This is a blog post that has nothing to do with Good Enough, but I was told “There needs to be a record of this somewhere on the internet!” and I don’t have my own blog.
Years ago my friend and I ran a radio show called Gorilla Madness, which we also spun out into a podcast after we graduated. It was a half-decade of silly stupid fun that I miss dearly. No, you can’t listen to it, it’s very embarrassing and I like my job.
Anyway, one of our friend-fans was an editor at Marvel, and he was the only member of the street team (inside joke) that actually engaged in gorilla guerilla marketing tactics: he snuck us into a comic book.
May I introduce you to 2012’s Winter Soldier #5 cover art:

(Art by Lee Bermejo)
That gorilla going crazy on Bucky with a machine gun? That’s a direct callback to the mascot of our show:

We also made t-shits.
Benjamin Bailey at IGN gave it his highest honors, emphasis mine:
It is worth noting that this particular issue of Winter Soldier has what might be the greatest comic book cover of all time. I want a poster of it badly. The rest of the issue is pretty good, but it doesn't quite reach the level of Bucky standing on the shoulder of a gorilla with a chain gun.
We’re excitedly waiting for our call to join the MCU, any day now…