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Remains of the Day

Remains of the Day
How to Blow Up a Timeline NOTE: I’d been working on this piece on and off for a few weeks while trying to move to NYC and...
a year ago
a year ago
NOTE: I’d been working on this piece on and off for a few weeks while trying to move to NYC and settle into my new apartment, and just as I was about to publish it, Elon rate-limited Twitter and so, sensing a moment of weakness, Meta pulled up its launch date for Threads to...
Remains of the Day
My Favorite Movies of 2021 A second year of the pandemic passed in which I didn’t attend any film festivals in person. I miss...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A second year of the pandemic passed in which I didn’t attend any film festivals in person. I miss it. My viewing output of is lower than usual but still much much higher than that of the median filmgoer. Film is one category of media in which human recommendations still feel...
Remains of the Day
And You Will Know Us by the Company We Keep It feels as if we're at the tail end of the first era of social media in the West. Looking back at...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It feels as if we're at the tail end of the first era of social media in the West. Looking back at the companies that have survived, certain application architectural choices are ubiquitous. By now, we're all familiar with the infinite vertical scrolling feed of content units,...
Remains of the Day
American Idle I promised one final piece on TikTok, focused primarily on the network effects of creativity. And...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I promised one final piece on TikTok, focused primarily on the network effects of creativity. And this is that, in part. But it discusses a bunch of other topics, some only tangentially related to TikTok. All the points I wanted to cover seem hyperlinked in a sprawling loose...
Remains of the Day
Seeing Like an Algorithm In my previous post on TikTok I discussed why its For You Page algorithm is the connective tissue...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my previous post on TikTok I discussed why its For You Page algorithm is the connective tissue that makes TikTok work. It is the bus on its motherboard that connects and closes all its feedback loops. But in the breathless rush to understand why companies might want to acquire...
Remains of the Day
TikTok and the Sorting Hat I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I often describe myself as a cultural determinist, more as a way to differentiate myself from people with other dominant worldviews, though I am not a strict adherent. It’s more that in many situations when people ascribe causal power to something other than culture, I’m...
Remains of the Day
My Pandemic Zoom Setup Now that everyone is spending many of their waking hours in Zoom, a lot of people are laughing at,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Now that everyone is spending many of their waking hours in Zoom, a lot of people are laughing at, and then asking me about, my Zoom setup. It’s actually not all that elaborate. I know many people with much more elaborate setups. Still, for a simple upgrade to the mic and camera...
Remains of the Day
Veblen values NOTE: I'm going to start cross-posting individual stories sent out in my newsletter over here on my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
NOTE: I'm going to start cross-posting individual stories sent out in my newsletter over here on my blog. The versions here may contain additional side notes, and often as I bring them over I'll do some light word-smithing or additional copy-editing because I can never stop...
Remains of the Day
The John Wick Universe is Cancel Culture “Si vis pacem para bellum” translated “If you want peace, prepare for...
over a year ago
Remains of the Day
The Uncanny Valley of Interactivity I believe mass entertainment suffers from a bit of format rigidity due to the natural inertia from...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I believe mass entertainment suffers from a bit of format rigidity due to the natural inertia from structural ossification in the music, film, and publishing businesses, to name the most prominent. One of the ways this manifests is in the one-way broadcast nature of much of our...
Remains of the Day
Narrative debt HBO’s Watchmen is fantastic, as many have noted. It may be one of the most polished first drafts of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
HBO’s Watchmen is fantastic, as many have noted. It may be one of the most polished first drafts of fan fiction to ever appear on the silver, errr, OLED screen. DC may lag behind the Marvel Universe in box office and audience acclaim, but it feels like DC is starting to find its...
Remains of the Day
Smoke and Mirrors “When a judge walks into the room, and everybody stands up, you’re not standing up to that guy,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
“When a judge walks into the room, and everybody stands up, you’re not standing up to that guy, you’re standing up to the robe that he’s wearing and the role that he’s going to play. What makes him worthy of that role is his integrity, as a representative of the principles of...
Remains of the Day
Status Update, and How Everyone IPO'd in the 21st Century Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been doing some formal advisory work and a bit of angel investing...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Sorry for the long hiatus. I've been doing some formal advisory work and a bit of angel investing these past months, and so more of my writing has been private. More than that, though, the Internet, with all the status games and incentives I wrote about in my last post, began to...
Remains of the Day
Status as a Service (StaaS) Editor's Note 1: I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2: I would like to assure new subscribers to this...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Editor's Note 1: I have no editor. Editor’s Note 2: I would like to assure new subscribers to this blog that most my posts are not as long as this one. Or as long as my previous one. My long break from posting here means that this piece is a collection of what would’ve normally...
Remains of the Day
Invisible asymptotes "It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred...
over a year ago
over a year ago
"It is said that if you know your enemies and know yourself, you will not be imperiled in a hundred battles; if you do not know your enemies but do know yourself, you will win one and lose one; if you do not know your enemies nor yourself, you will be imperiled in every single...
Remains of the Day
What I learned from a Taipei alley I was in Taipei the past few weeks working on a documentary with friends. Because of a busy...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I was in Taipei the past few weeks working on a documentary with friends. Because of a busy schedule, it wasn't like my usual travels abroad for fun, it felt more like a work trip. Still, even if I'd been there purely for vacation, I would've wanted to try a different mode of...
Remains of the Day
The inefficiency of large, infrequent transactions In a conversation with Matt Levine, Tyler Cowen asks: COWEN: Like you, I’m mostly an efficient...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In a conversation with Matt Levine, Tyler Cowen asks: COWEN: Like you, I’m mostly an efficient markets guy, but when I look at initial public offerings I’m very baffled because investment banks take such a huge cut.   If you needed to argue, “Well, they need the cut because they...
Remains of the Day
Catch up It has been some time since I posted here. Outside of lots of meetings around the country and some...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It has been some time since I posted here. Outside of lots of meetings around the country and some trips with family and friends, a few creative projects have stolen the lion's share of my free time. While I won't publish some Medium screed on how spending less time on social...
Remains of the Day
Revisionist commentary I don't know that I'm aware of enough entries in this category to even consider it one, but I'm a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I don't know that I'm aware of enough entries in this category to even consider it one, but I'm a sucker for the union of political and film satire as embodied in alternate film commentaries. I was reminded of it when seeing The People's History of Tattooine which was first one...
Remains of the Day
Why Information Grows It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It is hard for us humans to separate information from meaning because we cannot help interpreting messages. We infuse messages with meaning automatically, fooling ourselves to believe that the meaning of a message is carried in the message. But it is not. This is only an...
Remains of the Day
My first podcast appearance A few months ago David Perell emailed and asked if I'd like to be on his podcast, The North Star. He...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A few months ago David Perell emailed and asked if I'd like to be on his podcast, The North Star. He mentioned some of the other people he'd had on, so many of whom I admire, and I thought he had emailed the wrong person. But no, he had done his research and knew a lot about my...