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Jonas Hietala
Slackware installation notes It seems like it’s been a yearly recurrence reinstalling slackware from scratch. This time it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It seems like it’s been a yearly recurrence reinstalling slackware from scratch. This time it happened during my vacation when I was mucking around with trying to compile erlang with wxWidgets support and somehow a make clean started to remove / and I only noticed it too late…...
computers are bad
2024-09-14 the national warning system Previously on Deep Space Nine, we discussed the extensive and variable products that AT&T and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Previously on Deep Space Nine, we discussed the extensive and variable products that AT&T and telephone operating companies sold as private lines. One of the interesting properties of private line systems is that they can be ordered as four-wire. Internally, the telephone network...
Is the iPhone OS a threat to our freedom? There is one fundamental flaw with both the iPhone and the iPad. As a user, you do not have full...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is one fundamental flaw with both the iPhone and the iPad. As a user, you do not have full control over your device. You can only install or run software that is approved by Apple. This is something that is unprecedented. All major platforms, Windows, Linux, Mac OS X do...
lcamtuf’s thing
Weekend projects: Sketchy Sketch Making a nicer version of a forgotten, electronic Etch-A-Sketch toy.
2 months ago
Posts on Made of...
How is duct tape like the force? I’m at Dragon*Con this weekend, my second time here now. I decided that if I was going to Dragon*Con...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m at Dragon*Con this weekend, my second time here now. I decided that if I was going to Dragon*Con again, I needed to do something in terms of costuming, and I wanted it to be something unique – I wasn’t going to come anywhere near as epic as some of the costumes people pull...
Posts on Made of...
Why node.js is cool (it's not about performance) For the past N months, it seems like there is no new technology stack that is either hotter or more...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For the past N months, it seems like there is no new technology stack that is either hotter or more controversial than node.js. node.js is cancer! node.js cures cancer! node.js is bad ass rock star tech!. I myself have given node.js a lot of shit, often involving the phrase...
Willem's Blog
Cyber security: 5 easy tips to protect your server against hackers These 5 practical cyber security measures will improve the safety of server, website and data.
over a year ago
Christian Selig
My little Apple Vision Pro stand I want somewhere to put my Vision Pro when not in use. Many people use the original box, and there’s...
a year ago
a year ago
I want somewhere to put my Vision Pro when not in use. Many people use the original box, and there’s beautiful stands that exist out there, but I was looking for something more compact and vertical so it would take up less room on my desk. So I opened Fusion 360 (which I am still...
I'm done with Ubuntu I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the...
a month ago
a month ago
I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the Ubuntu GNOME flavor, and after they ditched the Unity desktop environment, GNOME became the default option. I was really happy with it, both for work and personal computing...
Good Enough
You Complete Me When Good Enough was in its infancy as a truly American LLC (formed in Delaware and representing one...
3 months ago
3 months ago
When Good Enough was in its infancy as a truly American LLC (formed in Delaware and representing one or two people who were only semi-serious about a business), it was fun to play around with building websites. Shawn and I were truly just playing and exploring, more than anything...
Jonas Hietala
Speeding Ahead Life is slowly settling down over here. School has started with some pretty interesting stuff this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Life is slowly settling down over here. School has started with some pretty interesting stuff this year. Firstly we have a math analysis course in multiple variables which is ok. I’m not a fan of the previous analysis courses but maybe this will be a bit different. We’re...
Applied Cartography
Migrating to Django 5 The total LOC delta to migrate Buttondown from Django 4 to Django 5 was +143, -150. (I was...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The total LOC delta to migrate Buttondown from Django 4 to Django 5 was +143, -150. (I was incentivized to do so because our search right now is quite slow, and the lowest hanging piece of fruit is to move some of the tsvector generation out of band, and I'd rather do that using...
Willem's Blog
Something the smartwatch will never have: patina Patina is often neglected when comparing smartwatches with regular watches.
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Migrating to the Cloud Helping a customer clear its on-premise data room and migrate to the cloud: an adventure full of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Helping a customer clear its on-premise data room and migrate to the cloud: an adventure full of cables, cabinets and bandwidth!
Notes on software...
Metaprogramming in Zig and parsing CSS I knew Zig supported some sort of reflection on types. But I had been confused about how to use it....
a year ago
a year ago
I knew Zig supported some sort of reflection on types. But I had been confused about how to use it. What's the difference between @typeInfo and @TypeOf? I ignored this aspect of Zig until a problem came up at work where reflection made sense. The situation was parsing and storing...
Arduino Blog
It’s silver, it’s green, it’s the Batteryrunner! An Arduino-powered, fully custom electric car Inventor Charly Bosch and his daughter Leonie have crafted something truly remarkable: a fully...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Inventor Charly Bosch and his daughter Leonie have crafted something truly remarkable: a fully electric, Arduino-powered car that’s as innovative as it is sustainable. Called the Batteryrunner, this vehicle is designed with a focus on environmental impact, simplicity, and custom...
Willem's Blog
Repairing a Nintendo Gameboy Advance SP Reparing an old Nintendo Gameboy Advance to play classic Zelda again.
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Subway waiting math Why does it suck to wait for things? In a previous post I analyzed a NYC subway dataset and found...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why does it suck to wait for things? In a previous post I analyzed a NYC subway dataset and found that at some point, quite early, it's worth just giving up. This isn't a proof that the subway doesn't run on time – in fact it might actually proves that the subway runs really...
Vitalik Buterin's...
An approximate introduction to how zk-SNARKs are possible
over a year ago
Applied Cartography
Tailwind black magic: styling paragraphs within tables The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The new version of the Buttondown docs site is all in on Keystatic, Markdoc, and Tailwind's typography plugin — which makes it really easy to author beautiful docs in plaintext. We ran into one small issue, which is that the Markdoc renderer likes to place paragraph tags in table...
Internet of kitchen lighting, with OSC This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This project was completed in June 2015. Wow, is it 2017 already? In this post, I’d like to say that I wrote a useful little bit of software and built up a crappy hack to demonstrate it but, secretly, the crappy hack came first and I’ve retroactively found something vaguely...
Computer Ads from...
Ergotron Mouse Cleaner 360 Keeps your mouse operating like new!!
2 weeks ago
Arduino Blog
Displaying games on a 9x9x9 LED cube Many modern video games may put your character inside of a virtual 3D environment, but you aren’t...
a month ago
a month ago
Many modern video games may put your character inside of a virtual 3D environment, but you aren’t seeing that in three dimensions — your TV’s screen is only a 2D display, after all. 3D displays/glasses and VR goggles make it feel more like you’re in the 3D world, but it isn’t...
lcamtuf’s thing
What's the deal with magnetic fields? I apologize, but there won't be any Insane Clown Posse jokes in this article.
a month ago
Posts on Made of...
Security doesn't respect abstraction boundaries The fundamental tool of any engineering discipline is the notion of abstraction. If we can build a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The fundamental tool of any engineering discipline is the notion of abstraction. If we can build a set of useful, easily-described behaviors out of a complex system, we can build other systems on top of those pieces, without having to understand to worry about the full complexity...
Notes on software...
Learning a new codebase: hacking on nginx I have never contributed to nginx. My C skills are 1/10. But downloading the source, hacking it up,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have never contributed to nginx. My C skills are 1/10. But downloading the source, hacking it up, compiling it, and running it doesn't scare me. This post is to help you overcome your own fears about doing so. Not necessarily because you should be running out-of-tree diffs in...
Monitoring energy usage with smart plugs, Prometheus and Grafana This post isn’t a detailed line-by-line tutorial on how to set up each individual piece of the setup...
10 months ago
10 months ago
This post isn’t a detailed line-by-line tutorial on how to set up each individual piece of the setup as those types of guides tend to get out of date really easily, but if you know your way around Linux and the command line, then you can definitely replicate this setup on your...
latest projects -...
Portable Probability Panel [Misc] Laser-cut Galton board
7 months ago
Home on Erik...
Nearest neighbor methods and vector models – part 1 This is a blog post rewritten from a presentation at NYC Machine Learning last week. It covers a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a blog post rewritten from a presentation at NYC Machine Learning last week. It covers a library called Annoy that I have built that helps you do (approximate) nearest neighbor queries in high dimensional spaces.
🕹️ I casually recommend Steamworld Heist 2 (members post) This game is definitely fun, and I enjoyed my time with it, but it didn't blow me away.
2 weeks ago
Style over Substance
Guy’s Cool Tools This is a placeholder post! I’m a huge fan of Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools site and have loved their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a placeholder post! I’m a huge fan of Kevin Kelly’s Cool Tools site and have loved their recommendations for years. So much, so that I even started a Pinterest board filled with my own recommendations. But after a few years of running into the limitations of the form, I...
Posts on Made of...
Testing and feedback loops Testing and feedback loops This post tries to set out one mental model I have for thinking about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Testing and feedback loops This post tries to set out one mental model I have for thinking about testing and the purpose testing serves in software engineering, and to explore some of the suggestions of this model. As mentioned in an earlier post, I think a lot about working in...
btrbk is awesome I like having a safety net whenever I’m doing something potentially destructive, which is why I use...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I like having a safety net whenever I’m doing something potentially destructive, which is why I use the btrfs file system for my operating system and my data. Snapshots are one half of my “whoops, there goes all my work” strategy (backups are the other half). I’ve written about...
Configuring SCST iSCSI target on Debian Linux (Wheezy) My goal is to export ZFS zvol volumes through iSCSI to other machines. The platform I'm using is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My goal is to export ZFS zvol volumes through iSCSI to other machines. The platform I'm using is Debian Wheezy. There are three iSCSI target solutions available for Linux: LIO IET SCST I've briefly played with LIO but the targetcli tool is interactive only. If you want to...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #45: Deliverism, blasphemy and selfies from space Plus the best Minecraft-themed political deepfake you'll see today
3 months ago
Willem's Blog
Space travelling from El Teide On Tenerife you'll find Teide, the world's second highest volcano with extra terestial views and a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On Tenerife you'll find Teide, the world's second highest volcano with extra terestial views and a perfect altitude for stargazing.
Visual representation of hard drives and their temperature If you build a NAS with many drives, it may be of interest to you which drives get hot and where...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you build a NAS with many drives, it may be of interest to you which drives get hot and where they are located in the chassis. My Norco 4020 case has twenty drives in RAID 6, plus two operating system drives in RAID 1. I wrote a script that shows me the temperature of each...
Jorge Arango
The User Research Strategist Podcast Nikki Anderson interviewed me for her User Research Strategist podcast. Our focus was AI’s impact on...
a month ago
a month ago
Nikki Anderson interviewed me for her User Research Strategist podcast. Our focus was AI’s impact on research and informaton architecture – and how practitioners can take advantage of this new technology. See the episode page, which includes show notes. If you want to learn...
csvbase blog
I didn't write any Javascript, and other shortcuts Getting it done by not doing a lot of it
a year ago
Abishek Muthian
Resurrecting Nexus 6P from bootloop of death Nexus Before the Pixel there was Nexus, smartphones and tablets to showcase the latest in android...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Nexus Before the Pixel there was Nexus, smartphones and tablets to showcase the latest in android with the brand of the manufacturer. They packed in latest android version with top end specifications and pathetic camera (processed image/video) quality; no wonder they didn't take...
Willem's Blog
Wearing two watches Why you should wear two watches, don't choose between a mechanical watch and a smartwatch!
over a year ago
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing ElevationDock 5 It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the original ElevationDock launched on Kickstarter,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's hard to believe it's been 10 years since the original ElevationDock launched on Kickstarter, breaking crowdfunding records.  ElevationDock 5 is our best version yet - ultra-fast charging with USB-C to Lighting, precision machined ultra-smooth adjustment to perfectly fit your...
Applied Cartography
Truncating timedeltas in Django Consider a fan-out-ish model that you want to aggregate a bunch of: likes on a post, for...
a month ago
a month ago
Consider a fan-out-ish model that you want to aggregate a bunch of: likes on a post, for instance. class Post(models.Model): created_at = models.DateTimeField() class Event(models.Model): post = models.ForeignKey(Post, on_delete=models.CASCADE) created_at =...
Arduino Blog
Meet the CapibaraZero, a multifunctional security and hacking tool based on the Nano ESP32 In recent years, tools such as the FlipperZero have become quite popular amongst hobbyists and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In recent years, tools such as the FlipperZero have become quite popular amongst hobbyists and security professionals alike for their small size and wide array of hacking tools. Inspired by the functionality of the FlipperZero, Project Hub user ‘andreockx’ created a similar...
'Linux: obtain motherboard model / type and vendor' If you want to know what motherboard is installed in a system, use the tool dmidecode: dmidecode |...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you want to know what motherboard is installed in a system, use the tool dmidecode: dmidecode | grep -e "Manufacturer|Product" | head -n 4 | tail -n 2 The result might be something like: Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer INC. Product Name: P5Q-EM DO Manufacturer: ASUSTeK Computer...
Good Enough
TIL: Rails has_one Nested Attributes Tweaking In a project I'm working on right now I've been using a Rails nested form and a couple of things...
a year ago
a year ago
In a project I'm working on right now I've been using a Rails nested form and a couple of things caught me off guard. has_one Nested Form Sending id Attribute In this case I have a nested form that is in a has_one relationship with the parent model. I think this is a common thing...
Jonas Hietala
The Top Idea Recently I’ve been having a dozen ideas and projects I’ve been poking around with: I wrote a simple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I’ve been having a dozen ideas and projects I’ve been poking around with: I wrote a simple lua, later perl, which announced when a new day9 episode has come. Later I expanded it to search for new manga episodes, but now it’s broken and unfinished. In an attempt to learn...
Applied Cartography
Auth.js + Square Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Internal tools and small, well-scoped projects are a great avenue to tinker with technologies on the periphery of your understanding, and a Third South project has led me to spin up a small Next project using Bun [1] and Auth.js (nee next-auth), which has been quite bad and I...
Which file system for a large storage array under Linux? There are many file systems available under Linux, however only a few of them can be used for a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are many file systems available under Linux, however only a few of them can be used for a large storage array. I am assuming that you want to create a single file system. I don't care if you use LVM or other layers beneath, this is about which file system to use. I will...
Back to roots This blog is running on a home server again. I have once again gained access to a competent internet...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This blog is running on a home server again. I have once again gained access to a competent internet connection1, and I think I have figured out the IPv6 setup as well2, leading to this change. The IP address is dynamic, there are occasional power outages and I might just mess up...
Gwern.net Newsletter
May Gwern.net Newsletter Link compilation newsletter with anime GAN updates, links on AI scaling, discussion of GPT-3, and 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Link compilation newsletter with anime GAN updates, links on AI scaling, discussion of GPT-3, and 1 book review.
computers are bad
2023-11-19 Centrex I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened...
a year ago
a year ago
I have always been fascinated by the PABX - the private automatic branch exchange, often shortened to "PBX" in today's world where the "automatic" is implied. (Relatively) modern small and medium business PABXs of the type I like to collect are largely solid-state devices that...
Notes on software...
A minimal distributed key-value database with Hashicorp's Raft library When I wrote the "build a distributed PostgreSQL proof of concept" post I first had to figure...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I wrote the "build a distributed PostgreSQL proof of concept" post I first had to figure out how to use Hashicorp's Raft implementation. There weren't any examples I could find in the Hashicorp repo itself. And the only example I could find was Philip O'Toole's hraftd. It's...
ZFS RAIDZ expansion is awesome but has a small caveat Introduction Update April 2023: It has been fairly quiet since the announcement of this feature. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction Update April 2023: It has been fairly quiet since the announcement of this feature. The Github PR about this feature is rather stale and people are wondering what the status is and what the plans are. Meanwhile, FreeBSD has announced In February 2023 that they...
Jonas Hietala
Back to Training Five days of school now and things are starting to settle down a bit. The courses are pretty cool;...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Five days of school now and things are starting to settle down a bit. The courses are pretty cool; we have linear algebra which is pretty interesting, we have a java course where we’re going to make a game (!) and one about structures and algorithms. Pretty promising but we’ll...
Willem's Blog
Around town in an electric car For one week I drove the electric Smart EQ fortwo in and around town. I found out what it's like to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For one week I drove the electric Smart EQ fortwo in and around town. I found out what it's like to drive electrically: fun!
Odds and Ends of...
How to fix the New Statesman In which I probably burn some bridges.
a week ago
Jonas Hietala
Why Cryptocurrencies? is now available in print Today is a big milestone for me, as this marks a big milestone in the biggest personal project I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today is a big milestone for me, as this marks a big milestone in the biggest personal project I’ve undertaken. My book ‘Why Cryptocurrencies?’ is released in print today! It’s my attempt to explain what cryptocurrencies are and what problems they solve, in a simple and...
Lars Lofgren
The Stupidity of Google’s Site Reputation Abuse Policy Site reputation abuse is when a third-party abuses the reputation of a domain to rank a bunch of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Site reputation abuse is when a third-party abuses the reputation of a domain to rank a bunch of pages in Google. The SEO community refers to this type of thing as parasite SEO. Google has gone so far as to publish an official policy (documented here) on how this isn’t allowed:...
Odds and Ends of...
A significant UK think-tanking is backing the campaign to liberate the Postcode Address File The pressure is on the government to abolish the Innovation Tax
a week ago
Abishek Muthian
Paytm says to me that it’s PoS feature didn’t have a security risk Paytm- Alibaba backed India’s leading mobile payment wallet saw a 1000 % growth in the amount of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Paytm- Alibaba backed India’s leading mobile payment wallet saw a 1000 % growth in the amount of money added to its wallet during India’s demonetisation. I must acknowledge that digital wallets like Paytm, Ola money etc. did help in easing the pains of demonetisation for those...
Avestura's Blog
Creating a Git commit: The Hard Way Let's create a Git commit using Git's low-level (plumbing) commands
6 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Design for Hackers I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I get these.. urges sometimes. Not like Dexter no, but sometimes I just have to buy a specific thing. It happened again yesterday (or was it the day before I don’t know) when I saw this post on hackernews. It’s a book this time, again, but this is something a little different -...
Grading my 2024 Apple predictions First off, merry Christmas! I closed out last year with a series of posts reviewing Apple’s main...
2 months ago
2 months ago
First off, merry Christmas! I closed out last year with a series of posts reviewing Apple’s main product lines, iPhones, iPads, Macs, Watches, and the soon-to-be-released Vision Pro. I’ll be doing that again over the last few days of the year, but in the interest of
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing FamilyCharger Today we launched FamilyCharger - it's designed to be a central place to charge all your devices,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today we launched FamilyCharger - it's designed to be a central place to charge all your devices, fast, without clutter. Our initial designs for a family charger started out as big multi-charging docks, but they were too inflexible, expensive, and took up a lot of space....
Compatibility Highpoint RocketRAID 2320 and Samsung Spinpoint F1 There are some reports about incompatibility between RAID controllers and Samsung Spinpoint F1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are some reports about incompatibility between RAID controllers and Samsung Spinpoint F1 drives. I have no troubles with my 0.5 and 1.0 TB drives from Samsung using mentioned controller. See below: Controller 1: RocketRAID 232x SATA Controller 1/1/1 SAMSUNG HD103UJ...
Home on Erik...
Google diversity memo, global warming, Pascal's wager, and other stuff There's about 765 million blog posts about the diversity “memo” that leaked out of Google a couple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's about 765 million blog posts about the diversity “memo” that leaked out of Google a couple of weeks ago. I think the case for any biological difference is pretty weak, and it bothers me when people refer to an “interest gap” as anything else than caused by the...
Ian's Blog
Why my Apps Aren't Available on Apple Vision Pro Recently I have received some questions from users of both TLS Inspector and DNS Inspector enquiring...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Recently I have received some questions from users of both TLS Inspector and DNS Inspector enquiring why the apps aren't available on Apple's new Vision Pro headset. While I have briefly discussed this over on my Mastodon, I figured it might be worthwhile putting things down with...
Never Met a Science
Do Something Else Lakens and the Second Reformation
5 months ago
Yazin Alirhayim
The Trouble With Optionality Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Optionality’s one of those things you don’t really think about. People don’t generally wake up one morning thinking “Why, it appears I’ve spent the past several decades of my life optimizing for optionality. Perhaps I should figure out why?”. Most don’t even recognize the term –...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing The 10-Year Battery for AirTag My camera bag with $10k of gear was stolen from my car. When I saw the broken glass and empty...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My camera bag with $10k of gear was stolen from my car. When I saw the broken glass and empty backseat, I immediately pulled up FindMy to track the thief - only to find that its last location was my office 3 months ago... because I hadn't changed the AirTag's battery. It was a...
Applied Cartography
January, 2025 Hello, 2025! (As always, Death Cab remains the soundtrack by which you should read this.) Headlining...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Hello, 2025! (As always, Death Cab remains the soundtrack by which you should read this.) Headlining this month was my annual review; everything else is flotsam. But, speaking of flotsam: A quick development note on the order attribute in CSS Notes on Linear and Fathom Why...
Computer Ads from...
Small Systems Engineering's PETSPEED Fast Enough for the Human Race
8 months ago
My default apps of 2024 Last year I was the 27th of four hundred and freaking eight people to write about their default...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Last year I was the 27th of four hundred and freaking eight people to write about their default apps, and I though it would be fun to turn this into a tradition and revisit the list to see if anything has changed since last year. ✨ next to each change
Push to Prod
How We Built a Self-Healing System to Survive a Terrifying Concurrency Bug At Netflix Our CPUs were dying, the bug was temporarily un-fixable, and we had no viable path forward. Here's...
6 months ago
Compiling Handbrake CLI on Debian Lenny In this post I will show you how to compile Handbrake for Debian Lenny. Please note that although...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post I will show you how to compile Handbrake for Debian Lenny. Please note that although the Handbrake GUI version does compile on Lenny, it crashes with a segmentation fault like this: Gtk: gtk_widget_size_allocate(): attempt to allocate widget with width -5 and height...
Home on Erik...
Stuff that bothers me: “100x faster than Hadoop” The simple way to get featured on big data blog these days seem to be Build something that does 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The simple way to get featured on big data blog these days seem to be Build something that does 1 thing super well but nothing else Benchmark it against Hadoop Publish stats showing that it's 100x faster than Hadoop $$$ Spark claims their 100x faster than Hadoop and there's a...
'Zabbix Security: client-server communication seems insecure' Zabbix is a populair tool for monitoring servers, services and network equipment. For monitoring...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Zabbix is a populair tool for monitoring servers, services and network equipment. For monitoring hosts, Zabbix provides an agent that can be installed on the hosts that must be monitored. Based on the supplied documentation and some remarks on the internets, the 'security' of...
Jonas Hietala
Installing Krita on Slackware 14.1 This is a guide on how to build Krita on Slackware 14.1. This is based on this guide for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a guide on how to build Krita on Slackware 14.1. This is based on this guide for linux. removepkg calligra Install some dependencies from Slackbuilds. gsl libgexiv2 libpqxx pstoedit Get Krita. The original guide recommends building in ~/kde4 but I moved i to...
Docker and CumulusMX I wanted to find out if I could successfully redeploy my Weather Station monitoring software into a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wanted to find out if I could successfully redeploy my Weather Station monitoring software into a Docker container. Let's battle the elements together...
Computer Ads from...
Comics from 1984/04 Creative Computing Mag Sorry for the delay. - JP
a month ago
Create a Markdown Portfolio with Next.js So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you've set out to create a new portfolio for yourself. You start gathering inspiration from platforms like Godly and Minimal Gallery, draw some rectangles in Figma, and open your text editor. You pause. There's thousands of ways to build your website, how do you decide which...
Odds and Ends of...
WATCH: Talking trains with Jonn Elledge! The new Overground names, why the north always loses out, and more!
3 months ago
Simply Explained
Static webhosting benchmark: AWS, Google, Firebase, Netlify, GitHub & Cloudflare Static websites are still a hot topic. They are fast, and they're incredibly secure because there...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Static websites are still a hot topic. They are fast, and they're incredibly secure because there isn't a CMS to hack. Once you build a static website, however, the question becomes: Where do I host?In other words: what is the fastest static website hosting provider in 2020?...
Notes on software...
Experimenting with column- and row-oriented datastructures This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
ThinkPad T40: it can still run modern Linux, for now I recently busted out my old ThinkPad T40, the last of the OG IBM ThinkPads. I picked it up some...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I recently busted out my old ThinkPad T40, the last of the OG IBM ThinkPads. I picked it up some time around my university days because I liked collecting ThinkPads at the time, and it was a nice complement to my existing ThinkPad T60 and T430. The battery is dead, but everything...
Good Enough
The Space Between Us Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical...
a year ago
a year ago
Good Enough is a fully-remote team, and I think it's safe to say that we'll never have a physical office. I've been working remotely for more than ten years, and overall I really like it. I love the flexibility it affords, being more present with our families, and that my...
Christian Selig
Juno for YouTube has been removed from the App Store For those not aware, a few months ago after reaching out to me, YouTube contacted the App Store...
5 months ago
5 months ago
For those not aware, a few months ago after reaching out to me, YouTube contacted the App Store stating that Juno does not adhere to YouTube guidelines and modifies the website in a way they don’t approve of, and alludes to their trademarks and iconography. I don’t personally...
Tech tip: eliminate HDD humming noise Anyone that has bought themselves external WD drives from the Elements/My Book/Easystore series are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Anyone that has bought themselves external WD drives from the Elements/My Book/Easystore series are probably familiar with the acoustic characteristics of the drives. The drives have a loud hum caused by WD running the drives at 7200rpm while claiming the drives to be...
latest projects -...
Badge [Hardware] A RISC-V LED matrix
a year ago
The Pragmatic...
Is the “AI developer”a threat to jobs – or a marketing stunt? One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman...
10 months ago
10 months ago
One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman software engineer.” As intimidating as these sound: what if it’s more marketing than reality?
Applied Cartography
Becoming Trader Joe (Shout out to Red Queen Podcast for introducing me to this book.) Becoming Trader Joe is, more than...
a month ago
a month ago
(Shout out to Red Queen Podcast for introducing me to this book.) Becoming Trader Joe is, more than any other business book (certainly any other business memoir), a turpentine book. There is interesting philosophy and retrospective here — and Coloumbe, whether through earnestness...
Matt Mullenweg
Disrupt Interview On Wednesday I had a great chat with Connie Loizos, the editor in chief of TechCrunch, you can view...
4 months ago
4 months ago
On Wednesday I had a great chat with Connie Loizos, the editor in chief of TechCrunch, you can view the video here: Then yesterday Automattic filed its legal responses to the spurious lawfare from WP Engine, Silver Lake, and Quinn Emanuel. It’s a bit long, but if you have time...
Testing a cheap ExpressCard to NVMe SSD adapter on my ThinkPad T430 I stumbled upon this post in /r/thinkpad, which got my attention. It showcases an ExpressCard to M.2...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I stumbled upon this post in /r/thinkpad, which got my attention. It showcases an ExpressCard to M.2 NGFF adapter that they purchased from AliExpress. The adapter has a similar purpose to the one designed by thinkmods.store, with the added bonus that it could fit longer NVMe...
Jonas Hietala
An intriguing new puzzle Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s another game made for the experimental gameplay project: Slidoku which is a sort of mix between Rubik’s cube and sudoku. I enjoy puzzles like those and I really enjoyed this one too - it took me a while to beat it but I just love the feeling when you do. If you like...
Colourclock Original concept circa 2008, revisited 2012, hardware designed Feb 2014, firmware designed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Original concept circa 2008, revisited 2012, hardware designed Feb 2014, firmware designed April-August 2014, project completed August 2014, installed in spare room in 2016, written up in March 2018 (jeeez…) Acrylic, LEDs, ARM Cortex-M0 microcontroller. ...
A look back at 2024, and what’s next for 2025 At the end of last year, I wrote about wanting to focus on the web in 2024. How did that shake...
2 months ago
2 months ago
At the end of last year, I wrote about wanting to focus on the web in 2024. How did that shake out? Top level stats I considered 2023 the first year that I honestly tried getting back into blogging. My goal then was to post something every month, and I managed that with 14 posts...
Jonas Hietala
2020 in review And so 2020 has come to an end. On a global scale it’s been quite a horrible year, and for me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
And so 2020 has come to an end. On a global scale it’s been quite a horrible year, and for me personally it’s been both good and bad. Luckily we haven’t been directly affected by COVID too much, but it’s still been very disruptive. Either way as I’ve done for years now it always...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Why sharding is great: demystifying the technical properties
over a year ago
Notes on software...
A Programmer-Friendly I/O Abstraction Over io_uring and kqueue This is an external post of mine. Click here if you are not redirected.
over a year ago
Home on Erik...
Bagging as a regularizer One thing I encountered today was a trick using bagging as a way to go beyond a point estimate and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One thing I encountered today was a trick using bagging as a way to go beyond a point estimate and get an approximation for the full distribution. This can then be used to penalize predictions with larger uncertainty, which helps reducing false positives.
Arduino Blog
Adding voice commands to a LEGO planetarium set with an Arduino Nano 33 IoT From Mindstorms to Technic, LEGO has produced a wide variety of sets that give users new learning...
7 months ago
7 months ago
From Mindstorms to Technic, LEGO has produced a wide variety of sets that give users new learning and creative experiences, and for Electromaker’s Robin Mitchell, this was the LEGO planetarium set. With it, rotational input will cause the Earth and moon models to orbit around the...
Willem's Blog
Using Google Free Android Using a Google Free Android phone is uncommon these days, yet I decided to try the Volla Phone to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using a Google Free Android phone is uncommon these days, yet I decided to try the Volla Phone to experience its freedom and privacy.
Improving iSCSI Native Multi Pathing Round Robin performance 10 Gb ethernet is still quite expensive. You not only need to buy appropriate NICS, but you must...
over a year ago
over a year ago
10 Gb ethernet is still quite expensive. You not only need to buy appropriate NICS, but you must also upgrade your network hardware as well. You may even need to replace existing fiber optic cabling if it's not rated for 10 Gbit. So I decided to still just go for plain old 1...
🫡 A certain individual who owns a certain social media site spoke at a certain President's...
a month ago
a month ago
A certain individual who owns a certain social media site spoke at a certain President's inauguration earlier this week and at one point gave a very distinctive salute. Now look, I'm not calling this billionaire a Nazi, and I'm not telling you whether I
Applied Cartography
Pytest: test for print statements Inspired by Adam Johnson's test for pending migrations, and of course in conversation with my own...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Inspired by Adam Johnson's test for pending migrations, and of course in conversation with my own love of weird tests, I offer a similar concept: a test for finding stray print statements in your codebase, with a ratchet array for stuff to ignore. import glob PATH =...
Computer Ads from...
MicroSpeed PC-TRAC Let's Get Right To the Point
9 months ago
Good Enough
TIL: Turbo Stream and personalised content Hotwire and Turbo are great for very quickly and easily adding real-time updating of webpages...
a year ago
a year ago
Hotwire and Turbo are great for very quickly and easily adding real-time updating of webpages without requiring the browser to reload the whole page. But if the information you want to stream back from your server to the client has anything specific to the current user — like...
Home on Erik...
Presentations about Spotify music recommendations A couple of people in my old team have been around talking about how Spotify does music...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A couple of people in my old team have been around talking about how Spotify does music recommendations and put together some quite good presentations. First one is Neville Li's presentation about Scala Data Pipelines @ Spotify:
Matt Mullenweg
UH Magazine, Revisiting My Alma Mater My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political...
2 months ago
2 months ago
My father attended University of Houston, and it’s where I went to college to study political science, I started WordPress when there, and then dropped out after two years to move to San Franisco. It was fun seeing UH Magazine feature an article about my journey from a University...
Matt Mullenweg
Observer Article Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly writes for the Observer, WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg Is ‘More...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Alexandra Tremayne-Pengelly writes for the Observer, WordPress Founder Matt Mullenweg Is ‘More Energized’ Than Ever Amid WP Engine Battle.
Posts on Made of...
A Brief Introduction to termios: Signaling and Job Control (This is part three of a multi-part introduction to termios and terminal emulation on UNIX. Read...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(This is part three of a multi-part introduction to termios and terminal emulation on UNIX. Read part 1 or part 2 if you’re new here) For my final entry on termios, I will be looking at job control in the shell (i.e. backgrounding and foreground jobs) and the very closely related...
Worst headline of 2025 contender just dropped Victor Tangermann writing for Yahoo Finance with the very enticing headline: Microsoft CEO Admits...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Victor Tangermann writing for Yahoo Finance with the very enticing headline: Microsoft CEO Admits That AI Is Generating Basically No Value During an appearance on podcaster Dwarkesh Patel's show this week, Nadella offered a reality check. "Us self-claiming some [artificial...
Home on Erik...
Snakebite Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just promoting Spotify stuff here: check out the Snakebite repo on Github, written by Wouter de Bie. It's a super fast tool to access HDFS over CLI/Python, by accessing the namenode directly over sockets/protobuf. Spotify's developer blog features a nice blog post outlining what...
Vitalik Buterin's...
What in the Ethereum application ecosystem excites me
over a year ago
Steam Deck: I like it I got a Steam Deck. Only took me a year or so of contemplating getting one, and trying out HoloISO,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I got a Steam Deck. Only took me a year or so of contemplating getting one, and trying out HoloISO, the unofficial SteamOS installer finally convinced me to get one.1 It took another year to actually get down to writing down my thoughts on it. This post is written from the...
computers are bad
2024-04-26 microsoft at work I haven't written anything for a bit. I'm not apologizing, because y'all don't pay me enough to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I haven't written anything for a bit. I'm not apologizing, because y'all don't pay me enough to apologize, but I do feel a little bad. Part of it is just that I've been busy, with work and travel and events. Part of it is that I've embarked on a couple of writing projects only to...
Understanding Storage Performance - IOPS and Latency Introduction The goal of this blogpost is to help you better understand storage performance. I want...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction The goal of this blogpost is to help you better understand storage performance. I want to discuss some fundamentals that are true regardless of your particular needs. This will help you better reason about storage and may provide a scaffolding for further learning....
CBC Spark with Nora Young Really upset to recently learn that Spark with Nora Young has been cancelled by the CBC, ending in...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Really upset to recently learn that Spark with Nora Young has been cancelled by the CBC, ending in June 2024. (Announcement episode) One of the most intelligent, progressive technology-in-society news shows in Canada or anywhere for that matter. Perhaps that it’s medium is radio...
Good Enough
Let's talk about conversations If you subscribe to our newsletter — which you do, right? — then you'll know that recently we've...
a year ago
a year ago
If you subscribe to our newsletter — which you do, right? — then you'll know that recently we've been thinking about conversations. We're a small group making fun software for people, and we like to have conversations with those people; the lovely folks who like our take on...
Vitalik Buterin's...
La votación mediante blockchain está sobrevalorada entre personas desinformadas pero subestimada...
over a year ago
Vitalik Buterin's...
Sidechains vs Plasma vs Sharding
over a year ago
Matt Blewitt
Point and Call It’s 2AM. You’re paged to respond to a failing set of components that you are the Subject Matter...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s 2AM. You’re paged to respond to a failing set of components that you are the Subject Matter Expert (SME) for. Sleepy, you load up the playbook for when the SplineReticulatorBlocked alert has gone off, and start executing. The Incident Commander (IC) is vaguely aware of what...
Arduino Blog
Speed up your project’s compile time by up to 50% in Arduino Cloud! At Arduino, we know how precious your time is when you’re building your next big project or...
2 months ago
2 months ago
At Arduino, we know how precious your time is when you’re building your next big project or experimenting with new ideas. That’s why we’re thrilled to introduce a game-changing update to the Cloud Editor Builder — the engine behind compiling your sketches in Arduino Cloud. This...
Arduino Blog
This Arduino-controlled Spin Meister helps spin up the perfect pizza Dedicated pizza ovens are all the rage right now, as they provide a better-distributed and higher...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Dedicated pizza ovens are all the rage right now, as they provide a better-distributed and higher heat that many find more preferable than a conventional kitchen oven. But even a nice gas-powered pizza oven like the Ooni Koda 12 will have some hot spots and cold spots. To get an...
Arduino Blog
Check out these Arduino-powered research projects from CHI 2024 Held in Hawaii this year, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) hosted its annual conference...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Held in Hawaii this year, the Association of Computing Machinery (ACM) hosted its annual conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) that focuses on the latest developments in human-computer interaction. Students from universities all across the world attended the...
lcamtuf’s thing
Electric chainsaws and the gorge of misery Lithium batteries are great -- so why do mid-size electric power tools suck in 2024?
7 months ago
Willem's Blog
Measuring cholesterol levels in blood This week I had my blood examined to measure my cholesterol levels, taking a lipid profile. Know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I had my blood examined to measure my cholesterol levels, taking a lipid profile. Know your LDL, HDL and Triglycerides numbers with a simple test.
Old Vintage...
Programming the Convergent WorkSlate's spreadsheet microcassette future In this particular future, we will all use handheld spreadsheets stored on microcassettes, talking...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In this particular future, we will all use handheld spreadsheets stored on microcassettes, talking to each other via speakerphone, and probably listening to Devo and New Order a lot. (Though that part isn't too different from my actual present.) a computer whose manufacturer...
Electronics etc…
Fake Parallel Printer - A Parallel Port Traffic Capturing Tool Introduction What Is Out There? The Parallel Printer Port Fake Printer Top Level Design Choices Fake...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Introduction What Is Out There? The Parallel Printer Port Fake Printer Top Level Design Choices Fake Printer HW Details PCB Revision 1 PCB Revision 2 Firmware Building a Fake Printer Tool Yourself Programming the Raspberry Pico Fake Printer as a USB Serial Device on your...
computers are bad
2024-08-31 ipmi I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I am making steady progress towards moving the Computers Are Bad enterprise cloud to its new home, here in New Mexico. One of the steps in this process is, of course, purchasing a new server... the current Big Iron is getting rather old (probably about a decade!) and here in...
Posts on Made of...
The architecture of declarative configuration management With the ongoing move towards “infrastructure-as-code” and similar notions, there’s been an ongoing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
With the ongoing move towards “infrastructure-as-code” and similar notions, there’s been an ongoing increase in the number and popularity of declarative configuration management tools. This post attempts to lay out my mental model of the conceptual architecture and internal...
Arduino Blog
What if robots could communicate with humans by emitting scents? Almost all human-robot interaction (HRI) approaches today rely on three senses: hearing, sight, and...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Almost all human-robot interaction (HRI) approaches today rely on three senses: hearing, sight, and touch. Your robot vacuum might beep at you, or play recorded or synthesized speech. An LED on its enclosure might blink to red to signify a problem. And cutting-edge humanoid...
Nabeel S. Qureshi
How To Understand Things The smartest person I’ve ever known had a habit that, as a teenager, I found striking...
over a year ago
Arduino Blog
Get notified of impending floods with this Arduino Nano 33 IoT-based display As climate change continues to worsen, events such as heavy rains, hurricanes, and atmospheric...
4 months ago
4 months ago
As climate change continues to worsen, events such as heavy rains, hurricanes, and atmospheric rivers have only intensified, and with them, large amounts of flooding that pose serious risks to life and property. Jude Pullen and Pete Milne, therefore, have responded by creating a...
Vitalik Buterin's...
Possible futures of the Ethereum protocol, part 4: The Verge
4 months ago
Good Enough
How We Built Unique Social Preview Images for Pika One of the goals of Pika, the happy blogging software that we recently launched, is to help you find...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the goals of Pika, the happy blogging software that we recently launched, is to help you find your own place on the internet. Along with a nice place on the internet, when you share links to your blog we want them to represent your internet home, which you've likely taken...
Vitalik Buterin's...
over a year ago
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 3 Windows becomes competitive
a year ago
Willem's Blog
Developing a native iOS app How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with...
10 months ago
10 months ago
How hard can it be to build your own cycling and running workout tracker app using native code with some help from AI? Read along to find out!
Vitalik Buterin's...
Governance, Part 2: Plutocracy Is Still Bad
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Some thoughts on touch screen user interface design I am working on a new app involving personal health that requires a natural intuitive interface that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am working on a new app involving personal health that requires a natural intuitive interface that works well on touch screens. It's good to check out some best practices for touch UI design
Notes on software...
Active and influential NYC infrastructure people These are some of the most influential (mostly due to experience or expertise) and active folks (I...
3 months ago
3 months ago
These are some of the most influential (mostly due to experience or expertise) and active folks (I actually see them attend events) in the NYC infrastructure scene (that I have a personal connection to). If you're running a dinner or are just looking to meet interesting people in...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse engineering the 59-pound printer onboard the Space Shuttle The Space Shuttle contained a bulky printer so the astronauts could receive procedures, mission...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The Space Shuttle contained a bulky printer so the astronauts could receive procedures, mission plans, weather reports, crew activity plans, and other documents. Needed for the first Shuttle launch in 1981, this printer was designed in just 7 months, built around an Army...
csvbase blog
There are 665 open licences, most are pretty rubbish you are in a maze of twisty licences, all alike
5 months ago
Jonas Hietala
Good and Bad Programmers Every now and day blog posts about what it takes to be a good programmer or how you figure out if...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every now and day blog posts about what it takes to be a good programmer or how you figure out if someone is a bad programmer arrives. There’s always talk about how you find the good programmers in interviews and the topic is always hot in schools and universities. Today I read...
Christian Selig
Autonomous Standing Desk and Chair Review Autonomous was nice enough to send me one of both their Smart Desk Pro standing desks and ErgoChair...
a year ago
a year ago
Autonomous was nice enough to send me one of both their Smart Desk Pro standing desks and ErgoChair Pro chairs in exchange for posting about them on Twitter, and I wanted to cover them in more detail on my blog as well so I could give my full thoughts on them for anyone in the...
Odds and Ends of...
Odds and Ends #47: I think this YouTube video just changed my life Plus vertical farming, the Russia/EU border, and more on why the Lobby is bad.
2 months ago
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse-engineering a three-axis attitude indicator from the F-4 fighter plane We recently received an attitude indicator for the F-4 fighter plane, an instrument that uses a...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We recently received an attitude indicator for the F-4 fighter plane, an instrument that uses a rotating ball to show the aircraft's orientation and direction. In a normal aircraft, the artificial horizon shows the orientation in two axes (pitch and roll), but the F-4...
Configuring, attacking and securing VRRP on Linux The VRRP or Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol helps you create a reliable network by using multiple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The VRRP or Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol helps you create a reliable network by using multiple routers in an active/passive configuration. If the primary router fails, the backup router takes over almost seamlessly. This is how VRRP works: Clients connect to a virtual...
Redhat explains why chroot is not a security feature I came across this Redhat security blog post that explains why the chroot command has it's uses, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I came across this Redhat security blog post that explains why the chroot command has it's uses, but it isn't magic security pixie dust. Running an application from within a chrooted jail or just on a well-configured system would result in the same level of security. Josh...
Odds and Ends of...
Here's a pitch for what the National Data Library should actually be Do you want to be a National Data Librarian?
2 weeks ago
Neil Madden
API Security in Action handed over to production After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a flurry of last-minute corrections and updates in response to review feedback, my book has now been handed over to Manning’s production team. That means a few weeks of copy editing and graphics polish, then indexing and typesetting to produce the final version around...
Home on Erik...
More Luigi! Elias Freider just talked about Luigi at PyData 2013: The presentation above is much better than one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Elias Freider just talked about Luigi at PyData 2013: The presentation above is much better than one I put together a few weeks ago. In case anyone is interested I'll include it too:
Vitalik Buterin's...
The Triangle of Harm
over a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates February 02
a year ago
Himanshu Mishra |...
Why should one do Open Source in college? More and more students are now being involved with Open Source programming. Thanks to programs like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
More and more students are now being involved with Open Source programming. Thanks to programs like Google Summer of Code who have seriously…
Arduino Blog
Circuit Canvas can help you quickly create illustrated wiring diagrams Good documentation is extremely useful when conceiving, building, or sharing electronic circuit...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Good documentation is extremely useful when conceiving, building, or sharing electronic circuit designs, but traditional schematics and technical drawings are difficult for non-professionals to interpret and create. Makers can benefit from intuitive illustrations that look good...
Willem's Blog
Commuter bike checkup This week my trustworthy commuter bike started making strange squeaking noises when braking, time to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week my trustworthy commuter bike started making strange squeaking noises when braking, time to have a look at the bike after 21.000KM!
ZFS on Linux: monitor cache hit ratio I'm performing some FIO random read 4k I/O benchmarks on a ZFS file system. So since I didn't trust...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm performing some FIO random read 4k I/O benchmarks on a ZFS file system. So since I didn't trust the numbers I got, I wanted to know how many of the IOPs I got were due to cache hits rather than disk hits. This is why I wrote a small shell script called archhitratio. Sample...
Notes on software...
Exploring a Postgres query plan I learned this week that you can intercept and redirect Postgres query execution. You can hook into...
a year ago
a year ago
I learned this week that you can intercept and redirect Postgres query execution. You can hook into the execution layer so you're given a query plan and you get to decide what to do with it. What rows to return, if any, and where they come from. That's very interesting. So I...
Arduino Blog
Arduino Cloud is now natively supported on tablets  We’re excited to announce the release of IoT Remote v3.0.0, featuring a native tablet version...
10 months ago
10 months ago
We’re excited to announce the release of IoT Remote v3.0.0, featuring a native tablet version (available for both Android and iOS platforms) optimized for unlocking the full potential of larger screen sizes. What is the Arduino IoT Remote app?  The Arduino IoT Remote app allows...
Electronics etc…
A Hardware Interposer to Fix the Symmetricom SyncServer S200 GPS Week Number Rollover Problem Introduction IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The Problem: SyncServer Refuses to Lock to...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Introduction IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The Problem: SyncServer Refuses to Lock to GPS The GPS Week Number Rollover Issue Making the Furuno GT-8031 Work Again How It Works Build Instructions Power Supply Recapping The Future: A Software-Only Solution The...
Linux RAID 6 performance using software RAID So after toying around with RAID 0 just for fun, time to get serious. I created a RAID 6 of 10 x 1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So after toying around with RAID 0 just for fun, time to get serious. I created a RAID 6 of 10 x 1 TB disks. This gives me raw device read speeds of 850 MB/s and write speeds of 300 MB/s. I think this is exactly what should be expected, but boy it is damn fast. Especially the...
computers are bad
2024-02-25 a history of the tty It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator...
a year ago
a year ago
It's one of those anachronisms that is deeply embedded in modern technology. From cloud operator servers to embedded controllers in appliances, there must be uncountable devices that think they are connected to a TTY. I will omit the many interesting details of the Linux terminal...
Vitalik Buterin's...
A Quick Gasprice Market Analysis
over a year ago
Oops, I published my drafts! Those of you who follow my blog using the RSS feed might have seen that new, incomplete posts popped...
a year ago
a year ago
Those of you who follow my blog using the RSS feed might have seen that new, incomplete posts popped up around the time I published my FOSDEM 2024 post. Oops. I recently tried looking for an alternative to writing blog posts in IntelliJ and out of all the options I stuck...
Greater Still by...
Why is the Internet So Lonely? Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a piece called My Modern Friends and Me, as an ode to the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Almost exactly a year ago, I wrote a piece called My Modern Friends and Me, as an ode to the digital-turned-physical friends I had made throughout 2020.
Jorge Arango
The New Leverage: AI and the Power of Small Teams This weekend, a small team in Latvia won an Oscar for a film they made using free software. That’s...
a week ago
a week ago
This weekend, a small team in Latvia won an Oscar for a film they made using free software. That’s not just cool — it’s a sign of what’s coming. Sunday night was family movie night in my home. We picked a recent movie, FLOW. I’d heard good things about it and thought we’d enjoy...
Willem's Blog
Search like a pro: Google search operators Read along for a comprehensive list of advanced Google search operators that allow you to filter...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Read along for a comprehensive list of advanced Google search operators that allow you to filter your search results.
I strongly recommend Portal: Revolution (members post) In this new series, I’ll be reviewing the media I experience (I don’t like saying I “consume” media)...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In this new series, I’ll be reviewing the media I experience (I don’t like saying I “consume” media) in more detail than I normally do. Don’t worry, the movie reviews are staying free and on social media ✌️
lcamtuf’s thing
RAM: the forgotten history We owe computers not to Charles Babbage, but to the invention of electronically-controlled working...
4 months ago
4 months ago
We owe computers not to Charles Babbage, but to the invention of electronically-controlled working memory.
Jonas Hietala
Mailto: links with FastMail in Firefox You can change the application to handle mailto: links in Firefox in Preferences -> Applications....
over a year ago
over a year ago
You can change the application to handle mailto: links in Firefox in Preferences -> Applications. The problem is that you can’t input custom urls and some email providers, like hotmail or fastmail, aren’t supported. I managed to fix it with the plugin MailtoWebmails. It annoys me...
Arduino Blog
The end of Mbed marks a new beginning for Arduino As you might have heard, on July 9th, Arm announced that the Mbed platform and OS are officially...
7 months ago
7 months ago
As you might have heard, on July 9th, Arm announced that the Mbed platform and OS are officially destined to reach end of life in July 2026, and therefore will no longer be maintained. The news has sent ripples through the embedded development community, particularly affecting...
Jonas Hietala
Focusing Attention: Programming These last two weeks have been a small attempt at clearing up my head a bit. I have far too many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
These last two weeks have been a small attempt at clearing up my head a bit. I have far too many things I’d like to do and even if it’s not possible to do them all at once it didn’t stop me from thinking of them. One minute it’s that and the other it’s something completely...
Applied Cartography
Why should a company? For a long time, my goal with Buttondown was largely around failure avoidance: "I want to get my...
11 months ago
11 months ago
For a long time, my goal with Buttondown was largely around failure avoidance: "I want to get my first paying customer so I know it's not a fake product"; "I want to hit a thousand dollars in revenue so I know it's not just friends humoring me"; "I want to make $10K/mo or else I...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Camera for AirTag After having $10k+ of camera gear stolen, we set our to make the best AirTag mount for cameras. We...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
After having $10k+ of camera gear stolen, we set our to make the best AirTag mount for cameras. We wanted it to be very discreet and something you never needed to take off.  After many design iterations, tool changes, testing exotic materials, drop testing with old camera bodies...
Old Vintage...
Refurb weekend: the Symbolics MacIvory Lisp machine I have hated Every collector has that machine, the machine they sunk so much time and, often, money into that...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Every collector has that machine, the machine they sunk so much time and, often, money into that they would have defenestrated it years ago except for all the aforementioned time and money. Yours truly is no exception. a future article.) They existed in highly technical...
Willem's Blog
Protecting VMware ESXi In response to a possible security breach on a VMware ESXi host machine, I search for a way to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In response to a possible security breach on a VMware ESXi host machine, I search for a way to improve security of the management console using NGINX and a firewall
Christian Selig
Beware UserDefaults: a tale of hard to find bugs, and lost data Excuse the alarmist title, but I think it’s justified, as it’s an issue that’s caused me a ton of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Excuse the alarmist title, but I think it’s justified, as it’s an issue that’s caused me a ton of pain in both support emails and actually tracking it down, so I want to make others aware of it so they don’t similarly burned. Brief intro For the uninitiated, UserDefaults (née...
Cool projects This is an unsorted list of projects that really cool and neat. Chromebook cluster someone took...
a year ago
a year ago
This is an unsorted list of projects that really cool and neat. Chromebook cluster someone took some old Chromebooks, stripped them down and built a cluster. I love this kind of jank!
Quick Reviews 1.0.5: the quality of life update An update to my app, Quick Reviews, is rolling out now! After a lot of feature adds in the first few...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
An update to my app, Quick Reviews, is rolling out now! After a lot of feature adds in the first few updates, I took this as a chance to clean up some bugs and improve a few elements that made the app a little annoying to use at times. Oh,
computers are bad
2024-08-12 a pedantic review of the las vegas loop Did you hear that Elon Musk dug a tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention Center? I think it is pretty...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Did you hear that Elon Musk dug a tunnel under the Las Vegas Convention Center? I think it is pretty universally known by now that the "Las Vegas Loop" is impractical, poorly thought out, and generally an embarrassment to society and industry. I will spare an accounting of the...
Elevation Lab - Blog
Introducing TagVault Pin for AirTag Wanting a quick, safe, and secure way to attach an AirTag to our kids, we designed the TagVault Pin...
a year ago
a year ago
Wanting a quick, safe, and secure way to attach an AirTag to our kids, we designed the TagVault Pin Mount. Other AirTag cases for kids were too easy to take off, bulky, and flopped around. So we designed a better solution with an ultra-secure mount, dual hidden safety pins, and...
Willem's Blog
Back to the University Join me on a special course exploring scientific programming, the perfect moment to learn Python...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Join me on a special course exploring scientific programming, the perfect moment to learn Python with recent advancements in machine learning like ChatGPT!
Applied Cartography
Mass renaming files in fish on macOS One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install...
a year ago
a year ago
One of many two-liners to come as I migrate things from the old site onto Obsidian: brew install rename rename "s/.mdx/.md/" **.md
Abishek Muthian
India income tax e-filing utility for Linux India has made a major overhaul to it's Income Tax filing website and with it its offline e-filing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
India has made a major overhaul to it's Income Tax filing website and with it its offline e-filing utilities which are now available only for Windows and Mac. Earlier the utility was in Java and was available for linux. Now it's been replaced with electron wrapper over the...
Abishek Muthian
Testing FDA cleared pulse oximeter Fake FDA certified pulse oximeters Ecommerce sites in India are full of pulse oximeters falsely...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Fake FDA certified pulse oximeters Ecommerce sites in India are full of pulse oximeters falsely claiming to be FDA certified. If they are actually available in U.S., they don't claim it to be FDA certified and are not listed on FDA's database. Some of the pulse oximeters try to...
Simply Explained
ESP-IDF: Storing AWS IoT certificates in the NVS partition (for OTA) When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When using AWS IoT Core, most tutorials will tell you to include device certificates in your firmware. While that does work, it means you won't be able to run over-the-air updates.In this post, I'll show how to store AWS certificates in the NVS partition. This will make it...
Arduino Blog
ThermoGrasp brings thermal feedback to virtual reality Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Imagine playing Half-Life: Alyx and feeling the gun heat up in your hand as you take down The Combine. Or operating a robot through augmented reality and feeling coldness on your fingers when you get close to exceeding the robot’s limits. A prototype device called ThermoGrasp...
How I fixed one hardware issue with another one I happen to run on an ASRock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITX/ac motherboard that used to run fine, but ever...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I happen to run on an ASRock Fatal1ty B450 Gaming-ITX/ac motherboard that used to run fine, but ever since I installed one UEFI update, it has had this one annoying issue: whenever you reboot, it gets stuck at POST. Cold boots work fine and the shutdown-and-push-the-power-button...
Matt Mullenweg
DrupalCon Singapore This week, DrupalCon Singapore is bringing together an incredible community of Drupal platform...
3 months ago
3 months ago
This week, DrupalCon Singapore is bringing together an incredible community of Drupal platform creators, developers, and supporters.  Last year, I had the chance to share the stage with Dries Buytaert, the founder of Drupal, and the conversation stuck with me. It highlighted the...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Reverse engineering CMOS, illustrated with a vintage Soviet counter chip I recently came across an interesting die photo of a Soviet1 chip, probably designed in the...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently came across an interesting die photo of a Soviet1 chip, probably designed in the 1970s. This article provides an introductory guide to reverse-engineering CMOS circuits, using this chip as an example. Although the chip looks like a tangle of lines at first, its large...
GitButler 0.13 - "Lucky Baseball" It has been 4 months since our last minor release. In that time, we have done 27 patch releases,...
4 months ago
4 months ago
It has been 4 months since our last minor release. In that time, we have done 27 patch releases, adding lots of small features, bug fixes, performance improvements and experiments. Last week we released GitButler 0.13, which is our first release with our new Fearless Rebasing...
Notes on software...
Confusion is a muse Some of the most interesting technical blog posts I read come from, and a common reason for posts I...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Some of the most interesting technical blog posts I read come from, and a common reason for posts I write is, confusion. You're at work and you start asking questions that are difficult to answer. You spend a few hours or a day trying to get to the bottom of things. If you ask a...
Arduino Blog
Monitoring the weather with an Arduino MKR WiFi 1010-based station Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Being able to monitor the weather in real-time is great for education, research, or simply to analyze how the local climate changes over time. This project by Hackster.io user Pradeep explores how he was able to design a simple station outdoors that could communicate with a...
Nabeel S. Qureshi
Reading Notes on “Lost Time: Lectures on Proust in a Soviet Prison Camp” by Josef Czapski
over a year ago
Willem's Blog
Data versus Feeling Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Do you rely on data or on your feeling when running a Marathon? I decided to run two marathons to find out the differences!
Posts on Made of...
Using Haskell's 'newtype' in C A common problem in software engineering is avoiding confusion and errors when dealing with multiple...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A common problem in software engineering is avoiding confusion and errors when dealing with multiple types of data that share the same representation. Classic examples include differentiating between measurements stored in different units, distinguishing between a string of HTML...
Arduino Blog
The Club Master is a Nano RP2040 Connect-powered device that improves your golf swing When playing golf, few things are as important as using the correct form when swinging, since even...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When playing golf, few things are as important as using the correct form when swinging, since even small deviations can be the difference between a hole-in-one and additional strokes. To improve his game, Concept Bytes has designed a small clip-on device called the “Club Master.”...
Lighthouse Blog
A primer on view management
9 months ago
Style over Substance
How I made HA-meural: a Meural Canvas integration for Home Assistant One of my 2020 lockdown projects I’m extremely proud of is HA-meural – a custom integration for the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my 2020 lockdown projects I’m extremely proud of is HA-meural – a custom integration for the Home Assistant home automation software that lets you control a NETGEAR Meural Canvas digital frame. It’s the result of a few months of work, lots of trial and error, and many...
Jonas Hietala
Tufte style sidenotes and marginnotes in Pollen When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When evaluating Pollen I complained about markdown/pandoc’s lack of sidenote handling. I have solved it for Pollen but felt it deserved it’s own post. A caveat: I generated Tufte CSS style sidenotes and marginnotes which made it more complex than if I had simply generated...
Is storage really that cheap? Nowadays you can buy a 1 TB harddrive for less than 100 euro's . So I build myself a 4 TB NAS box,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Nowadays you can buy a 1 TB harddrive for less than 100 euro's . So I build myself a 4 TB NAS box, which is already 50% full. However, although it is to some degree fault-tollerant by using RAID 6, one mistake or catastrophic hardware faillure and all data is lost. And that's...
Computer Ads from...
Creative Computing Magazine Interviews Clive Sinclair (1980) This British inventor speaking about his ZX-80 computer system
3 months ago
Oversimplified guide into snapshots on the btrfs filesystem Friday afternoon. You’re trying out a script that you wrote to mass-rename and move some files...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Friday afternoon. You’re trying out a script that you wrote to mass-rename and move some files around. You finish the script and test it out. Oops. All the files now have all the wrong names, and some have been randomly moved 10 folders deep. It’s a mess. And you didn’t make a...
The battle of the budget phones Just days after I got my iPhone 16e, Apple’s (less) budget (than ever before) iPhone, Nothing is out...
a week ago
a week ago
Just days after I got my iPhone 16e, Apple’s (less) budget (than ever before) iPhone, Nothing is out here with new their new budget phones, the Phone (3a) and (3a) Pro. These models start at $379 and $459 respectively, so they certainly undercut the new iPhone, so let&
You can use almost anything as a key file for your encrypted storage device Imagine that you have an unencrypted drive containing your private data and one day it starts...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Imagine that you have an unencrypted drive containing your private data and one day it starts throwing a bunch of errors. You have backups of the data so you’ve got that part covered, but would you feel comfortable sending the drive in to be warrantied? You have no control over...
Jonas Hietala
Postmortem: Sat-E This is my postmortem for my Ludum Dare 22 entry, Sat-E. You can find the timelapse over here. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is my postmortem for my Ludum Dare 22 entry, Sat-E. You can find the timelapse over here. The Good Motivation I was really motivated for this dare and it showed in the game and outside it. It’s super hard to make a game in only 48 hours but this time it went pretty well. My...
Style over Substance
Leitz Summicron 50mm f/2 rigid (type 2) lens My newest lens acquisition wasn’t actually originally on my wishlist. I already had a 50mm Summicron...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My newest lens acquisition wasn’t actually originally on my wishlist. I already had a 50mm Summicron lens, though that was the first generation collapsible model known as a Type 1. This lens has lived on my Leica M3 permanently for the past few years, and I have enjoyed the hell...
Simply Explained
Make Your Garage Door Opener Smart: Shelly 1, ESPHome and Home Assistant I've been adding more and more devices to my smart home lately, so naturally, my garage door opener...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been adding more and more devices to my smart home lately, so naturally, my garage door opener had to follow. But instead of swapping it out for a new unit, I used a Shelly 1 and a cheap door contact sensor to make it smart for less than $20!It runs ESPHome (open-source, no...
Notes on software...
Studying foreign languages with inbox zero The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The only time I've been able to seriously, rapidly improve my ability to speak a foreign language was through intensive language courses in college. I was forced to actively speak, read, and write Chinese for 6-8 hours a week (1-2 hours every day). Then study another 5-10 hours a...
Matt Mullenweg
Those Other Lawsuits It’s a heavy day, and I’m sad to write this. Not sure where to start. In 2022, a lawyer recruited...
4 months ago
4 months ago
It’s a heavy day, and I’m sad to write this. Not sure where to start. In 2022, a lawyer recruited two people who took care of my Mom—an assistant and one of her dozen nurses—to resign and demand a million dollars each, or they would publish horrible things about her in a lawsuit....
Old Vintage...
So thieves broke into your storage unit - again If you've been wondering why entries have been a little slow lately, let me tell you a story. All...
5 months ago
5 months ago
If you've been wondering why entries have been a little slow lately, let me tell you a story. All collectors tend to be a bit obsessive by nature, and us classic computer nerds probably pick up more hardware than we can (or should) store in our residence — especially if the...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Losing and Re-Gaining trust on .gitignore I would like to share an interesting story of a problem which I’ve faced many times since I started...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I would like to share an interesting story of a problem which I’ve faced many times since I started using git. This story is about “losing…
First look at my next big thing (members post) I've been working on something new, but it's not ready for prime time.
a month ago
Odds and Ends of...
The government ordering Apple to break its encryption is stupid, counter-productive and unworkable For the love of god, ask the computer people if your plan might actually work first.
a month ago
Jorge Arango
Traction Heroes Ep. 5: Strategic Priorities Episode 5 of the Traction Heroes podcast featured a conversation about strategic priorities. What do...
3 days ago
3 days ago
Episode 5 of the Traction Heroes podcast featured a conversation about strategic priorities. What do I mean by that? I’m referring to prioritizing at two levels: When you’re thinking about what to focus on now – what you should and shouldn’t do next. When you’re thinking about...
Jonas Hietala
2012 in Review Like the last two years I’m summarizing the year. At the end of the year like this it always feel...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Like the last two years I’m summarizing the year. At the end of the year like this it always feel like I didn’t accomplish much, but after the yearly summary it always feels better. 2012 Geek Achievements Designed a processor which fulfills the Core Wars 88 standard. Includes a...
Ken Shirriff's blog
Standard cells: Looking at individual gates in the Pentium processor Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, a chip to "separate the really power-hungry...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Intel released the powerful Pentium processor in 1993, a chip to "separate the really power-hungry folks from ordinary mortals." The original Pentium was followed by the Pentium Pro, the Pentium II, and others, spawning a long-running brand of high-performance processors, Intel's...
Willem's Blog
How to use rsync to make backups In this post I'll explain how to use rsync to transfer files to another computer system in an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this post I'll explain how to use rsync to transfer files to another computer system in an efficient manner, suitable to be used in a backup script.
Willem's Blog
Flying in a C47-A (DC-3) classic plane Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flying in a C47-A Skytrain over The Netherlands is one magnificent birthday gift I received, experiencing aviation history unlike anything else!
Old Vintage...
One-parting some Commodore 64 utilities for fun and profit I've got a few retrocomputing bucket list items I'm slowly working down, and a couple of them...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I've got a few retrocomputing bucket list items I'm slowly working down, and a couple of them involve some little Commodore 64 games I've had kicking around on the backburner. However, every game needs media assets, and while there are many great tools for doing art on your...
Matt Blewitt
Logical Replication Guardrails I’ve been working with logical replication in PostgreSQL recently, and I wanted to share a few...
9 months ago
9 months ago
I’ve been working with logical replication in PostgreSQL recently, and I wanted to share a few thoughts on how to implement some guardrails to make things easier on operators.
Construction Physics
Do U.S. Ports Need More Automation? On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily...
5 months ago
5 months ago
On October 1st, 47,000 members of the International Longshoremen's Association (ILA), primarily dockworkers on East and Gulf Coast ports, went on strike after failing to agree contract terms with USMX, an alliance of port operators and employers.
Monitor power usage with your UPS If a system is connected to a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), it is possible to determine how...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If a system is connected to a UPS (Uninterruptible Power Supply), it is possible to determine how much power it consumes. For this purpose, I wrote a small script: Host:~# ./ups.sh UPS model: Back-UPS RS 1200 LCD APC model: Back-UPS RS 1200 LC Capacity: 720 Watt Load: 18...
Home on Erik...
Why software projects take longer than you think: a statistical model Anyone who built software for a while knows that estimating how long something is going to take is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Anyone who built software for a while knows that estimating how long something is going to take is hard. It's hard to come up with an unbiased estimate of how long something will take, when fundamentally the work in itself is about solving something.
computers are bad
2024-05-06 matrix For those of you who are members of the Matrix project, I wanted to let you know that I am running...
10 months ago
10 months ago
For those of you who are members of the Matrix project, I wanted to let you know that I am running for the Governing Board, and a bit about why. For those of you who are not, I hope you will forgive the intrusion. Maybe you'll find my opinions on the topic interesting anyway. I...
Electronics etc…
Setting Up a Symmetricom SyncServer S200 Network Time Protocol Server Introduction What was the SyncServer S200 Supposed to be Used For? IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Introduction What was the SyncServer S200 Supposed to be Used For? IMPORTANT: Use the Right GPS Antenna! The SyncServer S200 Outside and Inside Installing the Missing BNC Connectors Setting Up a SyncServer S200 from Scratch Opening up the SyncServer S200 The SyncServer File...
Git Merge 2024 Talks are Up All the Git Merge 2024 talks are up on Youtube. Here is a quick summary of each one.
4 months ago
Good Enough
TIL: Deploying a Sinatra app to Render.com This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me,...
a year ago
a year ago
This morning I wanted to deploy a simple Sinatra app to Render.com. It wasn’t super obvious to me, so I figured I’d write down what worked in the end. First, a Gemfile: # Gemfile source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'sinatra' gem 'sinatra-contrib' gem 'puma' * I’m pretty sure...
CrowdStrike's Impact on Aviation Just after midnight Eastern Time on July 19, 2024, the enterprise cybersecurity company CrowdStrike...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Just after midnight Eastern Time on July 19, 2024, the enterprise cybersecurity company CrowdStrike YOLOed a software update to millions of Windows machines. Or as they put it: On July 19, 2024 at 04:09 UTC, as part of ongoing operations, CrowdStrike released a sensor...
Arduino Blog
Simplifying IoT for smarter manufacturing: Join the chat with Arduino, AWS, and Atlas Machine We all know that the future of manufacturing lies in IoT — yet the path to adoption can sometimes...
3 months ago
3 months ago
We all know that the future of manufacturing lies in IoT — yet the path to adoption can sometimes feel daunting. But what if you could simplify the process and start seeing results quickly? That’s exactly what we’re going to explore in our upcoming Arduino Cloud Café webinar on...
Willem's Blog
The day I sold my car This week I sold my car, I now no longer own one. I look back at my years of owning a sports car, if...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I sold my car, I now no longer own one. I look back at my years of owning a sports car, if you're looking for a reason to buy one you should check this out.
Abishek Muthian
Play YouTube video from firefox on mpv YouTube on Firefox skips frames and neither Google nor Firefox seem to have the incentive to fix it,...
7 months ago
7 months ago
YouTube on Firefox skips frames and neither Google nor Firefox seem to have the incentive to fix it, let's do it ourselves. When this is done, we can watch YouTube videos in the browser with smooth playback using mpv as the video player backend. Note: This guide is for Linux...
Halls of Torment: a thematically questionable downtime game Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope everyone out there has a joyful and relaxing day, however...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Merry Christmas and happy holidays! I hope everyone out there has a joyful and relaxing day, however you celebrate. During the downtime I got to play a game I’d been wanting to try for a while. Last summer on The Besties podcast, Russ Frushtick mentioned that he was enjoying...
latest projects -...
Smallest USB-C MIDI Synth [Hardware] The smallest and silliest MIDI synth yet
a year ago
Lighthouse Blog
Updates November 17: Content classification and summary
a year ago
Home on Erik...
Scala Data Pipelines for Music Recommendations Chris Johnson‘s presentation from Data Day Texas:
over a year ago
Notes on software...
Make your own way Over the years, I have repeatedly felt like I missed the timing for a meetup or an IRC group or...
a year ago
a year ago
Over the years, I have repeatedly felt like I missed the timing for a meetup or an IRC group or social media in general. I'd go to a meetup every so often but I'd never make a meaningful connection with people, whereas everyone else knew each other. I'd join an IRC group and...
The hidden media play/pause/stop keys on the Lenovo ThinkPad L390 Yoga ThinkPad keyboards were once well known for their great layouts, feel and functionality. This...
10 months ago
10 months ago
ThinkPad keyboards were once well known for their great layouts, feel and functionality. This included the media playback control keys. On the ThinkPad T430, the new chiclet keyboard layout moved the media keys to the function row. Still there, but less convenient to access. The...
Jonas Hietala
Netrunner Lindhska Store Championship Örebro After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After the awesomeness during the previous store championship, I decided to go to the store championship at Lindhska Bokhandel in Örebro. I brought a modified version of the same corp I used the last time, a Blue Sun kill deck and a new runner with Leela Patel. See the links for...
Notes on software...
Why (and how) to read books The last time I read for fun was in elementary school. Since college I knew I must read more, but I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The last time I read for fun was in elementary school. Since college I knew I must read more, but I never forced myself to build the habit. Then three years ago I spent time around my brother and a coworker who were avid readers. This "peer pressure" helped me get started. Since...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Commodore, Part 4 The Amiga, The Decline, The Fall
a year ago
Applied Cartography
Notes on ActivityPub By far the single most-fruitful tactic has been "just look at raw GET responses from Mastodon and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
By far the single most-fruitful tactic has been "just look at raw GET responses from Mastodon and see what things are shaped like." I know that "ActivityPub is under-specified" is a bit of a meme, but it's wild how little prior art there is. Something that gives distinctly bad...
Willem's Blog
My first weeks as dad Last Christmas my wife gave birth of our son. It's a life changing experience to become a parent....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last Christmas my wife gave birth of our son. It's a life changing experience to become a parent. Read along for my (biometric) findings and some practical tips.
Arduino Blog
Exploring Alvik: 3 fun and creative projects with Arduino’s educational robot platform Alvik is cute, it’s smart, it’s fun… so what can it actually do?  To answer this question, we...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Alvik is cute, it’s smart, it’s fun… so what can it actually do?  To answer this question, we decided to have fun and put the robot to the test with some of the most creative people we know – our own team! A dozen Arduino employees volunteered for a dedicated Make Tank session...
Samsung will release their phone first and still gets accused of copying Apple Chance Miller on 9to5Mac: Samsung Is Already Working on Its iPhone 17 Air Copycat Apple is expected...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Chance Miller on 9to5Mac: Samsung Is Already Working on Its iPhone 17 Air Copycat Apple is expected to release an all-new “iPhone 17 Air” model this year, prioritizing form over function. A new supply chain report today reiterates what to expect from the iPhone 17 Air size and
LattePanda V1 - my experience with a Raspberry Pi alternative As with many homelab experiments around 2022/2023, it all started with Raspberry Pi-s being either...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As with many homelab experiments around 2022/2023, it all started with Raspberry Pi-s being either out of stock or absurdly overpriced. I once noticed a listing for a LattePanda V1 on a local auction site. The price was reasonable at 45 EUR, and after I looked at the...
Odds and Ends of...
Four nuggets of Postcode Address File news To free the PAF we must first solve a coordination problem
3 weeks ago
Construction Physics
Will Boom Successfully Build a Supersonic Airliner? Boom Supersonic is an aerospace startup trying to build a supersonic airliner.
a week ago
Applied Cartography
How Buttondown uses HAProxy There are few technical decisions I regret more with Buttondown than the decision to combine the...
6 months ago
6 months ago
There are few technical decisions I regret more with Buttondown than the decision to combine the author-facing app, the subscriber-facing app, and the marketing site all under a single domain. Most technical decisions are reversible with sufficient grit and dedication; this one...
How to run victron veconfigure on a mac Introduction Victron Multiplus-II inverter/charges are configured with the veconfigure1 tool....
a year ago
a year ago
Introduction Victron Multiplus-II inverter/charges are configured with the veconfigure1 tool. Unforntunately this is a Windows-only tool, but there is still a way for Apple users to run this tool without any problems. Tip: if you've never worked with the Terminal app on MacOS, it...
Arduino Blog
A DIY weather display with dedicated outdoor sensor station Weather stations are popular projects in the maker community because they’re useful and usually...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Weather stations are popular projects in the maker community because they’re useful and usually quite affordable to construct. But most that we see are really weather information displays that gather data through the internet from stations in the region. That data is fairly...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 95 The Dawn of Microsoft's Golden Age
a year ago
Debian Linux Preseeding - an installation framework Look Ma! No hands! just watching a system PXE-boot and install itself into a fully...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Look Ma! No hands! just watching a system PXE-boot and install itself into a fully operational system is fun. PXE boot and preseeding is not enough however to accomplish this. By itself, preseeding only installs a basic operating system. Next, you need to configure all sorts of...
Applied Cartography
YOLO-squashing our Django repository Buttondown's core application is a Django app, and a fairly long-lived one at that — it was, until...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
Buttondown's core application is a Django app, and a fairly long-lived one at that — it was, until recently, sporting around seven hundred migration files (five hundred of which were in emails, the "main" module of the app). An engineer pointed out that the majority of our five...
Abort Retry Fail
The History of Windows 2.0 Success and Litigation
a year ago
Push to Prod
Making an AB Test Allocator 20x Faster Using Non-blocking IO Many moons ago, I inherited a cross-company AB test and had to figure out how to allocate it...
4 months ago
Home on Erik...
How to hire smarter than the market: a toy model Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Let's consider a toy model where you're hiring for two things and that those are equally valuable. It's not very important what those are, so let's just call them “thing A” and “thing B” for now.
lcamtuf’s thing
Investigating an "evil" RJ45 dongle Reverse-engineering hardware can be difficult -- but sometimes, all you need is a comfy armchair and...
a month ago
a month ago
Reverse-engineering hardware can be difficult -- but sometimes, all you need is a comfy armchair and some Google Translate.
Ian's Blog
Pragmatically Generating a Self-Signed Certificate and Private Key using OpenSSL Recently I found myself needing to generate a HTTPS Server Certificate and Private Key for an iOS...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I found myself needing to generate a HTTPS Server Certificate and Private Key for an iOS app using OpenSSL, what surprised me was the total lack of documentation for OpenSSL. While there is plenty of function documentation, what OpenSSL really lacks is examples of how it...
Greater Still by...
Web3’s Mobile Moment In 2013, media & technology analyst Benedict Evans presented “Mobile is eating the world,” looking...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In 2013, media & technology analyst Benedict Evans presented “Mobile is eating the world,” looking at how the unprecedented scale of mobile was beginning to change the Internet and the economy at large.
Lars Lofgren
CNN and USA Today Have Fake Websites, I Believe Forbes Marketplace Runs Them What if I told you that Forbes Marketplace, the affiliate company operating on Forbes.com ALSO had...
5 months ago
5 months ago
What if I told you that Forbes Marketplace, the affiliate company operating on Forbes.com ALSO had agreements with CNN and USA Today? And that Forbes Marketplace was stuffing those sites full of affiliate content just like it is with Forbes? And what if Forbes Marketplace went to...
Arduino Blog
UNO Rev3 or UNO R4? Choosing the perfect Arduino for your project The Arduino UNO is legendary among makers, and with the release of the UNO R4 in 2023, the family...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The Arduino UNO is legendary among makers, and with the release of the UNO R4 in 2023, the family gained a powerful new member. But with two incredible options, which UNO should you pick for your project? Here’s a breakdown of what makes each board shine, depending on your needs,...
Matt Blewitt
Thoughts on User Safety: 2 Following up from last time, let’s explore the internal and insider fronts when moving beyond...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Following up from last time, let’s explore the internal and insider fronts when moving beyond security towards safety for our users.
How to resolve extreme memory usage on Windows 2008 R2-based file servers I'm responsible for a file server with about 5 terrabytes of data. The file server is based on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm responsible for a file server with about 5 terrabytes of data. The file server is based on Windows 2008 R2. I've noticed extreme memory usage on the server. After a reboot, it slowly builds up until almost all RAM memory is consumed. So I googled around and found this post...
Lars Lofgren
My 7 Rules for A/B Testing That Triple Conversion Rates I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really don’t care how any given A/B test turns out. That’s right. Not one bit. But wait, how do I double or triple conversion rates without caring how a test performs? I actually care about the whole SYSTEM of testing. All the pieces need to fit together just right. If not,...
RAID array size and rebuild speed When a disk fails of a RAID 5 array, you are no longer protected against (another) disk failure and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When a disk fails of a RAID 5 array, you are no longer protected against (another) disk failure and thus data loss. During this rebuild time, you are vulnerable. The longer it takes to rebuild your array, the longer you are vulnerable. Especially during a disk-intensive period,...
Arduino Blog
Let’s play at the Maker Faire Rome 2024! We are excited to be back at Maker Faire Rome as a Gold Sponsor of the 12th edition (October 25-27,...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We are excited to be back at Maker Faire Rome as a Gold Sponsor of the 12th edition (October 25-27, 2024), with some exciting experiences lined up for all makers, innovators, and creators who attend! Learn by playing at our booth  Visit us at the fair for a playful, interactive...
Ken Shirriff's blog
The first microcomputer: The transfluxor-powered Arma Micro Computer from 1962 What would you say is the first microcomputer?1 The Apple I from 1976? The Altair 8800 from...
a year ago
a year ago
What would you say is the first microcomputer?1 The Apple I from 1976? The Altair 8800 from 1974? Perhaps the lesser-known Micral N (1973) or Q1 (1972)? How about the Arma Micro Computer from way back in 1962. The Arma Micro Computer was a compact 20-pound transistorized...
Matt is a Mean Guy (hey!) Matt felt like bringing an intentionally controversial topic, Niléane refuses to admit she's created...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Matt felt like bringing an intentionally controversial topic, Niléane refuses to admit she's created a sticky note-based task manager, and everyone gives the iPad some much needed love. Or watch it on YouTube. Weekly Topics Raycast CleanShot X Final Cut Pro Google...
The Pragmatic...
Software engineering job openings hit five-year low? There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared to other industries, job listings for software engineers grew much more in 2021-2022, but have declined much faster since. A look into possible reasons for this, and what could come...
Jonas Hietala
Entering Pintos First week of school is over and it’s been full throttle from the start, in a good way. We’re having...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First week of school is over and it’s been full throttle from the start, in a good way. We’re having four courses and for once I like them all. We have an interesting math course, a useful course “Software Development in Theory” (boring but useful) and a big project course where...
Posts on Made of...
A Go/C Polyglot Writing a Go/C polyglot Someone on a Slack I’m on recently raised the question of how you might...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Writing a Go/C polyglot Someone on a Slack I’m on recently raised the question of how you might write a source file that’s both valid C and Go, commenting that it wasn’t immediately obvious if this was even possible. I got nerdsniped, and succeeded in producing one, which you can...
Greater Still by...
Better Interfaces, Better Products Identity via algorithms, wallets as browsers, crypto's "front page" — how interfaces govern the way...
a year ago
a year ago
Identity via algorithms, wallets as browsers, crypto's "front page" — how interfaces govern the way we interact with the world
Matt Mullenweg
What’s in My Bag, 2025 It’s another year, I have ordered all the things and tested all the cables, there’s a little bit...
a month ago
a month ago
It’s another year, I have ordered all the things and tested all the cables, there’s a little bit about tech and a little bit about life. Here’s what made the cut, now I’m going to be factoring in weight of everything as well. The flat-lay this year was taken at my sister...
Posts on Made of...
Systems that defy detailed understanding Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week, I wrote about the mindset that computer systems can be understood, and behaviors can be explained, if we’re willing to dig deep enough into the stack of abstractions our software is built atop. Some of the ensuing discussion on Twitter and elsewhere lead me to write...
Good Enough
Good Enough, A Serious Business Hello reader, my name is Shawn, and I'm one of the co-founders of Good Enough. I'd like to tell you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hello reader, my name is Shawn, and I'm one of the co-founders of Good Enough. I'd like to tell you a bit about how Good Enough came to be and what we plan on doing here. Barry and I started working together again in early 2022. By “work,” I mean that I’d show up on Slack for a...
Arduino Blog
An engineer’s journey to bring the ultimate TMJ pain relief tool to market To the average person, invention and new product development seem like pretty straightforward...
5 months ago
5 months ago
To the average person, invention and new product development seem like pretty straightforward processes; you come up with a killer idea, do the engineering work to cobble together a working prototype, have a truckload of units manufactured, and then sell those to turn a profit....
Azad's Blog
RealityCapture to Gaussian Splatting using PostShot TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import...
7 months ago
7 months ago
TLDR: Tutorial on using RealityCapture to align an image dataset, export the alignment, and import it into PostShot to train Gaussian Splats without using COLMAP. Video tutorial RealityCapture Import your images and align them. If you ever need help with tricky dataset, refer to...
Home on Erik...
2D embedding of 5k artists = WIN I'm at KDD in Chicago for a few days. We have a Spotify booth tomorrow, and I wanted to put together...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm at KDD in Chicago for a few days. We have a Spotify booth tomorrow, and I wanted to put together some cool graphics to show. I've been thinking about doing a 2D embedding of the top artists forever since I read about t-SNE and other papers so this was a perfect opportunity to...
Google DNS - what to think of it? Google now provide an open DNS service. At first I was scared that they use their service to get...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Google now provide an open DNS service. At first I was scared that they use their service to get information about users. However, their privacy statement tells us that no personal identifiable information is stored for longer than 48 hours. The permanent logs do not contain such...
Home on Erik...
3D in D3 I have spent some time lately with D3. It's a lot of fun to build interactive graphs. See for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have spent some time lately with D3. It's a lot of fun to build interactive graphs. See for instance this demo (will provide a longer writeup soon). D3 doesn't have support for 3D but you can do projections into 2D pretty easily.
Home on Erik...
Some more font links My blog post about fonts generated lots of traffic – it landed on Hacker News, took down my site...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My blog post about fonts generated lots of traffic – it landed on Hacker News, took down my site while I was sleeping, and then obviously vanished from HN before I woke up. But it also got retweeted by a ton of people.
Greater Still by...
In Crypto, Apps Need Infrastructure Like Infrastructure Needs Apps Or, maybe the real infrastructure was the applications we made along the way
a year ago
computers are bad
2023-06-30 calling in the alarm I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But...
a year ago
a year ago
I currently find myself on vacation in the Canadian Rockies, where internet is hard to come by. But here's something short while I'm temporarily back in the warm embrace of 5G: more about burglar alarms. I recently gave a presentation on this topic and I'll probably record it for...
Matt Mullenweg
State of the Word Tokyo It’s a dream come true being here in Tokyo for State of the Word 2024. We’re going to be in an...
2 months ago
2 months ago
It’s a dream come true being here in Tokyo for State of the Word 2024. We’re going to be in an amazing venue that looks over the city. Most of WordPress and Automattic’s senior leadership is here, and we’ll also have several hundred folks from the local community and press. We’ve...
Matt Mullenweg
My First Million I had a great chat with Sam Parr and Shaan Puri on their podcast, My First Million.
a month ago
Nabeel S. Qureshi
Advice That Actually Worked For Me My contribution to the 'productivity advice' genre.
over a year ago
computers are bad
2023-09-03 plastic money You will sometimes hear someone say, in a loose conceptual sense, that credit cards have money in...
a year ago
a year ago
You will sometimes hear someone say, in a loose conceptual sense, that credit cards have money in them. Of course we know that that isn't the case; our modern plastic card payment network relies on online transactions where the balance tracking and authorization decisions happen...
Himanshu Mishra |...
Geniune Love and Infatuation After a long time, I read something so meaningful on reddit. How do you distinguish genuine love for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a long time, I read something so meaningful on reddit. How do you distinguish genuine love for someone from infatuation? was the…
watchTowr Labs
Do Secure-By-Design Pledges Come With Stickers? - Ivanti Connect Secure RCE (CVE-2025-0282) Did you have a good break? Have you had a chance to breathe? Wake up. It’s 2025, and the chaos...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Did you have a good break? Have you had a chance to breathe? Wake up. It’s 2025, and the chaos continues. Haha, see what we did? We wrote the exact same thing in 2024 because 2024 was exactly the same. As an industry, we are on GroundHog day
Jonas Hietala
What's up It’s been a while again since the last time we met mr. Blog. I’ve been busy with school and other...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been a while again since the last time we met mr. Blog. I’ve been busy with school and other stuff. I’ve thought about you but I just never really picked up emacs to write to you. I know it’s my fault but I beg of your mercy mr. Blog. You know that I had laid off school for...
Notes on software...
Writing to be read There is a common struggle in the writing and maintenance of documentation, checklists, emails,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a common struggle in the writing and maintenance of documentation, checklists, emails, guides, etc. Each provides immense value; a document may be the key to an important process. The goal is to remove barriers -- to encourage understanding and correct application of...
computers are bad
2024-11-23 cablesoft As an American, I often feel an intense jealousy of Ceefax, one of several commercially successful...
3 months ago
3 months ago
As an American, I often feel an intense jealousy of Ceefax, one of several commercially successful teletext services in the UK and Europe. "Teletext" is sometimes a confusing term because of its apparent relation to telecom-industry technologies like the teletypewriter and...
Construction Physics
How China Is Like the 19th Century U.S. I spend a lot of time reading about manufacturing and its evolution, which means I end up repeatedly...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I spend a lot of time reading about manufacturing and its evolution, which means I end up repeatedly reading about the times and places where radical changes in manufacturing were taking place: Britain in the late 18th century, the US in the late 19th and early 20th centuries,...
Matt Mullenweg
My Freedom of Speech WP Engine has filed hundreds pages of legal documents seeking an injunction against me and...
4 months ago
4 months ago
WP Engine has filed hundreds pages of legal documents seeking an injunction against me and Automattic. They say this is about community or some nonsense, but if you look at the core, what they’re trying to do is ask a judge to curtail my First Amendment rights. The First...
Why filtering DHCP traffic is not always possible with iptables When configuring my new firewall using iptables, I noticed something very peculiar. Even if all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When configuring my new firewall using iptables, I noticed something very peculiar. Even if all input, forward and output traffic was dropped, DHCP traffic to and from my DHCP server was not blocked even if there were no rules permitting this traffic. I even flushed all rules,...
Why security is all about defense in depth Many people asume that if you regularly update your computer, you are safe from hackers. But nothing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many people asume that if you regularly update your computer, you are safe from hackers. But nothing could be further from the truth. Keeping your systems up-to-date only protects you against exploits for publicly known vulnerabilities. Your systems are still not protected...