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Kat Snyder

Kat Snyder
Sketching e-commerce returns - pain points along the customer journey A picture is worth a thousand words. I sketch user journeys and concepts captured during user...
over a year ago
over a year ago
A picture is worth a thousand words. I sketch user journeys and concepts captured during user interviews and conversations with...
Kat Snyder
No, I don’t want to sign up for your newsletter — horrible uses of exit overlays When a user moves their mouse from the middle of the page toward the navigation bar — presumably...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When a user moves their mouse from the middle of the page toward the navigation bar — presumably to abandon the page — there are...
Kat Snyder
Quantitative Analysis and Cognitive Dissonance in Marketing I love business-related applications of data analysis, and so I want to share a huge shift in my...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I love business-related applications of data analysis, and so I want to share a huge shift in my understanding of data analysis...
Kat Snyder
Visual Attention in Virtual Reality When designing interfaces that use visual attention, we must remember that our brains do not shoot...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When designing interfaces that use visual attention, we must remember that our brains do not shoot and store perfect photos of the world...
Kat Snyder
Using Design Sprints for Data-Informed Design Improvements Background Problem A phone app to “troubleshoot your home wireless system” needs careful upfront...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Background Problem A phone app to “troubleshoot your home wireless system” needs careful upfront definition, prioritization and scoping...