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Rolumns 1.3 & Recompose 1.0 I built them, and now you're going to hear about it.
a year ago
I've been over-brewing my coffee Bloody hell, James Hoffmann's ultimate AeroPress technique is good.
a year ago
Is it outrageous that Apple continues to advertise on Twitter? John Gruber asks and answers: Is it outrageous that Apple continues to advertise on Twitter? I say...
a year ago
a year ago
John Gruber asks and answers: Is it outrageous that Apple continues to advertise on Twitter? I say no. But it feels a bit skeevy, and more than a little curious, that they choose to. Is it outrageous? My gut said yes. It's outrageous that Apple would change their
.io considered harmful The .io top-level domain funds and legitimises Britain's exile of the Chagossian people from their...
a year ago
a year ago
The .io top-level domain funds and legitimises Britain's exile of the Chagossian people from their homeland. Here's the history and the facts.