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Alex Meub

Alex Meub
Hotel Guest User Agent Data I wrote a script that exposes browser and software platform data from hotels across the country....
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wrote a script that exposes browser and software platform data from hotels across the country. This data is very different from say: StatCounter or NetApplications estimates because they rely on getting their data from trackers on specific websites. The data I pulled comes...
Alex Meub
The Magic of Solving Problems with 3D Printing 3D Printing has allowed me to be creative in ways I never thought possible. It has allowed me to...
2 months ago
2 months ago
3D Printing has allowed me to be creative in ways I never thought possible. It has allowed me to create products that provide real value, products that didn’t exist before I designed them. On top of that, it’s satisfied my desire to ship products, even if the end-user is just...
Alex Meub
Automating Capacitive Buttons with a Modified Switchbot I’ve had a heater in my home office this winter and I’ve wished it could turn on/off automatically...
a year ago
a year ago
I’ve had a heater in my home office this winter and I’ve wished it could turn on/off automatically based on whether or not I was in the room. A smart outlet wouldn’t work for this because the heater has a manual switch. My next thought was to use my Switchbot smart button pusher,...
Alex Meub
Building the DataToaster 3000 Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local...
5 months ago
5 months ago
Last summer, I was inspired by a computer that was built inside of a toaster that I saw at a local computer recycling store. The idea of a computer with the design of a home appliance was really appealing and so was the absurdity of it. It occurred to me that this would be a fun...
Alex Meub
Building a Removable Bike Basket for the Yepp Rack I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my...
6 months ago
6 months ago
I wanted to add more hauling capacity to my bike and was looking for something compatible with my Yepp rear rack. I also use my rack with a child seat (the Yepp Maxi) which has a mechanism that allows it to attach and detach easily without sacrificing safety. I was thinking it...
Alex Meub
Upgrading the Weber Q Grill I’ve owned a Weber Q 1000 for many years and always loved this little grill. I have mine hooked up...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve owned a Weber Q 1000 for many years and always loved this little grill. I have mine hooked up to a 15 lb propane tank at home where it gets regular use. It is small, but it heats up quickly and cooks food better than any other grill I’ve tried. However, I recently noticed...
Alex Meub
The Yoto Mini is Perfect The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and...
9 months ago
9 months ago
The Yoto Mini is one of my favorite products. The team behind it deeply understands its users and put just the right set of features into a brilliantly designed package. I have no affiliation with Yoto, I’m just a happy customer with kids who love it. If you aren’t aware, Yoto...
Alex Meub
Building an E-Ink Joke of the Day Fridge Magnet My 6-year-old is obsessed with jokes and often asks me for any new ones I’ve heard. I usually can’t...
a year ago
a year ago
My 6-year-old is obsessed with jokes and often asks me for any new ones I’ve heard. I usually can’t remember many, which gave me the idea of creating a fridge magnet to display jokes in our kitchen. This is the finished product: I wanted a highly readable and battery-efficient...
Alex Meub
Windows 98 Icons are Great In my opinion, the UI design of Windows peaked in the late 1990s. The classic, utilitarian icons...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In my opinion, the UI design of Windows peaked in the late 1990s. The classic, utilitarian icons from Windows 98 just look amazing. Why are they so good? Rather than some designer’s flashy vision of the future, Windows 98 icons made the operating system feel like a place to get...
Alex Meub
Building a 3D Printer Enclosure Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I purchased a 3D printer and it’s been a blast! I had no idea how easy it would be to create high-quality prints with such little effort. I’ve printed raspberry pi cases, kids’ toys, ceiling hooks, custom parts, electronics enclosures, curtain rod holders,...
Alex Meub
Better Wheels for the Traeger Tailgater I received a Traeger Tailgater as a gift last year and I love it. It’s compact, easy to store, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I received a Traeger Tailgater as a gift last year and I love it. It’s compact, easy to store, and works amazingly well. It has more than enough grill space for me and is pretty minimalist on features, which I like. Last Thanksgiving, many people wished they didn’t get the...
Alex Meub
A Quick Look at Portland Parking Ticket Data I work in downtown Portland and see a lot of people getting parking tickets every day (parking is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I work in downtown Portland and see a lot of people getting parking tickets every day (parking is one of the reasons I ride my bike to work). I was curious to learn more about it. Thanks to the Freedom of Information Act, Portland parking ticket data is available to anyone who...
Alex Meub
Building a Wi-Fi Controlled Nerf Turret Earlier this year, I decided to build a 3D-printed Nerf turret with streaming video that is fully...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Earlier this year, I decided to build a 3D-printed Nerf turret with streaming video that is fully controllable from a web browser. It’s something a 6th grader would have thought was a good use of time, but for some reason as a dad in my thirties, I spent the last several months...
Alex Meub
A Great Bumper Sticker I’m not really a fan of bumper stickers in general, but I saw this one on the freeway a few days ago...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m not really a fan of bumper stickers in general, but I saw this one on the freeway a few days ago and I couldn’t stop laughing: It’s of course making fun of the Earth Stickers that are so common everywhere (especially in Portland): If you’re curious, the original sticker was...
Alex Meub
Set Up Remote Desktop in Windows Here’s a quick guide to setting up Remote Desktop on Windows: 1. Allow Remote Connections Right...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Here’s a quick guide to setting up Remote Desktop on Windows: 1. Allow Remote Connections Right click on the My Computer icon > Click Properties > Click on the Remote tab Check the box that says “Allow Users to Connect Remotely to this Computer” Add your username to the list of...
Alex Meub
Building Wi-Fi Buttons with ESP8266 Four years ago, I wrote about using Amazon Dash buttons as simple hackable Wi-Fi buttons. It’s...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Four years ago, I wrote about using Amazon Dash buttons as simple hackable Wi-Fi buttons. It’s pretty cool to order pizza, turn on a light, send a tweet, or even run a custom script at the press of a physical button. But I recently tried to use one of my dash buttons and couldn’t...
Alex Meub
About the Apple Captive Network Assistant Heads up! This post is no longer current. Check out the WBA’s Captive Network Portal Behavior site...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Heads up! This post is no longer current. Check out the WBA’s Captive Network Portal Behavior site for a better resource on the Captive Network Assistant. If you’re a mac user, you likely have seen a strange popup window appear on your computer when you try to connect to the...
Alex Meub
Chromecast Backgrounds I finally had a chance to use my Chromecast over the past few weeks. In doing so I noticed that the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I finally had a chance to use my Chromecast over the past few weeks. In doing so I noticed that the background images that cycle through the home screen are pretty awesome. I looked into it and was able to find the URL that this page uses and pull all the images using a Node...
Alex Meub
Amazon's Top Rated Items I developed a set of scripts that scrape Amazon’s product pages. The result of scraping and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I developed a set of scripts that scrape Amazon’s product pages. The result of scraping and processing nearly 300,000 products from 26 departments is my own Amazon Top 400 List. _chart("scatter","scatter-chart2", "Amazon Product Ratings", {categories:[ 'Average Rating', 'Number...
Alex Meub
Recreating the Windows BSOD I thought it would be fun to recreate the iconic Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Photoshop. I...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I thought it would be fun to recreate the iconic Windows Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) in Photoshop. I found the classic DOS system font and was able recreate a pixel-perfect BSOD image using it. You can see a rendering of the classic BSOD in all it’s pixelated glory here and...
Alex Meub
Craigslist Alerts with Python I love Craigslist, but trying to buy certain things (like Subarus in Portland) can be ridiculously...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love Craigslist, but trying to buy certain things (like Subarus in Portland) can be ridiculously competitive. I wanted a simple way to be alerted immediately when an item I was looking for was posted. Craigslist Search Alerts I tried using Craigslist’s built in Search Alert...
Alex Meub
The Holy Grail of IE Testing I have finally discovered a way to test old versions of Internet Explorer that doesn’t suck. This...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I have finally discovered a way to test old versions of Internet Explorer that doesn’t suck. This setup allows you to test authentic versions of IE6, IE7, and IE8 without the need to boot up virtual machines. It also allows you to have a debug bar in each of these versions so...
Alex Meub
Fixing the Prusa MINTEMP Error with Custom Firmware Last week I switched to a new nozzle on my Prusa MK3S 3D Printer and made the mistake of not...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Last week I switched to a new nozzle on my Prusa MK3S 3D Printer and made the mistake of not watching the first layer of the print. This led to a large blob of PLA sticking to my heat block. In my attempts to remove it, I severely damaged the thermistor wires resulting in the...
Alex Meub
How does JSONP work? Standard ( JSON or XML based ) asynchronous web requests are great for lots of applications, but...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Standard ( JSON or XML based ) asynchronous web requests are great for lots of applications, but they are crippled because of the same origin policy. You cannot access resources on a domain that is different from the one running your script. So what if you want to host your...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Tiny Programming Projects I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love creating tiny programs that solve actual (often minor) problems. As Julia Evans points out, this is not only a great way to make programming fun but actually one of the best ways to learn. Below are some my favorite tiny programs I’ve created. Finding Campsites My wife...
Alex Meub
Indeterminate Checkboxes While the checked attribute of an HTML checkbox can only have two values, the checkbox itself can...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While the checked attribute of an HTML checkbox can only have two values, the checkbox itself can actually have up to four different visual states: checked, unchecked, disabled and indeterminate. What is indeterminate? It’s defined by the W3C this way: If the element’s...
Alex Meub
A Craigslist Early Notification Exploit I wrote this post on November 23rd, 2020 when I reported the issue via Craigslist’s vulnerability...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I wrote this post on November 23rd, 2020 when I reported the issue via Craigslist’s vulnerability disclosure process. I didn’t want to publish it until I confirmed the issue was fixed, but it appears to have been fixed on February 28th, 2021 so I am posting it...
Alex Meub
My Mac OSX Setup Application Installs Homebrew is a ridiculously good package management system for OSX. It’s a huge...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Application Installs Homebrew is a ridiculously good package management system for OSX. It’s a huge step above MacPorts and Fink when it comes to installing and managing open source software. Spectacle is a free window resizing utility that gives you keyboard shortcuts to resize...
Alex Meub
Use the Natural CSS Box Model The CSS Box Model is used to describe how items are rendered (in boxes) from elements in the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The CSS Box Model is used to describe how items are rendered (in boxes) from elements in the document tree. It determines how the content area, padding, border and margin of an element will be displayed. There are two types. The W3C Box Model x ...
Alex Meub
IE 6,7,8 Warning with removeChild On a removeChild function call, Internet Explorer complains: “Do you want to view only the webpage...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On a removeChild function call, Internet Explorer complains: “Do you want to view only the webpage content that was delivered securely?”. This is a particularly obscure bug with IE that has caused me lots of grief. First of all, it is indeed a bug with IE. This behavior can be...
Alex Meub
Install JSDOM On Windows JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation...
over a year ago
over a year ago
JSDOM is an awesome node package for simulating a browser environment. It’s a NodeJS implementation of the DOM that makes it super easy to work with pages retrieved from the Internet. Unfortunately, JSDOM relies on a node package called Contextify that is difficult to get working...
Alex Meub
A Look at Portland Car2Go Data Recently I became a Car2Go member and I can’t say enough good things about the service. It’s fast,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Recently I became a Car2Go member and I can’t say enough good things about the service. It’s fast, cheap and ridiculously convenient; it’s a pretty incredible transportation option. Part of what makes it so great are the apps that give you up-to-date car location and availability...
Alex Meub
The Best Games Ever Made This is a list of the top five computer games ever made. These are games that you should most...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a list of the top five computer games ever made. These are games that you should most definitely play if you have any interest in playing games. Fallout 2 (1998) Fallout 2 is my favorite game of all time. It’s truly a masterpiece. It expanded on everything good about...
Alex Meub
Finding Campsites with Python My wife and I love to camp on the Oregon coast and the summer is always the best time to go. It also...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My wife and I love to camp on the Oregon coast and the summer is always the best time to go. It also ends up being the most competitive time to find a campsite. If you look up the handful of good campsites on the coast you will probably find that nearly every summer weekend is...
Alex Meub
How to Add IPv6 Support to CloudFront and S3 Websites If you host your website on Amazon CloudFront or directly on Amazon S3, you may not currently have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you host your website on Amazon CloudFront or directly on Amazon S3, you may not currently have it configured to support IPv6. This means that visitors won’t be able to access your content with IPv6-only enabled which is not good. On top of that, I think its important to...
Alex Meub
Buying a House in Portland After nearly 6 months of looking, my wife and I finally bought a house in Portland. We physically...
over a year ago
over a year ago
After nearly 6 months of looking, my wife and I finally bought a house in Portland. We physically toured more than 70 houses, put in 13 offers and looked over hundreds of listings in nearly every neighborhood in the city. I thought it might be a good time to reflect on the...
Alex Meub
Must-have Windows Apps Notepad++ - Best text-editor ever Cygwin/mintty - Awesome linux environment on windows Paint.net -...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Notepad++ - Best text-editor ever Cygwin/mintty - Awesome linux environment on windows Paint.net - Fast, lightweight image editor Foobar2000 - Fast, lightweight, music player (supports FLAC) IrfanView - Awesome, lightweight, image viewer for all formats Media Player Classic -...
Alex Meub
Dealing with Dropbox Link Overages Dropbox is a fantastic service. In addition to keeping my files synced across computers, I love the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Dropbox is a fantastic service. In addition to keeping my files synced across computers, I love the fact that I can give public links to others as an easy way to send large files. Recently though, a few links of mine were getting pretty popular and I received the following very...
Alex Meub
S3 Website Out Of Memory Error I recently migrated my blog to Jekyll and wanted to use the s3_website gem to deploy it. Everything...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently migrated my blog to Jekyll and wanted to use the s3_website gem to deploy it. Everything worked out-of-the-box extremely well until I wanted to actually run the s3_website push command to deploy my site to the live S3 bucket. The command would hang for a really long...
Alex Meub
Material Rewards for Motivation Setting material rewards for myself has helped me stay motivated and focused on important long-term...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting material rewards for myself has helped me stay motivated and focused on important long-term goals. This isn’t a new idea but I’ve found it to be really helpful in keeping me on track and giving me that extra push to follow through on my goals. Set SMART Goals In order to...
Alex Meub
The Office Bell Ringer At my company, it’s a tradition to say “ring the bell” when we sign a new customer, release a new...
over a year ago
over a year ago
At my company, it’s a tradition to say “ring the bell” when we sign a new customer, release a new feature or receive other positive news, big or small. When we hear the large bell ring in the center of the office, we know that something good just happened. It’s been a great way...
Alex Meub
Apple Captive Network Assistant Slowness Problems on iOS We were trying to launch a new captive portal page design for a customer and we ran into the...
over a year ago
over a year ago
We were trying to launch a new captive portal page design for a customer and we ran into the strangest issue. Only on iOS devices, we’d see extreme slowness and unresponsive behavior in the Apple Captive Network Assistant (CNA). Over the course of several days, we made multiple...
Alex Meub
A Pretty Good Entertainment Setup My entertainment setup is relatively simple but I’m happy with it. All my content is stored on a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
My entertainment setup is relatively simple but I’m happy with it. All my content is stored on a Synology DiskStation DS213 NAS with 2x2TB RAID 0 configured drives. This is hands down the best NAS I’ve ever used. It’s super easy to set up and the interface is awesome (all...
Alex Meub
Controlling Wemo Smart Plugs with Arduino «««< HEAD Smart outlets are great. I’ve owned Belkin Wemo Mini smart plugs for years and used them...
over a year ago
over a year ago
«««< HEAD Smart outlets are great. I’ve owned Belkin Wemo Mini smart plugs for years and used them for controlling lighting and fans. I thought it would be cool to control my Wemo plugs using a physical button (in addition to my phone). In many situations, a button is faster than...
Alex Meub
Understanding CSS Position This post is a summary of the different values of the CSS position property. It assumes you have...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is a summary of the different values of the CSS position property. It assumes you have knowledge of basic document flow. Absolute Position position: absolute elements are removed from the normal document flow and will be positioned relative to their next parent with...
Alex Meub
My Favorite Web Apps and Tools I’ve found myself more often using web apps instead of dedicated desktop applications at work. It...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve found myself more often using web apps instead of dedicated desktop applications at work. It seems that in general, desktop apps have been getting slower and more resource intensive lately. The trend of teams using Electron or the Chromium Embedded Framework in order to ship...
Alex Meub
Fun with IE7 and the Zoom Property This bug threw me for a loop. A CSS optimizer thought it was doing me a favor by “fixing” any...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This bug threw me for a loop. A CSS optimizer thought it was doing me a favor by “fixing” any invalid numbers. It replaces .my_class{ zoom:1; } with .my_class{ zoom:1px; } Those two characters (“px”) on the zoom property will blow up IE7 as it tries to zoom to a value in...
Alex Meub
Setting Up Free SSL for Static Sites on AWS Setting up SSL is a pain. Even using free certificate authorities like Let’s Encrypt are difficult...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Setting up SSL is a pain. Even using free certificate authorities like Let’s Encrypt are difficult to get working. For some time now, I’ve been looking for a cheap and easy way to set up SSL for static sites. AWS Certficate Manager I recently discovered AWS Certificate Manager...
Alex Meub
How To Quiet Down Your 3D Printer When I first got my 3D printer, I built an enclosure to protect it from dust, maintain a consistent...
a year ago
a year ago
When I first got my 3D printer, I built an enclosure to protect it from dust, maintain a consistent temperature, and minimize noise. I was surprised to find that the enclosure didn’t reduce noise that significantly. I then placed a patio paver under my printer, which made it...
Alex Meub
Hacking Amazon Dash Buttons The Amazon Dash button is about a year old and has proven to be a pretty great hackable...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Amazon Dash button is about a year old and has proven to be a pretty great hackable internet-of-things button. It’s got built-in wifi, an onboard battery and best of all, a $4.99 price tag. How It Works The actual “hacking” of dash buttons has really nothing to do with the...
Alex Meub
Building an Arcade Stick I’ve been into playing games on my RetroPie machine lately and thought it would be cool to build an...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’ve been into playing games on my RetroPie machine lately and thought it would be cool to build an arcade stick (also called a “fight stick”). Here’s the finished product: Materials and Components I had some leftover IKEA oak butcher block from a kitchen project and I thought...
Alex Meub
The Perfect Moscow Mule The Moscow mule is one of my favorite cocktails because it’s simple, easy to make and delicious....
over a year ago
over a year ago
The Moscow mule is one of my favorite cocktails because it’s simple, easy to make and delicious. This is a guide to making the perfect Mule. The Perfect Copper Mug The copper mug is essential for a real Moscow Mule. Copper immediately takes on the temperature of the drink keeping...
Alex Meub
Protect Your Wireless Network Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Short of leaving your wireless network open, the Wifi Protected Setup (WPS) vulnerability is probably the single biggest security hole on any home wireless network. About WiFi Protected Setup WiFi Protected Setup is a security standard that comes enabled by default on many...