolition:
Christian Selig
Using PHPickerViewController Images in a Memory-Efficient Way PHPickerViewController is (in my opinion) one of the more exciting parts of iOS 14. We developers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PHPickerViewController is (in my opinion) one of the more exciting parts of iOS 14. We developers now have a fully-fledged photo picker that we can just use, rather than having to spend a bunch of our time creating our own (much like SFSafariViewController did for developers and...
Seth's Blog
Better than Google I haven’t done a Google search in months. Perplexity is more powerful, more pleasant and more...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I haven’t done a Google search in months. Perplexity is more powerful, more pleasant and more effective. Instead of being corrupted by invasive ads, surveillance and sneaky dark patterns, it presents you with a simple, footnoted explanation of exactly what you’re looking for....
Maggie Appleton
Unbaited Unbaited by Daniel Petho
2 months ago
watchTowr Labs
IBM QRadar - When The Attacker Controls Your Security Stack (CVE-2022-26377) Welcome to April 2024. A depressing year so far - we've seen critical vulnerabilities across a wide...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Welcome to April 2024. A depressing year so far - we've seen critical vulnerabilities across a wide range of enterprise software stacks. In addition, we've seen surreptitious and patient threat actors light our industry on fire with slowly introduced backdoors in the XZ...
Melissa Penfold
SEASON’S TREE-TINGS! THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CHRISTMAS, 2023 The past few years have been rocky for Christmas. In 2020 it was cancelled. In 2021, it felt a...
a year ago
a year ago
The past few years have been rocky for Christmas. In 2020 it was cancelled. In 2021, it felt a little more appealing. Things began to feel more normal in 2022, but having been homebodies for so long we were still flexing our dormant social muscles. In 2023 the weight of current...
The personal website...
What google search shows us about the future of product design You can read this article on UX Booth.
over a year ago
How my views on financial privacy have evolved over a decade I began exploring the topic of financial privacy and payment anonymity in the early days of this...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I began exploring the topic of financial privacy and payment anonymity in the early days of this blog. Over the past decade, my views have shifted significantly—here's how and why. Rereading my earliest mentions of financial privacy, they now seem a bit... idealistic? extreme?...
The American Scholar
“Daybreak in Alabama” by Langston Hughes Poems read aloud, beautifully The post “Daybreak in Alabama” by Langston Hughes appeared first on...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Poems read aloud, beautifully The post “Daybreak in Alabama” by Langston Hughes appeared first on The American Scholar.
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Revenue-Evil Curve: a different way to think about prioritizing public goods funding
over a year ago
Deploys Are The ✨WRONG✨ Way To Change User Experience This piece was first published on the honeycomb.io blog on 2023-03-08. …. I’m...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This piece was first published on the honeycomb.io blog on 2023-03-08. …. I’m no stranger to ranting about deploys. But there’s one thing I haven’t sufficiently ranted about yet, which is this: Deploying software is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad way to go about the...
The Honest Broker
Tony Bennett’s Greatest Jazz Collaborations I pick a dozen favorite tracks—each showcasing the vocalist in tandem with a jazz legend
a year ago
Calculated Risk
Q1 GDP Tracking: Around 2% From BofA: We initiated our 1Q US GDP tracker with the January retail sales print on February 14....
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
From BofA: We initiated our 1Q US GDP tracker with the January retail sales print on February 14. Since then, our 1Q GDP tracker is down two-tenths to 2.3% q/q saar from our official forecast of 2.5% q/q saar. Meanwhile, our 4Q GDP tracking is down two-tenths to 2.2% q/q saar...
The DESK Magazine
How to create free press for your work You know what’s not a portfolio, but still acts as a portfolio?
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Gmail's "Smart Compose" feature should be considered harmful In 2005, I got my invite to get a Gmail account. It was incredible, and I loved it, although I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 2005, I got my invite to get a Gmail account. It was incredible, and I loved it, although I didn't really know why at the time. It was a combination of really great design so it was pleasant to use, the hype built up by the invite system, the perpetual feeling of getting...
This Japanese Restaurant Uses Washi-Inspired Acrylic Panels To Create A Cozy Atmosphere odd design has shared photos of a Japanese restaurant they recently completed in Beijing, China,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
odd design has shared photos of a Japanese restaurant they recently completed in Beijing, China, that uses textural materials to create a quiet, relaxing, and cozy atmosphere. The open entrance consists of a light box and two sets of low-wall partitions, allowing the space to be...
bt RSS Feed
Making a Website Under 1kB Making a Website Under 1kB 2022-08-02 I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Making a Website Under 1kB 2022-08-02 I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB Club. Unlike the 1MB Club, it isn’t as accessible for most modern websites to become official members. Building a website that actually serves useful content while squeezing its page...
Lars Lofgren
CNN and USA Today Have Fake Websites, I Believe Forbes Marketplace Runs Them What if I told you that Forbes Marketplace, the affiliate company operating on Forbes.com ALSO had...
5 months ago
5 months ago
What if I told you that Forbes Marketplace, the affiliate company operating on Forbes.com ALSO had agreements with CNN and USA Today? And that Forbes Marketplace was stuffing those sites full of affiliate content just like it is with Forbes? And what if Forbes Marketplace went to...
Mahmoud Felfel's...
Logical Fallacies, Biases, and Useful Heuristics A list of logical fallacies and biases I found useful for a better understanding of human behavior...
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
“Ether is a necessary element — a fuel — for operating the distributed application platform… “Ether is a necessary element — a fuel — for operating the distributed application platform...
over a year ago
TinyPilot: Month 22 Highlights TinyPilot generates $58k/month in revenue yet somehow loses money. It’s more important...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Highlights TinyPilot generates $58k/month in revenue yet somehow loses money. It’s more important than I thought to have low-latency insight into developers’ hours. I’m trying paid advertising again for the first time in almost two years. Goal Grades At the start of each month, I...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The most popular Mixpanel alternatives, compared The four most popular alternatives to Mixpanel are: PostHog – An all-in-one platform that replaces...
a year ago
a year ago
The four most popular alternatives to Mixpanel are: PostHog – An all-in-one platform that replaces multiple tools. The fastest growing Mixpanel…
Diaries of Note
Standing on the ramparts of Jodhpur fort In 1925, at the age of thirty-one and seven years before publication of Brave New World, English...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1925, at the age of thirty-one and seven years before publication of Brave New World, English author Aldous Huxley ventured to India on the first leg of a global tour that would take him and his wife to such places as Japan, China, Burma, and America. Their trip would later be...
The Marginalian
Between Matter and Spirit: Psychoanalyst Allen Wheelis on the Substance of What We Are "We are carriers of spirit... into a future unknown, unknowable, and in continual creation."
a year ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
NightStand at your local Apple Store NightStands now come in some beautiful new colors & new packaging - you can find them in Apple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NightStands now come in some beautiful new colors & new packaging - you can find them in Apple Stores around the globe beginning today. For any designer, to see something you made out in the wild is a special experience. So today is a real trip for our tiny little Portland...
Retail Design Blog
Tokyo Node Cafe / Tokyo Node Lab by Schemata Architects TOKYO NODE cafe is a cafe with an attached lab located on the 8th floor of Toranomon Hills Station...
7 months ago
Open Culture
Hear the Evolution of Electronic Music: A Sonic Journey from 1929 to 2019 It’s easy to get the impression that enthusiasts of electronic music listen to nothing else. (Not...
3 months ago
3 months ago
It’s easy to get the impression that enthusiasts of electronic music listen to nothing else. (Not that it isn’t true for some of them, who tend to relegate themselves to smaller subgenres: consult Ishkur’s Guide to Electronic Music for a map of the sonic territory.) And it’s...