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Given how many of us grew up playing classic Japanese games, it’s no surprise that people are keen to work on games in Japan. But what’s the reality on the ground? What skills do you need to succeed in the Japanese game industry, and what challenges can you expect to encounter? To find out, I interviewed a number of current and former members of the game industry here in Japan, for their thoughts on: What makes Japanese game development different? The upside of working on games in Japan The downside How they got started in the Japanese game industry Their top tips for success Conclusion Our interviewees hail from five different countries, work in roles ranging from studio head to entry-level programmer, and have developed everything from Nintendo games to 18+ eroge. Marc Trudel is the Studio Head at Wizcorp, a studio specializing in visual effects, porting games, and developing custom tools and engines for the Japanese game industry. He’s Canadian and has lived in Japan since...
2 months ago

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The Challenges Faced by Multinational Teams and Japanese Companies

It’s a fact that Japan needs more international developers. That doesn’t mean integrating those developers into Japanese companies, as well as Japanese society, is a simple process. But what are the most common challenges encountered by these companies with multinational teams? To find out, TokyoDev interviewed a number of Japanese companies with international employees. In addition to discussing the benefits of hiring overseas, we also wanted to learn more about what challenges they had faced, and how they had overcome them. The companies interviewed included: Autify, which provides an AI-based software test automation platform Beatrust, which has created a search platform that automatically structures profile information Cybozu, Japan’s leading groupware provider DeepX, which automates heavy equipment machinery Givery, which scouts, hires, and trains world-class engineers Shippio, which digitalizes international trading and is Japan’s first digital forwarding company Yaraku, which offers web-based translation management According to those companies, the issues they experienced fell into two categories: addressing the language barrier, and helping new hires come to Japan. The language barrier Language issues are by far the most universal problem faced by Japanese companies with multinational teams. As a result, all of the companies we spoke to have evolved their own unique solutions. AI translation To help improve English-Japanese communication, Yaraku has turned to AI and its own translation tool, YarakuZen. With these they’ve reduced comprehension issues down to verbal communication alone. Since their engineering teams primarily communicate via text anyway, this has solved the majority of their language barrier issue, and engineers feel that they can now work smoothly together. Calling on bilinguals While DeepX employs engineers from over 20 countries, English is the common language between them. Documentation is written in English, and even Japanese departments still write minutes in English so colleagues can check them later. Likewise, explanations of company-wide meetings are delivered in both Japanese and English. Still, a communication gap exists. To overcome it, DeepX assigns Japanese project managers who can also speak English well. English skills weren’t previously a requirement, but once English became the official language of the engineering team, bilingualism was an essential part of the role. These project managers are responsible for taking requests from clients and communicating them accurately to the English-only engineers. In addition, DeepX is producing more bilingual employees by offering online training in both Japanese and English. The online lessons have proven particularly popular with international employees who have just arrived in Japan. Beatrust has pursued a similar policy of encouraging employees to learn and speak both languages. Dr. Andreas Dippon, the Vice President of Engineering at Beatrust, feels that bilingual colleagues are absolutely necessary to business. I think the biggest mistake you can make is just hiring foreigners who speak only English and assuming all the communication inside engineering is just English and that’s fine. You need to understand that business communication with [those] engineers will be immensely difficult . . . You need some almost bilingual people in between the business side and the engineering side to make it work. Similar to DeepX, Beatrust offers its employees a stipend for language learning. “So nowadays, it’s almost like 80 percent of both sides can speak English and Japanese to some extent, and then there are like two or three people on each side who cannot speak the other language,” Dippon said. “So we have like two or three engineers who cannot speak Japanese at all, and we have two or three business members who cannot speak English at all.” But in the engineering team itself “is 100 percent English. And the business team is almost 100 percent Japanese.” “ Of course the leaders try to bridge the gap,” Dippon explained. “So I’m now joining the business meetings that are in Japanese and trying to follow up on that and then share the information with the engineering team, and [it’s] also the same for the business lead, who is joining some engineering meetings and trying to update the business team on what’s happening inside engineering.” “Mixed language” Shippio, on the other hand, encountered negative results when they leaned too hard on their bilingual employees. Initially they asked bilinguals to provide simultaneous interpretation at meetings, but quickly decided that the burden on them was too great and not sustainable in the long term. Instead, Shippio has adopted a policy of “mixed language,” or combining Japanese and English together. The goal of mixed language is simple: to “understand each other.” Many employees who speak one language also know a bit of the other, and Shippio has found that by fostering a culture of flexible communication, employees can overcome the language barrier themselves. For example, a Japanese engineer might forget an English word, in which case he’ll do his best to explain the meaning in Japanese. If the international engineer can understand a bit of Japanese, he’ll be able to figure out what his coworker intended to say, at which point they will switch back to English. This method, while idiosyncratic to every conversation, strikes a balance between the stress of speaking another language and consideration for the other person. The most important thing, according to Shippio, is that the message is conveyed in any language. Meeting more often Another method these companies use is creating structured meeting schedules designed to improve cross-team communication. Givery teams hold what they call “win sessions” and “sync-up meetings” once or twice a month, to ensure thorough information-sharing within and between departments. These two types of meetings have different goals: A “win session” reviews business or project successes, with the aim of analyzing and then repeating that success in future. A “sync-up meeting” helps teams coordinate project deadlines. They report on their progress, discuss any obstacles that have arisen, and plan future tasks. In these meetings employees often speak Japanese, but the meetings are translated into English, and sometimes supplemented with additional English messages and explanations. By building these sort of regular, focused meetings into the company’s schedule, Givery aims to overcome language difficulties with extra personal contact. Beatrust takes a similarly structured, if somewhat more casual, approach. They tend to schedule most meetings on Friday, when engineers are likely to come to the office. However, in addition to the regular meetings, they also hold the “no meeting hour” for everyone, including the business team. “One of the reasons is to just let people talk to each other,” Dippon explained. “Let the engineers talk to business people and to each other.” This kind of interaction, we don’t really care if it’s personal stuff or work stuff that they talk about. Just to be there, talking to each other, and getting this feeling of a team [is what’s important]. . . . This is hugely beneficial, I think. Building Bonds Beatrust also believes in building team relationships through regular off-site events. “Last time we went to Takaosan, the mountain area,” said Dippon. “It was nice, we did udon-making. . . . This was kind of a workshop for QRs, and this was really fun, because even the Japanese people had never done it before by themselves. So it was a really great experience. After we did that, we had a half-day workshop about team culture, company culture, our next goals, and so on.” Dippon in particular appreciates any chance to learn more about his fellow employees. Like, ‘Why did you leave your country? Why did you come to Japan? What are the problems in your country? What’s good in your country?’ You hear a lot of very different stories. DeepX also hopes to deepen the bonds between employees with different cultures and backgrounds via family parties, barbecues, and other fun, relaxing events. This policy intensified after the COVID-19 pandemic, during which Japan’s borders were closed and international engineers weren’t able to immigrate. When the borders opened and those engineers finally did arrive, DeepX organized in-house get-togethers every two weeks, to fortify the newcomers’ relationships with other members of the company. Sponsoring visas Not every company that hires international developers actually brings them to Japan—-quite a few prefer to hire foreign employees who are already in-country. However, for those willing to sponsor new work visas, there is universal consensus on how best to do it: hire a professional. Cybozu has gone to the extent of bringing those professionals in-house. The first international member they hired was an engineer living in the United States. Though he wanted to work in Japan, at that time they didn’t have any experience in acquiring a work visa or relocating an employee, so they asked him to work for their US subsidiary instead. But as they continued hiring internationally, Cybozu realized that quite a few engineers were interested in physically relocating to Japan. To facilitate this, the company set up a new support system for their multinational team, for the purpose of providing their employees with work visas. Other companies prefer to outsource the visa process. DeepX, for example, has hired a certified administrative scrivener corporation to handle visa applications on behalf of the company. Autify also goes to a “dedicated, specialized” lawyer for immigration procedures. Thomas Santonja, VP of Engineering at Autify, feels that sponsoring visas is a necessary cost of business and that the advantages far outweigh the price. We used to have fully remote, long-term employees outside of Japan, but we stopped after we noticed that there is a lot of value in being able to meet in person and join in increased collaboration, especially with Japanese-speaking employees that are less inclined to make an effort when they don’t know the people individually. “It’s kind of become a requirement, in the last two years,” he concluded, “to at least be capable of being physically here.” However, Autify does prevent unnecessary expenses by having a new employee work remotely from their home country for a one month trial period before starting the visa process in earnest. So far, the only serious issues they encountered were with an employee based in Egypt; the visa process became so complicated, Autify eventually had to give up. But Autify also employs engineers from France, the Philippines, and Canada, among other countries, and has successfully brought their workers over many times. Helping employees adjust Sponsoring a visa is only the beginning of bringing an employee to Japan. The next step is providing special support for international employees, although this can look quite different from company to company. DeepX points out that just working at a new company is difficult enough; also beginning a new life in a new country, particularly when one doesn’t speak the language, can be incredibly challenging. That’s why DeepX not only covers the cost of international flights, but also implemented other support systems for new arrivals. To help them get started in Japan, DeepX provides a hired car to transport them from the airport, and a furnished monthly apartment for one month. Then they offer four days of special paid leave to complete necessary procedures: opening a bank account, signing a mobile phone contract, finding housing, etc. The company also introduces real estate companies that specialize in helping foreigners find housing, since that can sometimes be a difficult process on its own. Dippon at Beatrust believes that international employees need ongoing support, not just at the point of entry, and that it’s best to have at least one person in-house who is prepared to assist them. I think that one trap many companies run into is that they know all about Japanese laws and taxes and so on, and everybody grew up with that, so they are all familiar. But suddenly you have foreigners who have basically no idea about the systems, and they need a lot of support, because it can be quite different. Santonja at Autify, by contrast, has had a different experience helping employees get settled. “I am extremely tempted to say that I don’t have any challenges. I would be extremely hard pressed to tell you anything that could be remotely considered difficult or, you know, require some organization or even extra work or thinking.” Most people we hire look for us, right? So they are looking for an opportunity to move to Japan and be supported with a visa, which is again a very rare occurrence. They tend to be extremely motivated to live and make it work here. So I don’t think that integration in Japan is such a challenge. Conclusion To companies unfamiliar with the process, the barriers to hiring internationally may seem high. However, there are typically only two major challenges when integrating developers from other countries. The first, language issues, has a variety of solutions ranging from the technical to the cultural. The second, attaining the correct work visa, is best handled by trained professionals, whether in-house or through contractors. Neither of these difficulties is insurmountable, particularly with expert assistance. In addition, Givery in particular has stressed that it’s not necessary to figure out all the details in advance of hiring: in fact, it can benefit a company to introduce international workers early on, before its own internal policies are overly fixed. This information should also benefit international developers hoping to work in Japan. Since this article reflects the top concerns of Japanese companies, developers can work to proactively relieve those worries. Learning even basic Japanese helps reduce the language barrier, while becoming preemptively familiar with Japanese society reassures employers that you’re capable of taking care of yourself here. If you’d like to learn more about the benefits these companies enjoy from hiring international developers, see part one of this article series here. Want to find a job in Japan? Check out the TokyoDev job board. If you want to know more about multinational teams, moving to Japan, or Japanese work life in general, see our extensive library of articles. If you’d like to continue the conversation, please join the TokyoDev Discord.

2 weeks ago 14 votes
Why Do Japanese Companies Hire International Developers?

TokyoDev has already reported that Japan really needs international developers. But the more Japanese companies we’ve interviewed, the more we’ve realized that a talent shortage is not the only reason for Japanese companies to hire from overseas. There are a host of other advantages to recruiting internationally, and a growing number of managers are beginning to recognize the benefits. To gain more perspective on how multinational teams enhance their Japanese companies, we conducted interviews with the following businesses: Autify, which provides an AI-based software test automation platform Beatrust, which provides solutions to help companies maximize their human capital Cybozu, Japan’s leading groupware provider DeepX, which automates heavy equipment machinery Givery, which scouts, hires, and trains world-class engineers KOMOJU by Degica, a payment processor MODE, which pioneers innovative solutions to connect the digital and physical worlds Yaraku, which offers web-based translation management Below we’ve compiled the top reasons they gave for hiring international developers, and the specific ways in which those developers have improved their businesses. These range from the obvious—a greater talent pool to draw from—to surprising and even counterintuitive upsides, such as improved domestic recruiting and sheer enjoyment. The global talent pool Because Japan is suffering a developer shortage, and particularly lacks specialized and senior engineers, Japanese companies are expanding their recruiting efforts worldwide to find the staff and skill sets they need. That was DeepX’s initial motive for hiring international engineers: they needed employees with advanced technical skills. At first, when the company was founded in 2016, DeepX only intended to hire Japanese engineers. However, robotics is a fairly rare specialty in Japan, and those engineers who have studied it were reluctant to work at a newly-formed startup. Consequently, in 2018, DeepX hired their first international engineer; now they employ engineers from 20 different countries. Givery ran into the same issue. Though founded in 2009, the company spent five years trying to find enough staff to develop its B2C programming learning service, but struggled to attract talent because the company wasn’t yet well-known in Japan. In 2014 they received an application from a recruitment service, for an international front-end engineer who didn’t speak much Japanese. Since management was already discussing how best to globalize, they decided to seize this opportunity, despite the fact that many managers did not speak English. Seven years later, half of Givery’s development team of 120 are non-Japanese and hail from 20 different countries. The immediate benefits of widening the applicant pool speak for themselves. However Makoto Mizukami, head of Customer Engineering at KOMOJU by Degica, thinks recruiting internationally isn’t just a solution for today: it’s future-proofing. Because Japan is facing a declining and aging population, Mizukami believes that companies will face increased long-term risks if they insist on only hiring Japanese employees. In order for companies to survive, they must expand the range of people they employ. According to Mizukami, this applies to more than international engineers: companies must create an environment that can accept a highly diverse range of workers, including immigrants, women, people with disabilities, and the elderly. As will be seen later in this article, hiring international workers often has the side effect of creating a more favorable work environment for all. Recruiting at home But hiring international workers has a surprising secondary benefit: it improves domestic recruitment as well. KOMOJU found this out firsthand when they hired Shogo Ito as Staff SRE, since his primary motivation for joining KOMOJU was to improve his English. In Ito’s previous job, while he’d had the opportunity to collaborate with overseas teams, he hadn’t felt immersed in an English environment. But since at KOMOJU English is the primary form of communication, Ito felt confident he’d have a chance there to improve his skills. Givery has also benefited from this trend. It was their initial struggle to find engineers locally that led them to recruit internationally. As their multinational development team grew, though, they discovered that their diversity attracted more Japanese talent as well. As a result, Givery is one of the few tech companies in Japan to meet its recruitment goals on a regular basis. International knowledge Companies that hire internationally usually discover that their new employees bring more to the table than expected. It’s not just a question of tech skills—they carry with them fresh information that broadens companies’ knowledge bases overall. In the case of Beatrust, information from international employees contributes directly to their product. “We have a talent collaboration platform,” explained Dr. Andreas Dippon, the Vice President of Engineering at Beatrust. “The focus is [helping] employees better work with each other. Currently we’re focused on selling this product to big clients in Japan, which all already have some diversification. “Of course in Japan it’s mainly Japanese people, but you also have international engineers joining the big companies as well. So how can we support them collaborating in their company where there’s a language barrier, where there are cultural differences?”  Having engineers of different backgrounds, especially with our product, helps us better understand how users think. KOMOJU also credits their global team with improving their product. As every country has unique payment methods and financial rules, the “insider knowledge” of employees from that country has proven invaluable. KOMOJU specifically cited China, which uses a number of payment methods such as Alipay and WeChat Pay that are unfamiliar in Japan; according to them, Chinese employees have been extremely helpful in explaining those systems to the rest of the team. Mizukami gave another example of international knowledge proving helpful. A user who had a free Chinese email address was flagged by the fraud detection system. At that time, Mizukami said, a Chinese engineer told them that “People who use this address cannot be trusted, so it’s okay to ignore it.” With that engineer’s assistance, the team was able to respond to the situation appropriately. Other tech companies we spoke to cited the benefits of international knowledge more generally, but Cybozu in particular knows the value of global perspectives. An earlier attempt to take their product, Cybozu Office, to the US via a subsidiary failed—in part, executives decided, due to differences in business customs between the US and Japan. That was why, in 2022, Cybozu approached international expansion differently. This time they created the New Business Division, an English-first multinational development team specifically designed to help Cybozu adapt existing products to the global market. In addition, the team has been tasked with building new products from the ground up, with an international audience in mind. Staying abreast of new tech Another plus to hiring international engineers, and particularly those who speak English, is earlier access to new tools and technology. Ito at KOMOJU pointed out that information on new services and tools is usually spread through English online media, and that most Japanese engineers don’t keep up with English articles on the subject. This means that, until someone writes an “I tried it” style post in Japanese, information on the latest developments isn’t readily available to Japanese developers. Having international engineers on the team, who are accustomed to scanning the English-language web for new tools and methods, accelerates the process. In addition, since KOMOJU’s official company language is English, there’s no concern about finding software with a Japanese UI, which greatly expands their options. Ito explained that KOMOJU uses services that are not very familiar in Japan, such as JumpCloud, Tenable, Vanta, and Honeybadger. Takuma Tatsumi, a recruiter for Yaraku, confirmed that the latest technology is overwhelmingly in English, leading to asymmetry of information. Even at previous companies, Japanese CTOs would ask the international engineers, “What are the current technology trends?” But since Yaraku has hired a number of international members, they’re now able to keep up with the latest development trends and incorporate new technology when it is, in fact, new. Changes in work environment Most Japanese companies with multinational teams end up making substantial culture changes to accommodate international employees. This could be considered a downside; instead, those we spoke to agree that the evolution of their company’s work environment was one of the top benefits of international recruitment. “The advantage I can see is with a mix of mindsets and [thoughts on the] future of work from so many different places,” said Thomas Santonja, VP of Engineering at Autify. I found a lot of very, very rich discussions about what to do, what not to do, and why, and a lot of debate, which is at least in my experience rarer in a pure Japanese environment. “Canadian and American staff are the ones that are the most vocal about why and how to do stuff, and [they] try to engage to get other people’s opinions,” he added. “That actually created a culture which is not necessarily super common. . . . I believe injecting a North American mindset in the mix is very valuable for a Japanese company, from my side of the fence.” Scott Tullis, head of Global Recruiting at MODE, also endorsed a mix of non-Japanese and Japanese work styles. “We’re a unique hybrid,” he said. Thanks to our Bay Area origins, we have the Silicon Valley tech startup culture in terms of entrepreneurship and innovation, and we also incorporate some of the great aspects of Japanese work culture around teamwork and collaboration. “We’re fortunate to not have any of the more notorious elements of Silicon Valley startup culture here,” he added. “The term ‘bro culture’ comes to mind and is well known in the Bay Area, which we thankfully do not have at MODE. Rather, we foster a more collaborative, thoughtful, and humble culture where people are truly trusted.” While the Japanese side of the company has inspired an atmosphere of humility and cooperation, the American side has contributed a fully remote work policy which, as Tullis pointed out, “is a relatively newer concept in Japan.” “We have offices in San Mateo and Tokyo, as it’s still important to have face-to-face interactions to collaborate effectively and continuously build our culture,” he said. “At the same time, the option to work remotely makes our work environment very flexible, which is beneficial for many team members, especially working parents. Our team comes from a diverse range of backgrounds, so this flexibility is key to better meeting the needs of each individual.” When it comes to work policy, Dippon at Beatrust has leaned on his European background. “ So I come from Germany, with German work culture,” he said, “which is like, we take care to take holidays and take time off and don’t do immense overwork and so on. So I try to bring that culture into my team, which is often difficult, because especially [people from] Japan, China, Taiwan, and so on—they used to work lots of overtime all the time.” So when I told them, ‘Please take the day off,’ and they said, ‘Okay, I’ll take the day off, but I can work in the morning and evening,’ I told them, ‘No, take the day off, don’t come in.’ They were confused at first, but over time I think they adapted to some extent, and now they really enjoy it, and when they come back they come back fully-refreshed and eager. That being said, Dippon takes great care not to impose his own European work paradigms too much. In fact, he finds the cultural differences amongst his team members both fascinating and useful. “Every day is very interesting,” he said. “You learn a lot about their countries, about their work style, and you can benefit from their experience in their work style as well.” Like Santonja, Dippon has noted how international hires lead to a more open style of communication. “The culture benefit is huge . . . when you can foster open communication in your engineering team, which we have achieved now. . . . So everybody can clearly state their opinion and not hold back,” Dippon said. “Which is very different from Japanese culture, from what I’ve heard,” Dippon added. “Even the Japanese people we have, they like that, so they can clearly say their opinion without having to fear any rejection.” All three of the executives quoted above are, notably, international hires themselves. But many Japanese managers also cite the benefits of adapting their company’s work environment. In fact, Tatsumi of Yaraku compared the company’s international members to the introduction of Western culture into Japan at the end of the Edo period, which led to profound cultural changes. Makiko Nakayama, Yaraku’s Human Resources manager, agreed with this. Foreign members are very frank about the issues they face, which is why we’ve created an environment that’s easy for them to work in. Those changes include a new approach to employee communication and collaboration. When work output is low or the team runs into difficulties, rather than immediately thinking, “Maybe someone is slacking off,” Yaraku employees tend to ask, “Why is it like this?” and “How can we improve it?” They said that the chance to actively communicate and think of ways to improve together creates a cooperative corporate culture, which has become one of the biggest attractions of working at Yaraku. International hires also led to new policies around paid leave. As Nakayama explained, employees from overseas told HR, “It takes four days to go home and back, so even if I use my paid leave, I really don’t have much time to rest.” As a result, Yaraku now allows employees to work remotely overseas for 30 days a year. Likewise, DeepX reported that its foreign engineers enjoy their new holiday substitute leave system. This system allows engineers to take a lump sum of vacation any time they like, by treating normal Japanese holidays as working days, and granting the same number of paid holidays. In this way, engineers can take longer vacations when returning to their home countries. But according to Satomi Makino, the system isn’t just used by international hires—many Japanese engineers are happy to take advantage of it as well. I feel DeepX is a comfortable working environment that incorporates the good points of overseas companies. In our interview with Givery, they offered some specific recommendations to other Japanese companies looking to build multinational teams. They suggested starting hiring early in the formation of the company, before internal policies had been well-established. Their newly-hired international employees, Givery’s management found, had different needs and expectations from their Japanese workers. For example, international engineers made requests like, “Can I go to the gym for two hours during lunch?” or “I want to go back to my home country in December. Can I take a month off?” Because Givery didn’t have too many procedures in place, it was able to consider suggestions like these and implement more flexible, globalized workplace practices. If Givery had waited to build its multinational development team until its policies were more firmly established, it may have struggled more to adapt to the needs of its international employees. It’s fun It may seem like an odd consideration, but multiple interviewees cited an interesting reason for hiring international employees—it’s fun! Yaraku’s engineering team was born out of CEO Suguru Sakanishi’s question to himself: What would happen if I created a global engineering team in my own company? Before founding Yaraku, Sakanishi had previously been to the US and worked in an international environment. This experience made him realize how fun it is to work with people from various backgrounds, and inspired him to hire people from abroad. KOMOJU shared a story about a newly-hired Indonesian member’s introduction to Japan. In Indonesia he had a 10 megabit Internet line for 6,000 yen a month; then he learned that in Japan, he could get a 10 gigabit line for the same price. The new hire was so surprised he exclaimed, ‘What’s going on?!’ The whole team enjoyed hearing that and sharing in his excitement. Members at KOMOJU believe that seeing and appreciating cultural differences, especially through casual conversations like this, is one of the unique attractions of multinational teams. Dippon, at Beatrust, describes this kind of cultural sharing as “one of the biggest pluses for me.” It’s so interesting, sitting together after work and talking about, ‘Oh, what’s going on in your country?’ . . . You get this kind of information in the news and so on, but you almost never hear from a person from that country. Conclusion For developers interested in working at Japanese companies, these interviews should offer insight into why Japanese managers are also interested in hiring them. Most businesses like these are looking for candidates who can bring more to the table than their work skills alone. They’re searching for applicants who can contribute the international knowledge and English proficiency that their teams need to level up. These companies also don’t necessarily expect candidates to conform to Japanese business norms. In fact, employees who forthrightly (but politely) explain their needs and expectations can benefit all the workers at the company, not just those from overseas. That being said, developers should be prepared to meet these companies halfway, mostly by being genuinely interested in Japan. It isn’t just a question of being willing to adapt to a new country: these managers appreciate the fun and interest of employing someone from another culture, so they’re keen to share their own as well. As Yaraku put it, they place importance on whether or not the candidate is specifically interested in this country, because that’s one of the greatest values that Yaraku can offer: “enjoying Japan.” To learn more about how you can work in (and enjoy) Japan, check out our job board or extensive library of articles. To continue the conversation, join the TokyoDev Discord.

3 weeks ago 19 votes
TokyoDev’s 2024 Recap: Challenges, Milestones, and the Road Ahead

In 2023, I scaled TokyoDev from a one-man operation to a team. The idea was to get some tasks off my plate, but while I’ve succeeded at passing off responsibilities to others, I somehow didn’t gain any more free time. This is because working with new people also created new ideas and opportunities, which I haven’t been able to pass up. In 2024, we saw the first fruits of this collaboration, achieving things I never would have been able to pull off by myself. For instance, we started producing Japanese-language content teaching employers how to build international teams, had a sponsor booth at Japan’s largest Ruby conference, brought the developer community and our clients together through events, and built an editing process that increased the overall quality of our content, and found new contributors who have written some extremely popular articles. As the year winds to a close, I’ve been reflecting on both these accomplishments and the challenges we’ve faced, and how they’re paving the way for what is to come. 65 developers got a job via TokyoDev In 2024, we tracked 65 developers who were successfully hired after applying for a position on TokyoDev. This number was down from last year’s 71 developers. Interestingly, while the total number of hires decreased, the number of companies that hired successfully went up, from 29 to 31. One reason for fewer hires was that several of our most successful clients shifted their focus away from non-Japanese speaking engineers in favour of fluent Japanese speakers. TokyoDev has always been most successful at helping companies with hiring talented engineers with little-to-no Japanese skills, and so with their change in focus, we haven’t been able to help them to the same degree as last year. However, another factor was simply timing. We count successful hires based upon when we receive a fee for them. The time between when a company posts a job to when we receive the fee is typically 3–6 months, as it takes a while for a company to interview candidates, make offers, secure visas, and so on. This means that, even though we currently have a lot of successful hires in the pipeline, they won’t be reflected in this year’s stats. For instance, while we had six successful hires per month in January and February 2024, we have nine projected successful hires in both January and February 2025 I’m optimistic about how we’re going to do next year. 60 articles written by 19 authors One of our greatest accomplishments in 2024 was establishing a repeatable editing process that has allowed us to create extremely high-quality articles. The top five articles by number of visitors were: How I Got a Digital Nomad Visa for Japan by Christian Mack The English Paradox: Four Decades of Life and Language in Japan by Tom Gally The rise and fall of D&D in Japan by Masaki Yanagida How I obtained a J-FIND visa in Japan by Oguzhan Karagözoglu Japan Needs International Developers by Rebecca Callahan The cool thing is that four of the five articles draw upon external contributors’ unique personal experiences, which allowed them to share information with our community that no one else could. Besides our English articles, we also launched a new sub-site that’s helping Japanese companies build global engineering teams. It’s still in its infancy, but we already have 18 articles for it, and we have some other great ideas for the coming year. 18 developer stories published We write developer stories to highlight the experiences of employees at our client companies to give candidates a better understanding of what it’s actually like to work there. This year, we released 18 developer stories. The top five stories by number of visitors were: Realising Dreams of AI and Japan at Recursive “We’re the first global team in Fukuoka”: English Evolution at Money Forward Bringing AI to the Construction Industry with EARTHBRAIN Becoming a Tech Lead at KOMOJU Succeeding as a Senior Engineer at Kraken 814 developers answered our survey Since 2019, TokyoDev has conducted an annual survey of international software developers living in Japan. The 2024 edition was the biggest yet, with 814 developers sharing details on their salaries, working conditions, and the technologies they use. I’ve had people tell me how useful our survey is—some even used it to negotiate better salaries when applying for jobs—so I’m glad it has continued to grow and add to the community. 2,800+ people joined our Discord server In 2024, over 2,800 people joined TokyoDev’s Discord server. This community has proved incredibly valuable. Not only has it helped people get their lives up and running in Japan, but it also has been a great source of inspiration for article topics, and a way to find potential contributors to the site. 7 events hosted In 2024, we continued to expand the in-person meetups we held. Highlights included a pair of events in Okinawa during Ruby Kaigi, an excellent beer garden in collaboration with WAY equity partners (at least I hear it was good, I got COVID the day before), and the launch of our TokyoDev Talks. 5 organizations sponsored TokyoDev owes its origins to the developer community in Japan, so it’s important to me that we use our success to give back to it. We have continued to do this through supporting the following organizations: RubyKaigi: The main Ruby conference in Japan. Attending the 2010 edition was what inspired me to start blogging on this site. Rails Girls Japan: Holds free workshops to help women pick up Ruby on Rails. Tokyo Test Fest: The first edition of an international software quality conference in Japan. Women In Technology Japan: A community that bridges the gender gap in tech and promotes diversity and inclusion in Japan. Women Who Code: This one was heartbreaking for me, as they went bankrupt almost immediately after our sponsorship. That community was succeeded by Women in Software Engineering Japan, where I’m serving as an advisor. 9 people contributed to our team Besides the contributors who wrote articles for the site or made illustrations for them, we have a number of people doing work for us on an ongoing basis. Daniel López Prat improved the infrastructure that runs the TokyoDev site, including adding additional monitoring and keeping our libraries up to date. Keiko Kimoto helped with translation and other administrative tasks, including helping us obtain a trademark for TokyoDev. Mathieu Mayer helped with product design, UX, and frontend development, such as refreshing our articles index. Michelle Tan conducted developer story interviews and helped with full stack development by building things like an admin interface for our clients to use. Rebecca Callahan interviewed contributors, wrote articles for us, and led our editorial team and process. Sacha Greif continued to refine the software that runs our survey, and helped with creating this year’s survey. Sayana Takagi acted as our client representative and led the creation of our sub-site aimed at Japanese companies. Scott Rothrock moderated our Discord community, wrote articles for us, and contributed to our editorial team and process. Looking ahead to 2025 We have a number of exciting things in the works. We’re in the planning phase of several in-person events and have plans to sponsor more communities, and are also working on a new way of connecting international developers with Japanese companies that I hope to be able to talk about soon. Thanks to everyone who has supported us this year. I’m looking forward to continuing to grow together through the next!

2 months ago 27 votes
Remote Worker Rights In Japan

Are you working remotely for a Japanese company? What happens if your company suddenly issues a return-to-office mandate? Will you have to move back to Tokyo? What if remote work is in your contract—do you have the right to refuse to return to the office? What standing do you have to negotiate with your company? What are your chances of persuading management to change their minds? These are the questions TokyoDev set out to answer, because return-to-office mandates are on the rise in Japan. Return-to-office mandates: the numbers The TokyoDev 2024 survey showed that, among respondents, only 9% worked five days a week in the office. However, companies are increasingly switching from fully-remote to a hybrid working pattern. In 2023, 43% of survey-takers could work fully remotely if they wished, but in 2024, only 38% could say the same. This trend is not confined to Japan. According to Morgan McKinley, in Hong Kong 91% of companies insisted their employees return to the office, while only around 40% of companies in the UK and Canada are asking the same. Japanese companies come in around the middle, with 62% requesting that their employees come back into the office at least some days. Return-to-office orders are having a direct impact on employee attrition. While only 10% of TokyoDev survey respondents who could choose whether or not to work remotely were interested in changing jobs, 18% of those in a hybrid environment were job-hunting, and 39% of those required to work full-time at the office were actively searching for new roles. 49% of survey-takers valued the ability to work remotely over everything else. Meanwhile, those who had to attend an office were more negative about their workplace in every aspect except job security than those who could work fully remotely. In short, tech companies in Japan should be advised that insisting on in-office work, or even hybrid work, could strongly affect their recruitment and retention of employees. By contrast, those who allow fully-remote work can expect to see a rise in applications. What the Tokyo Labor Bureau has to say For those developers whose companies issue a return-to-office mandate, what are their rights under Japanese law? And what is the experience like for those developers who try to enlist the help of Japan’s foreign worker resource centers? To find out, I called them myself. Each time I represented myself as a developer dealing with an increasingly typical situation: though I had always worked remotely, and had moved to a distant prefecture while doing so, I was suddenly being ordered to report to the Tokyo office once a week. What could I do about it? Labor Standards Advice Hotline I started by calling this hotline, which quickly set me up with an interpreter. With each question she listened to me in English, then spoke to her superiors in Japanese and translated their reply back to me. The upshot of their advice was that I should contact either my local prefectural labor bureau, or (since my hypothetical employer was based in Tokyo) the Tokyo Labor Bureau. There wasn’t much legal advice or support that they could offer other than directing me to the appropriate resources. However, they did tell me that most of my case depended on the exact wording of my contract. If it was specified in my contract that I could work fully remotely, regardless of changes in the company’s work plans, then I had a good chance of insisting on continuing to do so—or, at the very least, negotiating from a position of strength. If, however, my contract said that I could work remotely with the company’s permission, or contingent upon company circumstances, then my only hope was to ask for some kind of compromise. If remote work was specified in my contract, I was told, and the company continued to insist that I come to the Tokyo office when I already lived in another prefecture, then I could be eligible for leave allowance, or a payment of 60% of my salary. They weren’t able to give further details on the subject, however, and again directed me to one of the labor bureaus for more details. The Tokyo Labor Bureau When I rang the Tokyo Labor Bureau and presented them with the same dilemma, it was easy to locate someone who spoke English, but their answers were less optimistic. Essentially, the woman on the phone said, there was no provision for return-to-office mandates—-or indeed, anything about remote work—in Japanese law. This left me with limited options. The Tokyo Labor Bureau has a “resolution system” designed to help employees and companies mediate conflicts. This is available only in Japanese, so I would need to bring a friend or translator; however, it is free of charge. In general, while certainly willing to help, she didn’t seem too optimistic about my chances of pushing back against the company’s order. It would be “kind of hard,” she admitted. Since this was more about my particular contract than general labor law, she also suggested that this was really a matter for the lawyers, and gave me the number for the Foreign Residents Support Center. The Foreign Residents Support Center When I first called the center, their lawyer was busy, but the woman on the phone apologized profusely and asked if they could call me back, which they did within a few hours. The lawyer I spoke to had yet another set of suggestions for my return-to-office scenario, but of the people I’d asked so far, he seemed the most optimistic regarding my chances. Unfortunately, it seems that hard-and-fast answers are difficult to come by. In principle, he said, I should not have to obey the mandate if my contract states that fully-remote work is allowed. In fact, I might be able to do so even if fully-remote work wasn’t specified in my contract. If there was correspondence exchanged when I signed the contract that promised fully-remote work, or possibly even verbal statements (though this would naturally be harder to prove), I could argue that fully-remote work was a “specific condition” of my employment. If there is some rational reason for the once-a-week visit to the office, he went on, then the company would be obligated to pay my commuting costs from the distant prefecture to the Tokyo office. However, like me, he considered it unlikely that the weekly meeting was really all that necessary. Instead, he thought I could press for doing the meeting via video call, and that this would fulfill my obligation to the company without incurring additional hassle or expense for either side. The tricky part was that all of this was speculative, and a lot would depend on specific qualifications. For example, when discussing whether the return-to-office order was actually illegal, he said it depended on several different factors: Was fully-remote work promised in my contract? Could my job be done fully remotely? Does the company have an important reason for this order? Of course, the last question is the hardest to nail down. The company has to compare the necessity of the order to the disadvantage of the employee, I was told, which appears to leave a lot of legal wiggle room for a strict or unscrupulous company. And contrary to what the Labor Standards Advice Hotline had suggested, he did not think I would be eligible for leave allowance. If the company refused to budge, he said I should contact my local bar association or city hall to find representation. If I was unable to locate a lawyer on my own, I was free to call back and they would assist me again. However, like everyone else I spoke to, the lawyer strongly suggested that I attempt to negotiate with my company instead. Given my specific circumstances, he suggested that if the company covered the commuting costs, I could perhaps offer to return to the office once every two weeks. In general, he assured me that I shouldn’t be afraid to bargain in this way, particularly if I worked for a small company that might find me difficult to replace. A less positive experience Sadly, sometimes neither negotiation nor legal action are possible. Several TokyoDev members spoke anonymously on their companies’ return-to-office mandates, and one of them described his own experience in consulting a lawyer. It was a lawyer [where] you get 30 minutes of pre-consultation. I sent him my job description, my contract and stuff, and then he looked it up. He said that even though it’s written in the contract that remote work is possible, there’s no precedent in the Supreme Court. . . . He said that if you want to fight, of course I can help you fight it. But in the end, if you lose or if the company dismisses you in the middle of it, then you have bigger problems. Although the opportunity for remote work had been promised in his job description, the actual employment contracts were more vague in their terms. Technically, the company wasn’t violating the contracts. Employees suspected that the company was using this return-to-office mandate to reduce their workforce without violating Japanese employment laws, but such an assertion would be difficult to prove. In the end, the developer decided against legal action. “I did not try to lawyer my way through because I know, once I file a lawsuit or something like that, then it’s going to be big trouble for me.” He is, however, actively searching for a new role, as were other developers we spoke to who had been ordered back to the office. To be clear about the prospect of retaliation, Japan law is strict about the circumstances under which an employee can be terminated. An employee negotiating in good faith around remote work isn’t an acceptable reason, and would run afoul of Japanese law: An employer is only allowed to dismiss an employee if there are objectively reasonable grounds for dismissal, and dismissal is deemed to be appropriate in light of socially accepted ideas. Furthermore, all possible grounds for dismissal must be clearly stated in the work rules if the dismissal of an employee is to be valid. The union option To Dennis Tesolat, General Secretary at the General Union, the solution to these return-to-office mandates is obvious. He calls it “union math.” If tech workers were to get together, they could command a lot at the negotiation table. I met with both Tesolat and Sonomi Terao, the Executive Officer at the General Union. They believe most developers don’t consider unionizing because they’re office workers rather than in the trades, but they are in a great situation to do so. “There’s power in numbers,” Tesolat said, “but [also] just one person joining can be effective.” The General Union, which is headquartered in Osaka but accepts members from all over Japan, already has at least one worker dealing with an unwanted return-to-office mandate. They wouldn’t mind taking on more such cases. Companies don’t want to fight, they want to make money. But we’re a union, it’s our job, so we don’t mind. In fact, Tesolat said, sometimes zero confrontation is required. Just sending in the notification of an employee’s General Union membership often causes management to back off their demands. “At least somebody else now is watching you,” said Tesolat. “Is it a big help, is it going to change your whole situation? No, but they might leave you alone.” And if they don’t, “You just have more options [with a union]. The chance to negotiate, to be supported by colleagues, the right to dispute. The option of court is always there, but it’s not the first option. Nine out of ten times we solve things without using that court option.” What’s key, he said, is not approaching the negotiating table alone. “Dispute and negotiating—that’s our job. . . . And once you [mess] it up, we can’t help you at that point.” This is especially true if you’re an international developer working for a Japanese company, “because the whole manner of negotiation is different. . . . The chance for a lot of misunderstanding is there.” That’s the thing about negotiating on your own. It’s hard, you don’t always know what to do it . . . and if there’s retaliation from that, ‘So what?’ But if the union does it, and there’s retaliation, there’s trade union law that says you can’t do that. What about retaliation for joining a union? Tesolat laughed and said that in his thirty years of experience, he’s seen fewer than ten straightforward retaliation cases. That leaves open the possibility of indirect retaliation, but Tesolat again pointed out that the union exists to deal with precisely that sort of issue. In short, “I would worry about a lot of other things before I’d worry about joining a union.” Two years ago, the General Union didn’t even have an IT branch. During the pandemic, however, the General Union—which had initially confined its membership to the Kansai area—began accepting applications from all over Japan, and from a greater variety of professions. “People were getting fired, they weren’t getting paid, and we couldn’t say no,” Tesolat said, “so we opened the door.” As a result, membership shot up by 35%. Recently, they’ve seen another surge in tech worker applications: “A lot of people started getting scared after the layoffs in America.” With return-to-office mandates increasing, the General Union may see their numbers continue to rise—and that’s good for “union math.” How to reverse your company’s return-to-office policy One anonymous developer we spoke to successfully reversed the return-to-office policy for his entire team. During Covid, he told us, the team worked fully remotely, but after the pandemic was over the management team insisted that developers return to the office five days a week. Eventually our interviewee was able to persuade them to restore remote work, first on a hybrid basis, and later full-time. “This was at a very small company though,” he explained, “where we had more leverage than what you would normally expect in a midsize or big company. Since the push also came from me as the lead developer, management eventually accepted it.” “I was the first developer in the company,” he added, “and I was often asked about what we needed to do to get a dev department running. “One of the things I mentioned is that it is hard to keep developers for a long time, so you need incentives. You either give them a raise, or benefits, or both. Since it was a small company it had no way to compete with bigger ones when it came to benefits and salary. So, what else can you do? If you are small and agile, you can afford to give remote work benefits, as it will cost you little or nothing to do so.” From the company’s perspective, my point was more about being able to retain people and also have an easier time finding new ones. The cost of hiring and onboarding a new developer is quite high in my experience. If you have a good worker and you are not in a position to be giving raises to everyone, remote work is an easy way to keep your devs happy. The fact that other companies do not offer it also means that it is harder for them to be poached. I asked if he had any advice for other developers who wanted remote work. “If I were to give any tips to other developers that are unhappy with their situation,” he said, “it would be to let their company know about it. “For example, they probably have a one-on-one discussion with their manager every so often. This is a good opportunity to ask if the company is considering remote work, [explain] why they want it, and so on. I would not expect a change immediately, especially if they are in a more traditional Japanese company. But consistently asking about it and showing that it really matters is what made the devs here get remote work. ”[Ask the company to] try running a trial with just one developer or two, and evaluate the pros and cons. If the company outright states that it will never allow it no matter what, or it becomes clear that they will not do it, I would start looking for new opportunities that provide the benefit.” So, it is always about leverage. If the company does not think you are worth what you are asking, your only choice is to go to a place that thinks you are worth it. And, of course, keep studying and learning to improve the chances of someone thinking that you are. Conclusion In the TokyoDev 2024 survey, there’s a clear correlation between in-office work and job-hunting. Full-time office workers are looking for new opportunities at the highest rate, followed by hybrid workers, whereas only 10% of fully-remote workers are looking for new roles. As more companies become aware of how highly their employees prioritize remote work, we should expect to see a decline in return-to-office mandates. Even those who don’t wish to change jobs may be able to use this trend to negotiate with their companies. Of course, not all of those negotiations will be successful, and the advice offered by Japanese labor bureaus and legal support centers can be highly variable. However, most of the people I contacted were supportive and helpful. Perhaps, if you encounter negativity or opposition from government workers, you should avail yourself of the old immigration tactic: if you don’t like the answer you got, ask someone else. Has your company asked you to return to the office? We have a list of fully remote developer jobs for you. If you want to continue the conversation, join our Discord community.

3 months ago 25 votes

More in programming

constantly divisionless random numbers

Last year I wrote about inlining just the fast path of Lemire’s algorithm for nearly-divisionless unbiased bounded random numbers. The idea was to reduce code bloat by eliminating lots of copies of the random number generator in the rarely-executed slow paths. However a simple split prevented the compiler from being able to optimize cases like pcg32_rand(1 << n), so a lot of the blog post was toying around with ways to mitigate this problem. On Monday while procrastinating a different blog post, I realised that it’s possible to do better: there’s a more general optimization which gives us the 1 << n special case for free. nearly divisionless Lemire’s algorithm has about 4 neat tricks: use multiplication instead of division to reduce the output of a random number generator modulo some limit eliminate the bias in (1) by (counterintuitively) looking at the lower digits fun modular arithmetic to calculate the reject threshold for (2) arrange the reject tests to avoid the slow division in (3) in most cases The nearly-divisionless logic in (4) leads to two copies of the random number generator, in the fast path and the slow path. Generally speaking, compilers don’t try do deduplicate code that was written by the programmer, so they can’t simplify the nearly-divisionless algorithm very much when the limit is constant. constantly divisionless Two points occurred to me: when the limit is constant, the reject threshold (3) can be calculated at compile time when the division is free, there’s no need to avoid it using (4) These observations suggested that when the limit is constant, the function for random numbers less than a limit should be written: static inline uint32_t pcg32_rand_const(pcg32_t *rng, uint32_t limit) { uint32_t reject = -limit % limit; uint64_t sample; do sample = (uint64_t)pcg32_random(rng) * (uint64_t)limit); while ((uint32_t)(sample) < reject); return ((uint32_t)(sample >> 32)); } This has only one call to pcg32_random(), saving space as I wanted, and the compiler is able to eliminate the loop automatically when the limit is a power of two. The loop is smaller than a call to an out-of-line slow path function, so it’s better all round than the code I wrote last year. algorithm selection As before it’s possible to automatically choose the constantly-divisionless or nearly-divisionless algorithms depending on whether the limit is a compile-time constant or run-time variable, using arcane C tricks or GNU C __builtin_constant_p(). I have been idly wondering how to do something similar in other languages. Rust isn’t very keen on automatic specialization, but it has a reasonable alternative. The thing to avoid is passing a runtime variable to the constantly-divisionless algorithm, because then it becomes never-divisionless. Rust has a much richer notion of compile-time constants than C, so it’s possible to write a method like the follwing, which can’t be misused: pub fn upto<const LIMIT: u32>(&mut self) -> u32 { let reject = LIMIT.wrapping_neg().wrapping_rem(LIMIT); loop { let (lo, hi) = self.get_u32().embiggening_mul(LIMIT); if lo < reject { continue; } else { return hi; } } } assert!(rng.upto::<42>() < 42); (embiggening_mul is my stable replacement for the unstable widening_mul API.) This is a nugatory optimization, but there are more interesting cases where it makes sense to choose a different implementation for constant or variable arguments – that it, the constant case isn’t simply a constant-folded or partially-evaluated version of the variable case. Regular expressions might be lex-style or pcre-style, for example. It’s a curious question of language design whether it should be possible to write a library that provides a uniform API that automatically chooses constant or variable implementations, or whether the user of the library must make the choice explicit. Maybe I should learn some Zig to see how its comptime works.

15 hours ago 3 votes
Air purifiers are a simple answer to allergies

I developed seasonal allergies relatively late in life. From my late twenties onward, I spent many miserable days in the throes of sneezing, headache, and runny eyes. I tried everything the doctors recommended for relief. About a million different types of medicine, several bouts of allergy vaccinations, and endless testing. But never once did an allergy doctor ask the basic question: What kind of air are you breathing? Turns out that's everything when you're allergic to pollen, grass, and dust mites! The air. That's what's carrying all this particulate matter, so if your idea of proper ventilation is merely to open a window, you're inviting in your nasal assailants. No wonder my symptoms kept escalating. For me, the answer was simply to stop breathing air full of everything I'm allergic to while working, sleeping, and generally just being inside. And the way to do that was to clean the air of all those allergens with air purifiers running HEPA-grade filters. That's it. That was the answer! After learning this, I outfitted everywhere we live with these machines of purifying wonder: One in the home office, one in the living area, one in the bedroom. All monitored for efficiency using Awair air sensors. Aiming to have the PM2.5 measure read a fat zero whenever possible. In America, I've used the Alen BreatheSmart series. They're great. And in Europe, I've used the Philips ones. Also good. It's been over a decade like this now. It's exceptionally rare that I have one of those bad allergy days now. It can still happen, of course — if I spend an entire day outside, breathing in allergens in vast quantities. But as with almost everything, the dose makes the poison. The difference between breathing in some allergens, some of the time, is entirely different from breathing all of it, all of the time. I think about this often when I see a doctor for something. Here was this entire profession of allergy specialists, and I saw at least a handful of them while I was trying to find a medical solution. None of them even thought about dealing with the environment. The cause of the allergy. Their entire field of view was restricted to dealing with mitigation rather than prevention. Not every problem, medical or otherwise, has a simple solution. But many problems do, and you have to be careful not to be so smart that you can't see it.

23 hours ago 2 votes
Let's Talk About The American Dream

A few months ago I wrote about what it means to stay gold — to hold on to the best parts of ourselves, our communities, and the American Dream itself. But staying gold isn’t passive. It takes work. It takes action. It takes hard conversations that ask

8 hours ago 2 votes
A Happy Day for Rust
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March 2025
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