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Charles Chen ->

in programming

Personal blog of Charles Chen (CharlieDigital, @chrslchn)

Ink & Switch ->

in programming

Recent content on Ink & Switch

Alice GG ->

in programming

Alice Girard Guittard, Software Engineer and Co-Founder at <a...

Grant Slatton ->

in programming

Grant Slatton's articles

Basta’s Notes ->

in programming

My regularly scheduled notes

Seán Barry ->

in programming

I'm the co-founder & CTO of Fluxi AI. I write software engineering...

Copper • A blog about conductive layers ->

in programming

A place for long journeys into reverse engineering random things,...

Florian Bellmann | Be curious, explore and meditate. ->

in programming

I'm an engineering manager, twin dad and yogi. On my blog you can find...

Epic Web Dev ->

in programming

Learn full-stack web development with Kent C. Dodds and the Epic Web...

Lennart Koopmann ->

in programming

I started Graylog and built a successful company with more than 125...

Blog - Bitfield Consulting ->

in programming

<p>Tutorials, exercises, and articles on programming.</p>

Marco.org ->

in programming

I’m Marco Arment, creator of Overcast, technology podcaster and...

Blog System/5 ->

in programming

A newsletter on operating systems, build systems, programming...

Kagi Blog ->

in programming

Kagi is creating a novel search engine and a web browser. Read tales...

The Changelog ->

in programming

Comments on family, technology, and society

Seldo.com ->

in programming

Personal website of Laurie Voss

Posts on Nikita Lapkov ->

in programming

Recent content in Posts on Nikita Lapkov

A Smart Bear ->

in programming

Articles from A Smart Bear

Alex MacCaw ->

in programming

Musings about life, the universe, and everything.

Civic Hax ->

in programming

A blog probably about FOIA and civic hacking.

Hixie's Natural Log ->

in programming

Ian Hickson's Web log. Commentary on events of interest, cats, and...

Sometimes It Works :: simonhamp.me ->

in programming

<p>Writing somewhat aimlessly about my (mis)adventures in software...

Paolo Amoroso's Journal ->

in programming

Tech projects, hobby programming, and geeky thoughts of Paolo Amoroso

blag ->

in programming

Recent content on blag

Elad Blog ->

in programming

I am a serial entrepreneur obsessed with technology and startups.

ByteofDev ->

in programming

Bite Sized articles for developers

Tinloof - Blog ->

in programming

We write about React, TypeScript, CSS, Sanity CMS, Vercel, SEO, and a...

Founder's blog ->

in programming

Blog by Alex Yumashev, founder and CEO of Jitbit Software, the company...

Joel Gascoigne ->

in programming

Startups, life, learning and happiness

Maggie Appleton ->

in programming

Essays on programming, design, and anthropology

David Gerrells ->

in programming

just another all around try hard

Dan Cowell ->

in programming

Lessons from life and work.


in programming

How to create fast database queries

Words and Buttons Online ->

in programming

A growing collection of interactive tutorials, guides and quizzes...

Vadim Kravcenko ->

in programming

Helping startups get to the next level

Mahmoud Felfel's Blog RSS Feed ->

in programming

Personal blog by Mahmoud Felfel. Raw thoughts about programming,...

Irrational Exuberance ->

in programming

Recent content on Irrational Exuberance

Contraption Co. ->

in programming

Exploring craftsmanship, knowledge work, and innovation. Essays,...

General Robots ->

in programming

A series about making a general purpose robot company

The Codist ->

in programming

Four Decades Of Learning, Experiences, And Adventures

macwright.com ->

in programming

JavaScript, math, maps, etc

Cognitive Computations ->

in programming

Applied AI Researcher I make AI models like Dolphin and...

Joel Gascoigne ->

in programming

Startups, life, learning and happiness

Coding Horror ->

in programming

programming and human factors

Marc Astbury ->

in programming

Notes of product, startups, and life

Miguel Carranza ->

in programming

Reflections on computers & humans

bt RSS Feed ->

in programming

The official RSS Feed for https://btxx.org

elementary Blog ->

in programming

We design and develop the fast, open, and privacy-respecting...

Chris Nicholas ->

in programming

Personal web development blog

davidyat.es ->

in programming

Recent content on davidyat.es

Dan Slimmon ->

in programming

Scientific incident response

Computer Things ->

in programming

Hi, I'm Hillel. This is the newsletter version of [my...

Don Melton ->

in programming

Just another Web geek playing with the Web

Max Countryman ->

in programming

This is a collection of my thoughts on leadership, technology, indie...

Quentin Santos ->

in programming

Make it work. Make it right. Make it fast.

Confused bit ->

in programming

Recent content on Confused bit

sancho.dev ->

in programming

sancho.dev | davesnx's personal blog

Confessions of a Code Addict ->

in programming

Deep dives into compilers, performance optimization, Linux internals,...

Fathy Boundjadj ->

in programming

Fathy Boundjadj's personnal blog

Engineer’s Codex ->

in programming

Real-world software engineering explained simply.

charity.wtf ->

in programming

charity wtf's about technology, databases, startups, engineering...

Code Of Honor ->

in programming

Game design, programming and more

Josh Comeau's blog ->

in programming

Friendly tutorials for developers. Focus on React, CSS, animation, and...

Ferd.ca ->

in programming

My own blog about programming and whatnot.