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More than 2,000 years ago, an actor in Greece botched a line in a play. In an inflection error, he said “weasel” when he meant to say “calm sea.” As a result, he was mocked by Sannyrion and then Aristophanes and others. He never worked again. The lesson might be that one innocent slip and […]
a year ago

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More from Seth's Blog

“I don’t care”

This is difficult. Care requires time and effort, and we can’t care about everything, all the way, all the time. If you’re prepared to care about every element of your work, then you also have to decide to not care about something else. Because caring equally about everything means that someone else cares more than […]

11 hours ago 1 votes

It’s one thing to say that 7,000,000 people will die next year from smoking cigarettes. It’s a totally different thing to list those folks by name. When we confront risk, two things make it seem less real: We’re not sure who, and we’re not sure when. If you want to clarify our understanding, it helps […]

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You might not get a third chance

The first impression is vitally important. It positions us, establishes the tone of our relationship and earns trust. But we’re human, and it’s unlikely that every first impression will be as useful as we’d like. Fortunately, people can speak up and let us know, particularly if we make it easy for them to do so. […]

2 days ago 2 votes
The opposite of a good idea…

might also be a good idea. The hard part isn’t finding proof before you begin. The hard part is beginning, knowing you might not succeed.

3 days ago 2 votes
Across and within

Media theory pioneer Harold Innis saw it 70 years ago: Some cultures and ideas are built to spread across SPACE. And some spread across TIME. It’s the tension between space and time that lead to the rise and fall of societies and cultures, and they’re worth understanding. Clay tablets, household traditions and local governments persist […]

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Is anarchy compatible with modern society?

Problems of scale and shape in imagining the futures

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“I don’t care”

This is difficult. Care requires time and effort, and we can’t care about everything, all the way, all the time. If you’re prepared to care about every element of your work, then you also have to decide to not care about something else. Because caring equally about everything means that someone else cares more than […]

11 hours ago 1 votes
Trapped in the Platforms

Platform lock in and the Open Web

2 days ago 1 votes
You might not get a third chance

The first impression is vitally important. It positions us, establishes the tone of our relationship and earns trust. But we’re human, and it’s unlikely that every first impression will be as useful as we’d like. Fortunately, people can speak up and let us know, particularly if we make it easy for them to do so. […]

2 days ago 2 votes
Which Songs Are Frequently Featured in Film and Television? A Statistical Analysis

Which songs have become staples of film and television?

3 days ago 8 votes