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Joel Gascoigne
6 things I do to be consistently happy * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Now that it’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Now that it’s almost two years since I first had the idea for Buffer [http://bufferapp.com], and with the year and a half before that which I worked on my previous startup, I’ve started to notice...
Steve Klabnik
A 30 minute introduction to Rust
over a year ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Building software to last forever I recently received the following email regarding Bear: Hi, I am a huge fan and love the service as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently received the following email regarding Bear: Hi, I am a huge fan and love the service as it is. However, I am curious how the continuation of the service is guaranteed. - Joe This is a great question, and one I have put a lot of thought into, even going so far as...
Making software...
Modern Improvements for Default Browser Styles Modern Improvements for Default Browser Styles 2021-11-09 This website almost exclusively uses the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Modern Improvements for Default Browser Styles 2021-11-09 This website almost exclusively uses the browser's (whichever one that might be) default styling to render it's HTML. I firmly believe, and have stated in a previous post, that the default HTML styling across all browsers...
The Codist
How Talking Over A Wall Changed My Direction As A Programmer I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my goal was to work for a couple of years and then continue my education with a Ph.D. in Chemistry (I had already been accepted). The office I worked in was a
Catching SIGTERM in Python Simple code example to show catching SIGTERM in a Python script.
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.35.0: Introducing SAML, world map view and new plugins PostHog 1.35.0 introduces activity logs and a brand new way of visualizing where your users are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog 1.35.0 introduces activity logs and a brand new way of visualizing where your users are coming from with the World Map. Additionally we now support organization-level SAML login on both Cloud and Self-Hosted instances. Plus check out your Project Homepage for a few...
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for exploring the Flickr API → I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API. They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
AI & The Science of Creativity In an effort to better understand how all this AI stuff works, I’ve been chipping away at Stephen...
a year ago
a year ago
In an effort to better understand how all this AI stuff works, I’ve been chipping away at Stephen Wolfram’s meticulous piece, “What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?”. As you likely know, ChatGPT works by guessing at the next word. Here’s Stephen: when ChatGPT does...
swyx's site RSS Feed
If You Sell Anything Online, This Book Will Make You Money My glowing review of Rob Hope's Landing Page Hot Tips Book
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
How can I contribute to Ruby on Rails?
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Automated Data Scraping with Github Actions A neat trick I discovered from Mikeal Rogers
over a year ago
Lennart Koopmann
43 Hours on the Amtrak Southwest Chief In September 2022, after watching many YouTube videos of other people on long-distance Amtrak trips,...
a year ago
a year ago
In September 2022, after watching many YouTube videos of other people on long-distance Amtrak trips, I finally embarked on a journey of my own. I took the Amtrak Southwest Chief train from Chicago to Los Angeles. Continue reading to learn more about it and why I'll do it again on...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython Memory Management Internals Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter (the VM), and the response from the attendees has been very encouraging. Next, I want to talk about how CPython implements memory management in its runtime. Most programming...
ntietz.com blog
Starting my (overkill) homelab I've set up a homelab finally! This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've set up a homelab finally! This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was right. The right project came along to justify it, so I took the plunge. Naturally, that leads to a few questions: What's a home lab? Why do you want one? And what is the shiny...
swyx's site RSS Feed
2019 /r/ReactJS Survey Results [![https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQrqygkW4AIxT0c?format=jpg&name=large](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EQ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Running Dolphin Locally with Ollama Wanna chat with Dolphin locally? (no internet connection needed) Here is the easy way -...
a year ago
a year ago
Wanna chat with Dolphin locally? (no internet connection needed) Here is the easy way - Ollama. install ollama. after you finsh you should be able to run ollama from the command line. Also you will see the ollama icon up top like this: Iff you are curious - anytime you see that...
ntietz.com blog
Are any of your features the steak on the menu? At my first job, we were a distributed team and would get together often. When we went out to eat,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
At my first job, we were a distributed team and would get together often. When we went out to eat, one of my coworkers would always order the steak if it was anywhere on the menu. Every single time we went to some Ohio restaurant that had truly lackluster steak, he'd order it...
Josh Collinsworth
A message from the Captain of the S.S. Layoff Indeed, there's plenty to go around, thanks largely to all of you. But the fastest way to make the...
a year ago
a year ago
Indeed, there's plenty to go around, thanks largely to all of you. But the fastest way to make the numbers better is to stop feeding and sheltering people and their families. Nothing personal.
James Vaughan's blog
Systemd Timers as a Cron Alternative
over a year ago
Hixie's Natural Log
The Future is Flutter Despite my departure from Google, I am not leaving Flutter — the great thing about open source and...
a year ago
a year ago
Despite my departure from Google, I am not leaving Flutter — the great thing about open source and open standards is that the product and the employer are orthogonal. I've had three employers in my career, and in all three cases when I left my employer I continued my job. With...
The 16-inch MacBook Pro After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it. 🎧  Hear more on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it. 🎧  Hear more on today’s Accidental Tech Podcast! Two years ago, I wrote a wishlist to fix the MacBook Pro, and the 16-inch doesn’t actually deliver most of it. But time and technological progress...
ntietz.com blog
Paper Review: Architecture of a Database System Last week, I read "Architecture of a Database System" for a Red Book reading group. This is as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, I read "Architecture of a Database System" for a Red Book reading group. This is as massive paper: 119 pages. What surprised me is how approachable it is. I have relatively little background building database systems and more experience using them. Despite this, the...
bt RSS Feed
My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design 2021-05-19 Hey would you look at that - my personal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My Changing Opinion on Personal Website Design 2021-05-19 Hey would you look at that - my personal blog has been redesigned again! Although I am still using good ol’ Jekyll for the backend, I have now added a more fleshed-out CSS design which also includes a set of open source...
Tony Finch's blog
getentropy() vs RAND_bytes() A couple of notable things have happened in recent months: There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024....
2 months ago
2 months ago
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months: There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024. There’s lots of good stuff in it, but today I am writing about getentropy() which is the first officially standardized POSIX API for getting cryptographically secure random...
Remains of the Day
Why Information Grows It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting messages. We infuse messages with meaning automatically, fooling ourselves to believe that the meaning of a message is carried in the message. But it is not. This is only an...
Monki Gras 2024: Step… Step… Step… Yesterday I gave a talk at Monki Gras 2024. This year, the theme is “Prompting Craft: examining and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Yesterday I gave a talk at Monki Gras 2024. This year, the theme is “Prompting Craft: examining and discussing the art of the prompt in code and cultural creation”. I did a talk about my experience of learning these new AI tools, and I draw comparisons to learning to dance. This...
Liz Denys
The best-kept secret of the French press: cold brew coffee Whether staying up late mandated my love of caffeine or vice versa, I've become hooked on coffee of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Whether staying up late mandated my love of caffeine or vice versa, I've become hooked on coffee of all forms. My hands-down favorite until a few months ago was the caffè macchiato - not to be confused with the highly commercialized latte macchiato you see in places like...
A Beautiful Site
Password protection using .htaccess and .htpasswd The simplest way I know to password protect files and directories using Apache's .htaccess and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The simplest way I know to password protect files and directories using Apache's .htaccess and .htpasswd files. .htpasswd # Create a text file with the following text: username:password The usernames and passwords are stored in this file, one per line, separated by a colon. To...
Joel Gascoigne
Why I crave mistakes I’ve mentioned many [https://joel.is/post/5961172449/beware-of-the-social-ideas]...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve mentioned many [https://joel.is/post/5961172449/beware-of-the-social-ideas] times [https://joel.is/post/23348997538/what-online-gaming-taught-me-about-startups] before [https://joel.is/post/12790799237/achieving-scale-by-doing-things-that-dont-scale] on this blog that I...
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for experimenting with the Flickr API → I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API. They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
Computer Things
What does 'TLA+' mean, anyway TLA+ Workshop Feb 12th. I've decided to reduce the class size from 20 to 15, so there's only a...
10 months ago
10 months ago
TLA+ Workshop Feb 12th. I've decided to reduce the class size from 20 to 15, so there's only a couple of slots left! I'll be making a little less money this way but it should lead to a better teaching experience for the attendees. Use the code NEWSLETTERDISCOUNT for $100...
A Beautiful Site
Design Systems Are An Investment It's hard to put a value on a design system. It's a lot easier to add up the costs of said design...
a year ago
a year ago
It's hard to put a value on a design system. It's a lot easier to add up the costs of said design system, especially in terms of salaries and development time. It's even easier to target a design system as the thing that's holding up a product from getting delivered. The truth...
Josh Comeau's blog
Hands-Free Coding Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately, this wasn't as catastrophic as it sounds! This article chronicles my experience using adaptive tools like dictation and eye-tracking as my primary mechanisms for writing code.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Errors Aren’t All Bad Adam Silver wrote “Don’t use the maxlength attribute to stop users from exceeding the limit” which...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Adam Silver wrote “Don’t use the maxlength attribute to stop users from exceeding the limit” which seems like one of those obvious things that needn’t be said, but I’m glad he says it. Have you heard of the “error prevention” heuristic? It means “do everything you can so users...
Maggie Appleton
A Picture Worth a Thousand Programmes
over a year ago
David Gerrells
too many birthdays I have a hard enough time remembering to take the trash out let alone the birthdays of my massive...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a hard enough time remembering to take the trash out let alone the birthdays of my massive family. Does this make me a bad uncle?
Julia Evans
Popular git config options Hello! I always wish that command line tools came with data about how popular their various options...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Hello! I always wish that command line tools came with data about how popular their various options are, like: “basically nobody uses this one” “80% of people use this, probably take a look” “this one has 6 possible values but people only really use these 2 in practice” So I...
Epic Web Dev
Mocking Techniques in Vitest (workshop)
2 months ago
Dan Slimmon
3 questions that will make you a phenomenal rubber duck As a Postgres reliability consultant and SRE, I’ve spent many hours being a rubber duck. Now I...
11 months ago
11 months ago
As a Postgres reliability consultant and SRE, I’ve spent many hours being a rubber duck. Now I outperform even the incisive bath toy. “Rubber duck debugging” is a widespread, tongue-in-cheek term for the practice of explaining, out-loud, a difficult problem that you’re stumped...
Nelson's Weblog
No more talking to politicians I am no longer talking to politicians. I have been aggressively filtering my email, a constant...
a year ago
a year ago
I am no longer talking to politicians. I have been aggressively filtering my email, a constant battle. Now I will no longer accept their calls. Unfortunately my home phone number is ruined. Between scams and politicians I never answer my phone unless I recognize the caller...
The UX of HTML by Vasilis van Gemert Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a...
a year ago
a year ago
by Vasilis van Gemert Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a font — a student asked: does it have to be semantic and shit? The whole class looked up, curious about the answer — please let it be no! I answered that no, it doesn’t have to be...
bt RSS Feed
Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 2020-05-06 I recently upgraded from Fedora 31 to 32 and everything went...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Fixing LocalWP on Fedora 32 2020-05-06 I recently upgraded from Fedora 31 to 32 and everything went very smoothly - except for one application: LocalWP. After the upgrade, all local WordPress builds would fail and complain about two missing packages: libnettle6 libhogweed4 After...
Words and Buttons...
Sine and cosine Interactive mnemonics and changeable snippets.TL&DR: Sine is like S and cosine is like C. You can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Interactive mnemonics and changeable snippets.TL&DR: Sine is like S and cosine is like C. You can make things like O or 8 by using them both.
Josh Comeau's blog
Delightful React File/Directory Structure How should we structure components and other files in our React apps? I've iterated my way to a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How should we structure components and other files in our React apps? I've iterated my way to a solution I'm really happy with. In this blog post, I'll share how it works, what the tradeoffs are, and how I mitigate them.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How to increase test coverage FAST The second quarter is coming to an end. I suppose a lot of my fellow developers are struggling to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second quarter is coming to an end. I suppose a lot of my fellow developers are struggling to meet their ambitious KPI of "20% more test coverage". Fear not — I'll show you a couple of neat tricks that will up your coverage game in no time, so that you can go on with your...
A Smart Bear
When customers are "willing" to pay This fresh take on "Willingness-to-Pay" analyzes three types of customer motivation, leading to...
a year ago
a year ago
This fresh take on "Willingness-to-Pay" analyzes three types of customer motivation, leading to superior strategies for growth that also better the world.
Hashing form { padding-top: 0.5em; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; display:...
a year ago
a year ago
form { padding-top: 0.5em; padding-left: 0.5em; padding-right: 0.5em; display: flex; justify-content: center; gap: 0.3em; } form input[type=text] { flex: 4 1 auto; min-width: 0; border-radius: 0.3em; border: 1px solid #aaaaaa; ...
Developer relations Apple’s leaders continue to deny developers of two obvious truths: That our apps provide substantial...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Apple’s leaders continue to deny developers of two obvious truths: That our apps provide substantial value to iOS beyond the purchase commissions collected by Apple. That any portion of our customers came to our apps from our own marketing or reputation, rather than the App...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Organizing State of Diffusion++ I manifested a "State of Diffusion++" meetup yesterday that I felt was a success. 200 people signed...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I manifested a "State of Diffusion++" meetup yesterday that I felt was a success. 200 people signed up! Here are some photos!
Spotting spam in our CloudFront logs About two months ago, I wrote about some Python code I’d written to parse CloudFront logs. I wrote...
a year ago
a year ago
About two months ago, I wrote about some Python code I’d written to parse CloudFront logs. I wrote this code to help with analysing some searches on wellcomecollection.org, and I thought it would be useful to explain a bit more of what I was doing. There’s a lot of spam in the...
Liz Denys
Who is WHOIS: a brief biography of Internet user privacy If you look up the registration details for my personal (and currently non-commercial) website,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you look up the registration details for my personal (and currently non-commercial) website, you'll see Registrant Name: WHOISGUARD PROTECTED Registrant Organization: WHOISGUARD, INC. Registrant Street: P.O. BOX 0823-03411 Registrant City: PANAMA Registrant State/Province:...
Vadim Kravcenko
⛳ Moving Forward in times of uncertainty The last weeks are the worst I’ve seen in my life, and it’s unclear what the world will look like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The last weeks are the worst I’ve seen in my life, and it’s unclear what the world will look like […] The post ⛳ Moving Forward in times of uncertainty appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Joel Gascoigne
3 reasons you shouldn't outsource your startup, and what to do instead One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier stage [https://joel.is/why-im-helping-startup-founders/] of the startup journey. I had a lot of false starts before Buffer. I enjoy sharing my lessons from those failed attempts, and I also enjoy getting my...
Patrick Kayongo
Of Coups, Wars, and Corporate Digital Transformations In mid-April 2023, Sudan was plunged into civil war. The para-military group Rapid Support Forces...
a year ago
a year ago
In mid-April 2023, Sudan was plunged into civil war. The para-military group Rapid Support Forces (RSF) was formed during the war in Darfur, outside the control of the national army for “special operations”. Because they weren’t under the leadership of the army, normal war...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Sanding UI One of the ways I like to do development is to build something, click around a ton, make tweaks,...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of the ways I like to do development is to build something, click around a ton, make tweaks, click around more, more tweaks, more clicks, etc., until I finally consider it done. The clicking around a ton is the important part. If it’s a page transition, that means going back...
bt RSS Feed
Plain Text Emails, Please Plain Text Emails, Please 2019-09-09 When it comes to website / product design and development most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Plain Text Emails, Please 2019-09-09 When it comes to website / product design and development most devs should try to keep things simple. By only using as much code as absolutely necessary, projects avoid growing out of scope or becoming bloated. So, why isn’t this same approach...
David Heinemeier...
Wonderful Rails World Vibes I totally understand how programming conferences end up being held in a drab Sheraton hotel...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I totally understand how programming conferences end up being held in a drab Sheraton hotel somewhere to save money. It's expensive to outfit a cool venue with the gear and operations needed to pull off a great experience for speakers, sponsors, and attendees. And while the cost...
#5 button-like-link Bad code <a href="#form" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"> &nbsp;&nbsp;Register&nbsp;&nbsp;...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <a href="#form" role="button" aria-haspopup="true"> &nbsp;&nbsp;Register&nbsp;&nbsp; </a> Issues and how to fix them It’s a link to a form at the same page that looks like a button. By adding role="button" to a link, you’re telling that it’s a button, though it acts like...
A Beautiful Site
I'm taking "startup" back The word "startup" has taken on a very unfortunate meaning over the years. I used to think of my own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The word "startup" has taken on a very unfortunate meaning over the years. I used to think of my own business as a startup, but as its definition evolved, I quickly realized I didn't fit that description at all. The word "startup", by definition, means the act or instance of...
swyx's site RSS Feed
On Grind - from Investor to Creator to Founder Sarah asks a provoking question that has been on my mind a lot as I transition from part time...
a year ago
Daniel Immke's Blog...
What it’s like open sourcing code created for the government Recently I released a project I built for the CDC as open source out into the world. It’s called CDC...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I released a project I built for the CDC as open source out into the world. It’s called CDC Maps, and I wrote a case study about it…
Liz Denys
A geek feminism anecdote Only a fraction of my blog is about technical or "geeky/nerdy" things. Then again, my blog isn't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Only a fraction of my blog is about technical or "geeky/nerdy" things. Then again, my blog isn't intended to be about a specific topic - it's just full of what I feel like writing at the time. Perhaps, more technical things will follow in the future. Some friends and I randomly...
Joel Gascoigne
Feeling like a fraud while doing startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Before I had any...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Before I had any success with Buffer, I helped many startups with their ideas. I attended events, spoke at events and even created my own meetup for startups. These were not particularly big...
Oh, that's not your job My first job was as [a Ruby developer at a Japanese...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My first job was as [a Ruby developer at a Japanese startup](/articles/finding-a-job-as-a-ruby-developer-in-japan). The company had a stellar development team, and in a couple of months of working there I learned more about developing software than I did in my entire computer...
Tinloof - Blog
How to integrate Fathom Analytics into your Remix App When it comes to building successful websites, it's important to gain insights and data about your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When it comes to building successful websites, it's important to gain insights and data about your website visitors in order to enhance their experience. In this guide, we will go over the steps of integrating Fathom Analytics into a Remix application. Creating a site in Fathom...
James Vaughan's blog
Micro reviews: Bun, Cursor, Cloudflare Pages, and more
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
RSA is deceptively simple (and fun) While reading Real-World Cryptography, I came across the "million message attack". This is an attack...
11 months ago
11 months ago
While reading Real-World Cryptography, I came across the "million message attack". This is an attack that Daniel Bleichenbacher demonstrated in 1998, which effectively broke RSA with a particular encoding function called PKCS #1. It was only mentioned briefly, so I dug in and...
Charles Chen
On Bakers, Ovens, and AI Startup Moats Are new AI startups "just another wrapper for a 3rd party model"? Does having an oven make you a...
a month ago
A Smart Bear
Easy to criticize, hard to create It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally ignore the critics.
Daniel Immke's Blog...
My Pardot landing page starter kit Over the past year, I’ve built an increasing amount of Pardot landing pages in my day to day role. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past year, I’ve built an increasing amount of Pardot landing pages in my day to day role. I think landing pages are a really…
Florian Bellmann |...
How to strategically approach technical improvements It's hard to make the right technical decisions in an active project. Particularly improvements...
11 months ago
11 months ago
It's hard to make the right technical decisions in an active project. Particularly improvements without direct business value are difficult to manage. In this post, we discuss some learnings from the battlefield on how improvements can be approached.
swyx's site RSS Feed
CFP Advice Some thoughts on writing your first few CFPs
over a year ago
Florian Bellmann |...
Processes don't create ownership, people do Creating a sense of ownership in the team is crucial for the success of a project. What's the right...
7 months ago
The Pragmatic...
What Big Tech layoffs suggest for the industry Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events...
a year ago
a year ago
Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events mean for the rest of the industry?
Evan Jones -...
TCP and gRPC Failed Connection Timeouts After my last article about how gRPC is hard to configure, with a client keepalive example, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After my last article about how gRPC is hard to configure, with a client keepalive example, I realized that I don't understand how TCP and gRPC handle failed connections. This article is my attempt to figure it out, and document it so I can find it again in the future. The best...
swyx's site RSS Feed
GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries My mistakes and insights on GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries.
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Cookie banners show everything that's wrong with the EU Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no material improvement to their privacy, but this unsightly blight is still with us (and the rest of the internet!). All because the EU has no mechanism for self-correcting its...
Darek Kay
Delaying asset requests in Eleventy While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading...
a year ago
a year ago
While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading behavior. One technique is to provide a visual fallback as long as the images are still loading. First, a static background color included in the markup is displayed. As soon as a...
Hooking up search results from Astro Starlight in other sites At Val Town, we recently introduced a command-k menu, that “omni” menu that sites have. It’s pretty...
8 months ago
8 months ago
At Val Town, we recently introduced a command-k menu, that “omni” menu that sites have. It’s pretty neat. One thing that I thought would be cool to include in it would be search results from our documentation site, which is authored using Astro Starlight. Our main application is...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Reflecting on YC, 2 years on Y Combinator (YC) is seen as the world's best, and most prolific, three-month accelerator program....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Y Combinator (YC) is seen as the world's best, and most prolific, three-month accelerator program. Upwards of 7,000 founders have taken part. Yet, no…
Blog System/5
Rust doesn't solve the CrowdStrike outage Look, I like Rust. I really, really do, and I agree with the premise that memory-unsafe languages...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Look, I like Rust. I really, really do, and I agree with the premise that memory-unsafe languages like C++ should not be used anymore. But claiming that Rust would have prevented the massive outage that the world went through last Friday is misleading and actively harmful to...
Joel Gascoigne
How we&#x27;re trying to stay innovative as a 3.5 year old startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I think I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I think I’ve just about got to that point with Buffer where sometimes when I stop to reflect on things I think “wow, we’ve actually been doing this for a while now”. It’s about 3.5 years
Julia Evans
Some notes on nix flakes I’ve been using nix for about 9 months now. For all of that time I’ve been steadfastly ignoring...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been using nix for about 9 months now. For all of that time I’ve been steadfastly ignoring flakes, but everyone keeps saying that flakes are great and the best way to use nix, so I decided to try to figure out what the deal is with them. I found it very hard to find simple...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
How I write blog posts every month Back in September of last year I started this blog and seeded it with a few posts. I wrote in my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in September of last year I started this blog and seeded it with a few posts. I wrote in my first post that my goal was to write one…
Vadim Kravcenko
🔥 Battling daily procrastination 🔥Procrastination is a serious threat. But what keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do?...
over a year ago
over a year ago
🔥Procrastination is a serious threat. But what keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? What […] The post 🔥 Battling daily procrastination appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Ideas for replit bounties Apparently replit asks all Pro users about their thoughts. As it happens, I have a lot of thoughts...
a year ago
a year ago
Apparently replit asks all Pro users about their thoughts. As it happens, I have a lot of thoughts about how to improve Replit bounties. Lower transaction costs Currently the process is: I post a bounty one or more people apply I select an applicant they do the work I...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Swyx's Simple Guide to Singapore A personal guide to Singapore for foreign friends visiting.
a year ago
Julia Evans
Dealing with diverged git branches Hello! One of the most common problems I see folks struggling with in Git is when a local branch...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Hello! One of the most common problems I see folks struggling with in Git is when a local branch (like main) and a remote branch (maybe also called main) have diverged. There are two things that make this situation hard: If you’re not used to interpreting git’s error messages,...
ntietz.com blog
Getting buy-in to get things done When you are working in any sort of leadership role, you'll have to get people to work toward...
7 months ago
7 months ago
When you are working in any sort of leadership role, you'll have to get people to work toward initiatives that you're leading or make changes you're proposing. Whether you're a line manager running a team day-to-day, or a principal engineer pushing technical initiatives forward,...
Joel Gascoigne
Thoughts on travelling with your startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Buffer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com] has been a crazy ride since I first had the idea back in October 2010. As we’ve grown the startup from nothing to 250,000 users, a $600,000 annual revenue run rate...
Steve Klabnik
On the eve of #m1gs
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
What launching Experimentation taught us about running effective A/B tests We just launched our Experimentation suite, and there's a ton we learned about running successful...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We just launched our Experimentation suite, and there's a ton we learned about running successful experiments. It was a no brainer product decision…
bt RSS Feed
Easy Toggle Switches Easy Toggle Switches 2019-02-18 Sometimes there is a need to use toggle elements in-place of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Easy Toggle Switches 2019-02-18 Sometimes there is a need to use toggle elements in-place of the default checkbox inputs. The problem is, I tend to see a lot of developers reaching for plugins or JavaScript components in order to implement these toggles. This is overkill. You can...
Steve Klabnik
Announcing Emoji 1.0
over a year ago
Nelson's Weblog
Obsidian Obsidian is good software for taking and organizing notes. There are many apps for this task,...
a year ago
a year ago
Obsidian is good software for taking and organizing notes. There are many apps for this task, Obsidian is my current favorite. In the past I’ve used a text file, SimpleNote, Standard Notes, Joplin. I never used emacs org-mode nor Evernote. Obsidian works reliably and is simple...
Elad Blog
AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is we keep raising the bar on what it means for something to be a machine intelligence. Early machine learning models have been quite successful in terms of real world impact. Large...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Friendcatchers Patrick McKenzie's simple concept for making friends on the Internet.
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Rust is more than safety
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Hedge Words Affirm Creative, Imaginative Thinking Mandy’s note piqued my interest so much, I started reading Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz. So far, I...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Mandy’s note piqued my interest so much, I started reading Being Wrong by Kathryn Schulz. So far, I love it! (I hope to write more about it once I’ve finished, but I’m afraid I won’t because the whole book is underlined in red pencil and I wouldn’t know where to start.) As...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, September 2024 The Ware for September 2024 is shown below: This ware was a gift, but I won’t credit the donor until...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Ware for September 2024 is shown below: This ware was a gift, but I won’t credit the donor until the solution is revealed, because the credit itself might give a clue about the ware. My first reaction to seeing this board is: “this thing has a high BOM cost”. My second...
bt RSS Feed
Yes, I Still Use jQuery Yes, I Still Use jQuery 2019-04-15 I have seen a handful of condescending comments from front-end...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yes, I Still Use jQuery 2019-04-15 I have seen a handful of condescending comments from front-end developers since the newest build of (jQuery 3.4.0) released a couple of days ago. While I understand not all developers share the same work-style or are using the same tech-stack,...
bt RSS Feed
Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu 2019-04-26 I love the idea of stripping away as much CSS as possible,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menu 2019-04-26 I love the idea of stripping away as much CSS as possible, while still maintaining the original UI concept. Let’s build out a demo example with a simple menu dropdown element. Interesting facts about our final CSS menu: Total weight 121 bytes...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supervised Learning: Classification Learning & Decision Trees The simplest form of Classification algorithm
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
The Early Days of GitLab - A Chat with Sid Sijbrandij It gets pretty easy to idolize the superstars of tech. One of the coolest things we've learned is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It gets pretty easy to idolize the superstars of tech. One of the coolest things we've learned is that many of the most successful founders will find…
Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I like it when someone or something does everything for me. To this end, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write my New Year's post: "Hey ChatGPT. Can you implement a large language model...
Epic Web Dev
Hamburger Menu Animation (tip) Learn how to create an engaging hamburger menu animation with Tailwind CSS, improving user...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn how to create an engaging hamburger menu animation with Tailwind CSS, improving user experience and adding a touch of fun flair.
Paolo Amoroso's...
A single package Common Lisp workflow for Medley <![CDATA[My exploration of Medley as a Common Lisp development environment proceeds with setting up...
11 months ago
11 months ago
<![CDATA[My exploration of Medley as a Common Lisp development environment proceeds with setting up a workflow for writing and saving code. The workflow consists of a series of steps in a specific order using appropriate Lisp REPLs and tools. It supports writing the simplest...
the jsomers.net blog
Speed matters: Why working quickly is more important than it seems The obvious benefit to working quickly is that you'll finish more stuff per unit time. But there's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The obvious benefit to working quickly is that you'll finish more stuff per unit time. But there's more to it than that. If you work quickly, the cost of doing something new will seem lower in your mind. So you'll be inclined to do more. The converse is true, too. If every time...
The History of the...
Where did mainstream media come from? The term mainstream media is so common these days, we can forget where it came from. But it has an...
a week ago
a week ago
The term mainstream media is so common these days, we can forget where it came from. But it has an interesting connection with the web. The post Where did mainstream media come from? appeared first on The History of the Web.
Epic Web Dev
Use Fetcher Keys for Registering Remix Fetchers (tip) Discover how to use fetcher keys in Remix 2.2.0 for optimistic theme switching with cookies. Improve...
a year ago
a year ago
Discover how to use fetcher keys in Remix 2.2.0 for optimistic theme switching with cookies. Improve user experience and eliminate network delays.
Stephen Wolfram...
How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the Second Law of Thermodynamics This is part 3 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second...
a year ago
a year ago
This is part 3 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics (forthcoming) 2. A 50-Year Quest: My Personal Journey with the Second Law of Thermodynamics (forthcoming) 3. How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the...
Liz Denys
Why is it easier to teach girls to code than to teach ourselves to treat women well? When we ask ourselves "why aren't there more women in tech?", we're quick to discuss how the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When we ask ourselves "why aren't there more women in tech?", we're quick to discuss how the pipeline fails young women. I would be lying if I didn't think there's room for improvement here - I've written about my own negative experiences as a young programmer - and it's exciting...
David Heinemeier...
Living with Linux and Android after two decades of Apple It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to...
5 months ago
5 months ago
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to switch off the Apple stack and stick to my choice. That's what two decades worth of entrenched habits will do to your belief in change! But not only was it possible, it's been...
ntietz.com blog -...
Debugging my wife's alarm clock My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately. Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately. Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't blare in the morning at the set time. Instead, when it was supposed to go off it would... reset itself. The time would start flashing in that "I'm confused because the power went...
Steve Klabnik
Better Ruby Presenters
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
JavaScript Is Enabled by Default in Web Browsers It’s easy to talk bad about JavaScript (or at least its abuse) like it’s some kind of malware. But...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s easy to talk bad about JavaScript (or at least its abuse) like it’s some kind of malware. But it’s worth remembering that JavaScript is enabled by default in web browsers. JavaScript is not so terrible, so harmful, so taboo, so something you shouldn’t use that it’s turned...
Recently We saw this Monarch butterfly caterpillar at the pretty unusual Naval Cemetery Landscape. The...
a year ago
a year ago
We saw this Monarch butterfly caterpillar at the pretty unusual Naval Cemetery Landscape. The landscape is just native pollinators and native plants growing wild, with a wood platform above the field so you can walk around and see the bugs and plants. It’s also built on a...
The new Flickr Commons Explorer &rarr; One of the things I’ve been working on at the Flickr Foundation is a new “Commons Explorer”, a way...
8 months ago
8 months ago
One of the things I’ve been working on at the Flickr Foundation is a new “Commons Explorer”, a way to browse the photos in the Flickr Commons. Flickr Commons is a collection of historical photography from cultural institutions from all around the world, all with no known...
Epic Web Dev
Adding a Shadow to an SVG Icon with Tailwind CSS (tip) Learn how to add a shadow that follows the edges of an SVG icon using Tailwind CSS DropShadow,...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn how to add a shadow that follows the edges of an SVG icon using Tailwind CSS DropShadow, giving your icons a smoother and more visually appealing look.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Intro to Node-RED I dipped into [my automation repo](https://github.com/sw-yx/automation/blob/master/README.md) today...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I dipped into [my automation repo](https://github.com/sw-yx/automation/blob/master/README.md) today and explored Huginn. It didn't really appeal so I looked for alternatives and found [Node-RED](https://nodered.org/). It uses a much more familiar toolchain (JS) and is...
Making software...
Replacing My Eero Mesh Network with Two Mangos Replacing My Eero Mesh Network with Two Mangos 2023-03-09 It has been one week since I retired my...
a year ago
a year ago
Replacing My Eero Mesh Network with Two Mangos 2023-03-09 It has been one week since I retired my Eero mesh network setup and replaced it with two Mango Mini Travel Routers (GL-MT300N-V2). There were some obvious reasons to make this switch but I was initially unsure how the...
Alex MacCaw
The Great CEO Within It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this project. This is the best book I've read on making the journey from founder to CEO.
Making software...
Tabbed Content Without JavaScript Tabbed Content Without JavaScript 2019-01-28 Creating tabs is a fairly trivial and common practice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tabbed Content Without JavaScript 2019-01-28 Creating tabs is a fairly trivial and common practice in web design, but many times it requires JavaScript to properly implement. Fortunately it is possible to create tabbed content with only using CSS. Live CodePen...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Writing an Authentication Store in Svelte This is my attempt today wrapping an Authentication workflow into a Svelte Store
over a year ago
Engineer’s Codex
A simple software engineering productivity trick: leave work unfinished to reach flow A breakdown of 4 simple software engineering and coding habits that improved my productivity. These...
a year ago
a year ago
A breakdown of 4 simple software engineering and coding habits that improved my productivity. These include keyboard shortcuts, learning to say no, reaching flow state faster, and keeping a big book of commands handy.
Joel Gascoigne
The different ways of traveling * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * One of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * One of the incredible side-effects of doing retreats 3 times a year with my startup [https://joel.is/post/79092725144/why-we-go-on-international-retreats-3-times-a-year-with] is that I get the...
the singularity is...
Tech Heroin Curtis dropped this post today, and I love the analogy. Liberals sell heroin, conservatives sell...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Curtis dropped this post today, and I love the analogy. Liberals sell heroin, conservatives sell cocaine. Techno-Optimism is cocaine. Atlas Shrugged is cocaine. Futurism is cocaine. I am a progressive. A liberal. I believe in progress. I am not a conservative. Conservatives lose....
Paolo Amoroso's...
Raspberry Pi 400: first impressions <![CDATA[I bought a lovely little computer, a Raspberry Pi 400, and two accessories, a 64 GB Samsung...
a year ago
a year ago
<![CDATA[I bought a lovely little computer, a Raspberry Pi 400, and two accessories, a 64 GB Samsung Pro Endurance microSD card to hold the file system and a very cheap Full HD webcam for video calls. Raspberry Pi 400, Samsung Pro Endurance 64 GB microSD card, and Full HD webcam...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Did you know AI is answering our community questions? AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that...
2 months ago
2 months ago
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that try to replace a human in a product support context…
Josh Comeau's blog
Announcing “use-sound”, a React Hook for Sound Effects By and large, using the web is a visual experience. This is in terrible contrast to mobile apps,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
By and large, using the web is a visual experience. This is in terrible contrast to mobile apps, which interact with three of our human senses (sight, sound, and touch, through haptic feedback). I just released a library to make it easy to add sound to your React app, and I make...
Julia Evans
Go structs are copied on assignment (and other things about Go I'd missed) I’ve been writing Go pretty casually for years – the backends for all of my playgrounds (nginx, dns,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve been writing Go pretty casually for years – the backends for all of my playgrounds (nginx, dns, memory, more DNS) are written in Go, but many of those projects are just a few hundred lines and I don’t come back to those codebases much. I thought I more or less understood the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Revolutionizing Audio with Descript and Temporal A case study I published for my work at Temporal
over a year ago
Will a company in Japan find out your previous salary? When it comes to [salary negotiation in...
a year ago
a year ago
When it comes to [salary negotiation in Japan](/articles/a-guide-to-salary-negotiations-in-japan-s-tech-industry), companies often have the upper hand. Not only do they know what they're willing to pay for a position, but it is very common for companies to ask you to disclose...
Liz Denys
Black coiled bowl, 2023 Heavily grogged black stoneware, coil-built, glossy blue glaze
a year ago
Confessions of a...
Recording of Live Session on CPython Virtual Machine Internals Yesterday we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython virtual machine (VM) or the...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Yesterday we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython virtual machine (VM) or the bytecode interpreter implementation.
A Beautiful Site
Thoughts on comments For as long as I can remember, comments have been a staple of blogging software. After all, what's a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For as long as I can remember, comments have been a staple of blogging software. After all, what's a good blog post without a relevant discussion to accompany it? You might find it strange to learn that Postleaf doesn't ship with comments. This is by design, and I'll explain why...
Liz Denys
Intent! It's eldritch magic! or: house rules for warlocks who mean well As we all know, intent is an ancient eldritch power! Dungeons & Dragons 5e warlocks enter into pacts...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As we all know, intent is an ancient eldritch power! Dungeons & Dragons 5e warlocks enter into pacts with otherworldly patrons who grant them such ancient magics in the form of pact boons. From page 107 of the Player's Handbook (5e, 2014): At 3rd level, your otherworldly patron...
Epic Web Dev
Anatomy of a Test (article) Explore the analogy between learning human anatomy and writing code tests, emphasizing a universal...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Explore the analogy between learning human anatomy and writing code tests, emphasizing a universal three-step structure: Setup, Action, and Assertion.
Useful tradeoffs are multi-dimensional. In some pockets of the industry, an axiom of software development is that deploying software quickly...
11 months ago
11 months ago
In some pockets of the industry, an axiom of software development is that deploying software quickly is at odds with thoroughly testing that software. One reason that teams believe this is because a fully automated deployment process implies that there’s no opportunity for manual...
Dan Slimmon
Platform teams don’t need to act like companies Lately you see a lot of software company R&D teams organized around internal products. The Search...
a year ago
a year ago
Lately you see a lot of software company R&D teams organized around internal products. The Search Team provides a Search service and its “customers” are the teams whose code consumes that service. The Developer Productivity Team’s product is a suite of tools for managing local...
A Smart Bear
Pricing determines your business model Pricing is inextricably linked to brand, product, and purchasing decisions. It cannot be "figured...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Pricing is inextricably linked to brand, product, and purchasing decisions. It cannot be "figured out later," because determines your business model today.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Faster Connectivity !== Faster Websites This post from Dan Luu discussing how web bloat impacts users with slow devices caused me to reflect...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This post from Dan Luu discussing how web bloat impacts users with slow devices caused me to reflect on the supposition that faster connectivity means faster websites. I grew up in an era when slow internet was the primary limiting factor to a great experience on the web. I was...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Power of Lampshading How to turn Ignorance into Power
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
RC Week 2: Pairing is Awesome The second week of my batch at Recurse Center (RC) is a wrap, and it already feels like it's going...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second week of my batch at Recurse Center (RC) is a wrap, and it already feels like it's going too quickly. My batch is twelve weeks long, so I'm 17% through. Only ten weeks left! This is a precious time, so I'm trying to make the most of it, but also trying to not increase...
Recently Reading Since last time, I read a few books: Sea of Tranquility, a book club book, Doppelganger, the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Reading Since last time, I read a few books: Sea of Tranquility, a book club book, Doppelganger, the new Naomi Klein, and Manywhere, a collection of short stories. Sea of Tranquility was very digestible sci-fi. I haven’t read that much sci-fi overall, so it’s probably inaccurate...
Josh Collinsworth
I worry our Copilot is leaving some passengers behind Why I worry about the effect GitHub Copilot is having and will continue to have on the accessibility...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Why I worry about the effect GitHub Copilot is having and will continue to have on the accessibility of the web at scale.
How could you make a scalable online geospatial editor? by I’ve been thinking about this. Placemark is going open source in 10 days and I’m probably not...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I’ve been thinking about this. Placemark is going open source in 10 days and I’m probably not founding another geo startup anytime soon. I’d love to found another bootstrapped startup eventually, but geospatial is hard. Anyway, geospatial data is big, which does not combine well...
The best way to tell a website your age There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access certain content online. Now children can be protected from adult content like well-organised spreadsheets, YouTube videos about kitchen appliances, and websites that sell you...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Creating Some Noise on Behalf of Silence How do you write about the value of silence? It’s kind of absurd when you think about it. Do you use...
5 months ago
5 months ago
How do you write about the value of silence? It’s kind of absurd when you think about it. Do you use words to extol the value of something whose essence is the very absence of words? It’s like making a painting of the invisible. Do you use visible means to depict something that...
Joel Gascoigne
Pricing your product: It doesn&#x27;t have to be so complicated * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * In the last week...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * In the last week I’ve talked with a few early stage startup founders about pricing. It seems pricing is often a large block for many. It’s understandable, since there are so many decisions to...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware October 2024 Last month’s ware were boards from a Sony HCD-T1. Thanks again to spida for contributing the ware,...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Last month’s ware were boards from a Sony HCD-T1. Thanks again to spida for contributing the ware, and congratulations to marcan for nailing it. Ping me if you want a prize!
javascript weakmaps should be iterable Good evening. Tonight, a brief position statement: it is a mistake for JavaScript’s to not be...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Good evening. Tonight, a brief position statement: it is a mistake for JavaScript’s to not be iterable, and we should fix it.WeakMap A associates a key with a value, as long as the key is otherwise reachable in a program. (It is an .)WeakMapephemeron table When was added to...
The Changelog
Roundup of Unique Data/Storage Hosting Options Recently I have been taking another look at the services at rsync.net and it got me thinking: what...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I have been taking another look at the services at rsync.net and it got me thinking: what would I do with a lot of storage? What might I want to run with it, if it were fairly cheap? Backups are an obvious place to start. Borgbackup makes a pretty compelling option: very...
Making software...
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung...
a year ago
a year ago
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung 27" UHD monitor as my main display. This monitor was connected to my ThinkPad X260 (in clamshell mode) through the official Lenovo dock. It wasn't a bad setup, but I have since...
A small freedom area...
Hacking window titles to help OBS This write-up is meant to present the rationale and technical details behind a tiny project I wrote...
a year ago
a year ago
This write-up is meant to present the rationale and technical details behind a tiny project I wrote the other day, WTH, or WindowTitleHack, which is meant to force a constant window name for apps that keep changing it (I'm looking specifically at Firefox and Krita, but there are...
David Heinemeier...
The origin of Ruby on Rails I can't thank Honeypot and Carolina Cabral enough for the producing The Rails Documentary that was...
a year ago
a year ago
I can't thank Honeypot and Carolina Cabral enough for the producing The Rails Documentary that was just released today. Looking back on those early, formative years of Ruby on Rails with Tobi, Jamis, Jeremy, and Jason was actually kind of profound. I usually don't spend much time...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Semi-Automatic npm and GitHub Releases with `gh-release` and `auto-changelog` A snippet I use all the time
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Down with the share widget! In a world dominated by social media, it's natural to want visitors to share your content with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a world dominated by social media, it's natural to want visitors to share your content with friends and followers. This really isn't a bad thing, but how you go about encouraging them can actually be discouraging. The rise of the "share" widget # Six years ago, Twitter wasn't...
Blog - Bitfield...
What is 'iota' in Go? iota is a neat feature of Go that lets us create “enums”: lists of constants with arbitrary...
8 months ago
8 months ago
iota is a neat feature of Go that lets us create “enums”: lists of constants with arbitrary values. Let’s find out how to use iota, with this quick tutorial.
#16 alt, no wait…, aria-label, no wait…, alt Context: A list of images that link to detail pages. Bad code <a tabindex="0"> <div alt="Browser...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Context: A list of images that link to detail pages. Bad code <a tabindex="0"> <div alt="Browser Wars: The Last Engine" aria-label="Browser Wars: The Last Engine"> <div> <img alt="Browser Wars: The Last Engine" src="thumbnail.jpg"> </div> </div> </a> Issues and...
Darek Kay
Handling Enzyme in React 18 React Testing Library (RTL) is arguably superior to Enzyme, due to a shift from testing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
React Testing Library (RTL) is arguably superior to Enzyme, due to a shift from testing implementation details to more user-centric unit tests. However, many projects still contain lots of Enzyme tests from the early days, making migration difficult and time-consuming. At my...
COVID-19 and IT Jobs in Japan The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty among prospective job seekers, especially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The COVID-19 pandemic has created a lot of uncertainty among prospective job seekers, especially those looking to relocate to Japan from overseas. To help people understand the current situation with regards to IT jobs in Japan, I contacted [every company using...
What mammal is that? I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva. I like to take silly photos of the family pets, and this is one from last week that shows off a super-sized snoot: No Photoshop here, just my iPhone’s Ultra Wide camera held close to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Open source (and self-hosted) alternatives to Hotjar & FullStory Analytics is great when you need hard numbers, but hard numbers don't give you the full picture....
a year ago
a year ago
Analytics is great when you need hard numbers, but hard numbers don't give you the full picture. What else do you need to do? Talk to users ? Sure…
Tony Finch's blog
Purple PCBs for Keybird69 I’m a beginner at PCB design, or rather, I haven’t made a PCB since I was at school 30 years ago,...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m a beginner at PCB design, or rather, I haven’t made a PCB since I was at school 30 years ago, and a lot has changed since then! So my aim for Keybird69’s PCB was to learn my way around the design, manufacturing, and assembly process. microcontroller other components key...
On Witchcraft Lies, damned lies, and social media Rhetoric about the dangers of the internet is at a feverish...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Lies, damned lies, and social media Rhetoric about the dangers of the internet is at a feverish high. The new buzzword these days is "disinformation." Funnily enough, nobody actually produces it themselves: it's only other people who do so. Arguably the internet already came up...
A good first word for Wordle Ok, I gave in to the fad and took up Wordle. For those who have been living under a rock for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ok, I gave in to the fad and took up Wordle. For those who have been living under a rock for the past few weeks, Wordle is a relatively new online word game which has become viral. It is a variation of Bulls and Cows. You have six tries to guess a five-letter word. Each […] The...
A Beautiful Site
Why developers hate being interrupted I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled across a post today (that unfortunately no longer exists) and I was almost convinced that I had written it myself. Many of the points in it hit home, so I hope it helps people better understand how developers think and what they go through when interruptions arise. One...
Vadim Kravcenko
Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior These are mostly my thoughts about what I was expecting as a junior and how I perceived senior...
10 months ago
10 months ago
These are mostly my thoughts about what I was expecting as a junior and how I perceived senior developers. To […] The post Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Crypto: the good, the bad and the ugly
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Gogo Yubari's meteor hammer as a purse So I made a purse shaped like the Gogo Yubari's meteor hammer for a Kill Bill themed party... The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So I made a purse shaped like the Gogo Yubari's meteor hammer for a Kill Bill themed party... The spherical shape comes from quilt batting stuffed between the beach ball style outside and a stiff dodecahedron lining. The body is hand-painted, punched out vinyl over black...
Tony Finch's blog
Some subtleties of keycaps There’s plenty of material online about the bewildering variety of keycaps, eg, eg, but I learned a...
a year ago
a year ago
There’s plenty of material online about the bewildering variety of keycaps, eg, eg, but I learned a few things that surprised me when working on Keybird69. nightfox I found out that the remaining stock of Matteo Spinelli’s NightFox keyboards were being sold off cheap because of...
The Pragmatic...
Bun: lessons from disrupting a tech ecosystem If you use JavaScript or TypeScript for backend development, Node is the most popular choice of...
a year ago
a year ago
If you use JavaScript or TypeScript for backend development, Node is the most popular choice of framework. A new runtime called “Bun” is taking this space by storm. Lessons from this sudden rise.
Ink & Switch
End-user Programming A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A vision for empowered computing that reaches back forty years. Our research lab examines why it has been so hard to achieve.
Joel on Software
The next CEO of Stack Overflow We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m stepping out of the day-to-day and up to the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m stepping out of the day-to-day and up to the role of Chairman of the Board. Read more "The next CEO of Stack Overflow"
ntietz.com blog
What would a web app canary look like? Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on honeypots. Honeypots (also known as canaries or tripwires) are used to detect network intrusions and people nosing around at things they're not supposed to. They are an essential component...
A Smart Bear
Learn by Copy In America we're trained that all copying is bad; of course plagiarism is, but perhaps we're...
8 months ago
8 months ago
In America we're trained that all copying is bad; of course plagiarism is, but perhaps we're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
Daniel Marino
Trying Out Eleventy As I started to think about blogging again, I began looking at options for hosting, CMS frameworks,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As I started to think about blogging again, I began looking at options for hosting, CMS frameworks, static site generators, etc. Eleventy has been in the mainstream for sometime now, and I've heard nothing but good things about it. I figured I should give it a shot. There are no...
Why I sold Doorkeeper この記事は[日本語でも](/articles/why-i-sold-doorkeeper-ja)お読みいただけます。 I can pinpoint the exact time when I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
この記事は[日本語でも](/articles/why-i-sold-doorkeeper-ja)お読みいただけます。 I can pinpoint the exact time when I decided to sell [Doorkeeper](https://www.doorkeeper.jp), the event management platform I helped launch in 2010, incorporated in 2013, and made profitable in 2016. It was a Friday...
PostHog's RSS Feed
22 ways PostHog makes it easier to build great products PostHog is a growing platform. We used to call ourselves a product analytics platform, but product...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog is a growing platform. We used to call ourselves a product analytics platform, but product analytics is just one feature among many these…
Bank Account, Mobile Number, Apartment - Which Comes First after Moving to Japan? When you move to Japan for a long-term stay, you’ll need to set up some things when you get here - a...
a year ago
a year ago
When you move to Japan for a long-term stay, you’ll need to set up some things when you get here - a place to live, a mobile number, a bank account, etc. And this is where you may encounter the following chicken-and-egg problem. > To rent an apartment, you need a mobile...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Nov 2019 Recap Hello mailing list friends!
over a year ago
Epic Web Dev
Contribute an Epic Stack Example (tip) How to create an Epic Stack example to help others and get new features built into the Epic Stack.
a year ago
Liz Denys
Sea strands V60-style coffee cone, 2024 Rising sea levels / eroding beaches / between saltwater and the sea strands / melting ice caps
6 months ago
Josh Comeau's blog
The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility “Should I use pixels or rems?”. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll answer this question once and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Should I use pixels or rems?”. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll answer this question once and for all. You'll learn about the accessibility implications, and how to determine the best unit to use in any scenario.
Recurse Center Day 2: BTree Node This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
Joel Gascoigne
6 suggestions for an aspiring founder * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This article is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * This article is inspired by Startup Edition [http://startupedition.com] in response to “What advice would you give young entrepreneurs?” I feel incredibly lucky that I managed to jump on board...
elementary Blog
GTK 4 Porting And A Bit Of Whimsy I want to start off this post by saying, “Thank you!” to our now over 250 sponsors on GitHub for...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I want to start off this post by saying, “Thank you!” to our now over 250 sponsors on GitHub for helping us reach 20% of our monthly funding goal! I’ve been seeing a ton of demand for Early Access which is super exciting. If you’re not already in Early Access, you can be among...
Neil Panchal
Dear JetBrains. Don't mess with your UI. So we have yet a new UI overhaul. This time, bringing consumer-grade UI practices to the world of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So we have yet a new UI overhaul. This time, bringing consumer-grade UI practices to the world of professionals. Announcement: https://blog.jetbrains.com/idea/2022/05/take-part-in-the-new-ui-preview-for-your-jetbrains-ide/ New Jet Brains interface We're professionals. We can...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The future of self-driving Modern self-driving technology still has a way to go before it becomes generally safe, and useful...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Modern self-driving technology still has a way to go before it becomes generally safe, and useful enough for broader adoption. While I do believe that at some point in my lifetime I'll be able to hail an eTaxi, it'll really depend on where I am, the road infrastructure, and the...
Josh Collinsworth
Breaking changes in SvelteKit, August 2022 SvelteKit introduced breaking changes to its routing and data loading in August 2022. Learn how to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
SvelteKit introduced breaking changes to its routing and data loading in August 2022. Learn how to convert from the old way of doing things to the new.
The Codist
Puzzled Why Instagram Fails on Safari I wanted to look at Instagram to see if every art hashtag was still overwhelmed with terrible AI...
a year ago
a year ago
I wanted to look at Instagram to see if every art hashtag was still overwhelmed with terrible AI art, but today on Safari, all I get for every page is: It works on every other browser I have. But why? In the console are two errors, found and placed there
Steve Klabnik
A break with the past
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Styling Ordered Lists with CSS Counters Styling an ordered list can be surprisingly tricky; there's no way to get at that bullet! In this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Styling an ordered list can be surprisingly tricky; there's no way to get at that bullet! In this tutorial, we'll see a handy trick using CSS counters that lets us style ordered lists without breaking proper semantics.
Steve Klabnik
Why is Clojure so stable?
over a year ago
Making software...
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll 2019-06-20 When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Publishing Simple Books With Jekyll 2019-06-20 When thinking about writing, designing and ultimately publishing an ebook, most people don't think of using a static site generator. Having products like Amazon Publishing, LaTeX or even Microsoft Word available, why should you use...
Tinloof - Blog
Localization with Sanity In this article, we describe how we make it possible to translate content from Sanity and publish...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this article, we describe how we make it possible to translate content from Sanity and publish content that is specific to languages/regions.
bt RSS Feed
Embracing Slow Tech Embracing Slow Tech 2022-11-22 I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Embracing Slow Tech 2022-11-22 I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux through Wayland/Sway and it is going well so far. Setting things up was much easier than I initially expected. There were only a few minor tweaks I had to make, such as setting vim...
Steve Klabnik
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Interactive introduction to iterative algorithms An interactive explanation of how iterative algorithms work. This explains convergence and the exit...
over a year ago
over a year ago
An interactive explanation of how iterative algorithms work. This explains convergence and the exit condition problem on an oversimplified linear system solver.
Josh Collinsworth
A New Headless Site with Gridsome A lengthy write-up diving into what headless means, its advantages and disadvantages, some of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lengthy write-up diving into what headless means, its advantages and disadvantages, some of the techniques and gotchas involved, and, finally, the new design of this site specifically.
Hello Internet
over a year ago
Making software...
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator 2021-10-15 A great deal of my time working as a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator 2021-10-15 A great deal of my time working as a web/UI designer is spent exporting and/or converting images for software products and websites. Although a lot of modern applications can render image conversions at build time, a...
Joel Gascoigne
Make progress faster by cooperating: 4 tips to try with your co-founder or co-worker * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of years now, I’ve found that I generally always had a “training partner” for my entrepreneurial goals. A few years ago, this was my great friend Khuram...
Coding Horror
Updating The Single Most Influential Book of the BASIC Era In a way, these two books are responsible for my entire professional career. With early computers,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a way, these two books are responsible for my entire professional career. With early computers, you didn't boot up to a fancy schmancy desktop, or a screen full of apps you could easily poke and prod with your finger. No, those computers booted up to the command
PostHog's RSS Feed
CEO diary: The things I learned in 2022 It's always helpful to look back on the year just gone, and 2022 was an exceptionally good year for...
a year ago
a year ago
It's always helpful to look back on the year just gone, and 2022 was an exceptionally good year for PostHog. Here's my personal perspective on how it…
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.41.0: Improving performance by up to 400% Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! 1.41.0 update guide for self-hosted…
Nelson's Weblog
Austria 2022 Ken and I just got back from a 23 day trip exploring most of Austria. We had a lovely time although...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ken and I just got back from a 23 day trip exploring most of Austria. We had a lovely time although we did get a little worn out and ready for home after a couple of weeks. Along the way we stayed in Vienna, Graz, the Wörthersee, Zell am See, Innsbruck, Salzburg, Hallstatt,...
Deprecating shortcodes with render hooks
2 months ago
Vadim Kravcenko
Where do I find technical co-founder for my startup? Starting a business can be a daunting task. It’s even more difficult when you’re doing it alone and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Starting a business can be a daunting task. It’s even more difficult when you’re doing it alone and you’re not […] The post Where do I find technical co-founder for my startup? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Using Web Components on My Icon Galleries Websites I recently redesigned my icon gallery sites. The goal: create a layout that allows you to customize...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently redesigned my icon gallery sites. The goal: create a layout that allows you to customize the view around the collection of icons you’re looking at by changing the size and spacing of the grid — sort of like the thumbnail view on macOS finder. I’m happy with how it...
Josh Comeau's blog
What The Heck, z-index?? The z-index property can be a tricky little bugger. Sometimes, no matter how much you crank up the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The z-index property can be a tricky little bugger. Sometimes, no matter how much you crank up the number, the element never rises to the top! In this article, we explore stacking contexts, and see how they can thwart our efforts to use z-index. We'll also learn how to use this...
Alex Meub
Protect Your Wireless Network Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is probably the single biggest security hole on any home wireless network. About WiFi Protected Setup WiFi Protected Setup is a security standard that comes enabled by default on many...
Dan Slimmon
The World Record for Loneliness What's the farthest any person has been from the nearest other person?
7 months ago
A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed 2023/01/01 A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed When I first started my forever project, a peer to...
a year ago
a year ago
2023/01/01 A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed When I first started my forever project, a peer to peer file sync software using Interval Tree Clocks, I wanted to build it right. That meant property-based testing everything, specifying the protocol fully, dealing with error...
Dan Cowell
"balls": The day I locked everyone out of the company intranet. I was just over a month into my first job in the tech industry - a lowly HTML jockey and frontline...
a year ago
a year ago
I was just over a month into my first job in the tech industry - a lowly HTML jockey and frontline support drone at a local web agency. Everything that could have gone wrong this particular morning, had. I'd woken up late, made a mess of my breakfast,
Nelson's Weblog
The Transcantábrico Train We recently took the Transcantábrico, a week long luxury train trip across Northern Spain. It was...
a year ago
a year ago
We recently took the Transcantábrico, a week long luxury train trip across Northern Spain. It was great! Like a cruise but on a train. We did something similar in India in 2015 and it’s an interesting way to travel. Some photos here. The Transcantábrico goes across a part of...
bunnie's blog
Sidebar on Meta-Knowledge IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) is a multidisciplinary project I’m developing to give people a tangible...
9 months ago
9 months ago
IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) is a multidisciplinary project I’m developing to give people a tangible reason to trust their hardware. Above: example of IRIS imaging a chip mounted on a circuit board. When I set out to research this technique, there were many unknowns, and many skills...
Review: The Excavation of Hob's Barrow
a year ago
the singularity is...
Wireheading City I spent the last 2 weeks travelling around India, and I came up with this line: There’s a fine line...
a year ago
a year ago
I spent the last 2 weeks travelling around India, and I came up with this line: There’s a fine line that defines civilization. Several beggars approached me on the street, and I didn’t give them anything. I suspect they would be surprised to learn that we have worse beggars in...
Making software...
Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 2023-04-02 I recently received a ThinkPad X201...
a year ago
a year ago
Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 2023-04-02 I recently received a ThinkPad X201 to start using as my daily driver. I purchased the X201 to replace my existing X260. Although some might look at this as a "downgrade" in terms of specs and hardware, I would have...
Steve Klabnik
Thoughts on Rust in 2019
over a year ago
MMapped blog
Tutorial: stable-structures
a year ago
Copper • A blog...
Reverse engineering the MacBook clamshell mode You just got a large, Ultrawide monitor for your MacBook. You hook it up and marvel at the amount of...
a year ago
a year ago
You just got a large, Ultrawide monitor for your MacBook. You hook it up and marvel at the amount of pixels. You notice you never use the MacBook built-in display anymore, and it nags you to have it in your lower peripheral vision. Closing the lid is not an option because you...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.16.0 Following our largest release to date, we are now back on a more regular release schedule. And,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Following our largest release to date, we are now back on a more regular release schedule. And, given that scalability was the focus of the previous…
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Lessons learned porting 50k loc from Java to Go I was contracted to port a large Java code base to Go. The code in question is a Java client for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was contracted to port a large Java code base to Go. The code in question is a Java client for RavenDB, a NoSQL JSON document database. Code with tests was around 50 thousand lines. The result of the port is a Go client. This article describes what I’ve learn in the...
A Beautiful Site
The Term "Headless Component" is a Misnomer You've likely heard the term "headless component" tossed around. The idea is you get solid,...
a year ago
a year ago
You've likely heard the term "headless component" tossed around. The idea is you get solid, accessible components without any styles. A clean slate to style from scratch! But the structure (bones) and logic (head) are there. You're mostly adding styles. They should be called...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware February 2023 The Ware for February 2023 is just a tiny portion of a Pioneer DDJ-400. Still enough for wrm to...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for February 2023 is just a tiny portion of a Pioneer DDJ-400. Still enough for wrm to guess it exactly! Congrats, email me for your prize. It is the case that Pioneer gear has a very distinctive design style to it. I wonder if their PCB design software isn’t some...
Dan Cowell
Deadlines Work If you had told me that I'm capable of cycling 50km non-stop, soaked to the skin in torrential rain,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
If you had told me that I'm capable of cycling 50km non-stop, soaked to the skin in torrential rain, eyes burning with sunblock, sweat and ocean spray, in sub-10°C conditions, I would have called you a filthy liar. Then yesterday happened. It was meant to be
Darek Kay
Style your RSS feed RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech...
a year ago
a year ago
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people do not know what RSS feeds are or how to use them. Most browsers render RSS as raw XML files, which doesn't help users understand what it's all about: In...
Joel Gascoigne
The choices we make when we build startups * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * We’ve recently...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * We’ve recently reached the point with Buffer where I’ve started to think about a lot of key higher level choices. As a CEO these can be difficult decisions to make. I’ve been taking time to...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
More Everything With AI From the announcement blog post for Microsoft 365 Copilot: You can give it natural language prompts...
a year ago
a year ago
From the announcement blog post for Microsoft 365 Copilot: You can give it natural language prompts like “Tell my team how we updated the product strategy,” and it will generate a status update based on the morning’s meetings, emails and chat threads. With Copilot, you’re always...
swyx's site RSS Feed
REST Endpoint + CRUD with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB in 2 minutes A lightning fast overview of everything you need to know to set up a REST endpoint with full CRUD...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A lightning fast overview of everything you need to know to set up a REST endpoint with full CRUD capability with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and AWS Amplify in 2 minutes.
Ruud van Asseldonk
Building Elm with Stack
over a year ago
Continued Fraction Streams
over a year ago
Tinloof - Blog
Why most CMSes suck We're in 2023, and you mainly have 3 CMS options to build and manage your website: Monolithic CMS...
a year ago
a year ago
We're in 2023, and you mainly have 3 CMS options to build and manage your website: Monolithic CMS (e.g. WordPress, Hubspot) Modern website builder (e.g. Framer, Webflow)
ntietz.com blog
Affirmations for bloggers Every software engineer can have a great blog, if they want to. Many of us start blogs, but most of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Every software engineer can have a great blog, if they want to. Many of us start blogs, but most of those blogs lie abandoned or sporadically updated. It's okay if you start blogging and figure out it's not really for you. But there are also some common issues that block people...
Syntax highlighting with render hooks
2 months ago
Recurse Center Day 6: B Tree Root B Tree Root: how would you design it?
over a year ago
Control the Viewport Resize Behavior on mobile with `interactive-widget` by Bramus figcaption { font-size: 0.8em; text-align: center; } Viewports units on...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
by Bramus figcaption { font-size: 0.8em; text-align: center; } Viewports units on mobile have been a problem for a long time. Using 100vh is most likely not exactly what you initially expected it to be. To fix this, the CSS Working Group came up with more units over...
David Heinemeier...
The benefit of seniority ought to be bandwidth Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic for evaluating employees. It neatly separates productivity from effectiveness, and places a premium on the latter. But the biggest benefit of this distinction ought to be of the...
Kevin Chen
!!Con West 2019 Notes !!Con is a conference held every spring in New York City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
!!Con is a conference held every spring in New York City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can be about anything related to computers! At the beginning of last year’s !!Con, I wrote: This conference is a great showcase of the diverse backgrounds of the NYC tech scene. I’m...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
LLMs and Naming Things In Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs, he quotes the famous saying about there being two hard...
a year ago
a year ago
In Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs, he quotes the famous saying about there being two hard problems in computer science: 1) cache invalidation and 2) naming things. Then he unapologetically says the “naming things” problem is solved with LLMs. Here’s Simon: [When asking...
Liz Denys
Some not-so-secrets of my kitchen I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some of the secrets of my kitchen. Actually, they're not so secret to anyone who's had a peek around my kitchen. Oven thermometer(s) For about five dollars, you can ensure your cookies...
Steve Klabnik
Protocol and language
over a year ago
How to create your own company in Japan Since coming to Japan, I've incorporated three companies. Although creating a company isn't a walk...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since coming to Japan, I've incorporated three companies. Although creating a company isn't a walk in the park, I think it is easier than the general perception is. Part of the problem is the lack of English-language information about it. I hope by sharing my experiences I can...
bt RSS Feed
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis The Wonders of Text Ellipsis 2016-11-15 A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis 2016-11-15 A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is text overflowing outside of it’s parent or breaking into addition lines (thus breaking the layout). This is most commonly seen with the direct and placeholder values for input...
Blog System/5
The costs of the i386 to x86-64 upgrade If you read my previous article on DOS memory models, you may have dismissed everything I wrote as...
2 months ago
2 months ago
If you read my previous article on DOS memory models, you may have dismissed everything I wrote as “legacy cruft from the 1990s that nobody cares about any longer”.  It's time to see how any of that carried over through the 16-bit to 64-bit evolution.
ntietz.com blog
Fight Burnout, Go For a Run Here's something we don't talk about enough: burnout sucks and it can happen to any one of us. We...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here's something we don't talk about enough: burnout sucks and it can happen to any one of us. We need to talk about it. We need to know how to deal with it and recover from it. And we need to recognize that everyone can come back from it, stronger than ever. In the software...
Joel Gascoigne
Fear of not shipping * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * > "I’ve had many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * > "I’ve had many many many products, the vast majority of the things I’ve written, or created, the organisations I built fail, but the reason I’ve managed a modicum of success is because I just...
Maggie Appleton
The Block-Paved Path to Structured Data
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
The CXX Debate
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Pentagonal antiprism planter with drip tray, 2023 Aged leather / dazzle camouflage / coming together? pushing apart?
a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Get comfortable with abstraction I stumbled across a tweet the other day and it's been resonating in my mind ever since. Mostly...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled across a tweet the other day and it's been resonating in my mind ever since. Mostly because it's something I tend to have a problem with. You see, I have this thing where I try really hard to understand exactly how something works—all the way down to the last nut and...
A Smart Bear
The Lindy Effect on startup potential On average, you're halfway to your final destination. How, then, do we not only double from here,...
6 months ago
Code Of Honor
Stay Awhile and Listen Developing games is a full-time occupation, so it is no surprise that I’ve had less time for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Developing games is a full-time occupation, so it is no surprise that I’ve had less time for blogging as I’ve started creating a new game. After a two-year stint helping other folks publish their games I’m back to coding and game design full-time and having a wonderful time. But...
A Beautiful Site
Passing data from PHP to JavaScript Have you ever needed to send a PHP variable, array, or object to JavaScript? It can get complicated...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Have you ever needed to send a PHP variable, array, or object to JavaScript? It can get complicated trying to escape the output properly. Here's a way that always works—no escaping necessary. Let's say we have the following variable in PHP: $name = 'Bob Marley'; And we want to...
Liz Denys
It's a piece of cake to bake a SIPB cake Given four batches of a dark chocolate cake for two circular layer cakes and two small loaf cakes,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Given four batches of a dark chocolate cake for two circular layer cakes and two small loaf cakes, vanilla buttercream frosting, chocolate buttercream frosting with black food coloring, homemade white vanilla fondant, homemade black chocolate fondant, a bread knife to carve shoes...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Signs that a Startup is Going Bad All rocketship startups are alike, but every fading startup is fading in its own way.
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
"How come your website is so nice?" I've been asked this three times today, so I thought I'd explain it from a founder's perspective....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been asked this three times today, so I thought I'd explain it from a founder's perspective. This is what I've learned so far. Figure out if…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Iterative Building and Decision Making Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right? This...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right? This decision is much easier to make if you’ve been traveling that road for the last hour and you’re sitting there in your truck facing the reality of the decision. You can see the...
Ten years of blogging I bought the alexwlchan.net domain on November 8th, 2012, and the first web page would have appeared...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I bought the alexwlchan.net domain on November 8th, 2012, and the first web page would have appeared shortly after that (but the exact date is lost to history). This means I’ve been writing at alexwlchan.net for about a decade. The site looks very different now to how it...
The Changelog
The Joy of Easy Personal Radio: FRS, GMRS, and Motorola DLR/DTR Most of us carry cell phones with us almost everywhere we go. So much so that we often forget not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Most of us carry cell phones with us almost everywhere we go. So much so that we often forget not just the usefulness, but even the joy, of having our own radios. For instance: When traveling to national parks or other wilderness areas, family and friends can keep in touch even...
Ruud van Asseldonk
A perspective shift on automated market makers through MEV
over a year ago
The Changelog
For the First Time In Years, I’m Excited By My Computer Purchase Some decades back, when I’d buy a new PC, it would unlock new capabilities. Maybe AGP video, or a...
a year ago
a year ago
Some decades back, when I’d buy a new PC, it would unlock new capabilities. Maybe AGP video, or a PCMCIA slot, or, heck, sound. Nowadays, mostly new hardware means things get a bit faster or less crashy, or I have some more space for files. It’s good and useful, but sorta… meh....
David Heinemeier...
Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024 I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software...
a year ago
a year ago
I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software makers can usually start by going all-in on a single platform, but for business tools, that’s rarely an option. So they must face the tall task of tackling web, iOS, and Android at the...
Confessions of a...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Profilers in Python Learn what profilers are, when to use them and quick demo of few profilers for Python
6 months ago
A Beautiful Site
Determining your app's base directory in Node.js Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight forward as you'd think in Node. Here's a little trick to get a globally available reference to your app's root directory. Add this somewhere towards the start of your main app...
Miguel Carranza
My role as a founder CTO: Year Five It’s hard to believe that five years have already gone by since RevenueCat’s inception. In a matter...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s hard to believe that five years have already gone by since RevenueCat’s inception. In a matter of weeks, RevenueCat will become the company where I have worked the longest in my career. As Jason Lemkin says, it’s important to continuously reinvent the company and oneself...
MMapped blog
ckBTC internals: event log
a year ago
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Handling advanced product imports in WooCommerce I recently wrapped up a big WooCommerce project that required quite a bit of customization. I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently wrapped up a big WooCommerce project that required quite a bit of customization. I’ve decided to write about a few of those…
Epic Web Dev
Use Client Hints to Eliminate Content Layout Shift (tip) Learn how to eliminate CLS using client hints in the Epic Stack.
a year ago
Darek Kay
Create uniform album art images with ImageMagick Call me old-fashioned, but despite using streaming services, I like to own the music I listen to....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Call me old-fashioned, but despite using streaming services, I like to own the music I listen to. This also means I'm handling album cover images that come in different sizes and ratios. Recently I wrote a script to unify the image size: The base image size should be 500×500...
The Pragmatic...
The Pulse: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174? It’s rare that a tax change causes panic across the tech industry, but it’s happening in the US. If...
11 months ago
11 months ago
It’s rare that a tax change causes panic across the tech industry, but it’s happening in the US. If Section 174 tax changes stay, the US will be one of the least desirable countries to launch startups
swyx's site RSS Feed
Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider mandatory:
Jake Zimmerman
Old vs new case statement in Ruby
6 months ago
Getting the path to the note I have open in Obsidian I have a bunch of Python scripts I use to clean up text files, and I call them by passing the path...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I have a bunch of Python scripts I use to clean up text files, and I call them by passing the path to the text file as an argument, for example: $ python clean_up_text.py /path/to/text/file.md This is mostly fine, but finding that path is a bit annoying when I want to run them...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Getting Senpai To Notice You How to break the cold start problem in content creation as a new entrant to any field, and getting...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How to break the cold start problem in content creation as a new entrant to any field, and getting the leaders of that field to at least read your writing and know your name.
A Smart Bear
Easy statistics for A/B testing and hamsters A/B testing tools often lie about whether something is "statistically significant." Here's an...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A/B testing tools often lie about whether something is "statistically significant." Here's an extremely simple, mathematically sound formula to compute it for yourself.
A Beautiful Site
BrowserStack: stop using virtual machines for browser testing Sick of booting up an entire virtual machine (VM) just to test something in IE? With BrowserStack,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sick of booting up an entire virtual machine (VM) just to test something in IE? With BrowserStack, you don't need VMware or VirtualBox. Just enter a URL and instantly test on just about any browser you can think of. This is legit. It's not just another screenshot service or...
Liz Denys
Peppermint brownie cookies, because chocolate was made to be rich I've never understood the common obsession with chocolatey baked goods that aren't insanely rich....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've never understood the common obsession with chocolatey baked goods that aren't insanely rich. Don't get me wrong - I like chocolate - but that's just it, I like chocolate, not a pinch of cocoa flavor. Chocolate chip cookies always tasted better to me with the chips on the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Personal Websites Are As Vulnerable As Us I look at some people’s personal websites and think, “Stupendous! If I ever reach that zenith of...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I look at some people’s personal websites and think, “Stupendous! If I ever reach that zenith of personal web design, I will call it quits.” Then I read a post by them later and they say something like, “Gah! I just really don’t like where I’m at with my personal website.” And in...
Ognjen Regoje •...
Using robots.txt to discover hidden content I sometimes check the robots.txt of sites to see what they might not want to be indexed. It’s...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I sometimes check the robots.txt of sites to see what they might not want to be indexed. It’s interesting because some sites use it as access control, which, of course, is silly. Just because robots won’t index it doesn’t mean people won’t find it. Plus, by specifying it in...
5 months ago
bt RSS Feed
Disabling Comments in WordPress Disabling Comments in WordPress 2020-12-28 I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disabling Comments in WordPress 2020-12-28 I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and users online that have a difficult time knowing how to disable comments for both future and previous blog posts. It isn’t the easiest for both use cases, so let’s break it down. Back...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A fix for duplicate definitions in Femtounit <![CDATA[I finally fixed a longstanding duplicate definitions issue with Femtounit, my Interlisp...
9 months ago
9 months ago
<![CDATA[I finally fixed a longstanding duplicate definitions issue with Femtounit, my Interlisp unit test framework. Femtounit creates a new File Manager type for unit tests, TESTS. DEFTEST, which defines a test, adds an entry of type TESTS and expands into an internal function...
Liz Denys
To the pretty pitter, pitter, patter I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically enjoy the process but don't walk in the rain because they dislike arriving at their destinations wet. However, unless I have something of a very pressing importance at the other end...
A Beautiful Site
JavaScript functions for basename and dirname Here are two JavaScript functions that mimic their PHP cousins. basename() # function basename(path)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here are two JavaScript functions that mimic their PHP cousins. basename() # function basename(path) { return path.replace(/.*\//, ''); } dirname() # function dirname(path) { return path.match(/.*\//); } Unlike their PHP cousins, these functions do not support paths...
Tinloof - Blog
How we boosted the performance of a Gatsby website by 80% Sbaï Dentaire is the number 1 user-rated dental practice in Casablanca (Morocco) by Google...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sbaï Dentaire is the number 1 user-rated dental practice in Casablanca (Morocco) by Google users: Many patients book appointments through the website on the go from their mobile, therefore page speed is critical to avoid a high bounce rate. This article explains how we improved...
Josh Comeau's blog
Understanding the JavaScript Modulo Operator One of the most commonly-misunderstood operators is Modulo (%). In this tutorial, we'll unpack...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the most commonly-misunderstood operators is Modulo (%). In this tutorial, we'll unpack exactly what this little bugger does, and learn how it can help us solve practical problems.
A Beautiful Site
If Edgar Allan Poe was into Design Systems Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, While I nodded, nearly napping,...
a month ago
a month ago
Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary, While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping, "'Tis a design system," I muttered, "bringing order to the core— Ah, distinctly I remember, every button, every splendor, Each component, standardized,...
Elad Blog
Startup Markets, Summer 2022 Edition About a month ago, I wrote a tweet storm on the changing startup financing and employment...
over a year ago
over a year ago
About a month ago, I wrote a tweet storm on the changing startup financing and employment environment. This blog captures aspects of that tweet storm and some of its predictions and extends them further. Like all predictions this is what I view as a highly likely scenario versus...
Ink & Switch
Project Cambria: Translate your data with lenses Changing schemas in distributed software is hard. Could adopting bidirectional lenses help?
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Quick Guide to setup your React + Typescript Storybook Design System a no-bs guide to set up your new React and Typescript Design System powered by Storybook!
over a year ago
Entry Level Jobs in Japan *Since writing this article, I've written [Getting your first programming job in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
*Since writing this article, I've written [Getting your first programming job in Japan](/articles/first-job-programmer-japan), which goes into a lot more detail than this one.* When I was first looking for a job in Japan, I was surprised by the lack of entry level positions....
Steve Klabnik
When should I use String vs &str?
2 months ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Using Gatsby and Puppeteer to create dynamic Open Graph images The image preview you see when sharing a link is a great opportunity to get your brand’s message in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The image preview you see when sharing a link is a great opportunity to get your brand’s message in front of people without them even clicking through to your website. Most sites just opt to display a logo and some brand elements.
Alice GG
A love letter to Apache Echarts In the world of software development, I believe the 7th circle of hell is called “NPM”. It’s a place...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In the world of software development, I believe the 7th circle of hell is called “NPM”. It’s a place where you can find Javascript libraries that make great promises only to disappoint you once you actually import them. I know this because I even wrote one. When you find a gem...
A Smart Bear
Disentangling the three languages: customers, product, and the business Stop talking past each other. Translate between the three "languages" of customer desires, product...
7 months ago