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Wanting to easily, securely, and discretely keep an AirTag on our car, we designed the TagVault Magnetic Mount. Testing many designs, we did not want to settle with anything that couldn't stand extreme vibration. So we gave our mount has an huge, thick Neodymium rare earth magnet, no expense spared. It has an ultra-strong fiber reinforced composite body that is crush-proof.   And with a silicone gasket inside, it is IP68 waterproof - keeping AirTag's battery working no matter the conditions.   It's guaranteed to hold strong to any steel/ferrous surface even when off-roading.     It's the best AirTag mount for your car. And its also great for trailers, tool chests, equipment & more. Also available on Amazon:  https://amzn.to/49TosLz
a year ago

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Introducing TagVault Surface Aero for AirTag

With the popularity of our TagVault Surface Mount for AirTag, we wanted another option that was just as durable, waterproof, and secure - but with a more minimal industrial design.  So we designed TagVault Surface Aero. It will look great on your motorcycle and even more discrete.  Mounts in seconds with strong 3M adhesive.   IP68 waterproof, with a new patent pending hidden gasket.   Sleek lines with an ultra low-profile   It's the best one time insurance you can buy.    Also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3EMsQ4c

yesterday 3 votes
Introducing AirTag Security Cable

We wanted to make a better braided steel AirTag mount - more compact, stronger, really well made.    So we fired up our Swiss lathe and machined a custom oversized screw that keeps it secure and looks awesome. It is T10 Torx and comes with an included driver.   There is an inner patent-pending gasket that keeps AirTag water tight.    The braided steel loop is strong and has the perfect amount of flex.     And the body is also more compact than any other braided steel AirTag mount, manufactured with an extremely strong and tough glass filled polycarbonate composite.  Also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/41ikytG

3 days ago 6 votes
Introducing The 10-Year Battery for AirTag

My camera bag with $10k of gear was stolen from my car. When I saw the broken glass and empty backseat, I immediately pulled up FindMy to track the thief - only to find that its last location was my office 3 months ago... because I hadn't changed the AirTag's battery. It was a terrible feeling on top of a worse one.  That is why we designed TimeCapsule - it gives you a whopping decade of power so you don't have to remember to replace the battery annually. It's especially nice for folks like us with a lot of AirTags to manage. Just discard the AirTag's back plate and CR2032 coin cell battery, set AirTag on the contacts in TimeCapsule, add 2 AA batteries (we recommend Energizer Ultimate Lithium), then screw her shut. Now you've got 14X more power capacity.   It's also fully waterproof so it stays powered in any environment. And no expense spared construction. A fiber reinforced composite body with premium CNC machined screws.  Great for long-term storage like an RV or a boat. And a must have for anything of high-value. It may be the most valuable product we've ever made. Also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/49MY4Dt

2 months ago 4 votes
Introducing TagVault Universal for AirTag

We wanted an ultra-secure AirTag case that could be mounted to anything. Easy to change AirTags battery. Waterproof. Robust. And discreet. So we designed TagVault Universal Mount for AirTag. It has mounting holes for screws, rivets, and slots for zip ties. Or just epoxy it down. IP69 waterproof It opens the same way TagVault Security mount does and the key is included. It is extremely tamper-proof and low-profile.  It works great!

3 months ago 4 votes
Introducing TagVault Security Mount for AirTag

Having had our skis stolen, we wanted to design the ultimate AirTag ski and snowboard mount. It needed to be ultra-tough so it couldn't get knocked off, waterproof, hard to remove, and discreet. After a lot of design, testing, and iteration, we have TagVault Security Mount for AirTag. It can take any impact without problem, IP69 waterproof, tamper-proof and requires a special tool to open, it's ultra minimal and looks great.  And because it's designed for extreme ski requirements, it works great a million other places too.   The angled sides and low-profile keep it from ever getting knocked off from impact. So that snowboarder that was bombing down the hill and slides across your skis while trying to stop, will not harm your AirTag if it's in TagVault Security.  Stealth, minimal design. Thieves won't know it holds an AirTag. IP69 waterproof, the inner gasket keeps the elements out.   An included tri-lock key lets you open and close it easily when you need to swap batteries, but its extremely hard to open otherwise.  So many uses - on ATV's, skis & snowboards, vehicles, trailers, equipment cases - any thing you would want to know where it was if it went missing. AirTags are the best and cheapest insurance you can have. Also available on Amazon: https://amzn.to/3XDuYkj

4 months ago 4 votes

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an hour ago 1 votes
Jorge’s Wager: Why AI Needs Information Architecture

One of the most common questions I’m asked is, “is information architecture still relevant now that we have AI?” Of course, not everyone puts it like that. Instead, they’ll say things like “we won’t need navigation if we have chat” or “AI will organize the website” or “in a world with smart agents, we won’t need UI” or something like that. The gist is the same: Do we need structured information in a world with AI? My unequivocal answer is yes. But given my pivot, you might think this is self-serving. So I’d better explain my reasoning. What Information Does Let’s start here: what is information? A surprisingly tricky question! “Information” is one of those squishy words we use without fully grasping its meaning. Over years, I’ve narrowed it down to a pithy (and hopefully, practical) definition: Information is a means for skillful decision-making. Imagine you reach a fork in the road. A sign points left to Buenas Peras (750 km) and right to Pelotillehue (650 km). If you want to go to Pelotillehue and trust the sign, you go right. The sign gives you what you need to make a choice. That’s information. Note a few things: Information must be understandable. To make a choice, the actor must understand the options. You’ll know this firsthand if you’ve tried to drive in a country where you can’t read the local language. Informing happens in context. The sign only makes sense at that particular junction and is only useful to an actor trying to get to either destination. (And with the means to do so: a pedestrian is unlikely to care about a destination 650 km away.) The decider needn’t be human. Nothing about this definition says the choice must be made by a person: it could be an autonomous vehicle driving to Pelotillehue; the “sign” could be data in its software. Whether human or artificial, the decider needs information. While information may be derived algorithmically, it’s not arbitrary. The distinction on the sign is relevant and understandable to particular drivers on particular journeys. The sign isn’t at some random point in the road, but at the fork. Someone (something?) must decide what should be shown for the right actor to choose at the right time and place. That’s the essence of information architecture. I’ll argue that current AIs can’t yet do this on their own. But before I do, let’s dive a bit deeper into the practice of IA and what it entails. What Information Architecture Does Few people have heard the phrase “information architecture” at all. Of those who have, many misunderstand what it does. At best, they think IA is about setting rigid top-down categorization schemes for information systems. At worse, they think it’s about drawing site maps. While these things are outcomes of information architecture, they’re not what IA is about. I’ve boiled down IA to three basic activities: Organize information. Set the context. Plan for change. Let’s unpack them: Organize information. People only understand things relative to other things they already understand. We make distinctions between things (Buenas Peras/Pelotillehue) and group others (vehicles, cities, roads, signs.) We grok concepts through clustering and contrasting. Set the context. We don’t experience information in a void. Choices only make sense in particular contexts. Moreover, sets of choices create particular contexts. IA isn’t just about organizing information, but defining contexts that influence how we perceive where we are and what’s on offer. Plan for change. The idea that IA traffics in “static” information structures is misguided. There are no static information structures – only structures that change at different paces. IA enables changes to happen without compromising intended meaning. Basically, this means governance. Taken together, these activities differentiate IA from other disciplines. And although AI changes how they’re done (and experienced), it doesn’t make them obsolete. At least not yet. What Artificial Intelligence Does (and Does Not) For non-human systems to independently organize information, set the context, and plan for change, they’ll need capabilities current AI systems don’t provide. That’s not to say they never will. But I don’t see how current architectures get us there anytime soon. Yes, AI vendors are promising that AGI (artificial general intelligence) is imminent. I’m skeptical. The more I work in the space, the more convinced I am that current architectures won’t scale to AGI. It only seems they might because LLMs are so effective at languaging. ChatGPT is vastly more capable, useful, and sophisticated than ELIZA. But at their core, both work by matching patterns in language rather than developing real-world understanding – a prerequisite for the skills needed to architect information: empathy, planning, goal-oriented behavior, learning and adapting, and improvising when needed. Not to mention embodiment, which is essential for true contextual understanding. AFAIK, current AI systems aren’t close to acquiring these abilities. (But there’s much I don’t know; I’m going by my real-world experience.) This isn’t to say these systems aren’t useful. Far from it! I wouldn’t be betting my career on the technology if I didn’t believe these systems have incredible potential. But I also think expectations that they can effectively organize information, set contexts, and manage change in ways that are truly useful for humans (or even other AIs) are wildly optimistic, if not outright magical thinking. At least with the current technology – which of course, might change. Bottom Line: Play for Today If AGI ever arrives in the way many imagine — fully autonomous systems that reason, plan, and adapt like humans — then yes, we might no longer need human information architects. But that’s an if, not a when. We’re certainly not there yet. So I’m keeping my mind open and learning as much as I can. But I also understand that organizations want to deliver better products and experiences now. Current technologies can help. But they won’t do it on their own. For the foreseeable future, they’ll need guidance. That’s why I’m pivoting to architecting structures that allow organizations to use these systems more effectively. Taking a page from Pascal, you can think of it as “Jorge’s wager”: AGI may be imminent, but we may as well act as if it isn’t. When (if) it arrives, we’ll have bigger issues to deal with. For now, we have amazing systems that can take us a long way – with human architects guiding them.

13 hours ago 1 votes
Software engineering job openings hit five-year low?

There are 35% fewer software developer job listings on Indeed today, than five years ago. Compared to other industries, job listings for software engineers grew much more in 2021-2022, but have declined much faster since. A look into possible reasons for this, and what could come next.

yesterday 6 votes