in technology
A newsletter on technology and its problems and also whatever else
in technology
Computer ads from the old days, delivered to your inbox weekly (I...
in technology
Thoughts about hacking, developing, technology and other things in...
in technology
Essays about buildings, infrastructure, and industrial technology.
in technology
Projects both technical and creative (I hope) that others may find...
in technology
Gritty details about distributed systems, AI/ML infrastructure, and...
in technology
In Abort Retry Fail, I am attempting to chronicle the history of the...
v. 229.328 compliant with
earth/mars-x8292 communication
protocol 29xjw899992
When Google killed Google Reader, the bloggosphere took a severe hit and the content quality went down because there weren't enough readers to justify the effort it takes to maintain a high quality blog.
What's left is a decaying wasteland of blogs, most abandoned, a lot are now SEO spam, and 99% are not worth reading. BoredReading is a way to read the remaining great blogs that survived the ice age.
To add your favorite blog, please suggest it here! I get emails every day which helps me maintain a high quality selection of blogs!