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Left To Write

Left To Write
№ 79: Allowing Those You Love The Right To Be Wrong Why you’re getting this: I’m Jason Nguyen. I run Bloomstory.co.uk and The Mailroom. This is my...
9 months ago
9 months ago
Why you’re getting this: I’m Jason Nguyen. I run Bloomstory.co.uk and The Mailroom. This is my newsletter. I used to write this every week, but now I send this out when I can — life got in the way. Updates on what’s been going on in my life are at the bottom of this newsletter.
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№ 78: Bloomstory Codex, Changing of Seasons, Unproductivity Is The New Productivity A brief update of the last months
11 months ago
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№ 77: Reflecting on 2023 Doubt, love and growing more into myself.
a year ago
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#13 Writemas: Merry Christmas! This will be the last issue of Writemas ‘23. It’s been tough juggling this, Bloomstory and other...
a year ago
a year ago
This will be the last issue of Writemas ‘23. It’s been tough juggling this, Bloomstory and other projects, but it’s been a lot of fun producing these short emails. As we enter the last week of the year, I’m trying to let the dust of 2023 settle so that I can regain
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#12 Writemas: All The Pieces of You There’s a quote by Jorge Luis Borges I came across that I think about a lot. It goes like this: “I...
a year ago
a year ago
There’s a quote by Jorge Luis Borges I came across that I think about a lot. It goes like this: “I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited.”
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#11 Writemas: What I Read This Year I had two main reading goals for 2023: a) Slow down my reading b) Try to read books that are at...
a year ago
a year ago
I had two main reading goals for 2023: a) Slow down my reading b) Try to read books that are at least 100 years old. Here’s the full list of my completed books this year, in case you were wondering… Ed Thorpe, A Man for All Markets (2017) Kahill Gibran,
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#10 Writemas: Uncovering High Agency Talent I’ve met many people in my adult life who are so much more intelligent than I am. But most of them...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve met many people in my adult life who are so much more intelligent than I am. But most of them have ended up in well-paid corporate roles. Now, there’s nothing wrong with doing a 9 to 5. These corporate companies are needed, but whenever I walk away from conversations with...
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#9 Writemas: What Is Driving You? I had a call with an old poker friend earlier. We both have similar backgrounds; we are reasonably...
a year ago
a year ago
I had a call with an old poker friend earlier. We both have similar backgrounds; we are reasonably well educated, started poker around the same time, and never felt like we were enough. Both of our poker careers were driven by insecurity. We both had this desire to prove...
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#8 Writemas: 3 Lessons from Steve Jobs' Biography Last week, I finished Steve Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson. Isaacson portrays Jobs as a complex...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week, I finished Steve Jobs’ biography by Walter Isaacson. Isaacson portrays Jobs as a complex character with many paradoxes and personal contradictions. For example, he was adopted and struggled with ‘rejection’, yet rejected his own daughter, Lisa Jobs.
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#7 Writemas: Think Obsession Someone once called me intense. At first, I thought, is there something wrong with me? But I snapped...
a year ago
a year ago
Someone once called me intense. At first, I thought, is there something wrong with me? But I snapped out of things and realised it’s what makes me me. No one is making it out alive; death knocks at everyone’s door, so why not be obsessed about the things I enjoy?
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#6 Writemas: The Intersection of Disparate Skills My mother used to say to me, “Go work for a good company and build your career within it.” Her...
a year ago
a year ago
My mother used to say to me, “Go work for a good company and build your career within it.” Her advice came from a good place. She didn’t want me to struggle and have the safety of a salary. As many of you know, I didn’t do that. However, when I look back and reflect on that...
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#5 Writemas: The Way You Present Something Matters If you had asked me 5 years ago, “Would you do sales?” I would’ve looked at you with disgust. I’m...
a year ago
a year ago
If you had asked me 5 years ago, “Would you do sales?” I would’ve looked at you with disgust. I’m introverted, typically quiet and observant. But as Bloomstory’s co-founder, it’s one of my roles within the business. In fact, I volunteered for it. Most of my responsibilities...
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#4 Writemas: When A Man Loves A Woman Dear Ladies, I wish you could see inside a man’s head when he falls in love with a woman. It’s so...
a year ago
a year ago
Dear Ladies, I wish you could see inside a man’s head when he falls in love with a woman. It’s so surreal and stunning that you’ve got to experience it to believe it. First, it starts small. He begins to notice things about her appearance. Like the curve of her small nose, the...
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#3 Writemas: Developing Taste Last week, on a Bloomstory team day out to the Design Museum in London, I said to my friend Myles,...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week, on a Bloomstory team day out to the Design Museum in London, I said to my friend Myles, “Given we’re in a creative field, it’s important we develop taste.” I know it’s subjective, but I’ve often wondered about how universal ‘good’ taste is. However, instead of driving...
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#2 Writemas Rekindling Your Child Like Wonder
a year ago
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#1 Writemas Prioritising time to think, write and publish
a year ago
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№ 76: RIP Charlie Munger (1924-2023) The investing legend, the goat of common sense and wisdom, and the Vice Chairman of Berkshire...
a year ago
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№ 75: The Lindy Effect How I find clear signals in a misinforming & disinforming noisy world; To see the future, look back...
a year ago
a year ago
How I find clear signals in a misinforming & disinforming noisy world; To see the future, look back in time
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№ 74: An Entrepreneurial Odyssey How an epic poem can manage your expectations and reality
a year ago
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№ 73: Finding Faith How pursuing entrepreneurship taught me faith
a year ago
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№ 72: The First Wealth Is Health For most of my twenties, I valued money, women, friends, family and material possessions. But around...
a year ago
a year ago
For most of my twenties, I valued money, women, friends, family and material possessions. But around 28 years old, something in my psychology began to change. Perhaps it was inching towards 30 years old. Perhaps it was being tired of constantly feeling anxious. Perhaps it was...
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№ 71: You Had A Sh*t Day But Tomorrow Is A New Day I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of...
a year ago
a year ago
I didn’t have the greatest start to 2023. My emails were being ignored, offers rescinded, a bout of writer’s block, and I struggled to complete any climbing projects. Pipe in a layer of never feeling enough, feeling behind, and financial struggles and what you’ve got is a...
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№ 70: The Disappearance of The Great Good Place Finding Community - Ray Oldenburg's Third Place - Revolutions
a year ago
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№ 69: What's It Like To Have An Autistic Brother My brother Alan has autism. We are four years apart — I'm the older sibling. My brother is a gentle...
a year ago
a year ago
My brother Alan has autism. We are four years apart — I'm the older sibling. My brother is a gentle soul. Yes, there are times when he can be irrationally angry. But most of the time, he’s so quiet and lost in his own world that it’s difficult to sense out what he’s thinking.
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№ 68: In The End, It's All Behavioural How I found behavioural science (BS) - A small primer on BS - Applying insights from poker to...
a year ago
a year ago
How I found behavioural science (BS) - A small primer on BS - Applying insights from poker to marketing and advertising
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№ 67: The Last Generation of Chinese Takeaway Kids Growing up in a takeaway - Growth is always painful - Struggle is what makes us human
a year ago
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№ 66: Why Do We Brush Our Teeth? The opposite of a good idea - Finding the real reason behind brushing our teeth - Let's not jump to...
a year ago
a year ago
The opposite of a good idea - Finding the real reason behind brushing our teeth - Let's not jump to conclusions
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№ 65: How To Call Someone A Dumbass Without Calling Them A Dumbass It's not what you say but what you hear - Copywriting & Obliquity - The court jester
a year ago
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№ 64: How I Make A V60 Pourover Coffee My morning coffee ritual - Choosing intention - Mother's cooking - Finding passion & purpose
a year ago
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№ 63: They Accused Me of Collusion, Confiscated My $$$ and Taught Me A Priceless Lesson In Real Risk From fleecing Chinese Players to being fleeced - The Ludic Fallacy - Avoiding being a sucker - The...
a year ago
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A Slight Change In Cadence A small tweak in the essay newsletter for a better creative future
a year ago
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Do The Verb To Become The Noun Chasing after who you want to become is hard
a year ago
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I Want What You Have Let's talk about envy and its shenanigans
a year ago
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The Narrative Fallacy How narratives can distort our perception of reality and what to do against it
a year ago
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StorySelling How to skip the brain, bypass reason and head straight for the heart to sell
a year ago
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The Power of Storytelling Seriously, this is the skill you want to learn
a year ago
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Why? and Why Not? Thoughts on behaviour change, risk, faith and love.
a year ago
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Some Sh*tty Career Advice From A Professional Gambler Asymmetric betting, skill acquisition and daring to be different
a year ago
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Your Map Is Not The Territory Afflictions of the human condition
a year ago
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What I Learned In 1 Year of Writing A Newsletter Hey Friends, A year ago — in June 2022 — I started this newsletter. I had so many ideas of what I...
a year ago
a year ago
Hey Friends, A year ago — in June 2022 — I started this newsletter. I had so many ideas of what I wanted this newsletter to be: copywriting and creativity, behavioural science, business, or personal essays. But after a year of writing Left to Write,
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What A Bottle of Coke In A Luxury Five Star Resort Taught Me About Selling Where Is Just As Important As What
a year ago
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Finding The Future Starts With Hope I have hope. You could call it delusion, and it probably is, but I have so much hope. Because...
a year ago
a year ago
I have hope. You could call it delusion, and it probably is, but I have so much hope. Because without it, I won’t move towards the future I want. Even if you’re looking to change your life, create, build something, be better, and do more, you need to have hope in your heart.
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Who Am I? Hello new subscribers and what to expect from me
a year ago
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The Spread of Misinformation & Existential Risk of AI Continuing my AI conversation with Asad
a year ago
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What Did The Doorman Say To ChatGPT? A few weeks ago, my friend Asad asked me how I was feeling about chatGPT. I’ve talked about it...
a year ago
a year ago
A few weeks ago, my friend Asad asked me how I was feeling about chatGPT. I’ve talked about it before but given how fast the landscape is changing, I want to expand further: How I feel about chatGPT is complicated. The short answer is: From a business and writing point of view,...
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Playing Russian Roulette How understanding this morbid game can improve your decision making in life, health and business.
a year ago
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Stoicism: The Philosophy I Use To Guide Me Through Life Last week, I had a Zoom call with someone from Daniel Vassallo’s Small Bets community. The person —...
a year ago
a year ago
Last week, I had a Zoom call with someone from Daniel Vassallo’s Small Bets community. The person — let’s call him B — was leaving a cushy tech job and wanted to give the whole solopreneur thing a try. So given my background, B wanted insights into how I deal with uncertainty.
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Getting Everything You Ever Wanted The two tragedies in life
a year ago
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Nashing Out How Playing Good Poker Connects With Behavioural Economics
a year ago
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Soul In The Game Going all in on life
a year ago
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Fresh&Thick Exploring Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s Theory of Stupidity in the age of social media
a year ago
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📢 PSA: Making Some Changes Hello copynotes & Poker Confidential
a year ago
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Trust Me, I’m A Lying Social Media Performer The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends....
a year ago
a year ago
The early 2010’s internet used to be so simple. Facebook was used for connecting with friends. Instagram for sharing our pictures. Twitter for our thoughts. And LinkedIn to network. Everything was shown in chronological order. Fast forward to today, and the internet has become...
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My 3 Principals To Become A Copywriter What I’ve figured out so far as a 1 man Ad-agency
a year ago
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Write Like You Write And not how you speak
over a year ago
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Why I Write Five weeks ago, I had pledged to go on a writing journey to write my truth with Foster.co....
over a year ago
over a year ago
Five weeks ago, I had pledged to go on a writing journey to write my truth with Foster.co. Admittedly, I wasn’t too involved in many of the Season 2 workshops. However, the few I did attend left a significant impact on how I approached the writing process. As a result, here is my...
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Sinking To Survive I always feel like I’m drowning. At this point I’m used to it. But I do question how much of this is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I always feel like I’m drowning. At this point I’m used to it. But I do question how much of this is inherited and how much of this is self-inflicted. Last year, I read an article on Epigenetics. The gist of it is that we’re shaped by the genes of our parents and grandparents,...
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What A Moroccan Uber Driver Can Teach Us About Living Life is simple, but we insist on complicating it
over a year ago