More from Opsbros
I loved my Nokia 5110 and I wonder if it was possible to breathe new life into this long-shelved and still-memed mobile phone. As it turns out, not only is it possible, but it's going to be a lot easier than I anticipated.
I've been following the Artemis 1 Launch Schedule quite closely on a few forums and discussing it with serveral people, and I had been regularly posting updated DateandTime countdown links for the revised launch attempts. With the schedule chnages and scrubs that have happened lately, updating the times
Who doesn't love a classic Binary Clock? I remember getting one of these when I was in my 20's from ThinkGeek, and it was pride of place on my desk. LED's are a thing of beauty.
Me, never not on the lookout for an opportunity to design something, whether needed or not, worked with @micon to design a module that could fit snugly in the keyboard, and provide a USB-C interface directly into the Keyboard/Mouse module.
After watching a livestream by UnexpectedMaker struggling to put probe pins on his Stepper Motor driver connected to a Raspberry Pi, I thought a breakout header might help; so I whipped up this little board.
More in technology
Git's new bundle-uri could help significantly speed up clones, but what bugs lurk within?
on the (high) dimensionality of 21st century ideology
Check it out on YouTube and Podcasts! Matt and Chris have all the new Apple hardware, and Niléane takes the challenge to the next level. Weekly Topics iPhone 16e iPad Air (M3) MacBook Air (M4) Other Things Discussed Niléane’s brilliant Touch ID setup TP-Link
Forget GB Railways and GB Energy... how about GB Drones?
Today marks day 13 of using the iPhone 16e as my primary phone, and after this review goes live, I'll be moving my eSIM back to the 16 Pro that I use day to day. I intended to use this phone for a month before going back to