More than a hundred years ago, “Hakerem Spirits” was founded.
A little over ten years ago, we designed their offices.
About two years ago, we received a call from “Hakerem” – “We have to expand, we can’t breathe here anymore.”
That’s the kind of call that’s fun to get. It’s fun when a long-time client wants more. It’s fun to be invited to a place where the alcohol always flows. It’s fun to return to a place that brings back so many memories.
So, we wrote that word “fun” on the sketchpad before drawing a single line. We also wrote “wine.” And we drank a little, even before picking up a pencil, because it sets the mood and because we’re always looking for an excuse…
From there, everything just flowed naturally.
It’s so fun to come back home, so fun to drink, and so fun when things come full circle.
Designed by Anderman Architects
Lead architect: Einat Mor
Project manager: Kobi Bargig
Constraction: Sahar prohects
Furniture: Waxman
Partition: Inovate
Photographer: Amit Gerom

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