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The Map is Mostly...
Designing a New Old Home: The Elements Heating and Cooling and Airflow Ensuring your house works well with the natural world is one of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Heating and Cooling and Airflow Ensuring your house works well with the natural world is one of the most crucial parts of designing a home. Like I wrote in the first part, it’s also one of the most ignored. We wanted to build a house that would stay as naturally cool in the...
Ryan Hoover's...
The Next Big Thing in Music: Turntable.fm
over a year ago
Sometimes Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long shadows cut the cold honey sunlight of afternoons that begin to fade at three, turning to a blue-pink twilight over the lake before darkness descends at five. Then four-thirty. Then...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
How to Tell if Your Job is Real After quitting his job, a friend made an odd comment. He said, "It’s weird when you realize that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After quitting his job, a friend made an odd comment. He said, "It’s weird when you realize that none of it is real." His observation stuck me as both profoundly true and maddeningly confusing.
Single Mum By Default Laetitia@Work #45
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
Panic Among the Streamers Spotify's losses get worse, and the CEO dumps $100 million in stock—but that's just a small part of...
a year ago
a year ago
Spotify's losses get worse, and the CEO dumps $100 million in stock—but that's just a small part of the streaming crisis
Daily Stoic
How To Cure Anxiety: 9 Stoic Techniques That Work “We suffer more from imagination than from reality.” — Seneca The 21st century has been described as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“We suffer more from imagination than from reality.” — Seneca The 21st century has been described as “The Age of Anxiety,” “The United States of Stress,” “The World of Worry.” The implication is that what we are experiencing—pandemics, terrorism, political and economic turmoil,...
Thu Le
Presence over performance A reflection on curating an online persona and choosing to live a quieter life.
2 weeks ago
Tech and Tea
Ten food hacks to make your life easier This was almost a post on why millennial motherhood is so challenging, but turned into tactical food...
a year ago
Stoic Simple
A Stoic Perspective on Achieving Happiness In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and...
a year ago
a year ago
In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and pressures of daily life. Many of us are constantly searching for ways to achieve happiness and inner peace amidst the chaos. While some turn to meditation and mindfulness, others...
Castles in the Sky
Who Cries for the Robot? Humans, perhaps?
over a year ago
Farza's Newsletter
me and george lucas just made a sound cloud hit Below are some of my thoughts on doing work you’re passionate about. If you don’t care about my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Below are some of my thoughts on doing work you’re passionate about. If you don’t care about my thoughts here, ignore this :). — I hear this really often from friends: I am currently doing X I really really want to do Y In order for me to leave X to do Y, I need to first do A, B,...
Thoughts on seed oil A friend has spent the last three years hounding me about seed oils. Every time I thought I was...
10 months ago
10 months ago
A friend has spent the last three years hounding me about seed oils. Every time I thought I was safe, he’d wait a couple months and renew his attack: “When are you going to write about seed oils?” “Did you know that seed oils are why there’s so much {obesity, heart disease,...
The Honest Broker
Why Did Social Media Go to War Against Writers? And can we ever get along?
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Planet of the Apps + Product Hunt, Coming to a City Near You 🙌
over a year ago
Raw Thought (from...
Look at yourself objectively
over a year ago
The Ruffian
How To Swear At Your Coworkers Two Ways To Use Bad Language In The Workplace
a year ago
Raw Thought (from...
How Looper Works
over a year ago
Farza's Newsletter
we bought a matcha machine and im caf'd out my mind help what the hell is going on
a year ago
Tech and Tea
Do you keep your wishes secret? Have you ever hoped that someone would notice your good work and give you more opportunities? Would...
a year ago
a year ago
Have you ever hoped that someone would notice your good work and give you more opportunities? Would that have been even more meaningful than if you asked for what you wanted, and got it?
Left To Write
#6 Writemas: The Intersection of Disparate Skills My mother used to say to me, “Go work for a good company and build your career within it.” Her...
a year ago
a year ago
My mother used to say to me, “Go work for a good company and build your career within it.” Her advice came from a good place. She didn’t want me to struggle and have the safety of a salary. As many of you know, I didn’t do that. However, when I look back and reflect on that...
Wait But Why
SpaceX’s Big Freaking Rocket – The Full Story (G-Rated Version) It's not a small rocket. The post SpaceX’s Big Freaking Rocket – The Full Story (G-Rated Version)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's not a small rocket. The post SpaceX’s Big Freaking Rocket – The Full Story (G-Rated Version) appeared first on Wait But Why.
Passing Time
Incommensurate Goods in ESG When values conflict, how do you choose what to prioritize?
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Secularization Comes For the Religion of Technology (Audio Version) The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 3
a year ago
Diaries of Note
 How utterly mad it all is Although her life was cut tragically short, Lorraine Hansberry’s influence on American theatre was...
a year ago
a year ago
Although her life was cut tragically short, Lorraine Hansberry’s influence on American theatre was profound. Raised amid the racial turbulence of 1930s Chicago, she channelled her experiences into A Raisin in the Sun, a groundbreaking play that earned her three distinctions: the...
Left To Write
№ 66: Why Do We Brush Our Teeth? The opposite of a good idea - Finding the real reason behind brushing our teeth - Let's not jump to...
a year ago
a year ago
The opposite of a good idea - Finding the real reason behind brushing our teeth - Let's not jump to conclusions
Farza's Newsletter
just ate a croissant but then realized it was a steak what a stupid mistake Hey all — been a while. My last newsletter was 6-months ago. In it I was telling you all that we...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Hey all — been a while. My last newsletter was 6-months ago. In it I was telling you all that we were pivotting away from ZipSchool to this random thing called buildspace. Like with any pivot, you don’t really know what it’ll turn into. You don’t know the vision —
Jason Crawford
Announcing Progress Studies for Young Scholars Excited to announce that I’m launching an online high school summer program in the history of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Excited to announce that I’m launching an online high school summer program in the history of technology: Progress Studies for Young Scholars. Daily online content, plus a speaker series featuring Tyler Cowen, Patrick Collison, Max Roser, Joel Mokyr, Deirdre McCloskey, and more....
Ryan Hoover's...
New haircut, Product Hunt?
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
temporary amnesia Travel enriches me in many ways. Apart from novelty and discovery, new surroundings help me to...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Travel enriches me in many ways. Apart from novelty and discovery, new surroundings help me to temporarily forget things that usually weigh me down. Certain familiar things back home trigger uncomfortable feelings...
The Honest Broker
Are Harvard Graduates Better Than Harvard Dropouts? Or how I spent $503,402 on college education
a year ago
Castles in the Sky
23 Highlights from 2023 A new video, two viral essays, a weekend in London, friends, family, a toddler, and much more!
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Why I’m excited for Planet of the Apps
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Language Under Digital Conditions: Power and Action The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 1
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 30 The First Two of Twelve Questions
a year ago
In Favor of Reading Aloud When I read Jane Eyre, I stalled for a full year between the opening part at the boarding school and...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When I read Jane Eyre, I stalled for a full year between the opening part at the boarding school and the rest of the book. I tend to dislike boarding-school openings in books, but the real problem was I found myself having to reread too many of Charlotte Brontë’s winding,...
Mark Manson
Why Skills Matter More Than Goals Welcome to the first Monday of the new year. It’s 2022 and if you’re like me, it still feels like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to the first Monday of the new year. It’s 2022 and if you’re like me, it still feels like 2019 was last year. Talk about a mindfuck. This is that time of year where most productive and growth-minded people sit down and focus on their goals, their identity, and who they...
The Honest Broker
An Open Letter to Taylor Swift I'm asking a favor—but not for me. I want you to do a favor for the music.
a year ago
Castles in the Sky
Open Thread: Castles in the Sky in Your Life Castles in the Sky #37
a year ago
Scarlet Ink
Senior Engineer or Senior Citizen? How Can Vintage Tech Workers Age Like Fine Wine? Experience in some careers is viewed as universally positive, but that's not necessarily the case in...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Experience in some careers is viewed as universally positive, but that's not necessarily the case in tech. Why is that, and what can you do about it?
Stoic Simple
What Does Stoicism Teach About Death & Mortality? Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that dates back to the third century BC, has become increasingly...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that dates back to the third century BC, has become increasingly popular in modern times. This philosophy, which focuses on self-control, rational thinking, and acceptance of the inevitability of life's ups and downs, has much to offer those who...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Better Connections Are we spending enough time with people we can really learn from? Are we having enough conversations...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Are we spending enough time with people we can really learn from? Are we having enough conversations that move us forward rather than discussing the mundane things in life? We are all seeking better connections—some people even the smallest of them. Today, we have the greatest...
Castles in the Sky
Once the Cosmos Become Commonplace Castles in the Sky #59
a year ago
Stoic Simple
Stoic Techniques for Stress Management: How to Live a More Peaceful Life In today's fast-paced world, it's difficult not to become overwhelmed by stress. Whether it's work,...
a year ago
a year ago
In today's fast-paced world, it's difficult not to become overwhelmed by stress. Whether it's work, family, or personal struggles, stress seems to be an inevitable part of our lives. However, the ancient philosophy of stoicism provides powerful techniques for managing stress and...
Both Are True
why isn't there an A24 for kids? my toddler has terrible taste and I've had enough
a month ago
Diaries of Note
A decaying mass of flesh and bone Remembered chiefly for his short stories, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Hamlin Garland earned praise...
a year ago
a year ago
Remembered chiefly for his short stories, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Hamlin Garland earned praise for his vivid portrayals of Midwestern life, and for finding the profound in the mundane. Born in Wisconsin in 1860, it was in 1898 that Garland began to keep a daily diary in...
The Honest Broker
I Talk with an AI Music Historian Maybe a chatbot can teach me a few things
a year ago
Daily Stoic
What Does It Mean To Be Wealthy? “These individuals have riches just as we say that we ‘have a fever,’ when really the fever has us.”...
a year ago
a year ago
“These individuals have riches just as we say that we ‘have a fever,’ when really the fever has us.” — Seneca We all know those people who have lots of money, and yet, they are miserable. On the flip side, we all know people who live happy and fulfilled lives despite not having...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
How to use your AirPod Pros to Trigger Flow It’s 2020 and if you are like me you are hoping to spend as much of this year in a flow state as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s 2020 and if you are like me you are hoping to spend as much of this year in a flow state as possible. I am always looking for hacks that allow my to get into the zone faster, stay there longer, and increase my creative output. Here’s a new trick that has been working for me...
Passing Time
Aridity Incarnate The American West, Fiction, and Water
5 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Why Write Memoirs | Review of All the Wrong Moves by Sasha Chapin A good memoir is entertaining, insightful, and relatable. A great memoir changes you because you see...
a year ago
a year ago
A good memoir is entertaining, insightful, and relatable. A great memoir changes you because you see yourself in it. All the Wrong Moves by Sasha Chapin is a great memoir. It is nominally a book about a guy who becomes obsessed with chess. But to me, it’s a book about the...
Diaries of Note
The Pole at Last!!! Born in Pennsylvania in 1856, Robert Peary spent 23 years of his life preparing to achieve what had...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Pennsylvania in 1856, Robert Peary spent 23 years of his life preparing to achieve what had eluded explorers for centuries: reaching the North Pole. Driven by ambition and unwavering determination, Peary, an American explorer and United States Navy officer, believed he...
Tech and Tea
Expectations, planning, and suffering Thoughts on planning and letting go of expectations
9 months ago
Diaries of Note
He feels we should be on the attack for diversion As Richard Nixon’s Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman was positioned at the epicentre of the Watergate...
a year ago
a year ago
As Richard Nixon’s Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman was positioned at the epicentre of the Watergate scandal—a pivotal role that would ultimately lead to an eighteen month spell in jail for his role in the cover-up. In his posthumously published diaries from that period, Haldeman...
Stoic Simple
AI Reveals What Marcus Aurelius Would Look Like Today, in Real Life Marcus Aurelius is one of the best-known figures of the Roman Empire, thanks to his writings on...
a year ago
a year ago
Marcus Aurelius is one of the best-known figures of the Roman Empire, thanks to his writings on Stoic philosophy and his place in history as "the last good emperor." His face is famous, too, even though he lived long before photography. The many surviving statues of Marcus...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Mnmllist When we adopt the minimalism ideology, we use it primarily as a tool. A tool to rid the excess in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When we adopt the minimalism ideology, we use it primarily as a tool. A tool to rid the excess in life to make way for that which is important and for the things we value most. Minimalism not only inspires me to live more simply, it also influences my approach to design. I wanted...
Farza's Newsletter
drinking chai with xi jinping talking about the nintendo gamecube Obsession is a pretty powerful thing. It’s awesome how you can get obsessed with something and spend...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Obsession is a pretty powerful thing. It’s awesome how you can get obsessed with something and spend all your energy just being obsessed with that thing. Some of my favorite musicians are like that. Matt Bellamy from Muse would always talk about how he’s just been obsessed with...
Diaries of Note
It instantaneously stopped the bleeding Born in Somerset, England in 1740, James Woodforde was an English clergyman posthumously celebrated...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Somerset, England in 1740, James Woodforde was an English clergyman posthumously celebrated for the insightful and witty diaries—68 handwritten volumes in total–that he kept meticulously from the age of 19 through to 1803, ten weeks before his death. Peppered amongst the...
Ryan Hoover's...
How Has Turntable.fm Grown So Rapidly With No Marketing?
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
A Frightening Future
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
We Really Are Entering a New Age of Romanticism An update on the war against algorithms and technocratic manipulation
a week ago
The Intimate Mirror
The Father Wound Healing Our Relationship with Authority and Value
a month ago
Jason Fried
Governor Newsom: Please help Franklin fire victims I'm republishing this for a friend who doesn't have a reliable place to publish this online. It's a...
a month ago
a month ago
I'm republishing this for a friend who doesn't have a reliable place to publish this online. It's a letter she wrote and sent to a number of newspapers. Her family was a victim of the recent Franklin wildfire, and unlike other recent fires, the Franklin fire wasn't included in...
Nat Eliason's...
Preorder My Sci-Fi Novel, Husk A limited time, first-edition signed hardcover with bonuses
10 hours ago
Consciousness will slip through our fingers I guess life makes sense: For some reason there’s a universe and that universe has lots of atoms...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I guess life makes sense: For some reason there’s a universe and that universe has lots of atoms bouncing around and sometimes they bounce into patterns that copy themselves and then those patterns go to war for billions of years and voilà—you. But consciousness is weird. Why...
Scarlet Ink
Stories of Good and Bad Feedback Dave Received From His Managers A few anecdotal stories of times I received feedback from the senior leaders in my life
4 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
I asked my friends for anonymous feedback
9 months ago
Castles in the Sky
To go and lay down in that sense of it. Castles in the Sky #45
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Industry, Thrift, and Loyalty On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann...
a year ago
a year ago
On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann wrote the first entry in a diary with a difference. Designed to be a shared sanctuary for the newlyweds, the diary was a place for them to alternately record their aspirations, joys,...
Diaries of Note
My body is the record of those I have loved American sculptor Anne Truitt was a singular figure in the field of minimalism, best known for her...
a year ago
a year ago
American sculptor Anne Truitt was a singular figure in the field of minimalism, best known for her large, colour-saturated, wooden column sculptures. Born in 1921 in Baltimore, Maryland, Truitt studied psychology at Bryn Mawr College before venturing into art, her studies taking...
Diaries of Note
Who is there for me? When she wrote this entry in her journal, Elizabeth Smart was pregnant with the second of four...
a year ago
a year ago
When she wrote this entry in her journal, Elizabeth Smart was pregnant with the second of four children to fellow poet George Barker, a married man who, by the time of his death, had fathered fifteen children to four women. Smart essentially raised their brood alone, whilst...
Stoic Simple
7 Stoicism Exercises for Self-Improvement Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in recent times due to its emphasis on...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in recent times due to its emphasis on practical, actionable exercises designed to help individuals improve their lives. By practicing specific exercises, referred to as "spiritual exercises," individuals are able to...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Blog Post Marketplace This is a response to Manu's post, Adoption Sponsorships. How can bloggers monetise their content...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a response to Manu's post, Adoption Sponsorships. How can bloggers monetise their content without going down the path of a paywall such as Patreon or premium newsletters? Donations are possible but rely on a small number of very generous people. A blogger definitely isn't...
Scarlet Ink
The Hidden Advantage of Sharp Edges — Why Being Disagreeable is Best Anyone can be valuable if they have the right motivation, but strangely enough, being disagreeable...
a month ago
The Intimate Mirror
The Living Dead How to Escape the Death Machine of Modern Culture (Breaking Open: Part 4)
2 months ago
The Honest Broker
Judgment Day Arrives at the Washington Post And updates on seven other recent articles at The Honest Broker
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Grey morning Alexandra Feodorovna, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was born Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine...
a year ago
a year ago
Alexandra Feodorovna, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was born Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine on June 6, 1872. Twenty-two years later, she wed Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, and adopted her new name. Her reign as Tsarina was turbulent, marked by her controversial...
Diaries of Note
One bomb fell about ten feet from the train station Petr Ginz was an extraordinary young Czech-Jewish man who left a lasting impression despite a life...
a year ago
a year ago
Petr Ginz was an extraordinary young Czech-Jewish man who left a lasting impression despite a life cut tragically short. Born in 1928, he was fourteen when he was sent to the Theresienstadt Ghetto. While there, he edited Vedem, an underground magazine produced by teenage...
Atoms vs Bits
My Cousin Went To Greece Once How relevant does your anecdote have to be before you'll mention it in a conversation?
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Gravity Prayers A cube of ice trembled in the hand of a stupid boy. Like a loaded dice, its melting walls possessed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A cube of ice trembled in the hand of a stupid boy. Like a loaded dice, its melting walls possessed the power to steer the fate of the foolish teenager. From the top of the bleachers the boy considers a dare as a high school marching band blares behind him. Two hundred feet below...
Atoms vs Bits
Even Good People Make Teams Go Slower A simple model of a sad fact
4 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Your Communication Leakage Rate Over 85% of your communication is lost. It is wasted on deaf ears, hidden agendas, wandering minds,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over 85% of your communication is lost. It is wasted on deaf ears, hidden agendas, wandering minds, good intentions, and the low fidelity of human memory. I made the 85% number up, but it can't be far off. If you think my guess is unreasonable let me try to distort your reality.
The Honest Broker
How I Take Notes In response to reader requests, I share my 3 levels of note-taking
a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
I Have Opinions About The Production Of Pizza The low-hanging fruit of pizza happiness, possibly
a year ago
Jason Fried
Questions and Answers vs. Features and Benefits When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may say "you mean features or benefits?" No, I mean answers. Answers are counterpoints to questions people have in their heads. Answers fill holes, answers snap into sockets. Benefits...
The Honest Broker
The Blue Collar Jobs of Philip Glass I praise his work as a composer—but also as plumber, taxi driver, steel mill worker, and other...
7 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
hiroshima, and keeping my brain engaged I debated for a long time whether to visit Hiroshima since I was already on my way to Osaka from...
a year ago
a year ago
I debated for a long time whether to visit Hiroshima since I was already on my way to Osaka from Fukuoka. It would be almost a midway stop, breaking up the original...
Ryan Hoover's...
7 months ago
The Tao Of Wealth
A Prayer For The New Year God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
God, grant me the serenityto accept the things I cannot change,the courage to change the things I can,and the wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time,enjoying one moment at a time;accepting hardship as a pathway to peace;taking, as Your Divine Incarnations...
The Convivial...
The Stuff of Life: Materiality and the Self The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 13
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Locker Room Talk of Mentors and Minions I saw myself at 22, lifting a wheel, struggling under its weight to attach it to a car. Behind me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I saw myself at 22, lifting a wheel, struggling under its weight to attach it to a car. Behind me was an experienced mechanic who has mastered the heavier machinery. He worked with skill, with a quickness that hid the forces he was wielding, making the power required to rip tires...
journal – Winnie Lim
one year of strength training Last year around this time I had my first strength training session with a personal trainer. I had...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Last year around this time I had my first strength training session with a personal trainer. I had only 3 sessions with them, but due to a fundamental incompatibility – they had...
The Honest Broker
When the Olympics Gave Medals to Artists They did it for 40 years—so why did they stop?
7 months ago
Stoic Simple
Stoicism & Personal Finance: Stoic Philosophy for Financial Stability In today's fast-paced and often unpredictable world, financial stability and security are high on...
a year ago
a year ago
In today's fast-paced and often unpredictable world, financial stability and security are high on everyone's list of priorities. However, achieving financial well-being can be challenging, especially when faced with economic uncertainty, unexpected expenses, and financial stress....
Ryan Hoover's...
Blogging is the New Resume
over a year ago
The Intimate Mirror
Guide to Healing the Father Wound A practical guide on discerning legitimate authority and rebuilding faith in the sacred order of...
a month ago
Farza's Newsletter
tried to buy some honey for my tea from wikipedia but they were sold out Life has been going pretty smoothly for the last month. Pretty much all my time is spent working on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Life has been going pretty smoothly for the last month. Pretty much all my time is spent working on Zip, which is what I want! And, all the other time is spent on either watching anime or running lol. In terms of running, been running 4-5 miles per day, 6 days a week pretty...
Diaries of Note
Man cannot live long without joy Dorothy Day was an influential American journalist and social activist who co-founded the Catholic...
a year ago
a year ago
Dorothy Day was an influential American journalist and social activist who co-founded the Catholic Worker Movement in the 1930s. Driven by her deep spiritual convictions, Day was a relentless advocate for social justice, and in the late 1930s and early 1940s her work took on a...
Scarlet Ink
3 Good Things and 3 Bad Things About Working at Amazon: From 12+ Years in Management Line manager to Senior Manager to Director. It was a great place to work, but I have a pretty...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Line manager to Senior Manager to Director. It was a great place to work, but I have a pretty balanced view of what Amazon does well, and what it doesn't.
Tech and Tea
Life is not a race Wisdom from a 6 year-old, and top regrets of the dying
7 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
messy thoughts while in hong kong I haven’t been well since my birth day. The very next day I woke up with elevated heart rate again –...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I haven’t been well since my birth day. The very next day I woke up with elevated heart rate again – I am more aware of this because I use a bunch...
Stoic Simple
What’s the Difference Between Stoicism and Existentialism? Philosophy is a discipline that seeks to understand the nature of existence, reality, knowledge, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Philosophy is a discipline that seeks to understand the nature of existence, reality, knowledge, and ethics. Two important philosophical schools of thought that have influenced Western intellectual tradition are Stoicism and Existentialism. Both of these philosophies share some...
journal – Winnie Lim
the ability to our selves as who we are My tcm (traditional chinese medicine) appointment a couple of weeks ago was postponed because my...
3 months ago
3 months ago
My tcm (traditional chinese medicine) appointment a couple of weeks ago was postponed because my physician was sick. I thought it would be fine to go a couple of weeks without, but...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The most profound message in the history of junk literature I have always been a slow reader. I get discouraged by dense text and I struggle to finish books...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have always been a slow reader. I get discouraged by dense text and I struggle to finish books thicker than the width of my thumb.
journal – Winnie Lim
the uncomfortable phase of learning I have begun strength training for the first time in october last year. I had three personal...
a year ago
a year ago
I have begun strength training for the first time in october last year. I had three personal training sessions before I traveled to japan, and when I got back there was a...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Personal Perpetual Energy Machines Science tells us that perpetual motion is impossible. Something about thermodynamics and physics....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Science tells us that perpetual motion is impossible. Something about thermodynamics and physics. Does the same thing apply to emotional energy? Could you build a system that allows you to stay fully charged no matter what life throws at you?
The Honest Broker
The Hottest Drummer You've Never Heard A new book pays tribute to the amazing Chick Webb, the hardest swinging jazz drummer of his day
a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
Harry Potter and the Secret to Learning We've Been Doing it Wrong
9 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
The Forest I have been longing for a more enjoyable and unpredictable web experience for a while, and one that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have been longing for a more enjoyable and unpredictable web experience for a while, and one that is less focused on commercialism. I want my digital life to be immersive in a different way—one where I can get lost in the trees of the forest of the internet. To discover places,...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Font Blocking, Invisible Words, and Flames of Shame You never know when you will be confronted by a test of character. There will come a moment when you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You never know when you will be confronted by a test of character. There will come a moment when you are forced to choose. Do you stick to your beliefs, or do you fold under the pressure and sacrifice your very identity?
Nat Eliason's...
How I Finally Found the Magic of Meditation You're Approaching it Backwards
a year ago
Niagara Fails We left Long Point Canada bright and early, headed back to the United States to check out Niagara...
a year ago
a year ago
We left Long Point Canada bright and early, headed back to the United States to check out Niagara Falls. We originally planned to see the falls from the Canadian side because the view is better, but then there was a lot of traffic and on the map it didn't look like there was much...
What Vanlife is Really Like I have no idea what Vanlife is or is like. But I can tell you that if you think you're just going to...
a year ago
a year ago
I have no idea what Vanlife is or is like. But I can tell you that if you think you're just going to cruise around in an old vehicle, living the life, um, yeah, not all the time. Some of the time, sure. Maybe even most of the time, but there's a good bit of work to be done on the...
Castles in the Sky
Simplicity, Expertise, and Bullshit The difference between understanding and communicating
a year ago
The Honest Broker
How I Disintermediated My Writing Career It's a clumsy word, but a lovely thing to do
a year ago
Castles in the Sky
CATHEDRAL | Chapter One - Four Years Out Cathedral | Castles in the Sky #60
a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Wu wei (无为) — The art of not forcing The controlled accident. Sometimes it gets mistaken for "do nothing" or "doing nothing". Because the...
a year ago
a year ago
The controlled accident. Sometimes it gets mistaken for "do nothing" or "doing nothing". Because the characters 无为 (wu wei) mean nothing (wu, 无) and doing (wei, 为). So although a literal translation would be doing nothing, it doesn’t mean the same as sitting
Mind Mine
in defence of pleasure yin, yang
3 months ago
The Honest Broker
Live Music Is Coming Back! Is this the first stirring of a backlash against sanitized, algorithmic digital culture?
6 months ago
Both Are True
did you steal my bicycle we moved to Asheville and then this happened
5 months ago
The Honest Broker
Nine Observations on the Avant-Garde Has it disappeared? Does anybody care? Should they?
7 months ago
Both Are True
this is some real game of thrones shit this season of USA is insane
8 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
tokyo art book fair Last week or some time ago I came across a mastodon post that Tokyo Art Book Fair is happening this...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week or some time ago I came across a mastodon post that Tokyo Art Book Fair is happening this weekend. We thought it would be fun to go since we planned...
Letters of Note
Never get a bulldog When he wrote this letter to his mother in 1944, Roald Dahl was working at the British Embassy in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When he wrote this letter to his mother in 1944, Roald Dahl was working at the British Embassy in Washington, D.C.—one of hundreds of undercover agents employed by Britain’s MI6 foreign intelligence service to spy on the United States. Dahl’s debut novel, The Gremlins, had been...
Castles in the Sky
Statistics are people, too. What we celebrate is what we value, and what we ignore is what we normalize.
4 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Tiny Fingers Stretching For Truth On the edge of my periphery a figure approaches. I feel close to death, sitting on the grass,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On the edge of my periphery a figure approaches. I feel close to death, sitting on the grass, wondering how my race could go so wrong. I am too tired to look around to see who is walking toward me. There is plenty of room behind to pass, nothing to worry about.
Scarlet Ink
Work Enemies: Actions You Can Take to Protect Yourself From Bad Relationships You won't always get along with your co-workers. What can you do to protect yourself?
6 months ago
Both Are True
a bookstore, joan didion, and me turning toward the mystery and the do-it-yourself guide to fighting the big motherfuckin' sad
4 months ago
The Ruffian
In Praise of Slow Learners How the Tortoise Beats the Hare
12 months ago
The Honest Broker
13 Observations on Ritual And other responses to my 'dopamine culture' article
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Maybe that will dispel all this quietness In September of 1941, the Soviet city of Leningrad was encircled by Nazi forces in a brutal siege...
a year ago
a year ago
In September of 1941, the Soviet city of Leningrad was encircled by Nazi forces in a brutal siege that would last until January 1944 and result in the deaths of nearly a million civilians. The relentless blockade led to devastating food and fuel shortages, and the merciless...
Naveen Arun's Blog
Doing Laundry on Campus Without a Phone A Graduate Student’s Attempt to Find Sunshine as the Cloud Reigns Summary: I tried doing my laundry...
a year ago
a year ago
A Graduate Student’s Attempt to Find Sunshine as the Cloud Reigns Summary: I tried doing my laundry without a smartphone. This proved to be difficult, since our laundry machines can only be operated with a smartphone app. After lots of struggle, I finally managed to do it,...
Of Gods and Men (2010): Witnesses to Faith Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the eighty-second psalm. It is to be a portent of the narrative’s themes of death and dignity, explored in conversation with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.
Diaries of Note
Getting shot hurts On 30th March 1981, as he emerged from a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel and...
a year ago
a year ago
On 30th March 1981, as he emerged from a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel and headed towards a waiting limousine, U.S. President Ronald Reagan was hit by a bullet from the gun of would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. The President, initially unaware that he had...
journal – Winnie Lim
why i turn to books on buddhism in times of suffering Over the past decade I tend to turn to books on buddhism whenever I feel down. I wouldn’t consider...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Over the past decade I tend to turn to books on buddhism whenever I feel down. I wouldn’t consider myself religious or a buddhist, and I don’t really fully agree wth much...
Both Are True
i interviewed a bunch of cool ppl and now it's a...print publication??! Whoa, Vol 1: Conversations to make you feel human
4 months ago
Daniel Bourke
Superglue and milk We walked out of the movies and it was still daylight. I helped Dad get onto the escalators. He...
a year ago
a year ago
We walked out of the movies and it was still daylight. I helped Dad get onto the escalators. He moves slower than most. It keeps me in check when I’m steaming along. Walking into the movies I looked at the time. We were late. Friday afternoon traffic. So
Scarlet Ink
The 150 Point Rule of Thumb. How to Strategically Approach Career Pivots. We don't always begin our careers where we'd like them to end up. We're not stuck with jobs where we...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
We don't always begin our careers where we'd like them to end up. We're not stuck with jobs where we began them. I walk through paths to move your career in a new direction.
journal – Winnie Lim
restarting from scratch I’d finally tested negative on may 2nd the 13th day of my infection, in time to have a mini...
a year ago
a year ago
I’d finally tested negative on may 2nd the 13th day of my infection, in time to have a mini celebration with my partner. I am not sure if I overdid it, but...
Tech and Tea
Space to create (and bonus kids' art 👩🏻‍🎨) Unexpected creative outlets beyond writing
a year ago
The Ruffian
20 Observations On Friendship Plus a Rattle Bag of Juicy Links
7 months ago
Scarlet Ink
Failure is Necessary for Achievement and Growth — Why Success is Dangerous for Learning You can only succeed if you are willing to fail. You can only learn if you are willing to be...
a month ago
Both Are True
Beautiful Disasters “you can’t get addicted to weed.” wanna bet?
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Pseudo Sacrifice vs. Speculation Observers are stunned when they witness a queen sacrifice. For a chess player to abandon their most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Observers are stunned when they witness a queen sacrifice. For a chess player to abandon their most powerful piece seems like a daring risk. The sacrifice is followed by a decisive combo resulting in checkmate. Bravo, the crowd goes wild.
Nursing doubts: Is breastfeeding good? If you ask the internet if breastfeeding is good, you will soon learn that YOU MUST BREASTFEED...
6 months ago
6 months ago
If you ask the internet if breastfeeding is good, you will soon learn that YOU MUST BREASTFEED because BREAST MILK = OPTIMAL FOOD FOR BABY. But if you look for evidence, you’ll discover two disturbing facts. First, there’s no consensus about why breastfeeding is good. I’ve seen...
Stoic Simple
How to Use Stoicism to Enhance Your Logical Decision Making Abilities When it comes to decision-making, it can be challenging to navigate the multitude of options and...
a year ago
a year ago
When it comes to decision-making, it can be challenging to navigate the multitude of options and complexities we face. Whether it's selecting the right career path or deciding between two potential love interests, making informed and strategic decisions is crucial for achieving...
Left To Write
What A Moroccan Uber Driver Can Teach Us About Living Life is simple, but we insist on complicating it
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Embrace Your Crookedness The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 13
a year ago
The Honest Broker
Are Social Media Platforms the Next Dying Malls? It was cool to hang out at the mall—until it wasn't
3 months ago
The Ruffian
Jemima Kelly on Trump: Part II On Melania, and Trump's Taste In Music
a week ago
Diaries of Note
Love Will Never Do without You In the early hours of 14th August 2013, Kevin Coughlin was stunned to notice light reflecting off a...
a year ago
a year ago
In the early hours of 14th August 2013, Kevin Coughlin was stunned to notice light reflecting off a mirror in his bathroom, marking the beginning of an extraordinary recovery. Having lost his sight in 1997 due to a rare genetic disorder named Leber’s Hereditary Optic Neuropathy,...
Mark Manson
How to Stop Caring About What People Think There's this weird fantasy we all share of not giving a flying fuck about what people think. We all...
a year ago
a year ago
There's this weird fantasy we all share of not giving a flying fuck about what people think. We all wish we could be impervious to others' opinions, like Superman deflecting bullets. But instead of bullets, we're out here trying to deflect the fucks we wish we didn't give. We...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Boiling Your Kermit Drop a frog in boiling water and it jumps out in shock. Place him in room-temperature water and he...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Drop a frog in boiling water and it jumps out in shock. Place him in room-temperature water and he won’t mind if you slowly crank up the heat. He’ll look you square in the eye, absorbing the heat until it all goes black. Sorry, Kermit.
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Capsule Wardrobe A capsule wardrobe is simply a collection of essential items of clothing that don’t really go out of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A capsule wardrobe is simply a collection of essential items of clothing that don’t really go out of fashion, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces. Although a capsule wardrobe could certainly be defined as minimal in its own right, my wardrobe goes a little beyond...
Stoic Simple
Stoicism for Athletes: Why Stoic Philosophy is Perfect for Sports In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of Stoic philosophy in various...
a year ago
a year ago
In recent years, there has been a growing interest in the application of Stoic philosophy in various aspects of life, including sports. Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that emphasizes the development of self-control, rationality, and resilience in the face of adversity. By...
Diaries of Note
He really wants me, as usual In 1991, three decades before she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, French author Annie...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1991, three decades before she was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature, French author Annie Ernaux published Passion simple, a brief, semi-autobiographical novel in which its narrator recounts her intensely passionate, all-consuming two-year relationship with a married man....
Unfiltered by Tim...
You Only Have 1 Hour a Day to Build Your Online Empire (If You Work a Job) Here’s the simple system to use
6 days ago
The Honest Broker
How We Lost the Ability to Listen In this extract from my book 'Music to Raise the Dead' I look at how texts replaced songs as sources...
a year ago
a year ago
In this extract from my book 'Music to Raise the Dead' I look at how texts replaced songs as sources of wisdom and guidance
Diaries of Note
May they never give me peace Patricia Highsmith was an author who mastered the art of the psychological thriller, leaving an...
a year ago
a year ago
Patricia Highsmith was an author who mastered the art of the psychological thriller, leaving an indelible mark on the genre with works like The Talented Mr. Ripley, published in 1955, and her compelling debut, Strangers on a Train—two highlights from an incredible collection of...
The Ruffian
James Marriott on Neil Postman: Are We Making Ourselves Stupid? A Conversation About 'Amusing Ourselves To Death'
2 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky The reason I write
over a year ago
Mind Mine
to be creative, be where you are and to be where you are, face what you’re avoiding
9 months ago
The Map is Mostly...
School is Not Enough Learning is a consequence of doing
4 months ago
Why midlife women walk out of corporate jobs Laetitia@Work #67
a year ago
The Prism
10 Ways to Avoid Being Fooled Mental models for discerning truth
over a year ago
The Convivial...
The Ambling Mind The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 6
10 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
How To Make Enough Money to Retire in the Next 5 Years It isn’t obvious, despite the hype.
2 months ago
The Ruffian
Notes On the Great Vibe Shift The Extraordinary Impact of Trump's Second Victory
a month ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
This Is the Single Breathtaking Moment When Your Entire Life Changes Don't miss it
4 months ago
The Ruffian
The End of History Academic historians are destroying their own discipline
a year ago
Tech and Tea
Saddened by the tech industry Watching the pendulum swing away from people-centric leadership and wishing pendulums didn't swing...
a year ago
a year ago
Watching the pendulum swing away from people-centric leadership and wishing pendulums didn't swing quite so far in the other direction.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Regaining Write-Access to Your Brain For us the world is mostly predictable, but the child's reality is still expanding. What if you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For us the world is mostly predictable, but the child's reality is still expanding. What if you could get back there, recapture the joy you felt when everything was still waiting for you to discover it?
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Uniform Ever thought of having a personal uniform? Not the typical work attire, but a carefully curated...
a year ago
a year ago
Ever thought of having a personal uniform? Not the typical work attire, but a carefully curated capsule wardrobe that reflects a cohesive style. My interest in fashion is limited, yet the concept of capsule wardrobes has fascinated me for years. I've been chipping away at...
Jason Fried
Sometimes it's better, sometimes it's worse Failure is a word worth eliminating from your vocabulary. There’s no reason to think about things...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Failure is a word worth eliminating from your vocabulary. There’s no reason to think about things that didn’t work out as failures. Yet, it’s especially pervasive in entrepreneurial circles. It’s almost as if failure has been fetishized. Nearly worshipped as a right of passage, a...
Ryan Hoover's...
Role models
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
I have a new face. Reintroducing myself and Castles in the Sky
6 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 34 - June 2023 Monthly Wrap-up
a year ago
Letters of Note
Live a life worth living On 19 March 2018, almost five years after being diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On 19 March 2018, almost five years after being diagnosed with Stage IV colon cancer, thirty-eight-year-old Julie Yip-Williams died, leaving behind a husband and two daughters. Her early years had been anything but easy. Born blind in Vietnam, at two months of age she was almost...
Atoms vs Bits
Is This Big? Is This New? A surprisingly helpful thing I've started doing: when faced with a choice or decision, I ask myself:...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A surprisingly helpful thing I've started doing: when faced with a choice or decision, I ask myself: is this big? is this new? If the answer is "yes", I do my absolute best to go find someone who has dealt with it before and get their
Both Are True
i used to play poker, now i play social media "Raise," I say, splashing the pot with six $0.50 green chips like I’m Matt fuckin Damon in the...
a year ago
a year ago
"Raise," I say, splashing the pot with six $0.50 green chips like I’m Matt fuckin Damon in the classic film Rounders, “three bucks.” // S1E9
The Map is Mostly...
The King and the Hermit Dear friends, there is a tale, Long ago there lived a king who had two sons. Both children were...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dear friends, there is a tale, Long ago there lived a king who had two sons. Both children were overindulgent in spending and habits, and the king was much vexed by this careless nature. Being very old, he worried that after his death they would shortly blunder away their...
The Convivial...
Re-sourcing the Mind The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No.
7 months ago
Stoic Simple
Stoicism and the Subtle Art of Acceptance Stoicism is a philosophy that has been practiced for centuries and has more recently been gaining...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism is a philosophy that has been practiced for centuries and has more recently been gaining popularity as a means of promoting mental well-being. At its core, Stoicism teaches us the art of acceptance, that is, the ability to accept what we cannot control and focus on what...
Both Are True
Like the mirror and the moon, let's reflect some thoughts on season one and some kind words from paid subscribers!
a year ago
The Honest Broker
Tell Us About the Person Who Inspires You Most It's Open Mic Day at 'The Honest Broker'
8 months ago
Naz Hamid — Journal...
🔗 Things I know Last month I turned 30, and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned along the way....
2 months ago
2 months ago
Last month I turned 30, and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve learned along the way. Here’s to many more to come. — Thu Le I enjoy reading these reflection lists when people turn another year older. Visit original link → or View on nazhamid.com →
Passing Time
Backcountry Skiers and Venture Capitalists Skiing in the proverbial River
6 months ago
Jason Fried
Hiring judgement In the end, judgment comes first. And that means hiring is a gut decision. As much science as people...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
In the end, judgment comes first. And that means hiring is a gut decision. As much science as people want to try to pour into the hiring process, art always floats to the top. This is especially true when hiring at the executive level. The people who make the final calls — the...
Repair Fail One of the most underappreciated, least talked about aspects of repair is the hierarchy. There are...
a year ago
a year ago
One of the most underappreciated, least talked about aspects of repair is the hierarchy. There are repair wizards and there are newbies and there are the rest of us, somewhere between those two poles. This hierarchy of skill and experience requires that you earn your way to the...
Castles in the Sky
Dreams Over Goals in 2024 More dreams, less goals, and some commitments for the year
a year ago
Farza's Newsletter
me and satoru iwata were chilling at target and bought some beef jerky I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our understanding of the product, problem, user. We’re following the data and have numbers we can point to when making a majority of our decisions. We’re focusing on growth.
Unfiltered by Tim...
A Japanese Ikigai is Bullsh*t And Won't Help You Figure Out Your Life Ignore the self-help gurus
a month ago
Nat Eliason's...
Maybe Your Sleep Tracking is Killing You? The Lure of the Measurable
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
You Strapping? We always seem to be aware of time, or rather, we feel we must be aware of it. The time of year, the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We always seem to be aware of time, or rather, we feel we must be aware of it. The time of year, the time of day, and even how our time is spent. And for good reason—it helps us organise our lives, plan ahead, and be more efficient. I was thinking though—in an age when almost all...
Atoms vs Bits
How To Make Decisions Under Stress (To be clear: I don't know how to make good decisions under stress)
a month ago
Diaries of Note
Poor little warbler Few writers of the 19th century were as widely read as George Sand. Born Amantine Lucile Aurore...
a year ago
a year ago
Few writers of the 19th century were as widely read as George Sand. Born Amantine Lucile Aurore Dupin de Francueil in 1804, she was twenty seven when her first novel was published under the pseudonym for which she is now known. By the time of her death in 1876, she was a giant of...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Becoming Bobblehead Buddha We have been fooled into believing in the supremacy of human data processing. As a result of our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We have been fooled into believing in the supremacy of human data processing. As a result of our programming it becomes second nature for us to crush anything carrying a whiff of supernatural.
Tactical parenting I'm so confused TACTICAL PARENTING Written by Dynomight INT TACTICAL HOME - DAY WE OPEN on...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I'm so confused TACTICAL PARENTING Written by Dynomight INT TACTICAL HOME - DAY WE OPEN on TACTICAL GUY’s house. A small tree is visible in a window. We see TACTICAL GUY staring at TACTICAL BABY on the ground. CUT TO: INT DESK - SAME DAY TACTICAL GUY uses keyboard plugged...
Paul Cudenec
Life philosophy: against the destructive will of Mammon It is today not considered possible by our culture for a sane and serious person to be entirely...
4 months ago
4 months ago
It is today not considered possible by our culture for a sane and serious person to be entirely opposed to the modern world, to its infrastructure and to its thinking.
Both Are True
me saying the titular line in the film Holes (2003) Many have asked to see the footage of my scene in Holes (2003) when I came out in the middle and...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Many have asked to see the footage of my scene in Holes (2003) when I came out in the middle and said "holes" - here it is
Diaries of Note
The bird has learned the bark of the dog Reverend John Wesley was an influential Anglican cleric and theologian of the 18th century who,...
a year ago
a year ago
Reverend John Wesley was an influential Anglican cleric and theologian of the 18th century who, along with his brother Charles, founded the Methodist movement. Much of his life was spent on horseback as he travelled the country, covering thousands of miles each year on his quest...
Mind Mine
camouflage reflections on fitting into many places
8 months ago
Xi Jinping, Emmanuel Macron & demographic “warfare” Laetitia@Work #65
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Giving Credit is the CEO’s Job
over a year ago
The Prism
25 Useful Ideas for 2025 Mental models to kickstart the new year
2 months ago
Diaries of Note
I have myself lost recollection of much that was interesting On 20th November 1825, shortly after reading the diaries of Samuel Pepys and Lord Byron for the...
a year ago
a year ago
On 20th November 1825, shortly after reading the diaries of Samuel Pepys and Lord Byron for the first time, Scottish poet and novelist Sir Walter Scott began his own diary by way of the following opening entry. Fifty-four at the time, Scott had already established himself as a...
Going Up North Eight days of travel. Six days driving. 1508 miles from the shores of St George Island to the shores...
a year ago
a year ago
Eight days of travel. Six days driving. 1508 miles from the shores of St George Island to the shores of Lake Superior. It was too fast. I knew it was too fast, but we wanted to get out of the heat. I was ready for the toll it takes on us, but I was not prepared for the toll it...
Shoreline If there is a theme to the places we go, it's water. Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks. We find...
a year ago
a year ago
If there is a theme to the places we go, it's water. Lakes, ponds, rivers, streams, creeks. We find them. Even out west, far from any large body of water, "the desire of water is scribed across the desert like graffiti."1 While I like almost all places with water—the bigger the...
The Honest Broker
The Real Crisis in Humanities Isn't Happening at College Our problem is in the real world—not the ivory tower—and so is the solution
11 months ago
The Convivial...
The Prompt Box is a Minefield: AI Chatbots and Power of Language The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 2
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Things I Learned This Year Personalisation sells, but good design satisfies. Don't wait for perfect execution. Ship and...
a year ago
a year ago
Personalisation sells, but good design satisfies. Don't wait for perfect execution. Ship and iterate. You don't need to fill your time. Creating calendar white space provides a buffer for work and play. Find the intersection of doing what makes you happy, what is smart for you...
Castles in the Sky
Thought Bananas (Castles in the Sky) 23 “Failing is not the end of growth”
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
How to Read Greek Tragedy in a Netflix World If you dare
6 months ago
Both Are True
What does your stupid art even do for the world? asking for a friend asking for nick cave asking for my son asking for me
9 months ago
Both Are True
was she born with it or was it god damn Maybelline? nature v makeup
a month ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The Product Hunt Global Hackathon — Join Us! 🌎
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
A Pilgrimage for Book People Reflecting on a family tradition
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Inspirational Design Stories You Missed in 2016 There is a good chance you missed some of my best writing in 2016. Let's fix that.
over a year ago
The Ruffian
The Ruffian's Greatest Hits 2023 This Year's Top Ten Posts As Voted On By Me
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
43 I wrote this time last year that I felt like I was coping better than the year before. This year I...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I wrote this time last year that I felt like I was coping better than the year before. This year I don’t feel like I have made much progress, and perhaps I...
Diaries of Note
The Boy Jones In his journal on 25th March 1841, banker and renowned dandy Thomas Raikes wrote of someone who for...
a year ago
a year ago
In his journal on 25th March 1841, banker and renowned dandy Thomas Raikes wrote of someone who for three years had been fascinating Londoners. Known to most as ‘The Boy Jones,’ Edward Jones was a teenager who had repeatedly managed to break into Buckingham Palace, and on three...
Atoms vs Bits
New Book: Book It's a book about being a book. Book book book book.
a year ago
Tech and Tea
Leaning into joy and community Processing this past week and some joyful things in my life
4 months ago
The Ruffian
The Age of Centrist Heroes Is Over I Hope You Like Pizza
8 months ago
Diaries of Note
One feels as if one is dissolved into Nature Albert Einstein’s trip to the California Institute of Technology in December 1931, for the first of...
a year ago
a year ago
Albert Einstein’s trip to the California Institute of Technology in December 1931, for the first of three annual visiting professorships, marked a crucial juncture in his life. The rise of the Nazi party in Germany, with its vehement anti-Semitism, was forcing the physicist to...
How to Be a Stoic
What Would a Stoic Do? Dating “Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the advent of modern dating apps, it essentially means that you are trying out different people to see who “wins” the alleged honor of being your (next) partner. Except, of course, that...
The Honest Broker
I Do My First Video Interview in More Than a Year Here's my guest appearance on Rick Beato's video channel
10 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Best Books of the 21st Century The Honest Broker assesses the NY Times list
8 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
open-air dining in hong kong When I wrote about open-air dining in seoul I thought nobody would care, but surprisingly I got...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When I wrote about open-air dining in seoul I thought nobody would care, but surprisingly I got quite a bit of comments and DMs from fellow covid-cautious travellers. I would keep on...
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 35 Thirteen Perspective Changing Experiences from July 2023
a year ago
The Honest Broker
What's the Most Profitable Movie of the Year? (No, I Won't Watch It.) I share updates on ten recent articles
4 months ago
Nat Eliason's...
The Childlike Love of Challenge How fast can you run?
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
The important thing is to keep going Born in London in 1909, Stephen Spender’s talent was recognised early on by T.S. Eliot, who...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in London in 1909, Stephen Spender’s talent was recognised early on by T.S. Eliot, who published Spender’s first book, Poems, at Faber & Faber in 1933. Spender wrote the following diary entry six years later, a few days after lunching with Eliot and with the world teetering...
The Convivial...
Eye to Eye "Is This Anything?"
a year ago
St Ambrose on the Psalms A short passage from this morning’s Office of Readings in the Breviary (Friday, Week 10 of Ordinary...
9 months ago
9 months ago
A short passage from this morning’s Office of Readings in the Breviary (Friday, Week 10 of Ordinary Time)
Tech and Tea
Transformed into a couch On taking this time to slooooooow down
over a year ago
Stoic Simple
Philosophy and Parenting: Becoming a Better Parent with Stoicism Parenting is a challenging, rewarding, and ever-evolving journey. Sometimes, it can be difficult to...
a year ago
a year ago
Parenting is a challenging, rewarding, and ever-evolving journey. Sometimes, it can be difficult to navigate the ups and downs of raising children, especially when it comes to managing difficult emotions and maintaining a positive relationship with them. That's where Stoic...
Left To Write
#3 Writemas: Developing Taste Last week, on a Bloomstory team day out to the Design Museum in London, I said to my friend Myles,...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week, on a Bloomstory team day out to the Design Museum in London, I said to my friend Myles, “Given we’re in a creative field, it’s important we develop taste.” I know it’s subjective, but I’ve often wondered about how universal ‘good’ taste is. However, instead of driving...
Tech and Tea
This world was not built for working parents and trying to find our way anyways in this season of life
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Donald was the kid who threw cake at the birthday party In 1983, at the age of thirty-one, British journalist Tina Brown moved to New York to become...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1983, at the age of thirty-one, British journalist Tina Brown moved to New York to become editor-in-chief at Vanity Fair, marking the start of a transformative era for the magazine. During her legendary nine-year tenure, she catapulted the magazine into its golden age and...
Diaries of Note
Then, no more English poets Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland lived together for almost 40 years, their...
a year ago
a year ago
English poets Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland lived together for almost 40 years, their partnership both a romantic and literary alliance that formed in 1930. It was in the 1960s that Ackland’s health began to decline, and on 9th November 1969, at their home in...
Both Are True
i want to be good but i am bad - help? at what point are we no longer able to change our brains?
12 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
My First Golden Combover My design education had indoctrinated me with belief in the purity of flat design. I was a true...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My design education had indoctrinated me with belief in the purity of flat design. I was a true believer. I was faced with a moral dilemma on my very first assignment. What did I do?
My 16-month theanine self-experiment The internet loves theanine. This is an amino acid analog that’s naturally found in tea, but now...
a week ago
a week ago
The internet loves theanine. This is an amino acid analog that’s naturally found in tea, but now sold as a nutritional supplement for anxiety or mood or memory. Many people try theanine and report wow or great for ADHD or cured my (social) anxiety or changing my life. And it’s...
Atoms vs Bits
Don't Meet Me In The Middle Against journey centerism
4 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Masterpiece Hallucinations What can you see through blurry eyes that you can't see with 20/20 vision?
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
The hell with you, Jack, I am looking after myself In March of 1942, following the two-week Battle of Java, Canadian RAF Lieutenant Robert Wyse became...
a year ago
a year ago
In March of 1942, following the two-week Battle of Java, Canadian RAF Lieutenant Robert Wyse became one of thousands of Allied personnel captured by Japanese forces on the island, and for more than three gruelling years he lived as a prisoner of war in various camps. In a subtle...
St. Andrews Leaving Fort Pickens made me a little sad. We've spent so much time here over the years its started...
a year ago
a year ago
Leaving Fort Pickens made me a little sad. We've spent so much time here over the years its started to feel like one of our many homes. But there are time limits. We can't stay any more this season, and with our current plans we probably won't be back for several years. I'll miss...
Left To Write
№ 77: Reflecting on 2023 Doubt, love and growing more into myself.
a year ago
The Honest Broker
The Death of Cool Can it come back to life? Or will we be angry forever?
2 weeks ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Polaroid, you broke my heart. What does it feel like to be contacted by a brand you love and admire? Well, if the person reaching...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What does it feel like to be contacted by a brand you love and admire? Well, if the person reaching out to you is a lawyer from their trademark protection team it probably feels like a kick in the gut.
Unfiltered by Tim...
What It Means to Be a Married Man in His 30s with Kids It's not what you think
a week ago
Diaries of Note
In the multitude I become bewildered When he wrote the following entry in his journal in October 1940, André Gide was living through a...
a year ago
a year ago
When he wrote the following entry in his journal in October 1940, André Gide was living through a chaotic period in history. A French literary titan known for probing works like The Immoralist and The Counterfeiters, Gide now found himself grappling with the profound impact that...
Diaries of Note
People who gush at me and don’t really like me Antonia White, born Eirene Botting in 1899, was a British writer who won plaudits for Frost in May,...
a year ago
a year ago
Antonia White, born Eirene Botting in 1899, was a British writer who won plaudits for Frost in May, a semi-autobiographical novel published in 1933 in which her experiences in a Catholic convent school were vividly depicted. At this point in her life, White had been married three...
Ryan Hoover's...
Weekend Fund 2.0
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Design Masochism and the Five Stages of Anguish Early on I remember choking back tears when my designs made first contact with outside eyes. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Early on I remember choking back tears when my designs made first contact with outside eyes. The feedback stung. Every word holding a hint of negativity was a dart that penetrated my tender puerile flesh. I wondered if I had chosen the wrong career.
Unfiltered by Tim...
How to Build an Online Empire by Yourself (Without Any Hacks) Let's cut the cr*p
3 months ago
Diaries of Note
The Last of England Ford Madox Brown was a British artist born in Calais in 1821, widely recognised though never...
a year ago
a year ago
Ford Madox Brown was a British artist born in Calais in 1821, widely recognised though never officially part of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. It was in 1852 that he started work on two of his most famous paintings: Work, which took thirteen years to complete, and The Last of...
Thu Le
Reading out loud Lately I find myself reading stuff out loud and enjoying it.
2 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
A Lambo for the People If you count eyeballs, the zombie-mobileis the most popular story I have written. This week instead...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you count eyeballs, the zombie-mobileis the most popular story I have written. This week instead of my normal essay I want to simply point you to a show that will surely appeal to fans of car design and haters of the crossover.
Ryan Hoover's...
RIP emojis. The future of communication.
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
a snapshot of my psyche, and an egg sandwich Sometimes I think I am too “purist” in the way I live: I am always trying to do the “right” thing,...
a year ago
a year ago
Sometimes I think I am too “purist” in the way I live: I am always trying to do the “right” thing, but perhaps what is the right thing for me intellectually may...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Fingerprints on the Feculence If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for quality, anyone more in touch with good taste than you? It is time to fess up to poor UX.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
I Am Data Drivel Consider quitting Google Analytics With Me
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Slow, Steady, Inevitable March Towards Oatmeal Pushing back against the idea that you are doomed to become a commodity.
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
A dangerous new game called Camera Rollette
over a year ago
Passing Time
How to improve traffic efficiency and save time Why merging early when there is a lane closure makes YOU the asshole
over a year ago
The Prism
The Rise of Neotoddlerism Why activists are behaving like infants
7 months ago
Humans Are About to Learn Like Never Before Humans aren’t good at predicting the future, but sometimes you can see a trend that promises...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Humans aren’t good at predicting the future, but sometimes you can see a trend that promises something great — like “a genie is granting your wish” great. I think this might be happening right now with one of my genie wishes, maybe yours too. For me it has to do with the piles of...
Both Are True
after 12 years of writing, here's everything i know + my #1 tip on how to get paid subscribers
10 months ago
The Tao Of Wealth
How To Develop Extreme Resilience 1. There is no destination. Only the journey. Have you ever said something like, “If I had a higher...
over a year ago
over a year ago
1. There is no destination. Only the journey. Have you ever said something like, “If I had a higher salary, then I would be happy”or “I’ll be satisfied when I get this promotion”? Many people don’t find out in time that “when” never comes. Stress appears in our life when we let...
Stoic Simple
Stoic Resilience: How Stoicism Makes Us Resilient When Facing Challenges Life can be incredibly unpredictable, and there are times when it can feel like the entire world is...
a year ago
a year ago
Life can be incredibly unpredictable, and there are times when it can feel like the entire world is working against us. These are the moments when we need to muster all the resilience we can and face adversity with a sturdy sense of perseverance. Luckily, the philosophy of...
The Ruffian
Why Margaret Thatcher Didn't Jump The Difference Between Charisma and Charm
10 months ago
The Honest Broker
How Secret Practices of Magical Musicians Survived Into the Modern World A new installment of my online book 'Music to Raise the Dead'
8 months ago
The Honest Broker
Let's Just Admit it: The Algorithms Are Broken So I'm begging the tech overlords to let us opt out from their dystopia
9 months ago
Daniel Bourke
Attitude follows behaviour Imposter syndrome. Feeling like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be. Hanging around those who...
a year ago
a year ago
Imposter syndrome. Feeling like you’re doing something you shouldn’t be. Hanging around those who you feel should be. It’s true, if at any time you feel your skill is inadequate, it likely is. But that just means you know what you don’t
The Tao Of Wealth
The Thoughts You Want To Have By Your Side It is far more exciting to create a miracle than waiting for one to happen. It is only your life...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is far more exciting to create a miracle than waiting for one to happen. It is only your life that grows old, not you, nor your spirit. When you die, you won’t think of how much money you made, you will think of how much love you gave. The universe is ready when youContinue...
Diaries of Note
Hop tu naa! Richard Adams, born in Berkshire, England, in 1920, is best known for his bestselling debut novel,...
a year ago
a year ago
Richard Adams, born in Berkshire, England, in 1920, is best known for his bestselling debut novel, Watership Down, a tale that follows a group of rabbits escaping their doomed warren. However, beyond fiction, Adams had an eye for the rhythms of nature and a knack for capturing...
Daniel Bourke
5 Free Resources to Help You Get a Machine Learning Job Learn in public, build your own projects, start the job before you have it, polish your resume and...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn in public, build your own projects, start the job before you have it, polish your resume and practice, practice, practice!
Diaries of Note
The sight that met us was beyond anything one could conceive Few archaeologists can claim to have felt the surge of exhilaration that Howard Carter did on 27th...
a year ago
a year ago
Few archaeologists can claim to have felt the surge of exhilaration that Howard Carter did on 27th November 1922, as he stood before the threshold of discovery in Egypt’s Valley of the Kings. The electric lights glared down on a scene of ancient splendour as Carter and his team...
The Honest Broker
My Rule of the 6 Spheres Like most people, I'm reluctant to discuss personal matters, but I take this rule very...
a year ago
a year ago
Like most people, I'm reluctant to discuss personal matters, but I take this rule very seriously—it's at the heart of my worldview and keeps me on the right path
Diaries of Note
A disgusting day! In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where...
a year ago
a year ago
In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where he was to play a pivotal role in the inauguration of the city’s new music hall, later known as Carnegie Hall—a momentous occasion and the first time he had set foot in the United...
Car trouble Some time ago—I’m not sure when exactly—my car started rattling. It would only rattle: When the...
a month ago
a month ago
Some time ago—I’m not sure when exactly—my car started rattling. It would only rattle: When the engine was on, sitting idle, or When accelerating with just the right amount of throttle. This rattle, I did not like it. It sounded like a tiny spoon in a garbage disposal. Which...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Fatal Side Effects of Specialization What is the opposite of specialization? It's not generalization. We don’t need more general...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What is the opposite of specialization? It's not generalization. We don’t need more general knowledge, more generic solutions, or more oatmeal. We need to transcend the silos of specialization.
Paul Cudenec
Starmer's regime declares war on nature All that talk by the world’s biggest polluters about going “green” and wanting to “save the planet”...
a month ago
a month ago
All that talk by the world’s biggest polluters about going “green” and wanting to “save the planet” has always been a transparent fraud.
Both Are True
Two Russians Walk Into a Substack Live On emotional labor, escaping Russia, and the ideas that hide w/ our guest: writer and psychonaut...
a week ago
a week ago
On emotional labor, escaping Russia, and the ideas that hide w/ our guest: writer and psychonaut Nikita Petrov
Passing Time
Follow Up: Feedback Request Mistake Substack doesn't work how I thought
a year ago
Paul Cudenec
For localism and the love of humanity I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely...
a month ago
a month ago
I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely intent on exploring and exposing the nature of the single global mafia.
Jason Fried
Don't delegate your word As you build your business, you'll end up delegating plenty. Much of what you did before is now...
a year ago
a year ago
As you build your business, you'll end up delegating plenty. Much of what you did before is now better done by someone else. To make more progress, you release your grip and allow. But there’s one thing you should hold tight and never let go. It’s the thing that should never be...
Mind Mine
write like you are mortal because you are
2 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Design Ethos I've been designing various things—principally for screens, and to a lesser extent physical...
a year ago
a year ago
I've been designing various things—principally for screens, and to a lesser extent physical products—since 2007. Only now am I writing an ethos—that is, my attitude and approach to design. An ethos is useful to me because it consolidates my design principles and gives you a...
Paul Cudenec
Terrorism and the demonocracy One of the most shocking of all the harrowing accounts to come out of Gaza this year was provided by...
3 months ago
3 months ago
One of the most shocking of all the harrowing accounts to come out of Gaza this year was provided by UK surgeon Nizam Mamode.
Naveen Arun's Blog
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese I asked ChatGPT to rewrite “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese. This is...
a year ago
a year ago
I asked ChatGPT to rewrite “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese. This is what it gave me: “WHEREAS, this Agreement is made, entered into and fully understood on this day, by and between two primary entities, both of distinct characteristics and...
Nat Eliason's...
7 Things I Learned Drafting a Novel in 26 Days 85,000 words and many caffeinated drinks later
5 months ago
Daniel Bourke
Copying Tesla's Data Engine (for food images) A cooking recipe for building Nutrify's data engine.
over a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Jethro Tull: A Beginner's Guide To Turnips for Science
2 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
practicing creativity while in recovery Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from...
a year ago
a year ago
Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from exercise, cooking. Now I am just focused on getting back to my baseline, which till now I am...
Future of Work: 12 books I read in 2022 Laetitia@Work #54
over a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
It's Hard To Hit First You don't want to hit someone unjustifiably. But the upshot is, you lose.
a year ago
Diaries of Note
It may lack elegance, but is infallible Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de...
a year ago
a year ago
Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de carotte (‘Carrot Top’), a darkly comical autobiographical novel in which he recalls his terrible upbringing as a red-headed child in a detached bourgeois family. Aside from his...