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GitButler ->

in technology

All about the GitButler product, Git itself, version control, startups...

Never Met a Science ->

in technology

Political Communication, Social Science Methodology, and how the...

Opsbros ->

in technology

Cloud, Tech, Electronics, Aviation, Retro

Himanshu Mishra | orkohunter.net RSS Feed ->

in technology

Personal website and blog of Himanshu Mishra (@OrkoHunter)

detreville ->

in technology

the life and times of John DeTreville, a retired Computer Scientist...

Push to Prod ->

in technology

Gritty details about distributed systems, AI/ML infrastructure, and...

Toni Lijic's Blog ->

in technology

This is my personal feed!

Lars Lofgren ->

in technology

Building Online Businesses

Ian's Blog ->

in technology

The RSS feed for Ian's blog

Construction Physics ->

in technology

Essays about buildings, infrastructure, and industrial technology.

Engineers Need Art ->

in technology

Projects both technical and creative (I hope) that others may find...

tim.sh ->

in technology

Thoughts, stories and ideas.

Abishek Muthian ->

in technology

Recent content on Abishek Muthian

Odds and Ends of History ->

in technology

Why that thing you retweeted is probably wrong.

watchTowr Labs ->

in technology

The epicentre of offensive security expertise and research at...

Evan Hahn's blog ->

in technology

My blog, mostly about programming.

Computer Ads from the Past ->

in technology

Computer ads from the old days, delivered to your inbox weekly (I...

axio.ms ->

in technology

axio.ms is Matt Evans's blog and project-writeup site. All content is...

Joey's Hoard of Stuff ->

in technology

Joey Einerhand's Portfolio and tech blog.

heavymeta.org ->

in technology

GPS jamming, the occult, geospatial, AI, Imagineering, and more.

The Pragmatic Engineer ->

in technology

Observations across the software engineering industry.

Christian Selig ->

in technology

Recent content on Christian Selig

Gwern.net Newsletter ->

in technology

Latest gwern.net updates, interesting links, and reviews

On Life and Lisp ->

in technology

Software freedom, graphics, and gay

Avestura's Blog ->

in technology

Personal Website of Aryan Ebrahimpour

Posts on Made of Bugs ->

in technology

Recent content in Posts on Made of Bugs

OH8HUB’s Substack ->

in technology

A blog by Ossi, OH8HUB writing mostly about WWFF and/or POTA...

The New Oil ->

in technology

Practical privacy and simple cybersecurity.<br><a...

./techtipsy ->

in technology

Recent content on ./techtipsy, a blog written by Herman Õunapuu.

Azad's Blog ->

in technology

Thoughts about AR/VR, photogrammetry, and technology

computers are bad ->

in technology

A newsletter on technology and its problems and also whatever else

Willem's Blog ->

in technology

Thoughts about hacking, developing, technology and other things in...

lcamtuf’s thing ->

in technology

geek culture, algorithms, electronic circuit design, and chainsaw...

Daniel De Laney ->

in technology

Daniel De Laney is a product manager with a design focus.

Neil Madden ->

in technology

Thoughts on application security, applied crypto, philosophy and logic

Greater Still by Gaby Goldberg ->

in technology

Musings on technology, culture, and things in between.

Krebs on Security ->

in technology

In-depth security news and investigation

Matt Blewitt ->

in technology

Recent posts by Matt Blewitt

Abort Retry Fail ->

in technology

In Abort Retry Fail, I am attempting to chronicle the history of the...

Home on Erik Bernhardsson ->

in technology

Recent content in Home on Erik Bernhardsson