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Ed Zitron's Where's...
They're Looting The Internet Last week, Meta revealed (in a motion trying to dismiss an FTC anti-monopoly lawsuit) that Instagram...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Last week, Meta revealed (in a motion trying to dismiss an FTC anti-monopoly lawsuit) that Instagram made an astonishing $32.4 billion in advertising revenue in 2021. That figure becomes even more shocking when you consider Google's YouTube made $28.8 billion in the same period....
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Google’s social strategy It is widely believed that Facebook presents a significant competitive threat to Google. Google...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is widely believed that Facebook presents a significant competitive threat to Google. Google itself seems to believe this – Larry Page…
Rest of World -...
China’s EV giant BYD is picking up speed in Jordan How Jordan became a battleground for Chinese EVs.
a year ago
The Democrats are a strong party, the Republicans are a weak party It's Boss Tweed vs. Boss Tweet.
4 months ago
Working Theorys
When founders outgrow their startups On the rise of personal power and the new founders' dilemma.
6 months ago
Elon Musk's creep show Caught in a series of lies about his willingness to fight Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire's...
a year ago
a year ago
Caught in a series of lies about his willingness to fight Mark Zuckerberg, the billionaire's disturbing spiral accelerates
We’re entering a golden age of engineering biology A guest post by Joshua March and Kasia Gora
a year ago
Work is a Place My buddy Luke recently started a band called Tattoo Mustache. While we were chatting, his eyes lit...
12 months ago
12 months ago
My buddy Luke recently started a band called Tattoo Mustache. While we were chatting, his eyes lit up talking about jamming in the studio with his bandmates - his arms were flailing and you could feel the energy coming off him like steam from a hot pan. These weekly jam sessions...
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Sam Altman Is Full Of Shit Note: In my last newsletter, I said that my next post would be the second part of my Facebook...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Note: In my last newsletter, I said that my next post would be the second part of my Facebook autopsy. Don’t worry, that’s still coming, but given the recent drama between Sam Altman, OpenAI, and Scarlett Johansson, I felt the need to write something. Don’
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
“It is the human friction that makes the sparks” From Jonah Lehrer, Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work (via Stowe Boyd): Building 20 [a scene of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
From Jonah Lehrer, Brainstorming Doesn’t Really Work (via Stowe Boyd): Building 20 [a scene of incredible innovation at MIT] and…
Utah's war on social networks is a symptom of a larger problem Congress failed to act — and now a patchwork of bad state laws is eroding our privacy
a year ago
Nadia Asparouhova
Working notes for Summer of Protocols I’m participating in the Summer of Protocols research program this summer as a Core Researcher. It’s...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m participating in the Summer of Protocols research program this summer as a Core Researcher. It’s an 18-week program, funded by the Ethereum Foundation, that aims to catalyze a wider exploration of protocols and their social implications. I plan to focus on protocols as...
Substack's new fundraising pitch Venture capitalists wouldn't give the company the terms it wanted. Its writers might
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Why you shouldn’t keep your startup idea secret A frequent question entrepreneurs have when they are just starting their company is:  how secretive...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A frequent question entrepreneurs have when they are just starting their company is:  how secretive should I be about my idea?  My answer…
Funding Friday: Crowdfunding Restaurants Via Blackbird It has been a long time since I did a Funding Friday here at AVC. I used to do them every Friday. We...
a year ago
a year ago
It has been a long time since I did a Funding Friday here at AVC. I used to do them every Friday. We have funded a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and bakeries here over the years. Here are a few examples. L’Appartement 4F Land To Sea There is a new wrinkle in...
Nothing Human
Andrew Rose on building communities and institutions yes, Nothing Human now has a podcast!
a month ago
Roberto Vitillo's...
A martingale approach to detect changes in histograms If a user has opted into submitting performance data to Mozilla, the Telemetry system will collect...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If a user has opted into submitting performance data to Mozilla, the Telemetry system will collect various measures of Firefox performance…
Paul Graham: Essays
Beating the Averages
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Microsoft's gaming strategy we are exactly like Polaroid. We are core gaming which isn't growing its TAM (analogous to film...
a year ago
a year ago
we are exactly like Polaroid. We are core gaming which isn't growing its TAM (analogous to film photographers) while mobile gaming MAU is growing WW at a significant rate (like digital photography was growing).
Zoom's AI policy backlash & customer data in model training Listen now (27 mins) | Zoom came under fire recently for silently changing their terms of service in...
a year ago
a year ago
Listen now (27 mins) | Zoom came under fire recently for silently changing their terms of service in a way that allows use of customer data (read your video and audio recordings) for training Zoom features. In this episode, we unpack the timeline of events that followed, Zoom's...
Rest of World -...
A step counter, but for your prayers At least 20 apps exist to help Muslims track their dhikrs, a form of Islamic worship in which people...
5 months ago
5 months ago
At least 20 apps exist to help Muslims track their dhikrs, a form of Islamic worship in which people repeat prayers and holy phrases.
Tech + Economics +...
WeWork files for bankruptcy amid office market downturn. On Monday, Mr Neumann issued a statement saying the impending bankruptcy was “disappointing”....
a year ago
a year ago
On Monday, Mr Neumann issued a statement saying the impending bankruptcy was “disappointing”. “It has been challenging for me to watch from the sidelines since 2019 as WeWork has failed to take advantage of a product that is more relevant today than ever before,” ...
Rest of World -...
Chinese factory owners are becoming TikTok comedians to find new business partners Factory influencers are producing actually funny videos on TikTok, Instagram, and WeChat to increase...
7 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
The Concorde Jet vs. Boeing 747 PLUS: The Matrix's 25th Anniversary.
11 months ago
Internal Tech Emails
Steve Jobs emails Adobe's CEO One of us must change our policy. Please let me know who.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Economic Inequality
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Why Silicon Valley’s biggest AI developers are hiring poets Training data companies are grabbing writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and also general humanities...
a year ago
a year ago
Training data companies are grabbing writers of fiction, drama, poetry, and also general humanities experts to improve AI creative writing.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
“If you asked people in 1989 what they needed to make their life better, it was unlikely that they… “If you asked people in 1989 what they needed to make their life better, it was unlikely that they...
over a year ago
Dustin Curtis
It is link winter on X We do not know how, why, or when the X algorithm devalues posts with links, but it does—without...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We do not know how, why, or when the X algorithm devalues posts with links, but it does—without telling you, and by a lot—and it makes the experience there worse. Without links, information on X is headlines without stories, commentary without context, magic without the...
Instagram Threads: The Problem With The "Everything for Everyone" Approach In recent times, Twitter has been through a roller coaster of events. What started with Elon Musk's...
a year ago
a year ago
In recent times, Twitter has been through a roller coaster of events. What started with Elon Musk's turbulent acquisition has now been followed up by a series of controversial product decisions. To list a few: Twitter limited the number of daily tweets
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#21) Saudi oil, delayed economic optimism, the EV revolution, U.S. education performance, Indian...
a year ago
a year ago
Saudi oil, delayed economic optimism, the EV revolution, U.S. education performance, Indian industrialization, and Chinese urbanism
Rest of World -...
Worldcoin has a problem India already has a Worldcoin competitor, and other countries are taking note.
a year ago
Data Boutique
Web Scraping Legal Context As the need for data grows, so does the need for clearer regulation
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Argentina’s OnlyFans stars are becoming coaches for a new generation of performers Lessons include tips to attract customers with provocative poses and seductive words, and how to...
8 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Options The financial term “derivative“ refers to a security whose value is a function of another security...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The financial term “derivative“ refers to a security whose value is a function of another security such as a stock or bond.  The most common…
David Perell
Chrisman Frank and Ana Lorena Fabrega: How Childhood Education Will Change This week, I have two guests. Both are affiliated with Synthesis, a new kind of online school where...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week, I have two guests. Both are affiliated with Synthesis, a new kind of online school where kids learn through games and simulations. One is Chrisman Frank, the CEO of Synthesis. The other is Ana Lorena Fabrega, who is their Chief Evangelist. Here’s the backstory: A few...
SatPost by Trung...
Apple's M&A Strategy, Explained PLUS: Chick-fil-A, Duolingo, Bitcoin rally.
3 months ago
Why on Earth does Trump want to cancel the CHIPS Act?? A second Trump presidency would truly be a gift to Xi Jinping.
4 months ago
Roberto's blog
Decision matrices as a thinking tool Some decisions require comparing multiple options where it’s not immediately apparent which is best....
8 months ago
8 months ago
Some decisions require comparing multiple options where it’s not immediately apparent which is best. One common way of doing that is to list the pros and cons of each option. For example, option A lists low latency as a pro, while option B lists high throughput as a pro. But do...
Too many Americans still fear the future Some progress is being made, but politics is getting in the way.
a month ago
A Nobel for the big big questions Acemoglu, Johnson, and Robinson win a prize for their grand unified theory of development.
4 months ago
Rest of World -...
In-home beauty service in Pakistan: the woman sweet-talking tough clients Though gig work gives respite from the grind of working in a salon, choosy clients make a...
a year ago
Feeling strangely optimistic about Egypt It has many of the building blocks for a successful industrialization story.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Global TikTok creators depend on U.S. viewers. A TikTok ban would be devastating Without Americans on the app, advertising dollars are at risk.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Security through diversity Someone asked me the other day whether I thought the United States was vulnerable to a large scale...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Someone asked me the other day whether I thought the United States was vulnerable to a large scale “cyber” attack. While I have no doubt…
Blog posts of...
How I think about Code Management You might have the worst codebase in the world. It was written by people who had no standards or...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You might have the worst codebase in the world. It was written by people who had no standards or didn’t care about code quality. H...
Paul Graham: Essays
The 18 Mistakes That Kill Startups
over a year ago
America is being sold out by its leaders If Trump and Elon think they can forge a grand right-wing alliance with China and Russia, they're...
a week ago
a week ago
If Trump and Elon think they can forge a grand right-wing alliance with China and Russia, they're heading for trouble.
How not to be fooled by viral charts Part 1: How to spot misinformation, mistakes, and meaningless data
a year ago
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week 🛰️ Starlink Plus
5 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Copy What You Like
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Inside Apple's Marcom meeting To come back and suggest that Apple needs to think dramatically different about how we are running...
a year ago
a year ago
To come back and suggest that Apple needs to think dramatically different about how we are running our company is a shocking response.
David Perell
Learning to Actually Listen I’ve been listening the wrong way my entire life — with just my ears. True listening is a...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been listening the wrong way my entire life — with just my ears. True listening is a totalizing, full-body experience. The post Learning to Actually Listen appeared first on David Perell.
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Movie stars, matchmakers, and aunties: How WhatsApp became an unstoppable cultural force The world’s most popular messaging platform is synonymous with the internet for millions of people.
2 months ago
Rest of World -...
Why one of the world’s major AI pioneers is betting big on Saudi Arabia Jürgen Schmidhuber says the whole world can benefit from the kingdom’s funding of futuristic AI...
a week ago
a week ago
Jürgen Schmidhuber says the whole world can benefit from the kingdom’s funding of futuristic AI initiatives, and lead to a new golden age for science.
Roberto Vitillo's...
I am writing a book I have released the first chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems ! "Wait, what? Weren't you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released the first chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems ! "Wait, what? Weren't you working on a video class?" - I hear you…
On immigration, what Americans want is democratic control Nations - even democratic ones - are exclusive clubs. And that's OK.
4 months ago
Data Boutique
How Data Boutique Works #2: Volume Discounts The volume-related pricing system explained
11 months ago
XO Capital - Field...
Getting Smaller To Get Bigger 💡 We have another fresh round of capital to deploy into 1 business at up to $1.8M purchase price....
5 months ago
5 months ago
💡 We have another fresh round of capital to deploy into 1 business at up to $1.8M purchase price. Must be b2b SaaS, low customer concentration, 80%+ gross margins, 50k+ MRR. If you have a tip, pass it along! We're underway with xo 2.0. That means,
Stephen Diehl
Functional Programming, Abstraction, and Names
over a year ago
Roberto Vitillo's...
Spark best practices Spark execution model Spark's simplicity makes it all too easy to ignore its execution model, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Spark execution model Spark's simplicity makes it all too easy to ignore its execution model, and still manage to write jobs that eventually…
Rest of World -...
This Chinese startup believes it can take augmented reality glasses mainstream Peng Jin, co-founder and head of commercialization at AR glasses startup Nreal, discusses how his...
a year ago
a year ago
Peng Jin, co-founder and head of commercialization at AR glasses startup Nreal, discusses how his product will revolutionize the display experience.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
“Otherwise do something else” I remember back when I started my first company, a friend said to me “get ready to have a knot in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I remember back when I started my first company, a friend said to me “get ready to have a knot in your stomach and feel nauseous for years…
The debt ceiling deal: What was the whole point? A manufactured crisis leads to an ineffectual "solution"
a year ago
Digital Bricolage & Web Foraging When I reflect on the various lines of inquiry that light me up, there’s one consistent theme:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I reflect on the various lines of inquiry that light me up, there’s one consistent theme: digital bricolage. Bricolage is “the skill of using whatever is at hand and recombining them to create something new.”
Tech + Economics +...
Internet access is a human right. Fast, reliable and independent internet access is no longer a luxury or a convenience. It has...
a year ago
a year ago
Fast, reliable and independent internet access is no longer a luxury or a convenience. It has become a necessity and a function of modern society. The digital divide, the gap between those with and without internet access, has profound implications for an individual's...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
"It's pretty difficult to solve big problems in four years" Larry Page: When I talk to most companies, I do think their leaders are pretty short-term focused....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Larry Page: When I talk to most companies, I do think their leaders are pretty short-term focused. Imagine you're running Exxon, what do you…
Paul Graham: Essays
Disconnecting Distraction
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Sundar's meeting with Tim Tim’s overall message to Google was “I imagine us as being able to be deep deep partners; deeply...
a year ago
a year ago
Tim’s overall message to Google was “I imagine us as being able to be deep deep partners; deeply connected where our services end and yours begin and sees no natural impediment to us doing more together. Knows there is a past but doesn’t feel encumbered by it and wants to figure...
Rest of World -...
African universities are failing to prepare tech graduates for jobs in AI Dozens of new AI training startups are filling the gap, offering online courses, hackathons, and job...
10 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Founder Visa
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
over a year ago
Entrepreneur's Edge
Your Name is an Ad Creative that is Everywhere, All at Once Learn how to leverage cognitive science to create an instant brand advantage.
over a year ago
SatPost by Trung...
Beating the Auction Duopoly Sotheby's and Christie's are a combined 538 years old. Can the 48-year old Heritage Auctions topple...
a year ago
a year ago
Sotheby's and Christie's are a combined 538 years old. Can the 48-year old Heritage Auctions topple this duopoly?
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The default state of a startup is failure If you are starting a company and wondering why nothing good seems to happen unless you force it to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you are starting a company and wondering why nothing good seems to happen unless you force it to happen, that’s because the world wants…
Let's evaluate Kamala Harris' entire economic policy program! Fun!!
5 months ago
XO Capital - Field...
2023 sucked 2023 was a tough year for us. A pure grind. What worked: The business model Our Team Raising $ +...
a year ago
a year ago
2023 was a tough year for us. A pure grind. What worked: The business model Our Team Raising $ + deploying it What didn't work: Growth was tough We got bit by platform risk Too many small portfolio companies is death by a thousand cuts We have two relatively passive
Rest of World -...
TikTok follow-up Lemon8 is flopping in the U.S. Users complain the ByteDance app feels inorganic and curated, prioritizing the needs of influencers...
a year ago
Steve Blank
The Semiconductor Ecosystem – Explained The last year has seen a ton written about the semiconductor industry: chip shortages, the CHIPS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The last year has seen a ton written about the semiconductor industry: chip shortages, the CHIPS Act, our dependence on Taiwan and TSMC, China, etc. But despite all this talk about chips and semiconductors, few understand how the industry is structured. I’ve found the best way to...
Rest of World -...
Shein overstock is getting a second life in Latin America’s street markets Resellers are buying garments from Shein’s suppliers in China that would have ended up in a dump.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Scale AI is on a hiring spree for speakers of under-represented languages But some languages pay a lot better than others.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
"I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies" "I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies: 1. Anything that is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"I've come up with a set of rules that describe our reactions to technologies: 1. Anything that is in the world when you’re born is normal…
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Selling pickaxes during a gold rush There is a saying in the startup world that “you can mine for gold or you can sell pickaxes.” This...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a saying in the startup world that “you can mine for gold or you can sell pickaxes.” This is of course an allusion to the…
cdixon.org RSS Feed
A few points about the “tech bubble” debate Pretty much every day now a major blog or newspaper writes an article asking whether we are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pretty much every day now a major blog or newspaper writes an article asking whether we are experiencing another tech bubble (e.g. see today…
Inverted Passion
Don’t sell your soul to the algorithm The danger of pleasing the algorithm to go viral is that gradually you end up selling yourself to...
a year ago
a year ago
The danger of pleasing the algorithm to go viral is that gradually you end up selling yourself to big tech companies. This is how it works: This loop has two sinister effects: All this to make the richest companies and their shareholders even richer. This is why we must refuse to...
Stephen Diehl
The Joy and Agony of Haskell in Production
over a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
There is a deep rot at the heart of Australian tech. Steve Baxter, one of Australia's most prominent investors and a judge on Shark Tank, is on record...
a year ago
a year ago
Steve Baxter, one of Australia's most prominent investors and a judge on Shark Tank, is on record as saying that I am a man pretending to be a woman. It's an old, outdated, obsolete and uninteresting transphobic trope. In itself, it's almost not worth mentioning. But...
Paul Graham: Essays
Why Startup Hubs Work
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
"[Steve Ballmer] thinks we ought to admit that Windows 98 will be a yawner" Since the press gave Billg & Steveb a hard time this week at the press retreat, Steveb is panic’d...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since the press gave Billg & Steveb a hard time this week at the press retreat, Steveb is panic’d that we are setting expectations too high on Windows 98. He thinks we ought to come out and admit that Windows 98 will be a yawner.
What Hath Woz Wrought The first product I developed for Apple
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
What Startups Are Really Like
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Meta is training its AI with public Instagram posts. Artists in Latin America can’t opt out Latin America lacks robust data protection laws that would allow Meta users in the region to...
7 months ago
Rest of World -...
Alibaba.com’s U.S. expansion hinges on wooing mom-and-pop shops President Kuo Zhang tells Rest of World in an exclusive interview that the company is bullish about...
5 months ago
The best-case scenario for Trump's second term An optimistic Thanksgiving post.
3 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Age of the Essay
over a year ago
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#12) The college shakeout, China vs. its developing neighbors, Chinese zombie companies, more fun YIMBY...
a year ago
a year ago
The college shakeout, China vs. its developing neighbors, Chinese zombie companies, more fun YIMBY stuff, and the victory of the Melting Pot
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Showing up Mark Twain famously quipped that “80 percent of life is showing up.” Running a startup, I’d say it’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mark Twain famously quipped that “80 percent of life is showing up.” Running a startup, I’d say it’s more like 90 percent. For example, I…
SatPost by Trung...
The Dorito-fication of Media How the evolution of media created ultra-processed junk food for our mind.
4 months ago
The states sue Meta over child safety Everyone agrees there's a teen mental health crisis. Is this how you fix it?
a year ago
haseeb qureshi
Another decade I recently turned 30. When the decade began in 2010, I was still 20, a professional poker player, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently turned 30. When the decade began in 2010, I was still 20, a professional poker player, a college dropout, and deeply unhappy. What did I believe I’d be doing a decade later? I don’t think I knew, only that I definitely wouldn’t be playing poker anymore. I’d be doing...
Paul Graham: Essays
If Lisp is So Great
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How Art Can Be Good
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
A horrific video sparks a national reckoning in India The northeastern state of Manipur has plunged into violence since May as the two major ethnic groups...
a year ago
a year ago
The northeastern state of Manipur has plunged into violence since May as the two major ethnic groups fight over identity, land, and influence.
Rest of World -...
The Mexican senator building a plan for artificial intelligence Alejandra Lagunes leads Mexico’s National Artificial Intelligence Alliance.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
A buy-now-pay-later company is behind the explosion of EVs in Kenya In just two years, M-Kopa has become the biggest financier for EVs in East Africa’s largest market.
7 months ago
Rest of World -...
The company building AI dubbing that preserves original voices Seamus McAteer, the founder of Speechlab, discusses AI-generated speech and the importance of...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Argentina’s dictatorship abducted babies in the 1970s. An AI project imagines them today “Our search is real, but these images aren’t.”
a year ago
Rest of World -...
How tiny, cheap smart speakers unlocked the rise of digital payments in India Vegetable carts, flower shops, mom-and-pop stores: Small speakers that read out digital payment...
a year ago
a year ago
Vegetable carts, flower shops, mom-and-pop stores: Small speakers that read out digital payment receipts are making fintech companies big money.
No, NEPA really is a problem for clean energy A guest post by Aidan Mackenzie and Santi Ruiz
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
What Doesn't Seem Like Work?
over a year ago
Machine Learning and Schools I read last week that the NYC Department of Education has banned ChatGPT from its networks and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I read last week that the NYC Department of Education has banned ChatGPT from its networks and devices. I understand that reaction and mentioned the issues that AI/ML create for educators in a post a few weeks ago. I attended a dinner this past week with USV portfolio founders...
Rest of World -...
The winners of Rest of World’s photography contest From Cape Verde to Bhutan, we received 227 entries from over 45 countries around the world,...
a month ago
a month ago
From Cape Verde to Bhutan, we received 227 entries from over 45 countries around the world, featuring everything from sprawling mines to biometric facial scans.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Online advertising is all about purchasing intent A while ago I dug up this quote from Business Week from 2000: But how will Google ever make money?...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A while ago I dug up this quote from Business Week from 2000: But how will Google ever make money? There’s the rub. The company’s adamant…
Rest of World -...
The deepfake election nightmare hasn’t happened. Singapore still wants to ban them Following South Korea’s lead, Singapore intends to ban deepfakes ahead of upcoming elections,...
6 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
Jensen Huang, Dario Amodei and Manufacturing Intelligence at Scale PLUS: SpaceX's Starship miracle, Taco Bell's franchise model.
4 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
9 Best Things of 2023 My favourite book, film, podcast, meme, investment and more for the year.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Firing Firing is awful. You can try to avoid it, but even the most selective founders make serious...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Firing is awful. You can try to avoid it, but even the most selective founders make serious mistakes. Here are a few things I’ve observed…
Energy Bell: The sketch of an idea How can we get America back to the forefront of energy research?
8 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What’s strategic for Google? Google seems to be releasing or acquiring new products almost daily. It’s one thing for a couple of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Google seems to be releasing or acquiring new products almost daily. It’s one thing for a couple of programmers to hack together a side…
Rest of World -...
New data shows the number of new mobile internet users is stalling What happened to the “next billion” internet users? They’re already online.
3 months ago
Working Theorys
Rise of the Silicon Valley Small Business | Theory No. 7 In 2023, we’ll see more Silicon Valley startups that operate like small businesses. And some of them...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 2023, we’ll see more Silicon Valley startups that operate like small businesses. And some of them will have big outcomes. Perhaps even billion-dollar ones. I call this phenomenon the Silicon Valley small business (an SV-SB for short).
Steve Blank
Secret History – When Kodak Went to War with Polaroid This part 2 of the Secret History of Polaroid and Edwin Land. Read part 1 for context. Kodak and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
This part 2 of the Secret History of Polaroid and Edwin Land. Read part 1 for context. Kodak and Polaroid, the two most famous camera companies of the 20th century, had a great partnership for 20+ years. Then in an inexplicable turnabout Kodak decided to destroy Polaroid’s...
Working Theorys
The "High Potential" Handicap | Theory No. 20 "Smart" kids are always praised for their high potential. They’re deemed inherently capable of so...
a year ago
a year ago
"Smart" kids are always praised for their high potential. They’re deemed inherently capable of so much, largely because of their natural talents. They can do anything they want, if they just try.
Rest of World -...
Forget Quibi. Chinese streamers are hooking Americans with werewolf love triangles Billionaire werewolf love triangles, that is.
a year ago
The reverse OPEC maneuver Pricing power in the oil industry is shifting, and will shift more.
a year ago
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week 🙈 Copying doesn’t matter
4 months ago
Essays - Benedict...
When big tech buys small tech ‘Big tech’ buys hundreds of startups, but what are they, what does that mean for competition, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
‘Big tech’ buys hundreds of startups, but what are they, what does that mean for competition, and how does this fit into the broader market? How many more Instagrams are there, and how many DAOs?
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Thanks… I got my first computer (TRS-80 Model 1) in 1980 at the age of 8.   I got my second computer – an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I got my first computer (TRS-80 Model 1) in 1980 at the age of 8.   I got my second computer – an Atari 800 – two years later.   I was…
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The most important question to ask before taking seed money There is a certain well respected venture capital firm (VC) that has a program for fledgling...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a certain well respected venture capital firm (VC) that has a program for fledgling entrepreneurs.   The teams that are selected…
Embracing AI I could only avoid AI in my startup for so long before I actually found a use for it… How I used...
a year ago
a year ago
I could only avoid AI in my startup for so long before I actually found a use for it… How I used ChatGPT to make the life of my support team easier.
Rest of World -...
Nigeria’s economic crisis is fueling a stunt philanthropy boom A crop of content creators are building fame on MrBeast-style content.
7 months ago
Rest of World -...
The man leading Kenyan content moderators’ battle against Meta Nathan Nkunzimana claims Meta and Sama fired content moderators for protesting working conditions...
a year ago
How OpenAI is building a path toward AI agents Building a GPT-based copy editor showcases their promise — but the risks ahead are real
a year ago
Rest of World -...
The new AI assistants may not speak your language Mind the language gap.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The New Funding Landscape
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Shein’s hottest item in Latin America is its plastic bags The reusable packaging often ends up outliving the garments it once transported.
a year ago
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#39) Modi's third term; Biden and the border; good news on climate; nonprofits being bad; interest rates...
9 months ago
Yes, Elon Musk created a special system for showing you all his tweets first After his Super Bowl tweet did worse numbers than President Biden’s, Twitter’s CEO ordered major...
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Google and newspapers: the false choice of opting out First let me say I love Google.  I think Google created one of the greatest inventions of the past...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First let me say I love Google.  I think Google created one of the greatest inventions of the past century and continues to give back much…
An Epic win jolts Google The company's app store monopoly has been ruled illegal, and the ramifications will extend well...
a year ago
a year ago
The company's app store monopoly has been ruled illegal, and the ramifications will extend well beyond Fortnite
Why Substack is at a crossroads Some thoughts on platforms and Nazis
a year ago
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#29) AI might help the middle class, Americans can afford food, narratives about science, Europe's...
a year ago
a year ago
AI might help the middle class, Americans can afford food, narratives about science, Europe's defense industry, and Native American YIMBYism
Data Boutique
Web Data in Emergency Situations: The MatchesFashion case More case studies for web data
12 months ago
Working Theorys
Taste is Eating Silicon Valley. Just as software ate the world and dramatically transformed industries in the last era, taste is now...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Just as software ate the world and dramatically transformed industries in the last era, taste is now eating software—and with it, Silicon Valley.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The Babe Ruth Effect in Venture Capital "How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball... The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"How to hit home runs: I swing as hard as I can, and I try to swing right through the ball... The harder you grip the bat, the more you can…
Rest of World -...
Starlink is now cheaper than leading internet provider in some African countries In Ghana, Starlink is half the price of the local ISP.
a month ago
California needs real math education, not gimmicks A guest post by Armand Domalewski.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Chris Sacca on the implied user contract Chris Sacca nicely summarized today’s FB vs Google vs Twitter controversy: It comes down to what...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Chris Sacca nicely summarized today’s FB vs Google vs Twitter controversy: It comes down to what each company has promised its users…
Rest of World -...
What is this thing? Guess Temu’s weirdest gadgets Chinese e-commerce site Temu uses its most bizarre products in online ads. Rest of World tested them...
a year ago
How do you deal with real, actual Nazis? They come back every few decades, spreading the same old lies.
6 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Being a Noob
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
“Gig reviewers” are endorsing fake products for quick cash in Brazil For a few dollars, paid reviewers will record a video vouching for anything. Scammers love them.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Apple and Foxconn lobbied India to relax its labor laws. Unions are fighting back The business-friendly change extends factory shifts from nine to 12 hours, and allows women to work...
a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
A decade of discontent is coming. The 10 years ahead will see dramatic, radical change. The potential for large-scale upheaval and...
a year ago
a year ago
The 10 years ahead will see dramatic, radical change. The potential for large-scale upheaval and the reordering of societal structures is significant. We are already witnessing the dismantling of long-standing institutions and the rise of new paradigms. The struggle between...
Tech + Economics +...
The everything app has to work for everyone. Building an "Everything" app — encompassing payments, commerce, messaging, etc — hinges critically...
a year ago
a year ago
Building an "Everything" app — encompassing payments, commerce, messaging, etc — hinges critically on universal appeal and acceptance. The concept is predicated on inclusivity, which means the app must cater to a diverse user base with varying beliefs, backgrounds, and...
Yes, reshoring American industry is possible Americans can make stuff, after all.
a month ago
Rest of World -...
Influencers are getting young Nigerians hooked on online gambling While sports betting is legal in Nigeria, experts say the government should have more oversight on...
a year ago
Decoupling is just going to happen Chinese policy and geopolitical risk are doing a lot of the work here.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Traditional sellers in Vietnam still aren’t sold on e-commerce As online shopping booms, local merchants are struggling to adapt, despite government help.
4 months ago
Rest of World -...
ShopeeFood underestimates delivery distances. Gig workers in Vietnam are paying the price Rest of World reviewed nearly 50 orders on Vietnam’s second most popular food delivery app, and in...
12 months ago
12 months ago
Rest of World reviewed nearly 50 orders on Vietnam’s second most popular food delivery app, and in most cases, the distance was estimated lower than Google Maps’ estimate.
haseeb qureshi
Why Decentralization Isn’t as Important as You Think If you’ve spent any time at all on crypto Twitter, you’re familiar with the web3 narrative. It goes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’ve spent any time at all on crypto Twitter, you’re familiar with the web3 narrative. It goes like this: in the beginning, the web was “truly decentralized.” Against all odds, the World Wide Web won against the corporatist designs of companies like Microsoft, and cyberspace...
A pivotal moment for Japan's national defense A guest post by Jonathan Grady
9 months ago
Rest of World -...
Amid a surge in violence in Tijuana, ride-hailing apps and authorities implement new safety measures Uber launched a panic button linked to state-run emergency centers to keep drivers and users safe —...
6 months ago
Tech + Economics +...
A shared burden: rethinking cybersecurity post the 23andMe breach. TechCrunch: 23andMe tells victims it’s their fault that their data was breached But in a...
a year ago
a year ago
TechCrunch: 23andMe tells victims it’s their fault that their data was breached But in a letter sent to a group of hundreds of 23andMe users who are now suing the company, 23andMe said that “users negligently recycled and failed to update their passwords...
Internal Tech Emails
iMessage for Android I am concerned the iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove and obstacle to iPhone families...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am concerned the iMessage on Android would simply serve to remove and obstacle to iPhone families giving their kids Android phones.
Paul Graham: Essays
Better Bayesian Filtering
over a year ago
David Perell
Against 3X Speed Mike boastfully reads 100 books per year. He listens to audiobooks at 3x speed whenever he drives...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mike boastfully reads 100 books per year. He listens to audiobooks at 3x speed whenever he drives and swears he can remember it all. His browser has a plugin that lets him speed up YouTube videos, and for a while, he listened to podcasts on a special app because of its unique...
SatPost by Trung...
Blumhouse: The Hollywood Horror Hit Machine How Jason Blum turned "constraints breed creativity" into a business model.
a year ago
What Happened In 2022 I like to bookend the New Year holiday with two posts, one looking back at the year that is ending...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I like to bookend the New Year holiday with two posts, one looking back at the year that is ending and one looking forward to the year ahead. This is the first of these two posts. The second one will run tomorrow. What happened in 2022 is the bottom fell out of the capital...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The computing deployment phase Technological revolutions happen in two main phases: the installation phase and the deployment...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Technological revolutions happen in two main phases: the installation phase and the deployment phase. Here’s a chart (from this excellent…
Rest of World -...
A former fish farmer’s startup is flourishing during a tech downturn Gibran Huzaifah’s eFishery made a case for tech companies solving rural issues.
a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Introducing: Better Offline Episodes 1 and 2 Out Now Hello everybody! A short newsletter today to announce the launch of my new...
a year ago
a year ago
Episodes 1 and 2 Out Now Hello everybody! A short newsletter today to announce the launch of my new podcast Better Offline - my new tech show from iHeartRadio and Cool Zone Media. It's a weekly exploring the tech industry’s influence and manipulation of society -
Rest of World -...
Fake news verification tools fail the test during elections in India Rest of World tested 11 leading WhatsApp-based chatbots that promise to help Indian voters identify...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Rest of World tested 11 leading WhatsApp-based chatbots that promise to help Indian voters identify misinformation. There were long delays and inconsistencies in responses even for content that can easily be identified as AI-generated and fake.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The internet is reshaping our economy from one of huge corporations with lots of jobs to huge... From Innovation and the Bell Labs Miracle in today NYTimes: Innovation is an important new product...
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Muzz, the world’s largest Muslim dating app, is struggling in India India is home to 172 million Muslims, and the world’s second-largest market for dating apps. But...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
India’s ambitious lithium dreams have stalled Last year, India touted the discovery of a huge reserve of valuable lithium in Kashmir. Experts say...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Last year, India touted the discovery of a huge reserve of valuable lithium in Kashmir. Experts say optimism around the discovery was overblown.
Internal Tech Emails
Microsoft exec: "my recent discussions with Steve [Jobs]" some stuff has been tense, as I have really been pushing them on a few issues, and I am forcing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
some stuff has been tense, as I have really been pushing them on a few issues, and I am forcing Apple to do a lot of stuff they'd rather not do (using Office as leverage)
Varun's Notes
Your Platform Is as Strong as Its Identity Layer Analyzing platforms through a layered cake of identity, social networking, and super apps.
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Amazon fends off calls for takedown transparency in message to shareholders The company does not currently disclose government orders to remove specific products.
a year ago
Working Theorys
Two Shticks Everyone needs two shticks.
2 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How to Start a Startup
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Mark Zuckerberg tries to buy Instagram The process began with you asking if we'd do this at $500m, but then you didn't want to end up doing...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The process began with you asking if we'd do this at $500m, but then you didn't want to end up doing it at that valuation. I am curious to know at what valuation you would do this, and then I can just let you know whether we'd do that.
XO Capital - Field...
Fresh Cheddar Couple of announcements: We've got some fresh cheddar! We just got access to up to $2M to deploy....
a year ago
a year ago
Couple of announcements: We've got some fresh cheddar! We just got access to up to $2M to deploy. We're looking for 1-2 businesses: b2b saas $30k+ MRR This is about 2x what we've already deployed so far which is a big deal. We will
Rest of World -...
Virtual tomb-sweeping keeps a Chinese tradition alive As Chinese migrants struggle to return home for traditional tomb-sweeping, virtual platforms are...
5 months ago
5 months ago
As Chinese migrants struggle to return home for traditional tomb-sweeping, virtual platforms are helping them pay respects from afar.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Crypto Tokens: A Breakthrough in Open Network Design It is a wonderful accident of history that the internet and web were created as open platforms that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is a wonderful accident of history that the internet and web were created as open platforms that anyone — users, developers…
Articles - Alex...
The errors of efficiency We live in the era of efficiency. The advertising industry is infatuated with it. Intoxicated by...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We live in the era of efficiency. The advertising industry is infatuated with it. Intoxicated by it. Enamoured and enthralled by it. We want our teams to be lean. Our processes to be agile. And our output to be optimised. Instead of focussing on making our work bigger, we...
The EU's war on behavioral advertising Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by...
a year ago
a year ago
Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by default, marking the end of an era. The regulators won, at least for now.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What jobs are users hiring your product to perform? One of Clay Christensen’s favorite concepts is that instead of dividing your customers into segments...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of Clay Christensen’s favorite concepts is that instead of dividing your customers into segments and asking which features each segment…
Apple's (reluctant) App Store changes, and Semafor tries AI news This week, we dive into two meaty topics. First, we dig into Apple’s recent App Store changes to...
a year ago
a year ago
This week, we dive into two meaty topics. First, we dig into Apple’s recent App Store changes to support third party payments in the US (sort of), and additionally support side-loading of apps (i.e. supporting non-Apple app stores) in the EU. Spoiler: Apple is pushing the limits...
Internal Tech Emails
Scott Forstall emails Steve Jobs | Elon Musk on tweeting He mentions third party developers. I do think at some point we will want to enable third parties to...
over a year ago
Blog posts of...
Five – A Sci-Fi Short Story – Chapter 1 Chapter 1 of a Sci-Fi short story i wrote
a month ago
Stephen Diehl
Gamestop, Bitcoin and the Commoditization of Populist Rage
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
The secret sauce of Chinese social media apps Addictive algorithms fuse social networking with shopping and entertainment.
a month ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The High-Res Society
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
What You Can't Say
over a year ago
Google unveils Gemini CEO Sundar Pichai and DeepMind's Demis Hassabis talk to Platformer about the promise — and product...
a year ago
a year ago
CEO Sundar Pichai and DeepMind's Demis Hassabis talk to Platformer about the promise — and product roadmap — of their answer to GPT-4
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Facebook’s response to Yahoo’s patent lawsuit Like many in tech, I believe all software patents should be abolished. That said, I think Facebook...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Like many in tech, I believe all software patents should be abolished. That said, I think Facebook made the right move by filing a lawsuit…
Trump and inflation There are several good reasons to be worried.
8 months ago
Rest of World -...
How RRR’s success brought a wave of Telugu-language movies to Netflix Netflix in the U.S. now has more content in Telugu than in German, Russian, or any dialect of...
10 months ago
Aaron's Essays
Things that aren't progress A few months ago, I wrote about things that look like work, but aren't. As I paid more attention to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few months ago, I wrote about things that look like work, but aren't. As I paid more attention to founders doing these things, I started thinking about why they were happening. I realized that the behaviors were largely a function of bad goal setting. When founders choose bad...
Nobody knows how many jobs will "be automated" Whatever that even means.
a year ago
How a single engineer brought down Twitter on Monday The high cost of cutting expenses
a year ago
Rest of World -...
19 books to read in 2023 Rest of World's staff favorites, from around the globe to add to your must-read pile.
a year ago
Democrats fixed many of the problems of the early 2020s It's nice to have leaders who hear what people care about and deliver results.
4 months ago
Rest of World -...
Latin Americans’ social feeds are being flooded with AI-generated ads Brands and politicians are getting mixed results.
a year ago
Blog posts of...
Drafting your first investment round. The topic of investing is omnipresent in our startup world. Sooner or later most startup founders...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The topic of investing is omnipresent in our startup world. Sooner or later most startup founders look for external funding. And i...
Paul Graham: Essays
What You'll Wish You'd Known
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
40 companies that are beating the West Faster, smarter, more adaptable: These emerging market pioneers are outmaneuvering Silicon Valley...
a year ago
a year ago
Faster, smarter, more adaptable: These emerging market pioneers are outmaneuvering Silicon Valley for global domination.
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Bubble Trouble As I previously warned, artificial intelligence companies are running out of data. A Wall Street...
11 months ago
11 months ago
As I previously warned, artificial intelligence companies are running out of data. A Wall Street Journal piece from this week has sounded the alarm that some believe AI models will run out of "high-quality text-based data" within the next two years in what an AI researcher called...
Rest of World -...
The chatbot answering modern-day questions about an ancient religion JainGPT answers inquiries ranging from “What is Jainism?” to “What happens after we die?”
5 months ago
Essays - Benedict...
AI and the automation of work ChatGPT and generative AI will change how we work, but how different is this to all the other...
a year ago
a year ago
ChatGPT and generative AI will change how we work, but how different is this to all the other waves of automation of the last 200 years? What does it mean for employment? Disruption? Coal consumption?
essay – snarfed.org
Tech pace layers I’ve been a fan of Stewart Brand‘s Pace Layering for decades now. Really great framework for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I’ve been a fan of Stewart Brand‘s Pace Layering for decades now. Really great framework for thinking about how different ecosystems and emergent forces interact. I’ve been thinking about a tech version of it for the better part of a year, and I finally took advantage of the...
Essays - Benedict...
Antitrust posturing US politicians proposed five tech antitrust bills in June. They’re aggressive and ambitious, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
US politicians proposed five tech antitrust bills in June. They’re aggressive and ambitious, and contain some important concerns and ideas. Unfortunately, some of them are also pretty naive - case studies in not doing the work.
Rest of World -...
Singapore’s gig workers worry new benefits could mean lower pay A first-in-the-region law gives gig workers injury compensation and retirement benefits. But some...
5 months ago
5 months ago
A first-in-the-region law gives gig workers injury compensation and retirement benefits. But some workers fears the higher costs will be passed on to them.
Internal Tech Emails
"Thoughts on OpenAI" To: Satya Nadella; Bill Gates
10 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
MicroStrategy's $37B+ Bitcoin Bet How Michael Saylor turned a B2B software company into one of the world's largest owners of Bitcoin.
3 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
Starbucks' Digital Dilemna The Starbucks rewards app is an incredible business. However, mobile orders are getting out of...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Starbucks rewards app is an incredible business. However, mobile orders are getting out of control and hurting the brand's "premium" vibe.
Tom Blomfield
Customer churn can kill your startup Startups are about growth, and of all the different possible metrics, startups often focus on user...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Startups are about growth, and of all the different possible metrics, startups often focus on user growth - if people aren’t using your new product or service in greater and greater numbers, it’s a good sign that you’re not on the right track. And, as long as your business-model...
Why rabbits? Towards a better, floofier world.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How to Do Philosophy
over a year ago
Stephen Diehl
Countering the Crypto Lobbyists
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
The entrepreneur trying to make thrifting truly eco-friendly with AI Nofal Khan is the co-founder and CEO of Swag Kicks, one of Pakistan’s largest online thrift...
9 months ago
Rest of World -...
Why IBM employees in Brazil are suing to be classified as tech workers Unions in two Brazilian states are suing IBM in an effort to be recognized as tech employees, giving...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Unions in two Brazilian states are suing IBM in an effort to be recognized as tech employees, giving them access to better wages, benefits, and profit participation.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The ideal startup career path For most people I know who join or start companies, the primary goal is not to get rich – it is to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For most people I know who join or start companies, the primary goal is not to get rich – it is to work on something they love, with people…
Rest of World -...
Can someone please make an iPhone-theft thriller already? Forget the Apple store heist in Seattle; South Asia has a pretty riveting script on cross-border...
a year ago
a year ago
Forget the Apple store heist in Seattle; South Asia has a pretty riveting script on cross-border smartphone theft waiting to be written.
At least five interesting things for the middle of your week (#35) Chinese defense spending, activists vs. normies, corporate diversity, phones in schools,
10 months ago
SatPost by Trung...
The speed of information Putting social media coverage of Israel-Palestine into historical context.
a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
The Apple Vision Pro: A Review I’ve spent a lot of time with the Vision Pro, turning my experience into both the newsletter you’re...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve spent a lot of time with the Vision Pro, turning my experience into both the newsletter you’re reading and one of the first two episodes of my upcoming iHeartRadio podcast Better Offline. I wrote the majority of this newsletter on the Vision Pro itself, though
Tom Blomfield
Startup Series Part 2: Attracting great engineers This is the second in a series of articles on the operational side of running startup - once you’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the second in a series of articles on the operational side of running startup - once you’ve found product-market fit and raised VC cash, how do you go about building a business? The first post in this series, on the hiring process, assumes you have a sufficient number of...
Paul Graham: Essays
News from the Front
over a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
Copyright is both vital and obsolete. The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights...
a year ago
a year ago
The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights to our creations are not worth much money to anyone but ourselves. But, if you are the guy who wrote “Born to Run,” it is prudent to assign your rights to an entity...
Paul Graham: Essays
A Project of One's Own
over a year ago
Business Brainstorms
Operational Minimalism, Zero shame in pulling the plug, OpenAI blog posts, ... Welcome to another edition of Business Brainstorms - your weekly dose of invaluable insights, trends...
a year ago
a year ago
Welcome to another edition of Business Brainstorms - your weekly dose of invaluable insights, trends and opportunities served up fresh from the cerebral kitchen of Jakob Greenfeld. Time to brainstorm! 💡 Opportunities “Whoever can find out how to crack the operational hurdles of...
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Write Simply
over a year ago
SatPost by Trung...
DeepSeek: Links and Memes (So Many Memes) How a Chinese AI lab spun out of a hedge fund shook up the entire tech industry.
a month ago
Essays - Benedict...
TV, merchant media and the unbundling of advertising Amazon’s ad business is bigger than YouTube and more profitable than AWS. Shein is the biggest...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Amazon’s ad business is bigger than YouTube and more profitable than AWS. Shein is the biggest fast-fashion retailer in the US, with no stores. US pay TV subscribers have fallen by a third. Where do ad budgets go, where does rent go, and how many brands will there be?
Rest of World -...
Six companies making it easier for Africans to send money globally Africa is the most expensive region to send money, but these companies are making it faster,...
a year ago
Inverted Passion
Games are problems people pay to solve Good definitions are powerful. Lately, while reading The Art of Game Design, it became clear to me...
a year ago
a year ago
Good definitions are powerful. Lately, while reading The Art of Game Design, it became clear to me that the author’s definition of games makes a lot of sense. He defines games as problems that people pay to solve with either their time or money. Unlike movies or books, games are...
Working Theorys
Unbundling Cash & Equity | Theory No. 15 a heretical take on "total compensation"
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Lithium is only as dirty as we make it We’re building a new supply chain for electric vehicles. Are we building the right one?
a year ago
BRICS is fake It's not an anti-NATO, it's not going to replace the dollar, and it's not going to control global...
a year ago
a year ago
It's not an anti-NATO, it's not going to replace the dollar, and it's not going to control global economic growth.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
“Steve Jobs supposedly said, returning to Apple, that his plan was to stay alive and grab onto the… “Steve Jobs supposedly said, returning to Apple, that his plan was to stay alive and grab onto the...
over a year ago
You're not going to like what comes after Pax Americana Welcome to the jungle.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Non-Western founders say DeepSeek is proof that innovation need not cost billions of dollars The Chinese app has just “blown the roof off” and “shifted the power dynamics.”
a month ago
The unbearable slowness of Meta's Oversight Board A 234-day wait to get a ruling in a case about incitement to violence suggests that something...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Vietnam’s made-to-measure fashion brands are thriving in the TikTok era As shoppers sour on Chinese fast fashion, more sustainable Vietnamese brands — loved by K-pop...
8 months ago
8 months ago
As shoppers sour on Chinese fast fashion, more sustainable Vietnamese brands — loved by K-pop artists and Western celebrities alike — are booming online.
essay – snarfed.org
COVID was bad for the climate William Cho The standard narrative on COVID and the climate is: People worked from home, cancelled...
over a year ago
over a year ago
William Cho The standard narrative on COVID and the climate is: People worked from home, cancelled travel plans, cut down overall consumption, and greenhouse gas emissions fell drastically. It’s great for the environment! Let’s keep it up! With apologies to H. L. Mencken, I...
SatPost by Trung...
YouTube: The Learning Machine Can YouTube have a similar impact on education as the printing press did? Yes, and the explosion of...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Can YouTube have a similar impact on education as the printing press did? Yes, and the explosion of sports footage on the platform helps to explain why.
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Monopoly Money Last week, in the midst of the slow, painful collapse of the generative AI hype cycle, something...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Last week, in the midst of the slow, painful collapse of the generative AI hype cycle, something incredible happened. On Monday, a Federal Judge delivered a crushing ruling in the multi-year-long antitrust case filed against Google by the Department of Justice. In 300-pages of...
Steve Blank
Before there was Oppenheimer there was Vannevar Bush I just saw the movie Oppenheimer.  A wonderful movie on multiple levels. But the Atomic Bomb story...
a year ago
a year ago
I just saw the movie Oppenheimer.  A wonderful movie on multiple levels. But the Atomic Bomb story that starts at Los Alamos with Oppenheimer and General Grove misses the fact that from mid-1940 to mid-1942 it was Vannevar Bush (and his number 2, James Conant, the president of...
Rest of World -...
Nigerians are building affordable alternatives to AWS and Google Cloud Local cloud startups offer data sovereignty at a time when the debate about who has access to a...
a week ago
David Perell
What I Got Wrong About Business Too many people waste years in hollow ‘entrepreneurship’ classes. Instead, we need to develop the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Too many people waste years in hollow ‘entrepreneurship’ classes. Instead, we need to develop the domain expertise that leads to entrepreneurial ideas. The post What I Got Wrong About Business appeared first on David Perell.
Rest of World -...
Rwanda’s homegrown EV leader sets its sights on Kenya Ampersand hopes to replicate its small-market success in East Africa’s largest economy.
9 months ago
Rest of World -...
Mexico City has an earthquake alarm system. Millions trust an app more SkyAlert users turn their phones into personal quake monitors rather than rely on the government’s...
a year ago
Articles - Alex...
The age of average In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid hired a market...
a year ago
a year ago
In the early 1990s, two Russian artists named Vitaly Komar and Alexander Melamid hired a market research firm to survey the public on what they wanted in a work of art. Across 11 countries they then set about painting a piece that reflected the results. Each piece was...
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#49) Degrowth, real and imagined; 90s taxes; China's banks; CHIPS Act bureaucrats; YIMBY education; the...
5 months ago
Business Brainstorms
Podcast translations, Apple opportunity, being unreasonable, don't hire corporate executives, the... Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write this email to share the most interesting trends, frameworks, opportunities, and ideas with you. Let's dive in! 💡 Opportunities “When the Apple VR headset drops tomorrow, every social...
Notes on my Remarkable Tablet I love my Remarkable 2. I’ve been using it pretty heavily for almost a year now. It’s my every day...
a year ago
a year ago
I love my Remarkable 2. I’ve been using it pretty heavily for almost a year now. It’s my every day companion device. Here’s some notes and ideas.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
eBay vs Amazon: decentralized vs centralized e-commerce Note: The company I cofounded, Hunch, was acquired by eBay in November 2011. I am now an eBay...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Note: The company I cofounded, Hunch, was acquired by eBay in November 2011. I am now an eBay employee. But all the opinions expressed below…
Steve Blank
Playing With Fire – ChatGPT The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of...
a year ago
a year ago
The world is very different now. For man holds in his mortal hands the power to abolish all forms of human poverty and all forms of human life. John F. Kennedy Humans have mastered lots of things that have transformed our lives, created our civilizations, and might ultimately...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Naming your startup The Name Inspector has a good post today regarding 6 naming myths to ignore. I think it’s generally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Name Inspector has a good post today regarding 6 naming myths to ignore. I think it’s generally right on.   Naming is so important and…
Paul Graham: Essays
Organic Startup Ideas
over a year ago
Biden is right that we need to raise taxes But his plan needs a lot of work.
10 months ago
Rest of World -...
Uber drivers are melting amid Nigeria’s historic heat wave and record fuel prices As temperatures soar and fuel prices triple, drivers are having to choose between their health and...
11 months ago
The Hour Of Code I have written many times about the Hour Of Code here at AVC. It is the highlight of the annual...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have written many times about the Hour Of Code here at AVC. It is the highlight of the annual Computer Science Education Week which is the first week of December, which is this week. Yesterday Marco Argenti, Goldman Sachs’ CIO, and I went with NYC Schools Chancellor David Banks...
Paul Graham: Essays
A Way to Detect Bias
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Six strategies for overcoming “chicken and egg” problems Products with so-called networks effects get more valuable when more people use them.  Famous...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Products with so-called networks effects get more valuable when more people use them.  Famous examples are telephones and social networks…
Why you can't trust Twitter's encrypted DMs A promised audit hasn't actually happened, sources say. PLUS: Twitter's Turkey problem, and a new...
a year ago
Did immigration bring down inflation? I'm highly skeptical of this theory, but it's still quite interesting.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Acceleration of Addictiveness
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
How Bangladesh’s tech industry navigated an unprecedented political crisis July’s internet blackout and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s sudden exit is estimated to have cost...
6 months ago
Blog posts of...
Mindshare 🧠 The hard part now, is to get mindshare with customers.
11 months ago
Rest of World -...
Five globally successful Chinese companies you’ve never heard of TikTok and Shein are household names, but ShareIt and Yalla aren't far behind.
a year ago
Blog posts of...
Joining hypergrowth startups 😬 I am writing this for a friend joining an early-stage breakout startup (year 2; $200M+ valuation). I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am writing this for a friend joining an early-stage breakout startup (year 2; $200M+ valuation). I wrote it as bullet points as...
All futurism is Afrofuturism A repost, with some optimistic updates.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
India shuts down the internet far more than any other country The country had 771 blackouts between 2016 and 2023, and there have been 51 so far this year. We...
5 months ago
Dustin Curtis
Contribution and abundance Ben Horowitz gave this remarkable response to a question about joy and happiness on Time Well Spent:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ben Horowitz gave this remarkable response to a question about joy and happiness on Time Well Spent: In my experience there are really two things that lead to happiness and everything else is mostly noise. The two things are contribution and abundance. Contribution is basically...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Stored Hashcash One of the greatest inventions in the history of computer security is Hashcash. Internet blights...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the greatest inventions in the history of computer security is Hashcash. Internet blights like spam and denial-of-service attacks are…
Internal Tech Emails
Facebook vs. TikTok | Elon Musk emails Tesla's board Today we see a shift towards social media products serving as “discovery engines.”
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
South Africa’s competition watchdog takes aim at Google The group is pushing Google to do more local business promotion, but experts say this could put the...
a year ago
a year ago
The group is pushing Google to do more local business promotion, but experts say this could put the country’s digital economy at risk.
Folon Early Mac art from Jean-Michel Folon
a year ago
Rest of World -...
The most surprising tech champions of 2024 From Threads to Bluesky and Zello to Black Myth: Wukong, a handful of small and large tech champions...
2 months ago
2 months ago
From Threads to Bluesky and Zello to Black Myth: Wukong, a handful of small and large tech champions stood out for their impressive growth this year.
Rest of World -...
Instagram helps Brazilians dodge a national sales ban on vapes As Brazilian law clashes with Meta’s policies, illegal vapes flood social media and the streets.
4 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Skydio I’m excited to announce today that Andreessen Horowitz is leading a $3M financing of Skydio, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m excited to announce today that Andreessen Horowitz is leading a $3M financing of Skydio, a startup developing artificial intelligence…
Ed Zitron's Where's...
The Man Who Killed Google Search Wanna listen to this story instead? Check out this week's Better Offline podcast, "The Man That...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Wanna listen to this story instead? Check out this week's Better Offline podcast, "The Man That Destroyed Google Search," available on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and anywhere else you get your podcasts. This is the story of how Google Search died, and the people responsible for...
What's up with those revised job numbers? Government data revisions can be scary, but they actually aren't that hard to understand.
6 months ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
The Slop Society In the last week we've seen the emergence of the true Meta — and the true Mark Zuckerberg — as the...
a month ago
a month ago
In the last week we've seen the emergence of the true Meta — and the true Mark Zuckerberg — as the company ended its fact-checking program, claiming that (and I quote) "fact checkers have been too politically biased and have destroyed more trust than they've
Paul Graham: Essays
A Word to the Resourceful
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
How we measured air quality for gig workers in South Asia Rest of World gave pollution monitors to riders in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh so they could...
a year ago
a year ago
Rest of World gave pollution monitors to riders in India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh so they could gather data on what they breathe.
Steve Blank
Hacking for Defense @ Stanford 2024 – Lessons Learned Presentations We just finished our 9th annual Hacking for Defense class at Stanford. What a year. Hacking for...
8 months ago
8 months ago
We just finished our 9th annual Hacking for Defense class at Stanford. What a year. Hacking for Defense, now in 60 universities, has teams of students working to understand and help solve national security problems. At Stanford this quarter the 8 teams of 40 students collectively...
Rest of World -...
How livestream realtors helped make Xishuangbanna a boom town Real estate agents turn to Douyin and Kuaishou to show properties virtually through livestreaming,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Real estate agents turn to Douyin and Kuaishou to show properties virtually through livestreaming, drawing the attention of out-of-town buyers.
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
over a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Mark Zuckerberg: "speed and strategy" One way to make sure we can move quickly is for everyone to understand our strategy behind the major...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One way to make sure we can move quickly is for everyone to understand our strategy behind the major product areas we're working on. I've tried to summarize some of the key ones here.
Dustin Curtis
Block Carefully A couple of years ago, I posted a slight criticism of Elon Musk that led prominent venture...
4 months ago
4 months ago
A couple of years ago, I posted a slight criticism of Elon Musk that led prominent venture capitalist Marc Andreessen to block me. Since then, I have been unable to view his posts1, which is a shame because I valued his thoughts and opinions. Today, X engineering announced...
Trumpism is kakistocracy A cult of personality prizes loyalty above competence, resulting in "rule by the worst".
4 months ago
Rest of World -...
How well do you know global food delivery? Test your knowledge of the world’s favorite delivery apps and most-ordered dishes.
6 months ago
Rest of World -...
How Indians are watching Succession after HBO ditched Disney With HBO walking away from Disney+ Hotstar, shows like Succession, The Last of Us, and Game of...
a year ago
a year ago
With HBO walking away from Disney+ Hotstar, shows like Succession, The Last of Us, and Game of Thrones can no longer be streamed in the country.