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More from Buck on Software

The Software Slog

As a newly minted high school grad I had a brief stint as a wildland firefighter.

a year ago 13 votes
Don't be foie gras

If 2016-2020 was the golden unicorn age of SaaS, 2021 nearly hurtled us into the foie gras* era.

over a year ago 10 votes
Vertical Aggregation

I’ve written in the past that I think returns for SaaS won’t be as attractive over the next decade.

over a year ago 12 votes
Category velocity

People make decisions, not businesses.

over a year ago 9 votes

More in technology

+ iPhone 16e review in progress: battery life

You can never do too much battery testing, but after a week with this phone I've got some impressions to share.

3 hours ago 1 votes
Reading List 03/08/2025

China’s industrial diplomacy, streetlights and crime, deorbiting Starlink satellites, a proposed canal across Thailand, a looming gas turbine shortage, and more.

3 hours ago 1 votes
Real WordPress Security

One thing you’ll see on every host that offers WordPress is claims about how secure they are, however they don’t put their money where their mouth is. When you dig deeper, if your site actually gets hacked they’ll hit you with remediation fees that can go from hundreds to thousands of dollars. They may try … Continue reading Real WordPress Security →

5 hours ago 1 votes
Odds and Ends #61: Fake Woolly Mammoths

Plus why intelligence is social, Land Registry open data, and some completely invisible VFX

yesterday 2 votes
Watch me write a task manager in 30 minutes

A core tenet of A Better Computer is showing, not telling. I don’t use a lot of press kit material or talking points from companies in my videos because I don’t particularly care about those. My incentives are fully aligned with showing software (and sometimes hardware)

yesterday 2 votes