bt RSS Feed
Obvious Javascript 'Injection' Fallback
Obvious Javascript ‘Injection’ Fallback
Sometimes websites and web apps might require...
over a year ago
Obvious Javascript ‘Injection’ Fallback
Sometimes websites and web apps might require content to be “injected” via Javascript. I should mention that I am strongly against this practice - but often this kind of thing is out of one’s hands. So, the least I can do is...
Daniel Marino
My First Sketch Plugin and What I Learned
I’ve been Adobe Illustrator free for almost six months now, and what I miss most about it are some...
over a year ago
I’ve been Adobe Illustrator free for almost six months now, and what I miss most about it are some of the nice effects it ships with. I love Sketch, but I don’t think these effects will ever make their way into Sketch. Sketch does have the ability to add plugins, and I’ve always...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Dwell and the Tools for Thought Hackathon
I worked on a little hackathon project at AGI House with Sasha. We won!
a year ago
I worked on a little hackathon project at AGI House with Sasha. We won!
swyx's site RSS Feed
Fixing Up the Svelte Community Site
Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
over a year ago
Adding GitHub Actions and Updating Data Dependencies
Julia Evans
How do Nix builds work?
Hello! For some reason after the last nix post I got nerdsniped by trying to understand how Nix...
a year ago
Hello! For some reason after the last nix post I got nerdsniped by trying to understand how Nix builds
work under the hood, so here’s a quick exploration I did today. There are probably some mistakes in here.
I started by complaining on Mastodon:
are there any guides to nix that... blog
A student asked how I keep us innovative. I don't.
Last week, I did a Q&A session for a friend's security class.
One of the students asked a question...
a year ago
Last week, I did a Q&A session for a friend's security class.
One of the students asked a question that I loved.
They asked something like, "As a principal engineer, how do you make sure your company stays at the forefront of innovation?"
There are two reasons I love this...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Interview on Will Larson's Infrastructure Engineering
a reprint of my interview on Will Larson's InfraEng project.
over a year ago
a reprint of my interview on Will Larson's InfraEng project.
Making software...
Prescription Form UI Improvements
Prescription Form UI Improvements
I was browsing the Clearly website a few days ago and...
over a year ago
Prescription Form UI Improvements
I was browsing the Clearly website a few days ago and ended up using their prescription form to update my worsening eyesight. The design of this form wasn't bad per se, but it could certainly be improved.
Current design of the...
James Vaughan's blog
Introducing: json-space-analyzer
a year ago
bt RSS Feed
RSS Hacks With XSLT
RSS Hacks With XSLT
In my spare time I’ve been further tinkering (hopefully for the...
over a year ago
RSS Hacks With XSLT
In my spare time I’ve been further tinkering (hopefully for the better) with my humble Shinobi Website1 script. The most recent update in patch-1 came with a solid amount of QoL improvements. If you’re interested, I wrote about it on the official...
A Beautiful Site
Testing Support for :focus-visible
The new :focus-visible CSS selector lets us remove unsightly focus rings that often result in...
over a year ago
The new :focus-visible CSS selector lets us remove unsightly focus rings that often result in developers adding this to their stylesheets:
/* Please don't do this */
button:focus {
outline: none;
While unsightly to mouse users, a clear focus indicator is essential for proper...
What the slot?
by Egor Kloos (aka dutchcelt)
Web Components. The discussion seems to pop up more than it used...
a year ago
by Egor Kloos (aka dutchcelt)
Web Components. The discussion seems to pop up more than it used to.
Web Components Will Outlive Your JavaScript Framework
HTML Web Components: An Example
Material web components 1.0 release
HTML Web Components are Just JavaScript?
Web Components...
A Smart Bear
The "Talk vs Walk" framework
This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and...
over a year ago
This exercise we invented at WP Engine is surprisingly useful in engaging both Marketing and Product, generating actions for both sides that make products more desirable and competitive.
Extract the kernel.
As I’ve served longer in an executive role, I’ve started to notice recurring communication...
a year ago
As I’ve served longer in an executive role, I’ve started to notice recurring communication challenges between executives and the folks they work with. The most frequent issue I see is when a literal communicator insists on engaging in the details with a less literal executive.
Paolo Amoroso's...
A demostration of fixing a bug from Medley's debugger
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
11 months ago
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
This allows, for example, to correct a bug by inspecting, editing, fixing, and resuming a program that breaks and lands in the debugger because of an error. To gain familiarity with the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
I have a question: has anyone ever tried to standardize an RSS feed in HTML?
I can’t find any...
11 months ago
I have a question: has anyone ever tried to standardize an RSS feed in HTML?
I can’t find any discussion around it — but I’d love to read more about the idea because it intrigues me.
The OG RSS was an XML feed.
Later we got JSON feeds.
So why not an HTML feed standard? (I know,...
Google is showing outdated results from the UK’s election
Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide.
It was a rough...
6 months ago
Last week, fourteen years of Tory government came to an end with a Labour landslide.
It was a rough night for every Conservative candidate, many of whom either lost their seat or saw their majorities severely diminished.
One of those Conservative candidates was Nigel... blog
Parallel assignment: a Python idiom cleverly optimized
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Website Backups with Apple iCloud
Website Backups with Apple iCloud
My main work machine, an M2 MacBook Air, meshes really...
10 months ago
Website Backups with Apple iCloud
My main work machine, an M2 MacBook Air, meshes really well with my iPhone SE (they are in the same ecosystem after all - duh!). Since both of these devices are Apple products, it makes sense that I pay for the optional iCloud service...
A Beautiful Site
SVG Repo
I stumbled upon a great resource for free SVGs. They're currently boasting over 300,000 images....
over a year ago
I stumbled upon a great resource for free SVGs. They're currently boasting over 300,000 images. Check it out over at SVG repo.
Looks like they have a sister site for fonts, too. Lots of 'em.
Blog System/5
Revisiting the NetBSD build system
I recently picked up an embedded project in which I needed to build a highly customized full system...
a week ago
I recently picked up an embedded project in which I needed to build a highly customized full system image with minimal boot times and NetBSD was the best choice for it. Let's look at why its build system helps.
How I landed a software developer job in Japan
How I came to Japan
During the first day of the first computer science...
over a year ago
How I came to Japan
During the first day of the first computer science course I took, I
happened to sit next to a Japanese woman. Over the semester, we became
friends, and I remember many a lunch we had together, where she would
tell me about life in... blog
Lessons from my first (very bad) on-call experience
Near the beginning of my career, I was working for a startup that made database software used by...
over a year ago
Near the beginning of my career, I was working for a startup that made database software used by other companies in their production infrastructure. The premise was that our super-fast database had a computing framework that would let you do things in real-time that usually took...
The History of the...
Beware the cloud of hype
We don't know how this AI thing will turn out, but there is much to be learned from the cycles of...
7 months ago
We don't know how this AI thing will turn out, but there is much to be learned from the cycles of hype that have already occurred on the web.
The post Beware the cloud of hype appeared first on The History of the Web.
Vladimir Klepov as a...
The complete guide to safe type narrowing in TypeScript
Say I'm building a TODO app with two tabs: done and pending tasks. To make the app routable, I put...
a year ago
Say I'm building a TODO app with two tabs: done and pending tasks. To make the app routable, I put the active tab into the ?tab query parameter, so that takes me directly to the done tasks. I implement routing like this (pardon my hand-coded querystring...
Navigating Private Equity ownership.
In 2020, you could credibly argue that ZIRP explains the world,
but that’s an impossible argument to...
a month ago
In 2020, you could credibly argue that ZIRP explains the world,
but that’s an impossible argument to make in 2024 when zero-interest rate policy is only a fond memory.
Instead, we’re seeing a number of companies designed for rapid expansion learning to adapt
to a world that...
Remains of the Day
Invisible asymptotes
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred...
over a year ago
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single...
Vadim Kravcenko
Stand Out and Dare to Disagree
The post Stand Out and Dare to Disagree appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
7 months ago
The post Stand Out and Dare to Disagree appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Engineer’s Codex
Meta's new LLM-based test generator is a sneak peek to the future of development
Meta's TestGen-LLM is a sneak peek to the future of developer productivity: specialized,...
10 months ago
Meta's TestGen-LLM is a sneak peek to the future of developer productivity: specialized, orchestrated, and rigorously filtered.
Epic Web Dev
Two Factor Auth is Included in the Epic Stack (tip)
A Two Factor Authentication implementation has been added to the Epic Stack. Check it out!
a year ago
A Two Factor Authentication implementation has been added to the Epic Stack. Check it out!
David Gerrells
How fast is rust? Simulating 200,000,000 particles
The challenge, simulate 100,000,000 particles in rust using only the cpu. Let’s go.
2 months ago
The challenge, simulate 100,000,000 particles in rust using only the cpu. Let’s go.
bt RSS Feed
Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME
Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME
The dwm window manager is my standard “go-to” for most of...
a year ago
Bringing dwm Shortcuts to GNOME
The dwm window manager is my standard “go-to” for most of my personal laptop environments. For desktops with larger, higher resolution monitors I tend to lean towards using GNOME. The GNOME DE is fairly solid for my own purposes. This...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why you may not need a sales team
You will need sales, but do you need a sales team to achieve revenue? Let's say you are the founder...
over a year ago
You will need sales, but do you need a sales team to achieve revenue? Let's say you are the founder of a new tech startup. A few months back, you and…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Source Code for Life v0.1
Compiled Insights for Infinite Learners
over a year ago
Compiled Insights for Infinite Learners
MMapped blog
Fungible tokens: payment flows
over a year ago
swyx's site RSS Feed
swyx in 2024 End of Year wraps
i was involved in 3 end of year-ish recaps today:
3 weeks ago
i was involved in 3 end of year-ish recaps today:
David Heinemeier...
Finding The Last Editor
Some programmers can code under any conditions. Open office? They'll bring headphones. Whatever...
10 months ago
Some programmers can code under any conditions. Open office? They'll bring headphones. Whatever editor is on their system? They'll make it work. Using a different framework or language every few years? No problem. I envy that level of versatility, but I've come to accept it just...
Drawing repetitive radial artworks
I was waiting for a meeting to start the other day, and I was idly doodling in my notebook.
I’d just...
7 months ago
I was waiting for a meeting to start the other day, and I was idly doodling in my notebook.
I’d just had a text from a friend about an upcoming trip to Ireland, and she’d sent me the four-leafed clover emoji (🍀), so I was sketching some petal-like shapes.
These are a few of my...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Implementing Notion-like table of contents in JavaScript
Notion-like table of contents in JavaScript
Long web pages benefit from having a table...
4 months ago
Notion-like table of contents in JavaScript
Long web pages benefit from having a table of contents.
Especially technical, reference documentation. As a reader you want a way to quickly navigate to a specific part of the documentation.
This article describes how I...
Ralph Ammer
The perfect drawing tool
The emotional rollercoaster I experience in art supply stores can be summarised in one word: greed. ...
a year ago
The emotional rollercoaster I experience in art supply stores can be summarised in one word: greed. I want every single pen, every brush, every quill, and a sheet of every paper, ranging from crude cardboard to magnificent handcrafted Japanese washi. And yes, I need papyrus. And...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we’re improving performance by combining persons and events
In a previous product update we announced a beta for a substantial change to the way we handle...
over a year ago
In a previous product update we announced a beta for a substantial change to the way we handle persons and events on PostHog. Today, after gathering…
The Changelog
Fast, Ordered Unixy Queues over NNCP and Syncthing with Filespooler
It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces...
over a year ago
It seems that lately I’ve written several shell implementations of a simple queue that enforces ordered execution of jobs that may arrive out of order. After writing this for the nth time in bash, I decided it was time to do it properly. But first, a word on the why of it all....
Vladimir Klepov as a...
How to destroy your app performance using React contexts
useContext hook has made React Context API so pleasant to work with that many people are even...
over a year ago
useContext hook has made React Context API so pleasant to work with that many people are even suggesting that we drop external state management solutions and rely on the built-in alternative instead. This is dangerous thinking that can easily push your app's performance down the...
Software Developer Internships in Japan, Attending Japanese University, & Job Hunting as a New Grad
How do I get a job in Japan with no experience? Why are there no entry level jobs or ways to break...
a year ago
How do I get a job in Japan with no experience? Why are there no entry level jobs or ways to break into the industry?
This is one of the most common questions in the [TokyoDev Discord server](, and for good reason. The [job...
A Beautiful Site
The Future of Frameworks
Love them or hate them, web components ("custom elements") are making a huge dent in the world of...
over a year ago
Love them or hate them, web components ("custom elements") are making a huge dent in the world of front-end development. As of today, close to 18% of page views in Chrome are registering web components. That's an insane amount of usage!
The benefits of a framework-agnostic...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.21.0
Release 1.21 is a big one, on top of exciting new features and improvements, we put extra time into...
over a year ago
Release 1.21 is a big one, on top of exciting new features and improvements, we put extra time into the overall stability of PostHog squashing dozens… blog
It's getting hard to use and recommend Firefox, I'm afraid for the free web
A couple of months ago, every video call I had on my personal computer ended up using Chromium.
9 months ago
A couple of months ago, every video call I had on my personal computer ended up using Chromium.
I tried using Firefox and it looked good on my end: I could see and hear the other person.
But they just saw a blank video feed and heard nothing.
Firefox showed me that it's sending,... blog
Starting my (overkill) homelab
I've set up a homelab finally!
This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was...
over a year ago
I've set up a homelab finally!
This is something I've wanted for a while and finally the timing was right.
The right project came along to justify it, so I took the plunge.
Naturally, that leads to a few questions:
What's a home lab?
Why do you want one?
And what is the shiny...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Two Quick Tips When Building With React Router
I’ve been working with the latest Remix-ification of React Router and there are two things I wish I...
10 months ago
I’ve been working with the latest Remix-ification of React Router and there are two things I wish I had known when I started.
So I’m writing them down in case anyone else is about to start a React Router app.
1. Flat Action Data When Using JSON
If you’re submitting JSON,...
The Pragmatic...
Klarna’s AI chatbot: how revolutionary is it, really?
Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use...
5 months ago
Klarna launched its AI chatbot, built in collaboration with OpenAI, which the company wants to use to eliminate 2/3rds of customer support positions. But is it as revolutionary, and as likely to replace jobs, as Klarna claims?
Steve Klabnik
Travis build matrix for Rails
over a year ago
Computer Things
What if the spec doesn't match the code?
Whenever I talk about formal methods, I get the same question:
Can I use the spec to generate my...
9 months ago
Whenever I talk about formal methods, I get the same question:
Can I use the spec to generate my code?
People are worried about two things. One, that they'll make a mistake implementing the specification and have bugs. Two, that over time the implementation will "drift" and...
Florian Bellmann |...
Build a career path by multiplying your value
Oftentimes senior developers lack ideas on where to go next. Let's try to explore some ideas.
a year ago
Oftentimes senior developers lack ideas on where to go next. Let's try to explore some ideas.
Charles Chen
Vue 3x3 - A Mental Model for Building Fast
A mental model for helping you get oriented with with Vue3 and Composition API
a year ago
A mental model for helping you get oriented with with Vue3 and Composition API
swyx's site RSS Feed
GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries
My mistakes and insights on GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries.
over a year ago
My mistakes and insights on GraphQL Variables and Persisted Queries.
Ognjen Regoje •...
A review of the blog in 2024
I didn’t write much this year.
The projects that I worked on (at work) used up most of my creative...
a week ago
I didn’t write much this year.
The projects that I worked on (at work) used up most of my creative mental capacity leaving little for writing.
The backlog is brimming, however.
Targets for 2024
❌ Publish at least 40 posts
❌ Reach at least 200k readers
Don’t have an...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Why we've launched PostHog user surveys
Today, we’ve announced user surveys are out of beta and in general release, complete with new...
a year ago
Today, we’ve announced user surveys are out of beta and in general release, complete with new pricing . Short version? Pricing is usage-based, with…
Liz Denys
Crafting a recipe: creamy Vidalia onion soup
I often find myself cooking, or sometimes even baking, without recipes or even measuring cups and...
over a year ago
I often find myself cooking, or sometimes even baking, without recipes or even measuring cups and spoons. The latter, especially with baking, is some linear combination of adventurousness - things haven't gone badly yet as I have always managed to produce the results I've wanted...
bunnie's blog
Name that Ware, December 2022
The Ware for December 2022 is shown below. Turning this into a suitable Name that Ware-style entry...
over a year ago
The Ware for December 2022 is shown below. Turning this into a suitable Name that Ware-style entry was a bit tough, but I think maybe I hit a balance between leaving enough clues, and giving it away. We’ll see shortly! I have a lot more to say about this ware: I will give proper...
A Beautiful Site
Detecting mobile devices with JavaScript
While I understand and value the concept of feature detection over browser detection, sometimes the...
over a year ago
While I understand and value the concept of feature detection over browser detection, sometimes the need for knowing whether or not we're dealing with a mobile device arises. For in-depth device checking, you can rely on a complex library such as The MobileESP Project. But for...
A Smart Bear
Pivot Points
Not "enabling constraints", not "weaknesses", not even "strengths". The concept of a "Pivot Point"...
3 months ago
Not "enabling constraints", not "weaknesses", not even "strengths". The concept of a "Pivot Point" grapples with the same reality, but more constructive and useful. blog
We deserve to know if something was generated by AI
We're plunging into a world where AI-generated text surrounds us.
But we don't know where we are on...
a year ago
We're plunging into a world where AI-generated text surrounds us.
But we don't know where we are on that.
What portion of the text you read each day was generated fully or partially by a human, or by an LLM?
We don't know, and probably can't know, and that brings about some...
Keeping your job board legal in Japan
I've previously written about [how recruiting is a licensed industry in...
over a year ago
I've previously written about [how recruiting is a licensed industry in Japan](/articles/recruiting-in-japan), and because of this, [you need to be careful](/articles/legally-operating-a-job-board-in-japan) about how you operate your job board to ensure it isn't classified as...
Computer Things
"Integration tests" are just vibes
New blog post! Software Friction is about how all the small issues we run into developing software...
8 months ago
New blog post! Software Friction is about how all the small issues we run into developing software cause us to miss deadlines, and how we can address some of them. Patreon here.
"Integration tests" are just vibes
You should write more unit tests than integration tests. You should...
Epic Web Dev
Professional Web Forms (workshop)
The Professional Web Forms Workshop will equip you for building complex, fully accessible forms that...
a year ago
The Professional Web Forms Workshop will equip you for building complex, fully accessible forms that handle validation and file uploads while preventing spam.
Vadim Kravcenko
Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return
The post Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
8 months ago
The post Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Tinloof - Blog
JavaScript’s Maps For Better Performance
This article is not intended to explore the API of the Map object in details. If you’re looking for...
over a year ago
This article is not intended to explore the API of the Map object in details. If you’re looking for such a source, please check out MDN.
In general, the Map data structure is useful when we want to retrieve/add/delete values through a set of unique keys.
One of the...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
HTML Web Components: An Example
In my article on HTML web components, I said:
But the unique power of web components (in the...
a year ago
In my article on HTML web components, I said:
But the unique power of web components (in the browser) is that they can render before JavaScript. React components cannot do this — full stop.
There’s a lot in there I wanted to explain more in-depth, but I just never go to it.
Words and Buttons...
Can we use lemniscates for ultra-cheap vector graphics?
This depicts an old idea of using multifocal lemniscates to draw arbitrary curves. In somewhat...
over a year ago
This depicts an old idea of using multifocal lemniscates to draw arbitrary curves. In somewhat limited scope, this may be indeed an economical alternative to splines.
bt RSS Feed
Disabling Comments in WordPress
Disabling Comments in WordPress
I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and...
over a year ago
Disabling Comments in WordPress
I seem to come across a decent amount of clients and users online that have a difficult time knowing how to disable comments for both future and previous blog posts. It isn’t the easiest for both use cases, so let’s break it down.
Joel Gascoigne
For the first few people, hire from your network
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
We’re lucky...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
We’re lucky enough to have reached the stage with Buffer []
where we have had to start to think about growing the team. For the first 10
months the team consisted of just...
swyx's site RSS Feed
An Annotated Guide to React Server Components
React Server Components are a nuanced, sweeping addition to React's existing capabilities. This is...
over a year ago
React Server Components are a nuanced, sweeping addition to React's existing capabilities. This is my guide.
Confessions of a...
Recording: Six Key Performance Engineering Lessons from 1BRC
Last night we did this live session on performance engineering.
3 months ago
Last night we did this live session on performance engineering.
Vadim Kravcenko
Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior
These are mostly my thoughts about what I was expecting as a junior and how I perceived senior...
10 months ago
These are mostly my thoughts about what I was expecting as a junior and how I perceived senior developers. To […]
The post Falsehoods Junior Developers believe about becoming Senior appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
#34 a button is not a link
Bad code
<button type="button" onclick="'')">Link target...
a month ago
Bad code
<button type="button" onclick="'')">Link target description</button>
Issues and how to fix them
A button opening a link will be unexpected behavior for screen reader users. No matter how it is styled.
Links disguised as buttons...
37signals Dev
Monitoring 10 Petabytes of data in Pure Storage
As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of...
a week ago
As the final part of our move out of the cloud, we are working on moving 10 petabytes of data out of AWS Simple Storage Service (S3). After exploring different alternatives, we decided to go with Pure Storage FlashBlade solution.
We store different kinds of information on S3,...
datalists are more powerful than you think
by Alexis Degryse
I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a...
a week ago
by Alexis Degryse
I think we all know the <datalist> element (and if you don’t, it’s ok). It holds a list of <option> elements, offering suggested choices for its associated input field.
It’s not an alternative for the <select> element. A field associated to a <datalist> can...
Julia Evans
New playground: memory spy
Hello! Today we’re releasing a new playground called “memory spy”. It lets you run C programs
a year ago
Hello! Today we’re releasing a new playground called “memory spy”. It lets you run C programs
and see how their variables are represented in memory. It’s designed to be
accessible to folks who don’t know C – it comes with bunch of extremely simple
example C programs that you can...
Vadim Kravcenko
As a non-technical founder what should I be doing while the product is developed?
First of all, congrats on starting this journey. So, you’re a non-technical co-founder in the...
a year ago
First of all, congrats on starting this journey. So, you’re a non-technical co-founder in the process of product development, feeling […]
The post As a non-technical founder what should I be doing while the product is developed? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Lessons learned from 15 years of SumatraPDF, an open source Windows app
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for...
over a year ago
I released first version of SumatraPDF in 2006. That’s 15 years ago which seems like a good time for a retrospective.
The app
SumatraPDF is a multi-format (PDF, ePub, Mobi, comic book, DjVu, XPS, CHM) viewer for Windows and currently looks like this:
Epic Web Dev
Full Stack Components
There’s this pattern I’ve been using in my apps that has been really helpful to me and I’d like to...
over a year ago
There’s this pattern I’ve been using in my apps that has been really helpful to me and I’d like to share it with you all.
Steve Klabnik
Marx, anarchism, and web standards
over a year ago blog
The most important goal in designing software is understandability
When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is...
11 months ago
When you're designing a piece of software, the single most important thing to design for is understandability.
Security, performance, and correctness are all important, but they come after understandability.
Don't get me wrong, all of those are important.
Software that isn't...
A Theory of Web Relativity
The rel attribute has the potential to take the Internet to the next level… and yet, we usually...
over a year ago
The rel attribute has the potential to take the Internet to the next level… and yet, we usually forget about it.
Imagine a city where people guided themselves by the landmarks and the stores, where there were no directional signs, and where streets and neighborhoods had no names....
My custom <picture> plugin for Jekyll
About seven months ago, I did a complete rewrite of how I handle images on this site.
It’s working...
a year ago
About seven months ago, I did a complete rewrite of how I handle images on this site.
It’s working well and nothing seems to have broken, so I thought it might be good to explain what I’m doing.
For readers: I want images to load quickly and look good.
That means looking sharp on...
Josh Comeau's blog
Effective Collaboration with Product and Design
How we work with design can have a tremendous impact on our overall output, and yet we don't always...
over a year ago
How we work with design can have a tremendous impact on our overall output, and yet we don't always treat it as very important. A look at how collaborating with design can supercharge our own productivity.
Making software...
CSS Character Unit
CSS Character Unit
When it comes to proper readability with large portions of text, the...
over a year ago
CSS Character Unit
When it comes to proper readability with large portions of text, the golden standard is to have no more than 75 characters per line. This is easy to achieve in the world of print but on the responsive, ever-changing web - statically defined...
A Beautiful Site
How to get the dominant colors of an image with Color Thief
You know how Dribbble shows a color palette for each shot users upload? They always look perfect...
over a year ago
You know how Dribbble shows a color palette for each shot users upload? They always look perfect right? Here's a tool that can give you the same quality results using pure JavaScript.
I played with Color Thief a few months ago but surprisingly never posted about it. For me,...
A Python function to iterate through an S3 Bucket Inventory
For a couple of our S3 buckets at work, we use S3 Bucket Inventory to track their contents.
Once a...
a year ago
For a couple of our S3 buckets at work, we use S3 Bucket Inventory to track their contents.
Once a week, it creates an inventory; a collection of compressed CSV files that describe every object in the bucket.
If we want to analyse everything in the bucket, reading this inventory...
Kagi Blog
Towards conceptual generalization in the embedding space
(This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a...
over a year ago
(This is a whitepaper published in the early days of Kagi AI research) A neural network in a self-driving car may properly react in most situations based on billions of images it has seen.
A small freedom area...
Investigating why Steam started picking a random font
Out of the blue my Steam started picking a random font I had in my user fonts
dir: Virgil, the...
over a year ago
Out of the blue my Steam started picking a random font I had in my user fonts
dir: Virgil, the Excalidraw font.
That triggered me all sorts of emotions, ranging from laugh to total
incredulity. I initially thought the root cause was a random derping from Valve
but the Internet...
A Smart Bear
Hello, I'm 1074018628
Is "customer service" a genuine service? Or is it a shield so that most people at your company never...
8 months ago
Is "customer service" a genuine service? Or is it a shield so that most people at your company never have to speak to one of those pesky customers?
Liz Denys
Inbox by Gmail's accidentally abusive algorithm
The modern world really loves to use little algorithms here and there to help us speed things up....
over a year ago
The modern world really loves to use little algorithms here and there to help us speed things up. Inbox by Gmail is no exception.
Inbox has a concept of "speed dial" - an algorithmically determined set of "frequent" contacts that appears when hovering over the compose button:
Confessions of a...
Reflections on 2024 and Exciting Plans for 2025
Looking back at what we accomplished in 2024, and plans for 2025
3 weeks ago
Looking back at what we accomplished in 2024, and plans for 2025
A Smart Bear
The "errors" that mean you're doing it right
Some things appear to be mistakes, but in fact should be celebrated as the expected outcomes of...
11 months ago
Some things appear to be mistakes, but in fact should be celebrated as the expected outcomes of great decisions.
Vadim Kravcenko
What is your unethical CS career’s advice?
Hey there, First off, kudos to you for having the courage to ask the tough questions that many think...
10 months ago
Hey there, First off, kudos to you for having the courage to ask the tough questions that many think but […]
The post What is your unethical CS career’s advice? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Founder's blog
Reasons NOT to upgrade ASP.NET to ASP.NET Core (but you will have to anyway)
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and...
a year ago
I know, I know, .NET Core is the future of .NET, and "cross-platform blah-blah", and "high-performance and scalable blah-blah", and also "microservices!!! containers!!!" etc. Even more - I understand that's it's inevitable. But still. Consider this an angry post on what's wrong...
ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ Herman's...
Building software to last forever
I recently received the following email regarding Bear:
I am a huge fan and love the service as...
over a year ago
I recently received the following email regarding Bear:
I am a huge fan and love the service as it is.
However, I am curious how the continuation of the service is guaranteed.
- Joe
This is a great question, and one I have put a lot of thought into, even going so far as...
The Pragmatic...
Happy Leap Day!
29 February is causing problems in software systems across the globe. It’s a good reminder on how...
10 months ago
29 February is causing problems in software systems across the globe. It’s a good reminder on how few assumptions we should make about dates – and why to use a date library when you can.
Alex Meub
Must-have Windows Apps
Notepad++ - Best text-editor ever
Cygwin/mintty - Awesome linux environment on windows -...
over a year ago
Notepad++ - Best text-editor ever
Cygwin/mintty - Awesome linux environment on windows - Fast, lightweight image editor
Foobar2000 - Fast, lightweight, music player (supports FLAC)
IrfanView - Awesome, lightweight, image viewer for all formats
Media Player Classic -...
Steve Klabnik
More refactoring
over a year ago
Oxide Computer...
Exploiting Undocumented Hardware Blocks in the LPC55S69
At Oxide Computer, we are designing a new computer system from the ground up. Along the way we...
over a year ago
At Oxide Computer, we are designing a new computer system from the ground up. Along the way we carefully review all hardware selected to ensure it meets not only functional needs but our security needs as well. This work includes reverse engineering where necessary to get a full...
Don Melton
How not to blog
First off, be sure to wait at least three-and-a-half years between posts. It’s all about keeping...
over a year ago
First off, be sure to wait at least three-and-a-half years between posts. It’s all about keeping your audience riveted in anticipation.
Julia Evans
Some tactics for writing in public
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such...
a year ago
Someone recently asked me – “how do you deal with writing in public? People on
the internet are such assholes!”
I’ve often heard the advice “don’t read the comments”, but actually I’ve
learned a huge amount from reading internet comments on my posts from strangers
over the years,...
Ruud van Asseldonk
A language for designing slides
over a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
obfuscated C revisited
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly
revamped web site, and the Judges have...
a week ago
The International Obfuscated C Code Contest has a newly
revamped web site, and the Judges have announced the 28th contest, to
coincide with its 40th anniversary. (Or 41st?)
The Judges have also updated the archive of past winners so
that as many of them as possible work on modern...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Good advice on JSX conditionals
Conditional rendering is a cornerstone of any templating language. React / JSX bravely chose not to...
over a year ago
Conditional rendering is a cornerstone of any templating language. React / JSX bravely chose not to have a dedicated conditional syntax, like ng-if="condition", relying on JS boolean operators instead:
condition && <JSX /> renders <JSX /> iff condition is truthy,
condition ?...
How to get more headcount.
One of the recurring challenges that teams face is getting headcount to support their initiatives.
a month ago
One of the recurring challenges that teams face is getting headcount to support their initiatives.
A similar problem is the idea that a team can’t get a favored project into their roadmap.
In both cases, teams often create a story about how clueless executives don’t understand...
A four-stage approach for hiring women on your engineering team
“We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common...
9 months ago
“We’d love to have woman engineers on our team, but we don’t get any applying to us” is a common sentiment I’ve heard from startup founders, both in Japan as well as my home country, the United States.
If you’re in a similar position, and looking to increase the gender...
Lennart Koopmann
Moving to Mastodon
After the recent events of Elon Musk taking over, I and many others started using Mastodon and...
over a year ago
After the recent events of Elon Musk taking over, I and many others started using Mastodon and reduced Twitter activity. I avoid calling this a "switch" because I do not plan to remove my account on Twitter.
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
All About That Button, ’Bout That Button
In modern SPAs it’s common to immediately escape baked-in browser behaviors. For example, using...
6 months ago
In modern SPAs it’s common to immediately escape baked-in browser behaviors. For example, using <button> often looks like this:
<input type="text" name="q" />
onClick={(e) => {
// Stop the baked-in behavior
The Pragmatic...
Datadog’s $65M/year customer mystery solved
The internet has been speculating the past few days on which crypto company spent $65M on Datadog in...
a year ago
The internet has been speculating the past few days on which crypto company spent $65M on Datadog in 2022. I confirmed it was Coinbase, and here are the details of what happened.
swyx's site RSS Feed
My 2022 New Mac Setup
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
over a year ago
I set up a new Mac for work today. Here's everything I use on a Mac for fullstack web development.
Making software...
Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS
Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS
Update (Oct 2019): @aardrian wrote a...
over a year ago
Making Tables Responsive With Minimal CSS
Update (Oct 2019): @aardrian wrote a previous post about how changing the display properties on tables can impact screen readers. I highly recommend his excellent article Tables, CSS Display Properties, and ARIA
I find...
Daniel Marino
Daily Inspirational Word
Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten into journaling. Recently I’ve been
using a method where...
7 months ago
Over the past couple of years I’ve gotten into journaling. Recently I’ve been
using a method where you’re given a single inspirational word as a prompt, and
go from there. Unfortunately, the process of finding, saving, and accessing
inspirational words was a bit of a...
Steve Klabnik
Ember Data: ‘DS’ is not defined
over a year ago
Tony Finch's blog
Constructing a four-point egg
For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, I was investigating
elliptical and ovoid shapes. The...
11 months ago
For reasons beyond the scope of this entry, I was investigating
elliptical and ovoid shapes. The Wikipedia article for Moss’s
egg has a link to a tutorial on Euclidean Eggs by Freyja
Hreinsdóttir which (amongst other things) describes how to
construct the “four point egg”. I...
bt RSS Feed
Fixing Jekyll's dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
I recently wrote about working with...
6 months ago
Fixing Jekyll’s dart-sass Dependency on OpenBSD
I recently wrote about working with multiple Ruby versions on OpenBSD which still works just fine, but I noticed a bug when trying to build a couple of my Jekyll projects locally:
NotImplementedError: dart-sass for...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
For Sale: Used Domain (**Clean Title**)
Bryan Braun has an interesting post about his experience with what he calls a “haunted domain”:
2 months ago
Bryan Braun has an interesting post about his experience with what he calls a “haunted domain”:
He buys a domain that seems fine on the surface.
When he begins using it, he notices some things aren’t right (organic search traffic, for example, is dead).
After some investigation,...
A Beautiful Site
CSS shapes are here
Here's something exciting from the CSS world: shapes!
Ok, it may not sound all that exciting, but...
over a year ago
Here's something exciting from the CSS world: shapes!
Ok, it may not sound all that exciting, but you haven't had a chance to see what can actually be done with CSS shapes yet. (Hint: check out the featured image above.)
Razvan Caliman explains it like this:
For a long time, web...
The Changelog
So Many Caring People In This World
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the...
over a year ago
When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, “Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.” To this day, especially in times of “disaster,” I remember my mother’s words and I am always comforted by realizing that...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
On being “currently based anywhere”
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating...
over a year ago
Currently based anywhere. That’s what I landed on when I changed the copy on my homepage indicating that I was based out of Atlanta. I…
Basta’s Notes
Microwaves piss me off
If you’ve spent enough time around me, you’ve probably already heard this rant. I’m upset about...
a year ago
If you’ve spent enough time around me, you’ve probably already heard this rant. I’m upset about microwaves.
Working with Tech Recruiters in Japan
**Recruiters, Consultants, Career Advisors, Headhunters.**
I've heard so many names from...
a year ago
**Recruiters, Consultants, Career Advisors, Headhunters.**
I've heard so many names from different people that I've talked to, but all in all, the bulk of the work is the same -- they receive information on what kind of employee a client wants to hire, and start looking for...
Josh Comeau's blog
You Don’t Need a UI Framework
As developers, it can be tempting to grab a pre-styled UI framework like Material UI or Bootstrap....
over a year ago
As developers, it can be tempting to grab a pre-styled UI framework like Material UI or Bootstrap. Seems like a great way to outsource design and save a bunch of time, right? In my experience, this is an unrealistic expectation, and things don’t quite work out that way.
Epic Web Dev
Why I Won't Use Next.js
From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares...
a year ago
From the perspective of web standards to concerns about increasing complexity, Kent C. Dodds shares his opinions on why he won't use Next.js.
Vadim Kravcenko
🔥 Battling daily procrastination
🔥Procrastination is a serious threat. But what keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do?...
over a year ago
🔥Procrastination is a serious threat. But what keeps so many of us from doing what we long to do? What […]
The post 🔥 Battling daily procrastination appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Poking around OpenAI.
I haven’t spent much time playing around with the latest LLMs,
and decided to spend some time doing...
a year ago
I haven’t spent much time playing around with the latest LLMs,
and decided to spend some time doing so. I was particularly curious
about the usecase of using embeddings to supplement user prompts
with additional, relevant data (e.g. supply the current status of their
A Beautiful Site
Code can change
As a web developer, your code is often visible to anyone who wants to review it. If you're like me,...
over a year ago
As a web developer, your code is often visible to anyone who wants to review it. If you're like me, you might get stressed out about the thought of people looking at your work and critiquing or criticizing your app's design.
Take a deep breath, recenter, and remember that code...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Found-Money Startups
'I will find free money for you' is one of my favorite business models. Here's a quick definition of...
over a year ago
'I will find free money for you' is one of my favorite business models. Here's a quick definition of Found-Money Startups and a short list I've been keeping.
Is It Time To Version Observability? (Signs Point To Yes)
Augh! I am so behind on so much writing, I’m even behind on writing shit that I need to reference in...
5 months ago
Augh! I am so behind on so much writing, I’m even behind on writing shit that I need to reference in order to write other pieces of writing. Like this one. So we’re just gonna do this quick and dirty on the personal blog, and not bother bringing it up to the editorial standards...
bt RSS Feed
Skip to Content Button
Skip to Content Button
One of the golden rules for testing your website’s accessibility...
over a year ago
Skip to Content Button
One of the golden rules for testing your website’s accessibility is the “keyboard-only” audit. This is where you test navigating through your entire site without the use of a mouse, but instead rely solely on tabbing through your...
Julia Evans
New zine: How Integers and Floats Work
Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work!
You can get it for $12...
a year ago
Hello! On Wednesday, we released a new zine: How Integers and Floats Work!
You can get it for $12 here:, or get
an 13-pack of all my zines here.
Here’s the cover:
the table of contents
Here’s the table of contents!
Now let’s...
Recurse Center Day 1: init
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
Confused bit
Simply explained: how does GPT work?
By now, you have probably heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or any of the alternatives GPT-3, GPT-4,...
a year ago
By now, you have probably heard of OpenAI’s ChatGPT, or any of the alternatives GPT-3, GPT-4, Microsoft’s Bing Chat, Facebook’s LLaMa or even Google’s Bard. They are artificial intelligence programs that can participate in a conversation. Impressively smart, they can easily be...
Web Accessibility in Japan: What Developers Need to Know
Many people with disabilities use assistive technology, which allows them to access websites in ways...
a year ago
Many people with disabilities use assistive technology, which allows them to access websites in ways different from most people. People who are blind, for example, use screen readers to convert website content into audio. Some use braille displays. There are also people who use...
The Pragmatic...
A senior engineer/EM job search story
avidson Fellipe, a software engineer with 15 years’ experience, based in New York, was recently let...
a year ago
avidson Fellipe, a software engineer with 15 years’ experience, based in New York, was recently let go. After 350 applications and 85 first-round interviews in 4 months, he secured 3 offers, and has now started his new job. He shares first-hand learnings about navigating the jobs...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Give Back Friday with PostHog
Black Friday is normally an occasion to shop around for a new TV or mobile phone. But we wanted to...
over a year ago
Black Friday is normally an occasion to shop around for a new TV or mobile phone. But we wanted to do something a little different, something to…
Kagi Blog
Kagi + Wolfram
Building a search engine is hard.
10 months ago
Building a search engine is hard.
Joel Gascoigne
What no one talks about when building a team: Letting people go
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
One of the...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
One of the things I enjoy most about building a company is to focus on culture,
and to think about how we can create a team which is a joy to be part of. A
large part of this is
Chris Nicholas
Building an AI toolbar for text editors
I've been experimenting with a floating AI toolbar, designed for use in text editors. Here’s some...
6 months ago
I've been experimenting with a floating AI toolbar, designed for use in text editors. Here’s some details on how it was created.
Joel Gascoigne
Work and rest in a startup
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’m writing this...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
I’m writing this from Javea, Spain
. I arrived here a couple of days...
Writing a Mac app to review my photos
I take a lot of photos.
When I’m trying to get a particular shot, I’ll often take multiple pictures...
a year ago
I take a lot of photos.
When I’m trying to get a particular shot, I’ll often take multiple pictures in the hope of getting at least one that’s good – and then my camera roll is full of similar images.
I always intend to go back and clean up my pictures afterwards – pick the best...
Daniel Marino
How I Manage Projects
As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there...
over a year ago
As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there is a right or wrong way to manage projects, I do think there are some methods that can yield better results. I’m hardly an expert in this area, but I’d like to share some of the...
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
A Beautiful Site
Rebuilding your Spotlight index in macOS
I use Spotlight more than I like to admit, usually for launching apps. Recently, some of my apps and...
over a year ago
I use Spotlight more than I like to admit, usually for launching apps. Recently, some of my apps and files stopped appearing — even ones I access frequently.
After sifting through numerous posts online, I finally discovered one that seems to work. Running this command in the...
Florian Bellmann |...
How to get in shape with a Raspberry Pi
A Raspberry Pi is a great tool for any coder to have. It is a small, cheap computer that can be used...
a year ago
A Raspberry Pi is a great tool for any coder to have. It is a small, cheap computer that can be used for a variety of projects. This blog post will discuss some of the reasons why I think every coder should have one!
Dan Slimmon
I was on the Slight Reliability podcast!
Thanks very much to host Stephen Townshend of Slight Reliability podcast. We talked about incident...
9 months ago
Thanks very much to host Stephen Townshend of Slight Reliability podcast. We talked about incident response, diagnosis, and looking for trouble. It was very chill! Full 28-minute episode:
Measuring developer experience, benchmarks, and providing a theory of improvement.
Back in 2020, I wrote a piece called
My skepticism towards current developer meta-productivity...
a month ago
Back in 2020, I wrote a piece called
My skepticism towards current developer meta-productivity tools,
which laid out my three core problems with developer productivity measurement tools of the time:
Using productivity measures to evaluate rather than learn
Instrumenting metrics...
Computer Things
What does 'TLA+' mean, anyway
TLA+ Workshop
Feb 12th. I've decided to reduce the class size from 20 to 15, so there's only a...
11 months ago
TLA+ Workshop
Feb 12th. I've decided to reduce the class size from 20 to 15, so there's only a couple of slots left! I'll be making a little less money this way but it should lead to a better teaching experience for the attendees. Use the code NEWSLETTERDISCOUNT for $100...
bt RSS Feed
Goodbye CSS Preprocessors
Goodbye CSS Preprocessors
I have been using preprocessors across all my side projects...
over a year ago
Goodbye CSS Preprocessors
I have been using preprocessors across all my side projects since they first popped onto the scene. Sass, Stylus, LESS — you name the CSS preprocessor and I’ve most likely used it because CSS preprocessors are awesome.
But that all changes...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.40.0: Interface improvements and more!
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once...
over a year ago
Want to know more about what we're up to? Subscribe to our new newsletter , which we send once every two weeks! Running a self-hosted instance? Check…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Feature Transformation
Presenting the same information a different way... helps! Plus, one algorithm that does better than...
over a year ago
Presenting the same information a different way... helps! Plus, one algorithm that does better than Principal Components Analysis!
swyx's site RSS Feed
You're Allowed To Make Your Own Tools
Making personal side projects for fun and profit.
over a year ago
Making personal side projects for fun and profit.
Tinloof - Blog
Translating Shopify stores with Sanity
At Tinloof, we have an internal library that does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to building...
a year ago
At Tinloof, we have an internal library that does a lot of heavy lifting when it comes to building fast Remix websites that have their content managed from Sanity.
A while ago, we took a step back to research and implement a localization setup with Sanity that handles all...
Win: contribution to libSQL (SQLite) codebase
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
10 months ago
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
Oxide Computer...
Benefits as a Reflection of Values
“We offer the best health insurance we could find” is what we promise in our job postings. On paper,...
over a year ago
“We offer the best health insurance we could find” is what we promise in our job postings. On paper, this is accurate: the health insurance Oxide offers is the best plan we can find that is offered to small businesses.
What we left unsaid until now is that the best health...
David Heinemeier...
Obsessive problem solving followed by aimless wandering
I haven't felt any urge to tinker with my Linux setup in months. This after spending much of the...
a month ago
I haven't felt any urge to tinker with my Linux setup in months. This after spending much of the spring and into summer furiously and obsessively trying every PC out there to find the perfect replacement for the Mac, diving deep with Ubuntu, and codifying my findings in the...
Kagi Blog
Dawn of a new era in Search: Balancing innovation, competition, and public good
Google search is in the news.
4 months ago
Google search is in the news.
Daniel Immke's Blog...
It’s the future — you can stop using JPEGs
For the past several months, after leaving Amazon I have been hard at work building a software...
a year ago
For the past several months, after leaving Amazon I have been hard at work building a software product. I anticipate probably another 1-…
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog vs LogRocket
LogRocket is a frontend monitoring platform which, like PostHog, combines multiple tools into one...
a year ago
LogRocket is a frontend monitoring platform which, like PostHog, combines multiple tools into one platform. In this article we’ll explain some of the…
A Beautiful Site
Lessons from a failed Kickstarter
Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign....
over a year ago
Last week, I launched Particle on Kickstarter. Today, I pulled the plug and canceled the campaign. We had 50 backers and were 5% funded. So why would I do this with 25 days left to go?
The fact is, this campaign failed before it started, and it was all my fault. I became so... blog -...
Making Rust builds fail from YAML config mistakes
I was talking to a friend recently, and zie1 lamented that a Rust web framework uses YAML for its...
2 months ago
I was talking to a friend recently, and zie1 lamented that a Rust web framework uses YAML for its configuration.
I'm far from one to defend YAML2, but dug in a little to understand zir issues with it: is it the trauma here, or is it something else?
Ultimately, zie wanted...
The Changelog
Visiting Germany: Reflections on Schloss Charlottenburg
200 years ago, my ancestors migrated from Prussia to Ukraine. They left for many reasons, many of...
over a year ago
200 years ago, my ancestors migrated from Prussia to Ukraine. They left for many reasons, many of which boiled down to their strong pacifism in the midst of a highly militarized country. Last week, my wife, the boys, and I walked through the favorite palace of Friedrich Wilhelm...
Databases: how they work, and a brief history
over a year ago
Making software...
Billing for One CSS Change
Billing for One CSS Change
Every second you spend working as a designer should be billed...
over a year ago
Billing for One CSS Change
Every second you spend working as a designer should be billed back to the client. A simple button color change? Bill them. Additional links added to an existing menu? Send that invoice over. Some basic typeface changes? Don't do it for...
From Mongolia to Japan as a Software Engineer
I’d love to share my journey of almost six years of experience as a Mongolian software engineer in...
7 months ago
I’d love to share my journey of almost six years of experience as a Mongolian software engineer in Tokyo. My path to securing a job in Japan was somewhat unconventional in that I applied for jobs in Japan through career fairs at my graduate school, the Indian Institute of...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Using Quadratic to Discover Newsletter Links
I built myself a daily email digest that informs me who is linking back to my blog.
It’s a fun way...
11 months ago
I built myself a daily email digest that informs me who is linking back to my blog.
It’s a fun way to discover new people, blogs, and newsletter that I didn’t know existed.
I recently saw links to my blog from the tldr newsletter but didn’t know which posts specifically they were...
A Beautiful Site
Finding the active element in a shadow root
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this...
over a year ago
You can get the focused element with document.activeElement but, if it's inside a shadow root, this will be the host element. This happens because of retargeting, but sometimes you might need access to the internal element that actually has focus.
Here's a recursive function that...
Blog System/5
Strings, encodings, NULs and Bazel
A story on how strings without NULs are problematic for interop with the OS
a year ago
A story on how strings without NULs are problematic for interop with the OS
How I Got a Digital Nomad Visa for Japan
“Should I live here, in Japan?” That thought crossed my mind almost as soon as I landed at Tokyo’s...
2 months ago
“Should I live here, in Japan?” That thought crossed my mind almost as soon as I landed at Tokyo’s Haneda airport. So I began my very first, brief and spontaneous trip to any Asian country, in February of 2024. I’m sure I wasn’t the first or last tourist with such ideas...
37signals Dev
Turbo 8 released
We’re excited to announce the release of Turbo v8, a major update to the Turbo front-end framework....
11 months ago
We’re excited to announce the release of Turbo v8, a major update to the Turbo front-end framework. This release introduces a suite of innovative features designed to enhance web development and user experiences across the board.
Here are the key highlights of Turbo v8:
Tony Finch's blog
I made a keyboard!
Another keyboard!
A couple of years ago I made a BBC Micro tribute keyboard in the runup
a year ago
Another keyboard!
A couple of years ago I made a BBC Micro tribute keyboard in the runup
to the beeb’s 40th anniversary. I called it HHKBeeb:
The HHKBeeb is made from:
keycaps designed by me and printed by WASD
Yiancar HS60 PCB
generic HHKB aluminium / acrylic sandwich... blog -...
Parsing MIDI messages in Rust
I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI.
That means I need a MIDI...
a month ago
I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI.
That means I need a MIDI implementation!
I chose to use an existing library, midir, to connect to devices and receive messages.
But the reason I was interested in this not-yet-announced project is because I...
Elad Blog
Startup Decoupling & Reckoning
The coming reset in mid-to-late stage startups in 2023-2024 is at this point likely largely...
a year ago
The coming reset in mid-to-late stage startups in 2023-2024 is at this point likely largely decoupled from interest rates and inflation. Implications are discussed.
Coding Horror
I'm Loyal to Nothing Except the Dream
There is much I take for granted in my life, and the normal functioning of American government is...
over a year ago
There is much I take for granted in my life, and the normal functioning of American government is one of those things. In my 46 years, I've lived under nine different presidents. The first I remember is Carter. I've voted in every presidential election since 1992,
Improving SEO without knowing where to start
What is SEO ?
Web quality with Opquast
SEO-related Opquast...
over a year ago
What is SEO ?
Web quality with Opquast
SEO-related Opquast rules
Introduction ↑
Colleagues sometimes ask me: “Hey Alex, I would like to learn a bit about search engine optimisation (SEO) but I don't really know where to start. Do you have tips for...
Good Design Sells Open Source
I updated my blog from my own homebrew Rails application to
[Octopress](, a...
over a year ago
I updated my blog from my own homebrew Rails application to
[Octopress](, a blogging framework backed by the
static site generator [Jekyll]( I first read about
Octopress a couple of weeks ago on Hacker News. Although Octopress
Living with a disability in Japan
This article is informed primarily by my experiences as a deaf American living in Japan for the last...
a year ago
This article is informed primarily by my experiences as a deaf American living in Japan for the last 16 years. Even though I do not have a mobility disability, I have also included notes about mobility accessibility because I also have some awareness of those through relatives. I...
Tinloof - Blog
How to design an accessible carousel (part 1)
This series of articles is made out of two parts:
In this first article, we provide a comprehensive...
8 months ago
This series of articles is made out of two parts:
In this first article, we provide a comprehensive guide to designing an intuitive and universally accessible carousel for any web project.
In the second part, we'll focus on the development approach, walking you through...
Obsidian Freeform
Prefer video? You can also watch an intro video that I recorded for this on YouTube.
7 months ago
Prefer video? You can also watch an intro video that I recorded for this on YouTube.
Obsidian Freeform is an extremely
small Obsidian plugin that enables totally custom
JavaScript-powered frames alongside your notes. I created it because I use
Obsidian as my note-taking...
bt RSS Feed
Clickable Links Inside XML
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch1 to the Shinobi Website project, I...
over a year ago
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch1 to the Shinobi Website project, I thought it would be best to share my experience implementing clickable links inside a rendered XML RSS file directly through a browser. This is made possible thanks to the awesome power...
On Test Automation
Security testing your APIs - Unrestricted Resource Consumption
In this blog post series, I am going to explore the vulnerabilities in the OWASP API Security Top...
3 months ago
In this blog post series, I am going to explore the vulnerabilities in the OWASP API Security Top 10. For each entry, I’ll show you how to perform experiments on APIs to test for the vulnerability, and I’ll discuss my observations.
I’ll use different APIs as test subjects in...
Get that marquee ✨AeStHeTiC✨
With the current Y2K fashion trend and JLo being back together with Ben Affleck, the 2000s are...
over a year ago
With the current Y2K fashion trend and JLo being back together with Ben Affleck, the 2000s are having a revival this year. Many brands are jumping onto the boat by creating websites with an “old-school” vibe.
SEPRONIC WORLD by Thea Wood on Behance
The marquee element is an old...
Steve Klabnik
redis-namespace 1.3.1 security release
over a year ago blog
What's hidden behind "just implementation details"
Something I hear occasionally from some software people1 is something along the lines of: "Well, the...
6 months ago
Something I hear occasionally from some software people1 is something along the lines of: "Well, the hard part is figured out, and the rest is just implementation details."
This typically means they've created an algorithm to do something, and the rest of it is all the supporting...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we found our Ideal Customer Profile
Creating an Ideal Customer Profile is one of the most important things we've ever done at PostHog....
over a year ago
Creating an Ideal Customer Profile is one of the most important things we've ever done at PostHog. You can see it in our revenue growth: I wish we…
Steve Klabnik
ActiveRecord considered harmful
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS
Lately, I’ve become obsessed with trying to see...
over a year ago
Mini Interactive Keyboard with Pure CSS
Lately, I’ve become obsessed with trying to see what I can create using only HTML and CSS (besides websites of course). Since playing with the concept of faking 3D elements, I wanted to circle back around to an older CodePen I...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.36.0: Introducing AND/OR filtering, timezone support and universal search
PostHog 1.36.0 introduces AND/OR filtering, timezone support, universal search, multi-dashboard...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.36.0 introduces AND/OR filtering, timezone support, universal search, multi-dashboard insights and much, much more.
PostHog's RSS Feed
PostHog Joins Hacktoberfest 2020
Let the pull requests come in! We're happy to announce that PostHog has joined Hacktoberfest 2020 ....
over a year ago
Let the pull requests come in! We're happy to announce that PostHog has joined Hacktoberfest 2020 . For those who don't know, Hacktoberfest is an…
Joel Gascoigne
50 books that transformed my business and my life
As a teenager I had a period of many years where I stopped reading books
completely. I even remember...
over a year ago
As a teenager I had a period of many years where I stopped reading books
completely. I even remember a time where I couldn't imagine reading books at
all. After I graduated and started to be interested in business and startups, I
realized the immense power and knowledge contained...
The Fundamental Information Technology Engineer Examination: My Experience
Several years ago, I went to Japan on holiday for the first time, and fell in love with the country....
5 months ago
Several years ago, I went to Japan on holiday for the first time, and fell in love with the country. I started studying the Japanese language and began to wonder what it would take for me to move there and work as a software developer.
While still at university, I had an...
A Beautiful Site
Solving the search problem
I recently wrote about using an ORM and how it allowed me to support five different database...
over a year ago
I recently wrote about using an ORM and how it allowed me to support five different database platforms with minimal effort. There is, however, one feature that even Sequelize couldn't tackle for me: full-text search
A full-text search is typically a database feature that lets you...
The Pragmatic...
Should you optimize for all-cash compensation, if possible?
Although still rare in the industry, companies like Netflix and Shopify let employees choose how...
a year ago
Although still rare in the industry, companies like Netflix and Shopify let employees choose how much of their total compensation is stock. What are the approaches to take?
Recurse Center Day 9: Papers We Love
I learnt a few things about Dynamo
over a year ago
I learnt a few things about Dynamo
Nelson's Weblog
The Sandbaggers
I just finished an extraordinary late-70s TV show, The
Sandbaggers. It’s British spy TV. While the...
a year ago
I just finished an extraordinary late-70s TV show, The
Sandbaggers. It’s British spy TV. While the show name-checks
James Bond frequently the soul of it is more of a Le
Carré thing. Intelligence as a series of dismal political battles
between underpaid civil servants at the home...
bt RSS Feed
Sharing The Things We Use
Sharing The Things We Use
I always love stumbling across personal websites that include...
over a year ago
Sharing The Things We Use
I always love stumbling across personal websites that include some form of a “uses” page. A place where the author lists out all the tools they use on a regular basis - whether it be hardware, software or something else entirely. It allows...
A Smart Bear
Extreme questions to trigger new, better ideas
It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad...
over a year ago
It is difficult to brainstorm fresh, transformative ideas. Telling everyone that “no idea is a bad idea” isn’t enough of a prompt. These questions will stretch you beyond your daily experience; if you’re lucky, they could even lead to a unique business model and a long-term...
Oxide Computer...
A Gap in the TrustZone preset settings for the LPC55S69
We’re very excited to have announced
the general availability of our cloud computer. As part of this...
a year ago
We’re very excited to have announced
the general availability of our cloud computer. As part of this work, we
continue to build on top of the LPC55S69 from NXP as our Root of Trust. We’ve
discovered some gaps when using TrustZone preset settings on the LPC55S69 that
can allow for...
Tony Finch's blog
What does it mean to be an RCU implementation?
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU,...
a year ago
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU, prompted by a question about couple of
Rust RCU crates. (There are a few comments about it on LWN.)
McKenney goes on to propose an RCU classification system based on the
API an...
Submit to the Quirks of HTML
by Felix Hessenberger
It was on a cold February evening. I had been working on a client project,...
a month ago
by Felix Hessenberger
It was on a cold February evening. I had been working on a client project, building an order item list—nothing out of the ordinary. To adjust an item’s quantity, the user would open a popup form with a single input field, type a number, and hit...
Tinloof - Blog
Explain Like I'm Five: Headless CMS
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and...
over a year ago
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and terms easy to understand.
In this post, we explain in a few minutes what Headless CMS is and show you how it's used. So, what is a headless CMS, what are the use cases and...
Computer Things
I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me...
a month ago
I wrote about hyperproperties on my blog four years ago, but now an intriguing client problem got me thinking about them again.1
We're using TLA+ to model a system that starts in state A, and under certain complicated conditions P, transitions to state B. They also had a flag f...
Basta’s Notes
Don't make me read your PR description
I started using Github Copilot a month or two ago for my personal projects. I can’t say that it’s...
a year ago
I started using Github Copilot a month or two ago for my personal projects. I can’t say that it’s been a net positive. There are more than a handful of problems that make me slower: Sometimes it suggests a closing quote or paren that isn’t needed. Removing the duplicate character...
You don’t need the isOpen class
by Maureen Holland
Don’t get me wrong. You can keep it if you like it. But you don’t need it.
3 weeks ago
by Maureen Holland
Don’t get me wrong. You can keep it if you like it. But you don’t need it.
A class selector can allow us to visually show or hide content for disclosure widgets, like a custom select component or dropdown navigation menu. But a disclosure widget is made of two...
Josh Collinsworth
Debugging iOS Safari (when all you have is a Mac)
Debugging iOS Safari is a challenge (and possibly expensive) when you don't have access to an...
over a year ago
Debugging iOS Safari is a challenge (and possibly expensive) when you don't have access to an iPhone. Here are a few options to get around that problem.
A Beautiful Site
Access pages without the php extension using .htaccess
There are a number of ways to make "clean URLs" work on your site, but this one is pretty straight...
over a year ago
There are a number of ways to make "clean URLs" work on your site, but this one is pretty straight forward. It allows you to access /any-page.php by simply going to /any-page. Just place the following into your .htaccess file (and make sure that mod_rewrite is...
Stephen Wolfram...
Aggregation and Tiling as Multicomputational Processes
The Importance of Multiway Systems It’s all about systems where there can in effect be many possible...
a year ago
The Importance of Multiway Systems It’s all about systems where there can in effect be many possible paths of history. In a typical standard computational system like a cellular automaton, there’s always just one path, defined by evolution from one state to the next. But in a...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How Spotify (and PostHog) build successful features
This post is from our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers...
a year ago
This post is from our Substack newsletter, Product for Engineers . It's all about helping engineers and founders build better products, and…
Apple is Listening
Something big changed at Apple around the beginning of 2017.
They had encountered significant...
over a year ago
Something big changed at Apple around the beginning of 2017.
They had encountered significant turbulence in the product line over the preceding years, especially Macs. It was a rough time to be a pro Mac user.
The “trash can” 2013 Mac Pro addressed only a fraction of the needs...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Group Analytics is now available in PostHog
Today, we’re excited to announce that PostHog has launched Group Analytics for both PostHog Scale /...
over a year ago
Today, we’re excited to announce that PostHog has launched Group Analytics for both PostHog Scale / Enterprise users and those on PostHog Cloud…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Every Web Performance Test Tool
Check your site's speed quickly with a battery of tests
over a year ago
Check your site's speed quickly with a battery of tests
Julia Evans
Some notes on NixOS
Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my
servers, as part of my...
a year ago
Hello! Over the holidays I decided it might be fun to run NixOS on one of my
servers, as part of my continuing experiments with Nix.
My motivation for this was that previously I was using Ansible to
provision the server, but then I’d ad hoc installed a bunch of stuff on...
Joel Gascoigne
Why we have a core value of transparency at our startup, and why the reasons don't matter
Since the beginning of Buffer, we've always shared all of our learnings and
failures. Over time this...
over a year ago
Since the beginning of Buffer, we've always shared all of our learnings and
failures. Over time this developed into a more defined goal and principle as
part of the values of the company
Since we defined our value of...
bt RSS Feed
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software
I firmly believe that proprietary software...
over a year ago
Schools Should Be Using Open Source Software
I firmly believe that proprietary software has no business in any school environment. Educational institutions lean heavily on Windows systems in the name of “security” or “easier platform management”. This approach forces...
Words and Buttons...
[Renovated] NURBS is just an acronym
NURBS stands for the non-uniform rational basis spline. There are three separate concepts. This...
over a year ago
NURBS stands for the non-uniform rational basis spline. There are three separate concepts. This guide walks you through these concepts one by one.
The Cost Crisis in Observability Tooling
Originally posted on the Honeycomb blog on January 24th, 2024 The cost of services is on everybody’s...
11 months ago
Originally posted on the Honeycomb blog on January 24th, 2024 The cost of services is on everybody’s mind right now, with interest rates rising, economic growth slowing, and organizational budgets increasingly feeling the pinch. But I hear a special edge in people’s voices when...
A Smart Bear
The Impossible Product Manager, a.k.a. the "Great" Product Manager
According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but...
over a year ago
According to the Internet, being a Product Manager is impossible. Can you ever measure up? No, but don’t worry, there’s a better answer.
Dan Slimmon
Clinical troubleshooting: diagnose any production issue, fast.
Over the years, I've developed a reliable method for harnessing the diagnostic power of groups. My...
10 months ago
Over the years, I've developed a reliable method for harnessing the diagnostic power of groups. My approach is derived from a different field in which groups of experts with various levels of context need to reason together about problems in a complex, dynamic system:...
Joel Gascoigne
Giving your startup a point of view
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Something I’ve...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Something I’ve mentioned before at the start of a post
is that I often look back on quotes, blogs and books I’ve...
Tinloof - Blog
Managing Tinloof-powered websites
If your website was built by Tinloof, you should be able to self-manage it without any guide.
a year ago
If your website was built by Tinloof, you should be able to self-manage it without any guide.
We wrote this article just to make sure you're not missing out on any feature that helps you manage your website more effectively.
Navigating the CMS
Starting off right: Where autofocus shines
by Kilian Valkhof
Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to...
a month ago
by Kilian Valkhof
Focus is where the user is on your website. It's what makes it possible to navigate your site with the keyboard or other assistive technologies, and it's how a browser knows which form element you're typing in. It's vital to get right if you want to build good...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Retention rate vs churn rate: An intro to churn analysis
Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of...
a year ago
Here's what you need to know about churn rate and retention rate: Churn rate is the percentage of customers who stop using your product during a…
Vladimir Klepov as a...
Major Garbage Producers in JS
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally...
over a year ago
The reckless coding culture of JS favors producing garbage. In real life, if you're environmentally conscious (hey there, my European readers), you probably do all sorts of crazy thinks to cut down on garbage — reject plastic bags in a supermarket, recycle bottles, keep the paper...
Making software...
Simple Accessibility
Simple Accessibility
Implementing proper accessibility practices can seem a little...
over a year ago
Simple Accessibility
Implementing proper accessibility practices can seem a little daunting at first, but there are a few basic standards you can introduce into your project work-flow that are fairly straightforward:
Basic design
Test that your project has the proper...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Grateful: Colors in console.log()
So there I am, having an issue where my UI state isn’t updating correctly. What do I do? What every...
3 months ago
So there I am, having an issue where my UI state isn’t updating correctly. What do I do? What every developer does: turn to console.log() and troubleshoot by logging values.
I have a named color (e.g. blue) and a corresponding HSL color string for that named color (e.g. 100 50%...
Liz Denys
Hearts, stars, and trumpets: the things I 'favorite' but don't 'like'
Twitter recently changed "favorites" to "likes".
We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding...
over a year ago
Twitter recently changed "favorites" to "likes".
We want to make Twitter easier and more rewarding to use, and we know that at times the star could be confusing, especially to newcomers. You might like a lot of things, but not everything can be your favorite.
It's true - not...
Blog System/5
Picking glibc versions at runtime
Using a glibc version that is different from the system-provided one shouldn't require the use of...
5 months ago
Using a glibc version that is different from the system-provided one shouldn't require the use of containers, as I recently heard someone claim. Let's take a look at how dynamic linking works and what the options are.
Confessions of a...
What Happens When Python Starts Up? CPython Runtime Internals
CPython JIT Internals, Part 1: What is the Runtime and How is it initialized?
8 months ago
CPython JIT Internals, Part 1: What is the Runtime and How is it initialized?
Paolo Amoroso's...
Managing pure Common Lisp files on Medley
<![CDATA[Managing Lisp code in the residential environment of Medley differs from similar tasks in...
11 months ago
<![CDATA[Managing Lisp code in the residential environment of Medley differs from similar tasks in traditional file based Common Lisp systems.
In a previous post I explained how the residential environment of Medley works, discussed some of its facilities and tools, and...
Test-driven HTML and accessibility
by David Luhr
When I started writing unit tests and following a test-driven development (TDD)...
a year ago
by David Luhr
When I started writing unit tests and following a test-driven development (TDD) workflow, I was stoked with the immediate feedback and confidence I gained in every line of JavaScript I wrote.
TDD improved my software design with simpler, more predictable code. It...
David Heinemeier...
The benefit of seniority ought to be bandwidth
Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic...
11 months ago
Juniors are judged on effort, seniors are judged on outcomes. That’s a common and useful heuristic for evaluating employees. It neatly separates productivity from effectiveness, and places a premium on the latter. But the biggest benefit of this distinction ought to be of the...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Guide to predefined macros in C++ compilers (gcc, clang, msvc etc.)
When writing portable C++ code you need to write conditional code that depends on compiler used or...
over a year ago
When writing portable C++ code you need to write conditional code that depends on compiler used or the OS for which the code is written.
Here’s a typical case:
#if defined (_MSC_VER)
// code specific to Visual Studio compiler
To perform those checks you need to check...
David Heinemeier...
Patek levels of finishing
We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new...
a year ago
We’re in the final phase of getting the first ONCE product out the door. As with any new development, there are a million little details we need to nail for a successful launch that’s up to our standards. That’s usually where the temptation to cut corners on internal quality...
Blog - Bitfield...
Programming with confidence: TDD in Go
There’s an easy, pleasant, and reliable way to build software in Go, guided
by tests. Let’s find...
9 months ago
There’s an easy, pleasant, and reliable way to build software in Go, guided
by tests. Let’s find out what it’s like to program with confidence, in the
first part of this TDD tutorial series.
Epic Web Dev
Mocking Techniques in Vitest (workshop)
3 months ago
Engineer’s Codex
4 Software Design Principles I Learned the Hard Way
If there’s two sources of truth, one is probably wrong. And yes, please repeat yourself.
8 months ago
If there’s two sources of truth, one is probably wrong. And yes, please repeat yourself.
Josh Collinsworth
Creating dynamic bar charts with CSS grid
How to use CSS grid to make a responsive, adaptable bar chart with no math or external library...
over a year ago
How to use CSS grid to make a responsive, adaptable bar chart with no math or external library required!
This is a /now page.
I work at Turso Database.
Rust and C.
10 months ago
This is a /now page.
I work at Turso Database.
Rust and C.
A Beautiful Site
Determining your app's base directory in Node.js
Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight...
over a year ago
Determining your app's base dir (or document root if you're from a PHP background) isn't as straight forward as you'd think in Node. Here's a little trick to get a globally available reference to your app's root directory.
Add this somewhere towards the start of your main app...
Patrick Kayongo
A World Offline
Loadshedding has hit South Africa in a bad way. Interruptions to electricity has disrupted...
a year ago
Loadshedding has hit South Africa in a bad way. Interruptions to electricity has disrupted businesses and resulted in unanticipated cost increases from those who have had to find alternative sources of electricity. 16 years ago, it was unimaginable that we would have some days...
Making software...
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD
VSCode and its many variations are not available on...
a year ago
Running VSCode in Chromium on OpenBSD
VSCode and its many variations are not available on OpenBSD. This doesn't cause issue with many OpenBSD users, but those making the jump from Linux might miss access to such a popular editor. Lucky for us, there is a hacky...
Steve Klabnik
Protological Control: an introduction
over a year ago
Evan Jones -...
Advice on looking for a new software engineering job
I've been working professionally as a software engineer since 2006, which means I've been doing this...
over a year ago
I've been working professionally as a software engineer since 2006, which means I've been doing this long enough that people now ask me for advice. I've only changed jobs 3 times in my career, so I'm not sure I'm an expert. However, I decided I should write down my advice, to...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Burning money on paid ads for a dev tool – what we've learned
Since starting PostHog in 2020, we’ve learned a bunch about what does and doesn’t work when it comes...
a year ago
Since starting PostHog in 2020, we’ve learned a bunch about what does and doesn’t work when it comes to marketing to engineers . Paid ads is a…
A Beautiful Site
My Stance on AI-generated Code
I recently added this to Shoelace's contribution guidelines, which sums up my position on...
over a year ago
I recently added this to Shoelace's contribution guidelines, which sums up my position on AI-generated code.
As an open source maintainer, I respectfully ask that you refrain from using AI-generated code when contributing to this project. This includes code generated by tools...
Ognjen Regoje •...
Situations in which TDD is the way to go
While I’m not a fan of using TDD all the time, here are a few situations where it’s...
a year ago
While I’m not a fan of using TDD all the time, here are a few situations where it’s effective.
Starting a bugfix by writing the broken test case is often very practical, especially with issues that show up somewhere in the front end, but the fix is somewhere deep in the...
Haunt 0.2.6 released
Haunt version 0.2.6 has been released. This release restores
compatibility with Guile < 3.0 that...
over a year ago
Haunt version 0.2.6 has been released. This release restores
compatibility with Guile < 3.0 that was accidentally broken in 0.2.5.
Additionally, Haunt now uses the inotify API to watch for file changes
on Linux when running haunt serve --watch, replacing a slower and
more naive...
bunnie's blog
Designing The Light Source for IRIS
This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their...
9 months ago
This post is part of a longer-running series about giving users a tangible reason to trust their hardware through my IRIS (Infra-Red, in-situ) technique. IRIS allows us to see the insides of certain types of chips, even after they are soldered to a circuit board. This is possible...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Counting to Ten
We’re sitting around the dinner table discussing what happened at school today and it leads us to...
a year ago
We’re sitting around the dinner table discussing what happened at school today and it leads us to the subject of counting to ten.
Realizing everyone in the family can count to ten in a language unique to them at this moment in their life, we go around the table to do it...
Tinloof - Blog
Explain Like I'm Five: Website speed
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and...
over a year ago
This post is part of the series Explain Like I'm Five (#eli5), which aims to make tech concepts and terms easy to understand.
In this two minutes read, we'll explain why website speed matters, how to measure it, and how to improve it.
Why website speed matters
Ognjen Regoje •...
Github Copilot suggesting links
A potentially very useful but probably unintended and unpolished feature of GitHub Copilot is that...
a year ago
A potentially very useful but probably unintended and unpolished feature of GitHub Copilot is that it can suggest related links. That is, if you paste a link, then on a new line type https:// and wait for a second, Copilot often suggests a link or two. The results, at the moment,...
Steve Klabnik
80% of success is showing up
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I’m a big...
over a year ago
Simplifying the Craigslist Gallery
This article was updated on October 11, 2022
I’m a big fan of and the overall UX used throughout their application. My own website is an ever-changing example of “brutalist” or minimalist design, so I’m always inspired... blog
Approximating pi using... a cake?
Happy Pi Day, fellow nerds!
This is a holiday I've celebrated every year since at least 2010, and...
a year ago
Happy Pi Day, fellow nerds!
This is a holiday I've celebrated every year since at least 2010, and I'm not stopping anytime soon.
The celebrations have evolved.
It used to be just "bake a pie" and "haha pi, pie".
Over time, I twisted it a bit (pizza is a pie of sorts! a cake with...
Josh Collinsworth
Five Ways to Become a Better Designer (That Aren't Design)
There’s vast world of design learning and opportunity right in front of us constantly. All we need...
over a year ago
There’s vast world of design learning and opportunity right in front of us constantly. All we need to do is take the time to notice it and learn from it.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Farewell, Netlify
On leaving Netlify
over a year ago
bt RSS Feed
I recently read both Starting Hospice and No Salt posted on Jake’s blog and...
5 months ago
I recently read both Starting Hospice and No Salt posted on Jake’s blog and was quite moved. I don’t know Jake and have never met him - but his writing and shared experiences give a very real look into his mind and perspective. If you haven’t yet, I...
Confessions of a...
Live Session: CPython and ELF Essentials for Building a Basic Remote Profiler
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
8 months ago
Learn some CPython internals, ELF file format and loading, and how remote profilers work
Darek Kay
Running Storybook from a separate folder
After migrating a project to Vite, I've moved my Storybook setup into a separate module — a folder...
over a year ago
After migrating a project to Vite, I've moved my Storybook setup into a separate module — a folder next to the actual app:
📁 project
├─ 📁 app
| ├─ 📁 src
| └─ 📄 package.json
└─ 📁 storybook
├─ 📁 .storybook
| ├─ 📄 main.js
| └─ 📄 preview.js
└─ 📄...
bt RSS Feed
I think since our design industry moves so quickly and exciting new...
over a year ago
I think since our design industry moves so quickly and exciting new technologies get released almost daily, that we often forget some of the basics when writing CSS. I bring this up because I’ve recently worked on a few projects that show a slight...
the singularity is...
Dangerous Misinformation
When I Google myself, I get this infobox:
As you can see below, George Hotz’s height is 5’10”, not...
5 months ago
When I Google myself, I get this infobox:
As you can see below, George Hotz’s height is 5’10”, not 5’4”
Google, please take this misinformation seriously before you end up in a very large libel suit. This is not on a site you are linking to, this is first party misinformation...
David Heinemeier...
Automattic is doing open source dirty
Automattic demanding 8% of WP Engine's revenues because they're not "giving back enough" to...
3 months ago
Automattic demanding 8% of WP Engine's revenues because they're not "giving back enough" to WordPress is a wanton violation of general open source ideals and the specifics of the GPL license. Automattic is completely out of line, and the potential damage to the open source world...
bt RSS Feed
Menu Toggle with Pure CSS
Menu Toggle with Pure CSS
When thinking through navigation designs for mobile devices...
over a year ago
Menu Toggle with Pure CSS
When thinking through navigation designs for mobile devices sometimes the best option is to store away the content behind a toggle button. This button would then display the menu items upon interaction. Let me show you how to create such an...
Liz Denys
gitionary: the graphical game of git guessing
I apparently have a knack for coming up with nerdy party games. Three Fridays ago, my 6.033 TA...
over a year ago
I apparently have a knack for coming up with nerdy party games. Three Fridays ago, my 6.033 TA encouraged us to practice creating diagrams for our design project proposals by trying to identify UNIX commands or filesystem structures from our partner's drawings. He claims that...
Dan Slimmon
Squeeze the hell out of the system you have
When complexity leaps are on the table, there's usually also an opportunity to squeeze some extra...
a year ago
When complexity leaps are on the table, there's usually also an opportunity to squeeze some extra juice out of the system you have. By tweaking the workload, tuning performance, or supplementing the system in some way, you may be able to add months or even years of runway. When...
the singularity is...
A Place for Me
Have all the jobs been fake for years? Read this, a NASA critique from 1992.
Basically society is...
a month ago
Have all the jobs been fake for years? Read this, a NASA critique from 1992.
Basically society is run by useless people making work for other useless people so that together they can all alleviate their deep concern about not having a place in society.
Elon has a bigger tent of...
Oxide Computer...
Oxide Computer Company: Initial boot sequence
We have started a computer company! If you haven’t yet, read Jess’s account of
us being born in a...
over a year ago
We have started a computer company! If you haven’t yet, read Jess’s account of
us being born in a garage and
Bryan’s on the soul of our new computer
company. Also, see the perspectives of some of our founding engineers:
Robert Mustacchi on
joining Oxide,
Joshua Clulow on the need...
Alex MacCaw
The Great CEO Within
It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very...
over a year ago
It's been a long time coming, but Matt Mochary's book The Great CEO Within is out. I feel very fortunate to be involved in this project. This is the best book I've read on making the journey from founder to CEO.
Quentin Santos
Upgrading to Debian Trixie
I had been running Bookworm for quite a while. It has now been stable for more than a year. In other...
3 months ago
I had been running Bookworm for quite a while. It has now been stable for more than a year. In other words, Trixie has now been testing for more than a year, and will most likely become the new stable in less than a year. In the past, I encountered a few surprises with unstable …...
Liz Denys
Chemistry at its finest: inverted sugar syrup for cocktails
Simple syrup finds its home in any well-stocked bar because sometimes sugar doesn't dissolve easily...
over a year ago
Simple syrup finds its home in any well-stocked bar because sometimes sugar doesn't dissolve easily enough. Simple syrup is traditionally made by dissolving white sugar into water on a stove and then cooling before use, but sometimes, in a pinch, people will shake superfine sugar...
David Gerrells
why everyone hates levels
Levelsio and I go way back, like 8 years back. I first met him on the twitter when I came across the...
4 months ago
Levelsio and I go way back, like 8 years back. I first met him on the twitter when I came across the “indie hacker” scene.
Josh Comeau's blog
A Modern CSS Reset
I have a set of baseline CSS styles that come with me from project to project. In the past, I'd use...
over a year ago
I have a set of baseline CSS styles that come with me from project to project. In the past, I'd use a typical CSS reset, but times have changed, and I believe I have a better set of global styles!
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Watch Transitions in Slow Motion in Chrome’s DevTools
For those of you about to do view transitions, I salute you!
And I pass on this super useful...
a year ago
For those of you about to do view transitions, I salute you!
And I pass on this super useful (perhaps obvious) piece of information I received from Bramus: watch your animations play out in slow motion using Chrome’s devtools.
I’ve been working on view transitions on my icon...
Paolo Amoroso's...
Upgrading Crostini Linux from Bullseye to Bookworm
<![CDATA[ChromeOS Stable 121 rolled out to my ASUS Chromebox 3 and brought with it a one-click...
11 months ago
<![CDATA[ChromeOS Stable 121 rolled out to my ASUS Chromebox 3 and brought with it a one-click option to upgrade Crostini.
Crostini, the Debian based Linux container of chromeOS, was running Bullseye prior to that. ChromeOS 121 popped up a notification with a button offering to...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Cite Your Sources, AI
In a recent note of mine, I quoted Jaron Lanier on AI chatbots:
There are two ways this could go....
a year ago
In a recent note of mine, I quoted Jaron Lanier on AI chatbots:
There are two ways this could go. One is that we pretend the bot is a real thing, a real entity like a person, then in order to keep that fantasy going we’re careful to forget whatever source texts were used to have...
Steve Klabnik
Beware subclassing Ruby core classes
over a year ago
If You Want To Hire Great Engineers, Let Engineers Do The Hiring
Hiring great engineers is not just about evaluating technical skills. It’s about finding passionate...
5 months ago
Hiring great engineers is not just about evaluating technical skills. It’s about finding passionate individuals who align with your mission. It’s about building a team that can turn your vision into reality.
To make this happen, a solid interview process is your best tool....
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
A Well Known URL For Your Personal Avatar
Well-known URLs are pretty neat. I’ve even dared propose one before here on my blog.
And now I’m...
a year ago
Well-known URLs are pretty neat. I’ve even dared propose one before here on my blog.
And now I’m here to propose another:
The idea is: anybody that owns a domain can put their avatar in a well-known location.
I’ve already implemented this for my own site[1]....
Making software...
Create a Performance-Focused WordPress Blog
Create a Performance-Focused WordPress Blog
With my recent switch back to WordPress, and...
over a year ago
Create a Performance-Focused WordPress Blog
With my recent switch back to WordPress, and having read Kev Quirk’s latest post about Core Web Vitals, I wanted to make sure my blog still prioritized speed and performance above all else. I’m happy to say that I have...
Blog - Bitfield...
Rust and Go vs everything else
Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and
why the two languages...
a month ago
Alex Pliutau and I discuss what Go programmers should know about Rust, and
why the two languages make perfect partners.
Blog - Bitfield...
Test names should be sentences
Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and
even our future selves....
9 months ago
Tests communicate a lot of information, to readers, other developers, and
even our future selves. Well-written tests focus on a single unit of
behaviour that can be described in a brief sentence, and we can use that
sentence as the name of the test.
Ink & Switch
Reflecting on 2024, Droste's Lair, Version control for game dev
A year-end note from our director; a recap of a recent unconf; Droste's Lair; a sneak preview of...
2 weeks ago
A year-end note from our director; a recap of a recent unconf; Droste's Lair; a sneak preview of version control for game dev.
Josh Comeau's blog
Demystifying styled-components
For so many React devs, styled-components seems kinda magical. It isn't at all clear how it uses...
over a year ago
For so many React devs, styled-components seems kinda magical. It isn't at all clear how it uses traditional CSS features under-the-hood, and that lack of clarity can cause real problems when things go awry. In this post, we'll learn exactly how styled-components works by...