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The Honest Broker
Why Is the Tesla Cybertruck So Depressingly Ugly? It's a bigger problem than just one sinister-looking car
3 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
where i can take off my mask Recently I’ve been getting some feedback from multiple sources that they appreciate I am able...
a year ago
a year ago
Recently I’ve been getting some feedback from multiple sources that they appreciate I am able to write it as it is. In parallel I’ve also been thinking about why I share so much...
Diaries of Note
At times I feel that I could write endlessly Born in 1938, Joyce Carol Oates is an American writer with more than 50 novels and numerous literary...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in 1938, Joyce Carol Oates is an American writer with more than 50 novels and numerous literary awards to her name. Since the age of 21 Oates has kept a journal of some kind, but it was in 1973, aged 35, that she began the 5,000 pages now housed at the Joyce Carol Oates […]
Passing Time
How Dangerous is Rock Climbing? There is an adage in climbing—there are old climbers, and there are bold climbers, but there are no...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is an adage in climbing—there are old climbers, and there are bold climbers, but there are no old bold climbers. I plan on getting pretty old.
Diaries of Note
Practically all were intact Frank Hurley was an audacious Australian photographer and adventurer best known for his remarkable...
a year ago
a year ago
Frank Hurley was an audacious Australian photographer and adventurer best known for his remarkable images of Antarctica, particularly those he took on Sir Ernest Shackleton’s ill-fated Imperial Trans-Antarctic Expedition. When Hurley wrote this diary entry on 2nd November 1915,...
The Intimate Mirror
Guide to Healing the Father Wound A practical guide on discerning legitimate authority and rebuilding faith in the sacred order of...
a month ago
Nat Eliason's...
The Most Useful Feedback Hurts Plus a sci-fi novel update
6 months ago
Tech and Tea
Owning your unique experience moving away from a deficiency mindset
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
A Job Interview Trap Designers Might Avoid I was caught off guard during a job interview after I told the story of my Ghost-O-Meter app. My...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was caught off guard during a job interview after I told the story of my Ghost-O-Meter app. My audience was several designers and one developer who sat quietly on the edge of the group eying me skeptically.
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalism Life®: A New Chapter This week sparked a new chapter, direction, and era for Minimalism Life®, a project I cofounded in...
a year ago
a year ago
This week sparked a new chapter, direction, and era for Minimalism Life®, a project I cofounded in 2016. Almost 8 years on from then, with much experimentation, many highs and lows, strategy changes, and a lot of ground work, we announced the relaunch of our website:...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
2020 Year End Review
over a year ago
Stoic Simple
Successful Stoicism: How Stoics Deal with Success in Life Success is something that most people strive for, but few can handle it well. Ironically, success...
a year ago
a year ago
Success is something that most people strive for, but few can handle it well. Ironically, success often brings with it a whole host of new challenges and pressures. So how can one deal with the ups and downs of success in a healthy and productive way? One answer may lie in the...
Stoic Simple
Using Stoicism to Handle Criticism & Not Get Upset at Challenges Criticism is a fact of life. Whether it is constructive feedback from a colleague or harsh words...
a year ago
a year ago
Criticism is a fact of life. Whether it is constructive feedback from a colleague or harsh words from a rival, criticism can be painful and humbling. Dealing with criticism in a healthy and productive way is essential to personal and professional growth. This is where Stoicism...
Both Are True
lord bless the partners of comedians a video and a story watch the video tho its 1 min long come on
a year ago
What the fear of ageing costs working women Laetitia@Work #68
11 months ago
Diaries of Note
We are in the grip of Watergate American journalist Edward Robb Ellis was sixteen when he began to keep a diary; by the time of his...
a year ago
a year ago
American journalist Edward Robb Ellis was sixteen when he began to keep a diary; by the time of his death 71 years later, he had written approximately 22 million words—an incredible feat which, until it was surpassed in 1994, earned him a world record for the “longest published...
Atoms vs Bits
Meta-Surprise Surprise!
5 days ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The community trap
6 months ago
Jason Crawford
Things that can kill you quickly There are things that kill you instantly, like a bullet to the head or a fall from twenty stories....
over a year ago
over a year ago
There are things that kill you instantly, like a bullet to the head or a fall from twenty stories. First aid can’t help you there. There are also things that kill you relatively slowly, like a bacterial infection. If you have even hours to live, you can get to the emergency...
Tech and Tea
Small steps, Big dreams proudly announcing Tech and Tea
a year ago
Left To Write
№ 77: Reflecting on 2023 Doubt, love and growing more into myself.
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
I Am Data Drivel Consider quitting Google Analytics With Me
over a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
No One Gives A F*ck About Websites Anymore It's painful to see website blogs die
3 weeks ago
The Prism
The Rise of Neotoddlerism Why activists are behaving like infants
7 months ago
Fort Pickens Just before new year's, Corrinne and the kids rejoined me at Big Lagoon. We had a quiet new year's...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Just before new year's, Corrinne and the kids rejoined me at Big Lagoon. We had a quiet new year's around the fire, and then the next day we headed out to the Fort Pickens portion of Gulf Islands National Seashore. If St. George is the best spot in the panhandle, Fort Pickens is...
The Honest Broker
How to Read Greek Tragedy in a Netflix World If you dare
6 months ago
Daniel Bourke
Introducing Nutrify 1.2.3 Whole Food Streaks, Widgets, Quick Summaries and 41 New Foods.
4 months ago
The Honest Broker
Death: A Literary Guide Can you really prepare for it or even understand it? These 10 books are my cherished touchstones on...
a year ago
a year ago
Can you really prepare for it or even understand it? These 10 books are my cherished touchstones on the matter.
Diaries of Note
A movie has come to life and engulfed us On the evening of 23rd March 2020, in a televised address to a shellshocked nation, British Prime...
a year ago
a year ago
On the evening of 23rd March 2020, in a televised address to a shellshocked nation, British Prime Minister Boris Johnson announced a legally-enforced, pandemic-induced lockdown across the UK that would immediately force millions to stay at home for months on end and countless...
Raw Thought (from...
Look at yourself objectively
over a year ago
Jason Fried
Hooks, towel bars, and software Strangely, a recent bathroom renovation crystalized my perspective on product development. When...
a year ago
a year ago
Strangely, a recent bathroom renovation crystalized my perspective on product development. When being asked to choose between towel hooks or a towel bar, the choice was obvious: Hooks, of course. Hooks take up no space. Towel bars suck up space. Hooks hold towels no matter how...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Things I Learned This Year Personalisation sells, but good design satisfies. Don't wait for perfect execution. Ship and...
a year ago
a year ago
Personalisation sells, but good design satisfies. Don't wait for perfect execution. Ship and iterate. You don't need to fill your time. Creating calendar white space provides a buffer for work and play. Find the intersection of doing what makes you happy, what is smart for you...
Both Are True
the detonator no, i will not 'grieve' my pre-parent self
10 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Phone Setup Ever since I moved from the iPhone to the Blloc Phone, I wanted to further reduce the number of apps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ever since I moved from the iPhone to the Blloc Phone, I wanted to further reduce the number of apps I had installed. Not just because I wanted to reduce my screen time and have fewer distractions, but because I wanted to remove my digital clutter, and where better to start than...
Paul Cudenec
Truth, essence, knowledge and light Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after all, you do not really care what they think of you.
Diaries of Note
Nothing can be less beautiful than the first sight of London Emily Shore was just nineteen when she died of tuberculosis—a short life, but one brimming with...
a year ago
a year ago
Emily Shore was just nineteen when she died of tuberculosis—a short life, but one brimming with intellectual curiosity. Born in Suffolk, England in 1819, her now-celebrated journal contains not just her intricate observations of the natural world, but also thoughtful reflections...
Castles in the Sky
Who Cries for the Robot? Humans, perhaps?
over a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
80/20 Meditation Part of our 80/20 series sit on a cushion for 20 mins per day focus on your sensory experiences...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Part of our 80/20 series sit on a cushion for 20 mins per day focus on your sensory experiences (touch, sight, smell, sound). Try to perceive them as accurately as possible [1] [2] [3] footnotes: is that really all? on one level, yes -- both in the sense that
Mark Manson
A Practical Guide to Modern Dating So you've thrown yourself into the modern dating pool, eh? You brave, brave soul. Look, I know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
So you've thrown yourself into the modern dating pool, eh? You brave, brave soul. Look, I know meeting new people, going on dates, figuring out if you even like the person sitting across from you—it can all be confusing, frustrating, and just exhausting at times. But before you...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalissimo 6.0 A new design, a new version, a new era, a new chapter, a new wave, a new vibe. Call it what you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A new design, a new version, a new era, a new chapter, a new wave, a new vibe. Call it what you like. The sixth iteration of Minimalissimo is here and it's probably the strongest one to date yet probably the most raw and uncompromising. But before I break down what is new, I want...
Mind Mine
why i quit status games stumbling towards trusting myself
6 months ago
The Ruffian
Maybe Your Opinion Is Just a Feeling About a Story On Changing My Mind About the Elgin Marbles. Plus: How To Get Hold of An Advance Copy of 'John &...
3 months ago
3 months ago
On Changing My Mind About the Elgin Marbles. Plus: How To Get Hold of An Advance Copy of 'John & Paul'. Plus a Juicy Rattle Bag of Goodies.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
A Confession from Ghost-O-Meter’s Creator I released Ghost-O-Meter with a secret. I realize now that it was a mistake.
over a year ago
Mind Mine
on trading potential for something actual just make a choice
2 months ago
The Honest Broker
Classical Music Got Invented with a Hard Kick from a Peasant's Foot Or why we need less math in music theory
2 weeks ago
Scarlet Ink
4 (More) Good Things and 2 (More) Bad Things and 2 Misunderstandings About Working at Amazon: From... A continuation of my previous article about my experiences at Amazon. What they do well, what they...
4 months ago
4 months ago
A continuation of my previous article about my experiences at Amazon. What they do well, what they don't do well, and in this article, I also mention a few common beliefs I disagree with.
Unfiltered by Tim...
What It Means to Be a Married Man in His 30s with Kids It's not what you think
4 days ago
Both Are True
you don't need everyone to like your work (2018) revisiting something i wrote years ago
10 months ago
Diaries of Note
I am going to do my best Yoko Moriwaki was born in Japan in 1932 on the picturesque island of Itsukushima, better known to...
a year ago
a year ago
Yoko Moriwaki was born in Japan in 1932 on the picturesque island of Itsukushima, better known to locals as Miyajima, and until war broke out in 1941 her childhood was a happy one, filled with simple joys. In 1944, with the conflict casting a heavy shadow, her father was called...
journal – Winnie Lim
existing in an unsafe world Our current minister of defence had made a public speech last week, stating that the US’s image has...
a week ago
a week ago
Our current minister of defence had made a public speech last week, stating that the US’s image has “changed from liberator to great disruptor to a landlord seeking rent.” Considering that Singapore...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Workspace Setup Revisited (2022 edition) My home office setup has changed quite lot over the past few months. So I felt it was time to share...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My home office setup has changed quite lot over the past few months. So I felt it was time to share the latest iteration of my workspace, which incidentally, I now share with my partner. So for starters, we now have two desks in the office. But I'll focus on my desk setup...
The Honest Broker
How to Know If You're Living in a Doom Loop Let's look at the warning signs
7 months ago
Letters of Note
I’ve got a hunch In July of 1938, American novelist Thomas Wolfe was struck down with pneumonia and taken to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In July of 1938, American novelist Thomas Wolfe was struck down with pneumonia and taken to hospital. He was soon diagnosed as having tuberculosis of the brain, from which he would never recover. Wolfe died on 15th September, aged just 37. A month before his death, as he lay in...
The Ruffian
Jemima Kelly: What Is Trump Like Up Close? And How Does His Personality Explain His Political Appeal?
a week ago
Left To Write
📢 PSA: Making Some Changes Hello copynotes & Poker Confidential
a year ago
Mark Manson
Are You Entertained—Or Addicted? In David Foster Wallace’s classic novel, Infinite Jest, there's a movie that is so entertaining that...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In David Foster Wallace’s classic novel, Infinite Jest, there's a movie that is so entertaining that anyone who views even a small portion of it will give up all desire to do anything else in life in order to keep watching. Throughout the book, characters who see it give up...
The Worry Gap: why women worry so much more Laetitia@Work #62
a year ago
Both Are True
When You're Done with that Condom, Just Throw it Anywhere just a lil guy
2 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Change and authenticity
11 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The New Product Hunt for iOS and Android
over a year ago
Both Are True
Like the mirror and the moon, let's reflect some thoughts on season one and some kind words from paid subscribers!
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Irresistible Obstacles The formula beneath any game that hooks players can be boiled down to the following. Voluntary...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The formula beneath any game that hooks players can be boiled down to the following. Voluntary Obstacle + Rules + Feedback System = Leveling Up
Diaries of Note
A decaying mass of flesh and bone Remembered chiefly for his short stories, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Hamlin Garland earned praise...
a year ago
a year ago
Remembered chiefly for his short stories, Pulitzer Prize-winning writer Hamlin Garland earned praise for his vivid portrayals of Midwestern life, and for finding the profound in the mundane. Born in Wisconsin in 1860, it was in 1898 that Garland began to keep a daily diary in...
Scarlet Ink
Stories of Good and Bad Feedback Dave Received From His Managers A few anecdotal stories of times I received feedback from the senior leaders in my life
4 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
learning to be physically stronger After thinking about it for more than three years, I’ve finally signed up for personal training so I...
a year ago
a year ago
After thinking about it for more than three years, I’ve finally signed up for personal training so I can learn how to strength-train. We start to have muscle loss as we age:...
The Honest Broker
When the Olympics Gave Medals to Artists They did it for 40 years—so why did they stop?
7 months ago
Tech and Tea
Space to do whatever, at work why it's important to make space for not-the-highest-priority things at your job
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Nobody wants to give me what I don’t want Walter Ripton Morris was fifty-four when he was fired from his job. The year was 1961, and the...
a year ago
a year ago
Walter Ripton Morris was fifty-four when he was fired from his job. The year was 1961, and the company for which he had worked for some time had been swallowed up by a bigger corporation who deemed him to be disposable. Four years later, Morris published the diary he had kept...
Both Are True
i figured out why nothing is ever enough (science) its dopamine all the way down babe
a year ago
The Honest Broker
My Ultimate Texas Songwriter Playlist I've handpicked 56 tracks from the Lone Star State (3 hours of music)
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
3D Printing and Rethinking How You Buy I previously wrote about the beauty of 3D printing and how in recent years, we have seen incredible...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I previously wrote about the beauty of 3D printing and how in recent years, we have seen incredible advancements and accessibility to technologies that have impacted the health sector and everyday consumers. 3D printing is still a very new concept to most of us. At least in terms...
Scarlet Ink
No More Excuses: Trading Blame for Action. Practical Steps Towards Ownership Instead of Whining. I'll admit a lack of patience for people who prefer to make excuses when they're given advice. It's...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I'll admit a lack of patience for people who prefer to make excuses when they're given advice. It's easier to make excuses rather than do the hard work.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Frank Lloyd Wright and Kitchen Toilet Camo Don't let anyone say you can't have a toilet in your kitchen. You can. It isn't about aesthetics, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Don't let anyone say you can't have a toilet in your kitchen. You can. It isn't about aesthetics, a kitchen toilet is all about utility. It is about convenience. It is about value add. Efficiency. Optimization. ROI. If your architect tries to talk you out of that request that's...
Car trouble Some time ago—I’m not sure when exactly—my car started rattling. It would only rattle: When the...
a month ago
a month ago
Some time ago—I’m not sure when exactly—my car started rattling. It would only rattle: When the engine was on, sitting idle, or When accelerating with just the right amount of throttle. This rattle, I did not like it. It sounded like a tiny spoon in a garbage disposal. Which...
Diaries of Note
A disgusting day! In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where...
a year ago
a year ago
In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where he was to play a pivotal role in the inauguration of the city’s new music hall, later known as Carnegie Hall—a momentous occasion and the first time he had set foot in the United...
Nat Eliason's...
The Best Things I Read in 2022 Plus: the best of the blog, your recommendations, and a vacation announcement
over a year ago
Both Are True
Love myself? Knowing what I know? A lunchtime meditation on whether 'being the best' is even a real thing
8 months ago
Jason Crawford
What I still want out of time management tools I made my first todo list almost 25 years ago. Ever since, I’ve been evolving my tools and system...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I made my first todo list almost 25 years ago. Ever since, I’ve been evolving my tools and system for tracking tasks, managing time, and improving productivity. A personal productivity toolbox is a very personal and contextual thing. I find that my own systems have to be revised...
The Ruffian
The Ruffian Speaks For Money
a year ago
The Ruffian
The Social Media Cage Fight A Rattle Bag of Goodies, Including Some Shameless Self-Promotion
a year ago
Stoic Simple
Stoic Advice on Travel & Moving to a New Home: Ask Marcus Aurelius Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from historical records, we created an AI digital personality that spoke with us about how to practice Stoicism in our modern world. This AI persona literally thinks that it's Marcus...
The Honest Broker
The Dying Singer Who Cured Himself with Music The strange case of Leo Kofler
5 months ago
Diaries of Note
The Boy Jones In his journal on 25th March 1841, banker and renowned dandy Thomas Raikes wrote of someone who for...
a year ago
a year ago
In his journal on 25th March 1841, banker and renowned dandy Thomas Raikes wrote of someone who for three years had been fascinating Londoners. Known to most as ‘The Boy Jones,’ Edward Jones was a teenager who had repeatedly managed to break into Buckingham Palace, and on three...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Pissing in the Wind Questioning the results of a study criticizing Dyson's hand dryer.
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The Next Big Thing in Music: Turntable.fm
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
You have to see it On 6th December 1912, at the ancient site of Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, a team led by German...
a year ago
a year ago
On 6th December 1912, at the ancient site of Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, a team led by German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt made a remarkable discovery: they uncovered a workshop once belonging to Thutmose—more formally known as ‘The King’s Favorite and Master of Works, the Sculptor...
Passing Time
What's the Least Impactful Way to Spend $300 Million? Buying status is as close to bad as a good act can be.
a year ago
Passing Time
Alpine Starts II Or: Thanksgiving in the Mountains
a year ago
The Honest Broker
I Ask Seven Heretical Questions About Progress And I offer seven radical hypotheses. But can you handle the truth?
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
psychological health vs physical health Travelling keeps me sane. It is only on this trip that I realised how much my brain craves being in...
a year ago
a year ago
Travelling keeps me sane. It is only on this trip that I realised how much my brain craves being in some sort of engagement, and travelling is a way to keep it...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Quality Return to Print “Print is dead!” So they say. I think I have probably said this as well to be honest. And maybe it...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Print is dead!” So they say. I think I have probably said this as well to be honest. And maybe it is true. Digital design and digital consumption is on an inevitable and endless rise. But... just because one thing dominates, doesn’t mean something else fails to exist or can even...
Thomas Merton on Solitude and Simple Living “‘Solitude’ becomes for me less and less of a specialty, and simply ‘life’ itself. I do not seek to...
9 months ago
9 months ago
“‘Solitude’ becomes for me less and less of a specialty, and simply ‘life’ itself. I do not seek to ‘be a solitary’ or anything else, for ‘being anything’ is a distraction. It is enough to be”
The Honest Broker
I Say Forbidden Things About Sports What's happening in athletics is tragic—but don't expect to hear about on ESPN
3 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
25 Questions You Didn’t Know You Needed “Art of the Living Dead” to Answer A starting point for anyone curious about reading a book about creativity and zombies
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Re-sourcing the Mind The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No.
7 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
my multi-decade journey with migraines Writing some of my recent posts made me reflect on how far I’ve come with regards to my chronic...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Writing some of my recent posts made me reflect on how far I’ve come with regards to my chronic migraines so far, so I thought it’ll be fun (to nobody except myself)...
Future of Work: 12 books I read in 2022 Laetitia@Work #54
over a year ago
Both Are True
i went mostly offline and then all this happened without the internet, my family steps into it; our wild and crazy offline Friday night
a year ago
Paul Cudenec
A decade of dissent: the violence of the system In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on its content in 2019.
Mark Manson
The 5 Levels of Understanding Yourself Hey there, you beautiful bastards. Today, we're diving into the infinite complexities of the...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey there, you beautiful bastards. Today, we're diving into the infinite complexities of the self. We'll be exploring the concept of self at five different levels, from simple explanations to brain-melting ideas that'll leave you questioning your very existence. Ready? Let's do...
Diaries of Note
I have woken fairly early to think about human life Frances Partridge was a remarkable British diarist born in 1900 whose long life was interwoven with...
a year ago
a year ago
Frances Partridge was a remarkable British diarist born in 1900 whose long life was interwoven with the illustrious Bloomsbury Group. By 1967, when she wrote the following entry, she had already lost two of her nearest and dearest: her husband, Ralph, in 1960, and then tragically...
Both Are True
if you drink enough coffee you start peeing coffee this piece has nothing to do with coffee!!
4 weeks ago
The Honest Broker
Why Creatives Will Win by Thinking Small In 2024, the path to success has been turned upside down
9 months ago
Castles in the Sky
The map is clear but the road is bumpy. Castles in the Sky | October 27 - November 2, 2024
4 months ago
Flowers of Fire: How South Korea’s Feminists Inspired the World Laetitia@Work #77
a month ago
Mark Manson
How to Conquer Your Biggest Fear What is your biggest fear? What would it mean if you could overcome that fear, once and for all? In...
10 months ago
10 months ago
What is your biggest fear? What would it mean if you could overcome that fear, once and for all? In this article, I'm going to help you do exactly that by teaching you five tactics to conquer anything you might be afraid of. Heights, spiders, small spaces, strangely-shaped...
The Honest Broker
How the Music Business Can Tame the Dangerous AI Dragon Here's a five point plan that makes a difference (and not just for music)
8 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Your 9-5 Isn’t Killing Your Dreams. Wasting Your 5-9 Is. Complaining does nothing. It's time to get even.
2 weeks ago
Stoic Simple
Stoic Advice on Time Management Problems: Ask Marcus Aurelius Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from historical records, we created an AI digital personality that spoke with us about how to practice Stoicism in our modern world. This AI persona literally thinks that it's Marcus...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Nike's Two-Hour Marathon and the Source of Sensational Failure If Eliud Kipchoge's run had been one second per mile faster Eliud would be the man who did the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If Eliud Kipchoge's run had been one second per mile faster Eliud would be the man who did the impossible. Instead, he is a loser. Or maybe we are the ones who are losing.
Left To Write
#7 Writemas: Think Obsession Someone once called me intense. At first, I thought, is there something wrong with me? But I snapped...
a year ago
a year ago
Someone once called me intense. At first, I thought, is there something wrong with me? But I snapped out of things and realised it’s what makes me me. No one is making it out alive; death knocks at everyone’s door, so why not be obsessed about the things I enjoy?
The Honest Broker
The Brilliant Bad Decisions of John Luther Adams He never finished high school, took demanding work outside of music, moved to a cabin in Alaska,...
a year ago
a year ago
He never finished high school, took demanding work outside of music, moved to a cabin in Alaska, etc. Can you really win a Pulitzer Prize this way? Well, yes. . .
The Honest Broker
I Share Private Journal Entries Random jottings on music (and other topics) from my notebook
2 months ago
Tech and Tea
Space to create (and bonus kids' art 👩🏻‍🎨) Unexpected creative outlets beyond writing
a year ago
Farza's Newsletter
just drank green tea liquid death and now 15mg of caffeine is coursing through my gd veins bim bop boom boom boom bop bam
2 weeks ago
Mind Mine
embrace the exhale beware of the constant-tension trap (pt. 2 to ‘slow down’)
8 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
some scenes from chiang mai Sharing some straight out of the camera and phone shots from Chiang Mai. It is known for the coffee...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Sharing some straight out of the camera and phone shots from Chiang Mai. It is known for the coffee scene, but what I didn’t expect was that it has excellent matcha too,...
Stoic Simple
How Stoicism Teaches Us To Have Healthier Relationships In the pursuit of healthy relationships, many individuals turn to various forms of therapy and...
a year ago
a year ago
In the pursuit of healthy relationships, many individuals turn to various forms of therapy and self-help techniques to improve their communication skills, emotional intelligence, and overall well-being. One such approach that has gained popularity in recent years is Stoicism....
Atoms vs Bits
Is This Big? Is This New? A surprisingly helpful thing I've started doing: when faced with a choice or decision, I ask myself:...
8 months ago
8 months ago
A surprisingly helpful thing I've started doing: when faced with a choice or decision, I ask myself: is this big? is this new? If the answer is "yes", I do my absolute best to go find someone who has dealt with it before and get their
Farza's Newsletter
i got suitcases full of matcha tea don't mess with me punk Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a...
a year ago
a year ago
Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a live gameshow I hosted and gave away $100,000, had 225 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in SF, and then the following week had 125 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in...
Mark Manson
Everyone Is Mostly the Same… (And Why This Is Good News) I started my first blog in 2007. By 2011, writing and publishing online was my full-time job. By...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I started my first blog in 2007. By 2011, writing and publishing online was my full-time job. By 2013, that writing was being read by over a million people each month. And while the exact number has fluctuated over the years, that still remains true. Early on in my career, as you...
Both Are True
"she looks exactly like you" she's my daughter, she's my twin
11 months ago
The Map is Mostly...
[subscribers only] Ask Me Anything
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimal Email Setup This is a follow-up to Manu's article on the same subject. I'll cover my experience and some desktop...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a follow-up to Manu's article on the same subject. I'll cover my experience and some desktop visual results of applying this method. Some people love emails. Some people hate them. Most of us experience both emotions. Yet there's no denying—as Manu points out—emails are...
Unfiltered by Tim...
It Took Me 10 Years to Realize, and I Will Tell You in 2 Minutes. 1. A 9-5 job is blocking you from reaching your potential.
a week ago
The Ruffian
My Year In Reading Books I Read Or At Least Picked Up In 2023
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Humility Dag Hammarskjöld was en route to negotiate peace in Congo when, in 1961, the plane in which he was...
a year ago
a year ago
Dag Hammarskjöld was en route to negotiate peace in Congo when, in 1961, the plane in which he was travelling crashed, ending the lives of all its passengers. Born in 1905, Hammarskjöld was a Swedish economist and diplomat who served as the second Secretary-General of the United...
Diaries of Note
Then, no more English poets Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland lived together for almost 40 years, their...
a year ago
a year ago
English poets Sylvia Townsend Warner and Valentine Ackland lived together for almost 40 years, their partnership both a romantic and literary alliance that formed in 1930. It was in the 1960s that Ackland’s health began to decline, and on 9th November 1969, at their home in...
The Ruffian
Hitler's Willing Executioners On the genocidal mindset
a year ago
Tech and Tea
Space to do whatever How letting go of being productive with my time made space for creativity
a year ago
Mark Manson
My Response to Will Smith Slapping Chris Rock Last weekend, Will Smith walked on stage at the Oscars and slapped Chris Rock for making a joke...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last weekend, Will Smith walked on stage at the Oscars and slapped Chris Rock for making a joke about his wife. Since that moment, my phone and inbox have been inundated non-stop with people (friends, family, readers, journalists) wanting my “take” on the situation. After all, I...
Nat Eliason's...
30-Day First Draft: Week 2.5 Report & Lessons 70,117 Words Later
6 months ago
Passing Time
Manufactured Data Scarcity All your information is under the hood even if you’re be interested in seeing what is driving the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All your information is under the hood even if you’re be interested in seeing what is driving the engine.
Diaries of Note
The most terrible thing ever discovered When he wrote the following diary entry on 25th July of 1945, Harry S. Truman had been U.S....
a year ago
a year ago
When he wrote the following diary entry on 25th July of 1945, Harry S. Truman had been U.S. President for just three months. With Nazi Germany defeated, Truman was in Potsdam, Germany with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, their goal: to negotiate the end of World War II and...
Left To Write
My 3 Principals To Become A Copywriter What I’ve figured out so far as a 1 man Ad-agency
over a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
How to Become a Millionaire in Your 30s Build distribution then build whatever the f*ck you want
2 weeks ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Three Designs, All Invisible The first invisible design hides in plain sight. It is as transparent as a window, allowing the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The first invisible design hides in plain sight. It is as transparent as a window, allowing the meaning to shine through. When properly executed, it never draws attention to itself.
Castles in the Sky
Move over New York Times. These are the 44 Best Books of the 21st Century. A completely objective list based on only the finest criteria
7 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Compass Lately, I've been thinking about my inner compass — the one that guides me through work and daily...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Lately, I've been thinking about my inner compass — the one that guides me through work and daily life. I've touched on my design ethos before, but this feels like something more personal. It's a lightweight breakdown of who I am, both as a designer and a human, shaped by the...
The Convivial...
What You Get Is the World The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 21
over a year ago
Thu Le
Imperfections Things don’t have to be perfect to be meaningful.
a month ago
The Ruffian
The Historian and the Culture Warrior Plus: Thoughts on Responses To the Kaba Verdict
4 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
open-air dining in hong kong When I wrote about open-air dining in seoul I thought nobody would care, but surprisingly I got...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When I wrote about open-air dining in seoul I thought nobody would care, but surprisingly I got quite a bit of comments and DMs from fellow covid-cautious travellers. I would keep on...
Bus Work and Baseball Our last few days on St. George between all of us we saw a Scarlet Tanager, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak,...
a year ago
a year ago
Our last few days on St. George between all of us we saw a Scarlet Tanager, Rose-Breasted Grosbeak, and an Indigo Bunting. The migrant birds were moving through. That's one of our cues that it's time to go. When the birds are headed north it's about time for us to do likewise. A...
The Ruffian
The Fight Notes on the Oval Office Debacle, Plus a Rattle Bag
5 days ago
Tech and Tea
Leaning into joy and community Processing this past week and some joyful things in my life
3 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Most Powerful Sound in the World Is Just One Syllable And it comes from you
9 months ago
The Ruffian
The State of the Culture Is...Not Bad, Actually Reflections on a good year for the Oscars
12 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
I'm 38. If You're in Your 20's or 30's, Read This. 1. When you turn 35 you'll see the difference between those who took risks and those who didn't.
a month ago
Left To Write
#1 Writemas Prioritising time to think, write and publish
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Not one in a hundred is sober Born in the picturesque English village of Lamport in 1657, Sir Thomas Isham was a baronet who...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in the picturesque English village of Lamport in 1657, Sir Thomas Isham was a baronet who inherited a legacy of nobility. In 1671, as instructed by his father, he began to keep a diary in Latin which he would continue for two years, filling it with the daily happenings and...
A new role I am delighted to say that today I accepted a role as Head of Religious Education and Chaplaincy...
a year ago
a year ago
I am delighted to say that today I accepted a role as Head of Religious Education and Chaplaincy Coordinator at St David's Catholic College. I joined the college as a pastoral tutor four years ago this month, after a religious conversion prompted me to seek out a new career in...
Niagara Fails We left Long Point Canada bright and early, headed back to the United States to check out Niagara...
a year ago
a year ago
We left Long Point Canada bright and early, headed back to the United States to check out Niagara Falls. We originally planned to see the falls from the Canadian side because the view is better, but then there was a lot of traffic and on the map it didn't look like there was much...
Mind Mine
in defence of pleasure yin, yang
3 months ago
The Honest Broker
Is Honest Writing the Next New Thing in Journalism? And 21 reasons why writers are dishonest
11 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Good Lessons from Bad Men Paradoxical lessons in masculinity from crime cinema
a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Take One Thing and Become Insanely Obsessed with It for 6 Months This is how it'll change your life
4 months ago
Of Gods and Men (2010): Witnesses to Faith Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the eighty-second psalm. It is to be a portent of the narrative’s themes of death and dignity, explored in conversation with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.
Diaries of Note
I long for vigour and clear thought, but only meet with chaos When she wrote the following diary entry, English author, poet, and garden designer Vita...
a year ago
a year ago
When she wrote the following diary entry, English author, poet, and garden designer Vita Sackville-West was 28. Living in Long Barn, Kent, with her husband and fellow writer, Harold Nicolson, she was nearing the end of an intense, two-year romance with Violet Keppel, with whom...
The Ruffian
A Brief History of Suburban Creativity The power of not being with the in-crowd
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
White Space You’ve probably heard the term ‘white space’ before, which is also often referred to as negative...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’ve probably heard the term ‘white space’ before, which is also often referred to as negative space and is used widely in digital and print design. It is the portion of a canvas left unmarked: margins, gutters, and space between columns, lines of type, graphics, figures, or...
Wait But Why
SpaceX’s Big Fucking Rocket – The Full Story It's gonna take you to Mars. The post SpaceX’s Big Fucking Rocket – The Full Story appeared first on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It's gonna take you to Mars. The post SpaceX’s Big Fucking Rocket – The Full Story appeared first on Wait But Why.
Diaries of Note
A glorious, wonderful climax Alice Dunbar-Nelson was a poet, journalist, and occasional diarist who spent much of her life...
a year ago
a year ago
Alice Dunbar-Nelson was a poet, journalist, and occasional diarist who spent much of her life advocating for the rights of African Americans and women during the tumultuous early decades of the twentieth century. Born in 1875 in New Orleans, Louisiana, her mixed-race heritage...
Diaries of Note
I’ve given my pee to science On 23rd November 2014, former Italian Air Force pilot Samantha Cristoforetti embarked on a...
a year ago
a year ago
On 23rd November 2014, former Italian Air Force pilot Samantha Cristoforetti embarked on a monumental journey. Strapped into the confines of a Soyuz spacecraft in Kazakhstan, she was launched towards the International Space Station where she was to live for 199 days—the longest...
Passing Time
Reasons Not to Burn Coal That Have Nothing to Do with Climate Change You don't need to talk about CO2 to have reasons to stop using coal for electricity generation
over a year ago
Everything is espionage: Things I learned researching Assange (espissange? asspionage?) Who is this Julian Assange guy? Is he good or bad? Did he do espionage?...
11 months ago
11 months ago
(espissange? asspionage?) Who is this Julian Assange guy? Is he good or bad? Did he do espionage? Why is the US so obsessed with getting its hands on him? At dynomight.net we don’t like to answer questions. Instead, we prefer to replace them with more abstract questions that we...
Tech and Tea
Hustle culture is over-rated Let's celebrate sustainability over all-nighters and re-define what hard work looks like.
a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Spaced Repetition Through Newsletters Some newsletters just tell you the same few concepts again, and again, and again
a year ago
The Honest Broker
Why You Should Skip My Articles and Go Straight to the Comments Here are some highlights from yesterday's open mic anarchy thread
a year ago
The Convivial...
Too Many Words, and Not Enough The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 6
a year ago
The Convivial...
Secularization Comes For the Religion of Technology (Audio Version) The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 3
12 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
It's Hard To Hit First You don't want to hit someone unjustifiably. But the upshot is, you lose.
a year ago
Diaries of Note
The Difficulty with Our Time Known to many as the “father of existentialism,” Søren Kierkegaard was a pivotal Danish philosopher,...
a year ago
a year ago
Known to many as the “father of existentialism,” Søren Kierkegaard was a pivotal Danish philosopher, theologian, and cultural critic of the 19th century. His extensive published writings grappled with complex themes including ethics, religion, and the intricate facets of...
Left To Write
What I Learned In 1 Year of Writing A Newsletter Hey Friends, A year ago — in June 2022 — I started this newsletter. I had so many ideas of what I...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey Friends, A year ago — in June 2022 — I started this newsletter. I had so many ideas of what I wanted this newsletter to be: copywriting and creativity, behavioural science, business, or personal essays. But after a year of writing Left to Write,
Farza's Newsletter
imagine if birds were slices of pizza with wings Chilling at Central Park. I usually hang out here on the same bench on Sunday mornings, blast some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Chilling at Central Park. I usually hang out here on the same bench on Sunday mornings, blast some music, and do stuff :). Going to write this newsletter and then head to the office. Lots to do with Zip this week! We’re finding tons of cool new teachers, making dope content,...
Both Are True
The one thing everyone in this country has done at least once Five Things I've Learned About America
5 months ago
The Honest Broker
Why Are Music Fans Throwing Things at Pop Stars? The latest trend in music is injuring your favorite artist
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Teaming up with Amazon
over a year ago
Passing Time
27 Things I know
9 months ago
Diaries of Note
It was so horribly fascinating that I felt spellbound During World War I, the skies over Britain were periodically lit up by German Zeppelins in what...
a year ago
a year ago
During World War I, the skies over Britain were periodically lit up by German Zeppelins in what would become known as “The First Blitz.” These enormous airships seemed almost invincible as they loomed over cities, striking terror into the hearts of civilians below, and between...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Book on Minimalism and Simple Living Over the past three months or so I have been working on creating an ebook (and perhaps a printed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past three months or so I have been working on creating an ebook (and perhaps a printed edition to boot) for Minimalism Life—a side project I cofounded back in 2016. Well, it has now been completed and published, and is available for download. Inside Minimalism Vol.1 is...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
When Unicorns and Robots Hold Hands Are you data-driven or design-driven? Doesn’t matter, either way you will probably fail.
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Language Under Digital Conditions: Power and Action The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 1
over a year ago
The Ruffian
Seduced By The Machine Why We Allow Apps and Corporations To Tell Us How To Live
a year ago
Diaries of Note
I try to make tea out of dust Born in 1942 in Schenectady, New York, Lyn Lifshin was an award-winning American poet and feminist...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in 1942 in Schenectady, New York, Lyn Lifshin was an award-winning American poet and feminist known for her unique voice and prolific output: over her lifetime, she authored more than 120 books and chapbooks of poetry, edited four anthologies of women’s writing, and...
The Map is Mostly...
July 4, 2024 Happy Independence Day my dear American friends. We are very lucky to have this country. Let us...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Happy Independence Day my dear American friends. We are very lucky to have this country. Let us always be grateful for it. And let us always remember that good things are created not when people decide they have claims against an institution or a society, but when they have...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Reductive Residence “The home is what a bear would know as a cave. It's a space to be an animal, really. You can chew...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“The home is what a bear would know as a cave. It's a space to be an animal, really. You can chew your bone in the corner and nobody will bother you. It's a laboratory for living—it's fluid.” —Michele Oka Doner Your home is your sanctuary, yet it's not a space that you should...
Diaries of Note
Magic must always triumph Keith Haring was a magnetic force in the 1980s New York City art scene, his vibrant street art...
a year ago
a year ago
Keith Haring was a magnetic force in the 1980s New York City art scene, his vibrant street art redefining the boundaries between high art and pop culture; his animated figures, marked by bold lines and vivid colours, becoming potent symbols of social commentary on issues like...
Diaries of Note
I’ll have to grow it again As the creative force behind such movies as Stalker, Mirror, and Solaris, Russian filmmaker Andrei...
a year ago
a year ago
As the creative force behind such movies as Stalker, Mirror, and Solaris, Russian filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, born in 1932, is widely considered to be one of the greatest directors to have ever lived, his pioneering use of long takes and his profound philosophical and poetic...
Both Are True
this is some real game of thrones shit this season of USA is insane
7 months ago
The Honest Broker
We Really Are Entering a New Age of Romanticism An update on the war against algorithms and technocratic manipulation
5 days ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Do "Shitty" Work
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
Look! Land! From May to November of 1876, Philadelphia hosted the Centennial International Exhibition, a world...
a year ago
a year ago
From May to November of 1876, Philadelphia hosted the Centennial International Exhibition, a world fair that attracted ten million visitors keen to marvel at the innovations, cultures, and achievements presented by thirty-seven countries. For China, this represented a unique...
Paul Cudenec
The global mafia's NGO-backed industrial imperialism Rockefeller Foundation trustee Ndidi Okonkwo Nwuneli is president/CEO of the ONE Campaign.
2 months ago
The Convivial...
The Prompt Box is a Minefield: AI Chatbots and Power of Language The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 2
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
How to come up with side project ideas
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
When in my hand thy pulse is prest, I feel it alter mine Born in Yorkshire in 1791, Anne Lister was a landowner famed for keeping detailed diaries that...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Yorkshire in 1791, Anne Lister was a landowner famed for keeping detailed diaries that totalled over four million words, a sixth of which was written in a code she devised to conceal her sexuality and intimate encounters. Discovered and deciphered by a descendant in the...
Passing Time
The Illusion of Solitude Deconstructing the Myth of Wilderness
4 months ago
Stoic Simple
How Stoicism Can Improve Your Physical Health & Fitness Are you looking for ways to improve your physical health? Many people focus on exercise and diet,...
a year ago
a year ago
Are you looking for ways to improve your physical health? Many people focus on exercise and diet, but there is another method that has been gaining popularity in recent years - Stoicism. This ancient philosophy has many principles that can help you lead a healthier and happier...
Paul Cudenec
Amsterdam, gaslighting and the horrible truth In terms of what physically happened, the much-publicised events in Amsterdam last week don’t amount...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In terms of what physically happened, the much-publicised events in Amsterdam last week don’t amount to much.
Paul Cudenec
The truth about Davos Monday January 20 sees the start of the World Economic Forum’s 2025 meeting at Davos, Switzerland.
a month ago
a month ago
Monday January 20 sees the start of the World Economic Forum’s 2025 meeting at Davos, Switzerland.
The Ruffian
Notes on Radiohead The weirdest success story in pop
a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Study Human Psychology, Then Make Money Doing Whatever You Want The way to legitimately influence people without being manipulative
3 months ago
Both Are True
when all (keys, wallet, etc) is lost you lose some, you lose some
11 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 33 [May 2023] Big, Big News!
a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Superglue and milk We walked out of the movies and it was still daylight. I helped Dad get onto the escalators. He...
a year ago
a year ago
We walked out of the movies and it was still daylight. I helped Dad get onto the escalators. He moves slower than most. It keeps me in check when I’m steaming along. Walking into the movies I looked at the time. We were late. Friday afternoon traffic. So
Diaries of Note
GREAT JEOPARDY In September of 1992, in an abandoned bus on the bank of the Sushana River in Alaska, three moose...
a year ago
a year ago
In September of 1992, in an abandoned bus on the bank of the Sushana River in Alaska, three moose hunters discovered a decomposing human body wrapped in a sleeping bag, surrounded by possessions that included a rifle, a camera, and, written on the pages of a book used to identify...
St. Andrews Leaving Fort Pickens made me a little sad. We've spent so much time here over the years its started...
a year ago
a year ago
Leaving Fort Pickens made me a little sad. We've spent so much time here over the years its started to feel like one of our many homes. But there are time limits. We can't stay any more this season, and with our current plans we probably won't be back for several years. I'll miss...
It’s probably just money: Why hosts do well at the Olympics They say that countries win more medals when they host the Olympics. But do they? And if so,...
7 months ago
7 months ago
They say that countries win more medals when they host the Olympics. But do they? And if so, why? I’ve seen various theories: Jetlag. Maybe it’s because athletes from the host country don’t need to travel as far. Esprit de corps. Maybe athletes feel lifted up by the local crowd...
Ryan Hoover's...
Non-obvious problems
9 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Best Books of the 21st Century The Honest Broker assesses the NY Times list
7 months ago
Diaries of Note
The hate stare was everywhere practiced In November 1959, at a time of profound racial tension and segregation in the American South,...
a year ago
a year ago
In November 1959, at a time of profound racial tension and segregation in the American South, journalist John Howard Griffin embarked on a remarkable and controversial journey. In an attempt to better understand the Black American experience, Griffin underwent a medical treatment...
Passing Time
The Highest Impact Thing You Can Do in Your Everyday Life Making friends is hard; introducing others is easy.
a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
This Is the Single Breathtaking Moment When Your Entire Life Changes Don't miss it
4 months ago
Diaries of Note
Blood, sweat and tears Sir John Colville served three Prime Ministers as private secretary, most notably to Winston...
a year ago
a year ago
Sir John Colville served three Prime Ministers as private secretary, most notably to Winston Churchill during the tumultuous years of World War II, and in this capacity had a front-row seat to some of the most consequential decisions and events of the 20th century. His diaries,...
The Ruffian
Delusional self-belief is a superpower until it's a disaster What's the optimal amount of self-deception for a politician?
a year ago
Passing Time
Valuable, but not productive Consulting & finance as black holes of elite human capital
3 months ago
Both Are True
the thoughts that think me i'm not aware of almost anything I am thinking on a daily basis, surely that's not good doc???
7 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Fingerprints on the Feculence If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you don’t claim responsibility for the user experience who will? Is there a stronger advocate for quality, anyone more in touch with good taste than you? It is time to fess up to poor UX.
Passing Time
In Defense of Trying Hard Being a try-hard is good, actually
11 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Email’s not dead
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
At dusk it takes on a life of its own Born in Keswick in 1905, Enid J. Wilson grew up surrounded by the majestic beauty of the Lake...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Keswick in 1905, Enid J. Wilson grew up surrounded by the majestic beauty of the Lake District. As the daughter of both a climber and a botanist, Enid developed a deep understanding and appreciation for the natural world. Her love for the environment, combined with her...
5 toxic forces that prevent you from quitting when you should Laetitia@Work #56
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Gravity Prayers A cube of ice trembled in the hand of a stupid boy. Like a loaded dice, its melting walls possessed...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A cube of ice trembled in the hand of a stupid boy. Like a loaded dice, its melting walls possessed the power to steer the fate of the foolish teenager. From the top of the bleachers the boy considers a dare as a high school marching band blares behind him. Two hundred feet below...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Designer’s Invisible Skill Set How some designers become magicians while others remain stylists
over a year ago
Stoic Simple
Stoic Quotes on Family: The Best Stoicism Sayings & Phrases Previous Next https://youtu.be/f4sPP8SkiYQ Family was, without a doubt, an important element in the...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next https://youtu.be/f4sPP8SkiYQ Family was, without a doubt, an important element in the lives of the ancient Stoic philosophers. While Stoicism teaches that we shouldn't become too attached to people and that we should remember everyone can be taken from us, it also...
The Intimate Mirror
Guide to Healing the Mother Wound A Practical Path to Fundamental Safety and Belonging
a month ago
Wait But Why
10 Thoughts From the Fourth Trimester 1 baby, many thoughts The post 10 Thoughts From the Fourth Trimester appeared first on Wait But Why.
a year ago
Frozen The last few years in this area have not been good to ice fishermen. At least that's what I hear....
a month ago
a month ago
The last few years in this area have not been good to ice fishermen. At least that's what I hear. Last year the lake barely froze over. By March it had thawed. This year started more optimistically. Parts of the bay were already frozen by New Year's -- the shallower, calmer water...
Diaries of Note
Two less among many, many hundreds of thousands Born in Norway in 1901, Odd Nansen was an architect and humanitarian whose life took a drastic turn...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Norway in 1901, Odd Nansen was an architect and humanitarian whose life took a drastic turn in 1942 when he was arrested by the Nazis for his courageous work with the resistance. For three and a half years he was imprisoned at concentration camps in both Norway and...
journal – Winnie Lim
nostalgia in akihabara I’ve been to akihabara twice – once in 2008ish and another in 2018 – but back then I was more...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve been to akihabara twice – once in 2008ish and another in 2018 – but back then I was more interested in looking at the massive electronic stores like yodabashi and bic....
Stoic Simple
Stoic Advice on Conflicts & Fighting with Family Members: Ask Marcus Aurelius Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next Using Marcus Aurelius's writing in his Meditations and experiences inferred from historical records, we created an AI digital personality that spoke with us about how to practice Stoicism in our modern world. This AI persona literally thinks that it's Marcus...
Drive My Car After last summer's sprint north, we swore we'd never try to move that fast again. We are heading...
a year ago
a year ago
After last summer's sprint north, we swore we'd never try to move that fast again. We are heading back down south for the winter, but we're going to take months to get there. We're going to wander, at a leisurely pace, stopping frequently, the way we traveled when we first set...
Stoic Simple
Dealing with Loss & Suffering: What Stoicism Teaches In our lives, we all face moments of loss and suffering. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, a...
a year ago
a year ago
In our lives, we all face moments of loss and suffering. Whether it's the loss of a loved one, a job, a relationship, or something else, such experiences can be devastating and difficult to manage. While it may seem impossible to cope with these trying times, Stoicism offers a...
How to Be a Stoic
Stoics should be vegetarian Vegetarianism is a big deal, ethically speaking. It was put on the map in terms of public philosophy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Vegetarianism is a big deal, ethically speaking. It was put on the map in terms of public philosophy by utilitarian Peter Singer, with his landmark Animal Liberation, published back in 1975. In truth, utilitarians have been very clear on the subject from the beginning. The...
Diaries of Note
Every atom of hate we add to this world makes it still more inhospitable On 7th September 1943, a year after writing the following diary entry, 29-year-old Etty Hillesum and...
a year ago
a year ago
On 7th September 1943, a year after writing the following diary entry, 29-year-old Etty Hillesum and her family were sent from Westerbork transit camp to Auschwitz, where she would meet her tragic end two months later. Born in 1914 in the Netherlands, Hillesum was a woman of keen...
Stoic Simple
7 Stoicism Exercises for Self-Improvement Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in recent times due to its emphasis on...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism is an ancient philosophy that has gained popularity in recent times due to its emphasis on practical, actionable exercises designed to help individuals improve their lives. By practicing specific exercises, referred to as "spiritual exercises," individuals are able to...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Blloc Phone I’ve been embedded within the Apple ecosystem for years, using an iMac at home as well as the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been embedded within the Apple ecosystem for years, using an iMac at home as well as the office, owning an iPhone since the iPhone 3G, and my latest investment was a pair of AirPods—probably Apple’s best product design for years. I was stuck on the iPhone 6s for a long time...
Diaries of Note
The ultimate bovine humiliation Anne Lamott was thirty-five, single, and newly sober when she gingerly entered the world of...
a year ago
a year ago
Anne Lamott was thirty-five, single, and newly sober when she gingerly entered the world of motherhood. Already a seasoned novelist born in 1954 in San Francisco, this transformative period of her life became the foundation for her first foray into non-fiction, Operating...
The Honest Broker
How Do You Celebrate Truman Capote's 100th Birthday? Today is his centenary, but is Capote a hero or just an embarrassment?
5 months ago
Diaries of Note
Thanks be to God! On 14th December 1911, after years of preparation and a gruelling journey in treacherous conditions,...
a year ago
a year ago
On 14th December 1911, after years of preparation and a gruelling journey in treacherous conditions, Roald Amundsen and his team reached the South Pole and raised the flag of Norway—an achievement that marked them as the first to stand at this geographical zenith having beaten...
Unfiltered by Tim...
When You Reach the Point of “F*ck It, I’m Gonna Try Anyway” Your Entire Life Changes Forever “If there’s fire inside you, with nowhere to go, it burns you alive.”
2 months ago
Both Are True
a ride on the ol' braintrain hi
6 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
End of Year Book Review (2022) I enjoy books (more so audio books than reading), but I don't consume them very much or as often as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I enjoy books (more so audio books than reading), but I don't consume them very much or as often as I'd like. At least in my own mind I don't get through many, but what's the global average? I don't honestly care. This year I wanted to make a concerted effort to consume more...
The Ruffian
Stories are bad for your intelligence How Historians (and Others) Make Themselves Stupid
a year ago
Single Mum By Default Laetitia@Work #45
over a year ago
Photo Shoot After shining up the bus in Rocky Bayou we headed back over to Fort Pickens where we were scheduled...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After shining up the bus in Rocky Bayou we headed back over to Fort Pickens where we were scheduled to meet up with a photographer who was shooting the bus for an article I wrote for Wired magazine. Both Wired and I wanted us to be out west for the photo shoot, but that didn't...
Castles in the Sky
Original Castles in the Sky Art This is the home for all the original art in Castles in the Sky that is an AI generation, original...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the home for all the original art in Castles in the Sky that is an AI generation, original commission, or some collage of the two. When the art is AI-generated, I will link to the first time it appeared in Castles in the Sky along with the prompt I used.
Scarlet Ink
My 61k subscriber newsletter, about marketing, and a bit about relationships. An off-topic holiday... An off-topic holiday newsletter. And a happy New Year to you!
2 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 29 Hot Streaks and Cohort-Based Courses
a year ago
The Honest Broker
An Executive Briefing Paper on the Creative Economy Here's my latest culture and arts survey
a year ago
Jason Fried
Osmo Wiio: Communication usually fails, except by accident Osmo Wiio was a Finnish researcher of human communication. His laws of communication are the human...
10 months ago
10 months ago
Osmo Wiio was a Finnish researcher of human communication. His laws of communication are the human communications equivalent of Murphy’s Laws. Wiio's laws state... If communication can fail, it will. If a message can be understood in different ways, it will be understood in...
Diaries of Note
Armageddon in Europe! It was in 1915 that Vera Brittain left Somerville College, Oxford to become a nurse during the First...
a year ago
a year ago
It was in 1915 that Vera Brittain left Somerville College, Oxford to become a nurse during the First World War, a decision that would profoundly shape her life and literary career. Eighteen years later, having experienced the devastating realities of the battlefield, Brittain...
The Convivial...
Embrace Your Crookedness (Audio Version) Listen now | The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 13 (supplement)
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
practicing creativity while in recovery Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from...
a year ago
a year ago
Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from exercise, cooking. Now I am just focused on getting back to my baseline, which till now I am...
Wait But Why
A Short History of My Last Six Years On June 18, 2016, I slipped and fell down a deep, deep hole. The post A Short History of My Last Six...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On June 18, 2016, I slipped and fell down a deep, deep hole. The post A Short History of My Last Six Years appeared first on Wait But Why.
Atoms vs Bits
80/20 Cooking In short: Salt, fat, acid, heat
a year ago
Jason Fried
Achieving optionality It took me a while to fully realize the value of something my company achieved years ago, and...
7 months ago
7 months ago
It took me a while to fully realize the value of something my company achieved years ago, and continues to savor today. It’s one of our greatest quiet advantages, full stop. It’s not something you hear much about in business circles. In fact, I can’t remember the last time I...
Nat Eliason's...
7 Things I Learned Drafting a Novel in 26 Days 85,000 words and many caffeinated drinks later
5 months ago
The Convivial...
Reading As Counter-Practice The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 19
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
A very wonderfull scene In 1768, British botanist Joseph Banks was one of nearly a hundred crew members to join Captain...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1768, British botanist Joseph Banks was one of nearly a hundred crew members to join Captain James Cook on the first of three historic voyages of exploration. For three years they journeyed, visiting South America, Tahiti, New Zealand, Australia and Java as they...
The Convivial...
Waste Your Time, Your Life May Depend On It The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 8
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Rational, Not Reactive This week I was faced with an unusual situation. I was blocked on Twitter and Instagram by an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This week I was faced with an unusual situation. I was blocked on Twitter and Instagram by an account I have followed for a long time. An account and company I have supported in various formats, and one that I have actually invested in. Sounds odd, right? Do I need to call them...
Unfiltered by Tim...
11 Decisions I'm Making At 38 To Avoid Regret At 58 The future you is formed by every small decision you make today, not luck or fate
3 months ago
Taste games I bet you like it when beautiful people laugh at your jokes. And I bet you like the taste of sugar....
a year ago
a year ago
I bet you like it when beautiful people laugh at your jokes. And I bet you like the taste of sugar. I sure do. But what about camping or dubstep or chain restaurants or installation art? What about blue cheese or pick-up trucks or reality TV? Me, I like some and loathe others....
Raw Thought (from...
Cherish mistakes
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Selective Memory Eraser I can’t remember the day I won the top artist award in college. I know it happened, I know I was...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I can’t remember the day I won the top artist award in college. I know it happened, I know I was thrilled, but I can’t tell you anything specific about that day. Why did the high point of my college career, the culmination of my boyhood dream, vanish from memory?
Diaries of Note
I need solitude. I need space. I need air. English novelist Virginia Woolf was fifteen when she began her first diary; by the time of her death...
a year ago
a year ago
English novelist Virginia Woolf was fifteen when she began her first diary; by the time of her death in 1941, she had filled more than thirty handwritten volumes with reflections, observations, and personal struggles that offer a window into her complex mind. When she wrote the...
The Honest Broker
Why Are Huge Tech Companies Getting Into the Book Business? Do they want to help writers or destroy them?
3 months ago
Diaries of Note
At some stage in the season, failure is going to stare you in the face Originally, Eamon Dunphy had set out to document a full year in the life of a professional...
a year ago
a year ago
Originally, Eamon Dunphy had set out to document a full year in the life of a professional footballer. However, fate had different plans, and four months into the 1973/4 season he left Millwall to sign for Charlton Athletic, thereby cutting his diary short. The result was an...
The Ruffian
Can You Imitate a Genius? What the new Amy Winehouse film tells us about singing, talent, and AI
11 months ago
The Ruffian
Rattle Bag History, learning, screw-ups, and suitcase-packing
a year ago
Both Are True
A link to my daily log as a person who is offline here it is
a year ago
Stoic Simple
Can Stoicism Help Us Improve Our Mental Health? . Stoicism is an ancient philosophical school of thought that originated in Athens, Greece, in the...
a year ago
a year ago
. Stoicism is an ancient philosophical school of thought that originated in Athens, Greece, in the early 3rd century BCE. It emphasizes the importance of self-control, rational thinking, and resilience, which are all essential qualities for promoting mental well-being....
Diaries of Note
It is so difficult to keep track of the days Born in Illinois in 1886, Minnie Vautrin became an unlikely hero in 1937 during one of history’s...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Illinois in 1886, Minnie Vautrin became an unlikely hero in 1937 during one of history’s darkest episodes. As a missionary and educator, she turned Ginling College into a sanctuary for over 10,000 Chinese women and children as the Imperial Japanese Army unleashed a wave...
Left To Write
Sinking To Survive I always feel like I’m drowning. At this point I’m used to it. But I do question how much of this is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I always feel like I’m drowning. At this point I’m used to it. But I do question how much of this is inherited and how much of this is self-inflicted. Last year, I read an article on Epigenetics. The gist of it is that we’re shaped by the genes of our parents and grandparents,...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Masterpiece Hallucinations What can you see through blurry eyes that you can't see with 20/20 vision?
over a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
Getting Too Good at the Wrong Thing The siren song of subs
a year ago
Both Are True
Beautiful Disasters “you can’t get addicted to weed.” wanna bet?
a year ago
The Ruffian
Leslie's Razors Nine Rules of Thumb For Life
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
What’s Your Talent Stack? Could understanding Donald Trump’s success help designers get hired?
over a year ago
Farza's Newsletter
me and satoru iwata were chilling at target and bought some beef jerky I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our understanding of the product, problem, user. We’re following the data and have numbers we can point to when making a majority of our decisions. We’re focusing on growth.
Jason Fried
Motivation I can fake enough. I can fake a lot. But I’ve noticed there’s one thing in particular I can’t fake:...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I can fake enough. I can fake a lot. But I’ve noticed there’s one thing in particular I can’t fake: Motivation. And in the end, at least for me, it all comes down to motivation. I may have the talent, I may know the tricks, I may be able to go through the motions. But if I deeply...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalissimo Shop V2 The second project of the year has successfully shipped: Minimalissimo Shop Version 2. I don’t know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second project of the year has successfully shipped: Minimalissimo Shop Version 2. I don’t know why I held WordPress in such high regard for so many years—it’s Starbucks of the CMS world. So migrating my sites over to Kirby is a great feeling. The latest of which was the...
The Honest Broker
How the Internet Went to Threads And how we can sew it back together
a year ago
Diaries of Note
We are like helpless animals Born in Paris in 1920, Benoîte Groult was nineteen when her beloved city fell under Nazi occupation...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Paris in 1920, Benoîte Groult was nineteen when her beloved city fell under Nazi occupation and the repressive rule of the Vichy regime. Throughout the war, she and her younger sister Flora kept a diary, chronicling the increasing constraints and daily indignities imposed...
Ryan Hoover's...
A new experimental app from Product Hunt
over a year ago
The Intimate Mirror
Buddhism Consumed The Unbundling of Dharma by Secular Materialism
3 days ago
Push the Fence I know how to replace a kitchen faucet. If you have a janky old faucet that needs to be replaced...
7 months ago
7 months ago
I know how to replace a kitchen faucet. If you have a janky old faucet that needs to be replaced with a smoothly operating new one, I can do that for you or show you how. This wasn’t always true. It became true May 27, 2024, after pulling everything out of the under-sink...
Diaries of Note
It may lack elegance, but is infallible Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de...
a year ago
a year ago
Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de carotte (‘Carrot Top’), a darkly comical autobiographical novel in which he recalls his terrible upbringing as a red-headed child in a detached bourgeois family. Aside from his...
The Prism
Wisdom from Marcus Aurelius 10 thoughts to improve the mind
10 months ago
Diaries of Note
Maybe that will dispel all this quietness In September of 1941, the Soviet city of Leningrad was encircled by Nazi forces in a brutal siege...
a year ago
a year ago
In September of 1941, the Soviet city of Leningrad was encircled by Nazi forces in a brutal siege that would last until January 1944 and result in the deaths of nearly a million civilians. The relentless blockade led to devastating food and fuel shortages, and the merciless...
Ryan Hoover's...
Home, a visual music project
6 months ago
Paul Cudenec
A decade of dissent: enemies of progress In the first part of a retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit on the Winter Oak...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
In the first part of a retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit on the Winter Oak site, I look back on its content in 2015, the year in which it was launched.
Left To Write
Trust Me, I’m A Lying Social Media Performer The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends....
a year ago
a year ago
The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends. Instagram for sharing our pictures. Twitter for our thoughts. And LinkedIn to network. Everything was shown in chronological order. Fast forward to today, and the internet has become...
Stoic Simple
The Most Powerful Lesson To Be Learned From Stoicism by Michael McGill There are a lot of powerful lessons to be learned from the ancient philosophy of...
a year ago
a year ago
by Michael McGill There are a lot of powerful lessons to be learned from the ancient philosophy of Stoicism. Stoicism gives us ways of thinking to help us to be mentally stronger. It teaches us mental frameworks that allow us to live more tranquil lives. But there's one lesson...
The Convivial...
Year End Miscellany and "What You Get Is the World" (Audio Version) Listen now (14 min) | The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 21 (supplement)
over a year ago
Do Quests, Not Goals South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth If you were to make a list of what you want to get...
7 months ago
7 months ago
South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth If you were to make a list of what you want to get done this week, it would mostly consist of things you have to do. Get groceries. Book a hair appointment. Get back to so-and-so. Read that health and safety thing for work. If you...
Diaries of Note
The hell with you, Jack, I am looking after myself In March of 1942, following the two-week Battle of Java, Canadian RAF Lieutenant Robert Wyse became...
a year ago
a year ago
In March of 1942, following the two-week Battle of Java, Canadian RAF Lieutenant Robert Wyse became one of thousands of Allied personnel captured by Japanese forces on the island, and for more than three gruelling years he lived as a prisoner of war in various camps. In a subtle...
Raw Thought (from...
What Happens in
over a year ago