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The hot new thing in CSS is :has() and Firefox finally supports it, starting today - so the compatibility table is pretty decent (89% at this writing). I already used has() in a previous post - that Strava CSS hack, but I’m finding it useful in so many places. For example, in Val Town we have some UI that shows up on hover and disappears when you hover out - but we also want it to stay visible if you’ve opened a menu within the UI. The previous solution required using React state and passing it through components. The new solution is so much simpler - just takes advantage of Radix’s excellent attention to accessibility - so if something in the UI has aria-expanded=true, we show the parent element: .valtown-pin-visible:has([aria-expanded="true"]) { opacity: 1; }
a year ago

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I am not going to repeat the news. But man, things are really, really bad and getting worse in America. It’s all so unendingly stupid and evil. The tech industry is being horrible, too. Wishing strength to the people who are much more exposed to the chaos than I am. Reading A Confederacy of Dunces was such a perfect novel. It was pure escapism, over-the-top comedy, and such an unusual artifact, that was sadly only appreciated posthumously. Very earnestly I believe that despite greater access to power and resources, the box labeled “socially acceptable ways to be a man” is much smaller than the box labeled “socially acceptable ways to be a woman.” This article on the distinction between patriarchy and men was an interesting read. With the whole… politics out there, it’s easy to go off the rails with any discussion about men and women and whether either have it easy or hard. The same author wrote this good article about declining male enrollment in college. I think both are worth a read. Whenever I read this kind of article, I’m reminded of how limited and mostly fortunate my own experience is. There’s a big difference, I think, in how vigorously you have to perform your gender in some red state where everyone owns a pickup truck, versus a major city where the roles are a little more fluid. Plus, I’ve been extremely fortunate to have a lot of friends and genuine open conversations about feelings with other men. I wish that was the norm! On Having a Maximum Wealth was right up my alley. I’m reading another one of the new-French-economist books right now, and am still fascinated by the prospect of wealth taxes. My friend David has started a local newsletter for Richmond, Virginia, and written a good piece about public surveillance. Construction Physics is consistently great, and their investigation of why skyscrapers are all glass boxes is no exception. Watching David Lynch was so great. We watched his film Lost Highway a few days after he passed, and it was even better than I had remembered it. Norm Macdonald’s extremely long jokes on late-night talk shows have been getting me through the days. Listening This song by the The Hard Quartet – a supergroup of Emmett Kelly, Stephen Malkmus (Pavement), Matt Sweeney and Jim White. It’s such a loving, tender bit of nonsense, very golden-age Pavement. They also have this nice chill song: I came across this SML album via Hearing Things, which has been highlighting a lot of good music. Small Medium Large by SML It’s a pretty good time for these independent high-quality art websites. Colossal has done the same for the art world and highlights good new art: I really want to make it out to see the Nick Cave (not the musician) art show while it’s in New York.

4 days ago 5 votes
2025 Predictions

I was just enjoying Simon Willison’s predictions and, heck, why not. 1: The web becomes adversarial to AI The history of search engines is sort of an arms race between websites and search engines. Back in the early 2000s, juicing your ranking on search engines was pretty easy - you could put a bunch of junk in your meta description tags or put some text with lots of keywords on each page and make that text really tiny and transparent so users didn’t notice it but Google did. I doubt that Perplexity’s userbase is that big but Perplexity users are probably a lot wealthier on average than Google’s, and there’s some edge to be achieved by getting Perplexity to rank your content highly or recommend your website. I’ve already noticed some search results including links to content farms. There are handful of startups that do this already, but the prediction is: the average marketing exec at a consumer brand will put some of their budget to work on fooling AI. That means serving different content to AI scrapers, maybe using some twist on Glaze and other forms of adversarial image processing to make their marketing images more tantalizing to the bots. Websites will be increasingly aware that they’re being consumed by AI, and they will have a vested interest in messing with the way AI ‘perceives’ them. As Simon notes in his predictions, AIs are gullible: and that’s before there are widespread efforts to fool them. There’s probably some way to detect an AI scraper, give it a special payload, and trick it into recommending your brand of razors whenever anyone asks, and once someone figures it out this will be the marketing trend of the decade. 2: Copyright nihilism breeds a return to physical-only media The latest lawsuit about Meta’s use of pirated books, allegedly with Mark Zuckerberg’s explicit permission, if true, will be another reason to lose faith in the American legal system’s intellectual property system entirely. We’ve only seen it used to punish individuals and protect corporations, regardless of the facts and damages, and there’s no reason to believe it will do anything different (POSIWID). The result, besides an uptick in nihilism, could be a rejuvenation of physical-only releases. New albums only released on vinyl. Books only available in paperback format. More private screenings of hip movies. When all digital records are part of the ‘training dataset,’ a niche, hipster subset will be drawn to things that aren’t as easily captured and reproduced. This is parallel, to the state of closed-source models from Anthropic or OpenAI. They’re never distributed or run locally. They exist as bytes on some hard drive and in some massive GPU’s memory in some datacenter, and there aren’t Bittorrents pirating them because they’re kept away from people, not because of the power of copyright law. What can be accessed can be copied, so secrecy and inaccessibility is valuable. 3: American tech companies will pull out of Europe because they want to do acquisitions The incoming political administration will probably bring an end to Lina Khan’s era of the FTC, and era in which the FTC did stuff. We will go back to a ‘hands off’ policy in which big companies will acquire each other pretty often without much government interference. But, even in Khan’s era, the real nail in the coffin for one of the biggest acquisitions - Adobe’s attempt to buy Figma – was regulators from the EU and UK. Those regulators will probably keep doing stuff, so I think it’s likely that the next time some company wants to acquire a close competitor, they just close up shop in the EU, maybe with a long-term plan to return. 4: The tech industry’s ‘DEI backlash’ will run up against reality The reality is that the gap between women and men in terms of college degrees is really big: “Today, 47% of U.S. women ages 25 to 34 have a bachelor’s degree, compared with 37% of men.” And that a great deal of the tech industry’s workforce is made of up highly-skilled people who are on H-1B visas. The synthesis will be that tech workers will be more diverse, in some respects, but by stripping away the bare-bones protections around their presence, companies will keep them in a more vulnerable and exploitable position. But hard right-wingers will have plenty to complain about because these companies will continue to look less white and male, because the labor pool is not that. 5: Local-first will have a breakthrough moment I think that Zero Sync has a good chance at cracking this really hard problem. So does electric and maybe jazz, too. The gap between the dream of local-first apps and the reality has been wide, but I think projects are starting to come to grips with a few hard truths: Full decentralization is not worth it. You need to design for syncing a subset of the data, not the entire dataset. You need an approach to schema evolution and permission checking These systems are getting there. We could see a big, Figma-level application built on Zero this year that will set the standard for future web application architecture. 6: Local, small AI models will be a big deal Embedding models are cool as heck. New text-to-speech and speech-to-text models are dramatically better than what came before. Image segmentation is getting a lot better. There’s a lot of stuff that is coming out of this boom that will be able to scale down to a small model that runs on a phone, browser, or at least on our own web servers without having to call out to OpenAI or Anthropic APIs. It’ll make sense for costs, performance, and security. Candle is a really interesting effort in this area. Mini predictions Substack will re-bundle news. People are tired of subscribing to individual newsletters. Substack will introduce some ~$20/month plan that gives you access to all of the newsletters that participate in this new pricing model. TypeScript gets a zeitwork equivalent and lots of people use it. Same as how prettier brought full code formatting from TypeScript, autoloading is the kind of thing that once you have it, it’s magic. What if you could just write <SomeComponent /> in your React app and didn’t have to import it? I think this would be extremely addictive and catch on fast. Node.js will fend off its competitors. Even though Val Town is built around Deno’s magic, I’ve been very impressed that Node.js is keeping up. They’ve introduced permissions, just like Deno, and native TypeScript support, just like the upstarts. Bun and Deno will keep gaining adherents, but Node.js has a long future ahead of it. Another US city starts seriously considering congestion pricing. For all the chatter and terrible discourse around the plan, it is obviously a good idea and it will work, as it has in every other case, and inspire other cities to do the same. Stripe will IPO. They’re still killing it, but they’re killing it in an established, repeatable way that public markets will like, and will let up the pressure on the many, many people who own their stock.

4 weeks ago 32 votes
Recently 2024

Happy end-of-2024! It’s been a pretty good year overall. I’m thankful. There’s no way that I’ll be able to remember and carve out the time around New Years to write this, so here’s some end-of-year roundup, ahead of schedule! Running This was my biggest year for running on record: 687 miles as of today. I think the biggest difference with this year was just that nothing stood in the way of my being pretty consistent and putting in the miles: the weather has been mild, I haven’t had any major injuries, and long runs have felt pretty good. I was happy to hit a half-marathon PR (1:36:21), but my performance in 5Ks was far short of the goal of sub-20 – partly because Brooklyn’s wonderful 5K series was run at the peak of summer, with multiple races at over 85°F. I learned the value of good lightweight running gear: Bakline’s singlets and Goodr sunglasses were super helpful in getting me through the summer. Work Val Town raised a seed round and hired a bunch of excellent people. We moved into a new office of our own, which has a great vibe. It’s been good: we’re doing a lot of ground-up work wrangling cgroups and low-level worker scheduling, and a lot of UX-in work, just trying to make it a pleasant tool. Frankly, with every product I’ve worked on, I’ve never had a feeling that it was good enough, and accordingly, for me, Val Town feels like it has a long way to go. It’s probably a good tendency to be sort of unsatisfied and motivated to constantly improve. New York It’s still such a wonderful place to live. Late this year, I’ve been rediscovering my obsession with cycling, and realizing how much I whiffed the opportunity to ride more when I lived in San Francisco. I guess that’s the first time I felt genuinely nostalgic for the West coast. I miss DC a bit too: it’s one of the few cities where my friends have been able to stay in the city proper while raising children, and I miss the accessible, underdog punk scene. But Brooklyn is just a remarkable place to live. My walk score is 100. The degree to which people here are in the city because they want to be, not because they have to, shapes so much of what makes it great. Other ‘metrics’ Relative to my old level obsession about self-quantification, my ‘metrics’ are pretty moderate now. Everything’s just backward-looking: I’m not paying much attention to the numbers as I go, it’s just fun to look at them year-over-year trends. That said, this was a lackluster year for reading: just 18 books so far. I think I just read an above-average number of books that I didn’t enjoy very much. Next year I’m going to return to authors who I already love, and stay away from genres that – the data shows – I don’t like. Whereas this was a banner year for watching movies: not great! Next year, I want to flip these results. Of everything I saw, Kinds of Kindness will probably stick with me the most. Placemark It seems like a decade ago that I released Placemark as open source software, as developing it as a closed-source SaaS application for a few years. But I did that in January. There have been a few great open source contributions since then, but it’s pretty quiet. Which is okay, somewhat expected: there is no hidden crowd of people with extra time on their hands and unending enthusiasm for ‘geospatial software’ waiting to contribute to that kind of project. Placemark is also, even with my obsessive focus on simplicity, a pretty complicated codebase. The learning curve is probably pretty significant. Maps are a challenging problem area: that’s what attracts a lot of people to them, but people who use maps persistently have the feeling that it couldn’t be that complicated, which means that few users convert into contributors. There are a few prominent efforts chasing similar goals as Placemark: Atlas.co is aiming to be an all-in-one editing/analysis platform, Felt a cloud-native GIS platform, and then there are plenty of indiehackers-style projects. I hope these projects take off! Figma plugins I also kept maintaining the Figma plugins I developed under the Placemark name. Potentially a lot of people are using them, but I don’t really know. The problem with filling in water shapes in the plugins is still unsolved: it’s pretty hard and I haven’t had the time or motivation to fix it. The most energy into those plugins this year, unfortunately, was when someone noticed that the dataset I was using - Natural Earth – marked Crimea as part of Russia. Which obviously: I don’t draw the countries in datasets, but it’s a reasonable thing to point out (but to assume that the author is malicious was a real downer, again, like, I don’t draw the countries). This decision from Natural Earth’s maintainer is heavily discussed and they aren’t planning on changing it, so I switched to world-atlas, which doesn’t have that problem. Which was fine, but a reminder of the days when I worked on maps full-time and this kind of unexpected “you’re the baddie” realization came up much more often. Sometimes it was silly: people who complain about label priority in the sense of “why, at zoom level 3, does one country’s name show up and not anothers?” was just silly. The answer, ahem, was that there isn’t enough space for the two labels and one country had a higher population or a geometry that gave their label more distance from the other country’s centroid. But a lot of the territorial disputes are part of people’s long cultural, political, military history and the source of intergenerational strife. Of course that’s serious stuff. Making a tool that shows a globe with labels on it will probably always trigger some sort of moment like that, and it’s a reason to not work on it that much because you’re bound to unintentionally step on something contentious. Other projects I released Obsidian Freeform, and have been using it a bit myself. Obsidian has really stuck for me. My vault is well over 2,000 notes, and I’ve created a daily note for almost every day for the last year. Freeform was a fun project and I have other ideas that are Obsidian plugin-shaped, though I’ve become a little bit let down by the plugin API - the fact that Obsidian-flavored-Markdown is nonstandard and the parser/AST is not accessible to plugins is a pretty big drawback for the kinds of things I want to build. Elsewhere recently I’ve been writing a bit: Recently I’ve written about dependency bloat and a developer analytics tool we built at Val Town, and started writing some supplementary documentation for Observable Plot about parts of its API that I think are unintuitive. On the micro blog, I wrote about not using GitHub Copilot and how brands should make a comeback. This blog got a gentle redesign in May, to show multiple categories of posts on the home page, and then in August I did a mass update to switch all YouTube embeds to lite-youtube-embed to make pages load faster. I’m still running Jekyll, like I have been for the last decade, and it works great. Oh, and I’ve basically stopped using Twitter and am only on Mastodon and Bluesky. Bluesky more than Mastodon recently because it seems like it’s doing a better job at attracting a more diverse community. I’m looking forward to 2025, to cycling a lot more and a new phase of startup-building. See you in the new year.

a month ago 61 votes
Bandcamp wrapped

I still use Bandcamp almost exclusively to buy music, and keep a big library of MP3s. The downside is that this marks me as a weirdo, but otherwise it’s great and has been working well for me. Since I last wrote about it, Bandcamp was acquired by Epic games (?) and then acquired from them by Songtradr, and its employees are trying to get recognized as a union. Times are changing and Bandcamp is no longer a lovely indie company, but it’s still a heck of a lot better than Spotify. People (who?) are sharing their ‘Spotify wrapped’ auto-generated compilations and I wanted the same, for my Bandcamp purchases, so I built it on Val Town. You can create your own! Or edit the code of the tool that generates them. Because of API limitations – really, the absence of an API – it requires you to copy & paste content from your purchases page, but isn’t copy-and-paste really a kind of API? Anyway: Vampire Empire / Born For Loving You by Big Thief Patterns by Pool Boys Acadia by Yasmin Williams Cascade by Floating Points of course i still love you by Darwin Deez (pre-order) 4 | 2 | 3 by MIZU Son by Rosie Lowe & Duval Timothy Imaginal Disk by Magdalena Bay Dirty Projectors by Dirty Projectors Green Disco by Justine Electra Daedalus by Daedelus You Look A Lot Like Me (2016) by Mal Blum Big City Boys by Cailin Pitt Promises by Floating Points, Pharoah Sanders & The London Symphony Orchestra Windswept by Photay Jessie Mae Hemphill by Jessie Mae Hemphill Rituals by Ishmael Ensemble 1992 - 2001 by Acetone Final Summer by Cloud Nothings Bright Future by Adrianne Lenker La For​ê​t (2024) by Xiu Xiu Frog Poems by Mister Goblin Living is Easy by Agriculture Again by Oneohtrix Point Never Put The Shine On by CocoRosie The Light Is On You Return by Ben Levin Mercurial World by Magdalena Bay Burn It Down by Lovebirds Room 25 by Noname Wall Of Eyes by The Smile Forest Scenes by MIZU Looking back on the year, I like how I can remember a few of these albums from my first exposure to them in odd places - I heard Jessie Mae Hemphill playing in a Chipotle, and Rosie Lowe playing in my hair salon. It was apparently a big year for instrumental, electronic, minimalist music. The only ‘rock’ album that hooked me was Wall of Eyes, and the only pop album that made an impact was Imaginal Disk - the fuzzy outro of Image is something I keep re-listening to. MIZU has been on heavy rotation, too – the only of these artists that I learned about by seeing them live - she opened for Tim Hecker and I think made a lot of fans there with a really theatric and heavy performance. Buy some music! Listen to it repeatedly, and put it in your MP3 player!

2 months ago 46 votes
Recently: Cycling and Autumn

I haven’t been posting much to the ‘main blog’ recently, but I have been keeping the micro blog updates humming. If you want more content in your RSS reader, you can subscribe to those posts, which are shorter, more scattered, and even less copyedited. It feels bad to have multiple “Recently” headings in the blog listing, so I’ll give them short subtitles from now on. Anyway, what’s up? October was all right. At Val Town, we spent a lot of time interviewing job candidates and improving the AI assistant, Townie. I also got some time to tackle long-awaited technical debt cleanups: I conquered the ‘big scary function’ that did the actual ‘running’ of val code. Cycling Outside of work, a lot of my October-related excitement was related to being outdoors. It’s been a great year for running – I just passed 600 miles so far and will probably hit 650 barring any injuries or life complications. But cycling is on the mind. We just rode the Old Croton Aqueduct trail from Ossining back to Brooklyn. It’s a fairly rough trail: plenty of rocks and terrain. Rideable on my ~32mm tires, but it’d be a lot easier with a mountain bike. We rode past some osage orange trees with their funky-looking and inedible fruit the size of large grapefruits. The trail passed right next to the Lyndhurst Estate, which was owned by a series of rich and powerful people, including Jay Gould, who is especially hated. Upstate, a lot of the attractions are like this, other big historic houses. The trail was mostly really beautiful, though the parts closer to Yonkers have a lot of trash. It’s much more popular with hikers than with cyclists. Even though bikes are explicitly permitted, locals seemed a little surprised by our presence, even though we were ringing bells, going slow, and making lots of space. It’s kind of funny to compare the general spatial awareness of people upstate to those in the city: we encountered a lot of people upstate who were standing in the center of the trail, completely zoned out and surprised by the presence of another human, and then on the way back were on city streets with four people within a few feet of us on foot, bikes, cars, scooters, all mostly aware and ready to silently negotiate how to move together through a shared space. I remarked that I think that when some people move out of the city because of the ‘inconvenience’, the inconvenience is people, and once you leave, you lose a certain ability to live around other people - from then on, you expect to have a suburban yard-sized perimeter around your personal space. Micro I wrote a lot on the microblog this month: about the Arc browser’s recent news that it’ll be abandoned, Reddit adopting Web Components, domain squatting, Python datascience tech, and Knip, a tool for finding dead code in TypeScript systems. Content I watched a bunch of films, which are on my Letterboxd, and the only new album on my rotation is Yasmin Williams’s Acadia: Acadia by Yasmin Williams This YouTube channel is showing all of the steps involved in doing a multi-day bikepacking trip through India. It’s a lot of fun: And that’s it for this month! I’ll write a full-fledged blog post one of these days.

3 months ago 47 votes

More in programming

Serving the country

In 1940, President Roosevelt tapped William S. Knudsen to run the government's production of military equipment. Knudsen had spent a pivotal decade at Ford during the mass-production revolution, and was president of General Motors, when he was drafted as a civilian into service as a three-star general. Not bad for a Dane, born just ten minutes on bike from where I'm writing this in Copenhagen! Knudsen's leadership raised the productive capacity of the US war machine by a 100x in areas like plane production, where it went from producing 3,000 planes in 1939 to over 300,000 by 1945. He was quoted on his achievement: "We won because we smothered the enemy in an avalanche of production, the like of which he had never seen, nor dreamed possible". Knudsen wasn't an elected politician. He wasn't even a military man. But Roosevelt saw that this remarkable Dane had the skills needed to reform a puny war effort into one capable of winning the Second World War. Do you see where I'm going with this? Elon Musk is a modern day William S. Knudsen. Only even more accomplished in efficiency management, factory optimization, and first-order systems thinking. No, America isn't in a hot war with the Axis powers, but for the sake of the West, it damn well better be prepared for one in the future. Or better still, be so formidable that no other country or alliance would even think to start one. And this requires a strong, confident, and sound state with its affairs in order. If you look at the government budget alone, this is direly not so. The US was knocking on a two-trillion-dollar budget deficit in 2024! Adding to a towering debt that's now north of 36 trillion. A burden that's already consuming $881 billion in yearly interest payments. More than what's spent on the military or Medicare. Second to only Social Security on the list of line items. Clearly, this is not sustainable. This is the context of DOGE. The program, lead by Musk, that's been deputized by Trump to turn the ship around. History doesn't repeat, but it rhymes, and Musk is dropping beats that Knudsen would have surely been tapping his foot to. And just like Knudsen in his time, it's hard to think of any other American entrepreneur more qualified to tackle exactly this two-trillion dollar problem.  It is through The Musk Algorithm that SpaceX lowered the cost of sending a kilo of goods into lower orbit from the US by well over a magnitude. And now America's share of worldwide space transit has risen from less than 30% in 2010 to about 85%. Thanks to reusable rockets and chopstick-catching landing towers. Thanks to Musk. Or to take a more earthly example with Twitter. Before Musk took over, Twitter had revenues of $5 billion and earned $682 million. After the take over, X has managed to earn $1.25 billion on $2.7 billion in revenue. Mostly thank to the fact that Musk cut 80% of the staff out of the operation, and savaged the cloud costs of running the service. This is not what people expected at the time of the take over! Not only did many commentators believe that Twitter was going to collapse from the drastic costs in staff, they also thought that the financing for the deal would implode. Chiefly as a result of advertisers withdrawing from the platform under intense media pressure. But that just didn't happen. Today, the debt used to take over Twitter and turn it into X is trading at 97 cents on the dollar. The business is twice as profitable as it was before, and arguably as influential as ever. All with just a fifth of the staff required to run it. Whatever you think of Musk and his personal tweets, it's impossible to deny what an insane achievement of efficiency this has been! These are just two examples of Musk's incredible ability to defy the odds and deliver the most unbelievable efficiency gains known to modern business records. And we haven't even talked about taking Tesla from producing 35,000 cars in 2014 to making 1.7 million in 2024. Or turning xAI into a major force in AI by assembling a 100,000 H100 cluster at "superhuman" pace.  Who wouldn't want such a capacity involved in finding the waste, sloth, and squander in the US budget? Well, his political enemies, of course! And I get it. Musk's magic is balanced with mania and even a dash of madness. This is usually the case with truly extraordinary humans. The taller they stand, the longer the shadow. Expecting Musk to do what he does and then also be a "normal, chill dude" is delusional. But even so, I think it's completely fair to be put off by his tendency to fire tweets from the hip, opine on world affairs during all hours of the day, and offer his support to fringe characters in politics, business, and technology. I'd be surprised if even the most ardent Musk super fans don't wince a little every now and then at some of the antics. And yet, I don't have any trouble weighing those antics against the contributions he's made to mankind, and finding an easy and overwhelming balance in favor of his positive achievements. Musk is exactly the kind of formidable player you want on your team when you're down two trillion to nothing, needing a Hail Mary pass for the destiny of America, and eager to see the West win the future. He's a modern-day Knudsen on steroids (or Ketamine?). Let him cook.

5 hours ago 2 votes
The Exodus Curve

The concept of Product-Market Fit (PMF) collapse has gained renewed attention with the rise of large language models (LLMs), as highlighted in a recent Reforge article. The article argues we’re witnessing unprecedented market disruption, in this post, I propose we’re experiencing an acceleration of a familiar pattern rather than a fundamentally new phenomenon. Adoption Curves […] The post The Exodus Curve appeared first on Marc Astbury.

8 hours ago 2 votes
Unexpected errors in the BagIt area

Last week, James Truitt asked a question on Mastodon: James Truitt (he/him) @linguistory@code4lib.social Mastodon #digipres folks happen to have a handy repo of small invalid bags for testing purposes? I'm trying to automate our ingest process, and want to make sure I'm accounting for as many broken expectations as possible. Jan 31, 2025 at 07:49 PM The “bags” he’s referring to are BagIt bags. BagIt is an open format developed by the Library of Congress for packaging digital files. Bags include manifests and checksums that describe their contents, and they’re often used by libraries and archives to organise files before transfering them to permanent storage. Although I don’t use BagIt any more, I spent a lot of time working with it when I was a software developer at Wellcome Collection. We used BagIt as the packaging format for files saved to our cloud storage service, and we built a microservice very similar to what James is describing. The “bag verifier” would look for broken bags, and reject them before they were copied to long-term storage. I wrote a lot of bag verifier test cases to confirm that it would spot invalid or broken bags, and that it would give a useful error message when it did. All of the code for Wellcome’s storage service is shared on GitHub under an MIT license, including the bag verifier tests. They’re wrapped in a Scala test framework that might not be the easiest thing to read, so I’m going to describe the test cases in a more human-friendly way. Before diving into specific examples, it’s worth remembering: context is king. BagIt is described by RFC 8493, and you could create invalid bags by doing a line-by-line reading and deliberately ignoring every “MUST” or “SHOULD” but I wouldn’t recommend this aproach. You’d get a long list of test cases, but you’d be overwhelmed by examples, and you might miss specific requirements for your system. The BagIt RFC is written for the most general case, but if you’re actually building a storage service, you’ll have more concrete requirements and context. It’s helpful to look at that context, and how it affects the data you want to store. Who’s creating the bags? How will they name files? Where are you going to store bags? How do bags fit into your wider systems? And so on. Understanding your context will allow you to skip verification steps that you don’t need, and to add verification steps that are important to you. I doubt any two systems implement the exact same set of checks, because every system has different context. Here are examples of potential validation issues drawn from the BagIt specification and my real-world experience. You won’t need to check for everything on this list, and this list isn’t exhaustive – but it should help you think about bag validation in your own context. The Bag Declaration bagit.txt This file declares that this is a BagIt bag, and the version of BagIt you’re using (RFC 8493 §2.1.1). It looks the same in almost every bag, for example: BagIt-Version: 1.0 Tag-File-Character-Encoding: UTF-8 This tightly prescribed format means it can only be invalid in a few ways: What if the bag doesn’t have a bag declaration? It’s a required element of every BagIt bag; it has to be there. What if the bag declaration is the wrong format? It should contain exactly two lines: a version number and a character encoding, in that order. What if the bag declaration has an unexpected version number? If you see a BagIt version that you’ve not seen before, the bag might have a different structure than what you expect. The Payload Files and Payload Manifest The payload files are the actual content you want to save and preserve. They get saved in the payload directory data/ (RFC 8493 §2.1.2), and there’s a payload manifest manifest-algorithm.txt that lists them, along with their checksums (RFC 8493 §2.1.3). Here’s an example of a payload manifest with MD5 checksums: 37d0b74d5300cf839f706f70590194c3 data/waterfall.jpg This tells us that the bag contains a single file data/waterfall.jpg, and it has the MD5 checksum 37d0…. These checksums can be used to verify that the files have transferred correctly, and haven’t been corrupted in the process. There are lots of ways a payload manifest could be invalid: What if the bag doesn’t have a payload manifest? Every BagIt bag must have at least one Payload Manifest file. What if the payload manifest is the wrong format? These files have a prescribed format – one file per line, with a checksum and file path. What if the payload manifest refers to a file that isn’t in the bag? Either one of the files in the bag has been deleted, or the manifest has an erroneous entry. What if the bag has a file that isn’t listed in the payload manifest? The manifest should be a complete listing of all the payload files in the bag. If the bag has a file which isn’t in the payload manifest, either that file isn’t meant to be there, or the manifest is missing an entry. Checking for unlisted files is how I spotted unwanted .DS_Store and Thumbs.db files. What if the checksum in the payload manifest doesn’t match the checksum of the file? Either the file has been corrupted, or the checksum is incorrect. What if there are payload files outside the data/ directory? All the payload files should be stored in data/. Anything outside that is an error. What if there are duplicate entries in the payload manifest? Every payload file must be listed exactly once in the manifest. This avoids ambiguity – suppose a file is listed twice, with two different checksums. Is the bag valid if one of those checksums is correct? Requiring unique entries avoids this sort of issue. What if the payload directory is empty? This is perfectly acceptable in the BagIt RFC, but it may not be what you want. If you know that you will always be sending bags that contain files, you should flag empty payload directories as an error. What if the payload manifest contains paths outside data/, or relative paths that try to escape the bag? (e.g. ../file.txt) Now we’re into “malicious bag” territory – a bag uploaded by somebody who’s trying to compromise your ingest pipeline. Any such bags should be treated with suspicion and rejected. If you’re concerned about malicious bags, you need a more thorough test suite to catch other shenanigans. We never went this far at Wellcome Collection, because we didn’t ingest bags from arbitrary sources. The bags only came from internal systems, and our verification was mainly about spotting bugs in those systems, not defending against malicious actors. A bag can contain multiple payload manifests – for example, it might contain both MD5 and SHA1 checksums. Every payload manifest must be valid for the overall bag to be valid. Payload filenames There are lots of gotchas around filenames and paths. It’s a complicated problem, and I definitely don’t understand all of it. It’s worth understanding the filename rules of any filesystem where you will be storing bags. For example, Azure Blob Storage has a number of rules around how you can name files, and Amazon S3 has different rules. We stored files in both at Wellcome Collection, and so the storage service had to enforce the superset of these rules. I’ve listed some edge cases of filenames you might want to consider, but it’s not a comlpete list. There are lots of ways that unexpected filenames could cause you issues, but whether you care depends on the source of your bags. If you control the bags and you know you’re not going to include any weird filenames, you can probably skip most of these. We only checked for one of these conditions at Wellcome Collection, because we had a pre-ingest step that normalised filenames. It converted filenames to ASCII, and saved a mapping between original and normalised filename in the bag. However, the normalisation was only designed for one filesystem, and produced filenames with trailing dots that were still disallowed in Azure Blob. What if a filename is too long? Some systems have a maximum path length, and an excessively deep directory structure or long filename could cause issues. What if a filename contains special characters? Spaces, emoji, or special characters (\, :, *, etc.) can cause problems for some tools. You should also think about characters that need to be URL-encoded. What if a filename has trailing spaces or dots? Some filesystems can’t support filenames ending in a dot or a space. What happens if your bag contains such a file, and you try to save it to the filesystem? This caused us issues at Wellcome Collection. We initially stored bags just in Amazon S3, which is happy to take filenames with a trailing dot – then we added backups to Azure Blob, which doesn’t. One of the bags we’d stored in Amazon S3 had a trailing dot in the filename, and caused us headaches when we tried to copy it to Azure. What if a filename contains a mix of path separators? The payload manifest uses a forward slash (/) as a path separator. If you have a filename with an alternative path separator, it might behave differently on different systems. For example, consider the payload file a\b\c. This would be a single file on macOS or Linux, but it would be nested inside two folders on Windows. What if the filenames are a mix of uppercase and lowercase characters? Some fileystems are case-sensitive, others aren’t. This can cause issues when you move bags between systems. For example, suppose a bag contains two different files Macrodata.txt and macrodata.txt. When you save that bag on a case-insensitive filesystem, only one file will be saved. What if the same filename appears twice with different Unicode normalisations? This is similar to filenames which only differ in upper/lowercase. They might be treated as two files on one filesystem, but collapsed into one file on another. The classic example is the word “café”: this can be encoded as caf\xc3\xa9 (UTF-8 encoded é) or cafe\xcc\x81 (e + combining acute accent). What if a filename contains a directory reference? A directory reference is /./ (current directory) or /../ (parent directory). It’s used on both Unix and Windows-like systems, and it’s another case of two filenames that look different but can resolve to the same path. For example: a/b, a/./b and a/subdir/../b all resolve to the same path under these rules. This can cause particular issues if you’re moving between local filesystems and cloud storage. Local filesystems treat filenames as hierarchical paths, where cloud storage like Amazon S3 often treats them as opaque strings. This can cause issues if you try to copy files from cloud storage to a local system – if you’re not careful, you could lose files in the process. The Tag Manifest tagmanifest-algorithm.txt Similar to the payload manifest, the tag manifest lists the tag files and their checksums. A “tag file” is the BagIt term for any metadata file that isn’t part of the payload (RFC 8493 §2.2.1). Unlike the payload manifest, the tag manifest is optional. A bag without a tag manifest can still be a valid bag. If the tag manifest is present, then many of the ways that a payload manifest can invalidate a bag – malformed contents, unreferenced files, or incorrect checksums – can also apply to tag manifests. There are some additional things to consider: What if a tag manifest lists payload files? The tag manifest lists tag files; the payload manifest lists payload files in the data/ directory. A tag manifest that lists files in the data/ directory is incorrect. What if the bag has a file that isn’t listed in either manifest? Every file in a bag (except the tag manifests) should be listed in either a payload or a tag manifest. A file that appears in neither could mean an unexpected file, or a missing manifest entry. Although the tag manifest is optional in the BagIt spec, at Wellcome Collection we made it a required file. Every bag had to have at least one tag manifest file, or our storage service would refuse to ingest it. The Bag Metadata bag-info.txt This is an optional metadata file that describes the bag and its contents (RFC 8493 §2.2.2). It’s a list of metadata elements, as simple label-value pairs, one per line. Here’s an example of a bag metadata file: Source-Organization: Lumon Industries Organization-Address: 100 Main Street, Kier, PE, 07043 Contact-Name: Harmony Cobel Unlike the manifest files, this is primarily intended for human readers. You can put arbitrary metadata in here, so you can add fields specific to your organisation. Although this file is more flexible, there are still ways it can be invalid: What if the bag metadata is the wrong format? It should have one metadata entry per line, with a label-value pair that’s separated by a colon. What if the Payload-Oxum is incorrect? The Payload-Oxum contains some concise statistics about the payload files: their total size in bytes, and how many there are. For example: Payload-Oxum: 517114.42 This tells us that the bag contains 42 payload files, and their total size is 517,114 bytes. If these stats don’t match the rest of the bag, something is wrong. What if non-repeatable metadata element names are repeated? The BagIt RFC defines a small number of reserved metadata element names which have a standard meaning. Although most metadata element names can be repeated, there are some which can’t, because they can only have one value. In particular: Bagging-Date, Bag-Size, Payload-Oxum and Bag-Group-Identifier. Although the bag metadata file is optional in a general BagIt bag, you may want to add your own rules based on how you use it. For example, at Wellcome Collection, we required all bags to have an External-Identifier value, that matched a specific schema. This allowed us to link bags to records in other databases, and our bag verifier would reject bags that didn’t include it. The Fetch File fetch.txt This is an optional element that allows you to reference files stored elsewhere (RFC 8493 §2.2.3). It tells the person reading the bag that a file hasn’t been included in this copy of the bag; they have to go and fetch it from somewhere else. The file is still recorded in the payload manifest (with a checksum you can verify), but you don’t have a complete bag until you’ve downloaded all the files. Here’s an example of a fetch.txt: https://topekastar.com/~daria/article.txt 1841 data/article.txt This tells us that data/article.txt isn’t included in this copy of the bag, but we we can download it from https://topekastar.com/~daria/article.txt. (The number 1841 is the size of the file in bytes. It’s optional.) Using fetch.txt allows you to send a bag with “holes”, which saves disk space and network bandwidth, but at a cost – we’re now relying on the remote location to remain available. From a preservation standpoint, this is scary! If topekastar.com goes away, this bag will be broken. I know some people don’t use fetch.txt for precisely this reason. If you do use fetch.txt, here are some things to consider: What if the fetch file is the wrong format? There’s a prescribed format – one file per line, with a URL, optional file size, and file path. What if the fetch file lists a file which isn’t in the payload manifest? The fetch.txt should only tell us that a file is stored elsewhere, and shouldn’t be introducing otherwise unreferenced files. If a file appears in fetch.txt but not the payload manifest, then we can’t verify the remote file because we don’t have a checksum for it. There’s either an erroneous fetch file entry or a missing manifest entry. What if the fetch file points to a file at an unusable URL? The URL is only useful if the person who receives the bag can use it to download the file. If they can’t, the bag might technically be valid, but it’s functionally broken. For example, you might reject URLs that don’t start with http:// or https://. What if the fetch file points to a file with the wrong length? The fetch.txt can optionally specify the size of a file, so you know how much storage you need to download it. If you download the file, the actual size should match the stated size. What if the fetch files points to a file that’s already included in the bag? Now you have two ways to get this file: you can read it from the bag, or from the remote URL. If a file is listed in both fetch.txt and included in the bag, either that file isn’t meant to be in the bag, or the fetch file has an erroneous entry. We used fetch files at Wellcome Collection to implement versioning, and we added extra rules about what remote URLs were allowed. In particular, we didn’t allow fetching a file from just anywhere – you could fetch from our S3 buckets, but not the general Internet. The bag verifier would reject a fetch file entry that pointed elsewhere. These examples illustrate just how many ways a BagIt bag can be invalid, from simple structural issues to complex edge cases. Remember: the key is to understand your specific needs and requirements. By considering your context – who creates your bags, where they’ll be stored, and how they fit into your wider systems – you can build a validation process to catch the issues that matter to you, while avoiding unnecessary complexity. I can give you my ideas, but only you can build your system. [If the formatting of this post looks odd in your feed reader, visit the original article]

7 hours ago 1 votes
Servers can last a long time

We bought sixty-one servers for the launch of Basecamp 3 back in 2015. Dell R430s and R630s, packing thousands of cores and terabytes of RAM. Enough to fill all the app, job, cache, and database duties we needed. The entire outlay for this fleet was about half a million dollars, and it's only now, almost a decade later, that we're finally retiring the bulk of them for a full hardware refresh. What a bargain! That's over 3,500 days of service from this fleet, at a fully amortized cost of just $142/day. For everything needed to run Basecamp. A software service that has grossed hundreds of millions of dollars in that decade. We've of course had other expenses beyond hardware from operating Basecamp over the past decade. The ops team, the bandwidth, the power, and the cabinet rental across both our data centers. But none the less, owning our own iron has been a fantastically profitable proposition. Millions of dollars saved over renting in the cloud. And we aren't even done deriving value from this venerable fleet! The database servers, Dell R630s w/ Xeon E5-2699 CPUs and 768G of RAM, are getting handed down to some of our heritage apps. They will keep on trucking until they give up the ghost. When we did the public accounting for our cloud exit, it was based on five years of useful life from the hardware. But as this example shows, that's pretty conservative. Most servers can easily power your applications much longer than that. Owning your own servers has easily been one of our most effective cost advantages. Together with running a lean team. And managing our costs remains key to reaping the profitable fruit from the business. The dollar you keep at the end of the year is just as real whether you earn it or save it. So you just might want to run those cloud-exit numbers once more with a longer server lifetime value. It might just tip the equation, and motivate you to become a server owner rather than a renter.

yesterday 4 votes
How should we control access to user data?

At some point in a startup’s lifecycle, they decide that they need to be ready to go public in 18 months, and a flurry of IPO-readiness activity kicks off. This strategy focuses on a company working on IPO readiness, which has identified a gap in their internal controls for managing access to their users’ data. It’s a company that wants to meaningfully improve their security posture around user data access, but which has had a number of failed security initiatives over the years. Most of those initiatives have failed because they significantly degraded internal workflows for teams like customer support, such that the initial progress was reverted and subverted over time, to little long-term effect. This strategy represents the Chief Information Security Officer’s (CISO) attempt to acknowledge and overcome those historical challenges while meeting their IPO readiness obligations, and–most importantly–doing right by their users. This is an exploratory, draft chapter for a book on engineering strategy that I’m brainstorming in #eng-strategy-book. As such, some of the links go to other draft chapters, both published drafts and very early, unpublished drafts. Reading this document To apply this strategy, start at the top with Policy. To understand the thinking behind this strategy, read sections in reverse order, starting with Explore, then Diagnose and so on. Relative to the default structure, this document has been refactored in two ways to improve readability: first, Operation has been folded into Policy; second, Refine has been embedded in Diagnose. More detail on this structure in Making a readable Engineering Strategy document. Policy & Operations Our new policies, and the mechanisms to operate them are: Controls for accessing user data must be significantly stronger prior to our IPO. Senior leadership, legal, compliance and security have decided that we are not comfortable accepting the status quo of our user data access controls as a public company, and must meaningfully improve the quality of resource-level access controls as part of our pre-IPO readiness efforts. Our Security team is accountable for the exact mechanisms and approach to addressing this risk. We will continue to prioritize a hybrid solution to resource-access controls. This has been our approach thus far, and the fastest available option. Directly expose the log of our resource-level accesses to our users. We will build towards a user-accessible log of all company accesses of user data, and ensure we are comfortable explaining each and every access. In addition, it means that each rationale for access must be comprehensible and reasonable from a user perspective. This is important because it aligns our approach with our users’ perspectives. They will be able to evaluate how we access their data, and make decisions about continuing to use our product based on whether they agree with our use. Good security discussions don’t frame decisions as a compromise between security and usability. We will pursue multi-dimensional tradeoffs to simultaneously improve security and efficiency. Whenever we frame a discussion on trading off between security and utility, it’s a sign that we are having the wrong discussion, and that we should rethink our approach. We will prioritize mechanisms that can both automatically authorize and automatically document the rationale for accesses to customer data. The most obvious example of this is automatically granting access to a customer support agent for users who have an open support ticket assigned to that agent. (And removing that access when that ticket is reassigned or resolved.) Measure progress on percentage of customer data access requests justified by a user-comprehensible, automated rationale. This will anchor our approach on simultaneously improving the security of user data and the usability of our colleagues’ internal tools. If we only expand requirements for accessing customer data, we won’t view this as progress because it’s not automated (and consequently is likely to encourage workarounds as teams try to solve problems quickly). Similarly, if we only improve usability, charts won’t represent this as progress, because we won’t have increased the number of supported requests. As part of this effort, we will create a private channel where the security and compliance team has visibility into all manual rationales for user-data access, and will directly message the manager of any individual who relies on a manual justification for accessing user data. Expire unused roles to move towards principle of least privilege. Today we have a number of roles granted in our role-based access control (RBAC) system to users who do not use the granted permissions. To address that issue, we will automatically remove roles from colleagues after 90 days of not using the role’s permissions. Engineers in an active on-call rotation are the exception to this automated permission pruning. Weekly reviews until we see progress; monthly access reviews in perpetuity. Starting now, there will be a weekly sync between the security engineering team, teams working on customer data access initiatives, and the CISO. This meeting will focus on rapid iteration and problem solving. This is explicitly a forum for ongoing strategy testing, with CISO serving as the meeting’s sponsor, and their Principal Security Engineer serving as the meeting’s guide. It will continue until we have clarity on the path to 100% coverage of user-comprehensible, automated rationales for access to customer data. Separately, we are also starting a monthly review of sampled accesses to customer data to ensure the proper usage and function of the rationale-creation mechanisms we build. This meeting’s goal is to review access rationales for quality and appropriateness, both by reviewing sampled rationales in the short-term, and identifying more automated mechanisms for identifying high-risk accesses to review in the future. Exceptions must be granted in writing by CISO. While our overarching Engineering Strategy states that we follow an advisory architecture process as described in Facilitating Software Architecture, the customer data access policy is an exception and must be explicitly approved, with documentation, by the CISO. Start that process in the #ciso channel. Diagnose We have a strong baseline of role-based access controls (RBAC) and audit logging. However, we have limited mechanisms for ensuring assigned roles follow the principle of least privilege. This is particularly true in cases where individuals change teams or roles over the course of their tenure at the company: some individuals have collected numerous unused roles over five-plus years at the company. Similarly, our audit logs are durable and pervasive, but we have limited proactive mechanisms for identifying anomalous usage. Instead they are typically used to understand what occurred after an incident is identified by other mechanisms. For resource-level access controls, we rely on a hybrid approach between a 3rd-party platform for incoming user requests, and approval mechanisms within our own product. Providing a rationale for access across these two systems requires manual work, and those rationales are later manually reviewed for appropriateness in a batch fashion. There are two major ongoing problems with our current approach to resource-level access controls. First, the teams making requests view them as a burdensome obligation without much benefit to them or on behalf of the user. Second, because the rationale review steps are manual, there is no verifiable evidence of the quality of the review. We’ve found no evidence of misuse of user data. When colleagues do access user data, we have uniformly and consistently found that there is a clear, and reasonable rationale for that access. For example, a ticket in the user support system where the user has raised an issue. However, the quality of our documented rationales is consistently low because it depends on busy people manually copying over significant information many times a day. Because the rationales are of low quality, the verification of these rationales is somewhat arbitrary. From a literal compliance perspective, we do provide rationales and auditing of these rationales, but it’s unclear if the majority of these audits increase the security of our users’ data. Historically, we’ve made significant security investments that caused temporary spikes in our security posture. However, looking at those initiatives a year later, in many cases we see a pattern of increased scrutiny, followed by a gradual repeal or avoidance of the new mechanisms. We have found that most of them involved increased friction for essential work performed by other internal teams. In the natural order of performing work, those teams would subtly subvert the improvements because it interfered with their immediate goals (e.g. supporting customer requests). As such, we have high conviction from our track record that our historical approach can create optical wins internally. We have limited conviction that it can create long-term improvements outside of significant, unlikely internal changes (e.g. colleagues are markedly less busy a year from now than they are today). It seems likely we need a new approach to meaningfully shift our stance on these kinds of problems. Explore Our experience is that best practices around managing internal access to user data are widely available through our networks, and otherwise hard to find. The exact rationale for this is hard to determine, but it seems possible that it’s a topic that folks are generally uncomfortable discussing in public on account of potential future liability and compliance issues. In our exploration, we found two standardized dimensions (role-based access controls, audit logs), and one highly divergent dimension (resource-specific access controls): Role-based access controls (RBAC) are a highly standardized approach at this point. The core premise is that users are mapped to one or more roles, and each role is granted a certain set of permissions. For example, a role representing the customer support agent might be granted permission to deactivate an account, whereas a role representing the sales engineer might be able to configure a new account. Audit logs are similarly standardized. All access and mutation of resources should be tied in a durable log to the human who performed the action. These logs should be accumulated in a centralized, queryable solution. One of the core challenges is determining how to utilize these logs proactively to detect issues rather than reactively when an issue has already been flagged. Resource-level access controls are significantly less standardized than RBAC or audit logs. We found three distinct patterns adopted by companies, with little consistency across companies on which is adopted. Those three patterns for resource-level access control were: 3rd-party enrichment where access to resources is managed in a 3rd-party system such as Zendesk. This requires enriching objects within those systems with data and metadata from the product(s) where those objects live. It also requires implementing actions on the platform, such as archiving or configuration, allowing them to live entirely in that platform’s permission structure. The downside of this approach is tight coupling with the platform vendor, any limitations inherent to that platform, and the overhead of maintaining engineering teams familiar with both your internal technology stack and the platform vendor’s technology stack. 1st-party tool implementation where all activity, including creation and management of user issues, is managed within the core product itself. This pattern is most common in earlier stage companies or companies whose customer support leadership “grew up” within the organization without much exposure to the approach taken by peer companies. The advantage of this approach is that there is a single, tightly integrated and infinitely extensible platform for managing interactions. The downside is that you have to build and maintain all of that work internally rather than pushing it to a vendor that ought to be able to invest more heavily into their tooling. Hybrid solutions where a 3rd-party platform is used for most actions, and is further used to permit resource-level access within the 1st-party system. For example, you might be able to access a user’s data only while there is an open ticket created by that user, and assigned to you, in the 3rd-party platform. The advantage of this approach is that it allows supporting complex workflows that don’t fit within the platform’s limitations, and allows you to avoid complex coupling between your product and the vendor platform. Generally, our experience is that all companies implement RBAC, audit logs, and one of the resource-level access control mechanisms. Most companies pursue either 3rd-party enrichment with a sizable, long-standing team owning the platform implementation, or rely on a hybrid solution where they are able to avoid a long-standing dedicated team by lumping that work into existing teams.

yesterday 2 votes