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Welcome! BoredReading is a fresh way to read high quality articles (updated every hour). Our goal is to curate (with your help) Michelin star quality articles (stuff that's really worth reading). We currently have articles in 0 categories from architecture, history, design, technology, and more. Grab a cup of freshly brewed coffee and start reading. This is the best way to increase your attention span, grow as a person, and get a better understanding of the world (or atleast that's why we built it).

Putting a 20-minute timer on to write the ole newsletter this week. Zip has 4X’d in the last two weeks. So, that’s pretty wild. Just working hard to execute now. Create curriculum. Hire teachers. Scheudle classes. Add the necessary features to the product. All that jazz :).
over a year ago

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me and the beatles just ate some waffles in tokyo

I've raised $12M for my company + hired amazing people -- and until very recently, whenever anyone would ask me my 10-year plan I would flat out say "I have no idea".

9 months ago 101 votes
we bought a matcha machine and im caf'd out my mind help

what the hell is going on

a year ago 54 votes
put a sandwich in my pocket and tsa told me to get rid of it thats messed up

a short post about investors and getting money for what you're building.

a year ago 90 votes
drinking a spanish latte but i dont speak spanish is this legal

I come from a Pakistani family. Unless your new initiative is a big success, you're a big flop. As a society, no matter where you're from -- we have a tendency to look at those that did something really hard, but didn't figure it out as a person who "failed".

a year ago 42 votes

More in life

Things I have changed my mind about lately

On some perspectives of mine that have shifted over time.

20 hours ago 3 votes
The Potency of Jokes

Why Breakthroughs Emerge From Fooling Around

19 hours ago 1 votes
You Only Have 1 Hour a Day to Build Your Online Empire (If You Work a Job)

Here’s the simple system to use

2 days ago 3 votes
The Parable of Emperor Zigazagazoga

Long long ago and far far away there was a land called Yogania, whose ruler – officially at least – was King Sossidge the Dull.

2 days ago 2 votes
I'm Recommending These 12 New Recordings

You can still find great music in 2025—you just need to know where it's hiding

2 days ago 2 votes