More from Tech and Tea
Buy Nothing communities, neighborhood lending libraries, economic boycotts, and being intentional with where our money goes
A story of two friends, three startups, and one just-launched newsletter on running early-stage companies!
A fun thought experiment around finances, time, and what you are or aren't willing to sacrifice for financial independence.
Everything I’m learning about uselessness, thriving, and not needing to scale from our backyard ginkgo tree.
Reflections on things I’m learning and continue to learn this year.
More in life
I have written before about how the “communist” revolution in the USSR was a scheme cooked up by the global criminocrats to impose on the Russian people their long-term authoritarian-industrial agenda of dispossession and enslavement.
I remember reading somewhere that just few decades ago we lived in small communities, unconnected by the internet. We would only need to cope with the happenings of this small community, and...