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9 Years on the Road October 24th is my indie-versary, the anniversary of quitting my last full time job. Every year I...
a year ago
a year ago
October 24th is my indie-versary, the anniversary of quitting my last full time job. Every year I write a set of reflections about this strange and magical journey.
SatPost by Trung...
How does Michelin Guide's business work? The Michelin tire business does $30B+ a year in revenue. The brand's iconic food review guide is...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The Michelin tire business does $30B+ a year in revenue. The brand's iconic food review guide is 0.1% of sales. An incredible marketing deal.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Man and superman There are two broad philosophical approaches to explaining the forces that drive world events. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are two broad philosophical approaches to explaining the forces that drive world events. The first one is sometimes called the Great…
Paul Graham: Essays
Why to Move to a Startup Hub
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Desperate taxi drivers in Argentina are finally joining Uber Amid the country’s economic turmoil, thousands of cabbies turn to the Uber Taxi function to make...
a year ago
Why China's economy ran off the rails A short, simplistic, but fairly reasonable story.
a year ago
Working Theorys
The Time-Boxed Startup What if startups had an expiration date?
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
News is a lousy business for Google too There is a widespread myth that search engines have taken profits away from news websites. A few...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a widespread myth that search engines have taken profits away from news websites. A few months ago, Rupert Murdoch said: “Google…
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Early Work
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Default Alive or Default Dead?
over a year ago
The blue cities must be fixed If you want to govern the nation, you should first be able to govern San Francisco, New York, and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
If you want to govern the nation, you should first be able to govern San Francisco, New York, and Los Angeles.
In which I rebut Nate Silver on the economy and Matt Yglesias on nuclear Bloggers love to argue.
5 months ago
Winners and losers in the race to add AI ChatGPT is now running inside Snapchat, Notion, and other apps. Will it give them a sustaining...
over a year ago
over a year ago
ChatGPT is now running inside Snapchat, Notion, and other apps. Will it give them a sustaining advantage — or just line OpenAI's pockets?
Data Boutique
How Data Boutique Works #3: Third Party Solutions Working with data? List your solution on Data Boutique
11 months ago
Tech + Economics +...
What are the conservatives going to do - talk to each other? The fundamental truth at the heart of right-wing communities: the satisfaction derived from...
a year ago
a year ago
The fundamental truth at the heart of right-wing communities: the satisfaction derived from sharing their viewpoints and beliefs is intrinsically linked to the presence of a progressive adversary who will respond to them. It's not the platform that matters, nor the freedom...
The Players on the Eve of Destruction The insanity of war has returned to our world.
2 months ago
Stephen Diehl
The Internet's Casino Boats
over a year ago
How BeReal missed its moment To become the next big social app, competitors have to move faster
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Political campaigns embrace AI to reach voters across language barriers Advocacy groups like AAPI Victory Alliance are using ChatGPT and Claude to reach speakers of Hindi,...
5 months ago
Tom Blomfield
When to join a startup Something has changed in the last few years which has made an increasing number of people want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Something has changed in the last few years which has made an increasing number of people want to join startups. It seemed to start around the time the Social Network movie came out - perhaps it’s just a coincidence, but part of me imagines a group of MBAs sitting around watching...
Rest of World -...
Nigeria’s dating app for people who want to stop dating and get hitched already What started out as a matchmaking WhatsApp group has turned into a popular dating app with over 2.1...
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
function my_exit_payout(…) /* aggregateoptionsstrike_price = your options strike price per share * number of shares you own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
/* aggregateoptionsstrike_price = your options strike price per share * number of shares you own company sale price is 1) if private…
Data Boutique
How To Improve QA With Data Boutique For In-House Web Scraping Independent data help you get to 99% reliability
a year ago
Nothing Human
Searching for the Root of the Tree of Evil The world is full of problems: Pain, poverty, illness, war, pollution, to pick a few among...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The world is full of problems: Pain, poverty, illness, war, pollution, to pick a few among thousands. Many of us feel like we need to Do Something about these problems. There’s just one problem (sorry):
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week #1 💡 “By far the worst company to emulate in Startup Make-Believe is Google / Alphabet. Google has...
a year ago
a year ago
#1 💡 “By far the worst company to emulate in Startup Make-Believe is Google / Alphabet. Google has a number of structural advantages stemming from its Search monopoly that mean that it’s able to be almost completely divorced from reality, and that has allowed it to grow in...
Data Boutique
Should Websites Open Access to Data? Looking at web data from the website perspective
a year ago
Rest of World -...
You can’t play on both sides of the Great Firewall What the TikTok ban really means for U.S. companies.
11 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
"You actually have to remind yourself not to believe" [Virtual Reality] is the last medium. We’re at the very beginning of it, but version 147 is The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
[Virtual Reality] is the last medium. We’re at the very beginning of it, but version 147 is The Matrix or Total Recall. Our brain is no…
Working Theorys
What I Talk About When I Talk About Reading Optimize your life for good conversations.
10 months ago
Why you should not ignore economists They aren't always right, but they almost always have something important to add.
6 months ago
David Perell
The Stupid Test Whenever you're trying to solve a problem, ask yourself: "What answer am I missing because it seems...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Whenever you're trying to solve a problem, ask yourself: "What answer am I missing because it seems too stupid?" The post The Stupid Test appeared first on David Perell.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Apple and the TV industry The TV industry is a major segment of the consumer electronics industry and Apple is the leading...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The TV industry is a major segment of the consumer electronics industry and Apple is the leading consumer electronics company in the world…
Why some franchises go downhill while others stay great A little break from our typical economics fare.
8 months ago
Trump takes a baseball bat to the U.S. economy Destroying Americans' livelihoods and wealth to satisfy the whims of a crazy ideology.
5 days ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Gadgets and Computers From Benedict Evans’ Cars as Feature Phones: This is a common theme in many classes of device: you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
From Benedict Evans’ Cars as Feature Phones: This is a common theme in many classes of device: you start with a product that has a few…
Rest of World -...
The ByteDance streaming app that’s quietly going global Resso could give Spotify a run for its money.
a year ago
XO Capital - Field...
2023 In Review 2023 was a tough year. It started out with a bang (high expectations, everything going right) and...
a year ago
a year ago
2023 was a tough year. It started out with a bang (high expectations, everything going right) and ended with a whimper for us. The zero interest rate environment really came down hard on a few products like Cold Email Studio and now that the AI craze is cooling off, we&
Why Can't the U.S. Build Ships? A guest post by Brian Potter of Construction Physics.
6 months ago
Rest of World -...
The most important news from Apple isn’t about AI Reuniting the world’s text messages — one app at a time.
9 months ago
Steve Blank
Why The Pentagon Can’t Count: It’s Time to Reinvent the Audit This article previously appeared in War on the Rocks. In the past, headlines about the Pentagon...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article previously appeared in War on the Rocks. In the past, headlines about the Pentagon failing its financial audit again would never have caught my attention. But having been in the middle of this conversation when I served on one of the Defense Department’s advisory...
Rest of World -...
Before you start celebrating a possible Tesla factory in India … There are ecological and economic challenges that the Indian government must not ignore as it woos...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
AI is making Philippine call center work more efficient, for better and worse BPO workers say AI tools are monitoring their calls, assisting them with customers, and scoring...
3 months ago
Harris has the right idea on housing It has to be managed as both a consumer good and as an asset class.
6 months ago
Tom Blomfield
Automate Everything Performing manual, repetitive tasks enrages me. I used to think this was a corollary of being a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Performing manual, repetitive tasks enrages me. I used to think this was a corollary of being a programmer, but I’ve come to suspect (or hope) that this behaviour is inherent in being human. But being able to hack together scripts simply makes it much easier to go from a state of...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
There are three New York Cities There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are roughly three New Yorks. There is, first, the New York of the man or woman who was born here, who takes the city for granted and…
Data Boutique
What's New on Data Boutique Noteworthy stuff from the web data platform
a year ago
Steve Blank
Founders Need to Be Ruthless When Chasing Deals One of the most exciting things a startup CEO in a business-to-business market can hear from a...
10 months ago
10 months ago
One of the most exciting things a startup CEO in a business-to-business market can hear from a potential customer is, “We’re excited. When can you come back and show us a prototype?” This can be the beginning of a profitable customer relationship or a disappointing sinkhole of...
The American socialist worldview is just totally broken (repost) Plus a new update showing how right I was.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Four categories of Bitcoin-related projects New Bitcoin-related software projects are launching every day. From what I can tell these projects...
over a year ago
over a year ago
New Bitcoin-related software projects are launching every day. From what I can tell these projects fall into four main categories: Bitcoin…
Rest of World -...
Apple manufacturers moved from China to Vietnam. Now they’re desperate for workers Recruiters are wooing new workers with bonuses and gifts.
5 months ago
Why Americans fear the AI future Five decades of rising inequality and slow growth have made us a less optimistic country.
a year ago
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#32) The bridge disaster, Daniel Kahneman, Biden and nuclear power, ebbing unrest, Bay Area...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The bridge disaster, Daniel Kahneman, Biden and nuclear power, ebbing unrest, Bay Area "progressives", and cancer detection
Meta restores Trump Three scenarios for what happens next
over a year ago
Data Boutique
The hidden costs of asking for quotations in the data market Working towards faster, cheaper and safer data projects
a year ago
XO Capital - Field...
Fresh Cheddar Couple of announcements: We've got some fresh cheddar! We just got access to up to $2M to deploy....
a year ago
a year ago
Couple of announcements: We've got some fresh cheddar! We just got access to up to $2M to deploy. We're looking for 1-2 businesses: b2b saas $30k+ MRR This is about 2x what we've already deployed so far which is a big deal. We will
Rest of World -...
Hong Kong politicians are making a splash on Chinese social media – and finding mainland fans. Users have responded enthusiastically to their selfies, food pics, and Father’s Day updates.
a year ago
Business Brainstorms
Helping dementia patients, Family Heirloom as a Service, Figma for architecture, asking for what you... Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write this email to share the most interesting trends, frameworks, opportunities, and ideas with you. Let's dive in! 💡 Opportunities The CEO of Mercury Immad Akhund
Aaron's Essays
Why VCs sometimes push companies to burn Originally posted on the YC blog,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Originally posted on the YC blog, here: https://blog.ycombinator.com/why-vcs-sometimes-push-companies-to-burn-too-fast/ In Investors and their incentives, I tried to give a broad breakdown of the incentives that drive the major types of startup investors. I want to dig deeper...
SatPost by Trung...
Disney's ~$4B Acquisition That (Probably) Saved The Company When Disney made an all-in bet on streaming to take on Netflix, it had to buy a little-known...
a month ago
a month ago
When Disney made an all-in bet on streaming to take on Netflix, it had to buy a little-known technology unit incubated within the MLB called BAMTech.
Roberto Vitillo's...
Scalability patterns of distributed systems I have released a new chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems ! It explores the different...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released a new chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems ! It explores the different patterns at your disposal when designing…
Google goes to court On the eve of a major antitrust trial — and its 25th birthday — the company is bracing for a fight
a year ago
a year ago
On the eve of a major antitrust trial — and its 25th birthday — the company is bracing for a fight
Roberto Vitillo's...
Resiliency patterns of distributed systems I have released a new chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems : Resiliency Patterns. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have released a new chapter of Understanding Distributed Systems : Resiliency Patterns. The chapter is all about failures and their…
Business Brainstorms
The Algorithm, rebuilding GA3, a new drink for the productivity-chasing professional managerial... Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey, this is Jakob Greenfeld, author of the Business Brainstorms newsletter - every week I write this email to share the most interesting trends, frameworks, opportunities, and ideas with you. Let's dive in! 💡 Opportunities “Huge startup opportunity to just literally rebuild...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Being friendly has become a competitive advantage in VC Over the last decade or two, the supply of venture capital dollars has increased dramatically at the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the last decade or two, the supply of venture capital dollars has increased dramatically at the same time as the cost of building tech…
Rest of World -...
Argentines are recruiting friends, strangers into Worldcoin’s cash-for-eyeballs scheme With inflation and unemployment gripping the nation, a burgeoning network of intermediaries is...
10 months ago
10 months ago
With inflation and unemployment gripping the nation, a burgeoning network of intermediaries is convincing people to have their irises scanned at Worldcoin Orb centers.
Did immigration bring down inflation? I'm highly skeptical of this theory, but it's still quite interesting.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
The political power of an unlikely Tesla factory How Elon Musk plays politicians from Monterrey to Buffalo.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Facebook, Zynga, and buyer-supplier hold up The brewing fight between Facebook and Zynga is what is known in economic strategy circles as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The brewing fight between Facebook and Zynga is what is known in economic strategy circles as “buyer-supplier hold up.” The classic…
Rest of World -...
Mexico botched the end of daylight savings Banal change combined with everyday tech can upend everything in unexpected ways.
a year ago
Bank weakness is how our economy cools off Not polycrisis, but stabilization.
a year ago
Transit Tech Lab The Partnership for NYC, alongside its partners at the MTA, the Port Authority of New York and New...
a year ago
a year ago
The Partnership for NYC, alongside its partners at the MTA, the Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, NJ TRANSIT, and NYC Department of Transportation, launched a call for applications for the 6th annual Transit Tech Lab this week. To kick off this year’s program, the...
Substack says it will remove Nazi publications from the platform Nazi content violates rules against incitement to violence, the company says
a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Software Has Eaten The Media As I wrote a year ago in The Rot Economy (and as I argued on the first episode of my podcast Better...
a year ago
a year ago
As I wrote a year ago in The Rot Economy (and as I argued on the first episode of my podcast Better Offline), I believe that both public and private markets have become decoupled from the concept of "good business," ruled instead by a hunger for the eternal
Business Brainstorms
Daily briefing AI, Hello Fresh but better, building in a cave, postcard lead gen, controllable input... Hey, In this issue: idea for an AI-powered Gmail extension to streamline your digital life, private...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey, In this issue: idea for an AI-powered Gmail extension to streamline your digital life, private prep cooks as a service, startup concepts inspired by Y Combinator data, prompt for SEO optimized articles. Plus, founder insights on the power of focus and advertising channels....
Rest of World -...
The slow decline of Meta’s Trusted Partner program Who trusts the trusted partners?
a year ago
Macroeconomics: The predator of foolish regimes One thing no ruler can control.
2 months ago
NVIDIA Explained: Origins, GPUs and AI stock bump | EP8 NVIDIA has seen their valuation 5x over the last 5 years and is now worth more than $2 trillion. In...
11 months ago
11 months ago
NVIDIA has seen their valuation 5x over the last 5 years and is now worth more than $2 trillion. In the latest episode, we dive a few layers deep into the company. We start with the origin of the company and the launch of their first GPU in 1999 which unlocked several...
Rest of World -...
Apple and Foxconn lobbied India to relax its labor laws. Unions are fighting back The business-friendly change extends factory shifts from nine to 12 hours, and allows women to work...
a year ago
essay – snarfed.org
Socket activation I’ve spent some time over the last few weeks reading about the various *nix init systems: venerable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve spent some time over the last few weeks reading about the various *nix init systems: venerable SysV, interim replacement Upstart, controversial monolith systemd, Apple’s proprietary launchd, and niche variants like runit and Epoch. Lots of history, lots of flame wars. One...
Paul Graham: Essays
How to Raise Money
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Bus Ticket Theory of Genius
over a year ago
Steve Blank
How Saboteurs Threaten Innovation–and What to Do About It “Only the Paranoid Survive” Andy Grove – Intel CEO 1987-1998 I just had an urgent “can we meet...
5 months ago
5 months ago
“Only the Paranoid Survive” Andy Grove – Intel CEO 1987-1998 I just had an urgent “can we meet today?” coffee with Rohan, an ex-student. His three-year-old startup had been slapped with a notice of patent infringement from a Fortune 500 company. “My lawyers said defending this...
Helium Mobile USV has been an investor in the Helium network since 2019. I have always loved the idea of using...
a year ago
a year ago
USV has been an investor in the Helium network since 2019. I have always loved the idea of using web3 technologies to let consumers to “peer produce” a communications network creating a people-powered network. Helium started out powering communications between low-power “Internet...
Rest of World -...
A traveler’s dream: Cash-free payment systems link up across Southeast Asia From Bali to Bangkok, people are ditching cards for QR code payments. There’s a catch: For now, it’s...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Unleash the bololô: Masses of delivery workers set off horns and fireworks at bad customers’ homes In Brazil, workers protest nasty customers with bikes, horns and fireworks.
a year ago
Working Theorys
Untitled Future, 1 a short story serial
a month ago
Rest of World -...
How different languages laugh online Laughter is universal, but lol is not.
a year ago
Working Theorys
Before the Crowd Shows Up The arena rewards those who arrive early.
11 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Collective knowledge systems I think you could make a strong argument that the most important technologies developed over the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think you could make a strong argument that the most important technologies developed over the last decade are a set of systems that are…
Rest of World -...
19 books to read in 2023 Rest of World's staff favorites, from around the globe to add to your must-read pile.
a year ago
David Perell
The Jerry Seinfeld Guide to Writing Writing and editing should be separate activities.  When I’m in this creation mode, I shoot for a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Writing and editing should be separate activities.  When I’m in this creation mode, I shoot for a flow state. I keep my fingertips on the keyboard and measure progress by how many words I put on the page.  My physical environment helps me be generative too. If I’m sitting down at...
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Requiem for Raghavan Last week, Prabhakar Raghavan was relieved of duty as Senior Vice President of Search, becoming...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Last week, Prabhakar Raghavan was relieved of duty as Senior Vice President of Search, becoming Google's "Chief Technologist."  An important rule to follow with somebody's title in Silicon Valley is that if you can't tell what it means, it probably doesn&
Paul Graham: Essays
Frighteningly Ambitious Startup Ideas
over a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
Dear Blackbird. Women in tech are not “corporate girlies.” Capital Brief: Blackbird-backed Kiki outlined plan to target 'corporate girlies' in December...
a year ago
a year ago
Capital Brief: Blackbird-backed Kiki outlined plan to target 'corporate girlies' in December investor memo Blackbird-backed subletting startup Kiki wrote to investors on Christmas Eve to tell them that it was struggling and would pivot to target the “super...
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#24) Economists had a good 2023, degrowthers promising growth, the troubles in the humanities, U.S....
a year ago
a year ago
Economists had a good 2023, degrowthers promising growth, the troubles in the humanities, U.S. redistribution, and defense production
Entrepreneur's Edge
Why Leaders Should Start and End With a Map Lessons I have learned from scaling an organization from an idea to hundreds of people.
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How to Lose Time and Money
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
The rise and fall of Argentina’s celebrity crypto pastor Generación Zoe promised investors massive returns thanks to market-predicting “robots” and a...
a year ago
a year ago
Generación Zoe promised investors massive returns thanks to market-predicting “robots” and a cryptocurrency backed by gold. It sounded too good to be true.
Rest of World -...
This Hajj VR simulator helps Muslims prepare for the holy pilgrimage The pilgrimage can be hard to navigate for first-timers, so Pakistan’s Labbaik VR offers a chance to...
5 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Patent Pledge
over a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
A requiem for Tumblr. Automattic's recent announcement that Tumblr is being put into maintenance mode feels like the end...
a year ago
a year ago
Automattic's recent announcement that Tumblr is being put into maintenance mode feels like the end of a personal era. Tumblr wasn't just another social network; it was a cultural phenomenon, a haven for the eclectic and the expressive, where the internet's fringes found a...
Rest of World -...
Shein and MercadoLibre are fighting over vendors in Brazil’s largest garment market After the pandemic pushed Brazilian manufacturers and store owners to digitize their businesses,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
After the pandemic pushed Brazilian manufacturers and store owners to digitize their businesses, e-commerce platforms began pulling out all the stops to lure vendors.
Stephen Diehl
The Token Disconnect
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
As Zimbabwe’s economy collapses, traditional healers are selling wealth advice on TikTok Locally known as sangomas, spiritual guides are gaining fame online, but they face criticism from...
8 months ago
Rest of World -...
YouTube is the final place to watch unbiased news in India. Can it last? As Modi’s government clamps down on the free press, top journalists are forging their own channels...
a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
We're Watching Facebook Die In the first quarter of 2024, Meta made $36.45 billion dollars - $12.37 billion dollars of which was...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In the first quarter of 2024, Meta made $36.45 billion dollars - $12.37 billion dollars of which was pure profit. Though the company no longer reports daily active users, it now uses another metric: “family daily active people.” This number refers to “registered and logged-in
Rest of World -...
Ultra-cheap meals from China’s delivery giant are hugely popular. Drivers are bearing the costs Meituan’s group order program boomed amid China’s post-Covid-19 thrift economy, but delivery drivers...
9 months ago
Rest of World -...
Argentina’s “TikTok nun” is bringing Catholicism to the masses Sister Cattaneo has gained 200,000 followers through cumbia dances, influencer collabs, and...
5 months ago
Working Theorys
The Generational Business Trap | Theory No. 11 On the varied longevity of businesses & why we shouldn't idolize permanence.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
A Unified Theory of VC Suckage
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Every time an engineer joins Google, a startup dies VC returns over the last decade have been poor. The cause is widely agreed to be an excess of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
VC returns over the last decade have been poor. The cause is widely agreed to be an excess of venture capital dollars to worthy startups…
Rest of World -...
China’s biggest AI model is challenging American dominance Alibaba’s Qwen has been shining on benchmark tests, despite chip restrictions.
5 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
If Lisp is So Great
over a year ago
Working Theorys
Aesthetic Warfare (and the Power of Aesthetic Authorship) Culture wars are won through aesthetics.
a month ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Offline first, mobile enabled One of the major trends in tech startups what Fred Wilson calls “Mobile first, web second.”...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the major trends in tech startups what Fred Wilson calls “Mobile first, web second.” Instagram is a great example of mobile first…
An Age of Austerity is probably on the way It's not the 2010s anymore.
a year ago
The Blackbird Platform The first project launched this week on our portfolio company Blackbird‘s platform. It is a friends...
a year ago
a year ago
The first project launched this week on our portfolio company Blackbird‘s platform. It is a friends and family program at a restaurant in Williamsburg Brooklyn called Gertie. Blackbird wrote about it today on their excellent Supersonic blog: Throughout, when you tap Gertie’s...
David Perell
Should You Write Every Day? When I started working out, I hated it. I wanted to gain muscle but dreaded working out. Eventually,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I started working out, I hated it. I wanted to gain muscle but dreaded working out. Eventually, a friend got fed up with my laziness and told me what I needed to hear: “If you want to build the habit, go to the gym every single day without fail.” So that’s what I did. The...
Rest of World -...
Clickwork in Brazil: A mom balancing endless gigs with childcare Through platforms like UHRS, Amazon Mechanical Turk and Appen, a clickworker takes on a job...
a year ago
a year ago
Through platforms like UHRS, Amazon Mechanical Turk and Appen, a clickworker takes on a job consisting of hundreds of quick, repetitive tasks.
Ed Zitron's Where's...
One Month of Better Offline Hello! I have been deliberately not dropping every episode of my new show iHeartRadio/Cool Zone...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Hello! I have been deliberately not dropping every episode of my new show iHeartRadio/Cool Zone Media show Better Offline onto the newsletter feed, as I don't want to start sending you two emails a week, or make you feel like you're being spammed. I am
Tech + Economics +...
A reminder. We are living through the first year of pretending the pandemic never happened and that everything...
a year ago
a year ago
We are living through the first year of pretending the pandemic never happened and that everything is back to normal. Nobody has had a chance to heal, and this holiday season is going to break a whole lot of people. Be kind.
Rest of World -...
Mexico City has an earthquake alarm system. Millions trust an app more SkyAlert users turn their phones into personal quake monitors rather than rely on the government’s...
a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
Copyright is both vital and obsolete. The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights...
a year ago
a year ago
The New Yorker: Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? For you (probably) and me (definitely), the rights to our creations are not worth much money to anyone but ourselves. But, if you are the guy who wrote “Born to Run,” it is prudent to assign your rights to an entity...
Working Theorys
Baseline Fame When privilege becomes a pre-requisite.
10 months ago
Stephen Diehl
Monads to Machine Code
over a year ago
Heat pumps, heat pumps, heat pumps!! A simple but incredibly useful machine is quietly transforming our buildings.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Subject: Airbnb
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
Roberto Vitillo's...
Understanding Distributed Systems 1.1 Coordination is expensive as it reduces the availability and performance of distributed applications...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Coordination is expensive as it reduces the availability and performance of distributed applications (PACELC theorem). I have extended…
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Forces that affect whether a large company will buy your product (according to Marc Andreessen) From Marc Andreessen’s “Moby Dick Theory of Big Companies“: You can count on there being a whole...
over a year ago
Elon Musk fires a top Twitter engineer over his declining view count Inside Twitter 2.0, turmoil leaves employees stretched to the max
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Five globally successful Chinese companies you’ve never heard of TikTok and Shein are household names, but ShareIt and Yalla aren't far behind.
a year ago
Working Theorys
Thoughts For Sale Mass-market intellectualism is an oxymoron, right? Ask Substack.
3 months ago
Tech + Economics +...
Don’t look down on TikTok creators. Learn from them. It’s both terrifying and fascinating to watch a generation half my age redefine creativity on...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s both terrifying and fascinating to watch a generation half my age redefine creativity on platforms like TikTok. As a 34-year-old writer, I’ve seen the evolution of storytelling from physical print to digital media to the dazzling, and fast-paced world of social video....
Steve Blank
Even the Smartest VCs Sometimes Get it Wrong – Bill Gurley and Regulated Markets Bill Gurley was one of Silicon Valley’s smartest and most successful VCs. He recently gave a talk at...
a year ago
a year ago
Bill Gurley was one of Silicon Valley’s smartest and most successful VCs. He recently gave a talk at the All-In Summit that was really two talks in one. The first part was railing against the consequences of regulatory capture on innovation and a second part, about the...
SatPost by Trung...
Why I love Bluey (and hate Cocomelon) These are the two most-streamed children's shows. And Joe Brumm's personal touch for Bluey trumps...
11 months ago
11 months ago
These are the two most-streamed children's shows. And Joe Brumm's personal touch for Bluey trumps Cocomelon's engagement-hacking approach.
Repost: Someone has to run the fabs Egalitarianism is important but we neglect STEM education at our peril
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What’s not evil: ranking content fairly *and* letting public content get indexed Please see update at bottom Most websites spend massive amounts of time and money to get any of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Please see update at bottom Most websites spend massive amounts of time and money to get any of their pages index and ranked by Google’s…
David Perell
Li Jin: Creating the Creator Economy My guest today is Li Jin, the founder and managing partner at an early-stage venture capital...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My guest today is Li Jin, the founder and managing partner at an early-stage venture capital firm called Atelier. Before recording this introduction, I didn’t know what an atelier was, so I looked it up and it’s right on brand for Li: it’s defined as a workshop or a studio,...
David Perell
Surrendering to Your Nature A mark of maturity is surrendering to the person you actually are instead of the one you wish you...
a year ago
a year ago
A mark of maturity is surrendering to the person you actually are instead of the one you wish you were. The post Surrendering to Your Nature appeared first on David Perell.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Why the web economy will continue growing rapidly Here’s the really good news for the web economy over the next decade.  Consumers are spending more...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s the really good news for the web economy over the next decade.  Consumers are spending more and more time online, yet only about 1…
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#36) The silent majority and the Palestine protests; immigration is fine; batteries make solar work;...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The silent majority and the Palestine protests; immigration is fine; batteries make solar work; building warships in Japan; the decels of the Right
Paul Graham: Essays
Return of the Mac
over a year ago
SatPost by Trung...
YouTube: The Learning Machine Can YouTube have a similar impact on education as the printing press did? Yes, and the explosion of...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Can YouTube have a similar impact on education as the printing press did? Yes, and the explosion of sports footage on the platform helps to explain why.
Rest of World -...
Chinese smartphone maker Transsion’s strategy to win hearts and wallets in small-town India After big successes in Africa, Pakistan, and Bangladesh, China's Transsion Holdings sets its sights...
12 months ago
Data Boutique
How Data Boutique Works Making Web Data Purchases Easy
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Coinbase One of the interesting things about Bitcoin is the contrast between how it is portrayed in the press...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the interesting things about Bitcoin is the contrast between how it is portrayed in the press and how it is understood by…
Data Boutique
Tracking Farfetch [Part 2]: Kering's Exit A case study for web data
a year ago
Rest of World -...
How WhatsApp ate the world WhatsApp is already the world’s most widely used messaging app. Meta wants it to be a lot more.
3 months ago
Rest of World -...
Gig drivers in South Africa clash over Bolt’s low-priced Indian cars Bolt introduced the cars to bring down fares. Now, other drivers see them as a threat.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Apple's Mistake
over a year ago
At least five interesting things for the end of your week (#16) Michael Lewis and SBF, how to win Cold War 2, American manufacturing, Target and shoplifting, and...
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Techies and normals There are techies (if you are reading this blog you are almost certainly one of them) and there are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are techies (if you are reading this blog you are almost certainly one of them) and there are mainstream users – some people call them…
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Power Cut A week ago, analyst TD Cowen revealed that Microsoft had canceled leases "totalling a couple hundred...
a week ago
a week ago
A week ago, analyst TD Cowen revealed that Microsoft had canceled leases "totalling a couple hundred MWs," with "at least two private data center operators across multiple US markets." The report also details how Microsoft "pulled back on converting negotiated and signed...
Rest of World -...
The deepfake election nightmare hasn’t happened. Singapore still wants to ban them Following South Korea’s lead, Singapore intends to ban deepfakes ahead of upcoming elections,...
6 months ago
Essays - Benedict...
The problem of AI ethics, and laws about AI Should you try to write laws, or lay down ethical principles, about a technology that will be used...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Should you try to write laws, or lay down ethical principles, about a technology that will be used in entirely different ways, for different purposes, in different industries? How about if it’s changing entirely every 18 months?
Blog posts of...
Close your office. Now. How to operate your startup under lock-down. What a week. The US declared the state of emergency. Many leading startups closed their office. And...
over a year ago
At least five interesting things to start your week (#50) Permitting reform; industrial policy progress; China stimulus/bailouts; men and politics; wokeness;...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Permitting reform; industrial policy progress; China stimulus/bailouts; men and politics; wokeness; tariffs; a bad union demand
The California Forever project is a great idea The implementation will be very tricky, but there's a big opportunity here.
a year ago
Internal Tech Emails
Microsoft execs on TikTok, Nintendo, Apple, and more At some point, getting Nintendo would be a career moment and I honestly believe a good move for both...
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Java's Cover
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
The secret ingredient to hustle culture: A virtual assistant in the Philippines How the office grind is being outsourced from Silicon Valley to Manila.
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 2 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
The Rebrand I’d guess that upwards of half of USV’s portfolio companies have changed the name of their company...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’d guess that upwards of half of USV’s portfolio companies have changed the name of their company during their lifetime. It is not hard to understand why. Founders start out with an idea and not much more. By the time they have built a product, built a team, and found product...
Rest of World -...
WhatsApp vigilantes in India are converting Christians by force How far-right Hindu nationalists use WhatsApp to target Christian families when they’re most...
4 months ago
4 months ago
How far-right Hindu nationalists use WhatsApp to target Christian families when they’re most vulnerable — by preventing them from burying their dead.
Rest of World -...
Mexico is using an AI-powered app to prevent suicides MeMind has connected 10,000 at-risk people with mental health treatment, contributing to a 9% drop...
2 months ago
OpenAI's alignment problem The company's board failed the institution. But did it have a point?
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What if online business model innovation is slowing down? There is a widely held assumption that new business models will continue to emerge online – that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a widely held assumption that new business models will continue to emerge online – that statements like “how will Twitter ever make…
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week 🙈 Innovation Fallacy
5 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
VC investment vs Gartner hype cycle Here is total VC investment over time: And here's the Gartner hype cycle: One reading of this is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here is total VC investment over time: And here's the Gartner hype cycle: One reading of this is that the advent of the internet was the…
Rest of World -...
Argentina’s OnlyFans stars are becoming coaches for a new generation of performers Lessons include tips to attract customers with provocative poses and seductive words, and how to...
8 months ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
"Natural languages are adequate, but that doesn't mean they're optimal" Languages are something of a mess. They evolve over centuries through an unplanned, democratic...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Languages are something of a mess. They evolve over centuries through an unplanned, democratic process that leaves them teeming with…
Inverted Passion
Notes from the book “Decoding the Why” Finished (well, skimmed) the book “Decoding the Why: How Behavioral Science is Driving the Next...
a year ago
a year ago
Finished (well, skimmed) the book “Decoding the Why: How Behavioral Science is Driving the Next Generation of Product Design”. It’s a decent introductory book if you have not delved into behavioral science before, but if you have, most of the ideas in the book won’t come across...
SatPost by Trung...
How Hermès Sells "Time" The ~$250B French luxury giant creates the most sought after leather bags through craftsmanship,...
a year ago
a year ago
The ~$250B French luxury giant creates the most sought after leather bags through craftsmanship, heritage and long-term thinking.
Internal Tech Emails
Inside Google's negotiations with Apple I would let them try someone else for search if they don’t like our last offer.
a year ago
Tech + Economics +...
The fuckery. I start each day with the intention of writing positively about tech and AI and startups and vc...
a year ago
a year ago
I start each day with the intention of writing positively about tech and AI and startups and vc and then I open my laptop and…there it is. There’s the fuckery.
SatPost by Trung...
The Rise and Fall (and Rise) of Pixar Revisiting the studio’s early highs (one lunch led to $6B at the box office), creative struggles...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Revisiting the studio’s early highs (one lunch led to $6B at the box office), creative struggles (stale IP, original flops) and why "Inside Out 2" could trigger a renaissance.
Rest of World -...
The IITs remain undefeated They took up seven out of the top 10 slots in a recent government ranking.
a year ago
Funding Friday: Crowdfunding Restaurants Via Blackbird It has been a long time since I did a Funding Friday here at AVC. I used to do them every Friday. We...
a year ago
a year ago
It has been a long time since I did a Funding Friday here at AVC. I used to do them every Friday. We have funded a lot of bars, restaurants, coffee shops, and bakeries here over the years. Here are a few examples. L’Appartement 4F Land To Sea There is a new wrinkle in...
Rest of World -...
The little ride-hailing app that could catch Uber and Bolt in Kenya Founder Kamal Budhabhatti’s winning strategy targets corporate clients.
2 months ago
Blog posts of...
Easy, but easy to f*ck up. 3 Rules to Setup Analytics Tools correctly. As a consultant for analytics i see a fair share of integrations of analytics tools. One of the most...
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Pakistan’s electric rickshaws are accelerating the country’s EV revolution Automaker Sazgar is focused on meeting local needs as Pakistan pushes for EV adoption, but high...
3 weeks ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Crazy New Ideas
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
The Top of My Todo List
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Mind the Gap
over a year ago
How the attacks in Israel are changing Threads Three months into its existence, the app’s purpose may be coming into focus — if Meta will embrace...
a year ago
At least five interesting things for your weekend (#41) Soviet America (or not); the energy revolution; Trump's tax cuts; the Build-Nothing Country; macro...
8 months ago
Rest of World -...
Kenya’s biggest protest in recent history played out on a walkie-talkie app More than 40,000 Kenyans have downloaded Zello since protests began against the government’s plan to...
7 months ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How to Think for Yourself
over a year ago
Why trying to "shape" AI innovation to protect workers is a bad idea Instead, we should empower workers and create mechanisms for redistribution.
a year ago
At least five interesting things: The new conservative era (#53) Conservative poll shift; Democratic machine politics; science and politics; some good news; better...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Conservative poll shift; Democratic machine politics; science and politics; some good news; better teachers; the AI slowdown; consumer confidence
Internal Tech Emails
Bill Gates on Netscape | Larry Page and YouTube I don't want a lot of guesses about Netscape generated by people who may know less than I do. I want...
a year ago
a year ago
I don't want a lot of guesses about Netscape generated by people who may know less than I do. I want to learn a lot of facts - most of which I don't already know.
The Hour Of Code I have written many times about the Hour Of Code here at AVC. It is the highlight of the annual...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have written many times about the Hour Of Code here at AVC. It is the highlight of the annual Computer Science Education Week which is the first week of December, which is this week. Yesterday Marco Argenti, Goldman Sachs’ CIO, and I went with NYC Schools Chancellor David Banks...
Rest of World -...
WhatsApp gives India an ultimatum on encryption Tracing the origins of messages is more complicated than it sounds.
10 months ago
What Does “Native” Mean When a new technology comes to market, we often look for “native” applications of that technology....
over a year ago
over a year ago
When a new technology comes to market, we often look for “native” applications of that technology. What is a “native” AI application? What is a “native” Web3 application? I have not seen a better articulation of “native” than my partner Albert’s post from 2009 on native mobile...
Articles -...
Naming a company Great company names are worth millions. In fact, choosing a name is one of the most important...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Great company names are worth millions. In fact, choosing a name is one of the most important decisions you will make as an entrepreneur. Your company's name could be a lever that separates you from your competition. It could be the key element that helps your customers...
Business Brainstorms
💡 Business Brainstorms 💡- My favorite ideas of the week #1 💡 Phil is the founder of my favorite email software and he’s 100% correct here. Google sucks for...
a year ago
a year ago
#1 💡 Phil is the founder of my favorite email software and he’s 100% correct here. Google sucks for recommendations. The algorithm has been gamed to death. Just in the past two days I’ve asked GPT for recommendations on 2 high ticket decisions (job board in specific region,...
Paul Graham: Essays
The Hardest Lessons for Startups to Learn
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Muzz, the world’s largest Muslim dating app, is struggling in India India is home to 172 million Muslims, and the world’s second-largest market for dating apps. But...
a year ago
SatPost by Trung...
Trader Joe's: The Anti-Grocer The grocer created a cult brand with sales of $16B+ a year by doing the opposite of industry...
a year ago
a year ago
The grocer created a cult brand with sales of $16B+ a year by doing the opposite of industry best-practices (from wages to product to ads).
SatPost by Trung...
Las Vegas, F1 and the sport's long history in America PLUS: An unexpected Netflix hit and the world's most popular artist.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
How We Got To Now I really enjoyed Steven Johnson's How We Got To Now. I read a lot of history and science books, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really enjoyed Steven Johnson's How We Got To Now. I read a lot of history and science books, but this book stood out because 1) the…
Rest of World -...
The #1 rideshare app in Japan isn’t Uber, it’s a taxi app Go summons taxis and the company behind it is Japan's newest unicorn.
a year ago
Flooding I spent a good part of my childhood at West Point, the US Military Academy. I got an email yesterday...
a year ago
a year ago
I spent a good part of my childhood at West Point, the US Military Academy. I got an email yesterday with photos of the flooding at West Point. My dad and brother used to work in that grey stone building called Mahan Hall. And the same storms that did this to West Point did worse...
Entrepreneur's Edge
Revenue is easy, profit is harder The fundamentals needed to run a business in the next economic cycle.
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Hackers and Painters
over a year ago
Sizing up the New Axis A timely repost.
11 months ago
Steve Blank
National Industrial Policy – Private Capital and The America’s Frontier Fund Steps Up This article previously appeared in The National Interest. Last month the U.S. passed the CHIPS and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This article previously appeared in The National Interest. Last month the U.S. passed the CHIPS and Science Act, one of the first pieces of national industrial policy – government planning and intervention in a specific industry — in the last 50 years, in this case for...
Coding Again It has been many years since I’ve written code. I’ve hacked around in HTML and CSS a bit on this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been many years since I’ve written code. I’ve hacked around in HTML and CSS a bit on this blog and a few other places. But I have not actually written an application in a very long time. I think it might be thirty years since I’ve done any real programming. Over the...
Working Theorys
Define the Game | Theory No. 14 I grew up playing tennis with my sister at the public courts near home. For a long time, I just...
a year ago
a year ago
I grew up playing tennis with my sister at the public courts near home. For a long time, I just cherished the joy of playing and watching the careers of the "big 3" unfold. But recently I’ve started to appreciate something more about tennis: the clarity of the meta-game around...
Too many Americans still fear the future Some progress is being made, but politics is getting in the way.
a month ago
Rest of World -...
What India can tell us about Netflix’s future Disney, Ambani, and the Netflix niche.
11 months ago
Europe is not ready to be a "third superpower" For that, it would need to act as a unified entity, defend itself against Russia, and embrace new...
a year ago
Nadia Asparouhova
Does meditation experience improve success with the jhanas? Jhanas – a series of altered mental states that are accessed via concentration – are often described...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Jhanas – a series of altered mental states that are accessed via concentration – are often described as an “advanced meditation practice,” a phrase that suggests that one must be a skilled meditator to access them: just as only a skilled outdoorsman would embark upon an...
Rest of World -...
Malaysia’s new data centers create thousands of jobs — and worries about power and water shortages Data centers for companies like Google, Amazon, and Nvidia are transforming Johor state, with locals...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Data centers for companies like Google, Amazon, and Nvidia are transforming Johor state, with locals bracing for higher real estate costs and resource shortages.
Blog posts of...
Quick tips for hiring remotely You are most likely already experienced with hiring so think of this more as a quick FYI focusing on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You are most likely already experienced with hiring so think of this more as a quick FYI focusing on hiring remotely… What issues...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Ideal first round funding terms My last 2 posts were about things to avoid, so I thought it might be helpful to follow up with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My last 2 posts were about things to avoid, so I thought it might be helpful to follow up with something more positive.  Having been part of…
Rest of World -...
A U.S. outsourcing company brought lofty promises to Nepal. Then came the layoffs Former employees say the company killed the dream it once sold them.
a year ago
Argentina's macroeconomic situation is even worse up close A guest post by Karl T. Muth
a year ago
Stephen Diehl
Haskell For a New Decade
over a year ago
When are tariffs good? National security, infant industries, national champions, and some more unorthodox theories.
a month ago
The AI is eating itself Early notes on how generative AI is affecting the internet
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Scale AI’s Remotasks platform is dropping whole countries without explanation Workers in Kenya, Nigeria, and Pakistan were booted off the AI-training service earlier this month.
11 months ago
Articles - Alex...
The digital dark side The advent of digital media promised so much. Savvy shoppers would no longer be surreptitiously...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The advent of digital media promised so much. Savvy shoppers would no longer be surreptitiously swayed by advertising alone. The internet would enable them to research products. Social media would allow them to share their experiences. And ecommence would provide the power...
Rest of World -...
Virtual tomb-sweeping keeps a Chinese tradition alive As Chinese migrants struggle to return home for traditional tomb-sweeping, virtual platforms are...
5 months ago
5 months ago
As Chinese migrants struggle to return home for traditional tomb-sweeping, virtual platforms are helping them pay respects from afar.
Why rabbits? Towards a better, floofier world.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Chinese EV upstarts to battle Japanese heavyweights for Thailand’s pickup truck market Toyota and Isuzu have long dominated Thailand’s pickup truck market. As they prepare to launch EV...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Toyota and Isuzu have long dominated Thailand’s pickup truck market. As they prepare to launch EV trucks, they face competition from Chinese firms.
Stephen Diehl
A Haskell Reading List
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
Organic Startup Ideas
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Old VC firms: get ready to be disrupted If the U.S. economy were a company, the VC industry would be the R&D department. The financing for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If the U.S. economy were a company, the VC industry would be the R&D department. The financing for the VC industry comes from so-called LPs…
SatPost by Trung...
"The Economist" Cover Curse, Explained PLUS: My Dune 2 review, TikTok Ban and Why Jalapeños are Less Spicy.
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Come for the tool, stay for the network A popular strategy for bootstrapping networks is what I like to call “come for the tool, stay for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A popular strategy for bootstrapping networks is what I like to call “come for the tool, stay for the network.” The idea is to initially…
Becoming Creative I just launched a new thing (the NEW MBA) so starting and launching is on my mind. Here are a few...
a year ago
a year ago
I just launched a new thing (the NEW MBA) so starting and launching is on my mind. Here are a few links that I deeply love about starting, finishing and promoting creative acts…
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What’s the right amount of seed money to raise? Short answer:  enough to get your startup to an accretive milestone plus some fudge factor....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Short answer:  enough to get your startup to an accretive milestone plus some fudge factor. “Accretive milestone” is a fancy way of saying…
The EU's war on behavioral advertising Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by...
a year ago
a year ago
Meta recently conceded that in-app behavioral advertising in the EU can no longer be opt-in by default, marking the end of an era. The regulators won, at least for now.
Rest of World -...
AI’s “tech tsunami” is coming for call center workers The Philippines’ 1.6 million outsourced workers fear they may soon be automated out of a job.
a year ago
Rest of World -...
As EVs surge, so does nickel mining’s death toll In the mineral-rich fringes of Indonesia, whose nickel will feed EV giants like Tesla, the deaths of...
a year ago
a year ago
In the mineral-rich fringes of Indonesia, whose nickel will feed EV giants like Tesla, the deaths of miners continue to mount.
Paul Graham: Essays
The Acceleration of Addictiveness
over a year ago
Ed Zitron's Where's...
The People Deliberately Killing Facebook Over the last decade, few platforms have declined quite as rapidly and visibly as Facebook and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Over the last decade, few platforms have declined quite as rapidly and visibly as Facebook and Instagram. What used to be apps for catching up with your friends and family are now algorithmic nightmares that constantly interrupt you with suggested content and advertisements that...
Paul Graham: Essays
A New Venture Animal
over a year ago
How we manage our product roadmap The screenshot here is our company Trello board, where we manage our product roadmap. We are...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The screenshot here is our company Trello board, where we manage our product roadmap. We are extremely lucky in that our thousands of happy customers give us a steady stream of suggestions for new features and improvements, which we used to just throw on this board. However,...
Internal Tech Emails
The Tech Emails Library The ultimate index of internal tech industry emails 🔍
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Why Amazon isn’t the Amazon of Latin America The paradox of e-commerce
a year ago
haseeb qureshi
Flash Loans: Why Flash Attacks will be the New Normal Flash loans have been the center of attention lately. Recently two hackers used flash loans to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flash loans have been the center of attention lately. Recently two hackers used flash loans to attack the margin trading protocol bZx, first in a $350K attack and later in a $600K copycat attack. These attacks were, in a word, magnificent. In each attack, a penniless attacker...
Rest of World -...
Las compañías de autos eléctricos quieren el litio de Argentina. Poco queda para sus ciudadanos. A los habitantes de la Isla Paulino se les prometió baterías de litio para reducir el uso de...
11 months ago
11 months ago
A los habitantes de la Isla Paulino se les prometió baterías de litio para reducir el uso de generadores. El proyecto se frenó. Mientras tanto, las exportaciones de litio crecen.
XO Capital - Field...
v2 XO V1 concluded with 10 acquisitions and 1 "fund". The V1 "conclusion" is really a line in the sand...
11 months ago
11 months ago
XO V1 concluded with 10 acquisitions and 1 "fund". The V1 "conclusion" is really a line in the sand but it feels right as we continue to offload assets to focus on larger deals using outside capital. This will transition us into v2 which we'
Mass deportation would accomplish nothing Trump's signature policy would frighten Americans without improving the immigration situation.
6 months ago
Rest of World -...
How this mental health care app is using ChatGPT to improve its chatbot Andrea Campos is the founder and CEO of Yana, a mental health care app and chatbot for Spanish and...
9 months ago
Internal Tech Emails
Bill Gates tries to install Movie Maker I am quite disappointed at how Windows Usability has been going backwards and the program management...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I am quite disappointed at how Windows Usability has been going backwards and the program management groups don't drive usability issues.
Paul Graham: Essays
Chapter 1 of Ansi Common Lisp
a year ago
haseeb qureshi
Ethereum is now unforkable, thanks to DeFi By Haseeb Qureshi and Leland Lee After the DAO hack of 2016, the Ethereum community was faced with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
By Haseeb Qureshi and Leland Lee After the DAO hack of 2016, the Ethereum community was faced with an existential quandary: should the community roll back the chain to revert the DAO hack, or let the hacker get away? Those who said yes forked away to what is now called Ethereum....
Essays - Benedict...
Who cares about tech regulation? Tech regulation gets a lot of headlines, and seems like a big deal, but most people in tech don’t...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Tech regulation gets a lot of headlines, and seems like a big deal, but most people in tech don’t seem to care much. It’s boring, and years away, but more fundamentally, it really doesn’t affect what people spend their time working on.
Nadia Asparouhova
Early stage funding markets for science - an analysis In the summer of 2022, with support from Schmidt Futures, I took a closer look at several emerging...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the summer of 2022, with support from Schmidt Futures, I took a closer look at several emerging science funding mechanisms – rapid grants, scout programs, and focused research organizations (FROs) – to understand how they serve the needs of early stage science. I also...
Rest of World -...
What it takes to raise a $300 million VC fund for Africa Tidjane Deme talks about convincing investors to back Africa-focused tech funds amid a global...
10 months ago
Rest of World -...
Uber’s largest vehicle financing partner is an African startup with global ambitions From India to the U.K., UAE, and Thailand, Nigeria-founded Moove is chasing profitability.
11 months ago
David Perell
The Perks of Niche Fame There are two kinds of fame: Celebrity-Fame and Niche-Fame. The post The Perks of Niche Fame...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are two kinds of fame: Celebrity-Fame and Niche-Fame. The post The Perks of Niche Fame appeared first on David Perell.
Tech + Economics +...
The responsibility of AI titans in a post-work society. Advocates of AI (and yes, before the pedants chime in, I'm aware that LLMs are not technically AI,...
a year ago
a year ago
Advocates of AI (and yes, before the pedants chime in, I'm aware that LLMs are not technically AI, but for the purposes of popular debate and perception – we'll go with it) will tell you that automation will create new jobs and generate broad societal value such that it...
Rest of World -...
Meet Newme, India’s Shein replacement A year after India banned the Shein app, Newme emerged to fill the gap. Founder Sumit Jasoria talks...
a year ago
a year ago
A year after India banned the Shein app, Newme emerged to fill the gap. Founder Sumit Jasoria talks about Gen Z fashion in this "country of countries."
Articles - Alex...
Thinking rationally about emotion In advertising, using emotion is entirely logical. Creative agencies have made this case...
6 months ago
6 months ago
In advertising, using emotion is entirely logical. Creative agencies have made this case consistently. But in 2013 Les Binet and Peter Field bought some much-needed data to the discussion. In their seminal report, The Long and The Short of It, the duo analysed 30 years of...
I’ve Moved Onchain Over the last few years, I’ve moved my internet life from web2 to web3 and rarely use any web2...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Over the last few years, I’ve moved my internet life from web2 to web3 and rarely use any web2 services anymore. So I am starting a series called “I’ve Moved Onchain” to explain this journey to everyone and today’s opening post is about blogging, naturally. I’ve blogged at...
cdixon.org RSS Feed
The “thin edge of the wedge” strategy Establishing relationships with new users is the hardest part of growing a startup.  For consumer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Establishing relationships with new users is the hardest part of growing a startup.  For consumer products establishing relationships can…
Ed Zitron's Where's...
Put Up Or Shut Up I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance...
7 months ago
7 months ago
I feel like the tech industry is currently in the midst of the most bizarre cognitive dissonance I've ever seen — more so than the metaverse, even — as company after company simply lies about their intentions and the power of AI.  I get it. Everybody wants
Real estate is China's economic Achilles heel It's the country's biggest engine of growth an employment, financial asset, and source of government...
a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
You Weren't Meant to Have a Boss
over a year ago
A vote for Trump is a vote for chaos Let's leave the 2010s in the past where they belong.
a year ago
How tariffs on China could help the world Looking for the silver lining in a messy policy.
7 months ago
What's up with those revised job numbers? Government data revisions can be scary, but they actually aren't that hard to understand.
6 months ago
Come watch my live chat with Paul Krugman today! Tune in at noon Pacific/3 PM Eastern
a month ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
Pitching the VC partnership The last step to raising venture capital is normally a 1 hour pitch to the whole partnership during...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The last step to raising venture capital is normally a 1 hour pitch to the whole partnership during their weekly monday meeting.  This is…
Thus passes Robert Lucas Farewell to the most influential macroeconomist of his generation.
a year ago
Why skilled immigration (usually) benefits both countries When to worry about brain drain, and when not to worry.
a year ago
SatPost by Trung...
Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash and AI Art Context matters more than content in the age of AI-generated audio, images and videos.
a year ago
Why did Meta open-source Llama 2? Meta seems to be all in on open-source AI. They released Llama 2, which features some impressive...
a year ago
a year ago
Meta seems to be all in on open-source AI. They released Llama 2, which features some impressive benchmarks compared to other open source language models. Why does Meta keep releasing open-source models? What is their incentive? To attract and retain top AI talent.
cdixon.org RSS Feed
What the smartest people do on the weekend is what everyone else will do during the week in ten... Many breakthrough technologies were hatched by hobbyists in garages and dorm rooms. Prominent...
over a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
New York City is poised for a tech revival One thing that was puzzling about the “web 2.0 boom” from 2003-2008 was how irrelevant the East...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One thing that was puzzling about the “web 2.0 boom” from 2003-2008 was how irrelevant the East Coast, and particular New York City, was…
Rest of World -...
A little-understood role in a global VC could also be one of the most influential Ana Jiménez, 500 Global’s chief of staff for Latin America, on building a relationship of trust and...
a year ago
a year ago
Ana Jiménez, 500 Global’s chief of staff for Latin America, on building a relationship of trust and strategic vision with her organization’s leader.
Dustin Curtis
Tesla and Storytelling Last week, Tesla unveiled two world-changing products: Robotaxi1, a fully self-driving taxi with no...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Last week, Tesla unveiled two world-changing products: Robotaxi1, a fully self-driving taxi with no steering wheel or pedals, and an autonomous humanoid robot, called Optimus2, that can walk and has fully functioning hands and feet. Both of these products have been depicted in...
Stephen Diehl
The Underlying Technology Shibboleth
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
Self-checkout is putting elderly grocery baggers out of work in Mexico Volunteer packers at stores like Walmart say they’re receiving 50% fewer tips than before the...
a year ago
Rest of World -...
Influencers are getting young Nigerians hooked on online gambling While sports betting is legal in Nigeria, experts say the government should have more oversight on...
a year ago
Nothing Human
The Tyranny of the Marginal User why consumer software gets worse, not better, over time
a year ago
Rest of World -...
“Gig reviewers” are endorsing fake products for quick cash in Brazil For a few dollars, paid reviewers will record a video vouching for anything. Scammers love them.
a year ago
Business Brainstorms
Operational Minimalism, Zero shame in pulling the plug, OpenAI blog posts, ... Welcome to another edition of Business Brainstorms - your weekly dose of invaluable insights, trends...
a year ago
a year ago
Welcome to another edition of Business Brainstorms - your weekly dose of invaluable insights, trends and opportunities served up fresh from the cerebral kitchen of Jakob Greenfeld. Time to brainstorm! 💡 Opportunities “Whoever can find out how to crack the operational hurdles of...
Articles -...
How to raise money In this article, I will walk you through my fundraising formula that has helped me raise over $1...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this article, I will walk you through my fundraising formula that has helped me raise over $1 billion of capital in my career. I’ll also walk you through building a predictable and repeatable fundraising machine. The probability of success for a high growth company is...
Steve Blank
The Secret History of Polaroid CEO Edwin Land – part 1 The connections between the world of national security and commercial companies still has surprises....
10 months ago
10 months ago
The connections between the world of national security and commercial companies still has surprises. December 1976 – Vandenberg Air Force Base, U.S. military space port on the coast of California As a Titan IIID rocket blasted off, it carried a spacecraft on top that would change...
Internal Tech Emails
Bill Gates on "hard-core detractors" | Elon Musk responds to Tesla investor The key point is that they can't both be right. They share only one thing - saying negative things...
over a year ago
Reflections on 2020 I feel kind of conflicted writing this, because 2020 was a horror of a year for most people around...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I feel kind of conflicted writing this, because 2020 was a horror of a year for most people around the world. Instead, for me, and my family, it was somewhat of a start of new beginnings and some huge wins. I feel that I have finally stepped out of a decade long black tunnel,...
FTC's case against Amazon is misunderstood The case makes a nuanced argument about how Amazon abused monopoly power through anti-discounting...
a year ago
a year ago
The case makes a nuanced argument about how Amazon abused monopoly power through anti-discounting measures and tying in Prime with Fulfilled by Amazon
The end of the "vibecession"? Maybe people are being irrationally pessimistic. Or maybe it's just all about real wages.
a year ago
Data Boutique
How to Estimate Sales Using Inventory Web-Scraped Data A powerful use case for web data
a year ago
cdixon.org RSS Feed
"There's just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a great product" Steve Jobs in 1995: There's just a tremendous amount of craftsmanship in between a great idea and a...
over a year ago
Paul Graham: Essays
How Y Combinator Started
over a year ago
Essays - Benedict...
The Deep Research problem OpenAI’s Deep Research is built for me, and I can’t use it. It’s another amazing demo, until it...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
OpenAI’s Deep Research is built for me, and I can’t use it. It’s another amazing demo, until it breaks. But it breaks in really interesting ways.
Rest of World -...
A step counter, but for your prayers At least 20 apps exist to help Muslims track their dhikrs, a form of Islamic worship in which people...
5 months ago
5 months ago
At least 20 apps exist to help Muslims track their dhikrs, a form of Islamic worship in which people repeat prayers and holy phrases.
Paul Graham: Essays
Coronavirus and Credibility
over a year ago
Rest of World -...
In-home beauty service in Pakistan: the woman sweet-talking tough clients Though gig work gives respite from the grind of working in a salon, choosy clients make a...
a year ago