Full-bleed Table Scrolling on Narrow Viewports

Posted on May 20, 2023
Takes about 3 minutes to read

I found the following to be a rather decent solution for having HTML tables overflow the inline edges of smaller/tighter/narrow viewports. Try resizing the width of the browser window if viewing this page on a larger screen.

Notice that the table overflows beyond the edge of the window. This can be acheived by wrapping the table element with another element.

<figure class="wrapper">
    <!-- ... -->

On this wrapper, a combination of inline padding and negative margins create an offset that matches the page gutter size—that space to the left and right of the main content area. Here's a simplified example of those styles:

body {
  --page-gutter: clamp(1rem, 4vw, 2rem);
  padding-inline: var(--page-gutter);

.wrapper {
  margin-inline: calc(var(--page-gutter) * -1);
  padding-inline: var(--page-gutter);

clamp() is used to create fluid padding. The gutter size shrinks as the viewport gets narrower. Unfamiliar with how this CSS function works? Check out the docs on MDN.

The inline margin will pull the table wrapper to the viewport edge. Then inline padding pushes the table back into position so that it's once again aligned with the page content. Here's all the CSS necessary for horizontal scrolling and wrapper repositioning:

.wrapper {
  display: flex;
  overscroll-behavior-x: contain;
  overflow-x: auto;
  margin-inline: calc(var(--page-gutter) * -1);
  padding-inline: var(--page-gutter);

Setting display: flex on the wrapper element fixes a tiny issue in Safari (version 16.4 at the time of writing) where the inline padding at the end appears collapsed.

That's it! There are a handful of ways to display tables on smaller screens. I like that this solution requires very little code and doesn't rely on breakpoint changes. How might you solve this differently? Let's discuss!

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