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On a few photowalks around Kitsilano in Vancouver BC with my first roll of Fomapan Classic 100. All pictures shot with older, non-AI Nikkor 50mm f/1.4 lens. Developed in Ilford Ilfosol3 for 5 minutes at 20°C and scanned with a cheap film scanner. Color has been removed and some levels adjusted slightly. Gate to the… Continue reading 5 Frames with Nikon FM and Fomapan 100
a month ago

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More from somenice

CircuitPython in 2025

This post is a wishlist for CircuitPython in 2025. Each year Adafruit asks the community to contribute their thoughts or requests for the open source microcontroller language as outlined on the Adafruit blog. In 2025 I would like a library for working with vectors, similar to that of p5.js Vector. Early this year I spent… Continue reading CircuitPython in 2025

2 months ago 59 votes
Generative 3D Modeling

Recently Microsoft released the open 3D generation software Trellis. I decided to try a few tests as reviews had been quite favourable with results creating 3D models with “AI”. The website describes the technology as unified Structured LATent (SLAT) representation and there is a demo page to try it out.https://trellis3d.github.io/ I chose an image-to-3D example,… Continue reading Generative 3D Modeling

2 months ago 72 votes
Cake Hole Whistler Mountain

Often inviting. This terrain just off the Whistler peak road can be an enticing sun-swept run of untouched powder.Understanding that you need to come back up the same way you go down, can make you question if it’s really worth it.Know before you go. Cake Hole by Andrew SmithAcrylic on canvasFramed by artist12 x 16… Continue reading Cake Hole Whistler Mountain

3 months ago 60 votes
Gold and Ghosts

In the autumn of 1892, two miners, Earl and Edward, found themselves high in the Pacific Northwest mountains, searching for a legend as old as the hills: the lost crate of gold. The tale of “Shining Creek Gold” was whispered in every saloon from Seattle to San Francisco, a cache of gold bars rumored to… Continue reading Gold and Ghosts

4 months ago 63 votes

More in technology

This Arduino device helps ‘split the G’ on a pint of Guinness

Guinness is one of those beers (specifically, a stout) that people take seriously and the Guinness brand has taken full advantage of that in their marketing. They even sell a glass designed specifically for enjoying their flagship creation, which has led to a trend that the company surely appreciates: “splitting the G.” But that’s difficult […] The post This Arduino device helps ‘split the G’ on a pint of Guinness appeared first on Arduino Blog.

18 hours ago 2 votes
What's root mean square voltage?

And how do we derive its value for sine waves?

6 hours ago 1 votes
Why Website Taxonomies Drift (and What to Do about It)

AI is everywhere, but most websites are still managed manually by humans using content management systems like WordPress and Drupal. These systems provide means for tagging and categorizing content. But over time, these structures degrade. Without vigilance and maintenance, taxonomies become less useful and relevant over time. Users struggle to find stuff. Ambiguity creeps in. Search results become incomplete and unreliable. And as terms proliferate, the team struggles to maintain the site, making things worse. The site stops working as well as it could. Sales, engagement, and trust suffer. And the problem only gets worse over time. Eventually, the team embarks on a redesign. But hitting the reset button only fixes things for a while. Entropy is the nature of things. Systems tend toward disorder unless we invest in keeping them organized. But it’s hard: small teams have other priorities. They’re under pressure to publish quickly. Turnover is high. Not ideal conditions for consistent tagging. Many content teams don’t have governance processes for taxonomies. Folks create new terms on the fly, often without checking whether similar ones exist. But even when teams have the structures and processes needed to do it right, content and taxonomies themselves change over time as the org’s needs and contexts evolve. The result is taxonomy drift, the gradual misalignment of the system’s structures and content. It’s a classic “boiled frog” situation: since it happens slowly, teams don’t usually recognize it until symptoms emerge. By then, the problem is harder and more expensive to fix. Avoiding taxonomy drift calls for constant attention and manual tweaking, which can be overwhelming for resource-strapped teams. But there’s good news on the horizon: this is exactly the kind of gradual, large-scale, boring challenge where AIs can shine. I’ve worked on IA redesigns for content-heavy websites and have seen the effects of taxonomy drift firsthand. Often, one person is responsible for keeping the website organized, and they’re overwhelmed. After a redesign, they face three challenges: Implementing the new taxonomy on the older corpus. Learning to use the new taxonomy in their workflows. Adapting and evolving the taxonomy so it remains useful and consistent over time. AI is well-suited to tackling these challenges. LLMs excel at pattern matching and categorizing existing text at scale. Unlike humans, AIs don’t get overwhelmed or bored when categorizing thousands of items over and over again. And with predefined taxonomies, they’re not as prone to hallucinations. I’ve been experimenting with using AI to solve taxonomy drift, and the results are promising. I’m building a product to tackle this issue, and looking implement the approach in real-world scenarios. If you or someone you know is struggling to keep a content-heavy website organized, please get in touch.

yesterday 2 votes
Why are sine waves so common?

A simple question that takes some effort to answer in a satisfying way.

yesterday 4 votes
Intel and the New Millenium

Losing the performance crown

2 days ago 4 votes