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haseeb qureshi

haseeb qureshi
The Life and Death of Plasma By Haseeb Qureshi and Ashwin Ramachandran It was August 2017. The price of Ether was near an all...
over a year ago
over a year ago
By Haseeb Qureshi and Ashwin Ramachandran It was August 2017. The price of Ether was near an all time high, the Ethereum blockchain was exploding with usage, and the chain was buckling under the ever increasing demand. Researchers and developers were frantically searching for new...
haseeb qureshi
How DeFi cannibalizes PoS security On-chain lending has become the most popular decentralized finance (DeFi) application today,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
On-chain lending has become the most popular decentralized finance (DeFi) application today, with over $600M in loans originated this year across MakerDAO, Compound, and dYdX. On-chain lending has the potential to disrupt traditional secured lending. But it seems it may do more...
haseeb qureshi
Flash Loans: Why Flash Attacks will be the New Normal Flash loans have been the center of attention lately. Recently two hackers used flash loans to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Flash loans have been the center of attention lately. Recently two hackers used flash loans to attack the margin trading protocol bZx, first in a $350K attack and later in a $600K copycat attack. These attacks were, in a word, magnificent. In each attack, a penniless attacker...
haseeb qureshi
What explains the rise of AMMs? Imagine a college friend reached out to you and said, “Hey, I have a business idea. I’m going to run...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Imagine a college friend reached out to you and said, “Hey, I have a business idea. I’m going to run a market making bot. I’ll always quote a price no matter who’s asking, and for my pricing algorithm I’ll use x * y = k. That’s pretty much it. Want to invest?” You’d run...
haseeb qureshi
Another decade I recently turned 30. When the decade began in 2010, I was still 20, a professional poker player, a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I recently turned 30. When the decade began in 2010, I was still 20, a professional poker player, a college dropout, and deeply unhappy. What did I believe I’d be doing a decade later? I don’t think I knew, only that I definitely wouldn’t be playing poker anymore. I’d be doing...
haseeb qureshi
Why Decentralization Isn’t as Important as You Think If you’ve spent any time at all on crypto Twitter, you’re familiar with the web3 narrative. It goes...
over a year ago
over a year ago
If you’ve spent any time at all on crypto Twitter, you’re familiar with the web3 narrative. It goes like this: in the beginning, the web was “truly decentralized.” Against all odds, the World Wide Web won against the corporatist designs of companies like Microsoft, and cyberspace...
haseeb qureshi
So you want to build a crypto startup? I’m a crypto VC. That means I spend my days talking to crypto entrepreneurs, hearing pitches, and...
over a year ago
over a year ago
I’m a crypto VC. That means I spend my days talking to crypto entrepreneurs, hearing pitches, and evaluating products. The first thing you realize working in this industry is that pretty much everyone is winging it. (That applies to me, but it especially applies to...
haseeb qureshi
DeFi in Eth2: Cities, suburbs, and farms Ethereum today is incredibly congested—it’s even more congested now than it was during the height of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Ethereum today is incredibly congested—it’s even more congested now than it was during the height of the ICO bubble. This is impressive, but also worrying! Ethereum 2.0 is still a ways away, but the tiny island of Ethereum 1.0 is already populated to the point of...
haseeb qureshi
Ethereum is now unforkable, thanks to DeFi By Haseeb Qureshi and Leland Lee After the DAO hack of 2016, the Ethereum community was faced with...
over a year ago
over a year ago
By Haseeb Qureshi and Leland Lee After the DAO hack of 2016, the Ethereum community was faced with an existential quandary: should the community roll back the chain to revert the DAO hack, or let the hacker get away? Those who said yes forked away to what is now called Ethereum....
haseeb qureshi
Launching the Introduction to Cryptocurrency Today I’m launching Introduction to Cryptocurrency, an online course teaching the basics of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Today I’m launching Introduction to Cryptocurrency, an online course teaching the basics of programming cryptocurrencies. The first two modules are already released, and the remainder of the course will be coming out over the next few months. Introduction to Cryptocurrency is a...