Vadim Kravcenko
⛳ Moving Forward in times of uncertainty
The last weeks are the worst I’ve seen in my life, and it’s unclear what the world will look like...
over a year ago
The last weeks are the worst I’ve seen in my life, and it’s unclear what the world will look like […]
The post ⛳ Moving Forward in times of uncertainty appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko. blog
Go slow to go fast
A couple of weeks ago, I started working with a personal trainer to improve my fitness.
I've long...
10 months ago
A couple of weeks ago, I started working with a personal trainer to improve my fitness.
I've long been an endurance athlete, and it's time to lean into my overall fitness and strength.
Part of this is to be healthy and live a long life.
But honestly? More of it is a desire to...
Kevin Chen
Speeding up code with vectorization
I’ve been writing a lot of math code with latency requirements these days. When
I talk to people...
over a year ago
I’ve been writing a lot of math code with latency requirements these days. When
I talk to people about my problems, they usually suggest multithreading and
general-purpose GPU computing.
These both have downsides. Multithreading might not be the best option in
systems that...
Steve Klabnik
How to be an open source gardener
over a year ago
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Apollo and App Icons
As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I...
a year ago
As a self-proclaimed app icon-noisseur, I’ve followed Apollo from the sidelines for a while. I absolutely love all the great app icon variations Christian has commissioned for the app. (Photo from @BasicAppleGuy.)
It’s sad to see Apollo go. As I noted, Christian was a...
David Heinemeier...
Native mobile apps are optional for B2B startups in 2024
I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software...
a year ago
I continue to see new B2B software startups struggle with native mobile apps. Consumer software makers can usually start by going all-in on a single platform, but for business tools, that’s rarely an option. So they must face the tall task of tackling web, iOS, and Android at the...
bt RSS Feed
Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5
Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5
I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my...
7 months ago
Building rbenv on OpenBSD 7.5
I use Ruby (specifically with Jekyll) for a lot of my clubs/projects while using my personal laptop (X220 ThinkPad) which is runs OpenBSD. Since I recently upgraded to OpenBSD 7.5 I thought it could be helpful for others if I shared my...
Making software...
Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons
Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons
Everyone can appreciate fancy, animated buttons - but often...
over a year ago
Shiny, Animated CSS Buttons
Everyone can appreciate fancy, animated buttons - but often times they come with a performance cost: JavaScript. Luckily for us, we can create our very own shiny, animated buttons with pure CSS.
The Demo
Live CodePen Example
Paolo Amoroso's...
Revising card shape and initialization in WebCard
<![CDATA[In NoteCards, Text cards are rectangular windows with proportions similar to a post-it...
2 months ago
<![CDATA[In NoteCards, Text cards are rectangular windows with proportions similar to a post-it note. The Web card type of WebCard inherits from Text, including the default window size. Since a Web card needs only display a URL, the default shape leaves most of the text area...
Podcast: Nikitonsky про современные редакторы кода @ Тысяча фичей
Каким должен быть редактор кода в 2024 году? Почему Vim морально устарел, а IDEA, кажется, сдает...
3 months ago
Каким должен быть редактор кода в 2024 году? Почему Vim морально устарел, а IDEA, кажется, сдает позиции? Популярность Zed, минимализм SublimeText, гибкость Emacs и многое другое в новом выпуске. blog
OpenAI fixed their unsafe policy around names
Update October 2, 2023: This is now fixed: you can update your name in your user settings.
a year ago
Update October 2, 2023: This is now fixed: you can update your name in your user settings.
This works for the OpenAI Platform accounts, and they say the same for ChatGPT (etc.) is coming soon.
Thank you to those who reached out to OpenAI employees about this, and thank you so...
Making software...
SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS
SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS
A few years back I played (and loved) SOMA, a...
over a year ago
SOMA Inspired Terminal Display with CSS
A few years back I played (and loved) SOMA, a first-person sci-fi horror-adventure game. The story was intriguing and the developers nailed the overall atmosphere of Pathos-II. Though both those aspects were great, what I found...
Steve Klabnik
Borrow checking, escape analysis, and the generational hypothesis
over a year ago
Playing with bikeshare data, part one
Since July, I’ve been archiving data from the Citi Bike GBFS feed. Every five
minutes, I have a...
a year ago
Since July, I’ve been archiving data from the Citi Bike GBFS feed. Every five
minutes, I have a datapoint for each of the roughly 2,090 stations with numbers
for how many bikes are available or broken, and how many bikes are electric.
It’s a long-term project that combines my...
swyx's site RSS Feed
What You Can Do with Netlify Build Plugins
Netlify Build Plugins are here! Here's a smattering of thoughts on what you can do with them.
over a year ago
Netlify Build Plugins are here! Here's a smattering of thoughts on what you can do with them.
Making software...
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Supporting dark mode on the...
over a year ago
Dear Apple, Please Fix Safari's Default Dark Mode Link Color
Supporting dark mode on the modern web falls under the realm of accessibility and should not be ignored. It is important and helps keep the visual flow of your content to match that of your users' operating...
Flickr Foundation at iPres 2024 →
I wrote about a recent conference trip for the blog:
In September, Tori and I went to...
2 months ago
I wrote about a recent conference trip for the blog:
In September, Tori and I went to Belgium for iPres 2024. We were keen to chat about digital preservation and discuss some of our ideas for Data Lifeboat – and enjoy a few Belgian waffles, of course!
We ran a workshop...
Japan's Earthquake and Technology
Last Friday, March 11th, there was a [9.0 earthquake in...
over a year ago
Last Friday, March 11th, there was a [9.0 earthquake in Northern
Despite Tokyo being several hundred kilometers from the epicenter, it's
effects were felt even here (although to a much lesser extent than...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Switching
Discussing why we need Switches in a network and how they work
over a year ago
Discussing why we need Switches in a network and how they work blog -...
Parsing MIDI messages in Rust
I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI.
That means I need a MIDI...
3 weeks ago
I'm working on a terrible idea of a project, and this project uses MIDI.
That means I need a MIDI implementation!
I chose to use an existing library, midir, to connect to devices and receive messages.
But the reason I was interested in this not-yet-announced project is because I...
bt RSS Feed
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A...
a year ago
Stop Using Custom Web Fonts
I recently read an excellent post by Manu Moreale titled A rant on web font licenses. I highly recommend you give it a read (it’s relatively short) since Manu makes a solid argument against existing font licenses. After reading, I found...
Splitting a class into balanced groups
Earlier this week, my mum sent me an interesting problem.
She’s got a class of 12 students, who are...
a year ago
Earlier this week, my mum sent me an interesting problem.
She’s got a class of 12 students, who are going to meet over 7 sessions.
In each session, they’re going to split into 3 or 4 groups, and she wants to find an even distribution of groups – each person gets to work with...
Liz Denys
Shirred eggs
Ramekins aren't just for advanced culinary creations like soufflés and crème brûlées. But as with...
over a year ago
Ramekins aren't just for advanced culinary creations like soufflés and crème brûlées. But as with mathematical proofs, some of the most elegant foods you can prepare in a ramekin are the simplest.
Enter the shirred egg. Don't be intimidated by the word "shirred"; it's just the...
Paolo Amoroso's...
A demostration of fixing a bug from Medley's debugger
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
11 months ago
<![CDATA[One of the cool features of Lisp is examining and modifying a running program.
This allows, for example, to correct a bug by inspecting, editing, fixing, and resuming a program that breaks and lands in the debugger because of an error. To gain familiarity with the...
Vadim Kravcenko
Is it a bad idea if I build the MVP of my startup on my company’s pc?
Short Answer: DON’T DO IT. Long Answer: It’s a common problem. As you’re building a business you...
a year ago
Short Answer: DON’T DO IT. Long Answer: It’s a common problem. As you’re building a business you need to take […]
The post Is it a bad idea if I build the MVP of my startup on my company’s pc? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Computer Things
Strings do too many things
No Newsletter next week
TLA+ Workshop and moving places.
Strings do too many things
In the unusual...
10 months ago
No Newsletter next week
TLA+ Workshop and moving places.
Strings do too many things
In the unusual basis types email1 I wrote this about strings:
We use strings for identifiers, human writing, structured data, and grammars. If you instead use symbols for identifiers then you can...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Software 3.0 and the AI Engineer Landscape (talk notes & slides)
Everyone has gone AI mad, and there is a lot of noise, hype, and demos, but not a lot of guidance on...
a year ago
Everyone has gone AI mad, and there is a lot of noise, hype, and demos, but not a lot of guidance on practical usecases. We will go over a mental model of who is doing what and explain both where the opportunities are and where the non-AI developer can start going down the rabbit...
Joel Gascoigne
The maker/manager transition phase
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Paul Graham...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Paul Graham [] has a fantastic article on the topic of
scheduling work as a maker and as a manager
[], which I’ve drawn insights...
Replay.web is cool
I’ve been trying to preserve as much of Placemark now that it’s open-source. This has been a mixed...
11 months ago
I’ve been trying to preserve as much of Placemark now that it’s open-source. This has been a mixed experience: some products were really easy to move away from, like Northwest and Earth Class Mail. Webflow was harder to quit. But replay.web came to the rescue, thanks to Henry...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
My Guest Appearance on JS Party #288
My frequent ramblings on this blog garnered enough of the attention of Jerod Santo that he...
a year ago
My frequent ramblings on this blog garnered enough of the attention of Jerod Santo that he graciously invited me to come on the JS Party podcast to talk about, well, my blog posts.
Which ones? To name a few:
Language-Level Toll Roads
The Art of Knowing When to Quit
Kagi Blog
Enhancements to the Kagi search experience
We are pleased to announce newly enhanced search results across various search features.
a year ago
We are pleased to announce newly enhanced search results across various search features.
Darek Kay
Web push notifications: issues and limitations
In this post, I will summarize some problems and constraints that I've encountered with the...
4 months ago
In this post, I will summarize some problems and constraints that I've encountered with the Notifications and Push web APIs.
Notification settings on macOS
Someone who's definitely not me wasted half an hour wondering why triggered notifications would not appear. On macOS,...
How I obtained a J-FIND visa in Japan
The J-Find Visa enables recent graduates to engage in activities such as job hunting, business...
10 months ago
The J-Find Visa enables recent graduates to engage in activities such as job hunting, business startup, and other income-generating endeavors within Japan — opportunities that were previously inaccessible to do so. I was one of the first recipients of this visa, which provided me...
Safe defaults.
Back in 2018, when I first wrote about sizing engineering teams, I was surprised how much my advice...
a year ago
Back in 2018, when I first wrote about sizing engineering teams, I was surprised how much my advice rankled a colleague. He wanted to spin up a new engineering team of two people, which I thought was a bad idea. It would be a fragile team that would fall apart quickly if it...
Steve Klabnik
Living with a terrible taste in music
over a year ago
Making software...
February 2022 Update
February 2022 Update
It's been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my...
over a year ago
February 2022 Update
It's been a little quiet around here lately and for good reason: my wife gave birth to our third child last Thursday. Her name is Harmony and she was born in the late afternoon weighing in at 7 pounds 8 ounces.
Besides the lack of sleep, everything...
bt RSS Feed
Improving Github's New Design
Improving Github’s New Design
Like many other Github users, I am not a big fan of their...
over a year ago
Improving Github’s New Design
Like many other Github users, I am not a big fan of their recent repository page redesign. In my mind it seems like a change just for the sake of change - the original UI worked perfectly fine.
I was planning on recreating the...
What does it mean to be a cost center?
When I shared my piece on Measuring an engineering organization, one point I made was that focusing...
a year ago
When I shared my piece on Measuring an engineering organization, one point I made was that focusing too heavily on optimization metrics (e.g. things like CI/CD time) can turn engineering into a cost center. That’s not because optimization metrics aren’t important, they’re...
Alice GG
Does ChatGPT dream about cryptographic cats?
Back in 2017, the tech world seemed to be constantly talking about a single subject:...
a year ago
Back in 2017, the tech world seemed to be constantly talking about a single subject: Blockchains.
Two years ago, Vitalik Buterin revolutionized the nascent field by creating Ethereum.
Ethereum was at the time a cryptographic protocol that would allow people to make distributed...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.34.0
PostHog 1.34.0 focuses on supporting collaboration. New features include a new default homepage for...
over a year ago
PostHog 1.34.0 focuses on supporting collaboration. New features include a new default homepage for projects, smart names for all insights, an entire Data Management tool as well as support for horizontal scalability!
Tinloof - Blog
A/B testing with Sanity and LaunchDarkly
We’ll show in this demo how it’s possible to create and control A/B Tests using Sanity and...
over a year ago
We’ll show in this demo how it’s possible to create and control A/B Tests using Sanity and LaunchDarkly.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scrollbar Shenanigans
Styling scrollbars for my space on the Internet
over a year ago
Styling scrollbars for my space on the Internet
Biographies of every US president as audiobooks
over a year ago
Generative Fill or Degenerate Phil
Generative fill in Adobe Photoshop (beta) is a pretty amazing tool to extend images. Background...
a year ago
Generative fill in Adobe Photoshop (beta) is a pretty amazing tool to extend images. Background artists, web designers, print layout artists, or anybody who deals with incorrect aspect ratios or odd image dimentions will be thrilled by the output. The image below represents a...
Tinloof - Blog
How to build an Auto-Playing Slideshow with React
In this article we'll build an auto-playing slideshow using React.
The article is divided into two...
over a year ago
In this article we'll build an auto-playing slideshow using React.
The article is divided into two sections:
The trick
Don Melton
Our long national nightmare is not over
I have faith in Joe Biden. And Kamala Harris. They’re good people. They and the team they’ve...
over a year ago
I have faith in Joe Biden. And Kamala Harris. They’re good people. They and the team they’ve selected know what they’re doing. It’s obvious just listening to them.
So I can barely wait for them to take over the White House tomorrow. Because real governance will be back in...
bt RSS Feed
The X220 ThinkPad is the Best Laptop in the World
The X220 ThinkPad is the Best Laptop in the World
The X220 ThinkPad is the greatest...
a year ago
The X220 ThinkPad is the Best Laptop in the World
The X220 ThinkPad is the greatest laptop ever made and you’re wrong if you think otherwise. No laptop hardware has since surpassed the nearly perfect build of the X220. New devices continue to get thinner and more...
Posts on Nikita...
RustLab 2024
I had the chance to speak at RustLab 2024! I will be honest, this was the point I realised that 4...
2 weeks ago
I had the chance to speak at RustLab 2024! I will be honest, this was the point I realised that 4 conferences in one year was a bad idea. I was exhausted and overwhelmed, but I still had a blast meeting new people and answering the questions after the talk. It had the following...
The hidden depths of the input element
by Phil Nash
The <input> element is the most fascinating element in HTML.
Most elements behave the...
a year ago
by Phil Nash
The <input> element is the most fascinating element in HTML.
Most elements behave the same way regardless of their attributes, the type attribute of the <input> element can take 1 of 22 different values that gives it not only different behaviour, but a different...
Lennart Koopmann
I Left my previous job to Work on nzyme Full Time
Today, I am incredibly excited to announce that I left my previous position to work on nzyme...
a year ago
Today, I am incredibly excited to announce that I left my previous position to work on nzyme full-time. Working as founder and CTO for almost ten years and helping the company grow to more than 125 full-time employees, I have learned a lot that I can now put to work again.
bt RSS Feed
Setting Up Fathom Analytics with Netlify
Setting Up Fathom Analytics with Netlify
It’s no secret that I’m passionate about open...
over a year ago
Setting Up Fathom Analytics with Netlify
It’s no secret that I’m passionate about open source software, but I’m also extremely adamant about protecting the privacy of all users across the web. So when I decided to implement analytics on my own personal website, I ended...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Scraping my Twitter Social Graph with Python and Selenium
Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
over a year ago
Using python and selenium to find better follows on Twitter
swyx's site RSS Feed
Data outlasts Code, yet Code keeps winning
My recent [End of Localhost]( piece on [Hacker...
over a year ago
My recent [End of Localhost]( piece on [Hacker News]( came with the usual dash of HN criticism devolving into [blaming beginners for not knowing the same parts of the stack that they consider...
Confessions of a...
Everything You Wanted to Know About Profilers in Python
Learn what profilers are, when to use them and quick demo of few profilers for Python
7 months ago
Learn what profilers are, when to use them and quick demo of few profilers for Python
Alice GG
Why diversification matters for long-term investors? Meet Shannon's Demon
Any introduction to finance will mention that diversification is extremely important.
a year ago
Any introduction to finance will mention that diversification is extremely important.
Intuitively, it is easy to understand that diversification reduces risks.
If I own stocks in two companies, and one of them goes bankrupt, I lose less than if I had invested all my money in...
Joel Gascoigne
Why I don't shield my team from bad news
I think there's an interesting concept that's prevalent, which I believe could
actually be quite...
over a year ago
I think there's an interesting concept that's prevalent, which I believe could
actually be quite dangerous. It's the idea that as a CEO or executive of a
company, you need to shield your team from bad news, the risks of a startup, and
other negative aspects that are inevitable on
Joel Gascoigne
Does location really matter for your startup?
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Some of you may...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
Some of you may know that I just left everything behind in the UK and together
with my co-founder Leo [] arrived in San Francisco to base
ourselves and Buffer...
Misleading Icons: Icon-Only-Buttons and Their Impact on Screen Readers
by Alexander Muzenhardt
Imagine you’re tasked with building a cool new feature for a...
a week ago
by Alexander Muzenhardt
Imagine you’re tasked with building a cool new feature for a product. You dive into the work with full energy, and just before the deadline, you manage to finish it. Everyone loves your work, and the feature is set to go live the next...
PostHog's RSS Feed
What we've learned about multi-product pricing (so far)
PostHog started as a single product company. We just sold product analytics with a bunch of large...
a year ago
PostHog started as a single product company. We just sold product analytics with a bunch of large extra features thrown in – session replay, feature…
David Heinemeier...
Pick promise over proof
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what...
a year ago
After hiring people for twenty years, I've come to accept that it's impossible to know up front what someone is truly capable of. Sure, we try our best to make good, educated guesses during the hiring process, and this is why asking finalists to do sample work projects is so...
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we rebranded PostHog in four weeks - a postmortem
We recently completed an entire rebrand of our website. From start to finish, it took less than a...
over a year ago
We recently completed an entire rebrand of our website. From start to finish, it took less than a month. This sounds like an incredible feat of…
A Beautiful Site
How to File a Bug Report
They say there's no such thing as bug-free code. When problems arise, creating a minimal...
a year ago
They say there's no such thing as bug-free code. When problems arise, creating a minimal reproduction will give you the best chance of a speedy resolution.
When a potential bug is discovered, many developers' first reaction is to file an issue. That's great, but please exercise...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Monitoring my weather at home 🌩️
Davis Vantage Wireless Console/Reciever,
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2, RTC module—the heart of my...
a year ago
Davis Vantage Wireless Console/Reciever,
Raspberry Pi 3 Model B Rev 1.2, RTC module—the heart of my weather
Despite their best efforts, all weather apps will eventually lie.
Weather is often hyper-local. For example, trying to suss out the
temperature this...
Stable Fiddusion
Acko.queue(function () {
renderMathInElement(document.querySelector('article'), {delimiters: [
a year ago
Acko.queue(function () {
renderMathInElement(document.querySelector('article'), {delimiters: [
{left: "$$", right: "$$", display: true},
{left: "$", right: "$", display: false},
Frequency-domain blue noise generator
In computer graphics, stochastic...
37signals Dev
Mission Control — Jobs
As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a...
11 months ago
As promised back when we introduced Solid Queue, today we’ve open-sourced Mission Control — Jobs, a dashboard and set of extensions to operate and observe background jobs, that we’ve been using for over a year, in the beginning with Resque only, and later with both Resque and...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
The Big Sur-ification of macOS Icons
Here’s an example of some icons that transitioned well in the Big Sur-ification of macOS icons:
8 months ago
Here’s an example of some icons that transitioned well in the Big Sur-ification of macOS icons:
And just for good measure, here’s a few more — I love this stuff.
While some apps made this transition fun (and further infused their brand with character), others did not. They did...
Win: contribution to libSQL (SQLite) codebase
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
10 months ago
I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
Evan Jones -...
Network Latencies in the Data Center
Jeff Dean used to do a talk that included "Numbers Everyone Should Know" (2007 at Stanford, 2009 at...
over a year ago
Jeff Dean used to do a talk that included "Numbers Everyone Should Know" (2007 at Stanford, 2009 at LADIS), which included "round trip within same data center" as 500 us. I was recently wondering if that is still true, and more importantly what does the distribution of latencies...
Charles Chen
On Bakers, Ovens, and AI Startup Moats
Are new AI startups "just another wrapper for a 3rd party model"? Does having an oven make you a...
a month ago
Are new AI startups "just another wrapper for a 3rd party model"? Does having an oven make you a baker?
Vadim Kravcenko
🌈 Hedonic Treadmill
I’m sure you’re like me. It happens time and time again that we pour our hearts into achieving...
over a year ago
I’m sure you’re like me. It happens time and time again that we pour our hearts into achieving something we […]
The post 🌈 Hedonic Treadmill appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
What mammal is that?
I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva.
I like to take...
a year ago
I was visiting my parents over Christmas, and they have a large dog called Ziva.
I like to take silly photos of the family pets, and this is one from last week that shows off a super-sized snoot:
No Photoshop here, just my iPhone’s Ultra Wide camera held close to...
Personal Blog to Profitable Business: the Story of TokyoDev
a year ago
TokyoDev started out as my personal blog talking about developer life in Japan, but has evolved into a job board that is a thriving business that is my sole source of income. But even more than...
Kevin Chen
SIGCSE 2018 notes
SIGCSE attendees from Columbia’s Computer Science department.
Over the weekend, I attended SIGCSE...
over a year ago
SIGCSE attendees from Columbia’s Computer Science department.
Over the weekend, I attended SIGCSE — the ACM’s conference on
computer science education — with the teaching staff of Columbia’s
Advanced Programming course. We learned about everything from rubric
design to...
Tinloof - Blog
ReasonML for production React Apps? 🤔 (Part 2)
I like to go to the Roadmap of ReasonML from time to time to get excited about what's getting...
over a year ago
I like to go to the Roadmap of ReasonML from time to time to get excited about what's getting cooked. Whenever I visit the page, I can't help but notice these 2 points:
So the official documentation itself admits that the async story and JSON handling are not that great.
Ralph Ammer
The Book of Change
Introduction to the Yijing or "book of change", China's oldest philosophical book.
The post The Book...
over a year ago
Introduction to the Yijing or "book of change", China's oldest philosophical book.
The post The Book of Change appeared first on Ralph Ammer.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unsupervised Learning: Randomized Optimization
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
over a year ago
Hill Climbing, Simulated Annealing, Genetic Algorithms, oh my!
David Heinemeier...
Hating Apple goes mainstream
This isn't just about one awful ad. I mean, yes, the ad truly is awful. It symbolizes everything...
7 months ago
This isn't just about one awful ad. I mean, yes, the ad truly is awful. It symbolizes everything everyone has ever hated about digitization. It celebrates a lossy, creative compression for the most flimsy reason: An iPad shedding an irrelevant millimeter or two. It's destruction...
Engineer’s Codex
How one line of code caused a $60 million loss
60,000 people lost full phone service, half of AT&T's network was down, and 500 airline flights were...
a year ago
60,000 people lost full phone service, half of AT&T's network was down, and 500 airline flights were delayed
A Beautiful Site
Redirecting to and from the www subdomain with .htaccess
Here are a few snippets that will come in handy if you ever need to redirect to...
over a year ago
Here are a few snippets that will come in handy if you ever need to redirect to or vice versa. There are a number of similar methods out there, but I prefer these as you don't need to modify anything between development and production.
In Staff Engineer’s chapter on Managing Technical Quality, one of the very last suggestions is...
a year ago
In Staff Engineer’s chapter on Managing Technical Quality, one of the very last suggestions is creating a centralized process to curate technical changes:
Curate technology change using architecture reviews, investment strategies, and a structured process for adopting new tools....
bt RSS Feed
Introducing PageRoast
Introducing PageRoast
Following up with my concept of releasing small side projects...
over a year ago
Introducing PageRoast
Following up with my concept of releasing small side projects weekly, I have officially launched PageRoast. What is PageRoast I hear you ask?
Receive a detailed report analyzing your landing page with actionable items to improve your conversion...
Tyler Cipriani: blog
Treats from git's contrib tools🍭
.title { text-wrap: balance }
The intention is to keep interesting tools around git here,...
a year ago
.title { text-wrap: balance }
The intention is to keep interesting tools around git here, maybe
even experimental ones
Junio C Hamano, git/contrib/README
Git bundles handy tools along with its source repo. They live in a
directory named contrib—short for
contributed... blog
[Talk] Scaling Graphs
On March 22, 2016, I talked about scaling up graphs at Scale Tech. It was recorded and is viewable...
over a year ago
On March 22, 2016, I talked about scaling up graphs at Scale Tech. It was recorded and is viewable on YouTube:
If you have thoughts on scaling graphs or big data in general, please reach out to me! I'm always happy to talk about this.
Alex Meub
The Yoto Mini is Perfect
The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and...
7 months ago
The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and put just the right set of features into a brilliantly designed package.
I have no affiliation with Yoto, I’m just a happy customer with kids who love it.
If you aren’t aware, Yoto...
Liz Denys
Uber's robocall blitz to NYC landlines
Uber was robocalling me about Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to place a cap on the number of vehicles...
over a year ago
Uber was robocalling me about Mayor Bill de Blasio's plan to place a cap on the number of vehicles they could operate in New York City. Uber has robocalled my home phone number - not the mobile number they have on file for me - four times to ask me to lobby on their behalf. This...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Why Svelte? (The Short Version)
The short version of Why Svelte
over a year ago
The short version of Why Svelte
swyx's site RSS Feed
Supervised Learning: Computational Learning Theory
What's the big O of machine learning? Lets put some formal theory around HOW we learn!
over a year ago
What's the big O of machine learning? Lets put some formal theory around HOW we learn!
Finding books in nearby library branches
I’m trying to make better use of my local public library.
I want to read more books, and borrowing...
over a year ago
I’m trying to make better use of my local public library.
I want to read more books, and borrowing from the library keeps the habit sustainable.
It also saves a fair bit of money, and I don’t have to decide what to do with books when I’m done.
Recently, I built a tool to help me...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Tips for a successful WooCommerce project
I recently wrapped up a very large WooCommerce build that I am planning on writing a case study for...
over a year ago
I recently wrapped up a very large WooCommerce build that I am planning on writing a case study for next month. In the meantime, I thought I…
The Changelog
Excellent Experience with Debian Bullseye
I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I...
over a year ago
I’ve appreciated the bullseye upgrade, like most Debian upgrades. I’m not quite sure how, since I was already running a backports kernel, but somehow the entire system is snappier. Maybe newer X or something? I’m really pleased with it. Hardware integration is even nicer now,...
Alex MacCaw
The Manager's Handbook
I've been writing a book on management for the last two years. Today it's getting released! The...
over a year ago
I've been writing a book on management for the last two years. Today it's getting released! The paperback and Kindle versions are now available on Amazon (along with the free web version).
If you've read and enjoyed it, please Tweet about how it'
Dan Slimmon
Dead air on the incident call
Silence can mean different things to different people in different situations. In this post, I'll...
9 months ago
Silence can mean different things to different people in different situations. In this post, I'll present a few incident scenarios and explore the role of the incident commander in breaking (or simply abiding in) dead air.
This is a /now page.
I work at Turso Database.
Rust and C.
10 months ago
This is a /now page.
I work at Turso Database.
Rust and C.
A Smart Bear
Product/Market Fit: Experience & Data
Companies that achieve Product/Market Fit -- both self-funded and VC-funded -- exhibit the same...
a year ago
Companies that achieve Product/Market Fit -- both self-funded and VC-funded -- exhibit the same prototypical metrics curves and subjective experiences.
Making software...
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
When designing medium to large sized menu...
over a year ago
Using Hamburger Menus? Try Sausage Links
When designing medium to large sized menu navigations on the mobile web the default go-to, for some time now, has been hamburger menus. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but there is a simpler alternative for certain use...
Julia Evans
New talk: Making Hard Things Easy
A few weeks ago I gave a keynote at Strange Loop
called Making Hard Things Easy. It’s about why I...
a year ago
A few weeks ago I gave a keynote at Strange Loop
called Making Hard Things Easy. It’s about why I think some things are hard
to learn and ideas for how we can make them easier.
Here’s the video, as well as the slides and a transcript of (roughly) what I
said in the talk.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Moving to a GitHub CMS
Discussing the 2022 migration of to SvelteKit and GitHub Issues
over a year ago
Discussing the 2022 migration of to SvelteKit and GitHub Issues
Patrick Kayongo
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of...
over a year ago
The cool winter’s breeze whispered through the open window, singing along with the familiar sound of the occasional car passing by outside. As the cool air gently brushes across her arms, Gladys Tyamzashe’s strands of hair stand up, mounted on the goose bumps of her aged and...
The Changelog
Flying Joy
Wisdom from my 5-year-old: When flying in a small plane, it is important to give your dolls a...
over a year ago
Wisdom from my 5-year-old: When flying in a small plane, it is important to give your dolls a headset and let them see out the window, too! Moments like this make me smile at being a pilot dad. A week ago, I also got to give 8 children and one adult their first ever ride …...
Just looking through some old videos and found this footage of me going off on one at our gig in...
over a year ago
Just looking through some old videos and found this footage of me going off on one at our gig in February earlier this year, before the pandemic had really hit in the UK.
Feels like a lifetime ago now. I miss it.
swyx's site RSS Feed
How to Find Podcasts That Have Been Deleted
TLDR, rehosts all mp3s
a year ago
TLDR, rehosts all mp3s
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Stop Being Fancy
This is a note to self:
Except where absolutely necessary, stop being fancy.
When confronted with,...
a year ago
This is a note to self:
Except where absolutely necessary, stop being fancy.
When confronted with, “Can this be done?”
If the answer is an immediate "Yes", go ahead, do that.
But if the answer is, “Well, you could, but you’d have to…"
Just stop right there. Don’t go do...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Thinking Big and Small
It’s so easy to start with the question, “What should I do?” And end up with a discussion about...
7 months ago
It’s so easy to start with the question, “What should I do?” And end up with a discussion about other people and what they’re doing. Here’s Paul Ford:
I’ll give you a good example. Do you go out and raise venture capital? Well, it would be nice to have more money. But then...
Alice GG
Plaid Layoffs and beyond
Last week, Plaid announced laying off 20% of its workforce (260 people).
Today I signed my...
over a year ago
Last week, Plaid announced laying off 20% of its workforce (260 people).
Today I signed my termination agreement, which makes this week my last week as part of Plaid’s infrastructure team.
Kelly Sikkema
Moving forward
While being laid off and having to leave a very talented...
Stephen Wolfram...
How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the Second Law of Thermodynamics
This is part 3 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second...
a year ago
This is part 3 in a 3-part series about the Second Law: 1. Computational Foundations for the Second Law of Thermodynamics (forthcoming) 2. A 50-Year Quest: My Personal Journey with the Second Law of Thermodynamics (forthcoming) 3. How Did We Get Here? The Tangled History of the...
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2024 / Los Angeles]
over a year ago
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware April 2023
The ware for April 2023 is an X-rite DTP22 spectrophotometer. This one almost made it through the...
a year ago
The ware for April 2023 is an X-rite DTP22 spectrophotometer. This one almost made it through the month without being guessed, but congrats to cpresser for figuring it out in the last week! email me for your prize. Here’s some more context images of the ware. The colored filter...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
The most useful programming language
Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly...
12 months ago
Aspiring developers often ask me what's the best programming language to learn. Personally, I mostly work with JS — solid choice, but everyone and their dog learns JS these days, so it might be time to add some diversity. I'm curious — which single programming language covers the...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
Behind the syntax: let and const variables
Back in 2015, the JavaScript language got it’s first significant update in 6 years. ES2015 – more...
over a year ago
Back in 2015, the JavaScript language got it’s first significant update in 6 years. ES2015 – more colloquially known as ES6 – was released…
David Heinemeier...
Imperfections create connections
The engine is in wrong place in a Porsche 911. It's hanging out the back, swinging the car like a...
8 months ago
The engine is in wrong place in a Porsche 911. It's hanging out the back, swinging the car like a pendulum. And that's key to why it's the most iconic sports car ever made. This fundamental imperfection is part of how it creates the connection.
This is true of mechanical watches...
Josh Collinsworth
8 Mistakes to Avoid in Your Student Design Portfolio
Consider this post a guide on how to avoid the most common mistakes young designers make when...
over a year ago
Consider this post a guide on how to avoid the most common mistakes young designers make when assembling their portfolios.
Copper • A blog...
Making my own sharpening blocks
When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use...
2 months ago
When I started wood carving, the only sharpening method I remembered was from seeing my mother use some kind of smooth broken stone that she passed over the length of the knife blade before sacrificing a chicken.
I also remember seeing my father use a very coarse stone wheel...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Lessons in Competitive Comms from the Plaid-Stripe Kerfuffle
Now that the dust has settled on the Plaid-Stripe thing it's time to recap lessons learned.
over a year ago
Now that the dust has settled on the Plaid-Stripe thing it's time to recap lessons learned.
A Smart Bear
Distributed Logical Time
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is...
over a year ago
Properly ordering events in time is notoriously difficult in distributed systems. This algorithm is a simple, decentralized, scalable, constant-memory mechanism for independent replicas to record events in time, such that “happened-before” is preserved in almost all cases.
Florian Bellmann |...
Time to market for personal projects
How I created my blog in just 2 days.
a year ago
How I created my blog in just 2 days.
Elad Blog
Things I Don't Know About AI
The more I learn about AI markets, the less I think I know. I list questions and some thoughts.
10 months ago
The more I learn about AI markets, the less I think I know. I list questions and some thoughts.
Plates and states
I was recently visiting Vermont for a work trip – my first time in the USA since I was a child.
4 months ago
I was recently visiting Vermont for a work trip – my first time in the USA since I was a child.
I was drawn to the license plates on passing cars, and how they look different to the cars I’m used to.
Whenever I visit new places, I enjoy looking for the tiny bits of infrastructure...
The Pragmatic...
Mentoring software engineers or engineering leaders
Great mentors are useful for professional growth, and have benefitted both informal and formal...
a year ago
Great mentors are useful for professional growth, and have benefitted both informal and formal mentorship from experienced engineers and managers. A collection of free and paid resources where you can find mentors to help with your professional growth.
Steve Klabnik
Fast Rails tests with CanCan
over a year ago
A Smart Bear
"ROI" is the wrong way to sell your product
Customers ask for ROI calculations to justify purchasing your software, but it still doesn't...
a year ago
Customers ask for ROI calculations to justify purchasing your software, but it still doesn't convince them. Here's what to do instead.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Router Design
A small detour into Router Hardware!
over a year ago
A small detour into Router Hardware!
A Smart Bear
The Iterative-Hypothesis customer development method
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what...
over a year ago
A simple but effective system for generating insights about how your potential customers think, what they need, and what they’ll buy. This method has been used both to reject startup ideas and to validate WP Engine before it had any customers (it is now a Unicorn).
A Beautiful Site
The next version of PHP may very well be 7
We've been hearing about PHP 6 since 2005, but nothing has been brought to fruition yet. In fact,...
over a year ago
We've been hearing about PHP 6 since 2005, but nothing has been brought to fruition yet. In fact, the project was so plagued with problems that in 2010, it was abandoned. It almost felt like PHP would be perpetually stuck at version 5.
Except now there's talk about another major...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Digital Garden Terms of Service
This is my attempt to explicitly define a not-legally-binding "terms of service" for people who...
over a year ago
This is my attempt to explicitly define a not-legally-binding "terms of service" for people who peruse Digital Gardens, and the people who Learn in Public with them.
PostHog's RSS Feed
7 best session replay tools for mobile apps (iOS & Android)
1. LogRocket Typical users: Product managers, engineers, support teams What is LogRocket? LogRocket...
5 months ago
1. LogRocket Typical users: Product managers, engineers, support teams What is LogRocket? LogRocket is a product experience platform that focuses on…
A Beautiful Site
Forcing file downloads in PHP
I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which,...
over a year ago
I've seen a number of methods to force file downloads using the PHP header() function which, essentially, sends a raw HTTP header to the browser. Depending on your browser, some files won't be downloaded automatically. Instead, they will be handled by the browser itself or a...
Kevin Chen
Real estate is one of the hardest open problems in scaled self driving
I’ve had a minor obsession with Waymo’s autonomous vehicle depots recently.
Over the past few...
4 months ago
I’ve had a minor obsession with Waymo’s autonomous vehicle depots recently.
Over the past few months, I’ve flown a drone as part of a stakeout to understand how they work. And I’ve taken a deep dive into an apparent Waymo outage to find the company charging its electric vehicles... blog
What's in my software engineering tool belt?
One of my favorite things is reading about the tools other people use, and talking about the tools I...
a year ago
One of my favorite things is reading about the tools other people use, and talking about the tools I use.
When I read a post recently about a data journalist's data tool belt, well...
I knew I'd have to share my own software engineering tool belt, too.
So, here's my software...
A Beautiful Site
Table cells and max-widths in Internet Explorer 8
I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside...
over a year ago
I recently came across a little issue with Internet Explorer 8 and max-width. I had an image inside of a table cell and, for some reason, IE8 completely neglected the corresponding CSS max-width property. The result was the image rendering at full size rather than scaled down to...
You don't need HTML!
While browsing Mastodon late one night, I came across this excellent blog post called HTML is all...
over a year ago
While browsing Mastodon late one night, I came across this excellent blog post called HTML is all you need to make a website. It describes a few websites which are pure HTML. No CSS and no JS.
And I thought… do you even need HTML to make a website?
A few hours later, I launched...
Ten years of blogging
I bought the domain on November 8th, 2012, and the first web page would have appeared...
over a year ago
I bought the domain on November 8th, 2012, and the first web page would have appeared shortly after that (but the exact date is lost to history).
This means I’ve been writing at for about a decade.
The site looks very different now to how it...
Improving SEO without knowing where to start
What is SEO ?
Web quality with Opquast
SEO-related Opquast...
over a year ago
What is SEO ?
Web quality with Opquast
SEO-related Opquast rules
Introduction ↑
Colleagues sometimes ask me: “Hey Alex, I would like to learn a bit about search engine optimisation (SEO) but I don't really know where to start. Do you have tips for...
On Test Automation
I am tired of AI
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same...
3 months ago
Unless you have been living under a rock for the last few years, you probably have seen the same massive surge I’ve seen in the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to pretty much every problem out there, in software testing, in software development, and in life in...
Words and Buttons...
Programmer's introduction to linear equations [republished in Ukrainian]
The same as only in...
over a year ago
The same as only in Ukrainian.
Vadim Kravcenko
How to determine app idea is technically feasible as a non-technical founder?
Congratulations on finding an idea worth pursuing. So let’s talk about feasibility and understanding...
a year ago
Congratulations on finding an idea worth pursuing. So let’s talk about feasibility and understanding if it’s at all possible to […]
The post How to determine app idea is technically feasible as a non-technical founder? appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Blog - Bitfield...
Suite smells: undertesting and overtesting
Tests are great, provided they actually test something. But are your tests
too optimistic...
3 weeks ago
Tests are great, provided they actually test something. But are your tests
too optimistic (assuming the code already works), or too persnickety
(testing the irrelevant)?
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Gratitude For a Web That Tries Not to Break
Chris wrote a response to my wondering-out-loud remarks about whether logical properties make CSS...
a year ago
Chris wrote a response to my wondering-out-loud remarks about whether logical properties make CSS easier to learn.
His response is great. And his tabular comparison of properties is short and concise and punchy in the way only Chris Coyier can reason about CSS.
His post actually...
Neil Panchal
Teaching how to code is broken
Chapter 1: Types
Chapter 2: Variables
Chapter 3: Operators/Math
Chapter 4: Control...
over a year ago
Chapter 1: Types
Chapter 2: Variables
Chapter 3: Operators/Math
Chapter 4: Control structures
Chapter 5: Arrays
Chapter 6: Functions
Chapter 7: Structs
Chapter 8: Classes and Objects
Chapter 9: Methods
Chapter 10: Inheritance and Polymorphism
Chapter 11: Some advanced...
Joel Gascoigne
How to get more replies to the emails you send: be specific
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
> "We live in a...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
> "We live in a vague world. And it gets vaguer all the time. In this environment,
the power of the specific, measurable and useful promise made and kept is
difficult to overstate." - Seth...
Recurse Center Day 1: init
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ejectable Defaults
Borrowing heavily from Gatsby Themes to improve the Sapper developer experience, and a discussion of...
over a year ago
Borrowing heavily from Gatsby Themes to improve the Sapper developer experience, and a discussion of how Ejectable Defaults fits with the Zero Config movement
Vadim Kravcenko
💀 Every app has its skeletons
You need to accept one truth – every shop is messy and every app has its skeletons. Period.💀 🦄 You...
over a year ago
You need to accept one truth – every shop is messy and every app has its skeletons. Period.💀 🦄 You […]
The post 💀 Every app has its skeletons appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bt RSS Feed
Setting Up a Free SSL
Setting Up a Free SSL
I never had to worry about SSL certificates when I originally...
over a year ago
Setting Up a Free SSL
I never had to worry about SSL certificates when I originally hosted my blog through Github Pages, but since switching over to I lost my ability to utilize https protocol.
Luckily, Cloudflare offers a very simple way to implement SSL on...
Patrick Kayongo
Can I Speak To Someone?
On the evening of Sunday 6 August 2023, my wife and I were on a flight back to Johannesburg from...
a year ago
On the evening of Sunday 6 August 2023, my wife and I were on a flight back to Johannesburg from Heathrow Airport, London. After boarding, the flight remained on the runway for over an hour without taking off. Eventually, the pilot told us that due to the coup in Niger, the...
The Codist
My Address Doesn't Fit, And Other Complaints
So today, I decided to renew my driver's license online, like any modern person would.
I started the...
6 months ago
So today, I decided to renew my driver's license online, like any modern person would.
I started the process by going to my state's driver's license website. The first page is to verify my home and mail addresses. Since nothing changed, I hit "
Daniel Marino
Deploying My Eleventy Site to GitHub Pages
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of...
over a year ago
I really like GitHub Pages, and have used it to host my site for a while. The biggest challenge of switching my site to Eleventy was getting deployments to GitHub pages set up. I suppose I could have built my site locally, and then push that to the gh-pages branch, but that felt...
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Changing font size in Windows dialog in C++
How to dynamically change font size in a Windows dialog
Windows’s win32 API is old and...
8 months ago
How to dynamically change font size in a Windows dialog
Windows’s win32 API is old and crufty. Many things that are trivial to do in HTML are difficult in win32.
One of those things is changing size of font used by your native, desktop app.
I encountered this in...
Ink & Switch
00 · Beehive Background
Contextualizing Beehive
5 months ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
How we justified quitting our jobs and financing PostHog early on
Let me tell you a story of the financial pressures that face new founders and how that pressure...
over a year ago
Let me tell you a story of the financial pressures that face new founders and how that pressure motivated Tim and me to make an epic pivot leap…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Date me
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
if you like me, and you're interested but never thought to ask, just ask!
The Implied Web
by Halvor William Sanden
People don’t need call-to-action buttons. Interface elements made to get...
a year ago
by Halvor William Sanden
People don’t need call-to-action buttons. Interface elements made to get attention and herd people towards clicks increase cognitive effort because they obscure themselves and reduce interfaces to clickable surfaces.
The implied web is based on the idea...
Overcast 5.1 with Instant Search
The first thing someone does in a podcast app is add some podcasts, and most active Overcast...
over a year ago
The first thing someone does in a podcast app is add some podcasts, and most active Overcast users add at least two new podcasts each month.
Over 80% of podcasts are added to Overcast by searching, with the vast majority as searches for a specific podcast by name (rather...
Founder's blog
The state of modern Front End
Let's talk about front-end. There'll be a lot of swearing, I'm sorry.
About once every six...
a year ago
Let's talk about front-end. There'll be a lot of swearing, I'm sorry.
About once every six months another blogger bursts into HackerNews/Twitter trends, saying - hey, enough of that JavaScript bloat, let's all use modern HTML controls!
There's <dialog> for modal dialogs,...
Identity Designed
Bright Barley
Designed by ALLGOOD, Leeds.
over a year ago
Designed by ALLGOOD, Leeds.
PostHog's RSS Feed
HogMail #17: The personal traits that can't be taught
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product...
over a year ago
Welcome to HogMail, our newsletter featuring the best of the PostHog blog, tutorials, product guides, and curated articles on building great products…
Elad Blog
AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs)
NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is...
over a year ago
NLP & AI Revolution - Transformers and Large Language Models (LLMs) Part of the challenge of “AI” is we keep raising the bar on what it means for something to be a machine intelligence. Early machine learning models have been quite successful in terms of real world impact. Large...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.2.0
Big new integration - PostHog now has a library for iOS! Like what you see and self-hosting? Update...
over a year ago
Big new integration - PostHog now has a library for iOS! Like what you see and self-hosting? Update your instance. Release notes PostHog iOS Library…
A Beautiful Site
Using an ORM
I've never really bothered with ORMs before, as feelings for them tend to be mixed. I've heard that...
over a year ago
I've never really bothered with ORMs before, as feelings for them tend to be mixed. I've heard that you can spend twice as long learning an ORM as you can coding raw SQL. 🤷🏻♂️
I figured it was time to see for myself. For the Postleaf rebuild, I decided to try out Sequelize. I...
Hixie's Natural Log
Indexing into a string
I propose the following aphorism:
Indexing into a string type makes as much sense as indexing into...
a year ago
I propose the following aphorism:
Indexing into a string type makes as much sense as indexing into an integer type.
bt RSS Feed
The Death of Personality
The Death of Personality
On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything...
over a year ago
The Death of Personality
On September 18, 2013 truly original product design (everything from icon and app design to UI and experience interactions) began it’s fast decline into the abyss with the release of Apple’s iOS 7 update. It was called revolutionary. It was...
What is the Difference Between Alternative Text, Long Description, and Caption?
When it comes to adding images on the web, you need to consider how to make them accessible and...
over a year ago
When it comes to adding images on the web, you need to consider how to make them accessible and understandable to everyone.
Which means you need to include text alternatives to describe the image information or function.
Three options are:
Alternative Text
Recurse Center Day 16: Open Source
merged few open pull requests on my projects
over a year ago
merged few open pull requests on my projects
swyx's site RSS Feed
Hello, I am making a modern fullstack JS tutorial livestream. What questions do you have for me?
over a year ago
The Star-Spangled Ballad
In an hour or so, Hannah Waddingham will take the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, and present this...
8 months ago
In an hour or so, Hannah Waddingham will take the stage at the Royal Albert Hall, and present this year’s Olivier Awards.
I won’t be there, but a number of dear friends are in the audience, and we’re keeping our fingers crossed for Operation Mincemeat – a musical with which we...
Liz Denys
L'Insurrection qui vient
I can trace different periods of my life back to the music with which I decided to fill my ears and...
over a year ago
I can trace different periods of my life back to the music with which I decided to fill my ears and the stories towards which I let my eyes venture. Rereading tends to bring a part of me back to previous points in times, and occasionally, I partake in this.
But there are few...
The many (bad) interfaces of Substack
9 months ago
Liz Denys
Quiche as a method and lightly sweet pâte brisée
I love to make and eat quiche. In fact, there was hardly a week last year that would pass where...
over a year ago
I love to make and eat quiche. In fact, there was hardly a week last year that would pass where there wasn't a quiche in my refrigerator because I just love quiche that much. Why? Well, it's great any time of day, it reheats well, it can feed a crowd, and it doesn't have to be...
2024 in review.
A lot happened for me this year.
I continued learning the details of fund accounting at Carta,
2 weeks ago
A lot happened for me this year.
I continued learning the details of fund accounting at Carta,
which is likely the most complex product domain I’ve worked in.
My third book was published, and I did a small speaking tour to support it.
We started the unironically daunting San...
David Heinemeier...
I could have been happy with Windows
After more than twenty years on the mac, it was always going to be difficult for me to leave Apple....
8 months ago
After more than twenty years on the mac, it was always going to be difficult for me to leave Apple. I've simply not been in the market for another computing platform in decades. Sure, I've dabbled a bit here and there, but never with true commitment. It wasn't until Cupertino...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Thoughts from “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing”
I just watched Apple’s “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” where they talk about how Safari works on...
a year ago
I just watched Apple’s “Meet Safari for Spatial Computing” where they talk about how Safari works on the new visionOS and what you can do to make your web pages look great on Apple’s new device.
tl;dr just keeping doing what responsive web design and accessibility experts have...
Epic Web Dev
Direct Children Selector in Tailwind CSS (tip)
Simplify your Tailwind CSS code by styling direct children from the parent element.
11 months ago
Simplify your Tailwind CSS code by styling direct children from the parent element.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Networking Essentials: Traffic Engineering
What is Traffic Engineering?
over a year ago
What is Traffic Engineering?
swyx's site RSS Feed
Pensieve: 10 Mar 2024 - Band of Brothers
Ben dunphy continues to be a great conference business partner for me even though today was a glum...
9 months ago
Ben dunphy continues to be a great conference business partner for me even though today was a glum call where we made some concessions. I wish he were better able to take things off my hands but also I need to step up
bt RSS Feed
Icons Should be Complementary - Text is Always Better
Icons Should be Complementary - Text is Always Better
Designing1 software is a complex...
over a year ago
Icons Should be Complementary - Text is Always Better
Designing1 software is a complex thing. A great deal of real-world testing and user feedback is needed to create the best solution to the problem you are trying to fix. Obvious requirements are to keep things...
Making software...
Designers Need Thicker Skin
Designers Need Thicker Skin
I'm not normally one to comment or even really care about...
over a year ago
Designers Need Thicker Skin
I'm not normally one to comment or even really care about "drama" within our design industry. Opinions are just that and should just be consumed at face value. But this week I was moderately annoyed with a subset of designers in...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Building the future of game analytics - An interview with CTO, Evan Sosenko
Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations, where we chat to our contributors...
over a year ago
Welcome to another episode of PostHog's Community Conversations, where we chat to our contributors and users. This time, we speak to Evan Sosenko, Co…
Founder's blog
Speeding up a huge multi-tenant SaaS database
Here's a little story of how we sped up our SaaS backend with a one-liner magic silver...
a year ago
Here's a little story of how we sped up our SaaS backend with a one-liner magic silver bullet
The problem
Our SaaS is powered by a huge multi terabyte "multi tenant" relational database cluster. Some tables are more than 200 GB - this is crazy, to be honest. And for the...
PostHog's RSS Feed
Is autocapture ‘still’ bad?
Is autocapture bad? Has it ever been good? Earlier this year Amplitude posed these questions in a...
over a year ago
Is autocapture bad? Has it ever been good? Earlier this year Amplitude posed these questions in a blogpost by Product Evangelist Adam Greco. Yes, he…
swyx's site RSS Feed
Compile Svelte in Your Head by Tan Li Hau
Linking to a blogpost I was too lazy to do
over a year ago
Linking to a blogpost I was too lazy to do
Blog System/5
Code reviews: A success story
A tale on how a strict code review process helped ship a bug-free feature
a year ago
A tale on how a strict code review process helped ship a bug-free feature
David Gerrells
programming, i hate it
There is a stereotypical programmer. We all know the one. The Marky Marks, stripy bois, Steve and...
5 months ago
There is a stereotypical programmer. We all know the one. The Marky Marks, stripy bois, Steve and Steves. The wiz kids.
elementary Blog
New Features For Mail, A More Personal Lock Screen, And System Settings Improvements
This should be the last monthly update before OS 7.1 and it’s a good one! We have new releases of...
a year ago
This should be the last monthly update before OS 7.1 and it’s a good one! We have new releases of our office productivity apps, including several new features in Mail, a much more personal Login & Lock Screen experience with improved accessibility, and a couple of large redesigns...
Quentin Santos
Rust Strings for C Programmers
This article will quickly explain the Rust types [T; N], &[T; N], &[T], Vec<T>, &Vec<T> with C code,...
3 weeks ago
This article will quickly explain the Rust types [T; N], &[T; N], &[T], Vec<T>, &Vec<T> with C code, and what the str, &str, String, OsString and CString add. Arrays and Slices Rust C [T; N] (array)Example: [i32; 100]Allocated on the stack T[N]Example: int[100]Allocated on the...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Ranking #1 on HN in Mid April
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit...
a year ago
I last wrote about Ranking #1 on HN in December, and wanted to offer an update from my mild hit today. I am now taking Latent Space (the new name enabled by the previous owner of that domain selling it to me in my first P2P domain purchase) a lot more seriously with the support...
David Gerrells
never give up
Why do fun project ideas end up dead even when they are feature complete? The fear of unknown timed...
over a year ago
Why do fun project ideas end up dead even when they are feature complete? The fear of unknown timed tasks is why I'll tell you what.
Joel Gascoigne
The evolution of culture at a startup
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
It’s now 2 years...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
It’s now 2 years since I launched Buffer [], and the company
has grown from just myself (working from my bedroom) to a team of 7. In the last
few months, I’ve been thinking a...
whippet update: faster evacuation, eager sweeping of empty blocks
Good evening. Tonight, notes on things I have learned recently while hacking on the .Whippet...
4 months ago
Good evening. Tonight, notes on things I have learned recently while hacking on the .Whippet GC
For some time now, the name Whippet has referred to three things.
Firstly, it is the , consisting of an include-only
garbage collection library containing a compile-time...
Ruud van Asseldonk
A type system for RCL, part 3: Related work
5 months ago
Memories of Sapporo Ruby Kaigi 2012 (#sprk2012)
I'm writing this from the Starbucks in the Sapporo Grand Hotel. When I arrived, there was already...
over a year ago
I'm writing this from the Starbucks in the Sapporo Grand Hotel. When I arrived, there was already [another Rubyist here]( Five minutes before, I met [another one]( walking down the street. Last...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Big L Notation
In this post I sketch out `Big L` notation, which plots your learning as a function of `N` years of...
over a year ago
In this post I sketch out `Big L` notation, which plots your learning as a function of `N` years of experience, with `P` peers.
PostHog's RSS Feed
In-depth: PostHog vs Mixpanel
Want to know how PostHog and Mixpanel are different? If you remember nothing else, remember these...
over a year ago
Want to know how PostHog and Mixpanel are different? If you remember nothing else, remember these two points: Mixpanel is a product analytics tool…
Alex Meub
A Quick Look at Portland Parking Ticket Data
I work in downtown Portland and see a lot of people getting parking tickets every day (parking is...
over a year ago
I work in downtown Portland and see a lot of people getting parking tickets every day (parking is one of the reasons I ride my bike to work). I was curious to learn more about it.
Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, Portland parking ticket data is available to anyone who...
Video of Using LLMs in your product.
A month ago, I wrote up some notes on
using LLMs in your product,
and yesterday I got to present an...
6 months ago
A month ago, I wrote up some notes on
using LLMs in your product,
and yesterday I got to present an iteration on those notes to
the folks at the Sapphire Venture’s 2024 Hypergrowth Engineering Summit.
If you’re interested, you can watch a recording of my talk on Youtube.
On Versioning Observabilities (1.0, 2.0, 3.0…10.0?!?)
Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker. As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a...
a week ago
Hazel Weakly, you little troublemaker. As I whined to Hazel over text, after she sweetly sent me a preview draft of her post: “PLEASE don’t post this! I feel like I spend all my time trying to help bring clarity and context to what’s happening in the market, and this is NOT...
The Pragmatic...
An educational side project
What does a great side project look like, which helps learn new technologies, but also helps stand...
a year ago
What does a great side project look like, which helps learn new technologies, but also helps stand out when looking for a new job? Analysis of an Uber simulation app, built from scratch.
Accepted to the Recurse Center!
I got accepted into Recurse Center, wooo!
over a year ago
I got accepted into Recurse Center, wooo! blog
Recovering from a lost disk: how I setup, backup, and restore dev machines
Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my...
a year ago
Last Wednesday just before 3pm, I went pack up my laptop to get ready to drive 7 hours to visit my family in Ohio.
Fedora had some updates to apply and when it went to come back on after those, I saw the words no one wants to see:
Default Boot Device Missing or Boot Failed....
swyx's site RSS Feed
Svelte for Sites, React for Apps
Why we should stop trying to use the same tool for different jobs.
over a year ago
Why we should stop trying to use the same tool for different jobs.
Daniel Marino
How I Manage Projects
As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there...
over a year ago
As a Product Designer at Harvest, part of my role is running projects. While I don’t believe there is a right or wrong way to manage projects, I do think there are some methods that can yield better results. I’m hardly an expert in this area, but I’d like to share some of the...
Using cultural survey data.
When I was at Stripe, I reworked the hiring process for Director-plus engineering managers.
My goal...
a year ago
When I was at Stripe, I reworked the hiring process for Director-plus engineering managers.
My goal was to better evaluate polished senior leaders who always said the right thing.
I wanted to find the real beliefs and behaviors underneath all the polish.
One interview focused on...
Vadim Kravcenko
Building a side-project
So as you noticed, I’m late with my newsletter Issue this week. Everything is fine. I just got...
over a year ago
So as you noticed, I’m late with my newsletter Issue this week. Everything is fine. I just got sidetracked a […]
The post Building a side-project appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
bt RSS Feed
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator
A great deal of my time working as a...
over a year ago
Batch Converting Images to webp with macOS Automator
A great deal of my time working as a web/UI designer is spent exporting and/or converting images for software products and websites. Although a lot of modern applications can render image conversions at build time, a... blog
Why Rust's learning curve seems harsh, and ideas to reduce it
I've been thinking about the learning curve for Rust lately, and why it feels so hard to learn.
a year ago
I've been thinking about the learning curve for Rust lately, and why it feels so hard to learn.
I think the reason is because the complexity is all front-loaded, and the resources generally don't actively reduce that front-loading1.
There are two well-trod paths for learning...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Using Datasette for an ELT Personal Twitter Data Warehouse
EDA tools like Datasette dramatically lower the cost of data analysis, with a surprisingly simple...
over a year ago
EDA tools like Datasette dramatically lower the cost of data analysis, with a surprisingly simple ELT contract - You handle the Extract phase, it handles the Load, and exposes a standard UI for you to do dynamic Transforms.
The Pragmatic...
Asked to do something illegal at work? Here’s what these software engineers did
At FTX, Frank, and Pollen, software engineers were asked to do something potentially illegal, or to...
a year ago
At FTX, Frank, and Pollen, software engineers were asked to do something potentially illegal, or to go along with what looked like fraud. They obliged in two out of three cases, landed in hot water, and now face jail time. A reminder why it’s never a good idea to go along with...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The most popular Mixpanel alternatives, compared
The four most popular alternatives to Mixpanel are: PostHog – An all-in-one platform that replaces...
a year ago
The four most popular alternatives to Mixpanel are: PostHog – An all-in-one platform that replaces multiple tools. The fastest growing Mixpanel…
Alex Meub
Fixing the Prusa MINTEMP Error with Custom Firmware
Last week I switched to a new nozzle on my Prusa MK3S 3D Printer and made the mistake of not...
over a year ago
Last week I switched to a new nozzle on my Prusa MK3S 3D Printer and made the mistake of not watching the first layer of the print. This led to a large blob of PLA sticking to my heat block. In my attempts to remove it, I severely damaged the thermistor wires resulting in the...
Elad Blog
Early days of AI
Rather then view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it...
a year ago
Rather then view LLMs, Transformers, and diffusion models as part of a continuum with past "AI", it is worth thinking of this as an entirely new era and discontinuity from the past
Krzysztof Kowalczyk...
Solo founders with profitable businesses, collected stories
People sometimes wonder: can I have a successful business as a single founder?
The answer is:...
over a year ago
People sometimes wonder: can I have a successful business as a single founder?
The answer is: yes.
This is a collection of solo-preneur success stories (with occasional 2 people bands).
I only include businesses generating significant revenues. In this context it’s around $5k/mo...
bt RSS Feed
Making a Website Under 1kB
Making a Website Under 1kB
I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB...
over a year ago
Making a Website Under 1kB
I recently launched (another) website club called the 1kB Club. Unlike the 1MB Club, it isn’t as accessible for most modern websites to become official members. Building a website that actually serves useful content while squeezing its page...
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
For Sale: Used Domain (**Clean Title**)
Bryan Braun has an interesting post about his experience with what he calls a “haunted domain”:
2 months ago
Bryan Braun has an interesting post about his experience with what he calls a “haunted domain”:
He buys a domain that seems fine on the surface.
When he begins using it, he notices some things aren’t right (organic search traffic, for example, is dead).
After some investigation,...
bt RSS Feed
Sharing The Things We Use
Sharing The Things We Use
I always love stumbling across personal websites that include...
over a year ago
Sharing The Things We Use
I always love stumbling across personal websites that include some form of a “uses” page. A place where the author lists out all the tools they use on a regular basis - whether it be hardware, software or something else entirely. It allows...
The Changelog
Managing an External Display on Linux Shouldn’t Be This Hard
I first started using Linux and FreeBSD on laptops in the late 1990s. Back then, there were all...
over a year ago
I first started using Linux and FreeBSD on laptops in the late 1990s. Back then, there were all sorts of hassles and problems, from hangs on suspend to pure failure to boot. I still worry a bit about suspend on unknown hardware, but by and large, the picture of Linux on laptops...
Joel Gascoigne
For the first few people, hire from your network
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
We’re lucky...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
We’re lucky enough to have reached the stage with Buffer []
where we have had to start to think about growing the team. For the first 10
months the team consisted of just...
A Beautiful Site
PHP functions to get and remove the file extension from a string
I use these regular expressions all the time, but it's much more convenient to have them both in...
over a year ago
I use these regular expressions all the time, but it's much more convenient to have them both in convenient PHP functions.
// Returns only the file extension (without the dot)
function file_ext($filename) {
return preg_match('/\./', $filename) ? preg_replace('/^.*\./', '',...
#1 button disguised as a link
Bad code
<button role="link" title="Name of website" tabindex="0">
<img alt="Name of website"...
over a year ago
Bad code
<button role="link" title="Name of website" tabindex="0">
<img alt="Name of website" src="logo.jpg" title="Name of website">
Issues and how to fix them
Wrong usage of the button element. There’s an element for linking to external sites (<a>). Do not change...
Vladimir Klepov as a...
From engineer to manager: what I love, what I hate
It's been almost 2 years since I moved to a team lead role, then to a full-time engineering...
10 months ago
It's been almost 2 years since I moved to a team lead role, then to a full-time engineering management position after the expansion of our team. I've been a front-end developer for 7 years before that, and initially I took the "advanced individual contributor" career track before...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The secrets of PostHog query performance
We want PostHog to become the first choice for product analytics at any scale. To do that, users...
over a year ago
We want PostHog to become the first choice for product analytics at any scale. To do that, users should have a smooth experience exploring their…
General Robots
Tech Debt
When people start working on General Purpose Robots there is a tendency to try to make sure that...
a year ago
When people start working on General Purpose Robots there is a tendency to try to make sure that everything they do is Fully General Purpose And Future Proof. They have grand visions and world changing ambitions. Those make it seem like they should be building grand software, to...
bunnie's blog
Infra-Red, In Situ (IRIS) Inspection of Silicon
Cryptography tells us how to make a chain of trust rooted in special-purpose chips known as secure...
a year ago
Cryptography tells us how to make a chain of trust rooted in special-purpose chips known as secure elements. But how do we come to trust our secure elements? I have been searching for solutions to this thorny supply chain problem. Ideally, one can directly inspect the...
Words and Buttons...
Static typing isn’t free. Where do you think the C++ angry mob comes from?
Type inference works like logic deduction so any program in a statically typed language is two...
a year ago
Type inference works like logic deduction so any program in a statically typed language is two programs. The first one is the thing you sell, and the second – is a model that undergoes some sort of verification every time you run a compiler. This second program, although, often...
Apollo Vampire V1200 Review
After months of being on the waiting list, I recently recieved my Apollo Vampire V1200V2...
over a year ago
After months of being on the waiting list, I recently recieved my Apollo Vampire V1200V2 accelerator! Since then, my Amiga has had a new lease of life so I thought I’d write an update covering all the stuff I would have wanted to know while I was waiting for the package to...
Stephen Wolfram...
The New World of LLM Functions: Integrating LLM Technology into the Wolfram Language
This is part of a series about our LLM technology.Other parts of this series: ChatGPT Gets Its...
a year ago
This is part of a series about our LLM technology.Other parts of this series: ChatGPT Gets Its “Wolfram Superpowers”!Instant Plugins for ChatGPT: Introducing the Wolfram ChatGPT Plugin Kit Turning LLM Capabilities into Functions So far, we mostly think of LLMs as things we...
Steve Klabnik
Create a more compelling experience for your users through game mechanics
over a year ago
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware May 2024
The Ware from May 2024 is a Generac RXSC100A3 100-amp automated load transfer switch. It senses when...
6 months ago
The Ware from May 2024 is a Generac RXSC100A3 100-amp automated load transfer switch. It senses when utility power fails and automatically throws a switch to backup power. Thanks to Curtis Galloway for contributing this ware; he has posted a nice write-up about his project using...
Making software...
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Users who work with git patches...
a year ago
Applying Email-Based Git Patches in Evolution on Linux
Users who work with git patches through email most likely use a terminal-based program such as aerc or mutt. CLI email clients tend to have built-in support for easily applying patches directly to their local...
Florian Bellmann |...
How to switch from Tmux to WezTerm
Tutorial on how to switch your terminal multiplexer from Tmux to WezTerm
a year ago
Tutorial on how to switch your terminal multiplexer from Tmux to WezTerm
How to set headers on objects in R2 using rclone
How do you set a Cache-Control header on an object in R2 when you’re using rclone to upload?
11 months ago
How do you set a Cache-Control header on an object in R2 when you’re using rclone to upload?
I burned a lot of time figuring this out. There are a lot of options that look like they’ll do it, but here it is:
A Smart Bear
Solving the Low-Budget Online Marketing Dilemma
Low on cash but need marketing results? Here are four specific things you can do to grow on a...
2 weeks ago
Low on cash but need marketing results? Here are four specific things you can do to grow on a budget.
Elad Blog
Fireside SF: Clem Delangue CEO of Hugging Face
Sign up now - in person space is limited
a year ago
Sign up now - in person space is limited
Ink & Switch
Ink & Switch Unconference [2022 / Berlin]
Ink & Switch invited a few folks out for a day of conversations in Berlin. Here are some notes and...
over a year ago
Ink & Switch invited a few folks out for a day of conversations in Berlin. Here are some notes and pictures from that event.
swyx's site RSS Feed
Mocking and Using CRUD APIs with MirageJS and React-Query
This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great...
over a year ago
This is how to pair two newcomers on the React scene for mocking and using CRUD APIs, for a great developer experience.
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware February 2024
The ware for February 2024 is the core of a B&G 213 Masthead Wind Sensor, an instrument capable of...
9 months ago
The ware for February 2024 is the core of a B&G 213 Masthead Wind Sensor, an instrument capable of reporting both wind speed and direction. Thanks again to FETguy and Renew Computers for the contribution! The coil on the left hand side is a brushless resolver, which determines...
Epic Web Dev
A Deep Dive in Tailwind Font Settings (tip)
Take a deep dive on multiple approaches for controlling typographic settings on an element with...
5 months ago
Take a deep dive on multiple approaches for controlling typographic settings on an element with Tailwind.
The 2020 International Developers in Japan results are live!
In November 2020, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan to better paint a...
over a year ago
In November 2020, I conducted a survey of international developers living in Japan to better paint a picture of what the typical foreign developer life is like. [The results are now live](/insights/2020-developer-survey), please check them out!
With 362 people responding, I...
Blog System/5
Kyua graduates
The story behind the FreeBSD and NetBSD testing frameworks
5 months ago
The story behind the FreeBSD and NetBSD testing frameworks
Jim Nielsen’s Blog
Book Notes: “Out of the Software Crisis” by Baldur Bjarnason
I read Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” a while back and have been meaning to publish some...
a year ago
I read Baldur’s book “Out of the Software Crisis” a while back and have been meaning to publish some of my highlighted excerpts and notes.
It’s always hard reading a book like this because I highlight so much and have so many thoughts that I could spend hours and hours rehashing...
Founder's blog
How to Hide Tethering from Your Mobile Operator
Use a secure VPN to prevent DPI
On your laptop, change packet TTL to 65 (iOS...
a year ago
Use a secure VPN to prevent DPI
On your laptop, change packet TTL to 65 (iOS default 64 plus one).
On my recent mountain biking trip to France I accidentally booked an Airbnb without WiFi. Bummer. But hey, 5 minutes of googling and I found a...
bt RSS Feed
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is...
over a year ago
The Wonders of Text Ellipsis
A common issue when working with constrained UI elements is text overflowing outside of it’s parent or breaking into addition lines (thus breaking the layout).
This is most commonly seen with the direct and placeholder values for input...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The 7 best mobile app analytics tools
1. PostHog Best for: Engineering and product teams What is PostHog? PostHog (that's us 👋) is an...
5 months ago
1. PostHog Best for: Engineering and product teams What is PostHog? PostHog (that's us 👋) is an all-in-one platform built to help engineers create…
David Heinemeier...
Optimize for bio cores first, silicon cores second
A big part of the reason that companies are going ga-ga over AI right now is the promise that it...
3 months ago
A big part of the reason that companies are going ga-ga over AI right now is the promise that it might materially lower their payroll for programmers. If a company currently needs 10 programmers to do a job, each have a cost of $200,000/year, then that's a $2m/year problem. If AI...
How to create your own company in Japan
Since coming to Japan, I've incorporated three companies. Although creating a company isn't a walk...
over a year ago
Since coming to Japan, I've incorporated three companies. Although creating a company isn't a walk in the park, I think it is easier than the general perception is. Part of the problem is the lack of English-language information about it. I hope by sharing my experiences I can...
Generative Art on a Round TFT Display
I spent a lovely snowy afternoon using Adobe Firefly to generate images to for a 2.1″ 480x480px...
a year ago
I spent a lovely snowy afternoon using Adobe Firefly to generate images to for a 2.1″ 480x480px round TFT display. The results look amazing. Using the IOT capable Adafruit Qualia Board and 2.1″ Round TFT with capacitive touch it’s programmed using CircuitPython. I look forward to...
Charles Chen
A Practical Guide to Modular Monoliths with .NET
Feeling too much friction from your microservices architecture? It's time to revisit monoliths.
11 months ago
Feeling too much friction from your microservices architecture? It's time to revisit monoliths.
Joel Gascoigne
The quiet pivot
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
In the last 6...
over a year ago
* Tweet []
* Buffer []
In the last 6 months, we’ve quietly shifted the direction of Buffer. Our
adjustment is now almost complete and we’re charging ahead with our new vision.
It’s interesting to reflect on how we came...
PostHog's RSS Feed
The most popular Heap alternatives and competitors, compared
The most popular Heap alternatives in 2023 are: PostHog: All-in-one platform that combines...
a year ago
The most popular Heap alternatives in 2023 are: PostHog: All-in-one platform that combines comprehensive analytics with session replay, A/B testing…
bt RSS Feed
CSS: Indenting Text
CSS: Indenting Text
A lot of developers tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to...
over a year ago
CSS: Indenting Text
A lot of developers tend to do the bare minimum when it comes to implementing proper website typography. This isn’t an insult - I’m happy that typography is given any thought at all during development, I just believe more can always be done to...
swyx's site RSS Feed
Launching the Coding Career Handbook!
I'm launching my career advice book today!
over a year ago
I'm launching my career advice book today!
Joel Gascoigne
My experience with burnout as a startup founder
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
In mid-2017, I hit burnout in a really big way...
over a year ago
Note: this was originally posted on the Buffer blog.
In mid-2017, I hit burnout in a really big way and wound up taking a 6-week break to recharge.
I want to fully share my story here and include some things I wish I’d done differently in the hope
swyx's site RSS Feed
Twitter as Universal Meta-Commentary Layer
Musing about how Twitter can enhance your Internet reading experience
over a year ago
Musing about how Twitter can enhance your Internet reading experience
swyx's site RSS Feed
Unit and Integration Testing for Plugin Authors
Some thoughts on how to set up testing with plugins
over a year ago
Some thoughts on how to set up testing with plugins
Engineer’s Codex
Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
5 months ago
Wisdom from Linus Torvalds, the creator of Git and Linux
Non-Empty Recursion in Elm
over a year ago
PostHog's RSS Feed
Array 1.9.0
First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without...
over a year ago
First, learn how PostHog raised $3M for our open source project . We could not have done it without this community - thank you for all your issues…
Overcast 4.1 now available
Overcast 4.1 is now in the App Store with some small but nice new features.
Smart Resume is actually...
over a year ago
Overcast 4.1 is now in the App Store with some small but nice new features.
Smart Resume is actually two features:
It jumps back by up to a few seconds after having been paused to help remind you of the conversation.
It slightly adjusts resumes and seeks to fall in the silences...
#10 <section> is no replacement for <div>
Bad code
<section id="page-top">
<section data-section-id="page-top" style="display:...
over a year ago
Bad code
<section id="page-top">
<section data-section-id="page-top" style="display: none;"></section>
<section id="main-content">
<header id="main-header">
<section class="container-fluid">
<section class="row">
Vadim Kravcenko
Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return
The post Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
8 months ago
The post Valueless CTO: High Salary, No Return appeared first on Vadim Kravcenko.
Julia Evans
Confusing git terminology
Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that
after almost 15...
a year ago
Hello! I’m slowly working on explaining git. One of my biggest problems is that
after almost 15 years of using git, I’ve become very used to git’s
idiosyncracies and it’s easy for me to forget what’s confusing about it.
So I asked people on Mastodon:
what git jargon do you find...
Josh Comeau's blog
An Interactive Guide to Keyframe Animations
CSS keyframe animations are incredibly flexible and powerful, but they’re also a bit weird. In this...
over a year ago
CSS keyframe animations are incredibly flexible and powerful, but they’re also a bit weird. In this deep-dive tutorial, we'll learn how CSS keyframes work from the ground up, and see how to use them to build high-quality animations.
Liz Denys
A short comic about the Internet Protocol
Just a cleaned up version of a silly little comic that I came up with during a 6.033 (Computer...
over a year ago
Just a cleaned up version of a silly little comic that I came up with during a 6.033 (Computer Systems Engineering) recitation last semester:
The Codist
I Am Not Betty, And I Can't Do Anything About It
At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number...
a year ago
At some point around 2016, a person named Betty, in the town I used to live in, gave my phone number to someone (either by accident or a random number), and it became associated with her name and address.
Her home sits atop a giant gas field, and she gets
Tony Finch's blog
What does it mean to be an RCU implementation?
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU,...
a year ago
The other day, Paul McKenney posted an article on LiveJournal about
different flavours of RCU, prompted by a question about couple of
Rust RCU crates. (There are a few comments about it on LWN.)
McKenney goes on to propose an RCU classification system based on the
API an...
Renegade Otter
A Lannister Always Pays His Technical Debts
A tale of two rewrites
Jamie Zawinski is kind of a tech legend. He came up with the name “Mozilla”,...
11 months ago
A tale of two rewrites
Jamie Zawinski is kind of a tech legend. He came up with the name “Mozilla”, invented that whole
thing where you can send HTML in emails, and more. In his harrowing work diary of how
came to be, Jamie
the burnout rodeo that was...
Nelson's Weblog
The Transcantábrico Train
We recently took the Transcantábrico, a week
long luxury train trip across Northern Spain. It was...
a year ago
We recently took the Transcantábrico, a week
long luxury train trip across Northern Spain. It was great! Like a
cruise but on a train. We did something similar in India in
2015 and it’s an interesting way to travel. Some photos here.
The Transcantábrico goes across a part of...
bt RSS Feed
New Domain and Code Forge
New Domain and Code Forge
As you can clearly see, my site’s domain has switched over to...
11 months ago
New Domain and Code Forge
As you can clearly see, my site’s domain has switched over to This post will go into details about the reason for this URL swap (spoilers: I’m a cheapskate) - but that isn’t all. I have moved my personal git repositories over to my...
Making software...
CSS Value: `currentColor`
CSS Value: currentColor
There are a large number of nuanced and mostly unheard of CSS...
over a year ago
CSS Value: currentColor
There are a large number of nuanced and mostly unheard of CSS value types, but today we are going to focus on currentColor. So what is the currentColor value type anyway?
The currentColor value type will apply the existing color value to other...
A Beautiful Site
When To Create CSS Parts
I was recently asked a really good question on Twitter: when shouldn't an element be a CSS...
over a year ago
I was recently asked a really good question on Twitter: when shouldn't an element be a CSS Part?
I've spent a lot of time building web components, most of which are intended for design systems, and my answer is pretty straight-forward.
Every part you expose is an API that you're...
The Changelog
Facebook’s Blocking Decisions Are Deliberate – Including Their Censorship of Mastodon
In the aftermath of my report of Facebook censoring mentions of the open-source social network...
over a year ago
In the aftermath of my report of Facebook censoring mentions of the open-source social network Mastodon, there was a lot of conversation about whether or not this was deliberate. That conversation seemed to focus on whether a human speficially added to some sort...
David Heinemeier...
Back to America
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time...
a year ago
After spending much of the past three years in Denmark, our family is returning to America full time this summer. The original reasons for temporarily emigrating – the prolonged school lockdowns and other pandemic madness – have long since evaporated, and we've had a solid chance...
Making software...
Text Align: Justify
Text Align: Justify
The text-align property is fairly well known in the world of CSS,...
over a year ago
Text Align: Justify
The text-align property is fairly well known in the world of CSS, even among those just starting out with the language. Values such as center, left and right are used often with this property, but a more forgotten option is justify.
What does...
Kagi Blog
Announcing The Assistant
Yes, the rumours are true!
Kagi has been thoughtfully integrating AI into our search experience,...
4 months ago
Yes, the rumours are true!
Kagi has been thoughtfully integrating AI into our search experience, creating a smarter, faster, and more intuitive search.
Making software...
Clickable Links Inside XML
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch to the Shinobi Website project, I...
over a year ago
Clickable Links Inside XML
With the recent patch to the Shinobi Website project, I thought it would be best to share my experience implementing clickable links inside a rendered XML RSS file directly through a browser. This is made possible thanks to the awesome power...
Snapshot Testing
A smoll intro to snapshot testing
10 months ago
A smoll intro to snapshot testing
Remains of the Day
The Uncanny Valley of Interactivity
I believe mass entertainment suffers from a bit of format rigidity due to the natural inertia from...
over a year ago
I believe mass entertainment suffers from a bit of format rigidity due to the natural inertia from structural ossification in the music, film, and publishing businesses, to name the most prominent.
One of the ways this manifests is in the one-way broadcast nature of much of our...
Steve Klabnik
Ember Data: ‘DS’ is not defined
over a year ago
A Beautiful Site
Flushing DNS cache on macOS
Here's the best way to flush DNS cache on macOS:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP...
over a year ago
Here's the best way to flush DNS cache on macOS:
sudo dscacheutil -flushcache; sudo killall -HUP mDNSResponder; say cache flushed
Notice that last part — that's why this is the best method. You get an audible "cache flushed" almost instantaneously, and the whole process becomes...
The Pragmatic...
Speakers for Amsterdam / Netherlands Tech Events
I (Gergely) sometimes get reachouts to do talks at events in Amsterdam (where I am based,) the...
4 months ago
I (Gergely) sometimes get reachouts to do talks at events in Amsterdam (where I am based,) the Netherlands, or somewhere in Europe. Unfortunately, rarely do talks – I do one conference per year.
However, I asked around in the community about tech professionals who do paid talks...
Don Melton
That bleeping kerfuffle
After I posted that link to my latest podcast with Rene Ritchie, several folks alerted me via...
over a year ago
After I posted that link to my latest podcast with Rene Ritchie, several folks alerted me via Twitter that all my colorful metaphors had been “bleeped” on the audio.
I didn’t realize that because I hadn’t listened to the recording myself. And I don’t normally listen to my own...
Daniel Immke's Blog...
My Pardot landing page starter kit
Over the past year, I’ve built an increasing amount of Pardot landing pages in my day to day role. I...
over a year ago
Over the past year, I’ve built an increasing amount of Pardot landing pages in my day to day role. I think landing pages are a really…
Making software...
My Robotic Mower Woes
My Robotic Mower Woes
A Brief Background
I'm no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my...
a year ago
My Robotic Mower Woes
A Brief Background
I'm no stranger to robotic lawnmowers. When my wife and I moved into our rural home just over five years ago, we picked up the Husqvarna 450X Automower since I was far too lazy to manually mow my property and the cost was equal...
#26 HTMHell special: tasty buttons
The second HTMHell special focuses on another highly controversial pattern in front-end...
over a year ago
The second HTMHell special focuses on another highly controversial pattern in front-end development:
🔥 the burger button. 🔥
The burger button and his tasty friends (kebab, meatball and bento) usually reveal a list of links when activated. According to our studies, these buttons...
Making software...
Proper UI Hierarchy
Proper UI Hierarchy
I often feel like an old man when I complain about flat design and...
over a year ago
Proper UI Hierarchy
I often feel like an old man when I complain about flat design and how designers these days have lost (or willfully forgotten) the skill to create accessible UIs with proper visual hierarchy. A skill which at it's core seems so simple - yet is...
Josh Comeau's blog
Effective Collaboration with Product and Design
How we work with design can have a tremendous impact on our overall output, and yet we don't always...
over a year ago
How we work with design can have a tremendous impact on our overall output, and yet we don't always treat it as very important. A look at how collaborating with design can supercharge our own productivity.
bunnie's blog
Winner, Name that Ware August 2024
Last month’s Ware was a peak programming meter driver board made by JC Broadcast, taken from an...
3 months ago
Last month’s Ware was a peak programming meter driver board made by JC Broadcast, taken from an Audix broadcast console. Thanks again to Howie M for contributing the ware! Howie hypothesized that the four mounting holes would be a dead give-away, in his words: The meters, typical...