Kagi Blog
Towards conceptual generalization in the embedding space
(This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a...
over a year ago
(This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a self-driving car may properly react in most situations based on billions of images it has seen.
Steve Klabnik
Ditching Google Chat with XMPP
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Metrics, Logs, and Traces in JavaScript Tools
The DX of JavaScript Developer Tools could be better if we added Metrics, Logs, and Traces
over a year ago
The DX of JavaScript Developer Tools could be better if we added Metrics, Logs, and Traces
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Randomized Optimization
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
over a year ago
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
Coding Horror
Thunderbolting Your Video Card
When I wrote about The Golden Age of x86 Gaming, I implied that, in the future, it might be an...
over a year ago
When I wrote about The Golden Age of x86 Gaming, I implied that, in the future, it might be an interesting, albeit expensive, idea to upgrade your video card via an external Thunderbolt 3 enclosure.
I'm here to report that the future is now.
Yes, that's
The Pragmatic...
Apple cracking down to enforce its RTO policy
Software engineers and their managers have started to receive warnings for not working in the office...
a year ago
Software engineers and their managers have started to receive warnings for not working in the office at least 3 days per week. I talked with engineers on how they see the policy being enforced.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
More Files Please
Scott Jenson has a great article called “The future needs files”.
The power of files comes from them...
10 months ago
Scott Jenson has a great article called “The future needs files”.
The power of files comes from them being powerful nouns. They are temporary holding blocks that are used as a form of exchange between applications. A range of apps can edit a single file in a single...
Blog - Bitfield...
Type parameters in Go
Now that generics have come to Go, let's take a look at the new syntax for
type parameters. We’ll...
9 months ago
Now that generics have come to Go, let's take a look at the new syntax for
type parameters. We’ll find out why we need type parameters, how we write
them, and how we can use them to create generic functions in Go.
Most people I know fit into one of two camps: they either want to buy a house
and they can’t, or...
a year ago
Most people I know fit into one of two camps: they either want to buy a house
and they can’t, or they’ve bought a house. The desire to own ones own home is
almost universal in the people I know in the US. It’s even stronger for folks
who live outside of major cities. And people...
Tony Finch's blog
Migrating to BIND9 dnssec-policy
Here are some notes on migrating a signed zone from BIND’s old
auto-dnssec to its new...
7 months ago
Here are some notes on migrating a signed zone from BIND’s old
auto-dnssec to its new dnssec-policy.
I have been procrastinating this migration for years, and I avoided
learning anything much about dnssec-policy until this month. I’m
writing this from the perspective of a DNS...
Josh Comeau's blog
How To Center a Div
Back in the day, centering an element was one of the trickiest things in CSS. As the language has...
10 months ago
Back in the day, centering an element was one of the trickiest things in CSS. As the language has evolved, we’ve been given lots of new tools we can use… But how do we pick the best option? When do we use Flexbox, or CSS Grid, or something else? Let's dig into it.
bt RSS Feed
Designers Need Thicker Skin
Designers Need Thicker Skin
I’m not normally one to comment or even really care about...
over a year ago
Designers Need Thicker Skin
I’m not normally one to comment or even really care about “drama” within our design industry. Opinions are just that and should just be consumed at face value. But this week I was moderately annoyed with a subset of designers in...
A Beautiful Site
Don't Do Magic
We recently had a design for an "alert" component with an actions slot. In the spec, only secondary...
over a year ago
We recently had a design for an "alert" component with an actions slot. In the spec, only secondary buttons were allowed in it.
Dev: "Design only wants secondary buttons in the actions slot, so I'm forcing it."
The developer was listening for the slotchange event and applying the...
Nelson's Weblog
Toto C5 Washlet power usage
I got a fancy bidet toilet seat. It works fairly well and having
water for washing is great. But I...
a year ago
I got a fancy bidet toilet seat. It works fairly well and having
water for washing is great. But I don’t love some details, see notes
below. Mostly I wanted to share how much power the thing uses.
About 80 Watt-hours a day, or an average of 3 watts. Note this is
without the seat...
Headlamps are better flashlights
A brief and silly life-hack: headlamps are better flashlights. Most of the time when you are using a...
11 months ago
A brief and silly life-hack: headlamps are better flashlights. Most of the time when you are using a flashlight, you need to use your hands too. Headlamps solve that problem. They’re bright enough for most purposes and are usually smaller than flashlights too. There are very few...
by Léonie Watson
Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike...
Can you give me the HTML for an...
3 weeks ago
by Léonie Watson
Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike...
Can you give me the HTML for an accessible button please?
It was a simple enough question. Or it would have been, had I been asking another person. As it was, I was asking ChatGPT, and so of course there was nothing...
A Beautiful Site
A Web Components Primer
On the eve of February, I was inspired to tweet about web components. What started as a simple...
over a year ago
On the eve of February, I was inspired to tweet about web components. What started as a simple thought quickly turned into a series of tweets that folks seem to find useful. I've adapted the thread and I'm posting it here for prosperity.
Overview #
Shadow DOM? Light DOM? Slots?...
Golden Glide Silhouette
This Golden Eagle soared past me today and I managed to capture a couple of frames. Magnificent to...
over a year ago
This Golden Eagle soared past me today and I managed to capture a couple of frames. Magnificent to watch.
David Heinemeier...
Pick promise over proof
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what...
a year ago
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what someone is truly capable of. Sure, we try our best to make good, educated guesses during the hiring process, and this is why asking finalists to do sample work projects is so...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why I'm not a VC (yet)
There is too much money chasing too few operators.
over a year ago
There is too much money chasing too few operators.
Epic Web Dev
What Is A Test Boundary? (article)
Learn automated testing essentials: prepare code, execute actions, verify outcomes. Discover the...
6 months ago
Learn automated testing essentials: prepare code, execute actions, verify outcomes. Discover the importance of mocking and setting proper test boundaries.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Branding Bundles
The best way to communicate a group of benefits is to slap a label on it.
over a year ago
The best way to communicate a group of benefits is to slap a label on it.
Ognjen Regoje •...
User-Agent: ChatGPT Disallow: *
Edit: It’s happening!
ChatGPT et. al. are bots and as such should obey robots.txt.
a year ago
Edit: It’s happening!
ChatGPT et. al. are bots and as such should obey robots.txt.
User-Agent: ChatGPT
Disallow: *
User-Agent: ChatGPT Disallow: * was originally published by Ognjen Regoje at Ognjen Regoje • ognjen.io on March 26, 2023.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Making AWS Amplify work with Rollup
AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make...
over a year ago
AWS Amplify assumes CommonJS, which Rollup is allergic to. I recently discovered that you can make it work with Rollup with a few tweaks.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using Novela by Narative (updated)
With the growing community interest in Gatsby, we hope to create more resources that make it easier...
over a year ago
With the growing community interest in Gatsby, we hope to create more resources that make it easier for anyone to grasp the power of this incredible tool.
GPT-4's rebuttal to Uncensored Models
I asked GPT-4 to respond to my previous article "Uncensored Models" because it is more likely to...
a year ago
I asked GPT-4 to respond to my previous article "Uncensored Models" because it is more likely to provide civil discourse rather than the shrill demagoguery that my human opponents have tended to employ. I found it interesting and both sides have validity. But my argument is...
Joel Gascoigne
Ratio thinking
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Something I’ve...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Something I’ve found difficult to completely embrace, but which understanding
has been super important, is the idea that there is a ratio for everything. I’ve
started to call this Ratio Thinking,...
Liz Denys
Early one morning
The view shortly after waking up while camping at Marshall Beach, Point Reyes.
over a year ago
The view shortly after waking up while camping at Marshall Beach, Point Reyes.
General Robots
So You Want To Do Robots, Part 2: What do you need to invent?
I’ve been working on general purpose robots with Everyday Robots for 8 years, and was the...
a year ago
I’ve been working on general purpose robots with Everyday Robots for 8 years, and was the engineering lead of the product/applications group until me and my team was impacted by the recent Alphabet layoffs. This series is an attempt to share almost a decade of lessons learned so...
Reverse engineering a day’s worth of websites
Some light reverse-engineering of websites has been
a source of entertainment and knowledge for me....
5 months ago
Some light reverse-engineering of websites has been
a source of entertainment and knowledge for me. I’ll poke around
in the Chrome DevTools and figure out the basics of
how popular websites work.
Sure, it’s common to compress JavaScript
and other resources, and the HTML source of...
Modeling impact of LLMs on Developer Experience.
In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how
LLMs might impact a...
2 months ago
In How should you adopt Large Language Models? (LLMs), we considered how
LLMs might impact a company’s developer experience. To support that exploration, I’ve developed a system model of
the developing software at the company.
In this chapter, we’ll work through:
Summary results...
Ink & Switch
03 · Fine-grained provenance
Connecting parts of source and build files as a universal primitive
3 months ago
Connecting parts of source and build files as a universal primitive
swyx's site RSS Feed
How To Add Monaco Editor to a Next.js app
## Bottom Line Up Front
over a year ago
Playing with bikeshare data, part one
Since July, I’ve been archiving data from the Citi Bike GBFS feed. Every five
minutes, I have a...
a year ago
Since July, I’ve been archiving data from the Citi Bike GBFS feed. Every five
minutes, I have a datapoint for each of the roughly 2,090 stations with numbers
for how many bikes are available or broken, and how many bikes are electric.
It’s a long-term project that combines my...
The History of the...
The Gift of Code
In the open source community, there is perhaps no greater gift than code. This is about that time...
4 months ago
In the open source community, there is perhaps no greater gift than code. This is about that time 135,000 lines of gifted code created a new era of JavaScript
The post The Gift of Code appeared first on The History of the Web.
Making engineering strategies more readable
As discussed in Components of engineering strategy,
a complete engineering strategy has five...
7 months ago
As discussed in Components of engineering strategy,
a complete engineering strategy has five components: explore, diagnose, refine (map & model), policy, and operation.
However, it’s actually quite challenging to read a strategy document written that way.
That’s an effective...
Julia Evans
Some Go web dev notes
I spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks working on a website in Go
that may or may not...
3 months ago
I spent a lot of time in the past couple of weeks working on a website in Go
that may or may not ever see the light of day, but I learned a couple of things
along the way I wanted to write down. Here they are:
go 1.22 now has better routing
I’ve never felt motivated to learn any...
Making software...
Billing for One CSS Change
Billing for One CSS Change
Every second you spend working as a designer should be billed...
over a year ago
Billing for One CSS Change
Every second you spend working as a designer should be billed back to the client. A simple button color change? Bill them. Additional links added to an existing menu? Send that invoice over. Some basic typeface changes? Don't do it for...
Steve Klabnik
Ruby on Rails maintenance policy
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Circles and Momentum
I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently:
I like this reminder.
I know for me,...
a year ago
I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently:
I like this reminder.
I know for me, it’s often too easy to slip into a kind of cynicism that only sees endless stationary circles rather than ones with directional momentum.
It reminds me of the visualizations of...
The UX of HTML
by Vasilis van Gemert
Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a...
a year ago
by Vasilis van Gemert
Recently when I gave a coding assignment — an art directed web page about a font — a student asked: does it have to be semantic and shit? The whole class looked up, curious about the answer — please let it be no! I answered that no, it doesn’t have to be...
Words and Buttons...
Error codes are not numbers. But they are. Can we exploit that?
People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with...
over a year ago
People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with guilt for an obscure hack. Which is odd since there is nothing particularly hacky about it. The ISO/IEC 14882 is ok with it. The IEEE 754 is ok with it. So why is it a hack and not a...
Vadim Kravcenko
The silent majority
The “silent majority” was used by President Richard Nixon during his presidency and his campaign. In...
over a year ago
The “silent majority” was used by President Richard Nixon during his presidency and his campaign. In this usage, it referred […]
The post The silent majority appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Doodling with the Mac’s command icon
The command key (⌘) has been a ubiquitious part of the Mac for over forty years.
It was chosen by...
6 months ago
The command key (⌘) has been a ubiquitious part of the Mac for over forty years.
It was chosen by legendary icon designer Susan Kare, who picked it from a symbol dictionary – this shape was already being used in Sweden to highlight an interesting feature on a map.
It’s an...
Making software...
Simple Accessibility
Simple Accessibility
Implementing proper accessibility practices can seem a little...
over a year ago
Simple Accessibility
Implementing proper accessibility practices can seem a little daunting at first, but there are a few basic standards you can introduce into your project work-flow that are fairly straightforward:
Basic design
Test that your project has the proper...
bt RSS Feed
The Lazy Developer's Dark Mode
The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode
After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal...
over a year ago
The Lazy Developer’s Dark Mode
After recently jumping back to Jekyll for my personal blog, I decided to take a closer look at how I was supporting dark mode for my visitors. I was using the proper CSS query to target those who had system-wide dark mode enabled, but I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Deploying on Netlify with Apple’s Shortcuts
Just a quick note on a personal workflow thing.
I’ve written before about the many different ways I...
5 months ago
Just a quick note on a personal workflow thing.
I’ve written before about the many different ways I host my personal websites on Netlify.
I’ve got a few websites that aren’t the traditional model of: commit to git, push, build triggers on Netlify, website goes live.
Sometimes I...
Blog System/5
SSH agent forwarding and tmux done right
The SSH agent is a little daemon that holds your private keys in memory. This is particularly handy...
a year ago
The SSH agent is a little daemon that holds your private keys in memory. This is particularly handy when your keys are protected by a passphrase: you can unlock and add your keys to the agent once and, from then on, any SSH client such as ssh(1) can interact with the keys without...
Stephen Wolfram...
Games and Puzzles as Multicomputational Systems
over a year ago
Alex Meub
Building the DataToaster 3000
Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local...
3 months ago
Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local computer recycling store. The idea of a computer with the design of a home appliance was really appealing and so was the absurdity of it. It occurred to me that this would be a fun...
Evan Jones -...
Getting $3300 from a casino promotion
New York State legalized mobile sports gambling in January 2022. The casinos offered crazy...
over a year ago
New York State legalized mobile sports gambling in January 2022. The casinos offered crazy promotions to get people signed up. The craziest offered $3300 of free money. I did the math, and there was a low risk way to claim this money. As long as you placed 11 or more bets, you...
bt RSS Feed
Clickable Links Inside XML
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch1 to the Shinobi Website project, I...
over a year ago
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch1 to the Shinobi Website project, I thought it would be best to share my experience implementing clickable links inside a rendered XML RSS file directly through a browser. This is made possible thanks to the awesome power...
Computer Things
Refactoring Invariants
(Feeling a little sick so this one will be short.)
I'm often asked by clients to review their...
3 months ago
(Feeling a little sick so this one will be short.)
I'm often asked by clients to review their (usually TLA+) formal specifications. These specs are generally slower and more convoluted than an expert would write. I want to fix them up without changing the overall behavior of the...
A small freedom area...
Investigating why Steam started picking a random font
Out of the blue my Steam started picking a random font I had in my user fonts
dir: Virgil, the...
over a year ago
Out of the blue my Steam started picking a random font I had in my user fonts
dir: Virgil, the Excalidraw font.
That triggered me all sorts of emotions, ranging from laugh to total
incredulity. I initially thought the root cause was a random derping from Valve
but the Internet...
A Beautiful Site
Prefers Reduced Motion
By now, most devs are familiar with the prefers-reduced-motion media query that tells whether or not...
over a year ago
By now, most devs are familiar with the prefers-reduced-motion media query that tells whether or not a user prefers, well, reduced motion. You can use this to tone down (or turn off) transitions and animations in your stylesheet to accommodate users with vestibular motion...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Cloud Distros
The next step in the evolution of the Cloud is specialized distros.
over a year ago
The next step in the evolution of the Cloud is specialized distros.
Refining strategy with Wardley Mapping.
The first time I heard about Wardley Mapping was
from Charity Majors discussing it on Twitter.
21 hours ago
The first time I heard about Wardley Mapping was
from Charity Majors discussing it on Twitter.
Of the three core strategy refinement techniques,
this is the technique that I’ve personally used the least.
Despite that, I decided to include it in this book because it
highlights how...
Liz Denys
'First' thoughts on git
I suppose it's more than a slight bit incorrect to state that these are my first thoughts on git;...
over a year ago
I suppose it's more than a slight bit incorrect to state that these are my first thoughts on git; I've certainly already been exposed to git in a variety of ways. I'd always been told that my love of graph theory would convert me over to this different type of version control.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Architecture and Principles
Discussing the architecture of the Internet and its the principles that guided its original design.
over a year ago
Discussing the architecture of the Internet and its the principles that guided its original design.
Moving my website from Netlify to Caddy
I had a long train journey on Tuesday, and I spent the time moving this website from Netlify to a...
2 months ago
I had a long train journey on Tuesday, and I spent the time moving this website from Netlify to a Linux server running Caddy.
(Yes, the Wi-Fi on European trains is reliable enough to make that possible, even pleasant.)
Hopefully nobody noticed!
When I flipped the DNS records to...
Why Should You (Or Anyone) Become An Engineering Manager?
The first piece I ever wrote about engineering management, The Engineer/Manager Pendulum, was...
a year ago
The first piece I ever wrote about engineering management, The Engineer/Manager Pendulum, was written as a love letter to a friend of mine who was unhappy at work. He was an engineering director at a large and fast-growing startup, where he had substantially built out the entire...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Putting your Keyboard on Steroids with Karabiner Elements
I did a livestream with John Lindquist from Egghead.io today, and he blew my mind on how much...
over a year ago
I did a livestream with John Lindquist from Egghead.io today, and he blew my mind on how much mileage you can get out of your keyboard!
Guile-syntax-highlight 0.2.0 released
I'm happy to announce that Guile-syntax-highlight 0.2.0 has been
released! This is a pretty slow...
over a year ago
I'm happy to announce that Guile-syntax-highlight 0.2.0 has been
released! This is a pretty slow moving project but the last (and
only) release was in 2018 so this release is long overdue.
Guile-syntax-highlight is a general-purpose syntax highlighting
library for GNU Guile. It...
The Pragmatic...
PagerDuty alternatives
12 alternatives to the market-leading alerting tool, PagerDuty.
a year ago
12 alternatives to the market-leading alerting tool, PagerDuty.
Just looking through some old videos and found this footage of me going off on one at our gig in...
over a year ago
Just looking through some old videos and found this footage of me going off on one at our gig in February earlier this year, before the pandemic had really hit in the UK.
Feels like a lifetime ago now. I miss it.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Date me
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Part Time Creator Manifesto
Why we need more people creating Part Time and how you can do it too.
over a year ago
Why we need more people creating Part Time and how you can do it too.
Epic Web Dev
Fully Typed Web Apps
The main thing that makes end-to-end type safety difficult is simple: boundaries. The secret to...
over a year ago
The main thing that makes end-to-end type safety difficult is simple: boundaries. The secret to fully typed web apps is typing the boundaries.
Masked email is a killer feature for Fastmail
I last sang the praises of Fastmail in 2018, writing about how it’s pretty easy to avoid Google now...
a year ago
I last sang the praises of Fastmail in 2018, writing about how it’s pretty easy to avoid Google now that Google’s products are relatively middling. I’ve been using Fastmail exclusively since then and have only good things to say about it. The user interface is rock-solid and...
Snapshot Testing
A smoll intro to snapshot testing
10 months ago
A smoll intro to snapshot testing
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
How I learn (making games for the Playdate)
I (finally) received my Playdate, after about a year and a half of waiting. To be honest, I'd kinda...
11 months ago
I (finally) received my Playdate, after about a year and a half of waiting. To be honest, I'd kinda forgotten that I'd ordered it and was pleasantly surprised when it showed up.
For those who don't know, the Playdate is a niche handheld gaming console, similar to a Gameboy. It...
Patrick Kayongo
Crouched behind a thicket, Mirundi tried to catch his breath. He quickly lifted his hand from the...
a year ago
Crouched behind a thicket, Mirundi tried to catch his breath. He quickly lifted his hand from the floor to catch the sweat that had started dripping from his forehead. His hand was shaking uncontrollably, jerked back and forth by the fear of getting caught again. Mukaajanga, the...
Epic Web Dev
Why I Won't Use Next.js
From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares...
a year ago
From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares his opinions on why he won't use Next.js.
Liz Denys
Reflections on XOXO 2018
If I actually wrote about XOXO 2018 last weekend like I had intended to do, I would have tried to...
over a year ago
If I actually wrote about XOXO 2018 last weekend like I had intended to do, I would have tried to write an article titled "XOXO strives to be what the internet should strive to be," and I probably would have never finished it. It's not that I don't still think XOXO tries to be...
bt RSS Feed
Poor Man's CSS Full-Bleed Layout
Poor Man’s CSS Full-Bleed Layout
I recently came across the very well written and...
over a year ago
Poor Man’s CSS Full-Bleed Layout
I recently came across the very well written and interesting article, Full-Bleed Layout Using CSS Grid, while browsing my daily designer feeds. I won’t go into the post’s specifics here (I recommend you read the article for yourself)...
PostHog's RSS Feed
YC adds PostHog to top valued companies for July 2021
Y Combinator has listed PostHog as number 157 out of its top 159 companies by valuations and exits...
over a year ago
Y Combinator has listed PostHog as number 157 out of its top 159 companies by valuations and exits as of July 2021. "Um… what?" I know, I know. You…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Knowledge Laundering
I was reading Baldur’s recent piece about the transition taking place in open source — which I took...
a year ago
I was reading Baldur’s recent piece about the transition taking place in open source — which I took notes on — and this excerpt talking about large language models (LLMs) stood out to me:
Why give somebody credit for the lines of code you’ve adapted for your own project when you...
A Beautiful Site
Anchoring Software to Major Versions
In a SemVer world, major releases are those which contain incompatible API changes. We often see...
7 months ago
In a SemVer world, major releases are those which contain incompatible API changes. We often see software projects anchor themselves to major versions for long periods of time, usually with the promise of stability.
We all know how frustrating it is to upgrade a package and run...
A Distributed Systems Reading List
A Distributed Systems Reading List
This document contains various resources and quick...
11 months ago
A Distributed Systems Reading List
This document contains various resources and quick definition of a lot of background information behind distributed systems. It is not complete, even though it is kinda sorta detailed. I had written it some time in 2019 when coworkers...
Julia Evans
Open sourcing the nginx playground
Hello! In 2021 I released a small playground for testing nginx configurations
called nginx...
a year ago
Hello! In 2021 I released a small playground for testing nginx configurations
called nginx playground. There’s a
blog post about it here.
This is an extremely short post to say that at the time I didn’t make it open source,
but I am making it open source now. It’s not a lot of...
swyx's site RSS Feed
writing Advice
Some thoughts on writing your first few writings
over a year ago
Some thoughts on writing your first few writings
bt RSS Feed
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A...
a year ago
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A rant on web font licenses. I highly recommend you give it a read (it’s relatively short) since Manu makes a solid argument against existing font licenses. After reading, I found...
Alex MacCaw
Predictions of the future
A new year and a new decade: What does the future have in store for us? Information revolutions,...
over a year ago
A new year and a new decade: What does the future have in store for us? Information revolutions, medical advances, AI? How will humanity tackle its largest problems? I guess we shall just have to wait and see (or get busy inventing it!).
I've jotted down some of
General Robots
ML for Robots, Specialization vs Overfitting
So You Want To Do Robots: Part 5
a year ago
So You Want To Do Robots: Part 5
Julia Evans
Writing Javascript without a build system
Hello! I’ve been writing some Javascript this week, and as always when I start
a new frontend...
a year ago
Hello! I’ve been writing some Javascript this week, and as always when I start
a new frontend project, I was faced with the question: should I use a build
I want to talk about what’s appealing to me about build systems, why I
(usually) still don’t use them, and why I find...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Lessons learned from 15 years of SumatraPDF, an open source Windows app
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for...
over a year ago
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for a retrospective.
The app
SumatraPDF is a multi-format (PDF, ePub, Mobi, comic book, DjVu, XPS, CHM) viewer for Windows and currently looks like this:
conservative gc can be faster than precise gc
Should your garbage collector be precise or conservative? The
prevailing wisdom is that precise is...
3 months ago
Should your garbage collector be precise or conservative? The
prevailing wisdom is that precise is always better. Conservative GC can
retain more objects than strictly necessary, making GC slow: GC has to
more frequently, and it has to trace a larger heap on each...
ntietz.com blog -...
Evolving my ergonomic setup (or, my laptop with extra steps)
My computer setup attracts attention when I'm out and about.
This has two effects: engineers1 ask me...
a month ago
My computer setup attracts attention when I'm out and about.
This has two effects: engineers1 ask me about it, and everyone else ignores me.
These effects are not undesirable, but further testing is required.
The main reason I have such an unusual setup, though, is more...
Liz Denys
To the pretty pitter, pitter, patter
I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically...
over a year ago
I've been told that most people don't like walking through the rain and that others theoretically enjoy the process but don't walk in the rain because they dislike arriving at their destinations wet. However, unless I have something of a very pressing importance at the other end...
Making software...
HTML Dark Mode
HTML Dark Mode
I wrote an article back in 2021 called The Lazy Developer's Dark
a year ago
HTML Dark Mode
I wrote an article back in 2021 called The Lazy Developer's Dark
Mode where I explained how to implement
a very basic "dark mode" by using the prefers-color-scheme CSS attribute.
This stills works perfectly fine, and in fact there is a cleaner variation...
Git/Github fork-pull request-update cycle
When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having...
over a year ago
When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having multiple merge commits and issues with keeping the forked repo in sync. This post addresses solutions for some of the problems.
Joel Gascoigne
How to name your startup
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Choosing a name...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Choosing a name is one of the parts of a startup I find the most difficult. It’s
also something you can easily get hung up on. We all know that the key thing is
to move on to actually
Alice GG
Create a presskit in 10 minutes with Milou
Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software.
To make the journalist’s...
7 months ago
Talking to the press is an inevitable part of marketing a game or software.
To make the journalist’s job easier, it’s a good idea to put together a press kit.
The press kit should contain all the information someone could want to write an article about your product,
as well as...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why use feature flags? Benefits, types and use cases, explained
What is a feature flag? Feature flags (aka feature toggles) are a powerful tool to help improve your...
a year ago
What is a feature flag? Feature flags (aka feature toggles) are a powerful tool to help improve your product. They enable engineering teams to…
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to run Python and Portray on Netlify
How to deploy Python projects to Netlify
over a year ago
How to deploy Python projects to Netlify
Joel Gascoigne
My morning routine as a remote CEO and why it’s always changing
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Working remotely and having the opportunity to...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Working remotely and having the opportunity to work from home, coffee shops, coworking spaces, or wherever else I might feel the most productive, means that I can design my own mornings because they don’t necessarily need to be...
Jake Zimmerman
Old vs new case statement in Ruby
7 months ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Book Poll 2019
I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this...
over a year ago
I've been feeling like I've skewed too much on empty calories recently. So I ran [this poll](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1168182079613485056):
A Beautiful Site
Finding the Closest Element Through Shadow Roots
A great trick to find the closest element in the DOM that matches an arbitrary selector is...
over a year ago
A great trick to find the closest element in the DOM that matches an arbitrary selector is Element.closest().
// Starts at el and walks the DOM until it finds a parent element
// that matches the selector. In this case, it will return the
// <body>...
Patrick Kayongo
The Fruitfulness of Grunt Work
I had an interesting software development problem the other day. I was working on a NodeJS...
8 months ago
I had an interesting software development problem the other day. I was working on a NodeJS application, doing general maintenance work, which led me down an interesting rabbit hole. I could’ve used an online knowledge tool such as the various LLM-based tools available now. But...
Steve Klabnik
How do you find the time?
over a year ago
Dan Quach Blog
State of Data Engineering 2024 Q2
Data Engineering and AIChip Huyen, who came out of Stanford and is active in the AI space recently...
8 months ago
Data Engineering and AIChip Huyen, who came out of Stanford and is active in the AI space recently wrote an article on what she learned by looking at the 900 most popular open source AI tools. https://huyenchip.com/2024/03/14/ai-oss.html In data engineering, one of our primary...
Kagi Blog
Kagi Search - New Features
We’d like to give an update about the most important things happening at Kagi in the last three...
over a year ago
We’d like to give an update about the most important things happening at Kagi in the last three months.
Josh Comeau's blog
Promises From The Ground Up
The “Promises” API is a surprisingly tricky part of modern JavaScript. Without the right context, it...
7 months ago
The “Promises” API is a surprisingly tricky part of modern JavaScript. Without the right context, it doesn’t make much sense at all! In this tutorial, you’ll build an intuition for how Promises work by getting a deeper understanding of JavaScript and its limitations.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Ruthless Edit
Rick Rubin gives this advice about working in the studio with artists when making an album:
3 months ago
Rick Rubin gives this advice about working in the studio with artists when making an album:
[Let’s say] We’ve recorded twenty-five songs. We think the album is going to have ten. Instead of picking our favorite ten, we limit it to: “What are the five or six we can’t live...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Building an open source data science publishing platform - An interview with Datapane CEO, Leo...
(Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations where we chat to our contributors...
over a year ago
(Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations where we chat to our contributors and users.) Unlike most tech founders, Leo Anthias…
The Changelog
The PC & Internet Revolution in Rural America
Inspired by several others (such as Alex Schroeder’s post and Szczeżuja’s prompt), as well as a...
over a year ago
Inspired by several others (such as Alex Schroeder’s post and Szczeżuja’s prompt), as well as a desire to get this down for my kids, I figure it’s time to write a bit about living through the PC and Internet revolution where I did: outside a tiny town in rural Kansas. And, as...
Vadim Kravcenko
What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done?
Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I...
10 months ago
Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I understand it’s also […]
The post What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
aria-labelledby = self
by Weston Thayer
An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a...
4 weeks ago
by Weston Thayer
An accessible name is how UI components are identified to assistive tech. Having a good accessible name is important. If not, negative effects may include screen reader users missing out on vital information, voice control users struggling to interact, and any...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Particle/Wave Duality Theory of Knowledge
Learning is *BOTH* a discrete and a continuous process. If the tools we use don't respect this...
over a year ago
Learning is *BOTH* a discrete and a continuous process. If the tools we use don't respect this duality, information is lost — either writing involves too much effort, or reading requires too much context.
A Beautiful Site
Bulletproof Components
Somewhere buried in my dusty basement lives a signed copy of Dan Cederholm's classic book...
over a year ago
Somewhere buried in my dusty basement lives a signed copy of Dan Cederholm's classic book Bulletproof Web Design. I purchased it during my first trip to An Event Apart in 2007. This book meant a lot to me back then, and almost 15 years later, many of its concepts still hold...
James Vaughan's blog
Counting Usernames from Malicious Login Attempts
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 7 best free and open-source feature flag tools
Feature flags, aka feature toggles, turn specific functions on and off during runtime. Rather than...
a year ago
Feature flags, aka feature toggles, turn specific functions on and off during runtime. Rather than maintaining multiple feature branches in your…
The Changelog
Joyful is the Dark
“Joyful is the dark coolness of the tomb, waiting for the wonder of the morning. Never was that...
over a year ago
“Joyful is the dark coolness of the tomb, waiting for the wonder of the morning. Never was that midnight touched by dread and gloom; darkness was the cradle of the dawning.” – Brian Wren Most of us are not personally experiencing symptoms of a pandemic virus, but with all...
Neil Panchal
Overkill Objects for Everyday Life
I routinely make a fool of myself when I tell friends I want a Martin Baker ejection seat as a chair...
over a year ago
I routinely make a fool of myself when I tell friends I want a Martin Baker ejection seat as a chair in my living room. Of course, with the pyrotechnic charge removed. Seriously, I would totally buy it if it weren't $5,000 on eBay and I'
Founder's blog
Cross-Post: Migrating a 1TB database from Win to Linux with no downtime
For those of you who don't follow our company blog, we've just published another "tech porn" story...
a year ago
For those of you who don't follow our company blog, we've just published another "tech porn" story on migrating a huge database from Linux to Windows with no downtime. Check it out.
TL;DR: we spawned a Linux version of SQL Server and moved the database using "log-shipping"....
Joel Gascoigne
The next step in Buffer’s social media journey
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Can you remember where you were seven years...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Can you remember where you were seven years ago?
I was in my apartment in Birmingham, UK, coding up the very first version of Buffer as a tool to schedule tweets.
So much has changed since then: the Buffer product has
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython Memory Management Internals
Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter...
8 months ago
Last week we concluded the live session on the internals of the CPython’s main bytecode interpreter (the VM), and the response from the attendees has been very encouraging. Next, I want to talk about how CPython implements memory management in its runtime. Most programming...
My favourite books from 2023
I read 75 books this year, which is slightly up on previous years (2022, 2021).
I’m pleased with...
a year ago
I read 75 books this year, which is slightly up on previous years (2022, 2021).
I’m pleased with that number, although overall I found it a slightly disappointing year for reading.
Although I read more books, there were less that I really loved – less of the sort of book that...
Joel Gascoigne
What it's really like to grow a team when you're focused on culture-fit
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
It’s often...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
It’s often interesting to look back and think about how much I’ve learned in the
past year or two. Especially areas where I almost had no understanding at all.
Company culture is one of those...
Safe defaults.
Back in 2018, when I first wrote about sizing engineering teams, I was surprised how much my advice...
a year ago
Back in 2018, when I first wrote about sizing engineering teams, I was surprised how much my advice rankled a colleague. He wanted to spin up a new engineering team of two people, which I thought was a bad idea. It would be a fragile team that would fall apart quickly if it...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Early experience with Medley on the Raspberry Pi 400
<![CDATA[Medley is the first Lisp system I experimented with on my new Raspberry Pi 400, here is the...
a year ago
<![CDATA[Medley is the first Lisp system I experimented with on my new Raspberry Pi 400, here is the AArch64 version on the Raspberry Pi OS desktop:
SDL version of Medley Interlisp on a Raspberry Pi 400 under Raspberry Pi OS.
The online version of Medley runs well and smoothly...
Alex Meub
Building a 3D Printer Enclosure
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would...
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would be to create high-quality prints with such little effort. I’ve printed raspberry pi cases, kids’ toys, ceiling hooks, custom parts, electronics enclosures, curtain rod holders,...
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Self Provisioning Runtime
Improvements in DX in both programming languages and cloud infrastructure will eventually converge...
over a year ago
Improvements in DX in both programming languages and cloud infrastructure will eventually converge in a single paradigm, where you truly "just write business logic" and the platform mostly figures out the rest.
PostHog's RSS Feed
Setting up super fast Cypress tests on GitHub Actions
Moving fast is easy. Moving fast with confidence is hard. If you've been keeping track of The Array...
over a year ago
Moving fast is easy. Moving fast with confidence is hard. If you've been keeping track of The Array release posts you know that we prioritize…
Making software...
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus...
a year ago
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus which was met with a surprising amount of support from other users. It seems like most people don't actually like hamburger menus. So why do we, as developers, keep using them in...
A Smart Bear
Building in public forces true competitive advantage
“Building in public” is increasingly popular. It’s fun to have strangers cheering you on, and it...
over a year ago
“Building in public” is increasingly popular. It’s fun to have strangers cheering you on, and it creates a self-imposed accountability. But doesn’t it ruin competitive advantage when your competitors can steal your source code and know the salaries of your employees and whether...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Ryan Dahl Talks Deno on The Changelog
Ryan Dahl was on The Changelog to talk about Deno 2 specifically and his work on JavaScript more...
2 months ago
Ryan Dahl was on The Changelog to talk about Deno 2 specifically and his work on JavaScript more broadly. What follows are a few things that stood out to me.
His Regrets From Node Are Now in Deno
I think it’s interesting that Ryan’s famous talk 10 Things I Regret About Node.js...
A Beautiful Site
Querying through shadow roots
Let's say I have a web component with an open shadow root, like this one from...
over a year ago
Let's say I have a web component with an open shadow root, like this one from Shoelace.
<sl-button>Click me</sl-button>
Inside the shadow root is a <button> that I want to target with JavaScript.* Alas, Element.querySelector() doesn't offer a shortcut for traversing shadow roots...
A Beautiful Site
Avoiding timestamp errors when calculating dates in php
When calculating dates in PHP, it is easy to add millisecond values such as 60 * 60 * 24 to...
over a year ago
When calculating dates in PHP, it is easy to add millisecond values such as 60 * 60 * 24 to increment the time by one day. This can become problematic for two main reasons.
Issues with leap years #
A year has approximately 365.25 days, hence a leap year occurs once every four...
Steve Klabnik
Porting steveklabnik.com to Workers Sites and Zola
over a year ago
Blog - Bitfield...
Will write for food
In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went
from self-unemployment...
6 months ago
In the final sizzling chapter of my career exposé, we’ll learn how I went
from self-unemployment to founding the world’s tiniest publishing empire.
The Codist
My Art And Color-After Tiling
I make generative art with Swift and use tiling in many pieces. Truchet tiles are generally arranged...
2 months ago
I make generative art with Swift and use tiling in many pieces. Truchet tiles are generally arranged randomly and contain everything appearing in the final image. What I do differently is to separate the layout of tiles from colorizing the image. I call this technique...
The Coddling of the Professional Mind
"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The...
over a year ago
"The problem isn't that Johnny can't read. The problem isn't even that Johnny can't think. The problem is that Johnny doesn't know what thinking is; he confuses it with feeling."
– Thomas Sowell
I'm not one to miss an important milestone, so let me draw your attention...
Get that marquee ✨AeStHeTiC✨
With the current Y2K fashion trend and JLo being back together with Ben Affleck, the 2000s are...
over a year ago
With the current Y2K fashion trend and JLo being back together with Ben Affleck, the 2000s are having a revival this year. Many brands are jumping onto the boat by creating websites with an “old-school” vibe.
SEPRONIC WORLD by Thea Wood on Behance
The marquee element is an old...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The ops toolkit for early-stage startups
Ok, so you’ve read Zero to One and The Hard Thing About Hard Things , but what are all the boring...
a year ago
Ok, so you’ve read Zero to One and The Hard Thing About Hard Things , but what are all the boring admin things that are actually going to drain 4…
A Smart Bear
Binstack: Making a maximal multi-dimensional decision
Binstack is the best way to select a “single most impactful” solution when there are multiple...
over a year ago
Binstack is the best way to select a “single most impactful” solution when there are multiple dimensions to evaluate, even when those dimensions cannot be compared to each other. People often reach for the “rubric” for such puzzles, but rubrics often do not clearly identify a...
Kagi Blog
Kagi Small Web
As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the...
a year ago
As a part of our ongoing pursuit to humanize the web, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Kagi Small Web initiative.
What is Kagi Small Web?
To begin with, while there is no single definition, “small web” typically refers...
Chris Nicholas
How to animate multiplayer cursors
Smoothly rendering live cursors is more difficult than it sounds when real-world conditions are...
over a year ago
Smoothly rendering live cursors is more difficult than it sounds when real-world conditions are taken into account.
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to use Web Components with Next.js and TypeScript
In [my livestream today](https://dev.to/swyx/make-your-own-dev-to-cms-livestream-part-4-6em) I had...
over a year ago
In [my livestream today](https://dev.to/swyx/make-your-own-dev-to-cms-livestream-part-4-6em) I had the need to bring in a spinner component to show work in progress in my app. However found that existing React spinners were too heavy. That's when I had the idea to use web...
The Pragmatic...
Meta’s historic growth challenge
The company’s growth is under more pressure than it has ever been, and in a worse strategic position...
over a year ago
The company’s growth is under more pressure than it has ever been, and in a worse strategic position than Apple, Google, Amazon or Microsoft. Why is this and what can the company do to get out of this situation?
A Beautiful Site
Finding the active element in a shadow root
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this...
over a year ago
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this will be the host element. This happens because of retargeting, but sometimes you might need access to the internal element that actually has focus.
Here's a recursive function that...
Thoughts on writing and publishing Primer.
I’m materially finished writing my 3rd book, The Engineering Executive’s Primer. There’s one last...
a year ago
I’m materially finished writing my 3rd book, The Engineering Executive’s Primer. There’s one last chapter to go through tech review, and a fine line editing pass, but the hard stuff is largely done. Of course, that’s an author’s perspective, there is other hard stuff still to be...
The Pragmatic...
The state of startup funding
I’ve crunched data from a variety of sources for a sense of how startup funding is trending. So far,...
a year ago
I’ve crunched data from a variety of sources for a sense of how startup funding is trending. So far, it’s downwards. What does this mean for tech? My analysis.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Blogging and Composting
Here’s a thought: blogging is like compositing.
The banana is what you’re after.
But as a byproduct...
a year ago
Here’s a thought: blogging is like compositing.
The banana is what you’re after.
But as a byproduct of the banana you get the peel.
And if you compost, you can make good use of the peel.
Similarly, whatever you’re building is what you’re after.
But as a byproduct of whatever...
Blog System/5
Links: February 2024 edition
Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
10 months ago
Interesting articles, videos and projects from this time period—with commentary
#3 image-buttons
Bad code
<img src="/images/edit.gif" onclick="openEditDialog(123)">
<img src="/images/delete.gif"...
over a year ago
Bad code
<img src="/images/edit.gif" onclick="openEditDialog(123)">
<img src="/images/delete.gif" onclick="openDeleteDialog(123)">
Issues and how to fix them
The purpose of the img element is to display images, not to execute JavaScript.
A click event on a img triggers only on...
The Bouquet Residence
Keeping up appearances in tech
I saw a remarkable pair of tweets the other day.
In the wake of...
5 months ago
Keeping up appearances in tech
I saw a remarkable pair of tweets the other day.
In the wake of the outage, the CEO of CrowdStrike sent out a public announcement. It's purely factual. The scope of the problem is identified, the known facts are stated, and the logistics of...
Kagi Blog
Kagi now accepts Paypal, EUR and Bitcoin (Lightning) payments
One of the most frequently requested features on Kagi has been the expansion of our payment methods...
a year ago
One of the most frequently requested features on Kagi has been the expansion of our payment methods so that more people can more easilly enjoy the benefits of Kagi Search.
Evan Jones -...
Replicating Database Changes to a Message Queue is Tricky
Let's imagine we have an program that stores its state in a database, and we want other programs to...
over a year ago
Let's imagine we have an program that stores its state in a database, and we want other programs to do things when changes occur. For example, we might want to send email notifications if a bank balance drops below a threshold. This is a very common reason applications use...
Working with Tech Recruiters in Japan
**Recruiters, Consultants, Career Advisors, Headhunters.**
I've heard so many names from...
a year ago
**Recruiters, Consultants, Career Advisors, Headhunters.**
I've heard so many names from different people that I've talked to, but all in all, the bulk of the work is the same -- they receive information on what kind of employee a client wants to hire, and start looking for...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in Mid April
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit...
a year ago
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit today. I am now taking Latent Space (the new name enabled by the previous owner of that domain selling it to me in my first P2P domain purchase) a lot more seriously with the support...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Zero to Unmaintainable in 1.2 Commands
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and...
10 months ago
Dave posted “The time to unmaintainable is very low” about how pervasive this idea of “get up and going quick” is:
I can burp some npm commands into my terminal, burp some more to setup a deployment pipeline and blam! Website. The time to product demo is so low.
But there’s...
Making the fish shell more forgetful
For quite a few years, I’ve been using fish (https://fishshell.com/) as my shell.
One of the cool...
a year ago
For quite a few years, I’ve been using fish (https://fishshell.com/) as my shell.
One of the cool things it does is autosuggestions from my shell history.
As I’m typing, it suggests (in light grey) a command I’ve run before.
I can press the right arrow to accept the suggestion,...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Plain text journaling
The new/old way of keeping a digital journal
6 months ago
The new/old way of keeping a digital journal
You Will Never Be A Full Stack Developer
over a year ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Refreshing Server-Side Props
Next allows you to do server-side data-fetching, but what happens when that data needs to change on...
over a year ago
Next allows you to do server-side data-fetching, but what happens when that data needs to change on the client? This brief tutorial shows how to re-fetch the props without doing a full server reload.
the singularity is...
High Trust Society
I just want you to see, I just want you to see
Regardless of who wins on Tuesday, does anyone think...
2 months ago
I just want you to see, I just want you to see
Regardless of who wins on Tuesday, does anyone think this gets fixed? Is Kamala going to restore trust in government? Is Trump going to restore trust in government?
Despite what Western media might have you believe about how the...
David Heinemeier...
Et tu, Zoom?
The corporate cause for return-to-office just claimed its perhaps most ironic victim: Zoom! The...
a year ago
The corporate cause for return-to-office just claimed its perhaps most ironic victim: Zoom! The company that literally lives to sell us all on the wonders of remote collaboration wants its own people back into the office again. Which I guess is just a regression to the mean of...
Steve Klabnik
Cards for dad - follow-up
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
We're building a better PostHog community by closing our public Slack
One of the great things about being open source is that we’ve grown a vibrant community around the...
11 months ago
One of the great things about being open source is that we’ve grown a vibrant community around the project. Since launch we’ve accepted code from over…
Stephen Wolfram...
Will AIs Take All Our Jobs and End Human History—or Not? Well, It’s Complicated…
The Shock of ChatGPT Just a few months ago writing an original essay seemed like something only a...
a year ago
The Shock of ChatGPT Just a few months ago writing an original essay seemed like something only a human could do. But then ChatGPT burst onto the scene. And suddenly we realized that an AI could write a passable human-like essay. So now it’s natural to wonder: How far will this...
A Smart Bear
Stop saying "fail"
Language shapes our perception of setbacks. Use words other than "failure" to describe situations...
a year ago
Language shapes our perception of setbacks. Use words other than "failure" to describe situations and to suggest the next step.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Svelte Zen Garden
reigniting the Zen Garden era with modern technology
over a year ago
reigniting the Zen Garden era with modern technology
Florian Bellmann |...
Time to market for personal projects
How I created my blog in just 2 days.
a year ago
How I created my blog in just 2 days.
Words and Buttons...
Partial order and non-Boolean logic
Non-Boolean logics are rare but not extinct. Interval logic is one example. Sometimes, you can...
over a year ago
Non-Boolean logics are rare but not extinct. Interval logic is one example. Sometimes, you can implement a logic you want within total order or partial order but sometimes even that isn't enough and you need an even more general relation. With operator overloading, you have the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How I learned to love feedback loops (and make better products)
I recently wrote a blog post for my personal site about the lessons I'd learned from leading my...
over a year ago
I recently wrote a blog post for my personal site about the lessons I'd learned from leading my first two projects as a Software Engineer at PostHog…
37signals Dev
Turbo 8 released
We’re excited to announce the release of Turbo v8, a major update to the Turbo front-end framework....
11 months ago
We’re excited to announce the release of Turbo v8, a major update to the Turbo front-end framework. This release introduces a suite of innovative features designed to enhance web development and user experiences across the board.
Here are the key highlights of Turbo v8:
Making software...
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Supporting dark mode on the...
over a year ago
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Supporting dark mode on the modern web falls under the realm of accessibility and should not be ignored. It is important and helps keep the visual flow of your content to match that of your users' operating...
HTML and CSS I didn't even know about before I started creating content in Japanese
by Julia Undeutsch
Since I started to create content in Japanese, I also wanted to learn about...
3 weeks ago
by Julia Undeutsch
Since I started to create content in Japanese, I also wanted to learn about traditional setups, like having Japanese text flow from top to bottom, right to left, like you’d see in newspapers or novels. That's when I discovered CSS properties like writing-mode:...
bt RSS Feed
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Users who work with git patches...
a year ago
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Users who work with git patches through email most likely use a terminal-based program such as aerc or mutt. CLI email clients tend to have built-in support for easily applying patches directly to their local...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Produce Consistency, Publish Quality by buffering.
over a year ago
Produce Consistency, Publish Quality by buffering.
Making software...
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Since a few people have reached...
over a year ago
Convert Files to HTML with macOS Automator Quick Actions
Since a few people have reached out and thanked me for my previous post Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator, I thought I would continue to share more of my own custom Automator Quick Actions....
Kagi Blog
Taking web search through the last mile
(This piece first appeared on the kagi.ai blog (...
over a year ago
(This piece first appeared on the kagi.ai blog ( https://web.archive.org/web/20200927234617/https://kagi.ai/last-mile-for-web-search.html ) a few short years ago.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How to increase test coverage FAST
The second quarter is coming to an end. I suppose a lot of my fellow developers are struggling to...
over a year ago
The second quarter is coming to an end. I suppose a lot of my fellow developers are struggling to meet their ambitious KPI of "20% more test coverage". Fear not — I'll show you a couple of neat tricks that will up your coverage game in no time, so that you can go on with your...
Making software...
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor
For the longest time I've been using a Samsung...
a year ago
Why I Stopped Using an External Monitor
For the longest time I've been using a Samsung 27" UHD monitor as my main display. This monitor was connected to my ThinkPad X260 (in clamshell mode) through the official Lenovo dock. It wasn't a bad setup, but I have since...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
5 coding interview questions I hate
I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some...
over a year ago
I’ve taken part in well over a hundred tech interviews now, on both sides. Some were fun, and some were pure cringe. I’ve been asked if I have kids (supposedly, people with children won’t have time to job hop), and if “I bet my ass I cost that much”. Fun times.
But today I’d like...
My experience with Vulcanus in Japan, a training programme for EU engineering students
My journey in Japan started in a slightly unconventional way. While there are several paths to enter...
a year ago
My journey in Japan started in a slightly unconventional way. While there are several paths to enter the country, such as a working holiday visa, English teaching, or getting hired by one of the [many wonderful companies](http://www.tokyodev.com/companies), posting jobs on...
Mountaintop moments
Last weekend, I was in Edinburgh for the Fringe, and I’m so glad I went.
I met new people, hung out...
4 months ago
Last weekend, I was in Edinburgh for the Fringe, and I’m so glad I went.
I met new people, hung out with some Internet friends in-person, and saw some great theatre.
It was fun, but also exhausting.
By the final day, I was worn out and ready to sleep in my own bed – but now I’m...
Darek Kay
GitHub developer statistics
Recently, Curtis Einsmann posted some stats from their work as a software engineer. This inspired me...
over a year ago
Recently, Curtis Einsmann posted some stats from their work as a software engineer. This inspired me to check my own impact as an employee:
1002 pull requests shipped
3062 pull requests reviewed
5 years (since migrating to GitHub Enterprise)
LOC (lines of code) is a terrible...
Elad Blog
AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs)
NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is...
over a year ago
NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is we keep raising the bar on what it means for something to be a machine intelligence. Early machine learning models have been quite successful in terms of real world impact. Large...
Web Accessibility in Japan: What Developers Need to Know
Many people with disabilities use assistive technology, which allows them to access websites in ways...
a year ago
Many people with disabilities use assistive technology, which allows them to access websites in ways different from most people. People who are blind, for example, use screen readers to convert website content into audio. Some use braille displays. There are also people who use...
ntietz.com blog
Different topologies for an org chart, wrong answers only
Traditionally, an org chart is represented as a tree.
You start at the top with the root of the...
a year ago
Traditionally, an org chart is represented as a tree.
You start at the top with the root of the tree, probably the CEO.
And then everything comes down from there hierarchically.
It doesn't have to be that way, though!
We can imagine other topologies for companies which would...
The new Flickr Commons Explorer →
One of the things I’ve been working on at the Flickr Foundation is a new “Commons Explorer”, a way...
9 months ago
One of the things I’ve been working on at the Flickr Foundation is a new “Commons Explorer”, a way to browse the photos in the Flickr Commons.
Flickr Commons is a collection of historical photography from cultural institutions from all around the world, all with no known...
Darek Kay
My personal one-pager
I've been using "Darek Kay" as my pseudonym since school. My surname was long and difficult to...
a year ago
I've been using "Darek Kay" as my pseudonym since school. My surname was long and difficult to pronounce, so I've been mostly using it in a formal context. Last year, I changed my legal name, which also influenced my online presence. Due to the change, looking up my new name via...
Dan Slimmon
Squeeze the hell out of the system you have
When complexity leaps are on the table, there's usually also an opportunity to squeeze some extra...
a year ago
When complexity leaps are on the table, there's usually also an opportunity to squeeze some extra juice out of the system you have. By tweaking the workload, tuning performance, or supplementing the system in some way, you may be able to add months or even years of runway. When...
A Smart Bear
What a startup does to you. Or: A celebration of new life
A startup is a crucible -- a fiery place that tests your limits, not by probing them but by...
a year ago
A startup is a crucible -- a fiery place that tests your limits, not by probing them but by violently exceeding them, all of the time. It's worth it.
Patrick Kayongo
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of...
over a year ago
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of the occasional car passing by outside. As the cool air gently brushes across her arms, Gladys Tyamzashe’s strands of hair stand up, mounted on the goose bumps of her aged and...
Epic Web Dev
Quickly Determine Whether a Module is Bundled (tip)
There's a faster alternative to using source-map-explorer to examine your client bundle for unwanted...
a year ago
There's a faster alternative to using source-map-explorer to examine your client bundle for unwanted modules.
Joel Gascoigne
Why you should start marketing early
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* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’ve been...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’ve been thinking a lot recently about when the right time is to start
marketing a startup. In my previous startup [http://myonepage.com], we were
hesitant to attempt to get press early. We were...
The Codist
How I Defeated An MMO Game Hack Author
In the late 2000's, I worked at a niche MMO game company. We had a small team, not a lot of money,...
2 months ago
In the late 2000's, I worked at a niche MMO game company. We had a small team, not a lot of money, but a loyal audience. It was a game of skill without any of the usual powerups and unreality, and the players enjoyed the challenge.
Then, one
Notes on Tidy First?
Tidy First? by Kent Beck captures the spirit of Ousterhout’s A Philosophy of Software Design while...
a year ago
Tidy First? by Kent Beck captures the spirit of Ousterhout’s A Philosophy of Software Design while also recognizing the inherent tensions of developing software within a team and business. You can also read it in about two hours. Recommended!
A Philosophy of Software Design by...
swyx's site RSS Feed
4 Q&A's on Blogging for Developers
Answering Q&A's
over a year ago
The Codist
Good Programmers Can Be Anyone, But Not Everyone
In my four decades as a programmer, I've worked with hundreds of programmers, and I can say that no...
a year ago
In my four decades as a programmer, I've worked with hundreds of programmers, and I can say that no single type of person is good at programming.
I've seen young people who could do amazing work and those without a clue. I've seen programmers
Basta’s Notes
The state with the fancy plates
Book typography-style serifs are for lovers
a year ago
Book typography-style serifs are for lovers
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #16
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
over a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
David Heinemeier...
Villains may live long enough to become heroes
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of...
8 months ago
The first tech company I ever really despised was Microsoft. This was back in the 1990s, the era of "cutting off the air supply", of embrace-extend-extinguish, of open source as a "cancer", and of Bill Gates before he sought reputational refugee in philanthropy. What made the...
David Heinemeier...
You can own more than one type of computer!
I probably wouldn't have done a deep dive on Apple alternatives without the announcement that they...
10 months ago
I probably wouldn't have done a deep dive on Apple alternatives without the announcement that they were killing progressive web apps (PWAs) on the iPhone in the EU. Most people don't switch operating systems willy-nilly, and for good reason: They're different! And different is...
SQLite Slaps
why SQLite is cracked
6 months ago
The Pragmatic...
Cruel Changes at Twitter
The speedrun for a complete culture overhaul at Twitter continues, and may conclude just two weeks...
over a year ago
The speedrun for a complete culture overhaul at Twitter continues, and may conclude just two weeks after Elon Musk bought the company. Managers will have 20+ reports and are expected to code at least 20% of the time.
Making software...
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I'm a big...
over a year ago
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I'm a big fan of craigslist.org and the overall UX used throughout their application. My own website is an ever-changing example of "brutalist" or minimalist design, so I'm always inspired...
swyx's site RSS Feed
8 Landing Page Tips from Rob Hope
I submitted my book's landing page for Rob Hope's review and he obliged! Brutal feedback incoming.
over a year ago
I submitted my book's landing page for Rob Hope's review and he obliged! Brutal feedback incoming.
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we raised $3M for an open source project
Open source projects have long battled with how to finance themselves. PostHog is lucky to have...
over a year ago
Open source projects have long battled with how to finance themselves. PostHog is lucky to have significant funding and wanted to share what we did…
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Personal Websites Are As Vulnerable As Us
I look at some people’s personal websites and think, “Stupendous! If I ever reach that zenith of...
4 months ago
I look at some people’s personal websites and think, “Stupendous! If I ever reach that zenith of personal web design, I will call it quits.”
Then I read a post by them later and they say something like, “Gah! I just really don’t like where I’m at with my personal website.”
And in...
Ralph Ammer
Show me!
Why do we like images? Because they help us understand things. But what does that mean?...
8 months ago
Why do we like images? Because they help us understand things. But what does that mean? Understanding Well, the world is complicated. And in order to make good decisions we need to know what is going on. Language can help us structure the world. So one way to understand things...
Tony Finch's blog
getentropy() vs RAND_bytes()
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months:
There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024....
3 months ago
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months:
There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024. There’s lots of
good stuff in it, but today I am writing about getentropy()
which is the first officially standardized POSIX API for getting
cryptographically secure random...
A Smart Bear
Business Advice Plagued by Survivor Bias
Advice from "successful entrepreneurs" might be unreliable due to Survivor Bias. What's real, and...
a year ago
Advice from "successful entrepreneurs" might be unreliable due to Survivor Bias. What's real, and what's random?
Joel Gascoigne
Giving your startup a point of view
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Something I’ve...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Something I’ve mentioned before at the start of a post
is that I often look back on quotes, blogs and books I’ve...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
I conducted 60 interviews in 2 months — here's what I learned
It's hard to believe, but, starting mid-october 2023 I conducted 60 technical interviews and hired...
12 months ago
It's hard to believe, but, starting mid-october 2023 I conducted 60 technical interviews and hired 10 people into our team. It's been extremely tiring: around 80 hours of active interviewing, plus writing interview reports, plus screening CVs and take-home assignments, plus...
Joel Gascoigne
Taking time to reflect
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* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
It’s been a...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
It’s been a while since my last blog post, and I’ve recently been pondering why
that may be.
It’s not that I’ve been doing less than when I was regularly blogging, it’s in
fact quite
Julia Evans
Some notes on upgrading Hugo
Warning: this is a post about very boring yakshaving, probably only of interest
to people who are...
2 months ago
Warning: this is a post about very boring yakshaving, probably only of interest
to people who are trying to upgrade Hugo from a very old version to a new
version. But what are blogs for if not documenting one’s very boring yakshaves
from time to time?
So yesterday I decided to...
Joel Gascoigne
Start something small
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The other day I...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
The other day I was listening to Dale Carnegie’s How to Win Friends and
Influence People and and I found it amazing how this book, which has now sold
over 15 million copies, originally started:
elementary Blog
It's Disability Pride Month! Let's Get Accessible
This month we have several community updates, a couple of Flatpak releases available on OS 7, and...
6 months ago
This month we have several community updates, a couple of Flatpak releases available on OS 7, and plenty of OS 8 news.
Disability Pride Month
It’s disability pride month, which means making space to talk about how we can build communities and systems that better accommodate...
Use.GPU Goes Trad
Old is new again
I've released a new version of Use.GPU, my experimental reactive/declarative...
a year ago
Old is new again
I've released a new version of Use.GPU, my experimental reactive/declarative WebGPU framework, now at version 0.8.
My goal is to make GPU rendering easier and more sane. I do this by applying the lessons and patterns learned from the React world, and...
Tinloof - Blog
How to create & manage a Postgres database in NodeJS from scratch
Notice: Before you jump in and start reading, it's important to understand that this is not a...
over a year ago
Notice: Before you jump in and start reading, it's important to understand that this is not a tutorial you'd read while sitting in public transportation or on your toilet seat. You might want to find a nice place to sit for an hour and follow the tutorial.
We have 1 goal: set up...
The best way to tell a website your age
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access...
12 months ago
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access certain content online.
Now children can be protected from adult content like well-organised spreadsheets, YouTube videos about kitchen appliances, and websites that sell you...
Words and Buttons...
Using logical operators for logical operations is good
A folow up on a guessing game with C++ operators. Let's redo a few rounds. The benchmark is the...
over a year ago
A folow up on a guessing game with C++ operators. Let's redo a few rounds. The benchmark is the same, the questions are the same. The compiler is the same. The only thing that changes is the platform. This is now CHIP with ARMv7.
Turing Machines
body {
text-wrap: pretty;
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
* {
2 weeks ago
body {
text-wrap: pretty;
@media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) {
* {
transition: none;
animation: none;
turing-machine {
width: 100%;
display: block;
position: relative;
padding-bottom: 1em;
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why IaaS beat PaaS
The conclusions are far more nuanced when you ask the people involved at the time.
over a year ago
The conclusions are far more nuanced when you ask the people involved at the time.
David Heinemeier...
We have left the cloud
Since it took us years to get into the cloud in the first place, I originally imagined it would take...
a year ago
Since it took us years to get into the cloud in the first place, I originally imagined it would take us years to get out as well. But all that work to containerize our applications and prepare them for the cloud actually turned out to make it relatively easy to exit. And now,...
Ink & Switch
02 · Writing prose
Writers of books, blog posts, and science papers could benefit from powerful version control.
10 months ago
Writers of books, blog posts, and science papers could benefit from powerful version control.
Snippets to manage albums in Photos.app
Recently I’ve been building some tools to help me manage my photo collection, and part of that...
a year ago
Recently I’ve been building some tools to help me manage my photo collection, and part of that involves moving photos in and out of albums.
The tool I’ve built is very specific to my workflow and unlikely to be immediately useful to anyone else, but I thought some of the code for...
Julia Evans
Some blogging myths
A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides)
about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was...
a year ago
A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides)
about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was chatting with a friend
about blogging the other day and it made me want to write up that talk as a
blog post.
here are the myths:
myth: you need to be original
myth: you need to...
Some experiments with circle-based art
The header of this site is made of tiling squares in slightly varying shades of red.
It’s meant to...
over a year ago
The header of this site is made of tiling squares in slightly varying shades of red.
It’s meant to be subtle, but I think it still gives the site a unique look:
I think of this as the “new” header, even though my screenshot library tells me I added it in 2016 (!), as does the...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Reading A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP
<![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G....
10 months ago
<![CDATA[I got a cheap used copy of the book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G. Tatar, Digital Press, 1987.
The book A Programmer's Guide to COMMON LISP by Deborah G.
Why did I read such an old book, published a few years after CLtL1 and well before ANSI...
Vadim Kravcenko
Going live with your SaaS: The Launch day
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […]
The post Going live with your SaaS: The Launch day appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Fathy Boundjadj
Forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG
I've been working on a program called html2svg, it converts web pages to SVG. It's based on a fork...
over a year ago
I've been working on a program called html2svg, it converts web pages to SVG. It's based on a fork of Chromium to support modern web standards. This post explains most patches.
Take a picture
Chromium is built on top of Blink: an HTML engine forked from WebKit, and Skia: a 2D...
Making software...
Do You Have an Extra $10?
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little...
over a year ago
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little things that we spend $10 on. Maybe it's a couple coffees over the course of a week. Maybe it's a TV streaming subscription. Maybe it's an impulse buy while we're out shopping for...
Neil Panchal
How to Build a Minimal ZFS NAS without Synology, QNAP, TrueNAS
If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS...
4 months ago
If you need a basic NAS and don't care about GUI features, it is suprisingly simple to set up a ZFS dataset and share it over the network using Samba.
Words and Buttons...
Lexical differential highlighting instead of syntax highlighting
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are...
over a year ago
“Lexical” since it doesn't need true syntax analysis, primitive tokenization and filtering are enough. And it's “differential” because it aims to highlight the difference between lexemes. Ideally, the smaller the lexical difference, the greater the color difference should be.
Liz Denys
Black & white cookie jars, 2024
The classic New York City treat reimagined as a pill jar
11 months ago
The classic New York City treat reimagined as a pill jar
David Heinemeier...
Cookie banners show everything that's wrong with the EU
Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no...
5 months ago
Companies have spent billions on cookie banner compliance only to endlessly annoy users with no material improvement to their privacy, but this unsightly blight is still with us (and the rest of the internet!). All because the EU has no mechanism for self-correcting its...
bt RSS Feed
Faking 3D Elements with CSS
Faking 3D Elements with CSS
Although not always practical, creating the illusion that...
over a year ago
Faking 3D Elements with CSS
Although not always practical, creating the illusion that some of your web elements are 3D can be a fun experiment. I set out to see if I was able to create such an illusion with only 2 HTML elements and as little CSS as possible.
This is...
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #19: Which meetings should you kill?
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
A Beautiful Site
Solving the search problem
I recently wrote about using an ORM and how it allowed me to support five different database...
over a year ago
I recently wrote about using an ORM and how it allowed me to support five different database platforms with minimal effort. There is, however, one feature that even Sequelize couldn't tackle for me: full-text search
A full-text search is typically a database feature that lets you...
Elad Blog
Hiring Executives & Bad Advice
When your company hits strong product market fit, your company will be sucked into a vortex of...
over a year ago
When your company hits strong product market fit, your company will be sucked into a vortex of customer demand and experience a Cambrian explosion of internal org complexity simultaneously. Things will initially seem to just truck along as usual, and then suddenly everything at...
swyx's site RSS Feed
My Life as a Con Man
Confidence is a dual edged sword. I trafficked in confidence when I was in finance, and now I see it...
over a year ago
Confidence is a dual edged sword. I trafficked in confidence when I was in finance, and now I see it everywhere I look.
Takeaway from using CO₂ monitors: run the exhaust fan
For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly...
8 months ago
For the last few years, I’ve had Aranet 4 and AirGradient sensors in my apartment. They’re fairly expensive gadgets that I have no regrets purchasing – I love a little more awareness of things like temperature, humidity, and air quality, it’s ‘grounding’ in a cyberpunk way. But...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, June 2024
The Ware for June 2024 is shown below. This one will probably be a super-easy guess for some folks,...
6 months ago
The Ware for June 2024 is shown below. This one will probably be a super-easy guess for some folks, but the details of the design of this type of ware are interesting from an engineering standpoint. Some of the tricks used here are kind of mind blowing; on paper, I wouldn’t think...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Use class instead of className with Preact and TypeScript
## Bottom Line Up Front
over a year ago
Stephen Wolfram...
Expression Evaluation and Fundamental Physics
a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Serverless Functions are Stateful
A reminder that serverless functions actually have a lot of state, and how the "function" analogy...
over a year ago
A reminder that serverless functions actually have a lot of state, and how the "function" analogy breaks down when you look through the abstraction
Julia Evans
Some notes on NixOS
Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my
servers, as part of my...
a year ago
Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my
servers, as part of my continuing experiments with Nix.
My motivation for this was that previously I was using Ansible to
provision the server, but then I’d ad hoc installed a bunch of stuff on...
Steve Klabnik
The language strangeness budget
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Every Public Engineering Career Ladder
A list of the public engineering career ladders I've found
over a year ago
A list of the public engineering career ladders I've found
swyx's site RSS Feed
A Better Way to Get Data
> Note: this was an unfinished draft, i published it anyway but it is incomplete
over a year ago
> Note: this was an unfinished draft, i published it anyway but it is incomplete
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: Mar 9 2024 - on Life and Death
the jeff tang vs anton meetup today was a super interesting study in contrasts: Life vs Death
9 months ago
the jeff tang vs anton meetup today was a super interesting study in contrasts: Life vs Death
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Absolute Best Way to Run Multiple npm Scripts in Parallel in 2022
Just a quick tutorial and explanation of how best to set up concurrently with named and colored log...
over a year ago
Just a quick tutorial and explanation of how best to set up concurrently with named and colored log output since I had to look it up today.
Words and Buttons...
SymPy makes math fun again
It's a Python library that does the boring part of math for you. Moreover, it does it fast,...
over a year ago
It's a Python library that does the boring part of math for you. Moreover, it does it fast, accurate, and without angst. In other words, it is everything I'm not.
bt RSS Feed
Setup Jekyll from Scratch on a New Linux System
Setup Jekyll from Scratch on a New Linux System
Special Note: Credit needs to be given to...
over a year ago
Setup Jekyll from Scratch on a New Linux System
Special Note: Credit needs to be given to user Achraf JEDAY for putting these instructions together on Stack Overflow (although his comments were targeting an older version of Ruby). This post is more for my own personal...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Fixing Up the Svelte Community Site
Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
over a year ago
Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
Dan Slimmon
Huh! as a signal
We can never predict with certainty what the next system failure will be. But we can predict,...
a year ago
We can never predict with certainty what the next system failure will be. But we can predict, because painful experience has taught us, that some or all of the causes of that failure will be surprising.
We can use that!
Writing - Andreas...
The LLM productivity puzzle
Code generation is arguably one of the most interesting applications of
LLMs, and one of the first...
a year ago
Code generation is arguably one of the most interesting applications of
LLMs, and one of the first with real commercial use (Copilot/Codex,
Codegen, etc.). If you spend time on the internet these days you’ll see
people claim productivity gains ranging from 0 to 100x,...
Daniel Marino
Deploying My Eleventy Site to GitHub Pages
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of...
over a year ago
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of switching my site to Eleventy was getting deployments to GitHub pages set up. I suppose I could have built my site locally, and then push that to the gh-pages branch, but that felt...
Blog - Bitfield...
Iterators in Go
Iterators in Go are a neat way to write “lazy loops”, where we never
generate more results than we...
5 months ago
Iterators in Go are a neat way to write “lazy loops”, where we never
generate more results than we actually use. Let’s see what that would look
like in Go programs, and what new facilities it gives us in the standard
bunnie's blog
Turning Everyday Gadgets into Bombs is a Bad Idea
I think turning everyday gadgets into bombs is a bad idea. However, recent news coverage has been...
3 months ago
I think turning everyday gadgets into bombs is a bad idea. However, recent news coverage has been framing the weaponization of pagers and radios in the Middle East as something we do not need to concern ourselves with because “we” are safe. I respectfully disagree. Our militaries...
Recurse Center Day 5: Garbage Collection Algorithms
Learning the basics of GC, mark-sweep algorithm
over a year ago
Learning the basics of GC, mark-sweep algorithm
Steve Klabnik
For science: I'm killing my cell phone
over a year ago
The best way to tell a website your age
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access...
12 months ago
There’s a growing number of countries creating laws that require age verification laws to access certain content online.
Now children can be protected from adult content like well-organised spreadsheets, YouTube videos about kitchen appliances, and websites that sell you...
Founder's blog
Reasons NOT to upgrade ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (but you will have to anyway)
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and...
a year ago
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and "high-performance and scalable blah-blah", and also "microservices!!! containers!!!" etc. Even more - I understand that's it's inevitable. But still. Consider this an angry post on what's wrong...
David Heinemeier...
Children of You
The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low...
4 months ago
The birth rate is dropping all over the world. In some places, like South Korea (0.72), it is so low people are starting to worry about a national extinction. In other places, including all of Europe (average 1.5, Spain 1.29), it's merely bad and alarming. And nobody seems to...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Interdisciplinary Website Maker
Paul Ford has a great article at Wired about his own experience as an English major working in tech....
8 months ago
Paul Ford has a great article at Wired about his own experience as an English major working in tech. While I myself am not an English major (more on that below) his desire to be interdisciplinary parallels my own.
I began to realize I was that most horrifying of things:...
General Robots
Coming soon
This is General Robots.
a year ago
Alex Meub
Apple Captive Network Assistant Slowness Problems on iOS
We were trying to launch a new captive portal page design for a customer and we ran into the...
over a year ago
We were trying to launch a new captive portal page design for a customer and we ran into the strangest issue. Only on iOS devices, we’d see extreme slowness and unresponsive behavior in the Apple Captive Network Assistant (CNA).
Over the course of several days, we made multiple...
The Codist
How Talking Over A Wall Changed My Direction As A Programmer
I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my...
3 months ago
I started my programming career in October 1981 at a large defense contractor (GD). At the time, my goal was to work for a couple of years and then continue my education with a Ph.D. in Chemistry (I had already been accepted).
The office I worked in was a
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog's recommended reading for startup teams
The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so...
a year ago
The PostHog team includes a number of voracious readers — we even have our own book club ! — so here’s a collection of the books our teams recommend…
The 16-inch MacBook Pro
After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it.
🎧 Hear more on...
over a year ago
After my first day with the new 16-inch MacBook Pro, I’m very optimistic about it.
🎧 Hear more on today’s Accidental Tech Podcast!
Two years ago, I wrote a wishlist to fix the MacBook Pro, and the 16-inch doesn’t actually deliver most of it. But time and technological progress...
Ognjen Regoje •...
Not wanting to work remotely is now a competitive advantage
As much as working remotely is a competitive hiring advantage again, not wanting to work remotely is...
a year ago
As much as working remotely is a competitive hiring advantage again, not wanting to work remotely is now an advantage for getting hired.
A lot of companies are mandating returns to the office. Many more are scrapping fully remote positions, with some even rescinding fully-remote...
Blog System/5
Strings, encodings, NULs and Bazel
A story on how strings without NULs are problematic for interop with the OS
a year ago
A story on how strings without NULs are problematic for interop with the OS
Joel Gascoigne
The different ways of traveling
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
One of the...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
One of the incredible side-effects of doing retreats 3 times a year with my
is that I get the...
Liz Denys
Leave icebreakers to strangers, or how to spin friends and introduce people
My favorite way to meet new people is through my existing set of friends. There are many benefits,...
over a year ago
My favorite way to meet new people is through my existing set of friends. There are many benefits, the obvious one being that my friends tend to have great taste in people.
But I'm also at least a little bit awkward. Despite consciously thinking about asking thoughtful versions...
Oxide Computer...
Remembering Charles Beeler
We are heartbroken to relay that Charles Beeler, a friend and early investor
in Oxide, passed
a month ago
We are heartbroken to relay that Charles Beeler, a friend and early investor
in Oxide, passed
away in September after a battle with cancer. We lost Charles far too soon;
he had a tremendous influence on the careers of us both.
Our relationship with Charles dates back nearly two...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Being a minor AI public figure
I was recently involved in moderating a chat with Kanjun Qiu of Imbue at the MIT AI conf:...
a year ago
I was recently involved in moderating a chat with Kanjun Qiu of Imbue at the MIT AI conf: https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNJ9i78ICeg2YuemyAXmtStKvqr9l0Tao3xQWxmeAVjBALHn_NnFvPXFlNSkdMfqA?pli=1&key=dTFRRHBTLVRZTEVCem0zal8tNVkxblh0V3k4VXhR
Posts on Nikita...
Switching From C++ to Rust
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
I have been writing C++ professionally for the last 4 years...
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
I have been writing C++ professionally for the last 4 years and 3 months ago I started a new job in Rust. I would like to share my experience and thoughts on the transition between 2 languages.
Disclaimer: This article is not a C++ vs Rust...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Errors Aren’t All Bad
Adam Silver wrote “Don’t use the maxlength attribute to stop users from exceeding the limit” which...
8 months ago
Adam Silver wrote “Don’t use the maxlength attribute to stop users from exceeding the limit” which seems like one of those obvious things that needn’t be said, but I’m glad he says it.
Have you heard of the “error prevention” heuristic?
It means “do everything you can so users...
PSA: Stop using the title attribute as tooltip!
by Daniela Kubesch
It's almost 2025, so it's time to stop using the title attribute everywhere....
a week ago
by Daniela Kubesch
It's almost 2025, so it's time to stop using the title attribute everywhere. Images, text, buttons, ... you name it, devs really like to put it on any element in sight. Most of the time, people actually want to create a tooltip. You know, that little bubble of...
ntietz.com blog
It's easier to code review Rust than Python
On Monday, I was talking to a friend about programming and I mentioned that I prefer to review Rust...
a year ago
On Monday, I was talking to a friend about programming and I mentioned that I prefer to review Rust code over Python code.
He asked why, and I had some rambling answer, but I had to take some time to think about it.
It boils down to the fact that I can give a much better review...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Naming, Addressing, and Forwarding
How IP Addressing evolved over time, how it works today, and how we can transition to IPv6 in future
over a year ago
How IP Addressing evolved over time, how it works today, and how we can transition to IPv6 in future
Galloping Search
I recently learned about Galloping Search while building a distributed log called s3-log. It’s used...
3 weeks ago
I recently learned about Galloping Search while building a distributed log called s3-log. It’s used to search sorted items when the upper bound is unknown. In this short post, I will share my notes and other alternatives I discovered for searching over unbounded items
swyx's site RSS Feed
How I Approach First Principles Thinking
An explanation of First Principles via comparing Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning, and thoughts on...
over a year ago
An explanation of First Principles via comparing Inductive vs Deductive Reasoning, and thoughts on Applications
A Beautiful Site
PlayCanvas: an easy, open source WebGL game engine
Last week I wrote about faster JavaScript animations using VelocityJS. As if that wasn't impressive...
over a year ago
Last week I wrote about faster JavaScript animations using VelocityJS. As if that wasn't impressive enough, today I'm giving you a dose of HTML5 and WebGL greatness.
The project is called PlayCanvas, and it dubs itself an open source game engine that brings fun to the...
Making software...
They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
Your website is probably slow. I'm not...
over a year ago
They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
Your website is probably slow. I'm not trying to make you feel bad or dismiss all the hard work you've put into your project. Heck, performance might have been a core value of the design. But websites can always be...
What comes after AWS?
James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday:
Grumble Bundle
7 months ago
James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday:
Grumble Bundle
what are the core primitives developers need for building and deploying modern applications? what platform services does the underlying infrastructure need to...
A Beautiful Site
Passing data from PHP to JavaScript
Have you ever needed to send a PHP variable, array, or object to JavaScript? It can get complicated...
over a year ago
Have you ever needed to send a PHP variable, array, or object to JavaScript? It can get complicated trying to escape the output properly. Here's a way that always works—no escaping necessary.
Let's say we have the following variable in PHP:
$name = 'Bob Marley';
And we want to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
What if Stripe is the next Google?
Working out a thought exercise by Paul Graham.
over a year ago
Working out a thought exercise by Paul Graham.
Kagi Blog
What's next for Kagi?
Two years ago, on June 1st, 2022, Kagi introduced ( https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-orion-public-beta ) a...
7 months ago
Two years ago, on June 1st, 2022, Kagi introduced ( https://blog.kagi.com/kagi-orion-public-beta ) a search engine that challenged the ad-supported version of the web.
Blog - Bitfield...
Master of my domain
Let’s talk business—independent business, that is. What’s the cost of being
the boss? Some more...
10 months ago
Let’s talk business—independent business, that is. What’s the cost of being
the boss? Some more hard-learned lessons from my own horrible career.
Nelson's Weblog
What are passkeys?
That’s the post. What are passkeys? I don’t have answers, just
questions. I believe passkeys are...
a year ago
That’s the post. What are passkeys? I don’t have answers, just
questions. I believe passkeys are a
great idea but the tech world is doing a terrible job explaining
them. Someone really needs to explain how passkeys work in Internet
products. Existing
descriptions aren’t sinking...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware, November 2024
The Ware for November 2024 is the NLP-16A by cherry-takuan. It’s a bespoke 16-bit CPU made entirely...
3 days ago
The Ware for November 2024 is the NLP-16A by cherry-takuan. It’s a bespoke 16-bit CPU made entirely from 74HC00 NAND gates. Even the D-flip flops are made from NAND gates: Lots and lots of NAND gates… I got to meet the maker, who goes by Cherry Takuan, at the Chiba Institute of...
Julia Evans
Do we think of git commits as diffs, snapshots, and/or histories?
Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core
concept in Git...
12 months ago
Hello! I’ve been extremely slowly trying to figure how to explain every core
concept in Git (commits! branches! remotes! the staging area!) and commits have
been surprisingly tricky.
Understanding how git commits are implemented feels pretty straightforward to
me (those are...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Starting Svelte Society
Thoughts on how I am doing with 4 months of Svelte Society in the bag.
over a year ago
Thoughts on how I am doing with 4 months of Svelte Society in the bag.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Back to Lisp
<![CDATA[Planet Python carried out my request to remove my blog from the aggregator. Now their feed...
a year ago
<![CDATA[Planet Python carried out my request to remove my blog from the aggregator. Now their feed no longer syndicates my posts about Python, which I'll no longer write much about.
Planet Python is an aggregator of blogs, podcasts, and other resources of interest to the Python...