2014 in Review
Previous reviews: 2010, 2011, 2012 and 2013.
2014 Geek Achievements
- Solved 73 UVa problems.
- Won a turn in IMPA and solved a bunch of problems.
- Completed a doctorand course about algorithmic problem solving.
- Finished my 4 first years in University.
- Became a contributor to rust and became a friend of the tree.
- Completed the online course Machine Learning in Coursera.
- Entered Ludum Dare 29.
- Had an awesome summer job at Configura.
- Entered IDA Summer of Code.
- Wrote a lot of Rust and C++.
- Wrote some CM, Racket, Haskell, Lua, Prolog and probably something else.
- Made a timeedit rust library, scheduling information for university.
- Made a habitrpg rust library, fetching info from habitrpg.
- Was a mentor in Discrete Math.
- Went to Dreamhack.
2014 Non-Geek Achievements
Achieved 2-kup in Taekwon-do.
Been mostly pain-free, well, better at least.
Been a kids trainer in Taekwon-do. Very rewarding.
Survived a couple of training camps.
Read 20 books
Wrote 32 blog posts.
Played a touch of Go, the boardgame.
Discovered Ticket to Ride: Nordic Countries, a nice boardgame.
Also played Carcassone another great boardgame.
Played some other boardgames.
Read some manga and manwha.
Kingdom was the year’s highlight.
Got a few 12-win arena runs in Hearthstone
2014 Failures
- Did not complete my Ludum Dare entry.
- Did not start a hardware project.
- Got burnt out.
- Skipped an extra course in geometry and one in probability.
Plans for 2015
- Take care of Veronica.
- Achieve 1-kup in Taekwon-do.
- Do more strength training.
- Do some more yoga.
- Participate in Ludum Dare.
- Prettify the site.
- Code a lot.
- Read more books.
- Play some more boardgames.
- Complete the exjobb.
- Finish university studies.
- Get a job?