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How bloom filters made SQLite 10x faster This is the fascinating story of how researchers used Bloom filters cleverly to make SQLite 10x...
2 months ago
2 months ago
This is the fascinating story of how researchers used Bloom filters cleverly to make SQLite 10x faster for analytical queries. These are my five-minute notes on the paper SQLite: Past, Present, and Future
In search of a faster SQLite Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge attempted to build a faster SQLite using...
2 months ago
2 months ago
Researchers at the University of Helsinki and Cambridge attempted to build a faster SQLite using modern programming paradigms like io_uring and disaggregated storage. They demonstrate up to a 100x reduction in tail latency. These are my notes.
Collection of insane and fun facts about SQLite Some of the interesting and insane facts I learned about SQLite
2 months ago
Building a distributed log using S3 (under 150 lines of Go) In this third part of the series, I will show how we can implement a durable, distributed, and...
3 months ago
3 months ago
In this third part of the series, I will show how we can implement a durable, distributed, and highly available log using S3
Zero Disk Architecture State is pain. The next generation of infrastructure tools will be built on diskless paradigm. In...
3 months ago
3 months ago
State is pain. The next generation of infrastructure tools will be built on diskless paradigm. In this short post I will explain what is Diskless / Zero Disk Architecture
Galloping Search I recently learned about Galloping Search while building a distributed log called s3-log. It’s used...
2 months ago
2 months ago
I recently learned about Galloping Search while building a distributed log called s3-log. It’s used to search sorted items when the upper bound is unknown. In this short post, I will share my notes and other alternatives I discovered for searching over unbounded items
PSA: Most databases do not do checksums by default Most databases don’t do checksums by default. Disk corruptions go silently unnoticed.
3 months ago
Disaggregated Storage - a brief introduction a brief introduction to disaggregated storage systems in context of database systems
4 months ago
PSA: SQLite does not do checksums SQLite does not do checksums by default. Disk corruptions go silently unnoticed.
3 months ago
Recurse Center Day 4: B Tree fill factor Q: How do I have a same B Tree fill factor across all nodes?
over a year ago
Introducing CaskDB – a project to teach you writing a key-value store CaskDB is an educational project which aims to guide you in writing a persistent, embeddable...
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 19
over a year ago
How I Am Maintaining Multiple Emails For Git On A Same Machine In this simple tutorial I will show how to maintain multiple git emails on a same machine. And how...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In this simple tutorial I will show how to maintain multiple git emails on a same machine. And how to configure git emails per directory or per project.
Recurse Center Day 13: Why 'Raft'? I started re-reading Raft and I learned why it is called so!
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 7: Basics of ncurses I learnt some basics of ncurses
over a year ago
Staying Ahead of Amazon, in Amazon Treasure Hunt Contest With a simple Man In The Middle (MITM) attack, I tried to cheat(?) one of Amazon India’s contest.
over a year ago
MongoDB secondary only index This short post will show how to add a secondary only index in a MongoDB replica set
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 16: Open Source merged few open pull requests on my projects
over a year ago
Why does SQLite (in production) have such a bad rep? My answer to a question online, why?
8 months ago
Recurse Center Day 2: BTree Node This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
Learning C Some resources for learning C
a year ago
Towards Inserting One Billion Rows in SQLite Under A Minute This is a chronicle of my experiment where I set out to insert 1B rows in SQLite
over a year ago
Snapshot Testing A smoll intro to snapshot testing
a year ago
SQLite Slaps why SQLite is cracked
8 months ago
Internet is wholesome: MVCC edition This is a short story about how I hit a wall while implementing a database research paper, found a...
a year ago
a year ago
This is a short story about how I hit a wall while implementing a database research paper, found a publication error and how people on the internet helped me.
Recurse Center Day 15: B Tree Algorithms I translated B Tree Algorithms from CLRS to Python
over a year ago
Recurse Center First Week Reflections on the first week of the Recurse Center
over a year ago
An exploit on Gaana.com gave me access to their entire User Database In May, 2015 I found an exploit on Gaana.com, which let me access their entire User Database (more...
over a year ago
over a year ago
In May, 2015 I found an exploit on Gaana.com, which let me access their entire User Database (more than 10 Million) which included all the user info.
Win: contribution to libSQL (SQLite) codebase I got my patches accepted into SQLite fork, libSQL codebase!
a year ago
Recurse Center Day 3: Hammock Driven Development TIL Hammock Driven Development
over a year ago
What I want to do at Recurse Center Projects I want to work on at RC
over a year ago
I ended up adding duplicate records on a unique index in MongoDB how my curiosity lead me to discover a weird inconsistency with MongoDB where I was able to insert...
over a year ago
over a year ago
how my curiosity lead me to discover a weird inconsistency with MongoDB where I was able to insert records that conflicted the index constraints
Marshaling Struct with Special Fields to JSON in Golang This is a short post explaining how I marshaled http.Request into json
over a year ago
Recurse Center: Winter Break the Recurse Center winter break
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 1: init This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to...
over a year ago
over a year ago
This is a draft post that I have prematurely published. Currently, I am attending RC and I want to write as much as possible, log my daily learnings and activities. But, I also don't want to spend time on grammar and prose, so I am publishing all the posts which usually I'd have...
Recurse Center Day 14: NoSQL Transactions I learned how using MongoDB was fatal for a startup
over a year ago
Setting up Github Actions for Hugo Github Actions for Hugo but with particular requirements
over a year ago
Projects Some of the projects I have done.
over a year ago
Errata in Hekaton MVCC paper Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error...
a year ago
a year ago
Hekaton MVCC Paper contains a publication error. After reviewing the paper, I confirmed the error with one of the authors. This blog post explains the mistake, the implications and the fix.
Recurse Center Day 12: Isolation Anomalies Anomalies which define transaction isolation levels
over a year ago
Installing Transmission (remote and CLI) client on Raspberry Pi This tutorial will explain you how to install Transmission client on Raspberry Pi running Raspbian.
over a year ago
It is becoming difficult for me to be productive in Python It’s harder to refactor a large Python codebase. Type hints won’t save you, and you need a lot of...
over a year ago
over a year ago
It’s harder to refactor a large Python codebase. Type hints won’t save you, and you need a lot of unit tests. But how does that work in practice? Is Python fast to ship?
Install Windows 8 UEFI on Legacy BIOS with Clover (and Dual boot with Yosemite) This tutorial will help you install Windows 8 on a Legacy BIOS in UEFI mode using Clover and dual...
over a year ago
Accepted to the Recurse Center! I got accepted into Recurse Center, wooo!
over a year ago
Scraping Javascript page using Python Simple code example to illustrate scraping a javascript driven website, using Python and Dryscape.
over a year ago
When is my Cake Day? Using praw and prawoauth2 to find when is my cake day on Reddit.
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 5: Garbage Collection Algorithms Learning the basics of GC, mark-sweep algorithm
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 18 Disk Storage II
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 17 Disk Storage I
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 20: Django v4 upgrade (from v1) I worked on upgrading a Django project from v1 to v4
over a year ago
Now This is a /now page. Work I work at Turso Database. Learning Rust and C.
a year ago
Using uWSGI with Python 3 Simple steps to get uWSGI up and running in Python 3.
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 11: B Tree Insertions I started writing code for B Tree insertions
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 24: Hacking Go compiler to add a new keyword I forked and modified Go compiler to add a new keyword called let, as alias for var
over a year ago
Git/Github fork-pull request-update cycle When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having...
over a year ago
over a year ago
When contributing to Open Source Projects, new contributors often run into problems of having multiple merge commits and issues with keeping the forked repo in sync. This post addresses solutions for some of the problems.
Flashing Asus-WRT Merlin by XVortex on NetGear NightHawk R7000 This tutorial will explain you how to flash Asus-WRT Merlin by XVortex on NetGear NightHawk R7000.
over a year ago
Catching SIGTERM in Python Simple code example to show catching SIGTERM in a Python script.
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 6: B Tree Root B Tree Root: how would you design it?
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 8: B Tree Fill Factor (Part 2) I found out the answer to B tree fill factor
over a year ago
Moving to Hugo some personal notes to remember the migration effort from Pelican to Hugo
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 9: Papers We Love I learnt a few things about Dynamo
over a year ago
Recurse Center Day 10: Learning Distributed Systems How does one start learning to build distributed systems?
over a year ago
About Some Stuff About Me
over a year ago