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Contemporist Newsletter ->

in architecture

Contemporist is an online community that celebrates contemporary...

The Modern House ->

in architecture

The Modern House has been successfully selling Britain's finest modern...

99% Invisible ->

in architecture

A Tiny Radio Show About Design with Roman Mars

The Architectural Uprising ->

in architecture

A people’s movement against the continued uglification of our cities


in architecture

Contemporist features great ideas from the world of design,...

The Wandering Cartographer ->

in architecture

Thoughts about mapping, history, language, travel, mathematics...


in architecture

An online magazine of Art, Architecture, Media, Culture, Sounds,...

The Beauty of Transport ->

in architecture

Transport design, transport architecture, and transport's influence on...

McMansion Hell ->

in architecture

If you love to hate the ugly houses that became ubiquitous before (and...

Cartogrammar ->

in architecture

Adventures in cartography

The Solarchitecture Newsletter ->

in architecture

Learn about building healthy, durable solar buildings! I write about...