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African History Extra

African History...
African cities in the 19th century: cosmopolitan urban spaces between three worlds. When the German adventurer Gerhard Rohlfs visited the city of Ibadan in 1867, he described it as...
2 days ago
2 days ago
When the German adventurer Gerhard Rohlfs visited the city of Ibadan in 1867, he described it as “one of the greatest cities of the interior of Africa” with “endlessly long and wide streets made up of trading stalls.” However, unlike many of the West African cities he had...
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A history of the medieval coastal towns of Mozambique ca. 500-1890 CE. The East African coast is home to the longest contiguous chain of urban settlements on the...
a week ago
African History...
Internal diasporas and the state in African history The Wangara chronicle, one of West Africa's oldest surviving historical texts composed around 1650,...
2 weeks ago
2 weeks ago
The Wangara chronicle, one of West Africa's oldest surviving historical texts composed around 1650, contains an interesting account explaining the migration of a group of scholars from medieval Malī against the wishes of its ruler:
African History...
On the history of the Bantu expansion: old misconceptions and new evidence The southern half of the African continent is populated by speakers of about 550 closely related...
3 weeks ago
3 weeks ago
The southern half of the African continent is populated by speakers of about 550 closely related languages that are referred to as the Bantu languages.
African History...
On the spread of Traditional African religions during the pre-colonial period. Among the corpus of terracotta figurines discovered in the Greco-Egyptian city of Alexandria dating...
a month ago
a month ago
Among the corpus of terracotta figurines discovered in the Greco-Egyptian city of Alexandria dating back to the 2nd century BC is a fine clay vessel in the form of a Nubian priestess of Isis of Philae, who is depicted in a kneeling position while performing a Greek-type mortuary...
African History...
The Nsibidi script ca. 600-1909 CE: a history of an African writing system Nsibidi is one of Africa's oldest independently invented writing systems.
a month ago
African History...
The forts and castles of Africa: a brief architectural history. For much of African history, the construction of fortresses and fortified structures was a mostly...
a month ago
a month ago
For much of African history, the construction of fortresses and fortified structures was a mostly urban phenomenon associated with large states.
African History...
A complete history of the Sudano-Sahelian architecture of west Africa: from antiquity to the 20th... The westernmost region of Africa which forms the watershed of the great rivers of the Senegal, the...
a month ago
a month ago
The westernmost region of Africa which forms the watershed of the great rivers of the Senegal, the Volta and the Niger, is home to one of the world's oldest surviving building traditions, called the ‘Sudano-Sahelian’ architecture.
African History...
The pre-Islamic civilizations of west Africa While West Africa has been part of the Muslim world since the late Middle Ages, as famously...
a month ago
a month ago
While West Africa has been part of the Muslim world since the late Middle Ages, as famously demonstrated by the golden pilgrimage of Mali's Mansa Musa in 1324, Islam had only arrived in the region at the close of the 1st millennium.
African History...
The Meroitic script and the documents of ancient Kush (ca. 300BC-450CE) The Meroitic writing system of the kingdom of Kush is one of the best-known, yet most enigmatic...
2 months ago
African History...
on the Nubian priests of Rome and the Moors of Spain When the 12th-century West African scholar Ibrahim al-Kanemi moved to the city of Seville in Spain...
2 months ago
2 months ago
When the 12th-century West African scholar Ibrahim al-Kanemi moved to the city of Seville in Spain and became one of the most celebrated Andalusian poets, he wasn't the first from his region to visit the Moorish kingdom.
African History...
The intellectual history of Ethiopia and Eritrea: Ge'ez manuscripts and scholars (ca. 200-1900CE) The unique manuscript collections of Ethiopia and Eritrea written in the Ge'ez script are arguably...
2 months ago
2 months ago
The unique manuscript collections of Ethiopia and Eritrea written in the Ge'ez script are arguably the best-known works of literature produced in pre-colonial Africa.
African History...
Taming and domesticating the wild: the War-Elephants of ancient Aksum and Kush In his 1668 description of the West African kingdom of Benin, the Dutch writer Olfert Dapper...
2 months ago
2 months ago
In his 1668 description of the West African kingdom of Benin, the Dutch writer Olfert Dapper reported that “The king shows himself only once a year to his people, going out of his court on horseback, accompanied by three or four hundred noblemen on horseback.”
African History...
The intellectual history of East Africa (ca. 900-1950 CE): from the Swahili coast to Buganda to... The intellectual history of pre-colonial Africa is dominated by studies of the scholarly traditions...
3 months ago
3 months ago
The intellectual history of pre-colonial Africa is dominated by studies of the scholarly traditions of Ethiopia, West Africa, and Sudan, where a large corpus of extant manuscripts have been collected from the old scholarly centers of Timbuktu, Djenne, Gondar, and Harar.
African History...
The 'hidden founders' of African studies in Europe: African intellectuals in the Holy Roman Empire... In June 1652, the Ethiopian scholar Abba Gorgoryos reached the city of Nuremburg in what was then...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In June 1652, the Ethiopian scholar Abba Gorgoryos reached the city of Nuremburg in what was then the Holy Roman Empire (modern Germany) where he met Hiob Ludolf, an envoy and linguist whom later generations of ‘Ethiopists’ would regard as the founder of Ethiopian studies in...
African History...
A history of Horses in the southern half of Africa ca. 1498-1900. Horses and humans have shared a long history in Africa since the emergence of equestrian societies...
3 months ago
3 months ago
Horses and humans have shared a long history in Africa since the emergence of equestrian societies across the continent during the bronze age.
African History...
The textile trade of pre-colonial Africa In December 1633, a Dutch ship reached the fort of Nassau on the ‘Gold Coast’ (modern Ghana),...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In December 1633, a Dutch ship reached the fort of Nassau on the ‘Gold Coast’ (modern Ghana), carrying more than 6,000 pieces of cloth which was to be exchanged for gold.
African History...
Acemoglu in Kongo: a critique of 'Why Nations Fail' and its wilful ignorance of African history. There aren’t many Africans on the list of Nobel laureates, nor does research on African societies...
4 months ago
African History...
The role of firearms in African military history, and the guns of the Benin kingdom. "The Zulus appeared almost to grow out of the earth.
4 months ago
African History...
An empire of cloth: the textile industry of the Sokoto empire ca. 1808-1903. The Hausaland region of northern Nigeria was home to one of the largest textile industries in...
4 months ago
4 months ago
The Hausaland region of northern Nigeria was home to one of the largest textile industries in pre-colonial Africa, whose scale and scope were unparalleled throughout most of the continent.
African History...
A general history of African explorers of the Old world, and a 19th century Bornu traveller of... This article provides a brief outline of over sixty African explorers who traveled across the ‘Old...
4 months ago
African History...
The ancient city of Meroe: the capital of Kush (ca. 950 BC-350 CE) Journal of African cities: chapter 15
4 months ago
African History...
Early civilizations of ancient Africa and the pre-Aksumite civilization of the northern Horn. In the closing decades of the 20th century, archaeologists working to uncover the foundations of...
5 months ago
5 months ago
In the closing decades of the 20th century, archaeologists working to uncover the foundations of urbanism and complex societies in West Africa discovered a vast cluster of stone ruins in southern Mauritania.
African History...
A complete history of Zeila (Zayla): ca. 800-1885 CE. Journal of African cities: chapter 14
5 months ago
African History...
Africa and Europe during the age of mutual exploration: a Swahili traveler's description of 19th... The late modern period that began in the early 19th century was the height of mutual exploration on...
5 months ago
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a complete history of Mombasa ca. 600-1895. Journal of African cities: chapter 13
5 months ago
African History...
A brief history of Gold in Africa and the emporium of Sofala. It was copper, not Gold, that was considered the most important metal in most African societies,...
6 months ago
6 months ago
It was copper, not Gold, that was considered the most important metal in most African societies, according to an authoritative study by Eugenia Herbert.
African History...
The stone ruins of South Africa: a history of Mapungubwe, Thulamela and Dzata. ca. 1000-1750CE. The dzimbabwe ruins of south-eastern Africa are often described as the largest collection of stone...
6 months ago
African History...
a brief note on the history of indigenous and foreign religions in African history, and the Kimpasi... The majority of Africans today primarily identify as Christians and Muslims of various...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The majority of Africans today primarily identify as Christians and Muslims of various denominations, with a relatively small fraction adhering to other belief systems often referred to as 'indigenous' or 'traditional' religions.
African History...
A General History of Iron Technology in Africa ca. 2000BC-1900AD. The smelting and working of iron is arguably the best known among the pre-colonial technologies of...
6 months ago
6 months ago
The smelting and working of iron is arguably the best known among the pre-colonial technologies of Africa, and the continent is home to some of the world's oldest sites of ironworking.
African History...
a brief note on new discoveries in African archeology and the stone ruins of Cameroon. Among the first ancient Egyptian accounts on its southern neighbors is an old kingdom inscription...
7 months ago
7 months ago
Among the first ancient Egyptian accounts on its southern neighbors is an old kingdom inscription that describes a trading expedition to an unspecified region called the land of Punt. Egyptologists had long debated about the location of this mysterious territory before recent...
African History...
The empire of Kong (ca. 1710-1915): a cultural legacy of medieval Mali. At the close of the 18th century, the West African hosts of the Scottish traveler Mungo Park...
7 months ago
7 months ago
At the close of the 18th century, the West African hosts of the Scottish traveler Mungo Park informed him of a range of mountains situated in "a large and powerful kingdom called Kong".
African History...
a brief note on themes in African art. Cartography, Culture and History in the artwork of the Bamum kingdom.
7 months ago
African History...
A complete history of the old city of Gao ca. 700-1898. Journal of African cities: chapter 12
7 months ago
African History...
a brief note on the long history of African diplomacy. historical links between west africa and the Maghreb.
8 months ago
African History...
The heroic age in Darfur: a history of the pre-colonial kingdom of Darfur ca. 1500-1916. The political marginalization of the Darfur region since the creation of colonial Sudan has resulted...
8 months ago
8 months ago
The political marginalization of the Darfur region since the creation of colonial Sudan has resulted in one of the continent's longest-standing conflicts, which threatens to destroy the country's social fabric and its historical heritage. Just as the plight of modern Darfur...
African History...
Voices of Africa's past: a brief note on the autobiographies of itinerant scholars. an african description of turn-of-the-century Europe.
8 months ago
African History...
A muslim kingdom in the Ethiopian highlands: the history of Ifat and Adal ca. 1285-1520. During the late Middle Ages, the northern Horn of Africa was home to some of the continent's most...
8 months ago
8 months ago
During the late Middle Ages, the northern Horn of Africa was home to some of the continent's most powerful dynasties, whose history significantly shaped the region's social landscape. The history of one of these dynasties, often referred to as the Solomonids, has been...
African History...
a brief note on contacts between ancient African kingdoms and Rome. finding the lost city of Rhapta on the east African coast.
8 months ago
African History...
The forgotten ruins of Botswana: stone towns at the desert's edge. At its height in the 17th century, the stone towns of the ‘zimbabwe culture’ encompassed an area the...
9 months ago
9 months ago
At its height in the 17th century, the stone towns of the ‘zimbabwe culture’ encompassed an area the size of France. The hundreds of ruins spread across three countries in south-eastern Africa are among the continent’s best-preserved historical monuments and have been the subject...
African History...
a brief note on African travel literature in history a Swahili document on south-central Africa.
9 months ago
African History...
Kingdoms at the forest's edge: a history of Mangbetu (ca. 1750-1895) The northern region of central Africa between the modern countries of D.R.Congo and South Sudan has...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The northern region of central Africa between the modern countries of D.R.Congo and South Sudan has a long and complex history shaped by its internal cultural developments and its unique ecology between the savannah and the forest. Among the most remarkable states that emerged in...
African History...
a brief note on Ethnicity and the State in Africa the evolution of the Tutsi/Hutu dichotomy in the precolonial Great Lakes.
9 months ago
African History...
Life and works of Africa's most famous Woman scholar: Nana Asmau (1793-1864) On the contribution of Muslim women in African history.
10 months ago
African History...
a brief note on African agency in its historical contacts with the rest of the world. the indigenous and the foreign in Benin art
10 months ago
African History...
The radical philosophy of the Hatata: a 17th century treatise by the Ethiopian thinker Zara Yacob the historical context of the Hatata in African philosophy.
10 months ago
African History...
a brief note on the intellectual contributions of African scholars in the diaspora the biography of a West African mathematician in Cairo.
10 months ago
African History...
The General History of Africa a comprehensive look at states and societies across the continent's entire history.
11 months ago
African History...
Anti-slavery laws and Abolitionist thought in pre-colonial Africa the view from Benin, Kongo, Songhai and Ethiopia.
11 months ago
African History...
The complete history of Brava (ca. 1000-1900): a Swahili enclave in southern Somalia Tucked along the southern coast of Somalia, the old city of Brava preserves the remains of a once...
11 months ago
11 months ago
Tucked along the southern coast of Somalia, the old city of Brava preserves the remains of a once bustling cosmopolitan enclave whose influence features prominently in the history of the East African coast. Located more than 500 km north of the Swahili heartland, Brava retained a...
African History...
a brief note on European pirates and African states during the 'golden age of piracy.' a pirate stronghold and kingdom in 18th century Madagascar.
11 months ago
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A history of the Lozi kingdom. ca. 1750-1911. state and society in south-central Africa
11 months ago
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a brief note on Africa in 16th century global history. the international relations and manuscripts of Kongo
a year ago
African History...
The Mali empire: A complete history (ca. 1250-1650) At its height in the 14th century, the Mali empire was one of Africa's largest states, extending...
a year ago
a year ago
At its height in the 14th century, the Mali empire was one of Africa's largest states, extending over an estimated 1.2 million square kilometers in West Africa. Encompassing at least five modern African states, the empire produced some of the continent's most renowned historical...
African History...
a brief note on European and African perspectives in travel literature A Hausa explorer of western Europe.
a year ago
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The colonial myth of 'Sub-Saharan Africa' in medieval Islamic geography: the view from Egypt and... .
a year ago
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a brief note on the Intellectual history of Africa the Jabarti diaspora of North-Eastern Africa.
a year ago
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State and society in southern Ethiopia: the Oromo kingdom of Jimma (ca. 1830-1932) Modern Ethiopia is a diverse country comprised of many communities and languages, each with its...
a year ago
a year ago
Modern Ethiopia is a diverse country comprised of many communities and languages, each with its history and contribution to the country's cultural heritage. While Ethiopian historiography is often focused on the historical developments in the northern regions of the country, some...
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Reversing the Sail: a brief note on African travelers in the western Indian Ocean The Swahili in Arabia and the Persian gulf
a year ago
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A history of Grande Comore (Ngazidja) ca. 700-1900. State and society on a cosmopolitan island
a year ago
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a brief note on the ancient Herders and Foragers of South Africa. a social history of the KhoiKhoi community (2000BP - 1880)
a year ago
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Seafaring, trade and travel in the African Atlantic. ca. 1100-1900. historical links between West Africa and Central Africa. (Africans exploring Africa chapter 4)
a year ago
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Roads and wheeled transport in African history. Why the kingdoms of Kush and Dahomey used wheels while Asante did not.
a year ago
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The empire of Samori Ture on the eve of colonialism (1870-1898) a revolution with a contested legacy.
a year ago
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a brief note on Trade and Travel in the ancient Sahara and beyond. uncovering the origins of Carthage's aethiopian auxiliaries.
a year ago
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The myth of Mansa Musa's enslaved entourage "Stories about his [Mansa Musa's] journey have numerous anecdotes which are not true and which the...
a year ago
a year ago
"Stories about his [Mansa Musa's] journey have numerous anecdotes which are not true and which the mind refuses to admit".
African History...
a brief note on the history of Africans exploring their own continent plus: Ancient Egypt in Africa.
a year ago
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Historical links between Africa and Armenia (ca. 600-1900) Travelers, merchants and scholars from Nubia, Ethiopia and Armenia who visited the southern Caucasus...
a year ago
African History...
a brief note on the history of Music in Africa plus an overview of Ethiopian musical traditions
a year ago
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The African diaspora in Portuguese India: 1500-1800. Sailors, Merchants and Priests.
a year ago
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a brief note on the origin of African civilizations plus, the Nok Neolithic culture.
a year ago
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Guns and Spears: a military history of the Zulu kingdom. Popular history of Africa before the colonial era often divides the continent’s military systems...
a year ago
a year ago
Popular history of Africa before the colonial era often divides the continent’s military systems into two broad categories —the relatively modern armies along the Atlantic coast which used firearms, versus the 'traditional' armies in the interior that fought with arrows and...
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a brief note on the African exploration of Asia plus; the African presence in Japan (1543-1639)
a year ago
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A history of Women's political power and matriliny in the kingdom of Kongo. In the 19th century, anthropologists were fascinated by the concept of matrilineal descent in which...
a year ago
a year ago
In the 19th century, anthropologists were fascinated by the concept of matrilineal descent in which kinship is traced through the female line. Matriliny was often confounded with matriarchy as a supposedly earlier stage of social evolution than patriarchy. Matriliny thus became a...
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a brief note on Africa's Scientific Manuscripts plus; the history of Medicine in Africa.
a year ago
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How Africans wrote their own history: Debates and dialogues between four west African historians in... Facts, myths and royal propaganda.
a year ago
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a brief note on the African exploration of the Old world plus: the African discovery of north-western Europe.
a year ago
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A complete history of Abomey: capital of Dahomey (ca. 1650-1894) Urbanism in the forest region.
a year ago
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**a Brief note on Africa's intellectual history plus; the Yoruba intellectual culture ca. 1000-1900.
a year ago
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Historical links between the Ottoman empire and Sudanic Africa (1574-1880) travel and exchanges between Istanbul and the states of; Bornu, Funj, Darfur and Massina.
a year ago
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a brief note on the role of Africans in the early Islamic expansion an African kingdom in southern Italy.
a year ago
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A complete history of Madagascar and the island kingdom of Merina. State and society on Africa's largest island.
a year ago
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a brief note on Madagascar's position in African history plus, early industrialization in the Merina kingdom.
a year ago
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A history of the Buganda kingdom. government in central Africa.
a year ago
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On Hegel's ignorance of African History *my article for ROAPE journal
a year ago
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Textile trade and Industry in the kingdom of Kongo: 1483-1914 the social and economic significance of Kongo's iconic raffia velvets
a year ago
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A history of the Massina empire (1818-1862) the sucessor of Songhai
a year ago
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A history of the Gonja Kingdom: (1550-1899) State and society in nothern ghana after the Mali empire's decline.
a year ago
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A history of the Damagaram sultanate of Zinder: ca. 1730-1899. Politics, Guns, and Trade in the pre-colonial Sahel
a year ago
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Self-representation in African art: the wall paintings of medieval Nubia. (ca. 700-1400) an African portrait of an African society
a year ago
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A history of the Majeerteen Sultanate: 1700-1927. Maritime trade and diplomacy in the northern Horn of Africa.
a year ago
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Persian myths and realities on the Swahili coast: contextualizing the 'Shirazi' civilization. Why geneticists found what archeologists and historians had failed to locate.
a year ago
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A history of the Rozvi kingdom (1680-1830) From Changamire's expulsion of the Portuguese to the ruined cities of Zimbabwe.
a year ago
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A history of the Loango kingdom (ca.1500-1883) : Power, Ivory and Art in west-central Africa. Africa's past carved in ivory
a year ago
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A history of the south-western Saharan towns of Tichitt, Walata, Wadan and Chinguetti (800-1912) Trade and civilization on west-africa's desert frontier
a year ago
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The complete history of Kano (999-1903) journal of African cities chapter 9
a year ago
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A history of the west African diaspora in Arabia and Jerusalem before 1900 The legacy of west African travel to Mecca, Medina and Jerusalem.
a year ago
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Join me on Notes "On the Zanzibari envoy to 11th century china and the recent Swahili-Persian DNA study"
a year ago
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The complete history of Gondar: Africa's city of castles (1636-1900) Journal of African cities chapter 8
a year ago
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When Africa discovered Europe *my article for New Lines Magazine
a year ago
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A history of Zanzibar before the Omanis (600-1873) Journal of African cities chapter 7
a year ago
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The desert town of Southern Africa: A history of Khauxanas 1780-1906 A view of pre-colonial Namibia from the khoisan town of ||Khauxa!nas.
a year ago
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A complete history of Dogon country: Bandiagara from 1900BC to 1900AD demystifying an ancient African society
a year ago
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A complete history of Jenne: 250BC-1893AD Journal of African cities chapter 6
over a year ago
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A political history of the Kotoko city states (ca. 1000-1900) Urbanism and state building in the lake chad basin..
over a year ago
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The pyramids of ancient Nubia and Meroe: death on the Nile and the mortuary architecture of Kush a complete history of an African monument
over a year ago
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Economic growth and social transformation in 19th century Somalia. Desert caravans, coastal cities and population movements
over a year ago
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The Dahlak islands and the African dynasty of Yemen a complete history of a cosmopolitan archipelago in the red sea (4th-19th century)
over a year ago
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A social history of the Lamu city-state (1370-1885) Journal of African cities chapter 5
over a year ago
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An episode of Naval warfare on the East African coast: the Sakalava invasions of 1792-1817 Between Madagascar and the Swahili world.
over a year ago
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The Swazi kingdom and its neighbours in the 19th century: from the rise of Zulu to the British an island in the maelstrom
over a year ago
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The kingdom of Ndongo and the Portuguese: Queen Njinga and the dynasty of women sovereigns... The effects of early colonial warfare in central Africa
over a year ago
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Mansa Musa and the royal pilgrimage tradition of west Africa: 11th-18th century Why Africa's caravans of gold stopped travelling to Arabia.
over a year ago
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Empire building and Government in the Yorubaland: a history of Oyo (1600-1836) Why Africa's internal political processes explain African history better than external actors.
over a year ago