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A Smart Bear
Discount gambit Discounting is the typical sales technique, but refusing to discount can lead to a much better...
a year ago
a year ago
Discounting is the typical sales technique, but refusing to discount can lead to a much better business, even in the Enterprise.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The Apple Vision Pro and the future of workspaces Around the beginning of 2022, my girlfriend and I were taking a hike overlooking Camps Bay. And...
a year ago
a year ago
Around the beginning of 2022, my girlfriend and I were taking a hike overlooking Camps Bay. And while the vistas were gorgeous, I was waving my arms about and describing the future of virtual reality. Having worked as a game developer in the VR space for several years (back...
Liz Denys
How communication breaks down In a little less than a month, the MIT undergraduate body will elect new leadership for their...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a little less than a month, the MIT undergraduate body will elect new leadership for their primary advocacy group, the Undergraduate Association. Every year around later February and early March, students who consider themselves relatively politically active request an...
Epic Web Dev
Support Responsive Favicons for a Professional Look (tip) Create a responsive favicon that adapts to the user's system preference for light or dark mode.
a year ago
Founder's blog
How I learned to stop worrying and wrote my own memory-cache Here I am, writing about performance optimization again. I'm a performance junkie. Constantly...
a year ago
a year ago
Here I am, writing about performance optimization again. I'm a performance junkie. Constantly monitoring and investigating bottlenecks for our SaaS helpdesk webapp is my favorite thing ever. And I'm proud to say that with thousands of clients, even some really big ones, our app's...
A Smart Bear
How repositioning a product allows you to 8x its price You can charge much more than you think, if you reposition your value-proposition. Here's how.
a year ago
bunnie's blog
Automated Stitching of Chip Images This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This is the final post in a series about non-destructively inspecting chips with the IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique. Here are links to previous posts: This post will cover the software used to stitch together smaller images generated by the control software into a single...
Dan Slimmon
Why transaction order matters, even if you’re only reading There are 4 isolation levels defined by the SQL standard, and Postgres supports them through the SET...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There are 4 isolation levels defined by the SQL standard, and Postgres supports them through the SET TRANSACTION statement. They are: This last guarantee is one against serialization anomalies. A serialization anomaly is any sequence of events that produces a result that would be...
Tinloof - Blog
How to make and test your own React drag and drop list with 0 dependencies I know, drag and drop is a solved problem. There are several great utilities you can use to easily...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I know, drag and drop is a solved problem. There are several great utilities you can use to easily have a drag and drop list in your application (dragula, react-beautiful-dnd, and react-dnd). These libraries offer APIs that make it easy to meet your needs without worrying about...
swyx's site RSS Feed
A World Without Plugins What happens if we did away with plugins altogether? The case for Imperative Recipes
over a year ago
Making software...
Styling Empty Table Cells Styling Empty Table Cells 2019-07-17 Often when designing tables on the web you're bound to come...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Styling Empty Table Cells 2019-07-17 Often when designing tables on the web you're bound to come across empty pockets of data. These will be rendered as "blank" table cells, which isn't always the intended outcome. Let's take a quick look at how to target and style empty table...
ntietz.com blog
"Help, iterators made my Rust program slower!" Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently in a programming community I belong to, someone presented a problem. They had a Rust program which was using threads and for loops. When they updated the code to use iterators, it got dramatically slower. Why did this happen? For a Rust veteran, the problem might not be...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why we're giving away 100 times more cloud usage, free Today, we're announcing that we're giving away 1 million ingested events/month on Cloud , for free....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today, we're announcing that we're giving away 1 million ingested events/month on Cloud , for free. That's up from 10k/month that we were offering…
Ognjen Regoje •...
A review of the blog in 2023 2023 was a busy year so I did not spend a lot of time blogging, unfortunately. It was only in...
11 months ago
11 months ago
2023 was a busy year so I did not spend a lot of time blogging, unfortunately. It was only in December that I had meaningful time for writing. In the 2022 review I set a few targets for the blog in 2023: Targets for 2023 ❎ Publish at least 40 posts 14 ✅ Reach at least 150k...
Making software...
Improving Tufte CSS for Jekyll Improving Tufte CSS for Jekyll 2019-11-01 After creating the ET-Jekyll theme almost two years ago, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Improving Tufte CSS for Jekyll 2019-11-01 After creating the ET-Jekyll theme almost two years ago, I finally got around to revamping the structure and improving a lot of minor performance issues. Items that have been surely needing of updates for the last couple of...
Epic Web Dev
The Golden Rule of Assertions (article) Learn about The Golden Rule of Assertions that helps pinpoint good tests from bad ones.
11 months ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Persisting React State in localStorage A common thing in React development is that we want to store a bit of React state in localStorage,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A common thing in React development is that we want to store a bit of React state in localStorage, and re-initialize from that value on the next page-load. This quick tutorial shows you how we can build a custom hook that does exactly this!
Liz Denys
Seeing every BAM Next Wave Festival show From October to December of last year, I saw a lot of shows at the Brooklyn Academy of Music -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
From October to December of last year, I saw a lot of shows at the Brooklyn Academy of Music - specifically, I saw all 26 of the Next Wave Festival productions. I've been coming to BAM regularly since I moved to New York in 2011, and Next Wave is always an exciting time of year...
A Smart Bear
Easy to criticize, hard to create It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally...
10 months ago
10 months ago
It's easy to explain why any given business will fail. So what? But neither is it wise to totally ignore the critics.
General Robots
Writing Libraries for AIs to Use Donald Knuth tells us, “Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers...
a year ago
a year ago
Donald Knuth tells us, “Programs are meant to be read by humans and only incidentally for computers to execute.” but in the future we have a third category. I think that programs and libraries (and programming languages?) that lend themselves to effective AI assistance will win...
Alex Meub
S3 Website Out Of Memory Error I recently migrated my blog to Jekyll and wanted to use the s3_website gem to deploy it. Everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently migrated my blog to Jekyll and wanted to use the s3_website gem to deploy it. Everything worked out-of-the-box extremely well until I wanted to actually run the s3_website push command to deploy my site to the live S3 bucket. The command would hang for a really long...
Maggie Appleton
Plebeian Programming with Keyboard Maestro
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
Solving the Low-Budget Online Marketing Dilemma Low on cash but need marketing results? Here are four specific things you can do to grow on a...
a week ago
Recently Happy 2023! I wrote my “2022 in review” in my paper journal and will write about some retrospectives...
a year ago
a year ago
Happy 2023! I wrote my “2022 in review” in my paper journal and will write about some retrospectives on how the business and such have gone, but for now, let’s keep this traditional, a good old-fashioned Recently. Reading This month’s theme, looking back on it, was feminism, and...
Alex MacCaw
The AI is coming May you live in interesting times, goes the ancient Chinese proverb. Recent developments in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
May you live in interesting times, goes the ancient Chinese proverb. Recent developments in artificial-intelligence, especially image-generation, are putting that curse to the test. In the last year we’ve seen some incredible breakthroughs in image-generation with the release of...
David Heinemeier...
We’re so back Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Under the old Twitter regime, politics seemed to seep into everything, especially tech talk. There was scarcely a programming or product topic that couldn’t be turned into a struggle session on account of some perceived transgression or privilege. It was, to use the trauma...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Planning the next steps for WebCard <![CDATA[Over the past days I ran WebCard a bit, reviewed the code, and checked my notes and I'm...
2 months ago
2 months ago
<![CDATA[Over the past days I ran WebCard a bit, reviewed the code, and checked my notes and I'm satisfied with what the system does. Since WebCard is nearly feature complete it's a good time to chart the next steps for wrapping up my RetroChallenge 2024 project. Aside from some...
A Smart Bear
Selecting the right product metrics A novel system for selecting and presenting product KPIs, satisfying not only the product team, but...
a year ago
a year ago
A novel system for selecting and presenting product KPIs, satisfying not only the product team, but also stakeholders, executives, and customers.
David Gerrells
A lazy dark mode A fast simple way of drop in dark mode support using nextjs and react.
over a year ago
Daniel Immke's Blog...
How I write blog posts every month Back in September of last year I started this blog and seeded it with a few posts. I wrote in my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Back in September of last year I started this blog and seeded it with a few posts. I wrote in my first post that my goal was to write one…
Making software...
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Stripe Menu Dropdowns (CSS) 2020-03-31 In a previous article I wrote, Minimal CSS: Dropdown Menus, I showed how you could create a basic menu dropdown with only 121 bytes of CSS. While this demo is great for simple text-based menu dropdowns, it doesn't show just how complex (in a...
Ink & Switch
Capstone: A tablet for thinking Cards and inking on a freeform canvas for the two-step creative process.
over a year ago
Vadim Kravcenko
🏆 Promotion-based development While researching how to create a proper career path for employees and the different ways companies...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While researching how to create a proper career path for employees and the different ways companies do promotions, I stumbled […] The post 🏆 Promotion-based development appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Making software...
Text Align: Justify Text Align: Justify 2019-05-22 The text-align property is fairly well known in the world of CSS,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Text Align: Justify 2019-05-22 The text-align property is fairly well known in the world of CSS, even among those just starting out with the language. Values such as center, left and right are used often with this property, but a more forgotten option is justify. What does...
Liz Denys
Better with Star Wars, baking is Isn't everything? Star Wars partnered with Williams-Sonoma to make pancake molds and some rather...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Isn't everything? Star Wars partnered with Williams-Sonoma to make pancake molds and some rather insanely high quality cookie cutters: The set of four includes a Yoda face and helmets from each of Darth Vader, Boba Fett, and a stormtrooper. I knew that if I ever got my hands on...
Alex Meub
Building Wi-Fi Buttons with ESP8266 Four years ago, I wrote about using Amazon Dash buttons as simple hackable Wi-Fi buttons. It’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Four years ago, I wrote about using Amazon Dash buttons as simple hackable Wi-Fi buttons. It’s pretty cool to order pizza, turn on a light, send a tweet, or even run a custom script at the press of a physical button. But I recently tried to use one of my dash buttons and couldn’t...
Steve Klabnik
The next iteration of my blog
over a year ago
Computer Things
Some notes on for loops New Blogpost Don't let Alloy facts make your specs a fiction, about formal methods practices (and a...
8 months ago
8 months ago
New Blogpost Don't let Alloy facts make your specs a fiction, about formal methods practices (and a lot of Alloy). Patreon link here. Some notes on for loops I sometimes like to sharpen the axe by looking at a basic programming concept and seeing what I can pull out. In this...
David Heinemeier...
Wonderful vi The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic....
3 months ago
3 months ago
The speed of change in technology often appears to be the industry's defining characteristic. Nothing highlights that perception more than the recent and relentless march of AI advancements. But for as much as some things in technology change, many other things stay the same....
Liz Denys
Things I've learned about biking for transportation in NYC I've been biking for transportation for a few months now, and honestly, I've never been a happier...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been biking for transportation for a few months now, and honestly, I've never been a happier person. That said, it took a while to go from very comfortable riding a bike around the car-free loop inside Prospect Park to no longer feeling extremely anxious riding on NYC...
37signals Dev
Solid Queue 1.0 released We’ve just released Solid Queue v1.0.0, right before speaking about it at Rails World. This version...
2 months ago
2 months ago
We’ve just released Solid Queue v1.0.0, right before speaking about it at Rails World. This version has come a long way since we published the first version, 0.1.1, back in December 2023, with 132 merged pull requests and 126 closed issues, and the help of multiple...
Josh Comeau's blog
Let's Bring Spacer GIFs Back! The 90s web gave us many delightful things: web rings, guestbooks, “under construction” animations,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The 90s web gave us many delightful things: web rings, guestbooks, “under construction” animations, and spacer GIFs. In this article, we'll see how I use a Spacer component to solve common layout problems, and why it's often a great tool for the job in the modern web.
Ognjen Regoje •...
When am I "allowed" to quit and not be labeled a quitter? There’s a type of startup that stays alive but doesn’t achieve meaningful growth. One that keeps...
11 months ago
11 months ago
There’s a type of startup that stays alive but doesn’t achieve meaningful growth. One that keeps raising bridge rounds but whose valuation stagnates. Anecdotally, their founders belong to two groups: They’re still convinced that the business will work and are unflappable in their...
Making alt text more visible I add alt text to every image on this site. I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I add alt text to every image on this site. I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text before I publish the site, but that means alt text has often been an afterthought – something I’d dash out at the very end of writing a post. I wanted to give it more attention, and...
Maggie Appleton
Instachatting with Vue & Socket.io
over a year ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
Upgrading Crostini Linux from Bullseye to Bookworm <![CDATA[ChromeOS Stable 121 rolled out to my ASUS Chromebox 3 and brought with it a one-click...
10 months ago
10 months ago
<![CDATA[ChromeOS Stable 121 rolled out to my ASUS Chromebox 3 and brought with it a one-click option to upgrade Crostini. Crostini, the Debian based Linux container of chromeOS, was running Bullseye prior to that. ChromeOS 121 popped up a notification with a button offering to...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Why I prefer JS for front-end build automation Every front-end project involves some automation to build it, test it, lint it, run dev servers,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every front-end project involves some automation to build it, test it, lint it, run dev servers, measure bundle size, and what not. npm scripts are fine for one-liners, but as the workflows grow more complex — run these things in parallel, then do something else, but only if...
Liz Denys
Introducing Loose Leaf Security, and our first episode: Securing your online account passwords I just launched a new project with Geoffrey Thomas: Loose Leaf Security, a podcast about making good...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just launched a new project with Geoffrey Thomas: Loose Leaf Security, a podcast about making good computer security for everyone. We believe you don't need to be a software engineer or security professional to understand how to keep your devices and data safe. In every...
DevOps for the Sinclair Spectrum - Part 4 In Part 3 I covered the backend server processes and protocols, CI/CD pipelines and unit tests I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In Part 3 I covered the backend server processes and protocols, CI/CD pipelines and unit tests I used to build the TNFS site. In this (much shorter) part, I’d like to take a step back from the hardcore geekery, and wrap up with my thoughts on the whole thing. Other Sites But...
Employer of Record (EOR) Services in Japan EoR. Few employers seems to fully understand how it works, and even fewer working professionals have...
a year ago
a year ago
EoR. Few employers seems to fully understand how it works, and even fewer working professionals have ever heard of it. So, what is this three-letter mystery acronym, and how can it help us swing the doors wide open on business building in Japan? Let’s have a look. ## What...
bt RSS Feed
ET-Jekyll Theme ET-Jekyll Theme 2018-01-14 ET-Jekyll theme is based off of Dave Liepmann’s awesome Tufte CSS - which...
over a year ago
over a year ago
ET-Jekyll Theme 2018-01-14 ET-Jekyll theme is based off of Dave Liepmann’s awesome Tufte CSS - which takes it’s style and inspiration from the wonderful book and handout designs of Edward Tufte. The differences are subtle when comparing my variation to Tufte CSS, but these...
Internal comms for executives. Whenever an executive joins a new company, there is an awkward merger between the executive’s...
a year ago
a year ago
Whenever an executive joins a new company, there is an awkward merger between the executive’s preferred communication style and the norms that organization has already established. I remember a recently joined executive complaining that engineers weren’t reading his emails. He...
The Pragmatic...
Lyft in Trouble Financials paint a worrying picture of the US’s #2 ridesharing company. The founders have just...
a year ago
a year ago
Financials paint a worrying picture of the US’s #2 ridesharing company. The founders have just stepped down and a former Amazon executive is the new CEO. What does this major change mean?
ntietz.com blog
It's getting hard to use and recommend Firefox, I'm afraid for the free web A couple of months ago, every video call I had on my personal computer ended up using Chromium. I...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A couple of months ago, every video call I had on my personal computer ended up using Chromium. I tried using Firefox and it looked good on my end: I could see and hear the other person. But they just saw a blank video feed and heard nothing. Firefox showed me that it's sending,...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to change custom domain on Substack Since September, I've been running my AI newsletter on https://lspace.swyx.io
a year ago
Maggie Appleton
The JAMStack, Gatsby & Contentful
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad idea” isn’t enough of a prompt. These questions will stretch you beyond your daily experience; if you’re lucky, they could even lead to a unique business model and a long-term...
Liz Denys
Differences Acrylic on canvas, version 2. On display in the Living Room at Saint Peter's Church for the Members...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Acrylic on canvas, version 2. On display in the Living Room at Saint Peter's Church for the Members and Friends exhibition March to April 2013.
A Smart Bear
Legacy Humans have always tried to live forever. Maybe you can, but not in the way you imagine.
3 months ago
3 months ago
Humans have always tried to live forever. Maybe you can, but not in the way you imagine.
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.23.0 In this edition of the PostHog Array: Release 1.23 is out, and our 🔥 new PostHog.com homepage is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this edition of the PostHog Array: Release 1.23 is out, and our 🔥 new PostHog.com homepage is live - amazing work from PostHoggers Cory, Lottie…
Liz Denys
Bottle glass planter and drip tray, 2024 Algae in pond water / crests and troughs / sea glass
9 months ago
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware November 2023 The Ware for November 2023 is a Lucira at home Covid test. Congrats to Jon Neal for nailing it,...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The Ware for November 2023 is a Lucira at home Covid test. Congrats to Jon Neal for nailing it, email me for your prize! Here’s some more images of the ware for your enjoyment.
#17 inaccessible cards Context: A list of linked cards, each with heading, image, and teaser text. Bad code <section> ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Context: A list of linked cards, each with heading, image, and teaser text. Bad code <section> <section> <h2>Overview</h2> <figure class="card" data-url="image1.html" style="background: url(image1.jpg)"> <figcaption> <h4>My heading</h4> ...
Julia Evans
New playground: integer.exposed Hello! For the last few months we’ve been working on a zine about how integers and floating point...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! For the last few months we’ve been working on a zine about how integers and floating point numbers work. Whenever I make a zine I like to release a playground to go with it, like mess with dns for the DNS zine or the sql playground. For this one, I made a simple playground...
Remains of the Day
Narrative debt HBO’s Watchmen is fantastic, as many have noted. It may be one of the most polished first drafts of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
HBO’s Watchmen is fantastic, as many have noted. It may be one of the most polished first drafts of fan fiction to ever appear on the silver, errr, OLED screen. DC may lag behind the Marvel Universe in box office and audience acclaim, but it feels like DC is starting to find its...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.26.0 PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog 1.26.0 is here! Read about our Series B raise, our new features, and find out who are the 4 new team members we've onboarded.
What comes after AWS? James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday: Grumble Bundle @monkchips ...
7 months ago
7 months ago
James Governor posed some interesting questions yesterday: Grumble Bundle @monkchips what are the core primitives developers need for building and deploying modern applications? what platform services does the underlying infrastructure need to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Cancer and revenue - the latest board meeting It has been a dramatic month. Four weeks ago, our 16 month old daughter was diagnosed with ...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been a dramatic month. Four weeks ago, our 16 month old daughter was diagnosed with retinoblastoma - a fairly rare form of cancer that…
Steve Klabnik
Twitter ghosts
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“Easier and More Convenient” They Said… The other day in our morning rush before school my wife asked for help figuring out how to put lunch...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The other day in our morning rush before school my wife asked for help figuring out how to put lunch money on our kids’ school accounts. For some time she’s been doing it “the hard way”: talk to the people in the front office of the school every few months and swipe a credit...
Getting an Autism Diagnosis On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism...
a year ago
a year ago
On the 3rd of March 2022, we received a letter informing us that our eldest son, Max, has Autism Spectrum Disorder. The letter was the end result of a long process. I’m going to talk about that process from start to finish, in as much detail as I can. This post would not have...
7 months ago
A Beautiful Site
Downloading a list of URLs automatically I recently needed to download a bunch of files from Amazon S3, but I didn't have direct access to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently needed to download a bunch of files from Amazon S3, but I didn't have direct access to the bucket — I only had a list of URLs. There were too many to fetch one by one, so I wanted to fetch them automatically. Here are a couple ways I found to do that. Using curl # Curl...
Liz Denys
Slack doesn't listen to its users. In a rush of hubris, Slack published a full page ad taunting Microsoft Teams in the New York...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a rush of hubris, Slack published a full page ad taunting Microsoft Teams in the New York Times: That feeling when you think "we should buy a full page in the Times and publish an open letter," and then you do. 💫 pic.twitter.com/BQiEawRA6d — Stewart Butterfield (@stewart)...
Steve Klabnik
Learning Ada
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
The God Endpoints will continue until morale improves a brief meditation on why we keep trying to build God Endpoints and why we will fail until we figure...
over a year ago
Computer Things
What if the spec doesn't match the code? Whenever I talk about formal methods, I get the same question: Can I use the spec to generate my...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Whenever I talk about formal methods, I get the same question: Can I use the spec to generate my code? People are worried about two things. One, that they'll make a mistake implementing the specification and have bugs. Two, that over time the implementation will "drift" and...
Josh Collinsworth
Why Designers Shouldn't "Fix" Other Designers' Logos No matter how simple the end product, design is hard work. To come up with something that looks...
over a year ago
over a year ago
No matter how simple the end product, design is hard work. To come up with something that looks good, something people like, is at best tangential to the main point. The question is: does it succeed at meeting the project goals? And you don’t know how to answer that question.
Moving my YouTube Likes from one account to another I used to have two YouTube accounts, and I wanted to consolidate them into one. I had two accounts...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I used to have two YouTube accounts, and I wanted to consolidate them into one. I had two accounts as a way to keep two separate watch histories. I was watching videos about gender and trans stuff before I came out, and I didn’t want them appearing in my main account – say, when...
Ruud van Asseldonk
Model facts, not your problem domain
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Fibonacci Goals A system for goalsetting.
over a year ago
Civic Hax
A tale about requesting Chicago’s Mayor’s Office’s phone records. Intro Back in 2014, I had the naive goal of finding evidence of collusion between mayoral...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Intro Back in 2014, I had the naive goal of finding evidence of collusion between mayoral candidates. The reasoning is longwinded and boring, so I won't go into it. My plan was to find some sort of evidence through a FOIA request or two for the mayor's phone records, find zero...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Gratitude For a Web That Tries Not to Break Chris wrote a response to my wondering-out-loud remarks about whether logical properties make CSS...
a year ago
a year ago
Chris wrote a response to my wondering-out-loud remarks about whether logical properties make CSS easier to learn. His response is great. And his tabular comparison of properties is short and concise and punchy in the way only Chris Coyier can reason about CSS. His post actually...
37signals Dev
The gift of constraints One of the hardest things about shipping products is balancing this contradiction: you want to do...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of the hardest things about shipping products is balancing this contradiction: you want to do the best possible work everywhere, but optimizing every piece takes time, and time is finite. I’ve done a poor job here countless times in my career. And I have seen many others...
Explained from First...
The Internet explained from first principles
over a year ago
Placemark is going open source and shutting down also on placemark.io/blog The company and product side of Placemark didn’t work out. Some fantastic,...
a year ago
a year ago
also on placemark.io/blog The company and product side of Placemark didn’t work out. Some fantastic, friendly people used it, but I couldn’t find a way to make it work as a sustainable bootstrapped startup. Building it was incredibly fun. Failing to find success and...
the singularity is...
A dive into the AMD driver workflow I ended up getting a response from high level people at AMD. It was still very light on any real...
a year ago
a year ago
I ended up getting a response from high level people at AMD. It was still very light on any real technical information, but it did include some great phrases like “I am able to replicate the issues you are facing” and some mockable phrases like “We are hoping that this will...
Making software...
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS 2020-05-13 Lately, I've become obsessed with trying to see what I can create using only HTML and CSS (besides websites of course). Since playing with the concept of faking 3D elements, I wanted to circle back around to an older CodePen I...
Basta’s Notes
The state with the fancy plates Book typography-style serifs are for lovers
a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Making Programming Visual, Spatial, and Learnable
over a year ago
Maggie Appleton
Paleolithic Nostalgia
over a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
nsnotifyd-2.1 released I have made a new release of nsnotifyd, a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I have made a new release of nsnotifyd, a tiny DNS server that just listens for NOTIFY messages and runs a script when one of your zones changes. This nsnotifyd-2.1 release includes a few bugfixes: more lenient handling of trailing . in domain names on the command line avoid...
elementary Blog
The System Settings Redesign Has Landed This month the biggest story is System Settings, but we also have some great progress on the new...
8 months ago
8 months ago
This month the biggest story is System Settings, but we also have some great progress on the new Dock and Wayland. Plus a small change to default keyboard shortcuts that you might appreciate. Read ahead to find out the new developments you have to look forward to in the upcoming...
Josh Collinsworth
Alfred vs. Raycast: my constant debate After a year or so of using Raycast, I'm switching back to Alfred. This is what prompted me to make...
a year ago
a year ago
After a year or so of using Raycast, I'm switching back to Alfred. This is what prompted me to make that decision, and why I may or may not stick with it.
7 months ago
GPT-4's rebuttal to Uncensored Models I asked GPT-4 to respond to my previous article "Uncensored Models" because it is more likely to...
a year ago
a year ago
I asked GPT-4 to respond to my previous article "Uncensored Models" because it is more likely to provide civil discourse rather than the shrill demagoguery that my human opponents have tended to employ. I found it interesting and both sides have validity. But my argument is...
Steve Klabnik
The next iteration of my blogs
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing HouseWatch: An open-source toolkit for ClickHouse We are big fans of ClickHouse. We rely on it heavily to store and retrieve the massive amount of...
a year ago
a year ago
We are big fans of ClickHouse. We rely on it heavily to store and retrieve the massive amount of data we process every day. In doing this at scale for…
Elad Blog
Early days of AI Rather then view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it...
a year ago
a year ago
Rather then view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it is worth thinking of this as an entirely new era and discontinuity from the past
David Gerrells
How not to use box shadows So you think you know box shadows huh? I bet you didn't know they could do this.
5 months ago
Jibran’s Perspective
State machines - Why and how to use them in web development. What is a state machine? I think Wikipedia does a very good job of defining a state machine. A...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is a state machine? I think Wikipedia does a very good job of defining a state machine. A finite-state machine (FSM) or finite-state automaton (FSA, plural: automata), finite automaton, or simply a state machine, is a mathematical model of computation. It is an abstract...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Deno De-emphasizes HTTP Imports I’ve been a long-time fan of Deno and their ethos of following the web platform. But I’m not sure...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I’ve been a long-time fan of Deno and their ethos of following the web platform. But I’m not sure how I feel about their latest admission which makes their dependency story more like npm and less like the web. Designing Deno’s module system around HTTP imports was ambitious. It...
Steve Klabnik
Shoes 4 work is starting: get involved!
over a year ago
Create technical leverage: workflow improvements & product capabilities More than a decade ago, I typed up a few paragraphs of notes, titled it “Building Technical...
a year ago
a year ago
More than a decade ago, I typed up a few paragraphs of notes, titled it “Building Technical Leverage,” and proceeded to forget about it. Those notes were from a meeting with Kevin Scott, then SVP Engineering at LinkedIn, while we wandered the Valley trying to convince potential...
Luxury of simplicity by An evergreen blog topic is “writing my own blogging engine because the ones out there are too...
11 months ago
11 months ago
An evergreen blog topic is “writing my own blogging engine because the ones out there are too complicated.” With the risk of stating the obvious: Writing a blog engine, with one customer, yourself, is the most luxuriously simple web application possible. Complexity lies...
Back to Basics: 5 HTML attributes for improved accessibility and user experience by Daniela Kubesch In the fast-paced world of web development, it's easy to get caught up in the...
a year ago
a year ago
by Daniela Kubesch In the fast-paced world of web development, it's easy to get caught up in the latest frameworks, libraries and cutting-edge technologies. But sometimes, the most impactful improvements come from revisiting the fundamentals. In this blog post, I'll guide you...
swyx's site RSS Feed
swyx in 2024 End of Year wraps i was involved in 3 end of year-ish recaps today:
5 days ago
Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis. These are speaking notes for my October 4th, QCon talk in San Francisco. Slides for this talk. Over...
a year ago
a year ago
These are speaking notes for my October 4th, QCon talk in San Francisco. Slides for this talk. Over the course of my career, I’ve frequently heard from colleagues, team members and random internet strangers with the same frustration: the company doesn’t have an Engineering...
A Beautiful Site
A clever way to style the <mark> element I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was checking out the CashNotify app today and I noticed a beautiful style for highlighting text in their testimonials: Most textual highlights use a boring rectangle background color, but this stands out and looks gorgeous. I was really hoping they were using a simple <mark>...
A Smart Bear
Double your productivity without more work or stress People love to say that getting "1% better per day" makes you 37x better after a year, but this...
4 months ago
4 months ago
People love to say that getting "1% better per day" makes you 37x better after a year, but this obviously makes no sense. But 2x better is possible.
Tinloof - Blog
Explain Like I'm Five: Website speed This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and terms easy to understand. In this two minutes read, we'll explain why website speed matters, how to measure it, and how to improve it. Why website speed matters
The Best Resources for Entrepreneurial Developers My background is as a developer, but I've been running my own business since 2008. For advice about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My background is as a developer, but I've been running my own business since 2008. For advice about business, I've always found other entrepreneurial developers are the best source, as they tend to have faced similar challenges to my own. If you're a developer starting your own...
Vadim Kravcenko
Building a side-project So as you noticed, I’m late with my newsletter Issue this week. Everything is fine. I just got...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So as you noticed, I’m late with my newsletter Issue this week. Everything is fine. I just got sidetracked a […] The post Building a side-project appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Digital release of Engineering Executive's Primer. Quick update on The Engineering Executive’s Primer. The book went to print yesterday, and physical...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Quick update on The Engineering Executive’s Primer. The book went to print yesterday, and physical copies will be available in March. Also, as of this moment, you can purchase the digital edition on Amazon, and read the full digital release on O’Reilly. (You can preorder physical...
Stephen Wolfram...
Instant Plugins for ChatGPT: Introducing the Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin Kit This is the first in a series of posts about new LLM-related technology associated with the...
a year ago
a year ago
This is the first in a series of posts about new LLM-related technology associated with the Wolfram technology stack. "Color" with something like: When you set up a plugin, it can contain many endpoints, that do different things. And—in addition to sharing prompts—one reason this...
the singularity is...
A One Way Bridge Okay I went to Devcon. And while there I had a great idea that the crypto space really needs. It...
a month ago
a month ago
Okay I went to Devcon. And while there I had a great idea that the crypto space really needs. It seems like while AI infrastructure has improved by leaps and bounds in the last 5 years, crypto infra has actually gotten worse. I’m proposing some great new infrastructure that the...
37signals Dev
Modern CSS patterns in Campfire Recently, customers who have purchased a copy of ONCE/Campfire were invited to participate in a live...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Recently, customers who have purchased a copy of ONCE/Campfire were invited to participate in a live walk through the app’s CSS code. Campfire was built with vanilla CSS, fully #nobuild without compiling or preprocessors, and uses the latest web platform features available in...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How To Optimize for Change Lessons from React, GraphQL, and Rich Hickey on how to design software that doesn't implode the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Lessons from React, GraphQL, and Rich Hickey on how to design software that doesn't implode the first time requirements change.
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we made something people want It's one thing to build something , it's another to build something that people want . This...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's one thing to build something , it's another to build something that people want . This principle, and the ones that follow in this post…
bt RSS Feed
Using Multiple CSS Background Images Using Multiple CSS Background Images 2018-09-28 It isn’t something developers have a need to do very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Using Multiple CSS Background Images 2018-09-28 It isn’t something developers have a need to do very often, but you can set multiple background images on a single element. Example: .element { background: url('image_path') center repeat, linear-gradient(transparent 0%, #000...
2019 International Developer in Japan Survey Results *This survey has become a yearly thing. Browse [all our survey results](/insights).* If you're an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
*This survey has become a yearly thing. Browse [all our survey results](/insights).* If you're an international software developer looking for a job in Japan, it can be hard to tell what your market rate is. Sure, there's data (in Japanese) for the market as a whole, but that...
#4 link-also-button Bad code <a href="https://example.com"> <button>Example</button> </a> Issues and how to fix...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Bad code <a href="https://example.com"> <button>Example</button> </a> Issues and how to fix them By nesting a button inside of a link, you’re sending two messages: this is a button, but also this is a link. If you’re not sure when to use <a> or <button>, watch The Links vs....
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Tech’s Epithet: “Enabled By Default” I joked on Mastodon: If anyone endeavors to write a book about what went wrong with tech, I have a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I joked on Mastodon: If anyone endeavors to write a book about what went wrong with tech, I have a great suggestion for the title: “Enabled by Default” It seems there really are two hard problems in tech: Naming things Setting good defaults Keeping to scope Anyhow, a little while...
David Heinemeier...
Kamal 1.0 I count my lucky stars that SUSE's pricing for Rancher and Harvester was so ridiculous over the top...
a year ago
a year ago
I count my lucky stars that SUSE's pricing for Rancher and Harvester was so ridiculous over the top for our situation. If they hadn't reached for those million-dollar contracts, we'd probably be stuck in enterprise vendor hell forever, buying over-priced consulting services for...
Hummingbird at the feeder With a recent blast of winter I noticed a few hummingbirds already here so I put up the feeder.Not...
8 months ago
8 months ago
With a recent blast of winter I noticed a few hummingbirds already here so I put up the feeder.Not 30 seconds later, this fella showed up.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How to replace useState with useRef and be a winner React state is the bread and butter of a react app — it's what makes your app dynamic. React state...
over a year ago
over a year ago
React state is the bread and butter of a react app — it's what makes your app dynamic. React state lives in useState, useReducer or in this.state of a class component, and changing it updates your app. But then there's a vast ocean of state not managed by React. This includes...
Joel Gascoigne
Snowmelt meetings “When spring comes, snow melts first at the periphery, because that is where it is most exposed” -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“When spring comes, snow melts first at the periphery, because that is where it is most exposed” - Andy Grove This quote comes from Andy Grove, Intel’s former CEO, and which I was reminded of in the most recent book I finished reading, Seeing Around Corners
Vadim Kravcenko
What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done? Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Dear JK, Congratulations on reaching this pivotal moment with your MVP. It’s an exciting time, but I understand it’s also […] The post What to expect from the dev agency after MVP is done? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“That’s Another Podcast” I’ve long been a fan of the Rich Ziade / Paul Ford podcast duo. They did Track Changes then The...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve long been a fan of the Rich Ziade / Paul Ford podcast duo. They did Track Changes then The Postlight Podcast then The Aboard Podcast then Ziade+Ford, and now (again?) The Aboard Podcast. Through all my listening, one thing I’ve noticed is that they often make comedic...
Jibran’s Perspective
Thoughts on Zettelkasten and the slip box I had a bunch of thoughts yesterday about the Zettelkasten method and how I could use it effectively...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I had a bunch of thoughts yesterday about the Zettelkasten method and how I could use it effectively to manage my knowledge base. I started the day by dumping my thoughts into Logseq. Here they are. These are open questions for now. I plan to investigate this further and try out...
ntietz.com blog
RC Week 11: Learning is best when multiplayer As I come up on the end of my batch at Recurse Center, I've been doing some reflecting on my time...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As I come up on the end of my batch at Recurse Center, I've been doing some reflecting on my time here. One of the standout themes is how much I've learned through struggling with other people. In particular, this learning together has make some difficult topics approachable,...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
On being a great gift-giver I received a great gift that I love
2 months ago
Josh Comeau's blog
Becoming a Software Developer Without a CS Degree A look at how hundreds of developers got their start in the industry despite not having a Computer...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A look at how hundreds of developers got their start in the industry despite not having a Computer Science or Software Engineering degree. We'll sort responses into 6 categories, and detail strategies that you can use to ensure you capture the attention of potential employers!
Steve Klabnik
REST is over
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
The Impossible Product Manager, a.k.a. the "Great" Product Manager According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but don’t worry, there’s a better answer.
bt RSS Feed
Dual Booting OpenBSD and Alpine Linux on a X220 ThinkPad Dual Booting OpenBSD and Alpine Linux on a X220 ThinkPad 2024-07-10 I’ve always found it useful to...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Dual Booting OpenBSD and Alpine Linux on a X220 ThinkPad 2024-07-10 I’ve always found it useful to run both OpenBSD and some form of Linux variation on my personal machines. Most times, I would default to running one OS on bare metal, while the other would simply live in a VM....
Seán Barry
Using snippets in sublime text to speed up your development How to leverage tools like snippets to speed up the development process and increase your...
over a year ago
The Codist
I Am Not Betty, And I Can't Do Anything About It At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number...
a year ago
a year ago
At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number to someone (either by accident or a random number), and it became associated with her name and address. Her home sits atop a giant gas field, and she gets
Josh Comeau's blog
How To Learn Stuff Quickly As software developers, we're always learning new things; it's practically the whole gig! If we can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As software developers, we're always learning new things; it's practically the whole gig! If we can learn to quickly pick up new languages/frameworks/tools, we'll become so much more effective at our job. It's sort of a superpower.
6 months ago
Daniel Marino
Deploying My Eleventy Site to GitHub Pages I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of switching my site to Eleventy was getting deployments to GitHub pages set up. I suppose I could have built my site locally, and then push that to the gh-pages branch, but that felt...
Tinloof - Blog
Figma for developers: all you need to know If you're a frontend developer, you are probably spending as much time on VS Code as on Figma. This...
a year ago
a year ago
If you're a frontend developer, you are probably spending as much time on VS Code as on Figma. This quick read highlights some of the goodies that I personally use to speed up my workflow. A word of caution
Blog System/5
How "new type" helps avoid production outages My January links recap included the “Phantom Types” article by David Soria Parra. In it, the author...
9 months ago
9 months ago
My January links recap included the “Phantom Types” article by David Soria Parra. In it, the author briefly touches upon the “new type” idiom, its typical implementation in Rust, and then proceeds to propose a better alternative. But the question arises: why should you care?
James Vaughan's blog
Putting the Casio F-91W band on an Apple Watch
over a year ago
Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops 2023/06/20 Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops This post contains a transcript of the...
a year ago
a year ago
2023/06/20 Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback Loops This post contains a transcript of the talk I wrote for and gave at QCon New York 2023 for Vanessa Huerta Granda's track on resilience engineering. The official talk title was "Embrace Complexity; Tighten Your Feedback...
Dan Slimmon
Interviewing engineers for diagnostic skills In SaaS, when we’re hiring engineers, we usually imagine that their time will mostly be spent...
10 months ago
10 months ago
In SaaS, when we’re hiring engineers, we usually imagine that their time will mostly be spent building things. So we never forget to interview for skills at building stuff. Sometimes we ask candidates to write code on the fly. Other times we ask them to whiteboard out a sensible...
Darek Kay
GitHub developer statistics Recently, Curtis Einsmann posted some stats from their work as a software engineer. This inspired me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently, Curtis Einsmann posted some stats from their work as a software engineer. This inspired me to check my own impact as an employee: 1002 pull requests shipped 3062 pull requests reviewed 5 years (since migrating to GitHub Enterprise) LOC (lines of code) is a terrible...
Seán Barry
Useful reusable functions I use in (almost) every Meteor application Some core functions I find myself reusing in almost every Meteor.js application I build.
over a year ago
David Heinemeier...
Finishing Hotwire with the introduction of Strada When we announced Hotwire a few years back, it was always meant as a triptych. The center piece is...
a year ago
a year ago
When we announced Hotwire a few years back, it was always meant as a triptych. The center piece is Turbo. That's the drop-in level-up that makes multi-page web apps feel like single-page web apps – without giving up any of the development advantages to server-side programming....
Maggie Appleton
Tools for Thought as Cultural Practices, not Computational Objects
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Getting duplicate ids in an HTML document I needed a way to identify all HTML elements with duplicate IDs. This is a seemingly simple task,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I needed a way to identify all HTML elements with duplicate IDs. This is a seemingly simple task, but unfortunately, I didn't find anything out there that fit the bill. I did find a couple functions that returned the duplicates, but they didn't include the first occurrence (I...
Steve Klabnik
Contributing to Ruby's documentation
over a year ago
Team Charters are a trap. I’m cleaning out old lingering drafts. This one’s on why I dislike Team Charters. Recently an email...
a year ago
a year ago
I’m cleaning out old lingering drafts. This one’s on why I dislike Team Charters. Recently an email came in asking about writing team charters. I’ve worked at a number of companies that asked teams to write charters, and I think it’s an interesting project. That said, it’s not a...
Steve Klabnik
2012: year in review
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
Create a more compelling experience for your users through game mechanics
over a year ago
Words and Buttons...
Sine and cosine Interactive mnemonics and changeable snippets.TL&DR: Sine is like S and cosine is like C. You can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Interactive mnemonics and changeable snippets.TL&DR: Sine is like S and cosine is like C. You can make things like O or 8 by using them both.
The Changelog
Using Yggdrasil As an Automatic Mesh Fabric to Connect All Your Docker Containers, VMs, and Servers Update 2023-04: The version of this page on my public website has some important updates, including...
a year ago
a year ago
Update 2023-04: The version of this page on my public website has some important updates, including how to use broadcast detection in Docker, Yggdrasil zero-config for ephemeral containers, and more. See it for the most current information. Sometimes you might want to run Docker...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Well Known URL For Your Personal Avatar Well-known URLs are pretty neat. I’ve even dared propose one before here on my blog. And now I’m...
a year ago
a year ago
Well-known URLs are pretty neat. I’ve even dared propose one before here on my blog. And now I’m here to propose another: .well-known/avatar The idea is: anybody that owns a domain can put their avatar in a well-known location. I’ve already implemented this for my own site[1]....
Steve Klabnik
Draper 1.0.0.beta2 release
over a year ago
Steve Klabnik
2013: year in review
over a year ago
The Changelog
Facebook Is Censoring People For Mentioning Open-Source Social Network Mastodon Update: Facebook has reversed itself over this censorship, but I maintain that whether the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Update: Facebook has reversed itself over this censorship, but I maintain that whether the censorship was algorithmic or human, it was intentional either way. Details in my new post. Last November, I made a brief post to Facebook about Mastodon. Mastodon is an open-source and...
Josh Comeau's blog
Introducing “Shadow Palette Generator” In order to create lush, realistic shadows in CSS, we need to use multiple layers and colors. How do...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In order to create lush, realistic shadows in CSS, we need to use multiple layers and colors. How do we come up with all of the parameters, though? I've built a tool that'll help.
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Hacktoberfest 2020: Government edition It’s been a tumultuous year, but as the leaves changed I found myself getting excited for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s been a tumultuous year, but as the leaves changed I found myself getting excited for Hacktoberfest again. I am in the middle of buying…
Filtering out bogus requests from Netlify Analytics I host this site on Netlify, and I pay for Netlify Analytics to monitor its performance. It’s...
a year ago
a year ago
I host this site on Netlify, and I pay for Netlify Analytics to monitor its performance. It’s essentially server-side logging with a dashboard on top, and it’s more than sufficient for the very limited analytics I want to do here. One of the dashboard panels is “resources not...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Write My Code For Me _My thoughts to self while weighing adding `netlify functions:create` to Netlify Dev. [Originally a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
_My thoughts to self while weighing adding `netlify functions:create` to Netlify Dev. [Originally a gist](https://gist.github.com/sw-yx/6f97b9d7f3efbfad4c8e5b8a14b5bd27)_
Remains of the Day
Revisionist commentary I don't know that I'm aware of enough entries in this category to even consider it one, but I'm a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don't know that I'm aware of enough entries in this category to even consider it one, but I'm a sucker for the union of political and film satire as embodied in alternate film commentaries. I was reminded of it when seeing The People's History of Tattooine which was first one...
Kagi Blog
Taking web search through the last mile (This piece first appeared on the kagi.ai blog (...
over a year ago
over a year ago
(This piece first appeared on the kagi.ai blog ( https://web.archive.org/web/20200927234617/https://kagi.ai/last-mile-for-web-search.html ) a few short years ago.
Making software...
Never Do Spec Work for Free Never Do Spec Work for Free 2022-11-07 Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Never Do Spec Work for Free 2022-11-07 Your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Let me say that again for the people in the back: your time is valuable and shouldn't be taken for granted. Time is the most precious commodity we have as human beings, so never waste...
Maggie Appleton
Pink, Soft, Glittering Developers
over a year ago
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Reading in 2022 Every book should be read no more slowly than it deserves, and no more quickly than you can read it...
a year ago
a year ago
Every book should be read no more slowly than it deserves, and no more quickly than you can read it with satisfaction and comprehension. – Mortimer J Adler, How to Read a Book My trusty, hated Kindle Reading only “1000 books before you die” used to strike me as unambitious. Then...
A Beautiful Site
Is your product the reason your startup is failing? The idea of launching a product, running your own business, and being your own boss is very...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The idea of launching a product, running your own business, and being your own boss is very appealing. Perhaps that's why so many people risk doing it. The problem is, many of them don't succeed. There are hundreds of reasons a startup can fail, but let's focus on one for a...
Posts on Nikita...
Switching From C++ to Rust Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. I have been writing C++ professionally for the last 4 years...
a year ago
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters. I have been writing C++ professionally for the last 4 years and 3 months ago I started a new job in Rust. I would like to share my experience and thoughts on the transition between 2 languages. Disclaimer: This article is not a C++ vs Rust...
Headless React Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects Part 2: Reconcile All The Things - Memoization, Data Flow and reconciliation Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU Live It is actually pretty easy to build a mediocre headless React today, i.e. an...
David Gerrells
never give up Why do fun project ideas end up dead even when they are feature complete? The fear of unknown timed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Why do fun project ideas end up dead even when they are feature complete? The fear of unknown timed tasks is why I'll tell you what.
Ink & Switch
OS of the future and universal version control In this dispatch we're spotlighting Alexander Obenauer's work on the future of personal computing...
9 months ago
9 months ago
In this dispatch we're spotlighting Alexander Obenauer's work on the future of personal computing and introducing our new research project.
A Smart Bear
More money if you do, more money if you don't A business always takes more money than you expect, even when you take this fact into account....
a year ago
Patrick Kayongo
Familiar Spirits The eerie cold breeze from Fourways Memorial Park cemetery slips into Daudi’s open window during the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The eerie cold breeze from Fourways Memorial Park cemetery slips into Daudi’s open window during the fourth watch of the night. The blue radiance of the moon and the stars fill in for the lights darkened by stage 5 loadshedding. As the nighttime creatures prepare for their...
ntietz.com blog
[Review] "The Circle" by Dave Eggers Surveillance has gotten a lot of media attention lately (and a bit of attention on this very blog),...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Surveillance has gotten a lot of media attention lately (and a bit of attention on this very blog), and for good reason. So, it should be no surprise that it's also turning up in our dystopian novels! "The Circle" is a dystopian novel by Dave Eggers. While fiction, it is set in a...
bt RSS Feed
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts Stop Using Custom Web Fonts 2023-03-14 I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A...
a year ago
a year ago
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts 2023-03-14 I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A rant on web font licenses. I highly recommend you give it a read (it’s relatively short) since Manu makes a solid argument against existing font licenses. After reading, I found...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Circles and Momentum I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently: I like this reminder. I know for me,...
a year ago
a year ago
I had not come across this graphic from swyx until recently: I like this reminder. I know for me, it’s often too easy to slip into a kind of cynicism that only sees endless stationary circles rather than ones with directional momentum. It reminds me of the visualizations of...
Epic Web Dev
Good Code, Testable Code (article) Learn what testability means, how it relates to code complexity, and why it's essential for...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Learn what testability means, how it relates to code complexity, and why it's essential for effective testing.
ntietz.com blog
Recovering from a lost disk: how I setup, backup, and restore dev machines Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my...
a year ago
a year ago
Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my family in Ohio. Fedora had some updates to apply and when it went to come back on after those, I saw the words no one wants to see: Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed....
Julia Evans
Confusing git terminology Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15...
a year ago
a year ago
Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it. So I asked people on Mastodon: what git jargon do you find...
.io considered harmful The .io top-level domain funds and legitimises Britain's exile of the Chagossian people from their...
a year ago
a year ago
The .io top-level domain funds and legitimises Britain's exile of the Chagossian people from their homeland. Here's the history and the facts.
swyx's site RSS Feed
My Three Strikes Rule for Blogging A simple way to decide when and what to write.
over a year ago
David Gerrells
How fast is javascript? Simulating 20,000,000 particles The challenge, simulate 1,000,000 particles in plain javascript at 60 fps on a phone using only the...
5 months ago
A Smart Bear
When should a decision be fast, or slow? Decisions should usually be made quickly, to accelerate action and learning. But sometimes it really...
a year ago
a year ago
Decisions should usually be made quickly, to accelerate action and learning. But sometimes it really is smarter to take your time. Here's how to decide.
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog Launch Week I: A Universe of New Features PostHog made huge strides in 2021. To name just a few landmarks, we: Raised a $15 million Series B...
over a year ago
over a year ago
PostHog made huge strides in 2021. To name just a few landmarks, we: Raised a $15 million Series B ahead of schedule Became one of YC's top-valued…
Blog System/5
EndBASIC 0.11 is here Support for user-defined functions, an LCD, and a disassembler
5 months ago
bt RSS Feed
Enabling Safari Extensions with the macOS Catalina Patcher Enabling Safari Extensions with the macOS Catalina Patcher 2021-09-23 I have an old 2011 MacBook Air...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Enabling Safari Extensions with the macOS Catalina Patcher 2021-09-23 I have an old 2011 MacBook Air that is running the latest version of macOS Catalina thanks to the very wonderful Catalina Patcher by dosdude1. This project has made it possible for me to run and test some of...
A Smart Bear
JIT selection from independent streams: An alternative to the “big backlog” of work We’re often told that a “single-threaded, ordered list” is the correct way to prioritize the work of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We’re often told that a “single-threaded, ordered list” is the correct way to prioritize the work of the future, however this confuses “prioritization” with “work-planning,” and forces the comparison of un-comparable things. Here’s how to solve those problems.
Darek Kay
Delaying asset requests in Eleventy While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading...
a year ago
a year ago
While building my photography portfolio, I've put much effort into optimizing the picture loading behavior. One technique is to provide a visual fallback as long as the images are still loading. First, a static background color included in the markup is displayed. As soon as a...
bt RSS Feed
Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 2024-06-02 I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5 2024-06-02 I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my clubs/projects while using my personal laptop (X220 ThinkPad) which is runs OpenBSD. Since I recently upgraded to OpenBSD 7.5 I thought it could be helpful for others if I shared my...
Epic Web Dev
Upgrade to Conform V1 (tip) Upgrade to Conform V1 and experience simplified form setup, enhanced error handling, and exciting...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Upgrade to Conform V1 and experience simplified form setup, enhanced error handling, and exciting new features.
The Pragmatic...
Interesting startup idea: benchmarking cloud platform pricing A team of 3 developers built a neat platform called Spare Cores that makes cloud instance pricing...
2 months ago
2 months ago
A team of 3 developers built a neat platform called Spare Cores that makes cloud instance pricing more transparent. A deepdive on how exactly they did it.
Ink & Switch
Local First Unconference [2023 / STL]
over a year ago
Tinloof - Blog
10 Shopify SEO best practices with Sanity and Remix Ecommerce competition keeps increasing - for each product you now have dozens of alternatives. As a...
a year ago
a year ago
Ecommerce competition keeps increasing - for each product you now have dozens of alternatives. As a result, CAC (Customer Acquisition Cost) increases, pushing ecommerce business owners to look for more affordable lead generation strategies. SEO is one of them. Online store...
bt RSS Feed
Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher 2020-06-04 Update: This article is no longer relevant since my blog...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Quick and Dirty Theme Switcher 2020-06-04 Update: This article is no longer relevant since my blog design has changed. I’m keeping this post up since it will still be useful for those wanting to implement a theme switcher on their own site. I recently added a fairly...
A Smart Bear
Brittle Points: How to make companies robust Brittleness is when the company fails because just one component breaks. Learn some strategies for...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
Brittleness is when the company fails because just one component breaks. Learn some strategies for fixing Brittle Points.
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Manifest a Meetup This week I was visiting NYC for work reasons, and found myself with a gap on my schedule for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I was visiting NYC for work reasons, and found myself with a gap on my schedule for Thursday night. So I [tweeted out an invite](https://twitter.com/swyx/status/1546219659195826178):
The module pattern really isn't needed anymore by I wrote about this pattern years ago, and wrote an update, and then Classes became broadly available...
12 months ago
12 months ago
I wrote about this pattern years ago, and wrote an update, and then Classes became broadly available in JavaScript. I was kind of skeptical of class syntax when it came out, but now there really isn’t any reason to use any other kind of “class” style than the ES6 syntax. The...
A Smart Bear
Profitable on day one! You're not profitable if you couldn't afford someone else to do your job. $1000/mo isn't profitable....
3 months ago
3 months ago
You're not profitable if you couldn't afford someone else to do your job. $1000/mo isn't profitable. Fix your definition of "profitable," and build a truly profitable business.
Whistler High Note Trail Gorgeous clear day around the back of Whistler Mountain yesterday. Hiked the High Note Trail...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Gorgeous clear day around the back of Whistler Mountain yesterday. Hiked the High Note Trail backwards from Harmony Lake Loop up to the Peak chair.
ntietz.com blog
Making it fast shouldn't be the last step There's a common quote in the software world that you should "make it work, make it right, then make...
a year ago
a year ago
There's a common quote in the software world that you should "make it work, make it right, then make it fast."1 This is a catchy aphorism, and it is often taken as a rule. But in its short form, it misses some crucial nuance. Let's unpack it to see what's missing, then how to do...
Ralph Ammer
J.J. Gibson—The meaning of the world A quick introduction for beginners to J.J. Gibson's ecological approach to visual perception. Gibson...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A quick introduction for beginners to J.J. Gibson's ecological approach to visual perception. Gibson was an American pragmatist and psychologist. The post J.J. Gibson—The meaning of the world appeared first on Ralph Ammer.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
JavaScript Is Enabled by Default in Web Browsers It’s easy to talk bad about JavaScript (or at least its abuse) like it’s some kind of malware. But...
a year ago
a year ago
It’s easy to talk bad about JavaScript (or at least its abuse) like it’s some kind of malware. But it’s worth remembering that JavaScript is enabled by default in web browsers. JavaScript is not so terrible, so harmful, so taboo, so something you shouldn’t use that it’s turned...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
On being “currently based anywhere” Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating that I was based out of Atlanta. I…
Recently Reading Since last time, I read a few books: Sea of Tranquility, a book club book, Doppelganger, the...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Reading Since last time, I read a few books: Sea of Tranquility, a book club book, Doppelganger, the new Naomi Klein, and Manywhere, a collection of short stories. Sea of Tranquility was very digestible sci-fi. I haven’t read that much sci-fi overall, so it’s probably inaccurate...
Deploys Are The ✨WRONG✨ Way To Change User Experience This piece was first published on the honeycomb.io blog on 2023-03-08. …. I’m...
a year ago
a year ago
This piece was first published on the honeycomb.io blog on 2023-03-08. …. I’m no stranger to ranting about deploys. But there’s one thing I haven’t sufficiently ranted about yet, which is this: Deploying software is a terrible, horrible, no good, very bad way to go about the...
Steve Klabnik
Introducing metadown
over a year ago
Confessions of a...
Are Function Calls Still Slow in Python? An Analysis of Recent Optimizations in CPython How costly it is to call functions and builtins in your python code? Does inlining help? How have...
4 months ago
4 months ago
How costly it is to call functions and builtins in your python code? Does inlining help? How have the recent CPython releases improved performance in these areas?
Making software...
Clickable Links Inside XML Clickable Links Inside XML 2022-06-20 With the recent patch to the Shinobi Website project, I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Clickable Links Inside XML 2022-06-20 With the recent patch to the Shinobi Website project, I thought it would be best to share my experience implementing clickable links inside a rendered XML RSS file directly through a browser. This is made possible thanks to the awesome power...
elementary Blog
Big new features and a mountain of bug fixes elementary OS 7 has been out for just over a month now and I’m excited to announce the first round...
a year ago
a year ago
elementary OS 7 has been out for just over a month now and I’m excited to announce the first round of updates to our latest operating system includes both great feature updates and a long list of fixes for reported issues. As you may know, we prioritize our work based on your...
elementary Blog
Happy Holidays! We Come Bringing Gifts! It’s only been a little over 2 weeks since we released elementary OS 8, but we’re already back with...
a week ago
a week ago
It’s only been a little over 2 weeks since we released elementary OS 8, but we’re already back with updates just in time for the holidays! Terminal The headliner this month is Terminal which comes with a bunch of fixes and new features thanks to Jeremy. It now uses the more...
A Beautiful Site
What is my browser? This tool will tell you Last week I wrote about how to get faster and better help from support. One of my suggestions was to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week I wrote about how to get faster and better help from support. One of my suggestions was to tell them what browser, OS, etc. you're using. Here's a free tool that will make that so much easier. As soon as you visit About My Browser, it will show you what browser and...
Daniel Marino
How I Manage Projects As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there is a right or wrong way to manage projects, I do think there are some methods that can yield better results. I’m hardly an expert in this area, but I’d like to share some of the...
API Design: In The Wild (part 2) In a previous post we looked at some real-world APIs, highlighting the good and the bad, and in this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a previous post we looked at some real-world APIs, highlighting the good and the bad, and in this post we’re going to do the same! › Python’s datetime.datetime Most experienced Pythonistas have written something like this at some point in their career: import datetime now =...
David Heinemeier...
System tests have failed When we introduced a default setup for system tests in Rails 5.1 back in 2016, I had high hopes. In...
7 months ago
7 months ago
When we introduced a default setup for system tests in Rails 5.1 back in 2016, I had high hopes. In theory, system tests, which drive a headless browser through your actual interface, offer greater confidence that the entire machine is working as it ought. And because it runs in...
Liz Denys
Some not-so-secrets of my kitchen I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I spend a lot of time sharing the secrets of my cooking and my baking, but today, I'm sharing some of the secrets of my kitchen. Actually, they're not so secret to anyone who's had a peek around my kitchen. Oven thermometer(s) For about five dollars, you can ensure your cookies...
Announcing the 2021 International Developers in Japan Survey The 2021 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The 2021 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be helping other developers living here better understand the experience of their peers, and also help people considering making the move here understand what working here is actually...
Vadim Kravcenko
Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations First, I planned on calling this article “Mastering the Art of Estimations: A Definitive Guide for...
a year ago
a year ago
First, I planned on calling this article “Mastering the Art of Estimations: A Definitive Guide for Developers”, but then who […] The post Rules of Thumb for Software Development Estimations appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
The Changelog
The xz Issue Isn’t About Open Source You’ve probably heard of the recent backdoor in xz. There have been a lot of takes on this, most of...
8 months ago
8 months ago
You’ve probably heard of the recent backdoor in xz. There have been a lot of takes on this, most of them boiling down to some version of: The problem here is with Open Source Software. I want to say not only is that view so myopic that it pushes towards the incorrect, but also it...
Making software...
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you're an RSS subscriber, I've probably blown...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Yet Another Static Site Generator Switch 2022-07-06 If you're an RSS subscriber, I've probably blown up your feed reader (again). This seems to be an on-going theme with this blog. I can't help it. This website now uses my new Pandoc-based static blog generator: pblog. I won't go...
Seán Barry
A Realisation About Fitness No matter how much I run, or how much I lift weights, it never gets easier. There's always a part of...
a year ago
a year ago
No matter how much I run, or how much I lift weights, it never gets easier. There's always a part of me that wants to stop, and there's always another part of me fighting to push through. This is how I deal with that internal battle.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Embeds and Quotations in Writing Chris wrote “0 KB Social Media Embeds” and it got me thinking about my own approach to embeds and...
a year ago
a year ago
Chris wrote “0 KB Social Media Embeds” and it got me thinking about my own approach to embeds and quotations in my writing. A lot of my blogging is quoting other people. I remember debating the use of social embeds on my blog because I quoted a lot of things on Twitter. But I...
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware March 2023 The Ware for March 2023 is the controller board from a Hövding 3 “Airbag for Urban Cyclists”....
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for March 2023 is the controller board from a Hövding 3 “Airbag for Urban Cyclists”. Congrats to jackw01 for arriving at the correct answer! congrats, email me for your prize. This one was surprisingly difficult to guess from just the PCB alone, but once the associated...
The Pragmatic...
Is the “AI developer”a threat to jobs – or a marketing stunt? One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman...
7 months ago
7 months ago
One startup released “the first AI software engineer,” while another aims to build a “superhuman software engineer.” As intimidating as these sound: what if it’s more marketing than reality?
Remains of the Day
The John Wick Universe is Cancel Culture “Si vis pacem para bellum” translated “If you want peace, prepare for...
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Bacon cheddar scallion biscuit sliders Earlier this week, I made bacon cheddar scallion biscuits because I had been craving an especially...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this week, I made bacon cheddar scallion biscuits because I had been craving an especially savory breakfast bread option for those mornings that you wake up a little bit later than you'd like. Nothing too fancy, just fifteen traditional country biscuits except that I...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.9.0 First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without...
over a year ago
over a year ago
First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without this community - thank you for all your issues…
Oxide Computer...
March 2020 Update Hello friends! I want to start by saying we wish you the very best during this unprecedented time in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hello friends! I want to start by saying we wish you the very best during this unprecedented time in which we are all united. Our thoughts go out to everyone working hard to help those in need. We wish you and your families health and resilience. Hard at work…​ and growing A lot...
Preventing form submission with zero Javascript Want to trigger an action? Use a button element. They’re great. Want to also prevent form submission...
a year ago
a year ago
Want to trigger an action? Use a button element. They’re great. Want to also prevent form submission when someone clicks that button? Put down the JavaScript, friend. I have a better suggestion: <button type="button"> Button action goes here </button> And that’s it! No ...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cite Your Sources, AI In a recent note of mine, I quoted Jaron Lanier on AI chatbots: There are two ways this could go....
a year ago
a year ago
In a recent note of mine, I quoted Jaron Lanier on AI chatbots: There are two ways this could go. One is that we pretend the bot is a real thing, a real entity like a person, then in order to keep that fantasy going we’re careful to forget whatever source texts were used to have...
David Heinemeier...
Basecamp turns 20 On February 5, 2004, we released the first version of Basecamp to the world. It was built to solve...
10 months ago
10 months ago
On February 5, 2004, we released the first version of Basecamp to the world. It was built to solve our own problems running client projects as an agency where we found email alone to be lacking. The first version was really just the basics: Messages, todo lists, milestones. We...
More (self-)publishing thoughts. I recently got an email asking about self-publishing books, and wanted to summarize my thinking...
10 months ago
10 months ago
I recently got an email asking about self-publishing books, and wanted to summarize my thinking there. Recapping my relevant experience, I’ve written three books: An Elegant Puzzle was published in 2019 as a manuscript by Stripe Press (e.g. I wrote it and then it was released as...
Basta’s Notes
Go fix your bugs An exploration of some bugs you might not have known that you had
a year ago
Taking regular screenshots of my website A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A few weeks ago I was reading the DPC Bit List, an inventory of digital materials and the risks associated with their long-term preservation. What formats need urgent attention before they’re lost forever, what mediums are already being well-preserved, and so on. For example,...
Hyperfocus and hobbies &rarr; One of the last things I did at Wellcome Collection was writing a story about hyperfocus and how it...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the last things I did at Wellcome Collection was writing a story about hyperfocus and how it affects my cross-stitch. I’m really proud of this one, and I hope you’ll consider reading. Writing for Stories was one of my “bucket list” items while working at Wellcome, and I...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Advice on Blogging In Manuel’s series People and Blogs, he asked me: Given your experience, if you were to start a blog...
a year ago
a year ago
In Manuel’s series People and Blogs, he asked me: Given your experience, if you were to start a blog today, would you do anything differently? I gave my answer, but I wanted to expand on it. These kinds of questions are interesting to me. As readers, I think the answer we’re...
Josh Comeau's blog
My Wonderful HTML Email Workflow If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you've ever had the misfortune of being tasked with building a template for HTML emails, you know it's tricky business! In this blog post, I share the approach I took to build responsive, client-friendly emails without a single tag.
Engineer’s Codex
How Fireship became YouTube's favorite programmer How Fireship wins YouTube
2 months ago
David Heinemeier...
Back in the market (Sonos Edition) I've been a Sonos megafan for years. Owned probably two dozen devices for different homes. Mainly...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I've been a Sonos megafan for years. Owned probably two dozen devices for different homes. Mainly amps for in-ceiling speakers, but also some Ones, 3s, 5s. All of it. Because it Just Worked when it came to multi-room music. Now it doesn't, and it hasn't for a long time, so I've...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
HTML Web Components I think the word “component” in “web components” confused a lot of people — at least it did me. “Web...
a year ago
a year ago
I think the word “component” in “web components” confused a lot of people — at least it did me. “Web components” sounded like the web platform’s equivalent to “React components”. JSX had <MyComponent> and now the web had <my-component>. But when you try building web components...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: How Hyper-Threading (Simultaneous Multithreading) Works — A Microarchitectural... Learn about the microarchitecture implementation of SMT & its performance implications
6 months ago
Physics and perception. At one point in 2019, several parts of Stripe’s engineering organization were going through a polite...
5 months ago
5 months ago
At one point in 2019, several parts of Stripe’s engineering organization were going through a polite civil war. The conflict was driven by one group’s belief that Java should replace Ruby. Java would, they posited, address the ongoing challenge of delivering a quality platform in...
Neil Panchal
Quantum Lorem Ipsum I got tired of Lorem Ipsum text and created Quantum Lorem Ipsum, now with 100% more physics jargon!...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I got tired of Lorem Ipsum text and created Quantum Lorem Ipsum, now with 100% more physics jargon! To those who are not familiar, Lorem Ipsum is a piece of latin text, comprised of multiple paragraphs, that is used as a placeholder during the design process of building a page
MMapped blog
IC internals: Internet Identity storage
over a year ago
Joel Gascoigne
I have no idea what I am doing * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I want to give a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * I want to give a special thanks to my co-founder Leo [http://leostartsup.com] who listened to and discussed some of these thoughts with me before I turned them into a blog post. In the last few...
Seán Barry
What is TypeScript and why should I use it? A beginner's guide to TypeScript. What is TypeScript? What problems does it solve? Why should I use...
over a year ago
Paolo Amoroso's...
I mothballed Free Python Books <![CDATA[I shut down Free Python Books, the list of Python books that are free to read online or...
9 months ago
9 months ago
<![CDATA[I shut down Free Python Books, the list of Python books that are free to read online or download I had been maintaining since 2019. I archived the project's GitHub repo, which is now read-only and no longer accepts contributions. If you're interested you're welcome to...
Steve Klabnik
Resque 1.25.0.pre has been released
over a year ago
Alex MacCaw
Common logical fallacies surrounding capitalism We live in an age of extreme abundance compared to our ancestors. This fact isn’t often reflected in...
5 months ago
5 months ago
We live in an age of extreme abundance compared to our ancestors. This fact isn’t often reflected in Western media or online discourse. Indeed, there is a growing sentiment that ‘the system isn’t working’, ‘the system is rigged’,  and that ‘
Steve Klabnik
Seriously: numbers: use them!
over a year ago
The Changelog
Try the Last Internet Kermit Server $ grep kermit /etc/services kermit 1649/tcp What is this mysterious protocol? Who uses it and what...
a year ago
a year ago
$ grep kermit /etc/services kermit 1649/tcp What is this mysterious protocol? Who uses it and what is its story? This story is a winding one, beginning in 1981. Kermit is, to the best of my knowledge, the oldest actively-maintained software package with an original developer...
A Beautiful Site
I should have been asking my users this from the start Feedback is critical to an app's success. How will you know what to fix or improve on if your users...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Feedback is critical to an app's success. How will you know what to fix or improve on if your users don't tell you? It seems obvious, but here is something I should have been asking my users from the start. Getting the right feedback is critical # When someone signs up for my...
A Smart Bear
It's a torturous chaos until it isn't Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Even at wildly successful startups, the first few years are gut-wrenching, uncertain, on the brink of collapse, where pessimism is realism, and yet optimism is required.
Lennart Koopmann
Documentation Belongs in Engineering Many product companies start out with a very heavy focus on their engineering teams. At some point,...
a year ago
a year ago
Many product companies start out with a very heavy focus on their engineering teams. At some point, many companies move the hosting and writing of documentation out of engineering and into a separate part of the company. It could be marketing, it could be customer success. This...
Remains of the Day
TikTok and the Sorting Hat I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people with other dominant worldviews, though I am not a strict adherent. It’s more that in many situations when people ascribe causal power to something other than culture, I’m...
A Beautiful Site
Design Systems Are An Investment It's hard to put a value on a design system. It's a lot easier to add up the costs of said design...
a year ago
a year ago
It's hard to put a value on a design system. It's a lot easier to add up the costs of said design system, especially in terms of salaries and development time. It's even easier to target a design system as the thing that's holding up a product from getting delivered. The truth...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Switching Discussing why we need Switches in a network and how they work
over a year ago
Happy New Year: the Sultan’s Riddle in SQL Here is a riddle I read a long time ago in Nauka i Zhizn, a popular Russian science magazine. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here is a riddle I read a long time ago in Nauka i Zhizn, a popular Russian science magazine. The Sultan's Riddle Once upon a time there was a Sultan who was looking for a vizier to help him rule his country. It became known to him that among the multitudes of his loyal subjects...
Two examples of hover styles on images I enjoy adding :hover styles to my websites. A good hover style reminds me of how fast and...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I enjoy adding :hover styles to my websites. A good hover style reminds me of how fast and responsive our computers can be, if we let them. For example, I add a thicker underline when you hover over a link on this site, and it appears/disappears almost instantly as I move my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why Svelte? (The Short Version) The short version of Why Svelte
over a year ago
Julia Evans
Why is DNS still hard to learn? I write a lot about technologies that I found hard to learn about. A while back my friend Sumana...
a year ago
a year ago
I write a lot about technologies that I found hard to learn about. A while back my friend Sumana asked me an interesting question – why are these things so hard to learn about? Why do they seem so mysterious? For example, take DNS. We’ve been using DNS since the 80s (for more...
Darek Kay
Style your RSS feed RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech...
a year ago
a year ago
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people do not know what RSS feeds are or how to use them. Most browsers render RSS as raw XML files, which doesn't help users understand what it's all about: In...
Steve Klabnik
Too many words about Rust's function syntax
a year ago
Making software...
Blogging for 7 Years Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven...
a year ago
a year ago
Blogging for 7 Years 2023-06-24 My first public article was posted on June 28th 2016. That was seven years ago. In that time, quite a lot has changed in my life both personally and professionally. So, I figured it would be interesting to reflect on these years and document it for...
ReadME contribution on reliability programs. I was excited to contribute an article, Move past incident response to reliability to Github’s The...
a year ago
a year ago
I was excited to contribute an article, Move past incident response to reliability to Github’s The ReadME project. This topic was particularly on my mind when I wrote it towards the end of last year, when I was focused on my Infrastructure Engineering project. That project is a...
Joel Gascoigne
Ratio thinking * Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve...
over a year ago
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share] * * Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add] * Something I’ve found difficult to completely embrace, but which understanding has been super important, is the idea that there is a ratio for everything. I’ve started to call this Ratio Thinking,...
Basta’s Notes
Microwaves piss me off If you’ve spent enough time around me, you’ve probably already heard this rant. I’m upset about...
a year ago
a year ago
If you’ve spent enough time around me, you’ve probably already heard this rant. I’m upset about microwaves.
Words and Buttons...
Error codes are not numbers. But they are. Can we exploit that? People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
People do it with different feelings. Sometimes with pride for a clever solution, sometimes with guilt for an obscure hack. Which is odd since there is nothing particularly hacky about it. The ISO/IEC 14882 is ok with it. The IEEE 754 is ok with it. So why is it a hack and not a...
swyx's site RSS Feed
writing Advice Some thoughts on writing your first few writings
over a year ago
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, August 2023 The Ware for August 2023 is shown below. Thanks to adrian for sharing this ware! Adrian sent me...
a year ago
a year ago
The Ware for August 2023 is shown below. Thanks to adrian for sharing this ware! Adrian sent me several wonderful photos, and the whole thing is actually pretty neat to look at. However, for better or for worse the parts in the ware are so unique that most of them resolve to an...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Find programming work by increasing luck surface area Antonio asked on HN: How do I earn a small amount of money to sustain myself as a developer? I wrote...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Antonio asked on HN: How do I earn a small amount of money to sustain myself as a developer? I wrote a response centered around increasing luck surface area. This essay expands on it because I’ve seen this a few times now: good developers asking how to find work while botching...
Blog - Bitfield...
Cryptography in Go: AES implementation The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s...
7 months ago
7 months ago
The AES cipher is complicated in principle, but the code isn’t all that scary in practice. Let’s take a look at the implementation in the Go standard library. Even I can understand it!
General Robots
Bonus: Art Process Talkin' 'bout doodles
a year ago
Seán Barry
Presentation: Pushing Compute to the Browser Exporting vast quantities of data from platforms is common, but queues, scaling & latency pose...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Exporting vast quantities of data from platforms is common, but queues, scaling & latency pose technical and real-world problems. Using a number of modern solutions like HTTP 2, web workers and careful state management with redux we can offload the work to the browser and deliver...
Liz Denys
Hold back on some of the sweet tooth: citrus almond poundcake When I had come across an article on "sneaking" citrus almond poundcake out of a food processor in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I had come across an article on "sneaking" citrus almond poundcake out of a food processor in Mark Bittman's column, I realized that it had been too long since I had even eaten poundcake. Further, this one was flavored like oranges and marzipan - two of my favorite flavors -...
David Heinemeier...
Multi-tenancy is what’s hard about scaling web services Computers have gotten so ridiculously fast that there is scarcely any organization in the world that...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Computers have gotten so ridiculously fast that there is scarcely any organization in the world that can overwhelm a web-based information system running on a single server. All the complexity and sophistication required to run web services today stem from multi-tenancy. From...
The Codist
I Learned How To Program 50 Years Ago In the fall of the 1973-1974 school year, my public high school offered a class in computer...
a year ago
a year ago
In the fall of the 1973-1974 school year, my public high school offered a class in computer programming. This class was rare for its time, as there were few computers in the world accessible for students, and most people had no idea what they could do other than seeing HAL
A Smart Bear
How to measure the accuracy of forecasts How do you assess forecasts, when the forecast is only a probability? It's not just about accuracy....
11 months ago
11 months ago
How do you assess forecasts, when the forecast is only a probability? It's not just about accuracy. Let's dive into the math.
swyx's site RSS Feed
You Already Use Types _[Published on Freecodecamp](https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/you-already-use-types/)_
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
I'm hopeful but wary of "empathic" AI A couple of months ago, one of my friends told me about a startup called Hume. I was primed to be...
7 months ago
7 months ago
A couple of months ago, one of my friends told me about a startup called Hume. I was primed to be skeptical, except that I trust this friend to have a somewhat balanced perspective on this topic. He'd talked to some people there and read their site and generally felt a good vibe...
David Heinemeier...
Open source is neither a community nor a democracy Using open source software does not entitle you to a vote on the direction of the project. The gift...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Using open source software does not entitle you to a vote on the direction of the project. The gift you've received is the software itself and the freedom of use granted by the license. That's it, and this ought to be straight forward, but I repeatedly see that it is not (no...
Marketing yourself as a developer As a developer, I've learned that no matter how good a product I build is, for the product to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As a developer, I've learned that no matter how good a product I build is, for the product to succeed, it also takes good marketing. The same is true for you as a developer in the job market: while solid technical skills are necessary to land great jobs, your ability to sell...
Fuck It, We'll Do It Live How the Live effect run-time is implemented In this post I describe how the Live run-time...
a year ago
a year ago
How the Live effect run-time is implemented In this post I describe how the Live run-time internals are implemented, which drive Use.GPU. Some pre-existing React and FP effect knowledge is useful. I have written about Live before, but in general terms. You may therefor have...
Liz Denys
Peppermint brownie cookies, because chocolate was made to be rich I've never understood the common obsession with chocolatey baked goods that aren't insanely rich....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've never understood the common obsession with chocolatey baked goods that aren't insanely rich. Don't get me wrong - I like chocolate - but that's just it, I like chocolate, not a pinch of cocoa flavor. Chocolate chip cookies always tasted better to me with the chips on the...
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Logic programming in C++ When you write in C++ you actually write in two languages at once. First is C++, and the second one...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When you write in C++ you actually write in two languages at once. First is C++, and the second one is the invisible Prolog. If written properly, the second program is helpful. However, if being neglected, it turns your code into an untangleable mess of incomprehencibles...
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #14 Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
Engineer’s Codex
Meta reveals their serverless platform processing trillions of function calls a day XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more...
a year ago
a year ago
XFaaS is Meta's private platform for "Hyperscale and Low Cost Serverless Functions." It is more efficient than AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, and Google Cloud Functions.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Randomized Optimization Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
over a year ago
ntietz.com blog
[Review] "Data and Goliath" by Bruce Schneier I just finished reading Bruce Schneier's latest book, "Data and Goliath." I was apprehensive at...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I just finished reading Bruce Schneier's latest book, "Data and Goliath." I was apprehensive at first -- I'm a big fan of Schneier's posts online, but I found this randomly at the library and I was hoping not to be disappointed. In the end, it was well worth the read. The book...
Code Of Honor
Whose bug is this anyway?!? At a certain point in every programmer’s career we each find a bug that seems impossible because the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
At a certain point in every programmer’s career we each find a bug that seems impossible because the code is right, dammit! So it must be the operating system, the tools or the computer that’s causing the problem. Right?!? Today’s story is about some of those bugs I’ve discovered...
Steve Klabnik
over a year ago
Liz Denys
Cocoa brownies Cocoa brownies are pretty magical, i.e. particularly good at staying soft and gooey, and Alice...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Cocoa brownies are pretty magical, i.e. particularly good at staying soft and gooey, and Alice Medrich's ingredient list is nearly flawless. (Okay, okay, I can never truly stick to a recipe as written. Here, I prefer a little more vanilla extract and like to put a pinch of flaky...
Miguel Carranza
Effective code review Fortunately, I don’t think the necessity of code review is a controversial topic these days for most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Fortunately, I don’t think the necessity of code review is a controversial topic these days for most tech companies1. However, it is not always implemented as well as it should. In this post, I will describe some practices that I try to follow when opening pull requests, and that...
Fathy Boundjadj
Forking Chrome to turn HTML into SVG I've been working on a program called html2svg, it converts web pages to SVG. It's based on a fork...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I've been working on a program called html2svg, it converts web pages to SVG. It's based on a fork of Chromium to support modern web standards. This post explains most patches. Take a picture Chromium is built on top of Blink: an HTML engine forked from WebKit, and Skia: a 2D...
Low Power Mode on the Mac Laptop battery life is decreasingly relevant to me as more airplanes offer power outlets. But...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Laptop battery life is decreasingly relevant to me as more airplanes offer power outlets. But sometimes you lose that lottery, as I did on my latest 8-hour daytime flight. Apple’s “Up to 10 hours” claim doesn’t apply to my work,1 which is usually a mix of Xcode, web browsing, and...
6 months ago
Greg Brockman
Recurse Center Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a certain point requires more than one person. So if you want to build, it’s important to do so as part of a welcoming, collaborative environment. One environment I’ve long admired is...