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Stoic Simple
Stoic Quotes on Taking Risks: The Best Stoicism Sayings & Phrases Previous Next https://youtu.be/86mSy3jnSr0 For Stoics, taking risks is something that they feel we...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next https://youtu.be/86mSy3jnSr0 For Stoics, taking risks is something that they feel we should never fear to do . . . if, that is, the risk is actually something that will help us live a more virtuous life, fulfill our potentials, or help other people. However (and...
Paul Cudenec
Who was behind the vaccine bonds? In the last of these 14 profiles from The Single Global Mafia, we turn to the president of The...
a month ago
a month ago
In the last of these 14 profiles from The Single Global Mafia, we turn to the president of The Rockefeller Foundation itself, who acts as an ex-officio member of its board of trustees.
The Honest Broker
How We Became a Techno-Optimist Family You can too!
10 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
The Internet Will Pay You More for Your 9-5 Skills than an Employer Ever Will (Few Understand) Stop stealing from yourself
4 months ago
How much rest do we really need? Laetitia@Work #52
over a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Intuitions for Georgism Since most of our readers have never seen most of our posts, every other week we re-issue a favorite...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Since most of our readers have never seen most of our posts, every other week we re-issue a favorite from deep in our archive. You can unsubscribe from Reissues but continue receiving our new posts by updating your preference here. Last year, Atvbt’s bloggers published a piece...
Passing Time
Book Review: Primates of Park Avenue Despite my quips, far from a hate read
2 months ago
7 Reasons Women Feel More Guilt At Work Laetitia@Work #73
6 months ago
The Convivial...
Antivirals The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 17
over a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Oversample Elections By Age Political pollsters have a problem. Certain groups in the population are much happier to talk to...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Political pollsters have a problem. Certain groups in the population are much happier to talk to pollsters than others, so if you call up 1000 people to ask who they're planning to vote for, the results you get won't really represent the voting intentions of the
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The IKEA Defense of Flat Earthers Flat Earthers are perhaps the only group of people that it is still socially acceptable to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flat Earthers are perhaps the only group of people that it is still socially acceptable to discriminate against. We just can’t bring ourselves to tolerate people who believe the world is flat. And yet the fundamental ideas powering a flat Earth believer is an approach that most...
Passing Time
Respecting Repose There's a difference between noise and sound.
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
Donald was the kid who threw cake at the birthday party In 1983, at the age of thirty-one, British journalist Tina Brown moved to New York to become...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1983, at the age of thirty-one, British journalist Tina Brown moved to New York to become editor-in-chief at Vanity Fair, marking the start of a transformative era for the magazine. During her legendary nine-year tenure, she catapulted the magazine into its golden age and...
Stoic Simple
What Does it Mean to be a Stoic? Using Christianity to Explain Stoicism by Tanner Campbell What does it mean to be a Stoic? I think Christianity can be used as a...
a year ago
a year ago
by Tanner Campbell What does it mean to be a Stoic? I think Christianity can be used as a quasi-parallel to help answer this question. What does it mean to be a Christian? I think the base-line of the faith is the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.  In Stoicism that...
Diaries of Note
It was so horribly fascinating that I felt spellbound During World War I, the skies over Britain were periodically lit up by German Zeppelins in what...
a year ago
a year ago
During World War I, the skies over Britain were periodically lit up by German Zeppelins in what would become known as “The First Blitz.” These enormous airships seemed almost invincible as they loomed over cities, striking terror into the hearts of civilians below, and between...
Paul Cudenec
Industrialism is a manifestation of Evil Nature, in the organic radical tradition, is regarded as the manifestation of Good.
4 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
A Frightening Future
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 31 From the New York Times to the Crowd Work section
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
The Value of Being Generic Within a Niche The Minimalism Life® project, now eight years in the making, began as an experiment. Slowly, we've...
a year ago
a year ago
The Minimalism Life® project, now eight years in the making, began as an experiment. Slowly, we've defined our purpose, gained a respectable readership, acquired valuable assets, and developed a timeless design language. The process hasn't been easy; in fact, it's been bloody...
Artist vs Artisan: what's the difference? Laetitia@Work #44
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Second-Time Founder Anxiety Starting a company is hard. Starting a company the second time can be even harder if you let it.
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Workspace Setup As more of us are working remotely—particularly from home—I thought it might be quite timely to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
As more of us are working remotely—particularly from home—I thought it might be quite timely to break down my current home workspace setup. I’d also like to preface this by saying that I’m not offering any advice or tips for remote working (there’s enough guidance out there to...
The Ruffian
Last of the Curmudgeons Catch-up service:
6 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
If Not Could Not Suppose you're hiring for a sales job. In the first interview, the candidate says: "I'm very good at...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Suppose you're hiring for a sales job. In the first interview, the candidate says: "I'm very good at selling things." Well, that's nice: the job is all about selling things, so someone good at selling things would indeed be a good fit.
Passing Time
Alpine Starts You need all the hours you can get— you better start early (or go very late).
a year ago
The Ruffian
The Biden Conundrum On the president's prospects, plus a rattle bag of stimulants and delights
a year ago
Stoic Simple
What Does Stoicism Teach About Money, Wealth & Poverty? Stoicism is a philosophical belief system that has been around since the ancient times. It aims to...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism is a philosophical belief system that has been around since the ancient times. It aims to promote ethical living and personal fulfillment by closely examining one's values and beliefs. One area where Stoicism offers interesting insights is wealth and poverty. This...
The Ruffian
A Ruffian Catch-Up In Case You Missed...
a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Baby Money Index - Reader Comments North Korea, PPP and Why TFR is Squared
3 months ago
Scarlet Ink
Good Employees Follow the Rules. Great Employees Break Them. Because the rules are meant for those who aren't as smart and brave as you. Seriously.
5 months ago
The Honest Broker
Judgment Day Arrives at the Washington Post And updates on seven other recent articles at The Honest Broker
a year ago
Paul Cudenec
Life philosophy: beyond left and right The global industrial-financial complex has been doing its best for decades now to ensure there is...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The global industrial-financial complex has been doing its best for decades now to ensure there is no real ideological opposition to its life-hating agenda.
Seeking Love of Neighbour Dorotheus of Gaza, quoted in an entry from Henri Nouwen’s The Genesee Diary
8 months ago
Nat Eliason's...
Fast Cash vs. Slow Equity Knowing what you're building
2 weeks ago
Diaries of Note
I should like to see him forcibly shaved Born in Manchester, England, in 1904, Christopher Isherwood was a novelist, playwright, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Manchester, England, in 1904, Christopher Isherwood was a novelist, playwright, and screenwriter who left an indelible mark on 20th-century literature with novels like Goodbye to Berlin and A Single Man. He was also a keen diarist and since his death in 1986 multiple...
Daniel Bourke
Building a garden in the backyard I started building a garden in the backyard. It’s a small space but it took almost a year to get...
a year ago
a year ago
I started building a garden in the backyard. It’s a small space but it took almost a year to get going. A year! Mostly because of laziness and other things going on. A little dream I have is to one day eat a full feast that consists 100%
Both Are True
Thank you, and remember, the universe is in your basement a few words on David Lynch
a month ago
Paul Cudenec
A decade of dissent: resistance and psyops In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
In the latest part of my retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit, I look back on its content in 2018.
The Ruffian
Am I Anti-Woke? Self-Reflection Inspired by Nick Cave, Plus a Taxonomy of Woke, Plus Rattle Bag
11 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Quiet People in Meetings Are Incredible Knowing when not to talk is an art.
3 months ago
Passing Time
So We Won't Forget Why do we film concerts?
a year ago
How to Be a Stoic
Were the ancient Stoics feminist? Should the modern ones be? The short answers to the title questions are: not really, and of course yes. At least, that’s the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The short answers to the title questions are: not really, and of course yes. At least, that’s the conclusion of a detailed analysis of the relationship between Stoicism and feminism published in a paper by Scott Aikin and Emily McGill-Rutherford in Symposion, 1, 1 (2014): 9-22....
The Ruffian
Special Edition: John and Paul A Brief Note On Something To Look Forward To
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
practicing creativity while in recovery Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from...
a year ago
a year ago
Prior to getting covid I revolved my life around getting healthier: exercising, recovering from exercise, cooking. Now I am just focused on getting back to my baseline, which till now I am...
The Prism
The Riddle of Luigi Mangione My encounter with the alleged CEO killer
2 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Artificial Intelligence Natives
over a year ago
Paul Cudenec
There's only one global mafia! I have noticed that some people, even those generally receptive to my point of view, beg to differ...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I have noticed that some people, even those generally receptive to my point of view, beg to differ when it comes to the existence of a single global mafia – the entity I have taken to calling the criminocracy or even demonocracy.
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalissimo Shop V2 The second project of the year has successfully shipped: Minimalissimo Shop Version 2. I don’t know...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The second project of the year has successfully shipped: Minimalissimo Shop Version 2. I don’t know why I held WordPress in such high regard for so many years—it’s Starbucks of the CMS world. So migrating my sites over to Kirby is a great feeling. The latest of which was the...
journal – Winnie Lim
creative experiences in osaka A few months ago I joked with my partner that we should visit Osaka at the end of the year. She...
a year ago
a year ago
A few months ago I joked with my partner that we should visit Osaka at the end of the year. She seriously replied that if so we could visit a sewing studio...
Diaries of Note
I did so want to be a great actress Rachel Roberts was a formidable Welsh actress whose performances on stage and screen garnered praise...
a year ago
a year ago
Rachel Roberts was a formidable Welsh actress whose performances on stage and screen garnered praise and awards, her name often spoken with a mix of reverence and endearment within theatrical circles. Sadly, her personal life was at odds with her professional one, and in the last...
Passing Time
Your Social Universe Imagine yourself as a star.
a year ago
Both Are True
Love myself? Knowing what I know? A lunchtime meditation on whether 'being the best' is even a real thing
8 months ago
The Honest Broker
Your Brain on Art My Q&A with Susan Magsamen and Ivy Ross
10 months ago
The Honest Broker
Why You Should Skip My Articles and Go Straight to the Comments Here are some highlights from yesterday's open mic anarchy thread
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Introducing Ship by Product Hunt
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Stepping Inside Hallucinations The cake tilted precariously as I stumbled into my parents bedroom. Panic gripped me as I tried to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The cake tilted precariously as I stumbled into my parents bedroom. Panic gripped me as I tried to steady the massive cake.
Diaries of Note
Good work, Clifton Few writers bring humour to the page quite like David Sedaris. Born in Johnson City, New York in...
a year ago
a year ago
Few writers bring humour to the page quite like David Sedaris. Born in Johnson City, New York in 1956, he has a singular talent for spotting and magnifying the absurdities of everyday life, and in 1997 that talent was recognised when Ira Glass, the host of This American Life,...
Passing Time
Introducing: Slos This is not a joke.
3 weeks ago
Diaries of Note
Y’all are under arrest On 4th May, 1961, a courageous group of activists, later known as the Freedom Riders, set off on an...
a year ago
a year ago
On 4th May, 1961, a courageous group of activists, later known as the Freedom Riders, set off on an arduous journey during which they would protest the segregation laws of various states. Beginning in Washington, D.C. they headed for the South aboard two buses, their ultimate...
Left To Write
Soul In The Game Going all in on life
a year ago
The Honest Broker
My Secret Life as a Social Media Coach When people ask my advice on how to flourish online, I share these five rules
5 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
It's Not A Bad Restaurant, It's A Bad Dish You go to a restaurant with great reviews, but find the food completely mediocre. What happened? Of...
a year ago
a year ago
You go to a restaurant with great reviews, but find the food completely mediocre. What happened? Of course there's lots of options: other people have bad taste, the reviews are fake, the place went downhill. But I think an underrated explanation is that there's high variance
Castles in the Sky
Original Castles in the Sky Art This is the home for all the original art in Castles in the Sky that is an AI generation, original...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is the home for all the original art in Castles in the Sky that is an AI generation, original commission, or some collage of the two. When the art is AI-generated, I will link to the first time it appeared in Castles in the Sky along with the prompt I used.
Ryan Hoover's...
How we made our first dollar at Product Hunt
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
2015, the year I fell in love with music
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Learning a Second Language How I envy polyglots. They have remarkable minds, and a remarkable dedication to learning. How some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How I envy polyglots. They have remarkable minds, and a remarkable dedication to learning. How some people are capable and proficient in reading, writing, and speaking several languages, baffles me. Just being able to retain that magnitude of information on top of everything else...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Studio, but Simpler I love designing websites. It’s something I’ve been doing for almost 15 years. Yes, I’m that old....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love designing websites. It’s something I’ve been doing for almost 15 years. Yes, I’m that old. Whether basic one pagers or comprehensive sites with design systems, I’ve had the opportunity to create some interesting projects. You could say I’m a multidisciplinary designer, but...
Both Are True
Alex Dobrenko SAVES the Sublime website (BRAVE) a seven minute long story that people are calling the next Apple's 1984 ad the one w the hammer
7 months ago
Passing Time
Sometimes It's About the Destination Trying & failing to seek extrinsic motivation
4 months ago
Tech and Tea
Do you keep your wishes secret? Have you ever hoped that someone would notice your good work and give you more opportunities? Would...
a year ago
a year ago
Have you ever hoped that someone would notice your good work and give you more opportunities? Would that have been even more meaningful than if you asked for what you wanted, and got it?
Vivid Expression From distant Paris, Fr Huvelin offers spiritual advice to St Charles de Foucauld as he works as a...
10 months ago
10 months ago
From distant Paris, Fr Huvelin offers spiritual advice to St Charles de Foucauld as he works as a gardener in Nazareth
Daniel Bourke
5 Free Resources to Help You Get a Machine Learning Job Learn in public, build your own projects, start the job before you have it, polish your resume and...
a year ago
a year ago
Learn in public, build your own projects, start the job before you have it, polish your resume and practice, practice, practice!
Paul Cudenec
For localism and the love of humanity I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely...
a month ago
a month ago
I have been writing a lot recently about Zionism, as is sadly unavoidable for anyone genuinely intent on exploring and exposing the nature of the single global mafia.
The Honest Broker
Are There Alternating Cycles of Hot and Cool in American Cultural History? (Part 1 of 2) And are we midway through a hot cycle right now?
a year ago
Diaries of Note
I do not seem to care for the “boys” very much Annie Cooper Boyd (born Annie Burnham Cooper) was an artist and feminist who hailed from the whaling...
a year ago
a year ago
Annie Cooper Boyd (born Annie Burnham Cooper) was an artist and feminist who hailed from the whaling village of Sag Harbor, New York, where her father, William H. Cooper, had for years thrived as a local boat builder. She adored her family, painting, and writing, and it’s thanks...
Thu Le
Things I have changed my mind about lately On some perspectives of mine that have shifted over time.
5 days ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Loose Screws These screws, they build up over years of odd jobs and weekend projects. I can't use them but I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
These screws, they build up over years of odd jobs and weekend projects. I can't use them but I can't throw them out, either. So they collect in little piles here and there. Why now should I have the urge to organize them?
What's not to like about work-life balance? Laetitia@Work #43
over a year ago
Scarlet Ink
3 Good Things and 3 Bad Things About Working at Amazon: From 12+ Years in Management Line manager to Senior Manager to Director. It was a great place to work, but I have a pretty...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Line manager to Senior Manager to Director. It was a great place to work, but I have a pretty balanced view of what Amazon does well, and what it doesn't.
Mark Manson
Why I Quit Drinking Alcohol After more than two decades of drinking, last summer, I decided to stop drinking alcohol for good....
a year ago
a year ago
After more than two decades of drinking, last summer, I decided to stop drinking alcohol for good. There were a lot of reasons for this, and obviously, there were benefits—I lost some weight, slept better at night, and no more ungodly hangovers. But also some life changes...
The Honest Broker
The Death of the Slow Dance (and Other Emerging Trends) My latest briefing paper on the state of the creative economy
a year ago
Both Are True
happy father's day (the color) on failures and fathers and color and country
9 months ago
Diaries of Note
Oh God, it was awful It was in March of 1907, aged 15, that Edna St. Vincent Millay began to keep a diary—an intimate...
a year ago
a year ago
It was in March of 1907, aged 15, that Edna St. Vincent Millay began to keep a diary—an intimate chronicle that would continue throughout her life, with her final entry penned in 1949, a year before her death. By that time, of course, she was a Pulitzer Prize-winning poet....
Mind Mine
my phone is making me dumb is yours too?
2 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
documenting everyday moments because they will become precious A few months ago someone popped up on the Singapore reddit and started posting photos of old...
a year ago
a year ago
A few months ago someone popped up on the Singapore reddit and started posting photos of old Singapore from the 1950s-1970s. He is the grandson of Ivan Polunin, a medical doctor who...
The Ruffian
Yog, Andy, and George Wham! and the Struggle For Fun
a year ago
Something weird is happening with LLMs and chess A year ago, there was a lot of talk about large language models (LLMs) playing chess. Word was that...
3 months ago
3 months ago
A year ago, there was a lot of talk about large language models (LLMs) playing chess. Word was that if you trained a big enough model on enough text, then you could send it a partially played game, ask it to predict the next move, and it would play at the level of an advanced...
Both Are True
you don't need everyone to like your work (2018) revisiting something i wrote years ago
11 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Rediscovering Your Stride I felt the pain before I could see the wart. I thought it was a bruise, one of the many little tiny...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I felt the pain before I could see the wart. I thought it was a bruise, one of the many little tiny injuries that come and go as part of any runner’s training routine. But the little nemesis on the ball of my foot stuck around. It put up a good fight, injecting pain into my runs,...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
What Is Too Minimal? I'm currently facing a design and marketing challenge related to minimalism. So I want to present a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I'm currently facing a design and marketing challenge related to minimalism. So I want to present a series of questions that you are welcome to help answer in whatever format you like (email, tweet, blog post, or meme). If you run a website related to minimalism, is it only...
The Honest Broker
12 Outstanding New Albums by 12 Artists from 12 Countries These under-the-radar records absolutely deserve your attention
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
The Beauty of 3D Printing 3D printing is a process that creates a three-dimensional object by building successive layers of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
3D printing is a process that creates a three-dimensional object by building successive layers of raw material. When you think about 3D printing, you might think about plastic models that feel more like a novelty than anything of real quality and value. That might have been the...
The Honest Broker
How Songs Created Western Rational Thinking And Socrates sends me on a mad chase into the wild world of musical dreams
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Phone Setup Ever since I moved from the iPhone to the Blloc Phone, I wanted to further reduce the number of apps...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ever since I moved from the iPhone to the Blloc Phone, I wanted to further reduce the number of apps I had installed. Not just because I wanted to reduce my screen time and have fewer distractions, but because I wanted to remove my digital clutter, and where better to start than...
Nat Eliason's...
How We Designed a FUN Nonfiction Book Cover Every step and cover along the way
9 months ago
Mark Manson
The Outrage Cycle The Outrage Begins First Hour: Journalists scramble to disseminate news of the Significant Event far...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Outrage Begins First Hour: Journalists scramble to disseminate news of the Significant Event far and wide. Most of this happens on Twitter, but placeholder web pages are thrown together on various news sites and cable news channels interrupt the latest car chase to give you...
Diaries of Note
Getting shot hurts On 30th March 1981, as he emerged from a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel and...
a year ago
a year ago
On 30th March 1981, as he emerged from a speaking engagement at the Washington Hilton Hotel and headed towards a waiting limousine, U.S. President Ronald Reagan was hit by a bullet from the gun of would-be assassin John Hinckley Jr. The President, initially unaware that he had...
Daniel Bourke
My book Charlie Walks: A Novel is now available worldwide Charlie Walks: A Novel now shipping paperback copies worldwide.
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
A cord breaking American playwright Tennessee Williams shared a deep bond with his beloved sister, Rose, whose life...
a year ago
a year ago
American playwright Tennessee Williams shared a deep bond with his beloved sister, Rose, whose life began in 1919, two years before his. In 1937, her increasingly erratic behaviour was seemingly explained by a diagnosis of dementia praecox—now known as schizophrenia—and six years...
Diaries of Note
He has quite a husky voice and is a great mimic By the late 1860s, Charles Dickens had transcended the realm of mere literary fame to become a...
a year ago
a year ago
By the late 1860s, Charles Dickens had transcended the realm of mere literary fame to become a theatrical sensation with his public reading tours. These performances, hundreds of which he staged during the final decade of his life, showcased his extraordinary talent for vocal...
Sometimes Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long shadows cut the cold honey sunlight of afternoons that begin to fade at three, turning to a blue-pink twilight over the lake before darkness descends at five. Then four-thirty. Then...
Raw Thought (from...
What Happens in
over a year ago
The Ruffian
Introducing 'John & Paul: A Love Story In Songs' Free To Read (This Post, Not the Book)
5 months ago
The Ruffian
How - and Why - To Read... ...in a World That's Giving Up On It
2 months ago
Jason Fried
Thoughts on the search for life Just listened to Lex Fridman and Sara Walker talk about the origins of life, the search for life,...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Just listened to Lex Fridman and Sara Walker talk about the origins of life, the search for life, what is life, etc. It was a wonderfully refreshing, nourishing conversation. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwhTfyX9J34 It made me want to spill out some random thoughts on the...
Diaries of Note
You have to see it On 6th December 1912, at the ancient site of Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, a team led by German...
a year ago
a year ago
On 6th December 1912, at the ancient site of Tell el-Amarna in Egypt, a team led by German Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt made a remarkable discovery: they uncovered a workshop once belonging to Thutmose—more formally known as ‘The King’s Favorite and Master of Works, the Sculptor...
Jason Fried
Governor Newsom: Please help Franklin fire victims I'm republishing this for a friend who doesn't have a reliable place to publish this online. It's a...
a month ago
a month ago
I'm republishing this for a friend who doesn't have a reliable place to publish this online. It's a letter she wrote and sent to a number of newspapers. Her family was a victim of the recent Franklin wildfire, and unlike other recent fires, the Franklin fire wasn't included in...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Easier Web Hosting on Github
over a year ago
Both Are True
parenting as improv yes and yes and yes and
4 months ago
Nat Eliason's...
The Best Things I Read in 2022 Plus: the best of the blog, your recommendations, and a vacation announcement
over a year ago
Both Are True
This really is it no time to review this cuz the kids are screaming again lol I hope it doesn't suck
7 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Honest Broker's 20 Most Popular Articles From 2024 Phew, I published 171 articles this year—here are the ones you liked the most
2 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Best Online Essays & Articles of 2023 Longform journalism is coming back (and deserves our support)
a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
The Biggest Wealth Transfer in History Is Happening Right Now You can be a part of it if you choose.
2 months ago
Scarlet Ink
From Star Employee to Struggling Leader — A Simple Explanation of Your Manager's Incompetence No manager wants to be a terrible boss. Yet even with the best of intentions, it's hard to avoid...
a month ago
Naveen Arun's Blog
“The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese I asked ChatGPT to rewrite “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese. This is...
a year ago
a year ago
I asked ChatGPT to rewrite “The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog”, but in legalese. This is what it gave me: “WHEREAS, this Agreement is made, entered into and fully understood on this day, by and between two primary entities, both of distinct characteristics and...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Designer’s Invisible Skill Set How some designers become magicians while others remain stylists
over a year ago
Paul Cudenec
Keeping it in the deep-state family It is obviously important for maintenance of the “Rockefeller” façade to have at least one person...
2 months ago
2 months ago
It is obviously important for maintenance of the “Rockefeller” façade to have at least one person bearing the family name on the Foundation’s board of trustees.
Diaries of Note
Left the Beatles On the evening of 10th January 1969, after a tough day at work, guitarist George Harrison opened his...
a year ago
a year ago
On the evening of 10th January 1969, after a tough day at work, guitarist George Harrison opened his diary and in three words noted that he had quit the world’s most popular band. For a week the Beatles had been rehearsing at Twickenham Film Studios, their efforts captured on...
journal – Winnie Lim
my multi-decade journey with migraines Writing some of my recent posts made me reflect on how far I’ve come with regards to my chronic...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Writing some of my recent posts made me reflect on how far I’ve come with regards to my chronic migraines so far, so I thought it’ll be fun (to nobody except myself)...
Stoic Simple
Stoicism, Law & Justice: How Stoic Philosophy Sees Crime & Punishment Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy, has been a subject of fascination and study for centuries....
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism, an ancient Greek philosophy, has been a subject of fascination and study for centuries. One of its central themes has been the pursuit of justice. The Stoics believed that living a just life entailed cultivating certain qualities of character and making decisions based...
Stoic Simple
Stoic Environmentalism: What Stoicism Teaches on Ethics & Environment Stoicism, a philosophy that originated in ancient Greece, has gained significant attention in modern...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism, a philosophy that originated in ancient Greece, has gained significant attention in modern times for its practical and pragmatic approach to life. While Stoicism is often associated with personal ethics and self-improvement, its principles can also be applied to...
Wait But Why
You Won’t Believe My Morning A highly unexpected turn of events. The post You Won’t Believe My Morning appeared first on Wait But...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A highly unexpected turn of events. The post You Won’t Believe My Morning appeared first on Wait But Why.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Font Blocking, Invisible Words, and Flames of Shame You never know when you will be confronted by a test of character. There will come a moment when you...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You never know when you will be confronted by a test of character. There will come a moment when you are forced to choose. Do you stick to your beliefs, or do you fold under the pressure and sacrifice your very identity?
Ready to Start If you're not excited about where you're going, you're going the wrong way. Where you're going may...
a year ago
a year ago
If you're not excited about where you're going, you're going the wrong way. Where you're going may be challenging, difficult, a real pain in the ass even, but come what may, you should be excited about getting there—both the getting, and the there. That's how you know you're on...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
How to Make Prairie Dogs Clap Their Hands Prairie dogs can’t clap. Their short arms can’t stretch across their pudgy bodies. When they spot me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Prairie dogs can’t clap. Their short arms can’t stretch across their pudgy bodies. When they spot me running through their field they duck into their holes for cover. As I pass they chirp prairie dog profanity at me. They seem to shake their tiny fists, threatening me, telling me...
Fahren-height The Internet is well into middle-age, and yet doesn’t seem to have answered humanity’s most pressing...
11 months ago
11 months ago
The Internet is well into middle-age, and yet doesn’t seem to have answered humanity’s most pressing question: If you pour boiling hot water from various heights, how much does it cool in flight? First attempt I figure there are two key variables: The height you pour from, and...
Left To Write
№ 71: You Had A Sh*t Day But Tomorrow Is A New Day I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of...
a year ago
a year ago
I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of writer’s block, and I struggled to complete any climbing projects. Pipe in a layer of never feeling enough, feeling behind, and financial struggles and what you’ve got is a...
Flowers of Fire: How South Korea’s Feminists Inspired the World Laetitia@Work #77
2 months ago
Nat Eliason's...
30-Day First Draft: Week 1 Report & Lessons 29,588 Words Later
6 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Eight Ways to F*ck up Your Life Without Trying Toxic mindsets we all have that will unconsciously ruin your life
a month ago
Diaries of Note
I am absolutely convinced that George is going to lose When she wrote the following diary entry in October of 1992, First Lady Barbara Bush had been living...
a year ago
a year ago
When she wrote the following diary entry in October of 1992, First Lady Barbara Bush had been living at the White House for more than three years and was accustomed to the constant scrutiny and pace of political life. Exactly a month later, as she predicted, Bill Clinton won the...
Passing Time
Overthrowing Overstimulation Making time to do nothing doesn’t have to be in pursuit of the profound
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
There Is Only Time Balance is a really tricky word, because I don’t think there’s such a thing. There’s just time....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Balance is a really tricky word, because I don’t think there’s such a thing. There’s just time. There’s just where you are and what you do. And it doesn’t make sense for me to have to spend time on something that feels like a sacrifice. I try to do things that are part of the big...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Mirror As the year draws to a close with gloomy December days compensated with lots of artificial lighting,...
3 months ago
3 months ago
As the year draws to a close with gloomy December days compensated with lots of artificial lighting, it's not surprising that many people take the time to reflect on their recent past — what we've managed to achieve, what we learned, what we failed in, where we went, and what we...
Before The Storm Your browser does not support video playback via HTML5. Watch on YouTube -->
a year ago
Castles in the Sky
13 Lessons from 37 Years My Gift to You for my 37th Birthday
5 months ago
Jason Fried
Hooks, towel bars, and software Strangely, a recent bathroom renovation crystalized my perspective on product development. When...
a year ago
a year ago
Strangely, a recent bathroom renovation crystalized my perspective on product development. When being asked to choose between towel hooks or a towel bar, the choice was obvious: Hooks, of course. Hooks take up no space. Towel bars suck up space. Hooks hold towels no matter how...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Journey of a Single Brush Stroke There's a painting hanging in my garage that I am not particularly proud of. I keep it around...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There's a painting hanging in my garage that I am not particularly proud of. I keep it around because of a single brush stroke. The rest of the painting is mediocre, a still life of dismembered baby doll parts, the standard assignment given to beginning painting students. I...
Left To Write
#4 Writemas: When A Man Loves A Woman Dear Ladies, I wish you could see inside a man’s head when he falls in love with a woman. It’s so...
a year ago
a year ago
Dear Ladies, I wish you could see inside a man’s head when he falls in love with a woman. It’s so surreal and stunning that you’ve got to experience it to believe it. First, it starts small. He begins to notice things about her appearance. Like the curve of her small nose, the...
Diaries of Note
Happy New Year It was exactly a year ago, on 1st January 2023, that I began Diaries of Note. Since then I’ve shared...
a year ago
a year ago
It was exactly a year ago, on 1st January 2023, that I began Diaries of Note. Since then I’ve shared 365 diary entries written by 365 different people—each offering a chance to live a day in someone else’s shoes. It’s been an intense and remarkable year, filled with insights,...
Nat Eliason's...
Maybe Your Sleep Tracking is Killing You? The Lure of the Measurable
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
The Death of Cool Can it come back to life? Or will we be angry forever?
2 weeks ago
The Honest Broker
I Give the Worst Writing Advice in the World But I believe every word of it
3 months ago
Mind Mine
transformations surrender & renew
2 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
eating hot and cold in fukuoka Today we managed to find a cafe with some outdoor seating for breakfast. It was 12 degrees celsius,...
a year ago
a year ago
Today we managed to find a cafe with some outdoor seating for breakfast. It was 12 degrees celsius, and I was half-expecting to see no tables outside despite the google listing showing...
Mark Manson
How to Stop Caring About What People Think There's this weird fantasy we all share of not giving a flying fuck about what people think. We all...
a year ago
a year ago
There's this weird fantasy we all share of not giving a flying fuck about what people think. We all wish we could be impervious to others' opinions, like Superman deflecting bullets. But instead of bullets, we're out here trying to deflect the fucks we wish we didn't give. We...
Diaries of Note
I thought once or twice we were done for In the late 1860s, amid the rugged landscapes of post-Civil War America, countless cowboys undertook...
a year ago
a year ago
In the late 1860s, amid the rugged landscapes of post-Civil War America, countless cowboys undertook arduous journeys herding cattle from Texas to Kansas where the demand for beef was on the rise. One such cowboy was Jack Bailey, a 37-year-old North Texan who herded approximately...
Diaries of Note
I have been playing a new game called insomnia In December of 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 26-year-old Thomas Merton entered...
a year ago
a year ago
In December of 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 26-year-old Thomas Merton entered the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where he began life as a Trappist monk. Over the next 27 years, until his death in 1968, Merton authored more than fifty books that...
Paul Cudenec
Stickergate and the crumbling of the system By way of bringing a little festive cheer to my readers, I thought I would share this short extract...
2 months ago
2 months ago
By way of bringing a little festive cheer to my readers, I thought I would share this short extract from a rather lengthy historical account that I discovered on The FastForward Machine Internet Pre-Archive, first saved on January 1, 2052.
Passing Time
Backcountry Skiers and Venture Capitalists Skiing in the proverbial River
6 months ago
Left To Write
The Spread of Misinformation & Existential Risk of AI Continuing my AI conversation with Asad
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
How to make new friends as an adult
8 months ago
Diaries of Note
I am going to do my best Yoko Moriwaki was born in Japan in 1932 on the picturesque island of Itsukushima, better known to...
a year ago
a year ago
Yoko Moriwaki was born in Japan in 1932 on the picturesque island of Itsukushima, better known to locals as Miyajima, and until war broke out in 1941 her childhood was a happy one, filled with simple joys. In 1944, with the conflict casting a heavy shadow, her father was called...
Diaries of Note
Industry, Thrift, and Loyalty On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann...
a year ago
a year ago
On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann wrote the first entry in a diary with a difference. Designed to be a shared sanctuary for the newlyweds, the diary was a place for them to alternately record their aspirations, joys,...
Thu Le
Why I rebuilt this site The journey of building this site.
4 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Stop Dribbbling, Get a Design Education at Costco My design mentor Paul was a commercial artist in Chicago in the era before computers, back when...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My design mentor Paul was a commercial artist in Chicago in the era before computers, back when being a designer still involved ink-stained fingers and drawing pictures.
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Blloc Phone I’ve been embedded within the Apple ecosystem for years, using an iMac at home as well as the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been embedded within the Apple ecosystem for years, using an iMac at home as well as the office, owning an iPhone since the iPhone 3G, and my latest investment was a pair of AirPods—probably Apple’s best product design for years. I was stuck on the iPhone 6s for a long time...
Diaries of Note
Look! Land! From May to November of 1876, Philadelphia hosted the Centennial International Exhibition, a world...
a year ago
a year ago
From May to November of 1876, Philadelphia hosted the Centennial International Exhibition, a world fair that attracted ten million visitors keen to marvel at the innovations, cultures, and achievements presented by thirty-seven countries. For China, this represented a unique...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Home Investments Many people are choosing to slowly improve, enhance, and invigorate their living spaces by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many people are choosing to slowly improve, enhance, and invigorate their living spaces by making subtle but significant changes to their homes with the addition of good quality, easily transportable furniture and fittings. Even those who are not home owners are taking this...
The Map is Mostly...
Agency and Schooling (and gardening) Dear friends, Over at Palladium I have written School is Not Enough. The beginning may be familiar...
a year ago
a year ago
Dear friends, Over at Palladium I have written School is Not Enough. The beginning may be familiar to some readers, the post is an elaboration of my thinking about agency. I speak a bit more about the problem, and potential solutions. I leave it implicit that I find it this very...
Diaries of Note
You’d think I would be happy all the time Nikki Sixx was twenty-two when he co-founded Mötley Crüe, a heavy metal band destined to become one...
a year ago
a year ago
Nikki Sixx was twenty-two when he co-founded Mötley Crüe, a heavy metal band destined to become one of the most successful music acts in history. As the band’s bassist and principal songwriter, Sixx played a key role in developing their iconic rebellious persona, his escalating...
Diaries of Note
WROTE ‘YOUR SONG’ When he wrote this diary entry in October 1969, Elton John was yet to become the superstar we now...
a year ago
a year ago
When he wrote this diary entry in October 1969, Elton John was yet to become the superstar we now know. Still only twenty-two, his debut album had been out in the wild for four months, and it would be another three years until he legally changed his name from Reginald Dwight....
Diaries of Note
His first remark was, taking up a book: “Human skin” Arnold Bennett was one of the most successful British novelists of the Victorian era, a prolific...
a year ago
a year ago
Arnold Bennett was one of the most successful British novelists of the Victorian era, a prolific wordsmith whose output spanned 34 novels, seven collections of short stories, a dozen plays, and hundreds of articles—and amidst it all, he somehow found time to keep a daily diary...
Mark Manson
Why Your Favorite Self-Help Book Sucks https://youtu.be/hQB3viVFhPA Yes, yes—I know you think that one book you read that one time changed...
a year ago
a year ago
https://youtu.be/hQB3viVFhPA Yes, yes—I know you think that one book you read that one time changed your life. Hell, maybe that was even my book. And don't get me wrong, self-help books can help, but I think people mistake what they're actually doing. Let me break this down for...
Water Under The Bridge Halfway through our stay on St. George we had a little problem called Friday night. The problem was...
a year ago
a year ago
Halfway through our stay on St. George we had a little problem called Friday night. The problem was that the campground at St George was full for Friday night. One night missing in a string of twelve nights. We knew that when we came out here, but I was really hoping something...
Paul Cudenec
Truth, essence, knowledge and light Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after all, you do not really care what they think of you.
The Ruffian
Unveiling 'John & Paul: A Love Story In Songs' Yes It's an Actual Book With a Cover and Everything
5 months ago
“This is what we are about”: The Romero Prayer A beautiful prayer about vocation by Bishop Ken Untener of Saginaw, often attributed to St Óscar...
10 months ago
Rest is Resistance Laetitia@Work #59
a year ago
The Honest Broker
They Praised AI at SXSW—and the Audience Started Booing My survey confirms that consumers are getting angry about new tech (and not just AI)
11 months ago
Diaries of Note
Liszt was a bad composer On 31st July 1886, the world lost the extraordinary talent of Franz Liszt, the pioneering Hungarian...
a year ago
a year ago
On 31st July 1886, the world lost the extraordinary talent of Franz Liszt, the pioneering Hungarian composer and virtuoso pianist. Liszt redefined music with his innovative symphonic poems and transformative piano compositions, pushing the boundaries of technique and reshaping...
The Honest Broker
If William Shakespeare Came to Hollywood Today... “The first thing we do is, let's kill all the lawyers.”
4 days ago
The Ruffian
27 Takes On What It Means To Be a Serious Person Plus a rattle bag of goodies
10 months ago
The Prism
40 Useful Concepts (Spring 2023) Ideas to help you make sense of the world
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
why I refuse to learn drawing properly When some people want to learn to draw, they do it the “right” way. They take a drawing class, watch...
5 months ago
5 months ago
When some people want to learn to draw, they do it the “right” way. They take a drawing class, watch youtube videos, or buy a book – starting from the basics. I...
Mind Mine
returning from the hero's journey fitting your new self into a life designed by your past self
8 months ago
Cognition & care: pay attention! Laetitia@Work #58
a year ago
Do Quests, Not Goals South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth If you were to make a list of what you want to get...
7 months ago
7 months ago
South Island, New Zealand, a.k.a. Middle-Earth If you were to make a list of what you want to get done this week, it would mostly consist of things you have to do. Get groceries. Book a hair appointment. Get back to so-and-so. Read that health and safety thing for work. If you...
Passing Time
Sweatshop Labor and the Exploitation Problem Labor faces a coordination problem: the actors involved can’t reach a better moral position via...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Labor faces a coordination problem: the actors involved can’t reach a better moral position via unilateral action.
Atoms vs Bits
Incumbency Advantage What if good candidates just win against bad ones?
6 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
8 months ago
The Ruffian
The Ruffian Speaks An Ad For My Speaking Services (Plus Book Tour News)
15 hours ago
Somebody Has Already Figured It Out for You Let’s say you want to cross a river. There’s no bridge, because it’s 3000 BC and you are a nomadic...
6 months ago
6 months ago
Let’s say you want to cross a river. There’s no bridge, because it’s 3000 BC and you are a nomadic goat herder. You’ve never seen a bridge that wasn’t just a log over a creek. Crossing a big river is something you haven’t figured out. Maybe nobody has. You could maybe make a...
The Honest Broker
An Executive Briefing Paper on the Creative Economy Here's my latest culture and arts survey
a year ago
Mobile Bay We maxed out our time at Fort Pickens. After six weeks, it was time to move on. We had planned to go...
11 months ago
11 months ago
We maxed out our time at Fort Pickens. After six weeks, it was time to move on. We had planned to go to New Orleans, and then up into the Ozarks, before heading back up to Wisconsin for the summer, but given how mild the winter turned out to be, we decided to press north sooner...
The Worry Gap: why women worry so much more Laetitia@Work #62
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Design Masochism and the Five Stages of Anguish Early on I remember choking back tears when my designs made first contact with outside eyes. The...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Early on I remember choking back tears when my designs made first contact with outside eyes. The feedback stung. Every word holding a hint of negativity was a dart that penetrated my tender puerile flesh. I wondered if I had chosen the wrong career.
Diaries of Note
I won’t marry Jo to Laurie to please any one Now considered a seminal work in both American literature and feminist canon, Little Women was...
a year ago
a year ago
Now considered a seminal work in both American literature and feminist canon, Little Women was originally published in the 1860s as two separate volumes, the first of which Louisa May Alcott completed in two months after being asked by her publisher to “write a girl’s book.” The...
Both Are True
gentle advice for sensitive souls who wanna make somethin outta nothin
6 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
Release Valve Principles The choices you make when you can't make a choice.
a year ago
The Map is Mostly...
[subscribers only] Ask me Anything
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
First Loop Fright Breakthrough success and catastrophic failure seem random at first, but they are more systematic...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Breakthrough success and catastrophic failure seem random at first, but they are more systematic than they appear.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Greasy and the Bottleneck I asked my future boss what his role was in the company he founded. I wasn't sure if I wanted to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I asked my future boss what his role was in the company he founded. I wasn't sure if I wanted to work for him yet. He told me his job was to apply grease. That sounded good.
The Honest Broker
"The Infrastructure of the Recording Industry Is About to Fail” The entire Hollywood ecosystem is tottering on the brink
a month ago
Diaries of Note
This is where it hits It was in Africa in 1963, aged 31, that Dian Fossey first caught a glimpse of the animal to which...
a year ago
a year ago
It was in Africa in 1963, aged 31, that Dian Fossey first caught a glimpse of the animal to which she would soon dedicate her life: the mountain gorilla. By the time she wrote the following diary entry in 1985, Fossey had been living among these creatures in Rwanda’s Volcanoes...
Diaries of Note
The most terrible thing ever discovered When he wrote the following diary entry on 25th July of 1945, Harry S. Truman had been U.S....
a year ago
a year ago
When he wrote the following diary entry on 25th July of 1945, Harry S. Truman had been U.S. President for just three months. With Nazi Germany defeated, Truman was in Potsdam, Germany with Winston Churchill and Joseph Stalin, their goal: to negotiate the end of World War II and...
Diaries of Note
Why am I always struggling to get them to blend? In March of 1976, Eleanor Coppola and her family waved goodbye to their home in California and...
a year ago
a year ago
In March of 1976, Eleanor Coppola and her family waved goodbye to their home in California and headed for the Philippines, the filming location for her husband’s next film, Apocalypse Now. As the lush landscape of the Southeast Asian archipelago sprawled out before them, little...
Both Are True
Influencers are OUT, words are IN, and tbd on 'lolcows' which i'm just now learning about talking internet with Katherine Dee
9 hours ago
The Ruffian
Are Young Voters Turning Right? Part II of my Podcast With James Kanagasooriam, plus a Rattle Bag of Goodies
2 months ago
Diaries of Note
There is something delicious to me in my little spot of garden Gamaliel Bradford was born in 1863 in Boston, Massachusetts, the sixth successive Gamaliel Bradford...
a year ago
a year ago
Gamaliel Bradford was born in 1863 in Boston, Massachusetts, the sixth successive Gamaliel Bradford to take that name in an enduring family tradition. Despite being poor of health for much of his life, Bradford’s prolific writings became legendary. He authored an incredible 114...
Jason Fried
Questions and Answers vs. Features and Benefits When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may say "you mean features or benefits?" No, I mean answers. Answers are counterpoints to questions people have in their heads. Answers fill holes, answers snap into sockets. Benefits...
Stoic Simple
Stoic Techniques for Stress Management: How to Live a More Peaceful Life In today's fast-paced world, it's difficult not to become overwhelmed by stress. Whether it's work,...
a year ago
a year ago
In today's fast-paced world, it's difficult not to become overwhelmed by stress. Whether it's work, family, or personal struggles, stress seems to be an inevitable part of our lives. However, the ancient philosophy of stoicism provides powerful techniques for managing stress and...
The Prism
30 Useful Concepts (Autumn 2023) Ideas to help you make sense of the world
a year ago
Tech and Tea
What I've been eating... Anyone who spends any time with me knows that I love food — thinking about food, making food, eating...
a year ago
a year ago
Anyone who spends any time with me knows that I love food — thinking about food, making food, eating food, telling people about food. Why not add it into Tech and Tea?
Both Are True
The signal is the noise - how the sounds of an old ass calculator ended up on the website of the... You'd think it's boring but it's sorta cool and kinda wild how it's about everything but also...
7 months ago
Both Are True
when the youtube motivational videos stop working how watching Rudy at the gym sort of changed everything (allegedly)
a month ago
The Ruffian
James Marriott on Neil Postman: Are We Making Ourselves Stupid? A Conversation About 'Amusing Ourselves To Death'
2 months ago
Both Are True
introducing: are both true? (a podcast-ish podcast) 🎵 when a man tries to podcast 🎵
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Last day of shoot Emma Thompson spent five years crafting the screenplay for Sense and Sensibility, a period that...
a year ago
a year ago
Emma Thompson spent five years crafting the screenplay for Sense and Sensibility, a period that might be described as part love affair with Jane Austen’s novel, part wrestling match with the challenge of adapting it for the big screen. When finally released in 1995, boasting a...
The Convivial...
Life Cannot Be Delegated The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 15
2 months ago
Diaries of Note
When I die I shall go to May British gardener Monty Don has been educating and inspiring the British public for decades through...
a year ago
a year ago
British gardener Monty Don has been educating and inspiring the British public for decades through his love of nature, beginning in 1989 with a television debut that ultimately led to him presenting BBC’s much-loved Gardener’s World. It was shortly after he became a broadcaster...
The Convivial...
The One Best Way Is a Trap The Convivial Society: Vol. 4, No. 9
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The First 31 Paintings of 2016 Since January 1, I have been posting one piece of art a day
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
the experience of completing a sketchbook for my japan trip Last year I started sketching, and for the first time in my life I started bringing art materials on...
a year ago
a year ago
Last year I started sketching, and for the first time in my life I started bringing art materials on my travels. I did the same when I went to Japan, except a...
Ryan Hoover's...
Why YourStack failed
8 months ago
Mind Mine
a series of morning thoughts trying something new… listen to my voice :)
7 months ago
Diaries of Note
It may lack elegance, but is infallible Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de...
a year ago
a year ago
Jules Renard was a French author and playwright born in 1864 who is probably best-known for Poil de carotte (‘Carrot Top’), a darkly comical autobiographical novel in which he recalls his terrible upbringing as a red-headed child in a detached bourgeois family. Aside from his...
Castles in the Sky
Dreams Over Goals in 2024 More dreams, less goals, and some commitments for the year
a year ago
The Map is Mostly...
[subscribers only] Office Hours & Tidings The Map is Mostly Water Office Hours are open For about 2 days. What do you need feedback or advice...
10 months ago
10 months ago
The Map is Mostly Water Office Hours are open For about 2 days. What do you need feedback or advice on, what questions do you have, what secret trouble stirs thy breast? Feel free to ask about house design, New Hampshire, philosophy, parenting, or anything else you want to...
journal – Winnie Lim
running 10km, and making life’s calculations I completed my only 2023 resolution this last week by finally running my first 10km in my life. It...
a year ago
a year ago
I completed my only 2023 resolution this last week by finally running my first 10km in my life. It had seemed like an unattainable goal: I was struggling even to finish 5km,...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Eavesdrops and Dropouts I heard my name as I was coming up the stairs from the basement of the art building. Two art...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I heard my name as I was coming up the stairs from the basement of the art building. Two art professors thought they were alone and were talking freely about their students. So before I opened the door, I eavesdropped. It was a chance to hear what they really thought of me. I was...
Diaries of Note
I distinctly saw the rising sun insignia on his wings On December 7, 1941, a tranquil Sunday morning transformed into a historic tragedy when hundreds of...
a year ago
a year ago
On December 7, 1941, a tranquil Sunday morning transformed into a historic tragedy when hundreds of Japanese aircraft unexpectedly attacked Pearl Harbor—a cataclysmic event that would lead to the United States entering World War II. Fifteen miles away, Major Leonard D. Heaton, a...
journal – Winnie Lim
why i turn to books on buddhism in times of suffering Over the past decade I tend to turn to books on buddhism whenever I feel down. I wouldn’t consider...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Over the past decade I tend to turn to books on buddhism whenever I feel down. I wouldn’t consider myself religious or a buddhist, and I don’t really fully agree wth much...
Diaries of Note
Then a sailor, now H. M. author On 11th October 1849, two years before the publication of his opus, Moby-Dick, American novelist...
a year ago
a year ago
On 11th October 1849, two years before the publication of his opus, Moby-Dick, American novelist Herman Melville boarded a liner in New York and headed for London where he was to live for a few months while finding a publisher for his next book, White-Jacket. He wrote this...
Both Are True
idk about the whole 'i'd have written a shorter letter if I'd had more time' thing why? long letters rule
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Reflecting on Minimalissimo I was recently asked what my values are in life. It's a very tough question to answer without...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was recently asked what my values are in life. It's a very tough question to answer without throwing out one word answers off the top of your head. And that's pretty meaningless unless you're prepared to elaborate on that word and what it means in relation to your life and...
Paul Cudenec
Zisglom I had a strange experience while going through all the back issues of The Acorn for my ten-year...
a month ago
a month ago
I had a strange experience while going through all the back issues of The Acorn for my ten-year retrospective, to be serialised here very soon.
Farza's Newsletter
imagine if birds were slices of pizza with wings Chilling at Central Park. I usually hang out here on the same bench on Sunday mornings, blast some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Chilling at Central Park. I usually hang out here on the same bench on Sunday mornings, blast some music, and do stuff :). Going to write this newsletter and then head to the office. Lots to do with Zip this week! We’re finding tons of cool new teachers, making dope content,...
Nat Eliason's...
The Strange Fruits of Exploration And maybe a beach bar
3 weeks ago
Ryan Hoover's...
A new experimental app from Product Hunt
over a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Good Interviews In early 2019, I came to the realisation that people prefer to read about people more than they do...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In early 2019, I came to the realisation that people prefer to read about people more than they do about things. It’s not exactly a phenomenon, but it was significant for the editorial direction of Minimalissimo. Since relaunching the latest version of the site, you will notice a...
Diaries of Note
I WAKE FOR THE FIRST TIME Everything changed for British musicologist Clive Wearing in 1985, the year he contracted...
a year ago
a year ago
Everything changed for British musicologist Clive Wearing in 1985, the year he contracted herpesviral encephalitis. The disease severely damaged his memory-forming brain regions, leading to one of the most extreme cases of anterograde amnesia ever recorded and a memory span that...
Ryan Hoover's...
Decentralized Startups
over a year ago
The Ruffian
42 Reflections On the Meaning of Life, the Universe, and Everything An oldie but goldie
a year ago
Stoic Simple
Stoic Quotes on Pain & Illness: The Best Stoicism Sayings & Phrases Previous Next There are more quotes available for us to read from the Stoics about pain and illness...
a year ago
a year ago
Previous Next There are more quotes available for us to read from the Stoics about pain and illness than nearly any other topic. That's not because Stoicism teaches that we should like discomfort, but rather because the Stoics are concerned with how to NOT let pain and sickness...
Both Are True
well this is embarrassing when you're madsad about the caviar problems
8 months ago
Wait But Why
How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) Our career path is how we spend our time, support our lifestyles, make our impact, even define our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Our career path is how we spend our time, support our lifestyles, make our impact, even define our identity. Let’s make sure we’re on the right track. The post How to Pick a Career (That Actually Fits You) appeared first on Wait But Why.
Diaries of Note
Armageddon in Europe! It was in 1915 that Vera Brittain left Somerville College, Oxford to become a nurse during the First...
a year ago
a year ago
It was in 1915 that Vera Brittain left Somerville College, Oxford to become a nurse during the First World War, a decision that would profoundly shape her life and literary career. Eighteen years later, having experienced the devastating realities of the battlefield, Brittain...
journal – Winnie Lim
crazy fall colours in tokyo
a year ago
Passing Time
How I passed the time in 2024 Essays, books, albums, & reviews
2 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalism Life Over the past few months I’ve been working on completely redesigning and rebuilding a site from the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few months I’ve been working on completely redesigning and rebuilding a site from the ground up. This week we launched Minimalism Life Version 2, and it’s a project I’m super proud of for several reasons. The project was initiated by an article I wrote last year on...
journal – Winnie Lim
because we are both pessimists It is so easy to take for granted, the ease of a relationship that has lasted 106 months. That is...
a week ago
a week ago
It is so easy to take for granted, the ease of a relationship that has lasted 106 months. That is almost 9 years, a little less than a quarter of my life....
The Honest Broker
Could Any Other Jazz Trumpeter Match Up with Louis Armstrong in the 1930s? The short answer is no—but these eight horn players came close
a year ago
Thu Le
Things worth spending on Worthwhile investments, in my experience, and occasional treats that make my day more delightful.
4 months ago
4 months ago
Worthwhile investments, in my experience, and occasional treats that make my day more delightful.
Unfiltered by Tim...
If You’re Poor, the Solution Isn’t to Save Money. It’s to Make More Money. “A lot of poor people stay poor because they’re too cheap to get rich”
2 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
My dad is gonna bash your dad's head in My friend was the kind of kid that parents don't let their kids play with. The kind of kid who eats...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My friend was the kind of kid that parents don't let their kids play with. The kind of kid who eats doggy biscuits to make his wiener dogs jealous, then laughs when the beasts take a bite out of your little sister. The kind of kid who yells the n word at the apartments down the...
Tech and Tea
Is crocheting a stuffy a creative endeavor? Hierarchy of needs in action, sooner than I expected
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Workspace Setup Revisited (2022 edition) My home office setup has changed quite lot over the past few months. So I felt it was time to share...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My home office setup has changed quite lot over the past few months. So I felt it was time to share the latest iteration of my workspace, which incidentally, I now share with my partner. So for starters, we now have two desks in the office. But I'll focus on my desk setup...
Unfiltered by Tim...
How to Get Ahead of 99% of People in 12 Months I dare you to read this essay and upgrade your life
a month ago
Left To Write
№ 64: How I Make A V60 Pourover Coffee My morning coffee ritual - Choosing intention - Mother's cooking - Finding passion & purpose
a year ago
Stoic Simple
Using a Stoic Mindset to See Challenges from Two Perspectives by Bob Cymber I recently watched the intense National Geographic documentary Free Solo. One of the...
a year ago
a year ago
by Bob Cymber I recently watched the intense National Geographic documentary Free Solo. One of the most surprising things about the film is how Alex Honnold, the rock climber who challenges intense heights without a safety harness, approaches his challenges. Before each of his...
The Prism
40 Useful Concepts (Summer 2023) Ideas to help you make sense of the world
a year ago
Datasets that change the odds you exist 1. It’s October 1962. The Cuban missile crisis just happened, thankfully without apocalyptic nuclear...
8 months ago
8 months ago
1. It’s October 1962. The Cuban missile crisis just happened, thankfully without apocalyptic nuclear war. But still: Apocalyptic nuclear war easily could have happened. Crises as serious as the Cuban missile crisis clearly aren’t that rare, since one just happened. You estimate...
Wait But Why
Mailbag #2 We have a whole lot to talk about. The post Mailbag #2 appeared first on Wait But Why.
over a year ago
over a year ago
We have a whole lot to talk about. The post Mailbag #2 appeared first on Wait But Why.
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Becoming Bobblehead Buddha We have been fooled into believing in the supremacy of human data processing. As a result of our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We have been fooled into believing in the supremacy of human data processing. As a result of our programming it becomes second nature for us to crush anything carrying a whiff of supernatural.
Daniel Bourke
Not just fishing knots Took mum to her childhood home Sunday just gone to see Papa. We walked in and mum saw Nana and they...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Took mum to her childhood home Sunday just gone to see Papa. We walked in and mum saw Nana and they both started to cry. Papa, Alan, Alby, my grandfather was quite sick. The room was quiet and somber but had an unshakable aura of warmth and love. Everyone was
Diaries of Note
His tiny tadpole body… When she wrote this diary entry in April of 1890, Beatrice Potter could not have imagined that a...
a year ago
a year ago
When she wrote this diary entry in April of 1890, Beatrice Potter could not have imagined that a mere two years later, this man with the “tiny tadpole body,” Sidney Webb, would become her husband. Nor could she have foreseen the powerful intellectual partnership that would...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
What makes tech fun? When asking this question, I'm not really thinking too literally. For instance, I'm not asking,...
9 months ago
9 months ago
When asking this question, I'm not really thinking too literally. For instance, I'm not asking, "what is a fun piece of tech?" Because the answer to that would be simple: any game, gaming device, or immersive VR experience that's engineered to be fun to use. That's far too...
Nat Eliason's...
Why (And How) I'm Self-Publishing My Novel The First HUSK Update!
3 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
A Japanese Ikigai is Bullsh*t And Won't Help You Figure Out Your Life Ignore the self-help gurus
a month ago
Daniel Bourke
Those days when nothing gets done A lie.
a year ago
Diaries of Note
A wet day and all its luxuries Caroline Fox was an English diarist born in 1819 in Cornwall, England, into a prominent Quaker...
a year ago
a year ago
Caroline Fox was an English diarist born in 1819 in Cornwall, England, into a prominent Quaker family—her father, Robert Were Fox, was a scientist and respected member of the community. Fox was sixteen when she began keeping the diary for which she is now known, posthumously...
The Prism
25 Useful Ideas for 2025 Mental models to kickstart the new year
2 months ago
Castles in the Sky
The Wedge Between Pleasure and Pain Castles in the Sky #40
a year ago
Both Are True
When You're Done with that Condom, Just Throw it Anywhere just a lil guy
2 months ago
The Intimate Mirror
The Need for Coherence: Building New Containers for Meaning in an Age of Fragmentation How Living Communities Help Us Find Our Way Back to Reality
a month ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Finding the sweet spot with your team
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
Crisis in the Culture: An Update I revisit past predictions
9 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
It's Hard To Hit First You don't want to hit someone unjustifiably. But the upshot is, you lose.
a year ago
Leaving Germany: 3 things I’ll miss / 3 things I won’t miss about Germany Laetitia@Work #72
7 months ago
Tech and Tea
When your post hits #1 on Hacker News A behind-the-scenes look at my initial reaction 😬, all the stats, cross-posting to Medium, and...
a year ago
a year ago
A behind-the-scenes look at my initial reaction 😬, all the stats, cross-posting to Medium, and lessons learned
The Honest Broker
When Louis Armstrong Conquered Chicago Grammy-winner Ricky Riccardi tells the story of a milestone moment in American music in this extract...
a month ago
a month ago
Grammy-winner Ricky Riccardi tells the story of a milestone moment in American music in this extract from his new book
Adrian Hanft, III:...
A Special Hell for Designers Like Me In case you think I am pointing fingers from my ivory tower, today I want to confess my own...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In case you think I am pointing fingers from my ivory tower, today I want to confess my own contribution to this mess.
Mark Manson
How to Be Successful in Life The internet is inundated with countless videos and advice columns promising to teach you how to...
a year ago
a year ago
The internet is inundated with countless videos and advice columns promising to teach you how to become more successful than 99% of the world's population. Most of these claims revolve around setting goals, developing discipline, and eliminating distractions. But let's face it:...
Mind Mine
to actualize yourself, actualize your ideas* *to completion! this part is very important!!
4 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
My Favourite Designers (ever) I think I've spent almost every day for the past 10+ years thinking about design and designers, as...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I think I've spent almost every day for the past 10+ years thinking about design and designers, as well as architects and artists. Over that time, I've come to admire and truly appreciate the work of some highly notable individuals and teams, and others that probably fly under...
The Honest Broker
Why Do Heroes Always Have Theme Songs (Part 1 of 2) An excerpt from my new book 'Music to Raise the Dead'
a year ago
Castles in the Sky
The Bookseller's Register #1 Introducing a new series on building the bookstore of the future
a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
Crypto Confidential Pre-Order Bonuses! Live Hangs, Early Chapters, Cut Material, and more…
10 months ago
Stoic Simple
What Does Stoicism Teach About Death & Mortality? Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that dates back to the third century BC, has become increasingly...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that dates back to the third century BC, has become increasingly popular in modern times. This philosophy, which focuses on self-control, rational thinking, and acceptance of the inevitability of life's ups and downs, has much to offer those who...
Ryan Hoover's...
The Rise of Maker Communities
over a year ago
How to Be a Stoic
What Would a Stoic Do? Dating “Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the advent of modern dating apps, it essentially means that you are trying out different people to see who “wins” the alleged honor of being your (next) partner. Except, of course, that...
journal – Winnie Lim
blog questions challenge Though I’ve already done something similar for people & blogs, I thought it could be interesting to...
a month ago
a month ago
Though I’ve already done something similar for people & blogs, I thought it could be interesting to answer similar questions in a different slice of time after being tagged by Naz Hamid...
journal – Winnie Lim
the reality that exists in me I just had my period, so I am feeling a little more fatigued than usual. Every month around this...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I just had my period, so I am feeling a little more fatigued than usual. Every month around this time I tend to wonder why the body finds it so difficult to...
Diaries of Note
If I can paint three good pictures, then I shall go gladly Paula Modersohn-Becker was just thirty-one when she died, her life tragically cut short in 1907 due...
a year ago
a year ago
Paula Modersohn-Becker was just thirty-one when she died, her life tragically cut short in 1907 due to complications after childbirth. Born in Germany in 1876, she had already established herself as a pioneering figure in the early expressionist art movement, and the hundreds of...
Both Are True
why it's impossible to finish anything, especially the good things the effort paradox
4 weeks ago
Diaries of Note
A greater public calamity could not have occurred On 6th November 1817, the British public was plunged into deep mourning following the unexpected...
a year ago
a year ago
On 6th November 1817, the British public was plunged into deep mourning following the unexpected death of Princess Charlotte of Wales. The only child of the Prince Regent (later King George IV) and Caroline of Brunswick, Princess Charlotte was admired for her spirited personality...
Tech and Tea
Space to create (and bonus kids' art 👩🏻‍🎨) Unexpected creative outlets beyond writing
a year ago
Diaries of Note
THIS MACHINE KILLS FASCISTS Woody Guthrie was a folk pioneer, social activist, and restless wanderer who journeyed across the...
a year ago
a year ago
Woody Guthrie was a folk pioneer, social activist, and restless wanderer who journeyed across the country, connecting with the struggles and aspirations of the American people during the trying times of the Great Depression. He filled innumerable notebooks with lyrics, prose,...
Both Are True
You ask me anything / me ask you anything (yama/maya) #5 plus a look at everything I accomplished last year
4 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Curiosity + Obsession + Clarity = Quality Why the Business of Building Websites Generates So Much Garbage
over a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Nutrify Goes to School (V1) 📸 -> 🍌 @ 🏫 | Whole Food Education for Schools
4 months ago
The Honest Broker
How Virtual Reality Died Meta, Microsoft, and Apple lost billions trying to convince us to live in the Matrix. Can you guess...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Meta, Microsoft, and Apple lost billions trying to convince us to live in the Matrix. Can you guess what they're doing next?
Farza's Newsletter
just drank a $4 bottle of smart water and im still dumb af someone help Hey all, been a while. Let me tell you a story. 2022 was one of the most challenging years of my...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey all, been a while. Let me tell you a story. 2022 was one of the most challenging years of my life. In 2022 — buildspace raised $10M at a $100M valuation. This company is by far the most valuable, impactful thing I’ve ever worked on. To this day, the company has continued to...
Farza's Newsletter
i got suitcases full of matcha tea don't mess with me punk Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a...
a year ago
a year ago
Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a live gameshow I hosted and gave away $100,000, had 225 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in SF, and then the following week had 125 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in...
Diaries of Note
I cannot understand how these people exist without ice R. D. Blumenfeld is best known for being editor of British tabloid the Daily Express for twenty...
a year ago
a year ago
R. D. Blumenfeld is best known for being editor of British tabloid the Daily Express for twenty seven years—a role he took on in 1902. But for the first thirty years he lived in the U.S., and in 1887 was dispatched to England for the first time to report on Queen Victoria’s...
The Honest Broker
Google Thinks Beethoven Looks Like Mr. Bean Instead of real portraits, Google serves up AI-generated garbage
6 months ago
Castles in the Sky
Sandcastles and Wanderlust An Adventure at the Beach
a year ago
The Ruffian
My Book of the Year Yes, I'm Calling It Early
6 months ago