Miguel Carranza
Effective code review
Fortunately, I don’t think the necessity of code review is a controversial topic these days for most...
over a year ago
Fortunately, I don’t think the necessity of code review is a controversial topic these days for most tech companies1. However, it is not always implemented as well as it should. In this post, I will describe some practices that I try to follow when opening pull requests, and that...
Recurse Center Day 4: B Tree fill factor
Q: How do I have a same B Tree fill factor across all nodes?
over a year ago
Q: How do I have a same B Tree fill factor across all nodes?
ntietz.com blog
Approximating the Sierpinski Triangle on my CNC
One of my big hobbies outside of tech is chess.
I like to play it, and I also help run our town's...
5 months ago
One of my big hobbies outside of tech is chess.
I like to play it, and I also help run our town's chess club.
As part of that, we like to run rated tournaments to get our members some experience in a low-pressure tournament environment.
These are my responsibility to organize and...
37signals Dev
Mission Control — Web
You might have noticed that Mission Control — Jobs, isn’t simply titled “Mission Control”. That’s...
7 months ago
You might have noticed that Mission Control — Jobs, isn’t simply titled “Mission Control”. That’s because it was developed alongside another useful tool, Mission Control — Web.
Today I’m pleased to announce that we are open sourcing Mission Control — Web and you can find it on...
A Smart Bear
You're a real company when…
What marks the moment when you become a "real" company?
a year ago
What marks the moment when you become a "real" company?
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Lowest Common Denominator: www
Native apps are all about control. Don’t like thing X? You can dive in and, with enough elbow grease...
2 months ago
Native apps are all about control. Don’t like thing X? You can dive in and, with enough elbow grease and persistence, finally get what you want. Write your own C library. Do some assembly code. Even make your own hardware if you have to.
But on the web you give up that control....
Last week I joined val.town as Steve Krouse’s cofounder. Val.town is a system for programming in the...
a year ago
Last week I joined val.town as Steve Krouse’s cofounder. Val.town is a system for programming in the small, for writing short programs in TypeScript that can link together into something larger. It’s for writing that scheduled web scraper or basic API that you wanted to make but...
Making software...
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Default radio inputs are notoriously horrible looking and are...
over a year ago
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Default radio inputs are notoriously horrible looking and are something designers tend to over-think when trying to customize them. Let's walk through how to create custom radio buttons with pure CSS, while still preserving performance and...
James Vaughan's blog
Reverse-engineering my speakers' API to get reasonable volume control
5 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
2019 /r/ReactJS Survey Results
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
How to "FLOSS" as a Web Designer
How to “FLOSS” as a Web Designer
I have a profound respect for the open source community....
over a year ago
How to “FLOSS” as a Web Designer
I have a profound respect for the open source community. I most likely wouldn’t have the skills or knowledge I do today with it. Unfortunately, when I was just starting out in “web dev” some 10 years ago, proprietary software was the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Against Namespacing Personal Sites
I care a lot about creating Cool URIs so I have been paralyzed more than I should be about what I'm...
over a year ago
I care a lot about creating Cool URIs so I have been paralyzed more than I should be about what I'm calling "URL Architecture". In true fashion, I'm blogging about it.
ntietz.com blog
I'm hopeful but wary of "empathic" AI
A couple of months ago, one of my friends told me about a startup called Hume.
I was primed to be...
8 months ago
A couple of months ago, one of my friends told me about a startup called Hume.
I was primed to be skeptical, except that I trust this friend to have a somewhat balanced perspective on this topic.
He'd talked to some people there and read their site and generally felt a good vibe...
David Heinemeier...
Finding acoustical delight in THE THOCK
Before diving into the world of mechanical keyboards, I'd never heard the word "thock" before. But I...
5 months ago
Before diving into the world of mechanical keyboards, I'd never heard the word "thock" before. But I soon learned that it describes one of those strangely seductive sounds you can produce from pressing the keys on a keyboard tuned for acoustical joy. And now, dammit, I've...
Making software...
Never Do Spec Work for Free
Never Do Spec Work for Free
Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let...
over a year ago
Never Do Spec Work for Free
Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let me say that again for the people in the back: your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Time is the most precious commodity we have as human beings, so never waste...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Did you know AI is answering our community questions?
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that...
3 months ago
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that try to replace a human in a product support context…
Writing - Andreas...
It’s hard to grow without trust
Trust is a key enabler of growth (and conversely, lack of trust a key
5 months ago
Trust is a key enabler of growth (and conversely, lack of trust a key
Posts on Nikita...
Inside New Query Engine of MongoDB
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
MongoDB has recently released a new query engine coming in...
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
MongoDB has recently released a new query engine coming in version 7.0. I was one of the people working on this engine during my 2 years in MongoDB and I would like to share some technical details about it.
Disclaimer: Prior to writing this...
Confessions of a...
Video: Architecture of Groq's LPU & Why is it so Fast?
This last Sunday we did a live session on Groq’s LPU and after that many people reached out to me...
9 months ago
This last Sunday we did a live session on Groq’s LPU and after that many people reached out to me for the recording of the session.
Steve Klabnik
Protological Control: an introduction
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Speeding up queries 1000x by sorting my bitmaps
I'm working on a database system that stores and queries chess games and positions.
Right now, it...
a year ago
I'm working on a database system that stores and queries chess games and positions.
Right now, it contains 240 million unique positions1 from 3.8 million games.
One of the things it needs to do is quickly find all the games where a particular position occurs.
I'd also like it to...
David Heinemeier...
Free speech isn't guaranteed to be forever
History is full of long stretches of dominance by noble ideas and despots, times of prosperity and...
4 months ago
History is full of long stretches of dominance by noble ideas and despots, times of prosperity and of dark ages. Each of which must have seemed like they would never end to the people who lived through them. If you were a citizen of the Ottoman empire 1452, you probably didn't...
Basta’s Notes
🌈 Pride 2023 #2: Horoscopes
No June would be complete without Pride horoscopes
a year ago
No June would be complete without Pride horoscopes
There Is Only One Key Difference Between Observability 1.0 and 2.0
Originally posted on the Honeycomb blog on November 19th, 2024 We’ve been talking about...
a month ago
Originally posted on the Honeycomb blog on November 19th, 2024 We’ve been talking about observability 2.0 a lot lately; what it means for telemetry and instrumentation, its practices and sociotechnical implications, and the dramatically different shape of its cost model. With all...
The Changelog
Make the Internet Yours Again With an Instant Mesh Network
I’m going to lead with the technical punch line, and then explain it: Yggdrasil Network is an...
over a year ago
I’m going to lead with the technical punch line, and then explain it: Yggdrasil Network is an opportunistic mesh that can be deployed privately or as part of a global-scale network. Each node gets a stable IPv6 address (or even an entire /64) that is derived from its public key...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Automating a software company with GitHub Actions
When developing software, there's no shortage of work: building new features, fixing bugs,...
over a year ago
When developing software, there's no shortage of work: building new features, fixing bugs, maintaining infrastructure, launching new systems, phasing…
Alex Meub
How To Quiet Down Your 3D Printer
When I first got my 3D printer, I built an enclosure to protect it from dust, maintain a consistent...
a year ago
When I first got my 3D printer, I built an enclosure to protect it from dust, maintain a consistent temperature, and minimize noise. I was surprised to find that the enclosure didn’t reduce noise that significantly. I then placed a patio paver under my printer, which made it...
Stephen Wolfram...
The Physicalization of Metamathematics and Its Implications for the Foundations of Mathematics
h2 span {color: #a5a5a5;}
table.InCell { margin-left: -0.27rem; }
#blog .post_content...
over a year ago
h2 span {color: #a5a5a5;}
table.InCell { margin-left: -0.27rem; }
#blog .post_content .inline-table-of-contents {
background-color: #ebf9f8;
border: solid 1px #89cac7;
#blog .post_content .inline-table-of-contents div a {
color: #783f19;
Making software...
Improving Receipt UX
Improving Receipt UX
There was a pretty interesting article posted a couple days ago...
over a year ago
Improving Receipt UX
There was a pretty interesting article posted a couple days ago about rethinking the standard receipt design that I found quite compelling. Although, as good as the concept is, I think it can be improved (simplified) even further.
What was the...
Darek Kay
Fixing long start-up times of the Eleventy dev server
Recently, I've encountered a peculiar issue with Eleventy. The development server stopped...
over a year ago
Recently, I've encountered a peculiar issue with Eleventy. The development server stopped working:
eleventy --serve
[11ty] Wrote 92 files in 0.48 seconds (5.2ms each, v1.0.2)
[11ty] Watching…
There were no errors. Everything seemed fine, except for the dev server not being...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cool URIs Don’t Change — But Humans Do
Here are two ideas at odds with each other:
You should have human-friendly URIs
Cool URIs don’t...
6 months ago
Here are two ideas at odds with each other:
You should have human-friendly URIs
Cool URIs don’t change
If a slug is going to be human-friendly, i.e. human-readable, then it's going to contain information that is subject to change because humans make errors.
If “to err is human”...
A Smart Bear
Humans have always tried to live forever. Maybe you can, but not in the way you imagine.
3 months ago
Humans have always tried to live forever. Maybe you can, but not in the way you imagine.
Words and Buttons...
Image darning
It's about a feature that cleans up dirt stains from aged newspapers. I called it darning because of...
over a year ago
It's about a feature that cleans up dirt stains from aged newspapers. I called it darning because of how it works.
David Heinemeier...
You're not guaranteed a spot on the team
I've always hated the saying "we're like family here" when it comes to work. Because it's obviously...
8 months ago
I've always hated the saying "we're like family here" when it comes to work. Because it's obviously not true, and it's usually cynically invoked by management to entice an undue obligation of sacrifice. Implying that you should give it all to The Company -- constantly working...
Josh Collinsworth
Alfred vs. Raycast: my constant debate
After a year or so of using Raycast, I'm switching back to Alfred. This is what prompted me to make...
a year ago
After a year or so of using Raycast, I'm switching back to Alfred. This is what prompted me to make that decision, and why I may or may not stick with it.
bt RSS Feed
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I’m a big...
over a year ago
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I’m a big fan of craigslist.org and the overall UX used throughout their application. My own website is an ever-changing example of “brutalist” or minimalist design, so I’m always inspired...
General Robots
Programming Robots: Keeping the Code Clean
So You Want To Do Robots: Part 8. Learn why the world is a giant hairy ball of unobservable...
a year ago
So You Want To Do Robots: Part 8. Learn why the world is a giant hairy ball of unobservable global state, how to log everything, and how to write robot code that doesn't make you gouge your eyes out when you look at it three days later.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why You Should Pre-Sell
My thoughts on preselling, from having done it successfully exactly one time.
over a year ago
My thoughts on preselling, from having done it successfully exactly one time.
Engineer’s Codex
Meta reveals their serverless platform processing trillions of function calls a day
XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more...
a year ago
XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more efficient than AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.
PostHog's RSS Feed
Startups, stop treating engineers like a different species
Today I’d like to rant talk about how non-engineering people at startups – especially execs –...
over a year ago
Today I’d like to rant talk about how non-engineering people at startups – especially execs – treat engineers like a fundamentally different type of…
How I Am Maintaining Multiple Emails For Git On A Same Machine
In this simple tutorial I will show how to maintain multiple git emails on a same machine. And how...
over a year ago
In this simple tutorial I will show how to maintain multiple git emails on a same machine. And how to configure git emails per directory or per project.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Clone Open Source Apps
> Author's note: This is part 3 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your...
over a year ago
> Author's note: This is part 3 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your Tech Career](https://gist.github.com/sw-yx/9720bd4a30606ca3ffb8d407113c0fe5). Part 1 is [Learn in Public](https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public/).
The hidden depths of the input element
by Phil Nash
The <input> element is the most fascinating element in HTML.
Most elements behave the...
a year ago
by Phil Nash
The <input> element is the most fascinating element in HTML.
Most elements behave the same way regardless of their attributes, the type attribute of the <input> element can take 1 of 22 different values that gives it not only different behaviour, but a different...
David Heinemeier...
One happy Rails World
Celebrating twenty years of Ruby on Rails with more than 700 happy developers packed into the...
a year ago
Celebrating twenty years of Ruby on Rails with more than 700 happy developers packed into the coolest conference venue possible in Amsterdam was epic. Safe to say, Rails World was a roaring success. Which is deeply satisfying to conclude, because it really wasn't a given outcome...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
The Pull Request
A brief and biased history.
Oh yeah, there’s pull requests now
– GitHub blog, Sat,
23 Feb 2008
4 months ago
A brief and biased history.
Oh yeah, there’s pull requests now
– GitHub blog, Sat,
23 Feb 2008
When GitHub launched, it had no code review.
years after launch, in 2011, GitHub user rtomayko
became the first person to make a real code comment, which read, in
Joel Gascoigne
The power of company retreats: Thoughts after the 8th Buffer retreat
By now we have a fairly long history of doing retreats at Buffer. We’re now a
person team...
over a year ago
By now we have a fairly long history of doing retreats at Buffer. We’re now a
person team [https://buffer.com/about], and we just wrapped up our 8th company
retreat in Madrid, Spain. Here’s a quick history of retreat locations, timeline
and size over time:
Liz Denys
Liz rides the subway on May 23, 2016: street harassment
Liz rides the subway is a series containing thoughts I have on the subway, mostly as an experiment...
over a year ago
Liz rides the subway is a series containing thoughts I have on the subway, mostly as an experiment to get me to write more. Today was the first time I was street harassed on my commute since moving in November... memories relived on the following train ride:
Content warning:...
The many (bad) interfaces of Substack
9 months ago
Making software...
Plain Text Emails, Please
Plain Text Emails, Please
When it comes to website / product design and development most...
over a year ago
Plain Text Emails, Please
When it comes to website / product design and development most devs should try to keep things simple. By only using as much code as absolutely necessary, projects avoid growing out of scope or becoming bloated. So, why isn't this same approach...
Recurse Center Day 1: init
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
Ink & Switch
01 · Welcome to the Beehive
An introduction to the Beehive project
4 months ago
An introduction to the Beehive project
Josh Collinsworth
The Five Things I Wish Somebody Had Told Me as a Design Student
Your worst instructor as a design student will lay out clear goals and expectations which will not...
over a year ago
Your worst instructor as a design student will lay out clear goals and expectations which will not change; this is not a given with clients.
Making software...
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Since my previous post walked through the...
over a year ago
Self-Hosting Fathom Analytics with DigitalOcean
Since my previous post walked through the process of setting up Fathom PRO on Netlify, I figured it made sense to create a similar tutorial for the "Lite" variation, self-hosted on DigitalOcean.
Please note that while I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
There’s Something You Need to Know About Web Design and Development
You’re doing great at it.
(❤️ from Bluey: Baby Race)
Email, Twitter,
a year ago
You’re doing great at it.
(❤️ from Bluey: Baby Race)
Email, Twitter,
Steve Klabnik
Rails has two default stacks
over a year ago
Elad Blog
When Executives Break
When your company is scaling rapidly due to product market fit, one of the biggest impediments (or...
over a year ago
When your company is scaling rapidly due to product market fit, one of the biggest impediments (or boosters) to growth will turn out to be the composition of your executive team. If your executives are not able to scale with the company, entire functions may be thrown into...
Dan Quach Blog
Grandma and the Vietnam WarWhen I was young, friends would visit, and there was one photo on the...
8 months ago
Grandma and the Vietnam WarWhen I was young, friends would visit, and there was one photo on the shelf that caught their attention in my room. It was a photo of an elderly Caucasian lady and their first question to me was, “How come you didn’t take the stock photo out of the...
Programming in the...
Writing Video Games in a Functional Style
When I started this blog in 2007, a running theme was "Can interactive experiences like video games...
over a year ago
When I started this blog in 2007, a running theme was "Can interactive experiences like video games be written in a functional style?" These are programs heavily based around mutable state. They evolve, often drastically, during development, so there isn't a perfect up-front...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Talk Notes: Third Age of JavaScript - Three Years In
Slides and show notes for my updated Talk at Reactathon
over a year ago
Slides and show notes for my updated Talk at Reactathon
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Iterative Building and Decision Making
Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right?
4 months ago
Imagine you’re driving a dirt road and you come to a fork. Which way do you go, left or right?
This decision is much easier to make if you’ve been traveling that road for the last hour and you’re sitting there in your truck facing the reality of the decision. You can see the...
Recurse Center Day 14: NoSQL Transactions
I learned how using MongoDB was fatal for a startup
over a year ago
I learned how using MongoDB was fatal for a startup
A Smart Bear
The three kinds of leverage that anchor effective strategies
Leveraging strengths -- not "fixing weaknesses" -- is how to win. Better when differentiated. Best...
a year ago
Leveraging strengths -- not "fixing weaknesses" -- is how to win. Better when differentiated. Best when durable. Here's how to create leverage.
David Heinemeier...
The Musk Algorithm
Walter Isaacson's new book about Elon Musk is a fine biography, but an even better business book....
a year ago
Walter Isaacson's new book about Elon Musk is a fine biography, but an even better business book. And like all the best business books, it's not merely an instruction manual, but an inspirational guide too. Not since reading Ricardo Semler's Maverick in the early 2000s have I...
Guile-SDL2 0.8.0 released
I'm happy to announce that Guile-SDL2 0.8.0 has been released!
Guile-SDL2 provides Guile Scheme...
over a year ago
I'm happy to announce that Guile-SDL2 0.8.0 has been released!
Guile-SDL2 provides Guile Scheme bindings for the SDL2 C shared
library. The bindings are written in pure Scheme using Guile's foreign
function interface.
New bindings in this...
Alice GG
Create a presskit in 10 minutes with Milou
Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software.
To make the journalist’s...
7 months ago
Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software.
To make the journalist’s job easier, it’s a good idea to put together a press kit.
The press kit should contain all the information someone could want to write an article about your product,
as well as...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
There’s Meaning in the Ordering of the Web’s Tech Stack
I was watching Zach’s presentation at JSHeroes 2023, “The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components”,...
a year ago
I was watching Zach’s presentation at JSHeroes 2023, “The Good, The Bad, and The Web Components”, and a subtle point stuck out to me at the ending of his talk.
When you run into performance problems, it's [because you tried] to reorder these things or combine them in weird...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Consistent Navigation Across My Inconsistent Websites
Anything I ship to my personal domain jim-nielsen.com is made using IDD: impulse driven...
8 months ago
Anything I ship to my personal domain jim-nielsen.com is made using IDD: impulse driven development.
I can convince myself that just about anything is a good idea at the time. But in retrospect my rationales are quite often specious.
At one point in the past, I decided that I...
The Pragmatic...
Did Automattic commit open source theft?
The maker of WordPress took 2M customers from its biggest rival: has a red line been crossed?
2 months ago
The maker of WordPress took 2M customers from its biggest rival: has a red line been crossed?
Darek Kay
A guide to bookmarklets
I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to...
a month ago
I'm a frequent user of bookmarklets. As I'm sharing some of them on my blog, I wrote this post to explain what bookmarklets are and how to use them.
In short, a bookmarklet is a browser bookmark containing JavaScript code. Clicking the bookmark executes the script in the context...
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2022 / Berlin]
Ink & Switch invited a few folks out for a day of conversations in Berlin. Here are some notes and...
over a year ago
Ink & Switch invited a few folks out for a day of conversations in Berlin. Here are some notes and pictures from that event.
Logo: Squint
Squint is a light-weight dialect of ClojureScript with a compiler and standard library. “The idea is...
5 months ago
Squint is a light-weight dialect of ClojureScript with a compiler and standard library. “The idea is that when you squint, it still looks like CLJS”.
Joel Gascoigne
Zero notifications
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
A couple of...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
A couple of months ago, my co-founder Leo [http://twitter.com/leowid] gave me an
interesting suggestion: he said I should try disabling all notifications on my
iPhone. I find this suggestion...
The Codist
How Many Hours Can You Code?
How many hours a day can you write code, and at what point does the quality of your work go down?...
2 weeks ago
How many hours a day can you write code, and at what point does the quality of your work go down? Even more important is how many weeks and months of that max effort you can still be effective.
In my life, there have only been three periods where I
Biographies of every US president as audiobooks
over a year ago
Engineer’s Codex
A simple software engineering productivity trick: leave work unfinished to reach flow
A breakdown of 4 simple software engineering and coding habits that improved my productivity. These...
a year ago
A breakdown of 4 simple software engineering and coding habits that improved my productivity. These include keyboard shortcuts, learning to say no, reaching flow state faster, and keeping a big book of commands handy.
Ralph Ammer
Xunzi vs. Mengzi – Are People (No) Good?
About 2300 years ago, the great Chinese thinker Xunzi 荀⼦ wrote: “Human nature is bad“. But he wasn’t...
2 days ago
About 2300 years ago, the great Chinese thinker Xunzi 荀⼦ wrote: “Human nature is bad“. But he wasn’t just having a bad day. The question—Are humans fundamentally good or bad?—is a major fork in the road. How you answer this question profoundly impacts your morals and how you live...
The search input: They almost got it right
by Steve Frenzel
This example is a classic - in a bad way - and can cause quite some confusion for...
a week ago
by Steve Frenzel
This example is a classic - in a bad way - and can cause quite some confusion for users of assistive technology (AT). But it's also very easy to fix! It's the <input> element missing its dear friend, the <label>... 😭
Bad code
<input placeholder="Search" />
swyx's site RSS Feed
Slowmad Q&A
The other thing about [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) that people...
over a year ago
The other thing about [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) that people are generally interested in is my experience of remote work. As I put it [recently](https://mobile.twitter.com/swyx/status/1154916667606130689):
Tony Finch's blog
What does it mean to be an RCU implementation?
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU,...
a year ago
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU, prompted by a question about couple of
Rust RCU crates. (There are a few comments about it on LWN.)
McKenney goes on to propose an RCU classification system based on the
API an...
A Beautiful Site
Moving to Node.js
The first version of Postleaf was written in PHP and lives on as Leafpub. It's a beautiful piece of...
over a year ago
The first version of Postleaf was written in PHP and lives on as Leafpub. It's a beautiful piece of software that I'm very proud of, but I decided to move the project to Node.js for a few important reasons. This is by no means a knock on PHP, which will always have a special...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Are many useStates better than useState(object)?
Lately I've converted a lot of class components to functional. One question left me curious every...
over a year ago
Lately I've converted a lot of class components to functional. One question left me curious every time — why do I feel like splitting the old class state into so many useState(atom) — one for each state key? Is there any real benefit in it? Should I just leave a single...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The chatbot creator
Back in the day my mother created and ran a math tutoring service for underserved communities in...
a year ago
Back in the day my mother created and ran a math tutoring service for underserved communities in South Africa called Dr Math. It was serving tens of thousands of students until bureaucracy shut the project down.
I decided to rekindle it using GPT4 as a socratic tutor and WhatsApp...
A Smart Bear
The fundamental forces of scale
These forces make larger companies slower and more difficult to execute, but also more effective...
a year ago
These forces make larger companies slower and more difficult to execute, but also more effective when harnessed and leveraged.
The Pragmatic...
Amazon doubling down on RTO (return to office)
The tech giant is not blinking: after the unprecedented pushback on its 3-day return to office...
a year ago
The tech giant is not blinking: after the unprecedented pushback on its 3-day return to office policy last month, Amazon just made it clear that the policy is going ahead.
ntietz.com blog
Starting my (overkill) homelab
I've set up a homelab finally!
This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was...
over a year ago
I've set up a homelab finally!
This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was right.
The right project came along to justify it, so I took the plunge.
Naturally, that leads to a few questions:
What's a home lab?
Why do you want one?
And what is the shiny...
Josh Comeau's blog
Hands-Free Coding
Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately,...
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I lost the ability to use a keyboard and mouse for extended periods. Fortunately, this wasn't as catastrophic as it sounds! This article chronicles my experience using adaptive tools like dictation and eye-tracking as my primary mechanisms for writing code.
David Heinemeier...
Patek levels of finishing
We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new...
a year ago
We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new development, there are a million little details we need to nail for a successful launch that’s up to our standards. That’s usually where the temptation to cut corners on internal quality...
needed-bits optimizations in guile
Hey all, I had a fun bug this week and want to share it with you.
First, though, some background. ...
3 months ago
Hey all, I had a fun bug this week and want to share it with you.
First, though, some background. Guile’s numeric operations are defined over the complex numbers, not
over e.g. a finite field of integers. This is generally great when
writing an algorithm, because you don’t have...
A small freedom area...
From roots to polynomials
Polynomials can be represented in various forms. The most common ones are
those I call the "sum of...
over a year ago
Polynomials can be represented in various forms. The most common ones are
those I call the "sum of powers" (for example f(x)=ax³+bx²+cx+d) and the
"root factors" (for example f(x)=(x-r)(x-s)(x-t), where r, s and t are
the roots). The process of transforming the former into the...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Powering a blog with Notion and Netlify
The last iteration of this blog was a Go program running on Digital Ocean’s cheapest VM...
over a year ago
The last iteration of this blog was a Go program running on Digital Ocean’s cheapest VM ($5/month).
Recently I’ve made 2 big changes:
I converted it to a static site hosted on Netlify
I used Notion for writing the posts instead of writing markdown files in a text editor
Moving to...
A Smart Bear
The "errors" that mean you're doing it right
Some things appear to be mistakes, but in fact should be celebrated as the expected outcomes of...
11 months ago
Some things appear to be mistakes, but in fact should be celebrated as the expected outcomes of great decisions.
David Heinemeier...
The origin of Ruby on Rails
I can't thank Honeypot and Carolina Cabral enough for the producing The Rails Documentary that was...
a year ago
I can't thank Honeypot and Carolina Cabral enough for the producing The Rails Documentary that was just released today. Looking back on those early, formative years of Ruby on Rails with Tobi, Jamis, Jeremy, and Jason was actually kind of profound. I usually don't spend much time...
Copper • A blog...
The journey to controlling external monitors on M1 Macs
One lazy evening in November 2020, I watched how Tim Cook announced a fanless MacBook Air with a CPU...
over a year ago
One lazy evening in November 2020, I watched how Tim Cook announced a fanless MacBook Air with a CPU faster than the latest 16 inch MacBook, while my work-provided 15 inch 2019 MacBook Pro was slowly frying my lap and annoying my wife with its constant fan noise.
I had to get my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Routing
How the Internet cobbles together thousands of Autonomous Systems with the Border Gateway Protocol
over a year ago
How the Internet cobbles together thousands of Autonomous Systems with the Border Gateway Protocol
Julia Evans
How do Nix builds work?
Hello! For some reason after the last nix post I got nerdsniped by trying to understand how Nix...
a year ago
Hello! For some reason after the last nix post I got nerdsniped by trying to understand how Nix builds
work under the hood, so here’s a quick exploration I did today. There are probably some mistakes in here.
I started by complaining on Mastodon:
are there any guides to nix that...
Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of Life in SQL
Christmas divination: implementing Conway's Life in SQL
The post Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of...
over a year ago
Christmas divination: implementing Conway's Life in SQL
The post Happy New Year: Conway’s Game of Life in SQL appeared first on EXPLAIN EXTENDED.
bunnie's blog
Non-Destructive Silicon Imaging (and Winner of Name that Ware December 2022)
The ware for December 2022 is an AMD Radeon RX540 chip, part number 216-0905018. Congrats to SAM for...
a year ago
The ware for December 2022 is an AMD Radeon RX540 chip, part number 216-0905018. Congrats to SAM for guessing the ware; email me for your prize. The image is from Fritzchen Fritz’s Flickr feed; I recommend checking out his photos (or you can follow him on twitter). Even if you...
Nelson's Weblog
New linkblog website
I launched a new website for my linkblog; go check it out! I'm proud of how it looks.
My linkblog...
over a year ago
I launched a new website for my linkblog; go check it out! I'm proud of how it looks.
My linkblog is a collection of links I find interesting. I write it for an audience, a few links a day of general interest. I've been doing this for 19 years now and I think it's one of the...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Go package for better guid generation
The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often.
The way described in RFC 4122 is...
over a year ago
The need to generate a globally unique identifier comes up often.
The way described in RFC 4122 is popular but it can be done better.
I wrote betterguid Go package that does it better.
Unique id generated by this package:
is a 20 character string, safe to include in urls (no need...
Elad Blog
Video and transcript: Fireside chat with Clem Delangue, CEO of Hugging Face
We discuss Hugging Face, Open Source, and AI
a year ago
We discuss Hugging Face, Open Source, and AI
The Changelog
O, Sunlight!
“O, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.” – Roman Payne There is much beauty in...
over a year ago
“O, Sunlight! The most precious gold to be found on Earth.” – Roman Payne There is much beauty in this world, much hope, much life. All we need to do is pause, breathe, and take a moment to see it. It might be as simple as the gift of sunlight. I hope you all have … Continue...
Alice GG
This summer I had the opportunity to attend DEFCON 30, a cybersecurity conference gathering around...
over a year ago
This summer I had the opportunity to attend DEFCON 30, a cybersecurity conference gathering around 27000 hackers in the fabulous city of Las Vegas, Nevada.
With more than 30 villages and 3 main conference tracks, the event managed to cover pretty much every subject from malware...
You Will Never Be A Full Stack Developer
over a year ago
#19 heading in the wrong direction
Context: A simple page that displays the availability of a product.
Bad code
over a year ago
Context: A simple page that displays the availability of a product.
Bad code
<h1>Product Status</h1>
<h2>Is the product available?</h2>
<h3 class="message is-success">
It‘s <a>available</a>.
Joel Gascoigne
Firing myself, again
I've written in the past about how I see the role of a...
over a year ago
I've written in the past about how I see the role of a CEO
[https://joel.is/post/42713179646/expert-of-nothing] to be one where you are
repeatedly firing yourself. Joe Kraus
[http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/28/first-fire-thyself/] brought my attention to
thinking about the role in...
Kagi Blog
Orion browser features
Orion ( https://browser.kagi.com ) may be a newcomer to the market, but it comes loaded with...
over a year ago
Orion ( https://browser.kagi.com ) may be a newcomer to the market, but it comes loaded with features.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Recently, [I asked tweeple](https://mobile.twitter.com/swyx/status/1158902677289472001):
over a year ago
Recently, [I asked tweeple](https://mobile.twitter.com/swyx/status/1158902677289472001):
Ink & Switch
Reflecting on 2024, Droste's Lair, Version control for game dev
A year-end note from our director; a recap of a recent unconf; Droste's Lair; a sneak preview of...
a week ago
A year-end note from our director; a recap of a recent unconf; Droste's Lair; a sneak preview of version control for game dev.
Vadim Kravcenko
Is development the right career for me?
Hello dear reader, first off all, I want to acknowledge the weight of the question you’re grappling...
a year ago
Hello dear reader, first off all, I want to acknowledge the weight of the question you’re grappling with. It’s one […]
The post Is development the right career for me? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Words and Buttons...
Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are...
over a year ago
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are enough. And it's “differential” because it aims to highlight the difference between lexemes. Ideally, the smaller the lexical difference, the greater the color difference should be.
Josh Comeau's blog
CSS in React Server Components
You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs, and when the core React team unveiled their...
8 months ago
You can’t make an omelette without cracking a few eggs, and when the core React team unveiled their vision for the future of React, some of my favourite libraries got scrambled 😅. In this blog post, we’re going to explore the compatibility issues between React Server Components...
Progress and Challenges: Reflections of a Working Mother in Japan
The result of [TokyoDev's International Developers in Japan Survey...
a year ago
The result of [TokyoDev's International Developers in Japan Survey 2022](/insights/2022-developer-survey) revealed that the country is still struggling to close the gender gap in the workplace in the tech industry.
As a Japanese woman and a mother of two children, I was very...
React - The Missing Parts
Question the rules for fun and profit
One of the nice things about having your own lean copy of a...
over a year ago
Question the rules for fun and profit
One of the nice things about having your own lean copy of a popular library's patterns is that you can experiment with all sorts of changes.
In my case, I have a React-clone, Live, which includes all the familiar basics: props, state and...
Making software...
Prescription Form UI Improvements
Prescription Form UI Improvements
I was browsing the Clearly website a few days ago and...
over a year ago
Prescription Form UI Improvements
I was browsing the Clearly website a few days ago and ended up using their prescription form to update my worsening eyesight. The design of this form wasn't bad per se, but it could certainly be improved.
Current design of the...
MMapped blog
IC internals: orthogonal persistence
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
Procrastinate for Success!
Procrastination can be a useful tool. You can't do everything. So don't.
6 months ago
Procrastination can be a useful tool. You can't do everything. So don't.
A Smart Bear
"It's a Balance" isn't always the answer
Resolve decision-making conflicts by selecting the right approach: Make a bold choice, synthesize a...
6 months ago
Resolve decision-making conflicts by selecting the right approach: Make a bold choice, synthesize a new solution, or find the balance.
Jake Zimmerman
Why don’t constructors have override checking?
a year ago
A Beautiful Site
How to upgrade or downgrade Node.js using npm
Need to update your version of Node.js? Here's how you can upgrade or downgrade from the command...
over a year ago
Need to update your version of Node.js? Here's how you can upgrade or downgrade from the command line using npm.
Upgrading to the latest stable version #
This will update you to the latest available stable version:
sudo npm cache clean -f
sudo npm install -g n
sudo n...
Who Doesn't Go Nazi?
The essay "Who goes Nazi" (1941) by Dorothy Thompson is a commonly cited classic. Through a...
over a year ago
The essay "Who goes Nazi" (1941) by Dorothy Thompson is a commonly cited classic. Through a fictional dinner party, we are introduced to various characters and personalities. Thompson analyzes whether they would or wouldn't make particularly good nazis.
Supposedly it comes down...
Ink & Switch
02 · Tracking provenance
Automatically tracking provenance in computational documents
4 months ago
Automatically tracking provenance in computational documents
37signals Dev
A happier happy path in Turbo with morphing
Last week, we presented in Rails World an upcoming addition to Turbo that uses morphing to offer...
a year ago
Last week, we presented in Rails World an upcoming addition to Turbo that uses morphing to offer smoother page updates and a simplified broadcasting system. This is the article version of the presentation I delivered.
The starting point
The traditional server-side full-page...
Ognjen Regoje •...
BSL is not good, it's great
Another day, another project adopted BSL.
Another day, another round of outrage from people harping...
a year ago
Another day, another project adopted BSL.
Another day, another round of outrage from people harping on the difference between Open Source and open source.
Another day, another inferior fork of a product due to a technicality that has nothing to do with the product itself and that...
Tony Finch's blog
PCG64 DXSM random number generator
Last week I was interested to read about the proposed math/rand/v2
for Golang’s standard library. It...
a year ago
Last week I was interested to read about the proposed math/rand/v2
for Golang’s standard library. It mentioned a new-ish flavour
of PCG random number generator which I had not previously encountered,
called PCG64 DXSM. This blog post collects what I have learned about
it. (I have...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Winning from the back - late mover advantage
We are open source is literally our top value ... and what better way to be transparent than to...
over a year ago
We are open source is literally our top value ... and what better way to be transparent than to share a diary? Late mover advantage Product…
Kagi Blog
Kagi's approach to AI in search
Kagi Search is pleased to announce the introduction of three AI features into our product offering.
a year ago
Kagi Search is pleased to announce the introduction of three AI features into our product offering.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
SumatraPDF 3.0 released
We, the SumatraPDF developers have released a version 3.0 of Sumatra, a multi-format reader (PDF,...
over a year ago
We, the SumatraPDF developers have released a version 3.0 of Sumatra, a multi-format reader (PDF, epub and mobi ebooks, comic books, etc.) for Windows.
You can download it from official SumatraPDF website
The biggest change in this version is addition of tabs, contributed by...
bt RSS Feed
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
I often stumble upon large data sets or table...
10 months ago
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
I often stumble upon large data sets or table layouts across the web. When these tables contain hundreds of rows of content, things become problematic once you start to scroll…
This should be a header
Look at that table header...
ntietz.com blog
I found some of my first code! Annotating and reflecting on robotics code from 2009.
In high school, one of my teachers shattered my plans for my life, in the most beautiful way.
a year ago
In high school, one of my teachers shattered my plans for my life, in the most beautiful way.
Most of my life, I'd intended to become a math professional of some sort: a math teacher, when that was all I saw math for; an actuary, when I started to learn more; and then a...
The Pragmatic...
Asked to do something illegal at work? Here’s what these software engineers did
At FTX, Frank, and Pollen, software engineers were asked to do something potentially illegal, or to...
a year ago
At FTX, Frank, and Pollen, software engineers were asked to do something potentially illegal, or to go along with what looked like fraud. They obliged in two out of three cases, landed in hot water, and now face jail time. A reminder why it’s never a good idea to go along with...
Trying Plausible.
I’ve been wanting to spend some time trying out recent
developer and infrastructure tooling,...
a year ago
I’ve been wanting to spend some time trying out recent
developer and infrastructure tooling, starting with taking Tailscale for a spin
(it’s quite nice).
Next, I’ve been thinking about replacing Google Analytics on this blog for some time,
and decided to try out Plausible.io as a...
Win: contribution to libSQL (SQLite) codebase
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
10 months ago
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
Joel Gascoigne
We’re trying a 4-day workweek for the month of May
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
For the month of May, Buffer will operate under...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
For the month of May, Buffer will operate under a 4-day workweek (at full pay) across the whole 89-person team.
We’re in a period of time where there’s a layer of added anxiety and stress in all
A Beautiful Site
Converting a URL Object to a Plain Object in JavaScript
I needed to convert a URL object to a plain object yesterday. You might have used it before. It's...
a year ago
I needed to convert a URL object to a plain object yesterday. You might have used it before. It's pretty handy for working with URLs!
const url = new URL('https://example.com/');
// URL {origin: 'https://example.com', protocol: 'https:', username: '',...
Computer Things
"Testing can show the presence of bugs but not the absence"
Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence! — Edgar...
8 months ago
Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs, but never to show their absence! — Edgar Dijkstra, Notes on Structured Programming
Dijkstra was famous for his spicy quips; he'd feel right at home on tech social media. He said things he knows aren't absolutely true but...
A Smart Bear
Why I feel like a fraud (Impostor Syndrome)
Most high-performing people experience Impostor Syndrome. I did too. When you understand the cause,...
a year ago
Most high-performing people experience Impostor Syndrome. I did too. When you understand the cause, you can defeat it.
ntietz.com blog
Affirmations for bloggers
Every software engineer can have a great blog, if they want to.
Many of us start blogs, but most of...
6 months ago
Every software engineer can have a great blog, if they want to.
Many of us start blogs, but most of those blogs lie abandoned or sporadically updated.
It's okay if you start blogging and figure out it's not really for you.
But there are also some common issues that block people...
A Smart Bear
How annual pre-pay creates an infinite marketing budget
Dozens of founders have used this technique to transform the cash-flow of their businesses. Now it's...
5 months ago
Dozens of founders have used this technique to transform the cash-flow of their businesses. Now it's your turn.
Alice GG
Specialization considered harmful
It is sometimes recommended that software engineers should learn “depth-first”, and seek to...
a year ago
It is sometimes recommended that software engineers should learn “depth-first”, and seek to specialize early in their careers.
I think his advice is misguided.
In my opinion, having a wide range of knowledge is in many cases more important than being extremely good at a very...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supervised Learning: VC Dimensions
It's not venture capital, that's for sure
over a year ago
It's not venture capital, that's for sure
Nelson's Weblog
PreSonus Eris speakers
PreSonus makes good
computer speakers. They’re marketed as “reference monitors” but at $100
for a...
6 months ago
PreSonus makes good
computer speakers. They’re marketed as “reference monitors” but at $100
for a small set I have my doubts about their referenceness. Fortunately I
have a tin ear and they sound just fine for my computer playing YouTube
videos, compressed music, games. ...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Post Bootcamp Mindmap
What are all the things you can do to improve as a developer after graduating from college or...
over a year ago
What are all the things you can do to improve as a developer after graduating from college or bootcamp?
A Smart Bear
How many things should there be? (Hint: Not 10)
If we happened to evolve with nine fingers, we would have "Top 9" lists. So, a "Top 10" list...
a year ago
If we happened to evolve with nine fingers, we would have "Top 9" lists. So, a "Top 10" list probably doesn't have the correct number of things.
Errata in Hekaton MVCC paper
Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error...
a year ago
Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error with one of the authors. This blog post explains the mistake, the implications and the fix.
The Changelog
So Many Caring People In This World
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the...
over a year ago
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that...
David Heinemeier...
Wonderful vi
The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic....
3 months ago
The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic. Nothing highlights that perception more than the recent and relentless march of AI advancements. But for as much as some things in technology change, many other things stay the same....
swyx's site RSS Feed
On The Importance of 15-5 Updates
We had a delightful discussion on the importance of writing weekly updates in this week's [Coding...
over a year ago
We had a delightful discussion on the importance of writing weekly updates in this week's [Coding Career Community meetup](https://learninpublic.org/#community). I rarely get so excited about an idea I immediately know I need to start doing it, so I'm choosing to write it up to...
What comes after AWS?
James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday:
Grumble Bundle
7 months ago
James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday:
Grumble Bundle
what are the core primitives developers need for building and deploying modern applications? what platform services does the underlying infrastructure need to...
Climbing Mount Effect
Declarative Code and Effects
This is a series about incrementalism in code and coding. On the one...
over a year ago
Declarative Code and Effects
This is a series about incrementalism in code and coding. On the one hand, I mean code that is rewindable and resumable. On the other, I mean incremental changes in how we code.
This is not an easy topic, because understanding some of the best...
David Heinemeier...
Finding The Last Editor
Some programmers can code under any conditions. Open office? They'll bring headphones. Whatever...
10 months ago
Some programmers can code under any conditions. Open office? They'll bring headphones. Whatever editor is on their system? They'll make it work. Using a different framework or language every few years? No problem. I envy that level of versatility, but I've come to accept it just...
The Codist
Why Are People Still Using C?
C is second in the latest TIOBE list of the most popular languages. I find it hard to understand...
a year ago
C is second in the latest TIOBE list of the most popular languages. I find it hard to understand why, unless there is a lot of existing code to support, I can't fathom why anyone would start something new in 2023 in C.
I first learned C in
A script to get Live Text from images
One of my favourite new features on Apple’s OSes in the last few years is Live Text, which is an...
over a year ago
One of my favourite new features on Apple’s OSes in the last few years is Live Text, which is an optical character recognition tool that lets you select text in images.
This sort of tech has been around for decades, but having it built into the OS makes it much easier to use.
Coding Horror
The 2030 Self-Driving Car Bet
It's my honor to announce that John Carmack and I have initiated a friendly bet of $10,000* to the...
over a year ago
It's my honor to announce that John Carmack and I have initiated a friendly bet of $10,000* to the 501(c)(3) charity of the winner’s choice:
By January 1st, 2030, completely autonomous self-driving cars meeting SAE J3016 level 5 will be commercially available for
Liz Denys
The shape is everything: sun-dried tomato and pesto pane bianco
I've been getting into baking bread a lot lately instead of focusing more on the sweet and pastry...
over a year ago
I've been getting into baking bread a lot lately instead of focusing more on the sweet and pastry side of things. While I've been enjoying making fresh sourdough from fresh sourdough starter and love the end results, I sometimes find that basic breads are a lot of kneading (read:...
the singularity is...
choose your own adventure
In about 15 years, a desktop computer will be able to do everything a human can. In 25, a mobile...
a year ago
In about 15 years, a desktop computer will be able to do everything a human can. In 25, a mobile phone.
Barring a catastrophe, these are facts. What does the future look like for humanity?
The only reason we killed all the animals is because the Earth is small. The longest...
37signals Dev
Mission Control — Jobs
As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a...
11 months ago
As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a dashboard and set of extensions to operate and observe background jobs, that we’ve been using for over a year, in the beginning with Resque only, and later with both Resque and...
ntietz.com blog
[Review] "Data and Goliath" by Bruce Schneier
I just finished reading Bruce Schneier's latest book, "Data and Goliath." I was apprehensive at...
over a year ago
I just finished reading Bruce Schneier's latest book, "Data and Goliath." I was apprehensive at first -- I'm a big fan of Schneier's posts online, but I found this randomly at the library and I was hoping not to be disappointed. In the end, it was well worth the read.
The book...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Language-Level Toll Roads
I’m trying to put my finger on something, but I can’t quite figure out what it is — hence this post....
a year ago
I’m trying to put my finger on something, but I can’t quite figure out what it is — hence this post. Maybe by the end of writing, I’ll have figured it out.
Deno recently launched their KV storage. Being a fan of deno, I looked at it with interest. Here’s a sample:
const kv =...
Joel on Software
HASH: a free, online platform for modeling the world
Sometimes simulating complex systems is the best way to understand them. Read more "HASH: a free,...
over a year ago
Sometimes simulating complex systems is the best way to understand them. Read more "HASH: a free, online platform for modeling the world"
ntietz.com blog
RC Week 11: Learning is best when multiplayer
As I come up on the end of my batch at Recurse Center, I've been doing some reflecting on my time...
over a year ago
As I come up on the end of my batch at Recurse Center, I've been doing some reflecting on my time here.
One of the standout themes is how much I've learned through struggling with other people.
In particular, this learning together has make some difficult topics approachable,...
Elad Blog
Why Has Israel Succeeded At COVID Vaccination?
Israel has pulled ahead of much in the world in its rate of vaccinating its citizens - with roughly...
over a year ago
Israel has pulled ahead of much in the world in its rate of vaccinating its citizens - with roughly 1% of the entire population vaccinated per day and over 23% of the country vaccinated in the first few weeks. The country hopes to have the entire population over age 16
the jsomers.net blog
The best general advice on earth
These are excerpts (emphasis mine) from William James's 1890 classic, Principles of Psychology,...
over a year ago
These are excerpts (emphasis mine) from William James's 1890 classic, Principles of Psychology, Chapter IV, "Habit": The great thing, then, in all education, is to make our nervous system our ally instead of our enemy. It is to fund and capitalize our acquisitions, and live at...
Questionable Advice: “How can I drive change and influence teams…without power?”
Last month I got to attend GOTO Chicago and give a talk about continuous deployment and...
a year ago
Last month I got to attend GOTO Chicago and give a talk about continuous deployment and high-performing teams. Honestly I did a terrible job, and I’m not being modest. I had just rolled off a delayed redeye flight; I realized partway through that I had the wrong slides loaded,...
My (tiny) contribution to Rust 1.64
A couple of months ago, I was writing some Rust, and the compiler spat out an error:
over a year ago
A couple of months ago, I was writing some Rust, and the compiler spat out an error:
error[E0412]: cannot find type `Boolean` in this scope
--> src/fs_helpers.rs:29:33
29 | pub fn is_ds_store(p: &Path) -> Boolean
| ^^^^^^^ not found in...
Elad Blog
Things I Don't Know About AI
The more I learn about AI markets, the less I think I know. I list questions and some thoughts.
10 months ago
The more I learn about AI markets, the less I think I know. I list questions and some thoughts.
Steve Klabnik
Did you hear? I'm Ruby Mendicant University's first visiting teacher
over a year ago
Alex Meub
Building a Removable Bike Basket for the Yepp Rack
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my...
4 months ago
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my Yepp rear rack. I also use my rack with a child seat (the Yepp Maxi) which has a mechanism that allows it to attach and detach easily without sacrificing safety. I was thinking it...
David Heinemeier...
Villains may live long enough to become heroes
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of...
8 months ago
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of "cutting off the air supply", of embrace-extend-extinguish, of open source as a "cancer", and of Bill Gates before he sought reputational refugee in philanthropy. What made the...
The Pragmatic...
What is a Senior Software Engineer at Wise and Amazon?
Common expectations for the senior level at the two companies, and compensation packages at Wise.
a year ago
Common expectations for the senior level at the two companies, and compensation packages at Wise.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Memento Vivere
Remember what life can do.
over a year ago
Remember what life can do.
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Hotjar
Want to understand the difference between Hotjar and PostHog? Here's the short answer: Hotjar is a...
a year ago
Want to understand the difference between Hotjar and PostHog? Here's the short answer: Hotjar is a user research tool that offers session replays…
#33 make me one (input) with everything
The good intentions were there but in the HTML and Accessibility world, less is sometimes more.
4 months ago
The good intentions were there but in the HTML and Accessibility world, less is sometimes more.
Bad code
<label for="textinput">First name</label>
<input type="text" id="textinput" aria-label="First name" placeholder="First name" title="First name">
Issues and how to fix them
ntietz.com blog -...
Evolving my ergonomic setup (or, my laptop with extra steps)
My computer setup attracts attention when I'm out and about.
This has two effects: engineers1 ask me...
a month ago
My computer setup attracts attention when I'm out and about.
This has two effects: engineers1 ask me about it, and everyone else ignores me.
These effects are not undesirable, but further testing is required.
The main reason I have such an unusual setup, though, is more...
Epic Web Dev
Testing Accessibility with Keyboard (article)
Learn how to improve keyboard accessibility in web apps, ensuring an inclusive experience for all...
3 months ago
Learn how to improve keyboard accessibility in web apps, ensuring an inclusive experience for all users, including those using assistive technologies.
datalists are more powerful than you think
by Alexis Degryse
I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a...
5 days ago
by Alexis Degryse
I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a list of <option> elements, offering suggested choices for its associated input field.
It’s not an alternative for the <select> element. A field associated to a <datalist> can...
Open charter companies and relicensing
A few weeks ago, HashiCorp switched its default license for future product releases to the BSL...
a year ago
A few weeks ago, HashiCorp switched its default license for future product releases to the BSL license. The BSL license was created by the people at MariaDB in 2017 to give companies a way to release software as open source but prohibit their competitors from re-hosting that...
David Heinemeier...
What is HiFi
I grew up in a home where music was always playing. My father repaired electronics, so an endless...
a year ago
I grew up in a home where music was always playing. My father repaired electronics, so an endless stream of speakers, amplifiers, turntables, and TVs passed through the household. And all of it had to be tested, of course. At max volume. Sometimes at odd hours.
While that was...
Alice GG
Writing GDScript with Neovim
Neovim is by far my favorite text editor.
The clutter-free interface and keyboard-only navigation...
2 months ago
Neovim is by far my favorite text editor.
The clutter-free interface and keyboard-only navigation are what keep me productive in my daily programming.
In an earlier post, I explained how I configure it into a minimalist development environment.
Today, I will show you how to use...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Clustering
Single Linkage, K-Means, Soft Clustering, and Kleinberg Impossibility
over a year ago
Single Linkage, K-Means, Soft Clustering, and Kleinberg Impossibility
ntietz.com blog
Using search as a primary datastore since the docs said not to
Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip.
Then I just have to do...
4 months ago
Look, I'm sorry, but if the docs say not to do something that's like catnip.
Then I just have to do it.
So when I saw that the Typesense docs say not to use it as a primary datastore?
Well well well, that's what we'll have to do.
I spent a little bit of time figuring out what a...
Putting history on the map →
Back in July, we built an interactive map for the Flickr Commons Explorer.
I wrote an article for...
2 months ago
Back in July, we built an interactive map for the Flickr Commons Explorer.
I wrote an article for the Flickr blog about some of the photos I found using the map – including Antarctic explorers, northern factories, and Hawaiian industry.
[If the formatting of this post looks odd...
On Test Automation
I am tired of AI
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same...
3 months ago
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same massive surge I’ve seen in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to pretty much every problem out there, in software testing, in software development, and in life in...
Josh Comeau's blog
How To Learn Stuff Quickly
As software developers, we're always learning new things; it's practically the whole gig! If we can...
over a year ago
As software developers, we're always learning new things; it's practically the whole gig! If we can learn to quickly pick up new languages/frameworks/tools, we'll become so much more effective at our job. It's sort of a superpower.
David Heinemeier...
Le Mans 2024
This will be my 11th attempt. The first time I showed up on the grid at Le Mans was in 2012 -- some...
9 months ago
This will be my 11th attempt. The first time I showed up on the grid at Le Mans was in 2012 -- some five years after I had first driven a real race car, and even less time since I made participating in the world's greatest endurance race the ultimate goal. But it almost didn't...
Using cultural survey data.
When I was at Stripe, I reworked the hiring process for Director-plus engineering managers.
My goal...
a year ago
When I was at Stripe, I reworked the hiring process for Director-plus engineering managers.
My goal was to better evaluate polished senior leaders who always said the right thing.
I wanted to find the real beliefs and behaviors underneath all the polish.
One interview focused on...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to measure product engagement
Product engagement is the most important factor when it comes to driving retention and revenue for...
over a year ago
Product engagement is the most important factor when it comes to driving retention and revenue for your business. Though it seems easy to view success…
The Changelog
Lessons of Social Media from BBSs
In the recent article The Internet Origin Story You Know Is Wrong, I was somewhat surprised to see...
over a year ago
In the recent article The Internet Origin Story You Know Is Wrong, I was somewhat surprised to see the argument that BBSs are a part of the Internet origin story that is often omitted. Surprised because I was there for BBSs, and even ran one, and didn’t really consider them part...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Feature Transformation
Presenting the same information a different way... helps! Plus, one algorithm that does better than...
over a year ago
Presenting the same information a different way... helps! Plus, one algorithm that does better than Principal Components Analysis!
Josh Collinsworth
How to Connect Local with CodeKit
Enjoy all the convenience of easy local WordPress development with Local, plus build tools with...
over a year ago
Enjoy all the convenience of easy local WordPress development with Local, plus build tools with CodeKit, without any of the tricky command line setup.
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing Data Management for PostHog
PostHog is growing fast. In just the last year we've measured ~36.5B total events ingested in...
over a year ago
PostHog is growing fast. In just the last year we've measured ~36.5B total events ingested in PostHog Cloud, and hundreds of self-hosted users reached…
Making software...
Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux
Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux
Everyone seems to be running some...
a year ago
Launching Sublime Text with dmenu on Alpine Linux
Everyone seems to be running some version of VSCode as their main editor these days. But not me. I find VSCode to be too bloated for my needs - not to mention being built on top of electron instead of native code. I...
A Smart Bear
Moats: Durable competitive advantage
Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low...
over a year ago
Industries commoditize over time, delivering similar products at similar prices resulting in low profit. Like entropy, this is the inevitable fate of a company, unless it exerts intentional force to the contrary. Moats are this force, and your strategy must identify how to create...
Steve Klabnik
Looking back at Rust in 2018
over a year ago
Spring Lisp Game Jam 2023 Summary
The Spring Lisp Game Jam
2023 submission
deadline has now passed and we are now in the rating...
a year ago
The Spring Lisp Game Jam
2023 submission
deadline has now passed and we are now in the rating period. I was a
co-host of the jam alongside
technomancy but he did all the real
work setting everything up. There were 30
this time around, which I believe is a new record...
Epic Web Dev
Making Use of Code Coverage (article)
Dive into the contentious world of code coverage. Learn its nuances, pitfalls, and practical...
10 months ago
Dive into the contentious world of code coverage. Learn its nuances, pitfalls, and practical applications for modern web app testing
On Test Automation
Contract testing - what (not) to test for - part 1
Recently, I started working with a new client who have been working on their contract testing...
a month ago
Recently, I started working with a new client who have been working on their contract testing implementation for a while and figured out they could use some outside help. I’ve paid them a visit recently, and to make the most out of our time together (there was some travel...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Zero to Unmaintainable in 1.2 Commands
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and...
10 months ago
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and going quick” is:
I can burp some npm commands into my terminal, burp some more to setup a deployment pipeline and blam! Website. The time to product demo is so low.
But there’s...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Custom Elements, At Minimum, Only Need End With a Hyphen
Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid...
6 months ago
Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid custom element tag.
The spec says you can have custom elements with emojis in them. For example:
But for some reason the Codepen where I tested this wasn’t...
Coding Horror
To Serve Man, with Software
I didn't choose to be a programmer. Somehow, it seemed, the computers chose me. For a long time,...
over a year ago
I didn't choose to be a programmer. Somehow, it seemed, the computers chose me. For a long time, that was fine, that was enough; that was all I needed. But along the way I never felt that being a programmer was this unambiguously great-for-everyone career field with zero
Charles Chen
Concurrent Processing in .NET 6 with System.Threading.Channels (Bonus: Interval Trees)
Using .NET System.Threading.Channels for concurrent processing with interval trees.
over a year ago
Using .NET System.Threading.Channels for concurrent processing with interval trees.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Reading Recursion via Pascal
<![CDATA[I read the book Recursion via Pascal by Jeffrey S. Rohl, Cambridge University Press, 1984....
9 months ago
<![CDATA[I read the book Recursion via Pascal by Jeffrey S. Rohl, Cambridge University Press, 1984. I discovered this rare, little known gem by chance and, although it's available online, I also bought a cheap printed copy.
The book Recursion via Pascal.
What makes this short...
Steve Klabnik
"C is how the computer works" is a dangerous mindset for C programmers
over a year ago
The Changelog
The xz Issue Isn’t About Open Source
You’ve probably heard of the recent backdoor in xz. There have been a lot of takes on this, most of...
9 months ago
You’ve probably heard of the recent backdoor in xz. There have been a lot of takes on this, most of them boiling down to some version of: The problem here is with Open Source Software. I want to say not only is that view so myopic that it pushes towards the incorrect, but also it...
Ink & Switch
01 · Versioning and provenance for empirical research
Introducing Jacquard: a project exploring better collaborative editing environments for empirical...
5 months ago
Introducing Jacquard: a project exploring better collaborative editing environments for empirical research.
Liz Denys
Earl Grey infused white chocolate ganache latte syrup, inspired by Voltage Coffee
I'm not frequently a fan of flavored lattes. I like an occasional pumpkin spice latte near...
over a year ago
I'm not frequently a fan of flavored lattes. I like an occasional pumpkin spice latte near Halloween, an occasional vanilla latte if it's exceptionally well made, but I usually just stick with the simple unflavored latte. Furthermore, I'm definitely not a fan of mochas: I'd...
Elad Blog
Altimeter's Brad Gerstner on Macro, Tech and Startups
Video and transcript from a fireside chat with Brad Gerstner of Altimeter
a year ago
Video and transcript from a fireside chat with Brad Gerstner of Altimeter
Ralph Ammer
Edmund Husserl — Consciousness
You are awake. You think and you feel. But what is it that is doing all this thinking and feeling?...
7 months ago
You are awake. You think and you feel. But what is it that is doing all this thinking and feeling? We call it “consciousness” and over 100 years ago the philosopher Edmund Husserl made a bold attempt to uncover its secrets. Subjective experience is private The thing is:...
Headlamps are better flashlights
A brief and silly life-hack: headlamps are better flashlights. Most of the time when you are using a...
11 months ago
A brief and silly life-hack: headlamps are better flashlights. Most of the time when you are using a flashlight, you need to use your hands too. Headlamps solve that problem. They’re bright enough for most purposes and are usually smaller than flashlights too. There are very few...
Writing Developer Job Postings
When you're advertising a developer position online, a job posting is often the first time a...
over a year ago
When you're advertising a developer position online, a job posting is often the first time a developer hears about your company. Despite the posting being the first step in the hiring flow, companies put little effort into them, often having it be little more than a list of...
Kagi Blog
New features in the Orion Browser
*Orion beta 0.99.124* has just landed ( https://browser.kagi.com/#download_sec ) and is bringing...
a year ago
*Orion beta 0.99.124* has just landed ( https://browser.kagi.com/#download_sec ) and is bringing over 160 new features, improvements, and bug fixes, making this our most significant release ever.
Remains of the Day
My Pandemic Zoom Setup
Now that everyone is spending many of their waking hours in Zoom, a lot of people are laughing at,...
over a year ago
Now that everyone is spending many of their waking hours in Zoom, a lot of people are laughing at, and then asking me about, my Zoom setup. It’s actually not all that elaborate. I know many people with much more elaborate setups. Still, for a simple upgrade to the mic and camera...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The God Endpoints will continue until morale improves
a brief meditation on why we keep trying to build God Endpoints and why we will fail until we figure...
over a year ago
a brief meditation on why we keep trying to build God Endpoints and why we will fail until we figure out interfaces.
Liz Denys
Reversing the Parks Dept. Ban on E-Bikes is a Matter of Equity
Last November, signs banning e-assist bikes were tacked onto Prospect Park's rule signs:
over a year ago
Last November, signs banning e-assist bikes were tacked onto Prospect Park's rule signs:
The original signs announcing this ban only stated it in English.
I'm in Streetsblog today with a piece about why reversing this arbitrary ban is a matter of equity:
Over Memorial Day...
Liz Denys
New Loose Leaf Security episode: Digital photos and privacy
Making sure your digital photos aren't leaking your location or other information is one of the most...
over a year ago
Making sure your digital photos aren't leaking your location or other information is one of the most important technology-related privacy issues influencing your physical safety, so make sure to catch the latest episode of Loose Leaf Security:
Digital photos and privacy
Installing Guix on a 10th gen Thinkpad X1
The last time I bought a laptop, I got a used Thinkpad X220 from
eBay. I loved that laptop,...
over a year ago
The last time I bought a laptop, I got a used Thinkpad X220 from
eBay. I loved that laptop, but
time marches on and old hardware eventually becomes too slow for
modern development needs. After a lot of indecision, I bought a 10th
generation Thinkpad X1 with an Intel Core...
Life Skills Learned Playing World of Warcraft
Between the ages of 14 and 17 I had an addiction to an online game called World of Warcraft...
over a year ago
Between the ages of 14 and 17 I had an addiction to an online game called World of Warcraft (WoW).
In the first half of this post I'm going to explain the game and how I played it. In the second half I'll talk about the skills I learned and how they've helped me.
If you played a...
the singularity is...
A Person of Compute
We will define one person of compute as 20 PFLOPS (64 A100s, or a single dense 42U A100 rack). We...
a year ago
We will define one person of compute as 20 PFLOPS (64 A100s, or a single dense 42U A100 rack). We are in the era of the 1 rack person, consuming about 30kW to provide those 20 PFLOPS.
LLaMA was trained on a cluster of 2048 A100s, with ~312 TFLOPS each. 2048 is currently the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What we built at our windswept Mykonos hackathon
As a fully-remote company with 47 misfits spread across ten countries, our offsites are a vital part...
7 months ago
As a fully-remote company with 47 misfits spread across ten countries, our offsites are a vital part of our culture. They’re a great way to get to…
swyx's site RSS Feed
10x-ing Svelte (Svelte Summit 2022 Talk Notes)
Some show notes for my Svelte Summit talk for those who are looking for all the references and cut...
over a year ago
Some show notes for my Svelte Summit talk for those who are looking for all the references and cut content.
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: ClickHouse vs Snowflake
Two years ago, Snowflake versus ClickHouse was a straightforward comparison. Back then, Snowflake...
a year ago
Two years ago, Snowflake versus ClickHouse was a straightforward comparison. Back then, Snowflake was fully managed, expensive, and broadly featured…
ntietz.com blog
Rust's iterators optimize nicely—and contain a footgun
I saw a claim recently that in functional programming using "map/filter iterates over the list...
7 months ago
I saw a claim recently that in functional programming using "map/filter iterates over the list twice, while the foreach loop iterates only once."
The author continued that "Haskell can fuse maps together as an optimization but I don't think you safely fuse arbitrary map/filters?...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.4.0
Session times are here! They're a great way to help understand how engaged users are. The Array...
over a year ago
Session times are here! They're a great way to help understand how engaged users are. The Array 1.4.0 brings plenty of improvements to our core…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Date me
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
Programming in the...
Progress Bars are Surprisingly Difficult
We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last...
over a year ago
We've all seen progress bars that move slowly for twenty minutes, then rapidly fill up in the last 30 seconds. Or the reverse, where a once speedy bar takes 50% of the time covering the last few pixels. And bars that occasionally jump backward in time are not the rarity you'd...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Managing pure Common Lisp files on Medley
<![CDATA[Managing Lisp code in the residential environment of Medley differs from similar tasks in...
10 months ago
<![CDATA[Managing Lisp code in the residential environment of Medley differs from similar tasks in traditional file based Common Lisp systems.
In a previous post I explained how the residential environment of Medley works, discussed some of its facilities and tools, and...
Epic Web Dev
Improve UX and Security with Time-based One Time Passwords (TOTPs) (tip)
Watch Kent show you the improved user experience, security, and the implementation of Time-based One...
a year ago
Watch Kent show you the improved user experience, security, and the implementation of Time-based One Time Passwords in the Epic Stack.
Liz Denys
Crafting a recipe: creamy Vidalia onion soup
I often find myself cooking, or sometimes even baking, without recipes or even measuring cups and...
over a year ago
I often find myself cooking, or sometimes even baking, without recipes or even measuring cups and spoons. The latter, especially with baking, is some linear combination of adventurousness - things haven't gone badly yet as I have always managed to produce the results I've wanted...
Enforcing better HTML markup with Eleventy
While what we mean is usually very clear to us, others may decode our messages differently from what...
over a year ago
While what we mean is usually very clear to us, others may decode our messages differently from what we intended. This is especially true on the web, where there are many ways to consume content. The language, browser type, device model, using a screen reader, navigating with or...
Blog System/5
Why do I know shell, and how can you?
My personal story with this ancient language and some tips to learn it
a year ago
My personal story with this ancient language and some tips to learn it
Making software...
PS4 Download UI with Pure CSS
PS4 Download UI with Pure CSS
Overall, I'm fairly impressed with the user interface...
over a year ago
PS4 Download UI with Pure CSS
Overall, I'm fairly impressed with the user interface design of Sony's PS4 system OS. It's minimal and keeps the content front and center. Even with it's sometimes spotty performance hiccups, I've come to enjoy interacting with it.
One of...
PostHog's RSS Feed
10 things we've learned about pricing for SaaS startups
Originally published in our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping...
a year ago
Originally published in our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers and founders build better products, and…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supervised Learning: Classification Learning & Decision Trees
The simplest form of Classification algorithm
over a year ago
The simplest form of Classification algorithm
Oxide Computer...
A Gap in the TrustZone preset settings for the LPC55S69
We’re very excited to have announced
the general availability of our cloud computer. As part of this...
a year ago
We’re very excited to have announced
the general availability of our cloud computer. As part of this work, we
continue to build on top of the LPC55S69 from NXP as our Root of Trust. We’ve
discovered some gaps when using TrustZone preset settings on the LPC55S69 that
can allow for...
Joel Gascoigne
Why you should start marketing early
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’ve been...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about when the right time is to start
marketing a startup. In my previous startup [http://myonepage.com], we were
hesitant to attempt to get press early. We were...
Steve Klabnik
Deleuze for Developers: will smooth space/open source suffice to save us?
over a year ago
Notes on How Big Things Get Done
How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner is a fascinating look at why some...
a year ago
How Big Things Get Done by Bent Flyvbjerg and Dan Gardner is a fascinating look at why some megaprojects fail so resoundingly and why others succeed under budget and under schedule. It’s an exploration of planning methods, the role of expertise, the value of benchmarking similar...
ntietz.com blog
Tech systems amplify variety and that's a problem
I recently read "Designing Freedom" by Stafford Beer.
It has me thinking a lot about the systems we...
over a year ago
I recently read "Designing Freedom" by Stafford Beer.
It has me thinking a lot about the systems we have in place and something clicked for why they feel so wrong despite being so prevalent.
I'm not sure what any solutions look like yet, but outlining a problem is the first step,...
Steve Klabnik
Borrow checking, escape analysis, and the generational hypothesis
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.35.0: Introducing SAML, world map view and new plugins
PostHog 1.35.0 introduces activity logs and a brand new way of visualizing where your users are...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.35.0 introduces activity logs and a brand new way of visualizing where your users are coming from with the World Map. Additionally we now support organization-level SAML login on both Cloud and Self-Hosted instances. Plus check out your Project Homepage for a few...
Epic Web Dev
Web Application Testing (workshop)
Learn how to write tests that cover all of your backend and frontend code. Web Application Testing...
a year ago
Learn how to write tests that cover all of your backend and frontend code. Web Application Testing covers unit testing, E2E, integration testing, and more!
Alex Meub
Building a 3D Printer Enclosure
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would...
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would be to create high-quality prints with such little effort. I’ve printed raspberry pi cases, kids’ toys, ceiling hooks, custom parts, electronics enclosures, curtain rod holders,...
A Beautiful Site
But we haven't even mastered Acid2!
Safari was the first mainstream browser to pass the Acid2 Test now. Opera was a close second....
over a year ago
Safari was the first mainstream browser to pass the Acid2 Test now. Opera was a close second. Firefox finally nailed it down with version 3. Even Micrsoft, back in December, announced that IE8 passes the Acid2 Test. Web browsers have certainly come a long way towards standards...
David Heinemeier...
Pick promise over proof
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what...
a year ago
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what someone is truly capable of. Sure, we try our best to make good, educated guesses during the hiring process, and this is why asking finalists to do sample work projects is so...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A brief experience with the Cardputer uLisp Machine
<![CDATA[For Chrismtas 2024 I bought myself a lovely little Cardputer uLisp Machine, an M5Stack...
a week ago
<![CDATA[For Chrismtas 2024 I bought myself a lovely little Cardputer uLisp Machine, an M5Stack Cardputer that can run uLisp.
The M5Stack Cardputer is a card-sized, microcontroller-based portable system for home automation, hobby, and industrial applications. Although not...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Everything You Hate About Clubhouse Is Why It Will Win
Understanding new social media is a *sociological* exercise, not a logical one.
over a year ago
Understanding new social media is a *sociological* exercise, not a logical one.
Computer Things
GitHub Search for research and learning
Hi everyone!
I have a new blog post out: An RNG that runs in your brain. It's a mix of cool tricks...
11 months ago
Hi everyone!
I have a new blog post out: An RNG that runs in your brain. It's a mix of cool tricks and math analysis done with an exotic gremlin language. Patreon is here. Also TLA+ workshop on Feb 12 etc etc use the code NEWSLETTERDISCOUNT for $100 off etc
Anyway I've been all...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Svelte stores: the curious parts
We've already learnt a lot about svelte's reactivity system — the primary way to work with state in...
a year ago
We've already learnt a lot about svelte's reactivity system — the primary way to work with state in svelte components. But not all state belongs in components — sometimes we want app-global state (think state manager), sometimes we just want to reuse logic between components....
Tony Finch's blog
petnames and Zooko's fan
Recently the Spritely Institute
published an introduction to Petnames, A humane approach to...
a month ago
Recently the Spritely Institute
published an introduction to Petnames, A humane approach to secure,
decentralized naming.
I have long been a fan of petnames, and graph naming systems in
general. I first learned about them in the context of Mark Miller’s
E programming language...
Some experiments with circle-based art
The header of this site is made of tiling squares in slightly varying shades of red.
It’s meant to...
over a year ago
The header of this site is made of tiling squares in slightly varying shades of red.
It’s meant to be subtle, but I think it still gives the site a unique look:
I think of this as the “new” header, even though my screenshot library tells me I added it in 2016 (!), as does the...
Letters of Note
It is only a matter of time
On September 12th of 2011, the New York Times published an article by Dr. Abigail Zuger in which she...
over a year ago
On September 12th of 2011, the New York Times published an article by Dr. Abigail Zuger in which she criticised certain supposedly unrealistic aspects of Contagion, Steven Soderbergh’s recently released and widely lauded thriller in which a deadly pandemic sweeps the globe. In...
Onboarding peer executives.
While many companies build out an elaborate Engineering onboarding program, the process for...
a year ago
While many companies build out an elaborate Engineering onboarding program, the process for onboarding new executives tends to be an ad-hoc, chaotic affair. There usually is an executive onboarding process, but it’s used too infrequently to ever get excellent.
Part of the problem...
Kevin Chen
!!Con 2018 Notes
!!Con is a conference held every spring in New York
City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can...
over a year ago
!!Con is a conference held every spring in New York
City. It’s two days of lightning talks that can be about anything related to
This conference is a great showcase of the diverse backgrounds of the NYC tech
scene. I’m really going to miss it when I move back to the...
Making software...
Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again)
Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again)
For the past four months this blog has been...
over a year ago
Goodbye WordPress, Hello Jekyll (Again)
For the past four months this blog has been running on WordPress - but that ended today. I've officially switched back over to Jekyll. I'm not going to spend too much time delving into why I made the transition back, but I'll...
On Test Automation
On ditching hourly and productizing my services
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve spent much more time commuting than normal. I mostly work remotely...
4 weeks ago
In the last couple of weeks, I’ve spent much more time commuting than normal. I mostly work remotely these days, for clients both in the Netherlands and abroad. And I like it that way. Don’t get me wrong, I like to drive, but commuting takes up a lot of time, time I would rather...
A Smart Bear
Color Wheels are wrong? How color vision actually works
Artists say all colors are a mixture of red, yellow, and blue. But physics and TV screens and...
9 months ago
Artists say all colors are a mixture of red, yellow, and blue. But physics and TV screens and printers disagree. How does color really work?
37signals Dev
Solid Cache
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Cache, a new ActiveRecord::Cache::Store that we use in Basecamp and...
a year ago
We’ve just open-sourced Solid Cache, a new ActiveRecord::Cache::Store that we use in Basecamp and HEY.
Solid Cache uses a SQL database as its cache store. We get a much larger cache at a fraction of the storage costs of memory caches like Redis or Memcached. For us, that’s a...
Vadim Kravcenko
I’m finishing university, scared about future career prospects
Hey, my name's Kalesh, I'm 22 and about to finish my bachelor's in August. Planning to be...
9 months ago
Hey, my name's Kalesh, I'm 22 and about to finish my bachelor's in August. Planning to be a software engineer. But, I keep hearing the job market's tough. Been reading online that lots of devs are struggling to find steady gigs. Is your company looking for any devs?...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython and ELF Essentials for Building a Basic Remote Profiler
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
7 months ago
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
Josh Comeau's blog
Animated Sparkles in React
In this dazzling tutorial, we'll see how to build an animated component. Wrap it around text or...
over a year ago
In this dazzling tutorial, we'll see how to build an animated component. Wrap it around text or images and watch them twinkle! This neat trick is a perfect way to emphasize positive or exciting things.
Tony Finch's blog
LEGO Technic beam sandwich keyboard case
My Keybird69 uses LEGO in its enclosure, in an unconventional way.
story time
Two years ago I...
a year ago
My Keybird69 uses LEGO in its enclosure, in an unconventional way.
story time
Two years ago I planned to make a typical
acrylic sandwich case
for HHKBeeb, in the style of the BBC Micro’s black and yellowish beige
case. But that never happened because it was too hard to choose...
Chris Nicholas
How to animate multiplayer cursors
Smoothly rendering live cursors is more difficult than it sounds when real-world conditions are...
over a year ago
Smoothly rendering live cursors is more difficult than it sounds when real-world conditions are taken into account.
Founder's blog
Reasons NOT to upgrade ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (but you will have to anyway)
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and...
a year ago
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and "high-performance and scalable blah-blah", and also "microservices!!! containers!!!" etc. Even more - I understand that's it's inevitable. But still. Consider this an angry post on what's wrong...
David Heinemeier...
Tesla wins
When we first got our Tesla Model X four years ago, I wasn't the biggest fan. Build quality was...
a year ago
When we first got our Tesla Model X four years ago, I wasn't the biggest fan. Build quality was spotty, brakes didn't match the performance, and handling was at best so-so. But it could carry seven, including luggage, was electric, and the dual-motor acceleration was a hoot. So...
bt RSS Feed
Basic Gulp Build for Sass
Basic Gulp Build for Sass
Some designers might shy away from build tools when first...
over a year ago
Basic Gulp Build for Sass
Some designers might shy away from build tools when first starting out and I can understand the reasoning - task runners like gulp and grunt can seem daunting at first. So, I’ve decided to showcase my go-to setup for gulp and explain what the...
Josh Collinsworth
For whatever it's worth: my advice on job hunting in tech
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for...
7 months ago
A collection of things I've learned over my decade in the industry, on how and where to look for jobs, applying, interviewing, and all those fun things. For whatever it's worth.
Ralph Ammer
David Hume — Why we change our mind
How do we know which food is best for us? We might start a low-carb diet. Then we switch to whole...
a year ago
How do we know which food is best for us? We might start a low-carb diet. Then we switch to whole grains, or even go fully vegan—only to return to a low-carb diet yet again. We constantly change our minds. Even scientists keep revising their perspectives. Why is it so difficult...
bt RSS Feed
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
It is no secret that OpenBSD has poor...
a year ago
Improving Laptop Battery Performance on OpenBSD
It is no secret that OpenBSD has poor battery performance on laptops. Although not as impressive as something like Alpine Linux or FreeBSD, you can tweak OpenBSD just enough to squeeze more life out of your machine’s...
Founder's blog
How to Hide Tethering from Your Mobile Operator
Use a secure VPN to prevent DPI
On your laptop, change packet TTL to 65 (iOS...
a year ago
Use a secure VPN to prevent DPI
On your laptop, change packet TTL to 65 (iOS default 64 plus one).
On my recent mountain biking trip to France I accidentally booked an Airbnb without WiFi. Bummer. But hey, 5 minutes of googling and I found a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Part Time Creator Manifesto
Why we need more people creating Part Time and how you can do it too.
over a year ago
Why we need more people creating Part Time and how you can do it too.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Ideas for replit bounties
Apparently replit asks all Pro users about their thoughts.
As it happens, I have a lot of thoughts...
a year ago
Apparently replit asks all Pro users about their thoughts.
As it happens, I have a lot of thoughts about how to improve Replit bounties.
Lower transaction costs
Currently the process is:
I post a bounty
one or more people apply
I select an applicant
they do the work
Josh Comeau's blog
Understanding Layout Algorithms
As front-end developers, we often learn CSS by focusing on individual properties. Instead, we should...
over a year ago
As front-end developers, we often learn CSS by focusing on individual properties. Instead, we should focus on how the language uses those properties to calculate layouts. In this blog post, we'll pop the hood on CSS and see how the language is structured, and how to learn it...
Filtering AWS CLI output by tags using jq
Recently I was writing a shell script to deal with the AWS CLI, and I wanted to filter the list of...
a year ago
Recently I was writing a shell script to deal with the AWS CLI, and I wanted to filter the list of results using jq.
Specifically, I wanted to filter using some of the AWS tags, which are a bit unwieldy – although the tags form a set of key/value pairs, they’re returned as a list...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to deal with fatal: bad object HEAD in git
as a cheapo who uses Apple iCloud (the world's worst sync service) as a sync service for my Obsidian...
a year ago
as a cheapo who uses Apple iCloud (the world's worst sync service) as a sync service for my Obsidian Second Brain, I have recently run into this issue a lot:
Charles Chen
Use TypeScript Record Types for Better Code
TypeScript Record types have super powers that can help any team write better code.
over a year ago
TypeScript Record types have super powers that can help any team write better code.
A Beautiful Site
Animated CSS hamburger icons
If you need some tasty CSS hamburger icons that animate in fantastic ways, here you go.
over a year ago
If you need some tasty CSS hamburger icons that animate in fantastic ways, here you go.
Hamburgers is an MIT-licensed CSS library that gives you over a dozen beautifully animated navicons for use in your own projects. Also includes the Sass source so you can customize and compile...
Alex Meub
IE 6,7,8 Warning with removeChild
On a removeChild function call, Internet Explorer complains: “Do you want to view only the webpage...
over a year ago
On a removeChild function call, Internet Explorer complains: “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?”. This is a particularly obscure bug with IE that has caused me lots of grief. First of all, it is indeed a bug with IE. This behavior can be...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
2019: Lessons learned
It’s the end of the year — and the decade — as endless listicles remind me every day. I wrote an end...
over a year ago
It’s the end of the year — and the decade — as endless listicles remind me every day. I wrote an end of year blog post last year so I…
Vadim Kravcenko
Infrastructure: From Zero to Enterprise
Back when I was coding in 2007, my stack was straightforward. I had a shared hosting provider that...
11 months ago
Back when I was coding in 2007, my stack was straightforward. I had a shared hosting provider that cost me […]
The post Infrastructure: From Zero to Enterprise appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
A Beautiful Site
Social sharing buttons are ineffective
Back in 2012, I wrote an article called Down with the "Share" Widget. In it, I talked about why...
over a year ago
Back in 2012, I wrote an article called Down with the "Share" Widget. In it, I talked about why plastering social sharing buttons all over your website is completely ineffective. This morning, Smashing Magazine all but confirmed my theory.
In today's Smashing Newsletter, they...
A Beautiful Site
SVG Repo
I stumbled upon a great resource for free SVGs. They're currently boasting over 300,000 images....
over a year ago
I stumbled upon a great resource for free SVGs. They're currently boasting over 300,000 images. Check it out over at SVG repo.
Looks like they have a sister site for fonts, too. Lots of 'em.
Words and Buttons...
Challenge your performance intuition with nanosecond sorting
If the operation you want to speed-up already runs in a few nano-seconds, your reasoning about...
over a year ago
If the operation you want to speed-up already runs in a few nano-seconds, your reasoning about algorithmic complexity probably wouldn't apply. The most effective algorithms become mediocre while the useless rise from the oblivion to shine and amaze. One of these algorithms is the...
Epic Web Dev
The Web’s Next Transition
Web is made up of technologies that got started over 25 years ago. Now, we are transitioning to a...
over a year ago
Web is made up of technologies that got started over 25 years ago. Now, we are transitioning to a new and improved architecture for building web applications.
David Heinemeier...
Wisdom is not what you know
The hallmark of great wisdom is not what you know, but what you know and can put to use. The globe...
a year ago
The hallmark of great wisdom is not what you know, but what you know and can put to use. The globe is full of learned idiots, unable or incapable of following the wisdom they have accumulated. There's no prize for a closet full of axioms or insights, if you leave it all in there,...
Steve Klabnik
GitHub is anarchy for programmers
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
Go slow to go fast
A couple of weeks ago, I started working with a personal trainer to improve my fitness.
I've long...
10 months ago
A couple of weeks ago, I started working with a personal trainer to improve my fitness.
I've long been an endurance athlete, and it's time to lean into my overall fitness and strength.
Part of this is to be healthy and live a long life.
But honestly? More of it is a desire to...
The Changelog
Facebook is Censoring Stories about Climate Change and Illegal Raid in Marion, Kansas
It is, sadly, not entirely surprising that Facebook is censoring articles critical of Meta. The...
9 months ago
It is, sadly, not entirely surprising that Facebook is censoring articles critical of Meta. The Kansas Reflector published an artical about Meta censoring environmental articles about climate change — deeming them “too controversial”. Facebook then censored the article about...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Cities need more trees
A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
6 months ago
A case for planting more trees in urban areas.
Stephen Wolfram...
Instant Plugins for ChatGPT: Introducing the Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin Kit
This is the first in a series of posts about new LLM-related technology associated with the...
a year ago
This is the first in a series of posts about new LLM-related technology associated with the Wolfram technology stack. "Color" with something like: When you set up a plugin, it can contain many endpoints, that do different things. And—in addition to sharing prompts—one reason this...
A Beautiful Site
A Web Component Story
Gather 'round, it's story time.
A number of years ago, I was hired by a company to rebuild a...
over a year ago
Gather 'round, it's story time.
A number of years ago, I was hired by a company to rebuild a component library for their design system. The one they were replacing was built with AngularJS, but AngularJS was old and rickety and nobody wanted to use it anymore. Plus, many teams...
Confessions of a...
Two Threads, One Core: How Simultaneous Multithreading Works Under the Hood
Ever wondered how your CPU handles two tasks at once? Discover the magic of Simultaneous...
5 months ago
Ever wondered how your CPU handles two tasks at once? Discover the magic of Simultaneous Multithreading and see what’s really going on inside.
Tinloof - Blog
Analytics with Sanity
We’ll explain in this article the analytics possibilities with Sanity and how we enable them in our...
over a year ago
We’ll explain in this article the analytics possibilities with Sanity and how we enable them in our projects.
Drawing a better bandwidth graph for Netlify
I currently host this site on Netlify’s Starter plan, which means I can serve 100GB of bandwidth per...
3 months ago
I currently host this site on Netlify’s Starter plan, which means I can serve 100GB of bandwidth per month.
That’s usually plenty, and I’ve only exceeded it a few times – this site is mostly text, and I only have a modest audience.
I can see how much bandwidth I’ve used in the...
A Smart Bear
Adjacency Matrix: How to expand after PMF
A simple workshop that evaluates new business ideas relative to your existing strengths -- the key...
8 months ago
A simple workshop that evaluates new business ideas relative to your existing strengths -- the key to expanding without overreaching.
the singularity is...
The Soul
ugh the deep state didn’t come for me I just realized that what gets engagement is so boring. you...
a month ago
ugh the deep state didn’t come for me I just realized that what gets engagement is so boring. you wish there was a deep state that came for me. then at least there would be some adults in the room.
I used to fantasize about being or kissing Skrillex
the whole album is bangers...