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Alex Baldwin

Alex Baldwin
Rave Robot Full-screen gif mayhem. Worked on this one day last year with CH Albach in order to show it off for...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Full-screen gif mayhem. Worked on this one day last year with CH Albach in order to show it off for a Halloween party. Since the domain is expiring, I’d prefer it live on in the lab. It was truly ahead of it’s time, but now Cochlea and Giphy GJ have surpassed it’s meager feature...
Alex Baldwin
Small-batch bespoke emails with Gmail and Streak You’ve seen the same boilerplate emails come into your inbox which you immediately archive for being...
over a year ago
over a year ago
You’ve seen the same boilerplate emails come into your inbox which you immediately archive for being wrong, out-of-date, or simply forgetting the merge tag (F you people that leave $FNAME). When it came to my first time sending out a batch email, it was only to a dozen or so...
Alex Baldwin
One line of CSS to add hanging quotes The hanging-punctuation property aims at giving web web designers a finer grained control over...
over a year ago
over a year ago
The hanging-punctuation property aims at giving web web designers a finer grained control over typography on the web. The idea behind hanging punctuation is to put some punctuation characters from start (or to a lesser extend at the end) of text elements “outside” of the box in...
Alex Baldwin
Artisanal outbound with Clearbit Connect For press releases, advertiser requests, or similar sales campaigns you’re sending a small batch of,...
over a year ago
over a year ago
For press releases, advertiser requests, or similar sales campaigns you’re sending a small batch of, usually cold, emails out with a specific ask. Finding potential recipients, writing an email that’s helpful, and tracking the results doesn’t need to take all day or be painful....
Alex Baldwin
Taco Week Live every week like it’s Taco Week. Last year’s articles are now up on Medium.
over a year ago
Alex Baldwin
See, Think, Design, Produce Jonathan Corum, New York Times See Practice until your eyes can see it See what others have done See...
over a year ago
over a year ago
Jonathan Corum, New York Times See Practice until your eyes can see it See what others have done See what’s possible Look at more than you can use Think Find a clear thought and get it on paper Sketching is visual problem solving Sketches are not commitments What are you trying...
Alex Baldwin
IAM FINE Mix While in Korea, I used Shazam to record all the songs played in coffee shops. Here’s a mix I put...
over a year ago
over a year ago
While in Korea, I used Shazam to record all the songs played in coffee shops. Here’s a mix I put together of all the discovered tracks.
Alex Baldwin
Product Design Sprints - QCon 2014 When I started at thoughtbot a year and a half ago, my first project was given to me within an hour...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When I started at thoughtbot a year and a half ago, my first project was given to me within an hour of getting my laptop’s dev environment set up. We kicked off a green field project for a non-profit in the education space. They wanted to raise funds digitally for public schools....
Alex Baldwin
Belly B-sides Mix All the non-Korean tracks from our Seoul coffee shops Shazamming sessions.
over a year ago
Alex Baldwin
Waking up, ready for creativity This post is part of Startup Edition 21. Sign up to the weekly newsletter to get the response to a...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This post is part of Startup Edition 21. Sign up to the weekly newsletter to get the response to a single question each week from a curated gathering of bloggers in the startup community. Since January, when I joined thoughtbot as a designer, I’ve shipped a new product every...