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In November 2024, my blog was down for over 24 hours. Here’s what I learned from this absolute clusterfuck of an incident. Lead-up to the incident I was browsing through photos on my Nextcloud instance. Everything was fine, until Nextcloud started generating preview images for older photos. This process is quite resource intensive, but generally manageable. However, this time the images were high quality photos in the 10-20 MB size range. Nextcloud crunched through those, but ended up spawning so many processes that it ended up using all the available memory on my home server. And thus, the server was down. This could have been solved by a forced reboot. Things were complicated by the simple fact that I was 120 kilometers away from my server, and I had no IPMI-like device set up. So I waited. 50 minutes later, I successfully logged in to my server over SSH again! The load averages were in the three-digit realm, but the system was mostly operational. I thought that it would be a good...
a month ago

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Turns out that I'm a 'prolific open-source influencer' now

Yes, you read that right. I’m a prolific open-source influencer now. Some years ago I set up a Google Alert with my name, for fun. Who knows what it might show one day? On 7th of February, it fired an alert. Turns out that my thoughts on Ubuntu were somewhat popular, and it ended up being ingested by an AI slop generator over at Fudzilla, with no links back to the source or anything.1 Not only that, but their choice of spicy autocomplete confabulation bot a large language model completely butchered the article, leaving out critical information, which lead to one reader gloating about Windows. Not linking back to the original source? Not a good start. Misrepresenting my work? Insulting. Giving a Windows user the opportunity to boast about how happy they are with using it? Absolutely unacceptable. Here’s the full article in case they ever delete their poor excuse of a “news” “article”. two can play at that game. ↩︎

2 weeks ago 14 votes
IODD ST400 review: great idea, good product, terrible firmware

I’ve written about abusing USB storage devices in the past, with a passing mention that I’m too cheap to buy an IODD device. Then I bought one. I’ve always liked the promise of tools like Ventoy: you only need to carry the one storage device that boots anything you want. Unfortunately I still can’t trust Ventoy, so I’m forced to look elsewhere. The hardware I decided to get the IODD ST400 for 122 EUR (about 124 USD) off of Amazon Germany, since it was for some reason cheaper than getting it from iodd.shop directly. SATA SSD-s are cheap and plentiful, so the ST400 made the most sense to me. The device came with one USB cable, with type A and type C ends. The device itself has a USB type C port, which I like a lot. The buttons are functional and clicky, but incredibly loud. Setting it up Before you get started with this device, I highly recommend glancing over the official documentation. The text is poorly translated in some parts, but overall it gets the job done. Inserting the SSD was reasonably simple, it slotted in well and would not move around after assembling it. Getting the back cover off was tricky, but I’d rather have that than have to deal with a loose back cover that comes off when it shouldn’t. The most important step is the filesystem choice. You can choose between NTFS, FAT32 or exFAT. Due to the maximum file size limitation of 4GB on FAT32, you will probably want to go with either NTFS or exFAT. Once you have a filesystem on the SSD, you can start copying various installers and tools on it and mount them! The interface is unintuitive. I had to keep the manual close when testing mine, but eventually I figured out what I can and cannot do. Device emulation Whenever you connect the IODD device to a powered on PC, it will present itself as multiple devices: normal hard drive: the whole IODD filesystem is visible here, and you can also store other files and backups as well if you want to optical media drive: this is where your installation media (ISO files) will end up, read only virtual drives (up to 3 at a time): VHD files that represent virtual hard drives, but are seen as actual storage devices on the PC This combination of devices is incredibly handy. For example, you can boot an actual Fedora Linux installation as one of the virtual drives, and make a backup of the files on the PC right to the IODD storage itself. S.M.A.R.T information also seems to be passed through properly for the disk that’s inside. Tech tip: to automatically mount your current selection of virtual drives and ISO file at boot, hold down the “9” button for about 3 seconds. The button also has an exit logo on it. Without this step, booting an ISO or virtual drive becomes tricky as you’ll have to both spam the “select boot drive” key on the PC while navigating the menus on the IODD device to mount the ISO. The performance is okay. The drive speeds are limited to SATA II speeds, which means that your read/write speeds cap out at about 250 MB/s. Latency will depend a lot on the drive, but it stays mostly in the sub-millisecond range on my SSD. The GNOME Disks benchmark does show a notable chunk of reads having a 5 millisecond latency. The drive does not seem to exhibit any throttling under sustained loads, so at least it’s better than a normal USB stick. The speeds seem to be the same for all emulated devices, with latencies and speeds being within spitting distance. The firmware sucks, actually The IODD ST400 is a great idea that’s been turned into a good product, but the firmware is terrible enough to almost make me regret the purchase. The choice of filesystems available (FAT32, NTFS, exFAT) is very Windows-centric, but at least it comes with the upside of being supported on most popular platforms, including Linux and Mac. Not great, not terrible. The folder structure has some odd limitations. For example, you can only have 32 items within a folder. If you have more of that, you have to use nested folders. This sounds like a hard cap written somewhere within the device firmware itself. I’m unlikely to hit such limits myself and it doesn’t seem to affect the actual storage, just the device itself isn’t able to handle that many files within a directory listing. The most annoying issue has turned out to be defragmentation. In 2025! It’s a known limitation that’s handily documented on the IODD documentation. On Windows, you can fix it by using a disk defragmentation tool, which is really not recommended on an SSD. On Linux, I have not yet found a way to do that, so I’ve resorted to simply making a backup of the contents of the drive, formatting the disk, and copying it all back again. This is a frustrating issue that only comes up when you try to use a virtual hard drive. It would absolutely suck to hit this error while in the field. The way virtual drives are handled is also less than ideal. You can only use fixed VHD files that are not sparse, which seems to again be a limitation of the firmware. Tech tip: if you’re on Linux and want to convert a raw disk image (such as a disk copied with dd) to a VHD file, you can use a command like this one: qemu-img convert -f raw -O vpc -o subformat=fixed,force_size source.img target.vhd The firmware really is the worst part of this device. What I would love to see is a device like IODD but with free and open source firmware. Ventoy has proven that there is a market for a solution that makes juggling installation media easy, but it can’t emulate hardware devices. An IODD-like device can. Encryption and other features I didn’t test those because I don’t really need those features myself, I really don’t need to protect my Linux installers from prying eyes. Conclusion The IODD ST400 is a good device with a proven market, but the firmware makes me refrain from outright recommending it to everyone, at least not at this price. If it were to cost something like 30-50 EUR/USD, I would not mind the firmware issues at all.

2 weeks ago 11 votes
Feature toggles: just roll your own!

When you’re dealing with a particularly large service with a slow deployment pipeline (15-30 minutes), and a rollback delay of up to 10 minutes, you’re going to need feature toggles (some also call them feature flags) to turn those half-an-hour nerve-wrecking major incidents into a small whoopsie-daisy that you can fix in a few seconds. Make a change, gate it behind a feature toggle, release, enable the feature toggle and monitor the impact. If there is an issue, you can immediately roll it back with one HTTP request (or database query 1). If everything looks good, you can remove the usage of the feature toggle from your code and move on with other work. Need to roll out the new feature gradually? Implement the feature toggle as a percentage and increase it as you go. It’s really that simple, and you don’t have to pay 500 USD a month to get similar functionality from a service provider and make critical paths in your application depend on them.2 As my teammate once said, our service is perfectly capable of breaking down on its own. All you really need is one database table containing the keys and values for the feature toggles, and two HTTP endpoints, one to GET the current value of the feature toggle, and one to POST a new value for an existing one. New feature toggles will be introduced using tools like Flyway or Liquibase, and the same method can be used for also deleting them later on. You can also add convenience columns containing timestamps, such as created and modified, to track when these were introduced and when the last change was. However, there are a few considerations to take into account when setting up such a system. Feature toggles implemented as database table rows can work fantastically, but you should also monitor how often these get used. If you implement a feature toggle on a hot path in your service, then you can easily generate thousands of queries per second. A properly set up feature toggles system can sustain it without any issues on any competent database engine, but you should still try to monitor the impact and remove unused feature toggles as soon as possible. For hot code paths (1000+ requests/second) you might be better off implementing feature toggles as application properties. There’s no call to the database and reading a static property is darn fast, but you lose out on the ability to update it while the application is running. Alternatively, you can rely on the same database-based feature toggles system and keep a cached copy in-memory, while also refreshing it from time to time. Toggling won’t be as responsive as it will depend on the cache expiry time, but the reduced load on the database is often worth it. If your service receives contributions from multiple teams, or you have very anxious product managers that fill your backlog faster than you can say “story points”, then it’s a good idea to also introduce expiration dates for your feature toggles, with ample warning time to properly remove them. Using this method, you can make sure that old feature toggles get properly removed as there is no better prioritization reason than a looming major incident. You don’t want them to stick around for years on end, that’s just wasteful and clutters up your codebase. If your feature toggling needs are a bit more complicated, then you may need to invest more time in your DIY solution, or you can use one of the SaaS options if you really want to, just account for the added expense and reliance on yet another third party service. At work, I help manage a business-critical monolith that handles thousands of requests per second during peak hours, and the simple approach has served us very well. All it took was one motivated developer and about a day to implement, document and communicate the solution to our stakeholders. Skip the latter two steps, and you can be done within two hours, tops. letting inexperienced developers touch the production database is a fantastic way to take down your service, and a very expensive way to learn about database locks. ↩︎ I hate to refer to specific Hacker News comments like this, but there’s just something about paying 6000 USD a year for such a service that I just can’t understand. Has the Silicon Valley mindset gone too far? Or are US-based developers just way too expensive, resulting in these types of services sounding reasonable? You can hire a senior developer in Estonia for that amount of money for 2-3 weeks (including all taxes), and they can pop in and implement a feature toggles system in a few hours at most. The response comment with the status page link that’s highlighting multiple outages for LaunchDarkly is the cherry on top. ↩︎

3 weeks ago 14 votes
I'm done with Ubuntu

I liked Ubuntu. For a very long time, it was the sensible default option. Around 2016, I used the Ubuntu GNOME flavor, and after they ditched the Unity desktop environment, GNOME became the default option. I was really happy with it, both for work and personal computing needs. Estonian ID card software was also officially supported on Ubuntu, which made Ubuntu a good choice for family members. But then something changed. Upgrades suck Like many Ubuntu users, I stuck to the long-term support releases and upgraded every two years to the next major version. There was just one tiny little issue: every upgrade broke something. Usually it was a relatively minor issue, with some icons, fonts or themes being a bit funny. Sometimes things went completely wrong. The worst upgrade was the one I did on my mothers’ laptop. During the upgrade process from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, everything blew up spectacularly. The UI froze, the machine was completely unresponsive. After a 30-minute wait and a forced restart later, the installation was absolutely fucked. In frustration, I ended up installing Windows so that I don’t have to support Ubuntu. Another family member, another upgrade. This is one that they did themselves on Lubuntu 18.04, and they upgraded to the latest version. The result: Firefox shortcuts stopped working, the status bar contained duplicate icons, and random errors popped up after logging in. After making sure that ID card software works on Fedora 40, I installed that instead. All they need is a working browser, and that’s too difficult for Ubuntu to handle. Snaps ruined Ubuntu Snaps. I hate them. They sound great in theory, but the poor implementation and heavy-handed push by Canonical has been a mess. Snaps auto-update by default. Great for security1, but horrible for users who want to control what their personal computer is doing. Snaps get forced upon users as more and more system components are forcibly switched from Debian-based packages to Snaps, which breaks compatibility, functionality and introduces a lot of new issues. You can upgrade your Ubuntu installation and then discover that your browser is now contained within a Snap, the desktop shortcut for it doesn’t work and your government ID card does not work for logging in to your bank any longer. Snaps also destroy productivity. A colleague was struggling to get any work done because the desktop environment on their Ubuntu installation was flashing certain UI elements, being unresponsive and blocking them from doing any work. Apparently the whole GNOME desktop environment is a Snap now, and that lead to issues. The fix was super easy, barely an inconvenience: roll back to the previous version of the GNOME snap restart still broken update to the latest version again restart still broken restart again it is fixed now What was the issue? Absolutely no clue, but a days’ worth of developers’ productivity was completely wasted. Some of these issues have probably been fixed by now, but if I executed migration projects at my day job with a similar track record, I would be fired.2 Snaps done right: Flatpak Snaps can be implemented in a way that doesn’t suck for end users. It’s called a Flatpak. They work reasonably well, you can update them whenever you want and they are optional. Your Firefox installation won’t suddenly turn into a Flatpak overnight. On the Steam Deck, Flatpaks are the main distribution method for user-installed apps and I don’t mind it at all. The only issue is the software selection, not every app is available as a Flatpak just yet. Consider Fedora Fedora works fine. It’s not perfect, but I like it. At this point I’ve used it for longer than Ubuntu and unless IBM ruins it for all of us, I think it will be a perfectly cromulent distro go get work done on. Hopefully it’s not too late for Canonical to reconsider their approach to building a Linux distro. the xz backdoor demonstrated that getting the latest versions of all software can also be problematic from the security angle. ↩︎ technical failures themselves are not the issue, but not responding to users’ feedback and not testing things certainly is, especially if you keep repeatedly making the same mistake. ↩︎

3 weeks ago 22 votes

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A lightweight file server running entirely on an Arduino Nano ESP32

Home file servers can be very useful for people who work across multiple devices and want easy access to their documents. And there are a lot of DIY build guides out there. But most of them are full-fledged NAS (network-attached storage) devices and they tend to rely on single-board computers. Those take a long time […] The post A lightweight file server running entirely on an Arduino Nano ESP32 appeared first on Arduino Blog.

4 hours ago 2 votes
The battle of the budget phones

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4 hours ago 1 votes
This vending machine draws generative art for just a euro

If you hear the term “generative art” today, you probably subconsciously add “AI” to the beginning without even thinking about it. But generative art techniques existed long before modern AI came along — they even predate digital computing altogether. Despite that long history, generative art remains interesting as consumers attempt to identify patterns in the […] The post This vending machine draws generative art for just a euro appeared first on Arduino Blog.

21 hours ago 1 votes
Apple’s new iPads are here, let’s break them down

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52 minutes ago 1 votes
The New Leverage: AI and the Power of Small Teams

This weekend, a small team in Latvia won an Oscar for a film they made using free software. That’s not just cool — it’s a sign of what’s coming. Sunday night was family movie night in my home. We picked a recent movie, FLOW. I’d heard good things about it and thought we’d enjoy it. What we didn’t know was that as we watched, the film won this year’s Academy Award as best animated feature. Afterwards, I saw this post from the movie’s director, Gints Zilbalodis: We established Dream Well Studio in Latvia for Flow. This room is the whole studio. Usually about 4-5 people were working at the same time including me. I was quite anxious about being in charge of a team, never having worked in any other studios before, but it worked out. pic.twitter.com/g39D6YxVWa — Gints Zilbalodis (@gintszilbalodis) January 26, 2025 Let that sink in: 4-5 people in a small room in Latvia led by a relatively inexperienced director used free software to make a movie that as of February 2025 had earned $20m and won an Oscar. I know it’s a bit more involved than that, but still – quite an accomplishment! But not unique. Billie Eilish and her brother Phineas produced her Grammy-winning debut album When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go? in their home studio. And it’s not just cultural works such as movies and albums: small teams have built hugely successful products such as WhatsApp and Instagram. As computers and software get cheaper and more powerful, people can do more with less. And “more” here doesn’t mean just a bit better (pardon the pun) – it means among the world’s best. And as services and products continue migrating from the world of atoms to the world of bits, creators’ scope of action grows. This trend isn’t new. But with AI in the mix, things are about to go into overdrive. Zilbalodis and his collaborators could produce their film because someone else built Blender; they worked within its capabilities and constraints. But what if their vision exceeded what the software can do? Just a few years ago, the question likely wouldn’t even come up. Developing software calls for different abilities. Until recently, a small team had to choose: either make the movie or build the tools. AI changes that, since it enables small teams to “hire” virtual software developers. Of course, this principle extends beyond movies: anything that can be represented symbolically is in scope. And it’s not just creative abilities, such as writing, playing music, or drawing, but also more other business functions such as scheduling, legal consultations, financial transactions, etc. We’re not there yet. But if trends hold, we’ll soon see agent-driven systems do for other kinds of businesses what Blender did for Dream Well Studio. Have you dreamed of making a niche digital product to scratch an itch? That’s possible now. Soon, you’ll be able to build a business around it quickly, easily, and without needing lots of other humans in the mix. Many people have lost their jobs over the last three years. Those jobs likely won’t be replaced with AIs soon. But job markets aren’t on track to stability. If anything, they’re getting weirder. While it’s early days, AI promises some degree of resiliency. For people with entrepreneurial drive, it’s an exciting time: we can take ideas from vision to execution faster, cheaper, and at greater scale than ever. For others, it’ll be unsettling – or outright scary. We’re about to see a major shift in who can create, innovate, and compete in the market. The next big thing might not come from a giant company, but from a small team – or even an individual – using AI-powered tools. I expect an entrepreneurial surge driven by necessity and opportunity. How will you adapt?

10 hours ago 1 votes