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Every time I run into endianness, I have to look it up. Which way do the bytes go, and what does that mean? Something about it breaks my brain, and makes me feel like I can't tell which way is up and down, left and right. This is the blog post I've needed every time I run into this. I hope it'll be the post you need, too. What is endianness? The term comes from Gulliver's travels, referring to a conflict over cracking boiled eggs on the big end or the little end[1]. In computers, the term refers to the order of bytes within a segment of data, or a word. Specifically, it only refers to the order of bytes, as those are the smallest unit of addressable data: bits are not individually addressable. The two main orderings are big-endian and little-endian. Big-endian means you store the "big" end first: the most-significant byte (highest value) goes into the smallest memory address. Little-endian means you store the "little" end first: the least-significant byte (smallest value) goes into the...
4 days ago

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Who are your teammates?

If you manage a team, who are your teammates? If you're a staff software engineer embedded in a product team, who are your teammates? The answer to the question comes down to who your main responsibility lies with. That's not the folks you're managing and leading. Your responsibility lies with your fellow leaders, and they're your teammates. The first team mentality There's a concept in leadership called the first team mentality. If you're a leader, then you're a member of a couple of different teams at the same time. Using myself as an example, I'm a member of the company's leadership team (along with the heads of marketing, sales, product, etc.), and I'm also a member of the engineering department's leadership team (along with the engineering directors and managers and the CTO). I'm also sometimes embedded into a team for a project, and at one point I was running a 3-person platform team day-to-day. So I'm on at least two teams, but often three or more. Which of these is my "first" team, the one which I will prioritize over all the others? For my role, that's ultimately the company leadership. Each department is supposed to work toward the company goals, and so if there's an inter-department conflict you need to do what's best for the company—helping your fellow department heads—rather than what's best for your department. (Ultimately, your job is to get both of these into alignment; more on that later.) This applies across roles. If you're an engineering manager, your teammates are not the people who report to you. Your teammates are the other engineering managers and staff engineers at your level. You all are working together toward department goals, and sometimes the team has to sacrifice to make that happen. Focus on the bigger goals One of the best things about a first team mentality is that it comes with a shift in where your focus is. You have to focus on the broader goals your group is working in service of, instead of focusing on your group's individual work. I don't think you can achieve either without the other. When you zoom out from the team you lead or manage and collaborate with your fellow leaders, you gain context from them. You see what their teams are working on, and you can contextualize your work with theirs. And you also see how your work impacts theirs, both positively and negatively. That broader context gives you a reminder of the bigger, broader goals. It can also show you that those goals are unclear. And if that's the case, then the work you're doing in your individual teams doesn't matter, because no one is going in the same direction! What's more important there is to focus on figuring out what the bigger goals should be. And once those are done, then you can realign each of your groups around them. Conflicts are a lens Sometimes the first team mentality will result in a conflict. There's something your group wants or needs, which will result in a problem for another group. Ultimately, this is your work to resolve, and the conflict is a lens you can use to see misalignment and to improve the greater organization. You have to find a way to make sure that your group is healthy and able to thrive. And you also have to make sure that your group works toward collective success, which means helping all the groups achieve success. Any time you run into a conflict like this, it means that something went wrong in alignment. Either your group was doing something which worked against its own goal, or it was doing something which worked against another group's goal. If the latter, then that means that the goals themselves fundamentally conflicted! So you go and you take that conflict, and you work through it. You work with your first team—and you figure out what the mismatch is, where it came from, and most importantly, what we do to resolve it. Then you take those new goals back to your group. And you do it with humility, since you're going to have to tell them that you made a mistake. Because that alignment is ultimately your job, and you have to own your failures if you expect your team to be able to trust you and trust each other.

a week ago 10 votes
Stewardship over ownership

Code ownership is a popular concept, but it emphasizes the wrong thing. It can bring out the worst in a person or a team: defensiveness, control-seeking, power struggles. Instead, we should be focusing on stewardship. How code ownership manifests Code ownership as a concept means that a particular person or team "owns" a section of the codebase. This gives them certain rights and responsibilities: They control what goes into the code, and can approve or deny changes They are responsible for fixing bugs in that part of the code They are responsible for maintaining and improving that part of the code There are tools that help with these, like the CODEOWNERS file on GitHub. This file lets you define a group or list of individuals who own a section of the repository. Then you can require reviews/approvals from them before anything gets merged. These are all coming from a good place. We want our code to be well-maintained, and we want to make sure that someone is responsible for its direction. It really helps to know who to go to with questions or requests. Without these, changes can grind to a halt, mired in confusion and tech debt. But the concept in practice brings challenges. If you've worked on a team using code ownership before, you've probably run into: that engineer who guards the code against anyone else's changes, wanting all the credit for themselves that engineer who refuses to add anything else to their codebase, because they don't want to maintain it that engineer who tries to gain code ownership over more areas, to control more of the code and more of the company I've done certainly acted badly due to code ownership, without realizing what I was doing or or why I was doing it at the time. There are almost endless ways that code ownership can bring out the worst in people. And it all makes sense. We can do better by shifting to stewardship instead of ownership. Stewardship is about service We are all stewards of things we own or are responsible for. I have stewardship over the house I live in with my family, for example. I also have stewardship over the espresso machine I use every day: It's a big piece of machinery, and it's my responsibility to take good care of it and to ensure that as long as it's mine, it operates well and lasts a long time. That reduces expense, reduces waste, and reduces impact on the world—but it also means that the object (an espresso machine) is serving its purpose to bring joy and connection. Code is no different. By focusing on stewardship rather than ownership, we are focusing on the responsible, sustainable maintenance of the code. We focus on taking good care of that which we're entrusted with. A steward doesn't jealously guard, or struggle to gain more power. A steward watches what her responsibilities are, ensuring enough to contribute but not so many as to burn out. And she nurtures and cares for the code, to make sure that it continues to serve its purpose. Instead of an adversarial relationship, stewardship promotes partnership: It promotes working with others to figure out how to make the best use of resources, instead of hoarding them for yourself. Stewardship can solve many of the same problems that code ownership does: It gives you someone who's a main point of contact for some code It grants someone responsibility for bug fixes and maintenance of that code And in some ways, they look alike. You're going to do a lot of the same things, controlling what goes in or out. But they are very different in the focus. Owners are concerned with the value of what they own. Stewards are concerned with how well it can serve the group. And this makes all the difference in producing better outcomes.

2 weeks ago 13 votes
Some things that make Rust lifetimes hard to learn

After I wrote YARR (Yet Another Rust Resource, with requisite pirate mentions), one of my friends tried it out. He gave me some really useful insights as he went through it, letting me see what was hard about learning Rust from a newcomer's perspective. Unsurprisingly, lifetimes are a challenge—and seeing him go through it helped me understand why they're hard to learn. Here are a few of the challenges he ran into. I don't think that these are necessarily problems, but they're perhaps opportunities to improve educational materials. They don't map 100% to how long a variable is in memory My friend gave me an example he's seen a few times when people explain lifetimes. fn longest<'a>(x: &'a str, y: &'a str) -> &'a str { if x.len() > y.len() { x } else { y } } And for many newcomers, you see this and you expect it is saying that x and y both have the lifetime 'a, so they live the same amount of time. But the following is valid: fn print_longest(x: &'static str) { let y = "local"; let a = longest(x, y); println!("{a}"); drop(a); drop(y); println!("y is gone"); } In this example, x and y live for different amounts of time. y doesn't even survive to the end of the function, whereas x should be valid for the entire duration of the program. That's because lifetimes are talking about a bound on the time something can live. There's some lifetime 'a during which we can say that x and y are both certainly valid. But x and y can both live longer than 'a. Lifetimes don't change the runtime behavior Most code we write changes what the program does at runtime. Types can be different, because sometimes you're giving the compiler information about what something is. But most type information can change the runtime behavior! The simplest example is when you have an integer. You can declare one without a type. let x = 10; This has an inferred type, and if you set a different type, like u8, you'll get different behavior at run time. let x: u8 = 10; In contrast, lifetimes are only used by the compiler to ensure that borrows are all valid. The compiler can reject your program if invalid borrows are performed, but the binary output should not be affected by the lifetimes of the variables. It's a different kind of type system We're used to seeing types in our programming languages, and these type systems are usually pretty similar. Rust's lifetimes are different, though. The borrow checker uses a linear type system to do its work. These are super cool, and something that I don't understand particularly well. I'm familiar with how to use the borrow checker, but I don't know any of the theory behind them. The premise, as I understand it, is that objects can be used exactly once, allowing you to safely deallocate it after use (since it won't be used again). This prevents multiple concurrent uses (yay, data race protection!) or use-after-free (yay, segfault protection!). The coolness is why we have it, but it's still pretty tough to understand. You have to learn this whole new type system that's pretty different from everything else you've touched. And most of the resources1 out there don't even mention that it's a different kind of type system! They share syntax with generics Another challenge is that the syntax is shared with generics. Even though lifetimes are very different in behavior and type system from generics, they sit inside very similar looking syntax. This is probably unavoidable—lifetimes are related to all the other types in your code—but it certainly makes things harder to learn. When you see something like this, you expect that it's generic over a type. fn something_generic<T>(arg: T) { ... } And you're right that it is! But then you have something that looks very similar, like this. And you might expect it to also be generic over a type. fn something_generic<'a>(arg: &'a str) { ... } But it's not, in the normal sense. Instead it's generic over a lifetime. And that's a little confusing that those sit in the same spot, especially when it's not called out as a potential gotcha in learning materials. * * * Lifetimes have some inherent complexity. The borrow checker is a very valuable tool, and it's great we have it! But with that power and complexity can come challenges in learning, and teaching, the underlying concepts. I think the current difficulty in learning Rust is due to a lot of things. One aspect is certainly some inherent complexity. But another aspect is that many resources aren't really geared toward the kind of programmer coming to Rust without this background knowledge, and there is room for improvement. We can make explanations of lifetimes and the borrow checker better and less confusing. Or we can at least make them more empathetic, projecting that it's expected to be confused because there are some good reasons it's hard to understand. And that you'll get there, eventually. Thank you, Ryan, for generously sharing your thoughts as you went through learning Rust. Our conversations were instrumental in writing this post. 1 I suppose, as the author of YARR, I can fix this in at least one instance.

3 weeks ago 14 votes
Your product shouldn't require showing my legal name

Last week, I finally got verified on LinkedIn. Now there's a little badge next to my name that says "yes, she's a human who is legally named Nicole." Their marketing for verification says that I should now expect 60% more profile views and 50% more comments and reactions. For a writer like me, that seems great. More people viewing my content means more people can learn from me, or be entertained by me. And all that for free? There's a problem, of course. Nicole is my legal name, so I was able to get verified as a result. But many people don't go by their legal name. Other names are common So who doesn't go by their legal name? I didn't, for years after my wife and I got married. I went by an alias—our hyphenated last name—without legally changing it. I wasn't eligible to get verified then, since that name was not on my ID. I didn't, when I came out as transgender. It takes time to change your name and update your documents. Until that was complete, I would have had to go by my deadname or lose verification. And what about women who change their name when they get married, but go by their previous name professionally? This is an alias, and it is their name even though it's not what the government knows them as. But they would lose verification for doing this. Anyone who goes by a nickname or alias is ineligible. I have many friends who go by a different name than what their ID shows. This isn't fraudulent—it just reflects who they are. Penalized for being yourself And yet, if you fall into any case where you cannot get verified, then you can't get the benefits. You can't get your extra profile views and extra comments. Or put another way: you're penalized for not being verified. You'll get about 40% fewer profile views and 33% fewer comments/reactions than people who are verified. You get marginalized, unable to reap the full benefits of the platform, if you don't conform to a very particular outlook on what a name is (the official sequence of letters on your ID). To be clear, the problem isn't the verification process itself1. That process (and its associated benefits) may be in place to deal with bot traffic. I can sympathize with this, and I do want lower bot traffic—it makes platforms much more pleasant to use. Let us use our names The problem is that you have to show your legal name to everyone. There should be a process for being verified without it being your legal name on display. This process doesn't have to be scalable if the group that would utilize it is small—since surely they'd only forget about small populations2. It can be as simple as filing a help ticket and allowing a human to approve it based on some evidence. Is your name consistent across your public profiles? And you're a human being? Cool, verified. I believe that LinkedIn can, and should, do better. This feature as implemented is harming marginalized folks who are not able to get the same visibility when they cannot get verified. It reduces the exposure that marginalized creators can get. You should keep this in mind in the products you make, too. Don't require people to display their legal names. And before you even collect that data, think about what problem you're trying to solve. Do you need to collect legal names to solve that? (Probably not.) If so, do you need to store them after processing once? (Probably not.) And if so, do you need to display them publicly? (Probably not.) Names are so much more than what the government knows us by. Let us be our true selves and verify us with our true names. 1 It's not free of problems, though: I'd like to have a way to achieve the same result ("she's a human! she's generally the internet person she claims she is!") without showing my government identity documents to a third party. 2 Though, companies have been known to marginalize large groups of people. This is a rhetorical point that they are either harming a lot of people or they could solve the problem for a low cost.

a month ago 21 votes

More in programming

Angkor Wat resources

I took an amazing trip to SE Asia last month, including Angkor Wat. I had a hard time finding good reading or other resources to learn from before I went, in part because Amazon is awash in AI garbage. Here’s some books and podcasts I found useful about the Khmer empire in general and Angkor in particular: Ancient Angkor by Michael Freeman and Claude Jacques. The closest thing to a coffee-table book to preview what you will see. The practical information is outdated but the pictures and descriptions are good. Empire Podcast #185: The God Kings of Angkor Wat by William Dalrymple and Anita Anand. An entertaining and fully detailed account of the Khmer empire. It’s basically an excerpt from Dalrymple’s new book The Golden Road: How Ancient India Transformed the World. Fall of Civilizations Podcast #5: The Khmer Empire by Paul Cooper. Another history, not quite as magically well told as Dalrymple but full of good information. Angkor and the Khmer Civilization by Michael D. Coe. A highly recommended history of the Khmer region. Honestly I found this very dry and too detailed, but I did learn from it. Lonely Planet Pocket Guide: Siem Reap & the Temples of Angkor. We didn’t use this much but it seemed like a useful practical guide. OTOH it dates to 2018 so things have changed. My other advice for visiting Siem Reap and Angkor is: go. It is amazing. Plan for at least two full days of touristing there. Hire a private guide and driver if you can, it is absolutely worth it. (Email me for a recommendation.)

23 hours ago 2 votes
Steps to build an engineering strategy.

Often you’ll see a disorganized collection of ideas labeled as a “strategy.” Even when they’re dense with ideas, these can be hard to parse, and are a major reason why most engineers will claim their company doesn’t have a clear strategy even though my experience is that all companies follow some strategy, even if it’s undocumented. This chapter lays out a repeatable, structured approach to drafting strategy. It introduces each step of that approach, which are then detailed further in their respective chapters. Here we’ll cover: How these five steps fit together to facilitate creating strategy, especially by preventing practicioners from skipping steps that feel awkward or challenging. Step 1: Exploring the wider industry’s ideas and practices around the strategy you’re working on. Exploration is understanding what recent research might change your approach, and how the state of art has changed since you last tackled a similar problem. Step 2: Diagnosing the details of your problem. It’s hard to slow down to understand your problem clearly before attempting to solve it, but it’s even more difficult to solve anything well without a clear diagnosis. Step 3: Refinement is taking a raw, unproven set of ideas and testing them against reality. Three techniques are introduced to support this validation process: strategy testing, systems modeling, and Wardley mapping. Step 4: Policy makes the tradeoffs and decisions to solve your diagnosis. These can range from specifying how software is architected, to how pull requests are reviewed, to how headcount is allocated within an organization. Step 5: Operations are the concrete mechanisms that translate policy into an active force within your organization. These can be nudges that remind you about code changes without associated tests, or weekly meetings where you study progress on a migration. Whether these steps are sacred or are open to adaptation and experimentation, including when you personally should persevere in attempting steps that don’t feel effective. From this chapter’s launching point, you’ll have the high-level summaries of each step in strategy creation, and can decide where you want to read further. This is an exploratory, draft chapter for a book on engineering strategy that I’m brainstorming in #eng-strategy-book. As such, some of the links go to other draft chapters, both published drafts and very early, unpublished drafts. How the steps become strategy Creating effective strategy is not rote incantation of a formula. You can’t merely follow these steps to guarantee that you’ll create a great strategy. However, I’ve found over and over is that strategies fail more due to avoidable errors than from fundamentally unsound thinking. Busy people skip steps. Especially steps they dislike or have failed at before. These steps are the scaffolding to avoid those errors. By practicing routinely, you’ll build powerful habits and intuition around which approach is most appropriate for the current strategy you’re working on. They also help turn strategy into a community practice that you, your colleagues, and the wider engineering ecosystem can participate in together. Each step is an input that flows into the next step. Your exploration is the foundation of a solid diagnosis. Your diagnosis helps you search the infinite space of policy for what you need now. Operational mechanisms help you turn policy into an active force supporting your strategy rather than an abstract treatise. If you’re skeptical of the steps, you should certainly maintain your skepticism, but do give them a few tries before discarding them entirely. You may also appreciate the discussion in the chapter on bridging between theory and practice when doing strategy. Explore Exploration is the deliberate practice of searching through a strategy’s problem and solution spaces before allowing yourself to commit to a given approach. It’s understanding how other companies and teams have approached similar questions, and whether their approaches might also work well for you. It’s also learning why what brought you so much success at your former employer isn’t necessarily the best solution for your current organization. The Uber service migration strategy used exploration to understand the service ecosystem by reading industry literature: As a starting point, we find it valuable to read Large-scale cluster management at Google with Borg which informed some elements of the approach to Kubernetes, and Mesos: A Platform for Fine-Grained Resource Sharing in the Data Center which describes the Mesos/Aurora approach. It also used a Wardley map to explore the cloud compute ecosystem. For more detail, read the Exploration chapter. Diagnose Diagnosis is your attempt to correctly recognize the context that the strategy needs to solve before deciding on the policies to address that context. Starting from your exploration’s learnings, and your understanding of your current circumstances, building a diagnosis forces you to delay thinking about solutions until you fully understand your problem’s nuances. A diagnosis can be largely data driven, such as the navigating a Private Equity ownership transition strategy: Our Engineering headcount costs have grown by 15% YoY this year, and 18% YoY the prior year. Headcount grew 7% and 9% respectively, with the difference between headcount and headcount costs explained by salary band adjustments (4%), a focus on hiring senior roles (3%), and increased hiring in higher cost geographic regions (1%). It can also be less data driven, instead aiming to summarize a problem, such as the Index acquisition strategy’s summary of the known and unknown elements of the technical integration prior to the acquisition closing: We will need to rapidly integrate the acquired startup to meet this timeline. We only know a small number of details about what this will entail. We do know that point-of-sale devices directly operate on payment details (e.g. the point-of-sale device knows the credit card details of the card it reads). Our compliance obligations restrict such activity to our “tokenization environment”, a highly secured and isolated environment with direct access to payment details. This environment converts payment details into a unique token that other environments can utilize to operate against payment details without the compliance overhead of having direct access to the underlying payment details. The approach, and challenges, of developing a diagnosis are detailed in the Diagnosis chapter. Refine (Test, Map & Model) Strategy refinement is a toolkit of methods to identify which parts of your diagnosis are most important, and verify that your approach to solving the diagnosis actually works. This chapter delves into the details of using three methods in particular: strategy testing, systems modeling, and Wardley mapping. An example of a systems modeling diagram. These techniques are also demonstrated in the strategy case studies, such as the Wardley map of the LLM ecosystem, or the systems model of backfilling roles without downleveling them. For more detail, read the Refinement chapter. Why isn’t refinement earlier (or later)? A frequent point of disagreement is that refinement should occur before the diagnosis. Another is that mapping and modeling are two distinct steps, and mapping should occur before diagnosis, and modeling should occur after policy. A third is that refinement ought to be the final step of strategy, turning the steps into a looping cycle. These are all reasonable observations, so let me unpack my rationale for this structure. By far the biggest risk for most strategies is not that you model too early or map too late, but instead that you simply skip both steps entirely. My foremost concern is minimizing the required investment into mapping and modeling such that more folks do these steps at all. Refining after exploring and diagnosing allows you to concentrate your efforts on a smaller number of load-bearing areas. That said, it’s common to refine many places in your strategy creation. You’re just as likely to have three small refinement steps as one bigger one. Policy Policy is interpreting your diagnosis into a concrete plan. This plan also needs to work, which requires careful study of what’s worked within your company, and what new ideas you’ve discovered while exploring the current problem. Policies can range from providing directional guidance, such as the user data controls strategy’s guidance: Good security discussions don’t frame decisions as a compromise between security and usability. We will pursue multi-dimensional tradeoffs to simultaneously improve security and efficiency. Whenever we frame a discussion on trading off between security and utility, it’s a sign that we are having the wrong discussion, and that we should rethink our approach. We will prioritize mechanisms that can both automatically authorize and automatically document the rationale for accesses to customer data. The most obvious example of this is automatically granting access to a customer support agent for users who have an open support ticket assigned to that agent. (And removing that access when that ticket is reassigned or resolved.) To committing not to make a decision until later, as practiced in the Index acquisition strategy: Defer making a decision regarding the introduction of Java to a later date: the introduction of Java is incompatible with our existing engineering strategy, but at this point we’ve also been unable to align stakeholders on how to address this decision. Further, we see attempting to address this issue as a distraction from our timely goal of launching a joint product within six months. We will take up this discussion after launching the initial release. This chapter further goes into evaluating policies, overcoming ambiguous circumstances that make it difficult to decide on an approach, and developing novel policies. For full detail, read the Policy chapter. Operations Even the best policies have to be interpreted. There will be new circumstances their authors never imagined, and the policies may be in effect long after their authors have left the organization. Operational mechanisms are the concrete implementation of your policy. The simplest mechanisms are an explicit escalation path, as shown in Calm’s product engineering strategy: Exceptions are granted by the CTO, and must be in writing. The above policies are deliberately restrictive. Sometimes they may be wrong, and we will make exceptions to them. However, each exception should be deliberate and grounded in concrete problems we are aligned both on solving and how we solve them. If we all scatter towards our preferred solution, then we’ll create negative leverage for Calm rather than serving as the engine that advances our product. From that starting point, the mechanisms can get far more complex. This chapter works through evaluating mechanisms, composing an operational plan, and the most common sorts of operational mechanisms that I’ve seen across strategies. For more detail, read the Operations chapter. Is the structure sacrosanct? When someone’s struggling to write a strategy document, one of the first tools someone will often recommend is a strategy template. Templates are great: they reduce the ambiguity of an already broad project into something more tractable. If you’re wondering if you should use a template to craft strategy: sure, go ahead! However, I find that well-meaning, thoughtful templates often turn into lumbering, callous documents that serve no one well. The secret to good templates is that someone has to own it, and that person has to care about the template writer first and foremost, rather than the various constituencies that want to insert requirements into the strategy creation process. The security, compliance and cost of your plans matter a lot, but many organizations start to layer in more and more requirements into these sorts of documents until the idea of writing them becomes prohibitively painful. The best advice I can give someone attempting to write strategy, is that you should discard every element of strategy that gets in your way as long as you can explain what that element was intended to accomplish. For example, if you’re drafting a strategy and you don’t find any operational mechanisms that fit. That’s fine, discard that section. Ultimately, the structure is not sacrosanct, it’s the thinking behind the sections that really matter. This topic is explored in more detail in the chapter on Making engineering strategies more readable. Summary Now, you know the foundational steps to conducting strategy. From here, you can dive into the details with the strategy case studies like How should you adopt LLMs? or you can maintain a high altitude starting with how exploration creates the foundation for an effective strategy. Whichever you start with, I encourage yout o eventually work through both to get the full perspective.

13 hours ago 2 votes
The Value of Experience

Adam Silver has an article titled “Do you trust design advice from ChatGPT?” wherein he prompted the LLM: How do you add hint text to radio buttons? It gave various suggestions, each of which Adam breaks down. Here’s an an example response from ChatGPT: If you want the hint to appear when the user hovers on the radio button, use a tooltip for a cleaner design Adam’s response: ‘If you want’ Design is not about what you want. It’s about what users need. ‘use a tooltip’ If a hint is useful, why hide it behind a difficult-to-use and inaccessible interaction? ‘for a cleaner design’ Design is about clarity, not cleanliness. Adam’s point-by-point breakdowns are excellent. The entire article is a great example of how plausible-sounding ideas can quickly fall apart under scrutiny from an expert who reframes the issue. It’s funny how prevalent this feels in our age of fast-paced information overload. You read an argument and it seems rational — that is, if you don’t think about it too long, which who has the time? But an expert with deep experience can quickly refute these mediocre rationales and offer a more informed perspective that leaves you wondering how you ever nodded along to the original argument in the first place. Humorously, it reminds me of the culture of conspiracy theories where the burden of proof is on you to disprove the bare assertions being made (a time-consuming job). Hence the value of experience (and what’s experience but an investment of time?) to pierce through these kinds of middle-of-the-road rationales. Experience helps clarify and articulate what lesser experience cannot see, let alone articulate. That all leads me back to Adam: ChatGPT pulls unreliable, uninformed and untrustworthy design advice from the internet and delivers it with confidence. I mean you can certainly listen to its advice. But I think it’s better to develop the instinct to ask the right questions and be able to recognise bad advice when you see it. There’s no shortcut to gaining experience. You can’t consume enough content to get it. You have to do. Email · Mastodon · Bluesky

2 days ago 2 votes
Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering Specialness

Logic for Programmers v0.8 now out! The new release has minor changes: new formatting for notes and a better introduction to predicates. I would have rolled it all into v0.9 next month but I like the monthly cadence. Get it here! Betteridge's Law of Software Engineering Specialness In There is No Automatic Reset in Engineering, Tim Ottinger asks: Do the other people have to live with January 2013 for the rest of their lives? Or is it only engineering that has to deal with every dirty hack since the beginning of the organization? Betteridge's Law of Headlines says that if a journalism headline ends with a question mark, the answer is probably "no". I propose a similar law relating to software engineering specialness:1 If someone asks if some aspect of software development is truly unique to just software development, the answer is probably "no". Take the idea that "in software, hacks are forever." My favorite example of this comes from a different profession. The Dewey Decimal System hierarchically categorizes books by discipline. For example, Covered Bridges of Pennsylvania has Dewey number 624.37. 6-- is the technology discipline, 62- is engineering, 624 is civil engineering, and 624.3 is "special types of bridges". I have no idea what the last 0.07 means, but you get the picture. Now if you look at the 6-- "technology" breakdown, you'll see that there's no "software" subdiscipline. This is because when Dewey preallocated the whole technology block in 1876. New topics were instead to be added to the 00- "general-knowledge" catch-all. Eventually 005 was assigned to "software development", meaning The C Programming Language lives at 005.133. Incidentally, another late addition to the general knowledge block is 001.9: "controversial knowledge". And that's why my hometown library shelved the C++ books right next to The Mothman Prophecies. How's that for technical debt? If anything, fixing hacks in software is significantly easier than in other fields. This came up when I was interviewing classic engineers. Kludges happened all the time, but "refactoring" them out is expensive. Need to house a machine that's just two inches taller than the room? Guess what, you're cutting a hole in the ceiling. (Even if we restrict the question to other departments in a software company, we can find kludges that are horrible to undo. I once worked for a company which landed an early contract by adding a bespoke support agreement for that one customer. That plagued them for years afterward.) That's not to say that there aren't things that are different about software vs other fields!2 But I think that most of the time, when we say "software development is the only profession that deals with XYZ", it's only because we're ignorant of how those other professions work. Short newsletter because I'm way behind on writing my April Cools. If you're interested in April Cools, you should try it out! I make it way harder on myself than it actually needs to be— everybody else who participates finds it pretty chill. Ottinger caveats it with "engineering, software or otherwise", so I think he knows that other branches of engineering, at least, have kludges. ↩ The "software is different" idea that I'm most sympathetic to is that in software, the tools we use and the products we create are made from the same material. That's unusual at least in classic engineering. Then again, plenty of machinists have made their own lathes and mills! ↩

2 days ago 2 votes
It's five grand a day to miss our S3 exit

We're spending just shy of $1.5 million/year on AWS S3 at the moment to host files for Basecamp, HEY, and everything else. The only way we were able to get the pricing that low was by signing a four-year contract. That contract expires this summer, June 30, so that's our departure date for the final leg of our cloud exit. We've already racked the replacement from Pure Storage in our two primary data centers. A combined 18 petabytes, securely replicated a thousand miles apart. It's a gorgeous rack full of blazing-fast NVMe storage modules. Each card in the chassis capable of storing 150TB now. Pure Storage comes with an S3-compatible API, so no need for CEPH, Minio, or any of the other object storage software solutions you might need, if you were trying to do this exercise on commodity hardware. This makes it pretty easy from the app side to do the swap.  But there's still work to do. We have to transfer almost six petabytes out of S3. In an earlier age, that egress alone would have cost hundreds of thousands of dollars in fees alone. But now AWS offers a free 60-day egress window for anyone who wants to leave, so that drops the cost to $0. Nice! It takes a while to transfer that much data, though. Even on the fat 40-Gbit pipe we have set aside for the purpose, it'll probably take at least three weeks, once you factor in overhead and some babysitting of the process. That's when it's good to remind ourselves why June 30th matters. And the reminder math pens out in nice, round numbers for easy recollection: If we don't get this done in time, we'll be paying a cool five thousand dollars a day to continue to use S3 (if all the files are still there). Yikes! That's $35,000/week! That's $150,000/month! Pretty serious money for a company of our size. But so are the savings. Over five years, it'll now be almost five million! Maybe even more, depending on the growth in files we need to store for customers. About $1.5 million for the Pure Storage hardware, and a bit less than a million over five years for warranty and support. But those big numbers always seem a bit abstract to me. The idea of paying $5,000/day, if we miss our departure date, is awfully concrete in comparison.

2 days ago 2 votes