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The Honest Broker
How the Music Business Can Tame the Dangerous AI Dragon Here's a five point plan that makes a difference (and not just for music)
8 months ago
The Honest Broker
Hey Madonna, Let Me Bring My Band to Your Concert My latest briefing paper on culture, arts & society
a year ago
I Like New Orleans Better After Galveston we headed north, bound for New Orleans. We broke up the drive with a stop at one of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After Galveston we headed north, bound for New Orleans. We broke up the drive with a stop at one of the gates of hell, located in Sea Rim State Park, Texas. Sea Grim as we call it. Do not go there. Ever. For any reason. We had to abandon the bus there that night and retreat to a...
journal – Winnie Lim
feeling my age In 2011 in a desperate attempt to change my life I went on a trip to the US with only enough money...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In 2011 in a desperate attempt to change my life I went on a trip to the US with only enough money to last me for a month there. I did not...
Both Are True
I got a perfect score on my SAT and all I got was this lousy feeling of never being enough S1E1 is free now, pls read it before the season ender coming soon!
a year ago
Diaries of Note
A black and empty future Of the many first-person accounts of World War I, the diary of Edwin Campion Vaughan stands as one...
a year ago
a year ago
Of the many first-person accounts of World War I, the diary of Edwin Campion Vaughan stands as one of the most vivid and harrowing ever kept. Joining the Royal Warwickshire Regiment on 19th June 1916 as a second lieutenant, eighteen-year-old Vaughan soon found himself on the...
The Tao Of Wealth
The Meaning Of “Om” With the help of “Om” one can realize the Divine. “Om” has a transformative power. “Om” represents...
over a year ago
over a year ago
With the help of “Om” one can realize the Divine. “Om” has a transformative power. “Om” represents the Divine. They say that all the aspirations of the world when going towards the Divine make “Om”, like that. I was in France, some, I think 60 years ago. There was a Frenchman who...
Unfiltered by Tim...
This Is the Single Breathtaking Moment When Your Entire Life Changes Don't miss it
4 months ago
The Convivial...
The Pathologies of the Attention Economy The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 16
over a year ago
Ready to Start If you're not excited about where you're going, you're going the wrong way. Where you're going may...
a year ago
a year ago
If you're not excited about where you're going, you're going the wrong way. Where you're going may be challenging, difficult, a real pain in the ass even, but come what may, you should be excited about getting there—both the getting, and the there. That's how you know you're on...
Tech and Tea
Saying No to what I feel I should do Navigating the space between should and want, and finding more permission for ease and rest.
11 months ago
Mind the Exponential Gap Listen now (54 mins) | Laetitia@Work #42
over a year ago
The Map is Mostly...
Start With Creation Not knowing what one is doing is no prohibition on doing it. We all grope ahead. — Anne Carson
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Hidden Weaknesses and Outsourced Risk The benefits of not asking for help (even when you desperately need it)
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
the wonder of miyajima A kind stranger dmed to tell me that my rss feed was broken – turns out the code for displaying...
a year ago
a year ago
A kind stranger dmed to tell me that my rss feed was broken – turns out the code for displaying custom fields on rss was throwing a php fatal error (Uncaught TypeError:...
Paul Cudenec
Stickergate and the crumbling of the system By way of bringing a little festive cheer to my readers, I thought I would share this short extract...
2 months ago
2 months ago
By way of bringing a little festive cheer to my readers, I thought I would share this short extract from a rather lengthy historical account that I discovered on The FastForward Machine Internet Pre-Archive, first saved on January 1, 2052.
The Mystery of Mastery Laetitia@Work #64
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Moment at the Shore It's Good Friday. 7AM. I don't particularly care about the significance of today, but it's a bank...
a year ago
a year ago
It's Good Friday. 7AM. I don't particularly care about the significance of today, but it's a bank holiday and I've got the day off work, but instead of having a relaxing morning, I hit the gym for an early session. Energised by the sunrise of a beautiful spring day, I decide to...
Debunking the Laziness Lie Laetitia@Work #53
over a year ago
Stoic Simple
A Stoic Perspective on Achieving Happiness In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and...
a year ago
a year ago
In today’s fast-paced and unpredictable world, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the challenges and pressures of daily life. Many of us are constantly searching for ways to achieve happiness and inner peace amidst the chaos. While some turn to meditation and mindfulness, others...
The Honest Broker
Why I Don't Read Reddit And why I did read Reddit's IPO filing—here are seven things I learned
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Three Designs, All Invisible The first invisible design hides in plain sight. It is as transparent as a window, allowing the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The first invisible design hides in plain sight. It is as transparent as a window, allowing the meaning to shine through. When properly executed, it never draws attention to itself.
Ryan Hoover's...
Our latest experiment: Weekend Pitch
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
The Most Dangerous Thing in Culture Right Now is Beauty You think I’m crazy, but just wait and see....
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Home Investments Many people are choosing to slowly improve, enhance, and invigorate their living spaces by making...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Many people are choosing to slowly improve, enhance, and invigorate their living spaces by making subtle but significant changes to their homes with the addition of good quality, easily transportable furniture and fittings. Even those who are not home owners are taking this...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Introducing Whisper, A New Way To Write For The Web Today I want to tell you about a writing tool called Whisper that I created for authors who don't...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I want to tell you about a writing tool called Whisper that I created for authors who don't want to let their art touch the gunk. But before I get to that, I need to describe my writing process.
Nat Eliason's...
Great Writing is Invisible Helping the hallucination
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
I'm Recommending These 12 New Recordings You can still find great music in 2025—you just need to know where it's hiding
6 days ago
Diaries of Note
Arrived in Peking today As Adolf Hitler’s chief architect and later his Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer was a key...
a year ago
a year ago
As Adolf Hitler’s chief architect and later his Minister of Armaments, Albert Speer was a key instrument in the murderous machine of the Third Reich, a role for which he was rightly convicted of war crimes and crimes against humanity at the Nuremberg Trials. During his...
Diaries of Note
Two less among many, many hundreds of thousands Born in Norway in 1901, Odd Nansen was an architect and humanitarian whose life took a drastic turn...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Norway in 1901, Odd Nansen was an architect and humanitarian whose life took a drastic turn in 1942 when he was arrested by the Nazis for his courageous work with the resistance. For three and a half years he was imprisoned at concentration camps in both Norway and...
Unfiltered by Tim...
You Only Have 1 Hour a Day to Build Your Online Empire (If You Work a Job) Here’s the simple system to use
6 days ago
Tech and Tea
Leaning into joy and community Processing this past week and some joyful things in my life
4 months ago
Diaries of Note
Dickens flew into so violent a passion Born in London in 1793, William Charles Macready was one of the most famous Shakespearean actors of...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in London in 1793, William Charles Macready was one of the most famous Shakespearean actors of his generation, thanks to a forty year career that began on stage in 1810 and also saw him manage both the Covent Garden and Drury Lane theatres in the 1840s. Such a career...
Drive My Car After last summer's sprint north, we swore we'd never try to move that fast again. We are heading...
a year ago
a year ago
After last summer's sprint north, we swore we'd never try to move that fast again. We are heading back down south for the winter, but we're going to take months to get there. We're going to wander, at a leisurely pace, stopping frequently, the way we traveled when we first set...
Before The Storm Your browser does not support video playback via HTML5. Watch on YouTube -->
a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The First 31 Paintings of 2016 Since January 1, I have been posting one piece of art a day
over a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
hiroshima, and keeping my brain engaged I debated for a long time whether to visit Hiroshima since I was already on my way to Osaka from...
a year ago
a year ago
I debated for a long time whether to visit Hiroshima since I was already on my way to Osaka from Fukuoka. It would be almost a midway stop, breaking up the original...
Nat Eliason's...
Traditional Publishing is Great, Actually Don't be deceived like I was...
10 months ago
Jason Fried
Questions and Answers vs. Features and Benefits When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may...
6 months ago
6 months ago
When making products, you can think of them as a collection of features or answers. Some people may say "you mean features or benefits?" No, I mean answers. Answers are counterpoints to questions people have in their heads. Answers fill holes, answers snap into sockets. Benefits...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
I Am Data Drivel Consider quitting Google Analytics With Me
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Negative Space One of the most important lessons you learn as a student of design is the importance of negative...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of the most important lessons you learn as a student of design is the importance of negative space. For every mark you make you are changing the space around it. Artists understand that this negative space is just as important as the mark itself. Visually this is a critical...
Leaving Germany: 3 things I’ll miss / 3 things I won’t miss about Germany Laetitia@Work #72
7 months ago
Stoic Simple
Seneca’s Writing on Stoicism and Philosophy Seneca is one of the most prominent philosophers within the Stoic tradition, known for his...
a year ago
a year ago
Seneca is one of the most prominent philosophers within the Stoic tradition, known for his contributions to ethical theory and his reflections on human nature. Understanding Seneca's philosophy and applying his teachings can lead to a more fulfilling and meaningful life. This...
Castles in the Sky
What it feels like to be in love Vignettes #2
11 months ago
Both Are True
i still refuse to talk to you w those stupid ass ski goggles on your face take them off not like up on your forehead all the way off throw them on the ground and let's stomp...
a year ago
a year ago
take them off not like up on your forehead all the way off throw them on the ground and let's stomp on them and then, then!, we can chit chat
The Honest Broker
How I Survived (Barely) as a Jazz Musician at Business School Nobody was a less suitable MBA candidate than me at age 23
a year ago
The Ruffian
The Ad That Radicalised Me Britain's Assisted Dying Debate
3 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Racing Shadows and Dodging Doldrums When I get down, one of the things that pulls my head back above water is running. If snow blocks me...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I get down, one of the things that pulls my head back above water is running. If snow blocks me from the trails, the cabin fever sucks the life out of me.
Nat Eliason's...
Getting Too Good at the Wrong Thing The siren song of subs
a year ago
Left To Write
Trust Me, I’m A Lying Social Media Performer The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends....
over a year ago
over a year ago
The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends. Instagram for sharing our pictures. Twitter for our thoughts. And LinkedIn to network. Everything was shown in chronological order. Fast forward to today, and the internet has become...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
How to Emasculate the Mississippi What kind of filth was being carried downstream, rolling by, hidden under the muddy Mississippi...
over a year ago
over a year ago
What kind of filth was being carried downstream, rolling by, hidden under the muddy Mississippi River? Massive flooding had lifted the water to the top steps climbing closer to the base of the St. Louis Arch. As a photographer I stood in awe of the destruction, wondering how my...
Mark Manson
Why You’re So Unhappy This isn't going to be your typical pep talk about how the universe works in mysterious ways, or how...
a year ago
a year ago
This isn't going to be your typical pep talk about how the universe works in mysterious ways, or how everything will fall into place if you're patient. Spoiler alert: it won’t. The cold hard truth is this: the universe doesn’t care about your happiness. You do. Maybe you've...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Web Design and Carbon Impact How can we, as web professionals, help to make the web more energy efficient? From data centres to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
How can we, as web professionals, help to make the web more energy efficient? From data centres to transmission networks to the devices that we hold in our hands, it is all consuming electricity, and in turn producing carbon emissions. According to recent estimates, the entire...
Stoic Simple
5 Stoic Strategies for Anger Management Are you someone who struggles with managing your anger? Do you find yourself constantly feeling...
a year ago
a year ago
Are you someone who struggles with managing your anger? Do you find yourself constantly feeling frustrated and overwhelmed? If so, it might be time to consider turning to the ancient wisdom of Stoicism. In this article, we'll explore five Stoic strategies for anger management...
Sometimes Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Fall is the slow exhale of the earth. The sun's rays grow ever scarcer as the frosts arrive. Long shadows cut the cold honey sunlight of afternoons that begin to fade at three, turning to a blue-pink twilight over the lake before darkness descends at five. Then four-thirty. Then...
journal – Winnie Lim
messy thoughts while in hong kong I haven’t been well since my birth day. The very next day I woke up with elevated heart rate again –...
11 months ago
11 months ago
I haven’t been well since my birth day. The very next day I woke up with elevated heart rate again – I am more aware of this because I use a bunch...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Flywheel Formula Do you know anyone like that, the type of person that seems unsinkable? No matter what life throws...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Do you know anyone like that, the type of person that seems unsinkable? No matter what life throws at them they persevere. Every blow makes them stronger, they always come out on top, and they make it look so easy.
Mark Manson
3 Steps to Stop Negative Thinking Ever find yourself drowning in a sea of negativity, wondering how you can escape the relentless...
a year ago
a year ago
Ever find yourself drowning in a sea of negativity, wondering how you can escape the relentless tidal wave of self-doubt and judgment? Well, you're not alone. We all suffer from negative thoughts, and it's about time we learned how to deal with them effectively. In this...
Ryan Hoover's...
Home, a visual music project
6 months ago
Jason Fried
Do learn Imagine teaching guitar without putting an instrument in someone’s hands. Or teaching ceramics...
a year ago
a year ago
Imagine teaching guitar without putting an instrument in someone’s hands. Or teaching ceramics without having people work with clay. Or teaching tennis without swinging the racket and hitting balls. I’m sure there’s some way to teach those things without doing those things, but...
Diaries of Note
I distinctly saw the rising sun insignia on his wings On December 7, 1941, a tranquil Sunday morning transformed into a historic tragedy when hundreds of...
a year ago
a year ago
On December 7, 1941, a tranquil Sunday morning transformed into a historic tragedy when hundreds of Japanese aircraft unexpectedly attacked Pearl Harbor—a cataclysmic event that would lead to the United States entering World War II. Fifteen miles away, Major Leonard D. Heaton, a...
Diaries of Note
The Jewish police have been ordered to erect the gallows Avraham Tory (born Avraham Golub in 1909) was a Lithuanian Jew who played a significant role during...
a year ago
a year ago
Avraham Tory (born Avraham Golub in 1909) was a Lithuanian Jew who played a significant role during one of history’s most harrowing periods. As the secretary of the Jewish Council of Elders in the Kovno Ghetto during World War II, he was privy to the inner workings of the...
Diaries of Note
Happy New Year It was exactly a year ago, on 1st January 2023, that I began Diaries of Note. Since then I’ve shared...
a year ago
a year ago
It was exactly a year ago, on 1st January 2023, that I began Diaries of Note. Since then I’ve shared 365 diary entries written by 365 different people—each offering a chance to live a day in someone else’s shoes. It’s been an intense and remarkable year, filled with insights,...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Nuances of Minimalism Minimalism can be perceived in different ways, as it should be, because there are in fact many...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Minimalism can be perceived in different ways, as it should be, because there are in fact many nuances to the movement. Is it even a movement? It’s perhaps better described as a guiding principle. Some of these nuances are highly commercial, some are focused on personal wellbeing...
Diaries of Note
O God is there no redress, no peace, no justice in this land for us? Ida B. Wells was a trailblazing African American journalist, civil rights activist, and suffragist...
a year ago
a year ago
Ida B. Wells was a trailblazing African American journalist, civil rights activist, and suffragist who courageously fought against racial injustice and gender inequality throughout her life. Born into slavery in 1862, she grew up to become a vocal advocate for the rights of Black...
The Convivial...
The Work of Art The Convivial Society: Vol. 5, No. 8
9 months ago
Castles in the Sky
You're not Simon Sarris. Castles in the Sky December 20, 2024
2 months ago
Thu Le
Presence over performance A reflection on curating an online persona and choosing to live a quieter life.
2 weeks ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Masterpiece Hallucinations What can you see through blurry eyes that you can't see with 20/20 vision?
over a year ago
Tactical parenting I'm so confused TACTICAL PARENTING Written by Dynomight INT TACTICAL HOME - DAY WE OPEN on...
3 months ago
3 months ago
I'm so confused TACTICAL PARENTING Written by Dynomight INT TACTICAL HOME - DAY WE OPEN on TACTICAL GUY’s house. A small tree is visible in a window. We see TACTICAL GUY staring at TACTICAL BABY on the ground. CUT TO: INT DESK - SAME DAY TACTICAL GUY uses keyboard plugged...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
A Studio, but Simpler I love designing websites. It’s something I’ve been doing for almost 15 years. Yes, I’m that old....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love designing websites. It’s something I’ve been doing for almost 15 years. Yes, I’m that old. Whether basic one pagers or comprehensive sites with design systems, I’ve had the opportunity to create some interesting projects. You could say I’m a multidisciplinary designer, but...
Farza's Newsletter
me n Krillin just grabbed starbucks Putting a 20-minute timer on to write the ole newsletter this week. Zip has 4X’d in the last two...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Putting a 20-minute timer on to write the ole newsletter this week. Zip has 4X’d in the last two weeks. So, that’s pretty wild. Just working hard to execute now. Create curriculum. Hire teachers. Scheudle classes. Add the necessary features to the product. All that jazz :).
Diaries of Note
Industry, Thrift, and Loyalty On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann...
a year ago
a year ago
On 13th September 1840, the day after their wedding and on Clara’s 21st birthday, Robert Schumann wrote the first entry in a diary with a difference. Designed to be a shared sanctuary for the newlyweds, the diary was a place for them to alternately record their aspirations, joys,...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
099 SPLY In the spring of 2022, I had a call with Stefan Jandl, who runs Favorit Studio. As we have similar...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the spring of 2022, I had a call with Stefan Jandl, who runs Favorit Studio. As we have similar tastes and approach to design, we wanted to collaborate on a project together. Initially, we toyed with the idea of NFT art given its rise in popularity at the time, but it didn't...
Diaries of Note
On sculptures Born in Prague in 1875, celebrated poet Rainer Maria Rilke was twenty-two when he began to keep a...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Prague in 1875, celebrated poet Rainer Maria Rilke was twenty-two when he began to keep a diary—a practice encouraged by his lover and mentor, Lou Andreas-Salomé, who was fifteen years his senior. That diary, titled Florence, would be the first of three that he kept...
Passing Time
In Defense of Trying Hard Being a try-hard is good, actually
11 months ago
Diaries of Note
One bomb fell about ten feet from the train station Petr Ginz was an extraordinary young Czech-Jewish man who left a lasting impression despite a life...
a year ago
a year ago
Petr Ginz was an extraordinary young Czech-Jewish man who left a lasting impression despite a life cut tragically short. Born in 1928, he was fourteen when he was sent to the Theresienstadt Ghetto. While there, he edited Vedem, an underground magazine produced by teenage...
journal – Winnie Lim
blog questions challenge Though I’ve already done something similar for people & blogs, I thought it could be interesting to...
a month ago
a month ago
Though I’ve already done something similar for people & blogs, I thought it could be interesting to answer similar questions in a different slice of time after being tagged by Naz Hamid...
The Map is Mostly...
[subscribers only] Ask Me Anything
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
Western Music Isn't What You Think Or how my views on culture proved to be all wet
10 months ago
The Ruffian
My Book of the Year Yes, I'm Calling It Early
6 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Personal Perpetual Energy Machines Science tells us that perpetual motion is impossible. Something about thermodynamics and physics....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Science tells us that perpetual motion is impossible. Something about thermodynamics and physics. Does the same thing apply to emotional energy? Could you build a system that allows you to stay fully charged no matter what life throws at you?
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Why Leaders Should Never Back Their Car In The culture of a company is a hard thing to suss out from the outside. When you are thinking about...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The culture of a company is a hard thing to suss out from the outside. When you are thinking about switching jobs it can be hard to know what you are getting yourself into from interviews alone. Initial meetings are biased by employees who paint rosy pictures of the company in...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Outrageous Side Projects The joy of side projects is that you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. Free from the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The joy of side projects is that you don't have to answer to anyone but yourself. Free from the bureaucracy of your day job you can listen to those little voices that would normally get shouted down in business situations.
Jason Fried
Version 1 is for you A few weeks ago I was at our company meetup in Montreal, on stage in a big room in front of...
4 months ago
4 months ago
A few weeks ago I was at our company meetup in Montreal, on stage in a big room in front of everyone, sharing progress on two brand new products in development. We went one at a time. First Product 1 for a half hour, then Product 2. The lead designers for each product were...
Diaries of Note
Why me? Famous for the autobiographical monologues he performed on stage, American actor and writer Spalding...
a year ago
a year ago
Famous for the autobiographical monologues he performed on stage, American actor and writer Spalding Gray turned his life into riveting art, his unique shows, such as the acclaimed Swimming to Cambodia, providing a compelling insight into his personal experiences. In 2001, while...
Mind Mine
shrinking hurts stop making yourself small because it’s convenient <3
a month ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
099 + Framer 099 Supply is a collaborative project that builds tools for creators. We began with a catalogue of...
10 months ago
10 months ago
099 Supply is a collaborative project that builds tools for creators. We began with a catalogue of photorealistic product mockups made for Photoshop. And we're continuing to grow this collection slowly, but we recognised that we need to diversify. So we're building out a new...
The Life of Saint Pambo Reading Butler's Lives of the Saints, I come across a passage on St Pambo, an Egyptian monk (c.390)...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Reading Butler's Lives of the Saints, I come across a passage on St Pambo, an Egyptian monk (c.390) thought to be a disciple of St Antony. I was struck by the following passage...
Both Are True
we switched from a crib to a toddler bed on sleep transitions
11 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Habit Startups
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Should do. Could do.
8 months ago
The Honest Broker
What You Can Learn from Just Seven Pages by Hannah Arendt She wrote this book in the 1950s, but it's frighteningly relevant right now
4 months ago
Diaries of Note
It was the finest excitement I ever had Captain Alfred A. Cunningham, the first Marine Corps aviator, was born on March 8, 1882, in Atlanta,...
a year ago
a year ago
Captain Alfred A. Cunningham, the first Marine Corps aviator, was born on March 8, 1882, in Atlanta, Georgia. In 1917, under the directive of Major General Commandant George Barnett, he embarked on a crucial mission to France to observe Allied air operations and training during...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Pissing in the Wind Questioning the results of a study criticizing Dyson's hand dryer.
over a year ago
Tom Howard
The best leaders keep their egos under control A version of this post was first published in The Australian on July 31 2018
over a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The New Product Hunt iOS App (described in GIFs)
over a year ago
Both Are True
crying in the coworking space that is our lives crud sweat and tears in the phone booth of my soul
3 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Most Powerful Sound in the World Is Just One Syllable And it comes from you
9 months ago
How to Be a Stoic
Welcome! Welcome to How to Be a Stoic! It began back in March ’15 as a blog to track my personal journey into...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to How to Be a Stoic! It began back in March ’15 as a blog to track my personal journey into modern practical Stoicism. The blog has now moved to Patreon and I hope you will follow me there. However, the full archive of 425 posts and a whopping 4,600 comments will remain...
Diaries of Note
For twelve years we lied about it Kenneth Rose was a journalist and biographer famous for his access to high-profile British figures,...
a year ago
a year ago
Kenneth Rose was a journalist and biographer famous for his access to high-profile British figures, tales of whom are scattered through his extensive diaries. On the day he wrote the following entry in 1985, Rose had spent some time with Mary Soames, daughter of Winston...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
My First Golden Combover My design education had indoctrinated me with belief in the purity of flat design. I was a true...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My design education had indoctrinated me with belief in the purity of flat design. I was a true believer. I was faced with a moral dilemma on my very first assignment. What did I do?
The Honest Broker
An Analysis of 47 Million Transactions Tells an Amazing Story about the Music Business Forget about streaming—physical merchandise is now the key to success
a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Small sways in the breeze make you strong I watch the olive trees in my backyard dance in the wind. When they were small, they’d almost fall...
5 months ago
5 months ago
I watch the olive trees in my backyard dance in the wind. When they were small, they’d almost fall over. But the post kept them up. Now they’re big enough to stand on their own. A breeze comes along and their branches move with it but
Stoic Simple
How Stoicism Can Improve Your Physical Health & Fitness Are you looking for ways to improve your physical health? Many people focus on exercise and diet,...
a year ago
a year ago
Are you looking for ways to improve your physical health? Many people focus on exercise and diet, but there is another method that has been gaining popularity in recent years - Stoicism. This ancient philosophy has many principles that can help you lead a healthier and happier...
journal – Winnie Lim
chronic unease Some people are good at denial, forgetting, and moving on. I am good at none of those. I accumulate...
a year ago
a year ago
Some people are good at denial, forgetting, and moving on. I am good at none of those. I accumulate trauma, remember them deeply like they are etched into my bones helpless as...
The Lost Coast Driving west on Florida's highway 98 is a little like traveling back in time. It's hard to believe...
a year ago
a year ago
Driving west on Florida's highway 98 is a little like traveling back in time. It's hard to believe standing amidst the crowds of Panama City Beach, but not ten miles east, once you pass through the actual Panama City, the crowds disappear, along with everything else. After...
The Ruffian
Five Bad Motivations With Good Outcomes Plus a Rattle Bag of Juicy Links
8 months ago
Diaries of Note
Grey morning Alexandra Feodorovna, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was born Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine...
a year ago
a year ago
Alexandra Feodorovna, granddaughter of Queen Victoria, was born Princess Alix of Hesse and by Rhine on June 6, 1872. Twenty-two years later, she wed Nicholas II, the last Tsar of Russia, and adopted her new name. Her reign as Tsarina was turbulent, marked by her controversial...
Castles in the Sky
Thought Bananas (Castles in the Sky) 24 The Thousand Griefs of a Left-Behind Place
over a year ago
Left To Write
№ 76: RIP Charlie Munger (1924-2023) The investing legend, the goat of common sense and wisdom, and the Vice Chairman of Berkshire...
a year ago
Letters of Note
I would like to be paid like a plumber Although they only existed for seven years and released just three albums, Nirvana were a band of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Although they only existed for seven years and released just three albums, Nirvana were a band of immeasurable influence in the music world thanks in no small part to Smells Like Teen Spirit, a single track on Nevermind, their second album. It was this song that brought them out...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Affordable Idealism How to maintain your ideals without obsoleting yourself
over a year ago
Mark Manson
Why Skills Matter More Than Goals Welcome to the first Monday of the new year. It’s 2022 and if you’re like me, it still feels like...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Welcome to the first Monday of the new year. It’s 2022 and if you’re like me, it still feels like 2019 was last year. Talk about a mindfuck. This is that time of year where most productive and growth-minded people sit down and focus on their goals, their identity, and who they...
journal – Winnie Lim
did i just do my first pull-up? Wanted to write a note but I guess this warrants a proper post since I’ve completed my main...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Wanted to write a note but I guess this warrants a proper post since I’ve completed my main aspiration for 2024! Today while trying our home pull-up bar I realised I could...
Left To Write
Nashing Out How Playing Good Poker Connects With Behavioural Economics
a year ago
Raw Thought (from...
Believe you can change
over a year ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Tiny Fingers Stretching For Truth On the edge of my periphery a figure approaches. I feel close to death, sitting on the grass,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On the edge of my periphery a figure approaches. I feel close to death, sitting on the grass, wondering how my race could go so wrong. I am too tired to look around to see who is walking toward me. There is plenty of room behind to pass, nothing to worry about.
The Honest Broker
Do Drummers Live Longer? And can listeners also enhance their health through rhythm?
7 months ago
The Ruffian
FLASHPOINTS #12: Are machines becoming more intelligent than us - and what does that even mean? A conversation with Professor David Krakauer
a year ago
Thu Le
Why I rebuilt this site The journey of building this site.
4 months ago
The Honest Broker
Open Mic Day: Tells Us About Your Favorite Movies, Music, Books, Etc. of 2024 Share your best picks!
3 months ago
Diaries of Note
A disgusting day! In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where...
a year ago
a year ago
In April of 1891, Russian composer Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky made the long journey to New York where he was to play a pivotal role in the inauguration of the city’s new music hall, later known as Carnegie Hall—a momentous occasion and the first time he had set foot in the United...
Paul Cudenec
A decade of dissent: enemies of progress In the first part of a retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit on the Winter Oak...
a month ago
a month ago
In the first part of a retrospective essay on ten years of The Acorn, which I edit on the Winter Oak site, I look back on its content in 2015, the year in which it was launched.
What's not to like about work-life balance? Laetitia@Work #43
over a year ago
Stoic Simple
Unleash Your Inner Sage: 5 Powerful Mindsets Fostered by Stoicism By Michael McGill The Stoics had a name for a person who fully realized the virtues of Stoicism. A...
a year ago
a year ago
By Michael McGill The Stoics had a name for a person who fully realized the virtues of Stoicism. A person who overcame all of their personal defects to achieve a life of complete tranquility and goodness. The perfect Stoic, if you will.  They referred to this person as the Stoic...
Left To Write
Playing Russian Roulette How understanding this morbid game can improve your decision making in life, health and business.
a year ago
The Honest Broker
How to Achieve Immortality Let's look at the options
a month ago
Farza's Newsletter
dropped french fry grease on my piano and the keys are so smooth now but my hands smell like old... Zip We’re just shipping so much stuff every week lol. It’s kinda ridiculous in an awesome way. We’re...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Zip We’re just shipping so much stuff every week lol. It’s kinda ridiculous in an awesome way. We’re doing a good job at just focusing on delivering value to our users and building on what they’re telling us. Everything from the classes we choose to create to the features we...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Asimov on Fame, Fortune, and Creative Breakthrough Part 2 of an Analysis of Isaac Asimov’s Long Lost Letter on Creativity
over a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Those days when nothing gets done A lie.
a year ago
Fly Navy The one upside to getting kicked out of Fort Pickens for a storm that never hit, was meeting the...
a year ago
a year ago
The one upside to getting kicked out of Fort Pickens for a storm that never hit, was meeting the pilot. The bus, wherever it goes, is conspicuous. It is especially conspicuous in the middle of an otherwise empty parking lot. Next to the parking lot was a collection of condos,...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Focused Reading I have never been a particularly big reader. I enjoy books and I enjoy reading blog posts, but I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have never been a particularly big reader. I enjoy books and I enjoy reading blog posts, but I seem to make more room for the latter, even though I enjoy reading novels far more than I do blogs. The reason is simple enough: I spend the vast majority of my day behind a computer...
The End of the Road For a long time I had the idea that one day I would write a book about this trip and call it The End...
4 months ago
4 months ago
For a long time I had the idea that one day I would write a book about this trip and call it The End of the Road. It was an incomplete idea, but it seems to me we are, culturally, at the end of a metaphor when it comes to The Road. I had the idea that you could trace a thread...
journal – Winnie Lim
some ruminations on the inherent dislike of my self [cw: suicidal thoughts] I guess this does not come as a surprise to anyone – I think I have an...
a year ago
a year ago
[cw: suicidal thoughts] I guess this does not come as a surprise to anyone – I think I have an inherent dislike for my self. No one who inherently likes them selves...
Castles in the Sky
The Third Year Online Creator Playbook How I'm going to have my most productive and creative year yet
a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
30-Day First Draft: Week 1 Report & Lessons 29,588 Words Later
6 months ago
The Map is Mostly...
Efforts and Goals and Joy There was joy in concentration, and the world afforded an inexhaustible wealth of projects to...
a year ago
a year ago
There was joy in concentration, and the world afforded an inexhaustible wealth of projects to concentrate on. There was joy in effort, and the world resisted effort to just the right degree, and yielded to it at last. People cut Mount Rushmore into faces; they chipped here and...
Left To Write
№ 70: The Disappearance of The Great Good Place Finding Community - Ray Oldenburg's Third Place - Revolutions
a year ago
Diaries of Note
I have been playing a new game called insomnia In December of 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 26-year-old Thomas Merton entered...
a year ago
a year ago
In December of 1941, three days after the attack on Pearl Harbor, 26-year-old Thomas Merton entered the Abbey of Our Lady of Gethsemani in Kentucky, where he began life as a Trappist monk. Over the next 27 years, until his death in 1968, Merton authored more than fifty books that...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Minimalism Life V3 Here we go again. New design. New structure. Better design. Better structure. Better use of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here we go again. New design. New structure. Better design. Better structure. Better use of typography. Better readability. Better user-experience. Clearer focus. This is minimalism.life version 3. The updated design applies the principle of minimalism in its truest sense (or at...
Diaries of Note
I should like to see him forcibly shaved Born in Manchester, England, in 1904, Christopher Isherwood was a novelist, playwright, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Manchester, England, in 1904, Christopher Isherwood was a novelist, playwright, and screenwriter who left an indelible mark on 20th-century literature with novels like Goodbye to Berlin and A Single Man. He was also a keen diarist and since his death in 1986 multiple...
Castles in the Sky
Castles in the Sky 34 - June 2023 Monthly Wrap-up
a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
Cope as an Essential Life Skill Go Fox Go
over a year ago
Daniel Bourke
Wu wei (无为) — The art of not forcing The controlled accident. Sometimes it gets mistaken for "do nothing" or "doing nothing". Because the...
a year ago
a year ago
The controlled accident. Sometimes it gets mistaken for "do nothing" or "doing nothing". Because the characters 无为 (wu wei) mean nothing (wu, 无) and doing (wei, 为). So although a literal translation would be doing nothing, it doesn’t mean the same as sitting
Mind Mine
Discussing King, Warrior, Magician, Lover with Co-Author Douglas Gillette masculine archetypes, understanding our shadow, and how we can raise the collective consciousness
3 months ago
The Honest Broker
The Hottest Drummer You've Never Heard A new book pays tribute to the amazing Chick Webb, the hardest swinging jazz drummer of his day
a year ago
Letters of Note
Mr. Watson — come here — I want to see you On this day in 1876, shortly after making history, Alexander Graham Bell wrote the following letter...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On this day in 1876, shortly after making history, Alexander Graham Bell wrote the following letter to his father. To read his diary entry from that same day, visit Diaries of Note. And don’t forget to sign up for the Letters of Note newsletter. Born in Scotland in 1847,...
Diaries of Note
To pay up would constitute a precedent Kenneth Tynan was a towering figure in the British theatre scene, known for his sharp criticism and...
a year ago
a year ago
Kenneth Tynan was a towering figure in the British theatre scene, known for his sharp criticism and a remarkable ability to discern the pulse of contemporary drama. Born in Birmingham, England, in 1927, he began documenting his life and thoughts in diaries from the age of six, a...
Wait But Why
It’s 2020 and you’re in the future Some people are young, just not you. The post It’s 2020 and you’re in the future appeared first on...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Some people are young, just not you. The post It’s 2020 and you’re in the future appeared first on Wait But Why.
The Ruffian
Lessons In How Not To Lead From the Dept. of What Were They Thinking
a year ago
Diaries of Note
I am dead and, exactly as I foresaw, I still exist Born to American parents in Paris in 1900, Julian Green spent much of his life in France, and...
a year ago
a year ago
Born to American parents in Paris in 1900, Julian Green spent much of his life in France, and despite his American heritage he wrote exclusively in French, becoming the first non-French national to be inducted into the esteemed Académie Française. His prolific career spanned...
Left To Write
№ 71: You Had A Sh*t Day But Tomorrow Is A New Day I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of...
a year ago
a year ago
I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of writer’s block, and I struggled to complete any climbing projects. Pipe in a layer of never feeling enough, feeling behind, and financial struggles and what you’ve got is a...
Tech and Tea
Is crocheting a stuffy a creative endeavor? Hierarchy of needs in action, sooner than I expected
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
In Search of Alternative Community Platforms Over the past few years I have been trying to seek out alternatives to the mainstream social media...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Over the past few years I have been trying to seek out alternatives to the mainstream social media platforms. Although I wouldn't go as far as saying I entirely dislike them, I feel I could experience much better and healthier communities and technologies than those I have found...
Castles in the Sky
Notes Worth Saving #1 From the launch of Notes in April 2023 until December 2023
6 months ago
Diaries of Note
The goose for Xmas disappeared In the waning days of 1948, George Orwell was secluded on the Scottish island of Jura in a remote...
a year ago
a year ago
In the waning days of 1948, George Orwell was secluded on the Scottish island of Jura in a remote farmhouse named Barnhill—a stark, white-washed building set against the backdrop of Jura’s untamed wilderness. It was there, amidst the stark beauty of nature and in declining...
Diaries of Note
It seemed like a general conflagration In 1807, three years after shooting Alexander Hamilton dead in a duel, former Vice President of the...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1807, three years after shooting Alexander Hamilton dead in a duel, former Vice President of the United States Aaron Burr was indicted for a second time, for treason. Having once been at the pinnacle of American politics, he was now accused of plotting to carve out his own...
Both Are True
Being an idiot and writing your newsletter - an interview I did for Creator Spotlight + my brand deal with an indie shoe company called ADIDAS
3 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Taking a Step Back from Minimalissimo I recently wrote about bandwidth and how I've been struggling to balance my day job as a product...
a year ago
a year ago
I recently wrote about bandwidth and how I've been struggling to balance my day job as a product designer with several side projects and businesses. Reflecting deeply this year, I've decided to make a few changes, one of which is the difficult decision to step back from...
The Honest Broker
A Look at Bill Evans's 15-Year-Old Pianist Grandson And other updates on previous posts
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
Why I’m excited about profit-sharing startups
a year ago
The Ruffian
Is Forgiveness a Power Move? Plus a very juicy rattle bag which includes my favourite ever sad song
6 months ago
Diaries of Note
The film had killed me On the morning of 27th August 1945, shooting commenced on La Belle et la Bête, a French-language...
a year ago
a year ago
On the morning of 27th August 1945, shooting commenced on La Belle et la Bête, a French-language adaptation of the 1757 fairy tale Beauty and the Beast. Directing this grand endeavour in his 57th year was poet and artist Jean Cocteau, a multi-talented creative force known for his...
The Map is Mostly...
Everything I know about gardening I have been sharing pictures of flowers growing around my house, mostly little things like poppies...
a year ago
a year ago
I have been sharing pictures of flowers growing around my house, mostly little things like poppies and roses, or my fields, and several people have asked me to write about gardening, or for gardening advice. But this request encounters a ridiculous shortcoming: I know almost...
Nat Eliason's...
You Can Handle Much More Than You Think Big changes take time
a year ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Mirror As the year draws to a close with gloomy December days compensated with lots of artificial lighting,...
3 months ago
3 months ago
As the year draws to a close with gloomy December days compensated with lots of artificial lighting, it's not surprising that many people take the time to reflect on their recent past — what we've managed to achieve, what we learned, what we failed in, where we went, and what we...
The Honest Broker
Cruising for Classical Music in LA A section from Dana Gioia's new book
3 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
RIP emojis. The future of communication.
over a year ago
Both Are True
why write? an essay
9 months ago
A New Role at St David’s Catholic College, Cardiff I have just started a new role as a pastoral tutor at St David's Catholic College in Cardiff. Over...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have just started a new role as a pastoral tutor at St David's Catholic College in Cardiff. Over the last two years I have been looking for a secure full-time job that would allow me to draw on my teaching skills and experience, while also offering an opportunity to serve my...
The Intimate Mirror
Dangerous Safety How genuine safety dissolves both personal and systemic control (Breaking Open: Part 5)
2 months ago
Diaries of Note
It’s almost impossible to know what to say In 1990, the Royal National Theatre embarked on an ambitious international tour featuring two...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1990, the Royal National Theatre embarked on an ambitious international tour featuring two towering Shakespearean plays, King Lear and Richard III, with groundbreaking lead performances from Brian Cox and Ian McKellen, respectively. Their first destination beyond the UK was...
Tech and Tea
My Buy Nothing baby changed my relationship with consumption Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional...
3 days ago
The Honest Broker
Why Creatives Will Win by Thinking Small In 2024, the path to success has been turned upside down
10 months ago
Of Gods and Men (2010): Witnesses to Faith Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Xavier Beauvois’s 2010 film, Of Gods and Men, begins with this ominous epitaph from the eighty-second psalm. It is to be a portent of the narrative’s themes of death and dignity, explored in conversation with the theological virtues of faith, hope, and love.
The Prism
30 Useful Concepts (Autumn 2023) Ideas to help you make sense of the world
a year ago
journal – Winnie Lim
running 10km, and making life’s calculations I completed my only 2023 resolution this last week by finally running my first 10km in my life. It...
a year ago
a year ago
I completed my only 2023 resolution this last week by finally running my first 10km in my life. It had seemed like an unattainable goal: I was struggling even to finish 5km,...
Henri Nouwen on the Practice of the Presence of God In a November entry of The Genesee Diary, Henri Nouwen reflects on the writing and spirituality of...
8 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Hungry Scalpels A wise designer's sharpest tool is an ability to reduce. Reduction requires a ruthless desire to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A wise designer's sharpest tool is an ability to reduce. Reduction requires a ruthless desire to slice through the clutter searching for a truth worth saving. Find truth and our job feels like a noble occupation.
The Prism
25 Useful Ideas for 2025 Mental models to kickstart the new year
2 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
the reality that exists in me I just had my period, so I am feeling a little more fatigued than usual. Every month around this...
4 months ago
4 months ago
I just had my period, so I am feeling a little more fatigued than usual. Every month around this time I tend to wonder why the body finds it so difficult to...
Ryan Hoover's...
Don't Learn to Code
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
Good Lessons from Bad Men Paradoxical lessons in masculinity from crime cinema
a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Burning All Your Bridges Is a Cheat Code to Success Let it all burn to the ground and smile.
a month ago
Mark Manson
An Unconventional Guide to Happiness Every day, we're bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be happy all the time—and that,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Every day, we're bombarded with messages telling us that we need to be happy all the time—and that, in order to be happy, we need the perfect job, the perfect partner, the perfect life. And we're made to think that anything less than perfect happiness is a failure. But the...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The 40-Year-Old Version There is a path weaving through the seven lakes of Loveland that hugs the western edge of Boyd Lake,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
There is a path weaving through the seven lakes of Loveland that hugs the western edge of Boyd Lake, kisses the tip of Horseshoe, parts the lips of Westerdoll and Heinricy, caresses the Upper and Lower Hoffmans.
Castles in the Sky
23 Highlights from 2023 A new video, two viral essays, a weekend in London, friends, family, a toddler, and much more!
a year ago
Diaries of Note
The most sensual thing I’ve ever seen When Pamela Des Barres graduated from high school in 1966, she headed straight for the Sunset Strip...
a year ago
a year ago
When Pamela Des Barres graduated from high school in 1966, she headed straight for the Sunset Strip where the rock stars she had idolised from afar roamed—a path that led her to become one of the most celebrated groupies of the rock and roll era. She kept a diary throughout and...
journal – Winnie Lim
different realities under the same blue sky My partner and I were were surprised we had radically different interpretations of a particular...
a year ago
a year ago
My partner and I were were surprised we had radically different interpretations of a particular scene of a kdrama we had just watched. She had thought the lines were full of hope...
Passing Time
Fun, Fellowship, and Fractures On the downside of activity-based friendships
8 months ago
Nat Eliason's...
Quarterly Author Update: January 2025 Book sales, Husk update, and a new podcast
2 months ago
Diaries of Note
I won’t marry Jo to Laurie to please any one Now considered a seminal work in both American literature and feminist canon, Little Women was...
a year ago
a year ago
Now considered a seminal work in both American literature and feminist canon, Little Women was originally published in the 1860s as two separate volumes, the first of which Louisa May Alcott completed in two months after being asked by her publisher to “write a girl’s book.” The...
The Tiniest Mission Sometimes doing a small thing can be extremely satisfying, out of all proportion to how easy it is:...
a month ago
a month ago
Sometimes doing a small thing can be extremely satisfying, out of all proportion to how easy it is: placing a jigsaw puzzle piece into the right slot, wiping your phone screen spotless, returning a tool to its designated hook, or making a nice diagonal cut across a lovingly-made...
Mind Mine
embrace the exhale beware of the constant-tension trap (pt. 2 to ‘slow down’)
8 months ago
Diaries of Note
Excrement is the thread of life Salvador Dalí, born in Spain in 1904, was the mustachioed maestro of surrealism, with a flair for...
a year ago
a year ago
Salvador Dalí, born in Spain in 1904, was the mustachioed maestro of surrealism, with a flair for the fantastical in both his life and art. His paintings, like The Persistence of Memory with its melting clocks, are playful explorations of the dream world, but this love of the...
journal – Winnie Lim
in the mountains at chiang mai After spending a while in the city we moved to the mountains for a bit. Previously I had avoided any...
2 months ago
2 months ago
After spending a while in the city we moved to the mountains for a bit. Previously I had avoided any trips that involved long vehicle rides because of covid risk, but I...
Both Are True
idk about the whole 'i'd have written a shorter letter if I'd had more time' thing why? long letters rule
a year ago
The Convivial...
What Is To Be Done? — Fragments The Convivial Society: Vol. 3, No. 14
over a year ago
Castles in the Sky
Move over New York Times. These are the 44 Best Books of the 21st Century. A completely objective list based on only the finest criteria
7 months ago
Both Are True
parenting as improv yes and yes and yes and
4 months ago
The Honest Broker
"I Told Three Big Lies That Changed My Life" A story from the comments section
8 months ago
Diaries of Note
The sound of failure Few individuals have shaped the sound and trajectory of modern music quite like Brian Eno. Born in...
a year ago
a year ago
Few individuals have shaped the sound and trajectory of modern music quite like Brian Eno. Born in 1948 in Suffolk, England, Eno initially rose to fame as a member of the glam rock band Roxy Music in the early 1970s. Since then, he has carved out a niche as a visionary in the...
The Intimate Mirror
The Power of Needlessness How Love Transforms Systems
a month ago
Diaries of Note
No sooner am I happy, than he crushes me It was on the eve of their wedding in September of 1862 that Russian writer Leo Tolstoy showed his...
a year ago
a year ago
It was on the eve of their wedding in September of 1862 that Russian writer Leo Tolstoy showed his diaries to 18-year-old Sofia Behrs, the young woman with whom he was to spend his life. Filled with lurid confessions and tales of past affairs, these notebooks made an instant,...
Passing Time
Sopris Soirée An Alpine Carbondale Capstone
7 months ago
Stoic Simple
What Does it Mean to be a Stoic? Using Christianity to Explain Stoicism by Tanner Campbell What does it mean to be a Stoic? I think Christianity can be used as a...
a year ago
a year ago
by Tanner Campbell What does it mean to be a Stoic? I think Christianity can be used as a quasi-parallel to help answer this question. What does it mean to be a Christian? I think the base-line of the faith is the belief that Jesus Christ is Lord and Savior.  In Stoicism that...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Deceptive Simplicity All design should be simple for users to understand. However, simplicity in design is one of the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
All design should be simple for users to understand. However, simplicity in design is one of the most difficult things to do well—to find a balance between intuitive functionality and aesthetics. And yet ironically, design that appears effortless often takes far more work than...
Left To Write
№ 68: In The End, It's All Behavioural How I found behavioural science (BS) - A small primer on BS - Applying insights from poker to...
a year ago
a year ago
How I found behavioural science (BS) - A small primer on BS - Applying insights from poker to marketing and advertising
Mind Mine
my phone is making me dumb is yours too?
2 months ago
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Capsule Wardrobe A capsule wardrobe is simply a collection of essential items of clothing that don’t really go out of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A capsule wardrobe is simply a collection of essential items of clothing that don’t really go out of fashion, which can then be augmented with seasonal pieces. Although a capsule wardrobe could certainly be defined as minimal in its own right, my wardrobe goes a little beyond...
Diaries of Note
The Pole at Last!!! Born in Pennsylvania in 1856, Robert Peary spent 23 years of his life preparing to achieve what had...
a year ago
a year ago
Born in Pennsylvania in 1856, Robert Peary spent 23 years of his life preparing to achieve what had eluded explorers for centuries: reaching the North Pole. Driven by ambition and unwavering determination, Peary, an American explorer and United States Navy officer, believed he...
The Honest Broker
How Songs Created Western Rational Thinking And Socrates sends me on a mad chase into the wild world of musical dreams
a year ago
Ryan Hoover's...
What Killed Turntable.fm?
over a year ago
Scarlet Ink
The Ideal Manager Exercise — How to Choose and Communicate With Your Current or Future Manager The reflection exercise that helped me find and cultivate a successful relationship with my manager.
7 months ago
The Honest Broker
How Musicians Invented the Law Songs are far more powerful than you think
a year ago
Scarlet Ink
Managers Make Teams Deliver More Value, Not Deliver More Output True productivity for a team is measured by the value created, not the work completed. The job of a...
2 months ago
2 months ago
True productivity for a team is measured by the value created, not the work completed. The job of a manager is to focus on the value hidden behind the piles of work.
Atoms vs Bits
Sometimes, You Should Ignore The Studies (And Just Try The Thing) For certain kinds of topics, average impact doesn't really matter.
over a year ago
The Convivial...
Impoverished Emotional Lives Is this anything?
over a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
10 Things I Learned Losing 10 Million Dollars How to Stay Sane in a Mania
8 months ago
Daniel Bourke
The subtle shade of the clouds Garlic takes six to seven months to grow. I’m still working it out. I planted my garlic too...
a year ago
a year ago
Garlic takes six to seven months to grow. I’m still working it out. I planted my garlic too late. Not the farm garlic though. They’ve had practice. Over a thousand bulbs this year, maybe more. Tens of thousands of cloves. Garlic is the biggest harvest of
Unfiltered by Tim...
How to Build an Online Empire by Yourself (Without Any Hacks) Let's cut the cr*p
3 months ago
Please show lots of digits Hi there. It’s me, the person who stares very hard at the numbers in the papers you write. I’ve...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Hi there. It’s me, the person who stares very hard at the numbers in the papers you write. I’ve brought you here today to ask a favor. Say you wrote something like this: There were 446 students tested. The left-handed students passed 5.67664% more often than right-handed...
The Intimate Mirror
The Need for Coherence: Building New Containers for Meaning in an Age of Fragmentation How Living Communities Help Us Find Our Way Back to Reality
a month ago
Jason Fried
Software defaults One of my favorite things about designing software is designing the defaults. The defaults define...
8 months ago
8 months ago
One of my favorite things about designing software is designing the defaults. The defaults define the experience for everyone out of the box. And, therefore, for most people in perpetuity. Convention over configuration rules the day. To me, everything it could possibly do is less...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Hamster Wheel Upgrades It is either the most beautiful song I have ever heard or something else. It’s one of those rare...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is either the most beautiful song I have ever heard or something else. It’s one of those rare moments where you shed all the pessimism and your soul fills with peace and clarity until it leaks out of the corner of your eye.
Diaries of Note
I have received a singular warning Charles Baudelaire, born in Paris in 1821, is best known for Fleurs du Mal, a thrilling and...
a year ago
a year ago
Charles Baudelaire, born in Paris in 1821, is best known for Fleurs du Mal, a thrilling and controversial poetry collection that led to him being prosecuted when published in 1857. Sadly, his life was riddled with personal and financial struggles, and when he wrote this entry in...
Both Are True
a bookstore, joan didion, and me turning toward the mystery and the do-it-yourself guide to fighting the big motherfuckin' sad
4 months ago
Diaries of Note
Almost flying apart at the seams In the spring of 1965, American author Gail Godwin found herself at a crossroads. For five years,...
a year ago
a year ago
In the spring of 1965, American author Gail Godwin found herself at a crossroads. For five years, she had been living in London, and it was there, while working for the U.S. embassy, that she endured the disappointment of her novel, Gull Key, being rejected by multiple...
Daniel Bourke
Silent idols Showing without telling.
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
What a pack of lies intimate journals are Charles Ritchie was a renowned Canadian diplomat whose career spanned some of the most significant...
a year ago
a year ago
Charles Ritchie was a renowned Canadian diplomat whose career spanned some of the most significant events of the 20th century and, at the time of writing this brief entry, saw him stationed in London during the tumult of World War II. Amidst the chaos, Ritchie meticulously...
Passing Time
So We Won't Forget Why do we film concerts?
a year ago
The Honest Broker
Here's a Map to 'The Honest Broker' Let me take you on a tour
9 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Rediscovering Your Stride I felt the pain before I could see the wart. I thought it was a bruise, one of the many little tiny...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I felt the pain before I could see the wart. I thought it was a bruise, one of the many little tiny injuries that come and go as part of any runner’s training routine. But the little nemesis on the ball of my foot stuck around. It put up a good fight, injecting pain into my runs,...
Castles in the Sky
Why Write Memoirs | Review of All the Wrong Moves by Sasha Chapin A good memoir is entertaining, insightful, and relatable. A great memoir changes you because you see...
a year ago
a year ago
A good memoir is entertaining, insightful, and relatable. A great memoir changes you because you see yourself in it. All the Wrong Moves by Sasha Chapin is a great memoir. It is nominally a book about a guy who becomes obsessed with chess. But to me, it’s a book about the...
Mind Mine
make more, care less what if i just published waaaaay more?
3 months ago
The Ruffian
Stories are bad for your intelligence How Historians (and Others) Make Themselves Stupid
a year ago
Nat Eliason's...
Avoiding the Prep Trap: A Key to Rapid Learning And why so much "rapid learning" is bullshit
5 months ago
Adrian Hanft, III:...
The Invisible Golden Age
over a year ago
Diaries of Note
This is where it hits It was in Africa in 1963, aged 31, that Dian Fossey first caught a glimpse of the animal to which...
a year ago
a year ago
It was in Africa in 1963, aged 31, that Dian Fossey first caught a glimpse of the animal to which she would soon dedicate her life: the mountain gorilla. By the time she wrote the following diary entry in 1985, Fossey had been living among these creatures in Rwanda’s Volcanoes...
Jason Crawford
The lessons of Xanadu One of my all-time favorite articles is “The Curse of Xanadu,” by Gary Wolf, which ran in WIRED...
over a year ago
over a year ago
One of my all-time favorite articles is “The Curse of Xanadu,” by Gary Wolf, which ran in WIRED Magazine in 1995. On the surface, it’s a piece of tech history, a story of a dramatic failure. But look closer, and you can find deep philosophical insight. Xanadu was a grand vision...
The Ruffian
Rattle Bag Thoughts on the Boris brand, Biden's prospects, why the Brits got so good at pop, and what to read.
a year ago
a year ago
Thoughts on the Boris brand, Biden's prospects, why the Brits got so good at pop, and what to read.
The Honest Broker
The Music Business is Healthy Again? Really? I express deep skepticism
3 weeks ago
The Ruffian
Winners and Losers How the Zero Sum Mindset Shapes Society
a year ago
Left To Write
#10 Writemas: Uncovering High Agency Talent I’ve met many people in my adult life who are so much more intelligent than I am. But most of them...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve met many people in my adult life who are so much more intelligent than I am. But most of them have ended up in well-paid corporate roles. Now, there’s nothing wrong with doing a 9 to 5. These corporate companies are needed, but whenever I walk away from conversations with...
Castles in the Sky
You are Giants to Me Castles in the Sky #37
a year ago
The Ruffian
Leslie's Razors Nine Rules of Thumb For Life
a year ago
Atoms vs Bits
Additive Domains, Multiplicative Domains 1 and 1 and 1 is 3, unless you're multiplying
5 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
There's a New Country Ranking and You're Not Going to Like it What makes Israel, Qatar, and the Faroe Islands so great?
3 months ago
Diaries of Note
He feels we should be on the attack for diversion As Richard Nixon’s Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman was positioned at the epicentre of the Watergate...
a year ago
a year ago
As Richard Nixon’s Chief of Staff, H. R. Haldeman was positioned at the epicentre of the Watergate scandal—a pivotal role that would ultimately lead to an eighteen month spell in jail for his role in the cover-up. In his posthumously published diaries from that period, Haldeman...
Diaries of Note
Ran through Ritz, walked miles, drank in Dorchester On 15th August of 1945, three months after Nazi Germany’s surrender in Europe, the world rejoiced as...
a year ago
a year ago
On 15th August of 1945, three months after Nazi Germany’s surrender in Europe, the world rejoiced as Japan announced its unconditional surrender, bringing an end to World War II. Streets from New York to London, Sydney to Shanghai, were flooded with jubilant crowds celebrating...
Paul Cudenec
Truth, essence, knowledge and light Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Being criticised or insulted by your political enemies is not too difficult to cope with – after all, you do not really care what they think of you.
The Honest Broker
How African Musicians Came to Medieval and Renaissance Europe Western music has always been multicultural
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Now is the time Shortly after writing this diary entry on 3rd December 1988, 21-year-old Jennifer Bonner was wheeled...
a year ago
a year ago
Shortly after writing this diary entry on 3rd December 1988, 21-year-old Jennifer Bonner was wheeled into the operating theatre at the University of Minnesota Hospital where her battle-scarred heart, heavy with hope and history, was to be replaced with that of a donor—the hopeful...
Nat Eliason's...
Proof You Can Do Hard Things An Essential Piece to Your Life Resume
a year ago
Diaries of Note
Society is not geared to the expression of compassion In 1942, shortly before the US joined the war, editor and lifelong pacifist Alfred Hassler...
a year ago
a year ago
In 1942, shortly before the US joined the war, editor and lifelong pacifist Alfred Hassler registered as a conscientious objector. However, his commitment to nonviolence led him to refuse even the alternative to combat service: enrollment in a Civilian Public Service camp, as...
Farza's Newsletter
i got suitcases full of matcha tea don't mess with me punk Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a...
a year ago
a year ago
Got back from Dubai a few days ago. Life has been…intense heh. In just the last 2.5-weeks: We ran a live gameshow I hosted and gave away $100,000, had 225 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in SF, and then the following week had 125 of our graduates fly out for N&W IRL in...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Two Imaginary Cages One mouse, one bird, and two cages. A grim parable for modern workers.
over a year ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Study Human Psychology, Then Make Money Doing Whatever You Want The way to legitimately influence people without being manipulative
3 months ago
Castles in the Sky
"Dada, slow down!" Fatherhood at Thirty-Thousand Feet A letter from a father flying solo with his toddler
10 months ago
How to Be a Stoic
What Would a Stoic Do? Dating “Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“Dating” is a word I was not familiar with before coming to the United States. Especially with the advent of modern dating apps, it essentially means that you are trying out different people to see who “wins” the alleged honor of being your (next) partner. Except, of course, that...
Diaries of Note
If I can paint three good pictures, then I shall go gladly Paula Modersohn-Becker was just thirty-one when she died, her life tragically cut short in 1907 due...
a year ago
a year ago
Paula Modersohn-Becker was just thirty-one when she died, her life tragically cut short in 1907 due to complications after childbirth. Born in Germany in 1876, she had already established herself as a pioneering figure in the early expressionist art movement, and the hundreds of...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Five Principles for Minimal Design Minimalism in design has been engrained within my thinking ever since I was introduced to the work...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Minimalism in design has been engrained within my thinking ever since I was introduced to the work of Dieter Rams. He revolutionised industrial design in the 1950s and 60s through his ideology of “less, but better”. This resulted in his highly influential and ever inspiring Ten...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Workspace Setup Revisited I shared my workspace setup last year, but since then, I have changed a few things, so I felt it’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I shared my workspace setup last year, but since then, I have changed a few things, so I felt it’s probably time to share an update on my current setup for both hardware and software. Given the continued Covid restrictions here in sunny Scotland, I am now working from home...
Let’s stop counting centuries Here’s a sentence from Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now: The Enlightenment is conventionally placed...
8 months ago
8 months ago
Here’s a sentence from Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now: The Enlightenment is conventionally placed in the last two-thirds of the 18th century, though it flowed out of the Scientific Revolution and the Age of Reason in the 17th century and spilled into the heyday of classical...
Mind Mine
a return to soul bring back the Era of the Artist. not a political take.
4 months ago
Unfiltered by Tim...
Being a High Performer Is Lonely as Hell It's also the best feeling in the world
5 months ago
Atoms vs Bits
If Not Could Not Suppose you're hiring for a sales job. In the first interview, the candidate says: "I'm very good at...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Suppose you're hiring for a sales job. In the first interview, the candidate says: "I'm very good at selling things." Well, that's nice: the job is all about selling things, so someone good at selling things would indeed be a good fit.
The Ruffian
Are Young Voters Turning Right? Part II of my Podcast With James Kanagasooriam, plus a Rattle Bag of Goodies
2 months ago
The Honest Broker
Death: A Literary Guide Can you really prepare for it or even understand it? These 10 books are my cherished touchstones on...
a year ago
a year ago
Can you really prepare for it or even understand it? These 10 books are my cherished touchstones on the matter.
Diaries of Note
The century of Voltaire Eugène Delacroix, born in 1798, was a profoundly influential French Romantic artist who came to be...
a year ago
a year ago
Eugène Delacroix, born in 1798, was a profoundly influential French Romantic artist who came to be renowned for his dramatic, emotive works, his use of bold colour and brushwork setting him apart. But his influence extended beyond the canvas, as at the age of twenty-three he...
Ryan Hoover's...
A Frightening Future
over a year ago
Both Are True
WANTED: Happiness, dead or alive Alex is back with a brand new invention (an essay)
11 months ago
The Honest Broker
Fela Kuti in Prison How Nigeria literally went to war against one musician—and lost
6 months ago
Diaries of Note
I don’t want another swash to buckle On 13th December 1960, mere months after winning an Oscar for his role in Ben Hur, Charlton Heston...
a year ago
a year ago
On 13th December 1960, mere months after winning an Oscar for his role in Ben Hur, Charlton Heston almost met with disaster on the set of El Cid, an epic historical drama unfolding in the sun-drenched landscapes of Spain. While immersed in a demanding broadsword duel scene...
Farza's Newsletter
me and satoru iwata were chilling at target and bought some beef jerky I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been having a ton of fun lately with ZipSchool. We’re evolving fast in terms of our understanding of the product, problem, user. We’re following the data and have numbers we can point to when making a majority of our decisions. We’re focusing on growth.
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Digital Relationships This is my response to Manu's article for the IndieWeb Carnival on digital relationships. As someone...
a year ago
a year ago
This is my response to Manu's article for the IndieWeb Carnival on digital relationships. As someone who grew up in the 90s, I spent my formative years and much of my teenage years without a screen. I wasn't even much of a gamer as a kid. I would spend as much time as possible...
Carl Barenbrug RSS...
Trusting Your Intuition In the world of digital product design, trusting your gut might not be considered the most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In the world of digital product design, trusting your gut might not be considered the most responsible thing to do, particularly given that we have access to a ridiculous amount of analytical data to support 99% of the decisions we make. Now, I’m not against data-driven...
Stoic Simple
What Influence Did Stoicism Have on Early Christianity? Stoicism and Christianity are two of the most influential philosophical and religious traditions in...
a year ago
a year ago
Stoicism and Christianity are two of the most influential philosophical and religious traditions in human history. Both have helped shape our understanding of the world and our place in it. While they seem quite distinct from one another, there are many overlapping themes and...
journal – Winnie Lim
when my body goes rogue [cw: pain, death] Yesterday I started experiencing pain in my body again. It is difficult not to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
[cw: pain, death] Yesterday I started experiencing pain in my body again. It is difficult not to feel low when it happens. I think chronic pain snowballs into a form of ptsd,...
The Intimate Mirror
The Future Breaking Through How Personal Crisis and Collective Transformation Call Each Other Forth (Breaking Open: Part 6)
2 months ago
Passing Time
Pave the 14ers We must democratize access to 14ers.
over a year ago
The Honest Broker
How Virtual Reality Died Meta, Microsoft, and Apple lost billions trying to convince us to live in the Matrix. Can you guess...
4 months ago
4 months ago
Meta, Microsoft, and Apple lost billions trying to convince us to live in the Matrix. Can you guess what they're doing next?
The Honest Broker
How Miles Davis Hired John Coltrane A fascinating interlude from James Kaplan's new book '3 Shades of Blue'
a year ago
Winter Storm The afternoon of the day we decided to leave the Jeep behind a ranger stopped by to tell us they...
a year ago
a year ago
The afternoon of the day we decided to leave the Jeep behind a ranger stopped by to tell us they were closing the campground the next day due to a large storm front that was headed our way. Winds were expected to be in the 50 MPH range, with gusts even higher. We've sat out a...
Diaries of Note
We puny mortals On 2nd November 1995, NASA released a photograph that would become one of the most iconic images of...
a year ago
a year ago
On 2nd November 1995, NASA released a photograph that would become one of the most iconic images of space ever captured: the Hubble Space Telescope’s view of the gas pillars in the Eagle Nebula, known as the Pillars of Creation. One of the millions of observers that weekend was...
Algorithmic ranking is unfairly maligned What does “algorithmic ranking” bring to mind for you? Personally, I get visions of political...
a month ago
a month ago
What does “algorithmic ranking” bring to mind for you? Personally, I get visions of political ragebait and supplement hucksters and unnecessary cleavage. I see cratering attention spans and groups of friends on the subway all blankly swiping at glowing rectangles. I see...
The Honest Broker
Stupidity: A Reading List You get smarter by studying foolishness—so here's how I'd teach a 12-week course on stupidity
9 months ago
journal – Winnie Lim
the answer I must seek My partner pitter patters around the house constantly, always looking for something to do, always...
6 months ago
6 months ago
My partner pitter patters around the house constantly, always looking for something to do, always scheming up some new creative project of hers. Being with her is an ongoing lesson and reminder...
Diaries of Note
I took Olga to her first bull fight It was on his sixteenth birthday in 1902 that pioneering photographer Edward Weston held his first...
a year ago
a year ago
It was on his sixteenth birthday in 1902 that pioneering photographer Edward Weston held his first camera—a Kodak Bull’s-Eye No. 2 given to him by his father that sparked his fascination with capturing the world around him, the style that developed eventually seeing him become...
The Ruffian
Seduced By The Machine Why We Allow Apps and Corporations To Tell Us How To Live
a year ago
Family After a few weeks in the Pensacola area we headed back east, across the Florida panhandle to St....
over a year ago
over a year ago
After a few weeks in the Pensacola area we headed back east, across the Florida panhandle to St. Andrews state park, a little postage stamp of protected land off the coast of Panama City Beach. Apparently this was once a gem in the Florida State Park system, but the universal...
Diaries of Note
Today was truly, absolutely the worst day ever in Sarajevo In April 1992, following Bosnia’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia, simmering tensions...
a year ago
a year ago
In April 1992, following Bosnia’s declaration of independence from Yugoslavia, simmering tensions among the region’s ethnic groups escalated into the devastating Bosnian War. It wasn’t long before the city of Sarajevo found itself under siege. Amidst the chaos, a courageous young...
Stoic Simple
How to Find Fulfillment in Life with Stoicism In a world that often emphasizes material success and external validation, it can be difficult to...
a year ago
a year ago
In a world that often emphasizes material success and external validation, it can be difficult to find true fulfillment. Stoicism, an ancient philosophy that emphasizes personal virtue, inner resilience, and self-awareness, offers a roadmap for finding inner peace and...
Diaries of Note
May they never give me peace Patricia Highsmith was an author who mastered the art of the psychological thriller, leaving an...
a year ago
a year ago
Patricia Highsmith was an author who mastered the art of the psychological thriller, leaving an indelible mark on the genre with works like The Talented Mr. Ripley, published in 1955, and her compelling debut, Strangers on a Train—two highlights from an incredible collection of...
Adrian Hanft, III:...
Marathon Sandals and Mediocrity Five miles into my run in last weekend's Colorado Marathon I was passed by a long-haired man in...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Five miles into my run in last weekend's Colorado Marathon I was passed by a long-haired man in sandals. While it never feels great to get passed it was inspiring to see a minimalist runner in action. Could he keep that pace up for another 20 miles?
The Honest Broker
Why Streaming Subscription Prices Will Continue to Rise You are a user—so get ready to be used
4 months ago
Passing Time
The Illusion of Solitude Deconstructing the Myth of Wilderness
4 months ago
Ryan Hoover's...
The Next Big Thing in Music: Turntable.fm
over a year ago
The Map is Mostly...
Love Grows The world is covered with a thin film of inertia.
a month ago