More from journal – Winnie Lim
I remember reading somewhere that just few decades ago we lived in small communities, unconnected by the internet. We would only need to cope with the happenings of this small community, and...
It is just so easy to take things for granted, especially if they surround us every day and we’re so used to experiencing them. My partner started on an art journey shortly...
I had only managed to complete roughly one-third of the sketchbook during the trip, and didn’t work on it when we first got back. This happened to both my sketchbooks last year...
Being covid cautious is a very socially-isolating endeavour. Most people think we have some psychological disorder, and that’s putting it very nicely. I feel alone and lonely for continuously writing about this,...
It is so easy to take for granted, the ease of a relationship that has lasted 106 months. That is almost 9 years, a little less than a quarter of my life....
More in life
I remember reading somewhere that just few decades ago we lived in small communities, unconnected by the internet. We would only need to cope with the happenings of this small community, and...
Impressive Entertainment, Not Sure About the Social Commentary