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A Beautiful Site
Subtle Patterns: hundreds of free backgrounds that tile I've been using Subtle Patterns for quite some time now. All the patterns are great, and their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been using Subtle Patterns for quite some time now. All the patterns are great, and their Photoshop plugin is incredibly useful. I can't remember when it first launched, but I do remember when there was only one or two pages to browse on the site. Now it has over 380 images...
swyx's site RSS Feed
80/20 is the new Half-Ass Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything.
The Changelog
Distributed, Asynchronous Git Syncing with NNCP I have a problem. I have a directory that I use with org-mode and org-roam. I want it to be synced...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have a problem. I have a directory that I use with org-mode and org-roam. I want it to be synced across multiple machines. I also want to keep the history with git. And, I want to use end-to-end encryption (no storing a plain git repo on a remote server), have a serverless...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Eventually consistent plain text accounting .title { text-wrap: balance } Spending for October, generated by piping hledger → R Over the past...
a month ago
a month ago
.title { text-wrap: balance } Spending for October, generated by piping hledger → R Over the past six months, I’ve tracked my money with hledger—a plain text double-entry accounting system written in Haskell. It’s been surprisingly painless. My previous attempts to pick up...
A Beautiful Site
Archiving Postleaf Postleaf — at least in its current form — has been discontinued. In the future, I'd like to bring it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Postleaf — at least in its current form — has been discontinued. In the future, I'd like to bring it back as something different. Maybe an open source project. Maybe a SaaS product. I'm not sure at this point. The world still needs a simple platform to encourage blogging and the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Prompting the Wrong Question So there I am, working on a bug exclusive to Safari (we’ve all been there). I can’t figure it out so...
2 months ago
2 months ago
So there I am, working on a bug exclusive to Safari (we’ve all been there). I can’t figure it out so I ask AI, “Hey, this piece of code is not working in Safari, what’s wrong?” The issue might be related to how Safari handles keyboard events, especially for certain keys… It gives...
Steve Klabnik
REST is over
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
3 reasons you shouldn't outsource your startup, and what to do instead One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier stage [https://joel.is/why-im-helping-startup-founders/] of the startup journey. I had a lot of false starts before Buffer. I enjoy sharing my lessons from those failed attempts, and I also enjoy getting my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
5 TILs about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book 5 Things I Learned about Node.js Fundamentals from the Node.js Design Patterns Book
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Borrow checking, escape analysis, and the generational hypothesis
over a year ago
The Changelog
Facebook’s Blocking Decisions Are Deliberate – Including Their Censorship of Mastodon In the aftermath of my report of Facebook censoring mentions of the open-source social network...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the aftermath of my report of Facebook censoring mentions of the open-source social network Mastodon, there was a lot of conversation about whether or not this was deliberate. That conversation seemed to focus on whether a human speficially added joinmastodon.org to some sort...
Code Of Honor
Debugging running server applications So you’ve written an awesome online game that works perfectly in the test environment, but when real...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you’ve written an awesome online game that works perfectly in the test environment, but when real users are playing the game server doesn’t work properly. Now what?!? I was reading an article by Mike Perham called Debugging with Thread Dumps and wanted to share a related...
Josh Comeau's blog
Understanding the JavaScript Modulo Operator One of the most commonly-misunderstood operators is Modulo (%). In this tutorial, we'll unpack...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the most commonly-misunderstood operators is Modulo (%). In this tutorial, we'll unpack exactly what this little bugger does, and learn how it can help us solve practical problems.
Mahmoud Felfel's...
Introduction to javascript iterables, iterators, and generators A quick intro to javascript newly introduced generators and iterators concepts and how they work...
over a year ago
Epic Web Dev
Accessible, Typesafe, Progressively Enhanced Modern Web Forms Learn how to use modern tools that offer the best user and developer experience for web forms.
a year ago
Making software...
This Site is Now a Shinobi Website This Site is Now a Shinobi Website 2022-05-13 Update 2023: this website is now built with barf My...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This Site is Now a Shinobi Website 2022-05-13 Update 2023: this website is now built with barf My personal website is now an RSS-focused blog, generated from a collection of plain text files. But before we get into greater details about the switch, let me first introduce the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Apollo and App Icons As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I...
a year ago
a year ago
As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I absolutely love all the great app icon variations Christian has commissioned for the app. (Photo from @BasicAppleGuy.) It’s sad to see Apollo go. As I noted, Christian was a...
A Smart Bear
Adjacency Matrix: How to expand after PMF A simple workshop that evaluates new business ideas relative to your existing strengths -- the key...
7 months ago
7 months ago
A simple workshop that evaluates new business ideas relative to your existing strengths -- the key to expanding without overreaching.
Video of Using LLMs in your product. A month ago, I wrote up some notes on using LLMs in your product, and yesterday I got to present an...
6 months ago
6 months ago
A month ago, I wrote up some notes on using LLMs in your product, and yesterday I got to present an iteration on those notes to the folks at the Sapphire Venture’s 2024 Hypergrowth Engineering Summit. If you’re interested, you can watch a recording of my talk on Youtube. There’s...
Alex Meub
The Yoto Mini is Perfect The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and put just the right set of features into a brilliantly designed package. I have no affiliation with Yoto, I’m just a happy customer with kids who love it. If you aren’t aware, Yoto...
Takeaway from using CO₂ monitors: run the exhaust fan For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly...
8 months ago
8 months ago
For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly expensive gadgets that I have no regrets purchasing – I love a little more awareness of things like temperature, humidity, and air quality, it’s ‘grounding’ in a cyberpunk way. But...
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for experimenting with the Flickr API → I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API. They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supervised Learning: Bayesian Learning Lets update our priors! Oh wait we have none.
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Capstone: A tablet for thinking Cards and inking on a freeform canvas for the two-step creative process.
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
How to Check Uniqueness in an Array of Objects in JavaScript Working with arrays of objects in JavaScript can be difficult. This post covers how to ensure all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Working with arrays of objects in JavaScript can be difficult. This post covers how to ensure all object keys (IDs) are unique, and how to find non-unique values.
Josh Comeau's blog
Accessible Animations in React I really love animation, but not everybody does. In fact, it can make some people literally sick! In...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really love animation, but not everybody does. In fact, it can make some people literally sick! In this tutorial, we'll see how to ensure that we respect user preferences, and create animations that can be disabled.
elementary Blog
Surprise! Big Updates for OS 7 Are Here! This month we have a bunch of surprise updates for OS 7 and as always a progress update on OS 8....
4 months ago
4 months ago
This month we have a bunch of surprise updates for OS 7 and as always a progress update on OS 8. We’re getting very close to releasing the latest version of our operating system and that means releasing new versions of all of the projects we maintain! That means big new versions...
Neil Panchal
How to install PostgreSQL in a custom directory When you install postgresql using apt-get, it runs initdb and automatically creates a main cluster....
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you install postgresql using apt-get, it runs initdb and automatically creates a main cluster. Typically, the default data directory location is in /var/lib/postgresql/<version>/<cluster>/. There are three ways to install PostgreSQL in a custom directory. Options 1 and 2 are...
ntietz.com blog
My first impressions from a few weeks with Lean and Coq For the last few weeks, some of us have been working through learning about interactive theorem...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the last few weeks, some of us have been working through learning about interactive theorem proving together at Recurse Center. I've been curious about proof assistants since undergrad, and finally have the time, space, and peers to dive into it with. It's been an interesting...
ntietz.com blog
Accessibility is a requirement, not a feature Stop me if you've heard this one before: "We're putting accessibility (features) on the roadmap." Or...
a year ago
a year ago
Stop me if you've heard this one before: "We're putting accessibility (features) on the roadmap." Or this one: "We don't need to make it accessible since we don't have any blind users 1 ." It belies an attitude that's all too common in the software industry: That accessibility...
PostHog's RSS Feed
All the cool things we built at our Rome hackathon As an all-remote team, we know how important getting together in person is (we’ve written about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As an all-remote team, we know how important getting together in person is (we’ve written about this before ). Our product analytics team (plus…
Modeling impact of LLMs on Developer Experience. In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how LLMs might impact a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how LLMs might impact a company’s developer experience. To support that exploration, I’ve developed a system model of the developing software at the company. In this chapter, we’ll work through: Summary results...
Max Countryman
Your Hiring Funnel Is Broken and How to Fix It Hiring is hard and your broken pipeline is making it harder. But with this simple framework, you can...
a year ago
a year ago
Hiring is hard and your broken pipeline is making it harder. But with this simple framework, you can dramatically improve your odds of hiring exceptional software engineers.
Making software...
Very Basic Form Styling Very Basic Form Styling 2019-11-13 Web forms can be great - I'm borderline obsessed with them. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Very Basic Form Styling 2019-11-13 Web forms can be great - I'm borderline obsessed with them. I love tinkering with pre-existing logins / sign up pages and I've also open sourced a minimal CSS form-styling plugin: Normform. While simple CSS plugins like these can be helpful, I...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Reading A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP <![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G....
10 months ago
10 months ago
<![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G. Tatar, Digital Press, 1987. The book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G. Why did I read such an old book, published a few years after CLtL1 and well before ANSI...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.40.0: Interface improvements and more! Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! Running a self-hosted instance? Check…
A Beautiful Site
Don't hate on PHP It wasn't long after launching a major open source PHP project until I started hearing things like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It wasn't long after launching a major open source PHP project until I started hearing things like this: I [...] immediately drop interest in a project when I see that it is implemented in PHP. A lot of people have been hating on PHP in recent years, and frankly, they have every...
Steve Klabnik
Better Ruby Presenters
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
The styled-components Happy Path styled-components is a wonderfully powerful styling library for React, and over the years I've...
over a year ago
over a year ago
styled-components is a wonderfully powerful styling library for React, and over the years I've learned a lot about how to use it effectively. This article shares my personal “best practices”.
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, October 2024 The Ware for October 2024 is shown below. This one should be a smidge easier to guess than last...
a month ago
a month ago
The Ware for October 2024 is shown below. This one should be a smidge easier to guess than last month’s ware. The main reason I liked this ware is actually the board shown below with the prominent star-routing. It’s such traditional hand-routing work, I love craftsmanship like...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Zero to Unmaintainable in 1.2 Commands Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and going quick” is: I can burp some npm commands into my terminal, burp some more to setup a deployment pipeline and blam! Website. The time to product demo is so low. But there’s...
Liz Denys
Hardbrücke, Zürich The area around the Zürich Hardbrücke train station, while not exactly a center of tourism, is quite...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The area around the Zürich Hardbrücke train station, while not exactly a center of tourism, is quite a captivating neighborhood. It's literally quite colorful, and home to Freitag's flagship store.
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, January 2024 The Ware for January 2024 is shown below. I picked up this little gizmo at a junk shop in Akihabara....
10 months ago
10 months ago
The Ware for January 2024 is shown below. I picked up this little gizmo at a junk shop in Akihabara. I actually have no idea what the original purpose was, so I’m curious to see if anyone can convince me as to what this thing did, presumably for many years and millions of times....
PostHog's RSS Feed
How PostHog built an app server (from MVP to billions of events) PostHog's mission is to increase the number of successful products in the world. To achieve it,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog's mission is to increase the number of successful products in the world. To achieve it, we're building a comprehensive suite of analytics and…
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.26.0 PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4 new team members we've onboarded.
Basta’s Notes
Gumby Coin: a story about a 1958 claymation character, cryptocurrency, and pizza A grift, a failure, or a mistake?
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
The YC Interview We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We submitted the application, then got back to work. We couldn't work out how long it'd take to hear back, but then we did. It was now October 16th…
Vadim Kravcenko
Is coding bootcamp better than university? Thanks for the question. Navigating the crossroads of your budding tech career is no small feat, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Thanks for the question. Navigating the crossroads of your budding tech career is no small feat, and the decision between […] The post Is coding bootcamp better than university? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Steve Klabnik
An introduction to economics under capitalism
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
5 ways to improve your product analytics data This is a guest post by Anna Debenham . Anna is a former developer and director of product at...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a guest post by Anna Debenham . Anna is a former developer and director of product at cybersecurity company Snyk . She is currently an…
swyx's site RSS Feed
IE11 Mainstream End Of Life in Oct 2020 Making the case for Mainstream EOL of IE 11.
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
A free HTML, CSS, and JavaScript beautifier Ten years ago, I launched DirtyMarkup to clean up dirty code. It was a fun little tool, but its best...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ten years ago, I launched DirtyMarkup to clean up dirty code. It was a fun little tool, but its best feature was that it was easy to use and didn't have intrusive advertisements. I sold DirtyMarkup a couple years ago, and since then the new owners slapped on a header that makes...
A Beautiful Site
What is my browser? This tool will tell you Last week I wrote about how to get faster and better help from support. One of my suggestions was to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week I wrote about how to get faster and better help from support. One of my suggestions was to tell them what browser, OS, etc. you're using. Here's a free tool that will make that so much easier. As soon as you visit About My Browser, it will show you what browser and...
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog Launch Week I: A Universe of New Features PostHog made huge strides in 2021. To name just a few landmarks, we: Raised a $15 million Series B...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog made huge strides in 2021. To name just a few landmarks, we: Raised a $15 million Series B ahead of schedule Became one of YC's top-valued…
A Beautiful Site
A clever way to style the <mark> element I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in their testimonials: Most textual highlights use a boring rectangle background color, but this stands out and looks gorgeous. I was really hoping they were using a simple <mark>...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Day I Became A Software Engineer A single mindset shift that changed my entire attitude to software.
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
[e-book] So You Think You Know C? And TenMore Short Essays on Programming Languages Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most productive way to create software. The journey, however, has taught me a few things so it was not a complete waste of time either. This book is a reflection of these lessons. It...
My custom &lt;picture&gt; plugin for Jekyll About seven months ago, I did a complete rewrite of how I handle images on this site. It’s working...
a year ago
a year ago
About seven months ago, I did a complete rewrite of how I handle images on this site. It’s working well and nothing seems to have broken, so I thought it might be good to explain what I’m doing. For readers: I want images to load quickly and look good. That means looking sharp on...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Reading in 2022 Every book should be read no more slowly than it deserves, and no more quickly than you can read it...
a year ago
a year ago
Every book should be read no more slowly than it deserves, and no more quickly than you can read it with satisfaction and comprehension. – Mortimer J Adler, How to Read a Book My trusty, hated Kindle Reading only “1000 books before you die” used to strike me as unambitious. Then...
Oxide Computer...
Building Big Systems with Remote Hardware Teams The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to be a centralized,...
a year ago
a year ago
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to be a centralized, integrated product because that’s what our customers need. This requirement and the design choices we’ve made to meet this need create some daily efficiency challenges for our team....
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Persisted Svelte store using IndexedDB I’m working on notepad2 for web and I need a history of opened files that persists across browser...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m working on notepad2 for web and I need a history of opened files that persists across browser session. Since I’m using Svelte, having it available as a store makes sense. This article describes how to implement a Svelte store whose values are persisted in IndexedDB. What is...
ntietz.com blog
Work on tasks, not stories One tenet of big-a Agile1 is that developers should all work on individual user stories as the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
One tenet of big-a Agile1 is that developers should all work on individual user stories as the smallest unit of work2. That a ticket should almost always be a story, because that means it's something that delivers concrete value to the users. There are some cases in which this...
Confessions of a...
Recording: How Hyper-Threading Works — A Microarchitectural Perspective Last weekend, we did a live session on the architecture of the hyper-threading (simultaneous...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Last weekend, we did a live session on the architecture of the hyper-threading (simultaneous multithreading) implementation in Intel’s x86 processors.
Oxide Computer...
Engineering a culture We ran into an interesting issue recently. On the one hand, it was routine: we had a bug — a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
We ran into an interesting issue recently. On the one hand, it was routine: we had a bug — a regression — and the team quickly jumped on it, getting it root caused and fixed. But on the other, this particular issue was something of an Oxide object lesson, representative not...
Founder's blog
Clearing Nginx Proxy Cache for Wildcard URLs: A DIY Guide Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a...
a year ago
a year ago
Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a specific set of URLs, particularly those following a wildcard pattern like www.website.com/folder/*. Surprisingly, Nginx, in its standard offering, doesn't provide a straightforward way...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Will AI kill blogging? It may feel to some that blogging is under threat by the likes of ChatGPT and other large language...
a year ago
a year ago
It may feel to some that blogging is under threat by the likes of ChatGPT and other large language models. It’s so easy to generate decent-enough writing that many professional writers are quickly having to change the way they operate. On top of that, I’ve had to update Bear’s...
Maggie Appleton
Aesthetic Command Lines with Hyper, Spaceship, and Oh My Zsh
2 months ago
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2024 / Los Angeles] Our third Ink & Switch Unconference, at the beautifully retro Preserve in Los Angeles
a month ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
The introduction to TypeScript Generics you've been missing > Note: this is an unfinished draft, but I'm sharing it anyway as an outline
over a year ago
Julia Evans
Some blogging myths A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides) about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was...
a year ago
a year ago
A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides) about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was chatting with a friend about blogging the other day and it made me want to write up that talk as a blog post. here are the myths: myth: you need to be original myth: you need to...
Stephen Wolfram...
ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”! See also: “What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?” » To enable the functionality described...
a year ago
a year ago
See also: “What Is ChatGPT Doing … and Why Does It Work?” » To enable the functionality described here, select and install the Wolfram plugin from within ChatGPT. Note that this capability is so far available only to some ChatGPT Plus users; for more information, see...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why You Should Pre-Sell My thoughts on preselling, from having done it successfully exactly one time.
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
"The Expressive C++17 Coding Challenge (in Rust)" revisited
over a year ago
Executive translation. One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts is Extract the Kernel, which argues that executives...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts is Extract the Kernel, which argues that executives are generally directionally correct but specifically wrong, and it’s your job to understand the overarching direction without getting distracted by the narrow errors in their...
David Heinemeier...
Switching to Android was easy In addition to trying out Windows for a week, I also switched my main phone number to Android...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In addition to trying out Windows for a week, I also switched my main phone number to Android recently. And that turned out to be far easier. Dangerously easy, you might say, if you were in Apple’s shoes. But it’s all down to how deep you’re mired in the platform services soup. I...
Founder's blog
I really wanted to like Tailwind CSS TL;DR Nobody: Absolutely no one: Me: Here's what I think about Tailwind CSS! First, a...
a year ago
a year ago
TL;DR Nobody: Absolutely no one: Me: Here's what I think about Tailwind CSS! First, a tip of the hat Let's get one thing out of the way: Tailwind CSS is great. For starters, Tailwind is a very polished and well-thought-out product. As a fellow bootstrapper - I...
ntietz.com blog -...
They want your ethics for $105 If you have a blog, you've probably gotten those emails that want to "collaborate" on a guest...
a month ago
a month ago
If you have a blog, you've probably gotten those emails that want to "collaborate" on a guest post—which often means "let us post sketchy links for SEO purposes." Recently, I got one which was a little different flavor than the usual spam, so I bit and replies. The end result was...
Steve Klabnik
Nobody understands REST or HTTP
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Trolling is a art
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Profit is Not a Value Any executive or business owner will say their company values integrity, and virtually every company...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Any executive or business owner will say their company values integrity, and virtually every company claims that they reward and value their employees exhibiting their brand values. But is that really accurate?
A Smart Bear
The Serengeti Plain: Fallacies that aren't fallacies A contrarian look at logical "fallacies" that maybe aren't so illogical after all.
2 months ago
David Heinemeier...
There's no rebound in sight for unprofitable SaaS Anyone reviewing their S&P 500 retirement fund these days will do so with a broader smile than last...
a year ago
a year ago
Anyone reviewing their S&P 500 retirement fund these days will do so with a broader smile than last year. The market as a whole is up, and if you're in the whole market, you're benefitting. But all of that upside, basically, belongs to just a handful of mega tech companies. This...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Minute Rice, Minute Text, Minute Websites I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap...
a year ago
a year ago
I was reading Baldur’s article (which I took notes on) and he suggests an interesting overlap between AI enthusiasts and “idea people”: That algogen fans are predominantly idea people—the lot who think that 99% of the value delivered by any given form of media comes from the...
Words and Buttons...
Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting “Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are enough. And it's “differential” because it aims to highlight the difference between lexemes. Ideally, the smaller the lexical difference, the greater the color difference should be. ...
Paolo Amoroso's...
The first three months since my return to Linux <![CDATA[This is the year of my Linux desktop. Three months ago today I moved back to Linux for...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[This is the year of my Linux desktop. Three months ago today I moved back to Linux for good after almost a decade with ChromeOS. That day I installed Linux Mint Cinnamon on a freshly delivered System76 Merkaat. I was growing increasingly dissatisfied with ChromeOS and...
David Heinemeier...
Obsessive problem solving followed by aimless wandering I haven't felt any urge to tinker with my Linux setup in months. This after spending much of the...
a month ago
a month ago
I haven't felt any urge to tinker with my Linux setup in months. This after spending much of the spring and into summer furiously and obsessively trying every PC out there to find the perfect replacement for the Mac, diving deep with Ubuntu, and codifying my findings in the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Ruthless Edit Rick Rubin gives this advice about working in the studio with artists when making an album: [Let’s...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Rick Rubin gives this advice about working in the studio with artists when making an album: [Let’s say] We’ve recorded twenty-five songs. We think the album is going to have ten. Instead of picking our favorite ten, we limit it to: “What are the five or six we can’t live...
Julia Evans
New zine: How Git Works! Hello! I’ve been writing about git on here nonstop for months, and the git zine is FINALLY done! It...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Hello! I’ve been writing about git on here nonstop for months, and the git zine is FINALLY done! It came out on Friday! You can get it for $12 here: https://wizardzines.com/zines/git, or get an 14-pack of all my zines here. Here’s the cover: the table of contents Here’s the table...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Matomo PostHog and Matomo are both open-source analytics platforms you can self-host on your own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog and Matomo are both open-source analytics platforms you can self-host on your own infrastructure, giving you complete control over your data…
bt RSS Feed
Skip to Content Button Skip to Content Button 2019-03-25 One of the golden rules for testing your website’s accessibility...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Skip to Content Button 2019-03-25 One of the golden rules for testing your website’s accessibility is the “keyboard-only” audit. This is where you test navigating through your entire site without the use of a mouse, but instead rely solely on tabbing through your...
David Heinemeier...
Keeping the lights on while leaving the cloud It was a big year for ops at 37signals. In 2023, we moved seven major applications out of the cloud....
11 months ago
11 months ago
It was a big year for ops at 37signals. In 2023, we moved seven major applications out of the cloud. Including HEY, our email service, which had been born there, and has an extremely high level of uptime criticality. Moving out of the cloud could not interfere with that...
Liz Denys
Has Baby Yoda been engaging in Twitter 'platform manipulation?' and the broad brush of Twitter's... Popular Twitter parody account @BabyYodaBaby is currently suspended for "platform manipulation and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Popular Twitter parody account @BabyYodaBaby is currently suspended for "platform manipulation and spam" according to their Instagram. Twitter's policy on platform manipulation and spam allows for "using Twitter pseudonymously or as a parody, commentary, or fan account," as...
Elad Blog
Index Companies Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example, ecommerce, genomics, crypto are all markets which were clearly going to compound over time. It might have been tough to call the winners of each market early, but it was clear the markets...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What's the true role of a product team at an engineering-led organization? We’ve talked before about product-minded engineers at PostHog. We don’t have PMs dictating a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’ve talked before about product-minded engineers at PostHog. We don’t have PMs dictating a roadmap or solutions - it all comes from engineering. A…
A shortcut for bash using tt by () I heavily use the ~/tmp directory of my computer and have the habit of moving to it, creating a new...
a year ago
a year ago
I heavily use the ~/tmp directory of my computer and have the habit of moving to it, creating a new temporary directory, moving into that, and creating a short-lived project. Finally I automated that and have been actually using the automation: I wrote this tiny zsh function...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: Mar 7 2024 - on Agency A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
A collection of public thoughts that could be blogposts but i dont have time, so here, have the short form. I may upgrade these to full posts in future.
The Pragmatic...
Is there a drop in software engineer job openings, globally? I dug into data from Indeed and Hacker News to try and work out if there’s a fall in software...
a year ago
a year ago
I dug into data from Indeed and Hacker News to try and work out if there’s a fall in software engineer job vacancies. It looks like there is, but not everywhere.
the singularity is...
The World’s Computer This was the tagline of Ethereum, and it’s really smart. Sadly, I feel they have lost their way with...
10 months ago
10 months ago
This was the tagline of Ethereum, and it’s really smart. Sadly, I feel they have lost their way with Proof of Stake, and wish they would go back to focusing on building a reasonable world computer. In 2024, it’s still painfully annoying to stand up a database. This is the only...
David Heinemeier...
Imperfections create connections The engine is in wrong place in a Porsche 911. It's hanging out the back, swinging the car like a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The engine is in wrong place in a Porsche 911. It's hanging out the back, swinging the car like a pendulum. And that's key to why it's the most iconic sports car ever made. This fundamental imperfection is part of how it creates the connection. This is true of mechanical watches...
Making software...
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung...
a year ago
a year ago
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor 2023-03-03 For the longest time I've been using a Samsung 27" UHD monitor as my main display. This monitor was connected to my ThinkPad X260 (in clamshell mode) through the official Lenovo dock. It wasn't a bad setup, but I have since...
Dan Cowell
Deadlines Work If you had told me that I'm capable of cycling 50km non-stop, soaked to the skin in torrential rain,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
If you had told me that I'm capable of cycling 50km non-stop, soaked to the skin in torrential rain, eyes burning with sunblock, sweat and ocean spray, in sub-10°C conditions, I would have called you a filthy liar. Then yesterday happened. It was meant to be
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware November 2022 The ware for November 2022 is a Keithley 2110-240. I’ll give Rodrigo F. the win, but I’m curious how...
a year ago
a year ago
The ware for November 2022 is a Keithley 2110-240. I’ll give Rodrigo F. the win, but I’m curious how he knew it was the -240 version; I did not expect someone to discern the line voltage rating from the photos! Also, thank you Ian Mason for the lucid explanation of the exposed...
A Smart Bear
Startup identity & the sadness of a successful exit Many founders experience a profound and prolonged sadness after selling their company. But "not...
a year ago
a year ago
Many founders experience a profound and prolonged sadness after selling their company. But "not selling" might be worse. Maybe my story will help you.
bt RSS Feed
Looping Through Jekyll Collections Looping Through Jekyll Collections 2022-08-12 I recently needed to add a couple new items to my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Looping Through Jekyll Collections 2022-08-12 I recently needed to add a couple new items to my wife’s personal recipe website (cookingwith.casa) which I hadn’t touched in quite a while. The Jekyll build still worked fine, but I realized I was statically adding each collection by...
Steve Klabnik
over a year ago
On Test Automation
PNSQC 2024 - experience report While most of the clients I work with are based in Europe, over the last couple of years my client...
2 months ago
2 months ago
While most of the clients I work with are based in Europe, over the last couple of years my client base on the North American side of the Atlantic has slowly but surely started to grow, mainly in the United States. As someone who really enjoys working with and learning from...
Computer Things
Logic for Programmers now in early access! I am delighted to announce that Logic for Programmers is now available for purchase! While still in...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I am delighted to announce that Logic for Programmers is now available for purchase! While still in early access, it's almost 20,000 words, has 30 exercises, and covers a wide variety of logic applications: Property testing Functional correctness and contracts Formal...
Ognjen Regoje •...
Lie still in bed I found it very difficult to switch to a regular sleep, and wake, schedule after university. I even...
a year ago
a year ago
I found it very difficult to switch to a regular sleep, and wake, schedule after university. I even started using one of the loudest and most annoying alarm clocks I could find. (That sound still gives my university housemate flashbacks.) In my search for ways to fix my sleep...
API Design: Errors Errors are one of the easiest things to overlook when creating an API. Your users will have problems...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Errors are one of the easiest things to overlook when creating an API. Your users will have problems from time to time, and an error is the first thing they're going to see when they do. It's worth spending time on them to make using your API a more pleasant experience. › Guiding...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What is SSO and why you should enable it for PostHog Existing at an intersection of convenience and security, single sign-on (SSO) authentication is used...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Existing at an intersection of convenience and security, single sign-on (SSO) authentication is used and appreciated by both IT teams and everyday…
Josh Collinsworth
Let's learn SvelteKit by building a static Markdown blog from scratch Learn the fundamentals of SvelteKit by building a statically generated blog from scratch, with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Learn the fundamentals of SvelteKit by building a statically generated blog from scratch, with Markdown support, Sass, an API, and an RSS feed.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Blogging & Listening When you read a great blog post, the feeling you often get is: “I already knew this, I just hadn’t...
3 months ago
3 months ago
When you read a great blog post, the feeling you often get is: “I already knew this, I just hadn’t been able to express it!” In this sense, writing a great blog post is about listening. If you’re listening — to others, your coworkers, the people you follow, your own experiences,...
Steve Klabnik
Porting steveklabnik.com to Workers Sites and Zola
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD 2024-06-30 I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build a couple of my Jekyll projects locally: NotImplementedError: dart-sass for...
My Blog Engine is the Erlang Build Tool From time to time, people ask me what I use to power my blog, maybe because they like the minimalist...
3 months ago
3 months ago
From time to time, people ask me what I use to power my blog, maybe because they like the minimalist form it has. I tell them it’s a bad idea and that I use the Erlang compiler infrastructure for it, and they agree to look elsewhere. After launching my notes section, I had to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Breaking Barbarian This week in a [Svelte Radio recording](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1555596996744028160),...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week in a [Svelte Radio recording](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1555596996744028160), @rich-harris commented that something I said was "uniquely swyx": an offhand observation that "we are all professional streamers now" [^1]. I responded that I've been calling this...
Josh Comeau's blog
Hands-Free Coding Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately, this wasn't as catastrophic as it sounds! This article chronicles my experience using adaptive tools like dictation and eye-tracking as my primary mechanisms for writing code.
bt RSS Feed
Cut Your Forms in Half Cut Your Forms in Half 2019-05-09 Building web forms can sometimes feel like a boring or daunting...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Cut Your Forms in Half 2019-05-09 Building web forms can sometimes feel like a boring or daunting task. Don’t pass this dread on to your users - rip out as many of your form fields as possible. Web forms tend to get a bad rep, mainly because so many horrible design choices are...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why I Enjoy Svelte Reasons I enjoy Svelte, despite not using it for work.
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we do meetings at PostHog Best practices for productive meetings at your startup Ever had one of those days where you do...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Best practices for productive meetings at your startup Ever had one of those days where you do nothing but hop into one meeting after another? Even…
The surprising utility of a Flickr URL parser &rarr; As part of my work at the Flickr Foundation, I wrote a little Python library that can be used to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
As part of my work at the Flickr Foundation, I wrote a little Python library that can be used to parse Flickr URLs. For example: $ flickr_url_parser 'https://www.flickr.com/photos/usnationalarchives/4727552068/' {"type": "single_photo", "photo_id": "4727552068"} This started...
A Smart Bear
It's a torturous chaos until it isn't Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink of collapse, where pessimism is realism, and yet optimism is required.
Joel Gascoigne
Steady yourself, those world-changing thoughts are not productive * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst building...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Whilst building my latest startup, which I’m glad to say is picking up nicely, there have been times when things have started to go a little crazy. It might be being featured in a big blog, lots...
PostHog's RSS Feed
HostHogs - free drinks, free pizza and frequently asked questions As you may have heard, we’ll soon host our first ever meet-up for anyone who uses or is interested...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As you may have heard, we’ll soon host our first ever meet-up for anyone who uses or is interested in finding out more about PostHog. It’ll take place…
Words and Buttons...
Simple image vectorization Vectorization is when you take some minecraft-style raster image and make a crisp vector picture out...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Vectorization is when you take some minecraft-style raster image and make a crisp vector picture out of it. The algorithm describes shows how bilinear interpolation, polynomial approximation, differential analysis, and iterative algorithms work together to solve a practical...
Liz Denys
Sometimes, the outside is inside Just a few pages off the bustling infinite corridor, there's another hallway, but unlike the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just a few pages off the bustling infinite corridor, there's another hallway, but unlike the infinite, it has four-story-high glass ceilings, my favorite piece favorite piece from the Percent-for-Art Program, and no traffic. The exterior of building 6C fascinates me. The...
Posts on Nikita...
Handmade Seattle 2023 A couple of months ago I gave a talk “SQL’s Inner Workings” at Handmade Seattle 2023 conference with...
11 months ago
11 months ago
A couple of months ago I gave a talk “SQL’s Inner Workings” at Handmade Seattle 2023 conference with the following abstract: An exposé by a whistleblower investigating the marketing claims of “It’s just the same old SQL you know.” Most databases nowadays provide an SQL interface...
How to create software quality. I’ve been reading Steven Sinofsky’s Hardcore Software, and particularly enjoyed this quote from a...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I’ve been reading Steven Sinofsky’s Hardcore Software, and particularly enjoyed this quote from a memo discussed in the Zero Defects chapter: You can improve the quality of your code, and if you do, the rewards for yourself and for Microsoft will be immense. The hardest part is...
Blog System/5
The IDEs we had 30 years ago... and we lost A deep dive into the text mode editors we had and how they compare to today's
12 months ago
A Beautiful Site
CSS drop caps Traditionally found in printed media, drop caps are created by emphasizing the size, color, weight,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Traditionally found in printed media, drop caps are created by emphasizing the size, color, weight, or style of the first letter in the first sentence of a paragraph. We can easily reproduce this effect on webpages by using the :first-letter pseudo element. Writing the styles...
Tinloof - Blog
How to make your own SplitPane React component with 0 dependencies A SplitPane is a collection of 2 elements whose heights can be changed by dragging a line that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A SplitPane is a collection of 2 elements whose heights can be changed by dragging a line that separates them. Based on its layout, a SplitPane can be horizontal or vertical. If you've ever used the Chrome dev tools, you probably came across both versions of the SplitPane. For...
Joel Gascoigne
How to start your startup in 4 steps * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Having started...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Having started my latest venture [http://bufferapp.com] just over 5 months ago, and having just reached ramen profitability [http://www.paulgraham.com/ramenprofitable.html], I want to share some...
elementary Blog
The System Settings Redesign Has Landed This month the biggest story is System Settings, but we also have some great progress on the new...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This month the biggest story is System Settings, but we also have some great progress on the new Dock and Wayland. Plus a small change to default keyboard shortcuts that you might appreciate. Read ahead to find out the new developments you have to look forward to in the upcoming...
Vadim Kravcenko
Exit. Selling your SaaS This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […] The post Exit. Selling your SaaS appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to turn user interviews into actionable snapshots Regularly talking to users is an important habit for any product team, but it's wasted without an...
a year ago
a year ago
Regularly talking to users is an important habit for any product team, but it's wasted without an efficient way to share what you learn. At PostHog…
bt RSS Feed
RSS Hacks With XSLT RSS Hacks With XSLT 2022-05-23 In my spare time I’ve been further tinkering (hopefully for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
RSS Hacks With XSLT 2022-05-23 In my spare time I’ve been further tinkering (hopefully for the better) with my humble Shinobi Website1 script. The most recent update in patch-1 came with a solid amount of QoL improvements. If you’re interested, I wrote about it on the official...
Making software...
Styling Empty Table Cells Styling Empty Table Cells 2019-07-17 Often when designing tables on the web you're bound to come...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Styling Empty Table Cells 2019-07-17 Often when designing tables on the web you're bound to come across empty pockets of data. These will be rendered as "blank" table cells, which isn't always the intended outcome. Let's take a quick look at how to target and style empty table...
General Robots
Tech Debt When people start working on General Purpose Robots there is a tendency to try to make sure that...
a year ago
a year ago
When people start working on General Purpose Robots there is a tendency to try to make sure that everything they do is Fully General Purpose And Future Proof. They have grand visions and world changing ambitions. Those make it seem like they should be building grand software, to...
A Beautiful Site
Success Requires Luck I've concluded that successful "makers" have one thing in common: luck. It's not that strategy and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've concluded that successful "makers" have one thing in common: luck. It's not that strategy and vision don't play a role in success, but nobody — literally nobody — can guarantee that a product or service will be successful. Think about some of the major corporations that...
bt RSS Feed
Building openring with Jekyll Build Building openring with Jekyll Build 2022-12-02 I think it’s great when bloggers post their own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Building openring with Jekyll Build 2022-12-02 I think it’s great when bloggers post their own personal “reading list” of blogs they themselves follow. Whether this is a customized Blogroll page or footnotes in their individual articles, I find it really helpful to find more...
Ralph Ammer
Show me! Why do we like images? Because they help us understand things.  But what does that mean?...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Why do we like images? Because they help us understand things.  But what does that mean? Understanding Well, the world is complicated. And in order to make good decisions we need to know what is going on. Language can help us structure the world. So one way to understand things...
A Smart Bear
In its emptiness, there is the function of a startup Everything about a startup changes over time. The few things that don't, are its essence. The voyage...
a year ago
a year ago
Everything about a startup changes over time. The few things that don't, are its essence. The voyage is meaningless, unless you decide what those things are.
A Beautiful Site
Buttons and Cursors There's a post from 2016 entitled Buttons shouldn't have a hand cursor that's been making its way...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a post from 2016 entitled Buttons shouldn't have a hand cursor that's been making its way around social media this week. While the author is correct in his statement that operating system buttons don't have hand cursors, the pattern has become ubiquitous and somewhat...
Steve Klabnik
80% of success is showing up
over a year ago
Kagi Blog
Kagi raises $670K Kagi ( https://kagi.com ) has successfully raised $670K in a SAFE note investment round, marking our...
a year ago
a year ago
Kagi ( https://kagi.com ) has successfully raised $670K in a SAFE note investment round, marking our first external fundraise to date.
Liz Denys
Triggering videos, thoughtful content warnings, and responsible feature release policies Content warning: police murder of black people We need to talk about potentially triggering videos...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Content warning: police murder of black people We need to talk about potentially triggering videos and social media. Social media is nearly unavoidable. There's a lot of upsides to using it, such as keeping up with family and friends you can't see frequently and reaching out to...
A Smart Bear
Rare things become common at scale Software doesn't scale through architecture and automation alone. New, more difficult problems...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Software doesn't scale through architecture and automation alone. New, more difficult problems appear that didn't exist before, causing new downstream consequences.
Maggie Appleton
JavaScript's ...spread Operator
over a year ago
Josh Collinsworth
Things you forgot (or never knew) because of React If you don't often look beyond established comfortable defaults, you might be surprised to learn...
a year ago
a year ago
If you don't often look beyond established comfortable defaults, you might be surprised to learn just how far the world of frontend has moved away from React, and how big that gap continues to grow.
ntietz.com blog
A confusing lifetime error related to Rust's lifetime elision Earlier this week, I ran into a confusing situation with lifetimes and the borrow checker while...
a year ago
a year ago
Earlier this week, I ran into a confusing situation with lifetimes and the borrow checker while working on my Lox interpreter. It took me a little while to figure out, and it's an instructive situation. Here's a reduced-down version of what I was working on. It's an interpreter,...
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #20: Why do startups fail? Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
a year ago
a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
Epic Web Dev
Replace Remix's unstable_parseMultipartFormData with @mjackson/form-data-parser (tip) Learn how to handle multi-part forms in Remix using unstable_parseMultipartFormData or...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Learn how to handle multi-part forms in Remix using unstable_parseMultipartFormData or @mjackson/form-data-parser with custom file size validation.
Steve Klabnik
Fire Mario not fire flowers
over a year ago
javascript weakmaps should be iterable Good evening. Tonight, a brief position statement: it is a mistake for JavaScript’s to not be...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Good evening. Tonight, a brief position statement: it is a mistake for JavaScript’s to not be iterable, and we should fix it.WeakMap A associates a key with a value, as long as the key is otherwise reachable in a program. (It is an .)WeakMapephemeron table When was added to...
James Vaughan's blog
over a year ago
Explained from First...
The Internet explained from first principles
over a year ago
Dan Cowell
Breaking the rules: I threw away 10 months of work after 2 months on the job. When I took over the team, they were in month 8 of a 3-month project to relaunch the company's...
a year ago
a year ago
When I took over the team, they were in month 8 of a 3-month project to relaunch the company's ecommerce website. After 2 months leading the team, I decided to scrap it and start over. This is the story of how and why, and whether it all worked out.
Blog System/5
Links: January 2024 edition Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
10 months ago
Vadim Kravcenko
Networking as an introvert CTO There I was, standing in the middle of a buzzing tech event that our company organized, feeling like...
a year ago
a year ago
There I was, standing in the middle of a buzzing tech event that our company organized, feeling like a fish […] The post Networking as an introvert CTO appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Testing strategy: avoid the waterfall strategy trap with iterative refinement. If I could only popularize one idea about technical strategy, it would be that prematurely applying...
2 months ago
2 months ago
If I could only popularize one idea about technical strategy, it would be that prematurely applying pressure to a strategy’s rollout prevents evaluating whether the strategy is effective. Pressure changes behavior in profound ways, and many of those changes are intended to make...
Hello Internet
over a year ago
Remains of the Day
Status as a Service (StaaS) Editor's Note 1: I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2: I would like to assure new subscribers to this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Editor's Note 1: I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2: I would like to assure new subscribers to this blog that most my posts are not as long as this one. Or as long as my previous one. My long break from posting here means that this piece is a collection of what would’ve normally...
Seán Barry
Presentation: Building a High Volume Data Processing Pipeline in JavaScript There's more to JavaScript than e-commerce websites and web banners. This presentation is about an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's more to JavaScript than e-commerce websites and web banners. This presentation is about an ETL pipeline I built with a microservice architecture in JavaScript and some of the lessons I learned as part of the process.
bt RSS Feed
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software 2022-05-30 I firmly believe that proprietary software...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software 2022-05-30 I firmly believe that proprietary software has no business in any school environment. Educational institutions lean heavily on Windows systems in the name of “security” or “easier platform management”. This approach forces...
bt RSS Feed
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links 2019-06-14 When designing medium to large sized menu...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links 2019-06-14 When designing medium to large sized menu navigations on the mobile web the default go-to, for some time now, has been hamburger menus. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but there is a simpler alternative for certain use...
Taking scheduled screenshots of my website A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks associated with their long-term preservation. What formats need urgent attention before they’re lost forever, what mediums are already being well-preserved, and so on. For example,...
bt RSS Feed
Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing 2022-01-06 FOSS Enthusiasts: This article...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing 2022-01-06 FOSS Enthusiasts: This article discusses the use of proprietary software and places it in a positive light. You have been warned. No angry emails please… Google has created one of the best operating systems designed...
Digital release of Engineering Executive's Primer. Quick update on The Engineering Executive’s Primer. The book went to print yesterday, and physical...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Quick update on The Engineering Executive’s Primer. The book went to print yesterday, and physical copies will be available in March. Also, as of this moment, you can purchase the digital edition on Amazon, and read the full digital release on O’Reilly. (You can preorder physical...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cool URIs Don’t Change — But Humans Do Here are two ideas at odds with each other: You should have human-friendly URIs Cool URIs don’t...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Here are two ideas at odds with each other: You should have human-friendly URIs Cool URIs don’t change If a slug is going to be human-friendly, i.e. human-readable, then it's going to contain information that is subject to change because humans make errors. If “to err is human”...
David Heinemeier...
DEI is done (minus the mop up) In November of 2022, I wrote about the waning days of DEI's dominance, and enumerated four factors...
7 months ago
7 months ago
In November of 2022, I wrote about the waning days of DEI's dominance, and enumerated four factors that I saw as primary drivers of this decline. Those waning days have now been brought to a close, and DEI, as an obsessive, ideological preoccupation of the corporate world, is...
ntietz.com blog
PyOhio This was my first time going to PyOhio, and it was a blast. There will be some videos being posted...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This was my first time going to PyOhio, and it was a blast. There will be some videos being posted soon, so I will opt to link to those as they come in, but first, here are some of the highlights: Ed Finkler of OSMI gave a great talk on mental illness in tech, resources that are...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Traction vs Trust Equation of Cofounder Dating One of the most common problems in the beginning stage of a founder journey is establishing the...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the most common problems in the beginning stage of a founder journey is establishing the cofounder group. I thought I would jot down some notes from my own experience + that of friends in similar situations.
Jake Zimmerman
A trick for invariant generics in Sorbet
6 months ago
Dan Slimmon
Podcast: Small Batches with Adam Hawkins I was recently delighted to be interviewed by Adam Hawkins on his podcast Small Batches. We...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I was recently delighted to be interviewed by Adam Hawkins on his podcast Small Batches. We discussed a huge variety of topics. Here is the full episode, and on that page you’ll find meticulously timestamped links to specific topics. Check out the rest of Adam’s podcast, it’s...
Josh Comeau's blog
CSS in React Server Components You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs, and when the core React team unveiled their...
8 months ago
8 months ago
You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs, and when the core React team unveiled their vision for the future of React, some of my favourite libraries got scrambled 😅. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the compatibility issues between React Server Components...
Dan Slimmon
Explaining the fire When the firefighters arrive at the blazing building, they don't need to explain the fire. They need...
8 months ago
8 months ago
When the firefighters arrive at the blazing building, they don't need to explain the fire. They need to put it out. It doesn't matter whether a toaster malfunctioned, or a cat knocked over a candle, or a smoker fell asleep watching The Voice. But when PagerDuty blows up and we...
ntietz.com blog
Paper review: Concurrency Control Performance Modeling Another week, another paper! This week for our Red Book reading group, I read "Concurrency Control...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Another week, another paper! This week for our Red Book reading group, I read "Concurrency Control Performance Modeling" by Rakesh Agrawal, Michael J. Carey, and Miron Livny. It was 46 pages, and I had a little trouble finding the whole paper—many of the Google Scholar links had...
Liz Denys
Puffed millet and qui'nola I've never been to Sqirl, but ever since I ordered their puffed millet 'nola on a whim, I've been...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've never been to Sqirl, but ever since I ordered their puffed millet 'nola on a whim, I've been obsessed. All I want for breakfast these days is a bowl of this granola with some plain yogurt. UPDATE: I no longer order from Sqirl after hearing about their jam mold and the deeper...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Keep a React component mounted The second most important React optimization technique after shouldComponentUpdate and friends is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second most important React optimization technique after shouldComponentUpdate and friends is remount management. Some portions of the UI can be hidden or shown — sidebars, drop-down menus, modals and draggable widgets are all prominent examples. The basic React pattern for...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Enabling zero downtime data migrations for self-hosted users In this world nothing is certain except death, taxes, and database migrations. As your product...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this world nothing is certain except death, taxes, and database migrations. As your product evolves, your schemas evolve too, and you need…
Patrick Kayongo
Technology & The Hollowing Middle Class IT systems within large enterprises have done wonders to improve the efficiencies, resulting in...
3 months ago
3 months ago
IT systems within large enterprises have done wonders to improve the efficiencies, resulting in great cost-savings, yet with unquestioned social effects. In his book Rhodes & His Banker, Richard Steyn narrates the founding and the early years of the bank we now know as Standard...
elementary Blog
It's Disability Pride Month! Let's Get Accessible This month we have several community updates, a couple of Flatpak releases available on OS 7, and...
5 months ago
5 months ago
This month we have several community updates, a couple of Flatpak releases available on OS 7, and plenty of OS 8 news. Disability Pride Month It’s disability pride month, which means making space to talk about how we can build communities and systems that better accommodate...
David Heinemeier...
Le Mans 2024 This will be my 11th attempt. The first time I showed up on the grid at Le Mans was in 2012 -- some...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This will be my 11th attempt. The first time I showed up on the grid at Le Mans was in 2012 -- some five years after I had first driven a real race car, and even less time since I made participating in the world's greatest endurance race the ultimate goal. But it almost didn't...
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Estimating floating point error the easy way Unforeseen floating point error is the source of the most unpleasant bugs. The bugs that come and go...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Unforeseen floating point error is the source of the most unpleasant bugs. The bugs that come and go unpredictably. The bugs that don't reproduce on unit-tests and lay low through the integration phase only to be seen by your most important customer.
Julia Evans
Introducing "Implement DNS in a Weekend" Hello! I’m excited to announce a project I’ve been working on for a long time: a free guide to...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! I’m excited to announce a project I’ve been working on for a long time: a free guide to implementing your own DNS resolver in a weekend. The whole thing is about 200 lines of Python, including implementing all of the binary DNS parsing from scratch. Here’s the...
My favorite books of 2022 This year I read 22 books, which is about the average for the last few years. The ratio of fiction...
a year ago
a year ago
This year I read 22 books, which is about the average for the last few years. The ratio of fiction to non-fiction was skewed toward non-fiction. I think overall I read fewer amazing books than last year, when I finished 20, but also fewer duds - though there certainly were some...
Patrick Kayongo
Play “I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their...
a year ago
a year ago
“I’ve got an idea!” Musa now had the attention of all the other kids. They started lifting their backs from the lazy sloth on the paved ground outside of his garage. All the kids in the conformant townhouse complex regularly gravitated towards his house during the school...
Navigating ambiguity. Perceiving the layers of context in problems will unlock another stage of career progression as a...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Perceiving the layers of context in problems will unlock another stage of career progression as a Staff-plus engineer, but there’s at least one essential skill to develop afterwards: navigating ambiguity. In my experience, navigating deeply ambiguous problems is the rarest skill...
Liz Denys
Some not-so-secrets of my kitchen I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some of the secrets of my kitchen. Actually, they're not so secret to anyone who's had a peek around my kitchen. Oven thermometer(s) For about five dollars, you can ensure your cookies...
bt RSS Feed
Goodbye CSS Preprocessors Goodbye CSS Preprocessors 2017-09-07 I have been using preprocessors across all my side projects...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Goodbye CSS Preprocessors 2017-09-07 I have been using preprocessors across all my side projects since they first popped onto the scene. Sass, Stylus, LESS — you name the CSS preprocessor and I’ve most likely used it because CSS preprocessors are awesome. But that all changes...
the singularity is...
America’s Future It seems this is a place where people are not capable of thinking rationally. Remember: If America...
a month ago
a month ago
It seems this is a place where people are not capable of thinking rationally. Remember: If America is not in decline, I want to believe America is not in decline. If America is in decline, I want to believe America is in decline. So let’s ask, what does the future look like for...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Notes on Serverless GraphQL with AWS AppSync My Notes on Slobodan Stojanovic's Serverless GraphQL with AppSync talk
over a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
I’m sorry Question: Answer: The post I’m sorry appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
7 months ago
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Handling advanced product imports in WooCommerce I recently wrapped up a big WooCommerce project that required quite a bit of customization. I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently wrapped up a big WooCommerce project that required quite a bit of customization. I’ve decided to write about a few of those…
Confessions of a...
Substack has Failed Indian Creators Dear subscribers, This is not my usual deep technical post, it’s going to be a rant about the...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Dear subscribers, This is not my usual deep technical post, it’s going to be a rant about the problems I (and many other Indian writers) have faced in monetizing their writing on Substack, even after being here for years, bringing in thousands of new readers and producing...
A brief rant on converging compliance regimes. Although I’ve never worked exclusively on compliance, much of my work over the past decade has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Although I’ve never worked exclusively on compliance, much of my work over the past decade has touched on reconciling between product and compliance goals, and over that time I’ve developed something of a pet theory on the evolution of compliance over the next five to ten years:...
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Mixpanel Want to know how PostHog and Mixpanel are different? If you remember nothing else, remember these...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Want to know how PostHog and Mixpanel are different? If you remember nothing else, remember these two points: Mixpanel is a product analytics tool…
A Smart Bear
Your customers hate MVPs. Make a SLC instead. "MVP" is a selfish process, abusing customers so you can "learn." SLC is an alternate philosophy...
a year ago
a year ago
"MVP" is a selfish process, abusing customers so you can "learn." SLC is an alternate philosophy that results in fast, validated learning, that customers love.
Creating a Python dictionary with multiple, equivalent keys In my previous post, I was creating groups of students, and I wanted to track how many times...
a year ago
a year ago
In my previous post, I was creating groups of students, and I wanted to track how many times students had worked together. I created a nested dictionary to track the pairs: pairs = { 'Alice': {'Bryony': 3, 'Caroline': 1, 'Danielle': 0, …}, 'Bryony': {'Alice': 3, 'Caroline':...
2022 in review. Previously: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 After the past two years, it’s odd to write an annual...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Previously: 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 After the past two years, it’s odd to write an annual reflection where my first thoughts are happy rather than bleak. The truth is that there is a lot of bleak out there right now–just look at the layoffs and the funding environment–but...
Confessions of a...
Context Switching and Performance: What Every Developer Should Know Understand how context switching affects CPU registers, caches, TLB, and pipeline performance, and...
a week ago
a week ago
Understand how context switching affects CPU registers, caches, TLB, and pipeline performance, and learn strategies to mitigate performance penalties
The Pragmatic...
Layoffs push down scores on Glassdoor: this is how companies respond Several tech companies face a fresh problem after cutting jobs: their rating on Glassdoor nosedives....
a year ago
a year ago
Several tech companies face a fresh problem after cutting jobs: their rating on Glassdoor nosedives. But there’s a way they can fix this. I show what companies are doing - and why.
The Pragmatic...
The Pulse: Will US companies hire fewer engineers due to Section 174? It’s rare that a tax change causes panic across the tech industry, but it’s happening in the US. If...
11 months ago
11 months ago
It’s rare that a tax change causes panic across the tech industry, but it’s happening in the US. If Section 174 tax changes stay, the US will be one of the least desirable countries to launch startups
Low Power Mode for Mac laptops: making the case again In light of today’s rumor that a Pro Mode may be coming that seems to offer benefits in the opposite...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In light of today’s rumor that a Pro Mode may be coming that seems to offer benefits in the opposite direction,1 I wanted to re-make the case for a Low Power Mode on macOS — and explain why now is the time. Modern hardware constantly pushes thermal and power limits, trying to...
Seán Barry
What is TypeScript and why should I use it? A beginner's guide to TypeScript. What is TypeScript? What problems does it solve? Why should I use...
over a year ago
Recently I saw Tim Hecker at Pioneer Works, and was astounded by the opener, Mizu. Bought the album as soon...
a year ago
a year ago
I saw Tim Hecker at Pioneer Works, and was astounded by the opener, Mizu. Bought the album as soon as I got home. It is, crudely explained, like if Zoë Keating dialed up the synths and pedals and rhythm, and it was also a remarkable live show. Distant Intervals by MIZU Reading I...
Julia Evans
"Rules" that terminal programs follow Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination...
a week ago
a week ago
Recently I’ve been thinking about how everything that happens in the terminal is some combination of: Your operating system’s job Your shell’s job Your terminal emulator’s job The job of whatever program you happen to be running (like top or vim or cat) The first three (your...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scraping my Twitter Social Graph with Python and Selenium Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
over a year ago
Towards Inserting One Billion Rows in SQLite Under A Minute This is a chronicle of my experiment where I set out to insert 1B rows in SQLite
over a year ago
The History of the...
Beware the cloud of hype We don't know how this AI thing will turn out, but there is much to be learned from the cycles of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
We don't know how this AI thing will turn out, but there is much to be learned from the cycles of hype that have already occurred on the web. The post Beware the cloud of hype appeared first on The History of the Web.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Documenting WebCard <![CDATA[With the last feature of WebCard behind me I proceeded with the next task to wrap up my...
a month ago
a month ago
<![CDATA[With the last feature of WebCard behind me I proceeded with the next task to wrap up my RetroChallenge 2024 project: documenting the system. Since WebCard enhances NoteCards with only a few simple but significant features a full manual would be overkill. So I added to...
Walkthrough: Causality Couriers
a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Growing Teams and Baking Bread One of the keys in baking bread is getting the dough to rise well. As the yeast does its work, it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the keys in baking bread is getting the dough to rise well. As the yeast does its work, it ferments some of the sugars in the dough into alcohol and carbon dioxide, resulting in a growing, bubbly mass of dough. There are some tricks to making dough rise quickly, like using...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Google Sheets v4 API with Netlify Dev wiring up Google Sheets via a Netlify Function
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Text Prompts Circumscribe The Surface Area of Possible Solutions I was reading Chase McCoy’s notes about Figma’s move into the AI space and this one line stuck out...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I was reading Chase McCoy’s notes about Figma’s move into the AI space and this one line stuck out to me (emphasis mine): Generating UI designs from scratch, based on a text prompt This reminded me of my note from a Wall Street Journal interview with Jony Ive where he talks about...
Lennart Koopmann
Documentation Belongs in Engineering Many product companies start out with a very heavy focus on their engineering teams. At some point,...
a year ago
a year ago
Many product companies start out with a very heavy focus on their engineering teams. At some point, many companies move the hosting and writing of documentation out of engineering and into a separate part of the company. It could be marketing, it could be customer success. This...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“Out of the Software Crisis”: Making Software The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including...
a year ago
a year ago
The following is an extension of my notes from Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” including quotes from the author. More manpower !== more innovation. design innovation isn’t generally a question of team size but more about having the resources and freedom to experiment...
Darek Kay
Style your RSS feed RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech...
a year ago
a year ago
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people do not know what RSS feeds are or how to use them. Most browsers render RSS as raw XML files, which doesn't help users understand what it's all about: In...
Joel Gascoigne
Questioning and adjusting our goals * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * People who know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * People who know me know that I like to make things systematic when I can, and doing so helps me make sense of things and have confidence in my actions. In addition to making things systematic, I...
bt RSS Feed
Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 2023-04-02 I recently received a ThinkPad X201...
a year ago
a year ago
Bypassing the WiFi Hardware Switch on the Lenovo X201 2023-04-02 I recently received a ThinkPad X201 to start using as my daily driver. I purchased the X201 to replace my existing X260. Although some might look at this as a “downgrade” in terms of specs and hardware, I would have...
swyx's site RSS Feed
3 Reasons to Upgrade Git For The First Time Ever Relatively new Git features that actually have me excited
over a year ago
37signals Dev
Homographic Spoofing: a new Ruby toolkit What is an homograph attack Homograph characters look the same or very similar to other characters,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
What is an homograph attack Homograph characters look the same or very similar to other characters, but are different. For example, the letters “l” and “ӏ” (Cyrrilic “ӏ”) look the same but are different characters. A homograph attack is a phishing attack where the attacker uses...
Posts on Nikita...
RustLab 2024 I had the chance to speak at RustLab 2024! I will be honest, this was the point I realised that 4...
5 days ago
5 days ago
I had the chance to speak at RustLab 2024! I will be honest, this was the point I realised that 4 conferences in one year was a bad idea. I was exhausted and overwhelmed, but I still had a blast meeting new people and answering the questions after the talk. It had the following...
bt RSS Feed
Perspective Perspective 2024-08-06 I recently read both Starting Hospice and No Salt posted on Jake’s blog and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Perspective 2024-08-06 I recently read both Starting Hospice and No Salt posted on Jake’s blog and was quite moved. I don’t know Jake and have never met him - but his writing and shared experiences give a very real look into his mind and perspective. If you haven’t yet, I...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware March 2023 The Ware for March 2023 is the controller board from a Hövding 3 “Airbag for Urban Cyclists”....
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for March 2023 is the controller board from a Hövding 3 “Airbag for Urban Cyclists”. Congrats to jackw01 for arriving at the correct answer! congrats, email me for your prize. This one was surprisingly difficult to guess from just the PCB alone, but once the associated...
Maggie Appleton
Metaphors We Web By
over a year ago
On Test Automation
I am tired of AI Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same massive surge I’ve seen in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to pretty much every problem out there, in software testing, in software development, and in life in...
The Pragmatic...
What Big Tech layoffs suggest for the industry Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events...
a year ago
a year ago
Microsoft, Amazon and Salesforce have announced large layoffs in January. What will these events mean for the rest of the industry?
Clojure macros continue to surprise me Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Clojure macros have two modes: avoid them at all costs/do very basic stuff, or go absolutely crazy. Here’s the problem: I’m working on Humble UI’s component library, and I wanted to document it. While at it, I figured it could serve as an integration test as well—since I showcase...
swyx's site RSS Feed
OSI Layers for Coding Careers Let's think about the value chain of humans that code and how we interact.
over a year ago
Where Should Visual Programming Go? There’s a wonderful article by Sebastian Bensusan: “We need visual programming. No, not like that.”...
5 months ago
5 months ago
There’s a wonderful article by Sebastian Bensusan: “We need visual programming. No, not like that.” (the dot is part of the title ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). In it, Sebastian argues that we shouldn’t try to replace all code with visual programming but instead only add graphics where it makes...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in the December Dead Zone For those who weren't aware (you would be if you were...
a year ago
a year ago
For those who weren't aware (you would be if you were [subscribed](https://lspace.swyx.io/subscribe?simple=true&next=https://lspace.swyx.io/) on email!), I started a separate AI blog, [L-space Diaries](https://lspace.swyx.io/), this year to 1) try out Substack in anger and 2)...
Steve Klabnik
Six years with Rust
over a year ago
the jsomers.net blog
More people should write More people should do what I’m doing right now. They should sit at their computers and bat the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
More people should do what I’m doing right now. They should sit at their computers and bat the cursor around — write full sentences about themselves and the things they care about. I have a selfish reason for my demand: I have a lot of friends who are thoughtful, but keep their...
Making software...
Using Parent Selectors in CSS Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Parent Selectors in CSS 2018-12-19 I recently saw a Twitter thread posted by Tommy Hodgins on implementing highly requested styling features in CSS with only a minimal amount of JavaScript. Many of his examples are great, but the parent selector instantly peaked my...
Reading the meter The <meter> element is a little known and rarely used semantic element. It's a non-interactive form...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The <meter> element is a little known and rarely used semantic element. It's a non-interactive form element that renders as a partially filled horizontal bar. Browsers provide user-agent styles, but the <meter> element can also be styled. <meter min="10" max="200"...
Neil Panchal
How to Build a Minimal ZFS NAS without Synology, QNAP, TrueNAS If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS...
4 months ago
4 months ago
If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS dataset and share it over the network using Samba.
Ralph Ammer
Why study Philosophy? Why you should study philosophy. 5 reasons why philosophy is useful. The post Why study Philosophy?...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why you should study philosophy. 5 reasons why philosophy is useful. The post Why study Philosophy? appeared first on Ralph Ammer.
Measuring developer experience, benchmarks, and providing a theory of improvement. Back in 2020, I wrote a piece called My skepticism towards current developer meta-productivity...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Back in 2020, I wrote a piece called My skepticism towards current developer meta-productivity tools, which laid out my three core problems with developer productivity measurement tools of the time: Using productivity measures to evaluate rather than learn Instrumenting metrics...
Blog System/5
Links: November 2023 edition Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Content marketing strategy for devtool companies - How we do it at PostHog Why you need content Dev tool marketing is tough. Developers are a selective bunch when it comes to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why you need content Dev tool marketing is tough. Developers are a selective bunch when it comes to what type of content they consume, and clickbait…
Better to micromanage than be disengaged. For a long time, I found the micromanager CEO archetype very frustrating to work with. They would...
a year ago
a year ago
For a long time, I found the micromanager CEO archetype very frustrating to work with. They would often pop out of nowhere, jab holes in the work I had done without understanding the tradeoffs, and then disappear when I wanted to explain my decisions. In those moments, I wished...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 9 best GA4 alternatives for apps and websites In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4...
a year ago
a year ago
In July 2023, Google closed Universal Analytics (UA), forcing users to switch to Google Analytics 4 (GA4) or another provider. This hasn't proved a…
A Smart Bear
Moats: Durable competitive advantage Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low profit. Like entropy, this is the inevitable fate of a company, unless it exerts intentional force to the contrary. Moats are this force, and your strategy must identify how to create...
Calculating your growth ceiling When you have a business where customers subscribe to a monthly plan, and you have new customers...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you have a business where customers subscribe to a monthly plan, and you have new customers signing up every month, it feels like your revenue will keep growing forever. However, as customers will also cancel their subscriptions (churn), eventually your growth will...
bt RSS Feed
The Lazy Developer's Dark Mode The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode 2021-04-12 After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode 2021-04-12 After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal blog, I decided to take a closer look at how I was supporting dark mode for my visitors. I was using the proper CSS query to target those who had system-wide dark mode enabled, but I...
Steve Klabnik
Seriously: numbers: use them!
over a year ago
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Trade offs in designing versatile log format This article shows that when designing software even seemingly simple things are complicated and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article shows that when designing software even seemingly simple things are complicated and trade offs abound. I wanted to log events to a file. I had several requirements for my design: it should be simple and therefore easy to implement it should be human-readable it...
An HTML structure for a tab component by Marco Bretschneider Can you remember the day you first learnt about ARIA? Maybe the first fact...
5 days ago
5 days ago
by Marco Bretschneider Can you remember the day you first learnt about ARIA? Maybe the first fact you learnt about ARIA was the first rule “Don't use ARIA, use native HTML instead“ - and so did I. As someone who has been able to speak native HTML for many years, I always thought...
Tinker, Tamper,...
Auditing User Intent in Closed Source IoT Applications (Header image under CC-BY by Gregory Varnum)Hardware-backed voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(Header image under CC-BY by Gregory Varnum)Hardware-backed voice assistants like Amazon Alexa and Google Assistant have received some criticism for their handling of voice data behind the scenes. The companies had outsourced quality control/machine learning feedback to external...
orlp.net - Blog...
Branchless Lomuto Partitioning A partition function accepts as input an array of elements, and a function returning a bool (a...
a year ago
a year ago
A partition function accepts as input an array of elements, and a function returning a bool (a predicate) which indicates if an element should be in the first, or second partition. Then it returns two arrays, the two partitions: def partition(v, pred): first = [x for x in v...
Coding Horror
The Rise of the Electric Scooter In an electric car, the (enormous) battery is a major part of the price. If electric car prices are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In an electric car, the (enormous) battery is a major part of the price. If electric car prices are decreasing, battery costs must be decreasing, because it's not like the cost of fabricating rubber, aluminum, glass, and steel into car shapes can decline that much, right? On an
bunnie's blog
Sidebar on Meta-Knowledge IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) is a multidisciplinary project I’m developing to give people a tangible...
9 months ago
9 months ago
IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) is a multidisciplinary project I’m developing to give people a tangible reason to trust their hardware. Above: example of IRIS imaging a chip mounted on a circuit board. When I set out to research this technique, there were many unknowns, and many skills...
Steve Klabnik
over a year ago
Ink & Switch
Crosscut: Drawing Dynamic Models Uniting the directness of pen & paper with the dynamism of software.
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Designing Beautiful Shadows in CSS When I look around the web, most of the shadows I see are fuzzy grey boxes. It doesn't have to be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I look around the web, most of the shadows I see are fuzzy grey boxes. It doesn't have to be this way, though! CSS gives us the tools to create rich, lush, lifelike shadows. In this tutorial, I'll show you how.
Josh Comeau's blog
The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility “Should I use pixels or rems?”. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll answer this question once and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Should I use pixels or rems?”. In this comprehensive blog post, we'll answer this question once and for all. You'll learn about the accessibility implications, and how to determine the best unit to use in any scenario.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Go package for better guid generation The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often. The way described in RFC 4122 is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often. The way described in RFC 4122 is popular but it can be done better. I wrote betterguid Go package that does it better. Unique id generated by this package: is a 20 character string, safe to include in urls (no need...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Netlify Environment Variables We usually use Environment Variables as (global) variables, but did you know they can literally...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We usually use Environment Variables as (global) variables, but did you know they can literally configure your environments as well?
David Heinemeier...
The curing value of creation It's hard not to see your spirits lifted when you're part of bringing something to life. Be that a...
a year ago
a year ago
It's hard not to see your spirits lifted when you're part of bringing something to life. Be that a product, an organization, or a community, or all three at once. Like exercise, it's one of those rare avenues of human endeavor that almost invariably will make anyone feel better....
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cold-blooded Software Patrick Duboy has an interesting post making the rounds titled, “Cold-blooded Software”. He...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Patrick Duboy has an interesting post making the rounds titled, “Cold-blooded Software”. He analogizes the idea of warm-blooded software: projects that are warm-blooded: everything is great when there’s constant motion on the project, generating heat. But put warm-blooded...
Alex MacCaw
The Toad
over a year ago
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Review: Beepy, the pocket-sized, linux-powered cyberdeck THIS IS NOT A REAL FINISHED PRODUCT. – Erohead, birther of Beepy The SQFMI Beepy alongside my...
a year ago
a year ago
THIS IS NOT A REAL FINISHED PRODUCT. – Erohead, birther of Beepy The SQFMI Beepy alongside my cat printer The Beepy is a handheld Linux console designed by artists and built for nerds. From the first announcement, Beepy’s creator—SQFMI—was candid about the device’s lack of...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The essential tools used by product engineers Like every role, product engineers have a set of essential tools for their work. Their need to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Like every role, product engineers have a set of essential tools for their work. Their need to gather insights, ideate, and deploy solutions…
Joel Gascoigne
Your startup is a rocket ship * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * When you’re...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * When you’re building a startup, the startup itself has a reputation and credibility around it. The startup has tremendous power. As the startup rocket ship takes off, the best thing you can do is...
Julia Evans
Why is DNS still hard to learn? I write a lot about technologies that I found hard to learn about. A while back my friend Sumana...
a year ago
a year ago
I write a lot about technologies that I found hard to learn about. A while back my friend Sumana asked me an interesting question – why are these things so hard to learn about? Why do they seem so mysterious? For example, take DNS. We’ve been using DNS since the 80s (for more...
A Smart Bear
Jason Cohen: About the author Thanks for visiting. As a four-time entrepreneur, both bootstrapped and fundraised, resulting in two...
a year ago
a year ago
Thanks for visiting. As a four-time entrepreneur, both bootstrapped and fundraised, resulting in two exits and two unicorns, I’ve been writing about startups for 16 years. I hope you’ll find it useful! As founder # Currently I’m the Chief Innovation Officer of WP Engine, which I...
A Beautiful Site
The SimpleImage library for PHP If you love working with PHP but hate the GD library, you'll love the Simple Image PHP class I'm...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you love working with PHP but hate the GD library, you'll love the Simple Image PHP class I'm releasing today. This class takes the headache out of dealing with images and features over 25 useful methods. The class is incredibly simple to use.  The following two lines will...
Seán Barry
Using the Switch(true) Pattern in JavaScript The switch true pattern isn't well known but it is incredibly useful. It's not a JavaScript specific...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The switch true pattern isn't well known but it is incredibly useful. It's not a JavaScript specific pattern, but I use it in almost every single project.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
New Workflow for Publishing Notes: Content in Dropbox, Code in GitHub I recently changed my workflow around authoring and publishing my site notes.jim-nielsen.com. Here’s...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I recently changed my workflow around authoring and publishing my site notes.jim-nielsen.com. Here’s the rundown. Before Pretty standard JAMstack type stuff. All my notes are markdown files in a git repository that live alongside the code generating the website,...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to get the first 10 paying customers for your devtool company (and other customer acquisition... Creating a product that people need and are willing to pay for is hard. At PostHog, it took us...
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Faking 3D Elements with CSS Faking 3D Elements with CSS 2020-04-29 Although not always practical, creating the illusion that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Faking 3D Elements with CSS 2020-04-29 Although not always practical, creating the illusion that some of your web elements are 3D can be a fun experiment. I set out to see if I was able to create such an illusion with only 2 HTML elements and as little CSS as possible. This is...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Turning the Static Dynamic with Gatsby + Netlify Functions + Netlify Identity Gatsby is great for not only static sites but also traditional web applications. You can add...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Gatsby is great for not only static sites but also traditional web applications. You can add authentication and serverless functionality and get up and running incredibly quickly with Netlify - here's how.
Ink & Switch
Pushpin: Towards Production-Quality Peer-to-Peer Collaboration Taking peer-to-peer beyond research prototypes, and working towards commercial-grade P2P...
over a year ago
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for exploring the Flickr API &rarr; I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job. Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API. They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
David Heinemeier...
Google Cloud cuts egress and promotes cloud exits The absurd egress fees charged by major hyperscalers have been one of the biggest impediments for...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The absurd egress fees charged by major hyperscalers have been one of the biggest impediments for companies to leave the cloud. We’ve been preparing for our own departure from AWS S3 at 37signals, and the price for taking our data elsewhere is in the crazy-land region of...
Overcast 4.1 now available Overcast 4.1 is now in the App Store with some small but nice new features. Smart Resume is actually...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Overcast 4.1 is now in the App Store with some small but nice new features. Smart Resume is actually two features: It jumps back by up to a few seconds after having been paused to help remind you of the conversation. It slightly adjusts resumes and seeks to fall in the silences...
aria-labelledby = self by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
by Weston Thayer An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a good accessible name is important. If not, negative effects may include screen reader users missing out on vital information, voice control users struggling to interact, and any...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Get You Some Practical Accessibility Sara has been working on a new course titled Practical Accessibility and it is available for...
a year ago
a year ago
Sara has been working on a new course titled Practical Accessibility and it is available for pre-order right now. I’ve never met Sara in person, but have been an online follower for some time. She is one of those people who has the discipline and eye to make everything they...
Liz Denys
The 'doing good' framework: a manifesto against saying 'good people' and 'bad people' I remember the first time I reflected on "doing good": I was watching the final scene of a sitcom I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I remember the first time I reflected on "doing good": I was watching the final scene of a sitcom I grew up with, Boy Meets World. The main characters, who've now come of age, speak with the teacher that has been with them through every phase of their educations and lives: Mr....
Architects, Anti-Patterns, and Organizational Fuckery I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it,...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently wrote a twitter thread on the proper role of architects, or as I put it, tongue-in-cheek-ily, whether or not architect is a “bullshit role”. It got a LOT of reactions (2.5 weeks later, the thread is still going!!), which I would sort into roughly three camps: “OMG this...
Recently We saw this Monarch butterfly caterpillar at the pretty unusual Naval Cemetery Landscape. The...
a year ago
a year ago
We saw this Monarch butterfly caterpillar at the pretty unusual Naval Cemetery Landscape. The landscape is just native pollinators and native plants growing wild, with a wood platform above the field so you can walk around and see the bugs and plants. It’s also built on a...
#24 A placeholder is not a label Bad code <input type="text" placeholder="First name"> Issues and how to fix them Every form input...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <input type="text" placeholder="First name"> Issues and how to fix them Every form input element needs a label. When screen reader users access a form field, the label is announced with the field type (e.g. first name, edit text). If it’s missing, users might not know...
Stephen Wolfram...
Twenty Years Later: The Surprising Greater Implications of A New Kind of Science See also: “A New Kind of Science: A 15-Year View”. From the Foundations Laid by A New Kind of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
See also: “A New Kind of Science: A 15-Year View”. From the Foundations Laid by A New Kind of Science When A New Kind of Science was published twenty years ago I thought what it had to say was important. But what’s become increasingly clear—particularly in the last few years—is...
Making software...
Animated Radio Tab Toggles Animated Radio Tab Toggles 2021-01-05 In this demo tutorial, we are making the assumption that we...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Animated Radio Tab Toggles 2021-01-05 In this demo tutorial, we are making the assumption that we need to create a radio slide toggle for our made-up payment options. For this we want to display 3 simple payment choices to the user: One-time payment Recurring payment Free tier...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware August 2024 Last month’s Ware was a peak programming meter driver board made by JC Broadcast, taken from an...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Last month’s Ware was a peak programming meter driver board made by JC Broadcast, taken from an Audix broadcast console. Thanks again to Howie M for contributing the ware! Howie hypothesized that the four mounting holes would be a dead give-away, in his words: The meters, typical...
the jsomers.net blog
How I reverse-engineered Google Docs to play back any document’s keystrokes If you’ve ever typed anything into a Google Doc, you can now play it back as if it were a movie —...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’ve ever typed anything into a Google Doc, you can now play it back as if it were a movie — like traveling through time to look over your own shoulder as you write. This is possible because every document written in Google Docs since about May 2010 has a revision history...
Chris Nicholas
Building an AI toolbar for text editors I've been experimenting with a floating AI toolbar, designed for use in text editors. Here’s some...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I've been experimenting with a floating AI toolbar, designed for use in text editors. Here’s some details on how it was created.
The Pragmatic...
Who is Still Hiring Software Engineers and EMs? 👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. We cover one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
👋 Hi, this is Gergely with a bonus, free issue of the Pragmatic Engineer Newsletter. We cover one out of five topics in today’s subscriber-only The Scoop issue. To get this newsletter every week, subscribe here. This article was updated in December 2022. In the midst of gloomy
Making software...
Improving Receipt UX Improving Receipt UX 2019-05-15 There was a pretty interesting article posted a couple days ago...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Improving Receipt UX 2019-05-15 There was a pretty interesting article posted a couple days ago about rethinking the standard receipt design that I found quite compelling. Although, as good as the concept is, I think it can be improved (simplified) even further. What was the...
Words and Buttons...
A smooth and sharp image interpolation you probably haven't heard of An image interpolation that gives us a continuous and smooth image, where every interpolated value...
7 months ago
7 months ago
An image interpolation that gives us a continuous and smooth image, where every interpolated value only depends on the four neighboring pixel values. The image becomes smooth, but sharp features remain sharp.
Evan Jones -...
Nanosecond timestamp collisions are common I was wondering: how often do nanosecond timestamps collide on modern systems? The answer is: very...
a year ago
a year ago
I was wondering: how often do nanosecond timestamps collide on modern systems? The answer is: very often, like 5% of all samples, when reading the clock on all 4 physical cores at the same time. As a result, I think it is unsafe to assume that a raw nanosecond timestamp is a...
Maggie Appleton
Historical Trails
a year ago
Julia Evans
New zine: How Integers and Floats Work Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work! You can get it for $12...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work! You can get it for $12 here: https://wizardzines.com/zines/integers-floats, or get an 13-pack of all my zines here. Here’s the cover: the table of contents Here’s the table of contents! Now let’s...
Making software...
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I showed how you could create a basic menu dropdown with only 121 bytes of CSS. While this demo is great for simple text-based menu dropdowns, it doesn't show just how complex (in a...
Alex Meub
How does JSONP work? Standard ( JSON or XML based ) asynchronous web requests are great for lots of applications, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Standard ( JSON or XML based ) asynchronous web requests are great for lots of applications, but they are crippled because of the same origin policy. You cannot access resources on a domain that is different from the one running your script. So what if you want to host your...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Building a new personal website Yesterday I launched a new version of this website. When finishing big projects, I always experience...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yesterday I launched a new version of this website. When finishing big projects, I always experience this odd phenomenon where the final…
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, November 2024 The Ware for November 2024 is shown below. Click on any image for a larger version. I have a policy...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The Ware for November 2024 is shown below. Click on any image for a larger version. I have a policy of never using one of my own projects for name that ware. But, sometimes I see another person’s project in the wild and it is just too cool not to share! I came across this […]
5 months ago
Alex Meub
Building a Removable Bike Basket for the Yepp Rack I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my Yepp rear rack. I also use my rack with a child seat (the Yepp Maxi) which has a mechanism that allows it to attach and detach easily without sacrificing safety. I was thinking it...