David Heinemeier...
Living with Linux and Android after two decades of Apple
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to...
5 months ago
It now seems laughable that only a few months ago, I was questioning whether I'd actually be able to switch off the Apple stack and stick to my choice. That's what two decades worth of entrenched habits will do to your belief in change! But not only was it possible, it's been...
The Changelog
Really Enjoyed Jason Scott’s BBS Documentary
Like many young programmers of my age, before I could use the Internet, there were BBSs. I...
over a year ago
Like many young programmers of my age, before I could use the Internet, there were BBSs. I eventually ran one, though in my small town there were few callers. Some time back, I downloaded a copy of Jason Scott’s BBS Documentary. You might know Jason Scott from textfiles.com and...
#21 Legendary legend!
Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text.
Bad code
over a year ago
Context: A button that expands and collapses a section of text.
Bad code
<button class="panel-heading" tabindex="0" href="#collapse0" aria-expanded="true">
<legend> Industries Served </legend>
Issues and how to fix them
legend is not allowed as a child of any other...
swyx's site RSS Feed
You Can Run Containers on AWS Amplify Now
AWS just added the easiest way to deploy long running serverful code alongside a serverless...
over a year ago
AWS just added the easiest way to deploy long running serverful code alongside a serverless architecture.
Joel on Software
The next CEO of Stack Overflow
We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m stepping out of the day-to-day and up to the...
over a year ago
We’re looking for a new CEO for Stack Overflow. I’m stepping out of the day-to-day and up to the role of Chairman of the Board. Read more "The next CEO of Stack Overflow"
Continued Fraction Streams
over a year ago
Increasingly miffed about the state of React releases by
I am, relative to many, a sort of React apologist. Even though I’ve written at length about how it’s...
a year ago
I am, relative to many, a sort of React apologist. Even though I’ve written at length about how it’s not good for every problem, I think React is a good solution to many problems. I think the React team has good intentions. Even though React is not a solution to everything, it a...
Julia Evans
Making crochet cacti
I noticed some tech bloggers I follow have been making April Cools Day posts about topics they don’t...
9 months ago
I noticed some tech bloggers I follow have been making April Cools Day posts about topics they don’t normally write
about (like decaf or microscopes). The goal isn’t to
trick anyone, just to write about something different for a day.
I thought those posts were fun so here is a...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Persisting State to localStorage in Recoil Across Browser Tabs
I was working on a project using Recoil for state management in React.
I needed to persist some...
a month ago
I was working on a project using Recoil for state management in React.
I needed to persist some state to localStorage, and there’s some info on how to do it in Recoil’s docs.
That works; however it doesn’t respond to state changes from other instances of your app in multiple...
Starting off right: Where autofocus shines
by Kilian Valkhof
Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to...
a month ago
by Kilian Valkhof
Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to navigate your site with the keyboard or other assistive technologies, and it's how a browser knows which form element you're typing in. It's vital to get right if you want to build good...
Tony Finch's blog
Safe memory reclamation for BIND
At the end of October, I finally got my multithreaded qp-trie
working! It could be built with two...
a year ago
At the end of October, I finally got my multithreaded qp-trie
working! It could be built with two different concurrency control
A reader/writer lock
This has poor read-side scalability, because every thread is
hammering on the same shared location. But its write...
Evan Jones -...
The C Standard Library Function isspace() Depends on Locale
This is a post for myself, because I wasted a lot of time understanding this bug, and I want to be...
a year ago
This is a post for myself, because I wasted a lot of time understanding this bug, and I want to be able to remember it in the future. I expect close to zero others to be interested. The C standard library function isspace() returns a non-zero value (true) for the six "standard"...
Steve Klabnik
Deleuze for Developers: will smooth space/open source suffice to save us?
over a year ago
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Sriracha Fight!! 🥊
At the birthplace of the famous rooster sauce. by
Paul Narvaez
There’s plenty...
a year ago
At the birthplace of the famous rooster sauce. by
Paul Narvaez
There’s plenty of sriracha—unless you’re looking for the brand anyone
Huy Fong Foods, Inc’s Sriracha vanished from stores, and they have
no idea when it’ll be back.
So, driven by the...
Dan Slimmon
5 production surprises worth investigating
As an SRE, I’m a vocal believer in following one’s nose: seeking out surprising phenomena and...
a year ago
As an SRE, I’m a vocal believer in following one’s nose: seeking out surprising phenomena and getting to the bottom of them. By adopting this habit, we can find and fix many classes of problems before they turn into incidents. Over time, this makes things run much smoother. But...
Greg Brockman
Recurse Center
Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a...
over a year ago
Coding requires collaboration. As Andrew Bosworth said recently: doing anything meaningful past a certain point requires more than one person. So if you want to build, it’s important to do so as part of a welcoming, collaborative environment.
One environment I’ve long admired is...
Julia Evans
New zine: How Integers and Floats Work
Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work!
You can get it for $12...
a year ago
Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work!
You can get it for $12 here:
https://wizardzines.com/zines/integers-floats, or get
an 13-pack of all my zines here.
Here’s the cover:
the table of contents
Here’s the table of contents!
Now let’s...
ntietz.com blog
Building a digital vigil for those we've lost
This post is hard to write in a lot of ways.
It's more personal than most I've written.
This is...
a year ago
This post is hard to write in a lot of ways.
It's more personal than most I've written.
This is presumptively a tech blog, and this piece is about so much more than technology.
But it's important.
Making things, software or otherwise, is ultimately about people.
One of the ways I...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A demostration of fixing a bug from Medley's debugger
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
11 months ago
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
This allows, for example, to correct a bug by inspecting, editing, fixing, and resuming a program that breaks and lands in the debugger because of an error. To gain familiarity with the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How To Deploy a Django App to Render.com
Messing around learning Django and deploying
over a year ago
Messing around learning Django and deploying
Tony Finch's blog
BIND9 dnssec-policy appendices
Here are some miscellaneous unsorted notes about BIND9’s
dnssec-policy that turned out not to be...
7 months ago
Here are some miscellaneous unsorted notes about BIND9’s
dnssec-policy that turned out not to be useful in my previous blog
posts, but which some readers might find informative. Some of them I
learned the hard way, so I hope I can make it easier for others!
contents of key...
Engineer’s Codex
Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
5 months ago
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
On Progress
The known unknown knowns we lost
When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to...
over a year ago
The known unknown knowns we lost
When people think of George Orwell's 1984, what usually comes to mind is the orwellianism: a society in the grip of a dictatorial, oppressive regime which rewrote history daily as if it was a casual matter.
Not me though. For whatever reason,...
Stephen Wolfram...
Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics
This is part 1 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second...
a year ago
This is part 1 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics 2. A 50-Year Quest: My Personal Journey with the Second Law of Thermodynamics 3. How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the Second Law of Thermodynamics...
Nelson's Weblog
Restic is good backup software.
It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various
11 months ago
Restic is good backup software.
It’s a command line tool for backing up filesystems to various
local and remote options. It is well
documented, easy to set up, secure, and quite fast. It’s a very
professional product. I am now backing up all my Linux systems with it.
Note it’s a...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
You Are What You Read, Even If You Don’t Always Remember It
Here’s Dave Rupert (from my notes):
the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand...
8 months ago
Here’s Dave Rupert (from my notes):
the goal of a book isn’t to get to the last page, it’s to expand your thinking.
I have to constantly remind myself of this. Especially in an environment that prioritizes optimizing and maximizing personal productivity, where it seems if you...
Darek Kay
Style your RSS feed
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech...
a year ago
RSS is not dead. It is not mainstream, but it's still a thriving protocol, especially among tech users. However, many people do not know what RSS feeds are or how to use them. Most browsers render RSS as raw XML files, which doesn't help users understand what it's all about:
My Blog Engine is the Erlang Build Tool
From time to time, people ask me what I use to power my blog, maybe because they like the minimalist...
4 months ago
From time to time, people ask me what I use to power my blog, maybe because they like the minimalist form it has. I tell them it’s a bad idea and that I use the Erlang compiler infrastructure for it, and they agree to look elsewhere.
After launching my notes section, I had to...
bt RSS Feed
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Default radio inputs are notoriously horrible looking and are...
over a year ago
Easy Custom Radio Inputs
Default radio inputs are notoriously horrible looking and are something designers tend to over-think when trying to customize them. Let’s walk through how to create custom radio buttons with pure CSS, while still preserving performance and...
Tony Finch's blog
obfuscated C revisited
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly
revamped web site, and the Judges have...
3 days ago
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly
revamped web site, and the Judges have announced the 28th contest, to
coincide with its 40th anniversary. (Or 41st?)
The Judges have also updated the archive of past winners so
that as many of them as possible work on modern...
A Smart Bear
"It's a Balance" isn't always the answer
Resolve decision-making conflicts by selecting the right approach: Make a bold choice, synthesize a...
6 months ago
Resolve decision-making conflicts by selecting the right approach: Make a bold choice, synthesize a new solution, or find the balance.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why JavaScript Tooling Sucks
JavaScript Tooling is just too hard to use, and it's not your fault.
over a year ago
JavaScript Tooling is just too hard to use, and it's not your fault.
Alice GG
How to publish your Godot game on Mac
Since 2019, Apple has required all MacOS software to be signed and notarized.
This is meant to...
3 months ago
Since 2019, Apple has required all MacOS software to be signed and notarized.
This is meant to prevent naive users from installing malware while running software from unknown sources.
Since this process is convoluted, it stops many indie game developers from releasing their Godot...
Joel Gascoigne
What online gaming taught me about startups
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over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Whilst researching for the Achieving overnight success: Kevin Systrom
[https://joel.is/post/22436341176/achieving-overnight-success-kevin-systrom] piece
I published two weeks ago, I was excited to...
Recurse Center Day 10: Learning Distributed Systems
How does one start learning to build distributed systems?
over a year ago
How does one start learning to build distributed systems?
Joel Gascoigne
What it's really like to grow a team when you're focused on culture-fit
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It’s often...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
It’s often interesting to look back and think about how much I’ve learned in the
past year or two. Especially areas where I almost had no understanding at all.
Company culture is one of those...
Moving to Hugo
some personal notes to remember the migration effort from Pelican to Hugo
over a year ago
some personal notes to remember the migration effort from Pelican to Hugo
Epic Web Dev
Only use GET and POST (tip)
Learn about the limitations of using HTTP methods other than GET and POST for form submissions and...
a year ago
Learn about the limitations of using HTTP methods other than GET and POST for form submissions and how it can affect the user experience.
swyx's site RSS Feed
A Developer's Guide to Startup Fundraising
A Brief Guide to Startup Fundraising Terminology for Beginners
over a year ago
A Brief Guide to Startup Fundraising Terminology for Beginners
Dan Slimmon
Huh! as a signal
We can never predict with certainty what the next system failure will be. But we can predict,...
a year ago
We can never predict with certainty what the next system failure will be. But we can predict, because painful experience has taught us, that some or all of the causes of that failure will be surprising.
We can use that!
Vadim Kravcenko
Database Migrations
I consider database migrations one of the most annoying problems to deal with during a software...
a year ago
I consider database migrations one of the most annoying problems to deal with during a software engineer’s life. Not only […]
The post Database Migrations appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
PostHog's RSS Feed
A non-coders thoughts on ‘Everybody Codes’ - Part Two
One of PostHog’s values is that everybody codes. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to be a developer,...
over a year ago
One of PostHog’s values is that everybody codes. That doesn’t mean everyone needs to be a developer, but we do encourage everyone to practice the…
ntietz.com blog
return "reflections on a batch";
There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch.
I'm not sure...
over a year ago
There's a tradition at Recurse Center of writing a Return Statement after your batch.
I'm not sure of the origin of the terminology, but it seems like it's a pun on the return statement in programming languages.
It's a great tradition, and it gives me a good motivator to reflect...
Executive translation.
One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts
is Extract the Kernel, which argues
that executives...
3 months ago
One of my most unexpectedly controversial posts
is Extract the Kernel, which argues
that executives are generally directionally correct but specifically wrong,
and it’s your job to understand the overarching direction without getting
distracted by the narrow errors in their...
Renaming an Active Record has_one_attached Attachment: A Step-by-Step Guide
Recently, we had a piece of code that looked something like this:
a year ago
Recently, we had a piece of code that looked something like this:
has_one_attached :resumee
Does it look a little off to you? I’m sure you’ve seen (or even perpetrated) a scenario like this before, where you name something and when you revisit the code later you...
Ink & Switch
10 · Beyond prose
We experiment with bringing lightweight branching, diffs, and a chat-like history to diagramming and...
9 months ago
We experiment with bringing lightweight branching, diffs, and a chat-like history to diagramming and spreadsheet tools.
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
The Apple Vision Pro and the future of workspaces
Around the beginning of 2022, my girlfriend and I were taking a hike overlooking Camps Bay. And...
a year ago
Around the beginning of 2022, my girlfriend and I were taking a hike overlooking Camps Bay. And while the vistas were gorgeous, I was waving my arms about and describing the future of virtual reality. Having worked as a game developer in the VR space for several years (back...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
The most useful programming language
Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly...
12 months ago
Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly work with JS — solid choice, but everyone and their dog learns JS these days, so it might be time to add some diversity. I'm curious — which single programming language covers the...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Is your babel's transform-runtime getting lazy? You better check.
IE11 is not dead yet, and our library is supposed to run there and make russian grandmas happy. As...
over a year ago
IE11 is not dead yet, and our library is supposed to run there and make russian grandmas happy. As you can guess, we rely on babel's preset-env a lot. We also don't want our code to be 55% babel helpers, so we use babel's transform-runtime — it should make babel import someHelper...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Network Security
What is Traffic Engineering?
over a year ago
What is Traffic Engineering?
ntietz.com blog
Personnel update
This is inspired by receiving a "personnel update" when a friend was fired many years ago. It felt...
3 months ago
This is inspired by receiving a "personnel update" when a friend was fired many years ago. It felt coldly impersonal for such a deeply personal event, so I imagined what it would be like if the same approach were taken to other deeply personal events.
* * *
Subject: Personnel...
Stephen Wolfram...
We’ve Got a Science Opportunity Overload: It’s Time to Launch the Wolfram Institute!
Suddenly There’s Just So Much New Science to Do Something remarkable has happened these past two...
over a year ago
Suddenly There’s Just So Much New Science to Do Something remarkable has happened these past two years. For 45 years I’ve devoted myself to building a taller and taller tower of science and technology—which along the way has delivered many outputs of which I’m quite proud. But...
Letters of Note
I have the best mother in the world
Few people have fought harder for the plight of African-Americans than Martin Luther King Jr., a...
over a year ago
Few people have fought harder for the plight of African-Americans than Martin Luther King Jr., a minister and activist who spent most of his all-too-brief life leading the civil rights movement only to be stopped by a bullet in Memphis in 1968. He was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
The “je ne sais quoi” of TikTok
Note: When I originally wrote this post, TikTok oEmbeds did not auto-play. I recommend pausing them...
over a year ago
Note: When I originally wrote this post, TikTok oEmbeds did not auto-play. I recommend pausing them and pressing play when ready to view…
Joel Gascoigne
Maximize your excitement
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’m a huge...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
I’m a huge believer of the lean startup movement and the concept of validating
ideas as quickly as possible. I think wasted time and resources are disastrous
and no matter how much you love an...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“The macOS App Icon Book” IRL
Guess what I received in the mail today?
You likely guessed it from the title, but I’ll say it...
11 months ago
Guess what I received in the mail today?
You likely guessed it from the title, but I’ll say it anyway: The macOS App Icon Book.
(If you didn’t catch it, I’ve written previously about my contribution to its prequel.)
This one got funded on Kickstarter a few months back and,...
David Heinemeier...
Beautiful motivations
Programmers are often skeptical of aesthetics because they frequently associate it with veneering. A...
7 months ago
Programmers are often skeptical of aesthetics because they frequently associate it with veneering. A thin sheen of flashy marketing design covering up for a rotten or deficient product. Something that looks good from afar, but reveals itself to be a disappointing imitation up...
Blog - Bitfield...
Being a good co-worker is your job now
In the final part of this series on the world of work, we’ll talk about how
not to suck at...
a year ago
In the final part of this series on the world of work, we’ll talk about how
not to suck at meetings.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Bringing AWS to App Developers
Where Amplify fits in AWS' trajectory, and why I am joining
over a year ago
Where Amplify fits in AWS' trajectory, and why I am joining
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware June 2023
The Ware for June 2023 is a Sony TR-733 “7-transistor radio” from the mid 1960’s. I’ll give the...
a year ago
The Ware for June 2023 is a Sony TR-733 “7-transistor radio” from the mid 1960’s. I’ll give the prize to Pedro Rodrigues, because even though the model number isn’t correct, as far as I can tell the portion of the electronics shown is identical between the TR-729 and the TR-733....
swyx's site RSS Feed
Static Svelte: JavaScript Blogging with 93% less JavaScript
This blog now uses [Svelte & Sapper](https://sapper.svelte.dev/) as a static site generator, where...
over a year ago
This blog now uses [Svelte & Sapper](https://sapper.svelte.dev/) as a static site generator, where it [previously used React & Gatsby](https://5d7699e172ae430007210374--scout-videos-51664.netlify.com/writing/moving-to-novela). This is achieved through [Sapper's `sapper export`...
swyx's site RSS Feed
I'm Writing A Book!
I'm writing a Dev Career Advice book... and I'm scared shitless!
over a year ago
I'm writing a Dev Career Advice book... and I'm scared shitless!
bt RSS Feed
CSS Variables
CSS Variables
The CSS language is becoming even more awesome and powerful everyday. In...
over a year ago
CSS Variables
The CSS language is becoming even more awesome and powerful everyday. In this quick article I’d like to focus specifically on the “new” CSS variable function that you can start using in your projects right now.
Getting started is easy
Let’s just jump...
A link on a logo in the header, what should the alt-text be?
by Rian Rietveld
It's a common pattern to use a logo in the header as a link to the homepage.
a month ago
by Rian Rietveld
It's a common pattern to use a logo in the header as a link to the homepage.
Fun fact: the alt text of the image inside a link, will be added to the link text.
The problem with linking a logo is that it serves 2 purposes:
a logo, that tells you which site you are...
Epic Web Dev
Testing Accessibility with Keyboard (article)
Learn how to improve keyboard accessibility in web apps, ensuring an inclusive experience for all...
3 months ago
Learn how to improve keyboard accessibility in web apps, ensuring an inclusive experience for all users, including those using assistive technologies.
David Heinemeier...
Open source is neither a community nor a democracy
Using open source software does not entitle you to a vote on the direction of the project. The gift...
7 months ago
Using open source software does not entitle you to a vote on the direction of the project. The gift you've received is the software itself and the freedom of use granted by the license. That's it, and this ought to be straight forward, but I repeatedly see that it is not (no...
Dan Quach Blog
State of Data Engineering 2023 Q2
When looking at data engineering for your projects, it is important to think about market...
a year ago
When looking at data engineering for your projects, it is important to think about market segmentation. In particular, you might be able to think about it in four segments Small Data – This refers to scenarios where companies have data problems (organization, modeling,...
General Robots
The Mythical Non-Roboticist
What if everyone could do robotics? That would be great, right? We should make a software framework...
9 months ago
What if everyone could do robotics? That would be great, right? We should make a software framework so that non-roboticists can program robots.This idea is so close to a correct idea that it's hard to tell why it's a mistake.
The Changelog
Fast, Ordered Unixy Queues over NNCP and Syncthing with Filespooler
It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces...
over a year ago
It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces ordered execution of jobs that may arrive out of order. After writing this for the nth time in bash, I decided it was time to do it properly. But first, a word on the why of it all....
Julia Evans
The "current branch" in git
Hello! I know I just wrote a blog post about HEAD in git, but I’ve been
thinking more about what the...
9 months ago
Hello! I know I just wrote a blog post about HEAD in git, but I’ve been
thinking more about what the term “current branch” means in git and it’s a
little weirder than I thought.
four possible definitions for “current branch”
It’s what’s in the file .git/HEAD. This is how the git...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Software Defined Networking
Why Software Defined Networking is taking the networking world by storm
over a year ago
Why Software Defined Networking is taking the networking world by storm
bt RSS Feed
Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
I recently wrote about working with...
6 months ago
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build a couple of my Jekyll projects locally:
NotImplementedError: dart-sass for...
Tinloof - Blog
Asynchronous JavaScript - what is it? (Promises, callbacks, async/await)
JavaScript code is executed synchronously. In other words, from top to bottom and one line at a...
over a year ago
JavaScript code is executed synchronously. In other words, from top to bottom and one line at a time.
First, the code will execute the function and know what to return when getText() is called.
Then it assigns the getText() function to the variable text.
Vadim Kravcenko
Can an offshore dev agency steal your code?
Congrats on becoming a CTO and on immediately thinking of dipping your toes into the world of...
a year ago
Congrats on becoming a CTO and on immediately thinking of dipping your toes into the world of offshore development agencies. […]
The post Can an offshore dev agency steal your code? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bt RSS Feed
Installing Custom Fonts on Linux from the Command Line
Installing Custom Fonts on Linux from the Command Line
Installing custom fonts is a...
over a year ago
Installing Custom Fonts on Linux from the Command Line
Installing custom fonts is a fairly streamlined feature on operating systems like MacOS and Windows. Linux, on the other hand, struggles to make this workflow easy for everyday users. Many newcomers tend to get...
Guix for development
This wonderful
article by
Marius Bakke (thanks for using
Haunt btw!) about guix shell hit the orange...
over a year ago
This wonderful
article by
Marius Bakke (thanks for using
Haunt btw!) about guix shell hit the orange website front page recently. I left a comment
to the effect of “hell yeah I use it for all my projects!” and someone
asked me for an example of what I do. I sent them some links...
Renegade Otter
I am not your Cloud person
Jack of all clouds
In an episode of
Screaming in the Cloud podcast,
Corey Quinn, a cloud services...
a year ago
Jack of all clouds
In an episode of
Screaming in the Cloud podcast,
Corey Quinn, a cloud services expert, mentioned a running prank that he sometimes pulls on Amazon engineers: Quinn
inserts a fictional AWS service name into the conversation, with the AWS person not batting an...
Writing an engineering strategy.
Once you become an engineering executive, an invisible timer starts ticking in the background.
a year ago
Once you become an engineering executive, an invisible timer starts ticking in the background.
Tick tick tick. At some point that timer will go off,
at which point someone will rush up to you demanding an engineering strategy.
It won’t be clear what they mean, but they will want...
Making software...
Do You Have an Extra $10?
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little...
over a year ago
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little things that we spend $10 on. Maybe it's a couple coffees over the course of a week. Maybe it's a TV streaming subscription. Maybe it's an impulse buy while we're out shopping for...
A Smart Bear
Fermi ROI: Fixing the ROI rubric
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail...
over a year ago
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail to produce the best answers, and fail to create explanations that help others understand why they’re the best answers. This system works.
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 9 best GDPR-compliant analytics tools
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) places significant restrictions on how you can use...
a year ago
The GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) places significant restrictions on how you can use tools like Google Analytics to track and collect user…
bt RSS Feed
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
I often stumble upon large data sets or table...
10 months ago
Please Make Your Table Headings Sticky
I often stumble upon large data sets or table layouts across the web. When these tables contain hundreds of rows of content, things become problematic once you start to scroll…
This should be a header
Look at that table header...
ntietz.com blog
Optimize sprint points to get nowhere fast
As developers, we can be metric obsessed. We tend to like objective measures of things. 99th...
a year ago
As developers, we can be metric obsessed. We tend to like objective measures of things. 99th percentile request times, CPU percentage, disk utilization. Nothing escapes our attempts to quantify it, not even our productivity: enter story points1.
We measure our productivity in...
David Heinemeier...
Optimize for bio cores first, silicon cores second
A big part of the reason that companies are going ga-ga over AI right now is the promise that it...
3 months ago
A big part of the reason that companies are going ga-ga over AI right now is the promise that it might materially lower their payroll for programmers. If a company currently needs 10 programmers to do a job, each have a cost of $200,000/year, then that's a $2m/year problem. If AI...
elementary Blog
OS 8 Now Available in Early Access
I’m super excited to let you know that OS 8 builds are available in Early Access and they are now...
11 months ago
I’m super excited to let you know that OS 8 builds are available in Early Access and they are now installable! While we highly recommend you don’t run these experimental builds in production, they’re perfect for trying in a virtual machine or a spare computer. Early Access is a...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, December 2024
The ware for December 2024 is shown below. This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it...
3 days ago
The ware for December 2024 is shown below. This one should be a cakewalk, and I’m mostly sharing it because I had trouble searching for a recent example at an image quality sufficient to make out most of the part numbers. Maybe this can help someone else in a similar fix! Warm...
Daniel Marino
GitHub Game Off 2021 Retrospective
Recently, I completed the GitHub Game Off. With over 500 entries, this is the largest game jam I’ve...
over a year ago
Recently, I completed the GitHub Game Off. With over 500 entries, this is the largest game jam I’ve been a part of. I had some lofty goals for this game, and I just about met them all. I’m extremely happy with how the game came out!
Like prior games I’ve made, I don’t tend to...
ntietz.com blog
Asheville is in crisis right now.
They're without drinking water, faucets run dry, and it's...
2 months ago
Asheville is in crisis right now.
They're without drinking water, faucets run dry, and it's difficult to flush toilets.
As of yesterday, the hospital has water (via tanker trucks), but 80% of the public water system is still without running water.
Things are really bad.
Lots of...
David Heinemeier...
Back to America
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time...
a year ago
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time this summer. The original reasons for temporarily emigrating – the prolonged school lockdowns and other pandemic madness – have long since evaporated, and we've had a solid chance...
Joel Gascoigne
How coffee shops helped my startup
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Right now I’m...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
Right now I’m sat in a great coffee shop in Tel Aviv writing this blog post.
It’s got a casual feel to it which is relaxing, yet there are people here with
laptops hustling away. I come here
PostHog's RSS Feed
Introducing Data Management for PostHog
PostHog is growing fast. In just the last year we've measured ~36.5B total events ingested in...
over a year ago
PostHog is growing fast. In just the last year we've measured ~36.5B total events ingested in PostHog Cloud, and hundreds of self-hosted users reached…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ensembles vs Committees
A useful dichotomy for team dynamics.
over a year ago
A useful dichotomy for team dynamics.
Computer Things
Why do regexes use `$` and `^` as line anchors?
Next week is April Cools! A bunch of tech bloggers will be writing about a bunch of non-tech topics....
9 months ago
Next week is April Cools! A bunch of tech bloggers will be writing about a bunch of non-tech topics. If you've got a blog come join us! You don't need to drive yourself crazy with a 3000-word hell essay, just write something fun and genuine and out of character for you.
But I am...
Dan Slimmon
Incident metrics tell you nothing about reliability
When an incident response process is created, there arise many voices calling for measurement. “As...
a year ago
When an incident response process is created, there arise many voices calling for measurement. “As long as we’re creating standards for incidents, let’s track Mean-Time-To-Recovery (MTTR) and Mean-Time-To-Detection (MTTD) and Mean-time-Between-Failures (MTBF)!” they say things...
Words and Buttons...
Trippy polynomials in arctangent scale
This shows the global properties of polynomials, their derivatives, and explains how the Maclaurine...
over a year ago
This shows the global properties of polynomials, their derivatives, and explains how the Maclaurine and Taylor series work all with animated plots in arctangent scale.
Vadim Kravcenko
How to promote your SaaS without being an ass?
There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always...
over a year ago
There’s several things to remember when promoting your SaaS without coming off as an ass: Always provide value when promoting. […]
The post How to promote your SaaS without being an ass? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
swyx's site RSS Feed
REST Endpoint + CRUD with AWS Lambda and DynamoDB in 2 minutes
A lightning fast overview of everything you need to know to set up a REST endpoint with full CRUD...
over a year ago
A lightning fast overview of everything you need to know to set up a REST endpoint with full CRUD capability with AWS Lambda, DynamoDB and AWS Amplify in 2 minutes.
Vadim Kravcenko
Doing Self-Promotion on Reddit the right way
As an indie founder, self-promotion is key to your success. But it’s also tricky – if you do it...
over a year ago
As an indie founder, self-promotion is key to your success. But it’s also tricky – if you do it wrong, […]
The post Doing Self-Promotion on Reddit the right way appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Computer Things
Stroustrop's Rule
Just finished two weeks of workshops and am exhausted, so this one will be light.
Hanuka Sale
3 weeks ago
Just finished two weeks of workshops and am exhausted, so this one will be light.
Hanuka Sale
Logic for Programmers is on sale until the end of Chanukah! That's Jan 2nd if you're not Jewish. Get it for 40% off here.
Stroustrop's Rule
I first encountered Stroustrop's Rule on this...
ntietz.com blog
teleportation does exist
from OR to recovery room
I left something behind
not quite a part of...
3 months ago
teleportation does exist
from OR to recovery room
I left something behind
not quite a part of myself
—unwelcome guests
poisoning me
from the inside
no longer welcome
Words and Buttons...
[e-book] So You Think You Know C? And TenMore Short Essays on Programming Languages
Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most...
over a year ago
Can’t say that running away from complexity was a smart thing to do. It was definitely not the most productive way to create software. The journey, however, has taught me a few things so it was not a complete waste of time either.
This book is a reflection of these lessons. It...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A fix for duplicate definitions in Femtounit
<![CDATA[I finally fixed a longstanding duplicate definitions issue with Femtounit, my Interlisp...
9 months ago
<![CDATA[I finally fixed a longstanding duplicate definitions issue with Femtounit, my Interlisp unit test framework.
Femtounit creates a new File Manager type for unit tests, TESTS. DEFTEST, which defines a test, adds an entry of type TESTS and expands into an internal function...
swyx's site RSS Feed
3 Tips from Kent C Dodds for People Just Getting Started
advice for beginners from a podcast
over a year ago
advice for beginners from a podcast
Tinloof - Blog
How to build a stopwatch with HTML, CSS, and plain JavaScript (Part 1)
This series of articles is made out of two parts:
In this first part, we build the stopwatch's user...
over a year ago
This series of articles is made out of two parts:
In this first part, we build the stopwatch's user interface with HTML and CSS.
In the second part, we'll make the user interface functional with JavaScript (the stopwatch works).
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.17.0
Having launched major features in our previous release such as Session Recording and apps ,...
over a year ago
Having launched major features in our previous release such as Session Recording and apps , over the past two weeks we worked extremely hard to…
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Swipe Files Strategy for Part Time Creators
Swipe Files are underrated, passively compounding sources of personal leverage for your creator...
over a year ago
Swipe Files are underrated, passively compounding sources of personal leverage for your creator journey.
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] Mathematical analysis explained with Python, blood, and TNT
A brief introduction to mathematical analysis with a little SymPy on the side. The page explains how...
over a year ago
A brief introduction to mathematical analysis with a little SymPy on the side. The page explains how to disassemble a function, and how to assemble it back from the derivatives.
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for exploring the Flickr API →
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API.
They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.25.0
PostHog 1.25.0 is here! Read about our new features, why we're giving 1M events for free to...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.25.0 is here! Read about our new features, why we're giving 1M events for free to everyone, and find out who are the 6 new team members we've onboarded.
Paolo Amoroso's...
Adding an Exec command and File Browser support to Insphex
<![CDATA[I implemented the last features originally planned for Insphex, my hex dump tool in Common...
6 months ago
<![CDATA[I implemented the last features originally planned for Insphex, my hex dump tool in Common Lisp for Medley Interlisp.
The first new feature is an Exec command for invoking the program. The command HD works the same way as the function INSPHEX:HEXDUMP and accepts the...
Uncensored Models
I am publishing this because many people are asking me how I did it, so I will...
a year ago
I am publishing this because many people are asking me how I did it, so I will...
MMapped blog
The off-chain reporting protocol
11 months ago
Web Components FTW!
by Chris Ferdinandi
Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create...
a year ago
by Chris Ferdinandi
Web Components are a collection of technologies that you can use to create reusable custom elements, with built-in interactivity, automatically scoped (or encapsulated) from the rest of your code.
They have a wide range of features and functionality (some...
Haunt 0.3.0 released
Haunt version 0.3.0 has been released! It’s been just over 2 years
since the last release, and many...
10 months ago
Haunt version 0.3.0 has been released! It’s been just over 2 years
since the last release, and many fixes and improvements have been
accumulated so this is long overdue!
About Haunt
Haunt is a static site generator that uses the Guile Scheme as its
configuration language. It...
bt RSS Feed
"This Key is Useless Now. Discard?"
“This Key is Useless Now. Discard?”
The title of this article probably triggers nostalgic...
4 months ago
“This Key is Useless Now. Discard?”
The title of this article probably triggers nostalgic memories for old school Resident Evil veterans like myself. My personal favourite in the series (not that anyone asked) was the original, 1998 version of Resident Evil 2 (RE2). I...
Founder's blog
Clearing Nginx Proxy Cache for Wildcard URLs: A DIY Guide
Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a...
a year ago
Sometimes you find yourself in a situation where you need to clear the Nginx proxy cache for a specific set of URLs, particularly those following a wildcard pattern like www.website.com/folder/*. Surprisingly, Nginx, in its standard offering, doesn't provide a straightforward way...
A Beautiful Site
Converting a URL Object to a Plain Object in JavaScript
I needed to convert a URL object to a plain object yesterday. You might have used it before. It's...
a year ago
I needed to convert a URL object to a plain object yesterday. You might have used it before. It's pretty handy for working with URLs!
const url = new URL('https://example.com/');
// URL {origin: 'https://example.com', protocol: 'https:', username: '',...
Alex Meub
Building a Removable Bike Basket for the Yepp Rack
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my...
4 months ago
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my Yepp rear rack. I also use my rack with a child seat (the Yepp Maxi) which has a mechanism that allows it to attach and detach easily without sacrificing safety. I was thinking it...
Vadim Kravcenko
Should I quit my well-paid job to start a startup?
Short answer: Do it in your spare time. Dip your toes into the startup world without going full...
a year ago
Short answer: Do it in your spare time. Dip your toes into the startup world without going full crazy. Test […]
The post Should I quit my well-paid job to start a startup? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Custom Elements, At Minimum, Only Need End With a Hyphen
Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid...
6 months ago
Scott Jehl reached out to help me resolve a conundrum in my post about what constitutes a valid custom element tag.
The spec says you can have custom elements with emojis in them. For example:
But for some reason the Codepen where I tested this wasn’t...
Blog - Bitfield...
Iterators in Go
Iterators in Go are a neat way to write “lazy loops”, where we never
generate more results than we...
5 months ago
Iterators in Go are a neat way to write “lazy loops”, where we never
generate more results than we actually use. Let’s see what that would look
like in Go programs, and what new facilities it gives us in the standard
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.15.0
Hey there! It's been a while... With our last release being over a month ago, this new release has...
over a year ago
Hey there! It's been a while... With our last release being over a month ago, this new release has the largest changelog to date, with 175 PRs merged…
Joel Gascoigne
The next step in Buffer’s social media journey
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Can you remember where you were seven years...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
Can you remember where you were seven years ago?
I was in my apartment in Birmingham, UK, coding up the very first version of Buffer as a tool to schedule tweets.
So much has changed since then: the Buffer product has
Control the Viewport Resize Behavior on mobile with `interactive-widget`
by Bramus
figcaption {
font-size: 0.8em;
text-align: center;
Viewports units on...
a month ago
by Bramus
figcaption {
font-size: 0.8em;
text-align: center;
Viewports units on mobile have been a problem for a long time. Using 100vh is most likely not exactly what you initially expected it to be. To fix this, the CSS Working Group came up with more units over...
Radioactive film lenses and Geiger counter Kit
Last week marked the ten year anniversary of the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami that...
over a year ago
Last week marked the ten year anniversary of the Japanese earthquake and resulting tsunami that caused the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster. In the years following that tragic event, flotsam began arriving on the Pacific West Coast. Volunteers making great effort to return...
Computer Things
What I look for in empirical software papers
Behind on the talk and still reading a lot of research papers on empirical software engineering...
7 months ago
Behind on the talk and still reading a lot of research papers on empirical software engineering (ESE). Evaluating a paper studying software engineers is a slightly different skill than evaluating other kinds of CS papers, which feel a little closer to hard sciences or...
Tony Finch's blog
getentropy() vs RAND_bytes()
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months:
There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024....
3 months ago
A couple of notable things have happened in recent months:
There is a new edition of POSIX for 2024. There’s lots of
good stuff in it, but today I am writing about getentropy()
which is the first officially standardized POSIX API for getting
cryptographically secure random...
Steve Klabnik
Rust's documentation is about to drastically improve
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Reflexive McLuhanism
First we shape X, then X shapes us.
over a year ago
First we shape X, then X shapes us.
Ink & Switch
01 · Universal version control
We believe that simple, powerful, universal version control tools could help all kinds of creators...
10 months ago
We believe that simple, powerful, universal version control tools could help all kinds of creators produce better work.
Vadim Kravcenko
Fundraising for SaaS Startups
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help...
over a year ago
This article is part of the series called Founders Guide which I’m writing currently to help early-stage founders tackle the […]
The post Fundraising for SaaS Startups appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
ntietz.com blog -...
Debugging my wife's alarm clock
My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately.
Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't...
2 months ago
My wife's alarm clock has been acting up lately.
Sporadic at first but then every day, it wouldn't blare in the morning at the set time.
Instead, when it was supposed to go off it would... reset itself.
The time would start flashing in that "I'm confused because the power went...
A Smart Bear
Fermi ROI: Fixing the ROI rubric
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail...
over a year ago
“Maximum value in minimum time.” Sounds good in theory, but traditional rubrics surreptitiously fail to produce the best answers, and fail to create explanations that help others understand why they’re the best answers. This system works.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Netlify Year One - 360 Review
I thought I would write a quick coda to my [Netlify Year...
over a year ago
I thought I would write a quick coda to my [Netlify Year One](https://www.swyx.io/writing/netlify-year-one) Recap. That post was entirely me looking back at myself. It's helpful to see what others said about me at my review.
Steve Klabnik
An introduction to economics under capitalism
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
The Day I Became A Software Engineer
A single mindset shift that changed my entire attitude to software.
over a year ago
A single mindset shift that changed my entire attitude to software.
Fathy Boundjadj
Forking Chrome to render in a terminal
I wrote about forking Chrome to turn HTML to SVG two months ago, today we're going to do something...
a year ago
I wrote about forking Chrome to turn HTML to SVG two months ago, today we're going to do something similar by making it render into a terminal.
Let me introduce you to the Carbonyl web browser!
Read more..
A Beautiful Site
What can you do with a single <div>?
If I told you to make something using only CSS and a single <div>, would you be able to create...
over a year ago
If I told you to make something using only CSS and a single <div>, would you be able to create something incredible?
That's exactly what Lynn Fisher has been doing with A Single Div. Using only a single HTML element and some CSS, she's created some shockingly complex artwork...
Tinloof - Blog
How to build an Auto-Playing Slideshow with React
In this article we'll build an auto-playing slideshow using React.
The article is divided into two...
over a year ago
In this article we'll build an auto-playing slideshow using React.
The article is divided into two sections:
The trick
Joel Gascoigne
Reflecting on ways to bootstrap a startup
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
If you are a...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
If you are a first time startup founder, or have done a few projects but are
still working either full-time or freelancing part-time, you are likely to
struggle to find investment for your startup...
Epic Web Dev
Contribute an Epic Stack Example (tip)
How to create an Epic Stack example to help others and get new features built into the Epic Stack.
a year ago
How to create an Epic Stack example to help others and get new features built into the Epic Stack.
Ognjen Regoje •...
Don't write
Content farms and AI are doing a great job at producing content that is good enough for most...
a year ago
Content farms and AI are doing a great job at producing content that is good enough for most people.
We don’t need more good quality, niche, carefully crafted content.
So, if you are thinking about starting a blog, a Substack, a Twitter account or something similar, please know...
ntietz.com blog
Paper review: Concurrency Control Performance Modeling
Another week, another paper!
This week for our Red Book reading group, I read "Concurrency Control...
over a year ago
Another week, another paper!
This week for our Red Book reading group, I read "Concurrency Control Performance Modeling" by Rakesh Agrawal, Michael J. Carey, and Miron Livny.
It was 46 pages, and I had a little trouble finding the whole paper—many of the Google Scholar links had...
MMapped blog
IC internals: Internet Identity storage
over a year ago
Don Melton
Happy twentieth to Safari and WebKit
Safari and WebKit aren’t teenagers anymore. I just want to make note of that. To quote a previous...
over a year ago
Safari and WebKit aren’t teenagers anymore. I just want to make note of that. To quote a previous post:
On June 25, 2001, I arrived at Apple Computer to lead the effort in building a new Web browser. It was also Ken Kocienda’s first day on the job, both at Apple and on that same...
Video of Solving the Eng Strategy crisis.
A few weeks ago, I shared my script for my latest talk,
Solving the Engineering Strategy...
a year ago
A few weeks ago, I shared my script for my latest talk,
Solving the Engineering Strategy crisis,
which I gave at QCon last week.
They’ll have the conference video up in a few weeks, but I also decided to do a recording
of the final version (albeit a few weeks after the talk, so...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scraping my Twitter Social Graph with Python and Selenium
Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
over a year ago
Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
Revisiting Fundamentals - Semantic lists for Improved Accessibility
by Winnie Bosibori
Lists are one of the fundamental semantic HTML configurations that, when...
a year ago
by Winnie Bosibori
Lists are one of the fundamental semantic HTML configurations that, when implemented appropriately can enhance accessibility.
HTML Lists Refresher
Whenever I visit any website, I have formed the habit of checking for any accessibility issues and delving deeper...
One day we'll have a fully customisable select
Today, I want to look at a proposed HTML feature that may end up replacing a lot of <div>s-based...
over a year ago
Today, I want to look at a proposed HTML feature that may end up replacing a lot of <div>s-based custom input components: <selectmenu>.
CSS is awesome
I realise this calendar is about HTML. And I'll get to that. But first, let me start with CSS. CSS is fantastic, because it has...
Steve Klabnik
Hypermedia API reading list
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why Tailwind CSS
Why I changed my mind on Tailwind CSS, and why I now consider it the Goldilocks Styling Solution
over a year ago
Why I changed my mind on Tailwind CSS, and why I now consider it the Goldilocks Styling Solution
bt RSS Feed
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
I recently came across Adam Silver’s post about...
over a year ago
Bidirectional Scrolling: Why Not Both?
I recently came across Adam Silver’s post about the merits and pitfalls of bidirectional scrolling and found myself conflicted with the design arguments put forth in the article. It’s a very good article overall, and I suggest...
My Own AI Server Cluster
When a16z generously sponsored Dolphin, I had some compute budget, and because the original...
a year ago
When a16z generously sponsored Dolphin, I had some compute budget, and because the original dolphin-13b was a flop, I had some time to go back to the drawing board. When I was ready to train the next iteration, I reconsidered whether to rent or buy the compute for the build. I...
Dan Quach Blog
Accurate Predictions
In November 2020, I read the book Apollo’s Arrow after hearing Dr Christakis on NPR’s Fresh Air....
a year ago
In November 2020, I read the book Apollo’s Arrow after hearing Dr Christakis on NPR’s Fresh Air. Somewhere midway through this book, this paragraph stood out to me: “Either way, until 2022, Americans will live in an acutely changed world—they will be wearing masks, for example,...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
A case for stacked patches 📚
I’m wondering why you talk about “branches” at all. No such thing
should exist.
– Linus Torvalds,...
a year ago
I’m wondering why you talk about “branches” at all. No such thing
should exist.
– Linus Torvalds, 2005, git@vger.kernel.org
Git branches are hard to think about.
But “GitHub”
forces you to think about branches. A lot.
Instead of futzing with GitHub’s feature branches, many...
SaaS exits by
I’ve been moving things for Placemark’s shutdown as a company and noting some of the exit...
a year ago
I’ve been moving things for Placemark’s shutdown as a company and noting some of the exit experiences:
Loom is surprisingly hard to exit from. There’s no bulk export option, no way to export metadata.
Webflow doesn’t support exporting sites with CMS collections (blogs, docs,...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Simpifying AngularJS controllers with ES5 get / set
I've been developing an AngularJS application for the past year — and voila! here I am, alive and...
over a year ago
I've been developing an AngularJS application for the past year — and voila! here I am, alive and well. I'm not some crazy old fuck who thinks AngularJS is a promising new technology. Nor have I been waiting to publish this post for 3 years. It's just how things turned up for me....
The Changelog
Make the Internet Yours Again With an Instant Mesh Network
I’m going to lead with the technical punch line, and then explain it: Yggdrasil Network is an...
over a year ago
I’m going to lead with the technical punch line, and then explain it: Yggdrasil Network is an opportunistic mesh that can be deployed privately or as part of a global-scale network. Each node gets a stable IPv6 address (or even an entire /64) that is derived from its public key...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to write a Python Twitter Unfollow Script in 2022
The Twitter API has changed (from v1 to v2), and Python has gone from 2 to 3, and Google is still...
over a year ago
The Twitter API has changed (from v1 to v2), and Python has gone from 2 to 3, and Google is still serving up loads of outdated results.
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Beginner interaction design with Principle
Earlier this year when I was designing this site, I had a bit of a problem: I wanted to go above and...
over a year ago
Earlier this year when I was designing this site, I had a bit of a problem: I wanted to go above and beyond with the animations and…
Ognjen Regoje •...
Poll: How anxious are you before an interview?
From the HackerNews poll:
Given the spike in interviewing questions, I’m curious to know: how...
a year ago
From the HackerNews poll:
Given the spike in interviewing questions, I’m curious to know: how anxious are you before an interview?
To qualify the choices a bit:
Not at all - I feel confident and not worried about the prospect of failure.
A little - I’m fairly confident. Maybe the...
Getting Oriented with HTML Video
by Scott Jehl
A couple years back, I was in a window seat on a flight from Amsterdam to New York....
2 weeks ago
by Scott Jehl
A couple years back, I was in a window seat on a flight from Amsterdam to New York. The weather was gray and drizzly as the plane took off, but as it punched through the clouds a very different scene revealed itself. Out my window, it looked like a Maxfield Parrish...
Elad Blog
Silicon Valley & Defense Tech
Over the last few years there has been a lot of press coverage of Google canceling project Maven, a...
over a year ago
Over the last few years there has been a lot of press coverage of Google canceling project Maven, a defense contract. This has led to claims Silicon Valley is no longer engaging in defense tech, despite tech's roots working with the Department of Defense
How to Communicate When Trust Is Low (Without Digging Yourself Into A Deeper Hole)
This is based on an internal quip doc I wrote up about careful communication in the context of...
a year ago
This is based on an internal quip doc I wrote up about careful communication in the context of rebuilding trust. I got a couple requests to turn it into a blog post for sharing purposes; here you go.🌈✨🥂 In this doc I mention Christine, my wonderful, brilliant cofounder and CEO,...
Joel on Software
Making the web better. With blocks!
You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which...
over a year ago
You’ve probably seen web editors based on the idea of blocks. I’m typing this in WordPress, which has a little + button that brings up a long… Read more "Making the web better. With blocks!"
Oxide Computer...
RIP Khaled Bichara, 1971-2020
We were deeply saddened to learn that
Khaled Bichara, one of Oxide’s
angel investors,
died in a...
over a year ago
We were deeply saddened to learn that
Khaled Bichara, one of Oxide’s
angel investors,
died in a car
accident in Cairo on Friday night.
Those of us who have known Khaled for years have known him to be a bold investor
who appreciated hard technical problems – and also a profoundly...
A Smart Bear
Satisficing vs Maximizing
Fast, or Best? Choose your decision-making goal wisely, especially if you're a natural...
a year ago
Fast, or Best? Choose your decision-making goal wisely, especially if you're a natural perfectionist.
Alex Meub
Protect Your Wireless Network
Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is...
over a year ago
Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is probably the single biggest security hole on any home wireless network.
About WiFi Protected Setup
WiFi Protected Setup is a security standard that comes enabled by default on many...
A Smart Bear
You can have two Big Things, but not three
No you can't "have it all." You can have two things, but not three.
a year ago
No you can't "have it all." You can have two things, but not three.
Epic Web Dev
Writing Tests That Fail (article)
There can be a lot of confusion and doubt when it comes to writing tests. Answering this simple...
2 months ago
There can be a lot of confusion and doubt when it comes to writing tests. Answering this simple question may help clear a lot of it out.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Why I prefer JS for front-end build automation
Every front-end project involves some automation to build it, test it, lint it, run dev servers,...
over a year ago
Every front-end project involves some automation to build it, test it, lint it, run dev servers, measure bundle size, and what not. npm scripts are fine for one-liners, but as the workflows grow more complex — run these things in parallel, then do something else, but only if...
David Heinemeier...
House rules in Fortnite
We play a lot of Fortnite at our house. It's a great game for teaching kids cooperative discipline,...
a month ago
We play a lot of Fortnite at our house. It's a great game for teaching kids cooperative discipline, and in a remarkably wholesome setting to boot (no blood, cartoon styling). I've had no qualms involving all three of our boys from an early age in the family squad, including our...
Ink & Switch
Untangle: Solving problems with fuzzy constraints
How to sketch, and satisfy, logic problems
over a year ago
How to sketch, and satisfy, logic problems
Making alt text more visible
I add alt text to every image on this site.
I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text...
2 months ago
I add alt text to every image on this site.
I have an automated check to remind me to add alt text before I publish the site, but that means alt text has often been an afterthought – something I’d dash out at the very end of writing a post.
I wanted to give it more attention, and...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
User Feedback
I was listening to ShopTalkShow #544 where Dave mentions his craving for frank, almost brutal, user...
a year ago
I was listening to ShopTalkShow #544 where Dave mentions his craving for frank, almost brutal, user feedback on the app they’re building (Luro) and it reminded me of something I wanted to write down.
At a previous gig, we hired a head of user research who helped formalize and...
Max Countryman
People-First Leadership
Investment in people is absolutely essential to building a business that's not just getting by but...
a year ago
Investment in people is absolutely essential to building a business that's not just getting by but actively thriving. People-first leadership offers an approach which consistently cultivates an environment where folks can show up and do their best work, propelling the business...
Oxide Computer...
Building Big Systems with Remote Hardware Teams
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to
be a centralized,...
a year ago
The product we’re building, a rack-scale computer, is specifically designed to
be a centralized, integrated product because that’s what our customers need.
This requirement and the design choices we’ve made to meet this need
create some daily efficiency challenges for our team....
Blog System/5
The costs of the i386 to x86-64 upgrade
If you read my previous article on DOS memory models, you may have dismissed everything I wrote as...
2 months ago
If you read my previous article on DOS memory models, you may have dismissed everything I wrote as “legacy cruft from the 1990s that nobody cares about any longer”. It's time to see how any of that carried over through the 16-bit to 64-bit evolution.
the singularity is...
A disgusting playbook
So I started another company. I have even less tolerance for fake bullshit than when I started...
a year ago
So I started another company. I have even less tolerance for fake bullshit than when I started comma, and I probably will fail because of this.
Cruise Automation is a good example here. If they told the truth, they would be out of business. In 2016, they were bought by GM for...
RubyKaigi 2023 Recap
It’s been more than 3 years since I attended a dev conference - the last time was pre-pandemic, and...
a year ago
It’s been more than 3 years since I attended a dev conference - the last time was pre-pandemic, and it was a [conference I helped organise](https://www.dddmelbourne.com). I didn’t know what to expect heading into Matsumoto for [RubyKaigi 2023](https://rubykaigi.org/2023/) this...
Making software...
Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing
Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing
FOSS Enthusiasts: This article...
over a year ago
Chrome OS Could Become the Future Leader of Computing
FOSS Enthusiasts: This article discusses the use of proprietary software and places it in a positive light. You have been warned. No angry emails please...
Google has created one of the best operating systems...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Notes from “Weathering Software Winter” by Devine Lu Linvega
I watched this talk[1] where the presenter details their experience trying to use modern digital...
a year ago
I watched this talk[1] where the presenter details their experience trying to use modern digital devices while living on a boat with little to zero connectivity.
It soon became obvious that all the technology [we planned to use] was not designed to leave the western world.
It was...
Tinloof - Blog
How to create an accessible React modal
A modal dialog is a window overlaid on top of the main application. It’s an inert window where the...
over a year ago
A modal dialog is a window overlaid on top of the main application. It’s an inert window where the user can’t interact with the rest of the application.
Creating a modal in React is fairly easy. There are dozens of resources that explain how to do so, including the React...
Greg Brockman
#define CTO OpenAI
It’s been two years since I wrote #define CTO, in which I documented my quest for a role where I...
over a year ago
It’s been two years since I wrote #define CTO, in which I documented my quest for a role where I could have scalable impact by writing code. I’ve finally found that role, though not by seeking it — instead, I sought out a problem more important to me than my role within it,...
David Heinemeier...
Rails World and Rails 8 in 2024
The first major Rails conference on the European continent in over a decade was a smashing success...
11 months ago
The first major Rails conference on the European continent in over a decade was a smashing success this past October in Amsterdam. Not only did the conference sell out more than 700 tickets in less than 40 minutes, but it was the atmosphere from those in attendance that really...
Seán Barry
Using snippets in sublime text to speed up your development
How to leverage tools like snippets to speed up the development process and increase your...
over a year ago
How to leverage tools like snippets to speed up the development process and increase your efficiency.
Charles Chen
5 Engineering Lessons from Early Stage Startups
Lessons learned from working at startups ranging from seed stage to series-B/C funding over the last...
a year ago
Lessons learned from working at startups ranging from seed stage to series-B/C funding over the last 3 years.
The Remarkable Decline in Home Burglary Rates in Japan
I stumbled across an amazing fact. From 2003 to 2022, the number of home burglaries in Japan...
a year ago
I stumbled across an amazing fact. From 2003 to 2022, the number of home burglaries in Japan decreased by a factor of 12! Home burglaries in Japan peaked in 2003, with 190,473 cases in Japan. But as of 2022, where the most recent data is available, they have dropped to a mere...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Tiny Programming Projects
I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out,...
over a year ago
I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out, this is not only a great way to make programming fun but actually one of the best ways to learn. Below are some my favorite tiny programs I’ve created.
Finding Campsites
My wife...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Did you know AI is answering our community questions?
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that...
3 months ago
AI. You may have heard of it. Sure, ChatGPT is pretty cool, but when it comes to AI chatbots that try to replace a human in a product support context…
Basta’s Notes
🌈 Pride 2023 #2: Horoscopes
No June would be complete without Pride horoscopes
a year ago
No June would be complete without Pride horoscopes
the jsomers.net blog
Introducing Five’Em, a Texas Hold’Em variant
The game of Five'Em was invented by two friends of mine, Ben Gross and Rich Berger, to combat...
over a year ago
The game of Five'Em was invented by two friends of mine, Ben Gross and Rich Berger, to combat Hold'Em fatigue. The rules are simple: You're dealt five hole cards instead of two, and after each round of community cards comes out (starting with the flop), you discard one of these...
The Pragmatic...
Building an an Early Stage Startup: Lessons from Akita Software
Jean Yang sold her startup to Postman, and shares the details on what happened in the 5 years...
a year ago
Jean Yang sold her startup to Postman, and shares the details on what happened in the 5 years leading up to this sale.
Announcing the 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey
The 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be...
over a year ago
The 2022 International Developers in Japan Survey is now live! By taking this survey, you'll be helping other developers living here better understand the experience of their peers, and also help people considering making the move here understand what working here is actually...
bt RSS Feed
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Earlier last week the design team at Dropbox unveiled...
over a year ago
Unsolicited Design Review - Dropbox
Earlier last week the design team at Dropbox unveiled their new branding / design system for the company as a whole. If you haven’t seen the updated design yet, you can do so here: dropbox.design (Take your time, I can wait).
Darek Kay
Npm vs. Yarn: Dependency resolution
Both npm and Yarn support dependency version ranges (e.g. ^4.1.1). However, there are some...
over a year ago
Both npm and Yarn support dependency version ranges (e.g. ^4.1.1). However, there are some differences in how package managers resolve dependencies, which might lead to inconsistencies between different environments.
In this post I will present the behavior of npm 7.15.1 and Yarn...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
On being “currently based anywhere”
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating...
over a year ago
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating that I was based out of Atlanta. I…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Betwixt Reason and Result
I'm writing to you from a cheap hostel in downtown Toronto ([Hostelling...
over a year ago
I'm writing to you from a cheap hostel in downtown Toronto ([Hostelling International](https://reservations.hostellingtoronto.com/iqreservations/asp/IQHome.asp), highly recommend for solo travel, I have stayed in SF, LA, NY, PHL, TO, NZ and more I probably forget) where a cute...
Oxide Computer...
Hubris and Humility
When we started Oxide, we knew we were going to take a fresh look at the entire system. We knew, for...
over a year ago
When we started Oxide, we knew we were going to take a fresh look at the entire system. We knew, for example, that we wanted to have a true hardware root of trust and that we wanted to revisit the traditional BMC. We knew, too, that we would have our own system software on each...
Julia Evans
Some blogging myths
A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides)
about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was...
a year ago
A few years ago I gave a short talk (slides)
about myths that discourage people from blogging. I was chatting with a friend
about blogging the other day and it made me want to write up that talk as a
blog post.
here are the myths:
myth: you need to be original
myth: you need to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.21.0
Release 1.21 is a big one, on top of exciting new features and improvements, we put extra time into...
over a year ago
Release 1.21 is a big one, on top of exciting new features and improvements, we put extra time into the overall stability of PostHog squashing dozens…
Posts on Nikita...
Family Photos vs 256 Kb RAM
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
A while ago I was thinking about making something nice for my...
a year ago
Discussion on HackerNews and Lobsters.
A while ago I was thinking about making something nice for my wife as a present for the Valentine’s Day. My eye caught a rather cool-looking 7-color eInk display with Raspberry Pico W on board - Pimoroni Inky Frame. From the first glance it...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Community Heat, or Why You Should Get Good at Events
A piece of advice I heard about marketing and community that I've repeated to founders ever since -...
over a year ago
A piece of advice I heard about marketing and community that I've repeated to founders ever since - Get Good at Events.
Tinloof - Blog
SEO best practices on Sanity
When we build a website with Sanity, we configure SEO best practices to rank higher on search engine...
over a year ago
When we build a website with Sanity, we configure SEO best practices to rank higher on search engine result pages.
bt RSS Feed
Do You Have an Extra $10?
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little...
over a year ago
Do You Have an Extra $10?
As software designers and developers, think of all the little things that we spend $10 on. Maybe it’s a couple coffees over the course of a week. Maybe it’s a TV streaming subscription. Maybe it’s an impulse buy while we’re out shopping for...
Joel Gascoigne
Why I'm going to Hawaii with my co-founder
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
My co-founder...
over a year ago
* Tweet [https://twitter.com/share]
* Buffer [http://bufferapp.com/add]
My co-founder Leo [http://leostartsup.com] and I are headed to Hawaii tomorrow
morning for a 10 day trip. I just emailed the team, and I thought in line with
one of our core...
Liz Denys
Striped pitcher, 2024
Tan stoneware clay with black speckles and light grog, slab-built, denim satin glaze
7 months ago
Tan stoneware clay with black speckles and light grog, slab-built, denim satin glaze
Merlin Bird Sound ID
I’ve been really impressed with the Merlin App for Android Sound ID.There have been a few birds that...
over a year ago
I’ve been really impressed with the Merlin App for Android Sound ID.There have been a few birds that I have not been able to spot or identify visually but using Sound ID I can quickly pull up and confirm which bird I’m hearing. The Pacific Wren has an amazing song and I noticed...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Lowest Common Denominator: www
Native apps are all about control. Don’t like thing X? You can dive in and, with enough elbow grease...
2 months ago
Native apps are all about control. Don’t like thing X? You can dive in and, with enough elbow grease and persistence, finally get what you want. Write your own C library. Do some assembly code. Even make your own hardware if you have to.
But on the web you give up that control....
Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers
by Alexander Muzenhardt
Imagine you’re tasked with building a cool new feature for a...
a week ago
by Alexander Muzenhardt
Imagine you’re tasked with building a cool new feature for a product. You dive into the work with full energy, and just before the deadline, you manage to finish it. Everyone loves your work, and the feature is set to go live the next...
Vadim Kravcenko
What questions to ask a startup before joining them?
Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who had recently joined a small startup. He and I shared...
over a year ago
Recently, I was talking to a friend of mine who had recently joined a small startup. He and I shared […]
The post What questions to ask a startup before joining them? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Headless React
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects
Part 2: Reconcile All The Things -...
over a year ago
Part 1: Climbing Mount Effect - Declarative Code and Effects
Part 2: Reconcile All The Things - Memoization, Data Flow and reconciliation
Part 3: Headless React - Live, Yeet Reduce, No-API, WebGPU
It is actually pretty easy to build a mediocre headless React today, i.e. an...
On Test Automation
Contract testing - what (not) to test for - part 1
Recently, I started working with a new client who have been working on their contract testing...
a month ago
Recently, I started working with a new client who have been working on their contract testing implementation for a while and figured out they could use some outside help. I’ve paid them a visit recently, and to make the most out of our time together (there was some travel...
David Heinemeier...
Hating Apple goes mainstream
This isn't just about one awful ad. I mean, yes, the ad truly is awful. It symbolizes everything...
7 months ago
This isn't just about one awful ad. I mean, yes, the ad truly is awful. It symbolizes everything everyone has ever hated about digitization. It celebrates a lossy, creative compression for the most flimsy reason: An iPad shedding an irrelevant millimeter or two. It's destruction...
Julia Evans
New playground: memory spy
Hello! Today we’re releasing a new playground called “memory spy”. It lets you run C programs
a year ago
Hello! Today we’re releasing a new playground called “memory spy”. It lets you run C programs
and see how their variables are represented in memory. It’s designed to be
accessible to folks who don’t know C – it comes with bunch of extremely simple
example C programs that you can...
Alex Meub
Hotel Guest User Agent Data
I wrote a script that exposes browser and software platform data from hotels across the country....
over a year ago
I wrote a script that exposes browser and software platform data from hotels across the country. This data is very different from say: StatCounter or NetApplications estimates because they rely on getting their data from trackers on specific websites.
The data I pulled comes...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Building and launching my first iPhone app
Update Late 2020: I decided to take the app down to focus more on other endeavors, so you cannot...
over a year ago
Update Late 2020: I decided to take the app down to focus more on other endeavors, so you cannot download the app any longer. I am leaving…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Clone Open Source Apps
> Author's note: This is part 3 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your...
over a year ago
> Author's note: This is part 3 of a series of essays I originally drafted about [Opinions for your Tech Career](https://gist.github.com/sw-yx/9720bd4a30606ca3ffb8d407113c0fe5). Part 1 is [Learn in Public](https://www.swyx.io/learn-in-public/).
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
“That’s Another Podcast”
I’ve long been a fan of the Rich Ziade / Paul Ford podcast duo. They did Track Changes then The...
a year ago
I’ve long been a fan of the Rich Ziade / Paul Ford podcast duo. They did Track Changes then The Postlight Podcast then The Aboard Podcast then Ziade+Ford, and now (again?) The Aboard Podcast.
Through all my listening, one thing I’ve noticed is that they often make comedic...
The Changelog
See The World Through the Eyes of a Child, and You Are Free
Because we see things so often, we see them less and less. Those who live in thanksgiving daily,...
over a year ago
Because we see things so often, we see them less and less. Those who live in thanksgiving daily, however, have a way of opening their eyes and seeing the wonders and beauties of this world as though seeing them for the first time. – Joseph Wirthlin Today is about dirt. I had to...
Daniel Marino
Install Mcrypt PHP Extension on OSX Yosemite
After updating Statamic to 1.10.2, I started getting Mcrypt errors. After some Googling, I found...
over a year ago
After updating Statamic to 1.10.2, I started getting Mcrypt errors. After some Googling, I found some complicated fixes. After some noodling around, here’s a simple way to fix it with Homebrew:
First, figure out which version of PHP you’re running. You can do this by opening up...
David Heinemeier...
Learning to accept defeat against reality
A great many smart people terminably hamper their ability to better understand the world by refusing...
a year ago
A great many smart people terminably hamper their ability to better understand the world by refusing to accept defeat when reality proves them wrong. Armed with an intellect that's at once both too proud to recognize it's own failings and cunningly capable of producing...
swyx's site RSS Feed
80/20 is the new Half-Ass
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look...
over a year ago
Don't spend your life spraying 20% effort all over the place, hoping for 80% results, only to look back and wonder why you never hit 100% on anything.
The Changelog
Photographic comparison: Is the Kobo Libra Colour display worse than the Kobo Libra 2?
I’ve been using E Ink-based ereaders for quite a number of years now. I’ve had my Kobo Libra 2 for a...
8 months ago
I’ve been using E Ink-based ereaders for quite a number of years now. I’ve had my Kobo Libra 2 for a few years, and was looking forward to the Kobo Libra Colour — the first color E Ink display in a mainstream ereader line. I found the display to be a mixed bag; contrast seemed …...
Tony Finch's blog
Constructing a four-point egg
For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, I was investigating
elliptical and ovoid shapes. The...
11 months ago
For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, I was investigating
elliptical and ovoid shapes. The Wikipedia article for Moss’s
egg has a link to a tutorial on Euclidean Eggs by Freyja
Hreinsdóttir which (amongst other things) describes how to
construct the “four point egg”. I...
A Smart Bear
Pricing determines your business model
Pricing is inextricably linked to brand, product, and purchasing decisions. It cannot be "figured...
over a year ago
Pricing is inextricably linked to brand, product, and purchasing decisions. It cannot be "figured out later," because determines your business model today.
Making a PDF that’s larger than Germany
I was browsing social media this morning, and I saw a claim I’ve seen go past a few times now – that...
11 months ago
I was browsing social media this morning, and I saw a claim I’ve seen go past a few times now – that there’s a maximum size for a PDF document:
Terrible Maps
Maximum size of a PDF, version 7: 381 km × 381...
James Vaughan's blog
Putting the Casio F-91W band on an Apple Watch
over a year ago
Blog - Bitfield...
Constraints in Go
Freedom is nothing without constraints, and Go’s generics gives us a
powerful way to build...
2 months ago
Freedom is nothing without constraints, and Go’s generics gives us a
powerful way to build polymorphic types and functions constrained by type
sets. Let’s geek out.
Stephen Wolfram...
The Latest from Our R&D Pipeline: Version 13.2 of Wolfram Language & Mathematica
Delivering from Our R&D Pipeline In 2020 it was Versions 12.1 and 12.2; in 2021 Versions 12.3 and...
over a year ago
Delivering from Our R&D Pipeline In 2020 it was Versions 12.1 and 12.2; in 2021 Versions 12.3 and 13.0. In late June this year it was Version 13.1. And now we’re releasing Version 13.2. We continue to have a huge pipeline of R&D, some short term, some medium term, some long term...
Josh Collinsworth
Understanding easing and cubic-bezier curves in CSS
The easing curve can make or break any animation on the web. Let's look at the science of CSS...
a year ago
The easing curve can make or break any animation on the web. Let's look at the science of CSS cubic-bezier curves, and the art of using them to make the best web animations possible.
PostHog's RSS Feed
10 things we've learned about pricing for SaaS startups
Originally published in our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping...
a year ago
Originally published in our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers and founders build better products, and…
Patrick Kayongo
A New Dog
“What are you doing now?” Sabelo asked Zoleka as she was taking a video of every part of their...
a year ago
“What are you doing now?” Sabelo asked Zoleka as she was taking a video of every part of their living room with her phone. He was growing tired of her ever-new discoveries and project ideas, and he didn’t know if he had the energy to stomach this new one. But she was too busy...
Last week I joined val.town as Steve Krouse’s cofounder. Val.town is a system for programming in the...
a year ago
Last week I joined val.town as Steve Krouse’s cofounder. Val.town is a system for programming in the small, for writing short programs in TypeScript that can link together into something larger. It’s for writing that scheduled web scraper or basic API that you wanted to make but...
bt RSS Feed
Hosting a Jekyll Site on Sourcehut
Hosting a Jekyll Site on Sourcehut
I recently decided to switch my personal, static...
over a year ago
Hosting a Jekyll Site on Sourcehut
I recently decided to switch my personal, static site’s hosting from Netlify to sourcehut pages. The process went fairly smoothly with only a couple minor hiccups; nothing rage-inducing. After everything was up and running smoothly, I...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How to run a transparent startup
There really hasn't been a single situation where transparency hasn't been to our company's...
over a year ago
There really hasn't been a single situation where transparency hasn't been to our company's advantage. Most companies seem to share when necessary but…
David Heinemeier...
Picking a purpose
Victor Frankl wrote Man’s Search for Meaning after surviving a concentration camp during World War...
a year ago
Victor Frankl wrote Man’s Search for Meaning after surviving a concentration camp during World War II. He observed the outer extreme of what happens to people who no longer have a WHY to live for. They’d wither and die in the camp. Even the most dire rations and punishing labor...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How rollup-plugin-svelte Works
Svelte is often thought of as a compiler. But really it is a compiler within a bundler.
over a year ago
Svelte is often thought of as a compiler. But really it is a compiler within a bundler.
PostHog's RSS Feed
The most useful B2B SaaS product metrics
So, you're building a B2B SaaS product. Everyone knows you've got to measure stuff to succeed. This...
over a year ago
So, you're building a B2B SaaS product. Everyone knows you've got to measure stuff to succeed. This is not news. What, why, and how? These are the…
ntietz.com blog
What would a web app canary look like?
Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on...
a year ago
Recently, I listened to an interview with Haroon Meer, the founder of a company focused on honeypots.
Honeypots (also known as canaries or tripwires) are used to detect network intrusions and people nosing around at things they're not supposed to.
They are an essential component...
Steve Klabnik
Deleuze for developers: assemblages
over a year ago
Alex MacCaw
The Stars
Technology's ability to improve lives and alleviate suffering is undeniable. It has swept through...
a year ago
Technology's ability to improve lives and alleviate suffering is undeniable. It has swept through our lives like a tidal wave, lifting us from the depths of ignorance and suffering. It continues to reshape the world and grants us access to tools and knowledge previously...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Netlify Year One
> Update: I have since [left Netlify](https://dev.to/swyx/farewell-netlify-1alo).
over a year ago
> Update: I have since [left Netlify](https://dev.to/swyx/farewell-netlify-1alo).
37signals Dev
Navigating personal information with care
Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020,...
a year ago
Accessing personal information from customers is a serious matter. With the launch of HEY in 2020, we developed some technology and processes to support a very simple principle: employees shouldn’t have access — intentionally or unintentionally — to personal information from our...
Florian Bellmann |...
On picking side-projects
Food for thought on how to pick the right side projects and how to manage them effectively.
10 months ago
Food for thought on how to pick the right side projects and how to manage them effectively.
David Heinemeier...
The gift of ambition
The Babylon Bee ran this amazing bit last year: "Study Finds 100% Of Men Would Immediately Leave...
8 months ago
The Babylon Bee ran this amazing bit last year: "Study Finds 100% Of Men Would Immediately Leave Their Desk Job If Asked To Embark Upon A Trans-Antarctic Expedition On A Big Wooden Ship". Yes. Exactly. Modern office workers are often starved for ambition, adventure, and even...
elementary Blog
GTK 4 Porting And A Bit Of Whimsy
I want to start off this post by saying, “Thank you!” to our now over 250 sponsors on GitHub for...
10 months ago
I want to start off this post by saying, “Thank you!” to our now over 250 sponsors on GitHub for helping us reach 20% of our monthly funding goal! I’ve been seeing a ton of demand for Early Access which is super exciting. If you’re not already in Early Access, you can be among...
Epic Web Dev
The Difference Between Clearing, Resetting, and Restoring Mocks (article)
Understand the key differences between mock state management methods: mockClear(), mockReset(), and...
2 months ago
Understand the key differences between mock state management methods: mockClear(), mockReset(), and mockRestore(). Write clean test states.
elementary Blog
Package Releases Are Almost Done, You Won't Believe What Happens Next!
This month’s update is fairly brief since a lot of what we did last month was minor bug fixes,...
3 months ago
This month’s update is fairly brief since a lot of what we did last month was minor bug fixes, regression testing, updating metadata, taking screenshots, and releasing packages. We’re getting down to the last few items before we can release elementary OS 8. Read ahead to find out...
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Reverse Interview Investors
I honestly never expected this to be a topic that was common enough to write up, however, it...
a year ago
I honestly never expected this to be a topic that was common enough to write up, however, it suddenly hit me today that it is the ultra niche topics that deserve writing up since it is the stuff that is outside the usual SERP riffraff.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Futuristic Progressive Enhancement
Imagine someone came to you in a time machine and said, “In the future we will write software that...
7 months ago
Imagine someone came to you in a time machine and said, “In the future we will write software that becomes more capable as time passes without any effort on our part.”
Wouldn’t that be amazing? Surely you’d want to know what sorcery makes this possible, right?
Well the future is...
The Pragmatic...
The Collapse of Silicon Valley Bank
The bank serving half of all VC-funded startups in the US and UK collapsed more or less overnight....
a year ago
The bank serving half of all VC-funded startups in the US and UK collapsed more or less overnight. How did it play out, and what are the next steps for startups?
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog is now available on Segment!
We're happy to announce that PostHog is now available as a destination on Segment. Segment is a...
over a year ago
We're happy to announce that PostHog is now available as a destination on Segment. Segment is a platform that works as an integrated data pipeline to…
flapi.sh: a tiny command-line tool for experimenting with the Flickr API →
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a...
8 months ago
I use the Flickr API pretty much every day in my day job.
Within the first week, I bashed together a couple of command-line tools to make a simple tool for exploring the API.
They’re not meant for building “proper” apps, more for quick experiments and seeing what API responses...
Making software...
Pure CSS Bar Graphs with Graceful Mobile Fallbacks
Pure CSS Bar Graphs with Graceful Mobile Fallbacks
I recently published a new open source...
over a year ago
Pure CSS Bar Graphs with Graceful Mobile Fallbacks
I recently published a new open source project, Flexbox Bar Graphs, and wanted to share a simple breakdown of how it was built. It isn't anything mind-blowing, but I like the idea of placing bar graphs in a web page...
bt RSS Feed
Embracing Slow Tech
Embracing Slow Tech
I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux...
over a year ago
Embracing Slow Tech
I’m writing this post on my “new” X260 ThinkPad running Garuda Linux through Wayland/Sway and it is going well so far. Setting things up was much easier than I initially expected. There were only a few minor tweaks I had to make, such as setting vim...
#12 accessible poll yes/no
Bad code
<form role="form">
<h2>Poll title</h2>
<div id="pollQuestion">Is this...
over a year ago
Bad code
<form role="form">
<h2>Poll title</h2>
<div id="pollQuestion">Is this accessible?</div>
<div name="pollGroup" role="radiogroup">
<div role="radiogroup" aria-label="Poll title">
<input type="radio" name="poll" aria-labelledby="pollQuestion" value="[object...
Ralph Ammer
Bergson — Why we live in the past
Should we just live in the moment? In “Matter and Memory” the French philosopher Henri Bergson...
2 months ago
Should we just live in the moment? In “Matter and Memory” the French philosopher Henri Bergson claims that this is not even possible. 1. Perception is physical First of all: How do we perceive the “current moment” anyway? Bergson suggests that the whole point of perception is...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Web Apps and Tools
I’ve found myself more often using web apps instead of dedicated desktop applications at work. It...
over a year ago
I’ve found myself more often using web apps instead of dedicated desktop applications at work. It seems that in general, desktop apps have been getting slower and more resource intensive lately. The trend of teams using Electron or the Chromium Embedded Framework in order to ship...
swyx's site RSS Feed
5 Q&A's on Writing and Selling My First Book
I answered some questions from someone planning to write their first book
over a year ago
I answered some questions from someone planning to write their first book
Basta’s Notes
Reflecting on another year
a year ago
Reflecting on another year
A small freedom area...
Exploring intricate execution mysteries by reversing a crackme
It's been a very long time since I've done some actual reverse engineering
work. Going through a...
over a year ago
It's been a very long time since I've done some actual reverse engineering
work. Going through a difficult period currently, I needed to take a break from
the graphics world and go back to the roots: understanding obscure or
elementary tech stuff. One may argue that it was most...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Make your own Dev.to CMS livestream - Part 2
This is day 2 of my livecode Dev.to CMS. See [Day 1...
over a year ago
This is day 2 of my livecode Dev.to CMS. See [Day 1 here](https://dev.to/swyx/make-your-own-dev-to-cms-livestream-part-1-2ad1)
Vadim Kravcenko
Self-Organizing Teams
This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale...
over a year ago
This article is part of the Technical Manager Guide that I’m writing for technical leads to scale their development and […]
The post Self-Organizing Teams appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Computer Things
Keep perfecting your config
First of all, I wanted to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to all of the people who bought...
5 months ago
First of all, I wanted to extend a huge and heartfelt thank you to all of the people who bought Logic for Programmers. Seeing the interest is incredible motivation to continue improving it. If you read it and have feedback, please share it with me!
Second, I have a new blogpost...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Chartjunk: What I've learned about data visualization
For many people the first word that comes to mind when they think
about statistical charts is...
a year ago
For many people the first word that comes to mind when they think
about statistical charts is “lie.”
– Edward R. Tufte, The Visual Display of Quantitative Information
I wish we could all agree: pie charts should die.
I know this is unreasonable. And pie charts are only part of...
Hixie's Natural Log
Reflecting on 18 years at Google
I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last...
a year ago
I joined Google in October 2005, and handed in my resignation 18 years later. Last week was my last week at Google.
I feel very lucky to have experienced the early post-IPO Google; unlike most companies, and contrary to the popular narrative, Googlers, from the junior...
Tony Finch's blog
BIND zone transfer performance
This year I have rewritten BIND’s DNS name compression and
decompression code. I didn’t plan to, it...
over a year ago
This year I have rewritten BIND’s DNS name compression and
decompression code. I didn’t plan to, it just sort of happened!
Anyway, last week my colleague Petr was doing some benchmarking,
and he produced some numbers that seemed too good to be true, so I
have re-done the...
Parsing CloudFront logs with Python
I’ve been doing work recently to analyse some CloudFront access logs.
There are lots of ways to do...
a year ago
I’ve been doing work recently to analyse some CloudFront access logs.
There are lots of ways to do this, and I normally reach for Python inside a Jupyter Notebook because those are tools I’m very familiar with.
I’ve done this a few times now, so I thought it’d be worth pulling...
Oxide Computer...
Another vulnerability in the LPC55S69 ROM
Here at Oxide, we continue to work on building servers as they should be. Last year, we discovered...
over a year ago
Here at Oxide, we continue to work on building servers as they should be. Last year, we discovered an undocumented hardware block in the LPC55S69 (our chosen part for our product’s Root of Trust implementation) that could be used to violate security boundaries. This issue...
orlp.net - Blog...
Extracting and Depositing Bits
Suppose you have a 64-bit word and wish to extract a couple bits from it.
For example you just...
11 months ago
Suppose you have a 64-bit word and wish to extract a couple bits from it.
For example you just performed a SWAR
algorithm and wish to extract the least significant bit of each byte in the u64.
This is simple enough, you simply perform a binary AND with a mask of
the bits you wish...
Making software...
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus...
a year ago
Stop Using Hamburger Menus
I recently tooted about my hatred of website hamburger menus which was met with a surprising amount of support from other users. It seems like most people don't actually like hamburger menus. So why do we, as developers, keep using them in...
Julia Evans
Some tactics for writing in public
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such...
a year ago
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such assholes!”
I’ve often heard the advice “don’t read the comments”, but actually I’ve
learned a huge amount from reading internet comments on my posts from strangers
over the years,...
ntietz.com blog
Where is the source code for ping?
Lately, I've been working on implementing ping on my own as a project to keep learning Rust and to...
over a year ago
Lately, I've been working on implementing ping on my own as a project to keep learning Rust and to deepen my knowledge of networks. I'm just going for a super basic utility here, nothing fancy, not even all the features of ping. But since the language is new to me and my...
The Changelog
Rehabilitating Asynchronous Communication with NNCP: A Cross Between Tor, ssh, and UUCP
Have you ever been traveling, shot a ton of photos and videos, but were annoyed to find it was...
over a year ago
Have you ever been traveling, shot a ton of photos and videos, but were annoyed to find it was saturating the terrible wifi you had access to? Maybe you’d wish the upload to pause until you get somewhere else, but then pausing syncing on your Nextcloud/Syncthing/Dropbox would...
Alice GG
How much can you really get out of a 4$ VPS?
When starting a new project, evaluating the budget needed for cloud hosting can be a tricky...
a year ago
When starting a new project, evaluating the budget needed for cloud hosting can be a tricky question.
On one side, you will hear horror stories of people waking up to an unexpected 100k$ bill from their provider.
But on the other hand, you will see providers advertising costs...
Developing domain expertise: get your hands dirty.
Recently, I’ve been thinking about developing domain expertise, and wanted to collect my thoughts...
5 months ago
Recently, I’ve been thinking about developing domain expertise, and wanted to collect my thoughts here. Although I covered some parts of this in Your first 90 days as CTO (understanding product analytics, shadowing customer support, talking to customers, and talking with your...
The Pragmatic...
The job market for new grads: worse than in 2008, but better than 2002
Insights from the founder of Launch School, Chris Lee, who helped more than 200 new grads find their...
a year ago
Insights from the founder of Launch School, Chris Lee, who helped more than 200 new grads find their first software engineering jobs.
Making software...
Using User-Select
Using User-Select
Highlighting text in order to copy, cut or paste content is a staple...
over a year ago
Using User-Select
Highlighting text in order to copy, cut or paste content is a staple action across the web. Now, what if I told you the ability to control what a user can select is configurable with a single CSS property?
Introducing the CSS property
Simply put, the...
ntietz.com blog
Paper review: C-store
It's that time again: I read another paper, and here's what I took away from it!
This week I read...
over a year ago
It's that time again: I read another paper, and here's what I took away from it!
This week I read "C-store: a column-oriented DBMS" from chapter 4 of the Red Book.
This one I picked since I thought it would be helpful for the chess database I'm working on, and it does seem...
Elad Blog
Index Companies
Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example,...
over a year ago
Sometimes there are markets that are clearly going to grow massively over time. For example, ecommerce, genomics, crypto are all markets which were clearly going to compound over time. It might have been tough to call the winners of each market early, but it was clear the markets...
Kevin Chen
How to create a digital Suica card in Apple Pay (2024 Update)
Suica is a smart card used to pay at train stations and convenience
stores in Japan. In 2016, Apple...
over a year ago
Suica is a smart card used to pay at train stations and convenience
stores in Japan. In 2016, Apple added support for Suica to Apple Pay on iPhone 7
devices sold in Japan. In 2017, Apple added support to all iPhone 8/X and later, regardless of where they’re sold.1
Virtual Suica...
Dan Cowell
Software engineers hate code.
This is the best-kept secret of the software engineering profession: engineers hate code. Especially...
a year ago
This is the best-kept secret of the software engineering profession: engineers hate code. Especially code written by other people. It's why they love working on greenfield projects so much. No code, no maintenance, no headaches!
Ever wondered why microservices took off in teams...
General Robots
What's With All the Humanoid Robots?
If you follow robotics at all you may have noticed that there has been an explosion of humanoid...
8 months ago
If you follow robotics at all you may have noticed that there has been an explosion of humanoid robot startups. What's with that? Why humanoids? Why now?
David Heinemeier...
DEI is done (minus the mop up)
In November of 2022, I wrote about the waning days of DEI's dominance, and enumerated four factors...
7 months ago
In November of 2022, I wrote about the waning days of DEI's dominance, and enumerated four factors that I saw as primary drivers of this decline. Those waning days have now been brought to a close, and DEI, as an obsessive, ideological preoccupation of the corporate world, is...
Kagi Blog
Kagi + Wolfram
Building a search engine is hard.
10 months ago
Building a search engine is hard.
Steve Klabnik
More rstat.us refactoring
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
8 Q&A's for Bootcamp Students in 2020
I did a Q&A for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp Prep students - copying out my answers here!
over a year ago
I did a Q&A for Fullstack Academy Bootcamp Prep students - copying out my answers here!
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
LLMs, Intuition, and Working With Computers
I recently watched Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs (and took notes). This slide stood...
a year ago
I recently watched Simon’s talk around practical use of LLMs (and took notes). This slide stood out:
For the best [prompt] results, combine:
Domain knowledge of the thing you're working on
Understanding how the models work
Intuition gained from playing around with them a lot
I am...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Source Code for Life v0.1
Compiled Insights for Infinite Learners
over a year ago
Compiled Insights for Infinite Learners
Joel Gascoigne
3 reasons you shouldn't outsource your startup, and what to do instead
One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier...
over a year ago
One of my favorite things to do is to help others who are at an earlier stage
[https://joel.is/why-im-helping-startup-founders/] of the startup journey. I had a
lot of false starts before Buffer. I enjoy sharing my lessons from those failed
attempts, and I also enjoy getting my...
Making software...
Easy Toggle Switches
Easy Toggle Switches
Sometimes there is a need to use toggle elements in-place of the...
over a year ago
Easy Toggle Switches
Sometimes there is a need to use toggle elements in-place of the default checkbox inputs. The problem is, I tend to see a lot of developers reaching for plugins or JavaScript components in order to implement these toggles.
This is overkill. You can...
Basta’s Notes
What have I been up to lately?
Just a little update, because I've been quiet
a year ago
Just a little update, because I've been quiet
bt RSS Feed
They Won't Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
They Won’t Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
Your website is probably slow. I’m not...
over a year ago
They Won’t Wait: A Warning for Slow Websites
Your website is probably slow. I’m not trying to make you feel bad or dismiss all the hard work you’ve put into your project. Heck, performance might have been a core value of the design. But websites can always be...
ntietz.com blog
On Estimates, Time, and Evidence
Here's an exchange that's pretty common:
"How long will that take?"
"A few days."
I run into this...
over a year ago
Here's an exchange that's pretty common:
"How long will that take?"
"A few days."
I run into this all the time with clients - they have real business needs to know how long something will take and what the risks are with any given project. So, we are asked to give estimates of...