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Andy Sloane decided to call my 2D visualization and raise it to 3D. (Looks a little weird in the iframe but check out the link). It's based on a LDA model with 200 topics, so the artists tend to stick to clusters where each cluster is a topic.
over a year ago

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More from Home on Erik Bernhardsson

It's hard to write code for computers, but it's even harder to write code for humans

Writing code for a computer is hard enough. You take something big and fuzzy, some large vague business outcome you want to achive. Then you break it down recursively and think about all the cases until you have clear logical statements a computer can follow.

5 months ago 12 votes
Predicting solar eclipses with Python

As I am en route to see my first total solar eclipse, I was curious how hard it would be to compute eclipses in Python. It turns out, ignoring some minor coordinate system head-banging, I was able to get something half-decent working in a couple of hours.

11 months ago 12 votes
Simple sabotage for software

CIA produced a fantastic book during the peak of World War 2 called Simple Sabotage. It laid out various ways for infiltrators to ruin productivity of a company. Some of the advice is timeless, for instance the section about “General interference with Organizations and Production”:

a year ago 11 votes
What I have been working on: Modal

Long story short: I'm working on a super cool tool called Modal. Please check it out — it lets you run things in the cloud without having to think about infrastructure. Scaling out, scheduling, containerization, using GPUs, setting up webhooks, and all kinds of other stuff.

over a year ago 11 votes
We are still early with the cloud: why software development is overdue for a change

This is is in many respects a successor to a blog post I wrote last year about what I want from software infrastructure, but the ideas morphed in my head into something sort of wider.

over a year ago 12 votes

More in technology

Going down the rabbit hole of Git's new bundle-uri

Git's new bundle-uri could help significantly speed up clones, but what bugs lurk within?

19 hours ago 3 votes
Unbundling and Abundance

on the (high) dimensionality of 21st century ideology

6 hours ago 2 votes
This challenge escalated quickly!

Check it out on YouTube and Podcasts! Matt and Chris have all the new Apple hardware, and Niléane takes the challenge to the next level. Weekly Topics iPhone 16e iPad Air (M3) MacBook Air (M4) Other Things Discussed Niléane’s brilliant Touch ID setup TP-Link

13 hours ago 2 votes
Britain needs a national drone company

Forget GB Railways and GB Energy... how about GB Drones?

2 days ago 2 votes
The "essential" iPhone

Today marks day 13 of using the iPhone 16e as my primary phone, and after this review goes live, I'll be moving my eSIM back to the 16 Pro that I use day to day. I intended to use this phone for a month before going back to

2 days ago 2 votes