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#32 almost a proper close button Bad code <button display="flex" role="button"> <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 13 13"...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <button display="flex" role="button"> <svg role="img" viewBox="0 0 13 13" aria-hidden="true" xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="15px" width="15px" fill="#000" name="close"> <title>Close dialog</title> <path d="…"> </path> </svg> </button> Issues and...
All code is technical debt Technical debt, as originally [coined by Ward...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Technical debt, as originally [coined by Ward Cunningham](http://wiki.c2.com/?WardExplainsDebtMetaphor), is the idea that you can gain a temporary speed boost by rushing software development, at the cost of slowing down future development. This acts like a loan. With a loan,...
Coding Horror
What does Stack Overflow want to be when it grows up? I sometimes get asked by regular people in the actual real world what it is that I do for a living,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I sometimes get asked by regular people in the actual real world what it is that I do for a living, and here's my 15 second answer: We built a sort of Wikipedia website for computer programmers to post questions and answers. It's called Stack Overflow
David Heinemeier...
Staying in the arena One of the things that can seem difficult to understand for people who merely tolerate having a job...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the things that can seem difficult to understand for people who merely tolerate having a job is why anyone would continue working if they didn't have to. You often see a version of this incredulity when the peanut gallery weighs in on the choices of billionaires. Why do...
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
Lennart Koopmann
Close Access Denial I’ve been working on nzyme full-time for 10 months now and I was struggling to find a good name for...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been working on nzyme full-time for 10 months now and I was struggling to find a good name for what its WiFi functionality does. The fact that it looks at not only WiFi but also Ethernet data does not help with that problem. If I have a minute to explain it, it’s no problem...
A Smart Bear
Productive meeting activities: Leverage the team, empower the individual Meetings are most productive when we create something that none of us could have created alone. How...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Meetings are most productive when we create something that none of us could have created alone. How can we leverage the wisdom of the crowd, while ensuring that decisions and responsibilities continue to reside with an individual?
Tony Finch's blog
An update on leap seconds It has been a couple of years since my previous blog post about leap seconds, though I have been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been a couple of years since my previous blog post about leap seconds, though I have been tweeting on the topic fairly frequently: see my page on date, time, and leap seconds for an index of threads. But Twitter now seems a lot less likely to stick around, so I’ll aim to...
ntietz.com blog
If it never breaks, you're doing it wrong When the power goes out, most people are understanding. Yet the most livid I've seen people is when...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When the power goes out, most people are understanding. Yet the most livid I've seen people is when web apps or computers they use have a bug or go down. But most of the time, it's a really bad sign if this never happens1. I was talking to my dad about this recently. For most of...
bt RSS Feed
SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS 2021-05-29 A few years back I played (and loved) SOMA, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS 2021-05-29 A few years back I played (and loved) SOMA, a first-person sci-fi horror-adventure game. The story was intriguing and the developers nailed the overall atmosphere of Pathos-II. Though both those aspects were great, what I found...
Flickr Foundation at iPres 2024 &rarr; I wrote about a recent conference trip for the Flickr.org blog: In September, Tori and I went to...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I wrote about a recent conference trip for the Flickr.org blog: In September, Tori and I went to Belgium for iPres 2024. We were keen to chat about digital preservation and discuss some of our ideas for Data Lifeboat – and enjoy a few Belgian waffles, of course! We ran a workshop...
swyx's site RSS Feed
CFP Advice Some thoughts on writing your first few CFPs
over a year ago
the singularity is...
The Collective Marshmallow Test Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100...
a month ago
a month ago
Society is even harder than passing the marshmallow test. Instead of a single person, imagine 100 people in a room. One marshmallow is placed on a table. If everyone can leave it alone for 15 minutes, everyone gets 2 marshmallows. But if just one person eats it, everyone gets...
Remains of the Day
My Favorite Movies of 2021 A second year of the pandemic passed in which I didn’t attend any film festivals in person. I miss...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A second year of the pandemic passed in which I didn’t attend any film festivals in person. I miss it. My viewing output of is lower than usual but still much much higher than that of the median filmgoer. Film is one category of media in which human recommendations still feel...
Epic Web Dev
Fluid Hover Cards with Tailwind CSS (tutorial)
11 months ago
ntietz.com blog
My reference was dropped, why is the compiler complaining about multiple borrows? Recently someone I was talking to ran into a fun borrow checker problem in Rust which is...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently someone I was talking to ran into a fun borrow checker problem in Rust which is illustrative of some current underlying limitations of Rust's borrow checker. The problem boiled down to: they took a reference in a loop (dropped on each iteration), and the borrow checker...
David Heinemeier...
Cold reading an ADHD affliction I'm sure there are truly pathological cases of ADHD out there, and maybe taking amphetamines really...
a month ago
a month ago
I'm sure there are truly pathological cases of ADHD out there, and maybe taking amphetamines really is a magic pill for some folks. But there clearly is also an entire cottage industry cropping up around convincing perfectly normal people that they suffer from ADHD, and that this...
Joel on Software
Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams New product: Stack Overflow for Teams lets you direct questions to members of your own team,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New product: Stack Overflow for Teams lets you direct questions to members of your own team, company, or organization. Read more "Announcing Stack Overflow for Teams"
the singularity is...
Imitation Learning 7 years ago I started comma.ai with a simple idea. Gather tons of human driving data, state action...
a year ago
a year ago
7 years ago I started comma.ai with a simple idea. Gather tons of human driving data, state action pairs: (S_t, A_t) Train a supervised model f(S_t) -> A_t Drive cars with that model. The exact original formulation was a model that predicts steering angle from image, then used a...
Liz Denys
The Patriarchy as an otherworldly patron As we all know, the patriarchy is just a figment of feminist imagination. My friend Geoffrey and I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As we all know, the patriarchy is just a figment of feminist imagination. My friend Geoffrey and I feel that such figments of the imagination are well suited for becoming otherworldly patrons for Dungeons & Dragons 5e warlocks, so we created a variant otherworldly patron for the...
A Beautiful Site
$.postJSON() for jQuery $.getJSON() is pretty handy for sending an AJAX request and getting back JSON data as a response....
over a year ago
over a year ago
$.getJSON() is pretty handy for sending an AJAX request and getting back JSON data as a response. Alas, the jQuery documentation lacks a sister function that should be named $.postJSON(). Why not just use $.getJSON() and be done with it? Well, perhaps you want to send a large...
A Smart Bear
The roadmap to Product/Market Fit… maybe This eight-step process brought WP Engine from an idea to a Unicorn. While there are other roads to...
12 months ago
12 months ago
This eight-step process brought WP Engine from an idea to a Unicorn. While there are other roads to Product/Market Fit, consider copying some of these ideas.
David Heinemeier...
Buying the seller We've just moved the 37signals podcast to Buzzsprout. Podcast hosting is to some extent a commodity...
a year ago
a year ago
We've just moved the 37signals podcast to Buzzsprout. Podcast hosting is to some extent a commodity market, so this was less about pining for a specific feature or even working to reduce the bill. This was about buying from Tom Rossi, the technical cofounder of HigherPixels (who...
MMapped blog
Fungible tokens 101
over a year ago
Ruud van Asseldonk
A type system for RCL, part 3: Related work
5 months ago
bt RSS Feed
Very Basic Form Styling Very Basic Form Styling 2019-11-13 Web forms can be great - I’m borderline obsessed with them. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Very Basic Form Styling 2019-11-13 Web forms can be great - I’m borderline obsessed with them. I love tinkering with pre-existing logins / sign up pages and I’ve also open sourced a minimal CSS form-styling plugin: Normform. While simple CSS plugins like these can be helpful, I...
The Pragmatic...
Why are Cloud Development Environments Spiking in Popularity, Now? Tech companies are building their cloud development environments (CDEs) and dozens of vendors are...
a year ago
a year ago
Tech companies are building their cloud development environments (CDEs) and dozens of vendors are launching their offerings. But why now?
Joel on Software
Strange and maddening rules There's this popular idea among developers that when you face a problem with code, you should get...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's this popular idea among developers that when you face a problem with code, you should get out a rubber duck and explain, to the duck, exactly how your code was supposed to work. Read more "Strange and maddening rules"
A Smart Bear
What makes a strategy great Most so-called "strategies" are vague, wishful thinking, written once and never seen again. Don't do...
a year ago
a year ago
Most so-called "strategies" are vague, wishful thinking, written once and never seen again. Don't do that. These are the characteristics of great strategy.
Josh Comeau's blog
Understanding useMemo and useCallback What's the deal with these two hooks?! Lots of devs find them confusing, for a whole host of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What's the deal with these two hooks?! Lots of devs find them confusing, for a whole host of reasons. In this tutorial, we'll dig deep and understand what they do, why they're useful, and how to get the most out of them.
Architects, Anti-Patterns, and Organizational Fuckery I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it,...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it, tongue-in-cheek-ily, whether or not architect is a “bullshit role”. It got a LOT of reactions (2.5 weeks later, the thread is still going!!), which I would sort into roughly three camps: “OMG this...
Greg Brockman
Leaving Stripe I originally got hooked on programming because I loved the act of creating something from nothing. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I originally got hooked on programming because I loved the act of creating something from nothing. I soon discovered the deep satisfaction of having others actually use my creations. It didn’t take me long to realize I wanted to build a startup. Startups # Throughout college, I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Seeing Others in Data, But Not Ourselves Stanford psychologist Emily Pronin and her colleagues came up with an interesting study in human...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Stanford psychologist Emily Pronin and her colleagues came up with an interesting study in human behavior. Subjects were given incomplete words and asked to complete them with the first word that came to mind. For example, you’re given the fragments B__T and CHE__ and you write...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My recent End of Localhost piece on Hacker News came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider mandatory:
ntietz.com blog
"Help, iterators made my Rust program slower!" Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust program which was using threads and for loops. When they updated the code to use iterators, it got dramatically slower. Why did this happen? For a Rust veteran, the problem might not be...
You can finally use :has() in most places by The hot new thing in CSS is :has() and Firefox finally supports it, starting today - so the...
a year ago
a year ago
The hot new thing in CSS is :has() and Firefox finally supports it, starting today - so the compatibility table is pretty decent (89% at this writing). I already used has() in a previous post - that Strava CSS hack, but I’m finding it useful in so many places. For example, in Val...
Epic Web Dev
Epic Workshop Diff Tab Demo (tip)
3 months ago
MMapped blog
Scaling Rust builds with Bazel
a year ago
Julia Evans
Some miscellaneous git facts I’ve been very slowly working on writing about how Git works. I thought I already knew Git pretty...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been very slowly working on writing about how Git works. I thought I already knew Git pretty well, but as usual when I try to explain something I’ve been learning some new things. None of these things feel super surprising in retrospect, but I hadn’t thought about them...
Elad Blog
Index Companies Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example, ecommerce, genomics, crypto are all markets which were clearly going to compound over time. It might have been tough to call the winners of each market early, but it was clear the markets...
A Beautiful Site
Animated CSS hamburger icons If you need some tasty CSS hamburger icons that animate in fantastic ways, here you go. Hamburgers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you need some tasty CSS hamburger icons that animate in fantastic ways, here you go. Hamburgers is an MIT-licensed CSS library that gives you over a dozen beautifully animated navicons for use in your own projects. Also includes the Sass source so you can customize and compile...
Liz Denys
Cancel Like Everything Tracy Jenkins's For Like Ever poster is an iconic piece of "the millenial aesthetic." I've made a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Tracy Jenkins's For Like Ever poster is an iconic piece of "the millenial aesthetic." I've made a new poster inspired by For Like Ever and the current need for social distance: The texture in the clouds below the text is made up of no symbols and small x's: I've made an A4...
David Heinemeier...
Europe is half the cost for our company meet-ups Since the pandemic ended, we've had the pleasure of organizing three different company meet-ups for...
a year ago
a year ago
Since the pandemic ended, we've had the pleasure of organizing three different company meet-ups for 37signals. We got going again in Miami, then hopped to Amsterdam, and most recently we went to New Orleans. Next we're going to Barcelona in the fall. Would you have guessed that...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.8.0 What's box-fresh in PostHog? Cumulative graphs, better paths, and an upgrade to our actions. If...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What's box-fresh in PostHog? Cumulative graphs, better paths, and an upgrade to our actions. If you're self hosting and want these features - update…
Engineer’s Codex
4 lessons from software teams that ship fast Software engineering provides a lot of leverage. A small team can generate a disproportionate amount...
a year ago
a year ago
Software engineering provides a lot of leverage. A small team can generate a disproportionate amount of value or impact a huge number of users. For example, Instagram scaled to 14 million users with only 3 engineers, back in 2011. Examples of teams that ship fast
The Codist
How Talking Over A Wall Changed My Direction As A Programmer I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my goal was to work for a couple of years and then continue my education with a Ph.D. in Chemistry (I had already been accepted). The office I worked in was a
Vadim Kravcenko
Dealing with complexity This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the problems they […] The post Dealing with complexity appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bt RSS Feed
Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build a couple of my Jekyll projects locally: NotImplementedError: dart-sass for...
Maggie Appleton
The Pattern Language of Project Xanadu
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
LLMs and Naming Things In Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs, he quotes the famous saying about there being two hard...
a year ago
a year ago
In Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs, he quotes the famous saying about there being two hard problems in computer science: 1) cache invalidation and 2) naming things. Then he unapologetically says the “naming things” problem is solved with LLMs. Here’s Simon: [When asking...
Code Of Honor
Tough times on the road to Starcraft I’ve been writing about the early development of Warcraft, but a recent blog post I read prompted me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been writing about the early development of Warcraft, but a recent blog post I read prompted me to start scribbling furiously, and the result is this three-part, twenty-plus page article about the development of StarCraft, along with my thoughts about writing more reliable...
Ognjen Regoje •...
Lie still in bed I found it very difficult to switch to a regular sleep, and wake, schedule after university. I even...
a year ago
a year ago
I found it very difficult to switch to a regular sleep, and wake, schedule after university. I even started using one of the loudest and most annoying alarm clocks I could find. (That sound still gives my university housemate flashbacks.) In my search for ways to fix my sleep...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The YC Interview We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear back, but then we did. It was now October 16th…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Minute Rice, Minute Text, Minute Websites I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap...
a year ago
a year ago
I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap between AI enthusiasts and “idea people”: That algogen fans are predominantly idea people—the lot who think that 99% of the value delivered by any given form of media comes from the...
bunnie's blog
Bypassing Windows 11 Account Setup I had the misfortune of setting up a Windows 11 machine and being confronted with creating a...
a year ago
a year ago
I had the misfortune of setting up a Windows 11 machine and being confronted with creating a mandatory Microsoft account. I can’t concisely explain why being forced to create an account bothers me so much, but generally when a vendor tries this hard to get you to do something,...
A Smart Bear
Moats: Durable competitive advantage Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low profit. Like entropy, this is the inevitable fate of a company, unless it exerts intentional force to the contrary. Moats are this force, and your strategy must identify how to create...
A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed 2023/01/01 A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed When I first started my forever project, a peer to...
a year ago
a year ago
2023/01/01 A Bridge Over a River Never Crossed When I first started my forever project, a peer to peer file sync software using Interval Tree Clocks, I wanted to build it right. That meant property-based testing everything, specifying the protocol fully, dealing with error...
David Heinemeier...
You can own more than one type of computer! I probably wouldn't have done a deep dive on Apple alternatives without the announcement that they...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I probably wouldn't have done a deep dive on Apple alternatives without the announcement that they were killing progressive web apps (PWAs) on the iPhone in the EU. Most people don't switch operating systems willy-nilly, and for good reason: They're different! And different is...
Liz Denys
Where books travel i I sit down in my premium economy seat, the abbreviated way of saying "economy as it was fifteen...
over a year ago
over a year ago
i I sit down in my premium economy seat, the abbreviated way of saying "economy as it was fifteen years ago, but at a higher premium," and deeply internalize my physical constraints for the next six hours. A small box outlined by my seat, the side of the plane with its tiny...
Greg Brockman
#define CTO OpenAI It’s been two years since I wrote #define CTO, in which I documented my quest for a role where I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been two years since I wrote #define CTO, in which I documented my quest for a role where I could have scalable impact by writing code. I’ve finally found that role, though not by seeking it — instead, I sought out a problem more important to me than my role within it,...
ntietz.com blog
Reflecting on 2022, Looking Ahead to 2023 This is one of those cliched posts: Reflection on the year that's ending, and talking about goals...
a year ago
a year ago
This is one of those cliched posts: Reflection on the year that's ending, and talking about goals and whatnot for next year. They're cliche, but they're also useful. The planning and reflecting process is a useful one, and sharing openly means other people can come along and...
Blog System/5
Links: January 2024 edition Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
10 months ago
The Pragmatic...
How Microsoft does Quality Assurance (QA) The Redmond Big Tech giant pioneered the SDET role in the 90s. It then retired it in 2014. What...
a year ago
Tinloof - Blog
Localization with Sanity In this article, we describe how we make it possible to translate content from Sanity and publish...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this article, we describe how we make it possible to translate content from Sanity and publish content that is specific to languages/regions.
Dan Quach Blog
Personal Newsletter 2023 Q1 Loss and Distance For the past couple of months, my Facebook usage has started to diminish. In the...
a year ago
a year ago
Loss and Distance For the past couple of months, my Facebook usage has started to diminish. In the past, I used to post quite a bit, and I dare say probably 10 years ago to the point of oversharing. It seems to me that the popularity of Facebook has been dropping in my network to...
Neil Panchal
Coming soon This is Neil Panchal's Blog, a brand new site by Neil Panchal that's just getting started. Things...
7 months ago
7 months ago
This is Neil Panchal's Blog, a brand new site by Neil Panchal that's just getting started. Things will be up and running here shortly, but you can subscribe in the meantime if you'd like to stay up to date and receive emails when new
Happy New Year: quantum computer emulator in SQL Last year, my good friend and colleague Matt Ward challenged me to implement a quantum computer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last year, my good friend and colleague Matt Ward challenged me to implement a quantum computer emulator in SQL. Challenge accepted! This year we will be building an SQL query which will emulate a quantum computer. This query will process quantum assembly, build the circuit, run...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Congestion Control Bottlenecks inevitably arise in networks. How do we deal with them in TCP? How about in practical...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bottlenecks inevitably arise in networks. How do we deal with them in TCP? How about in practical streaming applications like Youtube and Skype?
PostHog's RSS Feed
5 analytics ideas for marketing teams using PostHog One of the great things about PostHog is that it democratizes your product strategy by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the great things about PostHog is that it democratizes your product strategy by making analytics accessible to more than just analysts. There’s…
Kagi Blog
Kagi Small Web As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the...
a year ago
a year ago
As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Kagi Small Web initiative. ----------------------- What is Kagi Small Web? ----------------------- To begin with, while there is no single definition, “small web” typically refers...
Functional reactive user interfaces with propagators I’ve been interested in functional reactive programming (FRP) for about a decade now. I even wrote...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I’ve been interested in functional reactive programming (FRP) for about a decade now. I even wrote a couple of blog posts back in 2014 describing my experiments. My initial source of inspiration was Elm, the Haskell-like language for the web that once had FRP as a core part of...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Language Servers are the New Frameworks Developer Experience is shifting left, all the way to onKeyUp.
over a year ago
Ognjen Regoje •...
Don't be clever, be clear I love plain language. (the last one is a pdf) So it’s no surprise that one of my (many) pet peeves...
a year ago
a year ago
I love plain language. (the last one is a pdf) So it’s no surprise that one of my (many) pet peeves is when a title of an article tries to be clever. Consider, for example: It Can Happen to You This can be about anything from cancer to, as in this case, a very arcane piece of...
ntietz.com blog
Recovering from a lost disk: how I setup, backup, and restore dev machines Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my...
a year ago
a year ago
Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my family in Ohio. Fedora had some updates to apply and when it went to come back on after those, I saw the words no one wants to see: Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed....
A Smart Bear
Fermi ROI: Fixing the ROI rubric “Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail to produce the best answers, and fail to create explanations that help others understand why they’re the best answers. This system works.
Josh Comeau's blog
Local Testing on an iPhone Learn how to set up an ideal workflow for debugging your development server on your iPhone. This may...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learn how to set up an ideal workflow for debugging your development server on your iPhone. This may not be the most exciting topic I've written about, but it's probably one of the most useful!
Ink & Switch
Upwelling: Combining real-time collaboration with version control for writers. Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a...
a year ago
a year ago
Collaborative writing tools don’t work well for writers or editors. With Upwelling, we demonstrate a design that gives writers privacy while still offering editors transparency into how a document is changing.
Dan Slimmon
Incident metrics tell you nothing about reliability When an incident response process is created, there arise many voices calling for measurement. “As...
a year ago
a year ago
When an incident response process is created, there arise many voices calling for measurement. “As long as we’re creating standards for incidents, let’s track Mean-Time-To-Recovery (MTTR) and Mean-Time-To-Detection (MTTD) and Mean-time-Between-Failures (MTBF)!” they say things...
swyx's site RSS Feed
On Grind - from Investor to Creator to Founder Sarah asks a provoking question that has been on my mind a lot as I transition from part time...
a year ago
Confessions of a...
CPython Memory Management Internals A high-level but detailed explanation of how CPython implements memory management
7 months ago
The Pragmatic...
A senior engineer/EM job search story avidson Fellipe, a software engineer with 15 years’ experience, based in New York, was recently let...
a year ago
a year ago
avidson Fellipe, a software engineer with 15 years’ experience, based in New York, was recently let go. After 350 applications and 85 first-round interviews in 4 months, he secured 3 offers, and has now started his new job. He shares first-hand learnings about navigating the jobs...
whippet progress update: funding, features, future Greets greets! Today, an update on recent progress in , including sponsorship, a new collector, and...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Greets greets! Today, an update on recent progress in , including sponsorship, a new collector, and a new feature.Whippet But first, a reminder of what the haps: Whippet is a garbage collector library. The target audience is language run-time authors, particularly “small”...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Building and launching my first iPhone app Update Late 2020: I decided to take the app down to focus more on other endeavors, so you cannot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update Late 2020: I decided to take the app down to focus more on other endeavors, so you cannot download the app any longer. I am leaving…
The Engineering Executive's Primer. See on O’Reilly’s website for The Engineering Executive’s Primer. In 2019, I worked with Stripe...
a year ago
a year ago
See on O’Reilly’s website for The Engineering Executive’s Primer. In 2019, I worked with Stripe Press to publish my first book, An Elegant Puzzle, which captured many of the lessons I’d learned as an engineering manager in fast growing Silicon Valley companies. In 2021, I decided...
Native HTML light and dark color scheme switching by Vadim Makeev It’s getting dark early in Berlin in the winter. It’s not even close to evening, but...
a week ago
a week ago
by Vadim Makeev It’s getting dark early in Berlin in the winter. It’s not even close to evening, but my OS and all apps have already switched to dark mode. Well, not all of them, unfortunately. And that’s the thing: dark mode has become a quality-of-life feature for many users,...
A Smart Bear
Distinguishing constructive criticism from bad business advice Beware of advice that tries to change who you are. True wisdom guides you to a better version of...
a year ago
Darek Kay
Handling Enzyme in React 18 React Testing Library (RTL) is arguably superior to Enzyme, due to a shift from testing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
React Testing Library (RTL) is arguably superior to Enzyme, due to a shift from testing implementation details to more user-centric unit tests. However, many projects still contain lots of Enzyme tests from the early days, making migration difficult and time-consuming. At my...
Improving User Experience for Multilingual Web Browsing by Anastasiia Batarei Today, I’d like to talk about the experience of browsing websites where...
a week ago
a week ago
by Anastasiia Batarei Today, I’d like to talk about the experience of browsing websites where content is fully or partially in a language different from the user’s native one. This situation is common for users navigating government portals or local service providers in a country...
The best way to tell a website your age There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access certain content online. Now children can be protected from adult content like well-organised spreadsheets, YouTube videos about kitchen appliances, and websites that sell you...
The Pragmatic...
The job market for new grads: worse than in 2008, but better than 2002 Insights from the founder of Launch School, Chris Lee, who helped more than 200 new grads find their...
a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
Networking as an introvert CTO There I was, standing in the middle of a buzzing tech event that our company organized, feeling like...
a year ago
a year ago
There I was, standing in the middle of a buzzing tech event that our company organized, feeling like a fish […] The post Networking as an introvert CTO appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Recurse Center Day 15: B Tree Algorithms I translated B Tree Algorithms from CLRS to Python
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Striped pitcher, 2024 Tan stoneware clay with black speckles and light grog, slab-built, denim satin glaze
7 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using DEV.to as a CMS Blog on DEV.to, publish on your own domain, using the DEV.to API!
over a year ago
On Progress The known unknown knowns we lost When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The known unknown knowns we lost When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to mind is the orwellianism: a society in the grip of a dictatorial, oppressive regime which rewrote history daily as if it was a casual matter. Not me though. For whatever reason,...
Get the text of an uploaded file in Remix by () This took way too long to figure out. The File polyfill in Remix has the fresh new .stream() and...
a year ago
a year ago
This took way too long to figure out. The File polyfill in Remix has the fresh new .stream() and .arrayBuffer() methods, which aren’t mentioned on MDN. So, assuming you’re in an action and the argument is args, you can get the body like: const body = await...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Create Luck Your entire worldview changes when you realize you can *create luck*.
over a year ago
How I Obtained a Business Manager Visa in Japan Back in August of 2017, I was facing a tough situation. Newly divorced, I had lost my spousal visa...
a year ago
a year ago
Back in August of 2017, I was facing a tough situation. Newly divorced, I had lost my spousal visa and thus my permission to stay in Japan as well. I was in my late 40s and, although I had significant work experience, I had no university degree. I wanted to remain in Japan but I...
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Update 001
a year ago
Daniel Marino
Deploying My Eleventy Site to GitHub Pages I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of switching my site to Eleventy was getting deployments to GitHub pages set up. I suppose I could have built my site locally, and then push that to the gh-pages branch, but that felt...
Miguel Carranza
From J1 visa to Blue Passport: A startup founder's immigration journey I am drafting this post at 35,000 feet flying back from Japan. I’ve entered the US about 30 times,...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I am drafting this post at 35,000 feet flying back from Japan. I’ve entered the US about 30 times, but this will be the first time I’ll be using my shiny blue passport. No anxiety about aggressive questions, secondary inspection, or the possibility of deportation. A couple of...
The Coddling of the Professional Mind "The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling." – Thomas Sowell I'm not one to miss an important milestone, so let me draw your attention...
The 2021 International Developers in Japan results are live! In November 2021, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan. [The results are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In November 2021, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan. [The results are now live](/insights/2021-developer-survey), please check them out! With 435 people responding, I had about 20% more responses than [2020's...
Writing a Mac app to review my photos I take a lot of photos. When I’m trying to get a particular shot, I’ll often take multiple pictures...
a year ago
a year ago
I take a lot of photos. When I’m trying to get a particular shot, I’ll often take multiple pictures in the hope of getting at least one that’s good – and then my camera roll is full of similar images. I always intend to go back and clean up my pictures afterwards – pick the best...
Tinloof - Blog
Images and videos on Sanity This article is outdated. You can read the Managing Tinloof-powered websites article...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is outdated. You can read the Managing Tinloof-powered websites article instead. - Images and videos have to be properly configured to rank in search engine result pages and not impact negatively page speed.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How we made our pre-commit check 7x faster As a guy who's somewhat responsible for a large chunk of front-end development infrastructure at our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a guy who's somewhat responsible for a large chunk of front-end development infrastructure at our company, I've spent the last couple of months woried about the performance of our pre-commit checks. We have around 50 projects on a standard react + typescript stack, and a...
David Heinemeier...
Capture less than you create I beam with pride when I see companies like Shopify, GitHub, Gusto, Zendesk, Instacart, Procore,...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I beam with pride when I see companies like Shopify, GitHub, Gusto, Zendesk, Instacart, Procore, Doximity, Coinbase, and others claim billion-dollar valuations from work done with Rails. It's beyond satisfying to see this much value created with a web framework I've spent the...
Julia Evans
Importing a frontend Javascript library without a build system I like writing Javascript without a build system and for the millionth time yesterday I ran into a...
a month ago
a month ago
I like writing Javascript without a build system and for the millionth time yesterday I ran into a problem where I needed to figure out how to import a Javascript library in my code without using a build system, and it took FOREVER to figure out how to import it because...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Don’t bother securing your trademarks in the beginning Disclaimer: This is intended as a short, tactical guide to getting your trademarks sorted out for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Disclaimer: This is intended as a short, tactical guide to getting your trademarks sorted out for the first time, on a minimal budget. This is not…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Creating Some Noise on Behalf of Silence How do you write about the value of silence? It’s kind of absurd when you think about it. Do you use...
5 months ago
5 months ago
How do you write about the value of silence? It’s kind of absurd when you think about it. Do you use words to extol the value of something whose essence is the very absence of words? It’s like making a painting of the invisible. Do you use visible means to depict something that...
A Beautiful Site
Using the classList API jQuery makes it easy to add, remove, and toggle classes on various elements. It's too bad this stuff...
over a year ago
over a year ago
jQuery makes it easy to add, remove, and toggle classes on various elements. It's too bad this stuff wasn't built into JavaScript. But wait — it is now! What your looking for didn't exist until IE10, but it's been in Firefox, Chrome, Safari, and Opera for some time now. It's...
Joel Gascoigne
Make progress faster by cooperating: 4 tips to try with your co-founder or co-worker * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * For a number of years now, I’ve found that I generally always had a “training partner” for my entrepreneurial goals. A few years ago, this was my great friend Khuram...
Don Melton
A metastasis in America America is sick. And I don’t just mean with COVID-19. The bad news is that removing the ugly, orange...
over a year ago
over a year ago
America is sick. And I don’t just mean with COVID-19. The bad news is that removing the ugly, orange tumor in the White House next week will not be enough to affect a cure. The malignancy has spread. It didn’t even start with the presidency. We’ve been brewing and self-dosing a...
A Smart Bear
Tech Support is sales Tech support isn't just troubleshooting; it's the face of your company. Which means it's your brand,...
a month ago
a month ago
Tech support isn't just troubleshooting; it's the face of your company. Which means it's your brand, your positioning, and when it's excellent, it is sales.
A Smart Bear
Easy to criticize, hard to create It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally ignore the critics.
Darek Kay
Building a photography website Last year, I started a photography hobby. Soon after, I've created a place where I can share some of...
a year ago
a year ago
Last year, I started a photography hobby. Soon after, I've created a place where I can share some of my work, without any attention-driven algorithms dictating the terms. Here's a technical write-up of my journey. Table of...
Computer Things
Nondeterminism in Formal Specification Just an unordered collections of thoughts on this. In programming languages, nondeterminism tends to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Just an unordered collections of thoughts on this. In programming languages, nondeterminism tends to come from randomness, concurrency, or external forces (like user input or other systems). In specification languages, we also have nondeterminism as a means of abstraction. Say...
Liz Denys
Bacon cheddar scallion biscuit sliders Earlier this week, I made bacon cheddar scallion biscuits because I had been craving an especially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this week, I made bacon cheddar scallion biscuits because I had been craving an especially savory breakfast bread option for those mornings that you wake up a little bit later than you'd like. Nothing too fancy, just fifteen traditional country biscuits except that I...
Quentin Santos
Merging Responsibly tl;dr: I do not like merging the main branch into feature branches, and I do not like squashing...
7 months ago
7 months ago
tl;dr: I do not like merging the main branch into feature branches, and I do not like squashing MR/PRs git commit git has emerged as the obvious choice for SCCS (Source Code Control System). The consensus is that it is unambiguously better than the previous standard, SVN. There...
swyx's site RSS Feed
My 2022 New Mac Setup I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Generate random passwords in PHP Here is a function I wrote to generate a random string in PHP. It is probably most useful for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here is a function I wrote to generate a random string in PHP. It is probably most useful for generating passwords. You can specify the length of the resulting string, as well as what characters are allowed. The default length is eight and the default character set is...
Josh Comeau's blog
Making Sense of React Server Components This year, the React team unveiled something they've been quietly researching for years: an official...
a year ago
a year ago
This year, the React team unveiled something they've been quietly researching for years: an official way to run React components exclusively on the server. This is a significant paradigm shift, and it's caused a whole lot of confusion in the React community. In this tutorial,...
The Changelog
So Many Caring People In This World When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that...
Darek Kay
Fixing long start-up times of the Eleventy dev server Recently, I've encountered a peculiar issue with Eleventy. The development server stopped...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently, I've encountered a peculiar issue with Eleventy. The development server stopped working: eleventy --serve [11ty] Wrote 92 files in 0.48 seconds (5.2ms each, v1.0.2) [11ty] Watching… There were no errors. Everything seemed fine, except for the dev server not being...
David Heinemeier...
Campfire is SaaS without the aaS It hasn’t even been a week since we started selling Campfire under the new ONCE model, but we’ve...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It hasn’t even been a week since we started selling Campfire under the new ONCE model, but we’ve already sold more than quarter of a million dollars worth of this beautifully simple installable chat system. People are using it to replace existing systems costing tens of thousands...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why use feature flags? Benefits, types and use cases, explained What is a feature flag? Feature flags (aka feature toggles) are a powerful tool to help improve your...
a year ago
a year ago
What is a feature flag? Feature flags (aka feature toggles) are a powerful tool to help improve your product. They enable engineering teams to…
Tony Finch's blog
Cataract surgery Previously, I wrote about my cataract and its assessment at Addenbrooke’s cataract clinic. I had my...
a year ago
a year ago
Previously, I wrote about my cataract and its assessment at Addenbrooke’s cataract clinic. I had my cataract removed a couple of weeks ago, and so far things are going well, though there is still some follow-up work needed. timing My cataract op was originally planned for the end...
The rise and fall of D&D in Japan In 1985, Dungeons & Dragons (hereafter referred to as D&D) exploded onto the scene in Japan,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In 1985, Dungeons & Dragons (hereafter referred to as D&D) exploded onto the scene in Japan, achieving massive popularity. The Japanese version of the Basic Rule Set (known as the “red box”) sold an impressive 100,000 copies in its first year. The following year, the gaming...
Steve Klabnik
Why is Clojure so stable?
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Estimating floating point error the easy way Unforeseen floating point error is the source of the most unpleasant bugs. The bugs that come and go...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Unforeseen floating point error is the source of the most unpleasant bugs. The bugs that come and go unpredictably. The bugs that don't reproduce on unit-tests and lay low through the integration phase only to be seen by your most important customer.
PostHog's RSS Feed
Retention rate vs churn rate: An intro to churn analysis Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of...
a year ago
a year ago
Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop using your product during a…
Epic Web Dev
AI Assistants (tutorial)
10 months ago
ntietz.com blog
The only two log levels you need are INFO and ERROR Logging is a critical tool for maintaining any web application, and yet we're getting it wrong. With...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Logging is a critical tool for maintaining any web application, and yet we're getting it wrong. With great logs, you can see what your application is doing. And without them? Things can be broken left and right without you ever finding out. Instead, you wonder why your customers...
6 months ago
Joel Gascoigne
The next step in Buffer’s social media journey Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog. Can you remember where you were seven years...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog. Can you remember where you were seven years ago? I was in my apartment in Birmingham, UK, coding up the very first version of Buffer as a tool to schedule tweets. So much has changed since then: the Buffer product has
Alex Meub
The Magic of Solving Problems with 3D Printing 3D Printing has allowed me to be creative in ways I never thought possible. It has allowed me to...
5 days ago
5 days ago
3D Printing has allowed me to be creative in ways I never thought possible. It has allowed me to create products that provide real value, products that didn’t exist before I designed them. On top of that, it’s satisfied my desire to ship products, even if the end-user is just...
A Horrifying User Experience After years of living in a cramped Tokyo apartment, I'm going to move to a slightly more spacious...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After years of living in a cramped Tokyo apartment, I'm going to move to a slightly more spacious one. Finding an apartment went smoother than I could have imagined, and in half-a-day, I had found a new apartment. The following day I set out to take care of the tasks surrounding...
David Heinemeier...
That Model S Plaid I've owned a lot of great cars in my time. It's been one of the few places where hitting it big has...
a year ago
a year ago
I've owned a lot of great cars in my time. It's been one of the few places where hitting it big has allowed for something that wouldn't otherwise be possible. From Lamborghini to Pagani, Porsche to Ferrari, Aston Martin to Bentley, I have owned and loved them all. A+ use of...
James Vaughan's blog
Writing an HTTP server in Prolog
over a year ago
Oxide Computer...
Reflections on Founder Mode Paul Graham’s Founder Mode is an important piece, and you should read it if for no other reason that...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Paul Graham’s Founder Mode is an important piece, and you should read it if for no other reason that "founder mode" will surely enter the lexicon (and as Graham grimly predicts: "as soon as the concept of founder mode becomes established, people will start misusing it"). When...
Making software...
RSS Hacks With XSLT RSS Hacks With XSLT 2022-05-23 In my spare time I've been further tinkering (hopefully for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
RSS Hacks With XSLT 2022-05-23 In my spare time I've been further tinkering (hopefully for the better) with my humble Shinobi Website[^0] script. The most recent update in patch-1 came with a solid amount of QoL improvements. If you're interested, I wrote about it on the official...
Julia Evans
A list of programming playgrounds I really like using (and making!) programming playgrounds, and I got thinking the other day about...
a year ago
a year ago
I really like using (and making!) programming playgrounds, and I got thinking the other day about how I didn’t have a great list of playgrounds to refer to. So I asked on Mastodon for links to cool playgrounds. Here’s what I came up with. I’d love to know what I...
Steve Klabnik
The language strangeness budget
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
What can we learn from sexaplication on nuclear power plants Component redundancy is used heavily in safety-critical and mission-critical systems for reliability...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Component redundancy is used heavily in safety-critical and mission-critical systems for reliability improvement. But outside this niche, it's surprisingly little known in the world of software. Which is a shame since it's a simple but economical idea. It costs nothing to keep in...
Josh Comeau's blog
Data Binding in React As developers, we don't like working with forms, but they're a critical part of most web...
a year ago
a year ago
As developers, we don't like working with forms, but they're a critical part of most web applications! In this tutorial, you'll learn exactly how to wire up all of the different form controls in React. Never forget how to data-bind a checkbox or radio button again!
*Spy for Spy*, at Riverside Studios Last night I went to see the second preview of Spy For Spy, which I very much enjoyed. It’s a...
a year ago
a year ago
Last night I went to see the second preview of Spy For Spy, which I very much enjoyed. It’s a romance story with a clever narrative twist – it’s being told in the wrong order. Aside from the prologue and epilogue, the show is split into six scenes from the Molly and Sarah’s...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning My recent [End of Localhost](https://dx.tips/the-end-of-localhost) piece on [Hacker...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My recent [End of Localhost](https://dx.tips/the-end-of-localhost) piece on [Hacker News](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=31669762) came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into [blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider...
Nelson's Weblog
What are passkeys? That’s the post. What are passkeys? I don’t have answers, just questions. I believe passkeys are...
a year ago
a year ago
That’s the post. What are passkeys? I don’t have answers, just questions. I believe passkeys are a great idea but the tech world is doing a terrible job explaining them. Someone really needs to explain how passkeys work in Internet products. Existing descriptions aren’t sinking...
The Pragmatic...
Who is Still Hiring Software Engineers and EMs? 👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. We cover one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. We cover one out of five topics in today’s subscriber-only The Scoop issue. To get this newsletter every week, subscribe here. This article was updated in December 2022. In the midst of gloomy
Alex Meub
Building an Arcade Stick I’ve been into playing games on my RetroPie machine lately and thought it would be cool to build an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been into playing games on my RetroPie machine lately and thought it would be cool to build an arcade stick (also called a “fight stick”). Here’s the finished product: Materials and Components I had some leftover IKEA oak butcher block from a kitchen project and I thought...
Software Developer Salaries in Japan Understanding what software salaries developer in Japan are be tricky. As a whole, software...
a year ago
a year ago
Understanding what software salaries developer in Japan are be tricky. As a whole, software development doesn’t pay exceptionally well: according to [a 2022...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cat and Mouse Read more about RSS Club. When we first moved in to our current house, we had a mouse...
a year ago
a year ago
Read more about RSS Club. When we first moved in to our current house, we had a mouse problem. Well, I should say “mice” problem because it was definitely plural and not just one solitary mouse chillin in the house. As a new homeowner, I was distraught. I tried all kinds...
Maggie Appleton
On Openings Essays, Conferences Talks, and Jam Jars
8 months ago
Making software...
Click to Load Website Images Click to Load Website Images 2021-03-25 In my previous post about switching my Jekyll blog over to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Click to Load Website Images 2021-03-25 In my previous post about switching my Jekyll blog over to PHPetite, I briefly mentioned how I only loaded in article images if the user clicked or tapped the empty file element. In this post, I'm going to quickly breakdown the update I've...
Basta’s Notes
My event-driven life I apologize for my extended absence! I once again find myself with lots of drafts that I’d love to...
a year ago
a year ago
I apologize for my extended absence! I once again find myself with lots of drafts that I’d love to publish, but haven’t found the words to complete any of them to my satisfaction. I thought I’d take the time to publish something that is maybe a bit rambly and less focused than...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Building the future of game analytics - An interview with PureSkill.gg CTO, Evan Sosenko Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations, where we chat to our contributors...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations, where we chat to our contributors and users. This time, we speak to Evan Sosenko, Co…
Julia Evans
Some possible reasons for 8-bit bytes I’ve been working on a zine about how computers represent thing in binary, and one question I’ve...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been working on a zine about how computers represent thing in binary, and one question I’ve gotten a few times is – why does the x86 architecture use 8-bit bytes? Why not some other size? With any question like this, I think there are two options: It’s a historical accident,...
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
Mount Sproattember
over a year ago
Coding Horror
Updating The Single Most Influential Book of the BASIC Era In a way, these two books are responsible for my entire professional career. With early computers,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a way, these two books are responsible for my entire professional career. With early computers, you didn't boot up to a fancy schmancy desktop, or a screen full of apps you could easily poke and prod with your finger. No, those computers booted up to the command
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Thoughts from “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” I just watched Apple’s “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” where they talk about how Safari works on...
a year ago
a year ago
I just watched Apple’s “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” where they talk about how Safari works on the new visionOS and what you can do to make your web pages look great on Apple’s new device. tl;dr just keeping doing what responsive web design and accessibility experts have...
Writing Developer Job Postings When you're advertising a developer position online, a job posting is often the first time a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you're advertising a developer position online, a job posting is often the first time a developer hears about your company. Despite the posting being the first step in the hiring flow, companies put little effort into them, often having it be little more than a list of...
Words and Buttons...
SWInE: Simplicial Weight Interpolation and Extrapolation I stole exactly three ideas from other people, made them work together, and gave that compilation a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stole exactly three ideas from other people, made them work together, and gave that compilation a funny name. I had my fun playing with the concept but the conclusion I had to put into my thesis was: “SWInE is rather promising”. In academic language, this means “useless”....
Charles Chen
Mastodon is Rewinding the Clock on Social Media — in a Good Way How Mastodon and the Fediverse are shifting the landscape of social media -- for the better.
a year ago
Seán Barry
Getting Started With Docker (Part 1) What is docker? Why do I need it? How do I use it? If you're asking any of these questions, this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is docker? Why do I need it? How do I use it? If you're asking any of these questions, this article is for you.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Blog Posts vs. Social Posts From Emil Kowalski’s newsletter (my Feedbin cache for your convenience): I started writing more blog...
4 months ago
4 months ago
From Emil Kowalski’s newsletter (my Feedbin cache for your convenience): I started writing more blog posts recently. I like it because it's different than X. You get a spike of views when you share something on X, but that dies off quickly. If you provide great value with your...
Steve Klabnik
Better Ruby Presenters
over a year ago
Hixie's Natural Log
Deciding which bugs to fix Software has an infinite number of bugs. How can we tell which ones to fix? I propose that it...
a year ago
a year ago
Software has an infinite number of bugs. How can we tell which ones to fix? I propose that it makes the most sense to optimize for people-happiness per unit bug fixing time, maximizing how much our effort improves the product for our users. To put it in mathematical...
Never underestimate HTML by Lara Aigmüller “HTML is easy.”, “Frontend development is easier than backend development.”,...
12 months ago
12 months ago
by Lara Aigmüller “HTML is easy.”, “Frontend development is easier than backend development.”, “Updating the UI should be a simple task once the backend is ready.”—these and other similar statements reached my ears time and again during my career as a web developer. Very often,...
The devil is in the details: a look into a disclosure widget markup by Cristian Diaz Disclosure widgets are one of the most common component patterns you can find on...
a year ago
a year ago
by Cristian Diaz Disclosure widgets are one of the most common component patterns you can find on the web. It consists of a button that can hide or show information when you click it. It's also one of the straightforward components to make from a technical standpoint. Just a...
David Heinemeier...
Passwords have problems, but passkeys have more We had originally planned to go all-in on passkeys for ONCE/Campfire, and we built the early...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We had originally planned to go all-in on passkeys for ONCE/Campfire, and we built the early authentication system entirely around that. It was not a simple setup! Handling passkeys properly is surprisingly complicated on the backend, but we got it done. Unfortunately, the user...
Confessions of a...
Recording: Live Coding a Bytecode Compiler for Python Yesterday we concluded the live session on live coding a bytecode compiler and interpreter (VM) for...
a week ago
a week ago
Yesterday we concluded the live session on live coding a bytecode compiler and interpreter (VM) for a tiny subset of Python in Python. Even though I said I will not be sharing the recording, I think the session went quite smooth so I am sharing it here.
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
bt RSS Feed
The Lazy Developer's Dark Mode The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode 2021-04-12 After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode 2021-04-12 After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal blog, I decided to take a closer look at how I was supporting dark mode for my visitors. I was using the proper CSS query to target those who had system-wide dark mode enabled, but I...
Alex Meub
Material Rewards for Motivation Setting material rewards for myself has helped me stay motivated and focused on important long-term...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting material rewards for myself has helped me stay motivated and focused on important long-term goals. This isn’t a new idea but I’ve found it to be really helpful in keeping me on track and giving me that extra push to follow through on my goals. Set SMART Goals In order to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we found our Ideal Customer Profile Creating an Ideal Customer Profile is one of the most important things we've ever done at PostHog....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Creating an Ideal Customer Profile is one of the most important things we've ever done at PostHog. You can see it in our revenue growth: I wish we…
Liz Denys
Reasons to kick Peter Thiel off Facebook's board There's a push to remove Peter Thiel from Facebook's board, and Mark Zuckerberg doesn't care about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a push to remove Peter Thiel from Facebook's board, and Mark Zuckerberg doesn't care about the threat he poses. Many of the arguments are centered around diversity, which is a tenet Facebook says it deeply values. The ways Thiel fails to value diversity matter: his...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Branding Bundles The best way to communicate a group of benefits is to slap a label on it.
over a year ago
Making software...
Setting Up Jekyll on Windows Setting Up Jekyll on Windows 2022-09-02 I've recently been playing around with using Windows...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting Up Jekyll on Windows 2022-09-02 I've recently been playing around with using Windows 10 as my daily operating system. So far, it has been going fairly well. Nothing will probably ever feel as "optimized" as running a Linux-based system but it works well for my...
The Pragmatic...
What Big Tech layoffs suggest for the industry Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events...
a year ago
a year ago
Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events mean for the rest of the industry?
swyx's site RSS Feed
4 Q&A's on Blogging for Developers Answering Q&A's
over a year ago
Happy New Year: GPT in 500 lines of SQL Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Translations: Russian This year, the talk of the town was AI and how it can do everything for you. I like it when someone or something does everything for me. To this end, I decided to ask ChatGPT to write my New Year's post: "Hey ChatGPT. Can you implement a large language model...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Monitoring my indoor air quality Fri, 19 May 2023 Denver air quality live cam If there’s one thing that feels like it’s gotten worse...
a year ago
a year ago
Fri, 19 May 2023 Denver air quality live cam If there’s one thing that feels like it’s gotten worse in my lifetime, it’s air quality. Colorado’s air quality last week was dismal, filled with smoke from Canadian wildfires, making Denver’s air quality among the worst of any major...
Jake Zimmerman
Approximating strace with Instruments.app
2 months ago
Tinloof - Blog
Why most CMSes suck We're in 2023, and you mainly have 3 CMS options to build and manage your website: Monolithic CMS...
a year ago
a year ago
We're in 2023, and you mainly have 3 CMS options to build and manage your website: Monolithic CMS (e.g. WordPress, Hubspot) Modern website builder (e.g. Framer, Webflow)
Oxide Computer...
The Cloud Computer Today we are announcing the general availability of the world’s first commercial cloud computer —...
a year ago
a year ago
Today we are announcing the general availability of the world’s first commercial cloud computer — along with our $44M Series A financing. From the outset at Oxide, and as I outlined in my 2020 Stanford talk, we have had three core beliefs as a company: Cloud computing is the...
David Heinemeier...
Enough problems to go around The worst kind of company is usually not the one where there's too much real work to do, but the...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The worst kind of company is usually not the one where there's too much real work to do, but the kind where there's not enough. It's in this realm the real monsters appear. Without enough real problems to go around, humans are prone to invent fictitious and dreadful ones. This...
orlp.net - Blog...
Breaking CityHash64, MurmurHash2/3, wyhash, and more... Hash functions are incredibly neat mathematical objects. They can map arbitrary data to a small...
a month ago
a month ago
Hash functions are incredibly neat mathematical objects. They can map arbitrary data to a small fixed-size output domain such that the mapping is deterministic, yet appears to be random. This “deterministic randomness” is incredibly useful for a variety of purposes, such as hash...
The Bouquet Residence Keeping up appearances in tech I saw a remarkable pair of tweets the other day. In the wake of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Keeping up appearances in tech I saw a remarkable pair of tweets the other day. In the wake of the outage, the CEO of CrowdStrike sent out a public announcement. It's purely factual. The scope of the problem is identified, the known facts are stated, and the logistics of...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Browser Defaults We Throw Away Stefan Judis on Twitter: I'm diving into @remix_run and I strongly agree with the sentiment that a...
a year ago
a year ago
Stefan Judis on Twitter: I'm diving into @remix_run and I strongly agree with the sentiment that a JS approach that includes writing event.preventDefault all the time is kinda off. The browser defaults are great, and yet we're rollin' our own for years now. 🤔 I’ve been thinking...
Game: Causality Couriers
a year ago
Making software...
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung...
a year ago
a year ago
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung 27" UHD monitor as my main display. This monitor was connected to my ThinkPad X260 (in clamshell mode) through the official Lenovo dock. It wasn't a bad setup, but I have since...
Now This is a /now page. Work I work at Turso Database. Learning Rust and C.
9 months ago
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
On writing regularly It has been a while (perhaps too long) since I’ve written publicly. My notepad is, however, filled...
a year ago
a year ago
It has been a while (perhaps too long) since I’ve written publicly. My notepad is, however, filled with half jotted down ideas, semi-written essays, and the scratchings and sketches of a madman re-learning algebra and Spanish. I once knew a man who lived by the somewhat...
Neil Panchal
Berkeley Mono Font Variant Popularity Berkeley Mono Typeface Absolutely thrilled by the response after Hacker News launch of Berkeley...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Berkeley Mono Typeface Absolutely thrilled by the response after Hacker News launch of Berkeley Mono Typeface. I am truly humbled by the feedback, interest and people that have keen interest in typography. Berkeley Mono Font Variants Quick update on people asking what's the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Stop Being Fancy This is a note to self: Except where absolutely necessary, stop being fancy. When confronted with,...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a note to self: Except where absolutely necessary, stop being fancy. When confronted with, “Can this be done?” If the answer is an immediate "Yes", go ahead, do that. But if the answer is, “Well, you could, but you’d have to…" Just stop right there. Don’t go do...
A Smart Bear
Never say "no," but rarely say "yes." "Focus" requires saying "no" to most things, but there's a way to do it that allows you to say "yes"...
a year ago
a year ago
"Focus" requires saying "no" to most things, but there's a way to do it that allows you to say "yes" exactly when it matters most.
swyx's site RSS Feed
250k downloads of Latent Space Pod I last talked about my Latent Space adventures in April and last December. Even as a well regarded...
a year ago
a year ago
I last talked about my Latent Space adventures in April and last December. Even as a well regarded developer-part-time-creator, the Latent Space Newsletter + Pod has done much better than I usually do. Here are the stats as of today:
Liz Denys
Ten minutes playing with typography: 'home' I made the graphic with the GIMP, and the typeface used is Helvetica Neue.
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Consistent Navigation Across My Inconsistent Websites Anything I ship to my personal domain jim-nielsen.com is made using IDD: impulse driven...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Anything I ship to my personal domain jim-nielsen.com is made using IDD: impulse driven development. I can convince myself that just about anything is a good idea at the time. But in retrospect my rationales are quite often specious. At one point in the past, I decided that I...
The Changelog
Excellent Experience with Debian Bullseye I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I was already running a backports kernel, but somehow the entire system is snappier. Maybe newer X or something? I’m really pleased with it. Hardware integration is even nicer now,...
Coding Horror
The Rise of the Electric Scooter In an electric car, the (enormous) battery is a major part of the price. If electric car prices are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In an electric car, the (enormous) battery is a major part of the price. If electric car prices are decreasing, battery costs must be decreasing, because it's not like the cost of fabricating rubber, aluminum, glass, and steel into car shapes can decline that much, right? On an
Dan Quach Blog
Data Engineering Low Code Tools In the data engineering space we have seen quite a few low code and no code tools pass through our...
a year ago
a year ago
In the data engineering space we have seen quite a few low code and no code tools pass through our radar. Low code tools have their own nuances as you will get to operationalize quicker, but the minute you need to customize something outside of the toolbox, you may run into...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Origin of Online Handles There are a few people online whose ubiquitous usernames I’ve always wondered about. For example:...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There are a few people online whose ubiquitous usernames I’ve always wondered about. For example: Jeremy Keith is “Adactio”. I have no idea what that word means. A quick internet search reveals no hints. Even ChatGPT has no idea. Dave Rupert is davatron5000. I wonder where...
Ink & Switch
Fine-grained provenance, Automerge updates Some explorations of new editor interactions for writing science papers, and a trio of projects...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Some explorations of new editor interactions for writing science papers, and a trio of projects advancing the future of Automerge.
Daniel Immke's Blog...
It’s the future — you can stop using JPEGs For the past several months, after leaving Amazon I have been hard at work building a software...
a year ago
a year ago
For the past several months, after leaving Amazon I have been hard at work building a software product. I anticipate probably another 1-…
The Pragmatic...
The Scoop: Tech Layoffs in 2022 I get a lot of scoop sent by readers (thank you!). Sadly, in 2022, a good part of the scoop is about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I get a lot of scoop sent by readers (thank you!). Sadly, in 2022, a good part of the scoop is about companies laying off people. Some of this scoop has not been reported before. I don't want to broadcast layoffs on Twitter or LinkedIn continuously, but also
The Pragmatic...
Klarna’s AI chatbot: how revolutionary is it, really? Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use to eliminate 2/3rds of customer support positions. But is it as revolutionary, and as likely to replace jobs, as Klarna claims?
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Passwords are fine I've spent too much of my professional life trying to build a better means of authentication. For a...
a year ago
a year ago
I've spent too much of my professional life trying to build a better means of authentication. For a while I was fixated on Magic Links, then I built a few prototypes of authentication using a combination of token passing and TOTP. And finally, I built a storage-less password...
A Beautiful Site
Determining your app's base directory in Node.js Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight forward as you'd think in Node. Here's a little trick to get a globally available reference to your app's root directory. Add this somewhere towards the start of your main app...
Stephen Wolfram...
Generative AI Space and the Mental Imagery of Alien Minds AIs and Alien Minds How do alien minds perceive the world? It’s an old and oft-debated question in...
a year ago
a year ago
AIs and Alien Minds How do alien minds perceive the world? It’s an old and oft-debated question in philosophy. And it now turns out to also be a question that rises to prominence in connection with the concept of the ruliad that’s emerged from our Wolfram Physics Project. I’ve...
A Beautiful Site
The HTML5 download attribute Years ago I showed you how to force a file to download with PHP. Now with HTML5, you [almost] don't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Years ago I showed you how to force a file to download with PHP. Now with HTML5, you [almost] don't have to do that anymore. The HTML5 download attribute is intended to tell the browser that a certain link should force a certain file to download, optionally with a certain name...
Blog - Bitfield...
Bitfield Institute of Technology The Bitfield Institute of Technology (BIT) is a software engineering school that offers remote...
5 months ago
5 months ago
The Bitfield Institute of Technology (BIT) is a software engineering school that offers remote training and certifications in Go development to students worldwide.
Kagi Blog
Kagi for Teams To satisfy the growing demand for our services in work environments, we are launching Kagi for Teams...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
To satisfy the growing demand for our services in work environments, we are launching Kagi for Teams ( https://kagi.com/teams ) - bringing our unmatched quality, privacy-focused search and AI tools to businesses worldwide.
Tony Finch's blog
tolower() small string performance I’m pleased that so many people enjoyed my previous blog post on tolower() with AVX-512. Thanks for...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’m pleased that so many people enjoyed my previous blog post on tolower() with AVX-512. Thanks for all the great comments and discussion! One aspect that needed more work was examining the performance for small strings. The previous blog post had a graph for strings up to about...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Go beyond eslint limits with these 3 tricks My current obsession with statically checking JS code got me to appreciate eslint even more....
over a year ago
over a year ago
My current obsession with statically checking JS code got me to appreciate eslint even more. Recently, I've shown you how to use no-restricted-syntax to lint almost anything. Still, like any tool, eslint has its limits — often a precise rule bends eslint too much, and is not...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Did you know AI is answering our community questions? AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that...
2 months ago
2 months ago
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that try to replace a human in a product support context…
Alex MacCaw
Nothing matters I'd just like to take a second to point out how absurd all this is. We're monkeys on a rock flying...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'd just like to take a second to point out how absurd all this is. We're monkeys on a rock flying through space who've decided to climb down from the trees, put on costumes, and makeup names for each other. We didn't
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog's recommended reading for startup teams The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so...
a year ago
a year ago
The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so here’s a collection of the books our teams recommend…
Nelson's Weblog
Overhead shower drips Do you have an overhead rain shower? Does it drip cold water on you when you’re not using it? It...
a year ago
a year ago
Do you have an overhead rain shower? Does it drip cold water on you when you’re not using it? It may be water trapped in the pipes and a plunger will temporarily fix it. We have a fancy shower with an overhead rain shower and a ordinary wall sprayer both controlled by the...
Joel Gascoigne
Ratio thinking * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve found difficult to completely embrace, but which understanding has been super important, is the idea that there is a ratio for everything. I’ve started to call this Ratio Thinking,...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Cancer and revenue - the latest board meeting It has been a dramatic month. Four weeks ago, our 16 month old daughter was diagnosed with ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been a dramatic month. Four weeks ago, our 16 month old daughter was diagnosed with retinoblastoma - a fairly rare form of cancer that…
aria-labelledby = self by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a good accessible name is important. If not, negative effects may include screen reader users missing out on vital information, voice control users struggling to interact, and any...
A Beautiful Site
Lessons from a failed Kickstarter Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign. We had 50 backers and were 5% funded. So why would I do this with 25 days left to go? The fact is, this campaign failed before it started, and it was all my fault. I became so...
Blog - Bitfield...
Test names should be sentences Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and even our future selves....
8 months ago
8 months ago
Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and even our future selves. Well-written tests focus on a single unit of behaviour that can be described in a brief sentence, and we can use that sentence as the name of the test.
swyx's site RSS Feed
You Should Have A Virtual Mailbox If you fit one of these criteria:
11 months ago
David Heinemeier...
Google's sad ideological capture was exactly what we were trying to avoid The Gemini AI roll out should have been Google's day of triumph. The company made one of the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Gemini AI roll out should have been Google's day of triumph. The company made one of the smartest acquisitions in tech when they bought DeepMind in 2014. They helped set the course for the modern AI movement with the Transformer paper in 2017. They were poised to be right...
Neil Panchal
Introducing Berkeley Mono Now publicly available! Berkeley Mono Typeface Download a trial:...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Now publicly available! Berkeley Mono Typeface Download a trial: https://berkeleygraphics.com/typefaces/berkeley-mono It will be available through Berkeley Graphics agency as a first release. Berkeley Mono Typeface Berkeley Mono is a love letter to the golden era of computing....
Ruud van Asseldonk
Building Elm with Stack
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
My Robotic Mower Woes My Robotic Mower Woes 2023-05-19 A Brief Background I’m no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my...
a year ago
a year ago
My Robotic Mower Woes 2023-05-19 A Brief Background I’m no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my wife and I moved into our rural home just over five years ago, we picked up the Husqvarna 450X Automower since I was far too lazy to manually mow my property and the cost was equal...
Making software...
Stay Hungry Stay Hungry 2018-02-12 It can feel daunting in this developer / designer landscape to keep yourself...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stay Hungry 2018-02-12 It can feel daunting in this developer / designer landscape to keep yourself up-to-date with the latest and greatest technologies available. Which new framework should I invest the most time into? Will it even be maintained a couple years down the road? Is...
the jsomers.net blog
More people should write More people should do what I’m doing right now. They should sit at their computers and bat the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
More people should do what I’m doing right now. They should sit at their computers and bat the cursor around — write full sentences about themselves and the things they care about. I have a selfish reason for my demand: I have a lot of friends who are thoughtful, but keep their...
David Heinemeier...
Villains may live long enough to become heroes The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of "cutting off the air supply", of embrace-extend-extinguish, of open source as a "cancer", and of Bill Gates before he sought reputational refugee in philanthropy. What made the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Profile on Livecycle.io Devx Project I was interviewed for Livecycle's DevX interview series...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was interviewed for Livecycle's DevX interview series [here](https://livecycle.io/blogs/devx-project-swyx/). Reproducing for posterity.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
An Ode to An Event Apart I’m not a big globe-trotting conference attendee. I’ve only been to a handful in my career. The...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m not a big globe-trotting conference attendee. I’ve only been to a handful in my career. The event I remember most fondly is An Event Apart: Austin in 2013. In my memory (which, granted, might be fuzzy) that conference was more about ideas than any specific technology. What I...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 9 best GA4 alternatives for apps and websites In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4...
a year ago
a year ago
In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or another provider. This hasn't proved a…
37signals Dev
Introducing Solid Queue We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about...
a year ago
a year ago
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Queue, a new backend for Active Job that we use in HEY to run about 1/3 of our roughly 18 million jobs per day. We’ll be moving more jobs in the coming days until we run HEY exclusively using Solid Queue. Besides regular job enqueuing and processing,...
MMapped blog
Mach’s principle
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Netlify Year One - 360 Review I thought I would write a quick coda to my [Netlify Year...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I thought I would write a quick coda to my [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) Recap. That post was entirely me looking back at myself. It's helpful to see what others said about me at my review.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Book Poll 2019 I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this poll](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1168182079613485056):
37signals Dev
Navigating personal information with care Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020,...
a year ago
a year ago
Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020, we developed some technology and processes to support a very simple principle: employees shouldn’t have access — intentionally or unintentionally — to personal information from our...
Making software...
Blogging for 7 Years Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven...
a year ago
a year ago
Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven years ago. In that time, quite a lot has changed in my life both personally and professionally. So, I figured it would be interesting to reflect on these years and document it for...
Chris Nicholas
How to use Next.js middleware Middleware functions can be used for all sorts such as redirecting, rewriting, preventing access,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Middleware functions can be used for all sorts such as redirecting, rewriting, preventing access, and more. Let’s take a look.
swyx's site RSS Feed
swyx in 2024 End of Year wraps i was involved in 3 end of year-ish recaps today:
5 days ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
Upgrading from Linux Mint 21.3 to 22: failure and success <![CDATA[I upgraded my System76 Merkaat mini PC from Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon to Mint 22 "Wilma". It...
4 months ago
4 months ago
<![CDATA[I upgraded my System76 Merkaat mini PC from Linux Mint 21.3 Cinnamon to Mint 22 "Wilma". It didn't go as hoped but some extra effort eventually made Mint 22 run fine. I began by starting the upgrade process from Mint 21.3. I didn't get a good feel for the upgrade tool,...
Darek Kay
A guide to bookmarklets I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to...
a month ago
a month ago
I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to explain what bookmarklets are and how to use them. In short, a bookmarklet is a browser bookmark containing JavaScript code. Clicking the bookmark executes the script in the context...
Blog System/5
Strings, encodings, NULs and Bazel A story on how strings without NULs are problematic for interop with the OS
a year ago
One day we'll have a fully customisable select Today, I want to look at a proposed HTML feature that may end up replacing a lot of <div>s-based...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today, I want to look at a proposed HTML feature that may end up replacing a lot of <div>s-based custom input components: <selectmenu>. CSS is awesome I realise this calendar is about HTML. And I'll get to that. But first, let me start with CSS. CSS is fantastic, because it has...
David Heinemeier...
Breaking the inertia of mediocrity It's rarely the terrible decisions, processes, or even people that'll sink your organization. It's...
a year ago
a year ago
It's rarely the terrible decisions, processes, or even people that'll sink your organization. It's the accumulation and inertia of the mediocre ones. Dealing with the truly bad is easy. It's painfully obvious to all that change is required. The danger is imminent. It's much...
Mahmoud Felfel's...
Handling State & User Interactions In UI Applications An early thinking about handling your app or component state can help you to avoid many bugs even...
over a year ago
Is It Time To Version Observability? (Signs Point To Yes) Augh! I am so behind on so much writing, I’m even behind on writing shit that I need to reference in...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Augh! I am so behind on so much writing, I’m even behind on writing shit that I need to reference in order to write other pieces of writing. Like this one. So we’re just gonna do this quick and dirty on the personal blog, and not bother bringing it up to the editorial standards...
Joel Gascoigne
The undervalued advantages of being a small startup * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I remember when...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I remember when I was 12, I was desperate to grow up. I think most of us are when we’re young. Similarly, when you’re getting your startup off the ground, it can be easy to wish ourselves ahead
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Extravagantly fast rendering with React benders The other day I was working on a React-based library of huge, reusable SVG images, and I ran into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The other day I was working on a React-based library of huge, reusable SVG images, and I ran into performance problems. Just kidding, I've never had a problem I'm solving here, but I've had great fun working around it. I wanted to make components producing mostly static DOM as...
ntietz.com blog
Teleportation teleportation does exist from OR to recovery room I left something behind not quite a part of...
2 months ago
2 months ago
teleportation does exist from OR to recovery room I left something behind not quite a part of myself —unwelcome guests poisoning me from the inside no longer welcome
Patrick Kayongo
Stimela 23 June 1898. Mqanduli, Tembuland. “But who’s going to teach our sons to become men?” Gcinikhaya...
a year ago
a year ago
23 June 1898. Mqanduli, Tembuland. “But who’s going to teach our sons to become men?” Gcinikhaya asked this while squashing the newspaper within her clenched fist. Her lips were quivering, her face contorted to hold back the tears of anger and fear. “My brother went to the mines...
The Changelog
More Topics on Store-And-Forward (Possibly Airgapped) ZFS and Non-ZFS Backups with NNCP Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Note: this is another article in my series on asynchronous communication in Linux with UUCP and NNCP. In my previous post, I introduced a way to use ZFS backups over NNCP. In this post, I’ll expand on that and also explore non-ZFS backups. Use of nncp-file instead of nncp-exec...
Daniel Marino
Don’t Overthink Remote Working The coronavirus is here, and as a result a lot of employers are asking employees to work remotely if...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The coronavirus is here, and as a result a lot of employers are asking employees to work remotely if possible. I’ve seen a fair share of tips for remote working blog posts this past week. I figured I’d cash in on the action and share my thoughts. Don’t Overthink It Most of the...
Josh Comeau's blog
My experience as a remote worker I've spent half of my career working remotely. This post chronicles those experiences, giving a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've spent half of my career working remotely. This post chronicles those experiences, giving a real-world window into what it's like to work fully-remote as a software engineer.
Setting up Fish to make virtualenv easier Since I started my new job, I’ve been doing a lot more work in Python. As I was starting with a...
a year ago
a year ago
Since I started my new job, I’ve been doing a lot more work in Python. As I was starting with a completely clean slate, I wanted to try setting up Python the “right” way – or if not “right”, at least better way than my previous pile of hacks and kludges. (I don’t remember much of...
Joel on Software
Progress on the Block Protocol Since the 1990s, the web has been a publishing place for human-readable documents. Documents...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Since the 1990s, the web has been a publishing place for human-readable documents. Documents published on the web are in HTML. HTML has a little bit of… Read more "Progress on the Block Protocol"
A Beautiful Site
Democratizing publishing One of the objectives Matt Mullenweg has for WordPress is to democratize publishing, which is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the objectives Matt Mullenweg has for WordPress is to democratize publishing, which is excellent. But the very same article states another objective is to "capture the 75 percent of the internet that WordPress doesn't already manage." In my opinion, these goals conflict...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 The short version: porting from Vue...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Porting a medium-sized Vue application to Svelte 5 The short version: porting from Vue to Svelte is pretty straightforward and Svelte 5 is nice upgrade to Svelte 4. Why port? I’m working on Edna, a note taking application for developers. It started as a...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Treats from git's contrib tools🍭 .title { text-wrap: balance } The intention is to keep interesting tools around git here,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
.title { text-wrap: balance } The intention is to keep interesting tools around git here, maybe even experimental ones Junio C Hamano, git/contrib/README Git bundles handy tools along with its source repo. They live in a directory named contrib—short for contributed...
Getting an Autism Diagnosis On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism...
a year ago
a year ago
On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism Spectrum Disorder. The letter was the end result of a long process. I’m going to talk about that process from start to finish, in as much detail as I can. This post would not have...
Hyperfocus and hobbies &rarr; One of the last things I did at Wellcome Collection was writing a story about hyperfocus and how it...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the last things I did at Wellcome Collection was writing a story about hyperfocus and how it affects my cross-stitch. I’m really proud of this one, and I hope you’ll consider reading. Writing for Stories was one of my “bucket list” items while working at Wellcome, and I...
Why it’s hard to read the time on Infograph Quick, what time is it? If that took you a bit longer than usual to tell the time on the Apple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Quick, what time is it? If that took you a bit longer than usual to tell the time on the Apple Watch’s new default Infograph face, you’re not alone: John Gruber finds it “far too busy” Jason Snell finds it “pretty and packed with features”, but misses hour numerals Zac Hall...
The Codist
Career Retrospective: Being Interviewed I'm starting a series on what I learned during my four decades as a working programmer. First, I...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I'm starting a series on what I learned during my four decades as a working programmer. First, I will describe my experience of being interviewed. Interviews are part of being a programmer; every time you find a new job, you will go through interviews, which allow a prospective
David Heinemeier...
House rules in Fortnite We play a lot of Fortnite at our house. It's a great game for teaching kids cooperative discipline,...
a month ago
a month ago
We play a lot of Fortnite at our house. It's a great game for teaching kids cooperative discipline, and in a remarkably wholesome setting to boot (no blood, cartoon styling). I've had no qualms involving all three of our boys from an early age in the family squad, including our...
Atlas of AI by Kate Crawford I’ll admit I’m a HUGE believer of advances in Artificial Intelligence. Deep learning or just general...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ll admit I’m a HUGE believer of advances in Artificial Intelligence. Deep learning or just general machine learning. From Bayesian beginnings to GANs and CNNs, I’m all about data, ML and all of the promises it’s future holds. The problems it can solve today seemed impossible...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Kubit Kubit is a product analytics platform built for product teams. PostHog, on the other hand, is built...
a year ago
a year ago
Kubit is a product analytics platform built for product teams. PostHog, on the other hand, is built primarily for engineers. In this article we’ll…
The Codist
I Am Not Betty, And I Can't Do Anything About It At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number...
a year ago
a year ago
At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number to someone (either by accident or a random number), and it became associated with her name and address. Her home sits atop a giant gas field, and she gets
elementary Blog
Spring cleaning is in full effect March was all about bug fixes. This month don’t expect too many new features, but instead get...
a year ago
a year ago
March was all about bug fixes. This month don’t expect too many new features, but instead get excited about improved stability and closed issue reports! The team has been hard at work sorting through your feedback and smoothing out all of the wrinkles. Sideload Since sideloading...
Darek Kay
Website themes with uBlock Origin Browser extensions like Stylish, Stylus or Tampermonkey make it possible to create custom website...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Browser extensions like Stylish, Stylus or Tampermonkey make it possible to create custom website themes/skins. At the same time, I try to lower the number of add-ons that I use, mostly due to security and performance reasons. Interestingly, the uBlock Origin ad blocker can...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Seven habits of bad interviewers I’ve been to plenty of bad interviews. Sometimes, only some questions are bad, but usually it goes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been to plenty of bad interviews. Sometimes, only some questions are bad, but usually it goes further than that. Bizarre questions like “what’s the difference between a number and an array” are just a symptom of deeper issues. Let’s take a step back — why are we...
The Pragmatic...
Meta’s historic growth challenge The company’s growth is under more pressure than it has ever been, and in a worse strategic position...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The company’s growth is under more pressure than it has ever been, and in a worse strategic position than Apple, Google, Amazon or Microsoft. Why is this and what can the company do to get out of this situation?
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Ditch google analytics now: 7 open-source alternatives I love writing, and I also love data. When starting my blog, I integrated Google Analytics — it's...
a year ago
a year ago
I love writing, and I also love data. When starting my blog, I integrated Google Analytics — it's free, easy to set up (just drop a few tags on the page), and that's what I knew back then. I did not enjoy it being run by a big corporation, but I was too lazy to research the...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Tip for per-test verbose logging in Go One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf(). The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One way to narrow down a problem when debugging a test is to add logging with e.g. fmt.Printf(). The problem with this approach is lack of selectivity: imagine you have 100 tests and only 1 test fails. For debugging the issue you only need to see logs when executing that 1 test...
The Pragmatic...
How Games Typically Get Built The differences between games development and more “standard” software engineering, roles, and how...
a year ago
a year ago
The differences between games development and more “standard” software engineering, roles, and how games are typically built.
ntietz.com blog
Achieving awful compression with digits of pi Compression is a really hard problem, and it attracts a lot of interesting ideas. There are some...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Compression is a really hard problem, and it attracts a lot of interesting ideas. There are some numbers whose digits contain all sequences of digits1. People have long hypothesized that pi is one such number; a proof remains elusive. If we have a number which contains all...
bt RSS Feed
CSS Slope Graphs CSS Slope Graphs 2021-06-07 I am a huge sucker for simplistic and beautifully designed visual data...
over a year ago
over a year ago
CSS Slope Graphs 2021-06-07 I am a huge sucker for simplistic and beautifully designed visual data on the web. Most data tends to be graphed via line or bar systems - which is fine - but I think slope graphs are highly underrated. Let’s change that, shall we? The Demo I’m basing...
Julia Evans
New playground: integer.exposed Hello! For the last few months we’ve been working on a zine about how integers and floating point...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! For the last few months we’ve been working on a zine about how integers and floating point numbers work. Whenever I make a zine I like to release a playground to go with it, like mess with dns for the DNS zine or the sql playground. For this one, I made a simple playground...
Making software...
Basic Gulp Build for Sass Basic Gulp Build for Sass 2019-01-15 Some designers might shy away from build tools when first...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Basic Gulp Build for Sass 2019-01-15 Some designers might shy away from build tools when first starting out and I can understand the reasoning - task runners like gulp and grunt can seem daunting at first. So, I've decided to showcase my go-to setup for gulp and explain what the...
ntietz.com blog
The phrase "good enough" isn't fit for purpose Words matter. First impressions matter. I'm reading The Pragmatic Programmer in a book club, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Words matter. First impressions matter. I'm reading The Pragmatic Programmer in a book club, and there's a section titled "Good-Enough Software". In it, the authors expand that "the phrase 'good enough' does not imply sloppy or poorly produced code" and that it must still meet...
Environmental Sensing using an eInk Display and CircuitPython Measure CO2, temperature, humidity and send that data to the cloud, while displaying results on an...
a year ago
a year ago
Measure CO2, temperature, humidity and send that data to the cloud, while displaying results on an 2.9″ e-ink display. My first choice was to use the display vertically. It feels a bit less like a price tag in this orientation. This past August 18th marked CircuitPython day, a...
bt RSS Feed
Making a Website Under 1kB Making a Website Under 1kB 2022-08-02 I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Making a Website Under 1kB 2022-08-02 I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB Club. Unlike the 1MB Club, it isn’t as accessible for most modern websites to become official members. Building a website that actually serves useful content while squeezing its page...
Tinker, Tamper,...
Docker Deployment Best Practices Given: There’s a CI system that automatically builds docker images from your VCS (e.g. git), we use...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Given: There’s a CI system that automatically builds docker images from your VCS (e.g. git), we use self-hosted gitlab.Goal: Both initial and subsequent automated deployments to different environments (staging and production). Rejected ApproachesMost existing blog articles and...
A Beautiful Site
How to delete a tag on GitHub In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the world of Git, tags are very useful for keeping track of your project's version history. A lot of folks will argue that you shouldn't delete tags, but there are real-world examples in which tags need to be deleted.  That said, it's both a good and a bad thing that GitHub...
A Beautiful Site
Exploring the EyeDropper API The EyeDropper API has landed in Chrome and Edge 95! This is a simple promise-based API that lets...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The EyeDropper API has landed in Chrome and Edge 95! This is a simple promise-based API that lets you select a color from anywhere on the screen. Let's dive in and see how it works. To start, we'll add a button that activates the eye dropper. <button type="button">Select a...
Vadim Kravcenko
Things they didn’t teach you about Software Engineering As always, a disclaimer before we start, this is purely subjective. Whether you are a seasoned...
a year ago
a year ago
As always, a disclaimer before we start, this is purely subjective. Whether you are a seasoned professional or just starting […] The post Things they didn’t teach you about Software Engineering appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Joel Gascoigne
Achieving scale by doing things that don&#x27;t scale * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Over the past...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Over the past few years of my journey with building startups, I’ve made a conscious effort to absorb as much of the fascinating insights and learnings of those more experienced than me. Startups...
Blog - Bitfield...
Rust and Go vs everything else Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and why the two languages...
a month ago
a month ago
Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and why the two languages make perfect partners.
Maggie Appleton
The Linear Oppression of Note-taking Apps
over a year ago
Announcing the 2023 TokyoDev Developers Survey The 2023 edition of the TokyoDev Developer Survey [is now...
a year ago
a year ago
The 2023 edition of the TokyoDev Developer Survey [is now live](https://surveys.tokyodev.com/en-US/survey/tokyodev/2023)! If you’re a software developer living in Japan, please help us by taking it. [Last year’s survey](https://www.tokyodev.com/insights/2022-developer-survey)...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Lessons in Competitive Comms from the Plaid-Stripe Kerfuffle Now that the dust has settled on the Plaid-Stripe thing it's time to recap lessons learned.
over a year ago
Vladimir Klepov as a...
5 coding interview questions I hate I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some were pure cringe. I’ve been asked if I have kids (supposedly, people with children won’t have time to job hop), and if “I bet my ass I cost that much”. Fun times. But today I’d like...
Blog - Bitfield...
Suite smells: testing legacy code How do you rescue a legacy codebase that has no tests? Let's look at some techniques for clawing...
a month ago
a month ago
How do you rescue a legacy codebase that has no tests? Let's look at some techniques for clawing your way back to maintainability, one test at a time.
Computer Things
Hyperproperties I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me...
a month ago
a month ago
I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me thinking about them again.1 We're using TLA+ to model a system that starts in state A, and under certain complicated conditions P, transitions to state B. They also had a flag f...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scraping my Twitter Social Graph with Python and Selenium Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
over a year ago
Elad Blog
Substack: Most Interesting Consumer Startups of 2021 (Part 2) This post is the first in a small series on the new wave of hyperinteresting consumer tech products...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is the first in a small series on the new wave of hyperinteresting consumer tech products that are most likely to have had society-level impact in 5 years. My first two posts are on Clubhouse and Substack [1]. Both are social network and media platforms of different...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Dinner Conversation Read more about RSS Club. I love following the blogs of people in tech who have interesting,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Read more about RSS Club. I love following the blogs of people in tech who have interesting, insightful things to say about the industry and their craft. I also really enjoy when those same people post little insights into their personal lives. I love seeing the human side...